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1 - Property Plus
FROM NORTHLAND TO THE NORTHSHORE Your comprehensive weekly guide to property : Current to 7 November 2012 Retire In Style On The Northshore See inside cover for more details In this issue : CHECK OUT THIS MONTHʼS ʻLifestagesʼ - Retirement Planning & Lifestyle Feature Property Investment: Interest Rates And Ipredictions Life Stages: Where Will You Live? Life Options: Reshaping Living Arrangements Retire: How, How Much With And When Visit our website propertyplusnorthland.co.nz Real Estate Listings from Page 14 1HZ6KRZ+RPH &RPLQJ6RRQ &RQWDFWXVWRGD\WRILQGRXWPRUH$KRPHV &QU6WDWH+LJKZD\6DQGIRUG5RDG, BH 130 130.3sqm length: 17.21m width: 9.07m /RXQJH 'LQLQJ %DWKURRPV %HGURRPV 7KHSULFHZHVD\LVZKDW\RXSD\ 1RVXUSULVHV 6KRZKRPH $WD0DKLQD:D\ 5XDNDND 6KRZKRPH2SHQ 0RQ)ULDPSP 6DWE\DSSRLQWPHQW %UXFH0DUWLQ 0RE_HEUXFHPDUWLQ#DKRPHVFRQ] <RX UHMXVWDIHZVWHSVDZD\IURPKRPH 2 $KRPHV Z Z Z $ K R P H V F R Q ] Contents From The Publisher This Issue: I n this week ’s issue of P ropertyPlus we look at the necessary things one needs to consider prior to retiring and no, this is not a checklist made a couple of weeks before the actual date of event. It takes careful planning from an early stage in life onwards. Leaving your retirement planning to the last minute will limit your options and often result in drastically changing your lifestyle. Now, that’s one to ponder on, we do not work all of our lives to when the time comes to retire not have enough money left to enjoy the fruits of our hard labour. Retirement planning, at its best, is about much more than the size of your nest egg . Most people prepare for later life by focusing on a single, k ey question: Have I saved enough? Yes, a healthy nest egg is important, but it's just as important to develop a vision for how you want to spend your time in later life.After all, the more specific your plans, the easier it will be to gauge just how much money you'll need and how fulfi lling your retirement years will be. With that in mind, one of the smartest ways to prepare is to map out a to-do list, one that counts down to ‘Retirement Day’. Turn to page 5, and let yourself be informed about the many facets to consider before you can put your feet up. Furthermore, on page 4, Frank Newman gives us a concise overview on what Iprediction stands for , fascinating stuff really – one must not delve in it too deeply because one would become rather depressed. With all the accumulated knowledge and intelligence in the world, you have to wonder why we still run our economies lik e a betting agency. A big Thank Y ou! to the North Harbour W aterpolo team for their stellar assistance in helping us to promote PropertyPlus in the Northshore last week end. The sun was shining upon us and this certainly put a smile on everyone’s dial. ‘Lifestages’ - Retirement Planning & Lifestyle Feature 4 5 6 8 9 Advertisers Property Investment: Interest Rates and Ipredictions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Matters Of Choice: Where Will You Live, When You Retire? Life Options What Are Your Retirement living Options Life Plan: Retire How, How Much And When To Retire? Ready Steady Go Your Checklist To Retirement Planning 10 Life Sense: 11 A Platinum Home Under Construction: Cavalier Homes The Palms GJ Gardener Signature Homes Platinum Homes Pacific Homes Bella Homes Homeworld A1 Homes Henderson Reeves Classic Builders Platinum Homes Commerce Central Professionals Northland Real Estate Casa Real Estate Ray White Allens Ray White Warkworth Join Marty In His Weekly Building Progression Story 12/... Check out some of The Finest starting from page 14 Open Homes - Listings & Map PropertyPlus is locally owned & operated and published by Dutch Courage Media & Publishing Ltd. PropertyPlus is subject to copyright in its entirety. The contents may not be reproduced in any form, either whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher. View online at propertyplusnorthland.co.nz Pr ou d Ow ly 1 ne 00 d %N Si nc ew e 19 Zea 84 la nd Robyn Mathews Lawyers Tired of looking through masses of property listings? Anita King-Lassauw $290,694 AwardPlus Specification Fowler Homes Healthy Mind & Healthy Body Happy Reading! Preston 225 sqm Ryman Health Contact Details: Unit 1 18-22 Commerce Street, PO Box 1770, Whangarei 0140, Phone 09 974 8148 Email: [email protected] And we will deliver to your address every week! (09) 974 8148 Issue 177 : 31 October 2012 Deal Direct With Me - Start To Completion Hi, I’m Wayne Pickerill, Managing Director & Project Manager for your new Fowler Home. We will have exactly what you need to know about building your new home and guide you through the process. Enjoy quality and benefits of an efficient, low overhead nationwide company. Fowler homes have done it this way since the early 1980’s. Just some of the specifications: • Plans & Building consent • Smeg appliances • 300L hot water cylinder • Tinted double glazing • Carpet & Tiles • Curtains & blinds PLUS 120sqm of concrete driveway between 25th Oct through to 25th Dec 2012 Contact us for full comprehensive specification Wayne Pickerill Managing Director ... more designs at www.fowlerhomes.co.nz or visit our office at 63 Walton Street, Whangarei Phone Wayne Pickerill 09 438 4840 PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 17 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 3 +20(729,(: Start Your Dream Retirement In Northlands Premier Lifestyle Village 3UHVHQWHGE\ The Falls Estate Lifestyle Village 94 Boundary Road, Tikipunga Whangarei 0112 P 09 437 5844 F 09 437 1365 M 0274 805 892 &RQWDFW Graham or Ailsa to view now or to discuss what offers are available 6KRZKRPH+RXUV 6LPSO\7KH%HVW:LWK%HOOV:KLVWOHV Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm, Weekends and Public Holidays 10am to 3pm <RXKDYHWRVHHWKLVKRPHWREHOLHYHLW« • 3-large bedrooms • Double garage • Two living areas • Ensuite • Kitchen to die for • Heat • Three • Spa decks pump • Basement storage Room $QGPXFKPXFKPRUHIRUDQDPD]LQJ Northland’s Premier Lifestyle Village for the Over 55’s The Falls Estate Lifestyle Village is purpose built for enjoying life now and in the future. Experience the perfect balance of independence, security, great company and new friends. FOR SALE at ONLY $335,000 We offer 24/7 emergency assistance with the Village Managers Graham & Alisa, who live on site which is great piece of mind not only for you but your families too. 2 Hole 3 Par Golf Course • Croquet • Billiards & Pool • Indoor Bowls • Shop & Bar • Gymnasium • Hair Salon • Library • Spa Pool & Swimming Pool • Blokes Shed • Restaurant • Campervan Park “It could just be the best decision you ever make!” Phone (09) 437 5844 or email: [email protected] anytime for an information pack! 94 Boundary Road, Tikipunga, Whangarei, New Zealand • www.fallsestate.co.nz PROPERTY INVESTMENT Mindful Matters Reviewed Interest Rates and Ipredictions smart prices smart service smart people Fixed Legal Fees (Inclusive of GST and disbursements) Selling with Frank Newman Without mortgage discharge With one mortgage discharge T here has been a changing of the guard at the Reserve Bank. Alan Bollard has retired after 10 years as Governor and Graeme Wheeler taken on the top job. Mr Wheeler is a former executive at the World Bank and most recently ran a consultancy in the US. $750 $900 Purchasing Without mortgage With one mortgage $900 $1000 Refinancing Although the governor may have changed, the Governors message hasn’t. Last week Mr Wheeler left the official cash rate (OCR) at 2.5% saying it is appropriate for now. That has led to a debate about the meaning of “for now” (much like courtroom lawyers arguing about the meaning of “and”). Some say that means an imminent rise, others say a fall. Strong opinions are being advocated for both possibilities. One discharge and one new mortgage $800 A non-refundable deposit of $150 will be charged at the time of engagement. Conditions apply. See our website or call us. smart move conveyancing is a division of: Henderson Reeves Connell Rishworth Lawyers Limited. P: 09 430 4988 F: 09 438 6420 Those arguing for an OCR increase say it would cool the housing market. That alone is unlikely to persuade the Governor given the property market is only strong in Auckland and Christchurch and for their own reasons. E: [email protected] www.smconveyancing.co.nz 1(:67</,6+'(6,*1:,7+ &$9$/,(5+20(6 If anything, the vital signs are suggesting the OCR should fall rather than rise. The economy is flat lining and inflation is below the Reserve Bank’s 1-3% target range. A rate fall would probably lower the value of the kiwi dollar (at least in the short-term), which would bring some benefit to exporters. <h[[F^ed[00800 479 847 F$E8en*'&."AWce"M^Wd]Wh[_rJ0&(-*-/.+-/rJ0&/*)+'**( 7+,6%($87< $0867729,(: Possibly the best “opinion” about the next OCR announcement on 6 December 2012 is the futures market, ipredict. .RZL/DNHV'ULYH 2QH7UHH3RLQW Ipredict was established in 2008. It describes itself as a “market-based political and economic forecasting system.” I would describe it more like a betting agency. Its power is in harnessing the wisdom of crowds. Unlike an opinion poll, on this market punters actually put their money where their mouth is and take a bet on a future outcome. Because they are putting their own money at risk, they tend to be more accurate than polling where a person is randomly phoned at dinner time on a Sunday evening. Here’s an example of how the ipredict “market” works. Essentially each contract pays out $1 should a specific event occurs, and nothing if it doesn’t. It’s a straight win – lose. How much people pay for that contract is a measure its probability of occurring. One of its contracts is the outcome of the US Presidential race. The Obama contract last traded at 55 cents, the Romney contract 45 cents. In other words, at the time of the last trade punters believe there is a 55% chance that Obama will win. Those buying an Obama contract at 55 cents will receive $1 if Obama does win (and a profit of 45 cents per contract!). 2SHQ+RXUV 6DW6XQDPSP RUE\$SSRLQWPHQW That contract price changes continually up to election-day as the contenders battle it out during the campaign. The contracts are particularly important when the bets relate to money matters. For example, the OCR contracts provide useful information to a property investor about interest rates. At the time of writing the various 6 December 2012 OCR contracts were trading as follows: • OCR up by 0.5%, trading at $0.01 • OCR up by 0.25%, $0.01 • OCR unchanged, $0.88 • OCR down by 0.25%, $0.11 www.cavalierhomes.co.nz • OCR down by 0.5%, $0.01 In other words those buying a contract that “Reserve Bank to not change the OCR on 6 December 2012” at 88 cents would receive $1 if that proves to be correct. So while economists may argue the pros and cons of changes to the OCR the “market” says there is an 88% chance that the OCR will not change at the December review, and if there is a change it is more likely to be down by 0.25%. Virtually no-one believes the OCR will increase in December. %HGURRPV 5DNLQJ&HLOLQJVWR/RXQJH'LQLQJDQG(QWU\ 0DLQ%HGZLWKWLOHG(QVXLWHDQGZDONLQZDUGUREH 0RGHUQ.LWFKHQZLWK)LVKHUDQG3D\NHO$SSOLDQFHV 7LOHG.LWFKHQDQG'LQLQJ5RRPÁRRUV 1HZ5HOHDVHRI7LOHV $OO%HGURRPVZLWK%XLOWLQUREHV &RYHUHG2XWGRRU3DWLRV 6W\OLVK([WHULRU3DQHOOLQJ $OXPLQLXP-RLQHU\ +HDW3XPS&KLPQH\)HDWXUH 4XDOLW\/LJKW)LWWLQJV 4XDOLW\%DWKURRP7LOHV7DS:DUHDQG9DQLWLHV /DWHVW&DUSHW5DQJH If you are in the business of IMPROVING properties for home owners that want to BUY, SELL or STAY hit the TARGET and advertise here The “no change” contracts for the 31 January 2013 and 14 March 2012 OCR reviews are trading at 86% and 82% respectively. Ipredict have contracts for inflation, unemployment, the value of the stock exchange index, chances of a recession, and others, including the future price of petrol! 4 Frank Newman is a director of Smart Business Centre Accountants. He is the author of numerous books on investment matters. For questions or comment about this article contact [email protected]. PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz Call 09 974 8148 For More Information LIFESTAGES Retirement Planning & Lifestyle Feature MATTERS OF CHOICE Lifestyle & Transitional Planning Where Will You Live, When You Retire? Choosing the right option for retirement is a matter of choice. Some people prefer a new unit in a large modern village. Some will prefer a less formal village with older units. Some people will be concerned to fi nd the right community in which they feel comfortable. P rice will be a factor too. There are also a range of legal issues too. Sometimes these can be quite complicated. One of the key points to understand is what you get back if you leave the village. In other words, what have you got to sell at the end? There are numerous options. Many villages operate on the basis that when you leave you get back your purchase price less a percentage, depending on how long you stay. You always get back less than you pay . Because of this some people describe retirement villages as the worst financial investment you will ever mak e. That may be true at a fi nancial level, but it is important to understand that moving into a retirement village is not just a financial investment. It is also a choice about how you want to live. There is a cost to that, it is not just a financial investment. It is also a lifestyle choice. “ “ R ecent years have seen some significant changes in the local mark et for retirement living . The Retirement Villages Act has changed the law on how units in retirement Villages are dealt with and this has seen the development of a number of major villages in our communities. These complement the existing options of long established villages and other informal options available in the numerous small semidetached units in and around our districts. Choosing the right option for retirement is a matter of choice Some of the structures for retirement villages are very complicated. It is important that you understand what it is you are paying and what you will get back. There are usually ongoing fees and costs as well as the sometimes complicated arrangements relating to ownership. Each village is different. The changes brought in by the Retirement Villages Act require a lawyer to explain what it is you are buying. When explaining a retirement village to a client lawyers are required to provide information in an understandable way. If you don’t understand what you lawyer is saying speak up and ask for a clearer explanation. Like any major decision, before making a decision about a retirement village you should consider what it is you are wanting and expecting . Look around at alternatives and consider the differences. Discuss the options with friends and family, and where appropriate take good legal advice. Jamie McGregor is a Senior Solicitor at Henderson Reeves Connell Rishworth Lawyers. Her specialist areas are all business residential and rural property transactions, trust formation and succession planning. Living your senior years at their very best ... The Palms Lifestyle Village is family owned & operated Here residents have the freedom to to design their own villas thus maintaining their individuality whilst enjoying all the benefits of a friendly community and genuinely caring management. • • • • • Resort style village with retirement services available A secure, safe and independent living environment Spacious, sunny architecturally designed villas, built of high quality materials (a variety of plans available) 160 Immaculate 2 & 3 bedroom villas, 80 quality luxury apartments Close to shopping centre, doctors, chemist & Mt Denby golf course • • • Community Centre which will be built at the end of Stage One, pool, gym, library, games & hobby room, cafe & function area, outdoor bowling green, proposed care facility Security gates, night security patrol, 24hr monitoring & safe links Warm environment with like-minded folk Contact us to find out more... THE PALMS LIFESTYLE VILLAGE Villa 79 - Entrance at 45 Reed Street, Tikipunga, Whangarei 0112 Hours: Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm Phone: 09 435 4020 Fax: 09 435 4021 Email: [email protected] PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 5 LIFE OPTIONS Re-shaping Living Options T What Are Your Retirement living Options Tap Into Your House Stay in your home but reduce your equity in it through a reverse mortgage. A reverse mortgage lets you take money out of your house so you can stay put. But beware of heavy fees. In some cases banks will let you fund the purchase of a new downsized home with a reverse mortgage. Move In With Your Kids (or Vice Versa) The recession has put intergenerational living back into fashion. Combining two or more households into one, saves on big expenses like property taxes and upkeep and has emotional rewards--grandma putting the grandkids to bed. Be Part Of A Natural Retirement Community he big and restless baby boom generation is reshaping living arrangements as its members begin to step into retirement. Is one of these approaches right for you? Check out your own community’s resources for the aging. Is there a community center? A van service? Some senior services encourage and provide services to help seniors