Dossier Climbing in Loja (English)
Dossier Climbing in Loja (English)
LOJA (Granada) LOJA (Granada) CLIMBING IN LOJA LOJA: City situated near the A-92 highway, offers a full variety of active tourism activities. ROUTES: Located in Sierra de Loja and in Monte Hacho. QUALITY OF THE AREA: Among the best places to clima in Andalucía (this evaluation takes into account different aspects Duch as the number of routes, bolting and the beauty of the routes). ROCK: Limestone. BEST SEASON: Year round. BOLTING: The majority of the anchors are good. M-10 bolts are abundant. ORIENTATION OF THE CRAGS: South, west and north. CLIMBING STYLES: Sustained or power-endurance climbing. Technical climbing due to rock type, kinds of moves is predominate,… Short routes with powerful moves. WHERE TO SLEEP: Great variety of accomodations, consult in the Tourist Office or in LOJA (Granada) LAS ZORRERAS No cimbling in this area from January 1 to June 30. Decree 23/2012, of February 14, regulating the conservation and sustainable use of wild flora and fauna and their habitats (BOJA No. 60). ZORRERAS ALTAS 1—Eléctrico Sector - Best season: spring and summer. - Distance to the vehicle: 5 minutes. - One pitch routes. - Sunny throughout most of the morning. - Abundant vertical wall climbing. - Average length of the routes: 12 metres. Routes: 1. Kalambritos 2. Ángeles caídos 3. Noche profana 4. Cuarenta ladrones 5. Pepinos con leche 6. Rayos y centellas 7. Kostra nostra 6c+ 7c ? ? ? ? ? 8. 9. La celliska 10. 11. Farándulas 12. Electroshock 13 Megapatinazos ? ? ? 7b 7c 7b LOJA (Granada) 2—Quebrados Sector 3—El Cuenco Sector - Best season: spring and autumn. - Distance to the vehicle: 1 minute. - One pitch routes. - Sunny most of the day. - Abundant 90º slabby climbing. - Average length of the routes: 12 metres. - Best season: spring and summer. - Distance to the vehicle: 1 minute. - One pitch routes. - Sunny throughout most of the afternoon. - Abundant 90º slabby climbing and the vertical wall climbing. - Average length of the routes: 12 metres. Routes: 1. Cuatro y trescuartos 2. 1/6 3. 2/3 y un güisky 4. Contrahechos Routes: V+ 6b 6c 6a 1. Profecía 2. Nostradamus 3. Anonimato 4. Goliat 5. Magia negra 6. Orbital 7. Sueños eróticos 8. Mesalina 9. Satanás 10. Kaopolicán IV IV IV IV 6b 6c 6c+ 7c ? 7c+ LOJA (Granada) 4—Central Sector - Best season: spring and autumn. - Distance to the vehicle: 3 minutes. - One pitch orutes. - Sunny throughout most of the afternoon.. - Abundant vertical wall climbing. - Average length of the routes: 18 metres. - Some route names are labled. Routes: 1. Caníbales a dieta 2. Arakatak 3. Números rojos 4. Esnifando roca 5. Un espiritu zoquete 6. Trepazarzas 7. Danza prima 8. Buraka 9. Cepillos free 10. Exculibertu 11. Bonguiboy 12. Hoito con el hito 13. Nirvana 14. Domino paria 15. Aprendíz de fakir 16. Albergue de los emplumados 17. Ukachaka 18. Pretensiones 19. Perros de presa 20. Sangre fría 7a+ ? 7c 7b 6c V+ 6a+ 6a+ 6a+ V+ 6c 6c 6b+ 6c 6c+ 7b+ 7c 7b 8a ? 21. Yucatán 22. Los druidas 23. Hasta los güevos 24. Perchomanía 25. 26. Vicio de vacío 27. D’lulu 28. Patrañas 29. Sidroterapia 30. D’ayo 31. Penumbra 32. !Ven, devórame! 33. Mostacho blanco 34. Karkatrepos 35. Rosky 36. Sir Lancelot 37. Arcadia 38. D’Brokers 39. Sacrificio 40. Uno equipando, muchos mirando 7b+ 7b 7b+ 7a+ ? 