september 2015 retirement matters


september 2015 retirement matters
Welcome back everyone! I hope that
you all have enjoyed this beautiful
summer. I actually did not mind the
cooler weather since I was pretty close
to home most of the summer with my
“broken foot”. Thank you to all my dear
friends who offered to take me to the
doctor, for groceries, to the bank, etc.
and those who came to visit while I had cabin fever. I look
forward to this new RWTO year with eagerness and
The new Executive had their first meeting in June and I
must say I quite enjoy working with such an enthusiastic
group of talented women. We welcomed Laura Hay who
has replaced Helen Dahl as Archivist. Thank you, Helen, for
your service as Archivist this past year. Helen has joined
the Program committee. Bev Pickard is serving as Past
President and I know I will be able to count on her
mentorship as well as her wisdom over the next year. The
rest of the Executive has remained the same, which is
exciting for me since these wonderful gals already know
what they are doing.
Our Program Committee under the leadership of Bonnie
Folkard has outlined an interesting line-up of guest
speakers for this year, starting with “String Along Ukulele”
in September. Please refer to the Program brochure and
online reminders for details of upcoming events.
Our interest groups will begin again in September. Two new
groups have been formed-Paper Crafting /Cards and
Knitting. Many new ideas for interest groups were garnered
from the Posters at our May meeting. I encourage you to
seek out areas of interest to more fully enjoy your
membership in our branch and to forge new friendships.
Prior to 2004-05, Burlington Branch was part of the
Hamilton and area group. In 2004-05, we became part of
Area 12 and the PENTA group was formed. Penta is the
association of all five branches in Area 12: Oakville,
Mississauga, Peel North, Milton and Burlington. It actually
made good sense since many of us had taught in the east
and the north of Halton and lived in the west. Penta meets
yearly and each branch takes a turn at hosting the
gathering of all 5 branches. Our turn will be in November
This year, Oakville Branch is hosting PENTA on Tuesday,
November 17 at St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre on Dundas
Highway at Fourth Line, just a stone’s throw from home.
The host branch goes to a lot of effort and cost to provide a
wonderful day’s events. I attended my first PENTA in Milton
in 2011-12 after I joined RWTO and have looked forward to
it every year since. I hope we will make a special effort to
support our Oakville sisters this year. Look for a sign-up
poster at our September Luncheon for anyone needing a
ride to this event.
RWTO Convention in Stratford
Unfortunately, I was unable to attend Convention this year
because of my broken foot. I would like to thank MoiraJane Plexman who filled in for me at the last minute and
accompanied Bev Pickard and Nancy Parkhill. Our
resolutions were well accepted as a whole. Please read
further on this in the Convention Report contained in this
newsletter. Next year’s convention will be held at Caesar’s
in Windsor.
I have been retired from my profession since 2001. I was
reluctant to join RWTO at the onset because my Halton
teaching career had been in Oakville for more than 20
years, all the while living in Burlington. My good friend Mary
Lyons brought me to my first luncheon in December 2010
and it was so much fun that I joined the very same day. The
camaraderie that existed was contagious! Everyone was
involved and helping out! I have never looked back! I enjoy
all the old friends I meet and all the “new” friends I have
made over the past 5 years. I have never been afraid of
volunteering…it keeps me healthy, happy and busy.
Consider joining us on a planning committee, in an interest
group, making a presentation to our members or visiting
members who cannot get out. Many hands make things
easy! Just let me know you would like to help. Drop me a
quick message at [email protected]. and I will get
back to you or give your name to the appropriate person.
Lastly, I look forward to working with your Executive and
seeing all of you at our luncheons and events over the
coming year. I also encourage you to bring a retired
teacher friend to our events. We certainly would like to see
our numbers grow and make sure that everyone has the
opportunity to participate in the Caring and Sharing and
Having Fun enjoyed at Burlington Branch!
Cecile Leach
The Arden Park Hotel in the
lovely city of Stratford was the
setting for the Provincial
convention attended by Carol
Martin and three branch
delegates: Past President
Bev Pickard, Vice President
Nancy Parkhill, and Moira Plexman, Membership Chair taking the
place of President Cecile Leach who stayed home to nurse her
Throughout the convention there were Shakespearian
references in keeping with the setting. Thankfully there was no
tragedy but there was comedy. Costume too played an important
part. Imagine a room of retired women having dinner in their
“night dress” or ladies decked out in fascinators all doing “Bolly
dancing” at lunch.