remain in their homes. Groups are springing up everywhere, (like the concept ‘Stay Put’) using member dues and grants from nonprofits and government to link seniors and services in “naturally occurring retirement communities.” If you like where you live and your community doesn’t have such an effort, consider launching one--it’s a great project for a young retiree. The baby-boomers helped change the political landscape and culture, and it’s clear they will change what life in retirement will look like. And with their sheer numbers they may also shift the landscape of where retirees live, too. As recently as 15 years ago, senior citizens obligingly accepted a rite-of-passage out of their own homes and into the local rest home that everyone patronisingly called the “old folks’ home. How rapidly this has changed manifests itself in the first explosion of new retirement community options over the last two decades, which included continuing-care retirement communities. But experts expect to see new retirement living options -- and twists on old options that better cater to boomer desires to stay educated, have easy access to care and remain independent. Senior co-housing Already, there’s growing evidence of this trend. Case in point: A variation of developments in retirement living poised for growth now: Move District to Save The smartest retirement move for you might be across the country to an area with lower costs, or nearby family to help you out. After having a heart attack, Maggie Neal, 62, moved from Auckland to Waipu and found a much cheaper but nicer house and land package near her brother. “I wasn’t sure I could afford to retire,” she says, adding that her financial planner, showed her how it worked. Move Across Town If you’re well-established in your community, consider downsizing in your hometown. For example, if you’re straining under carrying costs, consider downsizing and move to a house on a smaller section, saving thousands a year in maintenance and property taxes. When you think of co-housing, you probably think of a group of people sharing one house, like seen in the once popular soap ‘the Golden Girls’. But the new senior co-housing communities are clusters of about 20 to 60 single-family houses gathered near a central home or building. If golf courses, hiking trails, and yoga classes are enticing, and you like hanging out primarily with people your own age, consider buying into an active adult-only community. Seniors buy into retirement villages for all the trappings of the modern independent lifestyle, whether it’s the swimming pool, the café and bar, the cinema, the hairdresser, the doctor, the internet café, the library/computer room or simply the chance to settle among a companionable network of new, like-minded friends. The appeal: You get to know your neighbours well and have access to community amenities, but still have privacy. And these co-housing developments are usually less expensive than continuing care facilities. Buy Into A Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) In these communities, a good example are the Ryman Healthcare villages, you start out living independently in an apartment or townhome. But should your health deteriorate, you have guaranteed access to assisted living or nursing home beds. By providing a range of options, these facilities can cater to the individual requirements of each resident and any changing circumstances that arise during their time living in the CCRC. It also means that couples who might experience differing levels of care, can also be together. Save $29,940 On Your New Home Residential Conveyancing Fixed Fees NOW ONLY $280,358* Sales • Sale without a release of mortgage - $725 • Sale with a release of one mortgage - $850 PRICE INCLUDES: Double-glazing, carpets, tiles, building consents and Signature Homes’ Comprehensive Building Guarantees. Purchase • Purchase without mortgage finance - $850 • Purchase with one mortgage - $950 *FOR OCTOBER - NOVEMBER ONLY, get the Explorer for the discounted price of $280,358. Conditions apply. BEDROOM 1 Explorer – 208m2 Refinancing ROBE FAMILY ROOM EN SUITE Formal entry for privacy and security BATHROOM Four double bedrooms DINING KITCHEN WC Ensuite and walk-in wardrobe for the master bedroom PANTRY BEDROOM 2 Two living areas Open plan living/dining areas Dedicated laundry area LOUNGE Relationship Property Transfer • Without release of mortgage to one partner pursuant to a contracting out agreement - $725 ENTRY BEDROOM 4 Walk-in linen Separate bathroom and WC • Release of existing mortgage and registration of new mortgage - $750 BEDROOM 3 • To a third party (See sales above) LAUNDRY Separate shower and bath in the bathroom *Conditions Apply to the above mentioned prices. Double garage with internal access DOUBLE GARAGE Ph 0800 082 882 5RE\Q0DWKHZV or visit signaturehomes.co.nz /DZ\HU .DPR5RDG.HQVLQJWRQ:KDQJDUHL1HZ=HDODQG 7HO_)D[_(PDLOURE\QPDWKHZV#[WUDFRQ] Showhome: 4 Rauiri Drive, Marsden Cove, One Tree Point | Open Daily 12 - 4pm Office/Showroom: 2699 State Highway 1, Ruakaka | Open Mon to Fri 8am - 5pm 6 PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 7 LIFE PLAN Benefits and Tips on Forward Planning Retire How, How Much And When To Retire? Sounds Nice. T he funny thing is, for humans, the concept of retirement is relatively new, arising in the early 1900’s as life expectancies increased. And whether we call it financial independence or retirement, it is something we all seem to universally aspire to. It may be new, but I think the idea is here to stay. Financial Planning One of the biggest financial burdens most working people have is their monthly mortgage payment. But if you pay that mortgage every month, you should have a good amount of equity in your home (if you don’t own it outright) when you retire. Then you have a decision to make: Do you want to move to a sunnier locale? Do you want to stay in the same area but downsize to a home or apartment that requires less maintenance? Or do you want to stay in your current home and deal with the maintenance? If you planned well, the choice you make will offer all kinds of opportunities for you to enjoy your retirement years. Determine Where Your Retirement Income Will Come From You may have heard the three main sources of retirement income referred to as the “three-legged stool.” The three legs are composed of superannuation, employer pensions and personal savings, but times have changed, and people don’t depend on their pension so much. So start thinking about what will be the main sources of your retirement income. How Much To Retire - Money Helps How much do you need to retire? This is a tough question to answer. It depends on a bunch of unknowns. Nevertheless, it is best to come up with an estimate. There are lots of ways to do this, but keep in mind, most simple calculations and online calculators will provide an estimate of the amount of income you will have, but they do not tell you how to get more out of what you already have. Financial planners say that you’ll need to replace 70% of your pre-retirement income in retirement so that your standard of living doesn’t go down. So how much will you need to save to get there? It might be a good idea to consult with a financial adviser. Consider that if you want to be very active in retirement (travel, golf, spoiling grandchildren), you’ll need to plan for more than 70%. From an economist view point, what everyone should want is to maintain an inflation-adjusted standard of living now all the way to age 100. Unfortunately, many people are not willing to save enough of their current income to accomplish this. They have decided that spending today is more important. This means trade-offs are necessary when retirement age nears. Perhaps the goal will be to maintain a fixed amount of income, but this income may not keep pace with inflation. In essence, this means your dollars will gradually have less and less purchasing power as you age. If a dollar today is worth more to you than a dollar when you are 85, this trade-off may be acceptable. So how do you retire? It’s simple, but not necessarily easy. You live within your means so you can save a lot. You invest your savings according to science, not hearsay. You use the smart strategies to pay as little tax as possible as you go along. You play around with online retirement calculators. You find a good retirement planner when you need help. You figure out how much retirement income you will have. You determine how to live on that, or you work longer so you can save more. There you have it. That’s what you need to do to retire one day. Once you have the practical stuff tackled, time to figure out what exactly you want to do when you retire. The possibilities are truly endless… 8 PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz LIFE PLAN Ready, Steady... Go Your Checklist To Retirement Planning Why Classic? H ere is a helpful checklist of all the things necessary to take care of before you can retire and this includes the planning for those of you nearing retirement. Many tasks should be done a year or two before the actual day of retirement whereas some are in the months leading up to the big day leaving a few to be dealt with the week of or just after retirement. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Create a cash cushion to cover short-term expenses, any emergencies and any gaps before retirement payouts begin. Adjust your asset allocation. Plan for health care coverage. Sign up for pre-retirement programs such as seminars or retirement planning programs to help you navigate the paperwork. Obtain any financing that will require a salary. (Refinance your mortgage, apply for a ‘home equity loan, apply for a cash rewards credit card, etc.) Research what day you need to be employed to in order to receive your last bonus and other accrued benefits. Use any time off that you will lose. Plan for any time off that you can use to extend your retirement date or receive a payout for. Keep track of your spending and simplify your finances. Identify and plan for any expenses that will no longer be paid for by your job. (Ex. a company car, medical insurance etc.) Calculate additional expenses: travel, leisure, sports, etc. Pick a date. Consider many of the other tasks listed here to determine your date. Pay off any small outstanding loans. Make a list of EVERYTHING you want to do when you are retired. This will help those of you who are worried about not having enough to do or getting bored. Cancel your life insurance if you no longer need it. Request any pension estimates from your plan provider. Learn about the payment plan options you will be given. (Lump sump, annuity, etc.) Use the retirement calculators to make sure your money will last. Change your contact information. (For example your email address for banks and subscriptions.) Set goals for yourself. Retirement opens up new possibilities to give you time to achieve! Evaluate your needs. Are you someone that likes structure? Do you like to be organised or go day by day? Create some routines that are enjoyable and reflect your personal needs. Consider the emotional aspects. If your identity has always involved work, you may need to plan for the emotional impact of retirement, consider voluntary work or some fun part-time job. Talk openly with your spouse. Discuss impacts and expectations of your new routine and whether or not you will both retire at the same time. Use benefits that will expire. For example, make a final vision appointment and buy new glasses or get major dental work done. Stop investment contributions on the assumption that you will be making withdrawals shortly. Reevaluate your new tax situation. Practice living on your new budgeted amount now. Make your moving plans. If you will be relocating, think about the planning for selling your house and moving and when you want it to happen. Convert group insurance. If your company offers conversion programs for life insurance and disability insurance, convert what you need to an individual policy. No Franchise Fee Buy from our Suppliers at Cost Comprehensive Building Guarantee Complimentary Interior Design Service We offer: House and Land Packages Design and Build Inspirational Plans that can be PRGLÀHGWRVXLW\RX Northcrest Drive House and Land Packages SELLING NOW!!! 43 Northcrest Drive 3 bedroom, 1 Bathroom $334,000 The Classic Team - Ken, Julie & Sc ott Determine when you are eligible for the government benefits and apply. PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 9 LIFE SENSE Healthy Mind And Healthy Body If You Carry On Doing What You’ve Always Done You Will Not Change by Rachel Watts M y study and experience has provided me with training in practical skills such as dietary and body composition assessment, as well as the general skills required for critical thinking and problem-solving in relation to overcoming obstacles to optimal health. I have a broad understanding of factors that influence food choice and awareness practices to promote dietary change. groceries into the boot of the car, caring for grandchildren or gardening. Exercise gives the capability of maintaining physical performance over years and provides you with other health benefits such as optimising blood pressure levels, improving cognitive function through increasing your ability to shift more quickly between tasks, feeling better and enjoying life more. I believe that with my passion, strategic nature and experience I am supporting the positive change that is needed in improving people’s health in Northland and the surrounding regions. Energy needs decrease with age, so you may think you don’t need to eat as much. Yet the need for most nutrients remains relatively unchanged, resulting in an increased risk of malnutrition. Malnutrition has been associated with diminished cognitive function and a lessened ability to care for one’s self, underlining the importance of good nutrition for the retired population. In order to reach the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for essential nutrients, eating whole foods will have you on your way to a good nutrient rich diet. Whole foods are nuts and seeds, vegetables, fruit, grains, beans, legumes, herbs, oily fish and lean meat. Without going into the details of benefits of each of the foods, here is a specific example of each of the whole foods you can begin to incorporate into your diet in order to reach your RDI’s; brazil nuts, ground linseed, dark green leafy vegetables (E.g. spinach, silver beet), fresh pineapple, quinoa, mixed beans, chickpeas (E.g. hummus), parsley, sardines and lean meats (organic if possible). I provide a service of creating personalised meal plans and providing nutritional advice for those wanting to reach specific goals in their health. With a holistic approach, consultations are tailored to the needs of the individual with an aim to support change and improvement in nutrition and lifestyle. “ “ Planning meals out once or twice a week is a great way to broaden your nutrient intake and perk up your social calendar! I am committed to promote healthy lifestyles in a bid to prevent chronic and other diseases and improve the quality of life for all people. I am passionate about working within our community to implement societal change both holistically and sustainably. Nutrition and Movement The goal to aging well is maintaining independence; this has been proven to be supported through good nutrition and exercise. A nutrient rich diet optimises immunity and in turn helps to prevent common diseases such as flu, respiratory disease, heart disease and diabetes. As you age, many factors can make it difficult for you to nourish yourself properly. Absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract can also be a challenge. Progressive loss of vision and hearing, as well as osteoarthritis, may limit your mobility, making it harder to shop for food and prepare meals. It is important to find practical ways to combat and prevent some of these obstacles to optimal health. Mobility is the most valuable thing when it comes to accessing the foods you need and keeping up the activities which enrich your life. Studies have shown that exercise provides many health benefits and that you can gain a lot by doing exercise and staying physically active. Exercise is a form of physical activity that is specifically planned, structured and repetitive such as weight training, tai chi or an aerobics class. This kind of physical activity helps to build up strength for everyday activities such as climbing stairs, lifting Unbelievable Value... &REEOH/DQH6KRZKRPH 2SHQ6XQGD\VDPSPRUE\$SSRLQWPHQW Fantastic Buy at $265,000 - Sold 10 Already 'SFFPI0ERI6E[LMXM7XVIIXSJJ1SVRMRKWMHI6SEH Optimal absorption of nutrients is very important and some what challenging when reaching the later years in life due to decreased function in the gastrointestinal tract. Ways to help absorption is by softening vegetables in a soup or lightly steaming the vegetables so that the gastrointestinal tract is more readily able to digest these nutrient rich foods. Juicing vegetables is another extremely effective way to obtain all the nutrients your body needs without dealing with the breaking down of the fibre in the gut. Of course fibre is very important in the diet and therefore with juicing it is important that you incorporate the whole form of the vegetable in your diet as well. Preparing meals such as vegetable soups and having them in the deep freeze readily available, or having access to meals on wheels service, is particularly vital in providing your body with optimal nutrients. Eating communally is another way to increase interest in food, social interaction is also proven to increase cognitive function. Planning meals out once or twice a week is a great way to broaden your nutrient intake and perk up your social calendar! Rachel Watts BCApSc Maj. Human Nutrition University of Otago NORTHLAND NUTRITION 0272731166 YES!!! You Can OwnYour Own Home! • Brand New 2 Bedroom Homes • Fantastic First Home Buyer Opportunity • No Body Corp Fees - Free Hold Titles • Affordable House And Land Packages • Close To Bus Route and Town • Brand New Brick And Tile 3/4 Bedroom Homes,Your Design Or Ours • Unbeatable Value • Priced From An Incredible $279,000 • Safe and Secure Environment • Minimal Deposit Required • Walking Distance To Supermarkets & Shops • Finance Options Available NeverTo Be Repeated Prices from $279,000 Be In Ouick! 