366th TFW Brochure (c.1966)
366th TFW Brochure (c.1966)
2 2 6 0 r: -0 • la, to : ()r • :n.o 3. 5. 6. :r ·11 . ,,.. ' . .LJ l Dt ·~ .:oL. ~·c iv ' : &S - rnoa-t o am abooln.t nr>t DIS.a:r' CO a: c y l)Ot be h. y tell <r(3 ci.d , ional. OU \\ e:re vlUe e.. Qo b. Condi e ch o -- - - A • d. 3a£e OU :lck B d :ra:r el.lorJ OT ck O!." i:u. sh d CIJ. Q J e bf ~ tra!"fi ls\,; , to- driv it> yia 6 to ~ emergellcy vemcle. :i o "'ens.a a v1l.:. • ., ~ ~to,. ~ ~Uo:Jed., ~iPOl, ~ ~r the =io211- 1'M~t.L'ul. !in Viot.ru.:J io ·~'tK HUU>, j~ ~do ~ l\Q.1n ~~ ~~~ tM pO~t ~t'N.¢0. Sorvi~o ~ ~ to ~t tho ~od.a ~ tho bcblt, arx1 or.> .a& tollo-~s 1 lie cddi't.!.~, tho h:<rtoa~t. Mon or ~ Qi.n.yol provldoai CUI o.cVivo ro:to botb. 1:l cup~ or tf~ ~l pror;:t<D and ot ~ "l'Grlows aiu.loauy ., DdG«~w-a ~ t.hD:ll' 111.:1.udta.~ at!crt?. ~o, ~N ~-o ~~oo ~~ ~~J ~ ~t ~ ~~ Ol' ~ -Glntlo o.!~. il-~ Jn~Uoow.:l., caU=:W.DW,nc di~~onlJ U:Ka DD~ Or' oi:~tlt' t00 i'c:i'Ui ~ 0:"10~ oi!~t!0::-.41 era llill i;~OLlC lWMS ~>~: ~s - lc.oo CMi:-ol 0$J) - ~ Oloi:ol 1b)) - ~.o~-07 >~.m:.eiJ> R:oo 1!.al.l 1700 - ~~ ~pol ~ ~' - im l\qu:-• - <.;on tJ\hl $.it IAAf~lC~ ~ bic-J:Ot'o OCiC\\ }~r. 0:0 re>ql>Oat. Teo :>de;:;.a.. .. 1'$'00 - ~j.r - ~ ~P<tl 21XXJ ·- }Q7~lJ4 - ~ ~al • _... ~ 7<rr .J.nrot-~UoD cone,,,~ Jcv!~ ~t"''-1.~a ~t'°? by tao ch.a?W~ 'e o-rt:J.co, \..-bl~ i~ tooa~ bowean ~ ~Ator ~ ~M c1: ~ 1& Cl'~· n 0'1t» - 0000 . 12» - l3 .l. I I 8 • • • • lie. Ile I • • I ••• l ~cut.eel cdjooont. t.o ~ IOL OJ"Cu Md Air Police JJ'O '6m, ~ our Poot Or-~co :is blcf.:n, provide-a.. i l l pootal oo.rv!ooo you would rind a-:. '1.Dl" b ,c.oe.. thay :!.noludo aO!~ AM. 1bt> JU- 1~tt 0rr.lco i6 ba..~cko <>~ ~~rood. e«s~ poot41 c.ori.C:)' ro~stercd orde!-s, -8'ta1l:p ~d.o!:, pel'<»l pos~, certJ.!1,ott· mil ~ c:.ail. FREB MAIL 1RN.Il.EllF.S: J...-r; ~l'.!»~ l.ott.or, in~n.ai po~y ~ t&D4 rccon!::.oJ.le<l l7j> o.ir, troo ot ~Dtc4:0 1 bf t1.s. 1~ ~e ~r ti p:>r~~~ M~ , ="Aft' be ttlJ.~· po•.:i~l 4lMI rulco& lRcatot: in '/:.tct.Dar:. Bo\lovdr,1 tb6re o.re- u·:&ra.l ocn01Uonc &.. Only penonal !otters 11"t th~ E;O~l'~ &c<»pwd .n-oe.• ~ (lft!llP1~o c.\l.Dt ha\~ ~~~pt~ t>~a. 11 tom. ~ a.e tr.Q1l<id 1'~ In U.O ~r ~6.._..