Program Book - Women`s Center of Montgomery County
Program Book - Women`s Center of Montgomery County
THE WOMEN’S CENTER OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY SPRING CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH Program Book Women, Sports and Empowerment Benefitting the Women’s Center of Montgomery County Domestic Violence Program, serving more that 4000 victims each year Sunday, April 7th 2013 Leslee Silverman Tabas, Esquire, Richard and Charlie Tabas and The Harriette and Charles Tabas Foundation Thank The dedicated individuals who allow The Women’s Center of Montgomery County to continue to serve, protect and improve the quality of lives of Women and Children in Montgomery County and Our Friend, Mentor and Life Coach, “Uncle” Fred Shabel, for empowering us with his wisdom through life. TheȱBoardȱofȱDirectorsȱandȱtheȱSpecialȱEventsȱCommitteeȱofȱtheȱȱ WomenȇsȱCenterȱofȱMontgomeryȱCountyȱwelcomeȱyouȱtoȱourȱChampagneȱBrunchȱ Honoring ToddȱCarmichaelȱandȱLaurenȱHartȱ ȱ Featuring Guest Speakers AmalȱBassȱ RheaȱHughesȱ MerrillȱReeseȱ FredȱShabelȱ With special thanks to our Moderator & Friend: LarryȱKaneȱ Board of Directors: ȱ LawrenceȱPaukerȱandȱSandraȱCapps,ȱCoȬPresidentsȱ AndraȱSeidner,ȱViceȬPresidentȱ SandraȱHyman,ȱTreasurerȱ RoannaȱBurnellȱ ȱ BruceȱFreedmanȱ ȱ ȱ NatalieȱGreenȱ SharleneȱKalenderȱ ȱ JonathanȱKlassȱ ȱ ȱ RosalieȱMarcusȱ BethȱRubinȱ ȱ ȱ AmyȱSternȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ChristineȱVerrierȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ Advisory Board: ȱ ȱ ȱ BethȱBrinlyȱ ȱ StaciȱLevickȬCoveȱ JoyceȱSkobinskyȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ DorothyȱEnrightȱ ȱ ThomasȱJ.ȱMcGowanȱ ȱ LillianȱSullimanȱ ȱ PatriciaȱThomasȬLaRocheȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ SuzanneȱFieldsȱ MarilynȱRosskamȱ NicoleȱTellȱ ȱ Special Event Committee Co-chairwomen: DonnaȱJarrettȬKaneȱ&ȱAndraȱSeidnerȱ Staff: ExecutiveȱDirector:ȱȱȱMariaȱMacalusoȱ ȱȱȱFinanceȱDirector:ȱStephanieȱCehelskyȱ ȱ ProgramȱDirector:ȱȱDeniseȱFlynnȱ ȱ ȱȱȱBookkeeper:ȱDonnaȱBrownȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱDirectorȱofȱVolunteers:ȱȱDeannaȱLinnȱȱ ȱȱȱInformationȱSystemsȱSpecialist:ȱJayȱMitlasȱ ȱ CommunityȱEducator:ȱJanineȱKellyȱ ȱ VolunteerȱCoordinators:ȱ ȱȱȱȱ JenniferȱBradyȱȱȱȱȱAnyaȱCehelskyȱȱȱ ChristineȱWiitaȱȱȱȱȱNicholeȱStansburyȱȱȱȱȱ ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱLegalȱAdvocates:ȱ ȱ ȱ LethalityȱAssessmentȱCoordinator:ȱ ȱ ȱ CarolȱHorvitzȱȱȱȱȱȱKristineȱWickwardȱ ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱPaulineȱMcGibbonȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ ȱȱ MedicalȱAdvocates:ȱ LyndaȱMonks,ȱAbingtonȱHealthcareȱ MaryȱSusanȱPontoski,ȱHolyȱRedeemerȱȱHospitalȱ DonnaȱByrneȱ–ȱOutreachȱCoordinator,ȱNorthȱPenn/LansdaleȱHospitalȱ ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ wiithȱthanksȱandȱappreciationȱtoȱourȱstaff,ȱvolunteersȱandȱmembers,ȱwithoutȱwhoseȱsupportȱweȱwouldȱ notȱcontinueȱtoȱgrow,ȱthriveȱandȱsucceed,ȱeachȱdayȱinȱourȱworkȱtoȱendȱdomesticȱviolence.ȱ Total Care for Women. Primary Care — Gynecology — Gastroenterology* Plastic Surgery — Radiology — Urogynecology Urology* — Wellness* — Psychology* 215-517-5000 OLD YORK & TOWNSHIP LINE ROADS ELKINS PARK, PA Temple Health refers to the health, education and research activities carried out by the affiliates of Temple University Health System and by Temple University School of Medicine. *These services are not provided by Temple Health and are instead provided by an independent healthcare provider. dedicated strong tireless devoted witty smart leadership honesty sense of humor integrity creativity supportive fairness generosity friendship thoughtfulness kind compassionate truthful successful achievement determination warmth caring accepting enlightened quick-witted involved funny thorough beautiful on purpose forthright committed underpaid dependable sensitive tuned in respected buoyant resilient energetic role model responsible resolute common sense nice animated sociable direct confident welcoming inclusive convincing professional organized open reflective pragmatic steady flexible practical charitable honored awarded curious tested inventive current decisive connected worthy grounded articulate uplifting wise dedicated strong tireless devoted witty smart leadership honesty sense of humor integrity creativity supportive fairness generosity friendship thoughtfulness kind compassionate truthful successful achievement determination warmth caring accepting enlightened quick-witted involved funny thorough beautiful on purpose forthright committed underpaid dependable sensitive tuned in respected buoyant resilient energetic role model responsible resolute common sense nice responsive caring empathetic energizing empowering respectful animated sociable direct confident welcoming inclusive convincing professional organized open reflective pragmatic steady flexible practical charitable honored awarded curious tested inventive current decisive connected worthy grounded articulate uplifting wise dedicated strong tireless devoted witty smart leadership honesty sense of humor integrity creativity supportive fairness generosity friendship