February/March/April Newsletter 2014
February/March/April Newsletter 2014
School District of Poynette Newsletter Spring Issue 2014 (February, March & April) www.poynette.k12.wi.us (608) 635-4347 Fax–635-9200 Volume 37, No. 4 PUMA PRIDE In This Issue – Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Elementary School Conferences Middle School Conferences Monday, Feb. 17 1:30-8:00 p.m. (Elementary dismissed early at 12:30 p.m.) Monday, Feb. 17 4:30-8:30 p.m. (regular dismissal time) Thursday, Feb. 20 1:30-4:30 p.m. (ALL students dismissed at 12:30 p.m.) Thursday, Feb. 20 1:30-4:30 p.m. (ALL students dismissed at 12:30 p.m.) High School Conferences (Available Times) Monday, Feb. 17 4:30-8:30 p.m. (regular dismissal time) Thursday, Feb. 20 1:30-4:30 p.m. (ALL students dismissed at 12:30 p.m.) We encourage parents and their student(s) to attend conferences together. Conferences are on a walk-in basis or by appointment. If any parent of an elementary, middle or high school student would like to schedule a conference for a certain time, please contact the teacher to set up the appointment by calling 635-4347, or email the teacher directly. Board of Education Meetings page 2 Connections Conference Information (for 7th Grade) page 6 Counselor’s Corner (HS) page 3 Kindergarten and 4K Registration page 5 Menus for February/March pages 9-10 PHS Prom page 2 Pool Hours page 11 School Calendar page 3 Board of Education Meetings Board of Education Meetings Monday, February 24 Monday, March 24 Monday, April 21 All meetings are held in the Poynette High School IMC at 7:00 p.m. You will have the opportunity to address members of the Board of Education for up to 3 minutes during the “Community Forum” portion of the agenda. Please register in the visitor book prior to the beginning of the meeting. You will be asked to state your name and address for public records. The Board will listen to all concerns, but can only address an item if it appears on the agenda as part of that agenda item. There will be no discussion of personnel or individually named students. Valentine Greetings Mrs. Hathaway's 2nd grade class will be making Valentine cards for pediatric patients at St. Mary's Hospital. The students also created and sent holiday cards to the children at Gio’s Garden. 2nd Grade Classes Learn to “Give Back” As part of their Social Studies unit, 2nd grade students will once again be learning about community service and “giving back” by collecting pop tabs and any aluminum people are willing to collect and donate. All money earned from the collection will be donated to Gio’s Garden. Gio’s Garden is a non-profit organization whose goal is to provide respite care for families with special needs children. Pink Yoplait yogurt lids are also being collected and will be sent in to help support the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure cause. The above mentioned items can be sent to any school office and will be forwarded to the 2nd grade team. Thank you for your help with these worthwhile projects. School District of Poynette Newsletter The View From Here Message from Matt Shappell, District Administrator Poynette is the very definition of a community school. There is a standing agenda item on every Board meeting notice -- Donations to the District -- and just about every month we receive heartfelt and incredibly generous donations from members of the community. Many of these donors wish to remain anonymous, and we honor that request. But I’d like to take this opportunity to publicly thank everyone who donates his or her time, efforts and funds to our students. Whether it is working a concession stand for a shift, donating ‘milk money’ for a student, coordinating multi-year facility projects, or any of the countless ways to give, this community humbles me with its heart. These are the lessons that aren’t in textbooks and aren’t measured by any standardized tests. They demonstrate what makes Poynette such a special place and serve as great beacons for our young people. Spring Election for School Board The terms of two elected Board of Education members, Richard Wilkinson and Randy Tomlinson, and one appointed member, Ron Redell, will expire in the spring of 2014. The three open positions include two three-year terms and one one-year term (the one-year position will fulfill the remainder of the term for the seat vacated by Gregg Schnecker). The top two candidates who receive the most votes will fill the three-year terms, and the third candidate will fill the one-year term. The deadline for filing candidacy forms was January 7, 2014. The Board of Education is comprised of seven citizens elected to serve three year terms. The election takes place on April 1, 2014. If a primary election is needed it will be held on February 18, 2014. HS Attendance Line For high school students who are going to be absent or have an appointment, please call 635-4347, ext. 402. A message can be left at any hour of the day or night. You can also request homework, if you wish, when you call your child in absent. PAGE 2 3rd Quarter Milk Break is Now Due Third quarter milk break is now due for students who have not already