Your GE Medical Plan


Your GE Medical Plan
Welcome! See inside
for important tips,
tools and information
+ How to use your plan
+ Support resources available to you
+ How to get high-quality care while
reducing spending
+ Preventive screenings and services
covered 100%
+ Tips on doctor visits, prescription
drugs, savings accounts and more
+ Key phone numbers and Web sites
Your GE Medical Plan
A guide to help you make the most of your health care benefits
This booklet provides helpful tips on how
to use your GE medical plan. It will be a
valuable resource, so keep it handy and
refer to it often. is now!
Visit the site for all your pay and benefits information.
Understanding how your
GE medical plan works
What you pay; what GE pays
Quick tips: How to make
the most of your GE
medical plan
Using your plan
Be prepared for your doctor visit
Filling a prescription
Key things to know about your
prescription drug benefits
Tips for Option 1 & 2 and Option 2
Select participants
Managing your WageWorks
savings accounts
Paying your doctor bill — Option 1 & 2
Going to the pharmacy — Option 1 & 2
Tips for Option 3 participants
Paying your doctor bill — Option 3
Ten ways to get high-quality
treatment while reducing
your health care spending
The importance of
preventive screenings
Preventive screenings and services
for women
Going to the pharmacy — Option 3 39
Understanding Health Savings
Account (HSA) contributions on
your W-2
Tools, resources and contact
Understanding how your
GE medical plan works
You pay 100% of health care costs until you reach your deductible; then you pay
20% and GE pays 80% in-network. Once you reach your co-insurance maximum,
GE pays 100% of remaining covered expenses in-network.
What you pay; what GE pays
Your Deductible
Your deductible is the
dollar amount you’ll
need to spend before
insurance payments
begin. You pay all
health care costs until
this amount is reached.
Your deductible is
made up of your eligible medical, pharmacy and behavioral
health claims for you
and your covered
Dental, vision and
over-the-counter (OTC)
purchases do not
count toward your
Your Co-Insurance
Once the deductible
is met, co-insurance
Co-insurance means
you pay 20% of the
cost and GE pays 80%
in-network. For outof-network services,
you pay 40% of the
cost and GE pays 60%.
Additional out-ofnetwork provider
charges may apply.*
Your Out-of-Pocket
After you reach
your co-insurance
maximum, GE pays
100% of covered
expenses in-network.
Your deductible plus
co-insurance is the
most you will pay for
your eligible medical,
pharmacy and behavioral health benefits.
Once the deductible is
met, co-insurance
begins. The amount of
co-insurance that you
pay is capped.
*Does not apply to GE Health
Choice Option 2 Select
participants, which is an
in-network plan only.
Another good reason to use
in-network doctors and facilities:
When you receive care out-ofnetwork, any costs above the
amount your health plan
administrator determines to be
eligible are not applied to your
deductible, co-insurance or outof-pocket maximum. This can
substantially increase the amount
you spend for care in a year.*
*Does not apply to GE Health Choice Option 2 Select
participants, which is an in-network plan only.
Using your plan
Your GE medical plan design is based mostly on deductibles and co-insurance.
As a result, you are responsible for the full cost of most medical services and
prescription drugs until you meet your deductible — but at negotiated rates with
in-network providers.
When you go to a network doctor:
If you are new to the medical plan or your health plan administrator has changed,
bring a copy of the Doctor’s Letter to explain your plan to your doctor. To print copies
of the letter, please visit the GE Health Benefits or GE Health Choice Web site through and select “Provider Search.”
Do not pay your doctor at the time of your visit. Here’s why.
Before you pay, your bill needs to go
through the claims process for two
• First, so you can be billed accurately
at GE’s negotiated rate
• Second, so that the correct amount
can be applied to your deductible
and co-insurance maximum
Even if your doctor’s office specifically
requests payment at the time of the
visit, try to avoid it. It will probably only
create confusion and more work for
you down the line.
If your doctor absolutely insists on
payment at the date of service, follow
the steps on page 28 (Options 1 & 2 and
Option 2 Select) or page 38 (Option 3).
Show your medical ID card.
Have you reached your deductible?
Show your medical ID card. The doctor
should not ask you to pay anything at
the time of the visit.
If you have not reached your
deductible, your health plan
administrator notifies the doctor that
you are responsible for paying the
full cost of your visit as indicated on
your Explanation of Benefits (EOB).
Your doctor submits a claim.
Your doctor submits a claim to your
health plan administrator.
Your health plan administrator
processes the claim.
Your health plan administrator
processes the claim using the
discounted rate that the doctor
has agreed to for plan members.
If you have reached your deductible,
your GE medical plan covers innetwork services at 80%. Your health
plan administrator notifies the
doctor that you are responsible for
paying the remaining 20% in-network
Your doctor sends you the bill.
Your doctor sends you a bill for
the amount that your health plan
administrator says you owe.
Explanation of Benefits
Your health plan administrator sends
you an EOB that summarizes how the
claim was processed. You should
compare it to the bill from the doctor to
make sure the amount billed matches
what the health plan administrator
says you owe. If it does not match,
call your health plan administrator for
You pay the bill.
Filling a prescription
GE Exclusive Choice is the retail pharmacy network in certain states.
These states include Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin.
If you live in or travel to any of these states and choose to purchase your
prescriptions at a retail location, you must use an Exclusive Choice retail
network pharmacy for your prescriptions to be covered. The network includes
CVS, Walmart, Sam’s Club and select local independent pharmacies. There is
no coverage for prescriptions filled at out-of-network pharmacies.
If you are not in an Exclusive Choice state, you can use any network pharmacy
in that state to receive prescription drug coverage.
To see a list of retail network pharmacies, go to or call
1-800-509-9891. This does not apply for mail order.
