Saying Goodbye is Hard to Do
Saying Goodbye is Hard to Do
HMC Hospice of Medina County and HMC Barberton Hospice & Palliative Care Listening, Guiding, Compassionately Reaching Out T h eT hReo b tson Bereavem entent Center H MC Reorber tson Bereavem Center CONTENTS: Saying Goodbye is Hard to Do Beth McGuire, Director of Bereavement Services pg. 2-3 • Board of Trustees The Robertson Bereavement Center Staff on the move: • The 2011 Memorial Observance Beth McGuire, Director; Gerri Sagan, Social Worker; Nancy Alden, Art Therapist; Kristen Thornton, Social Worker; Pam Richardson, Administrative Assistant • New Volunteer Training • Upcoming Grief Education Workshops - Suicide: A Time to Speak, A Time to Heal - A Scrapbook of Memories - Grief Education Workshop - Circle of Friends • Welcome, Nancy Alden pg. 4-5 • Memorials, Honors & Donations April - June, 2011 pg. 6-7 • Sam’s New Knee meets HMC BridgesHome Health Care • We Honor Veterans •New Resources at HMC The RBC Library • Are All My Buttons Red? Thoughts from a Caregiver Book Review 7 9 7 N or t h Co u r t M ed ina , O h i o 4 4 2 5 6 800.700.4771 330.722.4771 [email protected] July 2011 Newsletter Last fall, my husband and I survived a major kitchen remodeling project that took about six weeks to complete. Before we even began this project, many decisions had to be made - not only about how the new kitchen would look but about what to keep, what to throw out and what to give away. One of the hardest decisions I made was to give away some of my deceased mother’s dishes – the ones I had not used since she died but kept packing and unpacking every time I moved. I knew it was time to release them, but it was not easy. Why is it so hard to relinquish our loved one’s possessions? Probably because each piece holds a memory and every time we eliminate something, it feels as if we are tossing a piece of them away, too. Our memories are precious and hold enormous value – they remind us not only of who our loved ones once were but who we have now become. That’s why moving, no matter how much we might look forward to it, can be a time of grief as we discard objects and recall memories of a time now gone. When working with bereaved people who struggle with letting go of possessions, I encourage them to catalogue their treasured memories associated with these things and share them with others. In preparation for our big move to the new Hospice Center, hospice, home care and bereavement staff have sorted through all our papers, books, desk drawers, file cabinets and bookshelves eliminating those things we no longer need. Each item contains a precious memory collected over the years: business cards from colleagues at various conferences with whom we shared great ideas; saved thank you notes from families; what’s left of a roll of “Fragile: Handle with Care” stickers we give to people who are grieving; stuffed animals, playdough, books and a small bottle of bubbles for apprehensive children who come to The Bereavement Center; used candles from long ago group closing ceremonies. What do we take? What do we discard? Throughout this process, we recall our history – where we began, previous moves made and the growth we have experienced over the years. There is an excitement about moving to a new larger facility as we joke about whose lap the new employee will sit on in our current overcrowded space. But there is also a sadness about moving out of this place where we are so close we can just roll a chair a few feet and easily talk to the person next to us. How will we continue to stay connected with one another in this new place? Like many of life’s transitions, moving is stressful even as we look forward it. As we move across town to our shiny new location we not only carry desks, chairs and books, we also carry memories of our patients, families, staff and community members. We say goodbye to the overcrowded space we complain about, but which also provides us comfort in the rituals to which we have grown accustomed. We say hello to a new space and new opportunities for growth. We leave behind brick and mortar but we take with us all our memories as we find new ways to stay connected with one another. May our new space be as much a blessing as the space we now leave. The 2011 Memorial Observance BOARD OF TRUSTEES Don P o e s t P r e s i d e n t Each year, HMC The Robertson Bereavement Center hosts a Memorial Observance for families and friends of the patients of HMC Hospice of Medina County and HMC Barberton Hospice & Palliative Care. The observance includes a heartfelt interfaith service, reading of the patients’ names and tree seedlings to be planted in honor and memory of loved ones. Cind y S t e e b We are grateful to our families, friends and staff, as well as Holy Martyrs Catholic Church, Medina, for hosting this year’s Memorial Observance. Trac i e R o s e Art Therapist Nancy Alden helps Ken Jones light a candle in memory of his wife, Shelley V i c e P r e s i d e n t