School Council Report - Williamstown High School
School Council Report - Williamstown High School
Issue 3, May 2014 School Council Report CALENDAR Farewell and thanks to Lisa Sperling It was fitting that one of Lisa Sperling’s final tasks as principal of Williamstown High School was to deliver the annual report at the school’s Annual General Meeting. The meeting heard that our school is in excellent shape with an established culture of excellence and achievement, and that we have the maturity to accept that there’s room for improvement. June 2014 2-6 4-6 4 5 16 19 23 27 Year 10 & 11 Examinations Unit 3 SAC Free Period Interschool Debating Competition World Environment Day Semester 2 Commences (Pasco Campus) War Child Benefit Concert Vocal Concert Last Day of Term 2 (2.30pm dismissal) July 2014 While Lisa introduced the annual report, it was campus principals Gino Catalano and Darryn Kruse who presented the school’s draft strategic plan for 20142017, which clearly set our goals for the next four years. Included among them are the aim to maintain a median VCE study score of 30-32, that 8-12 per cent of our students should achieve study scores of 40+ and that less than 20 per cent of our Year 12 cohort should achieve an ATAR score of less than 60. We will embed the ideals of the School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Framework, and we will provide more opportunity for effective student choice and voice by leading the school community in counseling, pathways and transitions. The complete draft strategic plan will soon be available on the school website and I encourage all families to read it. 14 14-18 16-17 First Day Term 3 Year 10 Work Experience Year 9 to 10 Course Selection High School is so well placed. She arrived in 2009 with the specific aim of making WHS the best government secondary school in the west. She has worked tirelessly since then to make that dream a reality. Lisa started by rebuilding the senior leadership team, then reviewing and accrediting the school curriculum and restructuring the teaching staff to deliver it. Along the way she built the study centre at Pasco campus, showing our students that the school would do all it could to help them achieve their best. She introduced school values that we all now know and understand, and developed school policies on such fundamentals as literacy, numeracy and student wellbeing. It is largely due to Lisa’s hard work and sound leadership over the past five-and-a-half years that Williamstown (Continued on page 2) College Principal: Lisa Sperling Bayview Campus Principal: Darryn Kruse Bayview Assistant Principal: Tamy Stubley Bayview Street, Williamstown, 3016 T: (03) 9399 9228 F: (03) 9399 9217 Pasco Campus Principal: Gino Catalano Pasco Assistant Principal: Ross Adamson Pasco Street, Williamstown, 3016 T: (03) 9397 1899 F: (03) 9397 6899 School Captains: Charles Keeble and Nala Taukilo Vice Captains: Ashleigh Davey and Kristina Mastrokostas Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 Lisa found money in our budget to improve our facilities. Some were small projects, such as repairing the louvres at Bayview campus or installing air-conditioners at Pasco. Others were big developments, such as the development of Soul City to create a remarkable theatre. And all were to enhance the opportunities for students. During Lisa’s tenure the school established formal sister school relationships with schools in Indonesia and France, and increased the opportunity for our students to travel overseas. She helped establish the trade training centre for the Hobsons Bay cluster of schools, enabling many more WHS students to access a wider range of VET and trade courses, and she nurtured the one-to-one computer program that saw every WHS student have access to e-learning. Most recently, Lisa embraced the SWPBS framework, the biggest single change in student well-being management in many, many years. Our students enjoy a safe, nurturing and positive culture at WHS, and the PBS will protect that. There is much, much more that Lisa has done for WHS and her legacy will carry on for years. On behalf of the whole school community, I say thank you Lisa for your commitment to our community and our students. We wish you, your husband Greg and all your family sincere best wishes for the future. You will forever be part of WHS. Hold fast. Hugh Jones School Council president. Principal’s Message Thank you and farewell. My last entry in the W-Files will be a short one. I would like to thank all members of the school community for their support over the last five-and-a-half years. I explained to the students at the last Whole College Assembly that I am very very proud of Williamstown High School. When I say I am proud of the school I do not mean the buildings and great facilities…I mean the students and staff. It has been a privilege to be the Principal of Williamstown High School, I have been extremely lucky to have this position. Best wishes to all students for their studies this year. I will continue to be very interested in my local high school and look forward to hearing of its successes. Hold fast. Lisa Sperling College Principal VCAL Partnership with Hobsons Bay City Council Acting Assistant Campus Principal and VCAL Personal Development teacher, Adam Potter, recently requested a meeting with Hobsons Bay City Council to assist in future projects for VCAL students. VCAL Coordinator, Kat Perdriau, also attended the meeting and asked for assistance in the two areas that students were finding it difficult to secure work placements - Allied Health and Policing. A week later students were placed in both the attendant care and local laws departments of the council and so begins another great partnership with VCAL students and the