Agenda - Town of Ontario
Agenda - Town of Ontario
AGENDA ONTARIO TOWN BOARD MEETING DATE: June 8, 2015 TIME: 7:00 PM LOCATION: Ontario Town Hall I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Presentation of Resolution of Service For Councilman Mike Melino IV. Revisions to Agenda/Add Business Items V. Comments From the Public VI. Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting(s) – 5.26.15 (Att. 1) VII. Correspondence: Town Clerk VIII. Reports of the Attorney for the Town IX. Reports of Department Heads & Town Agencies 1. Supervisor’s Financial Statement 2. Superintendent of Water Utilities 3. Superintendent of Highways 4. Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer 5. Sole Assessor 6. Director of Ontario Public Library 7. Town Justice Court 8. Animal Control Officer 9. Economic Development Department 10. Director of Recreation and Parks (Att. 2) (Att. 3) (Att. 4) (Att. 5) (Att. 6) (Att. 7) (Att. 8) (Att. 9) (Att. 10) (Att. 11) X. Old Business XI. New Business 1. Consideration to approve payment to Mr. Brian Price in the amount of $710.37 for damage to a vehicle per the attached package. (Att. 12) 2. Consideration to approve the Supervisor to sign MOU for 2016 Reassessment. (Att. 13) 3. Consideration to approve items declared surplus from Town Clerk’s Office. (Att. 14) XII. Budget Transfers/Adjustments XIII. Appointments/Resignations XIV. Information Forum 1. County Business 2. Member Items 3. Comments From the Public XV. Approval of Claims – June 8, 2015 XVI. Workshop Items XVII. Executive Session Adjournment NEXT MEETING – 7PM – TOWN HALL June 15, 2015 – Workshop June 22, 2015 – Business July 13 2015 - Business MAY 26, 2015 ONTARIO TOWN BOARD MEETING A regular meeting of the Ontario Town Board was called to order by Supervisor John Smith at 7:03 p.m. in the Ontario Town Hall. Present were Supervisor Smith, Council members: Jason Ruffell, Frank Robusto, Joseph Catalano, Clerk to Highway Superintendent Marilee Stollery and Town Clerk Debra DeMinck. 18 residents and visitors were present at portions of the meeting. Mr. Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance. Revisions to the Agenda – A motion was made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to approve the agenda as presented. 4 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting(s) – A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Catalano, to approve the minutes of the May 11, 2015 Town Board meeting as presented. 4 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Robusto, to approve the minutes of the May 18, 2015 Town Board Workshop meeting as presented. 4 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED Correspondence – None New Business – A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Robusto, to adopt the following resolution: The Re-affirmance of the Agreement with the Ontario Public Library WHEREAS, on April 19, 1965, the Town Board and the Ontario Public Library (then known as the “Ontario Free Library”) entered into a written Agreement whereby the parties agreed that the Library would be located in and maintain its operations in a portion of the Town Hall located at 1850 Ridge Road, which such arrangement has continued to the present; and WHEREAS, the operation of the Library within the Town Hall has been mutually beneficial to the parties and, more importantly, to the citizens and residents of the Town of Ontario; and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intention of the Town Board to re-affirm and continue the aforesaid Agreement between the Town Board and the Library, for the further and continued benefit to the community of the Town of Ontario; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby commends the Ontario Public Library for its valuable service to the Town of Ontario; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in support and furtherance of the continued service to the community by the Library, the Town Board hereby and herein ratifies, re-affirms and continues the Agreement entered into by the Town Board and the Library on April 19, 1965, so that the Library may continue its operations within the Town Hall on an on-going basis for at least the next ten (10) years, under and in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid April 19, 1965 Agreement. 4 Ayes 0 Nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED A motion was made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to adopt the following resolution: Corrective Action Plan for Code Enforcement and Building Inspection WHEREAS, the Town of Ontario requested an audit of the Code Enforcement and Building Inspection program of the Town. The program review was conducted by Ms. Deborah J. Babbitt-Henry of the New York State Department of State, Division of Building Standards & Codes. WHEREAS, the program review report was presented to the Town on November 10, 2014 and a Corrective Action Plan to address the report was completed by Code Enforcement Officer Edward Collins on Page 2 06/04/15 January 23, 2015. WHEREAS, the Town engaged in an aggressive program to adjust duties and responsibilities of Building Department personnel to allow significantly greater commitment to the code enforcement and inspection effort. Additionally, substantial renovation of Town Hall offices was completed to allow better work flow and added space within the Building Department. WHEREAS, the Town Board has accepted the Corrective Action Plan with changes and modifications to ensure essential compliance with recommendations as outlined in the Program Review. WHEREAS, the Town recognizes the importance of an effective code enforcement and building inspection program and is committed to enacting the Corrective Action Plan through increased efficiency, utilization of appropriate personnel, and examination of effective technology. WHEREAS, the Town Board directs the Town Supervisor to deliver the Corrective Action Plan to Ms. Deborah J. Babbitt-Henry and provide updates as requested. 4 Ayes 0 Nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED A motion was made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Robusto, to adopt the following resolution: WHEREAS, Ontario Water Utilities employee Mr. Dennis Coyle sustained injury while working in the employment of the Town on February 26, 2015 and received Worker’s Compensation and Sick Time resulting in excess compensation in the amount of $2,911.14 or 100.35 of accrued sick hours. WHEREAS, the Town, Mr. Coyle, CSEA Unit 9111-02 have agreed to resolve the overpayment by removing 100.35 hours from Mr. Coyle’s sick bank. That this agreement is articulated in a Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Ontario, Mr. Coyle, and CSEA, and upon approval, is made part of this resolution. 4 Ayes 0 Nays RESOLUTION ADOPTED Discussion of Assessor’s plan for reevaluation Mr. Robusto discussed the 2016 Reassessment Project Timetable with the board and that the Assessor would like to hire a part time clerk to help her with the reevaluation. A draft MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) was sent to all board members outlining what everyone is responsible for. The Supervisor will have the MOU prepared for the next meeting. Appointments/Resignations – A motion was made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to approve the appointment of Library Trustee Angela G. Lay effective June 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017 to fill the unexpired term of Cynthia Eisen. 4 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED A motion was made by Mr. Robusto, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to approve the rate of pay change for Ken Pritchett, seasonal laborer at the Parks and Recreation Department, from $9.00 to $9.25 per hour, effective May 7, 2015, as recommended by the Director of Parks and Recreation in memo 11-2015. 4 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED A motion was made by Mr. Robusto, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to appoint David Barrett as seasonal harbor staff effective May 30, 2015 at a rate of $9.75 per hour with no benefits, as recommended by the Director of Parks and Recreation in memo 11-2015. 4 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED A motion was made by Mr. Robusto, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to appoint Connor Hollenbeck as a seasonal laborer at the Parks and Recreation Department effective May 18, 2015 at a rate of $8.75 per hour with no benefits, as recommended by the Director of Parks and Recreation in memo 11-2015. 