equipment for sale - Equipment Mart Ads
equipment for sale - Equipment Mart Ads
$12,900 SC-2400, 24HP Getting the Right Tools to Get the Job Done Right with River Valley Equipment No Minimum! No Reser ve! @ WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM only 650 hrs. 2006 Bomag BW211D-3 Single Drum Roller online bidding Phone 707-552-0739 • Fax 707-552-8613 50 Solano Avenue, Vallejo, CA 94590 e-mail: [email protected] COMMERCIAL LIQUIDATORS & APPRAISERS Bond #14663700622 • CSL #A1621 FIRST CAPITOL AUCTION INC. For more information or a FREE BROCHURE call 707-552-0739 or visit us on the web at: See page 17 for more pictures and information Pacific Gas & Electric HERTZ EQUIPMENT RENTAL Over 50 Government Agencies Construction Equipment, Government Fleet Vehicles From December 17th & 18th, 2010 San Francisco Bay Area • 50 Solano Ave., Vallejo, CA 2 DAY PUBLIC AUCTION ONLINE Affordable Advertising That Works! ..cco om m For Ad Information CALL: 800-822-9932 or 541-582-0300 FAX: 541-582-1273 • E-Mail: [email protected] VO L U ME 1 8 • N U M BE R 2 3 • D ECE MB ER 3 - D EC EM BER 2 2 , 2 0 1 0 850 ver In At O tions a n c Lo ester 7 W ates t S FREE ADS NEW & USED TRUCKS, TRAILERS, HEAVY EQUIPMENT & MORE!!! w ww ww w.. CONTACT INFORMATION: FIND US AT: FOR RENT DOZERS: Cat D8T with rippers Cat D6RIIXL with rippers Cat D6NXL with rippers Cat D5NXL with rippers Cat D5GXL with rippers GRADERS: Cat 140H with rippers Blade Pro Laser available EXCAVATORS: Cat 345BL II 100,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer Cat 330CL 80,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer Cat 325CL 65,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer Cat 321C LCR 58,000 Lbs w/ thumb Cat 320CL 45-50,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer Deere 120C 28,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer Deere 50C 11,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer 35D 8,000 Lbs w/ thumb & hammer BACKHOE: Cat 420E A/C & heat cab, 4 in 1 bucket, 2008 Deere 332 A/C and heated cab, two speed, hi flow, 92 original hrs, like new $29,500 (Steel tracks available) 2006 Link Belt 135 A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb, hyd coupler, aux hyd, blade, 2000hrs, night tight machine $64,500 Attachments $57,500 DOZER- PARTS & ATTACHMENTS 4x4, E-stick HAMMER: Kent 40GII 8,000 Lbs NPK 5,500 Lbs Kent KF22 4,000 Lbs Kent KF12 2,000 Lbs 1000 Lbs 500 Lbs OFF ROAD TRUCKS: Deere 400D 40 ton Cat 730 30 ton LOADERS: Cat 930G 3 yd bucket & pallet forks Cat IT 38G 3.75 yd bucket & pallet forks Cat 950G 4 yd bucket & pallet forks SKIDSTEERS Cat 257B 7,500 Lbs COMPACTORS: Cat 815F Cat Cs 563E 84” drum, pad feet available Cat Cs 433E 66” drum, pad feet available 50 Ton Pneumatic Roller Bomag Hand Jumping Jacks LIGHT PLANTS Boom Lifts/Scissors Lifts 40’ Boom 4x4 diesel 60’ Boom 4x4 diesel 1930 Scissor Lift 2632 Scissor Lift 2646 Scissor Lift 3246 Scissor Lift 2005 Deere 120C A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb, coupler, aux hyd, good U/C, nice machine 2002 Cat 307CSB 2001 Cat 320CL A/C and heat, hyd thumb, coupler, aux hyd, blade, swing boom, rubber pads, clean machine, job ready A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb and coupler, aux hyd, system tool, good U/C $49,500 $67,500 2002 Cat 325CL 2003 Cat D5GXL A/C and heated cab, hyd thumb and coupler, aux hyd, good U/C, nice tight machine, job ready condition A/C and heated cab, 6-way blade, rear ripper, good U/C, well maintained machine $87,500 $54,500 Brush Rake- Width= 10' 1" Brush Rake- Width= 8' Brush Rake- Width= 7' 4" Brush Rake- Width= 10' 9" Brush Rake- Width= 11' 5" Brush Rake- Width= 7' 8" Brush Rake- Width= 7' 3" Brush Rake- Width= 9' 9" Brush Rake- Width= 9' 10" Cat D8R Multi shank ripper Mann Mann Mann Fleeco LOADER PARTS & ATTACHMENTS Case 621- 2.75 yard 4-n-1 bucket Cat 980C- Bonus Bucket 5-6 yard bucket Cat 928G 2.25 yard bucket 1 yard misc. bucket Skidsteer tooth bucket Ford 9030- 1 yard bucket Log Forks- 2-3 yard Log forks- 5-6 yard, Komatsu WA-450 Log Forks- 6 yard 3 yard JRB coupler front sweeper w/tank WINCHES, ARCHES, & FAIRLEADS Hyster D6E & D6C Winches Gearamatic 22 hydraulic winch Young Arch w/ 4 rollers CAT D8 size Fairlead w/ 4 rollers Scraper Can Puller Winch For D7F CAT Misc. Winch with Fairlead Misc. Arch w/ 3 rollers GRADER PARTS & ATTACHMENTS 2/2004 Deere 400D Ex-Gov 2004 New Holland TV 145 40 Ton, A/C and heated cab, 6x6, well maintained machine, job ready condition A/C and heated cab, Heavy duty Tiger side boom flail mower, Pto, articulating, good rubber, low hrs. $119,500 $64,500 Ex-Government 2004 New Holland TS 115A 115HP, 4x4, A/C and heated cab, side boom rotary cutter, new rubber, 1,400hrs, nice and clean • $64,500 Cat 140G Front Scarifier JD 770B Front Scarifiers(5) Champion 730A-740A Front Scarifier Cat 140G Front Lift Groups(3) JD 770B Front Lift Group JD 770B Front Blade Attachment(3) Cat 140G Front Blade Attachment(2) JD 772CH Snow blade Attachement(2) Champion 730A Snow side wing attach. Cat 140G Snow side wing attach.(4) JD 772CH Front Push block(2) JD 772CH Complete Ripper Assembly JD 770B Quick Blade Ripper attach. Cat 140G- 13 wheel Follow-Me-Wobblies.(2) JD 770B Mold board blade Rear Ashpalt pulverizer TRACTOR PARTS & ATTACHMENTS Ex-Government 1980 Deere 672A 2002 IR VR843 43’ Reach Lift 6x6 all wheel drive, Erops heated cab, 14’ blade, front scarifire, well maintained machine • Call 8,000 Lbs, 4x4, good rubber, stabilizers, very clean $19,500 Trades Accepted • 100% financing OAC Ex-Government 2002 Volvo G736 VHP 6x6 all wheel drive, Erops A/C & heated cab, 14’ blade, rear ripper, good rubber, 4,300hrs, good rubber, very clean $82,500 Ford/N.H.9030 Double wing mower attach.(2) Ford/N.H. 9030-Front attach. 2006 IRloader PT-125R Ford/N.H. 9030- Sweeper attach.Roller 9 Wheel Pneumatic water system, 1,200hrs, EXCAVATOR PARTS & ATTACHMENTS well maintained machine Cat 322- JB Hendrix Quick Connect Cat 320- Excavator$49,500 Cab w/ door Flail Brush cutter attachment Cat 320Bl- Main Boom section 6731 Crater Lake Hwy. • Medford OR 97504 COMPACTION PARTS & ATTACHMENTS Cat 816- Landfill compactor blade IR SD100-115- Front blade for roller Cat- Front push blade TOLL FREE: 866-205-7113 OFFICE: 541-830-3966 MISC. JD Buckets-12", 30", 36" Misc. Ripper attachment Truck Rear-End Differential Truck Lift Axle Champion Gearco Grader Trans (9150) JD-Engine, Turboed 4Cyl (4039TF001)(2) CAT 4cyl Turbo engine Mod.-7JK26849 Tires for all different types of equipment FAX: 541-830-0157 RANDY: 541-944-5067 Page 2 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 E-MAIL US AT [email protected] • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 Equipment Co. Bend, OR (541)610-3900 VIEW~ Shop truck, Fuel truck & Water truck for sale. See website. Copper Sheet $4.25 Lb. • Misc. Sizes 24” & 36” Wide Grating. Call for pricing. 2007 Bobcat S205 Skid Steer Loader GP bucket, pallet forks, 62HP, 2050lbs load cap., only 149 hrs. Like New! • $25,500 Dryer Rollers. $25 each 4” Galvanized, Schedule 40 Pipe. Call for pricing. 1996 Volvo L330C Wheel Loader 9 yard spade nose bucket, tires: 35/65R33 F @ 40%, R @ 60% $47,500 1990 John Deere 744E Wheel Loader 1975 Cat 980B Wheel Loader 5 yard bucket, tires: 26.5 X 25 front and rear @ 15% • $25,500 spade nose bucket, tires: 29.5 X 25 @ 50% Galion 118 Motor Grader Complete Set of Cat D8H or D8K Used Pads $25,500 White City Metals Steel • Aluminum • Stainless • Brass • Copper New & Surplus • We Buy Scrap Metals • Concrete Mesh & Rebar 541-826-3242 7130 Crater Lake Hwy. • White City (Medford) M-F 8-5, Sat 8-3 • Also in Klamath Falls at 2825 Broadmore • 541-883-3583 12' blade, rippers. Very Nice Shape! 