st . theresaparish - St.Theresa Catholic Church
st . theresaparish - St.Theresa Catholic Church
St. Theresa Catholic Church SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME S T. A T HERESA R C H D I O C E S E O F G A L V E S T O N P ARISH — H ST. THERESA CATHOLIC CHURCH 705 ST. THERESA BOULEVARD February 15, 2015 SUGAR LAND, TX 77498 WWW.SUGARLANDCATHOLIC.COM O U S T O N 281-494-1156 Women’s Recollection, page 6... St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 R.C.I.A. TESTIMONIES REFLECTING ON MY SPIRITUAL JOURNEY TO CATHOLICISM From the time of Barnabas escorting Saul to the apostles (Acts 9:26-27), Christians have given witness for those seeking baptism or reception into the full communion of the Catholic Church. Today, RCIA sponsors, team and community members give testimony concerning readiness for initiation. By Kimberly Durham I was born and raised in Southern California as an only child. I was brought up in the Baptist faith. My parents always taught me to trust in God. That no matter what I’m going through God will be there to help guide me through the storm. John Rash first came into my life a few years ago, not long after my wife had passed away. As his sponsor in the RCIA process and his faith journey, John and I had an early bonding as his mother had recently passed away and we found ourselves with some common ground of discussion about losing our loved ones. In the beginning, I noticed John to be a little skeptical, not of his faith, but of the process he was entering. I’ve always enjoyed going to church on Sundays. It was my time to socialize with friends, sing uplifting praises and hear an inspiring sermon. I stayed active in the youth ministry, sang in the choir and was on the drill team at church. When I was younger my summers were spent visiting my grandparents in Texas. My father’s mother was Pentecostal. She loved going to church everyday, reading the bible and watching church programs. My cousins and I would always ask to visit at the same time to keep each other company at vacation bible school. My other grandmother was Methodist. She would enroll me in the summer bible camp at her church. By the time I reached 13 I knew I was ready to accept God as my Lord and Savior by baptism. I continued going to church faithfully up until I moved to Texas. Because John had studied theology and other courses at St. Thomas, he had a strong base of understanding of the Catholic faith, and thus thought his journey would be rather short to be able to join his lovely wife and two beautiful daughters at our Lord’s banquet table, that is the Holy Eucharist. As John progressed through the process, he realized it would take longer than he first thought, much of it due to health issues with his back, but at no time did he ever lose interest in his journey, and in fact, the extension of time helped him grow stronger in his desire to grow his Continued on page 12... Continued on page 10... M ASS AND C ONFESSION S CHEDULE WEEKDAYS ENTRE SEMANA CONFESSION SATURDAY SÁBADO Monday—Friday 6:45 a.m., 8:30 a.m. Saturday Sábado 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Anticipated Mass Sunday Domingo 4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. SUNDAY DOMINGO The new weekday Mass schedule is effective beginning December 1, 2014 Weekdays Entre Semana Monday-Friday: after each Mass plus Tuesday and Thursday at 6:00 p.m. 2 7:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m. (Español), 10:00 a.m., Noon, 2:00 p.m. (Español), 5:00 p.m. St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 THE DEVIL IS THE ROOT OF JEASLOUSY AND WAR (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday evening visited the parish of San Michele Arcangelo in the eastern Roman district of Pietralata. The parish is on the peripheries of Rome, and home to 8,000 families. On his way to the parish, the Holy Father made a surprise visit to a shantytown called “Campo Arcobaleno”, where he visited with residents for about 10 minutes. Ash Wednesday February 18, 2015 After arriving at the Parish Hall, Pope Francis met with a group of homeless people who are cared for by the Sant’Egidio Community. “The fact that people do not know your name, and call you ‘homeless’ and you carry this: It is your cross, and your patience,” said Pope Francis. “But there is something in the heart of all of you - of this, please be assured - there is the Holy Spirit.” He then held a meeting with parents whose children had been baptized in the previous year, and asked them to teach them the Faith well, and lamented there are “Christian children who cannot make the sign of the cross.” In his meeting with older children, many of whom were part of the Scouting movement, Pope Francis pointed out that wars are not only those – and he asked them to make a list - which kill children in Iraq, Ukraine, and Africa. Wars