4 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED Page 3 06/04/15 A motion was made by Mr. Robusto, seconded by Mr. Ruffell, to appoint Katherine Schneider part time office staff at the Parks and Recreation Department effective May 19, 2015 at a rate of $9.25 per hour with no benefits, as recommended by the Director of Parks and Recreation in memo 11-2015. 4 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED Board Reports – Mr. Ruffell announced that the second annual Ridge Road Rummage Run will be this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The American Legion is also holding their Memorial Day Parade this Saturday at 11 a.m. Mr. Smith stated the boat launch at Bear Creek will be temporarily repaired with Mr. Riddell looking at grants to fix it properly. Approve Claims – A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Smith, to approve the abstract of claims for May 26, 2015 including vouchers #1201 through #1328 (1289 and 1290 used by the Business Office) with a grand total of $109,377.70 and to authorize the Supervisor to issue payments for same. 4 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED Workshop Items – None Executive Session - A motion was made by Mr. Ruffell, seconded by Mr. Smith, to move into an executive session at 7:46 p.m. on matters leading to said dismissal, removal, promotion, appointment, employment, discipline, demotion or suspension of a particular person. 4 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED Reconvene – 8:52 p.m. Adjourn – A motion was made by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Robusto, to adjourn at 8:52 p.m. 4 Ayes 0 Nays MOTION CARRIED Respectfully submitted, Debra DeMinck Ontario Town Clerk The above minutes will become official upon approval of the town board. TOWN OF ONTARIO SUPERVISOR'S MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT TOTALS AS OF: 1/1/2015 2/1/2015 3/1/2015 4/1/2015 5/1/2015 GENERAL HIGHWAY WATER SEWER DISTRICT 1 SEWER DISTRICT 2 LIGHTING DISTRICT 1 LIGHTING DISTRICT 2 DRAINAGE A DA F SS01 SS02 SL01 SL02 SD 2,846,047.35 3,264,909.68 3,139,144.18 2,857,521.23 2,950,768.42 1,220,759.79 1,440,500.36 1,369,229.45 1,232,600.08 1,181,425.92 1,152,603.84 1,166,286.76 1,141,264.38 1,227,900.71 1,276,375.72 81,431.50 178,540.75 211,938.35 152,219.43 119,669.38 283,355.44 289,115.30 294,857.14 290,291.05 297,157.32 12,148.73 10,842.40 9,802.49 9,151.65 8,294.01 2,855.02 2,635.10 2,446.53 2,303.77 2,136.65 510,052.53 504,844.69 503,767.76 502,563.06 536,147.69 TOWN /LIBRARY RESERVE HIGHWAY EQUIP RESERVE SEWER REPAIR RESERVE HR1 HR5 W/W 345,646.08 336,934.25 93,129.08 345,654.09 336,942.17 93,131.25 345,662.97 336,950.96 93,133.65 345,671.56 336,959.48 93,135.98 345,680.28 336,967.80 93,138.39 BLDG SECURITY DEPOSIT GUARANTY & BID DEPOSIT FACILITY USE DEPOSITS PARKLAND DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPERS FEES MEMORIAL POINT PRJCT CEMETERY TRUST LAKESIDE CEMETERY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PAYROLL T-30 T-31 T-36 T-37 T-38 T-40 T-95 T-95.1 T600 TA 68,300.00 166,966.34 2,100.00 143,901.53 168,785.26 2,779.60 18,940.78 1,238.92 61,424.54 135,731.44 67,400.00 87,952.90 2,275.00 144,605.90 169,189.94 2,779.60 18,941.52 1,238.97 174,789.64 92,546.09 68,300.00 87,956.75 2,650.00 131,810.23 169,195.17 2,779.60 18,942.36 1,239.02 7,431.58 182,046.48 70,500.00 87,960.48 2,400.00 131,814.58 169,200.38 2,779.60 18,943.23 1,239.08 67,052.85 204,616.51 72,200.00 87,963.77 2,825.00 133,218.94 170,005.61 2,780.16 18,944.06 1,239.13 87,052.72 197,363.98 LANDFILL CLOSURE PRJCT T HALL/LIBRARY CAP PRJCT COMM CENTER CAP PRJCT WW TREATMENT ENTRANCE GIS IMPLEMENTATION TIMOTHY LANE EXT PHASE 2 COOLING TOWER BEAR CREEK HARBOR H67 H68 H70 H76 H77 H80 H81 H82 43,545.37 29,118.09 9,283.38 43,212.96 5,881.22 (14,750.88) 15,081.49 41,046.46 27,460.20 9,283.74 43,214.66 1,511.25 (14,750.88) 15,081.50 41,047.67 26,061.75 9,284.15 43,216.58 1,391.28 (14,750.88) 15,082.09 12,800.00 41,048.87 18,905.78 9,284.58 43,218.57 1,271.31 (14,750.88) 15,082.68 12,800.00 43,114.17 18,780.59 9,284.99 43,220.46 1,151.33 (14,750.88) 15,083.26 12,800.00 TOTALS 7,798,826.01 8,517,969.06 8,254,681.69 7,933,685.64 8,050,038.86 CHASE BANK LYONS NATIONAL BANK 3,901,954.79 3,866,134.73 3,892,567.24 3,936,133.52 3,963,203.24 3,902,746.22 4,651,834.33 4,362,114.45 3,997,552.12 4,086,835.62 6/1/2015 7/1/2015 8/1/2015 9/1/2015 10/1/2015 11/1/2015 12/1/2015 Town of Ontario Water Utilities Department Monthly Town Board Report May 2015 Water Treatment Plant .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Replaced LBA200 chemical feed line Ran proficiency samples Sent out UCMR3, THM's, HAAS, TOC's, Alkalinity, Nitrates, and Metals RG&E installed voltage, hertz, and amp recorder on raw pump power feed, having problems with generator controller Replaced sample pump on filter A Replaced probe on in-line fluoride meter Sent out GAC samples for all filters Repaired piping and leaks on the #2 booster pump (Ridge Road) Wastewater Treatment Plant .:. .:. .:. .:. Chamberlain's hauled 7 loads of sludge from V. Wolcott (36,000 gal.) Finished drying the sludge stockpile from winter storage Hauled in 260 yards of wood chips (Joe's Meat Market) Planted corn if the south fields it should be done before they start the solar project Distribution / Collection Systems .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Monthly meter reads Meters, stakeouts, inspections Weekly pump station checks Pump station repair and maintenance Monthly vehicle and equipment - repair/maintenance Continuing on meter replacement town wide Repaired numerous (11) leaks Town wide; Lincoln Road @ Whitney Road, 6922 Countyline Road, 6400 Knickerbocker Road, 6372 Knickerbocker Road, (2) 2007 Route 104, 2043 Route 104, 5624 Slocum Road, Coppersmith Trail @ Paddy Lane Road, and 5862 Lincoln Road .:. Clean ups Town wide .:. Replaced motor starter @ Roder Parkway pump station .:. Assisted Water Plant with proficiency samples 2015 FISCAL YEAR FINANCIAL AND ACTIVITY REPORT Laboratory Ending 31-May-2015 Bactereological-Samples YTO Current/M TOntario Current/M YTO 11 51 V Macedon T Williamson 8 40 V Wolcott TSodus 17 37 V Sodus V Sodus Point 2 10 54 202 4 13 V Lyons 5 WCW&SA 25 WCS&W Current/M YTO 10 Private 6 24 2 10 TMarion 0 0 3 15 2 YTO Total samples (M) 114 Total samples (YTO) 437 Total sampling revenue (YTO) $6,705.00 Misc. Water Revenue (YTO) $11,780.07 WATER - Revenue January February March April May June July Gallons/M 17,235,000 18,176,000 22,545,000 18,643,000 22,612,000 0 0 0 Dollars $33,608.25 $35,443.20 $0.00 $0.00 0 0 0 0 August Sept. October 0 a November December Total WCW&SA $43,962.75 $36,353.85 $44,093.50 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 99,211,000 $193,461.55 Ontario W-Gallons/Q 140,829,000 0 0 0 0 0 140,829,000 W-Dollars/Q $0.00 $0.00 $334,950.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $334,950.40 S- Dollars/Q $0.00 $0.00 $182,894.77 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $182,894.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141,000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $980.51 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Ontario - Final Bills W - Gallons 6,000 9,000 W - Dollars $150.87 $116.09 S - Dollars $315.20 SERVICECALLS WATER SEWER $137.77 #/Month 32,000 $165.20 $114.80 #/YTD 60,000 34,000 $295.01 $253.34 $327.23 $453.39 CONNECT/SERVICE CHARGES # of Accounts 11 16 W&S 2,029 WATER-Connection $200.00 Repairs 11 16 Water 1,785 WATER-Connection $2,500.00 Install 0 0 SEWER Inspections 1 5 TOTAL Repairs 0 Install 0 Emergency 0 Inspections 1 $0.00 $/Month $0.00 #/YTD $1,348.39 $/YTD 1 1 $200.00 5 $1,000.00 $2,500.00 2 $5,000.00 6 $12,500.00 15 $36,250.00 71 SEWER DIST #1 3,885 Sewer facilities Fees $1,250/$1,500/$2, ~ 3 Existing Home - New Tn Install $1,750.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 New Home - Developer Installed $1,250.00 2 $2,500.00 2 $2,500.00 4 New Connection $1,500.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 5 Unit Chg - Multi Family/Com/lnd $1,500.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 Water Produced For Sale / M Water Produced For Sale / YTD Effluent From Booster Station / M Effluent From Booster Station / YTD 2015 2014 60,514,000 78,417,000 318,897,000 362,420,000 44,382,000 57,417,000 1995 or Newer Payment Plan - Residential Stonehedge-Developer 274,740,000 22,612,000 25,843,000 Lateral Connection Water Remaining in Ontario (Gallons) 21,770,000 31,574,000 Miscellanous 21.08 MG Sewer Plant Sludge Removed (cu.yds.) 88.0 cu. Yds. 5/31/2015 1.70 MG $735.