- Dana Plato Autopsy Report
Transcription - Dana Plato Autopsy Report - Dana Plato Autopsy Report _oIzza""'aIOZ _ _ .. ozr..c. 01' nI! CHlU _IlU,EEIN~R - R1!PORT Of ... UTOI'$Y IY IIII!tllC.-.L I!XNIIINER -- -'---- " -.- L.ZrAAY E. !IALOI 1iG, M.D. - -" ~ _ _ _- . . ' CAuiE Of DI1fH: , ,, ~NO.I I Ulif e ....... """1-'- -. ---=:. X _ ~. I, • w 1 1 ~ 1 11! 3 _ -_ - Dana Plato Autopsy Report - ...... --~ OI"II:! 01' Th! CIII[ ' OI(OM;.<I,~ """'~ ' ~_oIOooocltm _ _ _ __ -'."'.""~"" _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ .,--" ~ 0'" I !"C! ' 7 'No Ilio No, ' , p n III ,'", - 510 .. , 5"" C..... 5O' ... ....:ttnoIlO llP!Oltc&II(l;O (0;0&1""''''''' . . . . . . 000 ...... I ....."iMHlD) .-""-. - Dana Plato Autopsy Report EXTERNAL EXAMINATION CASI! NO. " ........."..........................................._... -- -- "" - -- - - - n,. body " hI of • well dl!V1llopll<!, wen nourished, IIIhIbo 1ImIr. did In • -- Co ' pair of mY~~ colorod ~kO(j .horta. Aocomp.1nying the body is a bIw link top, which~ ... t...n cuI from tho body, Multiple .mergency medical intlrv.ntioJII I .. ~"nt on tho body which .r. elilgrlmld on th. Included CME·182 Iitlin form , eyu or. cle.r .nd ahow no pollChl ••. o.rtt~ion '" natural, IntICI orod UI1fIm.r1IabIe It " orII m.JCOIII, 81.cldlll-brcwn ~ " in thO '""""" aM "",'no tII/aee. Neck. chMt. .woo1i601 iII1d b..:tc IPI"'_ intact and ~ """-. kill1dl, . . and !eel show rIQ IcuIe 1f¥Jty. On the P'*I-...,eot olth, rfGtlt wri,n, u.r. I" two old searl. o..-lI .... ltGul ll'ld ijipOtIOl l_tety 1.0 in. in """'1 "III .... oIhot .. ~QIN.\i8.r 1I*W1...... I-~ V21n. n IengII\. H _ ere _ _ ~ ond urwrnorkab!e, Anli and 1jIIIOIbJ IlOton. 'WEEr tnt.:I lind IIIIrOITWri<abII. • Mu~ pro(Pn~ ,tyIe tI~ ..... poes: .. an bod! IrMI. ill ...... an 1M poo:orior HpIICIoftM 10ft 11io'''' ond theM . . ~..-.ed an" koctLlil.~ CME·I92 IEIi.. form. 1"-" II; liii.o • pror.uiol'\ll l¥t "1100 n a... right ~ _ ...... c:otrPll of a winged fairy 1iOfld. till. - Dana Plato Autopsy Report .... ~. ~ oJ" _~. - •• ..... -_.. .... . -"'~- " -"" •• "~'" ,, ,- .,"' ..._.. -. ... .. ".... , "'....-..... ,." . ~ '''~- - _. .... " .... L •••• , ••_ ... ._ """ ."-"._~ • • • _ _ ______ ____ _______. e. ..... _C" '"'"" ~""C CN' IS. I S.~, ,8181 ___"••,.c-"____ ,-,.,-"-"----------- -~" ... - Dana Plato Autopsy Report IHn!.RNAL I!XAMINATlON AUTOl>$V NO. ML CAS! HO. ZlZ.... HO~ The body II Openl ~ through 1M tIIUeIY_ped h · . ' ., ar:d 1M chnt plate II .... no •• d ill "" ""~III ma~_ sllowlng the irIIemlil 10 be In 111M norm.. PQtillon and ,..laHonsftlp with 00 aboornull . lIUllonsleel1 In Ihe cheot, ~aI U<: or Ibdomen. ORAL AND NECK ORGANS: The longue aw-~ u",", ;,, 'J ,"p,' ....... InIact ord~. Eplglollil. gIoI;~, and IIlWly , ... nonnaIIy ,t _~ . nKk _Intact_~. Sol" _ _ _ ~_oItM n.... it . ;;,,,,,01 .",... . ......-not""'" t I' Into .... HEART: 2~O gm, IIOrlmIIy k>ca\ed, nom\I!lly b'rill!d, Intact, and Grossly witt1 1n normal limits I xtemilly with n<>rmill origin and distribution of great _ •• ls and eQ<Qn1!Y Ifleries. Corcnl'Y 'rtallea ara widaly pallnl tI\IOUghQul , rid s how 00 •• id.nce Q/ IIlgnffic.nt dll ...I , On cut HCUo<1, 1M myceoraium it of no,mal color. con.IIII~, ,rid \hIckne.. "'" lhow 110 ...1dInoe 01 ~ '" dI ...... Tho fiIdocIrdlom IrId l>eart ........ I r. un~, Coronary "S/iI ..... normally tocotr j ar:d ~ Palin!. ThorItCic lind abd",,,,.... lIOftIS _~_ nomraIin'itI. ! 