2009 Fall - Trinity College


2009 Fall - Trinity College
celebrating the right brain
snail-mail gossip • a 21st-century safari • the donors’ report
Learned and Beautiful
Trinity has always been about more than setting
and surpassing academic expectations
The start of the school year is always exciting and exhausting:
new faces appear, old faces reappear, and the College looks its
best after a summer of repair and refurbishment. The new back
field is a wonderful new asset that I hope will be heavily used, and
the quad, now wireless, has in recent weeks seen students lounging and labouring. The official opening of the green roof on
Cartwright Hall, largely funded by the generosity of the
class of ’58, takes place this month, and the re-roofing of the
Larkin Building to accommodate solar panels, primarily
funded by students, is well underway. Frosh week was by all
accounts a great success, and at Matriculation we welcomed
the incoming class of ’13, and honoured three of our own:
Donald Macdonald, Margaret MacMillan, and Richard Alway.
Dr. Alway, president of St. Michael’s for 18 years, gave an
inspiring address and offered a wonderful vision of the importance of U of T’s individual colleges.
Trinity (like St. Mike’s, like Vic) is rightly proud of its independence and its association with Canada’s greatest university
(measure it how you will), as well as with the wider community
of the GTA, and so it was wonderful to have present a distinguished trinity of chancellors: David Peterson, Roy McMurtry,
and Bill Graham, from U of T, York University and Trinity respectively (the last two are Trinity alumni), as well as two former
U of T presidents: George Connell and Rob Prichard (also both
Trinity alumni), to demonstrate to the incoming class the calibre
and interconnectedness of the family they are joining. (By the
way, if you want to see how God and Mammon intersect, go on
the Divinity boat cruise!)
Trinity has never been about simply setting and surpassing
academic expectations; our whole history is one in which extraand co-curricular activities have always played a great part, as
this issue, which has had a facelift of its own, seeks to illustrate.
The College motto, Met’agona stephanos (after the contest, the
crown), neatly summarizes the twin aspects of agony and
2 trinity alumni magazine
ecstasy that accompany academic endeavour, and the final line
of the College song celebrates the attainments of the women of
St. Hilda’s as doctae atque bellae (learned and beautiful). Both
make it clear that here, scholarship alone is not enough.
Even if our Aberdeen-born founder seems suitably stern
in his portraits, John Strachan was not immune to relaxation.
Scotch blood, after all, flowed in his veins, sometimes in apparently undiluted quantities. At one point, the Bishop, having
been told that one of his clergy was too fond of the bottle, is
said to have replied: “Tut, tut: That is a most extravagant way
to buy whisky; I always buy mine by the barrel.” (Presumably
the same barrel he appears to be wearing in the painting that
hangs in the hall that bears his name.) Strachan’s poetry is
mostly eye-watering stuff, but it has its charms – A Song for the
Curling Club is among his less toe-curling efforts.
This month, we commemorate three decades of the George
Ignatieff Theatre, with many student-organized events, including: a revival of that old Trinity favourite Saints Alive; talks and
receptions for luminaries of the TCDS past and present; and
workshops on stage combat, accents, direction and production,
and stage-management. There is also an installation of posters
from past productions now on permanent display in the JCR.
And Theatre Month coincides with the premiere of a satirical
play written, directed and produced by some of our older alums.
In case things get too lively and carefree, however, there will be
a production of No Exit (translated from Sartre’s Huis clos), the
source of the notion that “Hell is other people.”
Sartre may have had a point, but at Trinity, where we celebrate
the perspective that there is more to life than study alone, it is
perhaps appropriate to make the more pithy point that “Hell is
doing nothing else.”
Provost and Vice-Chancellor
fall 2009 Volume 46 Number 2
12 Renaissance women
Igniting an interest in visual
arts on campus
Donors’ Report
By Kristine Culp
14 In the business of books
The Upjohns are bound by
a love of the written word
By Liz Allemang
17 Lively letters
Before there were tweets …
By CharlotTe Mcwilliam
20 T
he elephant who stepped
on a land mine
Victims of Sri Lanka’s civil war
By Randy Boyagoda
28 Words and pictures
An assortment of original works
by talented Trinity grads
4 Nota bene
College observations
worth noting
BY Julia Leconte
27 A
lumni at large
The impossible can happen
By John ibbitson
48 C
asual conversations
Barry Graham
Deirdre Baker
50 Class notes
News from classmates
near and far
55 C
Things to see, hear and do
56 Trinity past
Who dunnit?
By Jill Rooksby
Published three times a year by Trinity College,
University of Toronto, 6 Hoskin Avenue,
Toronto, M5S 1H8
Phone: (416) 978-2651; Fax: (416) 971-3193
E-mail: [email protected]
Trinity is sent to 13,000 alumni, parents, friends
and associates of the College.
Trinity College complies with the Ontario Freedom
of Information and protection of Privacy Act. We
protect your personal information and do not rent
or sell our mailing list.
If you do not wish to receive the magazine, please
contact us.
Editor: Lisa Paul
Editorial Co-ordinator: Jill Rooksby
Art Direction and Design: Fresh Art & Design Inc.
Cover illustration: Gary Taxali
Publications Mail Agreement 40010503
Observations & distinctions worth noting
Lawyer, Activist, Artist
The Witness – a painting from Juricevic’s recent exhibition.
For her legal and humanitarian achievements, Diana Juricevic ’01
has not prevented her from pursuing her artistic ambitions.
was profiled last year in Chatelaine’s “80 Canadian Women to
In addition to having been exhibited at the Law Society for
Watch” series – and if you visited The Elaine Fleck Gallery last
Upper Canada and the University of Toronto, Juricevic’s portraits
month, you would have seen “How the Light Gets In,” a moving
reside in private collections around the world. Says the artist of her
exhibition of her paintings.
recent show: “Inspired by my time overseas, these paintings are
Juricevic may be an international criminal lawyer (currently split-
my way of breathing a little oxygen into the artistic soul.” The
ting her time between Toronto and The Hague), the acting director
exhibition included works such as a portrait installation that pays
of the International Human Rights Program at U of T’s Faculty of
tribute to nine women who died in Vancouver, and a playful study
Law, and a senior resident at Massey College, but her busy schedule
on laughter and love and friendship.
4 trinity alumni magazine
Award Winners
Members of the extended Trinity community were among those
recently honoured with three prestigious U of T awards.
The Arbor Awards are given to volunteers who demonstrate
exceptional personal service to the university. This year’s Trin
winners are: The Rev. Bruce Barnett-Cowan ’75; Carolyn Kearns
’72; Stuart Waugh ’89; Dr. Atom Egoyan ’82; David Oxtoby ’83;
Dr. Peter Russell ’55; and Maureen Simpson ’74.
The Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Awards are given
to current students to recognize extracurricular contributions.
This year’s Trin winners are: David Bowden, Pratima Arapakota,
Ashley McKenzie, Stephanie Nishi, Jiwoon Tina Park, Sadia
Rafiquddin, Macy Siu, Sarah Yun and M. Colum Grove-White.
Grove-White also won a Student Award of Excellence, and he
is a recipient of the prestigious John H. Moss Scholarship.
Casual Chats,
Important Ideas
UN Envoy
Reading week is usually a time for scholars to catch up on lagging
assignments or break away from schoolwork altogether. But for
some students in Trinity’s International Relations program,
the weeklong break in February was no doubt the highlight of
their IR studies to date.
Led by their instructor, Erin Mooney ’93, a visiting lecturer in
the IR program, students from the fourth-year seminar course
Protecting People in Peril: The Emerging International Regime and
Canada’s Role, and a few other select students travelled to the
United Nations headquarters in New York City. There they had
audiences with senior officials, including top advisers to the UN
Secretary General.
Mooney’s class was awarded funds for the trip after winning
U of T’s pilot International Course Module competition, administered by the Dean of Arts and Science.
The Hon. Bill Graham ’61 has no shortage of
friends in high places, and he’s drawing on his connections for Conversations with the Chancellor – a new
series of informal discussions between Graham and the
world’s movers and shakers.
A former minister of Foreign Affairs and former
leader of the Official Opposition, Graham announced
in 2007 that he would not be running for office again.
Instead, the Liberal politico became Chancellor, the
highest-ranking volunteer officer at Trinity. And now,
he’s pulling from his roster of political contacts to
present interactive, thought-provoking conversations on
the critical issues of the day for the College community.
The series kicked off on March 23 at the George
Ignatieff Theatre, where Graham talked to retired
General Rick Hillier, the former chief of the Defence
Staff, about Canada’s mission in Afghanistan and
about our country’s foreign policy.
On Oct. 22, the series continues when Graham
chats with Canadian political heavyweight, former
prime minister Paul Martin. The long-time law-school
classmates and Cabinet colleagues will discuss,
among other topics, the contents of Martin’s recently
published, candid autobiography, Hell or High Water,
Canadian obligations in Africa, and the crises facing
Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples.
Fall 2009 5
ObservatiOns & distinctiOns wOrth nOting
In Good Taste
A controversial painting by Aba Bayefsky
has found a new home. On March 4, trinity
received a gift from the famed canadian
artist’s widow, evelyn.
the 1961 work – Tastemakers – features
a fox, a walrus and a rooster sitting around a
microphone, deciding “what to promote, what
to damn.” the creatures are meant to portray cultural critics at the cbc, who bayefsky
thought were inept. in a 1996 interview with
c.M. donald, the artist said the painting was “a
criticism of the people who did art criticism,”
KangPing cui, trinity PhOtOgraPhy club
whose talk, he said, was “absolute nonsense.”
the animals are rumoured to represent actual
cbc personalities from that era, but despite
speculation, their identities remain unknown.
two of bayefsky’s three children were present at the unveiling of the piece, the second
of the artist’s work to grace the walls of trinity
college. the first, a portrait of Prof. hicks, hangs
in the douglas and ruth grant boardroom.
Kitchen aid
©istOcKPhOtO.cOM/Kelly cline
Trinity played a large part in feeding thousands of
children this summer. The College’s foodservices
company, Sodexo, teamed up with Second Harvest,
a Toronto-based organization that delivers food to
those in need, to bring lunches to kids at day camps
across the city. And they used the Buttery to do it.
Over seven weeks in July and August, Sodexo volunteers worked in the donated space to make 30,000
nutritious lunches for the Feeding Our Future summer program, co-created by the Sodexo Foundation
and Second Harvest in 2000. The program provides
a daily meal for inner-city kids who want to attend
free summer camps but whose parents can’t afford to
send along a lunch, which is a prerequisite for accessing the programs. “It was fabulous to be involved, to
help out underprivileged kids, especially when the
economy was taking a beating,” says Kevin McKay,
director of Trinity’s foodservices. “It was a very feelgood summer for us.”
6 trinity alumni magazine
a win for women
Accomplished fourth-year
Peace and Conflict Studies
student Jasmeet Sidhu ’10 is
the latest recipient of the
Michele Landsberg award.
The $1,000 bursary is awarded
annually by the Canadian
Women’s Foundation to a
young woman who is an
outstanding feminist in the
media or the field of activism.
Sidhu was also the only
Canadian woman to be featured in Glamour magazine’s
Top 10 College Women Competition in the October issue.
The competition honours
budding leaders in various
fields – in her case, journalism.
Earth First
On March 19, Trinity officially signed the University and
College Presidents’ Climate
Change Statement of Action
for Canada – making it the
first university in Eastern
Canada, and the only one in
Ontario thus far, to do so.
Provost Andy Orchard
signed the pact, which
outlines actions for making
universities and colleges
more environmentally
responsible, and encourages
them to act as leaders in pursuing solutions to the climatechange challenge – a goal
the Trinity Environmental
Club, the bursar, the provost
and the building manager,
alongside various alumni,
students and staff, continually work toward in myriad
ways. The agreement commits
the College to environmental
initiatives such as completing an emissions inventory
and reducing greenhouse gas
emissions on campus.
The Canadian pact is an
expansion of the American
College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment,
which more than 600 U.S.
post-secondary institutions
have already signed.
Trinity joins 14 Canadian
signatories from schools in
British Columbia, Alberta,
Manitoba and Quebec. The
signing ceremony took place
at the end of Environfest –
Trinity’s annual week
of climate-conservation
related activities.
Books Roundup
Who better to write about the greatest Canadian citizens than some of today’s most accomplished Canuck scribes? In April 2008, Penguin Group (Canada) launched Extraordinary Canadians, a series of 18 biographies of the nation’s most influential people, to be
released over three years. Written by Canada’s literati, recently published volumes include
a biography of Norman Bethune by former governor general Adrienne Clarkson ’60, a
biography of Stephen Leacock by former Trinity provost Margaret MacMillan ’66, and
Trinity fellow Mark Kingwell’s bio of Glenn Gould.
Prominent public commentator
and author Rudyard Griffiths
’94 tackles Canadian identity
in his new book, Who We Are:
A Citizen’s Manifesto, arguing
that our country has become
a postmodern state with no
national sense of self.
The first novel by Diana
Liberal Leader Michael Igna-
Fitzgerald Bryden ’84, No
tieff ’69 offers homage to his
Place Strange, tackles Arab-
mother’s family history with his
Israeli conflicts as it chronicles
latest book, True Patriot Love,
four people – each of whom
a follow-up to The Russian
is affected by a Palestinian
Album, the award-winning
terrorist. Diana is the daughter
memoir about his father’s side.
of Trinity alum Ronald Bryden
’50, co-writer of the Trinity
College Dramatic Society play
Saints Alive, which is being
performed at Trinity this fall.
Fall 2009 7
ObservatiOns & distinctiOns wOrth nOting
A Treasure In Our Backyard
the past seven months of working
with and around aboriginal people,”
he says. “because the realization is
one of a treasure in your backyard.
You discover a story of your country
that is incredible, that was never
told to you.”
after returning from each trip,
however, MacParland continued to
hear the same tired generalizations
about native canada. “it is the
constant re-articulation of the
stereotype, which creates a pariah
state within aboriginal communities,”
he says. “the reality is, there are
a lot of extraordinary, self-sufficient,
self-governing communities
across canada.”
JOhn ginther ’10
the desire to have every
canadian recognize the treasure
he found is what drives MacParland
and the canadian roots team.
“it’s a matter of national progress.
Ronan MacParland isn’t interested in stereotypes, especially when it
the separation between aboriginal and non-aboriginal canada has
comes to the aboriginal communities he visited as part of the cana-
existed unsolved and barely addressed for many years. it’s that thing
dian roots exchange – a project he conceived with fellow program
we don’t talk about,” he says. “why educate youth about aboriginal
director david berkal, and assistant professor of aboriginal studies
issues, why create a productive dialogue? so that we can see a better
and well-known First nations leader dr. cynthia wesley-esquimaux,
canada for generations to come.”
who holds the chair in aboriginal leadership at the banff centre
for Leadership.
canadian roots got its start when a group of 21 aboriginal and
the students captured on film their exchanges with aboriginal
educators, entrepreneurs, leaders and youth during the initial trip,
producing a documentary called Shielded Minds, which screened at
non-aboriginal students from five canadian universities travelled
U of t on sept. 21. as the first financial donor to the project, trinity
with wesley-esquimaux to native communities across Ontario
was crucial to the doc’s production. but more importantly, the col-
during spring break in February, hoping to foster dialogue and
lege is what MacParland calls “an incubator of ideas,” and vital to
mutual understanding. Five trinity students – MacParland,
his success and the success of the project as a whole.
deanne Leblanc, Jacqueline wong, Jesse beatson and ian wylie –
Shielded Minds ends with a quote from an aboriginal youth,
participated in the project, with two others, Josh Kelly and cailen
which sums up the message MacParland is trying to disseminate:
McQuattie, helping out on the project’s website. the trip was so
“Unity is possible.” he takes this particular quote to heart and hopes
successful that five more like it followed over the course of the sum-
canadian roots will continue to bridge the gap between aboriginal
mer in various other provinces.
and non-aboriginal people well into the future. “this education can’t
while MacParland, a fourth-year ir student, went into the project
stop here,” he says. “it has to continue and be replicated so that all
seeking an open discussion and a better comprehension of aboriginal
canadians know, understand and embrace this incredible heritage
life and issues, what he found was infinitely more satisfying. “there
that has yet to be celebrated.”
has never been a more fulfilling realization for me than has come over
8 trinity alumni magazine
For more information, visit: shieldedminds.ca or canadianroots.ca.
At the Round Table
Stacey Glenney ’08 will have
no problem thoroughly
researching her dissertation
on the international institution of Freemasonry and its
response to the First World
War in Canada and Britain.
Thanks to the Round Table
Commonwealth Awards for
Young Scholars, Glenney
received £1,000 and funding
for a three-week research
trip to Australia, where she
will focus on the Masonic
Museum in Sydney. Glenney
was one of six students
studying at UK universities
to receive the prestigious
award, for which there were
more than 120 applicants.
A High Honour
Honorary degrees were bestowed on three
recipients during Trinity’s matriculation
ceremony in September: Donald Macdonald ’52 was honoured with a Degree of
Doctor of Sacred Letters, while Honorary
fellowships were given to Margaret
MacMillan ’66 and Dr. Richard Alway.
Macdonald worked in federal politics
for decades, from serving as parliamentary secretary in the Pearson government
to working in the Cabinet and chairing
a Royal Commission on the Economic
Union and Development Prospects for
Canada during the Trudeau years. Macdonald worked as High Commissioner in London (1988 to 1991), and he currently chairs a
variety of institutions, including the Trudeau Centre at the University of Toronto.
MacMillan became warden of St. Antony’s College, Oxford, in 2007. She was provost of
Trinity prior to that, and a history professor at the University of Toronto. MacMillan has strong
ties in international relations and was editor of the International Journal for eight years. She
serves on the boards of many institutions and foundations, including the Canadian Institute
Glenney received
£1,000 and
funding for a
research trip
to Australia.
In addition to the monetary
award, Glenney will have her
findings published, in January
2010, in The Round Table: The
Commonwealth Journal of
International Affairs, the oldest
international affairs journal
in Britain.
Glenney is working on an
MA in International Relations at the London School
of Economics. Her research
in Sydney will delve into how
international organizations
(such as the Freemasons)
promote, and are a reflection
of, Commonwealth ties.
for International Affairs. MacMillan is also a prolific and prize-winning author.
Alway has dedicated his life to public service. At Trinity, he was a Cumming Fellow and
was dean of men in the College for two years. He has also been acting director at the National
Gallery in Ottawa, and led the charitable foundation the C.D. Howe Institute, providing
bursaries for students at St. Michael’s and Trinity colleges. Currently he heads Historic Sites
and Monuments, a government board in Ottawa.
Earlier this year, divinity degrees were given out at the 2009 Trinity College Faculty of
Divinity Convocation. The Rt. Rev. Miguel Tamayo Zaldivar, Anglican Bishop of Uruguay and
Interim Bishop of Cuba, was presented with an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree, and Dr. Ruth
M. Rolph Bell ’56, a Member of the Order of Canada, received a Doctor of Sacred Letters degree.
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out how: (416) 978-0407;
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Fall 2009 9
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10 trinity alumni magazine
rom Archibald Lampman 1882 to Kay Graham ’36 to William Hutt ’49
to Atom Egoyan ’82, some highly creative people have graduated from
Trinity College. In the following pages you’ll find poems, profiles, letters,
stories and original works of art, which may make you laugh or cry, reminisce
or reconsider. Or they may simply inspire you to create.
renaissance women
Students with a passion for art are bringing colour to the College
By Kristine Culp
Landforms, by Elena Soboleva.
Jordan, by Elisa Pelaia.
John Hryniuk
Trinity has a reputation for em-
phasizing intellectual achievement,
but lately there’s been evidence of
an increasing interest in visual arts.
Could a renaissance be underway?
In 1946, Trinity students put on
what is thought to be the College’s
first art show, featuring 82 works
of painting, photography and handicrafts. A reviewer at the time exFrom left to right: Elisa Pelaia,
pressed hope that the show would
Shannon Garden-Smith,
Elena Soboleva and Sophia
mark “the first of a series.” Instead,
for reasons unknown, it was followed by a decades-long dry spell.
Fast-forward to April 4, 2009. The event: the fifth annual student
exhibition of visual art. This year’s show – Interplay – drew a record
number of visitors, says Shannon Garden-Smith ’11, an art history
student and one its organizers. “It’s wonderful to be part of it and
to see it growing.”
This year’s show boasted a couple of firsts. For starters, a formal
12 trinity alumni magazine
catalogue was produced. The goal was “not only to provide viewers with additional information, but to document the calibre of the
work in a mode that could be disseminated and be more permanent than a one-day exhibition,” Garden-Smith says.
Another first was the inclusion of guest artists from U of T’s
visual arts program, who submitted paintings and works of video
art, the latter of which attracted well-known Canadian video artists
Lisa Steele and Kim Tomczak to the show.
This resurgent interest in visual arts was ignited by Elena
Soboleva ’08, who now works for the Georgia Scherman Projects
gallery in Toronto. In her frosh year, the 18-year-old was keen to
organize a show. “It was a passion of mine, and I took it on, and
everyone was so supportive,” she says.
Soboleva’s enthusiasm caught on: The day before the opening,
“my whole floor stayed up all night and helped me do some of
the decorations and produce more artwork,” she recalls. Having
spearheaded three more shows before graduating, Soboleva is
thrilled the event is now in the hands of “these amazing people,”
the architects of this year’s show – Garden-Smith, Sophia Balagamwala and Elisa Pelaia – who share her passion.
