New Method for Production of Solar
New Method for Production of Solar
Materials Transactions, Vol. 50, No. 12 (2009) pp. 2873 to 2878 #2009 The Japan Institute of Metals EXPRESS REGULAR ARTICLE New Method for Production of Solar-Grade Silicon by Subhalide Reduction Kouji Yasuda1; *1 , Kunio Saegusa2 and Toru H. Okabe1; *2 1 2 Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan Tsukuba Research Laboratory, Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd., Tsukuba 300-3294, Japan In this study, a new method for producing Si, called ‘‘halidothermic reduction’’, was investigated with the purpose of producing solar-grade silicon (SOG-Si); by this method, SiCl4 was reduced by gaseous subhalide used as the reductant. Si was produced by reacting SiCl4 with Al subhalides, which were produced by reacting AlCl3 with metallic Al. Fibrous Si with diameters ranging from submicrons to several tens of micrometers was deposited as a result of halidothermic reduction of SiCl4 by an Al subchloride (AlClx ) reductant at 1273 K. The size of Si deposits and the reaction rate were increased by simultaneously supplying AlCl3 and SiCl4 vapors to a reaction tube holding Al metal. The impurity level of the obtained Si was found to be lower than the detection limit of X-ray fluorescence. Halidothermic reduction is suitable for producing high-purity Si since all reactants and byproducts exist in the vapor phase. Further, this process has high productivity since the overall reaction is a highly scalable metallothermic reduction reaction. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.M2009260] (Received July 31, 2009; Accepted September 24, 2009; Published November 25, 2009) Keywords: high-purity silicon, solar-grade silicon, polycrystalline silicon, smelting, reduction process, metallothermic reduction, subhalide 1. Introduction In the last few decades, the Siemens process1) has been most commonly used for manufacturing high-purity silicon (Si); the Komatsu process2) has also been used for this purpose, albeit to a lesser extent. High-purity Si used in solar cells (SOG-Si; solar-grade Si, 6N purity) has been supplied only from the off-grade portion of semiconductor-grade Si (SEG-Si, 12N purity) manufactured by the Siemens process. The use of solar cells has increased significantly in the 21st century. The global production volume of photovoltaic (PV) cells has been increasing at the rate of 40% per year, reaching a value of 6,941 MW in 2008.3,4) Moreover, the global production volume of polycrystalline Si reached 57,400 tons in 2008; this is expected to double in the present decade.4,5) This increased production of PV cells and polycrystalline Si has resulted in serious shortages in SOG-Si supply, and this has severely retarded the growth of the PV industry. The main factor responsible for the shortage in SOG-Si supply is the low productivity of the conventional processes used for manufacturing high-purity Si. This is because these processes are batch-type processes, involve slow reactions, and have low energy efficiency. The reactions involved in conventional Si production processes are thermal decomposition and/or hydrogen (H2 ) reduction of silane gases such as trichlorosilane (SiHCl3 ) and silane (SiH4 ). Hence, in order to meet the growing demand for SOG-Si, it is necessary to develop a new SOG-Si production process that has high productivity. Various methods for SOG-Si production/Si purification have been developed and improved by researchers in order to improve the current process. These methods are as follows:6,7) (1) thermal decomposition and/or H2 reduction of silane gases by improving the existing Si production methods that are based on the Siemens process;8–11) (2) metallothermic reduction of Si halide compounds by zinc (Zn), aluminum (Al), and sodium (Na);12–15) (3) upgrading metallurgical-grade Si (MG-Si, 98–99% purity) via metallurgical purification methods.16–20) Among the pyrometallurgical processes used for SOG-Si production, metallothermic reduction has very high productivity