create - FamilyMeans


create - FamilyMeans
FamilyMeans strengthens
communities by
strengthening families.
FamilyMeans envisions communities in which all members
are able to live to their fullest potential with dignity and respect,
and where resilient people weave strong bonds of support
to help each other deal with the dynamic challenges
of family and community life.
A family consists of two or more people,
whether living together or apart,
related by blood, marriage, adoption
or commitment to care for one another.
On the cover: Volunteers take a photo break from answering
questions during the FamilyMeans St. Croix Garden Tour in 2010.
It’s the involvement and support from volunteers and donors alike
that help FamilyMeans provide the best opportunities through our
programs, services and events. This year the FamilyMeans 19th Annual
St. Croix Garden Tour takes place on July 16-17, 2011.
A letter from FamilyMeans board chair and president
Roger came in for his financial counseling appointment feeling discouraged. He had been very committed to paying off his credit card
debt for the past three years. It seemed there was so little progress being made even though he had stopped using credit. There was no
end in sight when it came to paying off his debt and it was demoralizing to him. Fortunately, Roger qualified for a debt repayment plan
at FamilyMeans. While it only saved him $95 a month, it meant everything would
be paid off within a five-year period and he would save more than $14,000 in
interest. Roger told his counselor he could stick to a plan and continue to make
sacrifices simply knowing there was an end date and the chance for a bright
financial future.
Every day, families in our community cope with financial challenges, job loss
and the complications these stresses bring to relationships. In year three of the
repayment period, we often see families weary and fatigued in their efforts to
pay off debt or feeling down due to a second job while they miss out on time
with their children. Even the best of intentions can turn negative when the
rewards seem few.
FamilyMeans helps make transition periods more bearable for families whether
they’re dealing with financial challenges or issues with mental health, caregiving
responsibilities or workplace difficulties. An organization that has provided stability
well into its four decades, FamilyMeans works to help families and individuals
create the same kind of stability in their own lives so they feel safe, loved and fully
able to participate.
During 2010 FamilyMeans kept its services strong and available to those who
needed them. FamilyMeans continues to provide meaningful and accessible programs and services. Thanks to the support of so many –
our volunteers for their time and our generous donors who make so much possible – we were able to make some modest additions to
programs such as more mental health services in the schools and a west metro location for bankruptcy counseling.
We are so grateful to everyone who helps make FamilyMeans a resource the community can rely on, knowing we are here and ready to
help. We look forward to the work we’ll do in 2011 and the ability to address even more needs.
Arba-Della Beck, president
Susie Gilbert, board chair
Meeting client needs makes CCCS program
a success
When the 20 high school students gasped at the mention of a
former client who once had more than 60 credit cards at the
same time, Suzy Wheeler, a financial education specialist with
FamilyMeans, knew she had captured their attention. The students
were equally engaged to learn the client worked diligently to pay
off the debt in less than five years through FamilyMeans Debt
Management Program (DMP).
FamilyMeans Consumer Credit Counseling Service (CCCS) has
provided financial literacy to youth for decades. In fact, in 2010,
the agency reached more than 2,300 students. While most of them
are at the high school level, financial literacy is also taught to
college-level classes and also to children as young as age 10 who
learn the basics of saving and spending through lessons such as an
allowance game.
FamilyMeans CCCS programs continue to make changes
accordingly to best meet the needs of the clients it serves.
In 2010, FamilyMeans DMP worked with more than 2,500 families
that, collectively, paid back more than $13 million to the creditor
community. Some of these clients made their last DMP payment in
2010, while the other 1,934 clients continue to work toward their
debt-free goals. FamilyMeans CCCS staff members enjoy receiving
notes from DMP clients as they successfully complete the program.
One recent note read, “Today I checked my balance and it was
zero. A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Thanks for all
you do!”
According to Jim Kroening, director of CCCS, “We are reminded
daily of the value of our core services as we talk to and meet with
individuals and families who benefit from our DMP, counseling and
education programs.”
counsel teach
guide support
Caregiving through a
She raised nine children of her
own, but it was when her own
mother suffered a stroke at age
79 that Coral Buchman truly saw
herself as a family caregiver. After
visiting a number of nursing
homes Coral decided the best
option was for her to provide
care for her mother, who went
on to live for another eight years. Coral Buchman, among the first of
FamilyMeans’ respite care volunteers, was
also awarded the Grace B. Stoltze Award
in 1995 for outstanding volunteer service
Coral, a parishioner of a local
to FamilyMeans.
church in Stillwater, shared
the idea of providing respite care to area seniors, and the church
was happy to accommodate a program with Coral serving as the
supervisor. It was the 1980s and it wasn’t long after the church’s
Befriender program began that Coral received a phone call from
FamilyMeans. A staff member with the agency had been looking
to start a respite care program and Coral, along with 10 other
volunteers, was eager to learn about the new program.
“If you really like what you’re doing, you find a way to do it,” said
Coral, after realizing she enjoyed providing the care as much as
the care recipients needed it. Over the years, Coral has provided
respite care to more than 18 different families including those with
young children to adults in their later years.
“I was able to get to know everyone so well, including the
families. So often when my scheduled time was up, the families
would want me to stay and visit,” Coral said. “All of my
experiences have been so rewarding.”
Coral believes her volunteerism over the years left a positive
impression on her husband and children. And until 1990, when
she received her driver’s license, it was her family and the families
of those who received care that helped her get from one place to
the next if it was too far to bike or walk the distance.