6c+ 6c 6a+ 6b+ 6b 7b 8a 7a 6a+ 6b 6c+ 6b 6b 7b 7a LOJA (Granada) ZORRERAS BAJAS 5—Colorín colorado Sector 6—Karadura Sector - Best season: spring and summer. - Distance to the vehicle 10 minutes. - Sector or crag where you can clima when it’s drizzling. - One pitch routes. - Sunny throughout most of the afternoon. - Abundant vertical wall climbing and 90º slabby climbing. - Average length of the routes: 20 metres. - Best season: spring and summer. - Distance to the vehicle: 12 minutes. - One pitch routes. - Sunny throughout most of the afternoon. - Abundant vertical wall climbing and steep climbing. - Average length of the routes: 24 metres. Routes: Routes: 1. Eguzkilore 2. Genio y figura 3. Teta capuchina 4. Deltoya 5. Musho 6. Colorín colorado 7. Idioma galveciano 8. La malicia del enano 9. Atila matutino 10. Zíngaros 11. Energía renovable 12. De sopetón 13. Tragos amargos 14. Tirar a matar 6c 6c+ 8a 7b 7b+/7c 8a 7b+ 7b 7b 7a 7c+ 7b ? ? 1. Chut chut 2. La terrible 3. Avistamiento 4. Gorgojas 5. Karadura 6. Mortal up 7. Corazón amigo 6b 6b 6c 6c 7a 6c+ 6c LOJA (Granada) 7—Central or Asombrao Sector - Best season: spring and summer. - Distance to the vehicle: 14 minutes. - Sector or crag where you can climb in heavy rains. - One pitch routes and severas pinches routes. - Some route names are labled. - Sunny most of the day. - Abundant vertical wall climbing and steep climbing. - Average rate length between 6 and 40 metres. Routes: 1. Tapas 2. Se acabó Norma 3. San Miguel 4. Oficina punk 5. La cima del mundo 6. Desesperado 7. Osos CAN 8. Como gato panza arriba 9. Tararí que te vi 10. De espaldas al mundo 11. ¡AL abordaje! 12. A la deriva 13. ¡A la mierda! 14. El temazo 15. 16. La zorra y las chapas 17. Violación de monaguillos 18. Goco 19. El tratante 20. Conclave 21. Oye brother 22. La malafollá 23. Morituring 24. Murcianicos 25. Desvariante de Levante 7c 7c+ 8a 7b+ 8a+ 8a+ 7c+ 7c 7c 7b+ 7b 7b+ / 7c 7a 7c / 7c+ ? L1 7a+, L2 6a+,L3 7a+ 7c+ L1 7c+,L2 ?,L3 ? L1 V+, L2 8b, L3 ? L1 V, L2 ? L1 V+, L2 ? 8b 8b 8b 8c 26. La Sombra de Caín 27. De poder a poder 28. Voraz 29. Vibraciones positivas 30. El terror de los gérmenes 31. Cooperativa al zapo 32. Morada de vampiros 33. La rambla del mago 34. La pálida 35. Dos itanos 36. Hasta luego Luca 37. La perversa 38. Todo es mentira 39. El aliento del dragón 40. Vida indecente 41. Tela Marinera 42. Enrezabiá 43. Panceta 44. A sombrao 45. Piperra 46. Puta Navidad 47. Helao recalentao 48. Diagnóstico precoz 49. Polvoreda 8a+ 8a+ 8a 8a 8a 7b+ 7a+ 7b 8a+ 7b+ L1 7b, L2 8a 8a 8a 7c+ 7c+ / 8a 7c 7b+ 7b 7b+ 6c+ 6c 6c+ 7a 7a LOJA (Granada) 8—Unzungu Sector - Best season: spring, autumn and winter. - Distance to the vehicle: 18 minutes. - One pitch routes. - Sunny mosr of the day. - Abundant vertical wall climbing and steep climbing. - Average rate length between 9 and 25 metres. Routes: 1. Unzungu 2. Cortes 3. 4. 5. Tauncro 6. La demonia 7. Kalahary 8. Aborigen 9. Sesamo 10. Voces discrepantes 11. Bicho de piedra 12. Gentuza 13. Estropicios 14. Locos de atar 15. Tremalleta 16. Dragones y mazmorras 17. Trogloditas sibaritas 8a 7b+ ? ? 7b+ 7a+ 7c 7a+ ? 