thoughtfulness kind compassionate truthful successful determination warmth caring accepting enlightened quick-witted involved funny thorough beautiful on purpose forthright committed underpaid dependable sensitive tuned in respected buoyant resilient energetic role model responsible resolute common sense nice responsive caring empathetic energizing empowering respectful animated sociable direct confident welcoming inclusive convincing professional organized open reflective pragmatic steady flexible practical charitable honored awarded curious tested inventive current decisive connected worthy grounded articulate uplifting wise Joyce and Jerry and a great cook is Maria Macaluso Proud to support The Women’s Center of Montgomery County Business Law At Business Speed TM Philadelphia (215) 569-2700 Cherry Hill (856) 486-7900 Wilmington (302) 426-1189 IN HONOR OF Donna & Larry Kane Debbie Feith Tye and Family WITH APPRECIATION We salute the outstanding work of Maria Macaluso, the entire Women’s Center staff, volunteers and Board of Directors. Thank you to our distinguished honorees, panel and guests for your support of our mission. Special thanks to Donna and Larry Kane for your continuing dedication. Andi and Art Seidner LAUREN HART & TODD CARMICHAEL ******************************************* *LEADERSHIP *SONG *COMMUNITY THIS DYNAMIC DUO IS A PERFECT BLEND! ********************** WITH GRATITUDE, DONNA AND LARRY KANE rille We s t Av e n u e G Invites You to Join Us ... Jenkintown Dresher Southampton Serving Breakfast Lunch and Dinner Winner of Readers Choice Award 11 Years in a Row! #1 Breakfast #1 Casual Dining 3 L o ca ti o n s To S e rv e Yo u ! FREE DELIVERY Jenkintown 215-886-1540 Full Bar Dresher 215-367-5428 BYOB Southampton 215-942-6290 BYOB Our Honorees Lauren Hart Singer/songwriter Lauren Hart is best known for her introspective lyrics and soaring vocals, and for her connection to the Philadelphia Flyers. The daughter of legendary NHL Hall of Fame Announcer Gene Hart, known for 30 years as “The Voice of the Flyers,” Lauren sings the National Anthem before every Philadelphia Flyers home game, the musical “voice” of the Flyers. She is also the former host of the NBC news and variety show 10!. She has performed for Bill Clinton and Frank Sinatra, and her music has been featured in several television series including “Joan of Arcadia,” “Party of Five,” and “All My Children.” Lauren’s National Anthem appears on the soundtrack of the Disney film “Miracle,” and she recently recorded “America the Beautiful” for the soon to be released documentary film “When Jane & Johnny Come Marching Homeless.” Lauren wrote the soundtrack for the award winning documentary “Race to the Bottom of the Earth” and is writing all the music for the new television show DANGEROUS GROUNDS A member of the Board of Governors of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (Grammy Awards) and previous Philadelphia Vice President, Lauren released her ffifth CD, “Good Things,” in 2008. and is set for a 2013 of number 6, AWAKENING. In 2005 Lauren married LA COLOMBE founder Todd Carmichael. A 12 year non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor Lauren is a dedicated patient advocate. Her passion for music is matched only by her passion for the charitable organizations she is committed to – the Gene Hart Memorial Fund, Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation, Echoes Foundation in Uganda, and Wide Horizons for Children. Additional information can be found at Lauren Hart and her husband Todd Carmichael have adopted 4 children from the country of Ethiopia. The girls ages 10,7,3 and their baby brother 1, joined the Hart-Carmichael family in 2009 and 2010 and 2011. Todd and Lauren have worked tirelessly on behalf of the children and families in Ethiopia and Uganda. Their love of the Africa and the people helped shape their family and their entire future. They continue their work in the form of micro loans, family sponsorship, and education and farming. Todd Carmichael A passionate crusader for social and ecological causes, Todd has a decades-long history of undertaking selfsupported treks into challenging environments. He’s visited nearly half the world’s countries, crossed large parts of the Sahara on foot, as well as the Gobi, Namib and others. He is also the first American to solo trek across Antarctica from coast to the South Pole, establishing a world speed of 39 days, 7 hours and 49 minutes. In addition to be an adventure traveler, whose exploits span the globe, Todd is also the co-founder of premier coffee roaster La Colombe Torrefaction. Together with his business partner Jean Philippe Iberti he has spent the past 18 years advancing the way the nation experiences its coffee. In pressing the limits of taste, service, and most notably coffee sourcing - venturing into the world’s developing countries to responsibly and sustainably gather the planet’s best coffee no matter the origins - Todd has converted the nation’s culinary elite into La Colombe drinkers. Along the way he has made his company the country’s leading coffee roaster while managing it philanthropically. Todd is also an author and contributor to