are come about much earlier in people who do not possess God. “Who is the father of war?” Pope Francis asked. “The devil!” the children answered. Pope Francis said the devil is the “father of hate”, “the father of lies” who seeks disunity. “But God wants unity,” Pope Francis said. “If in your heart you feel jealousy, this is the beginning of war. Jealousies are not of God.” And this is the theme Pope Francis continued during his homily at Mass. “It is sad when in a family, brothers do not speak because of something stupid,” Pope Francis said. “Because the devil takes stupidity and makes a world,” he continued. “Then these enmities continue and multiply for years. It destroys the family: Parents suffer because their children do not speak to each other, or with the wife of a son…And so this jealousy and envy, it is sowed by the devil. And the only one who can drive out demons is Jesus. The only one who can heal these things is Jesus. So to each of your: Have yourself healed by Jesus.” As he often does during parish visits, he urged the congregation to listen to Jesus in the Gospel, to read a passage and ask themselves, what does it say to me? “Have this daily contact with the Gospel,” Pope Francis said. “Pray with the Gospel.” 3 Liturgical Schedule Tuesday, February 17 7:30 p.m. Burning of Palms and Sung Vespers Ashes will not be distributed on Shrove Tuesday. Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence from meat. Mass Schedule 6:45 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 12:10 p.m. 5:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Confession will be available thirty minutes before each Mass as well as after Mass on Ash Wednesday. St. Theresa Catholic Church INSCRIPCIÓN EN LA PARROQUIA: Pase a la oficina parroquial de 8:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m. de lunes a viernes o tomar una forma en el vestíbulo de la iglesia y entregársela a un ujier. GUARDERÍA: La guardería esta abierta durante la misa de 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. y 12:00 p.m. No es necesaria reservación. February 15, 2015 Las clases son un domingo al mes a la 1:00 p.m. La próxima clase es el domingo 15 de Marzo del 2015. Para preguntas o mas información llame al 281-494-1156. GRUPOS DE ORACIÓN Y APOSTOLADO FORMACIÓN PARA BAUTISMO INFANTIL: Se requiere una copia de acta de nacimiento, los padres deben tomar clases pre bautismales y animamos a los padrinos a participar. Las clases se ofrecen el primer domingo de cada mes. Si desean bautizar en Santa Teresita es necesario que pase a la oficina a inscribirse. RICA PARA NIÑOS: El RICA es para niños de siete años o mayores que no están bautizados o bautizados en otra fe. Por favor comuníquese a la oficina de doctrina al 281-494-2717 para mas información. CCE: CATECISMO/DOCTRINA: Nuestro Catecismo en español los domingos de 9:30 a.m. a 11:00 a.m. Nunca es tarde para registrarse. La oficina de esta abierta lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. DOMINGO DE SACRAMENTO: Para niños que quieren la formación para recibir los Sacramentos de Primera Reconciliación (confesión) y la Sagrada Comunión. Esta clase es en conjunto con catecismo. DEVOCIÓN AL SAGRADO CORAZÓN: El primer viernes de mes en la capilla de la iglesia a las de 6:00 p.m. Información: Loreto Casillas 832-525-3710 o Maricela Ponce 832-896-8289. FRANCISCANOS DE MARÍA, MISIONEROS DEL AGRADECIMIENTO: Quieres amar a Jesús de todo Corazón? Imita a María. El grupo se reúne los Martes en el Salón B-5 de 7:00-8:00 p.m. Para mas información llamar a Elsa Galindo al 713-534-7395. LOS SACRAMENTOS RICA-INICIACIÓN PARA ADULTOS: Eres adulto y aún no has recibido tus sacramentos? Te invitamos a asistir a las clases de preparación para bautismo, comunión y confirmación. Cesar o Irasema Luna al 281-565-0322. ESTUDIO BÍBLICO: El Grupo se reúne todos los domingos después de la Misa de 8:00 a.m. (de Agosto a Mayo). Para mas información llame a el Sr. Larry Ponce de León, 281-250-9651 IMAGEN DE LA VIRGEN PEREGRINA: Desea llevarse la imagen de la Virgen Peregrina a casa una semana? Regístrese después de misa o llame a Elvira Morales al 281-682-0626. APOSTOLADO DE LA CRUZ: El grupo se reúne los martes a las 7:00 p.m., en el edificio de CCE. Información: Myrla Vanegas al 281-277-2730 CARISMÁTICO DE RENOVACIÓN: El grupo se reúne en la capilla de la iglesia todo los Jueves de 7:00-9:00 p.m. a partir de el mes de Septiembre. Para mas información llame a Patria Herrero 281-277-2431. CATECISMO Y BIBLIA: El grupo se reúne los viernes a las 7:30 a 9:00 p.m. en el salón 1 o 7. Abierto a toda la comunidad. Para mas llame a Ramel Ascencio 281-684-4235. CORO HISPANO: Este coro práctica los lunes a las 7:00 p.m. y cantan en la misa del domingo a las 8:00 a.m. o 2:00 p.m. Para mas información por favor llame a Susan al 281-494-1156 ext. 261. 