7c / 7c+ 7c 8a 7a+ 6c 6b+ 6b+ 6c 9—Charco negro Sector - Best season: spring, autumn and winter. - Distance to the vehicle: 1 minute. - One pitch routes. - Sunny most of the day. - Abundant vertical wall climbing. - Average length of the routes: 18 metres. Routes: 1. Fisura espantatrapo 2. Pata cabra 3. El rirri 4. Estírate gachón 5. Pito paco 6. Romualdo 7. Dios Eolo 8. La Chilinarina 9. Píllate maromo que está romo 7a+ 6b+ 6c+ 6c+ 6a+ 7a V+ 6a+ 6b LOJA (Granada) WALLS OF HACHO EL HACHO 10— 10—Tajo de la Estación or Llorón Sector - Best season: spring, autumn and winter. - Distance to the vehicle: 5 minutes. - Sector or crag where you can climb when it’s drizzling. - One pitche routes. - Some route names are labled. - Sunny most of the day. - Abundant vertical wall climbing and steep climbing. - Average length of the routes: 20 metres. 37º 10’ 33.67”N 4º 09’ 05.00” W X UTM: 397910 Y UTM: 4115139 HUSO 30 Vías 1. Mala reputación 2. Volando voy, volando vengo 3. Ponzoña 4. Los herejes 5. Vuelo feliz 6. Todas las brujerías 7. Maolicos 8. Tiempo perdido 9. Sueños rotos 10. Negocios sucios 11. La francesa 7b+ 7a+ 7c+ 7c+ 7b 6c+ 6b+ 6b+ 8a 7c 8a+ 12. Pesadillas en la roca 13. Pocas palabras 14. Círculo vicioso 15. Rienda suelta 16. La mitad de un sueño 17. Volaverun 18. Condición inhumana 19. Tierra soñá 20. Maldita mi suerte 21. De noche también se ve 7c 7c+ 7n 7c 7c+/8a 8a ? 8a 7c+/8a 6a+ LOJA (Granada) 11— 11—Tajo del Diedro Sector and Placas del Búho - Best season: spring, autumn and winter. - Distance to the vehicle: 10 minutes. - One pitch routes and several pinches routes. - Some route names are labled. Do not block the lane that leads to the olive orchard. Walk through the olive orchard respecting private property. - Sunny most of the day. - Abundant 90º slabby climbing and the vertical wall climbing. - Average route length between 8 and 50 metres. 37º 10’ 46.9476”N 4º 08’ 30.7386” W X UTM: 398634 Y UTM: 4115486 HUSO 30 Routes: 1. PGS 2. Caña al Mono 3. Segundos Fuera 4. Maganta 5. Ábrete las piernas 6. Levanta el culo 7. Límpiate que tienes Magnesio 8. Caun ye caun 9. Taramica 10. Abracadabra 11. Erección Volcánica 12. Cuasimodo 13. Daye qye daye 6c 7a 7a 6b V 6a+ IV 6b 6b V+ 6b 6a+ V 14. Maldita Penetración 15. Buhoneros 16. Coheme el Chumbo 17. El Diedro 18. Fantasías Animadas 19. Granujas 20. Tributo 21. ZZ Paff 22. Gorilón 23. La Puta Maya 24. Mascarada 25. Carnaval (Bulders marked with red dots) V 6b+/c 6b L1 6a, L2 6a, L3 IV L1 6b+, L2 6c 7a 6a L1 6b+, L2 6b L1 6a+, L2 7b 6b+ 6b 6a+ LOJA (Granada) 37º 10’ 59.4879”N 4º 07’ 45.142” W 12— 12—Peñón de las Cinco Sector X UTM: 399763 Y UTM: 4115859 HUSO 30 West face - Best season: spring, autumn and winter. - Distance to the vehicle: 10 minutes. - One pitch routes. - Sunny throughout most of the afternoon. - Abundant vertical wall climbing. - Average length of the routes: 23 metres. When you get to the parking lot, the track goes hidden through the pine wood. You must find your way around to get to the antenna. Look for the cairns. Don’t take paths with no cairns. Routes: 1. Akinden 2. Na de ná 3. Extravío mental V 7a+ 6c South face - Sunny most of the day. Routes: 1. Ozú 2. Talismán 3. Función clorofílica 4. Tequila 6a+ 6b+ 6b+ 6b LOJA (Granada) East face - Sunny most of the day. Routes: 1. La ocasión la pintan calva 2. Aguarrás 3. Escorpión rojo 4. Achilipún 5. Territorio Inca 6. Too… perra 7. Cavernícola 8. Menudo percal 9. Toi que me voy 10. Solicitud de ascenso 11. Pobre de mí 12. Laja canina 13. Pedigrí 6c V 6b 6c 7b 7a+ 6a 6c+ 7b+ 7b+ 6c+ 7a+ 7c