6MHKI[E](VMZI/EQS &DOORXUIUHHSKRQHQXPEHUWREHSXWGLUHFWO\LQWRXFKZLWK0$5. ZZZSDFL¿FKRPHVFRQ]_-HOOLFRH6WUHHW0RUQLQJVLGH 10 PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz A Platinum Home… Under Construction Join Marty In His Weekly Building Progression Story The Bones of the Build …. Last week we explained how the ground preparation takes shape before pouring the concrete slab for your new home. Now that this part of the build is complete, the next phase is to erect the frames and the trusses and to place the roof on. This is where things really get exciting as you see the shape of your home! Frames The exterior frames have arrived in accordance with the ‘Frames and Trusses Plan’ supplied by the factory. Direction is given to the exact location of where the frames need to be safely offloaded and laid out around the concrete slab. This can take up to half a day – given the often tight work areas, it is an intricate part of the operation. One of our builders (The team from KD Johnston Builders) will turn up on site and the first thing that they do is unpack the frames which are ‘shrink-wrapped’ to protect them during transport and delivery. My job in this part of the process in particular is to check on the quality of the product, ensure that the frames are straight and the correct treated wood has been used. Quality control is paramount at all stages of the building process and it is no different here. Attention to detail is essential in the raising and securing of the framework, and it is here where the experience and skills of our builders comes to the fore. External and internal frames and fixings are matched up. The frames are secured to the concrete slab using downpins, dynabolts, screwbolts and the like. Since the Christchurch earthquake, rules and regulations have tightened up even more and this particularly applies to fixings and fittings. With the walls up, the slab no longer appears ‘small’, and my clients can now wander through their home and feel the space! fixing inspection. The council also inspects the works to doubly ensure that all is as it should be. This framework represents the ‘bones’ of the build which supports the rest of the construction; cladding, windows, doors, interior walls and roof. This framework supports the weight, so we ensure this checking procedure is extremely thorough. Using solid timber frames means there is peace of mind for me and my clients, and also allows us to take advantage of using stylish concrete tiles (more on that later!) Once the trusses go up there has to be a correct set out for the facia, gutters and soffits, since these vary in size. Precision is required in this rather intricate part of the process so all is prepared for Fascia and Spouting Specialists Ltd to tackle their part of the job. All this attention means you get straight lines and a great finish to your eaves! Roof It’s all happening now! With the placement of the roof, our clients finally get to see the shape of their new home (often hard to visualise on paper). At Platinum Homes, we generally use a concrete roof tile with underlay, and this is supplied and laid by Webbs Brick & Roof Tiles Ltd - our certified roofing contractor. While they are placing the roof, for safety no one is allowed on site, but as they are so fast it will only be for short time.Our concrete tiles have a 50 year guarantee and supply our homes with additional insulation and warmth, an added bonus for our clients. With the roof on all our contractors are able to get stuck in to the build, no matter what the weather is. We pride ourselves in our communication with our clients. As part of this, I take detailed photos to email to clients. Some of our clients might not live nearby and are unable to be physically present but still love to be kept in the loop on the developments around the construction of their home. Next week, I’ll go into how we wrap the house up, and some of the hidden complexities of this apparently simple job….. Sub-Contractors: 1. Laser Electrical Silverdale (09) 426 3852 2. Humphrey Brick & Block Laying 021 615 472 Trusses Once the frames are up, the trusses go on. These engineer designed structures support the roof, and for safety, are lifted into place using a Hiab. They are then secured and strapped down ready for the roof to go on. Again, everything needs to be checked to make sure the entire framework is square, level, and appropriately braced. Once the trusses are all up, an engineer will complete the beam and 3. KD Johnston Builder Ltd 0274 784 776 4. Webbs Brick & Roof Tiles Ltd (09) 425 9080 / 021 955 549 5. Fascia & Spouting Specialists (07) 577 0627 Platinum Homes Wiltshire Showhome: 312m 259m $357,000 $311,000 *Platinum Series 22 Corner of Grand Drive and Flavel Drive, Orewa Open 10am - 4pm, 7 Days *Platinum Series Specifications Specifications Platinum Homes Wiltshire Showhome: Corner of Grand Drive and Flavel Drive, Orewa Open 10am - 4pm, 7 Days HOME AND LAND PACKAGES Coatesville Riverhead Highway. Includes Home, Land, and on site costs: Lisburn $525,000 Yorkshire $623,000 and Wiltshire $729,000 0RQDFR'HVLJQ :LOWVKLUH'HVLJQ Call us now ! 0508 PLATINUM (752 846) Platinum Homes local (09) 421 0138 www.platinumhomes.co.nz 4709722AS 4709722AS PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 11 IN THE KNOW Open Home Etiquette The Do’s And Don’ts When Visiting An Open Home Or A Show Home S Don’t Speak Up o you have made the decision to go house-hunting and thus preparing yourself to be visiting a good number of suitable homes. Before you set out on your ‘window shopping spree’ please make sure to read up on the New Zealand Open Home Etiquette. Keep your comments to yourself. There is nothing worse than going through an open home near another couple who continually and loudly point out features of the home – whether they’re good or bad comments. If you don’t like the property, there’s no need to verbalise it. After all, the people right behind you may be the buyers. Also, family or friends of the owners may be present in the home at the time of the inspection and they don’t want to hear a stranger’s critique. Respect the time Don’t be late to an open for inspection. Be sure to arrive at least 20 minutes before the viewing time closes. Remember that Saturday is the busiest day of the week for real estate agents, with most of their listings open for inspection. Therefore, open times have been meticulously planned and agents usually run from one open home to the next. Arriving late is not only disrespectful, it can disrupt and cause stress to an already busy agent’s day. In regards to visiting a showhome, the rules are a little more relaxed, the biggest difference being that you are not visiting a home that someone lives in but a brand spanking new construction instead. That said, here also needs to be a level of respect regarding the visiting times, so if you feel you need more or a different time then allowed in visiting hours, schedule a personal appointment instead. Lose Your Shoes Park Discretely It’s common courtesy to remove your shoes as you enter another person’s home and the same goes for open homes. It’s not polite to track dirt and mud through the house, nor is it polite to eat or drink in someone else’s home. Consider the time and effort gone into cleaning and making the home presentable by the owner before your arrival. Don’t park in the driveway. Remember, some people will want to take in the aesthetics of the home from the road, and if you’ve parked your big four-wheeldrive up against the front door, it could put off potential buyers. Keep the lawns and driveway clear of your car and be sure to park it up the road. Hands To Yourself Don’t touch personal belongings. Going through cupboards, touching ornaments, picking up household items and sticky-nosing at photos on the walls is not good inspection etiquette. If you are genuinely interested in the property and would like another private inspection on the home to check things like cupboard dimensions, organise a one-on-one inspection with the agent. OPEN HOMES Flag Grid Time Address Price Agent Auction RWWW $795,000 RWWW Leigh Saturday 3 November 1 Watch the little ones If you take children to an open home, be sure to keep them with you at all times. It’s best not to let them run out to the backyard to play on another child’s swing set or let them run wild through the backyard. The busy agent and genuine buyers inspecting the property won’t appreciate loud, uncontrolled children at an open home. A3 1:00-2:00 48 Matheson Bay Road, Mathesons Bay Warkworth Sunday 4 November 2 A1 1:00-2:00 35 Sandspit Road AGENTS KEY: RWWW - Ray White Warkworh SHOW HOMES Flag Grid Company Name Leave your signature Be sure to register and sign in with the agent/representative when you arrive at the open home. This registry is a ledger for the owner to see how many people attended the open home. If you have any feedback about the home and its price, let the agent know so this can be relayed to the owner. 12RMZNSH241012 PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 Details 1 C1 The House Company 8 Laura Jane Drive, Millwater, Silverdale, By Appointment 2 C1 Jennian Homes 2 Fennell Crescent, Millwater, Silverdale, By Appointment 3 C1 Generation Homes 201 Millwater Parkway, Silverdale, Open 10 - 4pm, 7 days 4 C1 GJ Gardner Homes 1 Bonair Crescent, Millwater, Silverdale, Open Wed to Sun 12 - 4pm or by appointment 5 B1 Platinum Homes Cnr Grand Dr & Flavel Dr, Owera, Open 10am - 4pm, 7 days View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 7YLZLU[LK)` 30*,5:,+9,(( Alnwick i Ko wh a Puriri i Ko wh a Hill d Rd pit Sa nd s v Dr re Ko ta ri D rv Law rie V i ew ce an Auro Parr y La go on D rv Ma y e ch or ag O maha st A n e rnd al e ve la de a ta Ta u m an s ec res o in 3 t t D rv n Everard a s pea r R d Vist Everard Bl ue D'U r ville S h ak e Fis he rm oo e Ser en fs c C lif V is t a Bella Har La gu n a i So uth w rk m o d o re Com Ke n Pa e Reg ap La ur ie rv Pin e c r e s t D ok a ra oa ng ap Brixto n w Ca re e ar Ma Mi n l Mo ly Pa e rk tu o ra le pu La d ies Ra Wha n ita Bon ne i nm Stre or et eB Rid ay or ge ne Ro ad O St a Fred eric k o ir Kn ott Re dH G r Tua tu a a ds lan Ama nd Virginia Th e G Goo da A rd er S wann Beac n h Kauri Rd Lea Bl u e He r St illw a Du ter ck Cr ee k Do rn ie Kauri Ma yn e or th We Twilight Sh amr ock Car oline Da t y F Ed D a y Daw n r r J n e o Kit raz e r it Gifafo rd St Anne The South e rnEsme ci f i View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz Pi n int m Pa an od Parkvie w Ba y D d Vie w C ape C GULF HARBOUR ub le Okoro mai C lan s m Gulf Harbour Country Club rv Kotanui ila h Hav Do an Gu l f H arbou vIs r Dr l d en Maylee o od a Ca sc er ne ca Vo y My ra La c Bu res Po er P Ree f S treet Pal an ar st Ea ak in n Sp o kin Ra r Robe South dia la n r rie Mo ntp all ie Alec Cr a ig Ta tes Wa y g Ke School ep er s Clea View a Am l Lea a Ze ar Motutapu B le itt ne hra L t tree es S s Jam Arkle et Williams Street ke Stre an Du et t Stre George S C oc Herm er D Da cre ern d' de B M Lin k ort h ag Tiller Alv r si e Ru bour PVil la ge ar kw Motu kete kete t al Argo Riv ra ur nb Raw hi t Mat Ng at i a Win ira Ko tu ku A wa ng i te d Mo ward Ca rmen m r e an o a Panui Aroh a ia Su h Rd Tar a y es Ba llia m Wi Rd L ei g Beach S t Rd Sa nd s pit Cre e k S t Jam es S t t er ca s Mu n sole n igh Lan c elot Centreway Milt on y wa Lau ri e Weste hden rn Ma rie Pin e s he R us Ha Gil llden e e ss cc e no nA Le n Hew Hibiscus Coas Edward Alice Rd Ma rine Elizabeth nia l len to Rd on Hatton pt Cr am G rov Pan ora ma Joh n D ee t High way Panorama Nga Asc ot n Mil tor As att an Ma nh Ro se ne ll Fe n Anc h o rite Rd Old M ill t Rd Wi llo w re s ora To h Ma ng a i Rd Tio whir g at a Ma n te Wa R Zita Av e Ca pitol ck Ale d Pacifi c Pde Whangaparaoa Golf Club d ga l i pm g Fin M i d s h Cra i c a cle Bin n l ey Crown Brow n Cross Pa lmgre en n Ela w Rish PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 ARKLES 2 H il l S BAY treet a u v lb o a D rv B ea As t u rd Ha East Street Rim n nto alk TINDALLS BEACH er ts R d lty Pe Hobbs R ira g ob ARMY BAY t S ie s a den Dr v Arklow W aven Fa irh e ckl Co Gu rnard Ka th y r a y R in ne Mo Ber d Whangaparaoa Bay S hu to n College ls o re Street Ra t Grant M Th e Tin da l Ma Gr a an dview Cre t ai R n d L ue sc e Gl De ell am nt De cu s idw K a is l sh bis id S r e p iro aw n Da v The Es p l anade Layto Barw La Rus ick a k at ia Pa rad e Tu u re n ce sell Mat Po Stre lip l ki n g d e ra h t hR n Mo e c o ai Tow er Hill Cr t a x n os Bri Be Wade sS Ri v t Rd er Rd Ch omestead reet T h e C i r c hiti n an Br do aHr les o d Fer ve a lbr iri R ry R nzie A S e W t K c T t e d M John d i Rd Stra n Street Sh retere ha Tir Su or t S t Ark l es Haw W n do Kestrel int East a wn a iia n Po Stre Bay Street lse et ra t Co e k e r St w g ha Youn lly Mo Ban Cl ay k fo l Te Ru ru To ta ra aoa Rd Ma r i ne r a s t a w ay g t o ns inMan Rose rtins vill e aye R c y bB noa tro la m en Ad sc re C l nC ra so Co ck Ja Jav elin n G le rry West Stree nt g a nya s h ow ttlew o r th rdl d Hu Melan dra B o re St a nm Holiday Su rf R d Aru Paua Pipi Sca ndr ett Road Mille r Way u de Rd tai Ku ah u Ka r Map need updating? Ph 0508 REALMAP (732 562) e Av Cla Ozo ne i r No Hiw hts ide P ar a o aC Omaha ol ro e Alb on yd Jo Rd Jean a ngton ian B La Wir Beverley ri g C Koko pu Pa tik i nga In a Av mes te St k d Mera R ja Will iora Wa k Rd d Pl Mariner s Th e N oo don Cra ig Go r ess Deern ne st a an g a p Wh ee Cr Ch ot arl Ceda r R Sco tt Ke wai Tuna Whangaparoa STANMORE BAY School Ru by i ed Gl ck a Ta iaw a e Para on de A l is d ll R n i Matarik Te Mau ri Te Mana aF le Du Elliston aro Broadlands Drv Ridge R d ld ta Gre Stanmore Bay yly D'O n le e r Rd Alexand in Spr n es Brian Cr ado Cooper i st Th h jo In c F n sb Do n a B e ll k le gi- Ath Ma bly ue e ss Du ng ar vo pe ch Slo ALGIES BAY e gtim ll be Do S ucc Me i Ge r ontius Ran ls io r Relia nc e h Wo o d rie In got Penguin ea do M Lo ng Par kL ane ers Mill w Sharp Rd Fa lls Chu rch au Nga h so n Tho mp 1 ay H ig hw St a te igh wa y1 A t ec L ax Cr d Wi th ar Kas p d dR au M atakana R A Hud son Rd Au c k H l an Maso n os p Exc e N St a te H Rita Bl Pr ey ra ng i st Da l ton Rd maa Ta a Wa y Id er Pip n o Sc h o er Hero n th i e e ton S unrise r va Rive New ma n Rd ie w Gr d Da vid Mc Ca le Ky i D e an t ou n er v lsid r ir Bri ck B a y B aL r d Sh n ca w v ie rth No ry e d oa d ipon d R nto Ellen bu kv al V o yR e re Br o John Ca Andr pla Po nR 1 ha i Show Home a le Glenelg Wh Rd Me s Co a In le t Sn apper er Do na ld d un Flo © Praedium Discovery Pty Ltd K Te Katene on er t on lia d er R STILLWATER Not Speci¿ed Auction / Tender Du Puka pu k aRoad D Ko mpttle kih on i Elgin r Pl ch Rd dilly Pic ca Washingto n w a u Vie el v Ngapara Mare l l e n Ch e s on ma g s en Iris n Rd Dawso Brig itte Over $800,000 RED BEACH p Du e r C rn he es lve s rt M at h Rd w Ne h s Me Snells Beach School $600,000 to $800,000 riv e Up otu Pu Ariki Drv Ka w i East Rd urang Mah Foster T he D r the Es ne r y Ch e M Vista Me re Ha mp Co Lit ne Hi Co r nel PRICE BRACKET n nna Ha ll B rv Tam K ate apa ahu aD rv Hama tana Snells Bea Under $400,000 Glov e Wa lt r on Apollo n Brampto t ge S Snells Beach on P an Gr Koh u x B ay V i s t a d er t t SANDSPIT ll rnor G ove er- Pillbo ac h R d Alb Le tt No el $400,000 to $600,000 pla Po ead Ara be Fo res No rthbridge t Ro ad r Th Bay S ay K au igieburn Cra gh no SILVERDALE st in e n ilto HATFIELDS BEACH Mo ana Tamariki Mo enu i Rd Pin e Co ur th ou se Empire Ross urn Ro sario ry R d c R ea Rd B eac h p Loo e at Bird o ri o rb Th e Whanga pa r oa R Spur Rd H t sgRewoad ardEd Edw Am Bric k B Rd Marine Weiti Rd Hi oas t us C ay ir w Fa Albatross Peninsula Golf Course 4 McC a O Rd Puriri Ave 3 2 Orewa College e Red Bie e Gr ad Hepburn Creek Ro en ie lan Me Riverside River Foun d Ea g le ic a l ut o ri H f fa t Rd nP c Hibis w v ie en y wa ay Polarity rs W a Tit wa ka tu hu Po n Vero Seamount Rd Fu r Fo rge Rdnac e Pet e nB v il An R er S il v Keit Agen h Hay cy Bla n c Rd Rd ern View s ow a Driftw o od ate Mil ay R lw a oa Seagglass ter