The best drama however was to be found on the floor of the
convention as resolutions were presented, discussed, challenged
and voted upon. One resolution was withdrawn and another
referred to the Board of Directors for study. As you know from the
published resolutions, your Burlington Branch Resolution
Committee submitted a number of resolutions. These resulted in
much discussion. At one point an impassioned Bev Pickard
implored the Board of Directors to seize the opportunity to
advertise RWTO in a well made TV ad. First time convention
attendee, Nancy Parkhill got caught up in the mood and made an
impassioned speech to rally voters to support our resolution on
committee membership. Finally I presented our last resolution
which seemed so self evident that I did not expect to need to say
anything beyond the rationale. When it became clear there was
resistance, I did rise to dispel some misinformation being touted
by those with an opposing view. This resulted in a call to vote. I
am happy to report all of the Burlington resolutions passed. We
did note that a number of branches talked about “Having Fun”.
Adding “Having Fun” to the “Caring and Sharing” motto of RWTO
was a resolution proposed by Burlington and defeated at the
Sault Ste. Marie Convention. Informal discussions with others
suggest there may be a ground swell of support if we were to
propose this resolution again in Windsor where the 2016
Convention will take place. Whether official or not, we will
continue Caring and Sharing and Having Fun in Burlington!
Moira Plexman
Provincial Delegate: Burlington
Membership Convenor
We have now firmed up our speaker and topic for
January 2016, Barbara Boles-Davis who is
speaking on her topic "Where have all the Dollies
Gone?" Mark your calendars January 18, 2016.
We are also looking for new members to add to our
committee. Please contact Bonnie Folkard at
[email protected] if you are interested or have
Bonnie Folkard
A special anniversary is coming!
Please consider joining us at
Windsor Convention next June
to celebrate 60 years of RWTO/
What is Happening this fall in the RWTO
Book Club?
The RWTO Book Club meets monthly in member’s
homes, usually on the second Wednesday at 1 p.m.
We have 12 members although many of our
members travel and join us when they are in town.
Some of us visited a winery in August to enjoy winetasting and lunch. This year we have a mix of fiction
genres. Our September book is the current best
seller, The Boston Girl by Anita Diamant, about a
grandmother who tells her granddaughter of her life
growing up as an immigrant to America. October’s
book, All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony
Doerr, is a New York Times bestseller about a blind
French girl and a German boy who are trying to
survive WWII in France. In November we will read
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah, a story of WWI
and two sisters. We round out the year with The
Sultan’s Wife by Jane Johnson, a romantic
historical novel set in 17th century Morocco and
London. All promise to be interesting and to lead to
lots of discussion!
Call Heather White (905-639-2922)
My name is Edith De Quetteville and I am your newly installed Area 12 Director for 2015 -2017. I am
a 15+ year member of the Oakville Branch as well as an associate member of the Burlington Branch.
For the past twelve years I have enjoyed working on the Oakville executive in a variety of roles. The
position of Director provides me with new opportunities and experiences as I work with and support the
five branches in Area 12-Burlington, Oakville, Lydia Snow (North Halton), Peel North and Mississauga.
Indeed, I look forward to it with anticipation and excitement as I continue to meet with retired women
teachers who are caring, sharing and having fun.
We all smile when we think of
Bev Balch because she is a
very lovely person in every
Her warm smile and
sparkly eyes are just a hint to
the kindness in her heart. She
always looks so well put
together with lovely outfits and
fantastic shoes! She has 2
and 4
grandchildren, 2 boys and 2
girls. Bev has volunteered in
many positions at her church in Lowville. She is very
involved with The United Empire Loyalists in southern
Ontario and has been able to trace her family history back
several hundred years. Bev loves to read and belongs to 2
book clubs. She loves music, gardening and travel.