paid. Parents have the option to pay for their child to receive a carton of milk each day at snacktime or send juice or a water bottle from home. The fee is $18.00 for the quarter. February/March/April 2014 2014 School Calendar Monday, February 17 ........................................................... Parent/Teacher Conferences for Grades K-12, .......................................................... EARLY RELEASE for ELEMENTARY STUDENTS ONLY at 12:30 p.m. ...................................................... Middle and High School are released at the regular times of 2:40/2:42 p.m. Elementary Conferences are 1:30-8:00 p.m. and Middle and High School Conferences are from 4:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday, February 20 ........................................................ Parent/Teacher Conferences for Grades K-12, ............................................................................... EARLY RELEASE for All K-12 STUDENTS at 12:30 p.m. ............................................................................................................... K-12 Conferences are 1:30-4:30 p.m. Friday, February 21 ...................... NO SCHOOL, Teacher Convention (SWEIO), [possible snow make-up day] Saturday & Sunday, March 8 & 9 ....................................... High School Winter Play, 7:00 p.m., HS Aux. Gym Monday, March 10 ................................................................................... Elementary Second Trimester Ends Saturday, March 22 ............................................................................................................ Junior Class Prom Thursday, March 27 .......................................................................................................... Third Quarter Ends Friday, March 28 ....................................................................... NO SCHOOL, Professional Development Day Monday, March 31 to Friday, April 4 .................................................................... NO SCHOOL, Spring Break Friday, April 18 ...................................................................................................... NO SCHOOL, Good Friday Thursday, May 1 ................................................................................. K-8 Art Fair, 5:00-8:00 p.m., 1-8 School Monday, May 26 .................................................................................................. NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day Sunday, June 8, 1:00 p.m. ................................................... Graduation at Poynette High School, Gymnasium Wednesday, June 11 ........................................... EARLY RELEASE for ALL K-12 STUDENTS at 12:30 p.m., .......................................... Fourth Quarter Ends; Last Day of School for Students; Half Day Teacher Checkout Counselor’s Corner by Todd Anderson, HS Counselor, 635-4347, Ext. 404 [email protected] Parents and students are reminded that they can access scholarships and other information on the counseling website. Go to www.poynette.k12.wi.us and do a search of the staff directory for ‘Todd Anderson’. You can then access my web page with all of the information. Seniors and their parents are reminded to get their FAFSA (Free Application For Student Aid) forms filled out and sent in. I recommend doing the FAFSA online. Only the form needs to be sent at this time. You do not need to send a copy of your tax forms; you only need to have those available at a later date. It is important to fill out your FAFSA early because some State of Wisconsin grant money will run out later in the spring (sometime around April 1st). If you have questions about filling out the form or need assistance, you can come to the parent-teacher conferences on February 18 from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. for assistance from Mr. Anderson. You can also attend a help session at one of the sites for College Goal Wisconsin. Check out the website for more information at www.collegegoalwi.org. Local scholarship information will be available in late January in the high school counseling office. Mr. Anderson will hold a meeting for any interested seniors near the end of January to present the scholarship information and answer questions. The deadline for the local application is March 1st. All applications must be typed. You will only need to complete one application which will be good for all of the local scholarships. Please note that there are some county scholarships in the back of the handbook that require a different application. You can get those from Mr. Anderson. Students should take the time to put together a quality application. Juniors should be thinking about signing up for the ACT exam; it is offered in April and June. The registration deadlines are about 6 weeks prior to the test date. The June exam is given right here in Poynette. For more information or to register, go to www.actstudent.org. My recommendation on the optional writing portion of the test is to take it the first time around. For a complete listing of schools that require the optional writing test for admission go to