60+ %, nuts and bolts included $3,000 $6,500 1986 Komatsu WA 450 Wheel Loader 4.5 yard bucket, tires: 26.5 X 25 F @ 40%, R @ 60% • $32,500 2004 John Deere 200C LC Excavator 28" & 42" buckets, thumb, Q/C, auxiliary plumbing, 2980 hrs., real nice $69,500 Equipment For Sale • Equipment For Sale Clark 6000 lb. Forklift. Propane, hard tires. Trade in your old trailer towards a new trailer! NEW TRAILERS: Size 5x8 5x10 7x12 7x18 7x18 7x18 7x20 5x10 Description GVWR Landscape w/ swing ramp gate 3.5K 3.5K Landscape w/ gate, black Drift Boat 3.5K Angle Car Hauler 7K Tilt Car Hauler 7K Equipment Hauler 10K Equip w/dove & standup ramps 14K Light Duty Dump 7K Was $1,562 $1,692 $1,672 $2,489 $3,139 $3,356 $4,175 $4,581 Now $1,425 $1,606 $1,372 $2,360 $2,976 $3,194 $3,974 $4,360 USED TRAILERS: 5x10 Flatbed 3.5K $ 500 $ 425 541-855-0400 or 888-239-3647 (Toll Free) 9129 Hwy 234 in Sams Valley Financing Available On Approved Credit DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 Hyster C350B Tandem Roller w/ 54” drums. Good condition. $3,500 $1,400 Hyster XL110. LP gas, side shift, great shape. $8,500 JD 640C Skidder. Esco grapple, winch, less than 50 hours on reman. motor. Tires over 50%, excellent shape. $18,500 30’ Haulmark Toy Hauler. 4 doors, interior power, lites and more. Like new. ......$8,750 (2) Champ 8,000# Forklift. Rough Terrain, 30-Foot Reach. Sideshift..........$9,500 each Cat V180-B Forklift. 18,000 lb., diesel, sideshift, 3 speed, auto, great shape....$14,500 JD Challenger 7020 4x4 Tractor. Encl. cab, heat and air, new tires, low hours .$19,500 Gradall G-660-C. Pilot controls, 1-man operation, excellent condition, trade? $12,900 Hyster 10,000 Lb. forklift. LP gas, sideshift, good condition................................$7,500 Drott 4-Ton Deck Crane. Good shape.....................................................................$8,500 Photos Of All Our Equipment @ Visit C&L Western under View Ads 541-821-3329 541-776-4060 (m essag e) EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM • Medford Ar ea PAGE 3 REDMOND EQUIPMENT COMPANY Financing OAC Redmond, Oregon Used We BUY Heavy Equipment Call Mike or Dean 541-480-0942 or 503-956-1838 Shipping ers n i a t n Co Just In 2005 Takeuchi TB135 Mini Excavator 2006 Kubota KX121-3 Excavator LOW 921 hours, NEW hyd thumb & rubber tracks, quick coupler, 18" bucket, angle blade, auto idle, two speed, Kubota diesel. Just serviced. Compare to NEW at ONLY $27,250 ROPS, hydraulic thumb, C&P quick coupler & bucket, blade, 2 speed, rubber tracks with approx. 40% remaining, Yanmar diesel, 2,245 hours with all lights & gauges working, well maintained & strong runner Toll free 1-877-861-0377 ONLY $18,250 20KW KUBOTA POWERED WRICO PLATINUM DIESEL GENERATOR SET Just In Just In Perfect for storage (17qty) 20ft cans (31qty) 40ft cans. Clean and water tight containers look nice. Must sell. Down sizing yard space. Call and make offers. NEW 2006 Case 580 Super M Series 2 Backhoe PILOT CONTROLS, 4x4, xhoe, aux. hydraulics to rear, Tier 2 Case/Cummins turbo diesel. One owner well maintained unit with operators manual. 3,193 hours ONLY $31,990 2005 Bobcat 341 Excavator 12,000# weight class with CAB/HEAT/AC, hyd thumb, quick coupler, near new 24" bucket, 2-speed, blade, control pattern changer, Kubota 4 cyl diesel. Work ready with just 2,779 hours ONLY $24,500 Other sizes available Buy Factory Direct & Save!! Eugene 541-744-4333 1997 Morbark 1300 Tub Grinder rebuilt Cat 3412 950HP diesel, 11' tub, magnetic head pulley. Work ready. Lot of machine • $89,900 obo • Water cooled • 1800 rpm • safety shutdown system • 120/240 volt • Remote Start/Stop • very fuel efficient • long life Kubota Diesel Engine $8,230 1984 Case 580 Super E Backhoe 2wd, extendahoe, recent NEW Case/Cummins 4-390 diesel Won't last at ONLY $10,500 I-5 TR UCK & EQUIPMENT 530-824-4343 • 530-521-5915 (cell) Corning, CA $11,500 2006 New Holland TC45A Tractor 250TL loader with 73" bucket, MFWD, 12 speed shuttle shift, 3 pt hitch with quick coupler, 45 HP 4 cyl diesel. ALSO includes 72" Bush Hog mower AND a Woods 72" box scraper, LOW 712 hrs, LOT of tools • ONLY $18,750 6-way blade, rippers, screen/sweeps, recent NEW track pads. Case/Cummins 4 cyl turbo diesel with 4,555 hours. Ready to go • ONLY $29,250 t ke uc B 4/1 Cat 235 Excavator 1998 Case 580 Super L Series 2 Backhoe 1,683 hours, NEW tires, 75HP Kubota turbo diesel, 2-speed, aux. hydraulics, strong machine ONLY $21,800 ONLY $15,990 E Q U I P M E N T AVA I L A B L E 1997 Morbark 1300 tub grinder, Cat 3412 900 HP diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89,900 OBO 2005 Takeuchi TB175 excav, cab, thumb, coupler, 3,050 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . COMING 1999 Cat 226 skidsteer, good rubber, aux. hyd., LOW 1,675 hours. . . . . . . . . . . . SOLD 1994 Cat 312 excav, hyd thumb, coupler, 2 buckets, 5,584 hrs, ex-forest. . . . . . . CALL 2004 Takeuchi TL130, aux. hyd,, good rubber, 1,975 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,950 2005 Takeuchi TL150, cab/heat/AC, good rubber, 1,945 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . PENDING 1980 Case 580C backhoe, runs good. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL 1999 Gradall 534C6 reach fork, Cummins, super clean, 3,470 hrs. . . . . . . . . . . $17,990 1990 Case 580K backhoe, cab/heat, 4/1 BUCKET, xhoe, 5,260 hrs . . . . . . . . . . $18,900 1999 Case 580SL II backhoe, cab/heat/AC,4x4, xhoe, 7,800 hrs, runs good. . . $20,500 Cast backhoe boom to fit Case 590 Super L, like new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,500 REZLOH cutting edge to fit Case 1840/40XT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 150 30” pin on bucket to fit Case 9010 excavator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 550 18” to 24” buckets to fit Deere backhoes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL 12” to 36” buckets to fit Case backhoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL NEW skidsteer pallet forks to fit all brands, 3,000# rated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 950 NEW UNDERCARRIAGE FOR MOST MAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CALL NEW INDECO HAMMERS & PARTS AVAILABLE • NEW & USED BUCKETS AVAILABLE CALL TODAY FOR PRICING • DELIVERY AVAILABLE Page 4 1995 Pete 357 42 inch bucket Cat 3306, 8 spd, 20k front, 46k rears, wet kit, #386007 $5,000 $1,500 1998 Hyster H110XL2 Eaton 402/4.11 Frame Clip 2006 Bobcat S220 Skidsteer 4/1 loader bucket, 4x4, extendahoe, ROPS with stereo. Just serviced with 4,509 hours. Nice, tight machine O T H E R $8,500 2001 Case 750H Dozer propane, S/S lumber forks, 10k lift KW 8 bag $1,800 $4,500 Curtain Side Bobtail Box 18 foot 1985 Reliance 15 ft. Transfer Gear $1,800 truck box and trailer, #853721 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING WANT TO BRING YOUR AD RIGHT TO OUR OFFICE? WE’RE AT 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER OR DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 GOSHEN EQUIPMENT I-5 and Hwy. 58 (Exit 188) • 34024 Old Willamette Hwy., Eugene, OR 97405 Phone 541-741-2025 • Fax 541-741-0297 • e-mail: [email protected] ONAN 45D4J 45KW Gen CLARK 666 Skidder AC powered, 180 hrs., single & 3 phase Gearmatic winch, hyd. blade, rear tires like new, front tires good Price F.O.B our yard $1,695 $7,950 $6,950 We will buy your equipment