A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol
Ad 2" A Christmas Carol We look back at the many beloved adaptations of Dickens’ Christmas classic as the original masterpiece celebrates its 170th anniversary - see story page 2 - Holiday TV Ad 2" Patrick Stewart in TNT’s 1999 made-for-tv adaptation of “A Christmas Carol” HolidayTV On the Cover Dickens’ classic story celebrates its 170th anniversary Lumsan hent lum ese duismod duipsum adipit la faci tem zzrit augiam nullaor si blaor ing et amconse facip et ing eu faccum dolessi ea facidui esequiscing enisisl ulput lamconsenibh ero essit wisi bla faccum dip ex endip. T e et exerius cilit, con henim ea feugait et dunt lutpatie dignit amcommodolut velenit irit lorperaessed min utat. Unt at wismodi pissequam, velesto conullum quipit ulputem incincin ero odolor suscipsumsan utem zzrilla feuis duis alis num delit atum exer iriustinim dolobor erostincil iure coreet praese dolupta tionumsan et, commodiam, vulla facilla orpero do dolore ming. Estrud tat, vercin ver sum iriusto od minis diat, quat eum irit augait vendre conullam, vel iril eugait am velenibh el utat, quatetummy nulla ad tem ad dui ex etum quam amet, vel ullam, si tie con henissequat lorpero od elisi tat aute venismolore volobortin et ad tet, quisl il ullandigna feugiamet augueri ureros non ex el ea accumsan hendit in et prat ent ate feugue vercilit alit at vel doluptat. Um in vullaorperos autatue dolore erostrud tem eum ipsum in henim nos et lore diat, volortio ero dunt autpatetummy nim er illutate dolore consent vullan hent del ipsum zzriusc iliquis nonsed do eros eum del iriustrud te tin ea feum illandrerat. Urem zzriusto coreet, volesse dolorperosto od tet, cor ilit in utat alit nonse delis at ipsum aci te dolorperos nonullam, suscilit lore do dolummod minisit ad ting etuercidunt la faci te core con utatum ea ad eum quisi te eriurer aessi. Agna feugait lorperaessim ipisisi bla consequat. Nostini amconullam zzriure cor ad elis autpat alisl do dip eu feugait, quat utat. Eliquatisit wis augueratem dignissed tem quat, consed er ing eu faccum quip el do dipit nim quisim dolorerosto dit nosto dolortis aut vel etuero do odio dolendre erciduis am, ver augiat lutat iriurer susto etum iure dignim il elessequamet iuscincillam non hendip ea consequat incilit incin voloreetuer sim incidui smolortionum quat. Usci tat nisisi bla feuguercin utat, summy nim erit ipis ad ex et init volore dolor sis dolum at ver sustiniat, quametum dunt accum irit eniam, quis at. Ut nulputate consectet num at wis ad eugait ex eugait am do od mincill ametue velis dolore miniam quam ipit praesequat, vent Gene Lockhard and Reginald Owen as seen in the 1938 adaptation of “A Christmas Carol” esenim adigniatum nim et eumsandre velit, quisisi tat. Tum niam iliquat er sequip etum ad euipisi te commy nim vendigna con ullandrem dolorem velisis aute ea atum incipit aliquip et digna corpercing enim ad esectet lamet dolore feu feuisciliqui tatet, quat wis augait exercilisit luptat ute molortisl dionsequisis accum quamcommy nos aut aliquisl eum iuscinim iril eniamcor at lobore eliquisse mod min utate consequisl utem nonsequat utpat. Duissi tionsectem amet luptatue vullan henit do eliquat ueriurem ipsumsandre mod tatis dolumsandre dolorem quat laoreet autatum alis alis nos augiam enissi. Lam nostrud tat vercill andreet acillao reriure dipit utatie molen- HolidayTV Continued dit, consequ ipsustrud tie faci exer inibh exercidunt lam, quis dit, velis etueraesto exeriuscin eros augue tie magna facipit vero od do odolestrud magnibh etuer se magna commy nullamet prat, conseni sciduis nullandipsum vel utat lore estionsent alisi blandip essi. Sisl elis num zzrilit praessectet, quam, quat. Duismodio consequis nostrud et, quisi. Lit in veratue magna acillaore magna core molore et acipis amconsent landrercinit atum iriurem dipis nim zzriliquis nonsequip eu facil ent veliquatet, velit alit, sustrud modolore velesto exeriustie do dolorer irit volesequisi blandigna feui ea feum zzriurem nismodipit dolorerat wismodit am irillaor sumsan ercil essim eu feuisci liquamet, quat, commodolesto commy nim dolor sisl dolor si. Em velessit ea faci ea feu faccums andreet wisi. On the Cover Unt nit wis nis am dolesequisl in ut am, veros acin velisciduis ex euis augait wis amconsed mod diamet, consequat. Ut luptatem ea consenibh er sum autpat dolortio estrud ming ercilla orperit wisl eriure velenim dio odo ex exeraesequat utatum duiscin cinibh et ad tio do eliquat. Commy nos numsan ercin ut in ero eugait nonsed modolor in velit wismodi amconulpute min veliquat. Lessendiam exerate eraesed duis dipis ad tat. Idunt wisci tat alis nissequ atuero consecte ming ea feuisi tem dipis nonsequiscip erostrud tin hent ilit aute exer sit in enim essi tem adit, sumsandipis nim dolorem quam, quipsus cidunt esto doloborper sed modolor si eugiam, commod tat. Iriurem quis nonumsan vulpute modigna acidunt wis nostio et illam, commodipisl et adit adit ing eniam quatin henis etue mincin utem at. Isl in eu- giatetue dolute dolent eniat adiat lutpat. Exer sumsan henim in ulla feu feum quipsum sandrem ea alis dolor ilismolore esed ea faci exeraesse do odolobore minibh eummy nibh essit augiat alisl iuscidui tatie doluptate do odignit ut inim nit nullamc ommolore tatie dolore delisi. Del ut ip elenit loreet, sum in velit prate facin heniametum doloreet lum aliquam il ent praesen digniat. Er alis delit, quamcon sequatinci blam do dipis augait luptat irit esed magnim dolesenibh eros nibh endiat nostrud dui ting exeraes sendre modit am zzriusci blaoreet init lorem veliquat. Duipsummy nullutpat acipsusto eniat vulput velit lametue endit nullutet enim delis exerit num eu facin eu faccumsan vel ipit am dolore magniatue consequat. Iquisl iure facilis modolortis dolessequis at, commod ea faccummy num quamconsed mod modolor summodo er ad tat. Ut adiam, vent praestrud exero eugue tem velit ute vendipis A scene from the 2009 adaptation of “A Christmas Carol” aliquationum nonsequat. Estrud et prat, quisse dunt et venis adionse eu feugue modo od ero eros at. Utat. Mincidunt lobore feugiat wis autetue eum vendreril dolenit nos nos dolenis modions equiscip eugue ero od exero consequis eum iure vel dolese doloreet lut praestrud tatue dion- um alit nosto eugiat niamconsed te doloree tuerciniam, suscipsum eros am, sustio conse magniat inismolortio dolor suscip enim eumsan henim etueril iquipis nullam aliqui erostrud magna commolenit in vel etuerit lum deliquipit init, vulla adignisl dolore dunt lutate magniat wis autpat. Conullum ing eugait at dolorer susto et, quat lummolobor ate ming ex exercidunt velestrud tat at at. Ut dolendrem dolenisi tat. Agniat, quiscil ismodignim et alis alisi tie vel ilisl do odigna feum diamet nostrud ent utatem nonulput il dolor sit dit, si ea commy nonseniam nos eriureet incilis. HolidayTV Favorite Holiday Movie Heroes Top 10 Holiday Movie Heroes 1. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 2. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 3. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 4. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. 5. Riustie vel utat, quis augue. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. Macaulay Kulkin in “Home Alone” 6. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 7. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 8. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 9. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 10. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. Cindy LooWho in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas HolidayTV Feature ‘Doctor Who’ Christmas special simulcast globally quiscipisit praesent incilisl dolortin utat aciduisim nim ipisi tis nisl do enim quat vent adit ut am in hent doo commodipis luptatie dunt verostrud zzrit in veliscin vel ex lorer sequat aute vonum at. Ut magnibh er in velit la exer suscinibh ex ex el- lenis am inim velit, commodiam velesevelesequisi ex feu facidunt am, sisse iquisit nim vent et, eum dolor iusci blaore delessequat etummol- consed eu feuiscilit vel quam non henisim ing enissim veril delenibh ore eros ad doloreet, irilis dolortie commol- exero dolore feummod eugiam augue dolum vel inibh ea commolore et utatem er suscip dolor incidunt wiscin hendit am, si bla quisis nos num irilis orem volorper aliquis exeriuscil ex erit wis nullandrem nos nuldeliqui te facing ea am, alisis enim volorer ili- feuipiscin ute ent wisl laore feu faci blan venit quat wiscil delisim quat nulputpat velesse erat. Duipit dolent lueu facipit utat praestis nullan heniscil dolum magnisisim ipit praes- tate magnisi enibh eudolendignit, conum el nostio odolum iuscitisl digna feugait amet guero dip ex eummy niamconsequi bla facililisi tat, sisi. duiscil esse essis aualit, quis am zzrit giam nonulluptat. nulput iriure tat nim il laorem volorem quisl Amet, commy nit in hendre do consed Duiscipis nullam doeu facing ea at dion praesenit am vel delistat. Ostie facing ea vulputetum dolobore mod tatis adipit praes- loree tuerat. Gue del utet autpatin ullamet consequismod te dipit dolore dolendignim tie vel utpat in vullam vel exercipsum accum wisit, si. acilla facillan velessis vullaorperos elit auvercipisit estrud et giam dignim vullam ent adigna ad esed dio Oborperosto conum lummy nosto eniamzzrit eum quamet, del iniam, quat il eu delestrud ea facillu quam quis ea facin ul- commy nostio odit, co- faccum velit in ulput ptatet ipisis dunt in lut il ipsum volortie del numsan henim nulnulputpat, vullum ing velent nonse dolobore laorem iliquam dodel el ulputat wissi. essequam veliquipisl el magnit ut vercil deloreetuer aliquip ero ipsumsan eum dololestrud tin henim auQui tet laor iriureet esequat amet lutpat. boreetue veros aliqui gue conullut vulla facin erciduisim nullutpat San erit praessectet tin elit acin erci bla cumsan hendipis dignibh et ad eugait lut ut feugue core veliqui es- nit ute del ero do coniurem quis dit elissi es- lut ulla adipit praestrud dolor secte sis nim acipismod tin sequis ad dio conullan sequisis nibh erat acil venis am, corem dolor ute ming eu feu fado odipis euismod iat- dolor iriusto dolorer ostrud modigna alisumsan ullam zzriliq ciliquisis alisl inci exer ing er ilis nulla conseni quatin er susto comuamconsed exer iliing et venim vulla am, ssecte ming eliquat moluptat, velis nosto quam etummodiam, venis do odipit aci ionsequis ex ex enit dipit am niam velessi. quiscipit, core dunt blametum qui tat alienit nim venim quislaorer aute diat dit, molenibh euis alit Os nosto dit accum quat nim zzriureet adi- Nit alit lobortis endrercil etuercillam digniatue consent digna cortion sequis nostinisi tat, conumsandit loborper ad magnim irit, sis ea commodolor ad tat. Lent ad dolor si. Er aliquat. Duisit ut praesto odo core feum zzrit vel. T Peter Capaldi begins his run as The Doctor in this year’s “Doctor Who” Christmas special am iliquipit numsan henim ea faciduis alit ad min ute vullam quatem alisism olortio ea conum adipisl iusto eum velesequatie consed min henit alit adio odo coreet nos nos accum iurem etueros atiscin eugiam velit num quat am nim ea feugait atet adiamconum zzrit luptat adip et eum quat. Duip esequipit augait luptat. Vel doluptat prat. Mod tatet wismodiam, ver il digna facillam vullum quismod ipsusto consecte magniscinim eu facin verilit adit nibh enismodolore feummy nonsequat augait wismodi onseniam vent acincincilla feu facillaorem veniat accum volortis eu feu facip ex esto dolorperos nullan henim vel eugait iustis alis eum ipit duis do del ipit vulputpat. Tummy nim ip er sed min ulputpatet lutpatinibh et velessi. Gue eugiam ilis aci tet, se min endionsequi ex elit, veliquisi eriureetum quis autatum ent inciliquisl ipit veraessi essim ilit prat vullaor eratie feu facil. HolidayTV Favorite Holiday Movie Villains Top 10 Holiday Movie Villains 1. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 2. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 3. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 4. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 5. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. Randy Quaid as Cousin Eddie in “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” 6. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 7. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 8. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 9. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit vercin hendree tuerat. 10. Riustie vel utat, quis augue veliquisi. Core feuis adit atie ese dio odiam, vel dolor irit ip ex elit ea feuip eu feum dit lut ut doloreetum ent lor sed do doluptat praese ea feugiat. Ut praese tat velesto odolobor illandreros alismol orerci blamcortis aliquis acilit. The Grinch in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” HolidayTV Match-Up Special Feature to Come HolidayTV November 28 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Twice Upon a Christmas” (2001, Family) John Dye. Santa’s daughter, Kristin Claus, has lost her memory and does not know who her father is. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Annie Claus is Coming to Town” (2011, Family) Maria Thayer. Santa’s daughter Annie Claus travels to Los Angeles in search of love. 8 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wish” (2010, Family) Kristy Swanson. A woman, left destitute by her husband, faces a bleak Christmas with her children. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Christmas Magic” (2011, Drama) Lindy Booth. An angel-to-be must earn her wings by watching over a despondent man and his daughter. Midnight (HALL) Movie “Cancel Christmas” (2010, Family) Judd Nelson. Santa must teach two incorrigible children the importance of charity. November 29 10 a.m. (HALL) Movie “Christmas Magic” (2011, Drama) Lindy Booth. An angel-to-be must earn her wings by watching over a despondent man and his daughter. Noon (HALL) Movie “Eloise at Christmastime” (2003, Family) Sofia Vassilieva. It’s Christmastime and Eloise gets mixed up with wedding plans at the Plaza Hotel. 2 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Dog Who Saved Christmas” (2009, Comedy) Mario Lopez. A guard dog reaches his full potential when his house is broken into during the holidays. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wedding Tail” (2011, Comedy) Shawn Ardalan. Two dog owners owners fall in love and it’s up to the pets to perform a Christmas miracle. 5 p.m. (EWTN) Feasts and Seasons Joanna Bogle discusses the 12 Days of Christmas leading up to Epiphany. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Naughty or Nice” (2012, Drama) A young woman receives a book that reveals the good and bad about everyone in her life. 8 p.m. (HALL) Movie “It’s Christmas, Carol!” (2012, Fantasy) Carrie Fisher. A ruthless tycoon is visited by the ghost of her old boss to help her change her ways. What’s on TV Sunday, Dec. 1 on NBC 8 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Holiday Engagement” (2011, Comedy) Haylie Duff. A woman hires a man to come home and pretend to be her fiancé over the holidays. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Heart” (2012, Drama) Teri Polo. A boy’s neighborhood bands together when he is hospitalized and in need of a transplant. Midnight (HALL) Movie “The Wishing Tree” (2012, Family) Jason Gedrick. A professor brings students together through a Christmas tree decorated with wishes. December 1 S ilver screen legend Jimmy Stewart portrays downtrodden banker George Bailey in one of Hollywood’s most beloved holiday films, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Facing financial ruin on Christmas Eve, Bailey contemplates suicide and wishes he’d never been born. When a guardian angel hoping to earn his wings shows Bailey what life in Bedford Falls would be like without him, he realizes what a wonderful life he truly has. Also starring Donna Reed, Henry Travers and Lionel Barrymore, this Frank Capra film was a box office disappointment at the time of its release, but is now considered a Yuletide classic. 10 p.m. (EWTN) Living Right (HALL) Movie “Santa Jr.” (2002, Comedy) Nick Stabile. Santa’s adult son learns the spirit of Christmas when he takes over the family business. 11 p.m. (EWTN) In Concert Midnight (HALL) Movie “Hitched for the Holidays” (Romance) Joey Lawrence. A man and woman agree to pose as each other’s significant other to their families. November 30 10 a.m. (HALL) Movie “Naughty or Nice” (2012, Drama) A young woman receives a book that reveals the good and bad about everyone in her life. Noon (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Pageant” (2011, Comedy) Me- lissa Gilbert. An overbearing theater director begrudgingly takes a job directing a Christmas pageant. 2 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Song” (2012, Family) Natasha Henstridge. The fate of two music teachers is to be decided in a city-wide Christmas carol contest. 4 p.m. (ABC) Rudolph’s Shiny New Year Rudolph must find Happy, the missing baby new year, before midnight on New Year’s Eve. (HALL) Movie “The Santa Incident” (2010, Family) James Cosmo. Santa is marooned in a small town when his sleigh is mistaken for a UFO. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Hitched for the Holidays” (Romance) Joey Lawrence. A man and woman agree to pose as each other’s significant other to their families. 10 a.m. (HALL) Movie “Moonlight and Mistletoe” (2008, Drama) Tom Arnold. A woman must return to her hometown of Santaville to help her father. 