PATOLOGISTS` ASSISTANT: alta formazione e management in
PATOLOGISTS` ASSISTANT: alta formazione e management in
PATHOLOGISTS’ ASSISTANT: alta formazione e management in anatomia patologica VI Congresso Nazionale FITeLab - VERONA Chiara Arzenton LA SFIDA SCARSITA’ DI RISORSE INNOVAZIONE TECNOLOGICA APPROPRIATEZZA PRESTAZIONI EFFICIENZA MUTAMENTI ORGANIZZATIVI STRUTTURA CULTURA PROFESSIONALITA’ TECNICO DI LABORATORIO: sviluppo formativo e professionale 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DM 745/1994: profilo professionale. L 42/1999: TLB come professionista sanitario. DM 3/11/1999 n 509 (Riforma Universitaria)e DMURST 5/6/2001 L 251/2000: autonomia professionale. L 1/2002: accesso diretto a Laurea Specialistica e Master. L 43/2006: coordinamento sanitario, coordinamento specialistico e dirigenziale. IL CAMBIAMENTO NUOVI MODI DI LAVORARE NUOVE INTERRELAZIONI TRA LE DIVERSE FIGURE PROFESSIONALI NUOVE COMPETENZE BACKGROUND “Changes in health care economics and organization have resulted in increased use of non-phisician providers in most health care setting” “Use of Phisician Extenders in Surgical Practice: the Pathology Assistant” Raulli, Fabbri, Curcio Rubertini. 6° Congresso Triennale Siapec- 2013 “…regarding surgical pathology, in USA and Canada, the use of phisician extenders, Pathologist’ Assistant whose expertise lies in gross examination of surgical specimen, is common”(since 1969) CHI E’ IL PATHOLOGISTS’ ASSISTANT? E’ UN PROFESSIONISTA DI LABORATORIO ALTAMENTE QUALIFICATO CHE ESEGUE IN AUTONOMIA L’ESAME MACROSCOPICO E I PRELIEVI DEI CAMPIONI CHIRURGICI E DEGLI ESAMI ESTEMPORANEI AAPA American Association of Pathologists’ Assistant SCOPE OF PRACTICE FOR PAs’ SURGICAL PATHOLOGY AUTOPSY PATHOLOGY ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES SURGICAL PATHOLOGY • • • • • • • specimen accessioning obtein clinical history describe gross features of surgical specimen prepare tissue for proccessing for light microscopy obtain samples for studies such as flow analysis, research, cytogenetics,cultures, electron microscopy, immunofluorescence perform special procedures including x-ray imaging, frozen section, tumor triage photograph gross specimens and microscopic slides AUTOPSY PATHOLOGY • • • • • • • assure legal authorization for autopsy obtain medical reports/charts for review consult with attending pathologist to identify special techniques to be utilized during the examination, including culture, toxicology, coronary artery perfusion, enucleation, etc. coordinate any requests for special specimen sampling such as organ transpalntation, research perform postmortem examinations including external exam, in-situ organ inspection, evisceration, organ dissection and dictation of findings prepare tissues for processing for light microscopy and special studies photograph the body, organs, microscopic slides and other pertinent materials ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES • Maintenance of surgical/autopsy pathology protocols,procedures,reports and data • assure proper maintennce of equipment • assure provision of adequate supplies for and cleanliness of the surgical and autopsy suites • assist in organization and coordinate of pathology conferences • assist in preparation for accreditation inspections (CAP, Joint Commission) • performance of budgetary duties • performance of supervisory/management duties PATHOLOGISTS’ ASSISTANT, PA (ASCP) EXAMINATION CONTENT GUIDELINE SUBTEST DESCRIPTION EXAM PERCENTAGE Fundamental of Patholgy Applications of Pathology and Desease States 40-50% Anatomic Pathology Techniques Principles and techiniques related to autopsy pathology, and histological techniques 10-15% Anatomy Normal Microscopic Anatomy, Gross Anatomy 10-15% Autopsy Pathology Basic principles and techniques of adult, neonatal/perinatal, pediatric, and medicolegal/forensic 10-15% Laboratory Operation Regulatory and Compliance, Management, Safety and Infection Control 5-10% GROSSING PERSONNEL POLICY Mayo Clinic – Hospital Laboratory Jacksonville, Florida GROSS EXAMINATION: defined as a tissue examination requiring a greater exercise of judgement and knowledge of anatomy. Dissection of the specimen and selection of tissue for submission to histology are generally required. The specimen description