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 $350.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 $3,250.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 SEWER DIST #2 1 -10 236,687,000 (Gallons) Installed Payment Plan Water Supplied Outside Ontario (Gallons) Sewer Plant Intake for Treatment $0.00 #/Month Emergency PLANT OPERA TlONS & TREATMENT Peak Flow $0.00 Fee 0 0.00 Fee $2,500.00 1 $0.00 $2,500.00 revenue 28.52 MG Sludge Generated 0 1 $0.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 Revenue $1,512.00 $4,760.00 50 cu. Yds. Total Revenue YTO 3.25 MG 5/16/2014 Respectfully, Rodney M. Peets Superintendent of Water Utilities $784,130.69 TOWN OF ONTARIO HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 6449 FURNACE ROAD ONTARIO, NEW YORK 14519 TELEPHONE (315) 524-8111 FAX (315) 524-7694 E-MAIL [email protected] JERRY SANTANGELO, SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS STEVE AMSLER, CREW CHIEF MARILEE STOLLERY, CLERK-TYPIST/D.E.O. MONTHLY TOWN BOARD REPORT MAY 2015 During the month of May, the Highway Department finished removing the sanders and plow equipment from the trucks. We began roadside cleanup from winter damage and started road work. Equipment repairs were performed as needed. We met with the Insurance Claims division regarding the air quality problems in the Highway Office. We are awaiting an Air Quality test results In – Kind Services Town of Ontario – assisted Charlie DeMinck at the Town Hall. Assisted Charlie with the making of mailbox posts. Town of Sodus Highway Department – assisted with road work. Town of Williamson Highway Department – hauled stone for road projects. Services to Other Departments Watershed – removed tree obstructing Bear Creek in Furnaceville Orchards and at Furguson Street. Water Utilities Department – hauled stone for the Water Department to stock for future repairs. Central Garage Assessor/Building Department – 2005 Jeep – replaced brakes and rotors (front and back). Building Department – 2007 Ford – (Building Inspector’s truck) Finished the repairs to the Building Inspector’s truck. Water Utilities Department – Adjusted brakes and clutch. General Repairs / Miscellaneous Picked up tires dump along roadside. Swept roadsides. Surface Treated roads (Kenyon Rd (N. Slocum Rd to Fisher Rd), Brown Square, Community Ln and Stevens St.). Cleaned up and re-landscaped around town highway building. Cleaned roadside ditch at 2115 – 2139 Evergreen Lane. (Driveway culvert scheduled to be flushed). Installed 50 feet of culvert pipe at 252 Dean Parkway to correct a highway related drainage problem. Clean ditch and install 12” culvert at 193 Berg Road. Three highway employees attended a clutch training class. Winter damage – repaired Temporary mailbox repairs were repaired with permanent posts. Brush and Weeds We began roadside mowing. Trimmed trees obstructing visibility at 996 Willits Road. Traffic Control / Sign Put up “Loose Stone” signs and Centerline markers down for Surface Treating. Put up Rummage Run banner as requested by the BID. Put “NO PARKING” signs on Main Street. Installed STOP and SPEED LIMIT signs on Misty Way at Autumn Breeze Ln and Summer Place intersections. Monthly Service and Maintenance Report YEAR TRUCK NO. STERLING 6 WHEEL DUMP TRUCK DESCRIPTION OF WORK Removed plow equipment. Took truck to Thru-way Spring for repair and picked up. 2001 NEW HOLLAND MOWING TRACTOR Serviced roadside mower. 2002 31-02 STERLING 10 WHEEL DUMP TRUCK Put bumper on truck. Repaired rear brakes. 35-03 STERLING 6 WHEEL DUMP TRUCK Picked up truck from Smith's Heavy Equipment. 36-04 STERLING 10 WHEEL DUMP TRUCK Put bumper on truck. Repaired tailgate latches. 2007 37-07 STERLING 6 WHEEL DUMP TRUCK Removed sander. 2008 2-08 FORD F250 PICKUP TRUCK Replaced fuel pump. 2008 38-08 FORD STEP VAN Fixed lift gate. 2009 41-09 MACK 10 WHEEL DUMP TRUCK Removed plow equipment. 2015 43-15 MACK 10 WHEEL DUMP TRUCK Serviced truck. 2000 2003 2004 25-00 VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT Respectfully submitted by: ______________________________, Superintendent of Highways Jerry Santangelo TOWN OF ONTARIO SAFETY INSPECTION REPORT THROUGH: May 31, 2015 SFPN SFCN TF MF TO FA AC AD CO IN AL DE RE SP PU SG PL HP MI MH GE FE TOTAL Legend: AC AD AL CO DE FA FE GE HP IN MF PN PERMITS ISSUED JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTAL 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 19 1 6 2 1 3 6 0 5 5 0 0 2 8 12 28 6 3 6 9 1 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 8 10 0 1 2 1 1 5 0 2 1 2 5 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 4 3 4 10 1 5 26 45 0 11 2 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 Accessory Addition Alterations Commercial Demolition Farm Fence Generators Heat Producing Industrial Multi-Family MH MI PL PU RE SF SG SP TF TO Mobile Home Miscellaneous Plumbing Public Utilities Renewal Single Family Sign Swimming Pool Two Family Townhouse Prior Year CN Current Year PERMITFEE $ $ $ $ $ 902.40 174.00 681.36 1,884.44 11,501.20 TOTAL $ 15,143.40 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC $ 291,715.00 7,000.00 $ 82,613.00 $ $ 656,179.00 $ 1,493,500.00 $ 2,531,007.00 (Year To Date) REC FEE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL WATERSHEDFEE $ 700.00 $ $ 1,400.00 2,100.00 $ 4,200.00 TOTAL (Year To Date) Building Inspector/Code ESTIMATEDVALUE OF CONSTRUCTION Enforcement JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC $ 400.00 $ $ 800.00 3,200.00 $ 4,400.00 TOWN OF ONTARIO BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT ailill'!~'-"-' ~- - Building Permits Issued In: Street Name Apple Tree Dr Bear Creek Dr Berg Rd Berg Rd Boston Rd House Project Type Generator ABG Pool and Deck (288sf) Deck and Roof over patio (552sf) Inground Pool Deck (96sf) Storage Shed (192sf) Fence/dumpster Enclosure Furnace Rd Kenyon Rd Knickerbocker Rd La Frank Dr Lake Meadow Dr 7576 7123 1517 6635 6079 7600 Inground Pool ABG Pool Fence Deck for Pool (120sf) Single Family (1630sf), Garage (49 Single Family Home (2573sf), Gara Lake Meadow Dr Lake Rd Lake Rd Lakeside Rd Lincoln Rd Macintosh rd Nature Drive 7619 478 2601 6270 5832 302 1708 Deck (720sf) Wood Stove Deck Enclosed Entranceway (4x6) Wood Fence 6' x80' steps to entry (36sf) Permit Renewal Inground pool and New St Ontario Dr Paddy Ln Paddy Ln Ridge Rd Ridge Rd Ridge Rd 1993 653 1681 2085 1638 2293 1571 2195 7714 7656 Fence 4' chainlink Living Room addition (355sf) Swimming Pool 18' x 54" ABG Swimming Pool Greenhouses Front Porch repair ABG Pool 21' x 54" Enclosed Porch (10x20) Shed (192sf) deck(501sf) Carriage Court Cortland Dr County Line Rd Furnace Rd Ridge Rd Shoreline Blvd Shoreline Blvd Slocum Rd Slocum Rd Slocum Rd Southbrook Dr Stokely Creek Trl May 2015 Building s.f 2175 Generator 2205 545 792 782 5651 136 6200 Permit 3604 7,404.00 6,488.00 15-059 15-087 15-056 15-096 15-075 15-092 15-50 950.00 9,500.00 30,000.00 15-074 15-046 15-053 15-083 15-071 15-049 15-070 15-094 15-073 15-029 15-057 15-052 15-067 15-058 15-044 15-093 15-084 15-076 15-081 15-064 15-063 15-068 1759 20320 Est. Cost $ 15-086 15-077 15-088 15-082 6137 Demolition of barn 5624 Front Porch (270sf) 7103 Single Family Home (1600sf), Gara 6067 Pergola over existing deck 6233 Townhouse Buildings 8,9,10,11,12 "': 15-085 15-040 15-061 7,000.00 5,600.00 2,000.00 16,000.00 1,405.00 500.00 1,000.00 240,000.00 275,000.00 18,750.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,980.00 400.00 0.00 4,957.00 73,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 4,366.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 7,500.00 3,800.00 12,000.00 180,000.00 4,000.00 500,000.00 Permit Fee $ Ree Fee $ Watershed Fee $ 30.00 30.00 70.00 44.16 75.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 75.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 194.04 303.32 700.00 700.00 400.00 400.00 700.00 400.00 57.60 30.00 40.00 50.00 30.00 40.00 10.00 30.00 75.00 30.00 30.00 0.00 40.00 30.00 70.00 40.00 40.08 5.00 40.00 165.00 40.00 9,182.00 2,000.00 Page 1 of2 TOWN OF ONTARIO BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT Building Permits Issued In: Street Name House Project Type May 2015 Building s.f Permit Est. Cost $ Permit Fee $ Tamarack Ln Trillium Trl 7655 Inground Pool (16x32) 15-091 38,000.00 75.00 6003 ABG Pool Trillium Trl Wealthy Ln Whispers Ln 6180 Pool 24' x 48" and Deck (116sf) 398 Front Porch Replacement (48sf) 7678 Deck (320sf) 15-060 15-069 15-072 15-065 4,800.00 8,000.00 100.00 3,000.00 70.00 70.00 140.00 40.00 Totals 41 $1,493,500.00 $11,501.20 Rec Fee $ Watershed Fee $ S2,100.00 $3,200.00 Page 2 of2 60f1JWoJ(P~~~~ (p~tW 1850 ~~ 14519 Report for the month of May 2015 Presented at the June 8th Town Board Meeting 1. Processed 24 transfers received for the month of April. Splits and merges are being held for next year processing. 