local community. Thanks to Terri Rowe, Manager, Organisation Development and Elizabeth Yates, Human Resources Administration Officer from Hobsons Bay City Council for facilitating the work placements for our students. Kat Perdriau VCAL VET Coordinator Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Bayview Street Update Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 This has, of course, been a busy term so far – particularly for our student leaders. The Alpine Leadership School students have returned from Gnurad-Gundidj and have started working on their community learning project – creating an op shop at the school for a weekend to raise money for a hospital. Our Open Night on 6 May was hosted by our campus captains, and tours of the school were led by many of our student ambassadors. The wholes school assembly at the town hall on 20 May featured contributions from Bayview students and was again (co-)hosted by the campus captains. Our SRC has been active in organising out of uniform days to support a number of worthwhile causes and have been planning for the provision of extra seating and shade at the campus for next summer. They have also been working on plans for the school centenary starting this coming October. The environmental initiatives crusaders have organised a sustainability fashion parade to mark World Environment Day. The social justice group are in the process of organising a sleep out in the gymnasium to raise awareness of homelessness and to raise funds to support those who are homeless. On 28 May, a group of our student leaders attended an event at the ABC studios at Southbank to mark Reconciliation Week. The program started with a screening of the ABC Splash Live show “Making a Difference”, which was followed by a live-to-air broadcast of 774’s ‘The Conversation Hour’ hosted by Jon Faine and featuring Deborah Cheetham, Dan Sultan and Michael Long. Our students were a thoughtful and engaged audience for – and even participants in – this event. Our musicians have been preparing for the upcoming Bayview Instrumental Music Concert and the Warchild Benefit Concert, both events happening in a few weeks’ time. The majority of our Year 8 students went on camp from 26 to 28 May – to the Summit Camp just out of Trafalgar. The students who went on camp tell me the activities were fantastic; the staff who went tell me that so were the students. Thank you to everyone who made this such a successful experience. Our staff give generously of their time to make our camps program happen, and it is much appreciated. Over the last month of so we have also had students involved in interschool debating in the evenings, the school aerobics competition held in Geelong over a recent weekend, and various interschool sports competitions – cross country, netball, AFL. I am enormously proud of the attitude, demeanour and endeavour shown by our students in all these activities, and in their general day-to-day activities at school and beyond. Darryn Kruse Campus Principal Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 French students debate refugee issues at the United Nations On Monday 19 May Year 12 French students had the opportunity to take part in the inaugural French Model United Nations General Assembly. In class and independently students researched issues surrounding the rights and challenges of refugees in French-speaking nations. Students then presented a formal speech in front of the crème de la crème of French students from across Victoria as well as the Secretary General of the United Nations (Diane de St Léger from the University of Melbourne) presenting the points of view of Haiti and the Ivory Coast. The following students must be congratulated for their preparation and aplomb in delivering well-informed, stra- tegic and sophisticated critiques of the propsed UN resolution on refugees. Les délégués d’Haïti Elena Mezzetti Sophie Montgomery Mathilda Walley Monika Scally Les délégués de la Côte d’Ivoire Christina Pelosi-Thorpe Wil Harrison Jessica Zanoni Félicitations Madame Paquier ABSENCES Please report all absences by 10.00am on the day student is absent Bayview Campus Years 7-9 Hotline: 9393 9097 Email: [email protected] Pasco Campus Years 10-12 Hotline: 9393 9018 Email: [email protected] Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 The Big Science Competition 2014 In 2014, Williamstown High School will provide an opportunity for our year 7 and 8 students to challenge themselves in the Big Science Competition Online. Students will be able to participate in this opportunity free of charge, thanks to the generous support of Orica. Funds made available by Orica’s IT Department, through its computer recycling program, will be used to pay each sponsored student’s registration fee. Year 9 students will still have to pay an $8 fee to participate, as the Orica sponsorship does not extend to registrations for the intermediate level. This one-hour international competition is open to students of all abilities at three different levels: Junior (Years 7 and 8), Intermediate (Years 9 and 10) and Senior (Years 11 and 12). Questions test students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills as well as their science knowledge. Each student who takes part will receive a certificate as well as detailed feedback on their performance in the competition. They also go into a draw to win hundreds of iTunes and movie vouchers. Our school will receive a comprehensive report for each paper level showing how each student performed on each question, the percentage of students in the cohort who answered correctly, and a comparison with the national results. The Big Science Competition will be held in school between 21 and 28 May 2014. The Big Science Competition is organised