d Spy Ce n Pa S t r al rk le da C Cu rle y v To tara Bonair d ja Ma ti Ma School Mo Jelas Rd te t as Co L Galbr au ra aith Ja G r ne ee Ba ns nk s id e Lon gm or nair Silverdale e Bo nuel Rd C Vivia n wo od S a lt Wa rl o oR le Sett ey 1 Ma er g r o ve ay ell Nick rs n Sto ILLWATER lt Wa B y Butl er esid e HodgartaRr toonad y Old N or t West Hoe Rd Florenc e Av e Lillian Den ham Dan Tori Ma M il l wa te Mo o r P ar kw r es u sh Manuka Nu kumea C Lakeside dd nica l ide lett BartVe ra Rd el l ad o He The r Rit r z l no Car ve m Do t h H op per Ju L ak Bota Blackwood n ks Ba w Sid T a uranga w a ts Ore igh mbS as s Hi l lcr est Pur iri Dr v nd eld Gr ahester fi Ashburn Gro Ka i Ea v es B Ru by Kow ha Flav ell Rd Su n Va l le Ken sing ton Parkside Hibiscus G Wain ui rv Orewa Primary School oy av am e rua Ham mon Rd d La n dmark d ran dD Kanuka llum d bi r ng So Otan Parkside iki l d o rfA ts re he d ollins r ka Ka M a ir Ru ell R d Wa au nd Wo ale Gla nce Tudor C nyhe i g hts Sun We st Hoe H e ig h eR ss 5 k Ra A ar ms llia Wi Cross a er t Ro b w Lys n d Duck Cre e k R B nd Leigh TairereMRd ar tin ht Ro ad berla 1 Spra y Ti Rd Matakana Rd H il in Po t R d ar m n Rd Wilso Owera h lade Rd i ak rf To ng ue F Ha rb ou r V ie Cum T es d Ken Kourat on y Ma thes Ba Way rg pit d Jamish McKi nn ey 1 Toovey Rd te St a y hwa Hig d e Ri v nR Sa nd s t Sea d tR Ma ta ka n a W ha oa Vi e w R nd Gr a ns ow h-D Monarc rea To y a le St otara er t Alb e w Vi Cott erel a e l S i Rd r ak rrier V ie w R u a H Ba F ro s d ee Gr ell ch We Fer nd iri R Rd e vill Ne rcy Pe am r tr Be r tn e d na R aka Mat Matakana School Rd liam Per River Drive Oak le y 2 h or t rk w r xt e Wa nwick Ba Al rin Wa th am rpe Hexh ro Mo mb Ba St cy Sa n W h Queenhar f Riv en dell urn Lilb uette Coq te Rd r v Southga ard Blue G u m D Boat Y y wa s l r Ea Pu lha i J ohn Andrew m Rd Ko wh a Mo titi Wil David Wicke ns Gumfield Glenmore d r me Pal lton Wa pb Cam Glenmore Morrison Clegg d Po n R un Whitaker Rd i ti al aV b R igh Le Cou pi t ds School t Sho esm ith ow Br Woo Mahurangi dcoc ks Rd College n ka M el w o od Hill S am et tre lls liz a Mi E A a at ore Victoria View Rd d Falls R M Rd nt t BelmoWaino ni Rd is hm Herita s ge Wes tp a rk Lyttle vie- ar tin Da M er so n 3 Pak r th No at Gre Vi v Fran c 2 Showgrounds Alber San d Satellite Statio n Road as ad 1 Warkworth on 13 Auction Matheson Bay 48 Matheson Bay Road For the cost of renting your seasonal place in the sun, you can be the year-round owner of this magical private get-away. You will love the sheltered position, the beautiful natural native landscaping. The main dwelling offers 1 bedroom, separate dining area and spacious living area complete with a large open fire. Lovely paved courtyard merges beautifully to indoor/outdoor entertaining. There’s also an immaculate 2 bedroom sleepout complete with kitchenette and bathroom - what an amazing setup for extended family or teenagers. Easy walk down to the beach or just follow the picturesque public walkway through the bush where you will see waterfalls, ponds, and of course the birdlife. This would have to be one of the prettiest walkways you ever did see. New Listing LICENSED (REAA 2008) Warkworth 35 Sandspit Road View the ships and the ever-changing sunsets from this immaculate 3 bedroom beach house with spectacular sea views. The generous sunfilled living area enjoys indoor/outdoor entertaining areas. This is an awesome opportunity if you are hooked into fishing or any other water sports, the boat ramp is handy. The 1034m2 section offers all day sun privacy and security. Very tidy gardens, cute sleepout and garden shed. It’s available NOW! So viewing is a must. For Sale $465,000 View by appointment rwwarkworth.co.nz/WAR21960 Trevor Bogue 0274 980 836 direct (09) 425 1607 [email protected] Janice Bogue 0274 980 804 direct (09) 425 1606 [email protected] LICENSED (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 2.00pm, Saturday 10 November 2012 On Site (unless sold prior) View Saturday 1.00-2.00pm rwwarkworth.co.nz/WAR21930 Trevor Bogue 0274 980 836 direct (09) 425 1607 [email protected] Janice Bogue 0274 980 804 direct (09) 425 1606 [email protected] Open Home Leigh 14 Auction Once in a rare while a truly beautiful home becomes available. Reflecting only the best from the welcoming entrance to the fabulous outdoor entertaining area where you will see a swimming pool and the sunny private living areas complete with a bush backdrop. The home itself we found very impressive, loved the hostess kitchen and the generous family living area. The 3-4 bedrooms are well away from the living areas. Loads of storage is a big plus. A very cute sleepout. All in all I just loved the appeal of this property and the guys loved the massive garaging. Impeccably maintained grounds. This property is the making for a home based business, situated only minutes to Warkworth township. View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz For Sale $795,000 View Sunday 1.00-2.00pm rwwarkworth.co.nz/WAR21929 Trevor Bogue 0274 980 836 direct (09) 425 1607 [email protected] Janice Bogue 0274 980 804 direct (09) 425 1606 [email protected] LICENSED (REAA 2008) Maungaturoto Paparoa A snuggy little place for Nana on the edge of town. Newly renovated 2 bedroom home on 770m2 section for easy upkeep. Low maintenance construction, single garage. Great views of the setting sun. With all the village services, this would make a great little retirement home, first home or affordable rental investment. It’s currently tenanted at $220 per week and the tenants are happy to stay. Currently returning over 8%, this residential investment has to be considered. Pure investment or home and income. Two 3 bedroom homes of similar design on one site of 7769m2. One home has a modern kitchen but both require some cosmetic work. Both homes are sited in an elevated situation with pleasant rural views. Currently rented at $200 each, these properties could return even more if upgraded a little. Two homes for the price of one - has to be good!! For Sale $169,000 View by appointment rwwarkworth.co.nz/WAR21695 Leanne Walker 021 431 619 a/h (09) 431 6199 [email protected] LICENSED (REAA 2008) Paparoa With a protective hill behind, this north facing property is situated in its own warm environment. The resited 3 bedroom weatherboard home has an extra room on the back, ideal for many uses, and a double garage. There’s plenty of room to create vege gardens and lots of scope to landscape while still grazing the balance of the 4.22 hectares. Good dam supply. Conveniently located within a short drive to Paparoa this property is sited privately with lovely rural views. Currently tenanted at $250 per week plus grazing. Only minutes from the village this bare lifestyle property offers a host of opportunities. Divided into 4 paddocks there’s ample water from the 2+ dams. A very clean, easy contoured 6.8 hectares (16 acres) with great rural views and a northerly aspect. Metalled drive and power at boundary. Our Vendor is motivated and wants to move on with life so let her motivation be your opportunity. Call today. $335,000 View by appointment rwwarkworth.co.nz/WAR21420 Leanne Walker 021 431 619 a/h (09) 431 6199 [email protected] $250,000 View by appointment rwwarkworth.co.nz/WAR21088 Keith Shadbolt 021 402 122 a/h (09) 431 8646 [email protected] LICENSED (REAA 2008) Paparoa For Sale For Sale LICENSED (REAA 2008) For Sale $169,000 View by appointment rwwarkworth.co.nz/WAR21400 Keith Shadbolt 021 402 122 a/h (09) 431 8646 [email protected] LICENSED (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 15 )LQG8V,Q<RXU 1HLJKERXUKRRG E\ORRNLQJXS\RXUQHDUHVW ORFDWLRQRQ ZZZSURSHUW\SOXVQRUWKODQGFRQ] 1RUWKODQG 5RGQH\1RUWK6KRUH )5201257+/$1'727+(1257+6+25( $%(77(5:$<WRUHDGDOODERXWSURSHUW\ 16 ZZZSURSHUW\SOXVQRUWKODQGFRQ] 7KH1H[W6WDJHRI&RPPHUFH&HQWUDO +DV%HHQ&RPSOHWHG 23(1'$< 7KXUVWK1RY SPWRSP 5HIUHVKPHQWVZLOO EHVHUYHG Artist Impression %&RPPHUFH6WUHHWLVORFDWHG EHWZHHQ&HQWUDO:KDQJDUHLDQG2NDUD3DUN VKRSSLQJDUHD It is eight minutes walk from the Whangarei P ost Office and at the Eastern end of the Commerce Central development behind Sudbury Accountants. This is a corner, air-conditioned, two storey office unit. It is an airy space with plenty of windows giving natural light. Also contributing to the airy seamlessness of this space is the fact that you connect from the upper floor to the lower floor reception/office area through the clear glass ballistrade. &RPHDQG The lower floor has a rich jarrah parque floor which flows through from the unit entrance to the reception and into the lower floor bathroom. Alongside the black flecked carpet and wooden feature walls this gives a smart, high quality , businesslik e feel to stunning upmarket office space. HQMR\D HQMR\D *5$1'7285 *5$1'7285 RIWKH8QLWV 7KH ORZHU IORRU FRQVLVWV RI WZR FORVHG RIILFHV DQG RQH RSHQ UHFHSWLRQRIILFHVSDFH Artist Impression The downstairs rear office is large enough to be divided into 2 comfortable rooms which,with the reception area could total 4 office spaces on the ground floor . The top floor houses an office and also a large open area that flows out through a ranchslider onto a North East facing deck. This could be a meeting/boardroom and/or large lunchroom, lounge area. Upstairs there is also a laundry , kitchenette and bathroom with a shower , vanity and toilet. This whole upper floor could be accommodation if a tenant had a work/live preference. Artist Impression 7KHUHLVJHQHURXVSDUNLQJ DQGVLJQDJHDOORFDWHG IRUWKLVWHQDQF\ :KHUH%XVLQHVV&RQQHFWV :LWK2SSRUWXQLW\ )RU)XUWKHU'HWDLOV3KRQH Tenanted By Sudburys 'HQLVHRU*UDHPH'RQDOG7HOPRE 17 RENTALS Ruatangata 42 Golden Grove Maunu 16 Beaumont Court One Tree Point 5 Miami Place Kensington 168 Western Hils Dr Whau Valley 5 Parkland Cres Stunning, large 4 bdrm home set on a hill with panoramic views. Double garage, internal access to this executive home. Mere 10 mins drive to the heart of Kamo. The kitchen is huge and flows into the open plan dining and lounge areas. $470 pw Wanting privacy, location & space? This 4 bedroom property has it all. The two lounges, open plan living and dining all have indoor/outdoor flow, to the park like setting in the backyard. What more could you ask for! $450 pw Executive style home with open plan living. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & double garage. Situated at LaPointe golf development. Tennis courts and beaches within walking distance. Poss Long Term. Easy care lawns. Call Marion 021 946 408 $365 pw Fall in love with this lovely family home close to schools and all amenities. 3 bedrooms upstairs, large rumpus room downstairs, modern kitchen and bathroom, fire place to keep you warm, and a double garage for “him”. $350 pw Located down a quiet street in a great area this 3 bedroom home comes with a good sized section and a single garage. The section is fully fenced and the property provides plenty of privacy. $330 pw Onerahi 26 George Point Road Parahaki 16 Bahama Place, Onerahi 21 Montgomery Ave Tikipunga 7b Coleridge Place Kamo 13 Fisher Terrace The home offers 3 bedrooms and storage/ rumpus room. Extensively renovated. Large lounge & open plan kitchen/dining/family room. Large stacker doors onto deck, with views. 1 covered parking & 2 off-street. A cat is okay. $325 pw Spacious, sunny, 3 bdrm + office home in quiet cul-de-sac. New carpets & drapes, large living area, city views, Kent fire with wetback, remote garage + lots of dry extra storage. 5 min drive to CBD & Town Basin. Lawns incl. No letting fee. $320 pw No pets. No smokers. This fully fenced 3 bedroom home is located down a quiet street and has pleasant rural views from the conservatory, a heat pump, gas fire and double garage. Walking distance to Onerahi Shopping Centre and primary school. $320 pw 3 bedroom split level home situated in a quite cul-de-sac within walking distance to supermarkets, shops and transport. This property includes a heat pump, new carpet, rumpus, carport, and backs onto Tikipunga Primary School. $300 pw 3 bedroom 1 bathroom family home with a large section great for kids. Modern kitchen, good sized deck off the dining room plus study. Carport for easy dry access to the front door. This is one of those homes that will move fast. $300 pw Tikipunga 113 Corks Road Raumaunga 13 Totara Place Onerahi 38 Church Street Maunu 149A Millington Road Kamo 6 Pukemiro Road Riverside 65 Riverside Drive This 3 bedroom home has it all. It’s secure, warm, light, with a modern decor, and is fully fenced with a double garage and great garden. This is a great family home that won’t be available long. It’s a must see. $300 pw Tidy 3 bedroom home with freshly polished floors and a heat pump. The lounge opens on to a good sized deck, the bathroom is brand new, and there is a single garage under the home. Water is included in the rent. Sorry, no pets. $290 pw Newly redecorated throughout this family home boasts open plan living, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a double garage and an easy care section. Living here you will enjoy the lovely inner harbour views from both the lounge and the deck. $295 pw 2 bdrm home in a gorgeous desirable rural setting close to town. Huge lounge, air con, large kitchen and modern bathroom. Large section. Lawn mowing included in rent. Storage shed off dbl car park. No pets. $280 pw Refurbished inside and out. New curtains, paint and polish. 3 bedrooms, kitchen boasts beautiful wooden bench tops. Flooring is polished wood. Exterior is freshly painted. Situated on a large fully fenced section. $270 pw This tidy home consists of 3 bedrooms plus an added bonus of a sunny conservatory. The home is well insulated, has a fireplace in the lounge, a large section and a single garage. Handy enough to walk to town. Sorry no pets. $270 pw Woodhill 7 Kauika Road Otaika 164 Otaika Rd Morningside 5/24 Leith St Kensington 1/142 Western Hills Dr Riverside 27a Vale Road Raumanga 69B Raumanga Hghts Cosy 2 bedroom alarmed bunglow set close to hospital, NorthTec, bus route and within walking distance to town. This home boasts a modern kitchen with dishwasher, a large fully fenced section, and a single garage. $260 pw Here we have a 3 bedroom home with basement garaging and plenty of off street parking. Conveniently situated within easy walking distance to the Otaika Shopping Centre, Otaika Medical Centre and NorthTec. $250 pw Spacious 2 bedroom unit with new carpet and decoration throughout. Comes with a single lockup garage and a large fully fenced back yard. Water and lawns included in the weekly rent. No pets. Within walking distance to Town. $210 pw Tidy 1 bedroom unit handy to Kensington Stadium. Tucked down a drive way giving it a peaceful sunny aspect. There is a single lockup garage and a small deck off the lounge. Within walking distance to Kensington Shops. $190 pw 1 bedroom flat with open plan living areas and low maintenance gardens. There is a carport available for your use. This home is ideally located for someone who wants to leave the car at home and walk to work and/or town. Sorry no pets $180 pw This flat is a little cutie. Very tidy 1 bedroom situated under a house in Raumanga Heights Drive. Rent includes water and lawn mowing. This flat would suit a quiet living single person. Phone us today for a viewing. $170 pw Rentals 09 430 0075 For further detail please view the properties online at rwwhangarei.co.nz/rentals or call us on 09 430 0075. Approved applications are required before property viewings. Applications can be downloaded from rwwhangarei.co.nz/rentals or collected from our office. Property access is not permitted without the consent of Ray White Allens Property Management. rwwhangarei.co.nz/rentals Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) 1RUWKODQGV1R+RXVH%XLOGHUV+RXVH6XSSOLHUV ,QGLYLGXDO'HVLJQ%XLOG2SWLRQ IURP.DLZDND7R&DSH5HLQJD )OH[LEOH%XLOG2SWLRQV([WHQGLQJ7R)ORRU3ODQ$OWHUDWLRQV .LWVHW+RXVHV7R)XOO%XLOG&RQWUDFWV 0HPEHU0DVWHU%XLOGHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ ,QVSLULQJ6WDQGDUG3ODQV The price we say is what you pay. No surprises. BH205 %UXFH0DUWLQ HEUXFHPDUWLQ#DKRPHVFRQ] 6KRZKRPH$WD0DKLQD:D\5XDNDND 6KRZKRPH2SHQ0RQ)ULDPSP6DWE\DSSRLQWPHQW 18 PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz $KRPHV ZZZ$KRPHVFRQ] HELLO LANDLORD - WELCOME TENANTS Revealing Rights & Responsibilities Frequently Asked Questions andlords and tenants need each other . There is no point in being a landlord who has no tenants and tenants would have nowhere to live if there were no landlords. Landlords and tenants can get along well as long as they both carry out their basic responsibilities. The golden rule for both tenants and landlords is to put yourself in the other party ’s position and consider what he or she would expect of you. To inform you of both parties rights and responsibilities, we are publishing the government’s AtoZ on all applicable rules and regulations. ; Today we start with Abandonment of goods If the landlord has sold goods pursuant to a disposal order, they must pay the proceeds of sale after deducting any amount ordered by the T ribunal or to the Department of Building and Housing. “ The landlord must make a reasonable attempt to contact the tenant to arrange collection of the abandoned goods. “ L A To Z Rights And Responsibilities Of Landlords And Tenants If the landlord has sold goods without a disposal order , they may deduct the cost of storage, transport and sale reasonably incurred and then pay the remaining proceeds to the Department of Building and Housing. The landlord may seek any money still owing from the bond or the tenant. Abandonment of goods is where a tenant leaves their things behind after the tenancy has fi nished and possession of the property has passed back to the landlord. The landlord may immediately dispose of any perishable goods, such as food. If a tenant leaves any other type of goods that are non-perishable, the landlord has a choice of procedures to follow before getting rid of those goods. The tenant may apply for the payment of the proceeds of sale in theesidential R Tenancies Trust Account, within 1 year after the date of sale. The landlord must make a reasonable attempt to contact the tenant to arrange collection of the abandoned goods. Capitalise The landlord must store securely any personal documents left by the tenant. Any personal papers unclaimed after 35 days may remain in storage or else must be handed to Police; on our wealth of knowledge and experience in property management. If the other goods remain uncollected, the landlord must still store the tenant’s personal documents securely and then chose to either: Call us on 09 430 0075, and put us to work for you today! 