4 LA LEGIÓN DE MARIA: El grupo se reúne los Lunes a las 6:30 p.m. Para información con Estella Rodríguez al 832-3966071 o Jaime Abreu 832-418-2287. MINISTERIO VOCACIONES: Desea llevar el Crucifijo y Libro de Oraciones a su casa y rezar por vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas. Para mas información llame a el Sr. Sam Magana al 281-4992682 o a la Sra. Maria Elena Rico 281277-5776. ROSARIO GUADALUPANO: Se reza el día 12 de cada mes en la capilla de la iglesia a las 7:00 p.m. Para información: Janie Leos al 281-240-7938. PLANIFICACIÓN FAMILIAR NATURAL: Es segura, saludable y efectiva al igual para concebir, o posponer embarazos y es conforme a lo que la Iglesia Católica ensena sobre la belleza del ser humano y su capacidad para cooperar con Dios y dar vida. Para mas información, por favor llame a Irma Roman al 832-287-7333. St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 EL D IABLO ES EL P ADRE DE LA G UERRA (Radio Vaticana).- El Papa Francisco sugirió dos propósitos: leer cada día un pasaje del Evangelio - para dejar que Jesús predique para nosotros - y rezar para que Jesús sane nuestras heridas. Con el canto «Somos tu pueblo Señor», cantado en español, comenzó la Santa Misa que presidió el Papa Francisco en la parroquia romana de San Miguel Arcángel en Pietralata. Terminando así su visita pastoral, la tarde del domingo 8 de febrero. Luego, al llegar a la parroquia, el Santo Padre saludó a las distintas realidades y grupos parroquiales. Con palabras de ternura, cercanía y aliento, como las que dirigió a los enfermos, recordándoles que Dios es nuestro Papá, y como un Padre nunca deja solos a sus hijos… En el momento dedicado a los niños, el Santo Padre recordó el sufrimiento que causan las guerras, en tantas partes del mundo, como en Irak, Ucrania, África. Guerras debidas al odio, cuyo padre es el diablo, dijo, recordando que Dios quiere la unidad: «¿Quién es el padre de la guerra? Díganlo fuerte.... (los niños responden: ¡el diablo!) Porque el diablo es el padre del odio. ¿De acuerdo? Es el padre de las mentiras... ¿Por qué? Porque no quiere la unidad. Mientras que Dios quiere la unidad... Si sienten celos en su corazón hacia otro, otra persona, éste es el comienzo de una guerra. Los celos no son de Dios». En su homilía, hizo hincapié en la importancia de rezar rogando a Jesús que sane Se comienza la Cuaresma nuestras heridas: «Es triste cuando en una familia los hermanos no se hablan por En Miércoles de Ceniza una tontera, porque el diablo, de una tontera hace que se vuelva un mundo. Lue18 de febrero go, tantas veces las enemistades duran muchos años. Y se destruye esa familia: los padres sufren porque los hijos no se hablan, o la esposa de un hijo no habla con el Miércoles de Ceniza es un día otro... Celos, envidias... Esto lo siembra el diablo. Y el único que echa fuera los de ayuno y abstinencia. demonios es Jesús. El único que sana estas cosas es Jesús. Por eso le digo a cada uno de ustedes: ¡‘déjate sanar por Jesús’!» Matrimonio por la Iglesia, pagina 13... Horario de la Santa Misa 6:45 a.m. «¡Deja que Jesús predique para ti!, exhortó también el Santo Padre, alentando una 8:30 a.m. vez más a leer el Evangelio para escuchar lo que Jesús nos quiere decir: 12:10 p.m. 5:30 p.m. p.m. «Debemos acostumbrarnos a esto: escuchar la Palabra de Jesús, en el Evangelio. 7:30 p.m. Bilingüe Leer un pasaje, pensar sobre lo que dice, lo que me dice a mí. Si no percibo lo que me dice, paso a otro. Pero hay que tener este contacto cotidiano con el Evangelio. Confesiones treinta (30) minutos Porque así Jesús me predica a mí, me dice con el Evangelio lo que me quiere deantes de cada misa. cir». 5 St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 ST. THERESA CATHOLIC SCHOOL The 5th and 6th graders of St. Theresa Catholic School are holding a bake sale on Saturday, February 14th at the 5:00 PM Mass and Sunday, February 15th at the 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM Masses. Please stop by and pick up some Valentine's Day treats! This effort will help to support the school's International studies trip in 8th grade. S T. THERESA WORLD BAZAAR 2015 APRIL 25 & 26 MORNING OF RECOLLECTION FOR WOMEN Preparations and planning are underway for next year’s bazaar and we need your help. We are currently seeking additional people to serve as chairs on the committee. The open positions are for Raffle chair, Advertising chair, Sponsorship chair, Venue Organizer, and Volunteer chair. Meetings for the bazaar are held the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 pm and will be located in room 6 or 7 in the old CCE building located behind the new school building. The first meeting of the month is for the Managing Committee and the second meeting of the month will be for Booth Chairs and serve as a General Meeting. The second meeting is the best meeting to attend if you have general questions. Below is