by Australian Science Innovations, a non-profit organisation committed to providing high quality science extension programs that inspire, challenge and raise the aspirations of students in science. Orica, a global company based in Melbourne, is the world’s largest provider of commercial explosives to the mining and infrastructure markets. Orica is proud of its association with science education in Australia and is a supporter of ASI’s Chemistry Summer School, as well as other initiatives that benefit students in hundreds of secondary schools across the country. For more information visit Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 English as an Additional Language Excursion to the Koorie Heritage Trust Year 12 EAL students have been studying the Jack Davis play No Sugar which exposes the West Australian government’s horrendous treatment of the Aboriginal population in the name of ‘protection’. To better understand indigenous culture, the international students visited the Koorie Heritage Trust and met with Len, who spoke of Aboriginal history in general and of his own experience as a member of the stolen generations. Following are some of the students’ reflections. “Flagstaff Gardens used to be a place were Aboriginal people lived. It is high up and people saw all around. There was a lake for water. We learnt about the eagle who created the land” ‘Today I learnt a lot about Aboriginal history. I learnt that they were the first community in Australia and there were many different languages, but when the English came there were many diseases and the number of Aborigines went from a million to only a few thousand” “There was a very long Aboriginal history before Westerners arrived. The Westerners then wanted Aboriginals to be assimilated, educated and ‘civilised’. Aboriginal people were treated unequally and there was obvious racism. The Westerners call this ‘protection’.” International Students Need Homestay Every year, students from Asia and Europe enrol at Williamstown High School in order to study for the VCE and get a place at a tertiary institution (stay for 1-3 years) or to have a cultural exchange experience (6-12 months). While they study with us they live in the local area with families who provide them with full board accommodation. Students are aged between 15-18 years old. Students typically start in February and July, and we also require emergency accommodation throughout the year from time to time. A generous weekly allowance is paid to cover the cost of food and care. Homestay adults are required to hold a Working with Children Check authorisation. If you have a spare bedroom in your home and would enjoy being a friend and mentor to a young person from overseas, please contact our International Students Program Coordinator, Lucie Compton, on 9393 9039, 0467 807 949 or by email on [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web Site: Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 Alpine School 2014 In Term 1, six Year 9 students went to Gnurad-Gundidj to develop their leadership skills. Upon their return, they have been working on their Community Learning Project – to hold an op shop to raise money for hospitals. “My time at Gnurad-Gundidj was an experience I was glad to take. I’ve always seen myself as a friendly person, however, shy and hating public speaking. But going to Gnurad-Gundidj helped so much, my confidence soared through the roof and I am more willing to take more opportunities. I learnt a lot of useful things at Alpine School that had nothing to do with any of school subjects. Being away from home is hard at first but after a while the people there become your family and friends for life. I really recommend going and to take every opportunity.” Greta Montgomery “Attending Gnurad-Gundidj was probably one of the best experiences of my life, and I know it sounds clichéd, but it really was. I was initially not going to apply for the fear of homesickness and being away from my friends and family for 9 whole weeks. But I was so happy that I did because I would have missed out on such a life changing opportunity. The teachers were more like friends. There is no punishment for any wrongdoings; we were taught to learn from our mistakes and fix them ourselves, which built independence. My confidence sky rocketed and I’m now a lot more confident to speak in front of an audience. I made solid life-long friends from all over Victoria and we have already had many field trips together. I think that making friends outside of school is building social skills needed in everyday life and I’m much more confident approaching new people. The Gnurad environment is quite different to Williamstown, but I think that making the setting unfamiliar to students is an important part of the program and building life skills. At the end of my Gnurad journey, saying goodbye to this place was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I have retained memories and friends and I will treasure them forever. Gnurad-Gundidj is life changing and if I could go again, I definitely would.” Georgia Downey “My Time at Gnurad was a very interesting chapter of my life. Going in there I had no idea of what challenges I would have to face. Going without my family for 9 weeks was pretty hard and living in close quarters with some people was a bit frustrating at times. In the end it was all worth it. Gnurad helped me overcome these problems by giving me the opportunity to find myself and the staff there seems to have it all locked in when it comes to the crazy antics and serious decisions. Gnurad has given back to me: new friends, a clear mindset on life, new skills and has helped me discover who I am and where I stand in this world. I strongly recommend that Williamstown