BMWM3t^tg.+r=#g `I`ILl)^l
BMWM3t^tg.+r=#g `I`ILl)^l
|TEM 51514 'I'I Ll)^l BMWM3t^tg.+r=#g BMW M3 E3O SPOffI EVO ta z o rf ; 4 0 * I - t v^\-7,tt257mrA y{heelbase aThis body ,eatlres of 257mm. a *7 > 7U&n< ät'eßftfi rW. 'tiio TAMTYA <r-rt-a.(79- *Make Trimming l.6rztt,l (6hn) ZBgrr<< E:!L\,, a 6mm hole to match lhe position of the anrenna, if needed. Body *rr;;.( - r> l-o),l-!trt..E.bii. wt) (6'6.5m) ä l*!,rr< /.-:! L\" *Make two 6-6.5mm hotes, marchins 'ftlr^ the position o, body mounts. A;** -o)+., ßeri< t ; I lt a tV<.t. äätiä.aBtüBltl**"rJEfF a<att,. drr,,t\$täeoß+ft or'ä\tgäüzäcäl*, *E#or+, JtsS[rr<rätL'" arF@GE{irr+ritü Lr< r:tL\. l*L =2 t f- \P+ 1 Ttt t,Jrbl,tz, /Jtl&t.*tL?< r:t L'" a*Iiltlil§lJ, EE,.6Bfl i?tr? l1o*f; lttl<Btar, #E;l.tE{E L<GEL?<Etr'. *t. GHr6L t rrg6@i!fir.+r;tt Lz< r:t1." a 4\t b b + i, o) t' ä Ul* 7 o a+i ß LAL't< nt1.. rnl.tb?t r. g:-rU§ Aä.,§,ro=,gAC,äptt$rlS*i af,Lt-f " at <-f +,tE te t.l:.t öt, ,J\tä/ i-Yoüaräar?. ?<ntL." A caurror * tll, Lr.) *.t. aBead caretully and tully undsrstand lhe instructions betore commoncing awhen assembling this kit, tools including knives€d. Extra care should b€ taken to avoid personal iniury aBead and follow ltle instnrctions supplied with pairns and/or cemenl, il used (not includod in kit). aKoop out ol reach ot smallchildr€n. Children musl not be allowed to put any parls in thsir mouths, or pullvinyl bags over then hsads. S€nsibly dispose ol ths leftover parts ilhln€diatsly. xOP.6o4V-.2>r',I >r11 ,l- &,_rf ri (.Bt)fr) iL Make holes for attaching 53604 Racing Wins Set (sord separately)- * + ; I < ) :/ | d)llll.A b t. W\) lijrri {6-6.5m) äFE.}Z< r:::+L'. *Make two 6-6,5mm holss, matching the position of body mounts, <(ö;i o)tT)qW»» Ei<o4* Painting body *.A - E lt<7r./-tVa*ET.i, * Ä-alll d€noles numberot PS-7 >r v>, oEnee ! är{ Right * \t al h, t 1 +17 TtJlr tDU *'{ E «!E*eäi0r.» Preparing body tor palnting r<,tF]rt)nr\mLrtä\Lz<r:-*!\. *Wash tho body thoroughly with d€terg€nt ln orcler to remoE arry oit, th€n rins€ well and allow to air dry. (iE*o{+rt» How to paint i.<r]t'Lf.*.< 7.r:./ 1täql f) *,r,;rt+&*flzrL\, tüL, jf ;<Aalor.l > 1.t8. -1ls,ti'ßr*t^ - *Wa§h tho body thoroughly wnh dst€rgsnt th€n allow ro air dry Cut oul masking stick€rs and mask ott window änd ligtt (Ps,a ?I*L*?. z7t @ *,tiläälai.Biv>, :t*ll'j{7.r ä.530o1-älJä L, -El.itBräEll.äl} ?i!rJ.1.^ Orang€ (PS-4. Apply thin laysr of spray painl 2-3 llmes ke€ping 30om di§tanc€ from body. *Paint body with ,/^-- *it*ti\ltL.feE?zrr-rLttJri L.,ßt./tEo)*[ 7-rr rÄ6llil L<< ,atu. *Attor pairn has dri6d, remove masking siick rs. Att€r compl€tion ot painling, remove proteclive film. <-+>r1 Markings 1 *?-rll*i+IHl.