the Huffington Post and Esquire Magazines, and is currently working on a TV show with the Travel Channel, Dangerous Grounds. Our Panelists FRED A. SHABEL, VICE-CHAIRMAN - COMCAST-SPECTACOR Fred A. Shabel is Vice-Chairman of Comcast-Spectacor, a multifaceted organization specializing in sports and entertainment. He has been with Comcast-Spectacor (and its predecessor Spectacor) for 32 years. The Comcast-Spectacor organization includes the Philadelphia Flyers; The Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia; Global Spectrum, which manages public assembly facilities and events worldwide; Comcast Spectacor Charities and the Flyers Skate Zone. The Wells Fargo Center is the home of the Philadelphia 76ers. Shabel is an active participant in numerous community organizations. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Ed Snider Youth Hockey Foundation; a member of the Board of Directors of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce; the Honorary Board of Directors of Police Athletic League, as well as a member of the Advisory Board for the Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis and Education; and Chairman Emeritus of the Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation. He has served on the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Arthritis Foundation, the Philadelphia Sports Congress, the Philadelphia Geriatric Center, the Central Philadelphia Development Corporation Board and Executive Committee, the Independence Visitor Center Corporation, the Board of Trustees of the Franklin Institute, the Moore College of Art, and Friends of Rittenhouse Square. Other board memberships include One to One Mentoring, Center City District; the Philadelphia Museum of Art Corporate Partners; and a member of the Philadelphia Police Foundation Board. And, he served as a member of the State of Pennsylvania Court of Judicial Discipline. Fred served in the United States Air Force from 1954 to 1956, departing as a First Lieutenant. Prior to joining Spectacor in 1980, he was Vice President for Operations at the University of Pennsylvania from 1975 to 1980. He was Penn’s Athletic Director from 1967 to 1975. In that time, his team achieved 28 Ivy League titles and numerous national rankings. In 1972-73, Intercollegiate Athletics at Penn accomplished a benchmark season, topping all previous victory records during the school’s 26 years in the Ivy League. During his tenure at the University of Pennsylvania Fred served as Chairman of the Ivy League Athletic Directors and the Eastern Collegiate Television Committee, and was Director of the Penn Relays. Fred began his collegiate athletics career as a member of the Duke University Men’s Basketball team where he later became assistant basketball coach under Vic Bubas from 1957 to 1963. He moved on to become head basketball coach at the University of Connecticut and was honored as New England Coach of the Year in 1964. He has been the recipient of the Duke Alumni Award, the Penn Varsity Club Award, the University of Pennsylvania Hunter Lott Award, the Anti-Defamation League Torch of Liberty Award, Girl Scouts of Southeastern Pennsylvania “Take the Lead” Champion Award and the Arthur Ashe Youth Tennis and Education “Champions for Children.” He was recently inducted into the New England Division I Basketball Hall of Fame Coaching Class. MERRILL REESE Play-by-play “Voice of the Philadelphia Eagles” for over 30 years. The games are heard on 94/WIP(CBS) and a tri-state network. Named Pennsylvania Sportscaster of the Year by the National Association of Sportscasters and Sportswriters numerous times. Selected Radio Broadcaster of the Year by the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters. Selected Person of the Year by the Broadcast Pioneers. Recipient of the March of Dimes Lifetime Achievement Award. Winner of the Lindsey Nelson Award for Excellence in Sportscasting by the All American Football Association. Inducted into: Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame Temple University Communications Hall of Fame Overbrook High School Hall of Fame Honored for special achievement by the Philadelphia Sportswriters Association. Spent 14 years as Sports Director of WIP. Has handled play-by-play of Big 5 basketball and University of Pennsylvania football. Was the on-camera host and play-by-play voice of ESPN’s award winning series, “NFL Dream Season” in 1990. Has handled tennis play-by-play for Madison Square Garden Television in New York with Billie Jean King. Selected by Philadelphia Magazine as Philadelphia’s best sportscaster. Graduate of Temple University. Served in the U. S. Navy as Public Affairs Officer. (Lieutenant Senior Grade) Began his career at WPAZ in Pottstown; next stop WBCB in Levittown. Merrill is now part-owner of WBCB and serves as General Manager. Autobiography published in 1998 … Merrill Reese: “It’s Good” is a best seller. Also, wrote Sportscasting… Turning Your Passion into a Profession. Merrill is an avid golfer and competes in numerous charity tournaments. He resides in Blue Bell with his wife Cindy. Son, Nolan, is a film editor residing in Hollywood, California. Daughter, Ida, is a graphic designer. Rhea