1. Apply to the Tenancy Tribunal for an order for the disposal of the goods The Tribunal may direct that the landlord return the goods to the tenant; or if that is not practicable, order that the goods be sold or disposed of and state any amount owing (if any) to the landlord out of the proceeds of sale or 2. Dispose of abandoned goods following assessment of market value Ray White Allens Property Management Your best investment this year (Alternative to seeking a disposal order from the Tribunal) For all other goods, other than personal documents, that remain uncollected, the landlord must make all reasonable efforts to assess the market value of the goods; and: 1. If the value of the goods is less than the cost of storing , transporting and selling them, the landlord can immediately dispose of them as they see fit. 2. If the value of the goods is more than the cost of storing , transporting and selling them, the landlord must secure the goods in safe storage for at least 35 days, after which they must either continue to store them to await any claims to the goods by the tenant or sell the goods at a reasonable market price. 3. The tenant may claim stored goods at any time prior to disposal, on payment of reasonable storage and disposal costs. “Get peace of mind and leave it to the experts” Our “experts” in property management cover Whangarei City and immediate surrounds as well as Bream Bay. Soraya Nisbet Bream Bay DD 945 4219 4. If the landlord has sold the goods, the landlord may apply to the Tribunal for an order specifying the amount (if any) owing to the landlord out to the proceeds of sale. Julie Pepper City & Surrounds DD 945 4220 www.northlandre.co.nz Wendy Campbell City & Surrounds DD 945 4218 Office (09) 4595 601 Licensed REAA Looking for Home & Land packages in Whangarei? Lot 1 Fairway Drive, Whangarei 4 Bedrooms Double Basement Carport Large North Facing Deck 109.59m2 - 920m2 Section Home Consultants: Frank Reader 021 383 257 OR Paul Whitehead 021 254 8275 $412,900 $419,000 Call us today 0800 86 89 86 or visit our website homeworld.co.nz Lot 315, 32 Lochiel Place, Tikipunga 3 Bedrooms ; 2 Bathrooms 2 Living Areas ; Double Garage 180.94m2 - 775m2 Section Bordering Denby Golf Club Showhome Village: 401 Western Hills Drive, Whangarei Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat-Sun 10am-2pm New Showhome: 2 Paradise Point Place, One Tree Point Open Wed-Sun 10am-2pm Everything you want in a Building Company PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 19 Flag Grid Time O MU NR S RE WC 25 RWA 16 D2 1:00-1:30 62 Maunu Rd, Maunu 17 C2 1:30-2:00 1 Parkview Rise, Kensington Mid $500,000s RWA 18 B3 1:30-2:15 85 Paranui Valley Rd, Tikipunga Auction RWA 19 D1 1:30-2:00 6 Kotuku St, Maunu Auction RWA 20 B3 2:00-2:30 31 Korau Rd, Tikipunga $269,000 NRE 2:00-2:45 64 Crossett Rd, Ruatangata Mid $500,000s RWA EO $790,000 Considered RWA $269,000 RWA 3:00-3:30 74 Fourth Ave, Avenues $359,000 NRE 1:00-2:00 K ih ell Rd Pe te r Sn iki T Te On ng e St a Karawai ST VI E SS BO E I N RD SH ER B I RD MI N S RD OM HI R TW E ED G ROS ES T a WN r d Ruakaka p a r uM o ki SHOW HOMES Flag Grid Company Name Details A1 Homes 41 Ata - Mahina Way, Ruakaka, Monday - Friday 8:30am 4pm, Saturday by appointment Bella Homes Cobham Oval, Okara Dr, Whangarei, View by appointment only 3 Cavalier Homes 2 Kowi Lakes Drive, One Tree Point, Weekends 11am - 4pm or by appointment 4 Classic Builders 32 Northcrest Dr (off Montgomery Ave), Onerahi, Sunday Friday 11am - 2pm (excl public Holidays) 5 Generation Homes 5 Kowi Lakes Drive, One Tree Point, Whangarei, Wed - Sun 10am - 3pm 2 6 D3 D2 7 20RMNPP311012 PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 Ruakaka Race Course Ku Ur nd Bream Bay Takutai College u K a ro © Praedium Discovery Pty Ltd 1 Contact Simon Crawford 0275 437750 I 438 6399 www.bellahomes.co.nz I [email protected] RWA Waim an Tamure Pl Pr inces AGENTS KEY: CAS - Casa / NRE - Northland RE \ PWG - Professionals RWA - Ray White Allens “Team-work is a critical element to our business. We see our clients as partners & creating relationships is key to deliver that dream home” Marsden Point Rd Bay D Garl a R each i - Slako O/O $380,000 Cons Tender RWA RWA RWA 1 ka B $175,000 Auction m Bre a 2/163 Onerahi Rd 5 Harbour View Rd 11b Alamein Ave 1 ay hw g i H a Ruak Ata Tuturu hina a M Sunday 4 November 10:00-10:30 11:00-11:45 2:00-2:30 62 Heatherlea Dr Beck te St a Onerahi 22 23 24 TO Saturday 3 November O c ean View Dune La k e 350 Cemetery Rd, Maunu 23 Mahanga Rd, Pataua South Ruakaka Seaview 2:15-2:45 3:00-4:00 © Praedium Discovery Pty Ltd Seafort 21 D2 NRE Sime R d PWG Tender inau $479,000 123 Memorial Dr, Parahaki hie R d 12 Halcyon Pl, Whau Valley 1:00-1:30 Mokoh 1:00-1:45 15 C3 McCa t 14 B1 ich Pap Kepa CASA rr r Offers on CV$400,000 Fred Ca St at ion i 192 Matarau Rd, Ruatangata West Sta Ruaka noh 1:00-2:00 3 d any R Alb Bil la RWA s Tam $369,000 ake Ra i n g i St k at au 14 Grant St, Kamo Ko w i L Ro Te Kamo 1:00-1:30 13 A1 Gann r l ew et Pyle R d We st 11 s iri RWA One Tree Point School Rau $364,000 7 Aart Finch 145 Attwood Rd, Ruatangata oint Rd Salle Rd 1:00-1:45 5 d RWA O' F a rr m One Tree P R oint $289,000 r do San 1/4 Third Ave, Avenues Cu 1:00-1:40 hta Prion She a r w a ter P Tree One 12 C2 25 Maroti ri CASA x $280,000 Gr aha Fla 5/188 Kamo Rd, Whau Valley a M ariners Ha ve n 1:00-2:00 ud r 11 B2 We s op pe RWA Marama O/O $225,000 Cons ce H 14b Ridgeway Dr, Kamo e ll 1:00-1:45 to 10 A2 a RWA Mi r ak $279,000 Ba 136 Puriri Park Rd, Maunu Ca y 12:45-1:15 Is D1 Ma r sh 9 Mia man Ber m RWA One Tree Point rbados Karoro R d RWA Manaia View Tender High $400,000s h 83 Fisher Tce, Kamo 65 Barbados Way t Dr 12:30-1:30 23 mi B2 1:30-2:00 y 8 4 CARTWRIGHT One Tree Point Ke RWA PINE PARK T RWA Early $400,000s Cons HINE MOA S AM Tender 19 Kiwi Ave, Maunu RD ST SC OTT 1917 Ngunguru Rd, Ngunguru 12:30-1:00 TA H U NA ZIE MC K EN NGA IO P ST ORT S AR I D BO E AR D HA DE N IST O OR M Sunday 4 November 12:00-1:00 WOO D JOH NS WE RD DO MA IN VE RWA RD I R A RAH N G NE S RWA Tender OR Auction 102 Station Rd, Kamo CLOTW 294 Western Hills Dr, Avenues 12:00-12:30 A VE E RY OM NT G MO SORRENTO ST 12:00-12:30 A2 E C2 6 AH ALA ME IN WO AV RK E MA N D TH Y ID NYS 5 GR SU N RWA S RL EA D O OL $218,000 RD 10b Reed St, Tikipunga BI R D G AM 12:00-12:40 D1 E GH A2 TIN © Praedium Discovery Pty Ltd 4 7 SID MO A 24 C D Onerahi CASA HA N D LE Y HA R BOU R VIE W T ER WA B E LL D N E RA ONERAHI RD M $269,000 TA IN UI RD 28 Wanaka St, Tikipunga E GOODWIN BALL AGH RWA RD YS RO B HO O IN LOCKE S LDE Y AR K S ON O/O $229,000 Cons ST MAR TER GLOVER A T ER 104 Station Rd, Kamo Onerahi School NOO N WA IM A HA OLD O KOKIC H CR E AR D NOT CHES BAYSW 11:30-12:00 A BEL L A2 O BLO M F I E LD 2 22 ARA W DS EA IH RWA CH E AR Not Specified BE A G AN 3 Scotia Pl, Kamo CHURCH ST ST WH 11:00-11:30 CRESTA ATI RWA CH R AU M HODGSO N L AND VIL WAVERLEY IP D SH $175,000 HEED 63 George St, Hikurangi CH UR LEO N T RN S KB U Raurimu Avev School A VE K LO C RWA COC ST HILL 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:30 RIMU T WH IM P N FRIE Whangarei Airport TH S OR Auction RD PA H A 1054 Maungakaramea Rd, Maungakaramea A2 A2 AL F HAN D ST N SO MA 1 3 TR RD IR YN ON MIS CH BE A ES GL O S IFF CL Sunday 4 November 10:00-11:00 KE RAU Whangarei HA W CR Agent R INT Price PO Address Agent RG E Flag Grid Time Price G EO A RD KA IWAK OPEN HOMES Address Homeworld 401 Western Hills Dr, Whangarei, Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm, Sat 10am - 2pm Homeworld 2 Paradise Point Place, One Tree Point, Wednesday-Sunday 10am - 2pm 8 C3 Pacific Homes 12 Dundas Rd, Whangarei, Weekends 1pm - 3pm or by appointment 9 D3 Pacific Homes Jellicoe St, off Rawhiti St, Morningside, Open Daily 11am 3pm 10 D2 Platinum Homes 9 Otaika Rd, Whangarei, Tue - Fri 10am - 4pm, Weekends 11am - 3pm Signature Homes Rauiri Drive, Marsden Cove, One Tree Point, 12pm - 4pm or by appointment 11 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz Hit the TARGET and Advertise here Call 09 974 8148 For More Information 1 2 1 RD RD TU I RD HARONUI MILL L O PA R MA DRV BAH A PL TAWHAI K RO O RD T HY KOKICH CRE QU T ATE D 2 RD OE ET TO RD PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 3 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz E RA ON BALL GLOV ER CHES TER OOMF IEL D N BL RAUM AR A WA A ST RN KBU COC NTY BO U D OL ROBIN HO OD LOCKE SL EY NOTT ING ARD A RD RL WAVE R RAU PAH GUMDI G © Praedium Discovery Pty Ltd RY AR HA M EA RL S AHA N OLD O GA W A IM ER RD R A W HIT DR V RU T CA R JES S IE HS T NS T IL IZ IDE YS NN SU RD RD NIKA U EW I NG RD D E UN D DU RD O N ALD ND AS PA RD TI KI NEIL NORFOLK ST JAM HB O NE JO ES S H ST T WA N LTO ST FI N LAY SON FER T TEN E AV HIG H ST EW AL IA D RV NELL RE WA R R Raurimu ol Avev Scho E S ST RO A RD C LE G ER RAN RE PL TE IK A ST TEA AW A TE WA RD REWA RE TE WAIITI PL PU EP #.. NMMKHLEHL 1414' 0(14/#6+10 R PL GE ST WA TT N V DR U RG DAWSON ST DYER ST SMEA TO AL TE O VECITY R RE O GE TWO CL O RD T TAU LEY AS H I CK LI C EI GHTS KIO D NT OI A ST H EDL EY ES NU M AU 1 KA RA RD RD AHI R NE S S GA H A A ST ER R OA GR A OTETE NIH PO R T T PO RT RD MA NU K KO UMA N ST LE LET TS US ATE DR V EST OS HEA T V IL AI N UG DA RA BO HE W FRASER ST UN ION EA S OO D PB E LL AC A RD B SOUTHEND AVE TA U R O A W VIE DR V Y LA LL HE ER FAIRBURN T BE LLI Manaia View School E #0&#&8'46+5'*'4' EY W NC AR C V R EE CAM GL EN U NG UR NG U RD RA U HER HO P REO MAIRE ST AVE ST PRIN CE S HAL L ST ST HUNT B AN K RA T T A R D WAT E PO TO S TA R SEC ON D CA F AV E LER A VE AV E D THI R WH A A RATA JA N ST ST ZE ALAN DIA ST MAINS AV E H FIF T ST PUN A TO CK MC CL IN E AV TH EV BOUNDARY RE E KA CO ST LE RI DG E WI NS TO N EL HI A C EWAN T FO UR RD ELIZABE TH AM B P EBB L BL EB ST TC E S HO EY HE R FI S AD A M BE DLIN GT MOODY AVE KEYTE KING SH H VIS HE IM Y OL D FR EE H CY ON HA L IL L ELG IN CM I GN OL FE A RN T HA N GI S AKA CRES TE P NIFE R CO TCE EL ED CR E LE G ST S M C INNES AN G WH IT TU RD ITI SE Q U G E S ROSE HCRO FT RT A CR O YDO N RUG B PARA EW LEIT H ST V X14*+66*' S ER A ILW RA L VAL SUN TS T IS IN ON DR RER E DR V AR D DR RIV ERS ID LIMEBUR N 9 K ON JOH NS AN BLEN PARK AVE OR CH RA T CH 2 OK A A William Fraser Memorial Park RD RD OE LIC JEL R AM E U REKA PL I UR KA TANE KA HA D RV 2412'46+'5(14*1/'190'45 6*#69#0661 HEREKI NO S T D LAN E SID KAKA ST ING RN MO I PA MEMOR I A L E IS P OH RC ES T ST YN E RD EW SID RA NG NI R MO TOP AVE HILL RV ED GE RD PO RO W INI A VE ST MACK ESY RD CO MM E (;17#4'+06*'$75+0'551( O NE RD WAIO NE AY D BA Y R I LW RE DENYBURN H OU S T ST E LANE RT RD PO RA D NO RO SE RIVERSIDE N REYBUR ST HA NN ER O N AH CL ST YD ST E AL B ERT S T CA M KO HE OVE GR RT Mackesys Bush F F P U N GA BLU THE QUA YSID E UA D OL KOHE ST ST RO BE 8 L VA QUAY DENT S T 15 D GRE Y SEAVIE W Ross Park RO NG OTA I VA L E R A AN AL E DRV TEA DON AL D ST WO LFE ST AUBR EY ST PE NT LA ND VIN E AN ZAC RD RED WO OD Drummond Park SHORTL AND ST IR AP ALEXANDER TAIKO OK I ST ON D DEVER O N ST HA D VE D LLEY RD R ES CAV ES CR WHA EY D HUAPAI R SF IEL D RD BANFF MAIR DRUMM ST R RD Parahaki Scenic Reserve LOVATT CROSS E ORA RADCLIFFE ST PARAHAKI U RUM LACE WA L L LIN KE ND ON MT PLE ASA NT CRE S KAHIWI ST ISOLA ST N ABB O RE WHA ON NYS G Northland Polytech CO E AN KO R O MI K ABB D U VA N UI RA DR E N AV TA OUN I N TIKORANGI IKA RD LD HFI E TO LE R RD EY T W EST ROS S ST TIM ST RAU BELLWO OD AU L AL IV NU A NT R ES YC ZLE AV ON ST HIN ST IA WA Y M OTA D WA R W APP BE A UM O RD B ND RD R HE N S DAVIE 6 VE S AM PH 20 E A AR C LA ST RD DE RI IEL NF MO S AY KE RD E OK CO D AR G RN BE ON TR MS H AR RT NO AI R RK RD EX CRES N ERI TAPPER S AI C RE HIW A KIRIPAK CAIR RD ST FIR U UN MA M TE A ND HE RO N DICK SON A TAWA VE E AV O TIP MA E HA E R RK OK PA IA AT OW AD ATI ME AR EN RD GA T VIS ES CR LA DALLAS E A NI TA IKA S DRV N HILL GUM BL UE NU AV RD ERWOO D RD GE OR ND SE HAWEA U KA ER WEST WE DR V ON CAITLINS LANE D TRA 16 10 T A S MUR OCH D ANA MO WH AK E T YN PO E TULLA MO R GRAHAM VINE RY RS VE LO RD ER A MP mpallier lege & nu School MA U T EXE LIME S TON TO DUDLEY PO I P AR K LEY RD VAL A RAUM NG A A TAR A WH A CL KOTUK U ST KOTARE CRE S ST H KA TA DE LA MARSDEN WAIRERE BRIGHTON ST HAN MA KE R ER U ST 7 LLA SE RO HOS PITAL RD 19 KI WI A ES Whangarei Area Hospital 9 PARK RD L U UN MA EAM WIL L SILVERSTR OW A H E RE D RV RD W RD NE KO ON C A OD L T WO WES E TIEK KOKA K O TU EZ RU LE BA PURIRI I F E LL ER KWA C RO I EL PO H U T NG KEA P D IO T A WA G EA NI X ON ST A NS E RU ST S AR ME RCER ISS DINN MA N RI W AI JEE V ES E HASSARD R NT KE IKA OA KL AN ST M SELWYN AVE L U KA AI TA W CHURCHILL CK WRA LUPTO D HIL WOO ND RD WE SS 18 5 CEN NG AS T RD KORAU PO KA Whangarei Boys High School LSON AV E WI THOMPSON PL AVE Coronation Scenic Reserve G LE AM BH CO EW TH MA RD R URU RE PA GTON ISL IN EL L 17 21 E D W AY RG H O LME S AV E ST NS RK PA RU S S TON S ING KEN VE IA IR H RD PO W N GA ORA KOHATU 12 HE RE TA U ELSON EN ONS SIM NE OL HO SC EN RD GKA IRI KIR I RD NG DI ED SP BEL U RV Whangarei Girls High School Map need updating? Ph 0508 REALMAP (732 562) A AW UK Y NB DE COR RD OT RE NT MO SA ND S MC LE A N S T CURTIS LA Show Home HIG H KS ST ARTHUR $300,000 to $400,000 Auction / Tender M E R ST WIL LIAM Not Specified T EAL KE AV DOUG LAS Over $500,000 PU LMES Tikipunga Park Tikipunga High School B U RIM A BR WE BURLING ST AS CRES JACK ST TITOKI PL $400,000 to $500,000 D UI R K EN OR HW RIS HO BEAUZAMI Under $300,000 RD WN TO R CO 11 IER RD ST HA R L ST URI ND LA RY MA TH T T AN ST TEADM S ON PRICE BRACKET D N WA M ATAI S ES CR ALLEY RD RA ED RE MCKINNON A LL P O MP RO S MI PERCY C ANAPO PDE M NT OM TH STE WILLIAM JONES DRV WALK ER AU V WH MO U TARAIRE IA NT KE O KAM IA HU AN BA LMO 4 AU TE AN Whangarei (Mt Denby) Golf Course I ST Y ND KL A PAR WA ROAD FU RAN RLY 14 ES T ANN M OR AR V DR PL M L E ER 3 10 PE B DS T TAI STA D STON E Y O O K BR LD K F IE BROO C LO LS ROY A WA V DR GU RA Y AU A FA IR R SIE ST LANE LD SFIE CH EA PAR A BAL M R WA HO CO WL EY W GRAND VIE R EW S EA S I LE HA INC IT SUMM T A N DR 8 RD N OL A AVE CH ENVI E W RE CO LE L MA S A VE E RE CA R ST EB RLTON C R ES CA R SO COUN TY LOUIS A School IN D WIN RD D I FF GR T D IN I EL BRA RICHMOND RANF G F ME R IAU K WAY A IR T ES IDG RV OIA UI A BR R CLA TE P M CA RD R SS RD X SSE SU BU W OD BA AY RCL IS LEW ION ST T ST AN GR LIN E E K WA N A V SO KIN Kamo High WIL RD AT C H H BUS E NT UGH AU E NIK K ET N S ELA AR MIL O SH V DR BRE RO SCAR BO RA RD AKE O R MIRO PUK E B BO E U W F O D CR ES R Hurupaki School E THR E AV EHA MO CR A T STA A BYP ST ST RD FO TU AT AR A FA R LL AN E SW BO O KAM I LIL M RU LD ME VE CO T A AS Y DRV WA GE ER ID B R U NN COL E N SO 13 I IN DIP RD I RIR PU ELAW TLE BU R O KAM A ST TU GIA 6 2 SA O MA R EN A VEN KA BU IPO IP ST ES WA L CHA R NO HIK O D AR LOG AN ST PIPIWAI RD RD NA AVE OT C O B A ST O RD VINEG AR HILL M AL O C E AL ES RAK IO R PE ARCE E WI NG R RC DAV HA NORTH RD G LIN GIL T EA ALC O B A HI R D GR TAYL OR A 3 IMU AVE CK- LOE ED H 21 HA N DF S END FRI OR TH ST 1 Kensington Ave Ph (09) 459 5601 www.northlandre.co.nz Take advantage of this excellent location enjoying street frontage, two bedrooms plus sunroom or could be third bedroom home with large lounge and in tidy condition. This property has numerous options, work from home, rental or live in and enjoy. Single separate garage plus attached carport. Fenced 740m² section, walk to shops and hospital. CV $240,000. Vendor will consider all offers. Ref nre11215. OPEN SUN 62 MAUNU RD, MAUNU 1.00 – 1.30 Contact: Janette Eady a/h 435 5303 or (021) 437 565 Fantastic In Maunu - $550,000 Positioned to capture all day sun this 5yr old Linea home is a must to view! Modern in design with granite kitchen, 4 dble bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and open plan living leading to sun drenched terrace. Large ofce plus dble garage. There is even a spa set in a private pebbled garden. 