Now a grandmother to 24 and great-grandmother to two, Coral
continues to provide respite care each week to a care recipient for
whom she has provided care for nearly three years.
In 2010, Coral was one of 113 respite care volunteers at
FamilyMeans that allowed the family caregiver to have a break,
which is usually the duration of 2-4 hours once a week. As
FamilyMeans prepares to celebrate its 25th year offering respite
care through its Caregiver Support program, Coral said she would
do it all over again.
Students at White Bear Lake High School make for a captive audience as
Financial Education Specialist Suzy Wheeler presents the facts about
financial responsibility.
“Providing respite care is such a healthy choice for anyone looking
to volunteer,” she said.
educatebudget community
financial stability
per capita incomes, there were some main differences. Landfall
was, and remains, its own incorporated city while Cimarron is a
community within Lake Elmo, owned and managed by a national
Yet, since 2008, FamilyMeans also runs a program in Cimarron
with activities geared to children and teens, ages five to 18 years
old. To date, it’s another success story.
“These programs show measurable, positive results that directly
flow from the leadership and staff involvement of FamilyMeans,”
Dwight said. “I think the model used in the Landfall and Cimarron
programs could be transferred to many other places looking to
create more opportunities for youth to thrive.”
A group of Cimarron children enjoy some afternoon fun. In 2010, volunteers
provided 1,200 hours to FamilyMeans youth programs in Landfall and Cimarron.
FamilyMeans youth program made lasting
impression on former board member
The summer months keep the kids busy with soccer games, bike
rides and field trips. During the school year, kids involved in
the FamilyMeans Youth Development Initiative at Landfall and
Cimarron enjoy art projects, cooking lessons and computer time,
among an array of activities offered to them.
The communities in Landfall and Cimarron provide year-round
drop-in programs for children and teens at no cost where they
can be with friends and enjoy activities in safe, age-appropriate
environments under the mentorship and supervision of
FamilyMeans staff members.
Former FamilyMeans board member and chair Dwight Cummins,
also an attorney with Cummins Law Office in the St. Croix Valley,
was impressed early on.
“When I first learned about the program in Landfall, the before
and after changes from when FamilyMeans was first involved really
spoke to me. The statistics were so clear,” said Dwight, referring
to the decrease in youth crime reported. A snapshot in time shows
Landfall averaged more than 33 juvenile offenses a year from
2001-2003 and seven juvenile offenses a year from 2004-2006.
Dwight recalled hearing how before FamilyMeans’ involvement
began, students used to get off the bus before the Landfall stop
so their classmates wouldn’t know where they lived. Today,
youth from Landfall invite their friends to participate in some of
the activities. “The quality of the programs offered to the kids is
impressive, and knowing how engaged the children and teens are
in so many activities is a testament to a well-run, solid program.”
The success at Landfall had made Dwight wonder if the program
could be replicated in Cimarron. While the two populations
were alike in being manufactured-home communities with lower
Moving forward becomes a reality after
counseling sessions
After the painful experience of two miscarriages in a short time
period, Angie was skeptical to try for a child a third time even
though her husband was determined. She felt frustrated by her
inability to carry a baby to term, making her feel like a failure as a
Unsure how to share these feelings with her husband, Angie
found herself disclosing personal information to a male friend who
seemed interested to listen. She liked having someone – a neutral
person – to share her feelings with, and became more comfortable
sharing more thoughts and feelings over time. The friendship
ultimately grew physical. It wasn’t long before Angie’s husband
had suspicions and found email exchanges that confirmed an affair.
Angie and her husband contacted FamilyMeans and met with a
therapist to discuss their marriage, the affair and the miscarriages.
The couple realized they shared the same emotions: fear, sadness,
frustration and alienation. Through open communication that
encouraged them to reveal their vulnerabilities in the counseling
sessions, Angie and her husband decided together to work on
healing their marriage and move forward as a couple.
FamilyMeans provided support through its mental health services
to more than 1,300 couples, families and individuals in 2010. In
December, FamilyMeans relocated to new office space in Hudson
for mental health and counseling services. The Stillwater office
location remains the same.
Employee assistance helps employees and
FamilyMeans Employee Assistance Program contracted with 20
companies in 2010 to help their employees and family members
resolve personal or work-related issues. This company-paid benefit
is voluntary and confidential.
volunteer learn
We celebrate our volunteers who live life with a purpose beyond themselves. Thanks to all of our
volunteers for your 17,548 hours of service provided to our communities through FamilyMeans.