By presenting the Cora Bailey
award this year the Burlington
Branch is happy to honour not
only the career but also the
contributions to our profession
and to our organization of
Edwina Taylor. Edwina was
president of our Branch in
1993-94. Although she died
just four years later, her legacy
within our Branch lives on in
the lives of many who have
followed her example of Caring and Sharing. Several of
the present day executive have memories of Edwina
Bev worked for the Halton Board of Education as a
classroom teacher, a special ed teacher and a vice
principal. She was known for her hard work, her deep
interest in student success and the positive attitude that
she encouraged in her staff. When she retired in 2006 she
was fondly remembered by parents, staff and students.
RWTO Burlington has been very fortunate since that time
that Bev has dedicated many hours to our group. She
served the Executive as Vice President. President 2 years,
Past President and Secretary. She was an integral part of
all three Pretty in Pink campaigns as a Planning team
member, Model and Chair woman. She initiated both our
Book Club and Travel Club. No task has proven too big or
too small for this woman to step up and get involved. Her
involvement has truly
made a difference in our
groups’ success in every
way.! !
Laura Hay and
Bev Pickard
which have enabled them to continue the work that she
began those many years ago including a former
Provincial President, a couple of our past Branch
Presidents, a newsletter coordinator, and a program
convenor as well as several of our members. Influenced
by her values we have continued to demonstrate the
ideals of the Retired Teachers of Ontario and our own
Burlington Branch. Her life demonstrates memories of
people in our lives, lives lived by women like Edwina, do
make a lasting impression.
Ruth Roberts
Welcome back everyone, especially any new women joining us for the first time since retirement.
I hope you had an enjoyable summer.
New retirees will be especially interested in all of the benefits that are available with our HOME AND HOSPITAL
CARE PLAN. If this is your first year of retirement, no medical questionnaire is required and acceptance is
guaranteed. Your spouse would have to answer a medical questionnaire.
Here is an analogy of the different types of Health Insurance available to members of RWTO.
The CHERRY ON THE TOP is our RWTO Hospital & Home Care Plan.
The ICE CREAM is the RTO Johnson Insurance or other major medical plan.
The SUNDAE DISH is our provincial health insurance (OHIP).
RWTO has a variety of insurance plans available:
Hospital and Home Care Plan
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Automobile & Residential Insurance
Travel Insurance Plan
The first two insurances are administered by Manulife Financial. New Enrollment: 1-866-410-0500 Plan members:
The third is underwritten by CAN-AM Insurance 1-888-326-3535 and the fourth by Marsh Canada 1-800-265-2196.
I have the brochures and application forms with me at all the meetings. Talk to me at a meeting or phone me if you
have any questions or want more information. If you prefer, you can phone the above phone numbers to speak to an
insurance representative directly or check out the website:
Sharon Ariss
Insurance Convenor
5125 Bayfield Cres.
Burlington, Ontario L7L 3J5
Phone: 905-333-9857 E-mail: [email protected]
Annual General Meeting Luncheon- May 25, 2015
A balmy day and greeters Norma Diell, Norma Brown, Marlene Horne and Mary Lyons sporting colourful flowers on
their shoulders, welcomed those attendees of the RWTO Annual Meeting and Luncheon at the Burlington Golf and
Country Club.
Our incoming president, Cecile Leach welcomed all with a reminder that the Burlington Branch is 41 years old.
There were reminders of the PENTA luncheon, hosted by Oakville Branch, on November 17th at St. Volodymyr’s on
Dundas at the 4th Line. A vacancy exists on the executive of the 2nd vice president position and anyone who is
interested can contact Cecile.
Nancy Parkhill memorialized 3 of our members, Lillian (Emery) McLean, Elizabeth Ann Mattiussi (Bryant) and
Joy (Dennison) Smith, who passed in the last year.
Cecile recognized Past Presidents, Moira-Jane Plexman, Muriel Nightingale, Bev
Balch, Bev Pickard, Ruth Ferguson, Ruth Roberts, Carol Martin, Marie Rhodes, Marilyn
Branch, Mary Lyons, Pam MacDonald, Marina Lloyd, Daryll Fitzner and Edwina Taylor.
Cecile presented Bev Pickard with her past president’s pin and flowers and thanked her for
being her mentor and friend as she took over the reins from Bev.
Moira Plexman briefly spoke about the Cora Bailey awards and introduced the
presenters. Ruth Roberts spoke of Edwina Taylor. Carol Martin, Ruth Miller, Bonnie
Folkard and special guests, Edwina’s daughter and son all added their impressions of
Edwina and her qualities that make her deserving of the honour.