525m² section and NO lawns to mow, so your time is your own to relax and unwind – just move in and enjoy! Great for busy executives. Viewing by appointment only. Ref nre11114. Contact: Bev Attwood a/h 438 3992 or 027 224 8557 Maunu Retreat - $550,000 Set on 4004m² of land and surrounded by beautiful gardens this 7 yr old home is a pleasure to live in. 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and 2 lounges which lead out to the inground pool that is bathed in all day sun. Spacious kitchen/dining area. Large double garage that would hold a caravan and your car, plus shed, in keeping with the home, for tools and the ride-on mower. What more could you want? Ref nre11241 Contact: Bev Attwood a/h 438 3992 or 027 224 8557 First home buyers/investors. Built in the 60ʼs, solid three bedroom weatherboard home on an established 663m² section in popular Korau Rd. The home has recently had a freshen up so is ready to go. Modern kitchen and the bathroom has a wet oor area and separate toilet. Good sized lounge which leads to a deck and gas re for those chilly winter nights. Double garage with separate work room/hobbies area. Recent tenant was paying $300 pw. Ref nre11237 OPEN SUN 31 KORAU RD, TIKIPUNGA 2.00 – 2.30 Contact: Janette Eady a/h 435 5303 or (021) 437 565 Kensington Unit - $170,000 Just listed is this 2 bedroom unit on level section. One of three – with quiet neighbours – there is a garage with internal entry, open plan lounge/dining/kitchen and small garden area. A tidy unit in a good location. Ref nre11234 Contact: Marilyn Gamman a/h 437 6676 or 021 274 7929 Family Living In Maunu - $395,000 SOLD 1 CLARKSON CRESCENT, MAUNU Contact: Janette Eady a/h 435 5303 or (021) 437 565 A Beautiful Villa - $359,000 O H PE O N M E Riverside Tree House Tikipuna - $269,000 O H PE O N M E O H PE O N M E Maunu Road - All Offers Considered Nestled amidst native trees with a birds-eye view of the Town Basin is this unusual 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. If you like something different this is it – warm, mellow timber features, two storied living, north facing deck from which to view the world at your feet. Imagine life as a bird amongst the trees – if you can this is the perfect nest! Offers around $285,000 considered. Ref nre11156 Contact: Marilyn Gamman a/h 437 6676 or 021 274 7929 Northland Real Estate Ltd MREINZ 22Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 Evoking memories of another era, this pre 1914 villa is just lovely. The interior has been renovated but retains the character of the era with beautiful Kauri oors throughout, the original cast-iron replace with surround in the lounge, bay windows in both main bedroom and lounge and french doors leading to a return verandah from the lounge. There are four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a modern kitchen. Heating this villa is maximised with not only the open replace but also a wood burner, heat transfer system and a heatpump. Indoor/outdoor ow to a paved barbeque area and very pretty garden – all this within walking distance of town. Ref nre11235 OPEN SUN 74 FOURTH AVE, AVENUES 3.00 – 3.30 Contact: Marilyn Gamman a/h 437 6676 or 021 274 7929 Northland Real Estate – a company which offers clients a wealth of Featuring . . . experience to draw on from the sales team. Under the same ownership since 1981, the Managing Director alone has 35 years experience in real estate sales in Northland. Northland Real Estate has experienced salespeople in most facets of property sales: residential (houses, units, townhouses, sections); lifestyle (bare blocks, house and land) and rural (beef and sheep farms, orchards, horticulture). 2ur Whangarei &ity of¿ce located at 1 Kensington Avenue, has ample parking for clients, is spacious and attractive and provides our sales team with one of the best working environments in Whangarei. At Northland Real Estate we work hard, we have fun and we are successful. We hope if you are in Real Estate mode we can be of assistance to you. Marilyn Gamman Ph 021 274 7929 Bev Attwood Ph 027 224 8557 Grace Weatherley Ph 027 275 4400 Janette Eady Ph 021 437 565 Grayson Berridge Ph 0274 876 348 Warren Plaisted Ph 021 592 832 Ian Kitchen Ph 021 519 557 Brian Marsh Ph 0274 983 809 Northland Real Estate Ltd MREINZ Licensed under the Real Licensed under Estate Agents Act 2008 the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 CASAREALESTATE.CO.NZ CASA NEUSEELAND-IMMOBILIEN.ORG s¬ On approx 8994 m2 of land s¬ Decks for summer entertainment s¬ Overlooking native bush s¬ Beautiful setting s¬ Great veggie gardens s¬ A huge variety of fruit trees s¬ In a very sought after area s¬ Approx 10 kilometres to Kamo township s¬ It’s a nature lovers’ and gardeners’ delight ! s¬ Offers on CV $400,000 are invited Don’t just drive by. This property has lots more to offer. Come and visit our Open Home, Sunday, 1.00 – 2.00 pm, 192 Matarau Road HO Call Andrea MATARAU 2EF.O¬- 3 1 HO EN HO OP OP WHAU VALLEY ATTENTION, PLEASE! VACANT POSSESSION Ref.-No 751K Andrea Faust Licensed Real Estate Agent (REAA 2008) ph: 09 435 3227 mob: 0274 696 141 [email protected] TIKIPUNGA $280,000 A PERFECT SLICE FOR FAMILY LIFE The work is (almost) done!!!! This end 2 bedroom brick unit is in a block of 7, sited well back off Kamo Rd . New carpet, light fittings and drapes. Single roll up garage and Decramastic roof. With minimal gardening required this unit offers privacy assured, with Public transport to hand. The vendor is asking $280,000 for all work completed, or will consider a lesser price for as is where is, with some interior finishing and small outside paint work to be completed. Open Home, Sunday, 1.00 – 2.00 pm, 5/188 Kamo Rd. Call Martyn 2 ME ME EN | BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE ME N CASAREALESTATE.CO.UK WHERE SERVICE BECOMES REALITY Licensed Real Estate Company (REAA 2008) E OP | 2 1 1 s¬¬7ELL¬MAINTAINED¬PROPERTY¬ s¬¬-ODERNISED¬KITCHEN¬ s¬¬Log burner heating s¬¬Bathroom with wet shower s¬¬,ARGE¬SINGLE¬GARAGE¬COULD¬BE¬USED¬FOR¬FURTHER¬ACCOMMODATION¬WITH¬OFF¬STREET¬PARKING s¬¬#LOSE¬TO¬SUPERMARKET¬0OST¬3HOP¬$RS¬SURGERY¬0UBLIC¬4RANSPORT¬0HARMACY¬#AFE¬AND¬MORE The perfect place to call HOME Open Home, Sunday, 11.30 – 12.30 pm, 28 Wanaka Street Call Martyn Martyn Goddard Licensed Real Estate Agent (REAA 2008) NOW $269,000 3 Ref.-No 747W ph: 09 435 3227 mob: 027 278 9197 [email protected] PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 1 1 casarealestate.co.nz [email protected] View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 23 04341 07708 7-8 04341077087 04341 077087-9 04341 24 PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 07708 7-7 -6 nz own home Licenced REAA2008 Waterfront Setting x 2 Location: Waterfront Price: Auction 20th November at 2.00pm onsite (unless sold prior) Web ID: PWG10046 and PWG10049 Two beautiful options - Lot 1 is 16.382ha which includes the Cottage and new 3 bay barn plus all services. Or Lot 2 is 7.3820ha bare land with a picture perfect water access position. Both sites sit side by side on the picturesque Taiharuru River where fish and nature abound. Either choice is perfect for those wanting the quintessential Kiwi get away, somewhere that really does allow you to sit back and take a load off. Come view by appointment and enjoy the peace and quiet. Pataua South 1 3 2+ 1 Valerie Hanger Licensed REAA 2008 m: 021 395 492 I b: 0800 451 225 e: [email protected] Coastal Bonanza Must Be Sold! WOW What A Starter Location: Residential Price: $129,000 Web ID: PWG10050 When you have a solid 1950s bungalow, with 3 bedrooms, a good tenant and at this price it's all about sense and smart dollars. Viewing is by appointment so book a time to view now. Valerie Hanger Licensed REAA 2008 m: 021 395 492 b: 0800 451 225 e: [email protected] Otangarei 1 3 1 You Will Love This Location Location: Residential Open: Sunday 4 Nov at 1.00pm Address: 12 Halcyon Place Price: $479,000 Web ID: PWG10007 Great location, easy care and a little bit sassy 3 bedrooms plus an office or fourth bedroom and lovely spacious living heading out to an entertainer's deck. Feels like country but still in town and so handy to everything. Viewing on Sunday. Matapouri Location: Coastal Valerie Hanger Licensed REAA 2008 Price: Forthcoming Auction m: 021 395 492 (unless sold prior) b: 0800 451 225 Web ID: PWG10025 e: [email protected] Time is over and this property must be sold. An amazing opportunity to obtain a neglected sizable piece of Matapouri land. 20.866ha of bush, over grown pasture and scrub within 2.7km of Matapouri beach and views right down into the bay. GV is $651,000 - all serious purchasers should act now. 1 Since 1995 proud supporters of the Valerie Hanger Licensed REAA 2008 m: 021 395 492 b: 0800 451 225 e: [email protected] Whau Valley 2 3+ 1 2 Phone - 09 283 9674 Where Your Home Is Your Castle www.professionals.co.nz 25 Allens Open Home Parahaki 123 Memorial Drive Space, Location, Outlook. A very solid family home with many extras; three bedrooms with large 4th bedroom or rumpus room, huge north facing deck surveys the great rural views, extra workshop area, spa pool, 2x toilets, many fruit trees, chooks if you want, and at 2704m², room for a couple of sheep. Lovely low maintenance gardens and huge parking area with three undercover carparks. This home has been well cared for and the current owner looks to downsize. A wonderful position, a private outlook, a reliable home that’s worth a second look. We invite any interested party to submit a tender (cash or conditional). Tenders close 4:00 pm Friday 16 November 2012, unless sold by private treaty. Call Murray for more. Whangarei 09 430 3300 26 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 3+ A 1 B 1 C 2+ F 3+ J Tender Indicative Price Range $320,000 - $350,000 Tenders close 4:00 pm Friday 16 November 2012 (unless sold by private treaty) View Sunday 1:00 - 1:30 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21791 Murray Coop 027 484 7169 a/h 09 459 5694 [email protected] Allens Tender Open Home 3 A 1 B 1 C 1 E 1 F 1+ I Kamo 564 Three Mile Bush Road Kamo 102 Station Road Bare land ... A Classic Spot. A prestigious address, spectacular views and a beautiful 1.86 ha block of land screaming for development. This Kamo West property is accentuated by mature trees and volcanic rock formations. A wonderland for the kids to play, room for a flock of sheep and a building site which gives goose bumps. We invite any interested parties (cash or conditional) to submit their tender by 4:00 pm Friday 7 December 2012 (unless sold by private treaty). This is a must see if you are building or land banking for the future. Funky on Station Road. A fantastic home, conveniently located, close to shops and school, modernised on the inside and presents like a funky pad. Great for the family with a large 992m² yard, large workshop at the rear of the garage. 110m² three bedroom home, open plan, security system, good views, great storage. Tenders close 4pm Friday 9 November 2012 Tender Tender Tenders close 4pm Friday 7 December 2012 (unless sold by private treaty) Indicative Price Range $230,000 - $250,000 View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21793 Murray Coop 027 484 7169 a/h 09 459 5694 [email protected] Open Home Kamo 3 Scotia Place An appealing brick and tile dwelling in a great neighbourhood. Quality construction with plenty of space, this 187m² home offers four double bedrooms, sunny conservatory, large garage complete with landscaping that enhances the character of the beautifully designed property. A wonderful rural outlook from the kitchen and conservatory makes this a very pleasant place to live. Surrounded by beautiful homes and close to local facilities, we have a motivated vendor that has relocated. We are looking for market feedback on price and invite interested parties to submit offers for consideration. A great opportunity not to be missed. CV $400k. A motivated vendor with a realistic view of value. Calling for tenders, cash or conditional, by 4:00 pm Friday 9 November 2012, (unless sold by private treaty). (unless sold by private treaty) Indicative Price Range $250,000 - $270,000 View Sunday 12:00 - 12:30 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21786 Murray Coop 027 484 7169 a/h 09 459 5694 [email protected] Open Home 4 A 1 B 1 C 2+ F 2 I For Sale Indicative Price Range $400,000 - $430,000 View Sunday 11:00 - 11:30 am rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21817 Murray Coop 027 484 7169 a/h 09 459 5694 [email protected] Onerahi 11b Alamein Avenue Easy care, warm and sunny. A fantastic option for a low maintenance, easy care home. A great feeling of space inside gives open plan kitchen, dining and living flowing to a sunny conservatory. Modernised bathroom and extra toilet. A double garage with internal access. A separate laundry area and a smaller room at the rear for your third bedroom or hobby room. Built from brick on a concrete pad this home is solid, convenient and warm. A little shade house for the gardener, a small amount of lawn. This home borders a large park so your outlook is immense. Tenders are invited (cash or conditional) by 4:00 pm Friday 23 November 2012 (unless sold by private treaty). 3A1C2E1F2I1J Tender Tenders close 4pm Friday 23 Nov 2012 (unless sold by private treaty) Indicative Price Range $270,000 - $290,000 View Sunday 2:00 - 2:30 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21801 Murray Coop 027 484 7169 a/h 09 459 5694 [email protected] Whangarei 09 430 3300 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 27 Allens Open Home Open Home 4A2C3F6I Maunu 350 Cemetery Road Do you have cars, boats, a caravan or toys that need to be housed? This is a magnificent home with six car garaging, a carport and extra parking for ten vehicles. Ideal for a contractor or work from home situation. Extra large living areas on both levels can be divided to house two families comfortably. 7032m² of land in two paddocks allows area to graze sheep, have some chooks or a large garden. Great for those looking for the country lifestyle minutes from the City. Vendor is moving on and wants this property sold, so don’t miss this opportunity. Try an offer today. Maunu 136 Puriri Park Road 3A1C1F2J2K Set on an elevated position in one of Maunu’s most popular streets is this cute three bedroom home offering stunning views and privacy. Open-plan design. This is a great opportunity for a first home buyer/ investor searching for low maintenance and affordability. For Sale Enquiries over $790,000 considered View Sunday 2:15 - 2:45 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21706 Toni Sherwood 027 492 4136 ddi 09 430 8753 [email protected] Previously rented at $320.00 per week makes for a fantastic return on your dollar!! ... or a lovely home for a young professional couple looking to enter the property market. The vendors are very keen to sell this home, don’t delay, this home will get snapped up quickly! Exclusive $279,000 View Sunday 12:45 - 1:15 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21733 Toni Sherwood ddi 09 430 8753 [email protected] Open Home 5A1B2C4F6J Maunu 8 Tullamore Elegant, solid brick family home immaculately presented throughout. Retaining the charm and character of its era and offering delightful formal and informal entertaining areas further enhanced by the private elevated section in a prestigious, gated sub-division. The separate self-contained loft with extremely large workshop completes this fabulous package. No IF’s, BUT’s or MAYBE’s ... this spectacular original homestead with a Registered Valuation of $760,000 MUST BE SOLD so PRESENT ALL OFFERS NOW! For Sale Price by Negotiation View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21723 Toni Sherwood ddi 09 430 8753 [email protected] Hikurangi 63 George Street This beautifully presented 1920s bungalow nestled in a picturesque setting with over 1000m² of land offers plenty of room for kids, pets and a veggie garden. With a "welcome home" feel to it this home would suit a young family looking for security or maybe a couple as the city is just a short commute away. The spacious open-plan kitchen boasts polished wooden flooring with the cosy, informal lounge/ dining leading onto a lovely decked area. Forget cold winters, the HRV system, together with modern Kent log burner makes this probably one of the warmest homes in the neighbourhood. The current owners will be sad to leave but unfortunately have now outgrown their home. Whangarei 09 430 3300 28 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 2 A 1 C 1 F 1 J 4+ K For Sale $175,000 View Sunday 11:00 - 11:30 am rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21818 Toni Sherwood 027 492 4136 ddi 09 430 8753 [email protected] Want to sell your home? So do I Toni Sherwood 09 430 8753 Ray White Allens #1 Sales Consultant 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012 So if you’re thinking about making a move in the new year, call me now and we can start preparing for your summer sale. Whangarei 09 430 3300 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 29 Allens Open Home Avenues 294 Western Hills Drive 4 A 1 B 1 C 1 F 1 J 1 K Don’t miss out on this spacious home, just a stones throw away from town. Functional living with a large lounge featuring an open fire place, separate dining, four double bedrooms, laundry plus