or take consignment 1995 FORD 1/2 ton 4x4, 302 auto, nice truck $2,450 1999 FORD 550 KOMATSU Forklift gas powered $2,950 EZ GO Chuckwagon 4x4, low hrs., dump bed $5,250 CAT Backhoe Buckets & Small CAT Excavator Buckets some new 1975 INT'L Dump Truck V8 $5,500 $4,500 CAT 416 Backhoe LIFTALL LT50D with forks and bucket towable, JD powered $15,000 $7,950 $6,500 GRADALL LIFTALL 4BT CUMMINS power, side shift, late model, low hrs. $10,000 $9,500 DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 1954 Ford Fire Truck 12' bed, 109K mi., tool boxes, air, auto, nice truck decent shape $6,950 $6,250 $2,500 $2,250 2005 JD TX Gator 4x2 $3,650 PRENTICE 600B $9,950 $5,500 ZIEMAN 2650 CAT D6C Dozer with ramps, like new 10K winch, double tilt, fresh engine, 0 time $5,500 $25,500 1993 MACK 4 axle, 60 series DETROIT power, 18 spd transmission SKAGIT SJ3 2006 FORD 450 3 drum & haywire 4.5 Power Stroke, dump bed $24,950 $22,950 $8,950 $7,950 $17,500 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM PAGE 5 6700 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point, OR 97502 Medford Area phone: 541-826-6580 fax: 541-826-6672 2004 FORD F-250 4X4 XLT Super Cab with 8' Flatbed w/ stake pockets. New flatbeds, utility beds and pickup bodies available. 52k miles on Power Stroke Diesel. Call or email for more info. #1539 $22,900 1999 INTERNATIONAL 4700 11' Service body with sliding top cover and pull out drawers. 5016IMT crane with 8600lb max capacity. Hydraulic outriggers and IMT hydraulic air compressor. 303k miles on T444E motor and 5+2 transmission. Don't let the miles fool you, this is one NICE truck! #1412 • $23,900 1989 FORD L-8000 Custom Crane 1996 GMC TOP KICK 4,000 Gallon Water Truck 1992 VERMEER 1250 TURBO BC 12" Auto-Feed disc chipper w/ rotating chute. ONLY 1551 HRS on Perkins diesel! #3033 w/ front, rear and left side air-valve sprayers. Top mount remote water cannon and rear step spray bar. Hose & reel. PTO powered. #0267 $24,900 $8,900 1990 FORD F-800 16' Flatbed dump w/ removable side racks & under-body tool box. Rear mount 20K lb hydraulic winch. Behind cab mount Autocrane 5005H crane w/ 5,000lb lift capacity and 25' max height. PTO powered. 142k miles on I-6 turbo diesel. #7231 long bed pickup, "SNOWAY" 4-way snow plow w/ quick disconnect, 120k miles on 5.7l EFI, very clean truck. #7574 $9,900 3 Axle chassis w/ 18' Flatbed. National 7000 Series crane, model # 775B. 33,000lb lift cap. w/ 85' max reach. 4 Hydraulic outriggers. Dual side controls. 43k miles on an I-6 turbo diesel and 13 speed transmission. #2361 • $19,900 $11,900 $7,900 2007 BRUSH BANDIT CHIPPER 1995 Ford F-Series Newer Smith Equip 4000 gallon water tank with Reyco 4 spring suspension and 40,000lb rear axles. Front, rear and left side sprayers. About 650k miles on rebuilt Detroit. Absolutely perfect truck. 11' Utility bed w/ Altec AO300 aerial lift. 36' Platform height w/ 300lb bucket capacity. Emergency start, stop & power. Only 99k miles on a 3116 CAT and an Allison Automatic. #4443 1993 CHEVY 2500HD 4X4 Plow 1997 Freightliner Self feeding disk type chipper with 15"X 25" throat opening. The largest feed system in its class! Hydraulic rotating discharge chute with 360 degree movement. ONLY 103 HRS! Like new condition and save thousands!! #1762 5.9L Cummins diesel, automatic, 48360 miles, VST3600I Versalift with 36' platform height, 11' utility box with 20" rear work bench, PTO powered. #7792 $29,900 $10,900 $26,500 2001 FREIGHTLINER FL70 Sweeper Air bear vacuum sweeper w/ left & right curb brushes and water system. Hi-dump hopper. Left & right cab controls. #5205 $24,900 2 Left 1997 GMC C-7500 SL 3116 Cat Turbo, diesel, 6 spd. Allison auto, 11' Utility bed w/ electric-over-hydraulic pipe rack. Behind cab Ingersoll Rand P160WJDU air compressor. 160 cfm @ 100 psi & power hose reel. Powered by John Deere diesel. Will change bed, ask about our flatbed and dump options! #8859 • $8,900 2004 FORD F-450 4X4 9' flatbed with utility boxes and overhead rack. pull out drawers and power inverter for running 110V power. 12k lb Warn front winch. Will separate bed. 73k miles on a Power Stroke diesel. #7591 $17,900 2003 FORD F-550 4X4 AERIAL 9' Utility bed with a High Ranger TL38P Aerial lift. 38' platform height (about 45' working height) and 350lb bucket capacity. Power Stroke diesel with 158k miles and automatic transmission. #8962 • $24,900 1997 FORD F-450 9' Utility with 29" rear work bench. Altec AT-35 with 35' platform height and 300lb bucket capacity. Newer tires! 2 available! #9073 $9,900 2002 FORD F-750 Forestry Unit 1997 INTERNATIONAL 4900 Altec D845A Digger Derrick with lower and upper controls for optional man bucket. 15,000lb capacity and 35' reach with hydraulic capston winch on right. Unit has a 20" auger. 55k miles on DT530 and Allison automatic. Truck is very clean and ready to work! #0919 Forestry package w/ 11' chip dump body and cross-body "L" tool box. Versalift V0255 aerial lift. 55' Platform height w/ 62' working height. 350lb. bucket capacity. Upper & lower controls w/ emergency stop. Hydraulic tool circuit. (2) Hydraulic outriggers. PTO powered. Only 61k miles on a 3126 CAT and manual transmission! California legal #1776 Get A Kick $24,900 Page 6 1997 INTERNATIONAL 4700 1999 FORD F-350 4x4 11' Utility bed w/ Altec AO300 aerial lift. 36' Platform height w/ 300lb bucket capacity. Emergency start, stop & power. Under CDL and hydraulic brakes. #7281 9' Utility bed with interior lighting. New Ford Factory transmission w/ 3 year, 75,000 mile warranty! #9183 $12,900 $9,900 Deal At Oregon Truck Sales! $44,900 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 E-MAIL US AT [email protected] • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 Hunt Tractor 888-791-7815 5200 Crater Lake Ave. Central Point 97502 (541) 779-3587 evenings & weekends Heavy Equipment • Heavy Equipment Attachments VIEW OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY ON-LINE 1998 JD 650G 6-way blade, new paint, good machine! $19,500 2004 Bandit 65AW Chipper 12" x 9" drum feed $6,950 2000 JD 310SE cab, 4x4, ext-hoe, Q/C $28,000 1966 JD 440 Log Skidder winch, arch $9,950 1987 Eager Beaver 10 Ton Trailer ramps, elec. brakes $3,750 Trailer Mounted Cornell 2.5H Pump 500GPM max, JD diesel $12,500 1987 Hyster H110XL 11k lb cap., side shift, propane $7,500 1994 JD 690ELC guarding, thumb, Q/C, cat walks $24,500 2004 Bomag BW177D-3 66" smooth drum, vibratory, 921 hrs $29,500 1978 GMC 6500 Fire Truck 5 spd, 500 gal tank, V-8, tires 90% $3,250 1998 Komatsu PC35R-8 thumb, Q/C, blade, rubber tracks $13,000 2006 JLG 400S 40' boom, 500lb capacity, Deutz diesel, 2wd $19,500 ALL IN-STOCK ATTACHMENTS ON SALE NOW! We have over 1,000 attachments in stock. We carry new and used attachments for all makes and models of heavy equipment! • New and Used Excavator & Backhoe Buckets • New and Used Thumbs for Excavators & Backhoes • New and Used Quick Couplers for Excavators & Backhoes • New and Used Hydralic Breakers and Compactors • New and Used Skid Steer Attachments and Buckets If we don’t have exactly what you need we can find it for you. Call Dave Bishop for details or visit our website for a complete inventory list, including pictures and prices. 