www.actstudent.org and then click on “the writing test”. Also, juniors should be thinking about making some college visits this spring. Spring Break provides a great opportunity for high school students to visit college campuses while students are in session. This can make the application process go more smoothly next fall. School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 3 February/March/April 2014 2014 High School Yearbook Information 4th Grade News Seniors graduating in 2014 should have already submitted their senior photo to Mrs. Drew, the yearbook adviser, in January. If you have any questions, she can be reached at 635-4347, ext. 409, or at [email protected]. Just a friendly reminder – if you have not already purchased a high school yearbook, they are being sold until April 15 for $55. Checks should be made payable to Poynette High School. You can also order online at www.jostensyearbooks.com. The website accepts credit cards. The fourth graders are experiencing the beauty of mythology in literacy as they compare and contrast the themes and topics of these age old stories. The feelings, quarrels and emotions help the students determine the allusions of the characters. Online Payment System Available Parents can make online payments anywhere there is internet access, 24/7. If a lunch account balance is low or a family wishes to pay off any fees, it only takes a few minutes to add money or make a payment using a checking or savings account. To decrease the need to handle cash and checks, parents are strongly encouraged to open an online payment account through the Campus Portal. Visit the following link for more information on setting up and using the online Payments tool: http://www.poynette.k12.wi.us/parents/ponlinepay.cfm Those families that have yet to create a Portal account may learn more about the Portal and register for an account by visiting the Parents’ section of our website: www.poynette.k12.wi.us/parents/ and choosing “Infinite Campus Registration” from the left side menu bar or visit this link: www.poynette.k12.wi.us/parents/par_campus.cfm Food Service News by Paula Larrabee, Food Service Director, 635-4347, Ext. 312 or [email protected] Healthier School Meals are HERE! While it was a challenge last year to implement the updated USDA National School Lunch/Breakfast program requirements, I am very pleased with the acceptance of the updated menus by the students. They are enjoying the increased fresh fruit and vegetable options as well as the increased availability of fresh salads. The new requirement for offering specific vegetable sub groups weekly, consisting of dark green, red/orange, beans/peas (legumes), starchy and other vegetables, has increased the vegetable varieties that are offered on the menu. One major hurdle was the limits placed on the maximum number of grains and protein that could be served, but fortunately they were removed from the USDA requirement. While the calorie maximum limits did remain, this enabled greater flexibility in planning menus based on what students enjoy. School districts had the opportunity to certify, with the DPI school nutrition team, that their menus met all the new regulations. In addition, a random number of school districts were selected for a 2012/13 school year audit. Our district obtained certification and also was selected for the random audit. I am very happy to say that the food service program was found to be in compliance in all areas! The role of the food service program is not only to provide a healthy meal; it also includes education about the USDA MyPlate model for healthy eating. At the start of each serving line is the USDA MyPlate chart that lists the different meal components and how they fit with the meal service for the day. It identifies the servings of fruit, vegetable, grain, protein and milk that are offered for the day. Additional MyPlate information can be found at www.choosemyplate.gov. I am very proud of our food service program and staff who are committed to improving childhood nutrition. We invite you to join us for a healthy school meal and send our thanks to everyone who supports the food service program. REMEMBER to eat your minimum five daily servings of fruits and veggies! School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 4 Prom 2014 Sponsored by the PHS Junior Class Saturday, March 22 from 7:00-11:00 p.m. at The Barn at Harvest Moon Pond $8/person $7/with a canned good Open Enrollment is February 3-April 30 Do you wish to send your children to our schools through open enrollment but do not reside in the School District of Poynette? Wisconsin’s Inter-District Public School Open Enrollment Program allows parents to apply for their children to attend school districts other than the one in which they reside. The Open Enrollment process has an application window (Feb. 3-April 30) and follows a specific registration timeline, assigned by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. This timeline, and a multitude of other resources to aid in the open enrollment registration process, can be located on the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s website at: http://sms.dpi.wi.gov/sms/ psctoc.html Additional district-specific questions regarding the open enrollment process may be directed to the District Administrative Offices at 635-4347, ext. 202. Please note that students already attending the Poynette School District through open enrollment do not need to reapply. February/March/April 2014 Kindergarten Round Up Kindergarten Round Up and Registration – May 9, 2014 Kindergarten Registration: We are beginning to prepare for next year's kindergarten classes. Please save the date! Our Kindergarten Round-Up will take place on Friday, May 9. We will have several sessions available to sign up for between 8:00-11:00 a.m. The Round-Up will take place at the Arlington Early Learning Center. Parents who have children entering kindergarten next year are invited to come in, visit the school, and get registered. You must call to register for a session; please see contact information below. Our kindergarten teachers will be present to talk to parents about what to expect in kindergarten. In addition, the elementary principal will be available to answer questions about the upcoming school year and about transportation. The school nurse will also be on hand to answer questions about any health related concerns including questions about immunizations. We do not plan to do individual screenings as part of this program, however, we encourage the children who will be entering kindergarten to attend as we will be doing a special activity with them during this time. Screening Program: If your child has never been screened by our school district we ask that you call the school office to set up a screening time before or after your kindergarten round up time on Friday, May 9. The number is 635-4347, ext. 105. We will conduct screenings that day at the Arlington Early Learning Center. If you have any questions about our kindergarten program or about our kindergarten round-up, please contact Jay Hausser, Interim PK-8 Principal at (608) 635-4347 x.100 or e-mail [email protected]. 4K Registration & Screening 4K Registration & 4K Screening is April 11, 2014 4K Registration: The Poynette School District is preparing for the 4K program in the fall of the 2014-15 school year. Parents of children who will be four by September 1, 2014 are encouraged to enroll their children in the Four-Year-Old Kindergarten Program for Fall 2014. Children who were screened at three years old are being asked to attend the registration program with their parent(s). The children will have an opportunity to participate in a short activity and play group while parents complete registration paperwork and meet with school staff including the nurse, principal, and others. 4-Year-Old Screening: In conjunction with registration, we will also hold the four-year-old screening for children not previously screened by our district. The Poynette School District requires all 4 year olds entering 4K to be screened. Children will be asked to participate in an individual screening and will work with a school professional on fun school-like activities. A number of skill areas will be examined including speech and language, motor skills, and pre-academic skills. Parents will have an opportunity to fill out 4K registration materials and talk with the nurse, principal and others. After the screening, parents will be able to meet with school staff to discuss screening results and share any concerns. If there are concerns, parents and school staff can work together to determine what services best meet the needs of the child. This screening is recommended for all preschool children whether they participate in the school district's 4K program or not. To register a child for the Four-Year-Old Screening/Registration Program please call the Poynette School 1-8 office at 6354347, ext. 6, prior to April 11, 2014 for an appointment. A confirmation letter and packet of information will be mailed to you. School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 5 February/March/April 2014 Music Department News Solo & Ensemble for band and choir (middle and high school students) is Saturday, February 22 at Lodi High School, all day. Choir students in grades 6-12 will present a concert on Tuesday, March 11, 6:30 p.m., in the high school gym. The public is invited; there is no admission fee. HS Music Department Cleveland/New York Trip Meeting – Thursday, March 13, 6:30 p.m. at Poynette High School. Mandatory for students going on the trip and their parents. Middle and high school band students will be participating in a band clinic on Tuesday, March 18 and invite you to their free concert at 7:00 p.m. in the middle school gym. HS Music Department trip to Cleveland and New York – Friday, March 28 to Wednesday, April 2. Opera for the Young Opera for the Young will be presenting “The Barber of Seville” on Thursday, March 6 at 9:30 a.m. in the Poynette Elementary/Middle School gym. Opera for the Young brings live, professional opera to elementary school audiences. Our students will appear onstage in chorus and cameo roles. Parents and grandparents are cordially invited to join us for this production. Mark Your Calendars!! K-8 