If you need to switch pharmacies, you should take the following steps:
• Review your current medications
and where you purchase them.
• If you do not currently purchase your
prescription(s) at an Exclusive Choice
pharmacy, you will need to transfer
your prescription(s) to a pharmacy in
the network. This is very important —
and very easy.
• If you need to transfer a prescription,
visit or call a local Exclusive Choice
pharmacy with your prescription
bottle and CVS Caremark ID card in
hand, and tell them you need to
transfer your prescriptions. All you
need is on your prescription bottle
label and your ID card.
• Finally, inform your doctor of
this change.
When you go to a network pharmacy
Step 1
Show your CVS Caremark card.
The claim will count toward your
deductible and co-insurance
Step 2
If you have not reached your
deductible, you pay for the
prescription in full, at the network
discount rate.
Step 3
If you have reached your deductible, you pay a co-payment for generic drugs
or co-insurance for brand-name drugs.
Get low-cost generic
prescriptions and 24/7 access
with CVS Caremark.
CVS Caremark and GE offer GE
medical plan participants a lowcost $4 and $10 generic program.
CVS Caremark will provide a list of
eligible generic drugs that are
available for this program in CVS
retail stores and by mail order.
To view the list of $4 and $10
generics, order prescriptions and
submit refills 24/7, go to www.
Specialty and Targeted drugs
Remember: Drugs on the
Specialty and Targeted drug list
are not subject to deductible for
Options 1 & 2 and Option 2
Select. For details on Specialty
and Targeted drugs, visit the
prescription drugs page on
the GE Health Benefits or GE
Health Choice Web site through
healthcaredecisions, or go to
For more information, visit
Ten ways to get
high-quality treatment
while reducing your
health care spending
To get the most from your GE medical plan, you need to be an active
consumer of health care. That means working closely with your doctor,
following care regimens, asking questions and getting involved in
treatment decisions. It also means managing your spending and using
resources wisely. Here are some key points to keep in mind.
Need more assistance? See the “Tools and Resources” section on page 41.
Make healthy lifestyle choices,
including getting all of your
recommended preventive screenings.
When you use in-network providers,
the plan covers many preventive
screenings and services at 100%.
See page 12 for details.
If you need help or advice on making
healthy lifestyle choices like
eating better, exercising or quitting
tobacco, call Health Coach from GE
at 1-866-272-6007 and ask about
lifestyle coaching. Learn more about
Health Coach from GE on page 11.
Avoid out-of-network care and
services whenever possible.*
When you use doctors or hospitals
out-of-network, you pay more. About
90–95% of doctors and hospitals are
in the typical GE network.* Network
providers have met quality standards
and have agreed to provide services
to GE members at a discount.
Note: Even when being treated at an
in-network hospital, be sure to verify
that the doctor who is treating you is
Make sure you understand how
your savings accounts work.
Using them correctly is a key to
maximizing your plan. If you have a
Health Reimbursement Account (HRA)
or Health Care Flexible Spending
Account (FSA)/Limited Purpose FSA
(LPFSA), read the WageWorks Quick
Start brochure for your account.
And if you have a Health Savings
Account (HSA), visit your partner bank’s
Web site to ensure you are maximizing
your opportunities. Go to the “Savings
Accounts” section of the GE Health
Benefits or GE Health Choice Web site
healthcaredecisions, and click on
“Savings Accounts Overview.”
Use generic drugs.
Generic drugs can cost much less than
brand names. If no generic equivalent
is available, ask your doctor about
similar lower-cost drugs that may be
equally effective. Visit www.caremark.
com and click on “Find Savings and
Opportunities” to explore ways to save
money and better understand your
drug costs.
*Does not apply to GE Health Choice Option 2 Select
participants, which is an in-network plan only.
Always use your CVS Caremark
card to receive all the discounts you
are entitled to.
Using your CVS Caremark card also
ensures pharmacy expenses are
counted against your deductible.
If you have questions, contact CVS
Caremark at 1-800-509-9891 or
You can also use your CVS ExtraCare
health card to save 20% on eligible
health-related CVS/pharmacy brand
products in-store and online at To request additional
cards, call 1-800-509-9891.
Develop a relationship with a
primary care doctor — especially if
you have a chronic condition.
It’s always a good idea to have one
doctor coordinate your care. If you
don’t have a primary care doctor,
Health Coach from GE can help you
find one. Call 1-866-272-6007.
Avoid emergency room visits
for non-emergencies.
For minor issues, visit an in-network
convenience clinic or your doctor’s
office. If it’s more serious and your
doctor is not available, consider an
urgent care facility. All of these options
cost far less than emergency rooms.
For a list of urgent care facilities in
your area, call Health Coach from GE,
use the Treatment Cost Calculator at
or visit your health plan administrator’s
Web site.
In certain states, for minor illnesses, you
may even be able to see a doctor online
from your computer or smartphone
using NowClinic. See page 42 for more
information on NowClinic.
Before you get the care,
get the cost.
The Treatment Cost
Calculator lets you
comparison shop for your
medical care. In minutes, you can:
• Search for a medical treatment,
service or condition
• Review a general estimate of
your costs
• Find physicians, hospitals and clinics
in your area
• Compare those providers by quality,
cost and location
• Locate the nearest urgent care
Additional features:
• Outpatient bundling for a more
complete cost estimate
• Fully functional mobile site
• Advanced search functionality by
specialty options
Go to your mobile
device app store
and search for “GE
TCC” to download
the Treatment Cost
Calculator app to
your mobile device!
Visit www.treatmentcostcalculator.
For the answers you need and support
you can trust, call Health Coach from
GE at 1-866-272-6007.