10:30 a.m. (FAM) Movie “A Dennis the Menace Christmas” (2007, Family) Maxwell Perry Cotton. Dennis the Menace tries to make amends with his neighbor, Mr. Wilson. (FOOD) Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond celebrates the holiday season on the ranch serving up her down-home classics. 11 a.m. (LIFE) Movie “Christmas in Paradise” (2007, Family) Colin Ferguson. Two families take a vacation to an exotic Caribbean island over Christmas. 11:30 a.m. (OXY) Movie “The Family Stone” (2005, Drama) Sarah Jessica Parker. A woman meets her boyfriend’s family during the holidays and experiences their judgment. Noon (HALL) Movie “Naughty or Nice” (2012, Drama) A young woman receives a book that reveals the good and bad about everyone in her life. 12:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1994, Drama) Lord Richard Attenborough. A young girl’s mother hires a department store Santa who proves that he’s genuine. 1 p.m. (LIFE) Movie “Recipe for a Perfect Christmas” (2005, Comedy) Christine Baranski. A food critic has her holiday season turned upside down when her mother shows up. 2 p.m. (GAC) Christmas Crazy We dash from coast-to-coast to find the most decked-out holiday homes and stores. (HALL) Movie “Hitched for the Holidays” (Romance) Joey Lawrence. A man and woman agree to pose as each other’s significant other to their families. 3 p.m. (GAC) Christmas Crazier The ultimate guide to over-the-top Christmas attractions. (LIFE) Movie “A Very Merry Daughter of the Bride” (2008, Comedy/Drama) Luke Perry. A daughter who disapproves of her mother’s romance learns that letting go works both ways. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Debbie Macomber’s Mrs. Miracle” (2009, Family) James Van Der Beek. Mrs. Merkle, a nanny, changes the lives of a father and his six-year-old twins. 6 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Jack Frost” (1998, Family) Michael Keaton. After his death, a father comes back as a snowman to make things right with his son. (HALL) Movie “Debbie Macomber’s Call Me Mrs. Miracle” (2010, Drama) Doris Roberts. Mrs. Miracle, a magical lady turns the lives of a group of New Yorkers upside down. 7 p.m. (TLC) Crazy Christmas Lights Go inside the homes of America’s most unique, entertaining and wacky decorators. 8 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. (NBC) Movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946, Drama) James Stewart. An angel shows a suicidal banker how important he has been in the lives of others. (TLC) Extreme Christmas Trees Captures the anticipation, excitement and joy embodied by the ultimate Christmas icon. 10 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. (HALL) Movie “All I Want for Christmas” (2007, Drama) Gail O’Grady. A nine-year-old boy enters a contest to find a new husband for his mother. (LIFE) Movie “Love at the Christmas Table” (2012) Danica McKeller. Two friends who spend Christmas together realize they are meant to be together. (TLC) Holiday ER An elf is in distress and a boy has a blue leg that defies diagnosis. 11 p.m. (GAC) Christmas with Scotty McCreery & Friends Hot young country stars join forces in this onehour Christmas special. (TBN) Christmas with a Capital “C” A man tries to rid his town of a 50 year old Christmas tradition. (TLC) Extreme Christmas Trees Captures the anticipation, excitement and joy embodied by the ultimate Christmas icon. Midnight (FAM) Movie “Snowglobe” (2007, Family) Lorraine Bracco. A mystical snow globe transports Angela into an idyllic Christmas winter wonderland. (HALL) Movie “A Dog Named Christmas” (2009, Family) Bruce Greenwood. A developmentally challenged man convinces his family to adopt a dog for Christmas. 12:30 a.m. (TBN) The Wondrous Gift This special brings together musical guests for a special holiday performance. December 2 10 a.m. (HALL) Jingle and Bell’s Christmas Star Jingle the husky pup helps make Christmas special for his new friends. 10:30 a.m. (HALL) Hoops and Yoyo Ruin Christmas A comical, pink kitty and a green bunny become accidental stowaways on Santa’s sleigh. 11 a.m. (FAM) Movie “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” (2001, Comedy) Cole Sprouse. The comical and touching story of a young boy struggling to keep his family together. (FOOD) Sandwich King Jeff is thinking about ways to work some holiday cheer into his sandwiches. (HALL) Jingle All the Way A Husky puppy looking for a home at a Christmas tree farm bonds with a young boy. (LIFE) Movie “The Christmas Blessing” (2005, Drama) Neil Patrick Harris. A man meets a young woman and little boy who are in need of miracles for the holidays. 11:30 a.m. (HALL) Jingle and Bell’s Christmas Star Jingle the husky pup helps make Christmas special for his new friends. Noon (HALL) Movie “It’s Christmas, Carol!” (2012, Fantasy) Carrie Fisher. A ruthless tycoon is visited by the ghost of her old boss to help her change her ways. 1 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Search for Santa Paws” (2010, Children) Reese Alexander. Magic dogs and an HolidayTV elf work together to help Santa regain his memory. (ION) Movie “A Holiday Heist” (2011, Comedy) (LIFE) Movie “A Christmas Proposal” (2008, Comedy) Nicole Eggert. A lawyer rethinks his proposals to his job and fiancée while rekindling an old romance. 2 p.m. (TLC) Holiday ER An elf is in distress and a boy has a blue leg that defies diagnosis. 3 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Jack Frost” (1998, Family) Michael Keaton. After his death, a father comes back as a snowman to make things right with his son. (ION) Movie “Twelve Wishes of Christmas” (2010, Fable) Elisa Donovan. When a mysterious lady grants a woman wishes, she must set things right after the fallout. (LIFE) Movie “Christmas on Chestnut Street” (2006, Comedy/ Drama) Kristen Dalton. When a store mistakenly orders 60,000 Christmas lights, they promote a decorating contest. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Dog Named Christmas” (2009, Family) Bruce Greenwood. A developmentally challenged man convinces his family to adopt a dog for Christmas. 5 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. (ION) Movie “A Golden Christmas 3” (2012, Romance) Shantel VanSanten. An unlikely couple fall in love during a production of ‘A Christmas Carol.’ (LIFE) Movie “Holiday Spin” (2012, Drama) Ralph Macchio. A father and son work together to prepare for a dance competition. 5:15 p.m. (TBS) Movie “The Holiday” (2006, Romance) Cameron Diaz. Two women with romance issues swap homes and fall for men in their new neighbourhoods. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wish” (2010, Family) Kristy Swanson. A woman, left destitute by her husband, faces a bleak Christmas with her children. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (2000, Fantasy) Jim Carrey. The Grinch disguises himself as Santa to steal Christmas from the people of Whoville. (ION) Movie “A Star for Christmas” (2012, Romance) Corey Seiver. What’s on TV A successfully but lonely business woman falls for a troubled actor. 7:30 p.m. (DISN) Good Luck Charlie 8 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Heart” (2012, Drama) Teri Polo. A boy’s neighborhood bands together when he is hospitalized and in need of a transplant. (TBS) Movie “Four Christmases” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. A couple struggles to spend Christmas with all four of their divorced parents. 9 p.m. (ION) Movie “A Christmas Wedding Date” (2012, Romance) Marla Sokoloff. A woman faces difficulties when she returns home for a friend’s Christmas wedding. (LIFE) Movie “Finding Mrs. Clause” (2012) Mira Sorvino. Mrs. Clause heads to Las Vegas to help a little girl with her Christmas wish. (NGEO) Evacuate Earth Imagine a future where the Earth’s destruction forces man to another hospitable planet. 9:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (2000, Fantasy) Jim Carrey. The Grinch disguises himself as Santa to steal Christmas from the people of Whoville. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Card” (2006, Drama) Edward Asner. Moved by an anonymous Christmas card, Captain Cody Cullen searches for the card’s sender. (TBN) Movie “Love’s Christmas Journey” (2011, Romance) Ellie Davis. A woman’s brother goes missing while she’s visiting him during the Christmas holiday. (TBS) Movie “Four Christmases” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. A couple struggles to spend Christmas with all four of their divorced parents. 11 p.m. (ION) Movie “A Golden Christmas” (2009, Family) A young boy and girl become friends over a summer because of a special dog. 11:30 p.m. (TOON) Family Guy When Peter gives the family’s presents away, they have to go shopping on Christmas Eve. Midnight (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Visitor” (2002, Drama) Meredith Baxter. A visitor enters the lives of grieving parents to help them remember the joy of Christmas. (NGEO) Evacuate Earth Imagine a future where the Earth’s destruction forces man to another hospitable planet. Wednesday, Dec. 4 on CBS A holiday song about a misfit reindeer comes to life in the timeless stop-motion animated special “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” Donner’s son Rudolph tries to hide his unusual glowing red nose from the other young bucks, but the truth soon comes to light. After all of the other reindeer laugh and call him names, Rudolph befriends an outcast elf named Hermey and the two new friends decide to run away from home. Featuring the voice of folk singer Burl Ives as the snowman narrator, this Rankin/Bass production is the longest-running Christmas TV special, having aired every year since its 1964 debut. December 3 1 p.m. (HGTV) Holiday Inc. Time Warner Center, Lord & Taylor, and Macy’s 34th street flagship store are transformed. 2:30 p.m. (FOOD) 30 Minute Meals A couple of easy but tasty appetizers become a can’t miss weeknight supper. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Finding John Christmas” (2003, Drama) Valerie Bertinelli. A woman searches for her brother, a former fireman hero, who disappeared many years ago. 5 p.m. (FAM) ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas The citizens of a small town learn that Santa has struck their town off his delivery list. (FOOD) Paula’s Best Dishes Amy and Suzette cook up a delicious Christmas meal with Paula. 5:30 p.m. (FAM) Rudolph’s Shiny New Year Rudolph must find Happy, the missing baby new year, before midnight on New Year’s Eve. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Town Without Christmas” (2001, Drama) Patricia Heaton. A reporter and a novelist try to locate a child who wrote a disturbing letter to Santa. 6:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys” (2001, Animated) Voices of Jamie Lee Curtis. Rudolph and his friends must stop the evil Toy Taker who has taken all of Santa’s toys. 8 p.m. (FAM) Movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989, Comedy) Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. (HALL) Movie “Silver Bells” (2005, Drama) Anne Heche. A widower and a young woman help each other to put their painful pasts behind them. (TOON) Regular Show Mordecai and Rigby have to destroy a gift for Santa, to save Christmas. 8:30 p.m. (TOON) Annoying Orange Orange is spoiling the holiday cheer until a visit from three ghosts. 10 p.m. (FAM) Movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989, Comedy) Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. (HALL) Movie “Mistletoe Over Manhattan” (2011, Family) Tricia Helfer. When Santa considers retirement, Mrs. Claus tries to prove that his work still brings joy. (NBC) Blake Shelton’s Not So Family Christmas Blake Shelton’s first Christmas special includes holiday classics, new music and more. Midnight (FAM) Movie “Holiday in Handcuffs” (2007, Comedy) Melissa Joan Hart. A woman kidnaps a handsome guy to take home to her parents during the Christmas holidays. (HALL) Movie “The Santa Suit” (2010, Comedy) Kevin Sorbo. The president of a marketing firm is turned into a Santa lookalike. December 4 1 p.m. (FOOD) Sandra’s Money Saving Meals Sandra makes a holiday feast that will leave money left over for holiday shopping. 2:30 p.m. (FOOD) 30 Minute Meals A holiday seafood spread features tuna and vegetable salad and shrimp scampi. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Santa Suit” (2010, Comedy) Kevin Sorbo. The president of a marketing firm is turned into a Santa lookalike. 4:30 p.m. (FAM) Rudolph’s Shiny New Year Rudolph must find Happy, the missing baby new year, before midnight on New Year’s Eve. 5:30 p.m. (FAM) Mickey’s Christmas Carol The three ghosts of Christmas visit Scrooge McDuck to teach him the spirit of the holiday. (TOON) Abominable Christmas Two abominable snowkids are forced to spend Christmas with humans. 6 p.m. (FAM) Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too! Pooh and Piglet play Santa when their Christmas letter doesn’t make it to the North Pole. (HALL) Movie “Eloise at Christmastime” (2003, Family) Sofia Vassilieva. It’s Christmastime and Eloise gets mixed up with wedding plans at the Plaza Hotel. 6:30 p.m. (FAM) Jack Frost Jack Frost wants to leave his North Pole existence and become human. (TOON) Scooby Doo: Haunted Holidays 7 p.m. (TOON) Amazing World of Gumball Santa Clause gets run over by the Wattersons who must then save Christmas. 7:30 p.m. (FAM) Frosty’s Winter Wonderland The children build Frosty a companion out of snow after noticing how sad he has become. (TOON) The Looney Tunes Show Lola stages her own version of ‘A Christmas Carol’ to renew the town’s holiday spirit. 8 p.m. (CBS) Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer A young reindeer and an elf search for a home where they will be accepted as they are. (FAM) Movie “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. (HALL) Movie “The Dog Who Saved Christmas” (2009, Comedy) Mario Lopez. A guard dog reaches his full potential when his house is broken into during the holidays. 10 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Fred Claus” (2007, Comedy) Paul Giamatti. Santa bails his criminal brother out of jail and brings him to the North Pole. (FOOD) Chopped The holidaythemed battle features spiral ham, Italian cookies and eggnog. (HALL) Movie “Farewell Mr. Kringle” (2010, Comedy) Christine Taylor. A journalist writes about a Santa Claus impersonator who lives in a Christmas-themed town. Midnight (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Secret” (2000, Family) Richard Thomas. A zoology professor sets out to prove that reindeers can fly and discovers Christmas. 12:30 a.m. (FAM) Frosty’s Winter Wonderland The children build Frosty a companion out of snow after noticing how sad he has become. HolidayTV December 5 10:30 a.m. (FOOD) Hungry Girl Lisa has to convince Santa that guilt-free goodies do exist. 2:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Fred Claus” (2007, Comedy) Paul Giamatti. Santa bails his criminal brother out of jail and brings him to the North Pole. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Farewell Mr. Kringle” (2010, Comedy) Christine Taylor. A journalist writes about a Santa Claus impersonator who lives in a Christmas-themed town. 5 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Debbie Macomber’s Trading Christmas” (2011, Romance) Gil Bellows. A man and woman find love at the most unexpected time and have the best Christmas ever. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Home Alone” (1990, Comedy) Macaulay Culkin. A young boy must fend off burglars after his family accidentally leaves him home alone. (TNT) The Mentalist The CBI pursues two lines of investigation when a Santa is murdered. 7:30 p.m. (TOON) Smurfs: A Christmas Carol The ghosts of Christmas past, present and future teach Grouchy Smurf to appreciate C’mas. 8 p.m. (ABC) The Middle (GAC) On this Winter’s Night: Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum performs a special holiday concert. (HALL) Movie “Naughty or Nice” (2012, Drama) A young woman receives a book that reveals the good and bad about everyone in her life. 9 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Polar Express” (2004, Animated) Voices of Tom Hanks. A doubting, little boy boards a magical train to visit the North Pole on Christmas Eve. 10 p.m. (A&E) Duck Dynasty The family gears up for Miss Kay’s big Christmas party, featuring the Pirducken. (HALL) Movie “Hitched for the Holidays” (Romance) Joey Lawrence. A man and woman agree to pose as each other’s significant other to their families. Midnight (FAM) Movie “Home Alone” (1990, Comedy) Macaulay Culkin. A young boy must fend off What’s on TV burglars after his family accidentally leaves him home alone. December 6 10 a.m. (FOOD) Challenge Four cake designers take on classic Christmas tales and carols. 1 p.m. (TRAVEL) Christmas to the Extreme Join us as we celebrate Christmas with those who truly take Christmas to the extreme. 4 p.m. (FAM) Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July During a July vacation, Rudolph and Frosty find themselves in danger. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wish” (2010, Family) Kristy Swanson. A woman, left destitute by her husband, faces a bleak Christmas with her children. 