when high-purity Si compounds and reductants are available. The reductant used for the production of SOG-Si via metallothermic reduction must be highly pure and should not form intermetallic compounds with Si; further, the byproducts formed in this reaction and the unreacted reductant should be easily separable from the reaction mixture. Practically, Zn13,15) and Al14,15) are the only reductants that satisfy the aforementioned conditions and are suitable for use in the production of high-purity Si. Besides metallothermic reduction, thermal decomposition1,2,8–11,21,22) and disproportionation23,24) can also be used to produce SOG-Si from Si compounds. Herein, we report a new method denoted as ‘‘halidothermic reduction’’, which is based on subhalide reduction and uses a gaseous subhalide as the reductant, for SOG-Si production. A subhalide is the halide of a low-valence metal having multiple valence states and is stable under a reducing atmosphere. For example, the highest valence state of titanium (Ti) is +4, and titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4 ) is stable in the Ti–Cl system at a certain temperature and chlorine potential. In addition to TiCl4 , titanium dichloride (TiCl2 ) and titanium trichloride (TiCl3 ) exist as stable subchlorides under a reducing atmosphere. The general reaction involved in the production of a metal M from its halide (MX) by metallothermic reduction using a reductant R is MX þ R ! M þ RXn ; where X is a halogen, and n is the highest valence number of M. When a subhalide RXm (m < n) is used as the reductant instead of R, the following halidothermic reduction occurs: MX þ RXm ! M þ RXn ðm < nÞ *1Present address: New Process Development Department, Osaka Titanium Technologies Co., Ltd., Amagasaki 660-8533, Japan *2Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected] ð1Þ ð2Þ Several patents concerning metal production using subhalides as reductants have been published previously;25–27) K. Yasuda, K. Saegusa and T. H. Okabe Carbon Carbothermal reduction CO, CO2 Metallurgical-grade Si (2N purity) Cl2 Chlorination Electrolysis of AlCl3 Crude SiCl4 (+ FeCl3, AlCl3) Purification of SiCl4 1.0 (a) Silica ore Partial pressure of i, pi / atm 2874 FeCl3, AlCl3 AlCl3 (g ) 0.8 Ptotal = 1 atm aAl = 1 (Al metal existence) 0.6 0.4 AlCl (g ) 0.2 AlCl2 (g ) Al AlCl3 Reduction of SiCl4 by AlClx This study Polycrystalline Si (6N purity) Fig. 1 Flowchart of the new method for polycrystalline Si production using Al subchloride as a reductant (halidothermic reduction). Polycrystalline Si is produced by the reduction of SiCl4 using Al subchlorides. The byproduct (AlCl3 ) is recovered, and a part of it is electrolyzed to obtain Al metal and Cl2 gas. Al metal is used for the production of Al subchlorides, and Cl2 gas is used for the chlorination of metallurgical-grade Si. however, experimental verification of the availability of subhalides has not yet been reported. In 1998, Uda et al. experimentally demonstrated that TiCl2 can be reduced to Ti by halidothermic reduction using a liquid subhalide, DyCl2 dissolved in a NaCl–KCl melt, as the reductant.28) However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no report on the use of a gaseous subhalide for halidothermic reduction. On the basis of our technical discussions,29–31) we attempted to develop a new method for producing Si via halidothermic reduction using a gaseous subhalide. We selected SiCl4 as the Si compound since it is the easiest to handle among all Si halides. We selected aluminum subchloride (AlClx , x ¼ 1 or 2) as the reductant because Al has low affinity for Si; hence, no intermetallic compound is formed in the Si–Al system.32) The reaction involved in Si production by halidothermic reduction is SiCl4ðgÞ þ AlClxðgÞ ! SiðsÞ þ AlClyðgÞ ðx < y 3Þ: ð3Þ Figure 1 shows the flowchart of the proposed process, which involves four major steps: chlorination of Si, reduction of SiCl4 , electrolysis of the byproduct AlCl3 , and production of AlClx . Metallic Si is produced by the reduction of SiCl4 by AlClx . A part of the byproduct AlCl3 is subjected to electrolysis in order to reproduce Al metal and Cl2 gas. Al metal is used for producing AlClx , and Cl2 gas is used for producing SiCl4 by chlorination of MG-Si. In this paper, the halidothermic reduction of SiCl4 to Si by AlClx reductant was experimentally verified, and its feasibility to SOG-Si was demonstrated. 