~ LJ.if.e'""ld wn.or lihol'Q yo-~ zao~~· pla~ :po.a\4oo .)t1Jl91P1 :'0\1 ltlO't. ~_,rite tho voro, "L"rco". ~011. ~ cot prlDt ".troc". 7CUl' -c:euplC>to 1Jilltcr,y not~ c4dno:; &:Uat oo on t.ho ounlope in the u,per lefi h@<l c:o:n»;-. ';"ll.£0 return addren t:.J!lt. incl udo your rad:~ ns::e ~ soirlel. c:;gl>or Gm tbo C'ir~t. Unch On 'Ul.c :: ~co;xt lir..c ot tbo !"'!t\:rn o.dd.?c~ e. !.a '/~ unit. a.nd )"our wn-t · ~ or:ico ~'1!.t-:>l or' boX nu:sl5C1•. rec: tM.l'd liM i:1 11.uo Sen ~dgco %351." F!o6e =11 o!' lotto~ ic 11ot goo.d if you ~ th~ letur !'r'<JO out.S'i.de 1S.et.~ l:cu also Noeiveo ~c o lo~~~ :si;,.1.l cOW\.t.ey in tho \:Ol'~ J>l"6''!d6<.l it. i;, ~:~~ b; ...be is~, 1l!G'e . " Sot1 ~'\O P«)~ Of.!'1ee t11~ W :i ;x.~11.co . ::cnvi~ "Po.a~¥; t.o 8Pf 14.Y - Port CWXOt~ ~tJIPa&ns, AU pacl:1::;~:s :nilo<" i r.:.o tllo tbi.t:M StE!~s :nt~t ~ fl Q.i.o~ s~ bcf.,~ '")o~n:: eal1'1el "Od . Q.ic~ t!-e O'.!.:·o u..s. t .. ~-d. o~ !'oro! ~ ~~c :acrc!lr.x:~~c ~a:ttd on u.s. 1-1~·~. OJ!ta::.t :cec ....~, 1ts ~~cture. ~.I.! f~~ "~~o tho e>"1eo rcu ~;·id f<I~ tM • · dcpondi~ on tao 1tnr. ~ I (\to~·ic!. u.oo<l ·in fi"<c :DO custooo cM1\1,C t,I) !I chL""'Cfl of 100.C e.rtiele. Pf.BE ~~:S ~: go 0, ll you P"-U:'chl".:t.cl AA ~=-~cle li; M .c.'!lt.hcrrizcd qx ~·! 1f t'r;n Vio~.:l.>: 1 :;rr.J o:ra c~tlCJd t.<> X.l om:vti o~ ~50.00 9r. 1lr.£ fido gi:t'to. 'l'b!o i& ~ -z:; cd..al. prw!T-<m t1.l.!o.:-OO o r.Jy r or li.s. 60l'Vioo::ion in Vie»t.~. lbr~ !!e ~\t.!'~c1 0"1 tl!e loctl eeen~ UAt. A1"'8 fO\k =ail it. to~ .,r t.s. gi.tt:> lliJ.l &o cootc.nt:J 1':ro& a~ 1r t:lC ~icl.o costa lioss tl~ :;ou a l l .a •ic.oo. \l. Ja pa.~e jO\\ :rus~ ~:lete e.e.r~ ~uetei:se '4C~ ~~ ple.~ ~ o-~ soi.lse to the ;:oc~~ oJ.~1'le. kl OY&;>l-'l o-~ ~Ch ~ ~I)~ tH.91\l.af&tl at tbe Ail" .P~t Ottic-t. ~ it:por~t. ta.J.1~ 1~ t9 ~ h9M~~ vbon ti~ b\kt ebo ~ u~d ba ::;~ !o ;~t.-o ~ ~~rl- ~ tr..At yqu, ;.ci4 for ~ e,l-t.$.~Jn.. Tho ().~ ~UIXI ~'"l..~~1,ora l.1.11 ~ll YfT.Jr pa~O 4.n<\ yw_ tee per~ boro:oo ta.e 1e vS.ll ~ :F-e-noli.zcd Eol.' t el.:i9 ol4~110 n~ . PAQ<l:~ A!UJ •i1R.HPfI,IG1 lt:.':i n. 1~ U:.!J be.er to the Str."tlo:t . le }10'.lX' pii~G a.roo 't ~clood ll't'l.l 1n !l:t.l'<>n,g ccrC::>ocu·!! Ol' vood boxcc, :!day ~ bo ' bro;ron i n tranoit.. Jwa,t. Cl\Jdbonro Lrill co:. do :.ho .;c~. U!e beatj-ve!.