North Texas Antique Tractor and Ensine Club N.ewsletter /ervp6*:€,t


North Texas Antique Tractor and Ensine Club N.ewsletter /ervp6*:€,t
North Texas Antique Tractor and Ensine Club N.ewsletter
March 6,2011
Staffi Linda Park; Ona Cook
O.K. people, we ere gearing up for our June show. Things are being done by several people.
The construction of the Terrell Veterans Memorial has been started. It will necessitate
relocating the show banner that we erect each year at Ben Gill Park. That banner gets a lot
of attention and I get several phone calls each year because my phone number is on the
banner. And, this year we will have two banners, thanks to John Birnbaum and his friends.
The banner will be erected about mid May.
Sign-up sheets for our June show will be at this month's meeting and every meeting until
show time. Please sign up for any event you can help with, even if for only a few hours.
Help support your club by doing your part.
We are going to put Handicap Parking Only signs beside the tractor entrance and the gate in
front of the registration tables.
Members must have a club name badge in order to go in and out of the display area and the
pull track. Badges can be ordered for $10.00/each. Please see Ona to order.
This moath's speaker will be a financial consultant. With so n*any wLauete menabers this
may be an opportunity to learn some facts to help plan for or survive retirement. Last
month's speaker was very interesting. He talked about lubricants. His presentation was done
in an enjoyable manner and several members asked questions.
REMEMBER: The next meeting is on Thursday, Mar. lTth at the Terrell Chamber of
Commerce Annex building, on 9th Street in Terrell, Texas at 7:00 P.M. Hope to see
all ofyou there.
When you get your newsletter, the label will indicate when your dues are due. The dues are
$18.00 a year for a family - husband, wife, and any children under 18 still living at home.
April 8 -9JE
Canton Swap Meet and Tractor Show; Canton, Texas Contact: Jim
Gri gsby 2 I 4 -68 6 -0 1 2 5 email: j mgri sgby@j uno. com
Oklahoma Steam Threshers & Gas Engine Assn. Annual show;
Pawnee, Ok. Contact: Brenda Bays 918-361-4109
Granbury Flywheelers Annual Swap Meet; Lambert Park; Contact:
tE $i6
H'/ervp6*:€,t\l .{aoN 4 Pzltz
Red River Valley Antique Tractor Club Power of the Past; Love Civic
Center; Paris, Texas Contact: Martin Lohaus 903-982-5648
- 22
Rustic Relics Antique Tractor Club Show and Pull; Morrow, Ark.
Contact: H.B. Hutchens 47 9 -846-4044
Arkansas Valley Antique Tractor Club 12ft Annual Show; Ozank,
Arkansas Contact: Clyde Traylor 479-928-5193
June 1l - 12
North Texas Antique Tractor & Engine Chb Show; Ben Gitl Park,
Terrell, Texas Contact: Gordon McCosh 972-272-4528
June 17 - 18
Oklahoma dntique Tractor & Equipnrent Show; Haskell, Oklalrorna
Contact: Harold Brown 918-693 -3920
Sept. 1 - 5
Old Threshers Reunion, Mt. Pleasant, IA. Contact: Terry McWilliams
Antique Tractor & Farm Machinery Show; Lindsey, Texas Contact:
Sept 10
Lonestar Antique Tractor and Engine Assoc. Show & pull in
White+ffirce, Texas
16- l8
Murray County Antique Tractor & Implement Assn. 18th Annual
Show; SulphuL Okla. Co''tact Rick Pender 580-264-0500
Enid Antique Power Gas Engine & Tractor Show, Enid, OK. Contact
Jerry Hart 580-234-9618
Oct. 15-16
Rustic Relics Antique Tractor Show & Pull, Morrow, Arkansas
Contact: H.B. Hutch ens 47 9 -846-4044
Coming Harvest Festival, Corning, Arkansas Contact Daniel Moore
870-8s7-393 1
Wanted -Ads carried for 2 months
Wanted -
For Sele 1942 Speedex Model 1630 Lawn
Garden tractor, including mower deck, 3 point pull,
dezer blade (smatl) and umbretla. Front weight box. Asking $1500.00-negotiable.