541-882-7799 And D&D SEEDS Farm Equipment Sales KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON NEW C & B FBR Trailer 7000 GVW, 4 electric brakes, ramps, 18 feet $2,300 See D & D Seeds for all your SPREADER needs only 1 available Kymco MXU 375 4x4, automatic w/ high low range independent suspension, 2"receiver hitch, 1 yr. warranty $4,600 Snow Plow Ready 800-892-5348 Deutz Fahr The worlds most fuel efficient tractors. Starting at 77 HP. D & D Seeds is the Only Boss Plow Distributor in Oregon and N. California Year end clearance pricing available now We also have service and parts for many other brands. only 1 available 1994 Daihatsu (Toyota) Mini Truck 4x4, differential lock, new paint, off road use only, runs good $4,700 Kymco 500 New C & B Aluminum Trailer 4x4, automatic w/ high low range independent suspension, 2"receiver, 1 year warranty 5 X 12 w/ ramp, 2950 GVW $5,500 $1,500 Alfalfa, Grass, Grain and Reclamation Seeds • E-MAIL: [email protected] • • FINANCING AVAILABLE DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM PAGE 7 Page 8 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING WANT TO BRING YOUR AD RIGHT TO OUR OFFICE? WE’RE AT 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER OR DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 ENVIRO “CHIPPER” INDUSTRIES, INC. SALES • RENTALS NEW & USED 2010 Morbark Model M12R 12” wood chipper with 84 HP Kubota diesel engine, dual feed wheels, hydraulic down pressure, auto feed, air impeller system, 360 degree discharge chute. List $32,000. Trigg Bus Sales, Inc. 7197 S. Tull Road, Canby, OR 97013 Sales: (503) 803-9835 • Service: (503) 709-7952 • Fax: (503) 266-0196 Used Buses, All Kinds $29,900 after discount!!! Demos available! Financing available! 541-855-2048 We Service All Makes & Models Of Buses, Including Roadside Assistance 6731 CRATER LAKE HWY. Gary Whipple Parts & Equipment MEDFORD, OR 97504 Days: (541) 830-3966 Fax: (541) 830-5966 2101 Ave. F • White City, Oregon 97503 (541) 826-8288 Cargo Containers 20’ & 40’ Available Wind & Water Tight Haul Up To 139,000 Lb. on Deck Rentals Also Available CENTRAL EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 2002 Kubota KX121-2 Excavator. New & Used Construction Equipment That’s Priced To Sel Cab/air. 5150 hours, QC thumb, new rubber tracks. $19,950 2005 B7800 Kubota. 30hp, hydrostatic, 53 hours. W/ 60” mower. $9,975 $18,900 SVL75 & SVL 90 KUBOTA COMPACT TRACK LOADERS. IT’S AWESOME!!! 500 Gas, 900 Diesel, 1140 2 Seat Ask about 0 Down, 0% Interest for 60 Mon. COME IN FOR A DEMO & ASK ABOUT 0% DOWN, 0% INT. Kubota L48 Industrial Tractor/Loader Backhoe. 102 hours. Like new. $31,500 2000 Cat 236 Skid Steer Loader. 1 set foam filled tires, 1 set of std tires, steel tracks, 1464 hours, nice shape. $14,560 1977 International equipment hauler. Cummins engine, 10 speed Fuller trans., good rubber. Runs good. $6,995 3008 Biddle Road • Medford, Oregon 97504 • 1-888-779-7444 or 541-779-7443 C A S E C O N S T R U C T I O N E Q U I P M E N T & PA R T S D E A L E R DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 $36,995 IT’S HERE!!! Kubota RTV Utility & Work Vehicles CALL GEORGE OR STEWART TOLL FREE: 1-888-779-7444 or 541-779-7443 2293 hrs., QuickCplr thumb, new tracks, cab/air, nice shape. Kubota KX71 Excavator w/ Thumb. 6000# class. 1160 hours. 2005 Kubota KX161-3. • A S V • G R E AT N O R T H E R N T R A I L E R S EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 9 STORAGE CONTAINERS FOR SALE A lot of people sell shipping containers in this paper!!!! But we have nice, clean,water tight cans. All our cans have been run through the shop and have been fixed and cleaned. We have the best Please call me. You will be glad!! containers in town!!!! 1-888-711-1987 MAHINDRA offers a full line of heavy-duty workhorses from 18-83 HP. Each one is backed by a 5-year powertrain warranty, * so you know they’re built to last. No wonder Mahindra is the world’s #1 selling tractor. The Mahindra Company ©2010 Mahindra USA, Inc. *5-year limited warranty valid for current models only • Mahindra 4035 premium compact tractor • 42.5 HP, 34 PTO HP • Mahindra front-end loader • 0% financing available 7 .5 KW PE RK IN S D I E S E L P OW E R E D GE NS ET NEW!! Buy Factory Direct and Save! Eugene, Oregon 541-744-4333 ROGUE VALLEY FARM EQUIPMENT, LLC 6002 Crater Lake Ave., Central Point, OR 97502 541-826-8500 • 866-854-4542 VIQAN ® • 1800 rpm • safety shutdowns • watercooled • 120/240 volt • skid mounted • air cleaner • fuel pump • electric start • remote start included $5,288 888-906-0109 or 360-906-0109 Warehouse in Vancouver Washington 5000lb Breaker $21,000 with Lubricator, tool and kit TL130 rubber tracks $1600 a set TB175 Compactor $4500 PC75 steel tracks and bolt on pads $5000 a set Komatsu CD60R Dumper Rubber Tracks $3800 per side Purchase Online Page 10 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 E-MAIL US AT [email protected] • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 Check out our web catalog! We Also Rent! (541) 343-3164 “Our strength is your satisfaction” CONSTRUCTION Branch Office 4373 HWY 99 South, Roseburg OR 97470 541-679-6211 • Evenings: Rick Smith 541-679-6211 6455 N.E. Columbia, Portland OR 97218 800-338-5495 • 503-282-7211 • Evenings: Dave Simonson 503-760-5416 2005 Kubota KX121-3SS 1999 Komatsu PC120-6 248 hrs., Q/C, thumb, (3) bckts • $36,500 6100 hrs., Q/C thumb, (2) bckts • $37,500 Prentice 400D 1983 Hyster H80E new cab, joysticks on 73 KW $23,500 2005 Bobcat 331G Mini Excavator 1997 CAT D5M XL 16” & 24” buckets, manual QC, hydraulic thumb, cab with heat w/ripper, new U/C $59,500 $49,500 $21,500 MORE GREAT BUYS FROM OREGON TRACTOR ECO CRUSHER buckets to fit excavators, many sizes .....................POR Timberjack 2628 with Koehring hot saw, many repairs done .......................................$45,000 CAT D6C 10K Logging Equipped................................................................................$27,500 1987 FORD L8000 Service Truck, Crane & Welder .....................................................$22,500 1995 DYNAWELD 2 axle lowboy .................................................................................$24,500 KUBOTA B21 Tractor....................................................................................................$ 7,995 2000 John Deere 270 Skidsteer ..................................................................................$22,500 1996 20 Ton TRAILMAX trailer.....................................................................................$12,500 NEW Hyundai R35-7A Mini Excavator, hyd. QC thumb & 2 buckets.................................$39,500 2006 JCB 541 Telehandler............................................................................$49,500 $34,900 NEW HOLLAND EH70 w/rubber tracks, hydr. coupler, 2 buckets & a thumb ..............$49,500 2000 HYUNDAI H70 Dozer w/ ripper ...........................................................................$27,500 NEW HOLLAND LW50 Wheeloader w/bucket & forks .................................................$47,500 2007 NEW HOLLAND L170 Skid Steer .........................................................$28,000 $24,500 Crushing Equipment & Supplies Available! Too many to list...................................Please call side shift, LPG $10,500 John Deere JD550G, winch, arch, 6way, pin-on brush. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POR Takeuchi TL130 Track Loader, very clean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,900 Cat D7G, fixed grapple, angle blade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $52,500 Cat D5G, ripper, cab, laser plug in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $89,500 Cat D6D logger, arch, winch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,500 Cat D6H, semi U, Esco grapple, Hyster winch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $53,500 Cat D7F, angle blade, Esco fixed grapple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,500 Cat 910 loader, 4-1 bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,500 Komatsu Wa180-1 wheel loader, Q/C, forks, bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,500 Komatsu PC220LC-5 logger, PSM build . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69,500 Komatsu PC220LC-5 w/ DM3000 mono boom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,500 Komatsu PC300HD-5 logger, PSM build . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,500 Komatsu D41P-6, ripper, 6 way, RG, 3,600 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,500 Timberjack 2618, 22 Koehring saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,900 Timberjack 2628, 22” Koehring saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $44,500 CPS Mod SBD-24, 22 yd bottom dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28,500 Columbia 2 axle end dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,500 LeeBoy 8500HD paver, high deck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,900 Various Skidsteer Attachments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call Dump, log, water, lube, service trucks, tractors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call New Cross Fire 60” & 90” side discharge conveyor buckets . . . . . . . . . . . Call Supplier for parts, components, attachments, undercarriages See the Cross-Fire side discharge conveyor bucket video at 1041 Hwy. 99 N Eugene, OR • complete inventory at 541-459-2214 Tractor & Equipment Sales • Service • Parts • Rentals IN SERVICE FOR 15 YEARS Exit 136 on I-5 Sutherlin, OR Formerly known as Robinson’s Trading Company New Construction Equipment DEALER • [email protected] 1994 Liftking LK12000 569hrs, 2 wheel/all wheel steering/crab, excellent condition $18,000 John Deere 310D $14,500 Manufacturers And Distributors Of Quality Truck Equipment Since 1978 1999 Yanmar B7-3 w/thumb Sale Price $26,500 (2) Yanmar B7-2 w/thumb and cab • $20,000 Yanmar B7 w/thumb and canopy • $16,000 ‘06 John Deere 317 Skidsteer $13,500 ‘01 John Deere 260 Skidsteer $11,500 Financing Available O.A.C. thru Premier Finance Co. Please Visit our Website at WWW.ADVANCEDTRUCK.COM DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 11 Graddy’s Equipment Sales & Rental VISIT US 24/7 @ WWW.GRADDYSEQUIPMENT.COM TRUCKS • FLATBEDS • DUMPS • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 779 VILAS ROAD • CENTRAL POINT ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM THE MEDFORD AIRPORT – WE WILL PICK YOU UP! 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 2001 Ford F450 Bucket Truck or Manlift. 7.3 diesel powerstroke, AC, hyd. brakes, auto. trans., 40' Duralift boom, ex-city. #7522. $17,500 1999 Chevrolet C6500 Manlift Ladder Truck. Diesel, AC, hydraulic brakes, std. 6 speed. #3312. $16,500 2002 Genie Z30/20N Manlift. Electric engine, ex-city. #585G. $12,900. 1988 Caterpillar V50D Forklift. Propane, automatic, forward/reverse, 129" lift height, 5000 lb., ex-city. #4421. $4,950 1999 Snorkel 4084HD Scissor Lift. 3 cyc Kubota, 23hp, diesel, 40' working height, 4 outriggers. #0559. $6,950 CALL 2003 John Deere 210LE 4x4 Skip Loader. Std. 4 speed with shuttle shift. #1838. $14,900. 1999 Ford F700 Flatbed Dump Truck. 5.9 diesel, 22' flatbed dump. #2229. $12,900 1997 Ford F700 5 Yd Dump Truck. Cummins 5.9 diesel, hyd. brakes, standard 6 speed, heavy GVW, great for Canada. Ready to work. #6345. $12,900 1985 John Deere 2750 Wide Path Mower. Diesel, standard 8 speed. Will mow a 19' wide path. 2 mowers run by hydualics, 1 by PTO. 19' wing to wing. Ex-city. #0369. $12,900 (2) 1997 Altec WC612 Chippers. 12' drum, side shoot, good rubber, gas. #9494. $5,950 each. FOR PHONE: 541-772-4020 PRICING & AVAILABILITY OF RENTAL EQUIPMENT 2001 GMC C6500 Bucket/Boom Truck. Cat 3126 diesel, hyd. brakes, automatic 4 speed. Boom model 80-40010, 40' height. Baker Posi-Plus truck. #4481. $15,500 1997 Ford F350 Flatbed Truck. 460 gas, AC, racks, boxes, 12' bed, hydraulic brakes, auto trans., #5885. $3,500. 1993 Ford C8000 Water Truck. 2000 gallon truck, 7.8 Ford diesel, air brakes, F.R.S. sprays. #4527. $9,900 (3) 1996 Ford F700 4-5 Yd Dump Trucks. Ford 370 gas, AC, hyd. brakes, 6 spd. standard trans., tow package, ex-LA county. #0852. $7,950 each 1998 Genie Z20/8 Mini Manlift. Electric. Non-marking tires, 9000lb winch, ex-city. #0623. $7,950 1985 Butler Equipment Trailer, model B2624A. Air brakes, 26,000 GVW. Bumper pull. #4379. $6,950 1977 Champ 530STS Forklift. 6 cyc gas, hyd. brakes, standard 4 spd. with shuttle shift, 5000 lbs., 21' height, side shift. #0047. $6,500 1992 Ford F800 Tree Truck. 7.8 diesel, hyd. brakes, 11' chip body, 55' Hi-Ranger over-center boom, 2 outriggers. #3990. $8,950 2000 Zieman 2325S Tilt Trailer With Dove Tail. 4' stationary deck, ex-city. #1925. $10,900. 1993 Hyster C748A Vibratory Compaction Roller. 3 way vibratory, new water tanks, Cummins 3.9 diesel, runs good. #530N. $6,950 E - Mail: g rad dyssal [email protected] • www.gradd y s e q u ip m en t . c om Page 12 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING WANT TO BRING YOUR AD RIGHT TO OUR OFFICE? WE’RE AT 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER OR DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 Graddy’s Equipment Sales & Rental VISIT US 24/7 @ WWW.GRADDYSEQUIPMENT.COM TRUCKS • FLATBEDS • DUMPS • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT 779 VILAS ROAD • CENTRAL POINT ONLY 5 MINUTES FROM THE MEDFORD AIRPORT – WE WILL PICK YOU UP! 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. SIERRA PACIFIC CAPITAL • 1-800-863-6726 1991 Ford F-800 Crane Truck w/ National 400A Boom. With 20' jib, diesel, air brakes, automatic, 65- boom, 10-ton crane, 16' flatbed. #8304. $24,900 1989 Case 380B Loader. Diesel, std. 4 speed with hi and low. P.T.O., 3-point hitch, ex-city. #8808. $8,950. CALL FOR PHONE: 541-772-4020 PRICING & AVAILABILITY OF RENTAL EQUIPMENT 1970 Caterpillar 920 4x4 Wheel Loader. Diesel, air brakes, runs good, needs bucket and arms, ex-L.A. County machine. #2589. $12,500 1961 Caterpillar 112E Motor Grader. Standard 4 spd., scarifier, clean, no welds, ex-city unit. #E491. $11,900 1981 GMC Fire Pumper. 8..2 diesel, air brakes, automatic 4 spd., 500 gal. water tank, P.T.O. pump, 2 electric hose reels, gas back-up pump. #0011. $6,900 1997 GMC C7500 Tree or Bucket Truck. 366 gas, hydraulic brakes, std. 5 speed, 11' chipper dump, altec LR4 55', 3 cyc. gas pony motor or PTO pump. #5129. $16,900. 1998 Ford F800 Tree or Bucket Truck. 5.9 Cummins diesel, hyd. brakes, standard 7 speed, 55' lift all, over center boom, 11' chip body. #8876. $24,500 1995 Brush Bandit Chipper. Self feeder, 12" disc chipper. #3200. $6,950 GRADDY’S CALL FOR ALL YOUR RENTALS NEEDS! 1973 Bantam 4x4 Rough Terrain 15 Ton Crane. 453 Detroit diesel, hyd. brakes, 60' boom, 60' lift height, four outriggers. #1330. $17,900 1989 Ingersoll Rand RT 708E Forklift. Cummins 3.9 diesel, hyd. brakes, 4 speed with shuttle forward and reverse, 30' lift, 8000 lbs. #3MCC. $6,950 Equipment For Ren t 2001 International 4700 5-Yard Dump Truck. T444E diesel, AC, hyd. brarkes, tow package. #6151. $16,500 1991 International 8100 Water Truck. L10 Cummins diesel, air brakes, standard 9 speed, hydraulic driven pump, 2000 gal. self-loading tank, air valve, F.R.S. sprays. #6237. $14,900 Vac Star 800. Vacuum or Pressure. 