second toilet. Solid construction, just in need of a little TLC ... this home has great potential. Fixed term tenancy until January 2013, this would be a great investment property to add to your portfolio. Vendors are overseas and this home is surplus to their needs ... MUST Be Sold !! Whangarei 09 430 3300 30 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz Auction 5.30pm, Thursday 22 November 2012 Ray White Allens Auction Rooms (unless sold prior) View Sunday 12:00 - 12:30 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21810 Toni Sherwood 0274 924 136 ddi 09 430 8753 [email protected] Allens Open Home 4 A 2 C 3 F 2 I Maunu 6 Kotuku Street Plenty of room for all the family in this large solid home in much sought after area. On the downstairs level you will find a double bedroom with two-way bathroom, functional kitchen and family room leading out to a private entertainment area. The top level offers a super large lounge room plus three bedrooms (one with ensuite and huge walk in wardrobe/ changing room) plus an additional main bathroom. This home is great for a larger family ... send the kids upstairs whilst mum and dad relax downstairs ... or has fantastic potential for an extended family. This home must be sold!! It is now surplus to owners needs! Call now to arrange a viewing. Auction 5:30 pm Thursday 22 November 2012 Ray White Allens Auction Room (unless sold prior) View Sunday 1:30 - 2:00 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21789 Toni Sherwood ddi 09 430 8753 [email protected] Whangarei 09 430 3300 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 31 Allens New Listing 3 A 1 D 2 F 1 I Kamo 83 Fisher Terrace Extensively renovated - From a Roughy to a Ruby. Solid1970s brick home very private from the street with three bedrooms and an office, currently used as a fourth bedroom. Not one but two absolutely stunning bathrooms including a separate shower room from the main bathroom. Large area downstairs to develop further or leave as storage, plus single garage with internal access. Easy flat walking distance to Kamo schools and shops. Nice neighbourhood. Come to the open home, you won’t be disappointed. Tender Tender closes 2.00pm Wednesday 28 November 2012 (unless sold by private treaty) View Open Home Sunday 12:30 - 1:30 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21814 Carol Neeley 021 223 6100 a/h 09 435 0978 [email protected] 2 A 2 F 3 I Whau Valley 343B Kamo Road - SOLD • • • • • • • Super sized 1137m² section so tastefully landscaped with multi-boxed vegetable garden Two bedroom townhouse + separate granny flat, gives multiple living options Warm, light, sunny, with neutral decor Peaceful, executive neighbourhood Three bay carport with extra parking Rateable Value - $355,000 Very private, Very Beautiful, Very FOR SALE Sold Joanne Stevens 0275 360 369 a/h 09 436 0369 [email protected] Whangarei 09 430 3300 32 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz Allens Tikipunga 85 Paranui Valley Road 3 A 2 F 2 I Sunday 1:30 - 2:15 pm This quality home is as sparkling as its setting - and just a country lane away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Sit outside basking in the warmth and enjoy the sounds and sights of summer. The large (2,998m² approx) section creates your private domain, whilst giving commanding views across the valley to the bush clad hills of Whareora. Whether you are looking for a family home, or an entertainer’s delight - this unique property has it all! If you desire a spacious property with a high level of privacy, great outdoor areas and views - Be sure to see it NOW! Vendor will meet the market. Auction 5:30 pm Thursday 22 November 2012 Ray White Allens Auction Rooms (unless sold prior) View Sunday 1:30 - 2:15 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21776 Sue Cates 021 735 225 a/h 09 438 1757 [email protected] Whangarei 09 430 3300 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 33 Allens New Listing Exclusive Kamo 14b Ridgeway Drive This modern, well presented, open plan property is tucked away down a private ROW. A low maintenance home with semi ensuite, it has all the components of a comfortable future and would be ideal for an investor or first home buyer. Small easy care section. My clients circumstances have changed and they want this desirable townhouse SOLD. Must be seen to be appreciated. 2 A 1 B 1 C 1 E 1 F 1+ I Onerahi 5 Harbour View Road Exclusive Urgent sale required on this substantial home set on a large established landscaped section, with spectacular views down our beautiful Whangarei Harbour. This 210m² home has been tastefully redecorated, so sit back and soak up the views. The home is open plan with a large kitchen and a decked area off the lounge, downstairs is the 4th bedroom or rumpus, or maybe work from home in the quiet peaceful surroundings. Circumstances have resulted in this home being offered for sale, and only your personal inspection can reveal what this home has to offer, come and view before it’s too late, it will be SOLD. Offers over $225,000 considered View Sunday 1:00 - 1:45 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21717 Shona Keoghan 021 286 1122 a/h 09 436 2149 [email protected] 4A1B1C2E2F2I Exclusive Offers over $380,000 considered View Sunday 11:00 - 11:45 am rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21731 Shona Keoghan 021 286 1122 a/h 09 436 2149 [email protected] Tikipunga 10 Amy Kate Street Ruakaka Lot 5, 26 McCathie Road Take advantage of sellers’ dilemma (their plans have changed) and get value for every dollar. Now’s the time to take the first step towards building your dream home, by purchasing this appealing section nestled within a quality neighbourhood. Covenants apply to protect your investment. Don’t delay at this price! OWNER SAYS - "MAKE AN OFFER" On this central rural block, close to the Shopping centre, schools and Marsden Developments. Just minutes to the white sandy beaches and boat ramp. Suitability Engineers Report available. Fenced in two paddocks. A sized block of 7,831m² (approx 2 acres), with power and telephone services provided at boundary. Sealed Roading. Make offer Be Quick! For Sale Enquiries over $69,000 welcome View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21797 Sue Cates 021 735 225 a/h 09 438 1757 [email protected] Whangarei 09 430 3300 Bream Bay 09 433 0334 Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) 34 Goode PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz For Sale View by appointment rwbreambay.co.nz/BEM20081 Marion Sinclair 021 946 408 a/h 09 432 7014 [email protected] Allens 3 A 1 C 2 F 3 I Ruakaka 62 Heatherlea Drive Its time for the owners to say goodbye and move on from this much loved property. This well maintained home on approx five acres is north facing and has been built to capture the best aspects of the water views and rural vista. The elevated position has two separate entrances to the property. Tar sealed roading and only 20 minutes to Whangarei City or a few minutes drive to the popular surf beaches and shopping centre at Ruakaka. Of course you are so close to the Marsden Cove Marina and boat ramps. All the hard work has been done on this picturesque property. A well established orchard, two stock paddocks, calf loading pen, shelter belts, gardens and landscaping are well established for you to enjoy. In addition to the double garage there is a Large Kiwi Shed with ensuite which allows for an extended family to stop over plus plenty of extra storage in the workshop. This property is well worth a visit. Auction 5:30 pm Thursday 22 November 2012 Ray White Allens Auction Room (unless sold prior) View Saturday 1:00 - 2:00 pm rwbreambay.co.nz/BEM20087 Marion Sinclair 021 946 408 a/h 09 432 7014 [email protected] Bream Bay 09 433 0334 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 35 Allens Open Home 4A2F2I One Tree Point 65 Barbados Way Let the rest of the world go by when you move into this tranquil lakeside family home. If style, serenity and privacy are on your list of "must haves" and large living areas are on the "should have" list - this is the home for you! You can enjoy beautiful views of La Pointe estate from your home with access to the 9 hole golf course and tennis courts through your back gate. A large double garage provides plenty of storage plus there is a purpose built boat park behind closed gates. One Tree Point also offers you access to the harbours famous fishing and diving spots, boat ramps, schools, local clubs and cafes + the Hoppers Marsden Cove Marina and boutique outlets are close by. Living here is a lifestyle. For Sale Buyer enquiry in the High $400,000s considered View Sunday 1:30 - 2:00 pm rwbreambay.co.nz/BEM20094 Tina Subritzky 0210 597 285 a/h 09 432 9074 [email protected] Ngunguru - Ngunguru Road Ngunguru 177 Te Toiroa Road My vendor seriously wants this stunning property SOLD! He has carved over $200,000 off the price and it is now extremely good value at $775,000! Fantastic buying for your own private peninsular on the Tutukaka coast! My vendor is motivated and will consider offers. This pristine 16.5 ha block enjoys a very long water frontage and a choice of private, sunny house sites. It has an approved resource consent for subdivision into two lots. For those seeking water frontage, total privacy and a natural environment this is a must to view. Properties of this type are very rare these days and this one represents heirloom quality real estate in one of Northland’s most popular and proven coastal areas. Plenty of everything on this great coastal lifestyle block! Nice sea views, level building site, good useable land, all day sun and private. This 2.8 ha block is ready and waiting for new owners to make it home. Very handy to the coast and Whangarei, school buses stop close by, the perfect spot for families to grow and play. Vendors change of plans means this delightful block is priced $160,000 to sell so well worth a look. For Sale $775,000 View by appointment rwtutukaka.co.nz/TUT20153 Chris Windust 021 272 7448 a/h 09 434 4969 [email protected] Bream Bay 09 433 0334 Tutukaka 09 434 3034 36 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz For Sale View by appointment rwtutukaka.co.nz/TUT20090 Chris Windust 021 272 7448 a/h 09 434 4969 [email protected] Allens Open Home 4 A 1 D 4 E 3 F 4 I Ngunguru 1917 Ngunguru Road Designed by Noel Martin this prestigious modern family home is beautifully appointed. Attention to detail including subtle angles makes for the most interesting and comfortable living while overlooking the Ngunguru estuary. Entertaining is a joy with the generous deck complimenting the open plan living areas while the four bedrooms, three bathrooms, plus study offer family and friends a little luxury. Downstairs incorporated with the fourth bedroom is a kitchenette ideal for semi self contained living with its own entry and lovely afternoon sun. Extensive four car garaging, bore water and an easy care garden. Tender Tender closes 4:00 pm Thursday 22 November 2012 (unless sold by private treaty) View Sunday 12:00 - 1:00 pm rwtutukaka.co.nz/TUT20156 Peter Vink 021 436 097 a/h 09 437 0078 [email protected] Tutukaka 09 434 3034 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 37 Allens 4A2F2I Ngunguru 7 Kakariki Road Surrounded by ancient Puriri and Pohutukawa trees, this home boarders the estuary reserve and is set well back from the road down a scenic private gardened drive. 100 metres to the boat ramp and a pleasant stroll to school and local shops, this extra large family residence is one you would be proud to call home. An amazing amount of bird life including Wood Pigeon and Tui reside in the surrounding bush and the private landscaped grounds provide the ultimate space to simply relax and enjoy without a neighbour in site. Granite work tops, AEG appliances, indoor/outdoor flow and believe it or not, carpet in the garage. This home is absolute value buying and is being offered at a level well below replacement. For Sale $875,000 View by appointment rwtutukaka.co.nz/TUT20136 Peter Vink 021 436 097 a/h 09 437 0078 [email protected] 3A3F3I Tutukaka 148 Tutukaka Block Road Positioned in the middle of the bay this large solidly built home is now surplus to the families requirements.This home with solid concrete foundations is built on a large flat 2331m² freehold site with loads of parking for the boats, caravans and more and with boat ramp directly across the road. Safe swimming for the kids, handy to everything Tutukaka has to offer and a very rare opportunity to secure one of only a hand full of properties in this picturesque bay. Vacant possession and ready to view now. For Sale Offers Considered View by appointment rwtutukaka.co.nz/TUT20159 Peter Vink 021 436 097 a/h 09 437 0078 [email protected] 3A3F Tutukaka 93 Whangaumu Street Finished to a very high standard this as new stylish beach house comes with all the bells and whistles including double glazed windows.The home is in an extremely private position above the bay on over a half acre of land and enjoys outstanding beach and ocean views. A short walk down your concrete driveway to the beach below, amazing sunsets, fully furnished, low maintenance grounds + the bonus of being fully set up for holiday lets with forward bookings in place. This unique property reflects excellent value for money and is ready to view now. Tutukaka 09 434 3034 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 38 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz For Sale $785000 View by appointment rwtutukaka.co.nz/TUT20155 Peter Vink 021 436 097 a/h 09 437 0078 [email protected] Allens 2+ A 1 C 1 E 1 I Kensington 8 Marsden Place Congratulations to the seller and the new owner of this character Kensington home. Here’s a rare opportunity to secure a block of five units in a handy Whangarei location, close to the city centre and NorthTec campus. The property certainly pays its way with a rental potential of $945 per week, comprising four roomy one bedroom flats returning $690 per week, plus a recently refurbished three bedroom upstairs unit (currently vacant) which was rented at $255 per week. Good off street parking Offers over $485,000 considered and large land area of 2206m² add to the appeal. • 4 weeks marketing • 50+ groups inspected • 5 registered bidders SOLD For Sale Sold Buyers missed out and more homes are needed! There is still Gary Younger time to move before Christmas - call me now to discuss your 021 467 514 ddi 0800 222 393 [email protected] options. These multi unit offerings are rare - grab your chance. Open Home Kamo 14 Grant Street Immaculate low maintenance brick and tile modern house, the first time on the market! Like new inside and ever so spacious (185m² ) with large open plan living which flows to sunny deck area, and elevated outlook to Parakiore mountain. Four bedrooms, plus internal access from garage with easy to manage easy care section, fantastic retirement option or great for the busy professionals. Set back from the road in a quiet street and ever so handy to the supermarket, medical centre, schools and shops etc 7A5F5K Raumanga 92 Murdoch Crescent View Call to view rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21734 Gary Younger 021 467 514 ddi 0800 222 393 [email protected] Open Home 4A1C2F2I For Sale $369,000 View Sunday 1:00 - 1:30 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21815 Geraldine Edwards 027 490 3674 a/h 09 436 2353 [email protected] Lisa Gray 021 425 944 a/h 09 459 5548 [email protected] 3A2F2I Pataua South 23 Mahanga Road Enjoy family holidays you will treasure for a lifetime from this fantastic water front holiday home. Immaculately presented with ultra modern decor, with a designers feel offering open plan living which flows to lawn area and literally a few steps to the beach! Included bonus of a sleep out for guests. Child friendly beach in the safety of the estuary plus access to the harbour for fishing, diving etc. Such a tranquil peaceful retreat and only 2.5 hours from Auckland CBD! Leasehold living offering the holiday lifestyle without the price tag ... be in for summer!! For Sale $269,000 View Sunday 3:00 - 4:00 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21787 Geraldine Edwards 027 490 3674 a/h 09 436 2353 [email protected] Lisa Gray 021 425 944 a/h 09 459 5548 [email protected] Whangarei 09 430 3300 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 39 Allens 4A2C2F2I Maungatapere The owners are selling their much loved family home which presents a great opportunity for buyers. This well designed and maintained family home has four bedrooms and two living areas. There are also two decks both with good rural views. Separate double garaging. Enough grazing for the pony plus a stable. Land area 1.17 ha. Present your offer today. For Sale A recent price reduction makes this orchard an excellent purchase. The owners’ attention to detail has seen this young avocado orchard start to produce significant amounts of crop for its owners. This years crop is estimated to be approx 5,000 trays. Land area 5.78 ha. Improvements include a two bedroom home, four bay implement shed and garaging, approx 720 trees. $495,000 rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21587 Graeme Leonard 0274 982 886 a/h 09 434 7614 [email protected] Open