S e c r e t a r y An dy Dunham T r e a s u r e r D al e B oehnle i n Bi l l B oy le Jani Dav is Al i ce Dent on Joyc e G iles John G ors ek Pe t er Hans en C harlie K ay Wi l l iam Laux C . Ric hard Ly n h a m Ste phen Mc I l v a i n e John Nic hola s C urt is P erk in s Wi l l iam Youn g P at S tr o p ko -O ’ Leary Executive Director B et h M cGu ire Director of Bereavement Services Newsletter Staff Janie Parish, Editor Ann Krizay, Graphics Assistance, hype, LLC 2 New Volunteer Training According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than a quarter of the population experience firsthand the benefits of volunteering each year. Among its many benefits, volunteering provides an opportunity to create a meaningful, positive impact while meeting new people, learning new skills, experiencing a strong sense of purpose, and even reaping health benefits such as lowered depression levels. More than 30 years ago, volunteers in and around Medina County who were dedicated to the hospice concept helped to create what would later become HMC Hospice of Medina County. Volunteers are still a vital piece of the hospice care team, and as such, HMC Hospice of Medina County is recruiting directcare volunteers to visit patients in their homes, nursing facilities and hospitals. Duties often include providing companionship, respite time for caregivers, reading to patients, running errands, writing letters and various tasks to assist patients and families. Recently, male patients have requested male volunteers to share their personal experiences in the war, golfing, hunting and fishing. Office volunteers are also needed. As a part of our We Honor Veterans program, Volunteer Veterans are especially needed to support other Veterans who are terminally ill and take part in our Veterans pinning ceremonies. New volunteers receive eight weeks of training, learning the hospice philosophy, concepts of death and dying, techniques of communication with patients and families and policies and procedures of HMC Hospice of Medina County and HMC Barberton Hospice & Palliative Care. New volunteer trainings scheduled for: HMC Hospice of Medina County Tuesdays September 6 - October 25, 2011 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. HMC Barberton Hospice & Palliative Care Thursdays September 1 - October 20, 2011 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Minimum age to volunteer is 16. To schedule an interview, contact Wendy Klubnik, Volunteer Coordinator, at 330.722.4771, or email: [email protected] New Resources at HMC The RBC Library “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. ” ~ From the Broadway play, Annie (These books and videos are recent additions to the shelves of HMC The Robertson Bereavement Center’s lending library. Many of these resources are generously donated by the Medina County District Library.) General Grief Children Annie Freeman’s Fabulous Traveling Funeral Author: Kris Radish I Know I Made it Happen Author: Lynn Bennett Blackburn Living & Dying What Happens When Someone Dies? A Child’s Guide to Death and Funerals Author: Michaelene Mundy Are All My Buttons Red? Thoughts from a Caregiver Author: Brenda Wiseman Children’s Books for Adults Talk, Listen, Connect: Deployments (DVD) Sesame Street Workshop Helping Kids Heal Author: Rebecca Carman, CSW Meditation Spiritual The Art of Losing: Poems of Grief & Healing Edited by Kevin Young The Cross Gardener Author: Jason F. Wright Parental Death Fatherless Women Author: Clea Simon Bereaved Parents Tragic Death Finding Your Way After the Suicide of Someone You Love Authors: David Biebel & Suzanne Foster Empty Cradle, Broken Heart Author: Deborah Davis, Ph. D. Are All My Buttons Red? Thoughts from a Caregiver Author: Brenda Wiseman Donated and reviewed by Judy Cross If you are, or have been or are going to be a caregiver, then take some time to read this small-in-size but big-in-ideas book by someone who has been there. It contains excerpts from a journal the author kept during the years she took care of her father and mother, reflections since they both have died, and some suggestions for how to deal with being a caregiver. Brenda Wiseman, the author, says the most important thing she wants people to get from the book is to know that you are not alone, and happily, a woman who read the book this week says the first thing she took from the book is “you are not alone.” July 2011 Newsletter 7 We Honor Veterans HMC Hospice of Medina County and HMC Barberton Hospice & Palliative Care recently achieved Level One as a national partner of We Honor Veterans, a pioneering campaign developed by the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in collaboration with the Department of Veteran Affairs. This achievement required conducting three different Veteran-specific presentations for staff and volunteers. Pleasant View Health Care Center, Barberton, hosted a special We Honor Veterans pinning ceremony for 17 Veterans on May 27, 2011 just in