Hughes An integral part of one of America’s most popular sports talk radio broadcasts, Rhea Hughes has been a devoted Philadelphian since day one. Rhea was born and raised in Southwest Philadelphia, the youngest of nine children. A graduate of Temple University, Rhea began her career as a broadcaster-producer with stints in State College, Pa., Wilmington, Delaware and in Philadelphia. The former sideline reporter for the Philadelphia Soul football team, Rhea also did play-by-play in college basketball. It was her work at WIP Sports Radio that brought her a vast audience, and critical success, For 16 years, Rhea has been co-host of the morning program on WIP, joining Angelo Cataldi and his unique team in a broadcast that is both news-making , provocative, and extremely entertaining. . In the last several years, Rhea has been hosting a daily sports show on for almost 2 years. She has also anchored interview and other broadcasts for Comcast Sportsnet. Rhea lives in the area along with her husband and three year old son along with two dogs and three cats (all rescues). Amal Bass Amal is a staff attorney with the Women’s Law Project. She joined the staff in 2006 and works in a wide variety of areas, including Title IX athletic equity, employment rights, and family law. Currently, she is one of the supervisors of the Domestic Violence Assistance Project. Amal received her BA from Yale University and her JD from Harvard Law School. About the Women’s Law Project: The Women’s Law Project joined the fight for women’s rights in 1974, founded by a group of feminist attorneys devoted to equality and justice. Emboldened by the resurgent feminist movement of the 1970s, they soon won national recognition for their trailblazing Equal Rights Amendment Project, combining extensive litigation under state ERAs with public education. The Women’s Law Project has a stellar record of achievement protecting reproductive freedom in Pennsylvania and elsewhere in the United States. They have represented the plaintiffs in three landmark U.S. Supreme Court decisions on reproductive freedom: ACOG v. Thornburgh (1986), Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), and Ferguson v. City of Charleston (2001). They led the massive, nationwide amicus effort upholding abortion rights in the U.S. Supreme Court in Stenberg v. Carhart (2000); their litigation struck down Pennsylvania’s rape and incest police reporting requirements for low-income women’s Medicaid-funded abortions in Blackwell v. Knoll (1996). On a daily basis, Law Project attorneys troubleshoot for Pennsylvania clinics, hospitals, doctors, patient advocates, and women seeking abortions, providing accurate, authoritative information about Pennsylvania’s abortion laws. The Women’s Law Project has challenged sex discrimination in employment, education, athletics, and insurance; advanced the rights of lesbian and gay parents; advocated on behalf of impoverished women; worked for fair and accessible procedures in child custody, child support, and protection from abuse actions; and championed the rights of sexual assault survivors. They take pride in being both a unique resource for Pennsylvania women and a national leader in the field of women’s rights. The Board of Directors, Staff and Volunteers of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County would like to Congratulate, Celebrate and Appreciate Our Distinguished Honorees Todd Carmichael and Lauren Hart Who, through their Generous Spirit, Outstanding Achievements, Vision and Empowering Example of Leadership, embody our mission and inspire our work! and We thank our Distinguished Panelists Amal Bass Rhea Hughes Merrill Reese Fred Shabel For their generous spirit of support and friendship in providing this engaging, entertaining & enriching program. and Our deep regard, affection and regard goes out to our Moderator and Emcee Larry Kane Who gives tirelessly, passionately and skillfully each year to ensure the success of our special events, thus securing and safeguarding the future of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County. WOMEN’S CENTER OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW 2012-2013 With our primary focus on eliminating domestic violence and other forms of abuse, the Women’s Center of Montgomery County has been volunteer-powered since its inception. Our Domestic Violence Program addresses the problem of family/interpersonal violence. In addition to our domestic violence services, our 24-hour hotline assists people in crisis in need of information and referral, as well as an empathetic, supportive and non-judgmental counselor. All of our direct services are aimed at helping to stabilize an individual in crisis and assist them in exploring options that will help restore them to safety and security in their lives and that of the their families. Our domestic violence program, which serves more than 4,000 victims each year, provides services which include: a 24-hour domestic violence and crisis hotline; elder abuse counseling and supportive services; legal advocacy; court accompaniment; individualized peer and group domestic violence counseling; information and referral; hospital