&Ct. ~~, ~ ~~ Clld lloll\'f chl,lj• tlJ:r..Q. l!' /OJ: J)S.~480 ~~ 1 t. f>~r"jy V!"b~, tt-..e Fest <>.rtico- ~ liQt insu%'6 ~t. lf !~ ~c:ttl<l~ o:- t1"V<10 u.-;der pre~, J.-t. So mt. propo:r~ pe.e:ko4 d eu:u~t be i.nm...-.d.. ~a •!wJnld be able to v.i tU~ ]JO p«mda ~ ~ i.acll. Ba.. tbe addN.K OD ~ OCO odd.o O~ UM» ,..cm;e and al.rs<> 1.m:idf) tho P<!-~ . at 10C1ID l'A'Ci'$1 'Jt yov:: pacap ~~~ I~ S ~ te ~,. ed 1':H .in 1.9,:ldtli ~ si:-tb cc:=blf»d, 7eu ec :W.l it. at t..M "N!7 sw:t1.o0 ~ re.t6 ia1Xl lt. \.'ill .sun ~ ~ to the veat coaat o! tile> Allt1.1'Fi' 60 iacma ~GP 0. s. j qr ltc:':la \lblch eannoi. be llAil.td .ore JEPl'>id-voa, ob41 no i~, &Dd. ianamabl.o~. Piroar= C4U1 h ~ ucdo~ ~ c lol. ooMJ.t.101'.e o~ • t.bo ~ t.ol a.on t1i.o-t., U?C:.u.LA9IB ll'~• vhi~ .s.o. v.aau.s ~ n:tAUC11 All JO\.'C)lr,; a.ad vate.~ois vru..uod 0':'9l" $1.0"00 ::uat- be unt Cortadn GJIOoii'ic Ymp;1in' ro<t1W'em)DC3 zmot. be 1:1et ~ mil 1tic:i::J. IOU :tboulcl oeo tbe WJ.lot.i.D 'board at tAo .Al() bot'oro vnap- l'Cle'-eterod ::.:11. ~'1•ter94 Pilll 70f1'.r P"f>np. SlZ£ 4l!ID llEIG.Kr IJ:~Arl-OHS1 A pa.~o ce.MC>t. 'VO~ <NW ?() pOUJldo.. '11;IA) o1:o li.cd.t. is JSO lesa tbaD ) .x: ~ lcchos uld co lar-~ \bo.D 100 1D;bc:;11 both loq;tb iiDd C1rtb cmb1~ . D~ ~~d . i;141..r.eJ '1'1>.lti !/90~ or 9'lt ~' ~ mil t.r~,-01.c on M..!'~4f't. aM tb")' ua S~ti:Jea -i.t t.Cliiaa itc.s ~ lt>~ -to :a}f..e tho tnp to or Air J!c.il U>titor 1 .r.rco ) .tlr r411 ?~~$: ~~e ~ by w 5 ~o '4.o 1Q dqs 8o4t: 45 to liO _,.. am;i:; 14'>Xlt O~: 111 thin ·~o~, tb>;-o ..., "1"f~•Gl Vf1':7 ~ t:.ict. l b ite1J. o:na on tbo '\:&9 ot po:rt.al Da'J ardor:. Tb~ ~t~ct.$.o~ o.ro t4 prot'U.bd.'t J:iOMY ot'dor11 fl"QQ 011t~rl..Ag tho ~~~k Citll'ki>t, ~ 011w~ e"""•n•at ~la, o.tllCi t.o oo~tr61 illflAU~ «£ t~ iio~ee oeo110a:1 . Postal ~ a::-Qn;. c.a:t r.ot l»e =:.e.o J'Ql~lo to CJf1' b'itdm !i:r.l or U.$, ~tu:T ~ ;cl. 1~trod v1tht.n 'liotccc. lou J:4'1 p\D"ctJ4~ n-o r.oro r:»D11J o*..r:s ~ ~'° cl.l.ito.:r,· J>~ you drav rroc Do.:io ?1.Jwi~ ~ :on.th of p\a"~. A t'90'0JG i~ kept in ~~» GD ~ ~f, ~ =--~ o;~ 'j6U ~ cd to vll• ~-ea t'Cdo tho r:JOt:Jt/11 crde:- p ~ - &!