Weekly News Sheet - 25 November 2012


Weekly News Sheet - 25 November 2012
Notices & Events
St. Margaret’s ILFORD
Please use the time before each service for your own spiritual preparation and help each
other by maintaining the silence in the church.
Weekly News
Reva Townend's funeral will be at the City of London Crematorium (South Chapel) at
11.00am, Wed 28th November.
Christmas Music: Our resident organist and pianist Mike Coy will be available after Sunday
Service today to talk about music for Christmas. Your requests, suggestions and ideas welcomed.
More Music! Saturday 1st December sees the return of The Ilford Choral Society at
7.30pm with Sing Joyfully. Details/leaflets can be found at the back of Church.
Christmas Party—Valentines High School: The Head Boys and Head Girls would like to invite
Senior Citizens of St Margaret’s to a Christmas Party on Thursday 6th December from
3.45—6pm in the main School Hall. For more information and invitations please see Glen
Christmas Lunch: Saturday 8th December at the Dick Turpin where all are welcome. For
more details and to pay your deposit of £5 to secure your place, please speak with Ann
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Appeal: One week to go! Please bring your shoe boxes to
church by next Sunday 2nd December, so that they can be taken to the depot in good
time to be delivered in time for Christmas. If you haven't started a box yet there is still
time , there are leaflets at the back of Church and some spare shoe boxes.
Free Will Offering Scheme: The 2013 FWO envelopes will be available next week. For
those who are not familiar with the FWO scheme, it is where we make a monetary contribution to the church on a weekly or other regular basis, using the envelope which is put in
the collection plate or bag. It makes us think of the importance of our offerings as well as giving
the church some idea of its regular income. The support given by parishioners is very much appreciated. If you do not presently belong to the FWO scheme, would you consider joining? If
you pay Tax, this allows us to draw an additional 25p for every £1 donated, at no cost to you.
Please speak to Tony Walker if you would like to join or know more information.
25th November, 2012
Christ the King
Welcome to St Margaret’s. We hope you enjoy worshipping with us. If you are here
for the first time please make yourself known to the Churchwardens or one of the
sidespeople. Do take this sheet home with you.
If you will be giving your donation to the church in cash, and you pay tax, please use a
Gift Aid envelope, writing your name and address on the front. This allows us to claim
an additional 25p for every £1 donated, at no cost to you.
At the Sung Eucharist this morning
Readers: Janis Abley and Ann Edwards
Intercessions led by Glen Thomas
The Eucharist this week:
Thursday 10.30am
Next Sunday: 1st Sunday of Advent
10.30am Sung Eucharist
For your prayers this week
Among the sick: Monica Martin, Audrey Gerken, Christopher Somers, Anne Warden,
Matthew Abbott, Penny Knight, Christopher Norman, Roy Young, Ludwik Wegrzyn,
Brian Bowden, John Swan, Cheryl Swan, Stan Gilbert, Lynette McWhinney, Tabitha
Kaiser, John Arnott, Ted Skelton, Pat Smith.
The recently departed; Reva Townend.
Jenny Bowen
Glen Thomas
020 8514 0289
0203 393 3531
[email protected]
Those whose anniversaries of death fall this week:
26th: Thomas Tarran; 27th: James Green, Susie Hatfield, Jack Allwood; 28th: Denis
Flindall, William Cottee; 29: Gwendoline Walker, John Stokes Newman - priest, Alfred
Bush, Sydney Green; 30th: Frank Vasey, William Christie, Violet Bacon, Thomas