2010 Volunteers
Bernard Abrahamson
Nancy Abrahamson
Jeff Alden
Connie Allen
Susan Altmann
David Anastasi
Joyce Anastasi
Katie Anastasi
Erin Ankrum
Shar Arnason
Joan Arndt
Bob Arnold
Kevalin Auluck-Wilson
Bridget Bahneman
Christina Bang
Dean Baran
Barbara Barnes
Keith Basney
Carol Becker
Gretchen Bell
Samantha Bengtson
Nick Blomstrand
Jason Bradshaw
Molly Bradac
Pat Brady
Leah Breitbach
Beverly Brodtmann
Karen Brooks
David Brown
Nicole Brown
Mary Brown-Lundmark
Coral Buchman
Karen Buege
Ken Buege
Amy Burbach
Bonnie Busson
Harold Busson
Marilyn Calver
Priscilla Campbell
Margaret Carasik
Orwin Carter
Mike Cavallaro
Helen Chatterton
Michael Clark
Jay Cylkowski
Diane Coderre
Corey Compardo
Amber Courtney
Laura Crimmins
Claire Cummins
Rebecca Cummins
Jay Cylkowski
Caryn Dahlberg
Bonnie Davis
Morgan Davis
Jan Debe
Tom DeGree
Nicole DeGroot
Marian Deilke
Gloria Desch
Mark Desch
Ryan Desch
Ashley Devine
Cindy Diegnau
Alicia Doerr
Shelly Doerr
Jenifer Doherty
Kari Drompp
Donncuan Dunlevy
Jacque Durhman
Madelyn Durhman
Pat Durhman
Emily Dzuik
John Ecker
Susan Edseth
Heidi Eger
Edda Ehret
Joyce Enright
Tyler Enright
Sharon Erickson
Ute Erickson
Lorie Etter
Scott Faust
Colin Fischer
Salvador Fleming
Charlie Finnigan
Emily Fitzgerald
Steve Flatten
Alyssa Ford
David Foster
Nancy Freppert
Naoko Fujioka
Avery Gallison
Jacque Garske
Ardee Gausman
Sandy George
Mrs. Marty
Chuck Gierke
Susie Gilbert
Jennifer Gillespie
Jean Girgen
Sherrie Goetze
Nick Gorski
Sandy Goss
Gerrie Granquist
Dick Gross
Theresa Gysbers
Marykay Haas
Joey Hakala
Leray Hallock
Marlene Hallock
Jenny Hanlon
Ben Hansen
Karen Ciegler Hansen
Tiffany Harper
Denise Harrington
Maggie Hart
Michelle Haukos
Peggy Hayden
Michael Hayden
Carol Hecht
DeShawn Henderson
Tray Henderson
Oliver Maldonaro-Torres
Tammy Hickey
Tasha Radford
Debbie Hill
Anita Hoggarth
Barbara Holland
Greg Holly
Greta Holly
Angela Hong
Morena Hospii
Teicko Huber
Sue Huebl
Tara Huhn
Heather Huna
Jackie Hunt
Amanda Ihnot
Don Irwin
Curt Jackson
Mary Jo Jackson
Patty Jelinek
Katie Jelle
Judy Jepsen
Douglas Johnson
Holly Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Judy Johnson
Meg Johnson
Michelle Johnson
Patty Johnson
Ron Johnson
Shauna Johnson
Timothy Johnson
Mathew Jones
Judy Jordan
Stevens Kahn
Katie Keller
Larry Keller
David Kelley
Maggie Kelly
Bryan Kemnetz
Ivy Kemnetz
Jennifer Kemnetz
Angie Kennedy
Rachel Klancher
Melissa Klemenhagen
Meghan Kloeber
Jane Knapp
Bob Koss
Jennifer Kovacich
Ann Kraemer
Bob Kriesel
Barbara Kroll
Kristin Kroll
Angie Kub
Jackie Lane
Whitney Langer
Adrienne Lanz
Larry Lappi
Paulette Lappi
Monica Leick
Pat Leinen
Shannon Leisch
Jeannie LeMere
Kathy Lindahl
Allyce Lindahl
Lori Lindquist
Mara Lindquist
Annette Loer
Panong Lor
Larry Loyer
Deloris Lund
Kathleen Luoma
Maddie Luoma
Vida MacDonald
Bruce Maki
Kathy Maki
Howard Markus
Lynne Markus
Lyle Marcus
Chris Marks
Laurel Martin
Maxine Mattison
2010 Volunteers
Angie Mazurkiewicz
Betsy McDonough
Elizabeth McGinley
Melissa McGinley
Emily McGinn
Kathi McMahon
Carl McMullen
Glen Medbery
Patricia Medbery
Rick Meierotto
Mary Meinecke
Jan Merten
Jackie Metelak
Tina Michaud
Kristi Mickus
Kerry Mildon
Lori Mildon
Leanna Miller
Mike Miller
Sandy Miller
Sue Miller
Cathy Mitchell
Jim Moeller
Jim Moenke
Hallie Moffitt
Patricia Moffitt
Amanda Mohawk
Teresa Mohawk
Yoseli Moreno
Linda Moses
Pakou Mua
Shirley Munn
David Munro
Mary Neary
Kathryn Nelson
Joan Newman
Beth Nygard
Dave Ogren
Karen Ogren
David Ohinger
Kaija Olson
Laura Olson
Colleen Orde
Jeremy Orth
Greg Palmer
Marilyn Palmer
Jessica Parcheta
Bob Parker
Pat Parker
David Paulson
Jane Pazlar
Kathy Pederson
Jess Peterson
Richard Peterson
Risë Pfouts
Amber Porvaznik
Jane Potish
Christy Prentice
Jane Purcell
Janet Rapp
Marjorie Raschke
Kelsey Reeves
Chris Richmond
Paul Richtman
Alona Rindal
Mary E. Rivett
Nancy Rodning
Andy Rollwagen
Ruth Ronning
Margaret Rowland
Francis Rubel
Andrea Rustad
Nikita Sabade
Mary Sample
Linda Schill
Patricia Schlorf
Lezlie Schriver
Don Schuld
Jessica Schuldt
Jennifer Schultz
Jennifer Scott
Lauren Scott
Christian Segora
Doug Seitz
Bonnie Sherod
Janet Simonson
Lori Siver
Doris Skeivik
Meredith Smalley
Carmen Smith
Nick Smith
Lenny Snellman
Mark Snow
Tyler Snow
Ben Snyder
David Snyder
Ella Snyder
Jennifer Snyder
Luke Snyder
Ramey Spears
Claudia Stannard
David Staska
Jaime Staska
Rose Steinbach
Al Steven
Mark Stevens
T. Chris Stewart
Erin Stohler
Sean Stokes
Christie Stringer
Gene Stringer
Heather Swanson
Terri Swenson
Meghan Talbot
Deanna Taube
Connie Thalacker
Dani Theis
Kate Therrien
Lisa Thibodeau
Theresa Thompson
Sam Tosteson
Eric Trosdale
Matthew Tuccito
Melissa Uppgren
Bonnie VanderVegte
Lee Vann
Lynn Vernon
Joyce Vesel
Ron Vesel
Deb Wagner
Sharon Waiwaiole
Colleen Wall
Rebecca Waller
Alison Walsh
Ann Wasescha
Agnes Watrin
Lorraine Weber
Jenna Weiss
Madeline Weiss
Jordan Weitzel
Shelby Welch
Sasha Wells
Darius Welton
Carolyn Wensman
Sofie Wicklund
Bill Wilkening
Matt Wilkening
Meg Wilkening
Austin Williams
Dawn Wilwert
Emily Witzmann
Andrew Wohlfeil
Janet Wolden
Becky Wood
Wendy Woods
Gary Wright
Regina Zedell
Bonnie Zimmer
Daryl Zimmer
Stephanie Zweber
Program Endowment Fund Donors
Thanks to these donors whose endowment gifts will support families for
generations to come.