time for Memorial Day The We Honor Veterans campaign recognizes organizations that have shown a commitment to improving care for Veterans. By understanding the unique needs of our nation’s Veterans who are facing a terminal illness, HMC Hospice of Medina County and HMC Barberton Hospice & Palliative Care are able to accompany and guide Veterans and their families toward a more peaceful ending. Additionally, in cases where there are specific needs related to the Veterans military service, combat experience or other traumatic events, HMC Hospice of Medina County and HMC Barberton Hospice & Palliative Care now have the tools to help support those patients more effectively. We Honor Veterans focuses on respectful inquiry, compassionate listening and grateful acknowledgement, as well as education for the staff caring for Veterans. This campaign also includes a special pinning ceremony where Volunteer Veterans honor Veterans who are hospice patients. Hospice of Medina County is creating an overarching brand that incorporates “HMC” at the beginning of all of its names, including Barberton Hospice & Palliative Care, BridgesHome Health Care, Hospice of Medina County at The Inn, The Robertson Bereavement Center and Life’s Treasures Thrift Shop. The name change clarifies who we are and reflects our growth, unifies our organization and reinforces the reach of our services. Sam’s New Knee meets HMC BridgesHome Health Care Every time Sam pulled his car into the garage, the sight of his beloved bicycle brought a sigh of sadness. For years, Sam, a retired 68 year-old auto mechanic, looked forward to the days when he could ride his bicycle any time that time and weather permitted. Unfortunately, about the same time that Sam retired, his knee pain began to bother him to the point that it interfered with his daily activities, including biking and even sleeping. His doctor ordered several different treatment options and they gave the treatments sufficient time to work but nothing worked to give Sam relief. After much research and consideration, Sam and his doctor agreed on knee replacement surgery. Knee replacement surgery is a surgical procedure for people with severe knee damage. The damaged knee can be caused by, most commonly, osteoarthritis or other forms of arthritis that can also lead to deterioration in the knee joint. Fractures, torn cartilage and torn ligaments can cause irreversible damage to the knee joint over the years, as well. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), there are about 270,000 knee replacement operations performed each year in the United States. Although about 70% of these operations are performed in people over the age of 65, a growing number of knee replacements are being done in younger patients. After your surgery, expect to spend three to seven days in the hospital, followed by several weeks of physical therapy to restore motion, strength and function. Before surgery, prepare for your recovery period. 6 The first few weeks require you to use crutches or a walker for protected weight bearing until the muscle has healed and recovered its strength. Most physicians recommend that someone stay with you when you are first discharged home to help with the activities of daily living. The assistance provided by a home health care agency makes the recovery period much easier for you and your caregivers. HMC BridgesHome Health Care offers the services of registered nurses, physical therapists, home health aides and social workers to assist in your recovery. Nurses work closely with your physician to make sure your pain medications and dosages are just right for you. HMC BridgesHome Health Care offers the services of a certified wound nurse to ensure your incision is healing as it should and is clear of infection. Physical therapists involved in your home health care provide individualized exercises and instructions to regain knee motion, as well as closely examine how safely and independently you are able to dress, bathe and care for yourself within the home environment. Home health aides assist with your personal care. Social workers are helpful in providing information for community resources and long-term planning. This summer, look for Sam on the Tow Path. After a great night’s sleep, he straps on his helmet and it’s off to an invigorating day of biking, all thanks to his knee replacement surgery. For home health care information, contact HMC BridgesHome Health Care, an extension of HMC Hospice of Medina County, at 330.764.1000 or visit the web site: Upcoming Grief Education Workshops We can all learn skills to do something a little better - no matter what the task - including learning a healthy way to deal with your grief. The professional staff at HMC The Robertson Bereavement Center is available to help you learn the skills you need for your grief journey. Below are the current group workshop offerings. These workshops are open to the public, whether or not your someone special was