Sue and Dolly, by Sophia Balagamwala
Meat, by Shannon Garden-Smith
“We pulled a series of all-nighters to install the work and make
sure Interplay was as great as it could be,” says Pelaia ’10, who is
studying art history. It was “really hectic but it was totally worth
it,” adds Balagamwala ’10, who is majoring in visual arts and political science.
The group is especially pleased to have broadened student
involvement this year. Weeks before the show, they distributed
small postcards with half-finished images during mealtimes in
Strachan Hall and encouraged everyone to “do art.” Some students were so taken with the project that they worked on elaborate drawings and collages. The finished postcards – more than
250 – were strung together into a playful, mobile-like installation
and hung up for the show.
“Students loved it,” Pelaia said. “It looked kind of like a large net
of postcards – it was really interesting.”
As usual, the show uncovered hidden talent among students
who don’t formally study fine arts. “I was really overwhelmed,”
says Pelaia. “I had no idea there were so many artistic people here.
It’s something everyone who has studied at Trinity should come
out and experience.”
Garden-Smith points out that the College itself is inspiring:
“We’re surrounded by wonderful art,” she says – from the grand
medieval tapestry in Strachan Hall to the Group of Seven paintings in the Rigby Room to lesser-known gems such as a print by
German artist Kathe Schmidt Kollwitz.
So while the College is clearly not the epicentre of visual arts,
it does ensure that the creatively inclined can access unique experiences. In fact, this is one of the reasons Balagamwala enrolled. “I chose Trinity because of its reputation and its environment,” she says. “I believe that in small communities there is
always more support and motivation for people to pursue their
passions and interests.”
Naturally, she wasn’t disappointed. “Trinity has given us a
tremendous opportunity and a lot of exposure by providing the
resources to curate an art show and publish a catalogue,” says
Balagamwala. She predicts that next year’s show will be “even
bigger and grander” as more students are energized to participate. “The most important thing is that Trinity artists get encouragement, and I think this show has really done that. The
artists looked extremely proud, and thanked us.”
Fall 2009 13
in the business
of books
The Upjohns read, publish, stack, sell, donate …
uy and Sandra Upjohn
are both book-bound.
After getting married
in Trinity’s chapel, which
was then in what is now
known as Seeley Hall,
following graduation –
“We thought of [Trinity] like home,” says
Guy ’55 (“and all our friends knew how
to get there,” Sandra ’55 adds) – Guy was
hired by Pitman Publishing Ltd. to train
at the company’s branches in Europe so
he could then come back to Canada to
“run things.”
During their first three years as newlyweds, the couple lived in Bath, London,
and Bangor, Ireland. Guy learned the tricks
of the trade; they both picked up accents.
“I was earning a couple of pounds a week,
and it was great for me professionally and us
personally,” he says, adding that the couple
actually benefited enormously from it.
“It was just what we needed to do,”
he says. “We put ourselves in a situation
where we had to make the marriage work,
just the two of us.”
After returning to North America, Guy
became president of Pitman Publishing’s
14 trinity alumni magazine
subsidiary, Hunter Rose, a book manufacturing company in Toronto.
Being a rare combination of literary
luminary and an intensely likable fellow, Guy is fondly recalled in illustrator
Frank Newfeld’s memoir, Drawing on
Type, for his impact on, and effectiveness
in, colour printing.
Another memoir, Roy MacSkimming’s
The Perilous Trade: Publishing Canada’s
Writers, makes specific reference to Guy’s
“generosity, for which he was known,”
following a fire at Anansi Press. Guy, for
the record, is credited with saving half the
books from the blaze.
Both Sandra and Guy have genes that
predispose them to devote themselves
to the written word. Guy’s father, Frank,
was vice-president of Macmillan Canada
and president of St. Martin’s Press in New
York. Sandra’s dad was J. Kemp Waldie,
the publisher behind the Toronto-based
Golden Dog Press, which operated until
the 1930s, producing “exquisite” editions.
Waldie also happened to be a preeminent private collector of spectacularly
crafted rare works, ranging from 15thcentury titles with hand-cut wood-block
John Hryniuk
By Liz Allemang
Fall 2009 15
illustrations to an assortment of Eric Gill’s
contributions to modern printmaking
(the latter forming the basis of an awardwinning catalogue that Guy co-edited).
When Waldie passed away, Sandra and
Guy inherited his library. After much
discussion with each other and their two
children (following in the family footsteps,
their daughter, Rebecca Upjohn, is author
of the prized children’s picture book Lily
and the Paper Man), the Upjohns decided
to donate the collection to Trinity.
ful for what they’ve given, but thankful
just to know them.”
Their “presence” at the library spans
various incarnations – from subterranean
to spectacular. Both agree, however, that
they spend more time at the College’s library now than they did as undergrads.
“It was in a basement, for heaven’s
sake,” Sandra says, laughing. “It was not
the most pleasant place to be.”
In spite of its lacklustre location, the
Upjohns would come to devote many
“We wanted the books to go somewhere where they would be looked at and
looked after,” says Sandra.
“These books are largely quite old
and they’ve survived to this point; we
thought they belonged somewhere where
they would continue to live and be read,”
says Guy.
Over the span of several years, the Upjohns have donated hundreds of titles.
This year, they made the last of three major donations. An exhibition featuring
some of their collection is planned for the
coming spring, which will coincide with
the Upjohns’ 55th reunion.
“It’s a spectacular collection,” says Linda Corman, Nicholls librarian and director of the John W. Graham Library in the
Munk Centre. “[They] have contributed
so much ... a lot of material contributions, obviously, but they’ve also contributed their time and presence. I’m thank-
hours to, and at, the stacks in the College’s basement, and later, those at the
Graham Library.
In 1981, at the insistence of their friend,
the late Rupert Schieder ’38, they got involved in Trinity’s Friends of the Library
– which celebrated its 30th anniversary
in 2005. By that point, the Friends had
raised $3 million, and been largely responsible, along with Corman, for John W.
Graham coming to fruition. The Friends
have since pledged another million to be
distributed by 2015.
“[Schieder] told me, ‘There’s this thing
called Friends of the Library. They need
someone to take care of publicity.’ And I said,
‘I don’t know how to do that,’” Guy recalls.
“To which he responded, ‘Neither do they.’ ”
“It’s hard to say no,” Sandra admits.
Based on the couple’s contributions, one
wonders if they ever have.
Guy has held different posts with the
16 trinity alumni magazine
Friends, from treasurer to president, and
produced for them a quirky, fact-filled
compendium called Trinity College Book
of Days. He is best known for his steadfast devotion to the popular annual book
sale, which raises $125,000 to $140,000
each year.
He has done everything from creating
the sale’s promotional posters (featuring the now iconic “Little Man” image,
which Guy has named M.A. Stephanos,
after the Trinity motto) to lifting boxes.
“Though, at my age, I’m trying to remove
myself from the heavy lifting.” That’s been
difficult to do: So identified with the sale
has Guy become that boxes of books will
randomly appear on his doorstep.
Counting himself among the donors,
Guy also used to support the sale as
a customer.
“Until I got cut off. We don’t buy books
there anymore,” says Guy.
As he explains quite convincingly
(though perhaps not to Sandra, who rolls
her eyes at the mention), he sees a lot
of books as a volunteer before the shopping begins.
One year he returned home from the
sale (“triumphant,” he says) with what
he thought was a one-of-a-kind, musthave treasure.
Upon cracking the cover of the obscure
French translation text, “I saw my name
written in pen. I had bought back my book
and didn’t realize it until I was bragging
about the remarkable find to Sandra.”
“It went back to the sale,” she says.
When pressed for a catalyst to their
contributions to the library – and what
drives them to log full-time hours planning sales, attending Friends meetings,
lifting book crates and donating a priceless family collection, when they already
have an active retirement of concerts,
operas, continuing-ed courses, grandchildren and weeks spent at their second
home, a remote, off-the-grid cabin near
Algonquin Park – the answer is simple:
“We’re interested in books,” says Guy.
“We both grew up around books. Our entire business life was based on books.”
“You’re still in the book business,” says
Sandra, quick to correct.
suzanne ahearne
Dorothy Livesay
lively letters
Decades before Twitter, two lifelong friends
did much of their gossiping by snail mail
contributed by charlotte mcwilliam
Fall 2009 17
“It means you are
in reality a Spanish
adventuress, reared
up, bound hand and
foot, by Victorian
suzanne ahearne
Dorothy to Erica in
the summer of 1929
Dorothy Livesay
oet, journalist, novelist, and one of Trinity College’s most famous alumni in the field of Canadian
literature, Dorothy Livesay ’31 was born 100 years
ago on Oct. 12. The writer, social activist, teacher,
wife and mother won many awards and honours,
including the Royal Society’s Lorne Pierce medal
and two Governor General’s awards for poetry.
This year also marks the anniversary of the birth of another 1931 modern languages graduate, Livesay’s lifelong friend,
Erica (Mundy) Ransom, also a lover of the arts, a teacher and
devoted wife and mother.
The two wrote to each other regularly for more than 60 years;
many of those letters are in the possession of their surviving
families. Excerpts from their early correspondence – previously unpublished – are a lively insight into student life of the
period, starting in the summer of 1929 when Dorothy, or Dee as
she liked to be called, was working at the Winnipeg Free Press:
I am surprised that your fair-haired luncheon companion did so well
on his exams – but highly pleased as well … he must be a wonder, after
such an unscholastic year.
Your Natty dreams are coming true. He has begun to rush me. But I
have learned a lesson from you, and will ruthlessly shake him off. It is a
bit difficult though, when no one else rushes en même temps.
A lot of nice men on staff. But I may not be staying long. Yes, I
admit it: there’s not enough work to do and I haven’t learned how to
write a news story yet. The latter might come with practice, but there’s
no likely remedy for the former in this dull town …
I feel that I should like to elope so don’t be surprised if my next
is from South America or Alaska. Yours, somewhat ironed.
The course of friendship doesn’t always run smooth, however, and there were times when Dee was frustrated by her
faithful friend. Later that summer she wrote:
It has taken Nat to explain you. I asked, did he know you?
Congrats. etc. From what the family wires, you and I are tied and
“Oh yes. Met her at Ronstance’s.”
Evelyn has second. Can such things be? I am utterly flabbergasted at
“What do you think of her?”
the result of writing two (or was it one?) English essay out of four, one
“Um-m. She has ‘distinct possibilities.’ ”
French out of three – together with an inadequate reading of texts.
That, from a male, was highly significant. It means you are in real-
Unlucky in love, you know, brings luck in everything else. So my
ity a Spanish adventuress, reared up, bound hand and foot, by Vic-
cursed reputation [“academic”] is again what I despise. – You must
torian shackles. It is truly extraordinary. But … it explains why both
be feeling bucked: so for your pleasure I am glad …
sides of you antagonize me. If only you’d break away and become
18 trinity alumni magazine
“We are in many
ways each other’s
opposite, but we
have a lot more
in common than
concern for the
international and
the underdog.”
courtesy of judy Ransom
Erica to Dorothy
in the 1980s
Erica Mundy
wholly loose, you’d have an exciting life.
Damn this pen. [changes to pencil after several blotched words.]
Fifty years later, after visiting Dee at her retreat on Galiano Island,
B.C., Erica was more reflective in her appreciation of her friend:
An exciting life.
As it is, you must settle on the Neds of life, not the Andrew Allans [a
That was such an exceptionally happy day yesterday. I felt half a cen-
fellow student and theatre enthusiast who was the head of CBC radio
tury or more had slipped away and we had re-established our warm
drama from 1943 through the Golden Age of Radio]. They would be
understanding of long ago for which the intervening years had failed
bewildered, startled. The Neds would be too simple to worry, too wise to
to create the right opportunity – perhaps the serenity of your sylvan
try to understand. They would accept – and think: “Women are all like
retreat helped. We are in many ways each other’s opposite, but we
that.” Then they would make the best of it.
have a lot more in common than concern for the international and
This does not sound very flattering, does it? I am not good for much
except a concentrated energy for honesty that is in itself a pendulum – now this way, now that. If you can stand me you are admirable. I always wonder why you do. Why? Why? Why?
the underdog. You are famous now, outgoing, ebullient. I am obscure,
reserved, with no particular talents – yet in our own way, each of
us can never merge with the crowd, and even I in my limited
sphere am trying to make what contribution I can towards
peace and goodwill.
Erica did continue to “stand” Dee, and the correspondence
flowed unabated throughout the fall, winter and spring of 192930, when Dee spent her third year studying in Aix-en-Provence,
France. A letter written by Erica indicates the admiration she has
for her non-conformist friend:
I was most interested to read Room of One’s Own in the
watches of the night on the plane. You may be surprised to know
that it is your poetry, not your prose, which awakes response in me,
and that a very warm one. To me, your prose is a scrapbook in which you
try to explain what has gone before. I do appreciate and, in my small
way, attempt understanding too, but that vision is blurred, to my mind,
The Chronicle is frightfully late this term, but I’ll send it to you as soon
as it appears. I wrote a terribly satirical article. I tried to copy the clever
way you and Andrew Allan write … O Dot dearest! Do please write me
by looking through the spectacles of the present …
You may snort, if you like, at my ignorance daring to comment on
Can. Lit., but nevertheless, some of your poetic images enchant me.
a nice long letter soon and tell me the lovely things you are doing since
you got your hair cut – I just love the wicked way you express yourself.
Dee died in 1996 in Victoria. Erica died in Toronto in 2000.
Fall 2009 19
the elephant
who stepped on
a land mine
Journeying back to Sri Lanka, Randy Boyagoda
questions the way we respond to victims of civil war
Illustration by Sophie Casson
The driver took no notice of the young sol-
diers patrolling the road outside the airport.
They were lolling about on push bikes, machine guns teetering on their laps. They
looked like bored children killing time.
Making full stops between each syllable,
he said his name was Hemasiri, and then,
without pausing for me to answer, asked if
this was our first time in Sri Lanka; whether
we were on holiday or business; did we find
it very hot. I had requested an Englishspeaking driver from the car agency, and
Hemasiri seemed keen to establish his suitability. I explained that I hadn’t been to Sri
Lanka in seven years and was returning
to introduce my American wife and our
daughter to my family’s origins, and also
to do some research for a novel. “Ah, right
sir,” he answered. “I’m also here,” I continued, using a standard euphemism for
Sri Lanka’s ongoing civil war, “to write
about the elephants, and how they’ve been
affected by the country’s situation.” Tentatively, he said he knew of a good place
to ride elephants, using another favoured
euphemism. “Very safe, sir, no trouble there.”
I didn’t know then that in the coming weeks,
I would spend more time with this man
than with anyone else except my wife and
daughter. A few minutes past the airport,
our car was hemmed in on all sides by traffic. We were idling. We were almost always
idling during our time in Sri Lanka.
After about 90 minutes of driving, from
one security checkpoint into the lineup
for another, this one sponsored by a local
Toyota dealership, the next one by a waterpump company, I asked Hemasiri to pull
over. There were mounds of bright red fruit
for sale along the side of the road and we
Fall 2009 21
wanted to try some. He bobbled his head
and muttered, “OK. OK.” The turn signal clicking like a metronome, he inched
across to the shoulder. We weren’t particularly hungry, but we needed a break
from the slow, cramped drive. We had
been travelling some 48 hours, two adults
and a year-old baby in two bulkhead seats,
and a bassinet that was off-limits whenever the plane’s seatbelt sign dinged, a noise
we came to dread. There had been an unplanned layover in Singapore – 24 humid
fication. When he realized we were all going to the fruit stand, that I was about to
let my American wife walk along a busy
public road with our American daughter
drowsing in her arms, he unbuckled his
seatbelt and jumped up as if someone
had thrown a snake in his lap. He managed to open the door before Anna could,
and then escorted her along the dry, dusty
shoulder. Beside the car, the grass was
knee-high, parched and yellow-white.
In the background were thick-headed
I thought about making
some metaphor out
of this barbed, browned
fruit with a glistening,
opaque core. Perhaps
it could represent
the island, what might
be revealed by my
writing about it …
hours mostly spent in a dim, dank hotel
room – following an itinerary change.
We had been scheduled to take a direct
flight from Toronto to Colombo, arriving
around midnight in late July 2007. But
a few months earlier, in March, Sri Lankan authorities (unbeknownst to us) had
discontinued night flights into the country, after the Tamil Tiger rebel group
bombed a military installation beside the
civilian airport.
“Is very nice, sir. Rambutans,” said Hemasiri as he parked. He turned the name
of the fruit into three long syllables. Hemasiri used didactic pronunciation and
theatrical lips whenever I asked the name
of something, or repeated my wife’s questions. He wouldn’t answer her directly. I
don’t think he could understand Anna.
She’s soft-spoken, and he was too gentlemanly, or too chauvinistic, to ask for clari22 trinity alumni magazine
palms, still as postcard pictures. Two billboards towered above the fruit stand: one
advertised a guaranteed-to-work skinwhitening cream; the other introduced a
mobile-phone plan for the whole family,
depicting an older woman wearing a traditional sari, and a heavyset teenage girl
in baggy denim and a baseball cap turned
askance, her arms stretched wide, hands
flashing gangland signs.
I joined my wife and daughter a few feet
in front of the car. Hemasiri nodded at me
and then walked ahead, hailing the woman standing by the fruit. I couldn’t hear
what he was saying because of the drone
and chug of car engines, but she was smiling at our approach, while nodding and
bagging the fruits he indicated. The vendor was very dark-skinned, and her teeth
looked like badly stacked dominoes; the
humidity had defeated the severe part in
her hair, and faint rings of black and grey
sprang from her scalp. She hesitated to
take money from me, and gave the change
to Hemasiri, who handed it over, then held
his palms up in front of him. He wanted
me to know, I think, that he knew driver’s
gratuities were included with the rental.
Looking around, he tried to hurry us back
to the car, back to the civilization of airconditioning and automatic door locks.
He gestured that it was no problem to eat
inside, but we were willing to take a little
of the noontime heat to stretch our legs
and enjoy the fresh tropical fruit. And so,
in bad English and smiling pantomime,
Hemasiri gave us a tutorial on Rambutans, assuring us that the bright red skin,
covered in little hooks, was harmless to
touch and easily peeled away to reveal a
tasty seed. After eating one himself, he began peeling them for us, splitting open the
skins with a thumbnail, popping the whitish seeds into our palms and then tossing
the husks into the littered grass beside the
car. I peeled one myself. Up close the skin
wasn’t bright red. It had browned, either
from age or road dust. But in the glaring daylight the seed remained a milky
gob, vaguely sweet and watery-tasting. I
thought about making some metaphor
out of this barbed, browned fruit with a
glistening, opaque core. Perhaps it could
represent the island, what might be revealed by my writing about it, by describing the fraught situation of its storied elephants, praised centuries ago by Pliny the
Elder, later prized by the courts of Indian
kings, and shot by sporting Englishmen,
and more recently, killed, maimed and
displaced by civil war and over-development by a people that has both venerated
and worked the beasts. But in reality the
fruit was just another thing piled up along
the traffic-choked roads.
Sri Lanka’s civil war began in earnest
in July 1983, when the killing of government soldiers in the northern, majorityTamil city of Jaffna led to days of antiTamil violence in Colombo, which left
some 3,000 Tamils dead and led a guerilla
movement to fight for a separate, Tamil
homeland comprising the island’s northern and eastern parts. After claiming some
70,000 lives and displacing hundreds of
thousands, many to Canada and specifically to Toronto – the site of dramatic protests against the Sri Lankan government
this past spring – Asia’s longest-running
civil war reached a bloody but definitive
conclusion: In May, Sri Lankan military
forces defeated the infamously brutal Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
Now entering an era of unprecedented
peace, Sri Lanka faces difficult but crucial questions about political devolution,
reconciliation, economic redevelopment,
and, most immediately, the status of
thousands of Sri Lankan Tamils who were
internally displaced by the final stages of
the conflict, and are currently confined to
refugee camps.
During the 1983 riots, my uncle and
aunt, with whom we stayed while in Colombo, sheltered two Tamil families, both
of which eventually migrated to Toronto.
I learned about this the day we arrived. It
had taken three and a half hours to travel
some 30 miles from the airport to my
relatives’ house on the south side of the
city. My Aunt Kusum was waiting in her
garden when we got there. “There’s been
a bomb scare,” she said, looking relieved
to see us. “They are saying on the radio
that the Tigers have a Toyota car and
lorry somewhere in the city, packed with
bombs.” After dropping our bags in the
front hall, Hemasiri wiped his hands on
his pants, wrote down his mobile number
in the back of my notebook, and smiled
at Kusum’s warnings about their guard
dog – a Doberman that was missing part
of its tongue from trying to drink water
out of a piranha tank. Hemasiri said, “OK
sir,” to no one in particular and went off.
After he left, I asked my aunt if she knew
anything else about the bomb scare.
Seeming more apologetic for the inconvenience than worried about our safety, she
said she knew nothing except what she’d
already told us. I wondered about the
other people I had seen stuck on the road:
schoolboys in white uniforms, gathered
at the back window of a city bus, crowding into each other to wave at the waiting
world; a woman in a bright green sari and
gleaming helmet, perched on the back of
a motorcycle, primly holding her man by
the waist, staring forward blankly, bored.
Nothing about their faces had suggested
they knew about the bomb scare, but then
I wondered how shocked or worried they
would have looked anyway, living in a
country that’s been at war with itself for
more than 25 years.