a “wish list” of items for the bazaar raffle. Any donations for the raffle will be a significant help in offsetting the cost. • • • • • • • $4,000 Gift Card Samsung 50+ Inch TV (4K/3D/Smart/LED) Tablets - Ipad Air 2/Ipad Mini 3/Kindle HDX Laptop - MacBook Pro w/ Retina Screen Some form of Hotel Weekend Stay Certificate $150 Gift Cards: Kroger, HEB, Pappas Restaurants BBQ PIT The ladies of the parish are invited to an Advent morning of prayer on Tuesday, February 17, from 10:00 a.m. until noon in the daily Mass chapel. The program includes adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, preached meditations, time for private prayer, and an opportunity for confession. F REE CHILDCARE IS PROVIDED . Please call by noon Monday to reserve a spot for your children (281-545-2771). Please be sure to check out for more information. A calendar with a list of regular and special meetings is on the website. In addition, the website now allows for volunteers to signup online. English and Spanish versions of the volunteer form are on the website. Come get involved in the bazaar…It’s a great way to serve and meet other parishioners! God Bless & Thank You All Eric DeMarco & Jason Yowell Bazaar Chair & Vice Chair 6 St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Submissions to the bulletin are due on the Friday (10 days) before the Sunday of publication. Send bulletin notices to Rosa Michel at [email protected] or FAX: 281-242-1393. WELCOME TO OUR NEW PARISHIONERS Bienvenidos a nuestra comunidad Ms. Monica Ruiz and Family Mr. Artemio Montoya & Ms. Nancy Garcio and Family Ms. Nancy Diaz and Family Mr. & Mrs. Flavio Sosa and Family Mr. & Mrs. Luis Galeana and Family Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Ramirez and Family Mrs. Gladis Lopez and Family E-BLAST: Visit our parish website and click on the link to sign up for our bi-monthly e-blast. Every two weeks, an e-mail will be sent directly to your computer or smart phone with updated information about parish schedules, events, and more. Sign up today! GABRIEL PROJECT: Gabriel Project is seeking monetary or material donations for our pregnant women. Please contact Pina @ 281-650-1225/ [email protected] MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Are you looking for a new way to let your spouse know you love them in the midst of your jobs, carpooling the kids, and trying to keep up with your house, pool, and yard? Tell him or her they're still #1 in your life... share a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend with each other. Contact Brian & Tina Little at 281-773-4014 for more information, or on-line at PARISH REGISTRATION: We kindly request that all families of our parish be registered before registering for CCE or sacramental preparation classes. Registration and change forms are available in the vestibule of the church and in the parish office. To update your parish information, please call the parish office from 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. MONTHLY PRO-LIFE ROSARY: The first Sunday of each month we pray the Rosary to end abortion. Today, Sunday, March 1, 2015 we will pray the Rosary at 6:30 a.m. inside the Church and after the 10:00 a.m. Mass in front of the Right to Life Monument. MARRIAGE PREPARATION: Those who wish to be married at St. Theresa Church are asked to attend a marriage preparation seminar. The seminar is held every other month on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Please pre-register by calling 281-494-1156. The next seminar will be Tuesday, April 14, 2015. NURSERY: The nursery is open during the 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & Noon Sunday Mass. Children from 18 months to 4 years of age are welcome. No reservation is necessary. Contact: Andrea Ramsey. RACHEL PROJECT: If you are grieving from a past abortion, Contact your diocesan Project Rachel Ministry for confidential help. Dr. Marcella Colbert 713-741-8728. BAPTISM PREPARATION FOR INFANTS: Parents are asked to register their child for Baptism, to bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate to the parish office, and to attend a pre-Baptism class. Godparents are encouraged to attend class. Godparents must be at least sixteen years of age, practicing Catholics, Confirmed, and if married, married through the Church. SUGAR CANES: The Sugar Canes regular monthly meeting is this Wednesday, February 18, 2015. Wednesday is ASH WENESDAY, first day of lent. We meet at our Parish Community Center at 11:20 a.m. Classes are offered the first Friday of every other month, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. Parents are kindly asked not to bring their children to the class. Certificates of attendance for the baptism preparation are provided at the end of the class for those who are not baptizing at St. Theresa Church. Please call the office to register for