2. Sat with the 2015 Tentative Role as required by Real Property Tax Law 526. 3. Answered many questions concerning grievance day requirements and procedures. 4. Attended Board of Assessment Review Meetings. Information concerning the BAR's decision will be reported next month. 5. Continued to receive and process Property Description Reports. This is a very important step in keeping our inventory data up to date. 6. Worked on combining neighborhoods with in the town. Also reviewed MOD from Real Property for upcoming 2016 Town wide reval. 7. Provided new resident information to several Civic Organizations (ie: Chamber of Commerce, church organizations). Respectfully submitted, . t----d-tL1'htitLcd Mel Halstead April 2015 Board Sales TAXID# 63118-07-550894 63118-06-288836 61118-00-244698 60116-00-931929 64117-00-149827 64117 -00-149827 63118-18-331097 63117-00-290820 63118-00-269364 61117-14-472370 61119-00-092379 62117-15-617324 62117-11-533551 61119-15-599512 61119-15-599512 63117 -14-346454 63117-14-374445 63117-14-467401 64117 -00-036834 64117 -00-036834 62119-13-219435 63118-18-479223 61119-15-518268 62116-00-171802 STREET # 2172 1966 328 5700 6429 6429 2006 6412 6843 6079 211 6024 6201 610 610 2011 2033 2110 2553 2553 7694 2107 7573 1077 KEY 1 Res Fam Rural Res w/acre Res Vac Land Restaurant Multi Use Bldg 210 240 311 421 480 STREET NAME Apple Tree Bear Creek Boston County Line Fisher Fisher Kenyon Knickerbocker Knickerbocker La Frank Lake Lillypond Lillypond Ontario Ontario Ridge Ridge Ridge Route 104 Route 104 Shoreline Stonehedge Summers Whitney PRIOR OWNER Girvin, Timothy M Sudore, Thomas Smith, Ernest Haynes, Chad M Bogino, Peter Bogino, Peter Celso, Daniel Morrow, Lawrence D'Arpino, Anna M Barone Land Development Delaney, Lorraine Ulmer, Shannon Faye Frasher, Edward P Summer Lake LLC, Gerber Homes & Additions, Gruttadaro, Galin Chakalis, Joseph P Hagelin, James E Hresent, Nina Bogino, Peter Rheault, Dany Melino, Michael F Jaffarian, Ernest J Wahl, Christopher ~~- ARMS LENGTH (Useable Sales) Yes No ARMS LENGTH 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 SALE DATE 4/7/15 4/15/15 4/28/15 4/22/15 3/30/15 3/30/15 4/10/15 3/27/15 4/6/15 4/14/15 3/27/15 4/2/15 4/10/15 4/20/15 4/28/15 3/30/15 3/26/15 3/30/15 3/30/15 3/30/15 4/17/15 4/24/15 3/3/15 4/27/15 SALE PRICE 1 1 137000 1 1 30000 1 73500 12900 35000 1 248000 171720 44000 45000 1 1 103000 120000 1 237400 172000 500 136000 PROP CLASS 210 210 210 210 311 311 210 210 311 311 240 210 210 311 311 480 210 210 421 421 210 210 210 210 NEW OWNER Timothy M Girvin Trustee, Sudore, Thomas Arcoleo-Maio, Lea M. Hayes, Chad M. Bogino, Peter Bogino, Peter Celso, Jennifer L. Strickland, Colton JEMS Constructors LLC, Barone Homes Inc, Delaney Family Trust, Hatz, Laura E. Havens, Kelly A. Gerber Homes & Additions, Moser, Rabin Grutz Properties, LLC, Chakalis, Patricia L. Gurnett, Grant W. Bogino, Peter Bogino, Peter Ritchie, Michael S. DiSanto, Richard E. Federal National Mortgage, Turnipseed, Judith A. I Ontario Public Library Library Director’s Report May 2015 News & Notes Staff and trustees have completed these continuing education opportunities this month: Kristen Killion, Crucial Connections: Expecting More from Libraries, LTA Annual Conf., Syracuse (Scholarship awarded) Ruth Schutt, Cloud Computing & Google, RRLC, Fairport Anne Tobin, Sandra Tobin, NYLA Library Assistants Training Program (Scholarships awarded) The 2014 Annual Report to the Community is now available. The report highlights the 100 year history of the Library and activities of celebration in 2014. On May 6, the Friend of the Ontario Public Library held their Annual Meeting; they have voted to pay for both a special performer and pizza party finale for our youth summer reading program, as well as multiple copies of high demand materials for Adult readers. Also on May 6, Town Supervisor Smith spoke openly with a number of library staff and public members meeting at an informational meeting about the Library. He fielded a number of questions. Mr. Smith seeks to balance the needs of the community not favoring any department. His financial priorities include not using fund balance to pay routine operations and to financially plan for the impact of the future closing of Ginna on the town operations. The meeting lasted an hour. After six years, effective the end of May, Trustee Cynthia Eisen has resigned from our Library Board of Trustees. She has retired her position at Nazareth College and is moving out of the area. Cynthia participated fully in library activities and insightfully led with our other trustees. We will miss her. Mrs. Angela Lay has been appointed to fill the remainder of Ms. Eisen’s term. Angela’s term runs June 2015 through December 2017. Adult Programs & Outreach Book Clubs & Discussions: o Afternoon Non-Fiction: The Orchid Thief by S.Orlean /L. Grzegorek 5/5 – 12 o Faith Book Club: First Call from Heaven by M.Albom / L. Grzegorek 5/12– 6 o Evening Fiction: Mrs. Lincoln’s Dressmaker by J.Chaverini/ L. Grzegorek 4/26 – 18 Marbled Planter Craft: Anne Tobin 5/5 – 8 Excel for Beginners: N. Obaid 5/26 – 4 There are No Ants In Antarctica, Presenter – John Domm: A. Tobin 5/27 – 21 Youth Programs & Outreach: Anne Rehor Tween & Teen MS/HS Class Visit: 5/1 – 22 Early Literacy: Ready, Set, Read Story Times: 5/5 – 39 Outreach: Tot Spot: 5/7 3 sessions – 62 Staff Training/Professional Development & Meetings 5/1-2/15 Library Trustee Association Annual Conference; Syracuse, NY, K. Killion 5/11/15 Cloud Computing & Google: M. Stefano, Librarian RIT @ RRLC. R. Schutt 5/15-16/2015 10th Annual Teen Book Festival, Executive Committee, A. Rehor, Nazareth College 5/6, 5/13, 5/20/15 NYLA Library Assistant’s Training, PLS, A. Tobin, S. Tobin 5/29/15 Inter-Library Cooperative Efforts, PLS, K. Killion, S. LaLonde, S. Hylen Respectfully, Sandra M. Hylen 06/03/2015 2015 Statistics Ontario Public Library Jan Feb Mar Apr May 4635 510 540 1968 4126 401 480 1647 4840 421 506 1879 4449 461 513 1733 3903 386 436 2199 21953 2179 2475 9426 7 0 5 4 16 8 0 9 5 22 7 0 9 5 21 5 0 8 6 19 6 1 1 4 12 0 33 1 32 24 90 Attendance: Adult Programs Attendance: YA Programs Attendance: Children Programs Attendance: All Others Total Attendance 86 0 99 51 236 117 0 220 62 399 96 0 269 81 446 62 0 196 92 350 69 22 39 64 194 0 430 22 823 350 1625 Early Literacy Youth Sessions EL Attendance: Youth Sessions Digital Literacy Sessions Digital Literacy Attendance 5 99 1 2 6 146 0 0 7 208 1 2 6 145 0 0 1 39 1 4 25 637 3 8 OWWL Registration OWWL Registration: OOS 5222 169 5209 169 5173 169 5159 173 5231 173 5231 173 Circulation w/ebooks 9333 8475 9533 9050 7616 44007 Community Use Library Visits Computer Usage Reference Web Sessions Programming Adult Programs YA Programs Children Programs All Others Total Programs Summer Reading: Registration SR: Children Sessions SR: YA Sessions SR Attendance: Children SR Attendance: YA Program Jun 6/01/2015 0 0 July 0 0 Aug 0 0 Sept 0 0 Oct 0 0 Nov 0 0 Dec YTD Total 0 0 0 0 0 ONTARIO TOWN COURT MONTHL Y ACTIVITY REPORT Hon. Reginald P. Higgins II Month of: May 2015 Cases Received: Cases Disposed: Criminal: Criminal: Civil: 86 1 Civil: IMMEDIATE ARRAIGNMENTS 103 4 - MEETINGS/CONFERENCES TIME 5/06/2015 5/07/2015 5/07/2015 5: 15 PM 7:50 PM 8:18 PM CHARGES Arrest Warrant T/Wmson PL PL PL ONTARIO TOWN COURT MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT Hon. Paul E. Sucher Month of: May 2015 Cases Received: Criminal: Civil: Cases Disposed: Criminal: 89 1 Civil: 92 2 IMMEDIATE ARRAIGNMENTS - MEETINGS/CONFERENCES DATE 5/02/2015 5/03/2015 5/09/2015 5/09/2015 5/12/2015 5/18/2015 5/26/2015 5/29/2015 TIME 7:21 PM CHARGES PL Charges 4:39 AM County Court Warrant VTL Charges 7:41 PM 9:36 PM PL Charges 7:15 PM PL Charges Magistrates Meeting 12:07 AM PLNTL Charges 2:58 PM VOP Charge ~ Paul E. Sucher, Town Justice MONTH: YEAR May 2015 MONTHLY REPORT -JOINT ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER Mark Plyter, Animal Control Officer TOWN OF ONTARIO TOWN OF WILLIAMSON TOWN OF MARION TOWN OF MACEDON Current Current Current YTD Current Month CALLS FOR ASSISTANCE Dogs At-Large Lost