Contact: Nancy Van Skike 903-560-0290
1937 Jol,n D€€re, Good tires, gcod round spoke wheels, runs good, a*ing $6500.00 or
trade for car of the same value. 1941John Deere, good tires, runs good, looks good, needs
new 6 volt battery. Contact: Lee Roy Phillips 972-843-8169
Disk turning plow for Farmall Cub - $200.00 Busters and cultivators for Farmall C or
C - $500.00 Parts for small tillage plows; 3 Point plows- Ferguson; misc. parts, new
and used for Farmall and Ford. Project tractors - John Deere A; MT; International; Ford.
Steel wheels for Internarional and Ford, Come and see what he has- Hwy 31, 1 mile east of
Malakoff, Texas Contact: Donald Jones 972-825-3747
Farmall 350; narrow front with add on 3 point hitch, no cylinder; live hydraulic, Asking
$850.00 Contact: George Myers 214-650-6685
If you have something you wish printed in the newsletter or have questions,
contact the following people:
Linda Park
Ona Cook
P. O. Box 48
9112 Leaside
Efmo, Texas 75118
DaIIas, Texas 75238
cpark905 8 (@esaeelintr(.com [email protected]
Club Webpage :
Club email: [email protected]
Current webcount: 25.88 I
Until then:
A woman was at work when she received a phone call that her small daughter was very sick
with a fever. She ieft her work and stopped by the pharmacy to get some medication. She
got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys in the car. She did not know what
to do, so she called home and told the babysiuer what had happened. The baby sitter told
her that the fever was getting worse. She said, "You rnight find a coat hanger and use that to
open the door." The woman looked around and found an old rusty coat hanger that had been
Left on the ground". possibly by someone else who at some time had locked their keys in
their car. She looked at the hanger and said, "I don't know how to use this." She bowed her
head and asked God to send her help. Within 5 minutes a beat up old motocycle pulled up,
with a dirty, greasy, beared rnan who wffi wetring an old biker skull rag on his head. The
woman thought, "This is what you sent to help me?" But, she was desperate, so she was
also very thankful. The man got off his cycle and asked if he could help. She said, "Yes, my
daughter is very sick. I stopped to get her some medication and I locked my keys in my car.
I must get home to her. Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car?" He said, "Sure."
He walked over to the car and in less than a minute the car was opened. She hugged the man
and thru her tears she said, "Thank You So So Much! You are a very nice man." The man
replied, "Lady,I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison today. I was in prison tbr car
theft and have only been out for about an hour-" Ths woman trugged rhe man again and with
sobbing tears cried out, "Oh, thank you God! You even sent me a Professional!!!!"
I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately
you die.
Bad decisions make good stories.
clear your computer history
You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that
you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.
ean we afl just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to
restart my collection. . ..again!
I keep sorne people's phone ruxnbers in my
just so I know not to &nsw€r when they
I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses
begin with Miller Lite than Kay.
Jim asked his friend Tony whether he had bought his wife anything for her birthday. o'Yes,"
came the answer from Tony who was a bit of a chauvinist, *I bought her a belt and a bag."
"That was very kind of you" Jim added, "I hope she appreciates the thought." Tony smiled
and replied, o'So do I, and hopefully the vacumn cleaner will work better now."
How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you
still didn't hear or understand a word they said?
Finishing up his vegetables, our little farmer announced, *I liked those John Deere peas--but
the Intemational radishes were bitter." (He leamed his tractor names before his colors.)
Riding thru eonstruction, our great grand daughter pointed to th€ sticky tar ufrworrdered,
"Is that what they mean by a traffic jam?"