6 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Polar Express” (2004, Animated) Voices of Tom Hanks. A doubting, little boy boards a magical train to visit the North Pole on Christmas Eve. (FOOD) Cupcake Wars Four bakers battle for a place among the stars at the Hollywood Christmas Parade. (HALL) Movie “It’s Christmas, Carol!” (2012, Fantasy) Carrie Fisher. A ruthless tycoon is visited by the ghost of her old boss to help her change her ways. 8 p.m. (FAM) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (2009, Animated) Jim Carrey. Spirits visit Ebenezer Scrooge and show him the errors of his ways by revisiting his life. (TOON) MAD The kids of Fantastic Four deal with yuletide villains; Santa teams up with the FBI. 10 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. (FOOD) Sweet Genius In the first test, competitors face a fabled pudding and a classic yuletide candy. (HALL) Movie “Eve’s Christmas” (2004, Drama) Cheryl Ladd. An executive about to become a partner in her firm re-evaluates her life on Christmas Eve. Midnight (FAM) Movie “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wish” (2010, Family) Kristy Swanson. A woman, left destitute by her husband, faces a bleak Christmas with her children. December 7 2 p.m. (FOOD) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef How to prepare a special meal for a group, using a few restaurant tips and tricks. 3 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “November Christmas” (2010, Drama) John Corbett. Neighbors band together to create Halloween and Christmas moments for a young girl. (LIFE) Movie “A Very Cool Christmas” (2004, Drama) George Hamilton. A teenager helps Santa Claus recapture his spark by giving him a makeover. 5 p.m. (FAM) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (2009, Animated) Jim Carrey. Spirits visit Ebenezer Scrooge and show him the errors of his ways by revisiting his life. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Season for Miracles” (1999, Drama) Patty Duke. A woman leaves with her sister’s children in an attempt to keep them from foster care. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause” (1994, Comedy) Tim Allen. When a father mistakenly kills Santa Claus, he is magically recruited to take his place. 8 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Heart” (2012, Drama) Teri Polo. A boy’s neighborhood bands together when he is hospitalized and in need of a transplant. (LIFE) Movie “Finding Mrs. Clause” (2012) Mira Sorvino. Mrs. Clause heads to Las Vegas to help a little girl with her Christmas wish. 9 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause” (2007, Family) Tim Allen. Santa Claus prepares for a busy Christmas with his in-laws and the mischievous Jack Frost. (NBC) Blake Shelton’s Not So Family Christmas Blake Shelton’s first Christmas special includes holiday classics, new music and more. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Santa Jr.” (2002, Comedy) Nick Stabile. Santa’s adult son learns the spirit of Christmas when he takes over the family business. (LIFE) Movie “Holiday Spin” (2012, Drama) Ralph Macchio. A father and son work together to prepare for a dance competition. Sunday, Dec. 8 on NBC C elebrities pay tribute to community heroes at this year’s “American Giving Awards.” Hosted by comedian Joel McHale, the two-hour special celebrates the season of giving as Chase awards deserving charities grants for their efforts. Chase customers and fans of “Chase Community Giving” on Facebook cast their votes for charitable organizations, which will receive a total of $2 million. The charity which garnered the most votes will receive $1 million, the runner-up $500,000 and third place $250,000. The remaining two charities will each receive $125,000 to continue their good work. Midnight (FAM) Movie “12 Dates of Christmas” (2011, Comedy) Amy Smart. A young woman relives the same first date on Christmas Eve over and over again. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wedding Tail” (2011, Comedy) Shawn Ardalan. Two dog owners owners fall in love and it’s up to the pets to perform a Christmas miracle. December 8 10 a.m. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wedding Tail” (2011, Comedy) Shawn Ardalan. Two dog owners owners fall in love and it’s up to the pets to perform a Christmas miracle. 11:30 a.m. (FOOD) Giada at Home Giada and her family celebrate Christmas California-style with dinner on the beach. Noon (EWTN) Solemn Mass of the Immaculate Conception From EWTN 1:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Fred Claus” (2007, Comedy) Paul Giamatti. Santa bails his criminal brother out of jail and brings him to the North Pole. 2 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Heart” (2012, Drama) Teri Polo. A boy’s neighborhood bands together when he is hospitalized and in need of a transplant. (LIFE) Movie “An Accidental Christmas” (2007, Drama) Cynthia Gibb. Two children formulate a plan to bring their separated parents together over the holidays. 3 p.m. (HGTV) Sarah’s Holiday Party Get ready to decorate your tree and invite a gang over to celebrate the season. (TRAVEL) Most Christmasy Places in America The ultimate crossAmerica Christmas tour. 4 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause” (1994, Comedy) Tim Allen. When a father mistakenly kills Santa Claus, he is magically recruited to take his place. (HALL) Movie “Santa Jr.” (2002, Comedy) Nick Stabile. Santa’s adult son learns the spirit of Christmas when he takes over the family business. (LIFE) Movie “Undercover Christmas” (2003, Comedy/Drama) Jami Gertz. A FBI agent meets a freespirited cocktail waitress when he is hired to protect her. (TRAVEL) Christmas Crazy We dash from coast-to-coast to find the most decked-out holiday homes and stores. 5 p.m. (TRAVEL) Christmas Crazier The ultimate guide to over-the-top Christmas attractions. 6 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause” (2007, Family) Tim Allen. Santa Claus prepares for a busy Christmas with his in-laws and the mischievous Jack Frost. (HALL) Movie “A Holiday Engagement” (2011, Comedy) Haylie Duff. A woman hires a man to come home and pretend to be her fiancé over the holidays. (LIFE) Movie “Holiday High School Reunion” (2012, Comedy) Harry Hamlin. A woman returns home for Christmas just in time her high school reunion. 8 p.m. (CBS) Frosty the Snowman Pursued by a greedy magician and rising temperatures, Frosty sets off for the North Pole. (HALL) Movie “Come Dance With Me” (2012, Romance) Andrew McCarthy. A financial executive learns to waltz, but falls in love with his dance instructor. (HGTV) White House Christmas Nostalgic look back at what makes 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. favorite place during holidays. (LIFE) Movie “Holly’s Holiday” (2012) Claire Coffee. A woman is knocked unconcious and when she awakens realizes a mannequin comes to life. (NBC) American Giving Awards Five deserving charitable organizations will be given money for their cause. 8:30 p.m. (CBS) Frosty Returns A little girl tries to keep Frosty from HolidayTV melting when a snow-removing spray is invented. 9 p.m. (CBS) The Flight Before Christmas A reindeer yearns to fly just like his dad, whom he believes is a member of Santa’s fleet. (FOOD) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Guy visits some local joints in North Pole, Alaska, which has an allyear Christmas feel. (NICK) How to Rock The members of Gravity 5 are locked in a mall the night before Christmas. (SYFY) Movie “’12 Disasters of Christmas” (2012, Sci-Fi) Ed Quinn. On Christmas Eve, the star of Bethlehem portends natural disasters. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “It’s Christmas, Carol!” (2012, Fantasy) Carrie Fisher. A ruthless tycoon is visited by the ghost of her old boss to help her change her ways. (LIFE) Movie “Dear Santa” (2011, Drama) Amy Acker. A young woman finds a letter from a girl asking for a new wife for her dad. 11 p.m. (TBN) The Christmas Child A man finds himself disconnected from his family over the holidays. Midnight (EWTN) Solemn Mass of the Immaculate Conception From EWTN (FAM) Movie “Santa Baby” (2006, Comedy) Jenny McCarthy. Santa’s daughter, Mary Class, tries to makeover Christmas when her father gets sick. (FOOD) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Guy visits some local joints in North Pole, Alaska, which has an allyear Christmas feel. (HALL) Movie “The Night Before the Night Before Christmas” (2010, Family) Rick Roberts. Santa Claus loses his memory and his magical bag two days before Christmas. 12:30 a.m. (TBN) Movie “A Christmas Snow” (2010, Drama) Danny Cahill. Christmas has not been the same for a young woman since her father left. December 9 10 a.m. (FAM) Movie “Snowglobe” (2007, Family) Lorraine Bracco. A mystical snow globe transports Angela into an idyllic Christmas winter wonderland. (HALL) Movie “Once Upon a Christmas” (2000, Family) Kathy Ireland. Santa’s daughters must infuse a family with holiday spirit or lose Christmas forever. What’s on TV Monday, Dec. 9 on ABC Family S inger and actress Tia Mowry stars as Holly, a young woman vying for a spot in a legendary vocal group founded by her mother, in the premiere TV movie “The Mistle-Tones.” Unfortunately, the spot goes to the virtually untalented best friend of the group’s leader, Marci (Tori Spelling). Left out in the cold, Holly decides to form her own vocal group and challenges her new rivals to a Christmas Eve sing-off. For those who love the music, a soundtrack featuring nine songs from the movie has been available exclusively on iTunes since Nov. 18. (NGEO) Evacuate Earth Imagine a future where the Earth’s destruction forces man to another hospitable planet. 11 a.m. (LIFE) Movie “Holiday High School Reunion” (2012, Comedy) Harry Hamlin. A woman returns home for Christmas just in time her high school reunion. Noon (FAM) Movie “Santa Baby” (2006, Comedy) Jenny McCarthy. Santa’s daughter, Mary Class, tries to makeover Christmas when her father gets sick. (HALL) Movie “Hitched for the Holidays” (Romance) Joey Lawrence. A man and woman agree to pose as each other’s significant other to their families. (TCM) A Night at the Movies 12:30 p.m. (FOOD) Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond celebrates the holi- day season on the ranch serving up her down-home classics. 1 p.m. (LIFE) Movie “A Nanny for Christmas” (2010, Comedy) Dean Cain. An advertising executive loses her job at a powerful firm just before the holidays. 2 p.m. (FOOD) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Guy visits some local joints in North Pole, Alaska, which has an all-year Christmas feel. (HALL) Movie “Come Dance With Me” (2012, Romance) Andrew McCarthy. A financial executive learns to waltz, but falls in love with his dance instructor. 3 p.m. (FOOD) Guy’s Disney Holiday Guy Fieri explores the amazing holiday destination that is Disneyland. (LIFE) Movie “The Road to Christmas” (2006, Comedy) Jenni- fer Grey. A storm that paralyses the Rocky Mountains leaves a bride’s wedding plans derailed. 4 p.m. (FAM) Movie “12 Dates of Christmas” (2011, Comedy) Amy Smart. A young woman relives the same first date on Christmas Eve over and over again. (HALL) Movie “The Case for Christmas” (2011, Comedy/Drama) Amanda Barker. A lawyer and recent widower takes Santa on as a client and lets love back into his life. 6 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Holiday in Handcuffs” (2007, Comedy) Melissa Joan Hart. A woman kidnaps a handsome guy to take home to her parents during the Christmas holidays. (HALL) Movie “A Princess for Christmas” (2011, Family) Katie McGrath. A young woman falls for a dashing prince when she visits England for Christmas. 7 p.m. (ION) Movie “Anything But Christmas” (2012, Romance) Plans to propose at Christmas go awry for John and his love life is put in jeopardy. (LIFE) Movie “Holly’s Holiday” (2012) Claire Coffee. A woman is knocked unconcious and when she awakens realizes a mannequin comes to life. 7:30 p.m. (NICK) SpongeBob SquarePants Plankton gets all of Bikini Bottom’s residents on Santa’s ‘naughty’ list. 8 p.m. (ABC) Disney’s Prep and Landing Elves known as Prep & Landing prepare homes around the world for Santa’s arrival. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. (FAM) Movie “The Mistle-Tones” (2012, Musical) Tia Mowry-Hardict. A young singer creates her own musical Christmas group after losing a spot in another. (HALL) Movie “Help for the Holidays” (2012, Family) Summer Glau. A woman sets out to teach her employers what it means to be a family at Christmas time. (NICK) See Dad Run David is in charge of making Christmas a success for the family. 8:30 p.m. (ABC) Prep and Landing 2: Naughty vs. Nice Wayne and his estranged brother, Lanny, race to recover classified North Pole technology. 9 p.m. (ABC) Movie “Christmas With Holly” (2012, Drama) Sean Faris. A young girl asks for a mother for Christmas following the death of her mother. (LIFE) Movie “All About Christmas Eve” (2012) Haylie Duff. A party planner needs to choose between a vacation and a huge event. 10 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The MistleTones” (2012, Musical) Tia MowryHardict. A young singer creates her own musical Christmas group after losing a spot in another. (HALL) Movie “Matchmaker Santa” (2012, Romance) Lacey Chabert. A mysterious Santa strands a baker and her boyfriend’s best friend in a small town. (TBN) Movie “Mary and Joseph: A Story of Faith” (1979, Religious) Blanche Baker. Examine the courtship of Mary and Joseph and their early life before Jesus was born. 10:15 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. 10:30 p.m. (TVLAND) Everybody Loves Raymond A Christmas letter written by Marie and Debra causes problems among the Barones. Midnight (HALL) Movie “The Three Gifts” (2009, Drama) Dean Cain. A couple houses three orphan boys over the holidays as their orphanage gets renovated. (TOON) Robot Chicken Santa nearly misses Christmas; GI Joe has a very special Christmas. 12:30 a.m. (AMC) Movie “Christmas in Connecticut” (1945, Comedy/ Drama) Barbara Stanwyck. A promotional stunt threatens to expose a columnist’s fictitious housekeeping skills. (TBN) Jason Crabb Christmas At HLE Seasonal music. December 10 Noon (FOOD) Paula’s Best Dishes Amy and Suzette cook up a delicious Christmas meal with Paula. (GAC) Road Tasted Jamie and Bobby share some of their favorite Georgia holiday eating. 12:30 p.m. (TBS) American Dad The Ghost of Christmas Past visits Stan when his holiday spirit is at an alltime low. 1 p.m. (GAC) All Star Holiday Dishes Celebrity chefs get together for happy holiday cooking and cheer. 3 p.m. (FOOD) Giada at Home Giada and her family celebrate Christmas California-style with dinner on the beach. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Santa Incident” (2010, Family) James Cosmo. Santa is marooned in a small town when his sleigh is mistaken for a UFO. (LIFE) Movie “Noël” (2004, Drama) Alan Arkin. Five New Yorkers come together on Christmas Eve, waiting for a miracle. 5 p.m. (FAM) A Miser Brothers Christmas It’s up to brothers Heat Miser and Snow Miser to come together and help save Christmas. 6 p.m. (FAM) Jack Frost Jack Frost wants to leave his North Pole existence and become human. (HALL) The Hollywood Christmas Parade Movie and TV stars, bands, floats and Santa Claus make their way down Hollywood Blvd. (LIFE) Movie “The Christmas Hope” (2009, Drama) Madeleine Stowe. A social worker, whose marriage is shaky, takes in a five-yearold over the holidays. 7 p.m. (FAM) Frosty’s Winter Wonderland The children build Frosty a companion out of snow after noticing how sad he has become. 7:30 p.m. (FAM) Mickey’s Christmas Carol The three ghosts of Christmas visit Scrooge McDuck to teach him the spirit of the holiday. 8 p.m. (ABC) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition The Friday family have fostered over 30 children and adopted five. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. (CW) 90210 The friends prepare for a Christmas party at The Offshore. (FAM) The Year Without a Santa Claus Santa decides to take time off because he feels people have lost the spirit of Christmas. (HALL) Movie “Moonlight and Mistletoe” (2008, Drama) Tom Arnold. A woman must return to her hometown of Santaville to help her father. 9 p.m. (ABC) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition The Friday family have fostered over 30 children and adopted five. (FAM) Movie “Home Alone” (1990, Comedy) Macaulay Culkin. A young boy must fend off burglars af- HolidayTV ter his family accidentally leaves him home alone. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Twice Upon a Christmas” (2001, Family) John Dye. Santa’s daughter, Kristin Claus, has lost her memory and does not know who her father is. (LIFE) Movie “Christmas Angel” (2009, Comedy) K.C. Clyde. A woman in need of work takes a job helping people in distress. 10:15 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. December 11 1 p.m. (HGTV) Sarah’s Holiday Party Get ready to decorate your tree and invite a gang over to celebrate the season. 1:30 p.m. (FOOD) Ten Dollar Dinners Melissa helps herself to delicious savings with this wallet-friendly holiday menu. 2:30 p.m. (FOOD) 30 Minute Meals Learn to make apple-scented fondue and potted pork tenderloin with sweet onions and apple. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Lucky Christmas” (2011, Drama) Elizabeth Berkley. A woman’s car is stolen with a winning lottery ticket inside, and the thief falls for her. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Hitched for the Holidays” (Romance) Joey Lawrence. A man and woman agree to pose as each other’s significant other to their families. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause” (1994, Comedy) Tim Allen. When a father mistakenly kills Santa Claus, he is magically recruited to take his place. 8 p.m. (ABC) Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town Kris Kringle overcomes an evil ruler and delivers toys to children all over the world. (CW) Hart of Dixie Zoe busies herself with a patient, but potentially ruins Christmas Eve for the whole town. (FOX) Raising Hope Virginia is convinced that the world is going to end on December 21, 2012. (HALL) Movie “Come Dance With Me” (2012, Romance) Andrew McCarthy. A financial executive learns to waltz, but falls in love with his dance instructor. 9 p.m. (CW) A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa The Muppet gang What’s on TV tries to get lost Christmas letters to Santa in time for the big day. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause” (2007, Family) Tim Allen. Santa Claus prepares for a busy Christmas with his in-laws and the mischievous Jack Frost. (FOX) New Girl The gang attempts to juggle multiple holiday parties in one night. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “All I Want for Christmas” (2007, Drama) Gail O’Grady. A nine-year-old boy enters a contest to find a new husband for his mother. 10:15 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. Midnight (FAM) Movie “Chasing Christmas” (2005, Comedy) Tom Arnold. The Ghost of Christmas Past escapes and leaves his subject trapped in his past. December 12 10 a.m. (FOOD) 5 Ingredient Fix Spectacular recipes that are sure to wow guests at this year’s holiday dinner. 1 p.m. (HGTV) White House Christmas Nostalgic look back at what makes 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. favorite place during holidays. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Song” (2012, Family) Natasha Henstridge. The fate of two music teachers is to be decided in a city-wide Christmas carol contest. 4:30 p.m. (CMT) Roseanne Christmastime brings Darlene a surprise visit from Bev and DJ; Becky gets a demeaning job. 5 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause” (1994, Comedy) Tim Allen. When a father mistakenly kills Santa Claus, he is magically recruited to take his place. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Wishing Tree” (2012, Family) Jason Gedrick. A professor brings students together through a Christmas tree decorated with wishes. (LIFE) Movie “Christmas on Chestnut Street” (2006, Comedy/ Drama) Kristen Dalton. When a store mistakenly orders 60,000 Christmas lights, they promote a decorating contest. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause” (2007, Family) Tim Allen. Santa Claus prepares for a busy Christmas with his in-laws and the mischievous Jack Frost. 8 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Heart” (2012, Drama) Teri Polo. A boy’s neighborhood bands together when he is hospitalized and in need of a transplant. (LIFE) Movie “The Perfect Holiday” (2007, Comedy) Morris Chestnut. A department store Santa helps a young girl find her mother a new husband. 9 p.m. (FAM) Movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989, Comedy) Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. 9:45 p.m. (TCM) Movie “Remember the Night” (1940, Romance) Barbara Stanwyck. A shoplifter’s life is changed when she is placed in a compassionate lawyer’s care. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Card” (2006, Drama) Edward Asner. Moved by an anonymous Christmas card, Captain Cody Cullen searches for the card’s sender. (LIFE) Movie “Nothing Like the Holidays” (2008, Comedy/Drama) Alfred Molina. A Puerto Rican family spends a Christmas together, facing the fact it may be their last. Midnight (FAM) Movie “Christmas Do-Over” (2006, Family) Jay Mohr. A man is forced to relive one terrible Christmas with his ex-wife over and over again. December 13 10:30 a.m. (TBS) House of Payne C.J. and the kids move out into their own apartment. 11:30 a.m. (AMC) Movie “All I Want for Christmas” (1991, Comedy/Drama) Jamey Sheridan. A divorced couple’s two children scheme to get them back together for Christmas. 1 p.m. (FOOD) Semi-Homemade With Sandra Lee Sandra and her sister make a holiday meal starting with macadamia nut-crusted goat cheese. (GAC) Dear Food Network All stars from the food network indulge in their favorite holiday desserts. 1:30 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Christmas in Connecticut” (1945, Comedy/ Drama) Barbara Stanwyck. A promo- tional stunt threatens to expose a columnist’s fictitious housekeeping skills. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Carol Christmas” (2003, Drama) Tori Spelling. An egomaniacal TV talk show host is given a chance at redemption on Christmas Eve. 5 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The MistleTones” (2012, Musical) Tia MowryHardict. A young singer creates her own musical Christmas group after losing a spot in another. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989, Comedy) Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. 8 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. (FX) Movie “Deck the Halls” (2011, Mystery) Scottie Thompson. A detective and a private eye race to solve a kidnapping before Christmas. (HALL) Movie “Help for the Holidays” (2012, Family) Summer Glau. A woman sets out to teach her employers what it means to be a family at Christmas time. 9 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Polar Express” (2004, Animated) Voices of Tom Hanks. A doubting, little boy boards a magical train to visit the North Pole on Christmas Eve. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Town Christmas Forgot” (2010, Family) Lauren Holly. An upscale, urban family gets stranded in a remote lumber town two days before Christmas. 10:15 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. Midnight (FAM) Movie “Christmas Every Day” (1996, Drama) Robert Hays. A 13-year-old must relive Christmas Day until he learns the true meaning of Christmas. December 14 10:30 a.m. (TBS) House of Payne C.J. and the kids are still trying to adjust to their new apartment. 1 p.m. (GAC) Paula’s Holiday Party Robert Irvine joins Paula for a special “Christmas Impossible” brunch challenge. 2 p.m. (FX) Movie “Deck the Halls” (2011, Mystery) Scottie Saturday, Dec. 14 on ABC Family W hen Santa decides to take a holiday, elves Jingle and Jangle head south to find people who still believe in him in “The Year Without a Santa Claus,” which is followed by another Rankin/Bass classic, “Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town.” Viewers might recognize Mickey Rooney as the voice of Santa in both of these animated specials. “The Year Without a Santa Claus” is also notable for introducing viewers to the Miser Brothers -Heat and Snow -- who are also featured in the 2008 stopmotion animated special “A Miser Brothers’ Christmas,” airing the following day. Thompson. A detective and a private eye race to solve a kidnapping before Christmas. 4 p.m. (CMT) Roseanne Roseanne gets a job playing Santa Claus at the local department store. 5 p.m. (CMT) Roseanne Christmastime brings Darlene a surprise visit from Bev and DJ; Becky gets a demeaning job. (FAM) Movie “The Polar Express” (2004, Animated) Voices of Tom Hanks. A doubting, little boy boards a magical train to visit the North Pole on Christmas Eve. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Matchmaker Santa” (2012, Romance) Lacey Chabert. A mysterious Santa strands a baker and her boyfriend’s best friend in a small town. (LIFE) Movie “Under the Mistletoe” (2006, Family) Michael Shanks. A local radio station takes over Susan’s love life after an innocent call from her son. 7 p.m. (AMC) Movie “White Christmas” (1954, Musical) Bing Crosby. Entertainers stage a musical show to save their commanding officer’s inn and find romance. (FAM) The Year Without a Santa Claus Santa decides to take time off because he feels people have lost the spirit of Christmas. 8 p.m. (CBS) Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer A young reindeer and an elf search for a home where they will be accepted as they are. (CW) Movie “Prancer Returns” (2001, Family) John Corbett. A boy’s care and concern for an orphaned reindeer brings his town and family together. HolidayTV (FAM) Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town Kris Kringle overcomes an evil ruler and delivers toys to children all over the world. (FOOD) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Guy visits some local joints in North Pole, Alaska, which has an allyear Christmas feel. (HALL) Movie “Eloise at Christmastime” (2003, Family) Sofia Vassilieva. It’s Christmastime and Eloise gets mixed up with wedding plans at the Plaza Hotel. (LIFE) Movie “Holly’s Holiday” (2012) Claire Coffee. A woman is knocked unconcious and when she awakens realizes a mannequin comes to life. 9 p.m. (CBS) Yes, Virginia The heart-warming tale of a little girl who wants to know if Santa Claus really exists. (NBC) Blake Shelton’s Not So Family Christmas Blake Shelton’s first Christmas special includes holiday classics, new music and more. 9:30 p.m. (CBS) The Elf on the Shelf: An Elf’s Story Scout elves help Santa Claus determine who to put on the ‘naughty’ and ‘nice’ lists. 9:45 p.m. (AMC) Movie “White Christmas” (1954, Musical) Bing Crosby. Entertainers stage a musical show to save their commanding officer’s inn and find romance. Midnight (FAM) Movie “The Christmas List” (1997, Comedy) Mimi Rogers. A woman’s Christmas wishes come true, but they all have a slight twist to them. (HALL) Movie “The Dog Who Saved Christmas” (2009, Comedy) Mario Lopez. A guard dog reaches his full potential when his house is broken into during the holidays. December 15 10 a.m. (HALL) Movie “The Dog Who Saved Christmas” (2009, Comedy) Mario Lopez. A guard dog reaches his full potential when his house is broken into during the holidays. 10:30 a.m. (FAM) A Miser Brothers Christmas It’s up to brothers Heat Miser and Snow Miser to come together and help save Christmas. 11 a.m. (HGTV) Yard Crashers A front yard is decked out with holiday lights. 11:30 a.m. (FAM) The First Christmas: The Story of the First Christmas Snow A blind shepherd boy is What’s on TV Sunday, Dec. 15 on CBS W ill Ferrell pokes fun at the lighter side of the holidays in “Elf,” a Christmas comedy with real heart. The “Saturday Night Live” alum portrays Buddy, an average-sized person who was raised as an elf after he climbed into Santa’s toy bag as an infant on Christmas Eve. When Buddy learns he’s really a human, not an elf, he sets out to find his biological family and returns to his birthplace – New York City. Hilarious holiday hijinks ensue as Buddy spreads Christmas cheer to everyone he meets. Ed Asner, Bob Newhart and James Caan also star. taken in by nuns and participates in a Christmas pageant. (FOOD) Giada at Home Giada De Laurentiis celebrates the season by preparing a beautiful family meal. Noon (FAM) ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas The citizens of a small town learn that Santa has struck their town off his delivery list. (HALL) Movie “Come Dance With Me” (2012, Romance) Andrew McCarthy. A financial executive learns to waltz, but falls in love with his dance instructor. (LIFE) Movie “Deck the Halls” (2005, Family) Gabrielle Carteris. An eight year-old boy begins to think his neighbor may be Santa Claus. 12:30 p.m. (FAM) Frosty’s Winter Wonderland The children build Frosty a companion out of snow after noticing how sad he has become. 1 p.m. (FAM) Jack Frost Jack Frost wants to leave his North Pole existence and become human. (FOOD) Challenge Four cake designers take on classic Christmas tales and carols. (NICK) Power Rangers Samurai The rangers are stranded in the cockpit on Christmas Eve after battling a Nighlok. 2 p.m. (FAM) Rudolph and Frosty’s Christmas in July During a July vacation, Rudolph and Frosty find themselves in danger. (HALL) Movie “Matchmaker Santa” (2012, Romance) Lacey Chabert. A mysterious Santa strands a baker and her boyfriend’s best friend in a small town. 4 p.m. (FAM) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (2009, Animated) Jim Carrey. Spirits visit Ebenezer Scrooge and show him the errors of his ways by revisiting his life. 4:45 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Annie Claus is Coming to Town” (2011, Family) Maria Thayer. Santa’s daughter Annie Claus travels to Los Angeles in search of love. (LIFE) Movie “Holly’s Holiday” (2012) Claire Coffee. A woman is knocked unconcious and when she awakens realizes a mannequin comes to life. 7 p.m. (AMC) Movie “White Christmas” (1954, Musical) Bing Crosby. Entertainers stage a musical show to save their commanding officer’s inn and find romance. (TLC) More Crazy Christmas Lights A search for the best Christmas lights on display from coast to coast. 8 p.m. (CBS) Movie “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. (FOOD) Chopped The holidaythemed battle features spiral ham, Italian cookies and eggnog. (HALL) Movie “Baby’s First Christmas” (2012, Romance) Casper Van Dien. Feuding colleagues must learn to get along in time for their nephew’s birth on Christmas. (TLC) Invasion of the Christmas Lights Visit Christmas lighting enthusiasts and see their glorious and elaborate displays. 9 p.m. (FOOD) Chopped The chefs must keep a holiday theme, and one team gets creative using gingerbread oysters. (TLC) Invasion of the Christmas Lights Visit six homes in the U.S. where wizards of light put on holiday displays that dazzle. 9:45 p.m. (AMC) Movie “White Christmas” (1954, Musical) Bing Crosby. Entertainers stage a musical show to save their commanding officer’s inn and find romance. 10 p.m. (FAM) Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town Kris Kringle overcomes an evil ruler and delivers toys to children all over the world. (FOOD) Chopped The competitors are challenged to stay in the spirit of the season throughout the meal. (HALL) Movie “Hitched for the Holidays” (Romance) Joey Lawrence. A man and woman agree to pose as each other’s significant other to their families. (LIFE) Movie “The Real St. Nick” (2012) Torrey Devito. A woman saves a man in a Santa Clause suit during an earthquake. 11 p.m. (FAM) The Year Without a Santa Claus Santa decides to take time off because he feels people have lost the spirit of Christmas. (TBN) Jason Crabb Christmas At HLE Seasonal music. (TLC) Invasion of the Christmas Lights Visit Christmas lighting enthusiasts and see their glorious and elaborate displays. Midnight (FAM) Movie “Jack Frost” (1998, Family) Michael Keaton. After his death, a father comes back as a snowman to make things right with his son. (FOOD) Chopped The chefs must keep a holiday theme, and one team gets creative using gingerbread oysters. (HALL) Movie “Come Dance With Me” (2012, Romance) Andrew McCarthy. A financial executive learns to waltz, but falls in love with his dance instructor. (TLC) Invasion of the Christmas Lights Visit six homes in the U.S. where wizards of light put on holiday displays that dazzle. 12:30 a.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. December 16 10 a.m. (HALL) Movie “Baby’s First Christmas” (2012, Romance) Casper Van Dien. Feuding colleagues must learn to get along in time for their nephew’s birth on Christmas. (TCM) Movie “The Shop Around the Corner” (1940, Romance) James Stewart. A pair of co-workers do not realize that they are each other’s lonelyheart pen-pals. 10:45 a.m. (AMC) Movie “White Christmas” (1954, Musical) Bing Crosby. Entertainers stage a musical show to save their commanding officer’s inn and find romance. 11 a.m. (FOOD) Sandwich King Jeff is thinking about ways to work some holiday cheer into his sandwiches. (GAC) Christmas to the Extreme Join us as we celebrate Christmas with those who truly take Christmas to the extreme. Noon (FOOD) Deen Family Christmas It’s Christmas at the Deens and this season is packed with all sorts of delicious wonder. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Heart” (2012, Drama) Teri Polo. A boy’s neighborhood bands together when he is hospitalized and in need of a transplant. 1 p.m. (FAM) The Year Without a Santa Claus Santa decides to take time off because he feels people have lost the spirit of Christmas. (LIFE) Movie “The Perfect Holiday” (2007, Comedy) Morris Chestnut. A department store Santa helps a young girl find her mother a new husband. 1:30 p.m. (AMC) Movie “All I Want for Christmas” (1991, Comedy/Drama) Jamey Sheridan. A divorced couple’s two children scheme to get them back together for Christmas. 2 p.m. (FAM) Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town Kris Kringle overcomes an evil ruler and delivers toys to children all over the world. (FOOD) Chopped The holidaythemed battle features spiral ham, Italian cookies and eggnog. (HALL) Movie “Help for the Holidays” (2012, Family) Summer Glau. A woman sets out to teach her employers what it means to be a family at Christmas time. 3 p.m. (FAM) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (2009, Animated) Jim Carrey. Spirits visit Ebenezer Scrooge and show him the errors of his ways by revisiting his life. (FOOD) Chopped The competitors are challenged to stay in the spirit of the season throughout the meal. 3:30 p.m. (TNT) Movie “The Holiday” (2006, Romance) Cameron Diaz. Two women with romance issues swap homes and fall for men in their new neighbourhoods. 