Five reasons to call Health Coach
from GE:
• Select high-quality, cost-effective
doctors and hospitals
• Understand your diagnosis and
treatment options
• Understand your after-hours
care options
• Access lifestyle coaching
• Get help resolving medical claim
*Previously, you had to first contact your medical plan
administrator for claims help. Now, if you prefer to work
with a Health Coach on these issues, you can make Health
Coach your first call.
Take advantage of the tools and
resources GE offers to help manage
your care and benefits.
• NowClinic
• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
• Expert Medical Opinion (EMO)
Program by Cleveland Clinic
• Tobacco Cessation Program
• Centers of Excellence (COEs)
Access a wealth of useful tools and
information through
Scan the QR code to
on your smartphone
The importance of
preventive screenings
With your GE medical plan, preventive screenings and services,
as recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF),
are covered 100% in-network and not subject to the deductible.
Screenings in the following categories cost you nothing.
• Screenings for cervical, breast,
prostate and colon cancer
• A variety of blood, urine and other
lab tests
• Annual adult physicals
• Immunizations for influenza,
hepatitis, tetanus and many more
• Annual routine gynecological care
• Screenings for conditions such as
osteoporosis, depression and more
• Annual lung cancer screening: age
55–80 with 30-year tobacco history
• Pediatric prevention, including wellchild care visits and screenings
• Hepatitis C virus screenings for
adults born in U.S. from 1945–1965
and those at high risk
See the entire list of preventive screenings and services by visiting the GE Health Benefits or GE Health Choice Web site
through Age, condition and frequency restrictions may apply. If you’re not
sure whether a specific service is covered for you or a family member, please contact your health plan administrator.
Preventive screenings and services for women
Services will be covered at 100% and not subject to the deductible
when you use in-network providers. Some services include:
• Annual well-women visits
• Counseling and screening for human
immuno-deficiency virus (HIV)
• Counseling and screening for
interpersonal issues and domestic
• Prenatal preventive visits
• Gestational diabetes screenings
• Sterilization for women
• Prescribed generic contraceptives,
including over-the-counter (OTC) and
contraceptives counseling
• HPV testing
• Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene
(BRCA) genetic testing when
medically appropriate
• Counseling for sexually transmitted
Calling Doctor…
• Breastfeeding support, supplies and
counseling for new mothers
• Breast cancer preventive medication
for women with increased risk;
including some prescription
medications. Please call CVS
Caremark for more information,
Remember that in-network
preventive screenings and services
covered at 100% are based on the
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
(USPSTF) recommendations. Talk
with your doctor to determine if any
screenings or services fall outside
of these guidelines, as you may be
responsible for all or part of the
costs of such services. Contact your
health plan administrator if you
have any coverage questions.
Quick tips:
How to make the most
of your GE medical plan
Our goal is to provide you and your family with all the information you need to
manage your health care needs and make smart, cost-effective choices.
In this section, you’ll find a set of essential tips as you consider your treatment
options, visit your doctor, go to the pharmacy, manage your savings accounts and
more. These tips are easy to scan through, easy to understand and designed to
help you get the most value for your health care dollars.
You’ll find general tips that apply to all GE medical plan participants, plus specific
advice tailored to the plan option you’ve chosen — Option 1, Option 2, Option 2
Select or Option 3.
Need more assistance? See the “Tools and Resources” section on page 41.
Be prepared for your doctor visit
Call Health Coach from GE first.
When you’re sick, the registered
nurses at Health Coach can help you
decide if you need to see a doctor.
They can also help you find the nearest
convenience clinic or urgent care
facility. Call them at 1-866-272-6007.
If an office visit is necessary, talk with
your Health Coach about questions
you should ask your doctor.
Health Coach from GE:
and select Option 2
Write down your questions.
Be specific.
Make sure you cover all your concerns
and have a clear understanding of your
diagnosis, treatment options and next
steps before you conclude the visit.
Also, keep in mind that the best way to
save money is to ask questions, such
as: Is there an acceptable generic drug
available? Where’s the best place for
my MRI? Do I really need all these tests?
Keeping a personal health record may
help you determine the questions you
should ask.
Tell your doctor you have a
consumer-driven health plan.
Use an imaging center for MRI
and CT scans.
Tell your doctor that you want the best
care, but with your health plan you are
responsible for a large portion of the
cost. Doctors may not think about costs
when they choose treatments.
If your doctor orders tests, talk to him
or her about getting these types of
tests at an imaging center instead of
a hospital — you could save hundreds
of dollars.
Key things to know about your
prescription drug benefits
Use mail order service for maintenance medication — your savings
could be significant.
• To ensure prompt delivery of your
prescribed medication, make sure
you have a form of payment on file
with Caremark
• Use generic drugs whenever possible.
If no generic is available, ask your
doctor about similar lower-cost
drugs that may be equally effective.
Make sure to check drug costs on before
completing your orders. You can also
call Caremark at 1-800-509-9891
• If you have a Health Reimbursement
Account (HRA) or Health Care Flexible
Spending Account (FSA) and you do
not use your WageWorks health care
card at the time you order/fill your
prescription, remember that you will
need to submit a claim to WageWorks
If you used personal funds at the
To submit your claim on the WageWorks
online portal, go to;
select “Health Care” then “Savings
Accounts (FSA/HRA/HSA).” You’ll need
to provide either the invoice or receipt
to be reimbursed.
Understand the key components of
your plan by visiting the GE Health
Benefits or GE Health Choice Web site
Save money on prescriptions
Be a smart shopper and save.
Local pharmacies often offer certain
generic drugs at special pricing to
attract customers — just like they do
with other products. GE’s contract with
CVS Caremark allows you to save
money with these lower prices under
the GE Prescription Drug program.