Dogs Nuisance Calls YTD Month YTD Month YTD Month 13 2 33 34 13 138 10 5 32 36 19 170 3 3 18 22 12 98 7 4 32 31 19 160 3 11 2 15 3 8 3 11 Cruelty to Animals Injured Animals 0 0 6 0 1 0 13 0 1 1 7 1 2 0 9 0 FOLLOW-UP RESPONSE At Large Dogs Confined to Pound Dogs to Wayne County Humane Society Dogs Redeemed by Owner Dogs Euthanized 1 1 0 0 4 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 4 3 4 0 LOST DOGS Returned by ACO Found by Owner Not Found 0 2 0 0 11 2 0 5 0 0 19 0 0 3 0 0 12 0 0 4 0 0 19 0 25 102 21 124 14 76 20 117 PICK UP DEAD DOGS 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 TOWN COURT COMPLAINTS 1 7 0 19 0 15 0 3 URGENT WILDLIFE RESPONSE 0 5 0 4 0 5 0 7 HOURS WORKED 47 217 42 219 40 203 44 207 MILES TRAVELED 338 1444 127 824 161 951 432 2080 (barking, chasing, etc.) Law Enforcement/Public Safety (911, NYS Police, W.C. Sheriffs) NUISANCE CALL VISITS MADE COMMENTS: TOWN OF NTARIO WAYNE COUNTY’S “COMMUNITY OF GOOD NEIGHBORS” Town of Ontario Economic Development Report May, 2015 • The department has fielded numerous calls from multiple property owners located on the new Timothy Lane extension. These property owner are investigating possible use for their property. The Mango project is still a possibility but we have not received any new information on the project. • Mr. Denhart, owner of the proposed Hard Road Brewing Company is working with Mr. Bechtold (Harbec Plastics) to bring his project to the Town of Ontario. The department has had multiple conversation with Mr. Denhart in an effort to make the planning and permitting process go smoothly. Mr. Denhart has secured the funding necessary to bring this project to fruition. • The new owner, Mr. Taylor, of the property located at 5870 County Line Road has reached out to the town. Mr. Taylor is looking at the possibly of developing this 162.45 acre parcel. • Has had communication with the property owners on the south west corner of the Ontario Center/Route 104 interesting. The owners are looking at ways they can develop the parcel. • The department is working with Keith Verplank the principle owner of Educated Landscape on his plans to move his business to the town of Ontario. Mr. Verplank is looking at properties along the 104 corridor. • The department sent out multiply emails to possible retail store encouraging them to looking at locating a store within the town. A follow-up phone will be made were possible. Respectfully William Riddell Economic Development Director TOWN OF NTARIO WAYNE COUNTY’S “COMMUNITY OF GOOD NEIGHBORS” Director of Parks and Recreation Town Board Report for May 2015 Community Center Membership Overview: March 5, 2015 Current Active Members 1941 Silver Sneakers Members Total Active memberships 1074 Silver & Fit Membership 181 180 Recreation Highlights • Princess tea Party: The Ontario Parks and Recreation Department hosted a “Princess Tea Party” on Saturday, May 31, 2015. It was a wonderful success as we were graced by the presence of many beautiful princesses and a couple of very handsome princes as well. All princes and princesses in attendance enjoyed a handmade craft, some tasty teas, lemonade, pastries and a trip to our treasure chest. The day was topped off with a story read by the “Fairy Godmother”. All of the attendees were enthralled with the lovely fairy tale princesses and prince who came to attend to the tables and wait on their every need. It was truly a day to remember for all. The Parks and Recreation Department would like to thank The Sandy Stramonine Dancers for volunteering to be our beautiful Princesses, Nick Sutton for being our Handsome Prince, and Judy Porray for portraying our Fairy Godmother and the many hours put in by the Parks and Recreation Advisory board. Upcoming Events: Music in the Park Concert series June 25 American Music Memories July 9th: Finger Lake Symphony Orchestra July 23rd: The Pointless Brothers August 6th: Ruby Shooz August 29th: Main Street East SUMMER SEND-OFF August 29th Bear Creek Harbor: • A new sign has been installed at Bear Creek Harbor. • The town, working with Wayne County, is investigating what permits are required Army Corp of engineers permit to fix the launch are Bear Creek. Respectfully Submitted William I. Riddell Parks and Recreation Director TOWN OF NTARIO WAYNE COUNTY'S "COMMUNITY OF GOOD NEIGHBORS" John J. Smith Supervisor 15.21 To: From: Date: Subject: Town Board John Smith, Supervisor June I, 2015 Property Damage - 1994 Ridge Road On May 12, 2015 at about 11:00 am, the Ridge Road Rummage Run banner strung across Ridge Road near 1994 Ridge Road shook violently due to high winds. This caused the light 'pole to which the banner wires were attached to shake also. The glass lens and frame broke loose from the light fixture and struck a lawfully parked truck. The truck, 2004 Ford, Fl50, owned by Brian Price, of 1994 Ridge Road, phone number 585.957.4187, sustained numerous scratches that matched the outline of the frame from the light fixture. There were some minor scuffs pre-existing but the tailgate was generally in very good condition. The passenger side of the box had just been professionally painted but was not damaged in the incident. The banner was removed by Highway Department and Mr. Price cleaned up the glass from the roadway. WCSO Deputy P. Dalton was on scene and documented the incident, #15-12650. Mr. Price submitted two estimates to repair the damage. The lower of the estimates was $710.37. I recommend payment to Mr. Price for $710.37 to be paid from Town Board Contractual A1010.4. This falls well below our insurance deductible so payment would be from the general fund. Town Attorney Rich Williams recommends approval of process with final letter and payment, if approved, will include language to prevent further claim against the town. Attachments: Estimates WCSOIncident Report NYSTitle Town Hall ~ 1850 Ridge Road- Ontario, New York 14519-9535 - (315) 524-7105 x 105 \ PRICE'-;BRIAN,J 1994 RIDGE RD ONTARIO NY 14519 I \ cor ffeflb12 . Workfile ID: SMITH AUTOMOTIVE PAINT & COLLISION 161447806 R7030153 Federal ID: License Number: Serving Webster for "30 Years" 26 MAY ST, WEBSTER, NY 14580 Phone: (585) 872-3257 FAX: (585) 872-0978 Preliminary Customer: Estimate Job Number: PRICE, BRIAN Written By: Mark Maimone, IA-889798 Insured: PRICE, BRIAN Type of Loss: Policy #: Claim #: Date of Loss: Days to Repair: 0 Point of Impact: Insurance Owner: Inspection PRICE, BRIAN SMITH AUTOMOTIVE PAINT & COLLISION Location: 1994 RIDGE ROAD 26 MAY ST ONTARIO, NY 14519 WEBSTER, NY 14580 (585) 957-4187 Day Repair Facility (585) 872-3257 Day Date Inspected: 5/19/2015 Company: VEHICLE Year: 2004 Body Style: 4D SHORT VIN: 1FTRX14W14NB95008 Mileage In: Make: FORD Engine: 8-4.6L-FI License: GHC9287 Mileage Out: Model: F150 4X4 SUPERCAB Production Date: State: NY Vehicle Out: Color: BLUE Int: Condition: Job #: TRANSMISSION Dual Mirrors FM Radio Cloth Seats Automatic Transmission CONVENIENCE Stereo WHEELS Overdrive Air Conditioning SAFETY Styled Steel Wheels 4 Wheel Drive Intermittent Drivers Side Air Bag PAINT POWER Tilt Wheel Passenger Air Bag Clear Coat Paint Power Steering Message Center Anti-Lock Brakes (4) TRUCK Power Brakes RADIO 4 Wheel Disc Brakes Rear Step Bumper DECOR AM Radio SEATS 5/19/2015 12:54: 11 PM Wipers 025716 Page 1 Preliminary Customer: Estimate Job Number: PRICE, BRIAN Vehicle: 2004 FORD F150 4X4 SUPERCAB 4D SHORT 8-4.6L-FI BLUE Line Description Oper Qty Part Number Labor Extended Price 1 PICK UP BOX 2 * Rpr * R&I Access cover 0.3 5 R&I Handle 0.4 6 Repl Tail gate mldg 7 R&I Emblem L Complete 2.0 6.0 0.8 Add for Clear Coat 3 4 Tail gate Paint $ 4L3Z9940602AAA 1 0.3 Q.2 8 * * 9 # CLEAN & RETAPE EMBLEMS 1 10 # RESTORE CORROSION 1 R&I 66.85 0.2 Nameplate "F150" 5.00 0.3 0.2 PROTECTION 11 # HAZ. WASTE 12 # WARRANTY ON ALL REPAIRS 1 5.00 76.85 SUBTOTALS 3.0 7.7 ESTIMATE TOTALS Category Basis Rate Parts Cost $ 76.85 Body Labor 7.7 hrs @ $ 47.00 /hr 361.90 Paint Labor 3.0 hrs @ $ 47.00 /hr 141.00 Paint Supplies 3.0 hrs @ $ 26.00 /hr Subtotal $ 657.75 Sales Tax Grand 78.00 657.75 Total @ 8.0000 % 52.62 710.37 I AUTHORIZE SMITH AUTO PAINT & COLLISION TO PERFORM THE ABOVE REPAIRS TO MY VEHICLE. x DATE _ All parts subject to invoice. Parts & Labor Times subject to change. All parts are new unless otherwise specified. All damaged parts will be discarded unless otherwise directed by vehicle owner. This estimate is based on a visual inspection. Further damage may be discovered upon disassembly of the vehicle for repair. You and/or your insurance company wil.! be notified for authorization if further repairs are required. 