2. 1000 1100 1200 1300 Temperature, T / K 1400 1500 (b) SiCl4 Thermodynamic Analysis In the mid 20th century, extensive investigations were carried out on the nature of the Al–Cl system in order to Standard Gibbs energy of formation, ∆G f0 ( = RT lnpCl2 ) / kJ (mol·Cl2)-1 AlClx Al2Cl6 (g ) 0 900 Production of AlClx -150 -200 Si + Cl2 = SiCl 2 2/3 Si + Cl2 = 2/3 SiCl3 -250 1/2 Si + 2 Al -300 -350 l /3 Al 2C 6 Cl 2 = 1 2/3 Al + -400 900 1000 1100 + Cl 2 Al + Cl2 = AlCl2 Cl 2 = 1/2 SiCl 4 =2A lCl l 2/3 Al + Cl2 = 2/3 AlC 3 1200 1300 1400 1500 Temperature, T / K Fig. 2 Thermodynamic properties of Al subchlorides. (a) Equilibrium vapor pressure of Al chlorides.44) The vapor pressure is calculated under the conditions that the gases equilibrate with Al metal and the total pressure of the system is 1 atm. (b) Ellingham diagram for Si chlorides and Al chlorides.44) develop a new method for refining Al metal using a subhalide (subhalide refining or the Gross process33,34)). In subhalide refining, AlClx is produced from AlCl3 and low-purity Al, and pure Al is then produced by disproportionation of AlClx . According to previous reports on subhalide refining, the disproportionation reaction is carried out between 1013 K and 1573 K.33–43) Figure 2(a) shows the partial gas pressure in the Al–Cl system calculated from the thermochemical data44) under the conditions that the total pressure of the system is 1 atm and metallic Al exists in the system. Below 1100 K, AlCl3 and its dimer Al2 Cl6 are stable in the gas phase. The stability of AlClx (x ¼ 1; 2) increases with temperature, particularly above 1150 K. At temperatures above 1150 K, as shown in the Ellingham diagram for chlorides (Fig. 2(b)), AlClx (x ¼ 1; 2) reduces SiCl4 to Si according to reactions (4) and (5). SiCl4ðgÞ þ 2AlClðgÞ ¼ SiðsÞ þ 2AlCl3ðgÞ ð4Þ G ¼ 229 kJ at 1300 K44Þ SiCl4ðgÞ þ 4AlCl2ðgÞ ¼ SiðsÞ þ 4AlCl3ðgÞ G ¼ 292 kJ at 1300 K44Þ ð5Þ From thermodynamic considerations, Si subchlorides (SiCl2 and SiCl3 ) are expected to be produced along with metallic Si during halidothermic reduction. However, these Si chlorides are also reduced to Si by AlClx if a sufficient amount of New Method for Production of Solar-Grade Silicon by Subhalide Reduction metallic Al exists in the system. As indicated in reactions (4) and (5), Si formation by halidothermic reduction proceeds with a large chemical driving force, whereas the conventional Siemens process involves the following thermodynamically unfavorable reactions: SiHCl3ðgÞ þ H2ðgÞ ¼ SiðsÞ þ 3HClðgÞ ð6Þ 45Þ G ¼ +36.1 kJ at 1400 K 4SiHCl3ðgÞ ¼ SiðsÞ þ 3SiCl4ðgÞ þ 2H2ðgÞ G ¼ 56:3 kJ at 1400 K45Þ 3. ð7Þ Methods The production of AlClx and the reduction of SiCl4 by AlClx at 1273 K are experimentally demonstrated for verification of the feasibility of Si production by halidothermic reduction. Figure 3 shows the schematic illustration of the experimental setup consisting of an AlClx production part and a SiCl4 reduction part. In the AlClx production part, AlClx is produced by the reaction between AlCl3 vapors supplied from tube (A) and liquid Al in crucible (1) placed at the bottom of the quartz reaction tube. In the reduction part, SiCl4 vapors are reduced by gaseous AlClx to form solid Si and AlCl3 gas, as shown in reactions (4) and (5). Both these reactions are performed at 1273 K for 2 h. For recovery of Si, crucible (2) is placed beneath the outlet of the (Ar + SiCl4 ) gas supply tube (B). Vapor of AlCl3 was supplied to the SiO2 reaction tube (45 mm 42 mm 450 mm length) via an Ar gas stream (flow rate: 50 sccm) successively through the AlCl3 -containing tube and the reaction tube represented as tube (A) in Fig. 3. Vapor of