°~flt ~011 p.:..~:o a ~ a..~. sr~ ?::ZJSt c:a;:plet.o an &:ppl1~et.1CD (~2'11 eh:vi~ tM eu.o aJ:d. Cldd:taoo to ...:boa 1be ~ order 10 -paJ'4l>l4. ihio ~ io int:M"ticd on tbo rio.ooy orclcr bo.t~:ro tbo ~ta.l f:lodc si'"OP it- 't,() )'OU• l~ bcU° Q ~ A1x1 Z::O~~G ~OJlaO i! )'~ aozwcJ '¥~ J;Ol' boco 19 ':JO':Jt/IY ~:-a. lt coot. 'l<iN. $1.EO oc. ~J)ti\ t.& WI 8400 in 'l'!/Jr~y ~, Ol' ;,.9 .'-0 for 'J""..J.r -tour ha..-<>. Yoa.i C.oD ve 'We Jls. 2D °.:I!! a ton d.:rute vie!.t. t.o tb6 010 HU.it~ ~ Utrit. :rho Atr Y~ will :i.ul your ~ OJ>d eo:» ot )'our &llovuooe co l'"O'.!l" tc1.ly ar ten"< cc:cplie'iel)· trco. ?w =o qn~...acd tQ. ~t ;otttt:I cm ell.otQe:n~ to~ OJ'dero. )'ell. ~~ 'i'el"'m1.mll. to tho $.tG\C?~ rot.her ~ j l l bl~ :Ail. i J'OCCi\"ecl ~your or£ant:n.tJ.o.n. pick cp 1.n~ :'cl.l. x-:en ~ .:_ ck ::x-co t.co tL1r l~ l.(o.U call. ~a ~ po::>tcd o.t oacb or~r..a~lon. m:cE:lVDij ?WR H.U.I.1 t!21 t cc~t. bl\~ llflwrv are pre80~ t.hroo ~ce Club ~ (~o.c.eet ~~) Sl§l'llCI CUIBa in ~t1o:zu OJ>o in tbo MelJ1 ~. eotber in 'tb6 ~\\tb ~t,¢=6mt tln-o.,. OJld tbo Ud.M lDHl"' tbe !1.lgtrt line. l.ach 1B eqdpp•~ VitA T'l, J'OOl 'CGblc>a, pi.Jll•pcma ubl1'o, ti.Ji'i. II.Ude &M t.ollilo game. 6 ~ Bo.:rvi.ee Club ie bc1.ng eomtrcetoa ill 't.b.e- S&ith Cc'°m&=t ~- ud la eX11ected to bo c:porati<mel ). .l\m$ l9f/1. l't vUl pl"Oftde. 1m ad~ \iio;a to tho eboro oorrlc:e•~ n tepo :l"OOt\1 au1e rooa e.rad e. 11.rp lw:bge e.reo,. Outod..do aatlvit::lo.a .illabldo periodic "tom'• toe>~ oStT of fteJmg, --~ .00 va.W- ~~ ot tU 0'.8. ~ &Dd a"Uaet:lo ~~ ·~· pJ;"OpOGod • ~ D.op liOG t1obin& tr.1p:1 tbro.lgb the lT.5. A"1!f >Vlma ~ .dlfi.bTXCS1 At Uio proncnt ~., · the !ctll~ tacilitie• u-o emtSJahloi · OU.td.oor bukot.ball eom-t am velpt li!t.Uig ~ loc.Gt.d ill i.bo ~ Cc:lp~, ~ toot.ball eDd eoc.ce- t1.al&t ~~ ~Of'tb ot tlwJ Md.D Ccm!PCN:Dd, cam wt. door- 1"0l.l.87bell ccurt.1 t61-et. b.01-Halwo :pite o.zaa tilio aottboll tiol.da 1D tbo South ~Zit J::N.o, Tlo i.uttvR1oal a:pcrl& prvgz:e:a comd.W.. C)r bumtball, fld.& 1'06~, Y9ll~AlJ.., az;d 60fUiall. 