800 Gallon Spoil Tank, High-Pressure Washer, 250 Gallon Water Tanks. $50 Per Hour, $300 Day, $1,100 Week, $3,300 Month. Altec MG 747 Grader. 10' blade, ripper for small work, finish grader. $300 day. RUBBER TIRE ROLLER BOMAG BW 124AD CAT 950F LOADER 570 XTL SKIPLOADER WITH FORKS Thomas 400 Portable Screen & JD 544C Loader 1987 Champ 538 Unilift Manlift. 36' working height, 4 outriggers, self-contained, towable, ex-city unit. #1016. $6,950. 2003 Gradall G6-42P 4x4 Telescopic Forklift. Diesel, 4x4 equipped. #299-0829. $17,900 $500 day; $2000 weekly; $6,000 monthly. Screen Only $300 day Pull with 1 ton truck. Skytrack, 8000 lb, 42’ HITACHI EX-450 EXCAVATOR • CAT 130 G GRADER • CASE 550E DOZER • WATER TRUCK E - Mail: g rad dyssal [email protected] • www.grad d y s e q u i pm en t . c o m DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 13 UN R E S E RV E D P U B L I C AU C T I ON Sacramento, California 20 — WHEEL LOADERS 2007 KOMATSU WA380-6 2007 MORBARK 1300A 19 — CRAWLER TRACTORS 2007 CAT D6R SERIES III LGP 2003 CAT 14H VHP 2004 MACK MR688S 8x4 w/2004 PUTZMEISTER BSF42X.16H & MACK MR688S 8x4 w/2002 PUTZMEISTER TB130 CONVEYOR 2008 PETERBILT 340 w/2008 TEREX REEDRILL 330 Tuesday, December 14, 2010 8:00 am Auction Site: 5500 County Road, 99 West, Dunnigan, CA 95937 Fax: 530.724.3270 CALL FOR A FREE BROCHURE 530.724.3900 For equipment listings and photographs, visit our web site at Auction Company Bond #0470724 Auctioneer: Johnny Paiz Jr. Bond # 0470731,Trevor J. Moravec Bond # 0466225 Page 14 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 E-MAIL US AT [email protected] • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 1985 Bus 600 Gallon Fire Unit International chassis / Bluebird body, 6.9 liter engine, Allison AT545 4 speed trans, 205,704 miles, 48 passenger, power steering, hyd brakes like new, excellent components over $12,000 invested! MAKE OFFER or TRADE! Steve @ 541-953-3951 $2,750 $2,300 obo 541-928-3324 x4323 Brattain International Trucks Albany, OR Eugene, OR Dynapac CC101 Asphalt Roller 1995 Nuvan 48' Curtain Van Perfect size for all of your compaction projects. Good shape and well maintained. spring ride, good tires and curtains $8,000 Todd @ 707-599-6400 $6,500 541-479-2424 Eureka, CA Grants Pass, OR 2008 GMC Sierra 3500 HD Crew Cab SLT 1987 IH Conv. Twin Screw w/ Lowboy Duramax diesel, loaded with tow package, On-star navigation, leather, 8’ bed, 4 door, 57,000 miles, original owner, non-smoker, no pets, no accidents Cummins motor, good rubber, nice truck $6,500 541-659-3899 $41,500 $39,500 Call Dan at 541-855-2048 or cell 541-601-4266 Cave Junction, OR 1987 General 60-70 Ton Lowboy Trailer & Booster 1993 Nissan UD 2000 turbo diesel, 6 speed, 18 ft. flat bed, tires 90%, excellent mechanical flip over goose neck, 20’ x9’, cantilever deck, hinge up boom stand, like new rubber & brakes, LED lights, new deck, very nice clean set $60,000 • 541-991-5519 $4,500 541-679-2486 Roseburg, OR CARGO CONTAINERS 2006 Kubota KX-121-3 20, 40 & 45’s Available Great Prices -- Prompt Delivery Serving Eastern OR & Southern ID 1,130 hrs., cab, stereo, air, 4 buckets, hyd. thumb, 4-way blade, good condition • $27,000 also 2007 Kubota KX-161 740 hrs., cab, stereo, air, 4 buckets, hyd. thumb, 4-way blade • $38,000 1-800-584-8858 George @ 541-821-2090 Eagle Point, OR TAYLOR EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Used Cats • Loaders • Trucking 541-844-8567 530-949-8482 • 530-222-1966 Redding, CA 2004 Takeuchi TL130 Loader canopy, aux hyd, 66” bucket $17,900 JD 310G Sky Trak 8042 Forklift 4x4, 4in1 bucket, extendahoe, quick coupler, good rubber, 2250 hours 8,000lb, 4x4x4, good clean machine $26,500 $15,000 48” Rock Bucket, for John Deere or Hitachi 330 .........$4,250 Set of Forks, for Cat IT38G..............................................$2,750 DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 2004 Az-Tex 7,000# Tandem Axle Ramp Trailer $995 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM PC60 NW thumb cylinder PC60, 75, 78 buckets 60” Cross Fire Bucket Page 15 Cat D7G 2004 Freightliner M2 Class straight blade, new corner bits, grapple, undercarriage & Cat in very nice shape Cat 3126, 6 spd. manual trans., 180k miles, 24' reefer body, electric standby, excellent condition $40,000 541-991-5519 $18,500 Kevin @ 530-227-6514 1988 Peterbilt 378 2004 Implemax Pro Grapple/Winch 4836RW Model PMC-43510 9 speed, 2 speed rears, SQ100's, Cat motor, good rubber, new back rear end. Comes ready to work. Runs good, reliable. skidsteer or front end loader, tractor 3 point mount, like new condition $6,900 obo Must Sell!! All offers considered. Or trade? List $8,900 • $4,500 $4,200 call Dan @ 541-855-2048 541-367-3442 Sweet Home, OR 1992 GMC Topkick Champ Forklift Cat 3116 diesel, Eaton-Fuller 10 spd. manual trans., 114,350 miles, good rubber - new fronts, recent ODOT safety sticker, very nice truck gas, 3K, no hyd. leaks, runs & works good $3,000 541-659-3899 $6,500 541-659-5500 Cave Junction, OR Rogue River, OR 1969 CAT D6C 2000 Komatsu 4x4 Backhoe winch, ropes, tilt dozer, all oils changed a year ago except final drive, good condition extendahoe, cab without doors, A/C, 2730 hrs. $18,500 $27,000 obo Bill @ 541-589-2360 541-493-2087 (evenings) also 2005 Bobcat S150, new tires, 1190 hrs. 530-926-3691 • 530-925-1729 Mt. Shasta, CA Burns, OR Used 1984 MORBARK 200 1999 Zieman 2320-S Tilt Trailer dovetail, ABS air brakes 12" chipper, 4 cyl. Ford diesel engine, previously owned by municipality, well maintained $6,500 541-530-7047 See more used chippers at Roseburg, OR 541-855-2048 or 541-601-4266 $5,800 $5,500 NEW Carlton Model SP2000 Self Propelled Stump Grinder 1996 Case 1840 Uniloader 1900 hours, hand controls, good machine 27 HP Kohler $7,700 $6,900 $9,000 obo Steve @ 541-580-0139 541-855-2048 or 541-601-4266 Roseburg, OR NEWER STORAGE CONTAINERS 1973 Ford L600 Quanity limited. Steel 20’s and 40’s, Quick & E-Z delivery right to your site. My feedback says that over 2,000 people think I sell great products!!! V-8 gas, 4 speed, 2 speed, 15' bed with new deck, good 9:00 X 20 radial tires, runs good, steers & stops great $2,250 Fred @ 541-505-0080 • Sandee @ 541-505-0913 Evenings @ 800-909-5120 Page 16 DLR 1-888-873-1404 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING WANT TO BRING YOUR AD RIGHT TO OUR OFFICE? WE’RE AT 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER OR DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 No Minimum! No Reserve! 