AlCl3 was generated by heating AlCl3 powder (1.367 g, 5:07 102 mol, 99.99% purity) in a glass tube maintained at 433 K by a ribbon heater. Silicon tetrachloride was supplied via an Ar gas stream (flow rate: 50 sccm) into the SiCl4 -containing bottle and then to the reaction tube represented as tube (B) in Fig. 3. Vapor of SiCl4 was generated from liquid SiCl4 (3.22 g, 1:90 102 mol, 99.998% purity) in a glass bottle maintained at 275 K in a thermostat bath. A mixture of Ar and AlCl3 vapors AlClx SiCl4 reduction production part part Quartz tube Heater Quartz tube Al metal Carbon crucible (2) Carbon crucible(1) Tube (A) Ar + AlCl3 (+ SiCl4) Tube (B) Ar + SiCl4 Outlet Fig. 3 Schematic illustration of the experimental setup for polycrystalline Si production by halidothermic reduction. Al subchlorides (AlClx ) are produced by the reaction between AlCl3 and Al metal at 1273 K in the AlClx production part of the set up. Si is produced by reducing SiCl4 gas with AlClx gas in the SiCl4 reduction part of the set up. During in situ subhalide production/reduction, SiCl4 is supplied in the form of a mixture of Ar, AlCl3 , and SiCl4 directly through tube (A) to the AlClx production part. In this experiment, no gas is flown through tube (B). 2875 was flown to the bottom of the reaction tube, and a mixture of Ar and SiCl4 vapors was flown into the part of the tube that was 50 mm away from the bottom. Aluminum grains (6.65 g, 4:98 102 mol, diameter: 2–5 mm, 99.99% purity) were taken in a graphite crucible (32 mm 28 mm 10 mm depth/15 mm height). The Al grains were placed at the bottom of the reaction tube. At the beginning of the experiment, the atmosphere was maintained by flowing Ar gas through the AlCl3 supply tube at a rate of 50 sccm; the AlCl3 powder was maintained at room temperature during this stage. The reaction tube was inserted into an electric furnace; the furnace was then heated from room temperature for 3 h, and the temperature of the Al grains was maintained at 1273 K. Then, AlCl3 vapors were generated by heating solid AlCl3 to 433 K. Simultaneously, SiCl4 was supplied from the SiCl4 -containing bottle via an Ar gas flow. During in situ subhalide production/reduction, a mixture of Ar, AlCl3 , and SiCl4 vapors was supplied through tube (A), and no gas was flown through tube (B). After 2 h, the temperature of AlCl3 was decreased, and Ar gas supply to the SiCl4 containing bottle was stopped. At the end of the reaction, all the liquid SiCl4 evaporated, while a small amount of AlCl3 powder remained in the tube. The obtained samples were analyzed by XRD (Rigaku Corp., Cu-K line, RINT 2500), SEM (JEOL Co., Ltd., 15 kV, JSM-5600LV), and XRF (JEOL Co., Ltd., JSX-3210). 4. Results and Discussions Figure 4(a) shows the reaction tube and the crucibles after the 2-hour reaction. The inner wall of the quartz reaction tube in the AlClx production part was initially transparent; however, the color of the wall turned brown after the experiment. White AlCl3 deposits were seen on the inner walls of the quartz tube near its open end, i.e., AlCl3 , a byproduct of the halidothermic reduction reaction, was deposited on the low-temperature part of the reaction tube (sublimation temperature of AlCl3 is 454.1 K44)). Brown deposits were found adhered onto the surfaces of crucibles (1) and (2). Crucible (1) was used in the AlClx production part and was located downstream of the gas flow (Fig. 4(c)), while crucible (2) was used in the reduction part (Fig. 4(b)) and was located upstream of the gas flow. Even in the case of crucible (1), the brown deposit was found apart from the Al grains, which indicates that the deposit was produced in a gas-phase reaction. Both of these deposits were revealed as crystalline Si by X-ray diffraction (XRD) (Fig. 5(a)). X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis revealed the presence of only Si in the deposit, thereby confirming the formation of highpurity metallic Si without Al contamination. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images revealed the fibrous nature of the obtained Si (Figs. 5(b) and 5(c)); the fibers had lengths of several tens of micrometers and diameters of 100– 300 nm. These deposits were not produced when AlCl3 was not supplied to the reaction tube. Si deposition in the AlClx production part was probably due to the backflow of SiCl4 into it. Thermodynamic analysis revealed that SiCl4 was the major gaseous component in the Si–Cl system and that Si subchlorides hardly existed under the experimental conditions employed in this study (SiCl2 : 0.02 atm, SiCl3 : 2876 K. Yasuda, K. Saegusa and T. H. Okabe (a) AlClx Reduction production part part (b) (c) Crucible (2) Reduction part Crucible (1) AlClx production part Fig. 4 Photographs of the reaction tube and crucibles after the reaction. (a) The reaction tube. (b) Crucible (2) used in the SiCl4 reduction part. (c) Crucible (1) used in the AlClx production part. The reaction is carried out at 1273 K for 2 h. Ar/SiCl4 , and Ar/AlCl3 mixtures are supplied via two separate tubes. (a) Intensity / a.u. × Si 20 : #27-1402 × × × 40 60 2 theta / degree (Cu-K α) (b) × × 80 (c) 5 µm 5 µm Fig. 5 Characterization of Si deposits obtained by halidothermic reduction. (a) XRD pattern of the obtained Si deposits. (b) and (c) SEM images of the obtained Si deposits. The reaction is carried out at 1273 K for 2 h. Ar/SiCl4 , and Ar/AlCl3 mixtures are supplied via two separate tubes. New Method for Production of Solar-Grade Silicon by Subhalide Reduction (a) 2877 (b) SiO2 reaction tube Inlet gas tube (A) Ar + AlCl3 + SiCl4 mixed gas Graphite crucible Si deposit Remaining Al (c) Top part of deposit 10 µm (d) Boundary part with Al metal 30 µm Fig. 6 Characterization of Si deposits obtained by in situ subhalide production/reduction. (a) Photograph and (b) schematic illustration of the perpendicular section of crucible (1) after the experiment. (c) SEM image of the Si grains in the topmost layer of the deposits. Columnar Si grains are produced by halidothermic reduction. (d) SEM image of Si deposited at the boundary with Al metal. Spherical Si grains are produced by an aluminothermic reduction. The reaction is carried out at 1273 K for 2 h. A mixture of Ar, SiCl4 , and AlCl3 is supplied via a single tube. 0.005 atm).44) Therefore, the amount of Si produced by disproportionation of SiCl2 and SiCl3 was considerably smaller than that produced by halidothermic reduction, although these disproportionation reactions were likely to proceed as side reactions. The experimental results shown here confirm that the deposited Si is produced from the reduction of SiCl4 by AlClx , thereby confirming the feasibility of Si production by halidothermic reduction. We also demonstrated the feasibility of ‘‘in-situ subhalide production/reduction’’, in which AlCl3 and SiCl4 vapors are simultaneously supplied by an Ar gas stream to the Al metal via tube (A). In this reaction, SiCl4 is reduced in the gas phase by gaseous AlClx , which is produced in the vicinity of the area where the reaction between Al and AlCl3 occurs in crucible (1) (Fig. 3). As shown in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b), Si is deposited just above the Al metal in crucible (1). The topmost layer of the Si deposits is at a higher level than the layer of the original Al grains; this indicates that Si is formed as a result of a gas-phase reaction and not because of the physical contact between Al metal and SiCl4 gas. As can be seen in Fig. 6(c), the topmost layer of the Si deposits comprises columnar Si grains (diameter: 10–20 mm; length: 100– 300 mm). These grains are larger in size than those produced when AlCl3 and SiCl4 vapors are separately supplied. The morphology of the Si grains produced herein is characteristic of the product formed by halidothermic reduction. The Al content in the Si deposits was less than the detection limit of XRF. The sample recovered from the vicinity of Al in the tube is identified by XRD and XRF to be a mixture of metallic Si and metallic Al (composition: 73.3 at% Si; 26.7 at% Al). In this