While my jetlagged daughter made delirious circles in the front room, my aunt
gave us a tour of her home. She showed
us the one-room annex where she and
her husband, both ethnic Sinhalese, had
hidden their Tamil neighbours during
the riots. My aunt also took us out to her
verdant garden, where, she said in passing, she was watering plants one evening
seven weeks before we arrived, when she
heard a boom up the road. Tiger operatives had planted a mine in a video store,
intended for a truck carrying policemen.
It went off at rush hour, killing one cop
and seven civilians. I asked her what she’d
thought when she heard the noise. She
shrugged. “Just another thunderstorm.”
We returned inside for lunch and I
asked to hear my aunt’s version of a story
I’ve grown up with, a story that had in
part prompted this visit to Sri Lanka and
sparked my interest in writing about the
country’s elephants. On a 1979 trip to
the country with my father, we went on
a safari in Yala National Park, a major
wildlife reserve. We were joined by relatives, including Kusum, my father’s baby
sister, who remembered that on the first
day in Yala, around dusk, the tracker had
told the adults it was safe to swim in the
lagoon near the lodge. “So we went,” she
began. There is a picture of us playing in
the water. I’m piled on top of an uncle,
he’s laughing, eyes closed against all the
splashing around him. Deep forest looms
behind us. “Suddenly, when we looked
up,” she continued, “there was an elephant
on the bank, just where we were, about
100 yards away. A huge elephant! So we
all kept looking at him, and all of a sudden, tracker said something, I don’t know
what – they have a way of communicating
with elephants – and the elephant trumpeted and started coming toward us. We
panicked and you panicked,” she said to
me, “and you started running.” Everyone
else “started running toward the house,
with elephant chasing us. We came to a
clearing. Because of the clearing, elephant
stopped. The two of you” [meaning me, at
the time three years old, and my cousin
Dilla, then six or seven] “ran fortunately
into the house. But if you all had got confused and run into the jungle, that would
have been the end.”
Returning to Sri Lanka 28 years later to
write about the elephants, I thought another visit to Yala seemed natural, even
necessary, but my aunt’s face soured when
I mentioned this. She warned that the
northern parts of the park reached into
LTTE territory. We shouldn’t take “such a
chance,” she warned, just to see elephants,
especially when we could see them elsewhere. She also mentioned that parts of
Yala had been hit by the 2004 Tsunami;
she didn’t know what we’d be able to see,
and she wasn’t even sure where we would
stay. Then there were the roads to consider. Congestion made worse by security
checkpoints meant, she figured, that we’d
have to leave before dawn just to reach
Yala by dusk. A day later, Hemasiri mirrored my aunt’s sour look at the prospect
of driving 200 miles across the island. So
I looked into other possibilities for a safari. But I told Hemasiri that I absolutely
had to visit the famous elephant orphanage
Fall 2009 23
at Pinnawela, a few hours northeast of
Colombo, where lives the elephant who
stepped on a land mine.
The road to the orphanage was narrow,
uphill and all curves, and we had to thread
through a slow-moving succession of ornately decorated Ashok Leyland shipping
trucks and overcrowded vans, whose windows were open, hands dangling out for
fresh air. Hemasiri made me nauseous the
way he drove; he was rushing because he
thought it vital that we get there in time
to help feed the babies. When he understood that I was feeling sick, he pulled
over beside a shop. He bought himself a packet of mints and had me buy a
square of something red, soft and moist,
wrapped in a papery green leaf. He assured me it would calm my stomach, but
couldn’t explain what it was. The countermen were amused at our charades and
simply bobbled when Hemasiri appealed
to them for some kind of clarification or
confirmation. By the time we reached our
destination the mints had been finished
between us and the other thing, a thick
pudding of red rice or bean, which tasted
a little like rosewater, had been tossed into
the bushes.
We arrived at the orphanage in time to
help feed the babies their midday milk.
Hemasiri was beaming. He held my wife’s
purse like a dead rabbit while she took her
turn dipping an oversized baby bottle into
the pink mouth of a waist-high elephant
calf. We were standing along the perimeter
of a smelly paddock crowded with foreigners and blackflies, and with hangers-on
selling paper bags stuffed with finger-sized
bananas. “Babies love, sir! Take!” The place
was carnival-loud and strobe-like with
camera flashes. But I hadn’t come to Pinnawela to feed baby elephants. I had come
because I wanted to see one of the most
famous and pathetic victims of Sri Lanka’s
civil war, the elephant who stepped on a
land mine. After feeding the babies, we
walked over to watch the main herd graze
on a plain, with cloud-capped green hills
behind them. We queued up with the rest
of the tourists to take pictures of ourselves,
of our daughter standing in front of the
herd, and of the three-legged elephant,
24 trinity alumni magazine
who was standing away from the other
adults. She would look around, searching
for fresh grass, and then move here and
there in a broken lunge. Later, I heard her
hiss at a mahout who was hurrying her
across a road to join the rest of the herd at
their watering hole.
I left Hemasiri and my wife and daughter standing in a crowd along the rocky
bank of a glittering wide river, watching
the elephants bathe and play. There was
something I needed to know. Walking
back to the complex, I was approached
“The terrorists use a
kind of bomb with
small iron balls, one
centimetre in diameter.
The iron balls spread
throughout the air.
The tusker got hit and
was blinded.”
by a mother and daughter, begging so
that the young girl, who had cloudy eyes,
could get an operation. “Cancer, sir,” the
mother pleaded. When I reminded her
that I’d given them something earlier that
same day, they walked away without another word. Moments later, I was met by
a very helpful-seeming man, who nodded
at all of my queries. He began leading me
around. After about 20 minutes, when I
pressed him on it, he admitted he didn’t
actually work at the orphanage. He gave
me a pamphlet for his spice garden, “very
close by, sir,” and wouldn’t leave my side
until I promised to visit. He left me with
a security guard, who took me over to his
commanding officer, who kept asking,
“You want to make complaint sir?” I tried
again with the women at the ticket kiosk,
and with a couple of idle mahouts, thin,
deeply tanned, tough-looking men – over
and over I got the same crinkling eyes,
humble smiles, bobbling heads, a few
condescendingly encouraging nods at my
bad mixing of English and Sinhala. I felt
stuck in a nation of Uriah Heeps.
Eventually I made Hemasiri understand what I wanted. He consulted with
a security officer and then walked with
me to a bunker-like building behind the
feeding paddock. He placed a heavy hand
on my shoulder when we neared; this was
strange: Hemasiri usually made a show of
being too humble even to shake my hand.
With his free hand he hailed the first person he saw. Smattered into his Sinhala
were the words “my good friend,” and
“pro-fess-or.” A few minutes later, I met a
veterinarian in a tiny office. The air conditioning was off. It was hot and still, the air
ripe with straw and fresh dung. The walls
were greenish, and a weak overhead light
buzzed like bugs. Greenflies were making
mad bomber rushes around my head. The
building itself was quiet, and people were
watching us through the windowed door.
I felt like I was sitting in an empty aquarium. The vet was young and seemed flattered by my interest. He was very willing
to speak. When I asked him about how
wild elephants have fared during the civil
war, he mentioned a recent but failed joint
venture with the German government to
fit the three-legged cow with a prosthetic
limb. He also spoke of the orphanage’s
resident tusker, an old blind bull. “The
terrorists use a kind of bomb with small
iron balls, one centimetre in diameter.
The iron balls spread throughout the air.
The tusker got hit and was blinded.” And
beyond such obvious evidence? I asked.
He said warfare in the forested areas of
the contested northwest reroutes elephant
migration patterns; elephants escape the
fighting and make it to more peaceful
areas only to encounter expanding farmlands, irrigation tanks and wells. When
babies fall into these holes, they’re abandoned, and then “the wildlife department
secures that baby. To rehabilitate it, they
need a place like this.”
The young vet then detailed the orphanage’s success: from housing five orphans in 1975 to running a full-scale conservation project and major eco-tourism
site, with 81 resident elephants, 45 bred in
captivity and, over the years, 60 returned
to the wild. He smiled reporting these
numbers. His pride made sense. In addition to rescuing elephants from conflict
situations, the orphanage is trying to repopulate a species whose numbers have
fallen precipitously, from between 12,000
and 15,000 at the turn of the 19th century,
to an estimated 3,000 to 5,000 today. The
expansion of coffee, rubber and tea plantations at the expense of forested land
during the British administration of the
island was a major cause of the elephant’s
decline; another was the white hunter’s
sporting spirit. In an 1850 account, one
man alone, a Major Rogers, is heroically
credited with more than 1,400 fearless
elephant kills. (Rogers was later killed by
lightning.) Over the past 100 years, Sri
Lanka’s forest cover has declined even
more drastically, from 70 down to 24
per cent of the island’s total area, confining elephants to a dry-zone landscape of
thorn forest and scrub grass. And as the
human population increased from four to
20 million over the same period – a population perpetually pushed about by civil
war – these lands have been increasingly
converted to paddy fields and farms, with
tragically deep wells.
After telling me about the orphanage’s
ongoing mission, the vet spoke enthusiastically of its plans for expansion. But he
made it clear he didn’t see the conservation of Sri Lankan elephants as an end
in and of itself. Rather, he regarded protecting and strengthening the Sri Lankan
sub-species of Asian elephant as significant to the larger project of conserving
the island’s biodiversity. As we left Pinnawela, I felt heartened by such zeal, by
his commitment to a natural pluralism in
a country cut apart by exclusionary and
purist notions of land and identity. But I
also couldn’t help noting an underlying
fatalism in the orphanage’s ambition to
expand – an inherent expectation that the
need for such an operation would only increase in future years.
Driving north after leaving the orphanage, we passed one of many signs advertising a luscious and exotic spice garden
nearby. Standing beside one sign was
the man who had given me a pamphlet,
which I had tossed into a trash barrel as
soon as he left me alone. In the rearview
mirror I saw him walk onto the road behind our car, hands raised above his head
in bewilderment.
We spent a night in the holy city of
Kandy, a natural stopping point between
Colombo and Minneriya National Park,
where I had decided to go on a safari
after speaking with a wildlife photogra-
pher based in Colombo. I had met him
through a mutual contact in Toronto. He
had guaranteed wild elephant sightings
there at this time of year. He called Minneriya “Elephant City.” I knew of the place
because an uncle, learning of my plans to
write about how Sri Lankans live alongside elephants, had sent me links to YouTube footage of wild elephants ramming
cars in this area. The road north from
Kandy to Habarana, the town closest to
Minneriya, was the only good driving we
had while in Sri Lanka. We were headed
along a major road that intersected with
another, which led to Jaffna, the Tamilmajority city at the northernmost part of
the island, and a permanent site of conflict during the civil war. But as we drove
on, I never knew how far we were from
Jaffna; black boxes, bluntly suggestive
shapes, had been placed over the distance
indicators. At the time, I didn’t dwell too
much on this. I was too excited about the
great time we were making. I was also too
busy imagining what this safari would be
like. I had told myself in advance and repeatedly, that going on an elephant safari
as an adult with my own family, and as a
writer, would not support the heightened
expectations I’d developed for it, through
years of hearing about my first safari, and
over the course of this trip. Still, memories of my father’s grand storytelling and
the prospect of soon telling my own stories made me secretly desperate for something dramatic to happen.
We travelled to Minneriya with a naturalist named Nadeera, who was affiliated
with our hotel, an eco-resort that featured
LCD flat-screen televisions in every room
and guest-services booklets bound in the
thatched leaves of local trees. In addition
to his work at the resort, Nadeera wanted
me to know, he conducted research for
the national wildlife department. After hammering through a spindly forest
along a narrow mud-rutted lane, we came
to a great green clearing, a platter-flat
sheen of blue-black water snaking across
it. Eventually, we parked 100 yards or so
from where a herd of 80-odd elephants
had settled in for the evening. Some were
standing around, others grazing, drinking, walking back and forth from the
water’s edge along well-tamped, dung-littered ground. Some babies were playing,
moving backward in clumsy single file.
None of them paid attention to the half
dozen jeeps, SUVs and trucks arranged
nearby at haphazard angles, their passengers marvelling and taking pictures in the
receding light.
Fall 2009 25
While we watched, Nadeera explained
how the reliably lush conditions around
this ancient water tank encourage hundreds of elephants to migrate here for the
dry season, which begins in early August.
He spoke more generally about the ways
of elephants. Listening to him, I felt certain that 30 years ago, going into Yala, my
father hadn’t learned such things from
his tracker that I, feeling about as rugged
as a canvas book-bag, was now learning
from my naturalist: that elephant herds
are matriarchies, for instance, and the females defend the herd; that bull elephants
are cowards and loners. As Nadeera continued his lesson, I was rightly troubled
to discover that during dry times, local
farmers sneak their cattle into the national park to graze and drink alongside the
very elephants whose land they’ve already
taken. And, 20 minutes before we found
the main herd, I had been righteously upset when a boisterous truckload of other
people, driving behind us, had gone offroad to get a closer look at the rarest of
Sri Lankan elephants: one of an estimated
25 tuskers still alive in the wild, who had
moments earlier broken through forest
cover and stopped because of our own
gawking traffic.
While the rest of us were standing and
staring at the elephants, Hemasiri, who
had quietly tagged along for the safari, was
availing himself of the refreshment cooler
the hotel had packed for us. Later he was
hogging Nadeera’s binoculars. The young
jeep driver was gentle with the baby. The
whole scene felt like personal history repeated as sweet, soft farce, and I felt underwhelmed at the prospect of future storytelling, at least until the overcrowded
truck that had gone after the tusker reappeared. It drove past us and stopped directly in front of an elephant that had, at
some point, encountered a poacher: she
had a bullet hole in one of her ears. There
was about 25 yards between them. The
truck began revving its engine. “It’s going
to charge,” Nadeera predicted, indicating the way the elephant was shaking her
head and swinging her trunk in the dust.
A few moments later she roared – a terrible trumpet sound. Then she put her head
26 trinity alumni magazine
down and ran at the truck, which reversed
in a jumpy motion. Its escape tactic was to
drive around the herd. The charger picked
up speed. The truck peeled off to the side
and the elephant slowed, then warily rejoined the herd, which had also become
agitated. The babies had stopped playing,
The elephant put
her head down and
ran at the truck,
which reversed in a
jumpy motion.
the adults had stopped eating and drinking. They were all looking around. The
whole event took a few minutes at most.
It was a near tragedy. It was outrageous.
It was great.
I had made an audiotape of the safari.
Listening to this segment, I can’t ignore
the rush of excitement that comes into my
voice when the elephant begins to charge,
or the sense of satisfied outrage, afterward, describing the thrilled looks and
happy chatter of the people in the truck.
And so I found my 21st-century safari
story: a tale of morally perfected exhilaration, achieved by first vicariously enjoying
someone else’s reckless play with an angry
elephant, and then condemning them for
distressing a poor animal for their own
selfish entertainment. The first person to
hear it was my uncle Ajith, Kusum’s husband, who had also been at Yala in 1979.
When I told him back in Colombo about
the three-legged elephant, he nodded familiarly and called it a sin. And when I
told him what had happened on the safari, he was incensed. He said he thought
such people should be trampled to death
by elephants for treating them like that.
This was exactly the type of response I
was hoping for in going after this story:
absolute anger at the human penchant for
mean folly; absolute tenderness toward
noble, innocent and wronged animal life.
A few days later, our last in Sri Lanka, my
uncle told us two stories of his own while
he drove us to his rowing club for drinks.
We were travelling on the same back road,
he said, that he’d taken one evening in July
1983, during the riots. He’d dropped my
grandfather at his house and was rushing
home to make the government-imposed
curfew when he hit stopped traffic on Colombo’s main artery, Galle Road. A mob
of young Sinhalese men had pulled a man
from his car and were hacking him to
death. Someone was pouring petrol over
the man’s head when Ajith turned his car
around. Further along the same road, we
passed a fortified area. He said it was the
army headquarters, the place “where, last
year, the pregnant woman blew herself up
trying to kill the army chief.” His voice
was matter-of-fact. He was far less angry
and upset over stories about a man being hacked to death by a mob and about
a pregnant suicide bomber than he had
been over stories about a three-legged orphan elephant, or about a wild elephant
hemmed in by a revving truck full of
laughing idiots. Such, I think, are among
the few assured sympathies of our age. In
expressing them, I don’t think my uncle
is very different from you or me. But he
drives these clotted Sri Lankan roads all
the time. What’s our excuse?
the impossible
In politics, and in your profession
By John ibbitson
Nov. 4, 2008, 240,000 Chicagoans gathered in Grant
Park to celebrate Barack Obama’s victory. Their howl
of exultation when the networks declared him elected just after
11 p.m. was unlike anything you’d find at a rock concert or a football game, because this was real, this night meant something. On
television, veteran broadcasters wept with joy. In the history of the
republic, there had been few moments to equal this night. And I
was there, telling Canadians the story for the Globe and Mail.
It had been a long road. I was in my mid-30s before I finally
stumbled onto journalism as the answer to a decade of asking myself what I was going to do with myself. It was a decade after that
before the Globe hired me, which in my biased opinion is the best
thing that can happen to a journalist. I went to Washington in
April 2007 with a mandate to write commentary and analysis on
American politics and society. And in December of that year, in
a football arena in Columbia, S.C., I watched for the first time in
person as Barack Obama spoke at a rally. Suddenly I realized that
this underdog candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination – dismissed by polls and pundits as having no hope of defeating inevitable nominee Hillary Clinton – was a political force of
nature unlike anything anyone had witnessed.
“You gotta get me into the paper. You gotta get me into the
paper,” I begged the Sunday editor, who relented.
“It is probably impossible for Barack Obama to overcome Hillary Clinton’s organization and the support she commands within
the senior ranks of the Democratic Party,” I wrote that night. “But
the impossible sometimes happens in politics. If it does, then yesterday will go down in history as the day the impossible started to
come true.” At least, it was starting to come true for me.
Every day that followed was a joy. Months of rallies and debates and getting lost on back roads in South Carolina and Texas
and Wyoming and countless points in between. Iowa and New
Hampshire, where the primary fight really began; North Caro-
lina and Indiana, where it ended. John McCain. Sarah Palin! The
October economic crisis. The election, the inauguration – we had
eight people sleeping at our place the night before – the economic
near-death experience, the epic fight over health care.
America in the Age of Obama is the best political story on the
planet. Covering that story for what has become one of the world’s
finest English-language newspapers is a high honour and a hell of
a lot of fun.
The day before the election, the Canada Council for the Arts
called. My novel The Landing, which had been published by Kids
Can Press a few months before, had won the Governor General’s
award for children’s literature. This was the end of another long
road. I had been trying to write something about Muskoka, Ont.,
the place where I grew up, and where my family has deep roots,
for nigh on 30 years. When that story finally emerged as a novel
for young readers, I privately concluded that this was the best
thing I’d ever written. That a jury of my peers agreed was satisfying beyond words.
And then, along came McClelland and Stewart with a proposal.
If I could write a short, sharp book comparing the Canadian and
American political cultures in the wake of the two elections in
eight weeks, they could have it in stores in eight weeks. I did, and
they did. The result was Open & Shut: Why America Has Barack
Obama and Canada Has Stephen Harper. May I point out that it
makes a lovely Christmas gift?
At 54, you ought to know who you are. I am more craftsman
than artist. For me, it’s all about telling a story, as simply and
clearly as I can. Most of what I write is ephemera, eclipsed by the
events of the next day.
But the Globe, Kids Can and McClelland and Stewart encourage me to tell stories about things that matter to me, and that I
believe might matter to others.
This is perfect happiness.
Fall 2009 27
words and pictures
An assortment of original works by talented Trinity grads
A white sail turns near Honorat
where monks make word
to their beads
and tour boats land and leave
like prying bees do, since bees too
turn phases where they go,
spying into flower after flower,
flying their dizzy, fretter’s chores,
making pollen move.
A white sail turns near Honorat
and the common gull
glides by. A white sail yaws
and forever-going zephyrs confide
in the trees they shake.
Waves of every size
are spat up by the sea.
How should it feel to be free?
Standing in the surf
below a millstone sky
he sees everything that moves
and wants to be
unmoved, himself.
James Arthur’s ’98 poem
Vertigo was first printed in
Shenandoah in 2008.
It is also the title poem of
his first book, expected to be
published within the year.
The evolution of Trinity’s “arts and letters” publication
The first issue of the
Rouge et Noir, named
for the school colours,
is published in January
as a “private enterprise.” After the first
issue appears, a College
meeting is held and the publication is
adopted as Trinity’s de facto “newspaper.”
This decision is made partly to address a
sentiment of discontent among students
who feel they have no venue for expressing
an intelligent interest in College affairs.
Giving them voice in a College paper is
thought to be a remedy. Rouge et Noir is
tabloid style and includes College news,
essays, editorials and poetry, and Archibald
Lampman is one of its early editors.
28 trinity alumni magazine
The Christmas issue is
the last of the Rouge
et Noir, and the only
one with a cover. In the
previous seven years,
many editorials considered “revolutionary”
by the College governing bodies had been
written by students on subjects such as
co-education. Trinity’s 1895-96 Year Book
reflects on the response those “authorities”
had: “History relates that those high in
authority, the College magnates, returned
their copies unopened. One distinguished
member of Corporation is credited with
having advised undergraduates to ‘keep
their literary talents for the Canadian
Monthly and their wit for the Episcopon.’”