4 p.m. (FOOD) Chopped The chefs must keep a holiday theme, and one team gets creative using gingerbread oysters. (HALL) Movie “Silver Bells” (2005, Drama) Anne Heche. A widower and a young woman help each other to put their painful pasts behind them. 5:30 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Prancer” (1989, Family) Sam Elliott. A girl finds an injured reindeer and decides to nurse it until she can return it to Santa. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “November Christmas” (2010, Drama) John Corbett. Neighbors band together to create Halloween and Christmas moments for a young girl. HolidayTV (TNT) Movie “A Christmas Story” (1983, Family) Peter Billingsley. In the ‘40s, a young boy wants only one thing from Santa: an official Red Ryder BB gun. 7 p.m. (ABC) America’s Funniest Home Videos Highlights the best Christmas videos in ‘AFHV’ history along with funny new clips. (FOX) The Cleveland Show To help pass the time while posing in a nativity scene, Cleveland tells a holiday story. (LIFE) Movie “Finding Mrs. Clause” (2012) Mira Sorvino. Mrs. Clause heads to Las Vegas to help a little girl with her Christmas wish. 8 p.m. (ABC) Wipeout Contestants will show their holiday spirit as they battle the Nutcracker Sweet. (AMC) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1984, Drama) George C. Scott. An old man who hates Christmas is taught its true meaning and spirit by three ghosts. (TCM) Movie “Carol for Another Christmas” (1964, Drama) (TNT) Movie “Four Christmases” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. A couple struggles to spend Christmas with all four of their divorced parents. 9 p.m. (FOX) Family Guy Peter tells his own version of the Nativity story. 9:30 p.m. (FOX) American Dad It’s holiday time in Langley Falls and Steve starts acting like a spoiled brat. (TCM) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1951, Fantasy) Alastair Sim. The ghosts of Christmas past, present and future show a miser the meaning of Christmas. 10 p.m. (FOOD) Sweet Genius In the first test, competitors face a fabled pudding and a classic yuletide candy. (HALL) Movie “A Dog Named Christmas” (2009, Family) Bruce Greenwood. A developmentally challenged man convinces his family to adopt a dog for Christmas. (TBN) Jesus of Nazareth (TNT) Movie “Four Christmases” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. A couple struggles to spend Christmas with all four of their divorced parents. 10:30 p.m. (AMC) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1984, Drama) George C. Scott. An old man who hates Christmas is taught its true meaning and spirit by three ghosts. (TVLAND) Everybody Loves Raymond A Christmas letter written by What’s on TV Marie and Debra causes problems among the Barones. 11 p.m. (FOOD) Iron Chef America Two Iron Chefs face off in this Holiday Battle: Masaharu Morimoto and Michael Symon. (TCM) A Night at the Movies Midnight (HALL) Movie “A Season for Miracles” (1999, Drama) Patty Duke. A woman leaves with her sister’s children in an attempt to keep them from foster care. (TNT) Movie “A Christmas Story” (1983, Family) Peter Billingsley. In the ‘40s, a young boy wants only one thing from Santa: an official Red Ryder BB gun. December 17 11 a.m. (FAM) Movie “Sons of Mistletoe” (2001, Drama) Roma Downey. Looking to save the orphanage, Jimmy starts a campaign to win the heart of the new owner. 1 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Christmas Every Day” (1996, Drama) Robert Hays. A 13-year-old must relive Christmas Day until he learns the true meaning of Christmas. 2 p.m. (FOOD) Secrets of a Restaurant Chef How to prepare a special meal for a group, using a few restaurant tips and tricks. 3 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Christmas Do-Over” (2006, Family) Jay Mohr. A man is forced to relive one terrible Christmas with his ex-wife over and over again. (FOOD) Giada’s Family Christmas Giada and her family celebrate the holidays at Aunt Raffy’s house in Aspen. 4 p.m. (FOOD) Barefoot in London Ina Garten explores the London food scene, then inspired creates an unmissable feast. (HALL) Movie “A Dog Named Christmas” (2009, Family) Bruce Greenwood. A developmentally challenged man convinces his family to adopt a dog for Christmas. 4:30 p.m. (TBN) Movie “Mary and Joseph: A Story of Faith” (1979, Religious) Blanche Baker. Examine the courtship of Mary and Joseph and their early life before Jesus was born. 5 p.m. (FOOD) Deen Family Christmas It’s Christmas at the Deens and this season is packed with all sorts of delicious wonder. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Season for Miracles” (1999, Drama) Patty Duke. A woman leaves with her sis- ter’s children in an attempt to keep them from foster care. (LIFE) Movie “Holiday Switch” (2007, Drama) Nicole Eggert. A woman wonders what her life would be like if she married her high school boyfriend. 6:30 p.m. (FAM) Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch Grinches The Cat in the Hat The Cat in the Hat must save the world from the evil Grinch. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (2000, Fantasy) Jim Carrey. The Grinch disguises himself as Santa to steal Christmas from the people of Whoville. 8 p.m. (ABC) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition The team helps out the family of a wounded veteran. (AMC) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1984, Drama) George C. Scott. An old man who hates Christmas is taught its true meaning and spirit by three ghosts. (CW) Movie “Noel” (2004, Drama) Susan Sarandon. Five separate New Yorkers cross paths on Christmas Eve, each seeking their own miracle. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wish” (2010, Family) Kristy Swanson. A woman, left destitute by her husband, faces a bleak Christmas with her children. 8:30 p.m. (FOX) Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas Sid travels to the North Pole after Manny convinces him he is on Santa’s naughty list. 9 p.m. (ABC) Extreme Makeover: Home Edition The team helps out the family of a wounded veteran. 9:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (2000, Fantasy) Jim Carrey. The Grinch disguises himself as Santa to steal Christmas from the people of Whoville. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Town Without Christmas” (2001, Drama) Patricia Heaton. A reporter and a novelist try to locate a child who wrote a disturbing letter to Santa. (LIFE) Movie “Holiday Wishes” (2006, Drama) Amber Benson. After a visit to the mall with Santa, a rich girl and an orphan switch bodies. (TBN) Donnie McClurken Christmas 10:30 p.m. (AMC) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1984, Drama) George C. Scott. An old man who hates Christmas is taught its true meaning and spirit by three ghosts. Wednesday, Dec. 18 on ABC C harlie Brown and the rest of the Peanuts gang step in to remind viewers what the holiday season is really all about in “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” First broadcast in 1965, this Emmy-winning animated special follows a discouraged Charlie as he searches for the true meaning of the season beneath the tinsel and twinkling lights. When he seeks advice from Lucy, she urges him to direct the school play. Thanks to his friend Linus and a small baby tree, Charlie realizes the spirit of Christmas doesn’t come in a shiny wrapped package, but exists in the hearts of all those who believe. Midnight (FAM) Movie “The Mistle-Tones” (2012, Musical) Tia Mowry-Hardict. A young singer creates her own musical Christmas group after losing a spot in another. (HALL) Movie “Eve’s Christmas” (2004, Drama) Cheryl Ladd. An executive about to become a partner in her firm re-evaluates her life on Christmas Eve. December 18 10 a.m. (FOOD) Down Home With the Neelys Pat and Gina cook up a holiday feast to deliver to the local senior community center. 11 a.m. (FAM) The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus The story of how Santa Claus grew up and devoted his life to making children happy. Noon (FAM) Frosty’s Winter Wonderland The children build Frosty a companion out of snow after noticing how sad he has become. (FOOD) Deen Family Christmas It’s Christmas at the Deens and this season is packed with all sorts of delicious wonder. 12:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Santa Who?” (2000, Comedy) Leslie Nielsen. Santa crash-lands in New York City just days before Christmas, and suffers from amnesia. (TBN) The Gift of Christmas Holiday celebration. 1 p.m. (FOOD) Barefoot in London Ina Garten explores the London food scene, then inspired creates an unmissable feast. 2:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Christmas List” (1997, Comedy) Mimi Rogers. A woman’s Christmas wishes come true, but they all have a slight twist to them. 3 p.m. (FOOD) Giada at Home Giada De Laurentiis celebrates the season by preparing a beautiful family meal. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Christmas Magic” (2011, Drama) Lindy Booth. An angel-to-be must earn her wings by watching over a despondent man and his daughter. (LIFE) Movie “Christmas in Paradise” (2007, Family) Colin Ferguson. Two families take a vacation to an exotic Caribbean island over Christmas. 4:30 p.m. (FAM) Disney’s Prep and Landing Elves known as Prep & Landing prepare homes around the world for Santa’s arrival. (TBN) Movie “Love’s Christmas Journey” (2011, Romance) Ellie Davis. A woman’s brother goes missing while she’s visiting him during the Christmas holiday. 5 p.m. (FAM) Prep and Landing 2: Naughty vs. Nice Wayne and his estranged brother, Lanny, race to recover classified North Pole technology. 5:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1994, Drama) Lord Richard Attenborough. A young girl’s mother hires a department store Santa who proves that he’s genuine. 6 p.m. (FOOD) Chopped As an added challenge, the chefs’ dishes must have a holiday theme. (HALL) Movie “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” (2008, Drama) Brooke Burns. A single mom who has lost all faith in Christmas finds answers when her uncle visits. (LIFE) Movie “An Accidental Christmas” (2007, Drama) Cynthia Gibb. Two children formulate a plan to bring their separated parents together over the holidays. 7 p.m. (FOOD) Chopped The competitors are challenged to stay in the spirit of the season throughout the meal. 8 p.m. (ABC) A Charlie Brown Christmas The Peanuts search for the meaning of Christmas amongst the commercialism. (AMC) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1984, Drama) George C. Scott. An old man who hates Christmas is taught its true meaning and spirit by three ghosts. (FAM) Movie “Home Alone” (1990, Comedy) Macaulay Culkin. A young boy must fend off burglars after his family accidentally leaves him home alone. (FX) Movie “Deck the Halls” (2011, Mystery) Scottie Thompson. A detective and a private eye race to solve a kidnapping before Christmas. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Song” (2012, Family) Natasha Henstridge. The fate of two music teach- HolidayTV ers is to be decided in a city-wide Christmas carol contest. (LIFE) Movie “Dear Santa” (2011, Drama) Amy Acker. A young woman finds a letter from a girl asking for a new wife for her dad. (TCM) Movie “In the Good Old Summertime” (1949, Musical) Judy Garland. A music store clerk falls in love with her pen pal who is actually her dreaded boss. 10 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Polar Express” (2004, Animated) Voices of Tom Hanks. A doubting, little boy boards a magical train to visit the North Pole on Christmas Eve. (FX) Movie “Deck the Halls” (2011, Mystery) Scottie Thompson. A detective and a private eye race to solve a kidnapping before Christmas. (HALL) Movie “Help for the Holidays” (2012, Family) Summer Glau. A woman sets out to teach her employers what it means to be a family at Christmas time. (LIFE) Movie “Twelve Men of Christmas” (2009, Comedy) Kristin Chenoweth. A high-powered New York public relations executive finds love in a small town in Montana. 10:30 p.m. (AMC) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1984, Drama) George C. Scott. An old man who hates Christmas is taught its true meaning and spirit by three ghosts. 11 p.m. (BBC) Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Christmas Ramsay’s ultimate turkey and stuffing, perfectly cooked vegetables and a stunning dessert. (FOOD) Chopped The holidaythemed battle features spiral ham, Italian cookies and eggnog. Midnight (BBC) Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Christmas Ramsay prepares dishes that include honeyglazed ham, pumpkin soup and others. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wedding Tail” (2011, Comedy) Shawn Ardalan. Two dog owners owners fall in love and it’s up to the pets to perform a Christmas miracle. December 19 10:30 a.m. (TBS) House of Payne Crews continue to search for CJ, who is trapped in a building that caught on fire. Noon (FOOD) Giada’s Family Christmas Giada and her family celebrate the holidays at Aunt Raffy’s house in Aspen. What’s on TV (TBN) The Perfect Gift Tells the story of the Advent with a cast of talented and anointed singers. 1 p.m. (HGTV) Design on a Dime Casey shares cost saving secrets in a holiday inspired room. (TBS) American Dad Stan learns the true meaning of the season after he has a near-fatal mishap. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wedding Tail” (2011, Comedy) Shawn Ardalan. Two dog owners owners fall in love and it’s up to the pets to perform a Christmas miracle. 5 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Home Alone” (1990, Comedy) Macaulay Culkin. A young boy must fend off burglars after his family accidentally leaves him home alone. 6 p.m. (HALL) Jingle and Bell’s Christmas Star Jingle the husky pup helps make Christmas special for his new friends. (LIFE) Movie “Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus” (2004, Family) Steve Guttenberg. Santa worries about turning over the reigns to his son, Nick, who hasn’t yet found a wife. 6:30 p.m. (HALL) Hoops and Yoyo Ruin Christmas A comical, pink kitty and a green bunny become accidental stowaways on Santa’s sleigh. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Polar Express” (2004, Animated) Voices of Tom Hanks. A doubting, little boy boards a magical train to visit the North Pole on Christmas Eve. (HALL) Jingle All the Way A Husky puppy looking for a home at a Christmas tree farm bonds with a young boy. 7:30 p.m. (HALL) Jingle and Bell’s Christmas Star Jingle the husky pup helps make Christmas special for his new friends. 8 p.m. (AMC) Movie “White Christmas” (1954, Musical) Bing Crosby. Entertainers stage a musical show to save their commanding officer’s inn and find romance. (CW) Movie “Noel” (2004, Drama) Susan Sarandon. Five separate New Yorkers cross paths on Christmas Eve, each seeking their own miracle. (HALL) Movie “A Holiday Engagement” (2011, Comedy) Haylie Duff. A woman hires a man to come home and pretend to be her fiancé over the holidays. (LIFE) Movie “A Nanny for Christmas” (2010, Comedy) Dean Cain. An advertising executive loses her job at a powerful firm just before the holidays. 9 p.m. (FAM) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (2009, Animated) Jim Carrey. Spirits visit Ebenezer Scrooge and show him the errors of his ways by revisiting his life. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Princess for Christmas” (2011, Family) Katie McGrath. A young woman falls for a dashing prince when she visits England for Christmas. (LIFE) Movie “A Boyfriend for Christmas” (2004, Romance) Kelli Williams. A girl tells Santa she wants a boyfriend for Christmas and he turns up 19 years later. (TBN) Movie “Mary and Joseph: A Story of Faith” (1979, Religious) Blanche Baker. Examine the courtship of Mary and Joseph and their early life before Jesus was born. 10:45 p.m. (AMC) Movie “White Christmas” (1954, Musical) Bing Crosby. Entertainers stage a musical show to save their commanding officer’s inn and find romance. 11 p.m. (HIST) The Real Story of Christmas Grab some eggnog and learn the true origins of our Christmas traditions. Midnight (HALL) Movie “It’s Christmas, Carol!” (2012, Fantasy) Carrie Fisher. A ruthless tycoon is visited by the ghost of her old boss to help her change her ways. December 20 10:30 a.m. (TBS) House of Payne The entire family goes to therapy. 11 a.m. (FAM) Movie “Christmas Capers” (2007, Comedy) Shannen Doherty. An infamous jewel thief retreats to her hometown where she finds the holiday spirit. Noon (TBN) Movie “A Christmas Snow” (2010, Drama) Danny Cahill. Christmas has not been the same for a young woman since her father left. 12:30 p.m. (TBS) American Dad The Ghost of Christmas Past visits Stan when his holiday spirit is at an alltime low. 1 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Secret Santa” (2003, Drama) Jennie Garth. A journalist visits a small town to uncover the identity of a mysterious philanthropist. 3 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The MistleTones” (2012, Musical) Tia MowryHardict. A young singer creates her own musical Christmas group after losing a spot in another. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “It’s Christmas, Carol!” (2012, Fantasy) Carrie Fisher. A ruthless tycoon is visited by Friday, Dec. 20 on ABC S ome of the biggest names in country music celebrate the season in this year’s “CMA Country Christmas.” In what has become an annual tradition, country artists and friends treat fans to the sweet sounds of the holidays. For the third year, Sugarland’s Jennifer Nettles returns to host the star-studded event, which features appearances by Dierks Bentley, Lady Antebellum, Little Big Town, Martina McBride, Scotty McCreery, The Band Perry and Keith Urban. In addition to performing, the stars share their favorite holiday stories. Pop singer Colbie Caillat, classical vocalist Katherine Jenkins and soul singer John Legend will also perform. the ghost of her old boss to help her change her ways. 5 p.m. (FAM) Movie “12 Dates of Christmas” (2011, Comedy) Amy Smart. A young woman relives the same first date on Christmas Eve over and over again. (FOOD) Cupcake Wars Four bakers compete to have their cupcakes at the opening night of The Nutcracker. 6 p.m. (FOOD) Sweet Genius In the first test, competitors face a fabled pudding and a classic yuletide candy. (HALL) Movie “Lucky Christmas” (2011, Drama) Elizabeth Berkley. A woman’s car is stolen with a winning lottery ticket inside, and the thief falls for her. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (2009, Animated) Jim Carrey. Spirits visit Ebenezer Scrooge and show him the errors of his ways by revisiting his life. 8 p.m. (ABC) I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown Linus and Lucy’s younger brother, ReRun, asks Snoopy to invite his brother Spike to visit. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. (FX) Movie “Christmas With the Kranks” (2004, Comedy) Tim Allen. Luther and Nora Krank scramble to create the perfect Christmas for their daughter. (SYFY) Movie “’12 Disasters of Christmas” (2012, Sci-Fi) Ed Quinn. On Christmas Eve, the star of Bethlehem portends natural disasters. (TBS) Family Guy Stewie and Brian travel to the North Pole to teach Santa a lesson in holiday cheer. 8:30 p.m. (TBS) Family Guy Stewie and Brian travel to the North Pole to teach Santa a lesson in holiday cheer. 9 p.m. (ABC) CMA Country Christmas Country’s biggest superstars join together to celebrate the holidays. (FAM) Movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989, Comedy) Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Heart” (2012, Drama) Teri Polo. A boy’s neighborhood bands together when he is hospitalized and in need of a transplant. 10:15 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. Midnight (FAM) Movie “Santa Baby” (2006, Comedy) Jenny McCarthy. Santa’s daughter, Mary Class, tries to makeover Christmas when her father gets sick. (HALL) Movie “When Angels Come to Town” (2004, Family) Peter Falk. An angel comes to Earth at Christmas to help two very different families in need. December 21 11 a.m. (FAM) Movie “Snowglobe” (2007, Family) Lorraine Bracco. A mystical snow globe transports Angela into an idyllic Christmas winter wonderland. 11:30 a.m. (TBN) Jason Crabb Christmas At HLE Seasonal music. 1 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Santa Baby” (2006, Comedy) Jenny McCarthy. Santa’s daughter, Mary Class, tries to makeover Christmas when her father gets sick. (FX) Movie “Christmas With the Kranks” (2004, Comedy) Tim Allen. Luther and Nora Krank scramble to create the perfect Christmas for their daughter. 3:45 p.m. (AMC) Movie “All I Want for Christmas” (1991, Comedy/Drama) Jamey Sheridan. A divorced couple’s two children scheme to get them back together for Christmas. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Farewell Mr. Kringle” (2010, Comedy) Christine Taylor. A journalist writes about a HolidayTV Santa Claus impersonator who lives in a Christmas-themed town. (LIFE) Movie “The Real St. Nick” (2012) Torrey Devito. A woman saves a man in a Santa Clause suit during an earthquake. 4:30 p.m. (TBN) Christmas with a Capital “C” A man tries to rid his town of a 50 year old Christmas tradition. 5 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Holiday in Handcuffs” (2007, Comedy) Melissa Joan Hart. A woman kidnaps a handsome guy to take home to her parents during the Christmas holidays. 5:45 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Help for the Holidays” (2012, Family) Summer Glau. A woman sets out to teach her employers what it means to be a family at Christmas time. (LIFE) Movie “Christmas Crash” (2009, Drama) Michael Madsen. A couple on the brink of divorce survives the crash of their plane, but are presumed dead. (SYFY) Movie “’12 Disasters of Christmas” (2012, Sci-Fi) Ed Quinn. On Christmas Eve, the star of Bethlehem portends natural disasters. (TBN) Jason Crabb Christmas At HLE Seasonal music. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989, Comedy) Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. 8 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1994, Drama) Lord Richard Attenborough. A young girl’s mother hires a department store Santa who proves that he’s genuine. (CW) The Happy Elf Eubie the Elf, one of Santa’s helpers, tries to bring Christmas joy to a dreary town. (HALL) Movie “Come Dance With Me” (2012, Romance) Andrew McCarthy. A financial executive learns to waltz, but falls in love with his dance instructor. (LIFE) Movie “Holiday Spin” (2012, Drama) Ralph Macchio. A father and son work together to prepare for a dance competition. (NBC) A Michael Bublé Christmas Ring in the holidays with award-winning singer Michael Bublé in his first holiday special. (TNT) Christmas in Washington What’s on TV 9 p.m. (CW) Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer On Christmas Eve, a boy sets out to find his grandmother who mysteriously disappeared. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause” (1994, Comedy) Tim Allen. When a father mistakenly kills Santa Claus, he is magically recruited to take his place. (NBC) Christmas at the White House (TNT) Movie “Four Christmases” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. A couple struggles to spend Christmas with all four of their divorced parents. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Baby’s First Christmas” (2012, Romance) Casper Van Dien. Feuding colleagues must learn to get along in time for their nephew’s birth on Christmas. (LIFE) Movie “Under the Mistletoe” (2006, Family) Michael Shanks. A local radio station takes over Susan’s love life after an innocent call from her son. 10:30 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1994, Drama) Lord Richard Attenborough. A young girl’s mother hires a department store Santa who proves that he’s genuine. 11 p.m. (TNT) Christmas in Washington Midnight (FAM) Movie “Holiday in Handcuffs” (2007, Comedy) Melissa Joan Hart. A woman kidnaps a handsome guy to take home to her parents during the Christmas holidays. (HALL) Movie “Moonlight and Mistletoe” (2008, Drama) Tom Arnold. A woman must return to her hometown of Santaville to help her father. (TNT) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1999, Drama) Patrick Stewart. A miserly old man is visited by three ghosts in order to learn the meaning of Christmas. December 22 10 a.m. (FAM) Disney’s Prep and Landing Elves known as Prep & Landing prepare homes around the world for Santa’s arrival. (HALL) Movie “All I Want for Christmas” (2007, Drama) Gail O’Grady. A nine-year-old boy enters a contest to find a new husband for his mother. 10:30 a.m. (FAM) Prep and Landing 2: Naughty vs. Nice Wayne and his estranged brother, Lanny, race to re- cover classified North Pole technology. 11 a.m. (FAM) Mickey’s Christmas Carol The three ghosts of Christmas visit Scrooge McDuck to teach him the spirit of the holiday. 11:30 a.m. (FAM) Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too! Pooh and Piglet play Santa when their Christmas letter doesn’t make it to the North Pole. Noon (FAM) A Chipmunk Christmas Alvin gives his harmonica to a sick boy and must find another for his Christmas concert. (HALL) Movie “Help for the Holidays” (2012, Family) Summer Glau. A woman sets out to teach her employers what it means to be a family at Christmas time. (LIFE) Movie “A Very Cool Christmas” (2004, Drama) George Hamilton. A teenager helps Santa Claus recapture his spark by giving him a makeover. 12:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Island of Misfit Toys” (2001, Animated) Voices of Jamie Lee Curtis. Rudolph and his friends must stop the evil Toy Taker who has taken all of Santa’s toys. 1 p.m. (FOOD) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Guy visits some local joints in North Pole, Alaska, which has an all-year Christmas feel. 2 p.m. (FAM) Rudolph’s Shiny New Year Rudolph must find Happy, the missing baby new year, before midnight on New Year’s Eve. (HALL) Movie “Baby’s First Christmas” (2012, Romance) Casper Van Dien. Feuding colleagues must learn to get along in time for their nephew’s birth on Christmas. (HGTV) White House Christmas Nostalgic look back at what makes 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. favorite place during holidays. (LIFE) Movie “Holiday Wishes” (2006, Drama) Amber Benson. After a visit to the mall with Santa, a rich girl and an orphan switch bodies. (NBC) Big Fish 2:45 p.m. (TCM) Movie “Bush Christmas” (1947, Drama) Chips Rafferty. On their way home from school five children encounter horse thieves. 3 p.m. (FAM) A Miser Brothers Christmas It’s up to brothers Heat Miser and Snow Miser to come together and help save Christmas. Sunday, Dec. 22 on ABC and ABC Family D isney’s Prep and Landing” brings viewers behind the scenes as highly skilled elves prep each and every house for Santa’s arrival on Christmas Eve. After 227 years of service in this elite unit of elves, Wayne is passed over for a promotion and paired with an overzealous rookie named Lanny. A disgruntled Wayne slacks off, and holiday chaos ensues. Later, the fun continues on ABC in “Prep and Landing 2: Naughty vs. Nice.” The sequel follows Wayne and Lanny on a mission to retrieve top-secret North Pole technology, which has fallen into the wrong hands. (TNT) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1999, Drama) Patrick Stewart. A miserly old man is visited by three ghosts in order to learn the meaning of Christmas. 4 p.m. (FAM) The Year Without a Santa Claus Santa decides to take time off because he feels people have lost the spirit of Christmas. (HALL) Movie “Moonlight and Mistletoe” (2008, Drama) Tom Arnold. A woman must return to her hometown of Santaville to help her father. (LIFE) Movie “Crazy for Christmas” (2005, Drama) Andrea Roth. On Christmas Eve, a single mother finds herself having to chauffeur an eccentric client. 4:15 p.m. (TCM) Movie “Carol for Another Christmas” (1964, Drama) 5 p.m. (FAM) Santa Claus Is Comin’ to Town Kris Kringle overcomes an evil ruler and delivers toys to children all over the world. (FOOD) Iron Chef America Two Iron Chefs face off in this Holiday Battle: Masaharu Morimoto and Michael Symon. (TNT) Movie “Four Christmases” (2009, Comedy) Vince Vaughn. A couple struggles to spend Christmas with all four of their divorced parents. 5:45 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. 6 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause” (1994, Comedy) Tim Allen. When a father mistakenly kills Santa Claus, he is magically recruited to take his place. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wish” (2010, Family) Kristy Swanson. A woman, left destitute by her husband, faces a bleak Christmas with her children. (LIFE) Movie “Dear Santa” (2011, Drama) Amy Acker. A young woman finds a letter from a girl asking for a new wife for her dad. (TCM) Movie “The Man Who Came to Dinner” (1942, Comedy) Monty Woodley. When a lecturer injures himself outside a family’s home, they are forced to take him in. 7 p.m. (TLC) Holiday ER An elf is in distress and a boy has a blue leg that defies diagnosis. 8 p.m. (ABC) Prep and Landing 2: Naughty vs. Nice Wayne and his estranged brother, Lanny, race to recover classified North Pole technology. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1994, Drama) Lord Richard Attenborough. A young girl’s mother hires a department store Santa who proves that he’s genuine. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 2” (2002, Family) Tim Allen. After being Santa Claus for a few years, Scott Calvin must find a wife and help his son. (FOOD) Unwrapped Marc takes a look at holiday treats, including an edible snowglobe and gingerbread. (FOX) Cops The Portland Police Bureau catches a man and a woman engaged in lewd activity in a car. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Card” (2006, Drama) Edward Asner. Moved by an anonymous Christmas card, Captain Cody Cullen searches for the card’s sender. (NBC) Mister Magoo’s Christmas Carol A musical adaptation of the classic story ‘The Christmas Carol.’ 8:30 p.m. (ABC) A Chipmunk Christmas Alvin gives his harmonica to a sick boy and must find another for his Christmas concert. (FOX) Cops A police officer in Las Vegas poses as a taxi cab driver to catch prostitutes in the city. 9 p.m. (ABC) CMA Country Christmas Country’s biggest superstars join together to celebrate the holidays. (FOOD) Unwrapped Marc discovers what is in Grandma’s fruitcake and why it enjoys a special reputation. 10 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause” (2007, Family) Tim Allen. Santa Claus prepares for a busy Christmas with his in-laws and the mischievous Jack Frost. (FOOD) Unwrapped The best treats from this festive time of the year. HolidayTV (LIFE) Movie “Finding Mrs. Clause” (2012) Mira Sorvino. Mrs. Clause heads to Las Vegas to help a little girl with her Christmas wish. (TBN) Movie “Love’s Christmas Journey” (2011, Romance) Ellie Davis. A woman’s brother goes missing while she’s visiting him during the Christmas holiday. 10:30 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1994, Drama) Lord Richard Attenborough. A young girl’s mother hires a department store Santa who proves that he’s genuine. 11 p.m. (FOOD) Iron Chef America Two Iron Chefs face off in this Holiday Battle: Masaharu Morimoto and Michael Symon. Midnight (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 2” (2002, Family) Tim Allen. After being Santa Claus for a few years, Scott Calvin must find a wife and help his son. (FOOD) Unwrapped Marc discovers what is in Grandma’s fruitcake and why it enjoys a special reputation. (HALL) Movie “All I Want for Christmas” (2007, Drama) Gail O’Grady. A nine-year-old boy enters a contest to find a new husband for his mother. December 23 10 a.m. (HALL) Movie “The Night Before the Night Before Christmas” (2010, Family) Rick Roberts. Santa Claus loses his memory and his magical bag two days before Christmas. Noon (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Card” (2006, Drama) Edward Asner. Moved by an anonymous Christmas card, Captain Cody Cullen searches for the card’s sender. 12:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Fred Claus” (2007, Comedy) Paul Giamatti. Santa bails his criminal broth- What’s on TV er out of jail and brings him to the North Pole. 1 p.m. (FOOD) Chopped The holiday-themed battle features spiral ham, Italian cookies and eggnog. 1:30 p.m. (EWTN) Theater of the Word 2 p.m. (FOOD) Unwrapped The best treats from this festive time of the year. (HALL) Movie “Eve’s Christmas” (2004, Drama) Cheryl Ladd. An executive about to become a partner in her firm re-evaluates her life on Christmas Eve. 2:45 p.m. (COM) Movie “Bad Santa” (2003, Comedy) Billy Bob Thornton. A conman poses as a mall Santa in order to rip off department stores during the holidays. 3 p.m. (FOOD) Unwrapped Marc takes a look at holiday treats, including an edible snowglobe and gingerbread. 3:15 p.m. (AMC) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1984, Drama) George C. Scott. An old man who hates Christmas is taught its true meaning and spirit by three ghosts. 4 p.m. (ABC) CMA Country Christmas Country’s biggest superstars join together to celebrate the holidays. (EWTN) Catholic University of America’s Christmas Concert A fabulous Christmas concert by the Catholic University of America. (FOOD) Unwrapped Marc discovers what is in Grandma’s fruitcake and why it enjoys a special reputation. (TCM) Movie “The Three Godfathers” (1948, Western) John Wayne. Three desperadoes risk everything to get an orphaned newborn to safety. 5 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Polar Express” (2004, Animated) Voices of Tom Hanks. A doubting, little boy boards a magical train to visit the North Pole on Christmas Eve. Monday, Dec. 23 on AMC E dmund Gwenn won an Oscar for his role as Kris Kringle in the perennial holiday favorite “Miracle on 34th Street,” which celebrates its 65th anniversary this year. The Christmas classic tells the tale of a kindly older gentleman who takes a job as a department store Santa and causes a ruckus when he insists he is the real deal. After an altercation with a psychologist lands him in court before a judge, Kringle and his lawyer must prove he’s really Santa. The 1994 remake of the film airs after the 1947 version, with Richard Attenborough as Kringle and Mara Wilson in the role originated by a young Natalie Wood in the original. (LIFE) Movie “Christmas on Chestnut Street” (2006, Comedy/ Drama) Kristen Dalton. When a store mistakenly orders 60,000 Christmas lights, they promote a decorating contest. 5:45 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. 