MedDX Thermacor Rigid Secondary Absorbent Clamshell
MedDX Thermacor Rigid Secondary Absorbent Clamshell
MedDX Thermacor Rigid Secondary Absorbent Clamshell Products Components Sample Collec=on Kits Product Code Case Qty. Descrip;on Designed to carry: TH032 500 Ecotherm 1 x BD/Greiner Blood Tube/10ml Vial TH003C 300 Thermacor 003C 1 x 30ml Universal Vial TH028 210 Thermacor 028 3 x BD/Greiner Blood Tube/10ml Vials TH030 300 Thermacor 030 2 x BD/Greiner Blood Tube or 2 x 3ml Vials Guidance MedDX holds a wide range of Thermacor tube/vial moulds, please let us know your requirements and we will be pleased to advise the most suitable Thermacor product MedDX’s patented thermoformed super absorbent lined clamshell is supplied in a range of moulds designed to hold an assortment of primary containers, from single blood vials to mul;ple sample containers. This award winning component is the perfect solu;on when collec;ng predetermined primary containers, which is typical for screening and monitoring processes. The MedDX Thermacor is simple and intui;ve to use, unpack and re-‐pack and reduces the number of kit/packaging components, thus simplifying the end user experience, leading to beDer sample returns to the laboratory. If there is not an exis;ng Thermacor to suit the primary combina;on being sent MedDX will be pleased to inves;gate the op;on of producing a bespoke mould that meets your needs.
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