The Rouge et Noir
banner is dropped, and
in its place, the first
issue of the Trinity
University Review is
published in January.
The name change
is meant in part to identify the paper with
Trinity and proclaim its “university character.” The first issue of the Review also
states another reason: “Moreover, to call a
College paper after the College colours, is
meaningless performance at best. We do
not wish to be thought Radical …” In its
new incarnation, the Review becomes more
of a “journal of literature.”
Hugh Laidlaw ’80
(Div.), recently retired,
has had his cartoons
published in Canada
Lutheran magazine.
He continues to
develop his website,
Tom Horacek ’03 is the
author of All We Ever Do
Is Talk About Wood, a
collection of gag cartoons
published by the prestigious Montreal firm Drawn
& Quarterly.
“Ah, the ol’ campus! This place brings
back a lot of repressed memories.”
The first issue of the
St. Hilda’s Chronicle is
published. The women
of the College start
it after deciding that
the column allotted
to them in the Review
isn’t enough space.
It follows a short-lived predecessor that
ran between December 1900 and October
1901, which quickly became unpopular
after its quality deteriorated due to an
overworked staff. The Chronicle is intended
“solely for the amusement of women,” and
is a forum for aspiring writers and poets
such as Dorothy Livesay.
In April, the Chronicle
and the Review formally announce their
amalgamation “based
on the wide support of
their shareholders and
contributors.” In the
Chronicle’s last issue,
the merger is written about in the form of a
charming, fictitious account of a man and
a woman marrying, called “Old Shoes and
Rice.” In the first issue of the newly merged
publication, the editors note that going
forward they will look to the “renaissance of
the Review, which is to focus on all the intellectual forces of Trinity’s men and women
in one medium expression.”
Roloff Beny, who had
been working as the
Review’s assistant
editor since 1942,
in addition to being
a contributing writer,
wins a competition to
design the publication’s cover. His winning image, pictured
here, is featured from December 1943 to
summer 1945 in various colour schemes.
Beny goes on to become one of Canada’s
foremost photographers. His circle of
friends includes luminaries of arts and
literature such as Laurence Olivier, Jean
Cocteau and Henry Moore.
Fall 2009 29
The Classics
Sicilian square, a year ago:
The passeggiata’s ebb-and-flow
Hurls men like me toward the stream
Of girls from Berlusconi’s team.
Despite the pre-election chill,
The right-wing girls are dressed to kill,
Revealing what’s beneath their coat
To court the crucial cleavage vote,
And help ensure you’re fixed on sex
When it comes time to mark your X.
The tactics couldn’t be more crude –
My Anglo-Saxon attitude
(Shaped by the Greek and Roman greats,
And not Italian fashion plates)
Says politics, for all its flaws,
Should speak of morals, justice, laws
And other virtues we’d still prize
If life weren’t such a compromise.
But Berlusconi’s T and A
Has made me feel so yesterday,
A guy who thumbed old books at Trin,
And now recoils from sudden skin.
Reality is who you know.
If life’s a cheesy TV show
Where made-up models flash a smile
To cover up their boss’s guile –
Democracy’s hormonal boost –
Then, sure, feel free to be seduced.
But Sicily holds deeper things
Than what the present moment brings
To easily distracted males
Who overlook the ancient tales
That caught my eye at Trinity:
Here, Hades stole Persephone,
Attracted by her girlish shape
(These days we’d have to call it rape),
And hid her beauty underground
Where sleaziness becomes profound
The moment that it’s turned to verse.
Don’t let me say the world’s got worse –
The classicist retrieves the past,
And finds in stories built to last
An awfulness beyond compare
With girls who charm the village square.
Globe and Mail
reporter John
Allemang ’74 co-founded the
Deadline Poets
Organization with
New York author
Calvin Trillin.
The evolution of Trinity’s “arts and letters” publication
This Christmas issue of
the Review is the first
to cry out for visual
arts submissions to
accompany the literary
content. A note on page
43 insists that “the
Review wants pictures
and drawings in every issue.” From this
point on there are indeed more images,
starting with the January 1945 issue
featuring a photograph of the provost’s
gate, taken by L.W. Stock, and what looks
to be a photograph of a painting by Evelyn
McKay called Franck’s Symphony.
30 trinity alumni magazine
The physical
format of the
Review evolved
slowly. Starting
in a tabloidstyle “newspaper” format in the 1880s,
a simple beige cover is added in June
1905. Three years later, the cover’s colour
is changed to red. And finally, in the fall
of 1922, the Review takes the shape and
style of a small booklet. The format takes a
brief psychedelic turn in the ’60s and ’70s
– the issue pictured here, in the Review’s
most radical format ever, was produced as
an envelope stuffed with various pieces of
literature. But eventually, it returns to the
current small-booklet style.
Decades later, the
Trinity University
Review is still an
important tool of
expression for students
engaged in the creative
arts. Several of the
young women on the
editorial board of the issue pictured here
are the same students profiled in “renaissance women”on page 12. Pick up a copy
at the College to see some great Trinity
talent in everything from poetry to fiction
to visual arts. And while you’re here, visit
Sylvia Lassam, the Rolph-Bell Archivist, to
see the Review’s evolution for yourself.
Trinity College
John Hryniuk
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
Fall 2009 31
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
An exemplary way to rise above Donors
Trinity’s loyal supporters contributed generously
in a time of economic uncertainty
Dear fellow graduates and friends,
I would like to extend my deep appreciation for your wonderful response
this year to Trinity’s financial needs. In an economically difficult time,
you supported the College generously and loyally. Our students have
been the beneficiaries – they, and we, are very grateful.
The Strength to Strength campaign to grow Trinity’s endowments will be ending shortly, and we have every hope of exceeding the $15-million target. The annual fund, made
up of more than 1,400 Provost Committee and Trinity Circle donors, raised in excess of
$750,000. We will do our best to steward your donations effectively with an eye to the
future, keeping costs down and directing funds to our students’ most immediate needs.
For example, several new awards will be added to our scholarship program this year.
Named for the Salterrae Society, they will be funded by redirecting the costs of the Society’s annual dinner so that some of our brightest and most deserving students may receive
the financial assistance they need to continue their studies. We are grateful to the members of the Society for their assistance and understanding.
It has been a good year. On behalf of the Development Committee, the College and its
students, thank you for your part in making it possible.
Terry Grier ’58
Chair, Development Committee
Development Committee
Members 2008-2009
Terry Grier ’58, Chair
Karen Bleasby ’77, Chair,
Parents’ Committee
David Bronskill ’96, Chair,
Executive Committee of
John Goodwin ’57,
Carolyn Kearns ’72,
Andy Orchard
Provost & Vice-Chancellor
Susan Perren, Director
Development & Alumni Affairs
Rob Cassels ’76, Chair,
Board of Trustees
Bill VanderBurgh ’69, Chair,
Provost’s Committee
Deceased individuals listed contributed $100 or more between May 1, 2008 and April 30, 2009.
32 trinity alumni magazine
Trinity College thanks
everyone who has made a gift
to the College. Your support
is vital to our success and to
the education of our students.
This roster recognizes alumni
and friends who gave $100
or more from May 1, 2008,
to April 30, 2009. Your generosity is truly appreciated.
Salterrae Society
Trinity College expresses its
sincere appreciation to these
alumni and friends who have
contributed $100,000 or more
to the College during their
Anonymous 2
Ann ’57 & Duncan ’52 Abraham
Charles ’62 & Marilyn ’65 Baillie
James C. Baillie ’59
James ’84 & Heidi Balsillie
Ruth M.C. Rolph Bell ’56
Jalynn Bennett ’66
John C. Bonnycastle ’57
William J. Corcoran ’55
Miranda Davies ’63
W. Thomas Delworth & Pamela
Osler Delworth ’61
Peter ’49 & Jane ’50 Dobell
George A. Fierheller ’55
James & Margaret ’82 Fleck
James E. Fordyce ’67
Norman Fraser ’65
John ’57 & Mary K. ’58 Goodwin
William C. ’61 & Catherine ’63
Marylo Graham ’52
Douglas ’59 & Ruth ’63 Grant
Donna J. Haley ’51
Graham & Mary B. ’78 Hallward
William B. ’53 & Patricia ’54
William L.B. Heath ’50
Phyllis Saunders Holmes ’37
William B.G. Humphries ’66
Frederic L.R. (Eric) Jackman ’57
John B. Lawson ’48
George ’82 & Leanne Lewis
Victoria Matthews ’76
E. Richard S. McLaughlin ’48
R. Peter ’73 & Virginia ’74
Peter & Melanie Munk
Desmond Neill
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
Hilary Nicholls ’59
Thomas Rahilly ’66 &
Jean Fraser ’70
Flavia C. Redelmeier ’48
Ted ’57 & Loretta Rogers
Donald M. Ross ’54
Gary W. Ross ’69
Michael ’68 & Sheila ’68 Royce
William ’56 & Meredith
Wes Scott ’68
Victor Seabrook ’51
Robert & Jessica ’45 Shelley
Patricia Simpson ’56
Stephen ’61 & Jane ’61 Smith
Colleen Stanley ’49
Mary B. Stedman ’44
Anne Stinson ’45
William Stinson ’55
Martha J. Tory ’76
Nicola Tory ’85
Guy ’55 & Sandra ’55 Upjohn
Deborah Vernon
William R. Waters
Lucienne Watt
Jack Whiteside ’63
Colin C. Williams
Michael H. Wilson ’59
Adam Zimmerman ’50
The J.P. Bickell Foundation
Consolidated-Bathurst Inc.
Cosma International Group of
Magna International Inc.
The Friends of the Trinity
College Library
William & Nona Heaslip
The Hope Charitable Foundation
The Jessie Ball duPont Fund
The Henry White Kinnear
The Kresge Foundation
The Peter Munk Charitable
The Samuel W. Stedman
Students of Trinity College
Provost’s Committee
Provost’s Committee members
are those who have made
annual gifts to the College of
$1,000 or more, including
gifts to a variety of funds,
campaign pledge payments
and gifts-in-kind.
$15,000 and up
Anonymous 1
Ann ’57 & Duncan ’52 Abraham
Marilyn ’65 & Charles ’62 Baillie
James C. Baillie ’59
Ruth M.C. Rolph Bell ’56
Jalynn Bennett ’66
Carroll Bishop
John ’55 & Margaret ’57 Catto
Fall 2009 33
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
E. Ann Chudleigh ’62
James E. Fordyce ’67
Norman Fraser ’65
William C. ’61 & Catherine ’63
Douglas ’59 & Ruth ’63 Grant
Donna J. Haley ’51
Mary B. ’78 & Graham Hallward
Nona MacDonald Heaslip
Frederic L.R. (Eric) Jackman ’57
George ’82 & Leanne Lewis
Victoria Matthews ’76
Gerald Nash ’45
Desmond Neill
Hilary Nicholls ’59
Jose A. Ordonez ’50
Gary W. Ross ’69
Michael ’68 & Sheila ’68 Royce
William ’56 & Meredith
Wes Scott ’68
Mary B. Stedman ’44
Cosma International Group of
Magna International Inc.
The Henry White Kinnear
$10,000 – $14,999
Anonymous 1
William G. Dean ’ 49
George A. Fierheller ’55
John F. Futhey ’59
John ’57 & Mary K. ’58 Goodwin
William L.B. Heath ’50
Ernest ’50 & Margo ’52 Howard
Robert P. Hutchison ’72 & Carolyn
Kearns ’72
Judith Ransom ’63
J. W. Nevil Thomas ’61
Jack Whiteside ’63
Nigel Wright ’84
The George Cedric Metcalf
Charitable Foundation
The Hope Charitable Foundation
$5,000 – $9,999
Anonymous 1
Derek P.H. Allen ’69
Jean Beeler
T. Rodney H. Box ’48
Douglas Chambers ’61
John ’69 & Lynn ’69 Clappison
Margaret E. Cockshutt ’48
William J. Corcoran ’55
Mary L. Crew ’37
J. Martha Cunningham ’81
Albert P. Fell ’52
Melanie M. Hare ’88
Lyman ’43 & Ann Henderson
Martin ’55 & Judith ’55 Hunter
Elizabeth Kilbourn-Mackie ’48
Philip Ko
Donald S. Macdonald ’52
Ross H. Mason ’59
E. Richard S. McLaughlin ’48
Jane McMyn ’59
Donald E. Moggridge ’65
W. David ’65 & Mary ’75
Thomas Rahilly ’66 &
Jean Fraser ’70
Victor Seabrook ’51
Patricia Simpson ’56
Anne R. Stinson ’45
Martha J. Tory ’76
Ann E. Tottenham ’65
Guy ’55 & Sandra ’55 Upjohn
Bill VanderBurgh ’69
Manousos Vourkoutiotis ’91 &
Barbara Shum ’91
The Fleck Family Foundation
The Haynes-Connell Foundation
The McLaughlin Scholarship
Trust Fund
St. Philip The Apostle Church
$1,000 – $4,999
Anonymous 17
Jacqueline A. Adain
Susan Ainley ’74
Paul H. Ambrose ’66
Jim Andersen ’91 & Michelle
Marion ’91
Olav J. Andrade ’83
James Appleyard ’92
Carolyn Archibald ’55
James ’66 & Penny Arthur
Philip ’68 & Susan Arthur
Reinhart J. Aulinger ’73
E. Dolores Backhauser ’49
Edward & Jocelyn ’63 Badovinac
Daniel & Wendy Balena
Helen G. Balfour
William Balfour ’45
Charlene Barker
Bruce ’75 & Alyson ’71 BarnettCowan
Milton J. ’69 & Shirley ’69 Barry
John A. Beament ’49
Allan L. Beattie ’49
David Beatty ’64
Michael ’65 & Bonnie ’66
Timothy ’76 & Candace ’76
Jo-Anne Billinger
Ann Birch ’56
John ’91 & Miranda ’92 Birch
Neville E. Bishop ’58
Robert Blackadar ’50
Karen Bleasby ’77
G. Jean S. Boggs ’42
James Booth ’90 & Mary-Lynn
Fulton ’90
Bruce Bowden ’68
William ’73 & Martha ’75 Bowden
Walter M. Bowen & Lisa Balfour
Bowen ’61
Helen Bradfield ’60
Deceased individuals listed contributed $100 or more between May 1, 2008 and April 30, 2009. Bold indicates members of the Provost’s Commitee (gifts of $1000+).
34 trinity alumni magazine
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
T. David ’53 & Constance ’54
Sir Roderick Brinckman ’58
David Bronskill ’96
Michael ’66 & Patricia ’66
Ross M. Brown ’52
John D. ’57 & Joan ’57 Brownlie
Patricia Carr Brückmann
Robert ’62 & Carolyn ’64 Buchan
Harcourt E. G. Bull ’41
George ’61 & Martha ’63
Shirley Byrne ’52
Anne Cannon ’52
Nancy Carroll
William R. Carruthers ’38
Robert G. Cassels ’76
Richard ’58 & Joan ’61 Chaffe
Hugh Chambers ’56
Michael ’94 & Carrie ’95 Chong
Michael A. Church ’64
Robert G. Church ’58
Graeme C. Clark ’82
Stephen R. Clarke ’68 & Elizabeth
Black ’70
The Rt. Hon. Adrienne
Clarkson ’60
Anne M. Cobban ’85
William A. Corbett ’53
Patricia R. Cordingley ’51
Brian & Linda Corman
Martin Cosgrave
Graham ’46 & Evelyn Cotter
Edward Crawford ’48
Janet Curry ’55
William & Marie Dafoe
Robert ’43 & Mary ’45 Dale
William S. A. Dale ’44
Margaret W. Darte ’44
Miranda Davies ’63
Michael ’58 & Honor de Pencier
Elsie A. Del Bianco
W. Thomas Delworth & Pamela
Osler Delworth ’61
Frank ’59 & Sunny ’59 Dicum
Michael W. Donnelly
Ian M. Douglas ’67
D. P. Mary Eliot
Christopher W.W. Field ’74
Mary Finlay ’72
Ian ’70 & Nancy ’70 Forsyth
Joseph W. Foster ’77
Robin Fraser ’52
Brian D. Freeland ’47
Goldwin French ’44
Virginia Froman-Wenban ’81
Hugh R. Furneaux ’62
Philippe ’80 & Gillian ’80
Jack O. Gibbons ’77
Heather V. Gibson ’73
Lucille Giles ’55
Julie Frances Gilmour ’92
Robert ’50 & Janet ’51 Gouinlock
Michael & Nancy Graham ’58
Anne Greaves ’60
Margaret H. Greene ’58
Thomas M. Greene ’70
William N. Greer ’47
Terry ’58 & Ruth ’58 Grier
Bruce Griffith ’68
G.T. (Tom) Gunn ’65
Peter ’69 & Susan ’69 Hand
Douglas Handyside
William B. Hanna ’58
Gregory M.T. Hare ’84
Michael J. Hare
Christopher J. Harris ’81 & Mary
Shenstone ’81
William B. ’53 & Patricia ’54
David Harrison ’80 & Catherine Le
Feuvre ’84
Charles Dean Hatfield ’00
Douglas C. Heighington ’78
John Hickman ’47
Andre Hidi ’82
K. Martin Hilliard
Stanley Y. Ho ’94
Stanton ’51 & Elspeth ’51 Hogg
Keith A. Hoilett ’60
Ian A.D. Holden ’58
Aaron Hong ’88
Ruth E. Hood ’55
William B.G. Humphries ’66
John M. Irwin ’47
Robert A. Jackson ’45
Jeremy ’59 & Stephanie ’61
Peter G. Kelk ’69
Penelope C. Kennedy ’57
Lawrence ’61 & Barbara ’61
Simon Kingsley ’88
George Kirikos ’91
David H.W. Kirkwood ’45
John J. Kirton
John Kloppenborg
Madeline Koch
Kathryn Anne Kotris
Nancy Lang ’80
Alan Latta
John B. Lawson ’48
Jennifer M. LeDain ’88
Balfour Le Gresley
J. Brett G. Ledger ’73
Peter ’54 & Joyce ’54 Lewis
Irina Liner
Peter M. Little ’66
Arthur J. Lochead ’50
Fred Lock
Yuguang Long
John M. Longfield ’53
John Lownsbrough ’69
Deidre Lynch
Dorothy M. MacDonald ’60
Gillian MacKay Graham ’76
George A. Mackie ’67
Margaret O. MacMillan ’66
Pepito & Elnora Magboo
Timothy C. Marc ’85
Joan McCallum ’49
Michèle McCarthy ’79
Lynn M. McDonald
Joyce ’61 & W. Darcy McKeough
C. Michael ’55 & Jeryn ’55
David J. ’72 & Patricia ’73
Baktavar Mehta
David N. Mitchell ’69
Mildred G. Moir
John W. Morden ’56
Norbert & Patricia ’58
Theodore F. Morris ’44
Alan ’57 & Flo ’57 Morson
Thomas P. Muir ’78
Barbara M.H. Murray ’66
Shanmugam Nageshwaran
Gerald R. Noble ’81
Joan Northey ’59
David J. ’69 & Kathleen ’69
Robert & Dorothea Painter
R. Brian Parker
Donald W. Parkinson ’61
Peter R. Paterson ’61
Anthony Pawluch
Ian S. Pearson ’76
Michael G. Peers ’59
Winsor ’58 & Ruth Ann ’60 Pepall
Susan Perren
Barbara Perrone ’82
John H. ’72 & Catherine ’74
Christine J. Prudham ’88
Kathryn Richardson ’69
John ’43 & Mary Louise ’48 Riley
S. Riley-Kennedy
Francois J. Roberge
Michaele M. Robertson ’70
J. Nicholas ’59 & Lynn ’63 Ross
Peter Rozee ’82 & Francesca
Patterson ’83
Herbert J. Russell
Geoffrey B. Seaborn ’73
J. Blair ’45 & Carol ’48 Seaborn
John D. Seagram ’59
Helen Elizabeth Shaw ’58
Susan M. Sheen ’69
Jessica Shelley ’45
George O. Shepherd ’48
James E. Sidorchuk ’84
Suzette Silva
Catherine L. Singer ’75
Margaret Sisley ’51
William P. Skinner ’52
John E. ’51 & Gayle ’51
Derek A. Smith ’76
Pat Smith
Reta C. Smith ’57
William P. Somers ’56
Philip R.L. Somerville ’69
Christopher Spencer ’57
Colleen Stanley ’49
David P. Stanley-Porter ’53
A. Bruce Stavert ’64
Janice E. Stein
J. Stuart Stephen ’39
R.D. Roy Stewart ’75
William W. Stinson ’55
Barbara Stymiest
John Swinden ’60
C. Ian P. Tate ’45
Graham & Beth Taylor
Robert ’64 & Mary ’64 Thomas
J.D.G. Thomson ’49
Ron B. Thomson ’68
David O. Tinker
L. Douglas Todgham ’66
Keith E. Townley ’75
David ’56 & Diana ’56 Trent
Robert Vineberg ’72
G. Vins
Stephen M. Waddams ’63
Hugh Wainwright ’58
David Roffey & Karen Walsh ’80
Kathleen Graham Ward ’75
Gordon Watson ’53
Gordon E. Webb ’76
John B. Webber ’56
John D. Whittall ’69
Reginald E. Y. Wickett ’66
Donald Wiebe
G. Ronald Williams
Stephen Dale Williamson
Milton T. Wilson ’44
Thomas ’62 & Elizabeth ’65 Wilson
Bruce Winter ’77
David ’51 & Carol ’51 Wishart
John ’86 & Anne ’86 Witt
Edwin Wei Lang Wong
Ronald E Wootton ’07
Joan & Robert ’55 Wright
Charlene S. Young ’75
Bill Young ’77 & Janet Lang ’80
The Birch Island Foundation at the
Toronto Community Foundation
GE Canada
The George & Esther Snell Trust
The Jackman Foundation
The Knowles Consulting Corporation
St. George’s on-the-Hill, Etobicoke
TD Bank Financial Group
United Way, Ottawa
Class Listings
Provost’s Committee members
are those who have made
annual gifts to the College
of $1,000 or more, including gifts to a variety of funds,
campaign-pledge payments
and gifts-in-kind.