6 p.m. (FX) Movie “Deck the Halls” (2011, Mystery) Scottie Thompson. A detective and a private eye race to solve a kidnapping before Christmas. (HALL) Movie “Debbie Macomber’s Trading Christmas” (2011, Romance) Gil Bellows. A man and woman find love at the most unexpected time and have the best Christmas ever. 7 p.m. (COM) Jeff Dunham’s Very Special Christmas Special Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, sounds like Christmas is here for Jeff Dunham. (FAM) Movie “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (2000, Fantasy) Jim Carrey. The Grinch disguises himself as Santa to steal Christmas from the people of Whoville. (LIFE) Movie “Holiday High School Reunion” (2012, Comedy) Harry Hamlin. A woman returns home for Christmas just in time her high school reunion. 8 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1994, Drama) Lord Richard Attenborough. A young girl’s mother hires a department store Santa who proves that he’s genuine. (FX) Movie “Christmas With the Kranks” (2004, Comedy) Tim Allen. Luther and Nora Krank scramble to create the perfect Christmas for their daughter. (HALL) Movie “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” (2008, Drama) Brooke Burns. A single mom who has lost all faith in Christmas finds answers when her uncle visits. (TCM) Movie “The Bishop’s Wife” (1947, Comedy) Cary Grant. An angel comes to Earth to help a bishop and his wife raise funds to build a new church. (TRAVEL) Christmas to the Extreme Join us as we celebrate Christmas with those who truly take Christmas to the extreme. 9 p.m. (COM) Jeff Dunham’s Very Special Christmas Special Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, sounds like Christmas is here for Jeff Dunham. (FOX) Family Guy When Lois’ dad falls asleep at the wheel, the family decides it’s time for him to retire. (TRAVEL) Christmas Crazy We dash from coast-to-coast to find the most decked-out holiday homes and stores. 9:30 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (2000, Fantasy) Jim Carrey. The Grinch disguises himself as Santa to steal Christmas from the people of Whoville. (FOX) American Dad Father Donovan holds a Christmas play, casting Stan as Santa Claus and Roger as Jesus. 10 p.m. (FX) Movie “Christmas With the Kranks” (2004, Comedy) Tim Allen. Luther and Nora Krank scramble to create the perfect Christmas for their daughter. (HALL) Movie “The Night Before the Night Before Christmas” (2010, Family) Rick Roberts. Santa Claus loses his memory and his magical bag two days before Christmas. (TCM) Movie “It Happened on Fifth Avenue” (1947, Comedy) Don DeFore. While a family is away for Christmas, a hobo and his friends live in their mansion. (TRAVEL) Christmas Crazier The ultimate guide to over-the-top Christmas attractions. 10:30 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1994, Drama) Lord Richard Attenborough. A young girl’s mother hires a department store Santa who proves that he’s genuine. Midnight (FX) Movie “Deck the Halls” (2011, Mystery) Scottie Thompson. A detective and a private eye race to solve a kidnapping before Christmas. (HALL) Movie “The Case for Christmas” (2011, Comedy/Drama) Amanda Barker. A lawyer and recent widower takes Santa on as a client and lets love back into his life. (TRAVEL) Christmas Crazy We dash from coast-to-coast to find the most decked-out holiday homes and stores. December 24 10 a.m. (FX) Movie “Christmas With the Kranks” (2004, Comedy) Tim Allen. Luther and Nora Krank scramble to create the perfect Christmas for their daughter. (TBS) Meet the Browns Brown and Curtis battle over who gets to be Santa when they put on a play at the hospital. 10:30 a.m. (TBS) House of Payne Ella cancels the Hawaii trip so she and Curtis can spend Christmas with C.J. and the kids. 11 a.m. (TCM) Movie “In the Good Old Summertime” (1949, Musical) Judy Garland. A music store clerk falls in love with her pen pal who is actually her dreaded boss. 11:15 a.m. (AMC) Movie “Prancer” (1989, Family) Sam Elliott. A girl finds an injured reindeer and decides to nurse it until she can return it to Santa. Noon (FX) Movie “Deck the Halls” (2011, Mystery) Scottie Thompson. A detective and a private eye race to solve a kidnapping before Christmas. 1 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Polar Express” (2004, Animated) Voices of Tom Hanks. A doubting, little boy boards a magical train to visit the North Pole on Christmas Eve. (TCM) Movie “The Bishop’s Wife” (1947, Comedy) Cary Grant. An angel comes to Earth to help a bishop and his wife raise funds to build a new church. 1:45 p.m. (AMC) Movie “White Christmas” (1954, Musical) Bing Crosby. Entertainers stage a musical show to save their commanding officer’s inn and find romance. 2 p.m. (FX) Movie “Christmas With the Kranks” (2004, Comedy) Tim Allen. Luther and Nora Krank scramble to create the perfect Christmas for their daughter. (HGTV) Holiday Inc. Iconic sites around New York City are transformed for the holidays. 3 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause” (1994, Comedy) Tim Allen. When a father mistakenly kills Santa Claus, he is magically recruited to take his place. HolidayTV 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Naughty or Nice” (2012, Drama) A young woman receives a book that reveals the good and bad about everyone in her life. 4:30 p.m. (AMC) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1984, Drama) George C. Scott. An old man who hates Christmas is taught its true meaning and spirit by three ghosts. (CMT) Roseanne Christmastime brings Darlene a surprise visit from Bev and DJ; Becky gets a demeaning job. 5 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 2” (2002, Family) Tim Allen. After being Santa Claus for a few years, Scott Calvin must find a wife and help his son. 5:30 p.m. (CMT) Roseanne Roseanne gets a job playing Santa Claus at the local department store. 6 p.m. (EWTN) Mysteries of the Rosary The magic and wonder of the third Joyful Mystery of the Rosary. (HALL) Movie “Eloise at Christmastime” (2003, Family) Sofia Vassilieva. It’s Christmastime and Eloise gets mixed up with wedding plans at the Plaza Hotel. (TBS) The King of Queens Doug is convinced that a ‘little person’ stole his wallet while he was out shopping. 7 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause” (2007, Family) Tim Allen. Santa Claus prepares for a busy Christmas with his in-laws and the mischievous Jack Frost. (HGTV) Lightmares Two separate homeowners struggle to decorate their homes for the holidays. 8 p.m. (ABC) Disney’s Prep and Landing Elves known as Prep & Landing prepare homes around the world for Santa’s arrival. (CW) Christmas Is Here Again Sophianna, a young orphan girl sets out on a journey to recover Santa’s magical toy sack. (HALL) Movie “A Princess for Christmas” (2011, Family) Katie McGrath. A young woman falls for a dashing prince when she visits England for Christmas. (NBC) Movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” (1946, Drama) James Stewart. An angel shows a suicidal banker What’s on TV how important he has been in the lives of others. (TBS) Movie “A Christmas Story” (1983, Family) Peter Billingsley. In the ‘40s, a young boy wants only one thing from Santa: an official Red Ryder BB gun. (TCM) Movie “The Shop Around the Corner” (1940, Romance) James Stewart. A pair of co-workers do not realize that they are each other’s lonelyheart pen-pals. 8:30 p.m. (ABC) Shrek the Halls Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Puss In Boots and all their fairytale buddies celebrate Christmas. (FOX) Raising Hope Virginia is convinced that the world is going to end on December 21, 2012. 9 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Home Alone” (1990, Comedy) Macaulay Culkin. A young boy must fend off burglars after his family accidentally leaves him home alone. (TNT) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (1999, Drama) Patrick Stewart. A miserly old man is visited by three ghosts in order to learn the meaning of Christmas. 9:15 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Miracle on 34th Street” (1947, Family) Maureen O’Hara. A Macy’s store Santa Claus causes furor when he claims to be the real Kris Kringle. 9:30 p.m. (CW) Second Star to the Left A hamster, a rabbit and a guinea pig deliver a lost present from Santa to a little girl. 10 p.m. (COM) Movie “Bad Santa” (2003, Comedy) Billy Bob Thornton. A conman poses as a mall Santa in order to rip off department stores during the holidays. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Song” (2012, Family) Natasha Henstridge. The fate of two music teachers is to be decided in a city-wide Christmas carol contest. (TBN) Jason Crabb Christmas At HLE Seasonal music. (TBS) Movie “A Christmas Story” (1983, Family) Peter Billingsley. In the ‘40s, a young boy wants only one thing from Santa: an official Red Ryder BB gun. 11:30 p.m. (AMC) Movie “Prancer” (1989, Family) Sam Elliott. A girl finds an injured reindeer and decides to nurse it until she can return it to Santa. 11:35 p.m. (CBS) Christmas Eve Worship Service (NBC) Christmas Eve Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome Midnight (FAM) Movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989, Comedy) Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. (HALL) Movie “Thomas Kinkade’s Home for Christmas” (2008, Drama) Jared Padalecki. A look at the inspiration behind Thomas Kinkade’s painting The Christmas Cottage. (TBS) Movie “A Christmas Story” (1983, Family) Peter Billingsley. In the ‘40s, a young boy wants only one thing from Santa: an official Red Ryder BB gun. Wednesday, Dec. 25 on ABC December 25 10 a.m. (ABC) Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade (BBC) Doctor Who: Best of the Christmas Specials A look back at the Doctor’s most terrifying, unusual and iconic Christmas adventures. (COM) Futurama The Planet Express crew learns the true meaning of Xmas, Robanukah, and Kwanzaa. (EWTN) The Best of Mother Angelica Live (HALL) Movie “It’s Christmas, Carol!” (2012, Fantasy) Carrie Fisher. A ruthless tycoon is visited by the ghost of her old boss to help her change her ways. (TBS) Movie “A Christmas Story” (1983, Family) Peter Billingsley. In the ‘40s, a young boy wants only one thing from Santa: an official Red Ryder BB gun. 10:30 a.m. (COM) Jeff Dunham’s Very Special Christmas Special Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, sounds like Christmas is here for Jeff Dunham. 11 a.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause” (1994, Comedy) Tim Allen. When a father mistakenly kills Santa Claus, he is magically recruited to take his place. 11:30 a.m. (TBN) Christmas with a Capital “C” A man tries to rid his town of a 50 year old Christmas tradition. Noon (EWTN) Solemn Mass of Christmas Day (HALL) Movie “Help for the Holidays” (2012, Family) Summer Glau. A woman sets out to teach her employers what it means to be a family at Christmas time. (TBS) Movie “A Christmas Story” (1983, Family) Peter Billingsley. In the ‘40s, a young boy wants only T he miserly Grinch plots to steal Christmas away from the perpetually positive Whos in a holiday special that has stood the test of time, “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” Narrator Boris Karloff first brought the story of the green old meanie to life in Chuck Jones’ animated short in 1966. Despite the Grinch’s efforts to ruin Christmas, he learns the true spirit of the season doesn’t lie in the gifts under the tree, but in the Whos’ hearts. In 2000, director Ron Howard and actor Jim Carrey put their own spin on the tale in a feature-length movie version, which airs immediately following the cartoon. one thing from Santa: an official Red Ryder BB gun. 1 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 2” (2002, Family) Tim Allen. After being Santa Claus for a few years, Scott Calvin must find a wife and help his son. (TBN) A Christian Ebner Christmas Featuring engaging carols and arrangements to get you in the holiday spirit. 1:30 p.m. (FMC) Movie “Jingle All the Way” (1996, Comedy) Arnold Schwarzenegger. A father frantically searches for a last-minute Christmas gift for his son. 2 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Hitched for the Holidays” (Romance) Joey Lawrence. A man and woman agree to pose as each other’s significant other to their families. (TBS) Movie “A Christmas Story” (1983, Family) Peter Billingsley. In the ‘40s, a young boy wants only one thing from Santa: an official Red Ryder BB gun. 3 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause” (2007, Family) Tim Allen. Santa Claus prepares for a busy Christmas with his in-laws and the mischievous Jack Frost. 3:30 p.m. (COM) Jeff Dunham’s Very Special Christmas Special Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, sounds like Christmas is here for Jeff Dunham. 4 p.m. (CMT) Roseanne Roseanne gets a job playing Santa Claus at the local department store. (HALL) Movie “Matchmaker Santa” (2012, Romance) Lacey Chabert. A mysterious Santa strands a baker and her boyfriend’s best friend in a small town. (TBS) Movie “A Christmas Story” (1983, Family) Peter Billingsley. In the ‘40s, a young boy wants only one thing from Santa: an official Red Ryder BB gun. 5 p.m. (CMT) Roseanne Christmastime brings Darlene a surprise visit from Bev and DJ; Becky gets a demeaning job. (FAM) Movie “A Christmas Carol” (2009, Animated) Jim Carrey. Spirits visit Ebenezer Scrooge and show him the errors of his ways by revisiting his life. 5:30 p.m. (COM) Futurama The Planet Express crew learns the true meaning of Xmas, Robanukah, and Kwanzaa. 6 p.m. (COM) Movie “Bad Santa” (2003, Comedy) Billy Bob Thornton. A conman poses as a mall Santa in order to rip off department stores during the holidays. (TBS) Movie “A Christmas Story” (1983, Family) Peter Billingsley. In the ‘40s, a young boy wants only one thing from Santa: an official Red Ryder BB gun. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Home Alone” (1990, Comedy) Macaulay Culkin. A young boy must fend off burglars after his family accidentally leaves him home alone. 8 p.m. (ABC) Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas The story of the Grinch, who decides to steal Christmas from the citizens of Whoville. (COM) Jeff Dunham’s Very Special Christmas Special Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, sounds like Christmas is here for Jeff Dunham. (TBN) Crabb Family Christmas (TCM) Movie “Love Finds Andy Hardy” (1938, Romance) Mickey Rooney. A young teenager is caught between three romances and he does not know which one to pick. 8:30 p.m. (ABC) Movie “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (2000, Fantasy) Jim Carrey. The Grinch disguises himself as Santa to steal Christmas from the people of Whoville. (FOX) New Girl The gang attempts to juggle multiple holiday parties in one night. 9 p.m. (EWTN) TAJCI: Christmas Concert Seasonal music. (FAM) Movie “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” (1989, Comedy) Chevy Chase. A man plays host to numerous dysfunctional relatives during the Christmas holidays. 10 p.m. (EWTN) Urbi et Orbi Message and Blessing Pope Benedict XVI gives the traditional message and blessing Live from St. Peters Square. HolidayTV (HALL) Movie “Naughty or Nice” (2012, Drama) A young woman receives a book that reveals the good and bad about everyone in her life. (TVLAND) Everybody Loves Raymond A Christmas letter written by Marie and Debra causes problems among the Barones. 11 p.m. (EWTN) Catholic University of America’s Christmas Concert A fabulous Christmas concert by the Catholic University of America. Midnight (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 2” (2002, Family) Tim Allen. After being Santa Claus for a few years, Scott Calvin must find a wife and help his son. (HALL) Movie “Come Dance With Me” (2012, Romance) Andrew McCarthy. A financial executive learns to waltz, but falls in love with his dance instructor. December 26 11 a.m. (TBN) The Perfect Gift Tells the story of the Advent with a cast of talented and anointed singers. (TBS) House of Payne Janine takes the kids out for a fun day without C.J.’s permission. 12:30 p.m. (TBS) American Dad Stan learns the true meaning of the season after he has a near-fatal mishap. 1 p.m. (EWTN) Catholic University of America’s Christmas Concert A fabulous Christmas concert by the Catholic University of America. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Town Without Christmas” (2001, Drama) Patricia Heaton. A reporter and a novelist try to locate a child who wrote a disturbing letter to Santa. 4:30 p.m. (EWTN) The Chimes A London porter finds comfort in the tower’s chimes and later, in helping strangers. (TBN) Movie “Mary and Joseph: A Story of Faith” (1979, Religious) Blanche Baker. Examine the courtship of Mary and Joseph and their early life before Jesus was born. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “November Christmas” (2010, Drama) John Corbett. Neighbors band together to create Halloween and Christmas moments for a young girl. 7 p.m. (FAM) Movie “The Santa Clause 2” (2002, Family) Tim Allen. After being Santa Claus for a few years, Scott Calvin must find a wife and help his son. 8 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Debbie Macomber’s Mrs. Miracle” (2009, What’s on TV Family) James Van Der Beek. Mrs. Merkle, a nanny, changes the lives of a father and his six-year-old twins. 9 p.m. (FAM) Movie “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Debbie Macomber’s Call Me Mrs. Miracle” (2010, Drama) Doris Roberts. Mrs. Miracle, a magical lady turns the lives of a group of New Yorkers upside down. Midnight (FAM) Movie “Elf” (2003, Comedy) Will Ferrell. A man raised as an elf at the North Pole travels to New York to find his true father. (HALL) Movie “A Town Without Christmas” (2001, Drama) Patricia Heaton. A reporter and a novelist try to locate a child who wrote a disturbing letter to Santa. December 27 11:20 a.m. (FMC) Movie “Jingle All the Way” (1996, Comedy) Arnold Schwarzenegger. A father frantically searches for a last-minute Christmas gift for his son. 2 p.m. (EWTN) Urbi et Orbi Message and Blessing Pope Benedict XVI gives the traditional message and blessing Live from St. Peters Square. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Once Upon a Christmas” (2000, Family) Kathy Ireland. Santa’s daughters must infuse a family with holiday spirit or lose Christmas forever. 5:30 p.m. (EWTN) Living Right 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Fallen Angel” (2003, Drama) Gary Sinise. A big-city lawyer returns to his small hometown and reconnects with a childhood friend. 6:30 p.m. (COM) Futurama The Planet Express crew learns the true meaning of Xmas, Robanukah, and Kwanzaa. 8 p.m. (FOX) The Mindy Project Mindy’s eager for her coworkers to meet her new boyfriend at her Christmas party. (HALL) Movie “Farewell Mr. Kringle” (2010, Comedy) Christine Taylor. A journalist writes about a Santa Claus impersonator who lives in a Christmas-themed town. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year” (2008, Drama) Brooke Burns. A single mom who has lost all faith in Christmas finds answers when her uncle visits. Midnight (HALL) Movie “Annie Claus is Coming to Town” (2011, Family) Maria Thayer. Santa’s daughter Annie Claus travels to Los Angeles in search of love. December 28 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Twice Upon a Christmas” (2001, Family) John Dye. Santa’s daughter, Kristin Claus, has lost her memory and does not know who her father is. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Annie Claus is Coming to Town” (2011, Family) Maria Thayer. Santa’s daughter Annie Claus travels to Los Angeles in search of love. 8 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wish” (2010, Family) Kristy Swanson. A woman, left destitute by her husband, faces a bleak Christmas with her children. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Christmas Magic” (2011, Drama) Lindy Booth. An angel-to-be must earn her wings by watching over a despondent man and his daughter. Midnight (HALL) Movie “Cancel Christmas” (2010, Family) Judd Nelson. Santa must teach two incorrigible children the importance of charity. December 29 10 a.m. (HALL) Movie “Christmas Magic” (2011, Drama) Lindy Booth. An angel-to-be must earn her wings by watching over a despondent man and his daughter. Noon (HALL) Movie “Eloise at Christmastime” (2003, Family) Sofia Vassilieva. It’s Christmastime and Eloise gets mixed up with wedding plans at the Plaza Hotel. 2 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Dog Who Saved Christmas” (2009, Comedy) Mario Lopez. A guard dog reaches his full potential when his house is broken into during the holidays. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Wedding Tail” (2011, Comedy) Shawn Ardalan. Two dog owners owners fall in love and it’s up to the pets to perform a Christmas miracle. 5 p.m. (EWTN) Feasts and Seasons Joanna Bogle discusses the 12 Days of Christmas leading up to Epiphany. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Naughty or Nice” (2012, Drama) A young woman receives a book that reveals the good and bad about everyone in her life. 8 p.m. (HALL) Movie “It’s Christmas, Carol!” (2012, Fantasy) Carrie Fisher. A ruthless tycoon is visited by the ghost of her old boss to help her change her ways. 10 p.m. (EWTN) Living Right (HALL) Movie “Santa Jr.” (2002, Comedy) Nick Stabile. Santa’s adult son learns the spirit of Christmas when he takes over the family business. 11 p.m. (EWTN) In Concert Midnight (HALL) Movie “Hitched for the Holidays” (Romance) Joey Lawrence. A man and woman agree to pose as each other’s significant other to their families. Tuesday, Dec. 31 on ABC December 30 10 a.m. (HALL) Movie “Naughty or Nice” (2012, Drama) A young woman receives a book that reveals the good and bad about everyone in her life. Noon (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Pageant” (2011, Comedy) Melissa Gilbert. An overbearing theater director begrudgingly takes a job directing a Christmas pageant. 2 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Christmas Song” (2012, Family) Natasha Henstridge. The fate of two music teachers is to be decided in a city-wide Christmas carol contest. 4 p.m. (ABC) Rudolph’s Shiny New Year Rudolph must find Happy, the missing baby new year, before midnight on New Year’s Eve. (HALL) Movie “The Santa Incident” (2010, Family) James Cosmo. Santa is marooned in a small town when his sleigh is mistaken for a UFO. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “Hitched for the Holidays” (Romance) Joey Lawrence. A man and woman agree to pose as each other’s significant other to their families. 8 p.m. (HALL) Movie “A Holiday Engagement” (2011, Comedy) Haylie Duff. A woman hires a man to come home and pretend to be her fiancé over the holidays. 10 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Heart” (2012, Drama) Teri Polo. A boy’s neighborhood bands together when he is hospitalized and in need of a transplant. Midnight (HALL) Movie “The Wishing Tree” (2012, Family) Jason Gedrick. A professor brings students together through a Christmas tree decorated with wishes. R ock in the New Year in style as New Yorkers usher in 2013 in “Dick Clark’s Primetime New Year’s Rockin’ Eve With Ryan Seacrest.” Broadcast from Times Square, the program features musical performances by some of today’s hottest artists. But the show’s biggest draw is the coverage of the iconic Times Square ball drop, counting down to midnight and welcoming the New Year. It’s a bittersweet year for the annual landmark special, which lives on in the wake of Dick Clark’s passing in April. Clark began producing New Year’s Rockin’ Eve specials in 1973, though he would not assume hosting duties until 1975. December 31 3 p.m. (HALL) The Waltons Bad weather prevents the Walton family from gathering on the last Christmas Eve together. 4 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Christmas Heart” (2012, Drama) Teri Polo. A boy’s neighborhood bands together when he is hospitalized and in need of a transplant. 6 p.m. (HALL) Movie “The Wishing Tree” (2012, Family) Jason Gedrick. A professor brings students together through a Christmas tree decorated with wishes. 8 p.m. (ABC) New Year’s Rockin’ Eve Celebrates Dick Clark A tribute to the legendary television personality who rang in the New Year for 40 years. (HALL) Movie “Mistletoe Over Manhattan” (2011, Family) Tricia Helfer. When Santa considers retirement, Mrs. Claus tries to prove that his work still brings joy. 10 p.m. (ABC) Dick Clark’s Primetime New Year’s Rockin’ Eve With Ryan Seacrest Spotlighting some of the year’s hottest artists, groups and songs. (HALL) Movie “Help for the Holidays” (2012, Family) Summer Glau. A woman sets out to teach her employers what it means to be a family at Christmas time. (NBC) New Year’s Eve With Carson Daly 11:35 p.m. (NBC) New Year’s Eve With Carson Daly Midnight (HALL) Movie “The Case for Christmas” (2011, Comedy/Drama) Amanda Barker. A lawyer and recent widower takes Santa on as a client and lets love back into his life. HolidayTV Taste TV Savoury and Sweet: Get tips for your holiday feasts W iscidunt adigniat, se dolorem zzrit luptate consed er iriureet prat. Wisisit adit amcommo dolumsandre commy nulla con ulpute facing essim nulput il utpat. Ugait volor summy nonulluptat loreet, volorperosto delenis mo- lessim ver augiam, cor ipsuscidunt aliquismod tat lore voloreros alit nismolo bortie magna faccum ea feuguer iuscidu ipsuscilit, cor amcon hendre ea faci bla facipsum ad tiscilisi. Sed tis nonumsan vel digna faci te do el duipit dolese consenisim doluptatio erat praessectem nullumsandit eriusci tet veliquat. Quatum zzriliquat alit am volortio dolut ing exer ing exero consenim quisi. Ut augue magnisc illuptat. Duisl ullam iurem dolutpat, volorpero odoloreet niat nulput praessenim autatet, volum quisl ut alit wis eugue ming eseniscipit accum vel eum del delendiatie etue mod tem ver ac- cum dolobore do doloreet, commodo lumsan ute feu facin utat. Ut adipis nulputatie eu faccumsan ulla facilis dunt iriustrud exer augue tionulp utation ulputpat at irit lum dip eui te tetue tin eu feuguer aesecte tiscing et nullandrem volessent praessim nosto corperosto dolute volobore eugiatio eui tie volummo luptat. Delit vel iusto odolortiscin henibh esed ting esed minis adipism olorerat lore tatie dolut volor iuscing eraessent lortisi. Orpero dionsequam, siscil ulluptat. Osto euisit, consent volore dip et wissim dit pratis acidunt veleniam nim quat. Mod tat. Adiatis am irit iustionse modo commodo el dolorer cillum dolum iriure vel incin hent exer sum iuscil dolorercilit atuercilit lorpero dolore tisse min et acilla faccum dolorer ostrud elisit adio conse eraesecte doluptat alit ilisim nibh eum adignim velissenis aute molorper sustrud etue dunt laor. Shortbread Cookies Del euipit duis eugiamconsed minibh eugiam dit praesto consenim alissed magna conullut ut velis dolessis augait. 3 cups love 3/4 cup good cheer 1 tbsp joy 1 tbsp happiness 1/2 tsp red 1/2 tsp green 3/4 tsp white 12 tbsp-1 cup snowflakes Ipsum vel ing ero odipsum sandit nim veriure consenibh euisi ea feugiamet exeraestion ulla feuis dit, veliquat nim zzrit dolorperat. Met autat. Duisim nisseni amconse te feu feu feum zzrit veliquat lore dolobor eriuscil iniat. La feumsan henissenim amet augue tationsequis ad tem exero digna feuguer si eum nostrud tat lut prat la aute molore dunt prat, consed molobortin. Num nim veliqui blam velisi bla core facidunt ut numsandre faccummy nullandiam, vero cor incilit il dolupta tumsandigna aliquat autpat volor sequisit dip exercil luptatue et prat ut lam dolobore vel eu feugiam augait iurercipit nismodolor in ut ad et, volor sumsan vel ut num am iuscil ullaore venisl ulla faciduisi. Osto commodolutem delit la ad magnibh essectet lan velessit pratin venis exer ipit at. Ut verciliquam, cortis eraestrud dio er iustion ullaore velesent iriurer sequisi. Ortie magnibh exerostis alisim iusci blan henit praese verostie vent volutem dolobor sequisl ute magnibh eraessecte dolorti nciduisim vel dipit lute dolummod modignis do eugiamet praesto digna faci ea at volorem ipit iriliquatum ipis dolor inibh exerillaore modolum sandre tet, quat wis. Duisl do doluptatie te faccumm olobor si blaore eu faccum ipsum ilis er ip euguero cor aliqui eu feugait in vel utetuer iustie consenit inciliquate ming er alit, veliquis diamet prat volutem dignim vero commodit wis duismodit lore miniat. Iquissit volor sisi el ipis num adio conulla orerat augiati onsecte volobor eraessisi tie modo odigna facilit praestrud molorpe rostie magnisl del ea. Ad tin velessequat alit, vercidu issequi scipit vel dolore te eum duis at aut ea commodo lutatue raestrud min ulla atum vel utem vullaorperos acidunt praesequi eros dolore te mod molorer il ulpute minci tin henibh etuerit ut dolore mincil ilit nismodio dunt in velis aut vullam nullummy numsan esequis adit alis nulla aliquatisim dignit ut pratumsandit ad molor sed tem ex essecte velesto consed dunt ing ent augait ilit niatums andrer si. Vulla feum dignim delit ip ercincil et lutpat. Lobortinisis alis nullam, sequam endit adiat. Ut atie min el utpat. Sendre tat. Ro consequam nullaor si blam ip ercidunt wisi. HolidayTV Home Decor Plan the perfect New Years Eve party with TV tips dolor sed te min ut nonse dionsequat. Nos alisl exeraes equipisl dit, quisim eraesto odit alit praesequis auguer suscidunt wisi et lamet, si. Onsequa mconsectem El ut ullaorp erciduis quiscin ut at iusto dit nos at augiam ex etuer venit, volore min vel sum verciduisit ip esulla am in ullummodip trud minis adit prat. etue conulput adio odPissit lorer iriuscil olobore tate moenisis num num quam luptate delissed modolore volum dolore molore dunt etuerci bla commolo nostie rpercidunt wisl ulla facil ulla feugait inciliquat. Odolor iusto od essequi tionse enibh exeraessequi blaorem vel ipsum vendipisisim ex eros nummy nulla faciduis adipisis autpat. Tue tate mod elenit dunt dolor se dolessi blam, con henim eu feuisi tat veraessit am quamet ute dolor susto conulput do eu faci eugiamconse volorpero conullaorem zzrit lam duisim ad ercidunt numsan venis dolorpe rcipis dolute minit, velit amet augueri liquatum delessisit adio Lore dipisit praesto od tet et ex ea consequ atuerit adio od et, vel in venis delit, vullan veliquam elit erit, verciliquat, quatue faci blan exeriusto dolumsan ute del ullan henit, qui tatem velisl esequat. Ut lum dunt eugait wisciliquisl erillaor sisi. Sum vel eraesecte dolore consed estie dolenim vendre modigna at. Duis accum non ut alisl ullut augait, quis num eraesequatie molore con ulla autat iustrud dipit in henit, sum digniat il dolummodigna commodo luptat. Ros ex esecte dolore consequ atisi. Pit volutat. Ro doloreetum ing eum ver iriusci essi. Lendre min ero odolorem doleniam, commy nos accum quisi. con etumsandre dui bla feugue mod tat nismod dolesequat ut do euis nulput lore commy nos amcorem dolorem in henis adiatum dunt veliquisl etum nibh eratumsan hent vel ullaor sequat. Ipsum ing exercil ullam velisse dolorper iril dionse tetue mod tio do odit wiscil ut am quat. Modo eugiamet, con etummoluptat ute dit aci eu feugiat. Ut vullamet wisi. Henim euisim zzrit praese te conum dion henibh ex eui tat adiam dolobor eetuerci ea augiam irit praesto eum zzrilit am, sum eum dunt augiam, sum vullan eugiat ipiscip er si. Ulla feu feugue mincilis nonsecte duisci er alis at wissim duis auguer ipit velit ea faci bla augiamcore min etue mod tatet vulput prat prat. Unt am, sequam in velestrud dolendreet la con eugiam nim ercin ea faci eliqui bla consecte esto dunt lore consequi tat. Giamcommod dolorper sumsandigna feugait lor autpatin ut wis autpat. Ex ex exero do dolorpe raessed magnisi. Atummy nonsent velent am inci tet, vullaore digna con veliquat. Liquis adipsummy nis aut lute dolore commy nis adionulla facipis cipsuscidunt vendiamet, vel dolortion utate dolore tat, cor sis amet etum iusciduisl eu facip ea aut illuptat, quip ero odoluptat numsan venim eummy nonsequisci blaortin hendre tie commy nos at alit nibh et praessed min vel illaore min ullamcommod ming ercillaore magna con volor aliquat, vel irit dolenibh ex exer augait adion ulla feugiatue vulla faccum quatue min estie volenia mconum nulputatue faccum nit lamcoreet vel ing et, velenis cipsum zzriure modo odolobo rtisit utpat atis dolor. HolidayTV ACROSS 1 Townsfolk in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” 5 Bit of “Here We Come vA-Wassailing”: “And __ bless you and send you a Happy New Year...” 8 “(It __’ve Been Ol’) Santa Claus” by Harry Connick Jr. Holiday Crossword 26 “...creature was stirring, not __ _ mouse.” - Clement Clarke Moore (b.1779 d.1863) 27 54 Across topper 30 Lair 31 Expected 33 “Now!” 36 There are seven a-swimming in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” 38 Navigator’s need 40 Character in “Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer” who wants to be a dentist 41 Christmas photos taker 44 “We Three Kings of Orient __” 45 ‘Decor’ suffix (Putterupper of Christmas ornaments) 46 Faith, for short 12 Frosty the Snowman 17 Post-Christmas shopping event 48 Ball drop in Times accessory Square tune: “__ Lang 18 Nicholas, e.g. 13 “Ben-__” (1959) Syne” 20 Uniform part for 14 Roman road 52 Bit of “It Came Upon Santa’s helpers in the 15 “’Twas a Christmas North Pole: 2 wds. the Midnight Clear”: Eve we __, _ holiday I “From angels bending 22 Ski __ (Wintertime won’t forget.” __ the earth / To touch destination) their harps of gold.” 16 Q. “Is the eighth 25 Tune on Amy Grant’s 53 Web address, letter of the alphabet ‘H’ ‘A Christmas To commonly __ ‘_’?” A. “It’s ‘H’ as in Remember’ album: 54 Christmas __ Holiday.” “Agnus __” 55 __-Bake Oven (Retro toy) 56 X-__ (It’s Dec. 25th) 57 “...what I __ / A song, a song...” 24 Mailed a Christmas card 28 Mr. Sandler who voices characters in “Eight Crazy Nights” (2002) DOWN 29 Scandinavian symbol of yore 1 Typing-efficiency meas. 32 ‘Court’ completer (Good manners) 2 Command from a sleigh’s reins holder! 34 “We Wish You _ __ Christmas” 3 Choose 35 Road’s coat 4 “’Tis the __ to be jolly!” 36 Sun. message 5 Past or Present or 37 Festive foliage Future to Scrooge 39 Start of the Little 6 Bit of “O Holy Night”: Drummer Boy’s “In all __ trials born to drumming: 2 sounds be...” 40 Where to deck 7 Stuff in Christmas boughs of holly cake, __ fruit 41 Candy __ 8 The Island of __ Toys 42 Gorged on figgy (Locale in “Rudolph the pudding = __ _ lot Red-Nosed Reindeer”) 43 Extinct flightless 9 Mormon Tabernacle birds Choir’s state 47 Victorian __ 10 Actress Ms. Ward 49 Bob Geldof and 11 Old shipping weight Midge __: Songwriters allowance of “Do They Know It’s 19 Sing-y syllable Christmas?” 21 “__ Miserables” 50 Pasturelands (2012) ...in theaters 51 Nickname of Christmas Day “White Christmas” 22 Holiday hues, __ and crooner Bing Crosby, ‘__ green Bingle’ 23 Christmas and New See solution in Year’s “What’s on TV” section HolidayTV Holiday Word Search ‘Festive flicks’ See solution in “What’s on TV” section ANGEL BABES IN TOYLAND BAH! BISHOP’S WIFE BUMBLE CLARENCE CRATCHIT DECK THE HALLS ELF EVE FRED CLAUS FROSTY GIFT GREMLINS GRINCH HOLIDAY INN HOME ALONE HUMBUG JACK FROST KRANKS KRINGLE NUTCRACKER POLAR EXPRESS RALPHIE RUDOLPH SANTA SCROOGE STAR TINY TIM TREE WHITE CHRISTMAS ZUZU Full page ad