part, SiCl4 is directly reduced to Si by Al metal. The Si deposits obtained in this case comprise spherical grains (Fig. 6(d)). The morphology of these Si grains is identical to that of the Si grains produced when SiCl4 is reacted with Al metal in the absence of AlCl3 vapors. The spherical morphology of the Si grains probably results from solidification of the liquid Si–Al alloy formed at high temperatures. These experimental results clarified that in-situ subhalide production/reduction is advantageous due to the accelerated reaction rate and increased Si size. In this regard, the Al remained as a solid solution should be removed by refining treatments such as directional solidification. Halidothermic reduction is advantageous for SOG-Si production because in this reaction, the reactants (SiCl4 and AlClx ) and byproducts (AlCl3 , SiCl2 , and SiCl3 ) are in the vapor phase; hence, the product (Si) can be easily separated from the byproducts and the unreacted reductant. Further, contamination of the produced Si by the byproducts and unreacted reductant can be avoided. Moreover, pure Si is produced in large productivity in the halidothermic reduction under the Al metal existence because the overall reaction is an efficient metallothermic reduction process. On the basis of 2878 K. Yasuda, K. Saegusa and T. H. Okabe the new Si production method investigated in this study, a high-speed and continuous reduction process can be designed by utilizing the powdery morphology of the Si deposits. In the near future, high-purity SiCl4 is expected to become an important raw material for SOG-Si production because it is produced in large quantities as a byproduct in the Siemens process, which will continue to be an essential process for the production of ultra-high-purity SEG-Si. 5. Summary The recent increase in the production of solar cells has resulted in a shortage of solar-grade Si, which is widely used in these cells. High-purity Si is produced by thermal decomposition/hydrogen reduction reactions such as the Siemens process. However, since such processes have low productivity, alternative processes for producing solar-grade Si have been investigated. Here, we present a new method for producing Si, called ‘‘halidothermic reduction’’, in which subhalide reduction is carried out using gaseous subhalide as the reductant. Si is produced by reacting SiCl4 with gaseous Al subhalides, which are produced by reacting AlCl3 with metallic Al. Through fundamental studies at 1273 K, Si fibers with diameters ranging from submicrons to several tens of micrometers are obtained by halidothermic reduction. The impurity level of the obtained Si is lower than the detection limit of X-ray fluorescence (XRF). This process affords highpurity Si since all the reactants and byproducts exist in the vapor phase. Further, this process has high productivity since the overall reaction is a highly scalable metallothermic reduction reaction. This method is expected to be an effective alternative route for the production of solar-grade Si. Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Professor Kazuki Morita, Institute of Industrial Science of the University of Tokyo, and Dr. Naoyuki Goto, Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd., for fruitful discussions. The authors gratefully acknowledge Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. for their financial support. REFERENCES 1) H. Schweickert, K. Reuschel and H. Gutsche: U.S. Patent, US3,011,877 (1961). 2) Y. Yatsurugi, A. Yusa and N. Takahashi: Japanese Patent Applications, JPA1978–106626 (1978). 3) P. D. Maycock (eds): PV NEWS, (PV Energy Systems, Inc., Warrenton). 4) S. Nakamura (eds): Industrial Rare Metals, Annual Review 2008, Vol. 124 (Arumu Publish Co., Tokyo, 2008). 5) S. Nakamura (eds): Rare Metal News, (Arumu Publish Co., Tokyo). 6) K. Yasuda, K. Morita and T. H. Okabe: J. MMIJ (2009) submitted. 7) K. Yasuda and T. H. Okabe: J. Japan Inst. Metals (2009) submitted. 8) H. S. N. Setty, C. L. 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