is not necessarily standardize. PROCESSING EXAMINATION: defined as tissue examination limited to description, cutting of the specimen (if applicable), and submission of the entire specimen to histology. Tissue processing can be preformed according to standardized protocols. Processing is generally limited to small specimens (skin biopsies, small biopsies, currettings, etc.) and does not require knowledge of anatomy. GROSS EXAMINATION Performed by Pathologists’ Assistant that has a national certification with American Society of Clinical Pathologist (ASCP)…,is approved for the following specimens without direct supervision of a Pathologis. 1. Skin margin cases as well as all skin biopsies 2. Femoral heads and other bone resection cases 3. Uterus, tubes and ovaries 4. Appendix 5. Colon resection and all gastrointestinal biopsies 6. Small bowel resection 7. Gallbladder 8. Radical prostatectomies, TURP’s and prostate biopsies 9. Placental, cervical biopsies 10. Fetus of less than 20 weeks gestational age or < 500g 11. Kidneys and renal biosies 12. Tonsil and adenoids 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Sentinel lymph nodes and all regional lymph node dissections Stomach resection Spleen Bladder resection and bladder biopsies Brain removal, biopsies Liver resection and liver biopsies Mastectomies, lumpectomies, and breast core biopsies Limb amputation as well as fingers and toes Lung including biopsies, lobectomies and pneumonectomies Pancreas PROCESSING EXAMINATION May be performed by Histology supervisor, Lead Histothecnologist, and Histotechnologist that has national certification with ASCP HT or HTL and met the minimum training/experience required by having an earned associated degree in a laboratory science or medical laboratory technology…are approved to provide (processing) examination of the following specimens with the indirect supervision by a Pathology or Pathologists’ Assistant: 1. 2. 3. 4. All skin biopsies except those requiring margins All biopsies including EMC’s, ECC’s, cervical (except cones), liver, bladder, vaginal, kidney, lung, bone marrow, stereotactic breast, gastrointestinal and clots Muscle biopsies FNA specimen PATHOLOGISTS’ ASSISTANT • • • Jeffrey A.R. et al . : Colorectal Surgical Specimen Lymph Node Yield with a Pathology Assistant. J.Gastrointestinal Surg.2009 Colleen O.G. et al. :Pathologist Assistance Practice. A measurement of performance. American Journal Clinical Patholoy 2001 John Vitale, Reed Brooks, Michael Sovocool,W. Rae Rader: ValueAdded Benefits and Utilization af Pathologists’ Assistants PERFORMANCE DEL PA’s IMPATTO SULL’EFFICIENZA E LA QUALITA’ IN LABORATORIO PATHOLOGISTS’ ASSISTANT • E’ UN PROFESSIONISTA ALTAMENTE SPECIALIZZATO CHE ESPLETA SVARIATI SERVIZI CON LA SUPERVISIONE DEL PATOLOGO. • E’PRESENTE DA DECENNI NEI LABORATORI DI ISTOPATOLOGIA DI USA E CANADA. • IL SUO RUOLO SI ESTENDE ANCHE ALL’AREA AMMINISTRATIVA, GESTIONALE E ALLA FORMAZIONE. TECNICI DI ISTOPATOLOGIA Il Tecnico di Istopatologia può descrivere e campionare le seguenti biopsie: 1. Biopsie del tratto gastrointestinale 2. Agobiopsie epatiche, renali,prostatiche, mammarie 3. Biopsie endometriali e ginecologiche, TURP E TURV 4. BOM 5. Per la patologia cutanea è consigliabile sempre che sia presente un patologo QUALI SONO LE PROBLEMATICHE DI UN SERVIZIO DI ANATOMIA PATOLOGICA? • • • • • • Processi prevalentemente artigianali Poca automazione Sistemi di lavoro complicati e difficili da standardizzare Necessità di più personale rispetto alla media degli altri servizi Richiesta di esperienza e specializzazione dei profili professionali Tempi più lunghi per la formazione del personale QUALI SONO LE PROBLEMATICHE DI UN SERVIZIO DI ANATOMIA PATOLOGICA? • • • • • • • Irripetibilità di campionamento Problemi medico-legali legati all’errore diagnostico Continua informazione e formazione sulle nuove tecnologie e metodiche Settori specialistici e diagnostici Elevata richiesta di aspettativa da parte del cliente TAT COSTI …E IN ITALIA? Quale possibile modello di formazione per il PA’s in Italia? • Master di formazione dopo laurea triennale in tecniche di laboratorio ? • Percorso universitario separato dalla laurea triennale in tecniche di laboratorio ? • Laurea specialistica per tecnici di laboratorio? . QUALE FUTURO?