For example, some retailers offer a list
of drugs available at special pricing.
These lists, available online and in-store,
contain common generic drugs and
are available to you for as little as $4 for
30 days or $10 for 90 days.
Walmart is an example of an in-network
retailer that offers special pricing that
can save you money. Compare prices
before you purchase your next
prescription. And visit other retailers on
the Web to see if you can save money.
If you fill your prescription at a local
pharmacy, show your CVS Caremark
prescription ID card so that you get
credit toward your deductible
and co-insurance maximum on top
of getting the discounted price.
Remember: GE Exclusive Choice is the retail pharmacy network
in certain states.
These states include Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode
Island, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin. If you live in or travel to any of these
states and choose to purchase your prescriptions at a retail location, you must use
an Exclusive Choice retail network pharmacy for your prescriptions to be covered.
The network includes CVS, Walmart, Sam’s Club and select local independent
pharmacies. To see a list of retail network pharmacies, go to,
use the CVS Caremark mobile app or call 1-800-509-9891. This does not apply
for mail order.
Did you know? Certain over-the-counter (OTC) preventive drugs prescribed
by a doctor are covered at 100%.
Covered drugs are based on recommendations by the U.S. Preventive Services
Task Force (USPSTF). They include:
• Aspirin to prevent cardiovascular
disease (CVD)
• Iron supplements in children
• Chemoprevention of dental caries
(cavities) — Fluoride supplementation
• Vitamin D supplementation to
prevent falls in community-dwellings
for adults age 65 years and older
who are at increased risk for falls
• Certain tobacco use and smoking
cessation products for adults
• Certain immunizations as
recommended by the USPSTF
• Prescribed generic contraceptives,
including OTC drugs
• Breast cancer preventive medication
for women with increased risk;
including some prescription
Age and gender restrictions apply.
Save more money with the CVS Caremark ExtraCare health card.
As a GE employee, you could save
hundreds of dollars every year!
With your ExtraCare health card, get all
the current benefits of the traditional
CVS ExtraCare Card plus a 20% savings
on eligible items in-store and online
• Health-related CVS brand products
• Low-cost CVS brand OTC
• Applies to more than 1,500 items
at more than 7,000 stores
• To request additional cards,
call Caremark’s customer care
at 1-800-509-9891
Tips for Options 1 & 2
and Option 2 Select
This section applies to participants in
Options 1 & 2 and Option 2 Select only.
For you, GE has opened and funded
a Health Reimbursement Account
(HRA), which you can use to pay for
most medical and prescription drug
expenses. In addition, you may have
opened and funded a Health Care
Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
during Annual Enrollment. These
tips will help you use these
accounts correctly when
you go to the doctor,
purchase prescription
drugs and more.
You can carry over up to $500
of unused Health Care Flexible
Spending Account (FSA) funds
into the following year.
For Dependent Care Flexible
Spending Accounts (DCFSA),
any funds not used by the
following March 15 will be
WageWorks administers the Health
Reimbursement Account (HRA)
and FSA. Make the most of your
benefits and know when to use your
WageWorks health care card, when
to pay online and how the claim
process works.
WageWorks offers:
• An intuitive Web portal — enhanced to
help you manage claims more easily
and improve your overall experience,
based on input from GE members
• Strong customer service with a
GE-specific Web site and phone line
• Mobile capabilities and applications
• Increased features to help you better
manage your accounts
Access the WageWorks online portal
two ways: Go to; select
“Health Care” then “Savings Accounts
(FSA/HRA/HSA)” or visit www.
Four simple rules for managing your
WageWorks accounts:
• Use your WageWorks health care
card whenever you purchase
prescription drugs from a network
pharmacy or mail order
• Do not use your WageWorks health
care card when you go to the doctor
• Always save your receipts and
Explanation of Benefits (EOB) forms
• If you need to verify a claim, do so
promptly to avoid tax penalties
Visit the GE Health Benefits or
GE Health Choice Web site through
healthcaredecisions to learn more
about using your HRA and FSA
funds and more.
Managing your WageWorks savings account
To manage your Health Reimbursement
Account (HRA)/Health Care Flexible
Spending Account (FSA) funds online,
visit; select “Health
Care” then “Savings Accounts (FSA/
HRA/HSA)” or go to www.wageworks.
com/ge. If you need help or have
any questions about the portal, call
WageWorks at 1-888-303-3006.
Scan the QR code
to bookmark
WageWorks on
your smartphone.
Coordinate claim payment or
Stay informed and keep information
Check for unpaid claims submitted
by your medical, vision or dental
administrator. You can either pay
yourself (if you paid with your own
funds) or send a payment directly to
the provider (if you have not paid
anything yet).
Ensure that your information is correct
and opt to receive email messages,
electronic statements and other notices.
Where to go: Log in to the WageWorks
portal, click on “Submit Receipt or Claim”
and select your claim option.
Where to go: Log in to the WageWorks
portal and select “Profile” from the top
navigation bar.
Verify your claims.
A note about using your
WageWorks accounts.
You can use funds in your WageWorks
account via your WageWorks health
care card by paying your provider
directly or by paying with out-of-pocket
funds and reimbursing yourself. All
claims, including card use, require
verification that the expense is eligible
according to IRS guidelines. Systems
are in place to automatically verify
expenses when possible, but there are
times when you are asked to provide
You may need to verify a claim when
you use your WageWorks health care
card at a provider’s office. Verification
must include patient name, date of
service, service provided, provider name
and amount paid (e.g., an Explanation
of Benefits [EOB] from your health plan
administrator). You can either fax the
receipt or EOB using the WageWorks
provided form, or you can scan a copy
of the receipt and upload it to the site.