§Ä2"<r:-*L\" *Apply stickeß ln numbsrsd ordsr. )rE o?-)ttt#j.f"ma)<-rrt" #t.roll§l.t*r'i t)h-,f *FE!tH?fi ßtä'5A* L<< ri-tL\. rhis ma* aenot6 numbers forTamiya a Paint colors. Fhint body from inside using polycaöonate pams. «#.U75-;f'*-FHr=\,h.-» TAMIYA POLYCABBONATE PAINTS Psn aiv>t I o'rarge- «7V,v h-O?Al.)h» OTtälj tltHä,tAf t.. friEllt ltt SttZflljtfL\zT tL\" *r}o 2t\t 7i t h-Eq, t .>Z L*) t :t6ä\it'L.o?läälIL.q t L)< <r?tt'. @eft.o*ofittd'rLqr 2»fre ttLt UfrLrAüöbat*i- +§2 2trt**ft tradäirt*Z< fitLr" @', Lr2äft U tr ri L rd ä E rffi tf t tt tcl, 77,y h - Ofrt.lti5är}I2 *<-r@tt&RL*.f-l-" *Stickff@ E not us€d. t, LäL\},Ii;ITLää\5Tü2?L\ *E!: äfita-EEämß$LZtÄäE <. 'Lbä\.C* tr, ltiEti\,t 1 t, l' äF, ELfsr'&.t. §ickors O Cut along the €dges as clos6 as possible to cut the sticker fiom the sheet. Cut out stickeB in numberod order to prevent confusion. @ Slightly pe6l away one snd of tlle lining and position tho sticker on the body. @ Slowly remove the rcmaining lining while checking stickef position. Oo not completely remove lining prior to *|fr t $? - +r rof ü'tö *Bofsr application as lhis may cause unwanted air bubbl€s and caeas6s. 0912 @2012 TAMTYA t*itä+t3if ltElfiEEEE,EF3-7 t) *.'t also to lhe ma*lng instnrctions 51514 BMW M3 Evo Jagor Body (11052951) il- )a>lrUttraLD)-7+, ril&o)ltlEact*7r\,t t, E iiHärJ&L\<rdtL\" a Paint plastic parts (front grill€) using plaslic paint. rHr=nhr-» «4.7+,r TAMIYA PLASNC PAINTS «LEO.I Fo).W.Uilt » Attaching LED light xd5 LED/ Ee Gtfi) x65 LED/Whit 2Et> t- 2u *5rr,läöt :tt" «H1» 'vowutit! Attaching Iront grille TS-29 (X-18) r na2a7).'!2 S6mi sloss black ,o-L,/tVt\*latt ^7 rh- 6D .f t7i- Llgl 2x6nU stay tY>Ce7 Tapping sor€w *EttJr6r.urß,lr?< ärL\. *Attach l6ft and dght !'ad§ symmoricaily. 3x10ia9 t Y>2C7 rapping scßrx «7t'r-/C>ofrUüü» MODIFYING SNAP PINS =>-, r1>rowuttt, Attaching side mlrols and rear winq *B6nd. clrs?. *B€nd snap pim as Ql\) pin (small) ,r--s?r, *frr)üt *-f" *f i1xLöa7+yac)/tt i,üt 7+tAY2 -c TS-31 )>.f ts+v>, Bnght orange sho{n. fri i.---.........-.....'.........xr Body H4 H8&.....,........ .rrQ J8ß&............'................ xl < 7" ->-tV...,................... Maskjng slick€r {r TS-3t 7i.! ,J-@, Fubb6rtushine x1 ).,(ttv>, Bdght orango METAL PARTS BAG 3x19tffit tC>rt7..x4 Tappins sc.ew /A V ,t\ ).,i1. . .^2 Bubber bushins @*tä,ft,...., e2 ^+.racr \F ))l t iv>) BfghtoEnge 0\)..v2 snap pin (smart) [@ 2x6nit.t Y>2C7...x2 Tappino scw o o C) ^i rh- 6 *Eßß.nÄr*t" >41-77-.....x2 Ught slay *Eßffzä( L/c'1. it>Ltzhtt, h 7' < - t - e 7w.^tE-6-'t*L\fr fiti*-d-. s/c. {?1ä2, < -t - C 7' l. El*.)ti-lär*^ ß, Tieoä ,*?r.