2-DAY PUBLIC AUCTION Construction & Rental Equipment • Government Fleet Vehicles Hertz Rental • Pacific Gas & Electric • UNITED RENTAL Over 50 San Francisco Bay Area Government Agencies DAY 1 - FRIDAY, DEC. 17, 2010 • STARTS AT 9AM construction & rental equipment • large trucks & trailers DAY 2 - SATURDAY, DEC. 18, 2010 • STARTS AT 10AM government fleet vehicles • real estate • motorcycles & asset seizures Inspection: Thursday, December 16 • 9am - 4:30pm • 50 Solano Ave., Vallejo, CA Attention out-of-state buyers: Only 650 Hours We will be selling non-compliant government vehicles & equipment legal every where but California. DON’T MISS THIS BIDDING OPPORTUNITY! Everything sells to the highest bidder! Assorted Trucks 2006 Bomag BW211D-3 Single Drum Roller 2005 Genie Z60-34 4x4 Boom Lift John Deere 344G RT Loader Telescopic Forklift 2005 Case 580M 4x4 Backhoe Loader Late Model Dump Trucks John Deere 672B Motor Grader Cozad Low Bed Equipment Trailer Hyster 100XL Forklift Asset Seizure Asset Seizure GMC 3200 Gallon Water Truck 1 of 4 For more information or a FREE BROCHURE call 707-552-0739 or v isit us o n th e web at : w ww. 1s tc ap ito lau c t io n. co m FIRST CAPITOL AUCTION INC. COMMERCIAL LIQUIDATORS & APPRAISERS DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 online bidding Phone 707-552-0739 • Fax 707-552-8613 50 Solano Avenue, Vallejo, CA 94590 e-mail: [email protected] • Bond #14663700622 • CSL #A1621 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 17 Page 18 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 E-MAIL US AT [email protected] • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 • New and Used Quick Couplers for Excavators & Backhoes • New and Used Hydraulic Breakers and Compactors • New and Used Skidsteer Attachments and Buckets If we don’t have exactly what you need we can find it for you. Call Dave Bishop for details or visit our website for a complete inventory list, including pictures and prices. • Easily search through thousands of used and new attachments by machine make and model. • Create your own user account to receive automatic inventory updates for attachments that fit your machine. BACKHOE BUCKETS • EXCAVATOR BUCKETS • MINI-EXCAVATOR BUCKETS THUMBS • QUICK COUPLERS • HYDRAULIC BREAKERS & COMPACTORS SKIDSTEER ATTACHMENTS • AND MUCH MORE 2007 BRI-MAR 18' Dump Trailer tandem duals, Alcoa aluminum rims, tires 90%, removable sides, mounted tarp $11,500 541-531-7793 Central Point, OR Unreserved Auction ONLINE INTERNET ONLY Wednesday, December 8, 2010 First Lots Scheduled to Close at 10:00 AM CT NO BUYERS PREMIUM FEE & NO RESERVES!! The following equipment is owned by various owners, visit HYPERLINK "" for owner names, items locations and phone numbers. TRACTORS 07 JD 5205 MFWD Tractor w/ 542 Loader, 460hrs (2) 97 JD 6400 Tractors, 5953hrs, 8313hrs 92 JD 8570 Tractor, 8585hrs 90 JD 4055 Tractor, 1,087hrs 87 JD 4250 Tractor, 8394hrs 76 JD 4430 Row Crop Tractor, 4048hrs JD 8760 4WD Tractor, 8360hrs 00 NH TM165 Tractor, 3510hrs 98 Ford NH TV140 Tractor, 4332hrs, 7614 Loader 85 Versatile 256 Bi-Directional Tractor, 7394hrs 91 Case IH 7140 MFD Tractor w/ 870 Loader, 6241hrs 87 Case IH 2394 Tractor, 7744hrs JD 4450 Tractor 08 Kubota M 5040 D 4X4 Tractor w/1153 Loader Locally Locally Owned Owned And And Operated Operated Since Since 1998 1998 2008 Case 440CT-3 Track Skidsteer OROPS, ride control, road lights, self leveling, GP bucket, good U/C $28,900 2006 Case 580SM-2 OROPS, 4x4, GP bucket, ex-hoe w/ bucket, hammer lines, 3200 hrs., good tires $29,900 TRUCKS & VEHICLES 02 Freightliner Columbia Semi Truck 00 International 9200I Semi Truck 00 Sterling LT7 TM DumpTruck 81 Peterbilt 359 Conventional Tandem Axle Semi Truck 85 Chevy GMC C 70 87 Ford CF8000 Grain Truck TRAILERS 99 Wilson Livestock Trailer 87 Jones 175 Mighty Giant Tub Grinder TILLAGE EQUIPMENT Quinstar FM7-49 49' Fallowmaster II IH 496 22' Tandem Disk John Deere 2755 78 hp, 4wd, 4x4, cab with a/c, loader 540 pto, 3 sets of aux line, 3 point • $18,900 2000 New Holland 545D 4x4, pto, top tilt, 3 point, $8,000 (707) 839-0170 McKinleyville, CA FINANCING AVAILABLE HARVEST EQUIPMENT 04 Claas 900 Jaguar Chopper, 1869 drum hrs, 2144 eng hrs 04 Claas RU600 XTRA 8R 30" Corn Head 07 JD 9760STS Combine, 1088 Sep/1535 eng hrs 00 JD 9750STS Combine, 2274 Sep/2995 eng hrs 00 Case IH 2388 AFS Combine, 2013 Sep / 2660 eng hrs 98 Case IH 2388 Combine, 2097 Sep / 2683 eng hrs 93 JD 9600 Combine, 2895 Sep/4305 eng hrs (2) JD 1293 12R30" Corn Head 03 JD 635 Flex Platform HAYING EQUIPMENT 06 NH HW345 Speedrower Disc Bine Rotary Swather, 1573hrs 03 JD 4895 Windrower w/16' 895 Header, 1332hrs 05 Krone Big M II 32' Mower Conditioner, 1225hrs, 1767 eng hrs DOZER 96 JD 850C Dozer, 7922hrs SKID STEERS 00 Gehl 5635 Skid Steer, 3854hrs 97 Gehl 4625 Skid Loader, 1956hrs 93 Bobcat 753 Skid Loader, 5303hrs CHEMICAL EQUIPMENT 09 John Deere 6700 SP Sprayer, 636 sprayer hrs, 683 eng hrs 99 JD 4700 Sprayer, 4495hrs Hardi 1500 Sprayer 385 Items Selling On This Auction! The next Big Iron auctions are on December 15 & 22!! For Mor e E quipm ent V isit Our Website www.altoequipm DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 TELEHANDLER 01 JD 3400 Telehandler, 2148hrs showing PLANTING EQUIPMENT 00 Kinze 3600 16/31 R Planter w/Interplant 04 JD 1770 24R30" Planter 00 JD 1760 12R30" Vacuum Planter Crustbuster 4000 30' All Plant Planter Drill is a division of Stock Auction Company, 1-800-937-3558 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM Page 19 1972 Kenworth W900 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 1994 Autocar Dump Truck Cummins Big Cam 350, 13 spd., 8 alums, jake brake, 4 spring, 1997 Cowell rollback, 28’ bed, 2 hyd. winches, truck has fourth axle, all new interior in truck. If you need to transport equipment this truck is what you need 60 series Detroit, 8LL transmission, new hyd. pump & hoist, with reconstructed Peerless double gate, cross gate pull trailer, WITH POSSIBILITY OF JOB INCLUDED! $29,900 208-467-1122 will consider separating Nampa, ID Coquille, OR $29,500 541-404-4817 Excavation Company Going-Out-Of Business Sale 2007 Wilson Flatbed • $18,000 • heavy equipment • trailers • dump & tractor trucks • big truck parts For list of equipment being sold call 541-267-4470 • Coos Bay, OR 48' spread axle, 102" wide, aluminum wheels, 90% tread, 2 tarp boxes, comes with all tarps & straps 541-430-7136 • 541-459-3469 • Oakland, OR Cat D7E runs good, serviced last year $15,000 Jeff @ 541-935-9526 or 541-501-1694 A Division of Direct Surplus Sales, Inc. 4514 Pacific Heights Rd. Oroville, CA 95965 1969 Mack RS700L $11,250 DP w/ Roll-off, 3 axle, 1989 Cummins diesel 6 cyl., Eaton Fuller Roadranger, 9spd. w/low, 80,000 GVW, runs great 530-534-9956 Eugene, OR 2000 Landoll 330 Container Trailer $25,000 1989 Kenworth T800 Dump Truck 12000lb winch, 22000lb spring suspension, hydraulic traveling axle, 2.5 tires, excellent cond., very clean Cummins 444, 18 speed, pad suspension, 16’ box $15,000 707-834-2914 • 707-840-9696 McKinleyville, CA Truck Trailer Sales Call Jack @ 541-954-2538 ® 1987 KENWORTH Dump 1996 PETERBILT 379 CAT 3406B, 15 spd, air ride CAT 3406E, 13 spd. $12,900 $15,500 1997 PETERBILT 379 1998 FREIGHTLINER DETROIT 60 series, 10 spd, new tires CUMMINS, 9 spd. $15,500 $4,950 KALYN-SIEBERT 60 ton Low Boy air ride, airlift rear axle, hyd. detach Two 40' - 20' with good decks & good rubber $29,900 $10,900 each set Maxis Page 20 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING WANT TO BRING YOUR AD RIGHT TO OUR OFFICE? WE’RE AT 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER OR DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 Equipment Mart Classifieds C lassified S SERVICES FOR SALE Save Up To 50% on new parts for your CAT equipment Free Shipping on orders over $200 541-747-5517 or email your list to [email protected] Visa/MC accepted Used Detroit Engines and Parts For Sale Diesel and Allison transmission repairs Over 40 years experience Leave Msg. 541-944-2576 • Medford, OR Shale For Sale $10/yard - delivered within 20 miles of pit $4/yard - you pick up at pit Open Saturdays & Sundays Specializing in small jobs LANDSCAPE ROCK AVAILABLE Cairn Timber & Shale, LLC 541-826-9026 1) 1973 KW, Cummins 350, 13 speed, 2 speed Eatons, 16’ mechanics box. $3,000 2) 1973 LN700, 12’ mechanics box. No reasonable offer refused 3) 6006 Auto Crane, 14’ boom, extra one for parts. $2,000 541-254-5657 • Brookings, OR John Deere 410 Backhoe, 2700 total time, good condition. $10,000 541-820-4684 • Prairie City, OR 2000 Ford Tractor, gas, hi/lo trans., live pto, 2600 hours, p/s, Ford