Art Fair Thursday, May 1 at the 1-8 School Poynette Athletic Booster Club – All parents of students involved in athletics can make a significant contribution to their child’s sports career by joining our organization. We need your help to continue to promote good sportsmanship and ideals for our children. There are no annual dues. Meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the high school IMC. Our website is: www.poynetteabc.org The Poynette Music Parents (PMP) is dedicated to promoting music education and activities at all grade levels (K12). All parents of music students are welcome and encouraged to participate! Meetings are held the first Monday of the month, starting at 6:00 p.m. in the high school IMC. Please join us to find out what exciting activities we have planned for this year! Visit our website at: https://sites.google.com/site/ poynettemusicparentsorg/ The PAD Parent Club is a parent run/ school-endorsed organization that was created to support teachers and students in all of their efforts to make our schools great! Consider joining us on the first Tuesday of each month beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Poynette 1-8 IMC. Additional Club information can be found on Facebook, or via email at [email protected]. Attention Parents of 7th Grade Students! by Gabrielle Morton, MS Counselor, 635-4347, Ext. 334 [email protected] The annual 7th grade Connections Conferences are beginning in February at the Poynette Middle School. Unlike the traditional parent-teacher conferences that focus on how students are doing right now, this conference will focus on your student’s future. We will discuss your child's talents and interests as well as his or her educational and career development. Each conference lasts approximately 30 minutes. Connections Conference Dates: • February 10 – March 10 during the school day • Times are available between 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. and openings vary by the day • There are evening times available only during Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, February 17, 1:30-8:30 p.m. You may sign up for your conference by calling or emailing Mrs. Morton; contact information is listed above. School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 6 The Friends of the Fine Arts The Friends of the Fine Arts is an organization committed to providing area youth and community members with opportunities to experience performing and visual arts through establishing a Performing Arts Center in the community of Poynette. Meetings are held the second Monday of the month at the 1-8 School. Any community member is welcome to attend the meetings. To contact the group, please email: [email protected] February/March/April 2014 Accessing School Sports Online We want to provide accurate sports information but many times there are last minute cancellations or rescheduled games. You can now access and print all up-to-date high school athletic schedules at: www.capitolnorthconference.org or through the school website: www.poynette.k12.wi.us Middle school athletic events can be found by accessing the school district’s website at: www.poynette.k12.wi.us, then click on schools, Poynette Middle School, (then on the left bar menu) click on Middle School Extra Curricular Activities, Middle School Extra Curricular Calendar. Extracurricular Code Meeting The spring sports season is quickly approaching. Listed below are the sport offerings available at Poynette High School and the date for the first day of practice. Track & Field ........... March 10 Softball ................... March 17 Baseball .................. March 24 Girl’s Soccer ........... March 24 For students who have not yet participated in a sport this school year, the following items must be turned in to the high school office before participation: physical/alternate year card, medical history form, WIAA form, concussion awareness waiver, athletic code agreement, and athletic fee ($50). Students who have already participated in a sport during this school year will just have to pay their athletic fee ($50) before participating. There will be a pre-season parent meeting for each sport on Monday, March 17, at 7:00 p.m. at the high school. Golden Years Passes Golden Years Passes are available at the high school office for our senior sports fans who are age 65+, or 62+ and retired. The pass holder must be a resident of our school district. Passes are also available from the game ticket taker. Athletic Cards and Fee Reminder Student athletes participating in sports must complete an alternate year card or physical card before beginning practice sessions. Forms are available at the school offices. Athletic fees need to be paid at the school office before the first contest and are not refundable. Grades 7 & 8 fee is $25, and grades 9-12 fee is $50 (per sport season per student). 