Gifts made in 2010
Anthony & Susan Alleva
Anastasi & Associates
David & Joyce Anastasi
Anchor Bank
Kay & James Anderson
William & Eloise Barnard
James & Pamela Beaver
Arba-Della Beck
Irene Berg
Peter & Carol Bernaciak
The Bikery Cycling Club
John Bonhage
Nancy & Jeff Broderick
David & Gail Brown
Brian & Kathleen Buchholz
Lucy & Tom Carey
Jenifer Carlson
Central Bank
Alice Colombo
Kristin Corrigan
Doreen Cover
Steven & Lucille Crane
Dwight & Becky Cummins
Connie DeCler
Robert Dettloff
Mike & Susan Doe
Linda Ergen
Garth Gavenda
Mary Gillespie
Sara Gillespie
Pat & Sally Gogerty
Karen & Craig Hansen
Kelly & Steve Hansen
Robert & Frances Hearn
Donna Heins
Richard Hill
Shirley & Michael Hoefler
Amy & Mike Hooley
Delores & Don Hovland
Anne & Thomas
Vivian Hurley
Mina Ingersoll & Mike
Mary Jo & Curt Jackson
Judy & David Jessup
Dawn Johnson
Julia Kipka
Cynthia & Gregory Kneisl
Nancy Langness
Paulette & Larry Lappi
Carolyn Carlson Leys
Mike Lyner
John & Madeleine
Mark & Mickie Madsen
Ms. F.A. Magnuson
Dan & Becky McKay
Marilyn Moen
Sue & Tim Moore
John & Joan Murray
Nicholas & Kathryn Nelson
Karl & Lora Neumeier
Gudrun Nordby
James O’Brien & Angela
James S. O’Brien
Sharon O’Flannigan
John & Carol Oakland
Nancy Okerman
Park Midway Bank
Ms. Julianne Paukert
Tim & Bonnie Power
Peggy & Paul Quinn
Bernard & Diane Rappa
Valerie Richards
Patricia Rogers
Will & Deborah Rogers
Pete Sampair
Joseph Samuelson &
Myrlah Olson
Don & Charlotte Schuld
Dr. & Mrs. Hal Seim
James & Vicki Selmecki
Bonnie & Steve Sherod
Mrs. Dorothy Simonet
Joseph Simonet
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Skon
Jennifer & David Snyder
John & Ann Stamm
Mr. T. Chris Stewart
Tom & Suki Thomsen
Delores Traetow
Linda & Bob Turrentine
Terry Underhill
Dianne & Glenn Vierling
Suzanne Vogt
Ann & Warren Wasescha
Lorraine Weber-Salas
David & Janet Wettergren
Janet White
Mr. W. Joseph White
Ann & Steven Wolff
Please contact us about any
errors or omissions.
2010 Annual Fund Donors
* = Includes United Way Designated Funds
future transform
Thanks to our donors whose annual fund gifts helped us serve more than 23,784 people in 2010!
$2500 & Above
2 Anonymous gifts
Arba-Della Beck*
Gloria & Mark Desch
Tom and Patty Doar Foundation
William & Bonita Frels
Daniel & Heidi McKeown
Marilyn & David Palmer*
Richard & Maureen Schulze of
the Richard M. Schulze Family
Melanie J. Sullivan
Ten Dollar Trophy, LLC
Jenna & Nick Weiss
Karen Welke
Daryl & Bonnie Zimmer
Kathy & Gary Lindahl
Eileen & Michael Lundin*
Mike Lyner/RSP Architects, Ltd.
Elena & Brett MacDonald
Dan & Jean MacDonald, Sr.
Jerry & Mary McKoskey
Nicholas & Kathryn Nelson
Greg & Diane Palmer*
Peggy & Paul Quinn
Don & Snowell Raleigh*
Patricia Rogers*
Mrs. Dorothy Simonet
St. Croix Orthopaedics, Inc.