Where to go: Log in to the WageWorks
online portal and check your Alerts &
Messages for a Card Use Verification
notice. If nothing appears, you have no
transactions requiring verification.
Things to know about claims processing
How long does it take for my health
plan administrator to receive
a claim from my provider (doctor,
hospital, lab)?
Providers generally bill in cycles, so
times will vary — typically weekly or
How long does it take for my health
plan administrator to process the
claim from my provider?
Once the claim has been received, it
takes up to ten business days to
process the claim. If it’s a complex
claim, expect longer processing times
(up to four weeks).
Once the claim is processed, how long
does it take for WageWorks to be
made aware of the claim and adjust
my account balance(s)?
Claims are sent to WageWorks once a
week; the day of the week varies across
health plan administrators.
When will my pharmacy claims
be reflected in my deductible and
out-of-pocket maximum?
Pharmacy claims are immediately
reflected on the Caremark Web site.
Your health plan administrator tracks
your deductible. In most cases, the
claim will be reflected in the deductible
and out-of-pocket maximum posted
on your health plan administrator’s
Web site after one to two business days.
To learn more about the claims
process, visit the WageWorks portal
by going to; select
“Health Care” then “Savings Accounts
(FSA/HRA/HSA)” or go to
When you use your WageWorks card,
the money will be pulled from your
Health Care Flexible Spending Account
(FSA) first. If your FSA funds have been
depleted or you only have a Health
Reimbursement Account (HRA), your
HRA credit will be used. Remember,
you can only use HRA credits for medical
claims. HRA credits cannot be used
for dental or vision claims.
Pick & Process: the easy way to manage
your claims
This feature lets you pay yourself or
your providers directly from your
Health Care Flexible Spending Account
(FSA) and Health Reimbursement
Account (HRA). You can review claims
WageWorks has received from your
GE plan administrators and “pick” how
you want to “process” them. With your
provider invoices and Explanation of
Benefits (EOB) in hand, simply follow
these steps.
• Go to or
visit; select “Health
Care” then “Savings Accounts (FSA/
• Click “Pick & Process”
• Click “Next” to go to the “Pick a
Transaction” page
• Click on the claim(s) you want to
process, then your processing choice
There are three actions you can take
with Pick & Process
• Need to verify a transaction made
with your WageWorks Card? Click
“Health Care Card Receipt”
• Need to pay a provider directly from
your account? Click “Pay My Provider.”
If you have multiple claims from a
single provider, use the claims
bundling feature. Simply select the
items you want to bundle from the
claims list and make those payments
in one transaction
For each type of transaction, just enter
the transaction amount and follow the
steps to complete the process. It’s
painless, quick and efficient. Give Pick &
Process a try.
• Need to reimburse yourself for a
payment you did not make with your
WageWorks health care card? Click
“Pay Me Back”
Manage your accounts on the go with
the WageWorks EZ Receipts® Mobile App.
Download it from your smartphone’s app store
to submit claims and receipts, view balances
and claims history and more.
What you need to know about paying
your doctor bill
Do I have to pay at the time of service?
The doctor should not ask you to pay anything at the time of the visit. Instead,
have the provider bill you and pay later through the WageWorks portal. Doing
this will avoid complications and the need for you to validate the use of your
WageWorks card.
If your provider insists that you pay at the time of service, here’s what you can do:
• Have the provider call your health plan administrator to determine what you owe
• Your health plan administrator may be able to confirm patient responsibility
per the actual negotiated rate
• Use your WageWorks health care card to pay your doctor
• The money will automatically come from your Health Care Flexible Spending
Account (FSA) first
• WageWorks will send you a message asking you to submit a receipt to verify
your expense on the WageWorks online portal
• If you find you have overpaid your provider once you’ve received your
Explanation of Benefits (EOB), ask your provider to refund the difference back
to your WageWorks health care card. If you receive a refund check, you should
sign it over to WageWorks and send it in for deposit back into your account
• If your FSA funds have been depleted or you only have a Health Reimbursement
Account (HRA), your HRA credit will be used. Please note: HRA credits cannot be
used for dental or vision expenses
If you do not have your WageWorks health care card, you can pay using your own
funds and submit a claim for reimbursement after your health plan administrator
has processed the claim from your doctor.
We recommend that you avoid using
your WageWorks health care card at a
provider’s office.
Paying your doctor bill online
through WageWorks
You’ve heard a lot about using your WageWorks health care card, but did you
know that you can also pay your bill online through WageWorks?
Paperless claims.
To get started:
When you receive a bill from your doctor,
you can pay it with your WageWorks
funds using the online Pay My Provider or
Pick & Process services. Pick & Process
lets you pay yourself or your providers
directly from your Health Care Flexible
Spending Account (FSA) and Health
Reimbursement Account (HRA). You
can review the claims WageWorks has
received from your GE plan administrators and “pick” how you want to
“process” them. You can verify transactions made with your WageWorks card,
pay providers directly from your
account, reimburse yourself and more.
See page 27 for more information.
To access the WageWorks online
portal, go to; select
“Health Care” and then “Savings
Accounts (FSA/HRA/HSA).” Log in and
click “Pick & Process” so that you can
select reimbursement to the provider
or yourself and select which account
to use (FSA or HRA).
Only claims processed by your health
plan administrator or by Davis Vision or
MetLife Dental are available for paperless claims.
Need to submit a manual claim to WageWorks?
Here’s what you need to know.
How do I submit a manual claim?
When is it necessary to submit
a manual claim?
You can reimburse yourself for any
eligible expenses by logging in to the
WageWorks online portal and entering
a claim, or by printing and submitting
your claim form to WageWorks. Click
on “Submit Receipt or Claim” to access
the online claim features, or click on
“Help” and “Form & Documents” to print
a claim form.