High School keeps sending students to Gnurad because I feel that more people have the potential to gain that experience like 2014 Williamstown High School’s Gnurad students and myself have now acquired. If you feel that you want to get more out of your life and that you want to create great new friendships then this is the place for you.” Harrison Burns-Bradley Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Issue 3 - May 2014 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 ~ MUSIC NEWS ~ Bendigo Eisteddfod: Congratulations to three of our Senior Concert Band students- Patrick Watkins, Ben Grielach and Michael Pehm, who are members of the Hyde Street Youth Band that achieved first place in their category at the Bendigo Eisteddfod on May 24!! Piano Masterclass: the Bayview/Pasco Piano Masterclass program is underway and the first one was with Melbourne University concert pianist Kristian Chong on May 19 in the Bayview Atrium (on the grand piano). A great success! The next one will be held on July 22 with UK-based Australian pianist Tristan Lee. Bayview Music Rehearsal Day Camp: On Thursday June 5, all Bayview instrumental and voice students will spend the day in rehearsals and workshops to prepare new music for the Bayview Music Concert in June and the Spring Concert in September. The afternoon will end with an informal concert at 2.30pm in the Williamstown Uniting Church (Cnr of Pasco & Electra St) featuring all ensembles - parents welcome. Bayview Instrumental Music Concert: Tuesday June 17 at 6.30pm. Featuring all Bayview music groups: Junior Concert band, Intermediate Concert band, Bayview Stage Band and the Bayview Vocal Ensemble. Warchild Benefit Concert: June 19, 7.00 pm at the Newport Substation. Tickets are now available on TryBooking @ $12 (all ages). The concert will raise money to help children in war-affected areas around the world. It involves students from both campuses as performers, organisers and technical producers. This will be our 9th Warchild concert! Vocal Concert: on Monday June 23 at 6.30pm a vocal concert will be held in the Bayview Atrium to include Bayview and Pasco voice students. Jamila Brogan, Director of Music (Bayview Campus) Finn Koren, Director of Music (Pasco Campus) Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 COMMUNITY ART & TECHNOLOGY SHOW The Art, Technology & Design department every year display the work of the middle years students from 7-9. This year we are celebrating our centenary of the school and will be organising a much bigger show to include year 1012 work. We are very much in need of display boards and display frames for the work. The show is open to all the local community members and any one else who is interested. We have the school open to the public on the weekend so everyone gets an opportunity to see the work. The total project cost is $1 000.00 The major costs associated with the project are Item 1 $400x2 Display Boards Item 2 $200 Display Frames The $1,000 grant will be used to provide displays for the students. We have applied for a grant to support the students work and will be beneficial in being used for other displays throughout the year. We can also share this equipment. The grants are decided by an open voting system. Voting opens 02 June 2014 CLICK HERE TO VOTE As a valued member of our Alumni community, we’re thrilled to announce an amazing new program for Victorian Year 10 and 11 students. If you have siblings, cousins or friends that are in Year 10 or 11, suggest they enter for Work Experience of a Lifetime – an initiative that connects Victoria’s youth with Australia’s top companies. Here they’ll spend a week learning from the industries’ best. It’s just another way we’re getting Victorians job-ready. We’ve been working with our partners to create a one-week program that is both engaging and educational. This is a rare opportunity to set Victoria’s youth on the path to victory. Here are just some of the companies that we’ve partnered with: Nova Honda Mushroom Group Global Advertising Agency Leo Burnett So do you know a Year 10 or 11 student who would be interested or could benefit from the Work Experience of a Lifetime program? Students can enter online from the 12 May until 6 June, the competition winners will be announced shortly after. Their Work Experience of a Lifetime will run for one week during the July school holidays. For further information, head to Kind Regards, Alumni Relations Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 PARENTS & FRIENDS We are very pleased to showcase some of our contributions to Willi High in this edition of the W-Files. The 6 new microscopes purchased for the Bayview Science Labs are now fully operational and the year 9 students pictured are making the most of the opportunity to view the microscopic aspects of marine life. Also pictured is the Willi High concert band on tour earlier this year now with a complete set of music banners and conductor’s mat to ensure they look as professional as they sound. A small sub-committee of the P&F group ably led by Trish Anderson worked hard to get the Eurovision night off the ground and although numbers were small there is no doubt that all in attendance had a great night, in traditional outlandish Eurovision style. Thanks to Dean Commons for the use of Soul City and Jake Ploss (2013 Willi High Graduate) for audio-visual support and our security lads Kyle and Reuben for keeping us safe. We also had great sponsorship from many of the local businesses you see listed below. Sponsors of Williamstown High School PFA Eurovision Fundraiser These businesses donated goods and services for this event. Please support them. Essensual, 30 Douglas Parade Elg and Robinson, Shop 3, 19-21 Douglas Parade Tulle Fashion, 9 Douglas Parade