Lawrence & Sally Trom
Melissa & John Uppgren
$1000 to $2499
Anonymous gifts*
America’s Promise Alliance
Andersen Corporation
Gretchen Bell & Bill Hanaford
Kathryn Belzer
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
Kevin & Ev Bjork
Pat & Janet Brady
Michael & Jodi Clark
Don Conlin
Jim & Connie Counter
Carol & Tom Davis*
Kelly Davis
Eckberg, Lammers, Briggs, Wolff &
Vierling, P.L.L.P.
Betty & Bill Fierke
Ms. Carol Ann Fierke
Susie Gilbert
Michael & Suzanne Hangge
Karen & Craig Hansen
Quentin & Sally Heimerman
Terry Devitt & Michael Hoffman Family
Fund of The Saint Paul Foundation
Jack & Joyce Hooley
Mary Jo & Curt Jackson*
Douglas & Carrie Johnson
Orv & Kathy Johnson
Mary & Bill Keefer
Dr. Robert & Joan Knowlan
Joan & Joe Knuesel*
Lake Elmo Bank
Paulette & Larry Lappi
$500 to $999
1 Anonymous gift
3M Foundation
Anthony & Susan Alleva
Anastasi & Associates
Sarah J. Andersen
Kathryn Ball
Bob Bensen
Jane Boss
Jason & Brea Bradshaw
Dwight & Becky Cummins
Steve & Katie Danaher
Cub & Judy Davis
Susan Fierke
First Presbyterian Church
First State Bank & Trust
Jennifer Gillespie*
Melinda & Jared Hoke*
Amy & Mike Hooley
John & Colleen Hooley
David P. Ihle
Andrew & Virginia Kass
Kowalski’s Markets
Lake Area Bank
Patricia A. Leschke*
Mattel Children’s Foundation
David Munro
Arnette Nelson*
Jeff & Nancy Robertson
Rose Floral & Greenhouse
Sarah’s Cottage Creations
Steve Scallon & Sally Arneson
Don & Millie Scheel
Jennifer & David Snyder*
St. Croix Sensory, Inc.
Dr. David Stephens & Dr. Susan Ferron
Thomas J. Swedenburg*
Karl & Lorraine Vollstedt
Xcel Energy Foundation
Jerry & Joyce Wulf
John & Lucille Zignego
$250 to $499
2 Anonymous gifts
Lisa Adami*
Axdahl’s Garden Farm & Greenhouse
Bailey Nurseries
Bergmann’s Greenhouses & Farm
Bruce & Arline Beutel
Susan Brouillette & Jon Bosler
David & Gail Brown
Buell’s Landscape Center
Denice A. Carter-Christianson*
Central Bank
Marvin & Carolyn Clark*
Composting Concepts
Shelly & Dennis Doerr
Durand & Associates
Lorie & Thomas Etter
Ms. Chris Flaherty
Friday Study Club
Jenny & Jason Hanlon*
Vicki & Michael Hof
Susanna Hui*
Jean Jacobson
LeeAnne & Robert Jennings*
Bernadette Johnson*
The Martin and Esther Kellogg Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Rachel & Kevin Klancher
Jim & Amy Kroening*
David & Ann Langer
Langer Real Estate Services
Ms. Beverly Lloyd
Kathleen & Eric Luoma
Mattel Children’s Fund
Sylvia & John McAllister
Minnesota Women Lawyers
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Murphy
Lawrence & Kathleen Panciera
David Paulson*
Del & Marilyn Peterson
Jess T. Peterson
Michelle & Christopher Reinke*
The Riley Family Fund, a donor
advised fund of the American
Center for Philanthropy
Bill Ritter
Daniel Roth
Savanna Designs
Scandia Marine Lions Club
Terry & Bev Scully
Stillwater Lions Club
John & Jane Sweeney
Rebecca & Philip Taylor
Matt & Leah Tuccitto
Tom & Juanita Vaaler
VFW Post 5725 Lake Elmo
Lucille F. Walch*
Washington County Employees*
Charles Wikelius & Ann Bellows
Marlin & Janice Wollwage
$100 to $249
5 Anonymous gifts
Abrahamson Nurseries
David & Joyce Anastasi
Kären & Rex Bailey
Carolyn Stoltze Benepe
Judith V. Berke*
Blue Cross Blue Shield*
Charlie Bolognino*
Lana Brown*
Buberl Black Dirt, Inc.
Charles & Ute Buehler
Orwin & Anita Carter
Peter Clements & Sara Wagner
David & Mary Croft
Amanda & Jason Davis*
Norm & Jean Davis
Jan Degner
Merelyn Demoski
James & Barbara Dirlam
Susan Dustin
Jean Duwe
Albert & Helga Emrich
Paul Erickson
Federal Employees*
Tom Foels
Peter C. Geare
Marty & Patrick Gerkey
Mr. Jim Gorder
Jane Hopkins Gould
Kelly & Steve Hansen*
Doug & Bonnie Hanson
Michele & James Hermansen
Ms. Mary Holmberg
2010 Annual Fund Donors
* = Includes United Way Designated Gift
Todd Irey
Eric & Jerilyn Jackson
Merrill & Dody Johnson
Robert P. Johnson
Randy & Barbara Jones
Amy & Ryan Karlstad
Melanie & Al Karoff*
Randall Morgan & Shari
Bryan & Jennifer Kemnetz*
Herb Kohnke
Barbara Kroll
Kristin Kroll & Nolan Barrios
Bonita Kuslich
Lake Elmo Rotary
Stacy Lachowitzer*
Christi LeClair
Debra & Jeff Lee*
Gene & Phyllis Letendre
Jan Liedle*
Patricia Lockyear*
David R. Ludwigson*
Stephen Madsen &
Anne Schloegel
Lois Marston
Jennifer McCurdy
Jim & Marilyn Meier
Curt Moe & Kathy Harker
Matt Mondor
Dave & Kathleen Newman
Cathy & Robert O’Keefe
Timothy Old & Morgan Clifford
Out Back Nursery, Inc.