5/19/2015 12:54:11 PM 025716 Page 2 Workfile ID: 1d1dc6ce Federal ID: 161276468 License Number: R7086684 Nu-Look Collision Irondequoit There's a Nulook Collision near you. 1301 E. Ridge Rd, Rochester, NY 14621 Phone: (585) 467-2000 FAX: (585) 467-4357 Preliminary Customer: Estimate PRICE, BRIAN Job Number: Written By: DALTON MARTIN, IA 867396 Policy #: Claim #: CUSTOMERPAY Date of Loss: Days to Repair: 0 Owner: Inspection Location: Insurance Company: PRICE, BRIAN Nu-Look Collision Irondequoit CUSTOMER PAY 1994 RIDGE RD 1301 E. Ridge Rd Insured: PRICE, BRIAN Type of Loss: Point of Impact: 06 Rear ONTARIO, NY 14519 Rochester, NY 14621 (585) 957-4187 Day Repair Facility (585) 467-2000 Business Date Inspected: 5/19/2015 VEHICLE Year: 2004 Body Style: 4D SHORT VIN: IFTRX14W14NB95008 Mileage In: Make: FORD Engine: 8-4.6L-FI License: GHC9287 Mileage Out: Model: F150 4X4 SUPERCAB Production Date: 4/2004 State: NY Vehicle Out: Color: BLUE Int: BLACK Condition: Good Job #: 112000 TRANSMISSION Dual Mirrors FM Radio Cloth Seats Automatic Transmission CONVENIENCE Stereo WHEELS Overdrive Air Conditioning SAFETY Styled Steel Wheels 4 Wheel Drive Intermittent Drivers Side Air Bag PAINT POWER Tilt Wheel Passenger Air Bag Clear Coat Paint Power Steering Message Center Anti-Lock Brakes (4) TRUCK Power Brakes RADIO 4 Wheel Disc Brakes Rear Step Bumper DECOR AM Radio SEATS 5/19/2015 2:03:50 PM Wipers 011797 Page 1 Preliminary Customer: Estimate PRICE, BRIAN Job Number: Vehicle: 2004 FORD F150 4X4 SUPERCAB 4D SHORT 8-4.6L-FI Line 1 Oper Qty Extended Price $ Labor Paint PICK UP BOX 2 3 Part Number Description BLUE * R&I R&I tailgate assy Rpr Tail gate 0.5 1M 2.0 Add for Clear Coat 4 Repl 5 0.8 Tail gate mldg 4L3Z9940602AAA 1 66.85 1 2.00 0.3 6 * R&I Nameplate "F150" 7 # Repl Clean and retape molding 8 * R&I Emblem 9 # Repl Clean and retape molding 1 2.00 T 10 # Repl Hazardous waste 1 3.00 T 0.2 T 0.3 0.2 SUBTOTALS 0.3 73.85 11.8 2.8 ESTIMATE TOTALS Category Basis Rate Parts Cost $ 66.85 /hr /hr 137.20 @ $ 49.00 $ 49.00 $ 30.00 578.20 /hr 84.00 @ $ 3.50 /hr 35.00 Body Labor 11.8 hrs @ Paint Labor 2.8 hrs @ Paint Supplies 2.8 hrs 10.0 hrs Body Supplies Miscellaneous 7.00 Subtotal 908.25 $ 908.25 Sales Tax @ 8.0000 % Grand Total 72.66 980.91 Deductible 0.00 CUSTOMER PAY 0.00 INSURANCE PAY 980.91 You have the right under New York State Department of Motor Vehicles section 82.5 to request the return of any part replaced during vehicle repairs. You must make this request in writing prior to the start of repairs. Should there be a core charge for any replaced part you must pay the core in order to retain the part. All damage reports are "Estimates Only" and subject to change. All parts prices are subject to invoice. I hereby authorize NU-LOOK COLLISION INC. to perform the above repairs to my vehicle x 5/19/20152:03:50 _ PM Date: 011797 _ Page 2 TOWN OF NTARIO WAYNE COUNTY’S “COMMUNITY OF GOOD NEIGHBORS” Melissa Halstead Assessor MEMORANDUM TO: John Smith, Supervisor Members of the Ontario Town Board FROM: Melissa Halstead, Sole Assessor DATE: May 26, 2015 RE: Permission to advertise and Hire a PT Clerk for Assessing I am requesting permission from the members of the Ontario Town Board to advertise and hire a part time assessing clerk. The hours for the position will be a maximum of 20 hours per week. This is a part time position and therefore, is not entitled to benefits. I am seeking an employee who will be working flexible hours not to exceed 20 hours per week, with no benefits, it is my feeling that the hourly rate should be $12.00 -$13.00 per hour based on the candidate’s qualifications. Thank you for your time and consideration regarding this request. Sincerely, Mel Halstead Sole Assessor Town Hall ~ Assessing Department ~ 1850 Ridge Road ~ Ontario, New York 14519 ~ (315) 524-3226x401 TDD 1-800-622-1220 An Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider Memorandum STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION & FINANCE OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES TO: Ms. Melissa Halsteadm, Assessor FROM: Christine Bannister, Regional Director SUBJECT: Memorandum of Understanding DATE: May 4, 2015 A copy of our mutual agreement to complete the work involved for the 2016 reassessment project follows. Please review this document with your Supervisor or Mayor and sign the appropriate page indicating your agreement to proceed as described herein. Please return the signed agreement by June 5, 2015. Please give one signed document to your CRM or mail it to: Christine Bannister, Regional Director NYS Office of Real Property Tax Services 3837 West Main St. Road Batavia, NY 14020 Retain a copy for your records. The following addenda are also included: • Reassessment Verification Documentation • Reassessment Project Timetable If utility advisory appraisals are desired and have not already been requested, please download and complete the following fill-in forms as soon as possible and return them to my office so that we can estimate and plan our workload. • Utility advisory appraisal request form: Due to staffing constraints, we are no longer able to provide advisory appraisals for complex commercial/industrial property. The current RPS Processing Fee Schedule is attached. If you have any questions regarding this material, please contact Christine Bannister at (585) 343-4363. SUSAN E. SAVAGE Assistant Deputy Commissioner Office of Real Property Tax Services CHRISTINE L. BANNISTER Regional Director Office of Real Property Tax Services Genesee Co. Bldg. #2, 3837 West Main Street Rd., Batavia, NY 14020 | 585-343-4363 | May 4, 2015 Memorandum of Understanding Ms. Melissa Halstead, Assessor Town of Ontario 1850 Ridge Road Town Hall, Ontario, NY 14519 Dear Ms. Halstead: I am pleased that the Town of Ontario has decided to embark on an assessment improvement process that will result in an equitable 2016 assessment roll. You either already have a cyclical reassessment plan filed or are developing one with the assistance of Western Regional ORPTS staff. The plan shall be at least four years in length and will include: • A local program for physically inspecting each parcel at least once every six years • A reappraisal of all locally assessed properties at least once every four years • Reappraisals in the first and last year of plan The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to clarify and outline the roles and responsibilities of the Town and the Office of Real Property Tax Services (ORPTS) in the reassessment process. Please review this document with your supervisor and sign the appropriate page indicating your agreement to proceed as described herein. The goal of the Office of Real Property Tax Services (ORPTS) is to optimize State and local resources by working toward an integrated, efficient and equitable real property tax system that coordinates the reassessment process with our equalization study. This goal aligns ORPTS’ Full Value Measurement Program with municipal assessment improvement activity by utilizing the reassessment process as the equalization study. ORPTS staff shall verify, in accordance with our reassessment verification process, that the stated uniform level of assessment has been achieved and that all steps to achieve equity have been implemented. This review will also: 2 • • • Provide the basis for making the determinations for payment of State aid, if applicable. Determine the level of assessment to apply to the special franchise and State-owned land valuations in the Town. Be used in the approval process if application has been made for Approved Assessing Unit Status (homestead and non-homestead tax rates). In keeping with this goal, we look forward to a cooperative and productive relationship with the Town during the reassessment process. Our expectation is that this cooperative relationship will result in the use of your local determination of value (assessed value) as the basis for establishing the full value of the municipality for equalization purposes. The addendum “Reassessment Verification Documentation” lists the products the municipality must provide relative to the verification of the reassessment process and our State equalization responsibilities and State Aid determination. Unless otherwise noted in Section D (Summary), we are assuming that the assessor is responsible for making decisions that affect the Town’s participation in the reassessment process. The Town must agree to maintain all relevant property