accompaniment; stalking prevention on college campuses; emergency relocation funding for victims; prevention education and outreach to the community and schools. We finalized a two-year grant with the PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency which began in July 2012 that will support a new partnership with Holy Redeemer Hospital and the Institute for Safe Families. This initiative will include the creation of a new position – Medical Advocate for Child Victims of Domestic Violence - to provide onsite services to victims and training to healthcare providers. Through our partnership with Holy Redeemer Hospital and the Institute for Safe Families which promotes outreach and universal screening for domestic violence through the obstetrics and pediatric healthcare providers, we hope to increase the identification and treatment of children at risk. A second initiative is the expansion of our existing police referral process to include implementation of a Lethality Assessment Tool, which officers responding to a domestic violence call complete to assess victim safety. The Women’s Center of Montgomery County is one of 13 programs in PA that was selected as a test site for this project, which was successfully implemented in Maryland 2005. Our goal in 2012/2013 will be to expand the use of the lethality assessment to all police departments in our county. And finally, we will continue our work with the Montgomery County Anti-Human Trafficking Coalition to promote an effective county-wide and organizational response to address the needs of human trafficking victims. Our programs are administered by more than 185 trained volunteers and a paid staff of 16 employees (4 full and 12 part-time) in our six offices located in Elkins Park, Norristown, Lansdale, Pottstown, Colmar and Bryn Mawr. Through our Medical Advocacy Project, we also support staffing of a Medical Advocate at Abington Memorial Hospital. Established in 1992 as one of three pilot projects funded in Pennsylvania, our MAP program became a national prototype for suburban hospital settings and was recognized in 2007 by the GlaxoSmithKline Impact Awards committee. In the 2008, Women’s Center of Montgomery County was identified by the PA Commission on Crime & Delinquency as one of five victim service agencies who exemplify best practices for organizational capacity building. In June 2012, the Center was among the five finalists selected from more than 200 applicants for the Impact 100 Philadelphia Awards, receiving a third place grant in the amount of $21,000. In addition to our strong history as a founding member of the state coalition, the PA Coalition Against Domestic Violence, more than thirty five years ago, the Women’s Center of Montgomery County possesses a number of unique assets and resources. Included among these are our 1) large and committed volunteer base; 2) strategic use of technology; 3) multiple locations; 4) reputation as a quality training provider, both regionally and locally; and 5) ability to provide direct service needs of a large and diverse number of victims. There is virtually no other PA domestic violence service provider possessing such a skilled and diverse pool of volunteers. And, through our visionary use of technology, we have surpassed most other programs with our ability to provide training, track client demographics, network offices, and enhance communications CONSTITUENCY: The primary beneficiaries of this project are victims of domestic violence who live in Montgomery County. In FY 2011-2012, we provided services to 4,092 unduplicated victims of domestic violence and an additional 110 significant others, including victims’ family members. Through our Legal Advocacy Project, we provided court accompaniment assistance & legal options counseling to 2,075 individuals. We assisted 1,015 individuals seeking Protection from Abuse Orders and provided accompaniment to 177 individuals in district court and preliminary hearings. Through our Elder Abuse Project, we served more than 150 senior victims of family violence and caretaker abuse, and trained Meals on Wheels workers to identify and respond to elder abuse. In 2011, we received 1,450 victim referrals from police officers responding to domestic violence calls. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The specific array of services we provide include: 1. Counseling Services: 24-hour domestic violence hotline/crisis response; safety planning; individualized in-person and telephone counseling; peer counseling; support groups; elder abuse advocacy and counseling; referrals to community information and resources including therapists, lawyers and other social service providers. 2. Community Education and Training Services: professional training in domestic violence counseling and identification; community and school education programs to teach about abuse dynamics and identify methods to help victims of domestic violence; financial literacy workshops; healthy relationships program to teach teens and young children non-violent behavior; dating violence prevention; stalking prevention workshops; and training for law enforcement officers on effective response protocols. We also distribute a monthly newsletter (circulation 1,250). 