Anonymous 1
Anonymous 1
Margot E. Clarkson
Fall 2009 35
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
Anonymous 1
William R. Carruthers
M. Isabel Downey
William G Greenfield
James D.L. Howson
William S.A. Dale
Margaret W. Darte
M. Joan Dengis
Goldwin French
Mary L. Harris
John M. Hodgson
Eleanor M. McKay
Theodore F. Morris
M. Vivian L. Ritenburg
Mary B. Stedman
Margaret E. Tugman
M. Elizabeth Waterston
Jane S. Welch
Milton T. Wilson
Isabel F. Pilcher
Anonymous 1
Mary L. Crew
Ian F.H. & Joan Rogers
John Maybee
J. Stuart Stephen
Jean G. Campbell
Kenneth Cowan
Philip Foulds
James George
Gordon T. Lucas
Beatrice Saunders
Alberta M. Shearer
Anonymous 1
Harcourt E.G. Bull
Dorothy Cowan
Robert F. Gardam
Colin S. Lazier
M. Isobel Robinson
Charles F.S. Tidy
Anonymous 3
Margaret Agar
G. Jean S. Boggs
David M. Curzon
Mary Louise Foulds
Donald Fraser
Emily J. Goodman
J. Katharine Greenfield
E. Margaret Hutchison
Robert A. Kennedy
Joan Macdonald
A. Margaret W. Madden
Elizabeth Rooke
Anonymous 1
Edward C. Cayley
Robert G. Dale
Ann & Lyman Henderson
William F. McCormick
Lorne P. Millar
John Riley
William A.E. Sheppard
Sonja Sinclair
Anonymous 1
William C. Bothwell
Anonymous 1
Margaret R. Balfour
William Balfour
Mary A. Dale
Alan J. Earp
George Ferguson
Mary Hawley
Lois M. Hurst
Robert A. Jackson
David H.W. Kirkwood
Elizabeth B. Leon
Anne H. Morris
Gerald Nash
T. Eric Oakley
J. Blair Seaborn
Arthur F. Sellers
Jessica Shelley
Anne R. Stinson
C. Ian P. Tate
Anonymous 2
Sonia J. Apple
John E. Bethel
Anne M. Burt
Nancy L. Byers
C. Graham Cotter
Dorothy J. Curzon
H. Patricia Dyke
Kathleen Gerald
L. Elizabeth Gibson
John & Ruth Gillett
Winnifred A. Herington
Joan Hodgson
Lorna D. Irwin
Edward A. Lowry
Douglas C. Matthews
Barbara M. Murray
James A. O’Brian
Phyllis K. Pringle
Flora C. Renaud
Archibald F. Sheppard
Robert & Anne Spence
Mary T. Watson
Patricia R. White
Anonymous 2
John W. Duncanson
Brian D. Freeland
John W.L. Goering
William N. Greer
John Hickman
Marion J. Holley
John M. Irwin
Ian M. Marr
Ruth I.P. McMulkin
Constance Schwenger
Anonymous 1
Douglas C. Appleton
Auguste A. Bolte
John C. Bothwell
T. Rodney H. Box
C. Dudley Burland
Margaret E. Cockshutt
David C. Corbett
Edward Crawford
James Eayrs
E. Donald G. Farncomb
John T. Gilbert
John B. Gillespie
Margot Grant
Margaret M. Hewson
David Higginbotham
Russell Jolliffe
Elizabeth Kilbourn-Mackie
Rial G.R. Lawrence
John B. Lawson
Jocelyn Lazier
M. Joyce Leech
E. Richard S. McLaughlin
Mary K. McPherson
Arthur E. Millward
Jean F. Morrison
E. Ronald Niblett
Carol Pollen
Flavia C. Redelmeier
Mary Louise Riley
M. Louise Saunders
Douglas S. Scott
Joan E. Scott
Carol Seaborn
Gloria Sheard
George O. Shepherd
James T. Skells
Patricia E. Sutherland
Audrey S. Tobias
Mary-Ethel Weatherseed
Donna E. Wright
Anonymous 2
E. Dolores Backhauser
Dorothy E. Ballentyne-Matthews
John A. Beament
Allan L. Beattie
Nancy E. Bunt
James & Sybil Butterfield
Barbara B. Byers
Donald W. Clark
Marian Cobban
William G. Dean
Corinne S. Deverell
Peter Dobell
Joyce P. Donald
Roger S. Eaton
C. Elizabeth Eayrs
Robert Greene
Michael Hicks
Fred A.M. Huycke
Elizabeth Le Maire
Harold MacDonald
Miriam L.I. Mazur
Joan McCallum
Margery McDowell
William & Patricia McFarland
Peter A.H. Meggs
Wendy Reddy
Edward Saunders
Robert P. Saunders
Michael & Susan Shenstone
Colleen Stanley
Toni J. Swalgen
Ronald E. Thompson
J.D.G. Thomson
Peter G. Townley
Mary B. Whitten
James A. Winters
Anne M. Wolf
Lawrence M. Baldwin
R. Murray Belway
Robert Blackadar
Mary Butler
Charles G. Cowan
Jane Dobell
Margaret E. Duncan
Frances C. Errington
Donald H. Gilchrist
Robert Gouinlock
Edward & Joy Green
H. Donald Guthrie
William L.B. Heath
Ernest Howard
Elizabeth Jackson
Elizabeth J. Ketchum
Arthur J. Lochead
F. Jean C. Matthews
H.I.G. Ragg
Jean Roberts
Elizabeth Steele-Neilson
David M.G. Thomson
James R. Tyrrell
Robert & Ruth Walmsley
Gwen Arnoldi
George M. Burrows
Allan J. Challacombe
George Connell
Patricia R. Cordingley
William M. Cox
Richard M. Crabbe
W.A.B. Douglas
Rita Etherington
Alfred M. George
Diana Goad
Janet R. Gouinlock
James M. Grant
Deceased individuals listed contributed $100 or more between May 1, 2008 and April 30, 2009. Bold indicates members of the Provost’s Commitee (gifts of $1000+).
36 trinity alumni magazine
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
Eleanor J. Devlin
Jeandot Ellis
Russell & Jean Graham
Patricia Harris
Peter & Joyce Lewis
Joan Matthews-Ali Khan
Roy McMurtry
Barbara Munro
Sarah S. Neal
Borden C. Purcell
Frederick Roberts
Joan T. Rogers
Donald M. Ross
Patrick L. Ross
Penelope A. Sanger
Joan C. Shaw
Robert D. Stupart
Barbara Wilma Thamer
Stanton & Elspeth Hogg
Donald P. Hunt
Robert D. Johnston
Pauline B. Kingston
John V. Lawer
Andrew M. Lawson
James B. Milner
G. George Muirhead
Landon Pearson
Richard Sadleir
Victor Seabrook
Margaret Sisley
John E. & Gayle Smallbridge
George Stegen
John Stevenson
Peter J. Surrey
Marianne L. Whitten
Warren D. Wilkins
David & Carol Wishart
James W. Wood
Anonymous 2
S. Duncan Abraham
J. Peter Arnoldi
Jeanette Maud Arthurs
John Barton
Christie J. Bentham
Charlotte MacKay Braithwaite
Ross M. Brown
Joyce Burrows
Shirley Byrne
Anne Cannon
Donald W. Cockburn
David A. Ellis
Albert P. Fell
Peter B.G. Ferguson
Robin Fraser
Charlotte M. Graham
Robert J.S. Gray
Michael Hall
David M. Harley
John G. Hooper
Margo Howard
Mary Hume
John E. Hurst
Adrian & Donald S. Macdonald
William Morley
Valinda Morris
Mary E. Partridge
Walter G. Pitman
Patricia D. Roberts
Marjorie M.A. Sharpe
William P. Skinner
Margaret Thompson
Hubert L. Washington
Ronald L. Watts
H. Douglas Wilkins
H. Donald Williams
J. Peter Williamson
Anonymous 2
James Beairsto
James A. Bradshaw
J. Hilary Burgess
G. Austin E. Clarkson
Mary L. Clements
Sheila Connell
William A. Corbett
John T. Frame
Duncan A. Gordon
Rosemary Graham
Elizabeth V. Harcourt-Vernon
William B. Harris
Nancy B.S. Hunt
Jacy C. Kington
Marion C. Le Bel
John M. Longfield
Douglas J. Maybee
Margaret S. Ripley
Barbara R. Sibbald
David P. Stanley-Porter
Donna Watts
Anonymous 3
Donald Anderson
Eleanor F. Bear
Constance J. Briant
Wendy Butler
Barbara Campbell
Jane Carruthers
Stephen H. Coombs
William J. Corcoran
Peter B. Curzon
Anonymous 3
Janet Ainslie
Carolyn Archibald
Heather B. Ballon
M. Nanette Barkham
Robert H. Bell
Jane Blackstone
John Catto
Susan Cowan
Janet Curry
George A. Fierheller
Harriett E.R. Goldsborough
Alastair Grant
Ruth E. Hood
Martin & Judith Hunter
Douglas I.F. Lawson
C. Michael & Jeryn McKeown
Sheila R. Miller
William T. Mitchell
Marguerite Neelands
Donald Nickel
Geraldine Nightingale
Raimund Pahapill
Stephanie M. Ross
Peter H. Russell
Juliana M. Saxton
Bob Spinney
William Stinson
Margaret Szucs
George S. Taylor
Sandra & Guy Upjohn
Mary F. Williamson
Joan & Robert Wright
Anonymous 3
Rodney J. Anderson
Ruth M.C. Rolph Bell
Ann Birch
Robert L. Borden
Hugh Chambers
William R.K. Crockett
Frederick & Joan Cross
Ian H. Daniel
Gordon G. Dickson
Gwendolyn D. Hancock
Fall 2009 37
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
Peggy Kingstone
Arthur MacRae
T. Ian McLeod
Nancy McPhee
Joan Meyer
Sylvia J. Middlebro’
John W. Morden
Norman J. Munn
John A. & Frances Roney
William & Meredith
Patricia Simpson
William P. Somers
Rex E.C. Southgate
Eileen R. Stock
Anne Thomas
Ronald L.W. Till
David & Diana Trent
Margaret J. Walter
John B. Webber
Mary E. Williams
Anonymous 1
Ann Abraham
John D. & Joan Brownlie
R. Hugh Cameron
Margaret Catto
Patricia Drynan
Judith Edmondson
Ruby M. Elver
Cecil A. Fennell
William M. Franks
Bruce W. Fraser
John Goodwin
Franklyn Griffiths
Mary W. Harpur
Elizabeth D. Isenberg
Frederic L.R. (Eric) Jackman
Penelope C. Kennedy
Jill Ayre Lacey
William J. Lovering
James C. Mainprize
Ann Malcolmson
Joan McCordic
Alan & Flo Morson
Pamela Noxon
Gwendolyn Byrne Pyke
John A.G. Ricciardelli
Reta C. Smith
Christopher Spencer
J. Beverley Stewart
Melba G. Tanner
Sheila Till
Charles & Laura Anne Wall
John N. Whiting
Anonymous 3
Douglas S. Allen
Douglas A. Bean
Neville E. Bishop
Sir Roderick Brinckman
Ian M. Cameron
Richard Chaffe
Robert G. Church
Deceased individuals listed contributed $100 or more between May 1, 2008 and April 30, 2009. Bold indicates members of the Provost’s Commitee (gifts of $1000+).
38 trinity alumni magazine
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
Ian G. Clarkson
Judith M. Cowan
James A. Cran
Nicholas Czapary
Michael de Pencier
Marion I. Doheny
William A. Empke
John R.H. Fowler
Elisabeth A. Gibson
Mary K. (Jamie) Goodwin
Michael & Nancy Graham
Margaret H. Greene
Terry & Ruth Grier
V.E. Marilyn Grimshaw
William B. Hanna
Ian A.D. Holden
Judith James
Charles Johnston
John H. Kenney
Suzanne J. Kilpatrick
Janice G. Latcham
Bruce D. Lister
Molly E. Logan
Nora E. Losey
Patricia A.J. Luxton
Patricia & Norbert Morgenstern
David W. Morris
John R. Neal
Peter N. O’Flynn
Desmond M. O’Rorke
Orville F. Osborne
Winsor Pepall
Adrienne Price-Williams
D. Anthony Raymond
Alison J. Sanders
Pamela M. Scott
Helen Elizabeth Shaw
Philip L. Spencer
Ted Stephenson
Marion J. Timberg
Janet R. Van Nostrand
Carol F. Verity
E. Patricia Vicari
C. Ann Wainwright
Hugh D. Wainwright
Anonymous 2
John Charles Amesbury
James C. Baillie
Norah Bolton
Frances Clarkson
Hal Davies
Frank & Sunny Dicum
John F. Evans
John F. Futhey
David R.W. Gawley
Timothy & Helen Gibson
J. Peter Giffen
J. Douglas Grant
Victoria A. Grant
Susan E. Houston
Maruja Jackman
Jeremy Johnston
William R.M. Johnston
Susan J. Leslie
Sandra Lovering
Elizabeth W. MacIntyre
Marion E.K. Magee
Ross H. Mason
Jane McMyn
Alan R. Mills
Hilary Nicholls
Joan Northey
Michael G. Peers
John D. Rathbone
Tim Reid
J. Nicholas Ross
Peter G. Saunderson
John D. Seagram
David J.D. Sims
Michael G. Wade
Molly Weaver
Witold M. Weynerowski
Michael H. Wilson
Nancy J. Woods
Anonymous 2
Elizabeth A. & Hugh
Geraldine C. Anthony
John E. Balmer
Helen Bradfield
Elizabeth C. Brown
Katharine A. Brown
Sandra M. Brown
Patricia F. Campbell
The Rt. Hon. Adrienne Clarkson
Lionel T. Colman
Burn Creeggan
Adrienne DuBois
Sheila Margaret Dutton
Mary Jane Edwards
Alan J.H. Ferguson
David Flint
Anne Greaves
Myra Hiemstra
Keith A. Hoilett
Victoria Innes
Eleanor A. Langdon
Robert C. Lee
Carole Leith
John H. Macaulay
Dorothy M. MacDonald
Susan Merry
Jayne Ford Mulvaney
Sandra Munn
Ruth Ann Pepall
Catherine A. Richardson
H.C. Evan Schulman
David Skene-Melvin
John Swinden
Nancy P. Van Nooten
Paul Vereshack
Wendy Weaver
Marianne Margaret Wilkinson
Barbara K. Zeibots
Anonymous 1
Lisa Balfour Bowen &
Walter M. Bowen
Alice Bastedo
George Butterfield
Joan Chaffe
Douglas Chambers
Jean Crockett
W. Thomas Delworth & Pamela
Osler Delworth
Jean Elliott
William C. Graham
Richard E. Hamilton
John M. Hill
Stephanie Johnston
A. Sydney Kanya-Forstner
Lawrence & Barbara Kerslake
Olivia Lee
Barry H. Matheson
Helen McFadden
Joyce & Darcy McKeough
Duncan McLaren
A. Warren Moysey
Margot E. Northey
Donald W. Parkinson
Peter R. Paterson
Malcolm P. Shiner
Stephen & Jane Smith
Margaret M. Stanford
Sheila M. Tait
J.W. Nevil Thomas
Anonymous 3
Peter Adamson
Charles Baillie
Patricia Bays
Donelda Booth
James Boyles
Robert Buchan
E. Ann Chudleigh
Ronald G. Cooper
Ramsay Derry
Jane E.A. Emery
Mary G. Evans
Hugh R. Furneaux
Sandra D. German
Jill H. Hill
Peter H. Howden
Terence & Dorothy
Charles MacNab
Gillian Marwick
Jane McWhinney
Christopher S. (Kit) Moore
James Pierce
David A. Plant
Barbara A. Priscus
W. John Pyke
William Rollason
Thomas Wilson
Gerald C.V. Wright
Priscilla J.M. Wright
Anonymous 7
M. Erica Armstrong
Edward & Jocelyn Badovinac
John R. Belleghem
Keith E. Boast
Martha Butterfield
John H. Carter
Moira E. Creighton
Miranda Davies
Robert S. Dinsmore
Jane D. Godbehere
Barry Graham
Catherine Graham
Ruth Grant
Edward Guthrie
Alice L. Haigh
C. Mary A. Hall
Joan B. Hayes
Vivian Johnston
Susan J. Knight
Donald MacDonald
Susan Port
Carolyn Purden Anthony
Judith Ransom
Allan G. Raymond
Christopher G. Riggs
Suzanne Rollason
Lynn Ross
Ian A. Shaw
J. Christopher Snyder
H. Diane Thornton
John Van-Lane
Stephen M. Waddams
James Walker
Jack Whiteside
M. Patricia Winter
Anonymous 3
George W. Beal
David Beatty
Carolyn A. Buchan
Elizabeth G. Burton
John & Mary Chipman
William N. Christensen
Michael Church
John W. Craig
James Dingle
Milton F. Dorman
Elizabeth A. Holmes
Brian Hull
James Humphries
Janet C. Hunter
Primrose Ketchum
William A. Kilfoyle
James Petrie McIntosh
Jeannie T. Parker
Julian W.O. Patrick
Miriam Petrovich
James J. Rayner
Gilbert J. Reid
Andrew M. Robinson
Walter Ross
Susan A. Scott
Cynthia M. Smith
A. Bruce Stavert
Janet E. Stewart
Mary & Robert Thomas
Christopher W.C. Thomson
Fall 2009 39
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
Alan Toff
Robert G. Tucker
Anonymous 1
Brian G. Armstrong
Mark Armstrong
Marilyn Baillie
Anne G. Banani
Margret E. Beaney
Michael Bedford-Jones
John D. Bowden
Heather A. Cook
Gail J. Cranston
Janet Dewan
Norman Fraser
Thomas L. Granger
G.T. (Tom) Gunn
J.A. Harwood-Jones
William Hayes
Priscilla H. Healy
Diana E. Inselberg
Gerald P. Loweth
John C. McLeod
Donald E. Moggridge
Peter & Susan Moogk
Martha (Marty) Moore
David Neelands
Peter C.S. Nicoll
Donald M. Powell
Terry K. Pratt
Paul Stockdale
Robert R. Stone
Barbara E. Tangney
Mary E. Thompson
Ann E. Tottenham
Stephanie Walker
Elizabeth Wilson
John de Pencier Wright
Anonymous 4
Paul H. Ambrose
James & Penny Arthur
Brian George Barbeau
Bonnie Bedford-Jones
Linda C. Bell
Jalynn Bennett
George A. Biggar
Terry A. Bisset
Michael & Patricia Bronskill
Anne Cooper
Gail Corbett Bothwell
Richard V.P. Eagan
Carol Finlay
Dianne M. Fisher
Alan Gill
Karen Holmes
William B.G. Humphries
Carole A. Judd
Kirby Monroe Keyser
Jean M. Lee
Peter M. Little
Gay Loveland
Peter MacDonald
Margaret O. MacMillan
R. Terrence MacTaggart
David S. Milne
Barbara M.H. Murray
Geoffrey C. Niles
M. Dianne O’Neill
Thomas Rahilly
Elizabeth Ridgely
Joanne E. Ross
Mary E. Sheldon
Maureen I.F. Harris
Kathryn A. Horne
Franklin A. Hough
Ronald E. Hutchison
Jenny H. Le Riche
Christopher J. Loat
J. Ross MacDonald
George A. Mackie
Ellen McLeod
Bruce Griffith
Frederick Heimbecker
Susan Hunt
Judith A.E. Jackson
Gary B. McKinnon
Carolyn K. McMaster
Alexander O. Miller
Katherine Racette
Michael & Sheila Royce
W. David Sinclair
Stephen B.H. Smith
Karen Spence
Mary F. Stewart
John O. Stubbs
Rosemary J. Tanner
L. Douglas Todgham
Norman F. Trowell
Janet F. Watson
Reginald E.Y. Wickett
Karen Melville
Virginia C. Miller
Elizabeth K. Mitchell
Michael E. Moffatt
James E. Neufeld
Dean K. Purdy
Ralph J.T. Smye
Peter L.D. Southam
Clare Stockdale
Stephen E. Traviss
Catherine L. Veale
Lois M. Wyndham
Alena Schram
Wes Scott
Donald K. Dunbar Smyth
Phyllis Taylor
Ron B. Thomson
Mary Walker
Anonymous 2
Douglas H. Arrell
Peter K. Ayers
T. Allen Box
Susan Corben Byram
John A.B. Callum
Christina S.R. Cameron
Ian M. Douglas
Laurence G. Duby
Richard Earle
Richard L. Evans
James E. Fordyce
George A. Griffith
Anonymous 2
John B. Anderson
Philip & Susan Arthur
Bruce Bowden
Marilyn Box
Pamela Brook
Glenna Carr
Stephen R. Clarke
Sally M.H. Forrest
C. Alan Gallichan
Douglas K. Gray
Anonymous 2
Derek P.H. Allen
Milton J. & Shirley Barry
John & Lynn Clappison
Charles F. Clark
Judith Elizabeth Clarke
Deborah L. Davis
Jean Yundt Gomez
J. Richard Grynoch
Sharyn Hall
Peter & Susan Hand
David L. Jeanes
Brian & Elizabeth Jones
Peter G. Kelk
John Lownsbrough
Merike Madisso
J. Fraser B. Mills
Deceased individuals listed contributed $100 or more between May 1, 2008 and April 30, 2009. Bold indicates members of the Provost’s Commitee (gifts of $1000+).