Äqfäatä\rt*?O (SfrFäo.tJHi*) ili;4 oW.Ulit, Attaching body x'fit-r ö.5 LLlt,ldt< < r, t tt Farl.6Uttrlrryr*r" t Tou7 F äatt.rTEM*e. 7, '6fllEo+AÄEr60itt= - tV, *F" 8. S&*. BßEq=- §. §Itü?ö ljtr." hiÄ^ilE r.trr5f ;**B6riltt\,. rit. trE*€. 00810-9-1r'r8. r[^#8. (*) ti+, -rriffii Een.< <f:tr"." o «,{tä, t}EoefllEE) r-yftetirtirftB tt+ä*t (3ls A -l\^- ;)*, ftä€ Nl t. J ä r.rt ,/ B) töEIEL'lcfi,tlrtf, , [?E* lcld tärsetrt\f.L*!-" " "" : (.itfr» I ' : : i422-8610118fi&idEEEFs-7 : : : i : hit*+lr:t h7r7-1,-c7§ ((äl6L'ärr{t*+» :nE : HE= os4-28g-ooo3 03-3899-3765 cs^etaEr : : i ...............: * zd)rl:; a Ee a - tvtt. h7t ?r, * C 7TEJ,*)<^< t r.&.,." äl"lL\är, t</:t1.. *Ask your local Tamaya d@ler for avaitabil «lf,iioW)liLr$ir» Body attachm€nt position ffi s-l-lr, (4*) 19!85662 O6mI.r7{ryFo) äi^fi1t8628 (*rt§* . 840Ft) lirhook (4pG) {Parl3 Cod€: 1 9335664 (26mm lvidth, 0) ar;\,.:n.-t\^-t7t127 vwv,tc,mhcßom IE?TAMffiA *7+ , -J C>o)t&llt. fria b\4<nF*6tz*lA Lär'tür.&rljrrT< t:t1.. *Attach tho snap pins ensuring iho body does nol come in contact with lhetires and track surface. BMW M3{rä-<17r- 7z:7f,.i< t'y l|TEM 515t4 -tltrfdri20r2& r0H #{ro 6 a C-t" +*7r<tqA|rzdt*äh\ö,t BEU #i!füM ttr; i . . . . . ...... . . ...... . ........2,677n H,r\-y............................567t!, ) t \-'y...........,................493t8 ;liir*Eq1i6...... ...............546F8 2x6nR, E> 2X7(1Oß)...........21ots 6n7r,, At>(101fi.. - -...........262ts , t \-),t :,, al2ß).................126Et 7i, 11-..< 7r..2- lt.......... 1,470F5 trit,rSt!88............... ... ..3rsFq ( t00E) 5P.191 5P.577 7+.y ae2d\.5ß.rt.1o{E). 2IoE 3 x 1onn4 .t e>,87.( 1o1E). . 1os Fq pa(s rsquired can corectly identified. be Pt€ase note lhat specifications. availability and pice ä.e subjoct to g-f,. change without notice. *!aÄr- 90Fq 80F9 AFTEB MABKET SERVICE CARD When purchasing replacement parts, ptease take or send this lom to your local Tamiya deats. so that the | ITEM 51514 11825328 11825320.........................,...........Body 19000131 't 900(x3i .................................. .H pans 10115097 't0'l1s097...................................J 19,140933 1 19808058 19805702 't9805385 19495747 1105295'l 50197 44577 parts 9440933..............,...Metäl Parts Bag (for Body) Tapping Scrcw (10p6.) r9805702.....................6mm Snap Pin (1Opcs.) 19805385................... Rubbs Bushing (2pcs.) 19495747. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sticker & Masking §icks 1 9808058...............a6mm 1 1052951......................Body 50r97.............. Set lnstructions ..Snap Pin (Small x5, Large xr0) Tapping SclEw (10p6) 50577.. ..............3x10mm 515'14 BMW M3 Evo Jager Body (11052951)
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