3. Legal Advocacy: court accompaniment; legal options counseling; direct advocacy for women seeking temporary and final PFA Orders; assistance with Indirect Criminal Complaints; systems advocacy to effect change. 4. Medical Advocacy: training to medical providers in universal screening, identification and early intervention; technical support to hospitals developing domestic violence protocols. 5. Stalking Intervention on College Campuses: training and outreach to help campus security, RA’s, and administration in offering services to college students who are victims of stalking; development of resources and tools to assist in documenting incidents and supporting victims. Additional services include: assistance with locating affordable and/or temporary housing, emergency cash assistance for victims escaping an abuser, Crime Victim Compensation filings, victim impact statements to the courts, and assistance locating emergency shelter. The Board of Directors and Staff of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County would like to recognize the amazing efforts of our Special Event Co-Chairwomen Andra Seidner and Donna Jarrett-Kane We offer our heartfelt admiration and gratitude for your hard work, vision and dedication in putting together today’s event! You have truly done a wonderful job! We also want to express our sincerest gratitude and regard to Marla Rosenthol and Let’s Design Invitations, for her talent, patience and generosity in designing our event invitations and Stephanie Seidner, who lent her amazing talents to embody our theme in the decorations, displays and centerpieces! and Alan Marks, ImageMarks Photography – we cannot thank you enough for your generosity, creativity and dedication in donating your photographic skills to capture these memories for us! and Our auctioneer, Harris Grubin, who brings passion, energy and enthusiasm to create an exciting and successful auction experience for us all! UNITED WAY DONOR OPTION #00433 The Women’s Center of Montgomery County is a volunteer, community organization with a primary focus on freedom from domestic violence and other forms of abuse. Established in 1976, we assist more than 4,000 domestic violence victims annually. Weȱwouldȱlikeȱtoȱacknowledgeȱandȱthankȱtheȱfollowingȱindividualsȱandȱcompaniesȱforȱ theirȱgenerousȱdonationsȱtoȱourȱsilentȱauctionȱandȱraffleȱofferings.ȱ ȱ AbingtonȱPharmacyȱ ActȱIIȱPlayhouseȱ AdventureȱAquariumȱ AmblerȱFlowerȱShopȱ AmblerȱTheaterȱ AmericanȱVisionȱ Angelo’sȱSoccerȱCorner/Nikeȱ AquaticȱandȱFitnessȱClubȱȱ ArdenȱTheatreȱ ArpeggioȱRestaurantȱ BertaȱSawyerȱBoutiqueȱ BetaȱPilatesȱȱȱ BlueȱManȱGroupȱ SandraȱCappsȱ SenatorȱRobertȱCaseyȱ CinȱCinȱRestaurantȱ CitizensȱBankȱ CurdsȱnȱWheyȱ Drake’sȱTavernȱ ElmwoodȱParkȱZooȱ Dorothyȱ&ȱBernardȱEnrightȱ Suzanneȱ&ȱDavidȱFieldsȱ Fit4Youȱ GiantȱFoodȱStoresȱ GiroudȱTreeȱ&ȱLawnȱ JayȱGlickman,ȱEsquireȱ GeorgeȱGurinowichȱ HibachiȱSteakȱHouseȬȱJenkintownȱ LaurieȱHoffmanȱ SandyȱHymanȱ RobinȱJarrettȱ JenkintownȱBuildingȱServicesȱ JulesȱThinȱCrustȱPizzaȱ JunkinȱDentalȱAssociatesȱ JustaȱKnittingȱBasketȱ SharleneȱKalenderȱ Donnaȱ&ȱLarryȱKaneȱ BillieȱJeanȱKingȱ KeswickȱTheatreȱ Jonȱ&ȱHeatherȱKlassȱ Kremp’sȱFlowersȱ LangmanȱGalleryȱȱ LeȱPapillonȱ ȱ LeisureȱFitnessȱEquipmentȱ Linda’sȱLoftȱ ȱ LongwoodȱGardensȱ MacobyȱRunȱ MakeȱitȱDigitalȱ ȱȱȱȱ MandarinȱGardenȱ MapleȱGlenȱGiftȱShopȱ MeadowlandsȱCountryȱClubȱ MelroseȱQȱ MoonstruckȱRestaurantȱ MoyoȱYogaȱStudioȱ NBCȱ Penny’sȱFlowersȱ PeruzziȱNissanȱ Pierreȱ&ȱCarloȱEuropeanȱSalonȱ&ȱSpaȱ PhiladelphiaȱFlyersȱ PhiladelphiaȱPhilliesȱ PhillyȱPretzelȱFactoryȱ PlayersȱClubȱofȱSwarthmoreȱ QdobaȱȬȱJenkintownȱ RedȱPhoenixȱ Robertson’sȱFlowersȱ RomettaȱSalonȱandȱSpaȱ Rosnov’sȱJewelersȱ RoyȱGabayȱProductionsȱ SteveȱSadownikȱ Sammy’sȱFabulousȱJewelryȱ SandyȱDeMaioȱAntiquesȱandȱFineȱJewelryȱ Andraȱ&ȱArtȱSeidnerȱ Joyceȱ&ȱJerryȱSkobinskyȱ DennyȱSomachȱ Amyȱ&ȱMichaelȱSternȱ StitchȱbyȱStitchȱ GlennaȱStoneȱ SullivanȱSteakhouseȱ TangledȱWebȱ TangoȱRestaurantȱ NicoleȱTellȱ TheȱBodyȱShopȱ TheȱMeltingȱPotȱ TraderȱJoe’sȱ TwiningȱValleyȱGolfȱ&ȱFitnessȱ StaciȱValentiȱ VillageȱPlayersȱofȱHatboroȱ VIPȱHairȱSalonȱ Walmartȱ WaterworksȱRestaurantȱ Alexandraȱ&ȱDougȱWeissȱ WestȱAvenueȱGrilleȱ WilmaȱTheatreȱ WholeȱFoodsȱ PatȱWinthropȱJewelersȱ YoungȱMedicalȱSpaȱ Women's Center of Montgomery County Attention Friends and Supporters of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County As someone already committed to our mission of empowering women and eliminating domestic violence in our community you may want to consider taking the next step by becoming a member of our Board of Directors. As members of a working board, Directors are expected to attend board meetings which are currently held every other month from September through June. These meetings are typically one and half to two hours and are held the second Thursday evening of the month. Additional responsibilities include participation on at least one Board committee, which also meet on alternate months and more frequently as needed. Directors must be active members of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County, which includes payment of the annual $35.00 membership dues and volunteering at least 52 hours of service each year (including Board meeting, committee service hours and attendance at Board fundraising events). If you have a high level of passion and commitment to our mission of ending domestic violence, this is your opportunity to become a leader in our organization and to make a real difference by volunteering your time, energy, experience and vision to our Board of Directors. Our Board of Directors is a diverse, dedicated and talented group of individuals who recognize that we can affect positive change through volunteer engagement and a shared vision for the future. By becoming a member of our Board of Directors, your involvement can directly benefit the victims of domestic violence we serve! We will be meeting with prospective candidates in the Spring. If you are interested, please contact Beth Rubin, Nominating Chair, by email at [email protected]. For more information about the Women’s Center of Montgomery County, please visit our website at Thank you! To our Parents & Grandparents (Donna & Larry): You are our MVPs. Thank you for being such wonderful champions for this critical cause – you are truly an inspiration! Love your biggest fans, Alexandra, Doug & Benjamin Michael, Jen, Aiden & Peyton & R E S U L T S , PC M A T T E R 0/"OXs0ENNBROOK0ARKWAYs3UITE ,ANSDALE0ENNSYLVANIA P sF E INFO DISCHELLBARTLECOMsW WWWDISCHELLBARTLECOM 4OLL&REE In honor of a dynamic couple, Donna and Larry Kane! From Sally Berlin AMAL BASS RHEA HUGHES MERRILL REESE FRED SHABEL Thank you for your generous support! And to our Execu ve Director, Maria Macaluso, the Staff, Board and Volunteers of The Women’s Center of Montgomery County We honor your service and dedica on! Donna and Larry Kane Help and Hope Alcoholism and drug addiction affect as many as 1 in 4 households in Montgomery County. For more than 47 years, we have guided individuals and families to a sober, healthier, productive way of life. Proud to share the Women’s Center’s goal of healthier lives and families Confidential Contact: 800-245-4746 ~ email: [email protected] Watch our Reassuring Video and find Complete Information at: Fort Washington 550 Pinetown Road #150 (across fr. Post Office) 215-547-1440 Haverford 355 W. Lancaster Avenue 215-340-1765 Bensalem 4833 Hulmeville Rd. 215-638-5200 and six other regional locations Congratulations to the Staff, Board and Volunteers of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County for 37 Years of Supportive Services Helping Victims of Domestic Violence Rosalie Marcus and Bob Winthrop Office Space Available Women’s Center of Montgomery County Elkins Park office: 8080 Old York Road, Suite 200, Elkins Park, PA 19027: 650-700 square feet in professional building with additional access to meeting room space. Near train station and bus routes. For more information call 215-635-7346. for making a difference an everyday thing. PNC proudly supports the Women’s Center of Montgomery County’s Spring Brunch Celebration. ©2013 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved. PNC Bank, National Association. Member FDIC THE VALUE OF TRUE GENEROSITY CAN’T BE MEASURED. THE WOMEN’S CENTER SHOULD KNOW. Raymond James is proud to support the Women’s Center of Montgomery County HILARY SEABROOK Vice President, investments 215.881.2717 [email protected] DANIEL C. JONES Branch Manager Senior Vice President, Investments 215.881.2712 [email protected] FOR ALL YOUR FINANCIAL PLANNING NEEDS 1095 Rydal Road, Suite 240 Rydal, PA 19046 T 215.881.2700 // T 866.760.3544 // F 215.887.3281 ©2013 Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC Raymond James is a registered trademark of Raymond James Financial, Inc. 13-BR3EY-0027 BS 3/13 Congratulations to the Women’s Center of Montgomery County and to Andra Seidner for her commitment to this important cause. Alice and Len Sayles If you liked the party décor for today’s Behind the Scenes event, contact SLS Productions, Inc. and we will be happy to discuss your needs. SLS Productions is a full service event and theme party production company with 30 years of experiece that produces any event, small or large, private or corporate, through creative planning, unique entertainment, special effects and props, original design and innovative décor. SLS Productions is also an expert in antiques, fine arts and crafts show management. One trademark feature within home show venues is the special section, Artisans’ Row, showcasing professional fine artists and artisans, and a diverse selection of quality antiques and accessories for interior design. SLS Productions often acts as a liaison for several art galleries. In addition, SLS consults for developing community events and promotional strategies for these events. Some of these events include, but are not limited to: non-profit fundraising, galas, garden tours and designer show houses. Stephanie L. Seidner, President 215-699-8117 [email protected] SLS Productions, Inc. We salute your continuing commitment to helping women! Nancy & Marc Shrier We honor Donna Jarrett-Kane and the Women’s Center Susan and Ronald Trichon BEST WISHES TO THE WOMEN’S CENTER OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY FOR CONTINUED SUCCESS In honor of the Staff, Board members and Volunteers of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County and in celebration of the work you do With best wishes for a success event! Myra & Jeff Chase Bonnie Bickman Congratulations to Todd Carmichael and Lauren Hart for their contributions to the community CMT Consulting, LLC is a medical billing firm. We exclusively support psychologists, psychiatrists, marriage & family therapists, and other behavioral health professionals. Receive personalized attention that eliminates billing headaches. Always work with the same billing professional. Say goodbye to the high cost of 1) looking for the right software, MEDICAL BILLING You’re in the business of helping others. We’re in the business of helping you. and 2) training staff. We handle your claims from start to finish, without missing a beat. Release the unnecessary stress, increase cash flow, and gain time for yourself and your practice. State Representative Stephen McCarter th Why do it alone? Leave your billing headaches behind—and in safe hands. Call today to learn more! 215-588-6586 or visit us online at 154 Legislative District 215 S. Easton Road Glenside, PA 19038 (215)-572-5210 [email protected] Thank you for all you do on behalf of domestic violence victims. Best of luck! Best Wishes to the Women’s Center of Montgomery County for continued success! Rabbi Robert Leib Old York Road Temple-Beth Am Congratulations to the dedicated staff and volunteers of Women’s Center of Montgomery County as you celebrate 37 years of service to domestic violence victims and the empowerment of women! Sherry & Mike Rosner The Pauker Family honor those who assist in the important work of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County The members of nxt2normal congratulate the Women’s Center Best wishes to the Women’s Center of Montgomery County, the staff and volunteers as you continue to provide much needed services to our community! Marianna Sullivan Mission Statement of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County The Women’s Center of Montgomery County is a volunteer, community organization with a primary focus on freedom from domestic violence and other forms of abuse. Our programs, policies and procedures reflect our strong commitment of empowering women. The Board of Directors and Staff of the Women’s Center would like to express our sincere appreciation to the following individuals for their support toward ensuring the success of this Champagne Brunch: Michelle Block Ron & Celie Gevurtz Elsa Kramer June DeShields Judith & Alan Harland Lila & Harry Schultz Caren Fogel Jennifer Klass Kathleen Valentine Continued Best Wishes to the Women’s Center of Montgomery County Linda Bojman Congratulations to the Women’s Center for the years of service and empowerment of women! Sandy & Ronny Capps Continued Best Wishes to the Women’s Center of Montgomery County Marjorie Curtis-Cohen, MD Thank you to the Women’s Center of Montgomery County for your leadership and commitment to serving victims of domestic violence and empowering women! Joyce and Ted Eisenberg Best Wishes to the Volunteers and Staff of the Women’s Center. You are all stars in any contest. Continue tops in your arena! Suzanne and David Fields Our good wishes for a successful event. Gail and Alan Josselson Best Wishes Susan R. Laduca, PhD Family & Marriage Counseling Our Live Auctioneer Harris Grubin Harris Gubin is an account executive at First Contact HR, a leader in background screening and HR solutions. The Fort Washington, PA based company provides employers nationwide with timely and accurate information for making informed hiring decisions and reducing employment risk. In his spare time, Harris acts a live auctioneer and MC for various organizations and charities throughout the community. He began his auctioneering career three years ago alongside Steven and Joshua Katz, formerly of Max and David’s Restaurant in Elkins Park, PA. Steven, Joshua, and Harris volunteer their services, while proceeds benefit the Katz Family Charitable Trust, which supports and enhances the formal and informal education of children everywhere. Visit www.katzfamilytrust. org for more information. First Contact HR encourages its employees to support the local community, which allows Harris to fully utilize his networking and business development skills to realize his passion in supporting nonprofits through fund raising. To book Harris for your next auction, please contact him at 267-872-9342 or email him at [email protected] Your Mother's Closet 703 West Avenue, Jenkintown, PA 19046 215-885-0620 Monday - Saturday, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Eliminating Domestic Violence Is Not Child's Play. It Takes Education At All Levels Of Society With Congratulations to the honorees, the Special Events Committee and the Women's Center Staff and Volunteers from Marilyn & Skip Rosskam CONGRATULATIONS LAUREN HART & TODD CARMICHAEL FOR OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP & CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR COMMUNITY.
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