40 trinity alumni magazine
revTrinity_fall'09.indd 40
10/6/09 5:22:31 PM
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
David N. Mitchell
Peter W.G. Moore
David J. & Kathleen Oakden
Kathryn Richardson
Gregor M. Robinson
Peter C. Roe
Gary W. Ross
Susan M. Sheen
Philip R.L. Somerville
Norman Trainor
Bill VanderBurgh
John D. Whittall
Byron B. Yates
Jacqueline Baker Loach
Richard A. MacKenzie
Donald B. MacLeod
David J. McKnight
Janet B. Morgan
Leigh Parish
John H. Phillips
Janet M. Sidey
Brent Swanick
Robert Vineberg
Anonymous 1
Elizabeth Black
John E. Bradley
Ian & Nancy Forsyth
Jean Fraser
Julian A. Graham
Thomas M. Greene
C.M. Victor Harding
Patricia I. Laidlaw
Mark Curfoot Mollington
Garth A. Parish
Michaele M. Robertson
John B. Scopis
Phillip S. Swift
Wendy S. Trainor
J. Douglas Varey
Brian E. Woodrow
Reinhart J. Aulinger
Marian Binkley
William Bowden
Thomas C. Brown
H.A. (Sandy) Bruce
Paul R. Chapman
James R. Christopher
Heather V. Gibson
Brenda L. Halliday
Philip C. Hebert
Joanne E. Leatch
J. Brett G. Ledger
Jane E. Love
Patricia McKnight
R. Peter McLaughlin
Robert W. Morse
Harold F. Roberts
Christopher Robinson
Geoffrey B. Seaborn
Almos T. Tassonyi
Anonymous 4
Alyson Mary Barnett-Cowan
Philip M. Brown
Robert & Kristine Burr
D. Susan Butler
Pamela J. Chellew
Peter R. Coffin
John A. Foulds
Gillian E. Hicks
Helga Jeanes
Barry A. Johnson
David O. Jones
Anthony Lea
H.A. Patrick & M. Victoria Little
Peter F. Love
Timothy I. MacDonald
Joanne Morrow
Naomi Ridout
Isabel M. Weeks-Lambert
David P. Worts
Johanna Ethel Bertin
David E. Burt
Mary Finlay
Anne I. Godfrey
Diana S. Heath
Edgar N. Holland
Robert P. Hutchison &
Carolyn Kearns
Patricia Kenyon-Mills
A. Thomas Little
Anonymous 1
Susan Ainley
John C. Allemang
Mark Conrad Baetz
Patricia M.W. Beck
Terry Brown
Jonathan Eayrs
Christopher W.W. Field
John C. Mavity
Lance E. McIntosh
Michael D. Milne
Catherine Phillips
James A. Powell
Elizabeth J. Price
Robert B. Reid
Janice Seger-Lambert
Maureen L. Simpson
John G. Stephen
Jane Waterston
Bruce Barnett-Cowan
Robert G. Bettson
Martha Bowden
Kenneth R. Chapman
Lesley Chisholm
Lorraine M. Clarkson
Janet D. Cottrelle
Linda Medland Davis
Morrey M. Ewing
John S. Floras
Stephen J. Hanns
Philip C. Hobson
Thomas M. Hurka
Alan G. Lossing
Heather A. MacKay
Francesca E. Mallin
Mary J. Neelands
Margaret Reid
Ian F. Ross
Larry W. Scott
Catherine L. Singer
Ian J.W. Smith
R.D. Roy Stewart
Barbora Streibl
Christine Tausig-Ford
Keith E. Townley
Kathleen Graham Ward
Charlene S. Young
Roger Young
Anonymous 2
Robert I. Algie
Jamie & Patsy Anderson
James E. Bagnall
Susan E. Beayni
Timothy & Candace Bermingham
Parth M. Bhatt
Cynthia Bowden
Lynn E. Brennan
Ian Brown
Robert G. Cassels
Douglas J. Corkum
David L. Danner
Gordon F. Davies
Pamela J. Davies
Michael S. Dunn
Gillian MacKay Graham
Alexandra J. Harrison
Wendy M. Kirk
C. Robert Loney
Victoria Matthews
Isabelle Mikosza
Karl Miller
James T. Neilson
Pamela Orr
Ian S. Pearson
Ann Pigott
Michael G. Quigley
Virginia Seaborn
Derek A. Smith
Katherine R. Smith
Charles R.C. Spencer
Martha J. Tory
Gordon E. Webb
R. Ross Wells
Jerry P. Wilk
Diana Wong
David A.S. Wright
Karen Bleasby
Michael S. Boyd
Wendy Brown
Catherine M. Bunting
John N. Canning
Tony V. Coletta
Thomas DeWolf
David R. Dodds
William Walter Foote
Joseph W. Foster
Jack O. Gibbons
Karl Gravitis
Mark Henry & Doretta Thompson
Shirley Houston
Bruce Mansbridge
Tam F. Matthews
Rosemary McLeese
Richey S. Morrow
David W. Penhorwood
M. Philip Poole
M. Anne Smith
Keith P. Smithers
Peter K. Whimster
Margaret-Ann Wilkinson
Bruce Winter
Bill Young
Mary S. Aduckiewicz
Donald Allan
J. David Bell
Christopher M. Briggs
Jacqueline Carlos
Mary C. Crocker
Michael Ellison
Diane Gherson
Douglas Gies
Mary B. & Graham Hallward
Jonathan L. Hart
Douglas C. Heighington
John & Susan Holladay
Mary J. Holmen
P. Keith Hyde
David R. Johnson
Kevin & Deborah Johnson
Ian Joseph
James W. Leatch
Wayne D. & Melanie Lord
Stephen A. McLachlin
Thomas P. Muir
Elizabeth Jane Speakman
Daniel R. Van Alstine
Nancy I. Walden
Marika A. Wilbiks
Douglas J.S. Younger
Anonymous 1
Michael S. Andison
Graham Beer
Julia Brennan
Christopher L. Cantlon
Susan V. Corrigan
M. Jane Croteau
Eric David
Martha L. Foote
Mary-Ann George
Hilary Heeney
Nina Lapin
Patti MacNicol
Michèle McCarthy
Seana B. McKenna
Fall 2009 41
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
M.M. McLaren
Alice Medcof
Paul T. Mozarowski
Lawrence L. Schembri
Fiona S. Strachan
Paul W. Timmins
D. Blake Woodside
Michael Zeitlin
Anonymous 2
John D. Abraham
Frances & P. Mark Armstrong
Blake Ashforth
James W. Billington
Alec K. Clute
Heather S. Crysdale
M. Anne Curtis
Philippe & Gillian Garneau
Mitchell T. Goodjohn
David A. Harrison
Michael Heeney
Victor Holysh
David Ing
William J. Keel
Howard Kwan
Janet Lang
Nancy Lang
G. Bradley Lennon
Robert W. Macaulay
Kate Merriman
S. Steven & Pamela M. Popoff
Linda Shum
Victoria Mok Siu
Marc H.J.J. Stevens
David Roffey & Karen Walsh
Donald C. Weaver
Anonymous 1
C. Scott Allington
James B. Baidacoff
Carolyn (Kostandoff) Berthelet
Alexandra Bezeredi
Christopher Bradley
John Carruthers
Corey B. Copeland
J. Martha Cunningham
Paul D. Engels
Julia G. Ford
Virginia Froman-Wenban
Peter Gerhardt
Andrew L. Griffith
Jane Harrigan
Christopher J. Harris & Mary
Campbell R. Harvey
Roland E.W. Kuhn & Susan
Janet B. Lewis
J.C. David Long
Randall W. Martin
Christopher J. Matthews
Gerald R. Noble
J. Geoffrey Nugent
Elizabeth A. Read
Helen Robson
Robert A. Ross
Olive Shepherd
James H. Stonehouse
J. Fraser Wright
Helen Angus
David Aston
David Brinton
Graeme C. Clark
M. Dianne Collins
Walter Deller
Caroline Despard
Atom Egoyan
Margaret & Jim Fleck
Kevin Flynn
Ruth M. Foster
Elizabeth Freeman-Shaw
Andre Hidi
Ivana Jackson
Catherine Y. Kozma
M. George Lewis
Laura A. Master
Michael H. McMurray
Adrienne A. Morey
Barbara Perrone
Peter Rozee
Craig Thorburn
Ann Louise Vehovec
Paul Wickens
Heidi M. Zetzsche
Anonymous 2
Olav J. Andrade
Mary E. Bond
Richard W. Burgess & Louise
Jeom J. Chung
Clive H.J. Coombs
Michael James Crawford
Nick B. Cuberovic
Patrick Gaskin
Sharon Geraghty
William Hearn
Arthur M. Heinmaa
Helen Kong-Ting
Tracy L. Lucato
Katherine Mansfield
Judith E. McAdam
Susan Mendes de Franca
David K. Miller & Bruna
Carol E. Moore
David M. Oxtoby
Francesca Patterson
Christopher Reed
Leah Taylor Roy
Nicholas Voudouris
Andrea L. Wood
Michael A. Bird
Thomas Connell
James E. Dudley
Sheila L. Duncan
Michelle B. French
Martin T. Guest
Andrew Hainsworth
Gregory M.T. Hare
Robyn Heins
Christopher & Karla Honey
Boubacar Keita
Kenneth C. Kidd
Catherine Le Feuvre
Claudia L. Morawetz
Meghan Robertson
Julie Scott
James E. Sidorchuk
Lee Anne Tibbles
Jonathan M. A. Wright
Nigel Wright
Margaret J. Atkinson
Angela L. Baker
Cynthia Caron Thorburn
A. Bryn Casson
Suet Chan
Robert C. Clubbe
Anne M. Cobban
Kristen Collins-Aiello
Aidan C. Cosgrave
Carole Crompton
David A. Dell
Andrea E. Engels
Drew A. Foley
Neil Guthrie
Mihkel Harilaid
Rebecca Kingston
James J. Lefebvre
Valerae Luck
Fiona Main
Timothy C. Marc
Kelly E. Miller
William Rutherdale
Peter J. Shephard
Anonymous 1
Dino V. Assenza
Janice M. Barnett
Rodney R. Branch
Pier K. Bryden
Sally J. Casey
Simon A. Clements
Carolyn E. Dell
Andrew J. Foley
Neil S. Gordon
Andrew J.A. Kriegler
David G. Morgan
Robert L. Needham
Rachel E. Rempel
Sarah E. Richardson
Beverley E. Tyndall
John & Anne Witt
Anonymous 1
Joanna M. Beyersbergen
Kim Bilous
Kenneth Biniaris
Frances E. Bryant-Scott
Anna Castello
Helga I. Elliott
Dimitri P. Fitsialos
John M. Fletcher
Caroline A. Gillespie
John R. Graham
J. Andrew Guy
Tamara A. Mawhinney
Jean Mitchell
Margaret E.G. Murray
Gillian Tao-Yin Wan
Annelies Weiser
John Wilton
David Bruce Bryant-Scott
Julia Stephani Cunningham-Ind
Melanie M. Hare
Natasha Hassan
Timothy C. Heeney
Aaron Hong
Simon Kingsley
Hendrik Kraay
Robert C. Lando
Jennifer M. LeDain
W. Lorne & Lynn Mitchell
Lisa M. Powell
Christine J. Prudham
Douglas L. Saunders
Kevin M. Stockall
Steve Tenai
James G. Westwood
Anonymous 1
Robert Aglialoro
Lesley Barclay
Morgan Conn
William Cruse
Walter W. Davison
Jeremy Devereux
Jane Greaves
Shuna Heeney
Kenneth K. Oppel & Philippa
Margaret E. Symons
Marion R. Vincett
Dennis B.A. Berk
James Booth &
Mary-Lynn Fulton
Alison J. Brown
Prue Chambers
Christine Chow
Colin D. Furness
William K. Gilders
Kevin Goldthorp & Diane Mendes
de Franca
J.T. Griffin
Evan S. Howard
Eleanor Katrin Latta
Kirk A. Lee
Nicholas P. McHaffie
Deceased individuals listed contributed $100 or more between May 1, 2008 and April 30, 2009. Bold indicates members of the Provost’s Commitee (gifts of $1000+).
42 trinity alumni magazine
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
Richard D. Phillips
Valerie Pronovost
Burkhard E. Steinberg
Neil Sternthal
Ronald M. Tam
Livia C. Wong
Stephanie Wood
Anonymous 2
Jim Andersen
Patrick Argiro
John Birch
Bai-Sen Cheng
Darina De Souza
Leticia I. Gracia
Anne M. Heath
Donald Douglas Henderson
George Kirikos
Jennifer L. McConnell
Peter B. Moore
Charles Morgan
Gary Nevison
Philip D. Panet
Bernice P. Pang
Shanna C. Rosen
Michael J.A. Rutherford
Kathleen E. Skerrett
Suzanne J. Spragge
Manousos Vourkoutiotis &
Barbara Shum
Jennifer L. Yang
Anonymous 1
James Appleyard
Miranda Birch
Derek A. Davidson
Alexander Dick
Julie Frances Gilmour
Matthew Heeney
Abhaya V. Kulkarni
Michelle Marion
Jacqueline Margaret Mason
Carol L. Overing
Peter Popalis
Cindy Woodland
Esther Joy Zurba
Mateusz J. Zurowski
Anonymous 1
Soomie L. Ahn
Susan Elisabeth Bronskill
Richard N.K. Chong
Heidi Clark
George Kosmas
Andrew McFarlane
Jivantha Jayanil Mendis
S. Ayse Tuzlak
Anonymous 1
Diana Barrigar
Manuel P. Bettencourt
Michael Chong
Fall 2009 43
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
Mary E. Conliffe
David Andrew Cunningham
Jeffrey Dickson & Shanen
Stanley Y. Ho
Colby S. Linthwaite
Gabrielle McIntire
Shung Hon Bennett Mui
Nicholas Papachrysostomou
Barbara Ramsay
Anonymous 1
Carrie Chong
Brooke & Sharmila Clark
James Richard Glover
Leyland Gordon
Allyson R. Kilbrai
Astrid V. Lange
Robin Leighton Lee
Susan Hae-Kyung Lee
Warren N. Leibovitch
Wing-Hung Christine Pun
Martin Rudi Sommerfeld
Matthew Son-Kun Soo
David Bronskill
Marc Giampietri
Mary Ruth Glover
Alina Goetz
Nuno Gomes
Mildred Jean Hope
Ann C. MacDonald
Hatice Ebru Pakdil-Notidis
Gordon A. Nicholson
Mary Ryback
Rilla J. Sommerville
Edwin Wong
Ka Chun Philip Wong
Stella Kim
John Thenganatt
Anonymous 1
Randy Boyagoda
G. Diann Carpenter
Danielle Simone Kotras
Christopher Ross Nazar
Jonathan Royce
Charles Dean Hatfield
Thomas Gerald O’Shaughnessy
Richard Charles Vincent
Vanessa Bastos
Kalam Chan
Sharifa Gomez
Rosalind Hunter
Claire Elizabeth Miller
Alaina Claire Boyer
Maja Corbic
Carrie Lynde
Anonymous 1
Catherine Butler
Peter Josselyn
Shuo-Yen Lin
John Philip Loosemore
David Matheson
Jason Chung
Edward Lynde
Trevor Martin Balena
Cora Liu
Karen A. Bone
Aurora O. Chan
Susan Elizabeth Haig
Ronald E. Wootton
Victoria Rose A.P. Long
Rolando Alvendia & Carolina
Susan Borinsky
Daniel Brunet & Linda Russell
Young-Ju & Kumduk Cho
Doh Chung
Andrew & Shawn Clark
Susanne Craig
William & Marie Dafoe
Danny & Kathryn Daniel
Tony Di Matteo
Peter D. Dungan
Joe Felix
Li De Fu & Ying Li
Daniel & Deborah Glenney
Rani Gossai
Gang Hong & Yumin Xu
Gordon & Melanie Houston
Brian Hutchison
David Job & Joan Walters
Michael & Susan Johnston
Gerret Kavanagh
George & Gemma King
Nenad & Manja Kircanski
Philip Ko
Luigi LaRocca
Frederick H. Lochovsky
Joe Luong & Lan Hoang
Pepito Magboo
Tom Magyarody & Christa Jeney
Stan Maj & Mary Pigott
Karim Manji
Gerry & Mary McNestry
Donald Neal & Alexandra
Sing Ngai
Michael Ostroff
Brian & Julia Paris
Zulficar Rahim
Donato A. Ruggiero
Gareth & Gail Seaward
Gerald Shadeed
Howard Shen & Sharon Li
Tom & Beth Sibley
Pat Smith
Peter & Eva Smith
Graham & Beth Taylor
Dino & Nota Tsalikis
Richard & Ada Tsang
K.Y. Tung
John & Dianne Vanstone
Ian & Ailsa Wiggins
Sergio Zanetti & Vivian Marcuzzi
Yi Zeng & Roug Fan
Anonymous 8
June L. Abel
Daphne E. Alley
Robert C. Austin
Daniel & Wendy Balena
Helen G. Balfour
Mary Balfour
Douglas F. Ball
Spartak Balliu
Charlene Barker
Catherine Barley
Evelyn D. Bayefsky
Jean Beeler
Dr. & Mrs. James Bell
Keith Bell
Jo-Anne Billinger
Brian Bimm
Malcolm Binks
John R. Birkett
Carroll Bishop
Poa Mary-Louise Bishop
Max Borinsky
Timothy Bowden
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Bower
Derek H. Burney
Patrick Dennis Burns
John Butler
Nancy Carroll
Noah Carroll
Ruth Casey
Christopher Caton
W. Peter Caven
Rita Chan
Lin Kong Cheng
Wah Lai Cheng
J. Geoffrey Chick
J.R. Chretien
Doris Chung
Flavio Coceani
Mary Conacher
Rodney Edward Cook
Andrew Cooper
Martin Cosgrave
J.E. Cruise
Geoffrey M.C. Dale
B. Elizabeth Davidson
Audrey Davies
Janet Dickson
Michael W. Donnelly
Dennis Duffy
D.P. Mary Eliot
Eileen L. Embleton
Carol Fahey
Erin Filey-Wronecki
Frederick Flahiff
Aaron Paul Gairdner
Lucille Giles
Arisa Goldstone
Dermot Grove-White
Jenilee Guebert
Nancy Guebert
Diana Gwiazda
Douglas Handyside
Christopher Hart
Mary Hatch
Andrew Heard
Philip Hobbs & Maureen Norman
Elaine M. Hooker
Rolf Hoppe
Caroline Penny Hori
Karl Jageman
David G. Jones
Glenn & Sharon Josselyn
David J. Kee
Margaret Kelch
Mary M. Kilgour
Genevieve Killin
John Kloppenborg
Madeline Koch
Kathryn Anne Kotris
Ian Lambie
Marion Lane
Sylvia A. Lassam
Ryan Bennett Lavallee
Balfour Le Gresley
P.D. Lee
Muriel Lettner
Christopher James Lind
Irina Liner
Fred Lock
Yuguang Long
John Lu
Ming Chu Lu
Deidre Lynch
M. Clare MacLellan
Christopher Markou
David McClean
Jane McClure
Lois McDonald
Lynn M. McDonald
Maureen McDonald
Frank McGillicuddy
Baktavar Mehta
Terry Meyer
Richard G. Miller
Geraldine R. Moir
Mildred G. Moir
Arthur Moss
Gerry Mueller
Deceased individuals listed contributed $100 or more between May 1, 2008 and April 30, 2009. Bold indicates members of the Provost’s Commitee (gifts of $1000+).