Sharon Pallarino
Rebecca J. Peterson
Jan Radinzel*
Jeff & Mary Ranta
Barbara Richardson
River Valley Athletic Club
Mary E. Rivett
Susan Rockwood &
Bradford J. Peterson
Andy & Patsy Rollwagen
Don & Charlotte Schuld
Gary & Lynn Schurrer
Philip H. Seman*
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W.
Simonet III
Ms. Clara Slayhi
David & Cheryl Smith
Peter & Nancy Stalland
Dick & Ann Stout
Nancy Sweet
Lori Taufen*
Tom & Suki Thomsen Donor
Advised Fund of the
St. Croix Valley Foundation
UnitedHealth Group Employees*
Yvonne M. Venier*
Dianne & Glenn Vierling*
Jeff Virant
William Voedisch &
Laurie Carlson
Ann & Warren Wasescha
Washington County
Horticultural Society Chapter
Kim & Kevin Webster
Deborah & Joe Wemette*
William Wilkening
Pat Wolf
Sandra Wolfe Wood*
Bill & Sue Funari
Ardee Gausman
Kathie Gegen
Greg Gella
Up to $99
Mary Gillespie
4 Anonymous gifts
George & Maria Gorbatenko
Charles & Joan Anastasi
Daryl & Linda Goughnour
Chad Anderson
Julie A. Greene*
Jeff & Kristie Anderson
Erin & Dick Gross
Lara Armstrong
Sharon Haessig
Linda & Tom Ash
Cindy Hanley-Thureson
Michelle Bailey
Thomas & Nancy Hansen
Teri E. Barnholdt
James Harris
Shawn Bartness
Haskell’s Fine Wine & Spirits
Jerry & Deanne Bauer
Burke Hegrenes
Mr. Bryan Bayerkohler
Sandy Heinsch
Carl Bayley
Wade & Teresa Hermes
Ms. Orphy Beattie
Ernie & Mary Hintze
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Bernardin
Margie Holmgren
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berube
Margaret & Gary Horning
Rebecca Billingsley
Greg & Charlotte Hubbard
Ashley & Jason Bird
Mary Huettl
Polly Blom*
Matt & Stephanie Hughes
Jessup Bordson
Anne & Thomas Huninghake
The Bridge Theater
Lisa M. Imsdahl*
Don & Kathy Bruce
Tom & Erica Jacobson
Kaira Buberl
Lori Jarchow
Coral & Roland Buchman
John Jendro
Ken & Karen Buege
Stephen Joachim
Dan Bur
Noel & Lauren Johnson
Sally & Bruce Butwin
Mr. & Mrs. O. W. Johnson
Caroline Byrne
Sandy A. Johnson*
Bob & Jody Bystrom
Paul & Ellie Jones
Tara & Charles Cadenhead
Art Junker
Mark & Shelley Campbell
Mr. Dan Kalusche
Margaret M. Carasik
Kristi Kampmeyer
Chapter E P P.E.O. Sisterhood
Natasha Kaslow
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Chatterton
Debra S. Kelley & Michael Hall
Jeff Christensen
Lori J. Kelly
Community Thread
Dorothy & Robert Kliegle
Sheldon Corey
Jane Knapp
Beau Crawford
Kelly Knox
Debbie Crea*
Carol Knutson
Eleanore Crump
Donna Kobs
Mary & Robert Dado
Dave Koch
Barbara Davis
Michael & Kristine Kohanek
Janet & Mark Debe
Dolores Denault & Ione Denault Lyman & Barb Kopp
Ryan Koshiol
Ernie & Donna Dielentheis
Christine Kostroski*
Claire Dunlap
Jennifer & Dan Kovacich*
Brian & Cathy Dyball
Daniel Kroening
Edna Grotjahn Early
Neil & Deborah Krueger
Alan Elfert
Brian Kuhn
Mr. Duane Elliott
David & Joanne Laird
Tom Emerson
RoxAnne Lamkin
Joyce & Brian Enright
Ron & Jennifer LaMone
Ms. Ellen Erickson
Edward & Lucille Lawson
John G. & Elizabeth B. Erickson Jacqueline Leatherman
Mary Erickson*
Dennis Lee
Michelle Fallahi
Jack & Gisela Lee
Tom Fehlen
Rick Leonard
Todd & Krista Feustel
Samuel & Susan Lewis
C. Kevin Foster
Courtney Ligday*
Jim Foster
Marvin & Marcia Lindseth
Kevin Foster
Kelly J. Logterman*
Rob Foster
Brian & Jane Luke
Bruce & Theresa Frafjord
Tracy & Brock Lundberg*
Robert W. Frebertshauser &
Katherine Lundell &
Lucille A. Frebertshauser
James Lundell*
Stephanie Frost &
Sheri Lunn
Kevin Luther
Arlo Piers-Frost
Ann & Steven Wolff
Gary & Joan Wright
Howard & Lynne Markus
Heidi Martin*
Dick & Regina McCarthy
Marilyn McCarty
John McManus
Todd McNamara
Robert & Janet Meisterling
Judy Melander
Melissa & Jonathon Moon
William E. Moore
Mary Morelli
Darlene Moynagh
Christine A. Mulcare*
Don Mullan
Jennifer & John Mullenbach
Jay Myers
Janice Nadeau
Dorie Nelson
John & Evalyn Nerbonne
Johan & Susan Nielsen