'ING! · Risht bog IttV " 700 gin and tho itlltung weiglts 600 gm. UwP! lor arid conglltion. tMY ""- no ~ of Inj:...,- or dis_ and ""pear wit!lln ncrmallimib. G,1. TRACT: e~.IIW, ttomoo/1, duodflnum,.....n 1oIIa1lnft, large int&.ti,,,. arid appooolx ..... I _ illto<:llllld ........markable OIl eJ<i4mal1ll'ld CIA MCtlon exam. The.tornactr contains. qulil'itlty 01 150 0: of bo_,olh·bIIro:k liQuid WIllI oin:iIor malefl!rl ..... In tile drKAlnum. Rom r·'I(Ier 01 II' 'II"" _In ftQMIII ,.....aI •• "'local ""'~I<ill.lIIhough tM ....111 wIon " .... ~ •. , ... 01_ The _""'-"<1 SPLEEN: 1SO gm, iniac!. and grolsly within """".. limb externally and OIl WlleCtiOn. - Dana Plato Autopsy Report Inlem,l _ 2 e, •• No. "02(M3 LN£R ' A[)f!ENAL 01 !OKlS; Sita*"~ alm~ ... ~ ~r()flt)' with" normailmill , KIDNeys ; ... , 00 ~m nch, bWl t"any limil,r ,rid grou t)' wi\IIin norm, 1_ I, NOIIT1.1 yr. ..,. . f O pre.. n' IIIIdlng In. norm-' bI~dor th" cont.lns. menured """ntlry of 120 CC 0/ de ... , yellow R£PRQQ1Jc rryE ORGANS ; 8i!, _ • Intact cet'Ibc..,.;l . . . . . atelrUcf and ................ The endorneI:tUn ,nd.....-. ThlICllIp II ," t ICled In IlHl u....l ............ and o.howo flO underlying Injury. The cIIvIrium il lntl<::l .M uovemarUbIe. RI,"""aI of IN uti!........ "-" fie menfnve. 10 bot de ... , ir>tact. .rId ......-ema~.,.. with 00 It"o'ideru:e of irl\t1etMiA1ne"'Ofth~ C( .,IIOCI""" S rairl is oormally Jormecl, weighs 1350 ~m and has norm .. origin III'ld dislri>ulion cl CllreDrovllcu~wr. ,rid cranial nONel. E>:tIrnI lljllrId on cut Mcticn, ~ shews normal 1rc!1111Cturl with no ",ld, 11CI cllnjury crdlse..l, Th' ....In lIem, u~r c,,,,k:tl ooro, Ind ""reb,lIum . ... Ulnt..,tlnd unMm. rk.b,,", SKELETAL: The bot.. of IIHIIkIII. . . .. ..... poIviI. ,rd long beMl of ~ including "'''I''~". ct..octn, lncI'I......... 'I>fI1"~.oo ~ by PIlip ,,!,,.. _ by .lIu. I ••.." ......... pc I I t t. Booa "*TOW It MIl . . ..........11imiII. Haul botl ... r.cIII bones. lOrd mandibII..,PHf inlid .nd ... .i .table by pIIpaIion. - Dana Plato Autopsy Report MICR08COPIC EXAMINATION AUTOPSY MO. 282·tt Bl -m "" ........ MIInI*II.'_bnl.nd twll'P, ~t l "")'lIlUC11l\17lN1 AI • • ,. 10 be. drug ""rdo... "" UE'"VW ..... be <10M .~ 10 _ lip PUlP leo' ",ico ._ ; ' ; _ ... !Met _ if,..,. E 5 " 'Y. 1.1., 20 , l iVS1 "" • ') ~'ry E. eeldln;. M.O. - Dana Plato Autopsy Report .............T>JN. eHI(' _DICAI.. ~ """",,,ER BO"' ~ '" " ~_100<I. Oi n:1 0 ' THf . '" ..,...,-- ... '" _ .....'0. 00.,.. . ,...., ......... MATlI .............. .. . , _ . _ ~ "...,. .. c......, Mol' 'I, , _ c....O, _ • .., ........ ...., ...... Goa.., ...... , "000. _ _ , __ ,- e"'. " 'h'·...U..1 -. ...... _, 'I·"· ·m _""- . . . . - _ . , .. l ui. ........... . .... ~ . IUM " .. 10 ....""-1 ..... _ ' " "'"00 .. I>I1II. ... " ". 0' I n '" -. - . .... .... .... .......... ...... , ro ••• ~" .. ' +" ~ . '" . 0.. _ . . . . . ., -" ,., ~"" " .....- . , _ _ , - Dana Plato Autopsy Report _ QI'~I "'" ....,.:01.1 ....... _ ,.......... , .... " 01' THI CH'P IIIIDIC ...... _ _""",". II 11,1 -, :! , .. · fA , . . . . . 2 :'.""',,' ,"~:!.:!~'.. ' _......... __ 'III ".'0 .-.":'=': ... _ 2 -,-.,.,.,".,_"...... --. .•". .._"•._."",;_.. "~Io""~.,_" .~ ~., ;,_,.,-,~,.-,-.-" <.. ~- , ...-.-......;.-., ...... _D OFf'lCE - Dana Plato Autopsy Report DI' _D\A~"'IHV""""""" ~ THE CHlfJ' 1If0lC.ll f)()! YINVI ---------------- ------II-';;=I."Y 1_ _ MM . . _ REPORT ~ INVESTlGATlO,", BY MIO OICAL EXAMINl!R "''',..! ....- -". -...---~- • a n . --__ _ -, c0 _ _ _ ,- ..ri-... • iIII" - " ...,."..... -- -, p~ -- • - INrI·u';'"' C:lJ ......""'--.,..-,_. 0 0 , - . M. ' ·0 en $I"' ( '~ = ••