44 trinity alumni magazine
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
Fellows & Staff
Doreen Muller
Shanmugam Nageshwaran
Desmond Neill
Michele Noble
Jeanette E. Olney
Anthony Pawluch
M.J. Petersen Burfield
Henri Pilon
Linda K. Ploeger
Michael Power
Lida Preyma
Hank & Agnes Puurveen
Hao Qian
Cindy Rapley
Peter I. Rhodes
S. Riley-Kennedy
Francois J. Roberge
Gordon Roberts
Lynn Robertson
Jill Rooksby
Nancy Rosenfeld
Borden D. Rosiak
Alan Rugman
Herbert J. Russell
Nancy E. Scott
Ramine Shaw
Ursula Shaw
Suzette Silva
Pat Smith
Stauffer J. Smith
Shelly Sookman
Denis W. Stairs
Joan Strachan
Barbara Stymiest
Jeanne-Mey Sun
Deborah Thompson
Leslie Thomson
Keith Thomson
Barbara C. Tilley
Lee Irving Turner
G. Vins
Mary Vipond
George M. Von Furstenberg
Chris Watson
Hazel A. White
Dr. M.G. Wiebe & Dr. L.L. Cuddy
Ronald Willer
Martin Williams
Stephen Dale Williamson
Dennis Hin Ning & Shun-Lai Wong
Edwin Wei Lang Wong
Lilly Wong
Tak F. Wong
Robert W. Worthy
A. Keith Young
Kenneth J. Yule
Linda Zambolin
Anonymous 1
Robert & Gail Corbett Bothwell
Patricia Carr Bruckmann
William G. Chisholm
Penny J. Cole
Michael P. Collins
Alan Coode
Brian & Linda Corman
Alexander & Ann Dalzell
Elsie A. Del Bianco
Eric William Domville
Brenda Duchesne
Douglas J. Fox
Miroslaw Grochowski
Peter & Helena Hallett
Karen Hanley
Michael J. Hare
Michael Heslip
Marty Hilliard
Jennifer Mae Holland
Michael & Linda Hutcheon
Kenneth R. Jackson
John J. Kirton
Alan Latta
Nicole Maury
Dale F. McInnes Keel
David Michaud
Roger Neck
Martin Newman
Andrew Orchard
Robert & Dorothea Painter
Julia S. Paris
R. Brian Parker
Louis W. Pauly & Caryl Clark
Amanda W. Peet
Susan Perren
Sharon E. Reid
Rachel Richards
Pedro Roy Rodas
David J. Rowe
Sirpa K. Ruotsalainen
Ludvig Satel
Jeannelle Savona
Roger M. Savory
Jacob Spelt
Robert A. Spencer
David O. Tinker
Deirdre W.J. Vincent
Thuy Vu
Wesley Wark
Gordon Watson
Donald & Gloria Wiebe
Jill C. Willard
G. Ronald & Joyce Williams
Irving Zeitlin
All Angels by the Sea Episcopal
Church of St. Andrew,
St. George’s-on-the-Hill,
St. James the Apostle Anglican
Church, Brampton
Fall 2009 45
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
St. Philip the Apostle Church,
St. Timothy’s Church, Agincourt
Anonymous 1
Cosma International Group of
Magna International Inc.
The Huntress Company
Hydro One Employees’ and
Pensioners’ Charity Trust Fund
The Knowles Consulting Corp.
Manulife Financial
Sceptre Investment Counsel Ltd.
Simms Personal Counselling
TD Bank Financial Group
Anonymous 1
The Birch Island Foundation
at the Toronto Community
The Fleck Family Foundation
The Haynes-Connell
The William and Nona Heaslip
The Hope Charitable
The Jackman Foundation
The Henry White Kinnear
The McLaughlin Scholarship
Trust Fund
The George Cedric Metcalf
Charitable Foundation
The George & Esther Snell
John Hryniuk
Bequests received through
these estates have provided
long-term support for the
College’s endowments.
Anonymous 2
Estate of Gordon K. Askwith
Estate of David C. Bolton
Estate of Alice M. Buscombe
Estate of Margot E. Clarkson
Estate of Eugene R.
Estate of Kathleen M. Gibb
Estate of Natalie S. HosfordRahn
Estate of Gertrude E. Lean
Estate of Elizabeth Lindsay
Estate of Margaret E.B. Martin
Estate of Jose A. Ordonez
Estate of Mary G.B. Thomas
Estate of Olwen Walker
Estate of James Walters
Estate of Marion Waugh
Estate of M. Margaret
Deceased individuals listed contributed $100 or more between May 1, 2008 and April 30, 2009. Bold indicates members of the Provost’s Commitee (gifts of $1000+).
46 trinity alumni magazine
Trinity College
Donors’ Report 2008-2009
Gerald Larkin Society
Trinity College would like to
express its thanks to these
alumni and many others who
have made a planned gift
annuity, charitable remainder
trust or purchase of an insurance policy that the College
will realize in the future.
Anonymous 25
Geoffrey Adams ’47
George W. Beal ’64
John A. Beament ’49
W. Donald Bean ’62
Allan Beattie ’49
Maia Bhojwani ’73
Norah Bolton ’59
Allan Bond
John C. Bothwell ’48
John D. Bowden ’65
T. Rodney H. Box ’48
William J. Bradley ’73
Pamela Brook ’68
Shirley Byrne ’52
Marion D. Cameron ’41
E. Ann Chudleigh ’62
Philip Clendenning ’65
Donald W. Cockburn ’52
Lionel T. Colman ’60
Maurice R. Cooke ’51
Patricia R. Cordingley ’51
Martin Cosgrave
Robert G. ’43 & Mary ’45 Dale
Janice Davidson ’69
Corinne S. Deverell ’49
Sheilagh Perkins Dubois ’65
John W. Duncanson ’47
Muriel Eames ’29
L.A. David Edgeworth ’65
Mary Jane Edwards ’60
D.P. Mary Eliot
Mary Finlay ’72
Drew A. Foley ’85
Marian E. Fowler
Norman Fraser ’65
Robin Fraser ’52
John T. Gilbert ’48
Eleanor Gooday ’69
John ’57 & Mary K. (Jamie) ’58
Marylo Graham ’52
Terry ’58 & Ruth ’58 Grier
Alice L. Haigh ’63
Donna Haley
Gerald Haworth ’49
William L.B. Heath ’50
Ann & Lyman ’43 Henderson
Robert Warren Hoke ’70
Ruth E. Hood ’55
Susan E. Houston ’59
Ernest ’50 & Margo ’52 Howard
Susan Huggard ’51
E. Margaret Hutchison ’42
Deone Jackman ’58 & Eugene
W. Bruce ’59 & Irene Jardine
Norah Kennedy ’49
Penelope Kennedy ’57
Elizabeth J. Ketchum ’50
Elizabeth Kilbourn-Mackie ’48
John King
Patricia Kraemer
Margaret Large-Cardoso
John B. Lawson ’48
M.M. Elizabeth Lindsay ’40
Patrick ’71 & Margaret ’71
Ruth Loukidelis ’55
Edward A. Lowry ’46
Margaret O. MacMillan ’66
A. Margaret W. Madden ’42
Helen McFadden ’61
Ivan ’65 & Harriet McFarlane
David J. ’72 & Patricia ’73
R. Peter ’73 & Virginia ’74
James & Jane ’59 McMyn
Janice Melendez ’77
Virginia C. Miller ’67
Janet B. Morgan ’72
Alan ’57 & Flo ’57 Morson
Margaret Munro ’39
Gerald Nash ’45
Hilary Nicholls ’59
Joan Northey ’59
J. Geoffrey Nugent ’81
Robert & Dorothea Painter
Peter R. Paterson ’61
Winsor ’58 & Ruth Ann ’60
Anne Powell ’47
Raymond Pryke ’51
Carolyn Purden Anthony ’63
Flavia C. Redelmeier ’48
Thomas Richardson ’60
Alwyn Robertson ’78
Peter C. Roe ’69
Michael ’68 & Sheila ’68 Royce
Alan C. Ryley ’52
Nancy Salter ’76
Roger Savory
Karen A. Scherl ’82
Wes Scott ’68
J. Blair ’47 & Carol ’48 Seaborn
Sonja Sinclair ’43
Diane J. Smith ’64
Joyce Sowby ’50
Christopher Spencer ’57 &
Colleen Stanley ’49
Astrid Stec ’65
Mary B. Stedman ’44
Marc H. J.J. Stevens ’80
Margaret Swayze ’70
Judith Tait ’62
F. Margaret Thompson ’39
David M.G. Thomson ’50
James D. Tomlinson ’75
Robert G. Tucker ’64
E. Patricia Vicari ’58
Wendy Weaver ’60
Elizabeth Wells
Jack Whiteside ’63
Nancy Williams ’50
Mary F. Williamson ’55
Milton T. Wilson ’44
Robert E. Wilson ’59
James A. Winters ’49
Helen Woolley ’52
Robert W. Worthy
Matching Gifts
Trinity College extends its
thanks to the companies that
have generously matched gifts
made by their employees and
to the alumni who made the
match possible.
Stephen R. Bronfman Foundation
Nancy Rosenfeld
Brookfield Properties
P. Keith Hyde ’78
Chubb Insurance Company
of Canada
Suet Chan ’85
Ernst & Young
Philip ’68 & Susan Arthur
John Bonnycastle ’57
John Callum ’67
Peter Little ’66
Kathryn Richardson ’69
John Swinden ’60
Martha Tory ’76
General Electric Canada Inc.
Paul Ambrose ’66
Ketchum Canada Inc.
Joanna Beyersbergen ’87
Pearson Education Canada
Suzanne Schaan ’86
Talisman Energy Inc.
John Bonnycastle ’57
In Memorian
Madeleine Bain ’45
Mary Anne Brinckman ’58
Howard Buchner ’47
Alessandro De Rango
Kathleen Gilling ’83
Kathleen Graham ’36
Marion Hare ’57
Tetsuro (Robert) Nishimura ’56
Rosemary Partridge ’41
Isobel Leroy Preston ’34
Ted Rogers ’57
Hendrik Stokreef ’56
Robert Walmsley ’50
Anne Walters ’30
Isobel Wilkinson ’51
BMO Financial Group
James Baidacoff ’81
Our donors and friends are very important to us. Every
effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this report.
If, however, we have made any errors in the spelling,
listing or omission of a name, please accept our sincere
apologies. For corrections, please contact Jill Rooksby
at: (416) 978-2651; [email protected].
Trinity College
Tel: (416) 978-4071
Office of Convocation
Fax: (416) 971-3193
(Development and
[email protected]
Alumni Affairs)
6 Hoskin Avenue
M5S 1H8 Toronto
ON, Canada
Fall 2009 47
GeTTinG To know TriniTy’s fellows And AssociATes
Barry Graham
Trinity Associate 2008 to 2010; sessional lecturer in the divinity program
I don’t know exactly what an associate
does. I think that would be a good thing
for you to expose to the world.
containing all the chants. They’re in
library catalogues, in schools and
museums. A lot are in archives; some
are in church vestries.
Where do your conversations end up?
Tell us about your next book:
I once got into a discussion with the provost
about manuscripts on sealskin in Iceland.
In Europe they tended to use more conventional things like sheep or goat or a cat …
Bohemian and Moravian Antiphonaries
1420-1620. A gradual has the music for
the mass, and an antiphonary has music
of a similar nature for the daily office.
As to publication, once I finish the
book, I have to show it to various publishers and hope one will run with it.
No advances in this game. The new
book, like the earlier one, will have
a print run of only 500. The earlier
effort was commercial and received no
subsidy, which most academic books
do. The market is very limited. It will
have only about 71 manuscripts listed.
Talk about your role at Trin:
How were you seduced by graduals?
It was sort of by accident. I was taking a
master’s of theology at Trinity, and the
dean at the time had been interested
in this stuff for a while. He had a few
microfilms of these kinds of books and
he suggested for one of my courses that I
transcribe them. And they’re very beautiful. So I thought, gee, I’ll try to find some
more. It was an opportunity to advance
knowledge. You’d have thought most of
this stuff would have been well-investigated, certainly in Western Europe. However, being Bohemia, and then the Czech
Republic (at that time Czechoslovakia),
the communists were in power and
religious studies weren’t particularly encouraged. Some books had been looked
at from a musicological point of view, but
from the point of view of liturgical documents, that just wasn’t done.
What is a gradual anyway? And where
do you find them?
A gradual is the song before the gospel
is read. And a gradual is also a book
48 trinity alumni magazine
Three plates from Graham’s 2007 book, Bohemian
and Moravian Graduals 1420-1620, which features
134 manuscripts, described codilogically. About
120 pages of the book are devoted to sociological
and historical details of the time period derived
through a close studying of the manuscripts.
Deirdre Baker
Trinity fellow since 2008; English prof, specializing in children’s literature
Talk about your role at Trin:
It seems like, if you’re going to be a fellow,
you should do more than sit on committees. I would really like to interact with
the students more. I talked to the head
of the Trin English Society and she was
really excited. She said she had no idea
faculty were interested in that at all. Even
if it’s meeting once a month and having a
different faculty member bring a text, and
sitting around and reading it and talking
about it … it’s more of a relationship and
a more informal setting. Students learn
better in that environment.
When we came back here [she and her
husband, to Toronto from New Jersey], I
needed to get a job of some sort but didn’t
want to teach. So I worked at Indigo –
which was really funny. For my mom it
was entirely humiliating. There I was
with a PhD working for $8 an hour.
But I’m actually so glad I did it. Selling
books to people for their kids was great.
I’m so evangelical about it. And it was
great having kids or their parents come
in and say, “Oh that book you suggested,
I just loved it.”
When did your love of children’s lit start?
My parents read to me, and we also
belonged to two libraries. Buying books
wasn’t so affordable and we didn’t have
a television. So if you walked through
our house, you would be likely to find
everyone reading children’s books. It was
kAngping cui, TriniTy phoTogrAphy club
Where were you before U of T?
a house so small that it was a way for us to
have time for ourselves, to lose ourselves
in our stories. I still remember that feeling.
Friday nights we would go to the public
library, and then the feeling of waking up
on Saturday morning – such a luxury of
anticipation. We would keep the books
by our pillows so we could start reading
before we got called to do chores.
What are you on fire about?
Getting people who don’t think about
children’s lit to think about it seriously.
It’s great literature. Everybody was a child
– that’s a universal experience. And the
books we read as children are way more
formative than the material we read as
adults. Rereading children’s lit is a way to
understand yourself as an adult.
Fall 2009 49
Observations & distinctions worth noting
of directors of the International
on Quebec’s lower north
Centre for Human Rights and
shore, but wishes the weather
would improve.
Mary Stedman ’44
Democratic Development,
a Governor-in-Council
Marc Stevens ’80 has
received the Lieutenant
Jean (Case) Morrison ’48
appointment. As head of this
published Escape, Evasion and
Governor’s Ontario Heritage
has published Labour Pains:
organization, Braun will work
Revenge, relating the true-life
Award for lifetime
Thunder Bay’s Working Class in
to enhance the promotion,
story of his father, the only
achievement in February.
the Wheat Boom Era.
advocacy, and defence of
German Jew known to have
piloted R.A.F. bombers against
was appointed an Officer
democratic and human
rights internationally.
his own country in the Second
of the Order of Canada
William Somers ’55
Deborah Levere ’74
World War.
for “enhancing Canada’s
retired as a judge of the
retired from Nortel in Saint John,
Michael Scott McCaffrey
international reputation
Ontario Superior Court
N.B., in 2005. Now semi-retired
’81 has been appointed to the
in the field of nutritional
(Toronto) on his 75th
in Niagara Falls, Ont., she works
Immigration and Refugee Board
sciences, and for his
birthday in February 2008.
part time in a winery and for a
of Canada. Prior to this, he was
contributions to the
Peter Sisam ’59 threw the
wine tour company, serves as
a counsellor in immigration and
improvement of nutritional
ceremonial first pitch at the
secretary of the Niagara chapter
a program manager with the
requirements for children
Blue Jays’ 2009 home opener
of the Ontario Wine Society, and
Canadian embassies in Cuba
in developing countries.”
at the Rogers Centre in April.
volunteers with Big Sisters.
and Jordan, and a counsellor in
R. Roy McMurtry ’54
The Sisams have attended every
The Rev. Dr. William
immigration and an operations
was appointed an Officer of
season opening since 1977.
Pursel ’75 (Div.) was made
manager with the Canadian
the Order of Canada “for his
Honorary Canon of St. Stephen’s
embassy in Russia.
distinguished career of public
Cathedral in Harrisburg, Penn.,
service, notably as chief
Jeannie Thomas Parker
on All Saints Day 2008.
justice of Ontario, and for
’64 has published electronically
Cameron Campbell ’77
The Rev. R. Trent
his extensive volunteer
her book The Mythic Chinese
has been at Ontario Hydro
Fraser ’90 was honoured
involvement in many social
Unicorn, available online at
and Ontario Power Generation
with a commendation from
and multicultural initiatives.”
for more than 27 years, and
the Dean and Chapter of the
Mary Louise Dickson ’62
Nora Polley ’69 will retire
has been managing editor
Cathedral Church of St. Paul in
was appointed to the Order
from stage management at the
of POWERNews since the
Detroit, Mich., for “his constant
of Ontario in January for her
end of her 37th season at the
early part of the decade. He
prayer and steadfast support
work as a lawyer, educator
Stratford Shakespeare Festival
recently received OPG’s 2008
of the worship and ministry
and advocate for people
and hopes to continue work in
Community Service Excellence
of the Cathedral.” After more
with disabilities.
the theatre’s archives.
Award in recognition of his
than seven years as rector of
George Biggar ’66
Church of the Redeemer, he left
George Beaton ’52
was awarded the Law Society
work to launch and promote the
Princess Margaret Hospital’s
Michigan on May 1 to become
Medal from the Law Society of
Canon Dr. Alyson
inaugural Ride to Conquer
rector of the Zabriskie Memorial
Upper Canada, in recognition
Barnett-Cowan ’71, ’75
Cancer, an event for which
Church of St. John the
of his work with Legal Aid
(MDiv.), ’87 (MTh.) has been
last year he raised thousands
Evangelist, an Anglo-Catholic
Ontario. The Law Society
appointed director for unity,
of dollars.
parish in Newport, R. I.
described him as “a passionate
faith and order at the Anglican
advocate for the right of low-
Communion Office.
Bruce Patterson ’90 was
income Ontarians to access
Aurel Braun ’71 was
Anthony Hitsman ’80 is
Laurent herald and registrar of
the justice system.”
appointed chair of the board
happily gardening in retirement
the Canadian Heraldic Authority
50 trinity alumni magazine
recently appointed Saint-
at the Office of the Secretary
working in New Delhi for
Andrew Beatty ’90: a daughter,
grandson of Erica (Watson) ’63
to the Governor General.
the United Nations High
Viola, March 27 in Toronto,
and Robert Armstrong.
Declan Hill ’93 has
Commissioner for Refugees as a
granddaughter of Debbie and
Josh and Nancy (Ross) Purvis:
received his doctorate from
junior legal officer specializing
David R. Beatty ’64.
a daughter, Jan. 15 in London,
the University of Oxford for
in Burmese and Somali cases.
Gordon ’95 and Stephanie
England, granddaughter of Nick
(Faseruk) Smith: a daughter,
and Lynn ’63 Ross.
Claire Elizabeth Louise, July 25.
Jen and Braden Bennett: a
Louise James ’95 and Peter
daughter, Jan. 10 in Vancouver,
Alexander: a daughter, Beatrice
granddaughter of Jalynn
his thesis Greed and Glory:
match-fixing in professional
football. The thesis was turned
into a best-selling book,
published in 10 languages, and
Jane (Cogan) Graham ’61 and
Patricia, April 9 in Toronto.
Bennett ’66.
won the prestigious Play the
Dr. Donald E. Upton: May 4,
Derek Sutton ’99 and Sara Platt
Martha Rahilly and Sam
Game award, given out by the
2008, in Calgary.
’00: a son, Nicholas Owen, Aug.
Weeman: a son, Conrad Samuel,
independent Denmark-based
Anthony (Tony) H. Parker ’87
25, 2008, in Toronto.
July 4 in Toronto, grandson of
organization Play the Game.
and Dawn Machado: Aug. 14
Megan (Lush) ’03, ’05 (Div.)
Tom Rahilly ’66 and Jeanie
The award pays tribute to an
in Toronto.
and Christopher Jull: a son;
Fraser ’70.
individual or a group of people
Jonathan Edmund Bays ’90
and little brother for Matthew,
Jeannie and Paolo Melardi: a
who have made an outstanding
and Karla Taylor: Aug. 22 in
Andrew Lucas, Feb. 19 in
son, Liam Antonio, March 18
effort to strengthen the basic
New York. Officiating was the
Markham, Ont.
in Toronto, nephew of Hugh
ethical values of sport.
bridegroom’s father, the Rt. Rev.
Hugh and Katy (Ritcey) Sisley:
Fletcher Clark ’99.
Eric Bays, retired bishop of the
twins, Stephanie Nicole and
diocese of Qu’Appelle. Also in
Philip James, April 20 in
Hamish Marshall ’00
attendance was the bridegroom’s
Toronto, grandchildren of
served as a pollster for Stephen
mother, Patricia A. Bays ’62.
Margaret Sisley ’51.
Harper in the 2008 federal
Michael Rutherford ’92 and
Bay and Dave Seglins: a son,
Ambridge: Charlotte, March
election, and has since joined
Lisa Ennis: May 16 in Ottawa.
James Andrew Ryley, April 24 in
25 in Toronto, sister-in-law of
Angus Reid Strategies as
Three other alumni attended:
Toronto, grandson of A.C. (Pat)
Norman Brooke Bell ’43.
research director of public
Lisa’s mother, Joanne Ennis
Ryley ’52.
Anderson: John Burns, April
affairs in Vancouver.
’63, Melissa Sergiades ’93 and
Timothy Goodwin and Sally
in Toronto, father of John B.
Irina Dumitrescu ’03 has
André Moniz ’93.
Crate: a son, Henry John
Anderson ’68 and grandfather
received her PhD in English
Matthew Johnston ’06 and
Frizelle, April 17 in Fredericton,
of Paul Gordon Andrews ’99.
literature from Yale University,
Michelle Choi ’06: Dec. 28,
N.B., grandson of John ’57 and
Auckland: Edith (Dalton) ’51,
specializing in Anglo-Saxon
2008, in Stoke Newington,
Mary (Jamie) ’58 Goodwin.