7th Annual HOOPS FOR HEART Season Game Passes Season athletic passes for students and adults may be purchased at the high school office or at upcoming high school games. Investing in a pass is both convenient and economical for those sports fans who regularly attend high school games. Passes are only valid for the person named on the pass. Passes cost $30 for adults and $10 for students. (Regular admission price for adults is $3 and $2 for students in grades K-12.) Passes are accepted at all regular home season high school games this school year including football, volleyball, basketball and wrestling competitions. School District of Poynette Newsletter Poynette Middle School Students vs. Staff Basketball Event Poynette Middle School will be hosting the 7th Annual Hoops For Heart students vs. staff basketball event on Thursday, March 20 at 6:00 p.m. in the 1-8 gymnasium; doors open at 5:30 p.m. Money raised at the event will be donated to the American Heart Association. The American Heart Association sponsors Hoops For Heart events across the country to help raise money and awareness for heart disease by focusing on basketball and the importance of physical activity. Come to this lively event for some priceless entertainment, opportunities to win great prizes, and raise money for a huge cause. Concessions will be available. Hope to see you there! PAGE 7 February/March/April 2014 High School Pool Times Pool Use – Open Swim/Lap & Aerobic Swim Pool Hours The pool is closed Fridays and Saturdays. The pool is cleared 10 minutes before closing. Sunday................................ 1:00-4:00, Open Swim The pool is closed March 28-April 7 Monday ............................... 3:45-5:15, Lessons for Spring Break Tuesday .............................. 3:45-5:15, Lessons 5:15-6:15, Water Aerobics 6:15-7:15, Lap Swim Wednesday ......................... 5:00-6:00, Lap Swim May 23-June 16 for end of the year maintenance 6:00-8:00, Open Swim 8:00-9:00, Lap Swim Thursday ............................ 3:45-5:15, Lessons 5:15-6:15, Water Aerobics 6:15-7:15, Lap Swim Swim Fees (Swim passes available at pool) Open/Family Swim ............. $1.25-adult & $.75-student Family Swim Passes ............................................. $25 Individual Swim Passes ......................................... $10 Lap Swim & Water Aerobics .................. $2.00 per time Punch Cards for Lap/Aerobics ....... $20 for 12 punches Children must be in grade 3 or 8 years old to enter the pool area without a parent. You must be able to swim across the deep area. Lifejackets are welcome only in the shallow water. • Weather affects the safety of swimmers both indoors and out. In the event lightning and thunderstorms occur, it is the School District of Poynette's policy to evacuate the swimming pool and wait for at least thirty minutes after the last lightning strike before patrons will be allowed to reenter. • Swimming pool users please note that if school is cancelled or released early due to inclement weather, the pool will be closed. • Interested in reserving the swimming pool for your special event? Please contact Vicky Leiterman at 635-4347, ext.420, or email at [email protected] to make arrangements. School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 8 February/March/April 2014 School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 9 February/March/April 2014 The April menu will be published on our website, www.poynette.k12.wi.us School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 10 February/March/April 2014 10 TV Alternatives Lost and Found The next time your child wants to “turn on” the TV, help him/her “tune out” by recommending other activities. Your child could: • read a favorite magazine or book • draw a picture • walk the dog • listen to music • play a board game • help cook dinner If your child is missing a hat, coat, or other clothing, please check the “lost and found” containers in each building; they are often full. Elementary and middle school students come over to the high school for gym and other classes so it’s good to check that container also. Dress young children appropriately for cold weather– warm coat, hat, snowpants, mittens & waterproof boots. Census Information To facilitate an accurate school census and to also plan for the district's future, we are asking that all residents new to the school district and all residents who have had new babies to please contact Lisa at 635-4347, ext. 202. Caffeine and Your Child How Caffeine Affects Kids A stimulant that affects kids and adults similarly, caffeine is a drug that's naturally produced in the leaves and seeds of many plants. Caffeine is also made artificially and added to certain foods. Caffeine is defined as a drug because it stimulates the central nervous system. At lower levels, it can make people feel more alert and energetic. Especially in young kids, it doesn't take a lot of caffeine to produce these effects. In both kids and adults, too much caffeine can cause: difficulty concentrating jitteriness and nervousness difficulty sleeping upset stomach and headaches increased heart rate increased blood pressure Foods and Beverages With Caffeine Although kids get most of their caffeine from sodas, it's also found in coffee, tea, chocolate, coffee ice cream or frozen yogurt, as well as pain relievers and other over-the-counter medicines. Some parents may give their kids iced tea in place of soda, thinking that it's a better alternative. But iced tea can contain as much sugar and caffeine as soda. Here's how some sources of caffeine compare: Item Size of Item Jolt soft drink ........................... Mountain Dew ......................... Coca-Cola ............................... Diet Coke ................................ Pepsi ....................................... 7-Up ........................................ brewed coffee (drip method) .... iced tea ................................... dark chocolate ......................... milk chocolate ......................... cocoa beverage ....................... chocolate milk beverage .......... cold relief medication ............... Amount of Caffeine 12 ounces ................... 71.2 mg 12 ounces ................... 55.0 mg 12 ounces ................... 34.0 mg 12 ounces ................... 45.0 mg 12 ounces ................... 38.0 mg 12 ounces ........................ 0 mg 5 ounces .................... 115 mg* 12 ounces ..................... 70 mg* 1 ounce ....................... 20 mg* 1 ounce ........................ 6 mg* 5 ounces ....................... 4 mg* 8 ounces ....................... 5 mg* 1 tablet ......................... 30 mg* *denotes average amount of caffeine Sources: U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the National Soft Drink Association and kidshealth.org School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 11 February/March/April 2014 Noetic Math Winners The Noetic Math Contest is a national math contest of challenging logic and thinking-outside-the-box problems. If students score in the top 10%, they win a medal, and if they score in the top 50%, their names are listed on the Noetic Learning Math Contest website. Pictured left to right are Cabo Cittadino (5th grade winner), Jimmy Heath (4th grade winner and top 10%), Logan DeWaide (3rd grade winner and top 10%), and Avery O'Dea (2nd grade winner). School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 12 February/March/April 2014 What is Science Olympiad? Science Olympiad is a highly competitive academic team, in which participants combine cooperative and competitive spirit to achieve focused understanding about various aspects of science and technology. From academic events, in which they study to become experts in particular science sub-fields, to building events, in which they apply engineering concepts to design and construct task-oriented structures and machines, participants develop an appreciation for the scientific endeavor and the roles of theory and experiment within it. As it offers hands-on experiences and access to a curriculum all its own, Science Olympiad provides young minds with opportunities to train to become active members in the next generation of scientists and engineers. As the season is well under way, we would like to introduce you to the Puma Science Olympiad team of 2014 (pictured below) at the UW-Badger Invitational that was held on January 17 & 18th. The team is coached by Kevin Amundson and John Von Wald, both high school teachers, and meets once a week to bring all of the knowledge and efforts contributed by students together in a team setting. Pumas who placed high and medaled at the UW-Badger Invite were John Bauer and Jack Redell as they applied their knowledge of GPS units, location and coordinates to successfully take home the gold medal in that event. Zac Henkelman and Kaden Hodgeman earned a 5th place medal for their knowledge and building capabilities in the Radio Lab event. The Badger Invite hosted teams from around the Madison area, Menomonie, Minneapolis, Chicago, and as far away as St.Louis, Missouri. The competition was steep, but Pumas were up to the challenge! (Upper right photo) Zac Henkelman & Kaden Hodgeman (missing from photo) medaled in Radio Lab. (Lower right photo) Jack Redell and John Bauer holding a GPS unit showing off their 1st place medals in Geocaching. (Left to right): Madeline Redell, Abby Gregorich, Claire Redell, Keller Leerek, Emma Haukom, Zac Henkelman, Ivy Becker, Jack Redell, Ben Wadinski, John Bauer. (Front): Will Roberts. School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 13 February/March/April 2014 National Honor Society On January 27, new members were inducted into the Poynette chapter of La Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica. Spanish National Honor Society (La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica) is an academic honor society focused on academic success specifically in Spanish language study. To be eligible a member must have completed Spanish 4 while maintaining a high level of achievement. He/she is required to maintain an "honor grade" or GPA, which correlates with the Society's mission of high academic achievement. This year’s inductees are as follows Jordan Blochwitz, Lauren Brokish, Emily Cibulka, Iris Dishno, Jolan Dishno,Lauren Dishno, Jaclyn Felicijan, Lauryn Felicijan, Nicholas Jones, Tyler Klink, Olivia Kreyer, Scott Lenius, Riley Lytle, Jordyn Mackey, Miranda McCumber, Tower Menning, Amber Peck, Jenna Sandstrom, Cailyn Schave, Haley Schey, Hannah Taylor, Josie Tollaksen, Danielle Treinen, Cameron