• When paying for dependent care
(if you have a Dependent Care
Flexible Spending Account [DCFSA])
• When you pay for prescription drugs
and prescribed over-the-counter (OTC)
drugs with your own funds
Manual claims are claims you
submit to WageWorks through
the Web portal or via mail/fax
with a claim form and the
appropriate documentation.
Please note that when submitting a
manual claim, you must send in a
receipt or documentation, such as an
Explanation of Benefits (EOB).
To access the WageWorks online portal,
go to; select “Health Care”
then “Savings Accounts (FSA/HRA/HSA)”
or visit
Are you going to the pharmacy?
Activate your Health
Reimbursement Account (HRA)
and/or Health Care Flexible
Spending Account (FSA)
WageWorks health care card.
Activate your HRA and/or FSA
WageWorks health care card by
following the instructions on
the label affixed to the card (like
you would any other debit card).
Give the pharmacist your
CVS Caremark ID card.
Give the pharmacist your CVS Caremark
ID card. This ensures that you receive
the negotiated rate for your medication
and that this prescription cost goes
toward your deductible and co-insurance
Swipe your WageWorks
health care card.
Find your CVS Caremark ID card.
Find your CVS Caremark ID card and
ensure that you have it with you.
Check your account balance.
Before using your WageWorks health
care card, be sure to check your account
balance. You can review your account
balances on the WageWorks online
portal, accessible from
Swipe your WageWorks health care
card at the counter and select “Credit”
or “Debit.” You should save your receipt
for your own records.
If you paid with an alternate means,
you may file a manual claim with
WageWorks to be reimbursed.
Remember, your WageWorks health
care card will pull funds from your FSA
first, then from your HRA.
CVS Caremark does not pass pharmacy transactions through to WageWorks. You should
use your WageWorks health care card to pay for prescription medications. If you select
“Credit,” no PIN is necessary to use this card. If you select “Debit,” please call WageWorks
to obtain your PIN. You will not need to verify any pharmacy claim when you pay at the
counter using your WageWorks health care card.
To access the WageWorks online portal, go to; select “Health Care” then
“Savings Accounts (FSA/HRA/HSA)” or go to
Tips for Option 3
This section applies to
participants in Option 3 only.
To get the most from this option,
make sure you open a Health
Savings Account (HSA) to pay for
current and future health care
expenses (certain IRS restrictions
apply). In addition, you may have
opened and funded a Limited
Purpose Flexible Spending
Account (LPFSA) during Annual
Enrollment to pay for dental and
vision expenses. These tips will
help you use these accounts
correctly when you visit
your providers, purchase
prescription drugs
and more.
Save your receipts.
You can carry over up to $500
of unused Limited Purpose
Flexible Spending Account
(LPFSA) funds into the
following year.
For Dependent Care Flexible
Spending Accounts (DCFSA),
any funds not used by the
following March 15 will
be forfeited.
While you don’t have to submit claim
forms or receipts when you use your
Health Savings Account (HSA), you are
required to save receipts in case you
are audited by the IRS.
Maximize your health care benefits.
If you enrolled in Option 3, make sure
you opened an HSA so you can save
money on a pre-tax basis to pay for
current and future health care
To open an HSA or make changes
to your HSA contributions, go to
To pay for over-the-counter (OTC)
medications, follow these steps:
• Obtain a prescription from your
physician for the necessary OTC
• Purchase the prescribed OTC drug
with your HSA bank debit card
• Put your prescription and receipt
in a safe place for possible later use;
if audited by the IRS, you will need
proof of the qualifying expense.
A non-qualifying expense will be
subject to income tax plus a penalty
Visit the GE Health Benefits or
GE Health Choice Web site through
healthcaredecisions to learn more
about using your HSA.
Be informed: What you need to know about
Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)
With an HSA, there are three ways to pay for qualified medical expenses:
Use your HSA debit card.
Log on.
Use your bank issued
HSA debit card to pay for
Log on to the HSA bank’s
online portal. You can
have a check sent to your
doctor or pay yourself
back if you’ve already paid
your doctor or pharmacy.
Withdraw money from
an ATM using your HSA
debit card if your bank
offers this option.
Use what you have.
An HSA is your bank
account for health
services — and just
like a bank account,
you can only use
funds you have
already contributed.
Be sure to check your
balance before using
your funds to pay for
qualified health care
expenses. You may be
charged a fee if you
use your debit card to
make a purchase that
exceeds your HSA
Added benefit of an HSA:
(Note: Additional fees may apply.)
Save your receipts.
Once your HSA is open,
you can reimburse
yourself for eligible
medical claims during
the plan year. Why is
this important?
If the IRS asks you to
prove that you used
your HSA funds for
qualified expenses,
you will need your
Since you can only
use HSA funds already
contributed, there
may be times when
you have to use
personal funds to pay
for medical expenses.
You can then wait
until your HSA has
enough funds and pay
yourself back from
your account.
For more information
about managing an
HSA, go to the “Savings
Account” section of
the GE Health Benefits
or GE Health Choice
Web site through
For more information, visit
Are you using your Health Savings
Account (HSA) correctly?
You can open an HSA and make pre-tax payroll contributions to your health plan
administrator’s partner bank at any time by signing up on
Regular pre-tax payroll deductions are the easiest way to build your HSA balance,
and you’ll immediately see the tax benefit in your paycheck.
Once you’ve opened your HSA, or if
you already have one, here’s how to
maximize its value.
Contribute the annual IRS maximum. To
find out how much you can contribute
this year, visit or the
“Savings Accounts Overview” page of
the GE Health Benefits or GE Health
Choice Web site through
healthahead/healthcaredecisions. You
can also get this information directly
from your HSA bank. Once the balance
exceeds an amount determined by your
bank, you can invest it as you would an
IRA. You can increase, decrease or stop
and restart contributions to your HSA
at any time.