March 19 in Kingston, Ont.
literature. She is currently an
Blair and Pam (Avery) Hudson:
Austring: Anne, Jan. 28 in
a son, Graeme William John,
Brandon, Man., grandmother of
Feb. 28 in Victoria, B.C.,
Matthew McCormick ’03.
grandson of Jane Avery ’59.
Bain: James Davidson, March
Rocco De Simone and Martha
15 in Toronto, father of James
assistant professor of English at
Southern Methodist University
in Dallas, Texas.
Ashutosh Jha ’06
has received Accenture’s
Elizabeth Armstrong ’84: twins,
Morden: a daughter, Taylor
R. Bain ’69 and Alexander D.
Hero Award for corporate
Sadie Jean and Neil Walter, Jan.
Caitlyn, May 27 in Toronto,
Bain ’70, and grandfather of
citizenship. Accenture is a
8 in Toronto.
granddaughter of the Hon. John
Thomas Kruger ’99.
global management-consulting,
Ward ’87 and Nisa Cornforth: a
’63 and Joyce Morden.
Ball: Roger John Tudor, March
technology-services and
son, Harrison Stephen, March 7
Andrew Armstrong and Joanna
31 in Kelowna, B.C., husband
outsourcing company.
in Toronto.
Rotenberg: a son, Robert
of Barbara Massey ’61.
Alex Waxman ’07 is presently
Laura (Boujoff) ’90 and D.
Samuel, March 24 in Toronto,
Beattie: B. Elinore, May 13 in
Fall 2009 51
Observations & distinctions worth noting
Unionville, Ont.
Christensen: Diane ’57, April
Ford: Eric J. ’52, Jan. 15 in
Stinson ’55.
Beverley: John Cumming, Jan.
21 in Port Hope, Ont.
Hall: Ronald Jeffrey ’70, April 3
16 in Toronto, son of Joyce
Copeland: George William,
Forrester: Cynthia Margaret,
in Thornhill, Ont.
Beverley ’39.
March 13 in Toronto, father of
March 14 in Toronto, sister of
Halverson: Hazen David, March
Birchall: Sylvia ’47, Feb. 2
Corey B. Copeland ’81.
Eve Roberts ’61.
10 in New Hamburg, Ont., step-
in Toronto, sister of T. Eric
Crane: Dixie J.A. (Richards), April
Fulford: Dwight Wilder ’53, Jan.
father of Peter Kunashko ’79.
Oakley ’45.
28 in Toronto, wife of the late
23 in Ottawa, father of Wilder
Hamilton: David Ashbury ’77,
Blagrave: Charles Nisbet
Canon David H.M. Crane ’43.
D. Fulford ’80 and Martha B.
Feb. 6 in St. Catharines, Ont.
Patrick ’49, Feb. 20 in
Crispo: John ’56, April 27 in
Fulford ’83.
Healy: Elise N., Feb. 14 in
Rothesay, N. B.
Gale: Elizabeth Sandor, March
Toronto, mother of C. Ross
Blair: Sidney Robert, April 18
Davies: Robert W. ’40, Jan. 20
24 in Toronto, grandmother of
Healy ’64 and Priscilla H.
in Vancouver, brother of Mona
in Toronto.
Jonathan Lofft ’05.
Healy ’65.
Blair Bandeen ’54.
Dimock: Frank Currey ’45, April
Galloway: Robert (Bob) James
Heisey: W. Lawrence, O.C. ’52,
Blaker: the Rt. Hon. Lord Peter
13 in Toronto.
’41, June 1 in Fergus, Ont.
May 28 in Toronto.
K.C.M.G. ’44, July 5 in London,
Dominco: Mary ’39, Jan. 27 in
Gawley: Edward James ’50, May
Hill-Crawford: Pamela Frances,
5 in Oakville, Ont.
Feb. 1 in San Diego, Calif.,
Block: Peter Josef, March 16
Elson: John F. ’66, June 2 in
Girgrah: Margaret “Peggy,” April
daughter of John Longfield ’53.
in Toronto, father of David A.
28 in Toronto, mother of Dr.
Hickey: Katherine Caroline
Block ’84.
Flannery: Dr. John G., May 19
Nigel Girgrah ’84.
Stevens, April 22 in London,
Boehm: Arden Lynn (Patterson)
in Toronto, father of James
Greffe: Renee, May 31,
Ont., mother-in-law of Theo van
’83, May 22 in Toronto.
Flannery ’03.
granddaughter of William
Rijn ’68.
Brown: Frederick, Jan. 24 in
Sudbury, Ont., father of Nancy
Elizabeth Lightfoot ’77.
Brown: Gerald W., Feb. 6 in
Hamilton, Ont., husband of
Jacqueline Brown ’45 and
father of David M. Brown ’76
and Daniel A. Brown ’76.
Butterfield: James ’49, May 23
in Victoria, B.C.
Campbell: Ian William ’70, May
11 in Norwood, Ont.
Campbell: M. Susan
(Hutchison) ’63, April 20 in
Cannon: Doris May, July
13 in North York, Ont., wife
of the Hon. Justice Cecil J.
Cannon ’47.
Cardy: A. Gordon ’41, Jan. 29
in Toronto.
Careless: Prof. James Maurice
Stockford ’40, April 6 in
Toronto, father of Anthony G. S.
Careless ’66 and Virginia A. S.
Careless ’68.
52 trinity alumni magazine
Alex Rahimi ’87 died Feb. 15 in Hamburg, Germany. He was
43. It is an enduring image from the early 1980s at Trinity College: Alex Rahimi, full of wit and vigour, surrounded by friends,
exploring worlds within and without. After Trinity, he would go
on to put his gregarious spirit to work in the service of design
projects from Europe to St. George Street in Toronto. He sought
to bring together principles of peace, spirituality and an abiding
respect for the natural environment and the whole human family. In this he was visionary, believing that livable spaces could be designed to reflect
and nurture these principles. His passing is a consummate loss.
But with loss comes reflection. Many of us, men and women of the College, along
with family and other friends, gathered May 3 in Toronto to offer up a piece of our own
spirit in celebration of Alex’s life. And coming together, we remembered the Alex Rahimi of Trinity. He was a handsome young man who delighted in the simple joy of being.
One often felt he had only just realized he was alive. And the shock of this discovery
gave him a warmth and glow that enveloped everyone nearby. Alex’s compassion and
unpretentious enthusiasm for pleasures both simple and profound led so many of us to
reopen our eyes and our hearts to the life around us and within us.
His whimsy, though, could be deceiving, as he had a considerable intellect that
would show itself in sudden insights and discoveries. Alex could bring rigour of
thought to problems and issues when he chose to.
He was a complex man of genuine depth and naive joy; of penetrating eyes and a
beautiful smile. It was his unique combination of brilliance and faith in the beauty of
life that made him special.
Holysh: Philip David, March 17
Honorary Trinity Fellow Romeo
in Surrey, B.C., brother of Victor
LeBlanc, the first Acadian to be appointed
Governor General of Canada, died June 24
after a lengthy illness. He was 81.
Born in the tiny farming community of
Memramcook in southeastern New Brunswick,
LeBlanc worked as a teacher and then as a
journalist – in 1960, he joined CBC’s Frenchlanguage radio service in Ottawa and did stints
in New York, Washington, Algeria and Cyprus
– before moving to the political arena.
Dubbed the “fishermen’s minister” during
his tenure as federal fisheries minister in the
Trudeau cabinet, he was instrumental in establishing Canada’s 322-kilometre offshore
economic zone and helping to shape the International Law of the Sea.
Made a Senator in 1984, LeBlanc was appointed Speaker of the Senate in 1993 and
became Governor General in 1995. One of his significant acts as Governor General
was to proclaim June 21 National Aboriginal Day.
LeBlanc used his background to show how francophones outside Quebec can thrive
in Canada and how French and English can co-operate, citing his Acadian ancestral
history as an example of how past wrongs can be overcome rather than being allowed
to fester and poison the future.
Known as the Godfather of New Brunswick for his ability to control patronage and
government projects, he was praised by New Brunswick’s Premier Shawn Graham for
being an ambassador for the province around the world.
LeBlanc’s son Dominic ’89, who inherited his father’s interest in politics, is the
Liberal MP for the riding of Beauséjour.
Holysh ’80.
Howitt: Henry Robinson ’38,
Feb, 26 in Guelph, Ont.
Hudson: the Hon. John Drew
Hammersley ’48, May 23 in
Collingwood, Ont.
Hunt: William George, Jan. 12
in Halifax, husband of Cynthia
(Tate) Hunt ’49.
Hutchison: Jessica, Jan. 26 in
Toronto, stepmother of the Most
Rev. Andrew S. Hutchison ’69.
Irwin: Herbert James Franklin,
March 28 in Orillia, Ont.,
husband of Lorna (Fraser)
Irwin ’46.
Kauluma: the Rt. Rev. James H.
’74, April 2007 in Namibia.
Larner: Gordon Clarence, Jan.
26 in Mississauga, Ont., father
of Steven Larner ’83.
Leishman: Edward Eaton “Ted”
’48, April 23 in Orillia, Ont.
Lennie: Capt. D. Grant, May
2 in St. Catharines, Ont.,
husband of Elizabeth (Sproatt)
Lindegger: Robert, April 20
’67, May 15 in Oxford, England.
Milligan: Victor, March 4 in
Nash: Donald Ewart, April 7 in
in Toronto, father of Monika
Maybee: John Ryerson “Jack”
Mopti, Mali, father of Jeffrey
Owen Sound, Ont., brother of
Lindegger ’81.
’39, May 22 in Ottawa.
Milligan ’80.
Gerald Nash ’45.
Lindvik: Gunnar Kristian ’50,
McClintock: James Carson,
Mills: Willo, March 17 in
Noble: William Charles ’65,
Feb. 3 in Oslo, Norway.
March 3 in Newmarket,
Toronto, mother of Geoffrey D.
April 26.
Lowther: Frederick Arthur, May
Ont., grandfather of Andrea
Mills ’76 and grandmother of
Orr: Donald Temple ’75, Feb.
18, father of Phyllis Lowther
Wappel ’02.
Peter G. Mills ’04.
7 in Toronto, son of the late
Smith ’68 and Kathryn
McGibbon: David Richard ’61,
Morden: John Grant, Jan. 14 in
Edith M. Orr ’45 and brother of
Lowther ’72.
Feb. 12 in Beaconsfield, Que.
London, Ont., father-in-law of
William K. Orr ’73.
Lucas: Gordon Travers ’40, April
McKone: Wayne Roy, March 3
the Rev. William Foote ’77.
Pace: Alexander Murray: Feb.
6 in Toronto.
in Niagara Falls, Ont., father of
Morley: Patricia ’51, Jan. 29
12 in Oakville, Ont., grandson
MacDonnell: Patricia A.G. (Bull)
Stacey McKone ’00.
in London, Ont., mother of
of A. Murray Pace ’53.
’48, June 3 in Newcastle, Ont.
Metcalf: Diana H., March 2
Lawrence C. Morley ’73 and
Parke-Taylor: the Rt. Rev. Geoffrey
MacPherson: Kilby Keath
in Haverford, Penn., sister of
sister of Nancy Turner ’49.
Howard ’42, May 11 in Toronto,
Anderson, April 29 in Toronto.
Adrienne A. DuBois ’60.
Murray: Clara Marjorie, Feb. 5
husband of Mary Isabella Bagshaw
Marshall: Margaret Forbes ’33,
Metcalfe: Herbert Duane, March
in Fergus, Ont., aunt of Marjorie
Parke-Taylor ’42.
March 12 in Victoria, B.C.
23 in Toronto, husband of Julie
C. Murray ’76 and Janet M.
Parker: Dr. Charles William, May
Mason: Prof. Robin (Anderson)
Wildgoose ’73.
Murray ’81.
5 in Guelph, Ont.
Fall 2009 53
Observations & distinctions worth noting
Paul: Jean Raeburn, Feb. 2 in
Toronto, grandfather of Thomas
Toronto, wife of the late John
Ringer ’03.
Woodrow Paul ’45.
Schwenger: Cope Weir, Jan. 18 in
Pell: Barbara Helen, March 9 in
Toronto, husband of Constance
B.C., wife of Archibald J. Pell
(Bolton) Schwenger ’47.
Scott: Joan Elva ’48, July 6 in
Penner: Norman, April 16 in
Toronto, uncle of Anna R. B.
Seaborn: Edward Arthur, Feb. 23
Penner ’05.
in Meaford, Ont., brother of J.
Phin: Joyce Eleanor ’89, Feb. 1
Blair Seaborn ’45 and brother-in-
in Hamilton, Ont.
law of Carol Seaborn ’48.
Polley: Elizabeth, Jan. 21 in
Sellers: Arthur Frederick ’45,
Stratford, Ont., mother of Nora
Feb. 27 in Toronto, father of
Polley ’69.
Lesley Chisholm ’75 and Norah
Poolman: Willem George ’52,
Sellers ’77.
June 8 in Toronto, father of
Skarbek-Borowski: Anna, March
Gavin Poolman ’80.
30 in Toronto, grandmother
Ramsay: Leah ’45, April 7 in
of Anna-Krystyna Skarbek-
Borowska ’91.
Rathbone: Bruce Harry, brother
Solajic: Ana ’02, April 16 in
of John D. Rathbone ’59.
Ray: Margaret ’29, May 23 in
Spoel: Tessa Gillian, May 18 in
Roblin, Man., sister of Philippa
Redelmeier: Ernest Julius Hugo,
Spoel ’84.
C. Ian P. Tate’48 died June 23 at
the age of 87. After only six months
at Trinity College, he enlisted in
the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve. One of two officers
to survive the torpedoing of the
HMCS Valleyfield, 80 kilometres
off the coast of Newfoundland in 1944, he served
as anti-submarine officer in a new frigate, HMCS
Coaticook, until the end of the war. He retired with
the rank of Lieutenant Commander in 1952. After
the war, Tate returned to Trinity and earned a BA. In
1950, he married Stella Davidson, who predeceased
him in 1999.
Employed by the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the next 17 years, he went on
to work for Stone & Webster, Russell M. Tolley &
Associates and Employee Benefit Plan Services.
Active in many areas, he was chairman of the
Canadian Audubon Society, and was instrumental
in steering its evolution into the Canadian Nature
Federation. At Trinity, Tate served as chairman of
Convocation and was appointed a lifetime member
of Corporation. He was chairman of the U of T
Alumni Association and served as one of Trinity’s
two representatives on the U of T Senate until it was
replaced by today’s Governing Council.
Jan. 23 in Richmond Hill, Ont.,
Stockdale: Paul ’65, April 9 in
husband of Flavia Redelmeier
Sydney, Australia, husband of
’48 and uncle of Virginia
Clare Chu ’67.
McLaughlin ’74.
Stubley: the Rev. Ronald James
Richards: Alma Elizabeth,
’55, June 30 in Toronto.
March 29 in Toronto, mother of
Symons: H.B. Scott ’55, Feb.
Bruce Tempest ’76.
Unger: Jean, April 3 in Toronto,
Janet E. Read ’79 and mother-
23 in Toronto.
Teschke: William Rudolph, Jan.
mother of Robert B. Unger
in-law of John A. Read ’76.
Tempest: Norma Winifred,
15 in Vancouver, husband of
’69 and mother-in-law of
Ringer: Paul John, Feb. 6 in
March 2 in Toronto, mother of
Katherine (Kay) Teschke ’51.
Christopher D. Morgan ’70.
Thomas: Barbara Moon ’48,
Wade: Ed, March 12 in
April 15 in Belleville, Ont.
Nanaimo, B.C., grandfather of
Thompson: Patricia ’50, Feb.
Jessica Rose ’09.
11 in Penetanguishene, Ont.
Weller: Joan (Flatman) ’58,
Tolton: Catherine, April 6 in
Aug. 22 in Merrickville, Ont.
Brampton, Ont., mother of
Westcott: Myrna Lorraine ’54,
Catherine M. Tolton ’75.
April 19 in Collingwood, Ont.
Tompkins: Patricia Anne Spore,
Weynerowski: Witold Maciej
April 1 in Toronto, aunt of Marry
’59, Feb. 17 in Chelsea, Que.
Farrar ’62 and Jeannie Thomas
Wilgress: Edward ’44, July 13
Parker ’64.
in Paris, France.
Turvolgyi: Bertalan Laszlo, Jan.
Wrzesnewskyj: Roman Borys,
25 in Toronto, father of Sarah
May 31 in Toronto, father of
Turvolgyi ’81.
Borys Wrzesnewskyj ’83.
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54 trinity alumni magazine
things to see, hear and do this fall
All events are free unless a fee
medieval banquet dinner at
is specified, but please phone
7:30. To purchase tickets
(416) 978-2651, or e-mail us
($35 per person), please call:
at [email protected] to
(416) 978-2707; or e-mail:
Thursday, Oct. 22:
confirm time and location, or to
[email protected].
Conversations with the
reserve a space.
at the Trinity College website:
trinity.utoronto.ca; or call (416)
978-2707; or e-mail juliaparis@
Tuesday, Feb. 23: 11th
Chancellor Bill Graham’s guest
Archibald Lampman Poetry
will be the Rt. Hon. Paul Martin,
Prime Minister of Canada 2003
A.F. Moritz, winner of the
The George Ignatieff Theatre
to 2006. Join us for a spirited
2009 Griffin Poetry Prize.
Sunday, Oct. 25: Halloween
marks its 30th anniversary this
and wide-ranging dialogue
Combination Room, 5:30 p.m.
Party for Children
fall. To celebrate, the Trinity
between these two friends –
RSVP: (416) 978-2653.
Wear a costume and come pre-
College Dramatic Society has
former law-school classmates
pared for crafts, treats and skits
organized a month-long series
and Cabinet colleagues – as the
Wednesday, March 3 and
by the Trinity College Dramatic
of special events in October.
former prime minister speaks
Thursday, March 4: Larkin-
Society. $5 per person for chil-
Please check the Trinity
about the issues and interests
Stuart Lectures
dren, parents, grandparents and
College website: trinity.uto-
that keep him actively engaged
J. Edward Chamberlin, University
friends. The Buttery and the
ronto.ca for times, ticket
both in Canada and abroad.
Professor Emeritus, English and
George Ignatieff Theatre, 2 to
prices and more details as
Hell or High Water and Beyond:
Comparative Literature
Personal Reflections on a Very
(U of T), on Whose Spirit Is
Public Life. Walter Hall, Faculty
This? The Power of Covenants
of Music, Edward Johnson
and Constitutions. Sponsored by
Building, 80 Queen’s Park, 7:30
Trinity College and St. Thomas’s
p.m. Tickets must be purchased
Anglican Church. George Ignatieff
in advance: general admission,
Theatre, 8 p.m. Reception to
4 p.m. To reserve, please call:
(416) 978-2707; or e-mail:
they become available.
$30; students, $10. Reception
follow. To reserve admission,
Thursday, Oct. 29: Annual
Sunday, Dec. 7: Advent
to follow in the Walter Hall
please call: (416) 978-2651; or
Meeting of Corporation
Lessons and Carols
lobby. Purchase tickets online
e-mail [email protected].
George Ignatieff Theatre, noon.
Trinity College Chapel Choir un-
Information: (416) 946-7611;
der the direction of John Tuttle,
[email protected].
organist and director of music.
[email protected].
Trinity College Chapel, 4 p.m.
Sunday, Jan. 10: Evensong at
St. James Cathedral
Friday, Nov. 6: Fourth
Trinity College Chapel Choir un-
Annual Feast of St. Hilda
der the direction of John Tuttle,
The Rev. Andrea Budgey, MDiv.
organist and director of music.
’06, Trinity College Humphrys
St. James Cathedral, 65 Church
Chaplain, will be the guest
St., 4:30 p.m.
speaker. Melinda Seaman Dining Hall, St. Hilda’s College,
44 Devonshire Pl. Cocktails:
Break out your
dancing shoes
and start your
voice exercises!
This year, alumni with a
passion for performing
are invited to participate.
For more information,
contact Janna at: janna.
[email protected]; or
(416) 978 2522 x6012.
6:30 p.m., followed by a
Fall 2009 55
Who Dunnit?
A mystery of a very Trinity nature arose in 1959
when a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II disappeared.
A group of Trinity alumni visiting London had
purchased and shipped a copy of the Pietro
Annigoni painting as a gift to the College.
Upon her arrival, Her Majesty was promptly
placed above the mantel in the Junior Common
Room. This spot, however, had been occupied
for several years by a portrait of long-time
professor and resident of the College, Prof. C.A.
Ashley. With the arrival of the royal portrait,
Ashley’s was relegated to a less prominent
position on the west wall.
One morning shortly after, College staff
doing the morning rounds were surprised to
find that someone had switched the positions
of the paintings during the night: Ashley was
back above the mantel. The staff returned the
paintings to their appropriate spots, but the
next morning, the one of Ashley had been
mysteriously moved back to its former position.
The battle raged on for months, until one day,
Her Majesty had vanished completely.
At first, College staff thought it was a student
prank. But after a complete search of the buildings,
it became clear the painting was gone.
Known as a mild-mannered man, Ashley was
never considered a suspect. However, his friends
and student supporters had been very vocal
about their displeasure at the displacement of
the gentle professor’s likeness. When asked for
comment on what could have happened to the
Queen’s portrait, one Ashley defender mused:
“They obviously haven’t looked in the ashes
of the incinerator.”
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