inventory data characteristics and achieve an equitable assessment roll at the stated uniform percentage of value in accordance with RPTL § 305. State Aid, in accordance with RPTL § 1573, is available to those municipalities participating in the Aid for Cyclical Reassessments program and performing reappraisals according to an approved plan. In the event that the town executes its Cyclical Reassessment Plan in such a way that jeopardizes the successful completion of the plan and subsequent compliance with the acceptable standards, ORPTS reserves the right to withdraw support from the town. If applicable, the municipality will be billed for specific charges related to processing by ORPTS staff at our regional offices. The Town will be responsible for the payment of all charges (based on the fiscal year fee schedule in effect during the time in which the services were provided) within 30 days of billing. Please see “RPS Processing Fees” for the current fiscal year, attached, for a list of the charges that are applicable for services that could be rendered by ORPTS, staff time permitting. The next three sections detail the responsibilities of the Town, your assessor and ORPTS. Cooperation and collaboration at all levels of government is critical to the successful execution of the reassessment process. A) Town Responsibilities: 1) Submit a board resolution to ORPTS that indicates support by the Town to proceed with the reassessment. 2) Develop a cyclical reassessment plan with the assistance of Western Regional ORPTS staff. If applying for aid on the basis of the 2016 assessment roll, this plan must be accepted by the Town and submitted to ORPTS a minimum of 120 days prior to the filing of the tentative assessment roll implementing the reassessment (by January 1, 2016 ). 3) Support the assessor’s efforts and allocate sufficient funds to cover all costs associated with the process, and provide appropriate staff to support the reassessment efforts. 4) Consider the adoption of the Uniform Assessment Standards as guiding principles for the municipality’s assessment administration. 3 B) Assessor Responsibilities: 1) Prepare a reassessment project timetable detailing project tasks with projected start and completion dates using the electronic version of this document provided separately. The addendum “Reassessment Project Timetable” provides suggested timeframes for the various tasks of a reassessment project. 2) Develop and implement a cyclical reassessment plan with the assistance of Western Regional ORPTS staff. If applying for aid on the basis of the 2016 assessment roll, this plan must be accepted by the municipality and submitted to ORPTS a minimum of 120 days prior to the filing of the tentative assessment roll implementing the reassessment (by January 1, 2016). 3) Coordinate a public information program throughout the process. This may include, but is not limited to, preparing all necessary press releases and conducting informational meetings dealing with various aspects of the reassessment process. 4) Maintain current assessment inventory and valuation data for all properties as defined by the Commissioner’s Rules. This data is necessary to value each parcel using at least one of the standard appraisal methods (cost, market, income). 5) Reappraise each property individually, which includes the development and review of a new determination of market value for each parcel. The new market value must be based upon current data and be developed via one or more of the three accepted approaches (cost, market, or income). 6) Review the results of the valuation process to ensure that all properties are assessed at the stated uniform percentage of value. 7) Provide ORPTS with all applicable products referred to in the attachment “Reassessment Verification Documentation” in a timely manner that are required to verify the municipality’s stated Level of Assessment (LOA). If appropriate documentation and valuation conclusions are not available, ORPTS’ staff will have no basis to evaluate the locality’s market value conclusions. This may affect the Town’s receipt of State Aid and / or the Town’s eligibility for Approved Assessing Unit (AAU) status. 8) Produce assessment disclosure notices as required per RPTL § 511. For the processing of assessment disclosure notices, the assessor must: a) Provide all necessary tax rates, tax levy amounts, and computer data files reflecting the taxable values used in the prior year school and county/town/city tax extensions. b) Schedule and conduct informal meetings with taxpayers following the mailing of the assessment disclosure notices. The assessor is responsible for making the necessary data and value corrections, as a result of such meetings, prior to establishment of the tentative roll. 9) If ORPTS didn’t provide State utility advisory appraisals for the previous year’s assessment roll, request State utility advisory appraisals for this year, if needed. The advisory request form is available on our website at 4 a) If applicable, provide ORPTS with the inventory and valuation methodology used to arrive at the utility and complex commercial/industrial values, which appear on the assessment roll, where advisory appraisals were not requested by your municipality, were requested but not used, or were requested only for some properties. If appropriate documentation and valuation conclusions are not available, ORPTS staff will have no basis to evaluate the locality’s market value conclusions and, thus, will need to complete an independent field appraisal for use in determining your assessing unit’s full value. Such action may also affect your municipality’s eligibility to receive State Aid and / or eligibility for Approved Assessing Unit (AAU) status. C) Office of Real Property Tax Services Responsibilities: 1) Provide project monitoring pursuant to our responsibilities regarding State equalization and State aid approval. 2) Provide periodic reassessment progress reports to all principals for review and discussion. 3) Participate in presentations to taxpayer groups, municipal officials, etc., if notified in writing two weeks in advance as to the meeting's purpose and participants. 4) Provide utility advisory appraisals for parcels identified by the assessor, requested in a timely fashion and agreed to by ORPTS. 5) Provide computer support and/or valuation assistance, where requested, and as regional resources permit. Additional fees may apply as described in “RPS Processing Fees”. D) Summary Please review the following summary and provide the information required in items 2, 3 (and 7, if appropriate) below. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your ORPTS Customer Relationship Manager (CRM). Signing this document signifies acceptance of this agreement by you and your assessor. Please return one signed copy to the ORPTS Western Regional office and retain the other copy for your reference. 1) I understand the roles and responsibilities of the parties involved (as described in this document) that are necessary to complete the reassessment process. 2) At the completion of the reassessment process, all property will be assessed at a uniform percentage of value as required by RPTL § 305. (Note: For purposes of State Aid, § 1573 of the Real Property Tax Law requires a uniform percentage of 5 value of 100%.) The uniform percentage of value intended (not binding) for use in calculating the new assessments will be (check appropriate box): 100 % Other (please specify) 3) The valuation date for this reassessment will be (check appropriate box): July 1 (of the year prior to the reassessment roll year) Other (please specify) 4) The new assessed values will be based on parcel inventories that comply with Section 190-1.2, NYCRR. 5) ORPTS’ staff will be provided with timely information and access to data as described in the attachment “Reassessment Verification Documentation”. 6) The Town shall produce and mail assessment disclosure notices as required by RPTL §511. 