114.no are tmdimtaJ -t<J acmstruct a ~ J1t>Ol, bowl.bl e:u.,-, t.mma c~, pb;yaical cOJXllt:i<>~ mdt, hudMll ~a.ad 4 graD&Bilm in tbo South t.eli..toamnt Area. F.Lam alaCJ eall fffr lish-tod oortball field~ 'b&Dmtball. cct.a't.a1 m d nag football. !1'6l.d.a £n 1967. tlll.L1ERSi tho 3~ air ooDdit10Ded tMater vi.th &. 29) SOQt ctpCL~tw 111 located h:a tho min cot!pOmld v11h par~~~o: ~ t'6llwo: 1100, "®, 1?30, 194~, ~ .And 0100 boors. J8 -~ 1(ielo tMAw is lb¢ate4 iD tbo Swtb. ~nt. l.rea1 1°l'M to all aii31~ J>H'S~l. fedw:QmC"O t.iau 1cs 19.):) bOQX"G alJ4 tbe ~ c.q>aci~ is 150 p<-ro~. A ggw bciAJ:r jn tho Soctb ~Dt. Area la p)81"1"d l'R- e«:plot.loc 1D lCJ6-7. Bml' .41\1) ~OJ'&RirlO)la ~ Tour' tour ii> Vi~'t..l!..tm, TOil \l1l1 be cuthori-2*1 CM Bfrll J.Mn W.ioh U DO\ c:i:uapel>lD to 7co. u 0l'd.1l!sl7 laoe. Mell U'MlJ3' l.Uto tiw ld,gbte o.t t.bD ann o! cboice.. qaotp ~ :i""O~?'ed ee.~ IMY.D1;b •t Po..aQDDOJ. Sarri~a !or oacb Of 1Joo ~ Cento~$ 0 t\\d"t-t ~~b, 9PP1lc:a~:1a o-xcoocl quoio.o; ~Dtq, tboee VJ.th tAt l~Bt tice ~ VlQltou b&Te fuot. cb.Pic:o. Ioa. an elig:\h1.I to fl;)pq tor lWt a.t"tb~ 90 ~o i11 -tbo oamat:y. ~ Celrl-a!"D aro located iri '!~~ ~ ~ai~, Si.a&4poro# ~o.k, 8&vzl.!i c!ld 1.b:o ~ cit.lee er Iual.4. aD! ~. ,wr And.'...,,,. to all bius-0 yorccanol ta a beautirul, mllo-J..cme y~ te boac.b oia tu .sootQ Qdm $cc. Looawd ea.erel 111.l.e s !'rem tho bde, <:hi~ h&ca U n•d1'~ .aGGOllaablo ~ bwJ tr&.naportat.101>. J.. l"'i.,,Sn~ U't'4J ~i.. Yitb nitroctmozr\ &te.n:ln aa:l 11.Ce~ Ma bean IG~ up £fl'r tll6 ~CCb t.P4 11.tot1 ol bat.hue. 1ho vatGr ~.at\t2"111 ~ tbe a1sw ttg PNOD io a\,od'7S dogrooa. aaDIA ~l ~ ~IO!j1 lbo Bue Ed\lcatioa C>N''-~ i• l.C>OAte<l ~ tbe ;wd.n coepowzad end ia a v-Mk ' !210 followue 4wrl.G08 6"'0 ottorod I ECI,. C!>C, lr54I (lii.gtt School pct Cqllfgit I.oftl) o.bd '03-Al"I ~lloge Bod Uni"hlr"d~ eotnapcDA 4lu.C6 40COOI. 'l•&fW. on a13o a~niote>rcd tar the ~e ieoun.ea~ Ibe ~11 MV'Cl 6q8 b. lb somking il!l !>ed. Tlw perso.n. T.rho C!nciLcs ;in bOO. 1s .a thJ.rea.t oo.t . ~ to himself' !ruoi 'io g~·miaa't prcplll't:-f eM. li'l~~ of ,0.ther. peir~l in th~ ~Q,;i~ t c .. & ~<>king i;i ~houaee, pe.i.Lt &.ho,P5, wi hi:D ;o 1 of ~°' ll<auidfl' il.anga:-s,. tot al(l, amuni tion tS-liora.ge erec~. •w.a.tc:b. tor the Noa.no~ signs 1n building.