the class at 281-494-1156, Ext. 228. The next class will be on Friday, June 5, 2015. We welcome and invite all guests and newcomers, age 50 +, to attend our monthly meetings the third Wednesday each month—same place— same time. Our annual dues are $10 per person. After our brown bag lunch there is a brief meeting then Bingo is played. Coffee, Ice tea, water and desserts are provided. God Bless. Information 281-491-4027 7 St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 FAITH FORMATION C.C.E. YOUTH ST. THERESA YOUTH MINISTRY Its never to late to register for CCE. During the CCE school year, classes are offered at the following times: Preschool CCE is in rooms B3 – B5 during the Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass. Kindergarten CCE is available on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. as well as on Mondays & Tuesdays at 4:15 p.m. Elementary CCE is on Mondays and Tuesdays at 4:15 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. Children are asked to go directly to the classrooms. Sacrament Sunday is for all children in formation to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Any questions to Paul Stoessel, Director of Elementary CCE at [email protected] or at 281-830-3804. Next class is Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. in the community center. Catholic 101 is for all parents of firstyear CCE children. This is for parents only. Children are invited to attend CCE during this time. Next class will be Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Middle School CCE has begun. It is never too late to register. Please contact the parish office for more information 281-494-1156. Middle School CCE will meet at the following days/times: Sunday 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. or Monday 6:45—8:00 p.m. Confirmation Mass is on Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 7PM The Youth Ministry is in need of volunteers, please contact Joseph Mastrangelo at [email protected] Facebook (St. Theresa Youth Ministry) Twitter (@stym_sugarland) Instagram (@stym_sugarland) R.C.I.A. NEWS Is God calling you to something more? Come explore the Catholic Church! If you are seventeen years of age or older and: unbaptized; baptized in another faith expression; or a baptized Catholic who has never received your First Holy Communion, then the RCIA is for you! No Inquiry on Ash Wednesday The next Inquiry gathering will be Wednesday, February 25, 2015 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center. These informal gatherings are structured to answer your questions about the Catholic Church. Contact Lynda Knoche at 281-342-6937 or by e-mail: [email protected]. If you, your child or someone you know is between the ages of seven and sixteen, not baptized or baptized in another faith expression, we have an RCIA process suited to your age group. Inquiry sessions every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Please schedule an appointment with Paul Stoessel 281-494-2717 x 254 or e-mail [email protected] prior to attending your first session. 8 St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MASS SCHEDULE PARISH EVENTS Monday, February 16, 2015 Weekday in Ordinary Time 6:45 a.m. Teodora Yu 8:30 a.m. Federico Mora Monday, February 16, 2015 9:00 a.m. Learn English Ministry, Rm 1/7 10:00 a.m. St. Theresa Leche League, FLC 7:00 p.m. Spanish Choir Rehearsal Tuesday, February 17 Weekday in Ordinary Time 6:45 a.m. All The Souls 8:30 a.m. Lupe Marquez Tuesday, February 17 9:00 a.m. Learn English Ministry, Rm 1/7 6:30 p.m. Franciscanos de Maria, Rm 5 7:00 p.m. Holy Trinity Prayer, Chapel Wednesday, February 18 Ash Wednesday 6:45 a.m. David & Geordie 8:30 a.m. Deacon Frank Cromer and Family 12:10 p.m. Charles & Joseph Dinh 5:30 p.m. Bolivia Schlabach 7:30 p.m. Juan Carlos Betancur Wednesday, February 18 9:00 a.m. Learn English Ministry, Rm 1/7 11:30 a.m. Sugar Canes Mtg., CC 5:30 p.m. Legion of Mary Mtg., Old CCE Building Conf Rm 6:30 p.m. RICA para Niños, Rm 1/7 7:00 p.m. Divine Mercy Prayer Cenacle 7:00 p.m. RCIA Inquiry, FLC Thursday, February 19 Thursday after Ash Wednesday 6:45 a.m. Ester Viray 8:30 a.m. Theresa Pham Thursday, February 19 9:00 a.m. Learn English Ministry, Rm 1/7 9:30 a.m. Rosary Group, Rm 6 6:00 p.m. RICA, Rm 244 Friday, February 20 Friday after Ash Wednesday 6:45 a.m. Gerry Czenski 8:30 a.m. Tommy Glen Hale Friday, February 20 6:30 p.m. Catecsimo y Biblia, Rm 1/7 Saturday, February 21 Saturday after Ash Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Lay Carmelites 5:00 p.m. Andrew DeLeon Saturday, February 21 9:00 a.m. Learn English Ministry, Rm 1/7 9:30 a.m. Theresians, CC 10:30 a.m. Rosary Group, Rm 6 Sunday, February 22 First Sunday of Lent 7:00 a.m. Ofelia Treviño 8:00 a.m. Juan & Linda Carrillo 10:00 a.m. Parish Family 12:00 p.m. CDA 2:00 p.m. Salvador & Rodolfo Sanchez 5:00 p.m. Maria & Dominic Fernandez Sunday, February 22 9:30 a.m. Catecismo , School Bldg. 9:30 a.m. RCIA Catechumens, FLC 9:30 a.m. RICA para Niños, Rm 1/7 9:30 a.m. Estudio de Biblia, CC 3:00 p.m. CDA Workshop, FLC-A 6:15 p.m. Life Night, CC One may request Mass intentions by visiting the parish office during regular business hours. Mass intentions are available two (2) months in advance. 