Joseph & Mary O’Brien
Tom O’Brien & Tina Michaud
Mrs. Ruth Ogren
Susan O’Malley
Jessica Parcheta*
Robert & Darlene Parent
Patricia Parker
Ken Pascutoi
Carol Patt
Les & Darby Paulsen
Elizabeth Pawloski
Ken & Nancy Pedersen
Tracy Peloquin*
Ferdinand Peterson
Dick & Leah Peterson
Helen A. Peterson*
Shawn Podevels
Jim & Diane Podratz
Polaris Industries*
Chris Powers
John Quast
Dave Rakowczyk
Daniel & Deborah Raleigh
Karen M. Reier*
Phyllis & J. Myron Reubendale
Kristina Robertson
Cindy Robins
Ann & Carroll Rock
Marty & Pat Rossini
Jennifer Ruhland &
Jeff Van de Walker*
Olaf & Ruth Rustad
Chad Schilling
Denise Schmidt
Phyllis Schmidt
Curt & Luann Schneider
Kevin & Mary Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Seaver
Jill A. Shannon
Marc Simon
Mrs. Eileen Simonet
Jeff Sinna
Amy & Richard Slachta
C. Jay & Cathy Sleiter
Justin Smith
Molly Snellman
Brandy Sokola
David & Donna Spencer
Claudia & Mark Stannard
Jodi Stannard
Susan & David Stenberg
Stillwater Family Chiropractic
Danelius Stodden*
Karen & Douglas Stoltzmann
Sigrid Strebe
Edward & Caroline Strugala
Al & Marlys Sturm
Julene & Jon Swenson
Carlos & Nancy Taylor
Donald & Mary Jo Teed
Thomson Reuters Employees*
Ann Marie Thurmes*
Marla Tipping
Helen Tomolillo*
Emily Urtel*
Valley Agencies, Inc.
Hobie VanValkenberg
Elizabeth & James Wade
Sandra Weaver
Pete Weesner
Jim & Joann Weil
David & Linda Weiss
Suzy & Jeff Wheeler*
Michelle Whitehead
Norma Wilson
Rachel & Tyler Winter
Steven & Maggie Wojan
Kathleen Zawislak*
A special thank you to
those who contributed
through the St. Croix
Garden Tour and the
Poinsettia Sale.
Please contact us about any
errors or omissions.
Community Events Benefiting FamilyMeans
Book Angels – Valley Bookseller
Charity Golf Tournament – Anastasi & Associates
Holiday Gift Drive – First Presbyterian Church,
Stillwater Motors, Student Assurance Services, Inc.
and Valley Bookseller
Holiday Open House – Rose Floral and Greenhouse
Poinsettia Sale – Rose Floral and Greenhouse
Financial Report
- $3,711,975
- $3,711,975
& Support
Revenue and
Support-- $3,948,223
Mental Health
Client Fees
CCCS Donations
United Way In-Kind
3 Anonymous gifts
45 Degrees
Autumn Cottage
Baglio’s of Afton
Bridget Bahneman
Kathryn Ball
Ann Bancroft
Arba-Della Beck
Lynn Benson
Bibelot Shops
The Bikery Cycling Club
Justin Bonestroo
Buffalo Wild Wings
Jon Chytracek
Thomas J. Conley
Crabtree’s Garden Gate
Cub Foods
Darn Knit Anyway
Judy Davis
Maureen Davis
Jill Davis-Kneeskern
Kate Donner
Doozie Chic Boutique
East Wind Farm
Echo Jewelry
Eckberg, Lammers, Briggs, Wolff, &
Vierling P.L.L.P.
Penny Elmers
Susan Engstrom
Joyce Enright
First Presbyterian Church
Fun Sisters Boutique
Tom Giannetti
Jennifer Gillespie
Gilbert Gragert
The Grand Banquet Hall
Greta Grosch
Katie Gruba
Stephen Hamrick
Ian & Maya Hanlon
Jenny Hanlon
Patricia Hanlon
Michelle Haukos
Hearts of the Home
Heritage Embroidery and Design
Images by Aimee
Kathy Jacobs
Jake’s on Main
Japa Salon
Joe’s Sporting Goods
Just for Me
Amy Karlstad
Melanie & Al Karoff
Rachel Klancher
Melissa Klemenhagen
Jennifer Kovacich
Kowalski’s Markets
Kristin Kroll
Landfall/Cimarron Youth Programs
Patricia A. Leschke
Lila & Claudine’s
Local Color on Main
Tracy & Monty Lysne
Mary Frances Accessories
Donna McGinley
Leanna Miller
Everett & Ann Myers
Kathryn & Chris Nelson
Julie & Rhett Neuman
Jennifer Novak
Onward Spirit
Jeremy Orth
Parent & Teachers Support Services
Park Tool Company
Rebecca Scott Designs
Red 24
Red Rover Kids
River Valley Dental Care, P.A.
Shelly Rock
Patricia Rogers
Rose Floral & Greenhouse
Rose Mille
Jennifer Ruhland
Jessica Schuldt
Seasons on St. Croix
Jeanne Smith
Ella Snyder
Jennifer Snyder
Squire House Gardens
Claudia Stannard
Jodi Stannard
James & Mary Stepan
Kathleen Strand
Sigrid Strebe
Student Assurance Service, Inc.