& 2-00. ramp c.xeas:. ~. ~ta.JJ.e.t:i.on, '4ill be ~~li5hcd r-epsir, <creti-o.n ¢r cxte~e:iQll .9'f el~c;t;.:-;i.~ w1.r'-~ by ~u:alH"ied Oivil inginaer 1 5 ~ c t.rl.c.lene . only-. b. :1ang:1.ng ')Jirlng w~r rafters vxL ooila £roe.. v.all-loeke:rs dencos :i:s :prohibite d lr'J N:i Regul~ti<>~ 9~1. ~p 16.ffei.t~ ~ J,ocl'~.t;; ..r'.il.l. 'tb.¢c~~ 1s a to'~)>er- g\~a ~o ..U14C ·~i ll ca-...:.e in coo.tact :'f.6t. ti · \::tll.e .. •,,d th 1-~ Ol:\e 00...ve.~t liSh'.t. l>ul.b. e~~ .¢ ~om0 • tib~ ~~2!'1rtlei: ='> bu.Tu .. "?~ta/ll i...•!!.'tn 6~a. ~¢11.B 4.r'e ¢ ~o ~¢: er-e'i.l:')d. tJ:oe: er¢4. 11'1.t. t:i ...i..~ eou t;.'l'e ~ d ..."!l.:ocs a..-e pi•oh:ib:Leo:. rott cse" ~l p.14.~ c..,~ ~~~:.,··~ r>~· bJ ~ u5e of. poz:'tnl>la~. cooldllg unless a J.et.ter :fa ··eiib# M.ed· to SC.IC 11~1!0.."lcea ' i!"Q .l~ and cottes-mkc•·o .u-c p:-oMbS.t :fm ..e.ppron.l.. vill 'be lccct u f'cnt Qt:~· .!"ran~' !ruil.di.r::g. Gil,!!ll'£"tte oot ~~ eJUi'~l.e d iilto t.ras.ii c _"ls. 3ut~ ca.."lS Jill be pro\T"5.dcd f<> ~ \~ll ~Qf)OOoJ. c. CJ'[:° fl!llo'4~ n.c.U, et:or. oott~ o c.J.,,f i l l .ta.res i.tall be re. QrU;d to .S ss %:).re Depaa-t..""'JGtilt ~g~~'Oa 0£ nQV.• a.mdl.. b. :pcs!>.5.o~ 111 • :ildings equi.J>~· e 1;.ri-..h ~ t o co» ' r<>l "11"0 'O"-~il n.t' •!l.vtl , fi:::Q ~t Fire e.xti2'l~is.h0rs wS. 1 ba a~od if ~pu~t . ~9 7it:-p9rl v. fire, ~c.l lJ.'7, ~.,,-e: M ~ i'iwW~H· "'rxl. let;r:;ti<m, ~ i .-e . , o ·1din6, v~bio o, l l~ .s;r~to'",. ~l~oi;;;r.iv\\l , e~. ~o ~ve name, ram'< .a:ntl argCAi'"dzat.:i.-v-n ~ of:ll.ler. · c;. o, ~e, c. Che lif*' .After the Fi!'e ~~n~ h s "cre:e-x: r.otif5ec1 ~tation 505JC3one r.ea."" to G.ireot i'iT<e aip!nent t<> exae:t loo~ =.on. 'This Will E~ve time, poi~t ~Q. j)~~-~ c ~DOUl•) 1000 - .2200 Qi.1l;r f)900 . l.100 .. l3.30 ~ Mees NOO ~ 1100 - Jfoo - 1100 - 1330 l:SOO - 2100 - 22,0 Sc! 0900 - } N .( Qm. I Bot f o-od l l i Ill 2.4 hoar• ~ betwec the h.ou:re of 0'9.JO - lD ;o, J.400 - l 09 - ugo (Beer ~) • - ~JO(~ ) en ) ()2aJ - 0600 ( - ~00 ) - 16)0 :t.) {Mm~JO- l c 0900 (M ) ( ) t. Co!'fico ( - c ) c.11 {Y. - .2.)00 )XO - .u:>o - ) t} ) • , I ?30, 9~ )