blade, runs great. $3,000 541-659-3899 • Cave Junction, OR Portable Cool Room Rentals! METAL ROOFING Metal Building Products Hi-Rib, 3’ Panel Snaplock Panel Standard and Custom Flashing Parrott’s Metal, Inc. 541-955-8077 • 1) 1500 Gallon Insulated Double Wall Stainless Steel Tank, excellent for water tank. $1,500 obo 2) Big Cam 400 Cummins Engine, in truck so able to hear it run. $1,500 3) 8V71T Detroit Engine, in truck so able to hear it run. $1,000 541-572-4413 Coquille, OR 1989 Ranco 40’ Belly Dump, in good condition. $12,800 541-251-2956 • 541-469-6142 Brookings, OR GENERATORS used, completely serviced or rebuilt wide range to choose from located at Whitethorn Construction Co. by Dayle's Diesel Generator Repair, Sales & Service located there since 1993 Call 707-986-7649 Low Rates • Low Rates • Fast Approvals Approvals • EasyFast Credit Application Easy Credit Applicaiton YOU FIND THE EQUIPMENT YOU FIND THE EQUIPMENT W WE E P PAY A Y FFOR O R IT! IT! 800-644-1182 CALL HERMAN FLEISHMAN (800) 644-1182 • [email protected] Heavy Equipment Painting done at our shop in Springfield, OR EQUIPMENT DECALS $30,000 541-991-5519 backhoe not included alum box, Cummins 400, 15 spd trans, new radiator core, rebuilt rear ends but don’t know the size, tires ok, truck & trailer in good working order Also an older Hitachi UH122LC excavator, 60,000lb class, runs great but needs an oil cooler & maybe a radiator core, has a new starter, guarding and thumb, no time to work on it so I’m selling it cheap • $11,000 as is. Email for pic - [email protected] John Deere 450 Dozer 6-way blade, pto, no winch, fresh paint, good undercarriage $9,500 541-659-3899 Cave Junction, OR DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 Friday, December 17 is the next advertising deadline for Equipment Mart. Get your ads in today! Excavation, Paving, Logging, Mining, and Lifting Equipment. SAVE MONEY & TIME. One AFFORDABLE source for all your equipment decals. Prompt, Knowledgeable, Reliable Service DEALER AND CONTRACTOR DECALS. DECALS AND LETTERING FOR YOUR TRUCKS TOO! Call 215-536-5339 · [email protected] Cat D7F Eureka, CA Buying Large Chainsaws, Bars, and Parts 541-863-5387 days • 541-839-6749 eves Replacement Decal Sets for your U blade, new corner bits, drum & fairlead, nice Cat, ready to use $11,500 • 707-445-1797 THE CHAINSAW GUY Call for free estimate • 800-774-5517 1) 1992 T600 Tractor, Cat 425B motor, 13 spd. trans., Eaton 402 airbag rearends, real good. $9,500 2) 1980 Mack 20 Yard Belly Dump. $10,000 3) Cat 980B Loader. $20,000 4) (3) Mack 10 yd. End Dumps. $6,000 each 541-784-8680 Winston, OR 1974 Pete 10yd Dump Truck w/ Equipment Trailer Portable Cooler Division: “Instant” Walk-in Coolers. Delivered to your suitable site! Sizes from 200 cu.ft. to 1200 cu.ft. Reunions, Florists, Caterers, Weddings, Company Parties. Licensed, Bonded, Insured CCB #102938 Sid Layton 541-601-3336 or 541-826-2080 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM NEW! 2009 TrailMax TD 40 T (5+24) Price reduced Call Denny Barrett at 541-928-3324 x4326 Brattain International Trucks Albany, OR Cat D7G U dozer, fixed grapple, 70% undercarriage $39,500 obo 541-572-4413 Coquille, OR 1999 Ford F250 Extended Cab 4x4 7.3 diesel, 38K on motor, new clutch $8,850 541-659-3899 Cave Junction, OR Kubota L39 TLB quick attach 6' HD bucket, quick attach hoe 18' bucket, hyd. shuttle, 3 pt, PTO, 525 hrs. $24,000 Can Deliver 503-550-0094 • 541-390-0567 Bend, OR Page 21 1987 KW T800 8 Axle Transfers 2003 Gradall 4x4 Telehandler 10K rated, 3 stage 45’ boom, 3310 hrs., excellent tires 1996 hydraulic transfer set, Cummins 400, 13 spd. rears on spring suspension $21,500 also 2000 Gradall 4x4 Telehandler, 6k rated $25,000 541-991-5519 530-926-3691 • 530-925-1729 Mt. Shasta, CA 1978 Cat 518 Skidder 1972 Chevrolet Dump Truck short frame with winch, good tires Detroit 671, 80% rubber, runs & works good $8,500 541-899-4114 email: [email protected] $3,500 541-659-3899 Cave Junction, OR Jacksonville, OR STORAGE CONTAINERS Ideal for storage solutions, or convert into portable: green houses, work shops, tack rooms, sheds, offices. Self-off-loading trailers for delivery. 2 oose h c o t from 1-866-759-4521 IF YOU ORDER THIS MONTH YOU GET A FREE STEEL LOCK (2) Ford C800 1982 & 1984, 429 V-8 engines, 5 speed - 2 speed transmission, 10:00 x 20 tires, air brakes, NO BOXES, 24 foot frame rails WOW!!!! $1,000 ea or trades considered Fred @ 541-505-0080 • Sandee @ 541-505-0913 Evenings @ 800-909-5120 2851 Highland Ave. Grants Pass, OR 97526 CA$H 541-955-1661 EQUIPMENT SALES (Rob’s Cell) DLR (fax) 541-659-9080 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. • Sierra Pacific Capital • 800-863-6726 1990 Dresser 708 50” Double Smooth Drum Roller Plate Compactor Cummins diesel Hatz 2 cylinder diesel, 750 gallon tank, 4 inch sucker $5,500 $6,500 $850 Iron Man Industries Over Under Car/Boat Hauler 2001 Little Industries Model T-121 SM8 7ft. Flail Mower 12’, 12,000 GVW with all hardware for tractor $2,600 $4,995 Forklift Sets $400 an up Page 22 2000 Vacuum Trailer fits backhoe or excavator EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING 2005 Loftness Snow Plow 7 1/2’ wide, low hrs., power driven chute, 3 point PTO driven blower $2,200 2000 Eager Beaver 12 ton, 18’ x 6’6” deck $5,000 DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 E-MAIL US AT [email protected] • SEND US YOUR STUFF @ P.O. BOX 1996, ROGUE RIVER, OR 97537 2851 Highland Ave. Grants Pass, OR 97526 CA$H EQUIPMENT SALES 541-955-1661 (fax) 541-659-9080 (Rob’s Cell) 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. • Sierra Pacific Capital • 800-863-6726 1996 GMC Topkick 4x4 Digger Derrick Truck 50,000 miles, Cat 6 cyl. diesel, auto, nice truck 1997 Brush Bandit 250XP 2200 hrs., Cummins 4 cyl. diesel $12,900 $8,500 1995 FiatAllis FR-85A Series B Grader 2005 Terex HR16 Excavator 2001 Towmaster 24K Dovetail Equipment Trailer $5,500 1995 Lynwood Tri/A Hiboy Flatbed End Dump Pup Trailer $5,500 Eager Beaver 290 Brush Chipper 1979 John Deere 755 Crawler Loader 5000 hours, ex-city, light use 1500 hours, aux. hydraulics, rubber tracks, United Guard Warranty available Cummins diesel, ex-city 4in1 bucket $29,000 $22,000 $8,500 $8,000 2000 Ford F450 1995 Aromax L9000 Roll-Off Truck Powerstroke diesel, V8, w/utility bed & Versalift SST361, 157275 mi. $10,500 1980 International Water Truck Cummins L-10, 9 spd., 2200 gallon tank Mll, 10 spd. $7,500 1968 Cat 966B full cab, good rubber, runs great $7,500 $16,000 2000 Morbark Model 13 Bandit Chipper 200+ 120hp Cummins motor, 350 hours on ex-city machine John Deere diesel, low, low hours, ex-city, auto feed $17,000 $9,500 DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010 2003 Trailking 20 Ton Equipment Trailer 20’ deck with 4’ dovetail, ex-city, nice trailer $9,500 Case W36 Wheel Loader $10,500 1998 Ford 555E Loader Backhoe 1998 Chevy C8500 with 105’ Skyhook Crane 4in1 bucket, 4x4, extendahoe, full cab, a/c, 3500 hrs., ex-city rig 51K miles, bucket attachment, 13 spd. trans., 3126 Cat motor $19,500 $18,500 1992 Int’l Dump Truck 4 door crew cab, 12’ dump bed, DT, auto, A/C, 100,000 mi., ex-city $10,500 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING VISIT THE ALL NEW WWW.EQUIPMENTMARTADS.COM 1993 Ford F800 diesel, AWD w/highway auger, 1257 hrs. $19,500 Page 23 Page 24 EQUIPMENT MART PUBLISHING WANT TO BRING YOUR AD RIGHT TO OUR OFFICE? WE’RE AT 211 PINE STREET, ROGUE RIVER OR DEC. 3-DEC. 22, 2010
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