Bev Balch was
recognized as the second Cora Bailey Award recipient and was duly hailed by Bev Pickard
and Laura Hay. Bev’s warm smile, sparkly eyes are only a hint of the dedicated person
inside who has devoted many hours to volunteering both with RWTO and with her church.
Marilyn Branch presented the Ontario Volunteer Award to Virginia McKee, Bev
Balch, Moira Plexman, Marina Lloyd, Susan Edwards and Jo-Anne Tregunno. Pam Mac
Donald honoured 4 ladies, Edith Bielby (105 in October), Pat West (92) Helen Pindilli (92)
and Jo Moore, who were over 90, as an inspiration to us all.
After lunch Mary McCully gave a wrap up of the years activities.
Pam MacDonald reported on the Euchre and Photography groups.
Claudia Stewart reported about the Travel Group, Cathy WilsonShields, the Book club and Mary McCully the Tea Room tours. We
were directed to the displays for the possibilities for other new groups
such as a knitting group or paper crafting group.
We were
encouraged to think of other interest groups that could start up to add
to the mix. We want all members to feel welcome and involved.
Ruth Miller distributed the table arrangements, created by Carol Martin--- very small
grocery carts filled with marigold plants. The 50/50 winner, Cecile Leach, went home $44.50
richer. What a great way to end her first official meeting as President!
Jo-Anne Tregunno
2015–2016 Executive
BR: Pam MacDonald, Susan Edwards. Carolynn
Blake, Mary McCully, Virginia McKee, Sharon Ariss
FR: Bev Pickard, Nancy Parkhill, Cecile Leach,
Carol Martin, Moira Plexman
Missing: Laura Hay, Ruth Miller, Bonnie Folkard
August Tea Adventure
Tea and a Tour of McFarland House
On June 9th, 14 intrepid ladies drove through intermittent
heavy rain to visit the McFarland House and Tea Room.
Our tour guide, dressed in period costume explained
interesting aspects of life in the early 1800’s. We learned
that there was a tax on paper so having books was
expensive. We learned that 3 walls and a door constituted
a room and was thereby taxable so closets counted as
rooms. Mr. McFarland had 2 closets in each room on the
main floor so his dining room, parlor and library counted as
9 rooms for tax purposes. Then there were the upstairs
bedrooms each with closets. He paid a lot of tax!
We were supposed to go somewhere else. But
“somewhere else” called to say that they were very tired
after their busy wedding season and they wanted to go on
holiday. So we cancelled. Abigail’s has always been on our
“do over” list and everyone who had signed up for Plan A
immediately agreed to Plan B – Abigail’s Tea Room in St.
George. Off we went for a drive through Ontario’s rural
countryside on a spectacularly fine day. We ten ladies had
the best time ever, and we were so well fed that most of us
planned soup for dinner… or an ear of corn.
Tea was enjoyed in the solarium. There was plenty of
good food and conversation. The rain quit and the
sunshine peeked out. A perfect end to an interesting
McFarland House Atrium
Mary McCully
Twelve people came out to the second card making
session. Lots of chatter. Creativity and inspiration
abounded. Everyone had a good time.
Jan Moxey and Bonnie Folkard are coordinating this group and
have chosen the following dates to meet , pending the first get –
together on Thursday October 1. The subsequent dates are
Thursday November 12 , Thursday January 14 and Thursday
March 31. Sessions will involve demonstration, make and take
and individual projects. Sessions are held at the Community
Room in Fortinos , Appleby Line and Dundas, from 1:00 – 3:30
pm. Sign up at the September luncheon or contact Bonnie at
[email protected] for any further information.
So many different interpretations . PAPERCRAFTING
Happy Events
 Congratulations
to Lawrie and Marilyn Branch who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in
July. They marked the occasion with a family dinner.
 Best Wishes to Ken and Marina Lloyd who recently celebrated their 55th Anniversary.
It is interesting to note that both of these vibrant ladies have been very involved in RWTO and
served on the Executive and as Presidents of the Burlington Branch. Perhaps their volunteer work has been a
contributing factor to their enthusiastic zest for life!