Important IRS restrictions:
You cannot have an HSA if your
spouse’s Health Care Flexible Spending
Account (FSA) can pay for any of your
medical expenses before your Option 3
deductible is met. In order for you to be
eligible for an HSA, the FSA would need
to be a Limited Purpose FSA (dental
and vision only), a post-deductible FSA
or an employee-only FSA. Special
IRS rules apply to mid-year enrollees
(e.g., new hires) with less than 13
months in an HSA. See
for detailed information.
For more information regarding Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), contact the
HSA bank associated with your health plan administrator.
If you are enrolled with:
That bank is:
Optum Bank
JPMorgan Chase (through 3/31/15)
PayFlex (beginning 4/1/15)
Capital District Physicians’ Health
Plan or Blue Cross Blue Shield
of Alabama
(formerly Mellon Bank)
For additional questions about
enrolling or contributing to an HSA,
call the GE Benefits Center at
Paying your doctor bill
Do I have to pay at the time of
The doctor should not ask you to
pay anything at the time of the visit.
However, in certain situations, you
may be required to pay for services
in full at the time of your visit.
If you are required to pay at the time
of service, here’s what you can do:
• Have the provider call your health
plan administrator to determine
what you owe
• Your health plan administrator
may be able to confirm patient
responsibility per the actual
negotiated rate
If you open a Limited Purpose Flexible
Spending Account (LPFSA), it can only
be used for dental and vision expenses.
You will receive a WageWorks health
care card to access your funds.
• Do not pay at the time of service.
Wait until you receive a bill from
the provider and pay it directly
from your LPFSA like an online bill
payment service
• If you must pay at the time of
service, use your health care card.
WageWorks may send you a
message asking you to submit a
receipt to verify your expense on
the WageWorks online portal
• Use your bank’s Health Savings
Account (HSA) debit card to pay
your doctor
To access the WageWorks online
portal, go to; select
“Health Care” then “Savings Accounts
• The money will automatically come
from your HSA
Understand the key components of
your plan by using the information and
resources available on the GE Health
Benefits or GE Health Choice Web site
• Be sure to keep your receipts to
provide proof that you used the
funds for a qualified medical expense
Make sure you only use your HSA
dollars to pay for qualified expenses.
If you withdraw money for non-medical
or ineligible expenses, you will have to
pay income taxes on the money, and
you may incur a penalty as well.
If you overpaid your doctor with your
HSA funds, contact your HSA bank for
reimbursement instructions.
Going to the pharmacy
Activate your Health Savings
Account (HSA) debit card.
Give the pharmacist your CVS
Caremark ID card.
Activate your HSA debit card by
following the instructions on the
label affixed to the card.
Give the pharmacist your CVS
Caremark ID card. This ensures that
you receive the negotiated rate for your
medication and that this prescription
cost goes toward your deductible and
co-insurance maximum.
Find your CVS Caremark ID card.
Find your CVS Caremark ID card and
ensure that you have it with you.
Check your account balance.
Before using your HSA debit card, be
sure to check your account balance.
You can review balances on your
partner bank’s Web site. If you opened
your HSA with a different bank,
follow their instructions for checking
account balances.
Swipe your HSA debit card.
Swipe your HSA debit card at the
counter. You should not have to file
a claim, but save the receipt for
your records.
Understanding Health Savings Account (HSA)
contributions on your W-2
If you contributed to an HSA through payroll deductions, you will see the amount
reported in Box 12 of your W-2 Wage and Tax Statement form in January of the
following year. The IRS explanation that accompanies the form can be confusing,
so allow us to clarify:
W-2 Wage and Tax Statement
As shown in the sample above, your HSA contributions will be reported in
Box 12, following the code letter “W.”
This is the dollar amount you should report to the IRS on Form 8889 when
you file your tax return. Because you contributed through payroll deductions,
this amount has already been deducted from the taxable income reported
on your W-2.
If you make direct contributions to your HSA or contribute to a non-partner
bank, those amounts will not be included here. You will have to report
those separately.
Please consult your tax advisor if you have questions on how HSA
contributions may affect your tax liability.
Invest and save for future health care expenses
Since it’s similar to how an IRA works,
if you have a certain amount saved
in your Health Savings Account (HSA),
you may have the option to invest
those dollars in a mutual fund. While
rules vary from bank to bank, that
account threshold is typically $2,000.
If your HSA contains less than that
amount, you can earn simple interest.
Partner banks have provided
information about investing your HSA
along with easy, step-by-step
instructions on how to get started
with your investments.
To learn more about investing your HSA,
visit the “Savings Accounts” section of
the GE Health Benefits or GE Health
Choice Web site through
healthahead/healthcaredecisions and
click on “Savings Accounts Overview.”
Tools, resources and contact information
The HealthAhead Web site is here to
help guide you and your family to
better health by offering you all of the
information you need to make smart,
cost-effective health care choices.
There are many resources available to
you within and outside of GE to help
you get the most from your benefits.
Take advantage! Visit
Scan the QR
code to bookmark
on your smartphone.
Key health and wellness resources
See a doctor online.
Exclusively for GE Health
Benefits and GE Health
Choice members in
most states and the District
of Columbia*
• Get help with minor illnesses such
as allergies, cough/cold, seasonal flu,
fever, nausea, sore throat, sinus
infection, etc.