9 S UNDAY O FFERTORY February 8, 2015 Online Giving Total $32,305 $ 3,582 $35,887 C APITAL C AMPAIGN As of February 8, 2015 Pledges Payments Payments Due $ 4,457,662 $ 4,057,785 $ 399,878 DIOCESAN SERVICES FUND 2015 Totals as of February 8, 2015 Goal Pledged Payments Payments Due $ 199,000 $ 1,960 $ 1,870 $ 197,130 8 Participants NOVEMBER - WEEKLY AVERAGE Budgeted Actual $ 38,016 $ 40,075 Capital $ 3,333 Campaign $ 3,135 Other: $ 4,258 $ 5,414 Total Income $ 45,607 $ 48,624 Expenses $ 44,648 $ 39,076 Surplus (deficit) $ $ 9,548 Offertory 959 St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 After a couple of months had passed, I began thinking seriously about why I would want to be Catholic. I prayed about it. What would it be like to convert as a single woman? Then I thought about it some more and I decided that if I’m truly serious about finding the love that I craved so much then I must first be in love with my faith then everything else would hopefully fall into place. After much research and feeling comfortable with the Catholic beliefs and rituals I asked Lynda if I could be part of the next Rite of Welcoming. I didn’t feel pressured to join the Church. No one tried to convince me to convert. They would remind us during the inquiry meetings that we would have to let them know when we were ready to proceed to RCIA. This showed me that Catholics take their faith formation very serious. What I love the most about going through the RCIA is that the team will be there to help guide you through each step of your journey. I stopped searching for a new church shortly after I moved to Texas because I no longer felt inspired by the message being conveyed. Then about 6 years ago I realized I was getting older, still single with no family of my own. I made a personal decision that would change the way I lived my personal life. As years passed I kept asking God, so what now? Then about 3 years ago I met someone at work; a single, smart and attractive man around my age. I admired how he always seemed to attend Mass even though he’s from another country. I was naturally drawn to this guy. He wasn’t the typical in-your-face bible toting self-righteous overly religious type. I was intrigued by how he was able to enjoy an active social life outside of church yet stay morally grounded by his faith. The more I got to know this man the more I became interested in the Catholic faith. This was the validation I needed. I realized my decision to abstain from intimate relationships before marriage was the right decision. It is possible to have a fulfilling spiritual connection with a man without being pressured into being intimate with someone before marriage. My confirmation was simply beautiful. It was a bit overwhelming but in a good way. I loved when we stood at the front of the altar and people came up to congratulate us with hugs and handshakes. I remember sitting there nervously anticipating the Eucharist. No words can fully describe the feeling I had when I walked up to the altar to receive the body and the blood of Jesus. My eyes popped open the moment my mouth touched the chalice. Then the blood of Jesus flowed across my lips. At that very moment it finally made sense why we recite the not worthy prayer out loud before taking communion. “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and I shall be healed.” About a year later, I started feeling a strong presence from God pushing me to find a Church home. I asked one of my coworkers, a devout Catholic if I could attend Mass with her. I was hooked after just one service; I started looking forward to Mass on Sundays. It became my time to escape my problems at home and work. For just an hour a week I could peacefully mediate. It was an overwhelming feeling of warmth and tranquility that gave me the strength to push through my personal life. I felt helpless and vulnerable during this time and l never once questioned God. As I think back to how it all started, it was the man from work who inadvertently sparked my interest to attend a Catholic Mass. For a long time I felt deeply hurt and ashamed whenever someone would tell me to move on with my life, get over that guy he doesn’t want you or maybe you should go back to a Baptist church. Everytime I had doubts that maybe they’re right I should move on, I would feel a strong energy drawing me back towards wanting this man. For years I had prayed and patiently waited for God to send me a sign. The craving for a