Dyson sent a lovely note congratulating RWTO for having such an entertaining and vibrant
group. She says that the enthusiasm is contagious! She sends good wishes to her friends Janet and
Marilyn. We wish Sharon well as she moves to a new community.
Ruth Miller, the happy recipient of a grocery cart of marigolds is overjoyed to report that the marigolds
actually deterred the rabbits from eating her rose bushes.
Please send your happy events for publication to Ruth Miller [email protected].
Let us celebrate the good things in life!!!!
Travel Club
We had our June meeting at the home of Nancy Kumpf. It was a full house as most of our members had either just
returned from traveling or were about to set off. Heather White presented a slide show of her trip to China. She had
used Sinorama for her booking and found that they by far offered the best prices and provided excellent service. They
are state owned with guides who are very well informed and professional. Several of the group shared their
experiences traveling in China and those who had used Sinorama were very impressed with their services.
We always make time to catch up with our members Travel adventures: Costa Rica, cruise travel, European sites,
potential travel on the Rocky Mountaineer and more.
Next meeting is Monday, September 14 at 1:00 at Laura Hay’s house.
Bev Balch
This has been the year of camping adventures as we took our new trailer on the road to enjoy
Canada. We used the retired teacher’s privilege of visiting provincial parks before school is out to
enjoy quiet, uncrowded campgrounds. In May we appreciated our sunset cocktails with friends (our
favourite “Rusty Nails” – Drambuie and Scotch) at the Pinery and had the beach to ourselves. As we
left on Friday, we saw crowds lined up to get in for the weekend.
Pinery, May 2015; Heather White
A four day trip in early June to Rondeau Provincial Park revealed the tulip
trees in full bloom among the Carolinian forest there
Tulip Tree, Rondeau, June, 2015;
Heather White
Later in June we headed to Thunder Bay to explore Sleeping Giant Provincial
Park, Kakabeka Falls, Ouimet Canyon, and the Terry Fox memorial, and
chose amethyst rocks for our garden at a local mine.
Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, 2015;
Heather White
In July we joined family at Presqu’ile Provincial Park, where we had fun on a
rainy Saturday playing games under the awning. Fortunately, the weather
improved in time for s’mores around the campfire.
Our August trip has taken us to all three Maritime Provinces, as we reconnected with cousins, feasted on fresh seafood, and appreciated great views
and relief from the Ontario heat.
St. Martins, NB, August, 2015;
Heather White
We are already planning our next trip, possibly to Killarney, for the fall colour.
It’s great to have a portable home to take with us wherever we want to go!
Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, June 2015;
Heather White
Monday October 19 Luncheon
Grace: A Teacher’s Life, One Room
Schools and a Century of Change in
Millie Morton
Tuesday November 17
Oakville hosting
Acoustic Circus
Wednesday November 25
Christmas Planters at Wildhagen
Tuesday December 8 Luncheon
Christmas Celebration
Newsletter Committee
Registration for
Due October 30
We are pleased to print recipes,
restaurant reviews and Happy
Events (Special Anniversaries
etc) and items of interest to our
members- just contact Ruth
Miller at [email protected] or
We were delighted with the response to our spring membership renewal
efforts. Many of you took advantage of the $20 September lunch offer by
renewing your membership before July 31. Those who renewed at or
before our May meeting will have their names in a draw to win the
September lunch. The draw will be made at the September meeting. Thank
you to those who have paid up. It means fewer email reminders to your
mailbox or messages on your phone.
At the end of each school year RWTO Burlington Branch reaches out to
new retirees and invites them to join our group. Special thanks to Ruth
Miller who opened her home for a new member coffee meeting recently.
Newly retired people are faced with many choices. Often they are not
entirely sure what sort of things they would like to commit to right away. We
find those who are a few years in to retired life are very much interested in
joining our group. Why not invite a retired teacher to one of our tea outings
or to a general meeting to see if she would like to join our group and help
grow our RWTO?
Convenor: Ruth Miller
Editorial: Charlotte McLean,
Ruth Miller, Jo Tregunno
Layout: Bev PIckard
Email Carolynn Blake
[email protected]
Virginia McKee
[email protected] 905-335-8723
Jo Tregunno
[email protected]
Moira Plexman, Membership Chair