Vinson, Shelby Wheeler, Zoe Wiedenbeck, and Megan Young. Advisor is Mrs. Hodgeman. ¡Felicidades a todos! (Congratulations to all!) School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 14 February/March/April 2014 Order Your Child’s Art on a Tile Students are very excited to have their art work turned into a permanent school tile as part of a mural – something they and their parents will be able to enjoy for many years to come! Elementary students will be receiving information very soon about this exciting opportunity and how to purchase the tiles (and other products)! Students in grades 1-5 have been studying self-portraits in art. Each student is creating a self-portrait of their own to use for an upcoming school project. The company, Square 1 Art, will be using the self-portrait drawing to create a tile for each student. These tiles can be purchased by families and donated to the school, and they will be combined to make a TILE WALL on the ramp area to the 1-8 School gym. Parent Action is the Anti-Drug! Building Maintenance The Maintenance Department is in charge of all building upkeep which includes painting. The school buildings are an important factor in the success of the total educational program. Proper maintenance of school buildings is necessary to provide a healthy and pleasant atmosphere. The majority of paint being used in our schools is latex water-based. Some heavy traffic areas and trim will require the use of oil-based paint. Paints containing lead or mercury are never used in school painting. Instructional areas will not be occupied during painting and drying times. We anticipate that paint crews will be in the school during student non-contact days. The health and safety of all students is a primary consideration as the painting crews undertake this maintenance and beautification project. If you have any questions or concerns about the scheduled painting, please feel free to contact the building administrator. With the cooperation of parents, students, and staff, these painting projects will result in our buildings continuing to look clean and attractive. Mark Egger, Buildings and Grounds School District of Poynette Newsletter PAGE 15 February/March/April 2014 School Announcements..... regarding Late Buses, Closings, and Severe Weather Advisories If schools are closed or delayed due to severe weather, consequently causing buses to run late, the following stations will be contacted: Read With Your Child ... The Most Important 20 Minutes of Your Day! Morning Playground Hours Please remember that middle school students should not be on school grounds before 7:15 a.m. and elementary students not before 8:15 a.m. Thank you for your attention to this matter. WPDR–Portage, 1350 AM and 100.1 FM WIBU–Portage, 900 AM/WBKY WNNO–Wisconsin Dells WTSO–1070 AM/WZEE–104 FM WIBA–1310 AM/101.5 FM WMAD/WMLI WOLX–94.9 FM/WNNN–105.5 FM/WYZ–98 FM TV CHANNEL 3–Madison (Radio–WJJO-94.1 FM/WQWM-106 FM; WTDY–1480 AM/WMGM–98 FM) TV CHANNELS 15 & 27 Please note: • If students are dismissed early from school due to inclement weather, an announcement will be made on the radio and television stations listed above. • If you have any concerns regarding a late bus, please contact GO Riteway at 745-1501. Office hours are 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Board of Education Kathleen Lucey ............................................. President Joe McIlrath ......................................... Vice President Richard Wilkinson .............................................. Clerk Jeff Noble ..................................................... Treasurer Randy Tomlinson ............................................ Member Todd Cibulka .................................................. Member Ron Redell ..................................................... Member Administration Matthew Shappell ........................ District Administrator Nancy Mair ..................................... Business Manager Alan Chittick ..................... Director of Student Services Mark Hoernke .............. Poynette High School Principal Jay Hausser ........................... Interim PreK-8 Principal School Website ................. www.poynette.k12.wi.us District Administrative Offices ........ 635-4347, Ext. 5 Arlington Early Learning Center ...................... Ext. 105 Poynette 1-8 School ........................................... Ext. 6 Poynette High School ......................................... Ext. 7 District Newsletter ............... Linda Redelings, Ext. 403 GO Riteway Bus Company ........................... 745-1501 PHS Sports Updates... www.capitolnorthconference.org The Mission of the School District of Poynette is to provide an education that treats each person as an individual. We will instill within each student the love of learning, foster self-esteem and civic responsibility. Our educational program will impart the necessary skills to excel in a changing and progressing society. Newsletter School District of Poynette 108 N. Cleveland Street P.O. Box 10 Poynette, WI 53955 Postal Customer ECRWSS Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 6 Poynette, WI 53955