Studio Cates - Shawn Cates
Heather Swanson
Target Corporation
The Market
The Princess Closet
Thomas Grace Construction
Tom & Paula Tierney
Valley Bookseller
Valley Dance & Arts Academy
Dianne & Glenn Vierling
Melisa Wahlstrom
Washington Conservation District
Jenna & Nick Weiss
Lynn Weitzel
Wilde Roast Cafe
Norma Wilson
Ann & Steven Wolff
Kathy Wright
Tom & Anne Yuska
Sarah Zeller
Program Funding Sources
3M Foundation
Andersen Corporate Foundation
Fred C. & Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
Next Generation Fund of the
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
AnnMarie Foundation
Lillian Wright & C. Emil Berglund Foundation
F.R. Bigelow Foundation
Boss Foundation
Casey Albert T. O’Neil Foundation
Citi Cards
City of Landfall
Cub Foods
Cy Pres distribution
A Gannett Foundation grant, as recommended
by KARE 11
Hardenbergh Foundation
Gary and Nancy Hayden Family Donor Advised Fund
E.F. and Catherine Hrabe Donor Advised Fund
Huss Foundation
Kay Clint Fund Committee
Kopp Family Foundation
Lakeview Foundation
Mardag Foundation
Margaret Rivers Fund
Legacy Circle Members
Marquette Financial Companies
The McKnight Foundation
Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging
Metropolitan Regional Arts Council
Pohlad Family Foundation
RBC Wealth Management Foundation USA
Rochester Area Foundation
The Saint Paul Foundation
Richard and Maureen Schulze of the
Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
The Sheltering Arms Foundation
St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
St. Croix Valley Health & Care Research Foundation
Greater Twin Cities United Way
United Way of Chippewa County
United Way of Dunn County
United Way of Greater Eau Claire
United Way of Polk County
United Way of Washington County - East
United Way St. Croix Valley
Washington County, Family Homelessness Prevention
and Assistance Program (FHPAP)
Lee S. and Dorothy N. Whitson Fund of The Saint Paul
Xcel Energy Wisconsin
Youth United Way of Washington County - East
David and Joyce Anastasi
Arba-Della Beck
Michael and Jodi Clark
James and Mary Gillespie
Mary Jo and Curt Jackson
Deanna and Ed Kramer
Paulette and Larry Lappi
Kathy and Gary Lindahl
John and Carol Oakland
Greg and Diane Palmer
Del and Marilyn Peterson
Jennifer and David Snyder
Ann and Warren Wasescha
Jenna and Nick Weiss
Board Committee
Community Volunteers
Pat Brady
David Brown
Orwin Carter
Teicko Huber
Linda Moses
Greg Palmer
Sean Stokes
Board of Directors as of 12/31/10
Staff as of 12/31/10
Susie Gilbert, Chair
Michael Clark, Vice Chair
Douglas E. Johnson, Treasurer
Jennifer Gillespie, Secretary
Rebecca Cummins, Member at Large
Melissa Uppgren, Ex Officio
Arba-Della Beck, President
Jason Bradshaw
Scott Faust
Karen Ciegler Hansen
Rachel Klancher
Don Schuld
Ann Wasescha
Jenna Weiss
Arba-Della Beck
LeAnn Belisle
Lana Brown
Brian Burns
Julie Neitzel Carr
David Carroll
Sara Cramer
Amanda Davis
Carol Davis
Diane Dugas
Jody Dunlap
Nora Eiesland
Elizabeth Engstrom
Emily Erickson
Kelly Hansen
Sandy Harris
Katie Heilig
Linda Humburg
Margaret Irwin
LeeAnne Jennings
Wayne Jennings
Berni Johnson
Melanie Karoff
Jennifer Kovacich
Jim Kroening
Debra Lee
Pat Leschke
Pat Lockyear
Shane Long
Eileen Lundin
Next Generation Leadership Council
Katie Anastasi
Mike Clark
Ryan Desch
Jenny Hanlon
Angie Kennedy
Rachel Klancher
Kristin Kroll
Jess Peterson
Jessica Schuldt
Claudia Stannard
Heather Swanson
Matthew Tuccitto
Jenna Weiss
empower partner
lmissioncounsel results
Catherine Majkowski
Edward McCarthy
Arnette Nelson
Vanessa Ng
Rachel Parkin
Erin Patchin
Jan Radinzel
Janet Rapp
Karen Reier
Debbie Suennen Rickard
Patricia Rogers
Lisa Schiemann
Theresa Simms
Jennifer Snyder
Eli Snyder
Jaime Staska
Carissa Stepan
Gary Swanson
Dianne Vierling
Gretchen Weber
Deb Wemette
Jenny West
Suzy Wheeler
Carmen Wilkinson
Marlin Wollwage
Tom Yuska
Brad Crnobrna
Susan Gibbons Jordan
Kimberly Miller
Maria Wasem
Sue Dorsch
Maggie McCormack
Patrick R. Stokes, MD
1875 Northwestern Avenue S.
Stillwater, MN 55082
FamilyMeans is accredited by the Council on Accreditation
and is licensed to do mental health counseling, financial
counseling and debt repayment in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Minnesota locations:
Cimarron, Landfall,
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnetonka,
Rochester, Stillwater
Wisconsin locations:
Eau Claire, Hudson