7) If the assessor is not responsible for making decisions that affect the Town’s participation in the reassessment process, please specify the appropriate person below: Name Title Address Telephone # I look forward to working in a cooperative environment in which the reassessment process can be completed as efficiently and effectively as possible. ORPTS Regional Director, Acting Assessor Date Supervisor 5/4/2015 Date Date 6 Reassessment Verification Documentation The following products are typically developed or generated during the course of a reassessment project. They are employed by the ORPTS’ CRM to document the value verification process, wherein a determination is made regarding the use of local assessed values for ORPTS’ measurement of municipal full value (equalization program), and also to determine a locality’s compliance with requirements for State Aid pursuant to RPTL Section 1573. The Assessor must allow the ORPTS’ CRM to have timely access to these products as part of the predecisional collaboration (PDC) process. Many of these products are also appropriate for assessors who are not conducting a reassessment to submit in support of their own analysis during the PDC process. Access to parcel inventories that comply with the Rules. Copy of Request for Proposal (RFP), proposal, contract, or work plan (if project was not contractor assisted), which should include the following: Time line (schedule of events) Assignment of resources (staffing for each activity) Software to be used for inventory maintenance (if applicable) Software to be used for valuation (if applicable) Sales listings used in valuation analysis (minimum of valid sales occurring one year prior to valuation date), and the sales period used: Residential Commercial/Industrial Vacant/Farm Documentation (reports and/or description) of analysis for evaluating the uniformity and level of the assessments; examples include: Sales ratio analysis Mass appraisal (sale substitution) Unit comparison (value-to-inventory) Tracking of value trends (cost, income, market) Description of all valuation methodologies used and accompanying documentation Description of land valuation procedure, if applicable Cost documentation • Base Cost Table (include identification of source) • Depreciation Schedule Market documentation • Valuation Model (supply all of the following which are applicable): ♦ Sales adjustments (time, physical characteristics) ♦ Regression coefficients ♦ Feedback coefficients ♦ Component unit values ♦ Commercial/Industrial market unit factors Income documentation • Commercial/Industrial Income Factors including: ♦ Gross Income per Unit ♦ Vacancy Rates ♦ Expense Ratios ♦ Capitalization Rates • Income and Expense Source Data (if available) 7 Trending (if values were updated by applying factors, percentages or indices in a nonreappraisal year to maintain the LOA) • Description of market areas (neighborhoods) and supporting documentation for the development of factors, percentages or indices, in each market area Any other appropriate valuation documentation that supports your determination of market value Valuation Neighborhood Maps (if applicable) Advisory Appraisals: Statement as to whether utility advisory appraisals were used in part or in their entirety Review: List or file of predicted values (if available) Access to review documents (review documents must be saved) Access to a list of parcels that were re-inspected and/or reappraised this year List of (or file containing) informal hearing changes (if applicable) Tentative Roll: Copy of tentative roll or file containing tentative assessments New statement of uniform percent, if different from original agreement List of parcels with court ordered assessments (if any) Final Roll: Copy of final roll or file containing final assessments List of BAR changes 8 Sample Reassessment Project Timetable Project Tasks Project Administration Request for advisory appraisals (including SOL) Public information program (on-going) Collection of Subject and Sales Data Data collection training (if necessary) Subject inventory data collection / re-collection Subject file creation / maintenance Sales validation / verification /maintenance Parcel inventory (data) mailers Production in response to data mailers Valuation and Appraisal Valuation file editing Neighborhood / market analysis Valuation development / testing Valuation production Field review of values Project Administration Prepare & Submit Plan for Cyclical Reassessments (State Aid) Assessment Roll Processing Update file with new values Assessor recalculation of exemptions Assessment Full Disclosure Process (if required or desired) Assessment disclosure notice production/analysis Assessment disclosure notice mailing Informal review meetings (including field activities) Value change notice production Prepare and file tentative roll Post tentative roll on municipal website, per RPTL §1590 Grievance Day Produce final assessment roll Post final roll on municipal website, per RPTL §1590 Project Administration Submit Application for Aid for Cyclical Reassessments Start Date End Date By 3/1 3/1 3/15 4/1 4/1 4/1 7/1 7/1 4/1 7/1 7/1 8/1 7/15 8/1 7/1 7/1 7/1 9/1 9/15 8/15 8/1 9/1 9/15 1/1 By 1/1 1/1 1/15 1/15 2/1 2/1 2/15 3/1 4/15 By By By By 2/15 3/1 4/15 5/1 5/1 5/10 th 4 Tues May 7/1 7/10 By 9/30 9 RPS Processing Fees Real Property System Fee Schedule for Fiscal Year 2015 – 2016 (04/01/2015 – 03/31/2016) Type of Service 1. RPS Licensing Fee 2. Reassessment Processing a. File Editing using RPS Standard Edits (RPS440) b. Date Mailers c. Market Analysis and Valuation Processing Fee Section 8190-3.2 State Board Rules $.60/parcel Includes processing and printing of 1 set of reports produced. $.75/parcel Includes processing and printing of 1 set of notices and reports produced. Includes neighborhood delineation, building land tables, developing valuation factor file and market analysis. Includes processing of all approaches to value, with assessor participation plus printing of 1 set of valuation documents. Includes neighborhood delineation, market analysis, developing trend factors, and application of trends for valuation, with assessor participation. Includes printing of 1 set of valuation documents. Includes printing of 1 set of valuation documents. Includes processing and printing of 1 set of notices, detail reports and arrays. $3.00/parcel With/local editing* $3.60/parcel 2/ORPTS editing* d. Market Analysis and Trending Processing $2.50/parcel 2/local editing* e. Cosmetic Comparable Sales $3.10/parcel w/ORPTS editing* $.50/parcel f. Assessment Disclosure Processing 3. Data Processing or RPS Technical Assistance Other Than Services Already listed a. Hours b. Expenses 4. Other Fees a. printing (print file provided) Comments $1.00/parcel $100.00/hour Travel Expenses For example Non-RPS to RPSV4 Data Conversions and other non-RPS related services Travel expenses at current State rate for transportation and lodging. $.15/slide Updated: March 6, 2015 10 2016 Reassessment Project Timetable Project Tasks Project Administration Collection of Subject and Sales Data Data collection training (if necessary) Subject inventory data collection/re-collection Subject file creation/maintenance Sales validation/verification/maintenance Parcel inventory (data) mailers Production in response to data mailers Valuation and Appraisal Valuation file editing (inventory error edits) Neighborhood / market analysis Valuation development/testing Valuation production Field review of values Project Administration Prepare & Submit Plan for Cyclical Reassessments (State Aid) Assessment Roll Processing Update file with new values Assessor recalculation of exemptions Assessment Full Disclosure Process (if required or desired) Assessment disclosure notice production/analysis Assessment disclosure notice mailing Informal review meeting (including field activities) Value change notice production Prepare and file tentative roll Grievance Day Product final assessment roll Project Administration Submit Application for Aid for Cyclical Reassessments Start Date End Date When you ter get your MOU 3/15/2015 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 4/1/2015 7/1/2015 7/1/2015 4/1/2015 7/1/2015 7/1/2015 8/1/2015 7/15/2015 8/1/2015 8/1/2015 8/1/2015 8/1/2015 9/1/2015 9/15/2015 8/15/2015 9/1/2015 9/1/2015 9/15/2015 1/1/2016 By 10/1/2015 1/1/2016 1/15/2016 2/1/2016 2/1/2016 2/15/2016 3/1/2016 4/15/2016 By By 2/15/2016 3/1/2016 4/15/2016 5/1/2016 5/1/2016 4th Tues May 7/1/2016 By 9/30/2016 End Date 4th Tues May 2016 Reassessment Project Timetable NTARIO TOWN OF WAYNE COUNTY’S “COMMUNITY OF GOOD NEIGHBORS” Date: June 8, 2015 To: Ontario Town Board From: Town Clerk, Deb DeMinck Re: Surplus items At this time I would like to surplus a 2005 Dell computer monitor, serial number MXO7R477483233CHG1MR and an Olympus Digital Voice Recorder DS 4000. Thank you Deb Town Hall ~ 1850 Ridge Road ~ Ontario, New York 14519-9535 ~ (315) 524-3441 x 200 TDD 1-800-622-1220 The Town of Ontario is an equal opportunity employer and provider