In 2 Linen, Douglas Parade Sportspower, 34 Douglas Parade Williamstown Newsagency, 16 Douglas Parade Routleys, Shop 7, Coles Centre, 19-21 Douglas Parade Jainus, 62 Douglas Parade Ragusa Restaurant, 139 Nelson Place Memez, 153 Nelson Place Book and Paper, 20 Ferguson St Interia, 17/11-19 Ferguson St Dirty Dogs Pet Supplies, 37B Ferguson St Britt and Beck Homewares, 65 Ferguson St Detroit Clothing, 83 Ferguson St Poppi & Pippa, 28A Ferguson St Simmers Hardware, 21 Ferguson St Blue Illusion, 46 Douglas Parade Ferguson Plarre, 26 Douglas Parade Email: [email protected] Web Site: Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 We have launched the NEW 2014 Entertainment Book, and this year it is now also available in a DIGITAL version for smart phone. This is a major P&F fundraiser each year and we encourage you to consider the purchase of a book ($65) to help us with our goal of $2000. Last year we raised $1924. Each book sold returns $13. The books are great value with hundreds of dollars of savings with discounts for a huge variety of options from restaurants & cafes to movie tickets, holidays, AFL MCG Admission, magazine subscriptions, paintballing, bowling, Mt Buller 3-day Lift Pass, Luna Park, the list is endless. Books are available at both Bayview & Pasco offices or you can buy online direct via the link: https:// If you have any queries about the books or about getting a book, or feel you could offer to help sell some books at your workplace please contact our Ent Books coordinator Karen Needs at [email protected] or phone 0408547539. Also coming up is a fab fashion afternoon at Blue Illusion in Williamstown Sat 14 June 1-4pm – join us for afternoon tea, no cost to come along. The store donates 20% of any sales to school, but no pressure to buy. We would like to extend an open invitation to parents to come along to P&F meetings. We are a passionate group, and strive to maintain good communication and transfer of information from school to parents and to assist the school as best we can to be able to offer our kids great opportunities. We meet monthly at 7.30pm on a Tuesday in the Bayview staff room – see the school calendar for dates. We regularly invite staff as guest speakers to our meetings. We are happy to have issues of concern to you on our agenda for discussion. All Welcome. Sue Breedon: [email protected] Trish Anderson: [email protected] Lynne Georgiardis: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web Site: Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 Young Researchers On 19 and 20 May 21 students from Years 8-10 attended a two day workshop at the NGV International called The Young Researchers Program. Williamstown High School has had a long relationship with this NGV program, and this year we were the only school invited to send a group of students. This year’s focus was on the newly opened Winter Masterpiece exhibition. Italian Masterpieces from Spain’s Royal Court, Museo del Prado Drawn from the magnificent collection of the Museo del Prado, Madrid, this exhibition of over 100 works presents a rich selection of paintings and drawings spanning 300 years of Italian art, from the early sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Students were firstly given a talk about the artworks and background before viewing the exhibition. The remainder of the two days was dedicated to then creating their own artworks in response to the exhibition as well as having a go at using tools that these artists would have used in their own art making. Students worked with two education officers who lead them through all the different activities. From all reports the students had a fantastic time, immersed in the creative process and learning about the art and artists from the different styles and times in Italy. Email: [email protected] Web Site: Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 Paint the Gardens During Term One our Year 7 classes were involved in creating paintings and drawings inspired by the Williamstown Botanical Gardens. We entered about 30 student’s work into the ‘Paint the Gardens’ competition held in the Williamstown Botanical Gardens during the last school holidays. Congratulations to both Julian Batch for his first prize in the junior entry and Liam Callen for his highly commended award. Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Email: [email protected] Issue 3 - May 2014 Web Site: Williamstown High School Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Issue 3 - May 2014 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Issue 3 - May 2014 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Issue 3 - May 2014 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Issue 3 - May 2014 ATTENTION ALL INDONESIAN STUDENTS Williamstown High School is welcoming our Indonesian sibling school Labschool Kebayoran From 1st September to 12th September, 2014 With Would you like to HOST a student? It is a GREAT experience for the whole family. You will... * have the chance to get to learn about Indonesia and practise your language skills! * make new friends who you can stay in contact with after the visit * offer an Indonesian student the chance to experience typical family life in Australia * gain a greater understanding of the benefits of learning Indonesian! Host families will receive a stipend to assist with hosting For further information - please contact: Lynn Smith – Regional Manager AIIU Western Victoria. Phone 0427 507 990 or 5248 5066 Or let your Indonesian teacher know that you are interested in hosting! Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899 Williamstown High School Bayview Street Campus: 9399 9228 Issue 3 - May 2014 Pasco Street Campus: 9397 1899
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