Shirts get dirfy. Underwear get dirty. Pant? Pants never ger dirty, and you can wear them
I love the sense of camaraderie when an entire line of cars team up to prevent a jerk from
cutting in at the front. Stay strong, brofhers and sisters!
Never slap a man chewing tobacco. Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.
There are two theories to arguing with a woman...neither works.
Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, finding
their eell phone, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey - but I bet weryone can frnd and push
the snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time, every time.
Map Quest really needs to start their directions on number 5" I'm pretty sure I know how to
get cut cf,my neighborhood.
Susan Lucci is the daughter of Phyllis
Diller. Most lipstick contains fish
Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as medicine.
There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with: orange, purple and silver.
There are no clocks in Las Vegas casinos.
Money isn't made out of paper, it's made out of cotton.
Chewing gum while peeling onions
keep you from crying.
Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind in a
space suit damages it.
N.T.A.T.E.C. General Meeting at the Terrell Chamber of Commerce Annex Building
1103 9th Street, Terrell, TX 75160
February 17,2011
The meeting was called to order by President Gary Pearson at7 p.m. Our guests were Jim &
Geneva Grigsby, James Crow, Cleveland Marlow and Marvin Alexander. Gordon McCssh noted that
there will be a tractor and parts auction in Decatur on March 12th. Contact person is Grady Griffith. Gary
asked about new finds.
Jim Grigsby invited all of us to attend the East Texas Tractor Show and Swap Meet in Canton on
April 8th & 9th. He expressed appreciation to the club for our support and participation in this event. We
will be able to come in to the show grounds on Thursday night. There will be a watchman on duty both
Thursday and Friday nights. The Saturday parade will begin at2:00 p.m. with D.D. McGee as parade
announcer. Jim is trying to have motorized scooters available for rent and is still working on securing
Gary demonstrated the use of anaerobic gasket material now available at area car parts stores.
Minutes of the January meeting and approved as written in the newsleffer.
Linda Park gave the Treasurer's report. She reported that Ed Coleman has purchased a'new in the
box' electric Gator for one of our raffle items for the June show. The Board will discuss the idea of a gift
basket for the women as one of the raffle items and will report to the members at the next meeting.
The club banner was vandalized several y€ars ago. Jshn Birnbaum had resemehed the possibility
of being able to repair it at his work, but is not able to do so. One of the venders at his work has
volunteered to make a new banner for us and to donate the cost. John will be able to give us an update in
the next few months.
Tractor pulls during our show-There was a discussion about the tractors not being able to add
extra weights to the back of the tractor. Some of the members felt that many spectators wait to the very
end of the pulls so that they can see the very large tractors with the extra weights compete against each
other. Another thought expressed is that we get back to the basics of why we have a show and pull. We
need to do things safely with no modified tractors. This will be discussed in more detail at the next Board
meeting with recommendations brought back to the members.
The idea of giving ribbons to participants and having a trophy or plaque to the winners was
discussed. Several years ago ribbons had been purchased. but have not been used. Having a people's
choice winner can cause some participants become upset. Lyle Metzler made a motion that these issues
be discussed at the Board meeting and the recommendations presented to the members at the next
meeting. Mo+kn carried. Anotlrer item ts be discussed is whether to eontinue with the 'Member' and
'Exhibitor' ribbons.
Lyle had recently gone to Bass Pro shop to select gturs for the raffle ticket. biscussion followed.
Gordon made a motion, seconded by Billy Peterson that we list these 3 guns selected by Lyle as the raft'le
item. Motion carried.
Marvin Alexander, formerly employed by Southwest Grease and Oil, presented a very interesting
program on greases and lubricants.
Chair of care report: D.D. McGee reported on the death last month of former member John
McCormick. Roy Whiteside stated that he is scheduled to have a cardiac catheterization done on
February 26th andthe possibility of heart valve surgery after that.
Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Th€ door prize of $25.00 was won by Jeckie Frazier.
D.D. gave our blessing and refreshments were served.
Respe*fuIly mbmitted.
Ona Cook. secretary