• Connect with a doctor on the Web
via secure online chat or phone
• Doctors can diagnose and prescribe
most drugs**
• $45 per visit … available 24/7 with
no appointment required
New! National Hip and
Knee Replacement Centers
of Excellence (COEs)
Employees, retirees and their dependents are eligible to go to one of four
new total hip and knee replacement
COEs under the GE Health Benefits or
GE Health Choice Plans:
• 100% coverage for Option 1 & 2
members; not subject to deductible
and co-insurance, and 100%
coverage, after meeting deductible,
for Option 3 members
• Providers and facilities in this
program are nationally recognized
for excellence in orthopedic care:
–– Hospital for Special Surgery;
New York, NY
For more information or to get started,
go to
–– Northwestern Memorial Hospital;
Chicago, IL
NowClinic is mobile … search for
“NowClinic” in your mobile app store.
–– The Christ Hospital;
Cincinnati, Ohio
*NowClinic is not available in Arkansas, Alabama, Alaska,
Louisiana and Texas at the time of this printing (2/1/15).
**No controlled substances may be prescribed. Other
prescriptions may be available where clinically appropriate
and permitted by law and can be transmitted to a
CVS Caremark participating pharmacy of your choice.
Payment is not required at the time
of visit for UnitedHealthcare (UHC)
members. NowClinic will bill UHC
directly. For non-UHC plan participants, you
can pay with any major credit card, but you
may need to verify your claim if you choose to
use your WageWorks card.
–– Carolina’s Medical Center — Mercy;
Charlotte, NC
• Depending on the program, a travel
benefit may also be available
GE also has COEs for organ transplant,
bariatric surgery and certain types of
cancer care.
To find out more, contact Health Coach
from GE at 1-866-272-6007.
Getting a second
opinion: Expert Medical
Opinion (EMO) program
When you’re facing a serious medical
condition and the best course of
treatment is not clear, Health Coach
may recommend a second opinion
through the EMO program administered
by the Cleveland Clinic. Through this
program, you or a loved one enrolled
in a GE medical care option can receive
an online second opinion from a
Cleveland Clinic specialist at no cost to
you. This can help you better understand
your condition and feel more confident
that a given course of treatment is
appropriate for your diagnosis.
The EMO program lets you access the
expertise of leading medical specialists
in a timely fashion, without the
expense of travel.
• You supply your medical records to
Cleveland Clinic
• A specialist reviews your records and
provides a second opinion online
• A registered nurse calls to follow up
Behavioral Health services and
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Behavioral Health services include
inpatient behavioral health and
substance abuse treatment, outpatient
behavioral health testing, halfway
house and residential treatment
centers, intensive outpatient therapy
and other mental health and substance
abuse benefits. You can access
confidential mental health resources,
get help with outpatient behavioral
health services, arrange inpatient
services and more.
The Employee Assistance Program
is a personal and confidential
assessment, counseling and referral
service. EAP assists employees and
their families coping with a wide
variety of concerns, such as
stress, marital and family conflicts,
substance abuse and depression.
To access Behavioral Health or EAP
services, call Health Coach from GE at
1-866-272-6007, and select Option 1
to be connected to the right resources
to get the help you need.
• Service is voluntary, completely
confidential and offered at no cost
to you
To learn more about the program
or get help with medical records
collection, contact Health Coach
from GE at 1-866-272-6007, or visit
One out of four GE members who get
a second opinion from a Cleveland
Clinic doctor through Health Coach
find that their initial diagnosis or
treatment plan is not appropriate.
Tobacco Cessation Programs:
Effective resources when you’re ready to quit.
GE offers services and resources to help
you stop using tobacco and get healthier.
With determination, a positive attitude
and the proper support, you can do it!
GE offers three ways to help you quit:
• QuitNet Tobacco Cessation Program;
• 100% coverage for tobacco
cessation counseling and prescribed
• Lifestyle Coaching through Health
Coach from GE; call 1-866-272-6007
Go to
healthcareresources and select
“Tobacco Resources” under “Health
Care Resources.”
Did you know? Counseling for tobacco
use and most smoking cessation drugs
for adults are covered at 100%. Drugs
such as Chantix® and nicotine replacement
therapy (NRT) products* are considered
preventive and are no longer part of the
GE Targeted drug list. Talk to your doctor
to select which course of treatment
will work best for you.
*Exception: Nicotrol® Inhaler and Nasal Spray
are on the GE Targeted drug list and require
a co-pay.
Important phone numbers and Web sites
GE Health Choice
GE Health Benefits
For salaried employees
and salaried pre-65
For production
employees and
production pre-65
retirees, including
hourly and
Important phone numbers
and Web sites
Additional services
Optum Bank — UnitedHealthcare (HSA)
JPMorgan Chase — Aetna
(HSA through 3/31/15)
PayFlex — Aetna (HSA beginning 4/1/15)
BenefitWallet (formerly Mellon Bank) — Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama; Capital
District Physicians’ Health Plan (HSA)
HealthEquity — HealthAmerica (HSA)
goto benefits App
Get all of your GE pay- and benefitsrelated numbers and Web sites on one
mobile site. Now, you and your family can
easily connect at home or on the go!
Go to
or scan the QR code
to bookmark on your
Health Coach from GE
Select high-quality, cost-effective doctors
and hospitals; understand your diagnosis
and treatment options; understand your
after-hours care options; access lifestyle
coaching; and get help resolving medical
claim issues
GE Benefits Center
Learn how your medical plan works,
verify dependent eligibility, enrollment
and employee contributions
CVS Caremark
Get drug costs and plan design information
Dental Care Options
GE Dental Benefits Claim Center
Vision Care
GE Vision Care Benefits Claim Center
Treatment Cost Calculator
User support, technical/data questions
Search “GE TCC” in the app store for
your device
Behavioral Health/Employee
Assistance Program
1-866-272-6007 select Option 1
Disability Benefits, Parental Leave
and Leave Administration
GE Disability Center
GEMPG 2015