Home 3A1B1C1F2I1J Ruatangata 145 Attwood Road Act now to secure this captivating property, beautifully presented and ready for new owners. A lovely solid brick, tidy home featuring three good sized bedrooms, sarked timber ceilings, central vac, dishwasher, separate laundry and sundrenched outdoor living. With just over one hectare of land, there is enough for a pony, a few sheep or even some beef animals. Well set up with six paddocks, good water supply, loads of parking, large garaging and a flat section around the house perfect for kids and pets. Properties in this area seldom are available and with desirable schooling nearby, this is an exceptional offer. Must be sold, don’t delay, view now! For Sale $364,000 View Sunday 1:00 - 1:45 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21799 Kelly Sackfield 027 235 7906 ddi 09 945 4949 [email protected] Ruatangata 64 Crossett Road A beautiful family home set on 6 hectares and built to take advantage of the breathtaking views. Excellent land for hobby farmer or active family, this will surely appeal once viewed. Ideal grazing for sheep, beef or horses, this property has been lovingly developed by the current owners. The six year old home features separate laundry, HRV system, heat pump, open plan living with second lounge and a great flow to outdoor areas. A large separate shed, troughs, water tanks, stock yards and dams complete the farm package. My vendors seek an outcome and are on the market to sell this great property as soon as possible. If you want to enjoy a future lifestyle in this wonderful environment, view now! Whangarei 09 430 3300 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 For Sale View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21478 Graeme Leonard 027 498 2886 a/h 09 434 7614 [email protected] Open Home 40 2A1F2I Maungatapere View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 4A2C2F2I For Sale Buyers in the mid $500,000s should inspect View Sunday 2:00 - 2:45 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21516 Kelly Sackfield 027 235 7906 ddi 09 945 4949 [email protected] Allens Open Home Avenues 1/4 Third Ave • Absentee Vendors have given us clear instructions: SELL • Seldom found often sought • Wow! So close to the city - walk to work • Set on a well fenced easy care section • Room for the boat or camper van • Two spacious bedrooms + office (or single bedroom) • Near new carpet, good condition and a great outlook • Prime prime location • On its own freehold title This is a "Must To Inspect" so you can see the benefits for yourself. Exclusive 2+ A 1 C 1 F 1 I • This home offers privacy, space, north facing, and a great entertainment deck • Easy care section yet room for the garden • • • • • By Negotiation Offers $289,000 View Sunday 1:00 - 1:40 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21697 Murray Jones AREINZ Dip VFM Valuer Licensed Agent 021 909 884 a/h 09 435 3452 [email protected] • • • • • • • • Roomy three bedroom home, rear of two Set on an easy care section Great location and handy to sports field Set in a no exit street Features internal access, close to schools and shops Good decor throughout An excellent first home buy An inspection will impress ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED Ideal for someone looking for a smaller section and home An easy care home and tastefully decorated Short easy stroll to the new complex being built and shops Realistically priced and affordable rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21692 Set in a well established no exit street By Negotiation Murray Jones AREINZ DipVFM Valuer Licensed Agent 021 909 884 a/h 09 435 3452 [email protected] All offers over $290,000 considered Open Home Tikipunga 10 B Reed Street 2A1C1F1I Maunu Reduced 3A1C1F1I Exclusive $218,000 View Sunday 12:00 - 12:40 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21541 Murray Jones AREINZ Dip VFM Valuer Licensed Agent 021 909 884 a/h 09 435 3452 [email protected] 3A1C1F1I Tikipunga • • • • Well fenced easy care cross lease section A brilliant first home and a good investment Situated at the end of a cul-de-sac Plenty of basement storage, good garaging and a small rumpus room • A must to inspect in this price range • You will appreciate the outlook Look at the price $205,000 - Must Be Sold. By Negotiation $205,000 rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21659 Murray Jones AREINZ Dip VFM Valuer Licensed Agent 021 909 884 a/h 09 435 3452 [email protected] Whangarei 09 430 3300 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 41 Allens Open Home 3 A 1+ C 2 F 2+ I Onerahi Tucked away up a private lane above the road this family size multi level townhouse. Built to the sun and sweeping rural residential outlook over Waikaraka and back towards town. Open plan one level living. Bedrooms and bathrooms up and downstairs. High sarked ceilings create extra mezzanine space and options. Second basement garage with studio or hobby workshop area. Showroom presentation throughout. Nestled in stepped easy care landscaped grounds. Short stroll to Onerahi shopping centre and schools. $325,000 $325,000. Sold Onerahi 2/163 Onerahi Road The Executor the bank and the family all want this tired abandoned SOLD. Set back away from the hustle and the traffic the front one of three town house units in sunny sheltered setting. Kitchen, dining living opens into veranda BBQ patio and easy care postage stamp grounds. Walk through lock up garage with hobby room at back. Stroll to Onerahi shops, medical and schools. Denis Lloyd 021 278 5110 a/h 09 436 1105 [email protected] Whangarei 09 430 3300 42 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 2A1C1F1I For Sale $175,000 View Sunday 10:00 - 10:30 am rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21735 Denis Lloyd 021 278 5110 a/h 09 436 1105 [email protected] Allens Kamo West Tucked away from the road in a bush backdrop gully setting this easy care family size home with walk through double garaging. Stairs to gully grounds farmyard setting - lots of scope to further develop both dwelling and grounds here! Ideal rental investors, first homers and buyers wanting to add more living and value. Long term model tenant keen to stay. Walk to Kamo West shops, schools sports grounds this mature cul-de-sac neighbourhood. Capital value $275,000 - "marketwise" South bound vendor will consider realistic offers. Kamo 227 Fairway Drive A wonderful home awaits, for you and your family. Great schools within walking distance. An immaculate well maintained property with a large fenced back section ideal for children and pets. A lovely warm private home with natural light. Indoor/outdoor flow. An ideal property for professionals and families. This quality home needs to be seen to be appreciated. Phone now to view! 3A1C1F2I 3A1C1F2I Raumanga Heights It’s as though the clock stopped in "the sixties" - the wallpaper, beamed ceiling, park stone chimney and fireplace, native timber flooring, concrete terrace, split level living and walk through basement garaging. So bring your overalls, paintbrush and flair - there’s lots of scope to refurbish, extend/develop the indoor/outdoor living to bring back the neglected scruffy grounds and add real value here! Built to the sun in this elevated mature cul-de-sac setting so handy school, Northtec, hospital and the town centre. Capital value $270,000 - Serious streetwise seller will negotiate cost of renovations. For Sale View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21724 Denis Lloyd 021 278 5110 a/h 09 436 1105 [email protected] 4A2C2F2I For Sale rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21709 Denis Lloyd 021 278 5110 a/h 09 436 1105 [email protected] 3A1C1F2I Titoki 24 Tokiri Road This charming property has it all • A lovely three bedroom cottage with indoor outdoor living on both sides of the home For Sale $429,000 make an offer now View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21610 Andrenna Veltman 027 213 3438 a/h 09 437 5335 [email protected] • Wonderful gardens, lawns with privacy set on 4110m² + room to do more • Beautifully landscaped, now boasting many mature trees, shrubs and flower gardens Call Andrenna now to view. For Sale View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21775 Andrenna Veltman 027 213 3438 a/h 09 437 5335 [email protected] Whangarei 09 430 3300 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 43 Allens 4A2F2I Maunu This home is well designed with plenty of space for a growing family or may suit an executive couple who like to entertain and have guests to stay. The master bedroom, with ensuite, is situated downstairs to give parents privacy and the other three bedrooms are upstairs. The spacious lounge flows nicely to an outdoor living area overlooking the peaceful native bush and offers you the opportunity to sit back and relax either indoors or out. The property is situated in a sought after location in a neighbourhood of similar, quality homes and offers excellent schooling, bush walks and parks for your enjoyment. For Sale Tamaterau - Whangarei Heads Road CV $188,000. 9003m² of mature bush with a portion protected by covenant. Definitely in need of some clearing but has good potential as private haven. Walking distance to Tennis court, beaches ... close to Pines Golf course ... minutes to Onerahi shopping centre, school and airport. Overseas owner must sell. Your offer could own this property. For Sale $79,000 View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC20135 Jenny McMillan 027 285 8791 a/h 09 438 3776 [email protected] $459,000 View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21676 Jenny McMillan 027 285 8791 a/h 09 438 3776 [email protected] Exclusive Onerahi Beach Road 5A2B2C3E4F3I This unique property has so much to offer and may appeal to those looking for extra family living space or investors who wish to add to their portfolio or perhaps a home stay. The villa has been renovated and tastefully modernised to retain its character and charm and the new dwelling is so modern, spacious and absolutely gorgeous. The pleasant outdoor living areas and the awesome views must make this $600,000 property a pleasure to live in. View by appointment Circumstances have changed and the owner is keen to sell. rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC20552 CV $620,000. For Sale Hannah Beuker 027 367 2877 a/h 09 435 4340 [email protected] Tikipunga 24 Meadow Park Crescent • • • • • • • Great first home situated on a safe, family friendly section. Close to schools, medical centre, supermarket and other local amenities. In good condition and ready for you to move right in. Whangarei 09 430 3300 44 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 Three bedrooms New modern kitchen Brand new carpet Open plan living Large, flat, fenced section Lock up garage True double carport View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 3A1F1I2J For Sale $225,000 View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21782 Hannah Beuker 027 367 2877 a/h 09 435 4340 [email protected] Allens Open Home 3A2F2I Maunu 19 Kiwi Avenue Welcome to this solid single level home on level low maintenance grounds. Secure a fantastic address for immediate family living that also boasts a layout for growing families. Situated in a peaceful sought after tree lined street. Top schooling nearby. Enjoy comfort and space coupled with excellent storage. Enjoy summer with the salt water pool and well positioned sun room. Bus stop and parks in the immediate vicinity. Buyer enquiry in the early $400,000s welcome. For Sale Early $400,000s considered View Sunday 12:30 - 1:00 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21752 Aaron Ratcliffe 021 180 0702 09 437 7909 [email protected] Open Home Kamo 104 Station Road 3A1F1I2J Family Home On A Big Section Looking for a home that fits your budget and your family? A solid starter enjoying elevated views and a sunny aspect. North facing entertainers deck out to a large fully fenced rear yard. A handy, generous sized "blokes shed". Good sized living areas with ample room to personalise. No Shortage of parking with vehicle access to the back section. A great affordable prospect for the family. Call Aaron to view. For Sale Offers over $229,000 considered View Sunday 11:30 am - 12:00 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21657 Aaron Ratcliffe 021 180 0702 a/h 09 437 7909 [email protected] Kensington 1 Parkview Rise Top location. Close to Central schooling, Kensington facilities and shopping. Positioned for sun and remarkable views. Brand spanking new Big enough for the growing family, or perfect for those wanting an executive home with natures outlook without the maintenance. Rarely found often sought after opportunity on offer now. Buyer enquiry around the mid $500,000 welcome. Call Aaron to view. Under Offer 4A2E2F2I For Sale Enquiries around the mid $500,000s welcome View Sunday 1:30 - 2:00 pm rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21790 Aaron Ratcliffe 021 180 0702 a/h 09 437 7909 [email protected] Horahora 9 Silverstream Road Privacy And Close To Town Morningside 215 Morningside Road 3A2F2I Privacy important? Solid home ready for new owners. Quietly hiding back from the street. Sun Soaked, Views And Size Perfect affordable option for the kiwi family. This substantial north facing home has been recently refurbished and is ready to move in. Grandstand views over the city and Parahaki from your huge sun room which flows effortlessly from the family sized lounge. Roam from room to room and down stairs you will find an over-sized rumpus/teenagers retreat. Cavernous secure garaging. An exciting layout plus large back section. Flooded with natural light, blended character and style. Buyers in the mid $300,000 welcome. Schools close, hospital and shops a short stroll. Capturing the twinkling city lights at night from an elevated position. Lock up garaging, good For Sale Offers in the mid $300,000s considered View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21668 Aaron Ratcliffe 021 180 0702 a/h 09 437 7909 [email protected] sized updated kitchen and new bathroom eliminating the big ticket item costs for you. Sold Enquiries around the Mid $200,000 Welcome Aaron Ratcliffe 021 180 0702 a/h 09 437 7909 [email protected] Whangarei 09 430 3300 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 45 Allens Forthcoming Auction Maungakaramea 1054 Maungakaramea Road Step back in time when you enter this charming two bedroom story book cottage, with rock walls, flowers and trees galore. Pull up a rocking chair on the sunny porch or enjoy serene meals overlooking the private setting. Explore the captivating garden paths to discover the abundance of native bush and bird life right on your doorstep. You’ll love the generous sized old fashioned garage with its own light and airy studio above - ideal hideaway for an artist haven or teenage retreat. This vintage charmer is within easy walking distance to the township of Maungakaramea, on a school bus route and only 10 km to the CBD. Life here will give you great peace of mind and neighbours that care. Don’t put off seeing this property or you’ll pass up a rare buy. Raise the curtain on a new type of life by phoning me today! Whangarei 09 430 3300 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) PropertyPlus : Wednesday, 31 October, 2012 46 View online at: www.propertyplusnorthland.co.nz 2 A 1 C 1 E 1 F 3 I Auction 5:30 pm Thursday 22 November 2012 Ray White Allens Auction Room View SUNDAY 10:00 -11:00 am GARAGE SALE HERE at 9:00 am rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21824 Tina Subritzky 021 059 7285 a/h 09 432 9074 [email protected] Richard Hall and Gary Sims pictured here with client Justin Sims from Instant Finance Dedicated to your commercial growth Gary Sims 021 221 1322 & Richard Hall 027 607 6120 Justin Sims and some of the Instant Finance Whangarei team Ray White Allens Commercial Property Brokers (REAA 2008) Instant Finance have just opened in their new location at 28 Vine Street, Whangarei - new, modern premises they secured with the assistance of the Ray White Allens Commercial Team. Established in 1971, Instant Finance provides personal loans to the public through more than 20 strategically placed retail branches across New Zealand. Long established in the North the Whangarei branch have been providing friendly service and quick response to personal borrowing needs for over 15 years. Specialising in personal loans from $200 to $20,000 they pride themselves on helping Kiwi’s get ahead and remain proud supporters of Northland commerce, community and families. If you want some help getting back in control of your finances with a loan you can understand and payments you can afford, then head to Instant Finance’s new Whangarei branch and have a chat with the friendly team or call them on 0800 760 000. 2 Central 22 Bank Street Space To Live And Work Here? • Retail opportunity • Rent $30,000 pa + outgoings + GST • 3 levels approx 340m² inclusive • Landlord keen to negotiate your options Commercial 09 430 3300 Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) For Lease View by appointment rwwhangarei.co.nz/WHC21270 Gary Sims 021 221 1322 09 430 3300 [email protected] Richard Hall 027 607 6120 09 430 3300 [email protected]