relationship with a Godly man became my weakness. I think it was God’s way of helping me stay focus on finding a new church home. In the end I got the love I was craving; I just didn’t expect it to be from God. I think this whole process has allowed me to look deeper into whom I am as Christian. My true character is a reflection of my faith. Nine months had passed and I had reached a crossroad in my life. I lost my job and then a week later my mother passed away. I felt angry, alone and lost. Once again I felt God urging me to seriously start looking for a new Church home. I knew that as a Baptized Christian I was missing out on receiving communion. I needed to make a choice to either go back to being a Baptist or convert to Catholicism. I kept asking a close friend of mine about the faith. Then one day she told me that most Catholic churches have something called a RCIA inquiry. She said that I should go to an inquiry and ask them questions about Catholic beliefs and rituals. I decided to attend the next inquiry. The next day I received a call to come in for a job interview. They called me back the same day, I got the job. I started my new job the Friday before Christmas. I knew that this was definitely a sign from God. I was finally heading in the right direction. Kimberly was received into the Catholic Church in November, 2014. She sings in our 10 AM Mass choir. 10 St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 11 St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS Continued from page 2... faith. He realized and in fact evangelized to others that this journey is on God’s time, not ours, and that if we accept that fact, our journey is made easier. It became quite clear to me and to the RCIA team that John was in a state of great comfort about his faith journey even when his physical health did not give him comfort. Along the way, John participated in our Catholic Community through his service to our annual Bazaar and gained a real eagerness to do more in our Community once he is fully initiated, a positive trait we often see as one’s faith journey becomes more intensified and their commitment to faith grows ever stronger, leading to their change as a child of God. John truly exhibited that change in his relationship with fellow candidates and catechumens, his sponsor and the RCIA team, fellow parishioners, and most importantly with his family. WEEKLY READINGS February 16 through February 22, 2015 Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Dt 30:15-20; Lk 9:22-25 Thursday: Is 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15 Friday: Is 58:9b-14; Lk 5:27-32 Saturday: Sunday: Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 Seeing the joy of his extended family at John and Sherry’s recent marriage convalidation was strong evidence of that change. Having traveled with John through his journey thus far, I can truly proclaim to this Catholic Community of St. Theresa that John Rash is most ready for his initiation as a fully practicing Catholic and it is our duty to welcome him with open arms. -Al Czenski , Sponsor Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 32; 1 Cor 10:31 — 11:1; Mk 1:40-45 L ECTURAS S EMANAL 16 de febrero al 22 de febrero del 2015 Lunes: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Mc 8:11-13 Martes: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Mc 8:14-21 Miércoles: Jl 2:12-18; Sal 51 (50); 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Jueves: Dt 30:15-20; Lc 9:22-25 Viernes: Is 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15 Sabado: Is 58:9b-14; Lc 5:27-32 Domingo: Gn 9:8-15; Sal 25 (24); 1 Pe 3:18-22; Mc 1:12-15 Sexto Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46; Sal 32 (31); 1 Cor 10:31— 11:1; Mc 1:40-45 12 St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 MENS’ RETREAT: Join other men of St. Theresa on the weekend of March 13 - 15, 2015. Contact Jeff Dodson at 281-980-2484, Don Hensley at 281-794-7806 or call Holy Name Retreat Center at 713-464-0211 for registration information. Go online at sttheresa and watch a short video about the retreat and online registration. The Way of the Cross Every Friday during Lent 7:00 p.m. English 7:45 p.m. Español ENTRENAMIENTO DE MINISTROS ESXTRAORDINARIOS DE LA EUCARISTÍA Y LECTORES Día: Martes 24 de Febrero Que Hora: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Quien: Todas Nuevos y Ministros Veteranos Tema de Servicio: Re-visitar las Reglas y Re-comprometer nuestra llamada. De Grave Importancia que asista porque va haber cambios. Si no puede asistir favor de llamar la oficina. Convalidación Matrimonial Solamente Para Miembros de Sta. Teresita PILGRIMAGE WITH FR. JOSE THARAYIL June 5-16, 2015. Experience two extraordinary events that you won't want to miss- The Sordevolo Passion Play and The Shroud of Turin Exhibit. Pegasus Travel and Tours 832-886-4707 . Ft. Bend Theresians invite all women to a day of humor, candor, meditation and a few surprises with Theresian Jan Bethancourt! Saturday, Feb. 21, 2015 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. St. Theresa Community Center Cost: $22 (includes lunch) Jan Bethancourt is an artist and a motivational speaker. She has discovered that creative passions can combine to create a mission with a passion for encouragement. The theme of “You Are Worthy of God’s Goodness” will remind us all of the love, grace, and hope that God provides unceasingly. For more information contact, Martha Durio, 281-788-3318. El sábado 18 de abril del 2015, Santa Teresita, realizará un matrimonio de convalidación comunal para las parejas que están viviendo juntos o casados solamente por el civil. Para los que desean casarse por la Iglesia, será necesario obtener un certificado reciente de bautismo y dos testigos cada uno. Los testigos pueden ser miembros de su familia o amigos que los conocen bien. Día de entrevistas: Domingo 8 de marzo en la biblioteca de la escuela, segundo piso. Las entrevistas se llevaran acabo después de la misa de 8:00 A.M. También, será necesario que las parejas asistan a un retiro matrimonial que va ser en la biblioteca el Sábado 21 de marzo de 5:00 P.M. a 9:00 P.M. y el Domingo 22 de marzo después de las Misa de las 8:00; 10:00 A.M. a 5:30 P.M. No habrá servicio de guardería. Es necesario que vengan el Domingo 8 de marzo junto con sus documentos y testigos. Todos recibiran instrucciones completas en esta reunión. Los que no se han registrado, favor pasen a la oficina. Hay una pequeña cuota de $50. Queridos hermanos, esta es una oportunidad practicable para regresar a la plenitud de los sacramentos y la salvación de ustedes y especialmente para sus hijos; por favor, no duden en arreglar sus matrimonios. Si tienen preguntas favor de hablar con el Diacono Gilberto Rodríguez. 13 St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 PRAYER REQUESTS PRAYER FOR THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED PRAYER FOR THE SICK Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. May their souls, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Omnipotent and eternal God, the everlasting Salvation of those who believe, hear us on behalf of Thy sick servant, N., for whom we beg the aid of Thy loving mercy, that, with his bodily health restored, he may give thanks to Thee in Thy church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jan Karwowski Fr. Robert Ritz Margarita Iglesias Fr. Roy Oggero Rafael Gijon Mildred Netardus Dr. Albert Romano Carlos Trejos Betty Goehring Dorothy Raska Cathy See Elvin Kocich Bill Murray Virginia Siwa Rosie Janssen Gloria Ortiz Maria Ewah Maria Pimentel Martha Kocich Ilse Viteri Adela Cuate Adalberta M. De Tristan Bernice Guess Edgar J. Schlabach JoAnn Duncan Linda Patin Rufus Segura Joseph Stovall Robert Byrd Diana Ploch Ann Neslony Priscilla Ruiz Julian Villarreal Anola Lee Cynthia Cantu Theresa Ebarb John Hallberg Terri Giaimis Pamela Montferrand Carol Ann Barley Ashley Santibañez Larry Klaus Janie Segura Nicole Loper Karen Cromer Maria A. Rodriguez Diane Grayum Elaine Petrash Linda Kasper Sara Aguirre Alfaro Martin (Marty) Stieb Myriam Chavez Evelyn Bartos John Arroyo Peter Bohmer Kathleen Melancon John Donart John Cromer Chris Cromer Allie Aldrich Brandon Vos Matt Pici Baby Victoria Perry Charlie Craig Larry Duran Fred Stratton Charlie Crowell Jose Reymond Jaimes Larry Loper Marilyn Nelson Balvino Renoj Family Carolyn M. Norwood Elmo Ordeneaux Jeannine Scates Margarita Montoya Padilla Mydra Pitre Jill Cutway Maria Choi Cayden Capello Gwen Salisbury Frances Scott Mary Camacho Martha Gonzalez Richard & Lillie Beserra Mami Lopez Matthew Cortes Darlene Marshall Danny Terral Patricia Shannon Henry Saenz Regina Vogt Daniele Smith June & Wilma Narvacan Sandra Aguilar We remember with gratitude, and pray for God’s mercy upon: Jorge Cavazos, Irene Carabajal, Carl Harris, Esther Arroyo, Michael V. Matalka Sr., Marion Harris, Elias Acuna, Ann DeVaney, Joseph Schillaci, Eugene Rollman, Bryant E. Parker, Peter Thyssen, Bobby Morgan, Keven Lewis, Ron Lee Grayum, Thomas Roberson, Fred Mora, Sarah Vanek, Olga Mutina, Vernida Broussard, Jason N. Dizon, Rebecca Batac, Amador Landrito, Donald Mattern, Maria Reyes; Fr. Robert Ritz, St. Joseph, Patron of a holy death, pray for us! 14 St. Theresa Catholic Church February 15, 2015 IN S IXTH S UNDAY O RDINARY T IME O God, who teach us that you abide in hearts that are just and true, grant that we may be so fashioned by your grace as to become a dwelling pleasing to you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. ”Do everything for the glory of God” (I Corinthians 10:31). St. Theresa Catholic Church 705 St. Theresa Boulevard Sugar Land, Texas 77498 15
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