a patient of HMC Hospice of Medina County or HMC Barberton Hospice & Palliative Care. Please RSVP to HMC The Robertson Bereavement Center due to limited seating and planning purposes. Suicide: A Time to Speak, A Time to Heal A Scrapbook of Memories This six-week grief education workshop is held for those who have lost someone to suicide. Participants will receive support, understand the grief process, begin to understand the “why” of suicide and begin to find some answers. This four-week support group gives participants the opportunity to create a scrapbook of pictures, poems and mementos of their loved one, with instruction and supplies provided. Grief education and support is provided by one of our Bereavement Specialists. Mondays (except Labor Day) August 8 - September 19, 2011 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. HMC The Robertson Bereavement Center No fee Pre-registration requested by August 1 Tuesdays, September 6 - 27, 2011 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. HMC The Robertson Bereavement Center No fee Pre-registration requested by August 30 Grief Education Workshop This six-week workshop is designed for anyone who has experienced the death of someone within the past year. Tuesdays, October 4 - November 8, 2011 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. HMC The Robertson Bereavement Center No fee Pre-registration requested by September 27 WELCOME, NANCY ALDEN Registered and Board Certified Art Therapist Nancy Alden has joined the staff at HMC The Robertson Bereavement Center. Since 2003, Nancy has provided art therapy for community and hospice clients on a contract basis. She received her BFA in Art Education from Kent State University and her MA in Art Therapy from Vermont College. She has been registered with the American Art Therapy Association since 1986 and earned her Board Certification in 1994. Nancy has been certified as an art teacher in the state of Ohio since 1979 and recently completed a grief therapy class. She is ready to help grow the children/teens program at The Robertson Bereavement Center. July 2011 Newsletter Circle of Friends Annual Memorial Observance After the death of a close loved one, many people discover the importance of finding different avenues for meeting new friends, especially new friends with a common thread. For almost 80 people, Circle of Friends Social Dinner Group provides that avenue. This group is especially designed for people, ages 60+, who have experiencedWorkshop the loss of someone close Scrapbooking whether it’s a spouse or partner. The evening includes a delicious dinner, an entertaining program and, of course, friendship. Tuesdays (the second Tuesday of each month) Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Dinner - $13 No reservation required Call HMC The Robertson Bereavement Center for meeting location. Adult children are welcome to accompany their parent. 3 Memorials, Donations & Honors ~ April - June, 2011 In Memory of: Aberth, Marilyn Gene & Nancy Baumgardner Hamilton Stem Academy Summit Lapidary Club Aglinsky, Jacqueline Eileen Bell Marge Gorsline Marta Ivonovich Esther Murphy Char Morford Jan Poe Alice Prahst Andrews, Donald T. Akron Silver League Archer, Shirley Kathleen Kirschenheiter Thomas Creative Apparel Arnold, Robert Rosetta Arnold Bailey, Joyce Lisa Louy Baker, Maryann Doug & Bonnie Noderer Balog, Rita Jim & Carol Dovak Jim & Sharon May Laura Palcisko Rita Jean Wagar Batchelder, Jr., William G. Alex & Karen Arshinkoff Richard Baumgart Robert & Janet Berger George & Bambi Beshire Tom & Cindy Bloch David & Ann Brennan Bricker & Eckler, LLP Mark Brockway Ron & Barbara Brockway Larry & Barbara Broich Jim & Sharon Buchy J. Philip Calabrese & Mary Rebecca Bynum The Carson Family Pryor Cashman, LLP Ken & Pat Cleveland Columbus Partnership Deborah Cook Bill & Bev DeHaan Fedeli Family Charitable Foundation The Fedeli Group Bob & Linda Fenn Kathy Franco & The Netzley Family FirstEnergy Corporation Leslie & Sharon Fuller Kathryn Goff Victor & Elaine Goodman Joe Romau, Carol Caruso, Martin McGann: The Greater Cleveland Partnership Grove City College John & Sandra Gunner Ed & Lu Hall William Hartnett 4 Chuck & Suzanne Hawley Baker & Marylou Herbert Barbara Herwick Dean Holman Timothy Holston Homestead Insurance Agency Nancy Hudson William & Laura Hutson Charles & Charlene Hyle Nevada & Roberta Johnson Bob & Bonnie Joyce Charlotte, Jeffrey & Kris Karson David Kellogg Robert Latta Tom & Jean Lee Lorain County Republican Party Dave & Jean Marvin Conor McLaughlin Patrick & Christine McLaughlin Michelle McMillan Linda Myers NALS of Northeast Ohio Elaine Nichols Ohio Farmers Insurance Ohio Farmers Insurance Corporate Legal Department Ohio Farmers Insurance Board of Directors Ohio Manufacturers’ Association Ohio Oil & Gas Association Ohio State Building & Construction Trades Council James B. Palmquist, III Attorney at Law Jean Parker & Family Senator Tom Patton Rebecca Perez Dr. Wuu Jau Perng & Staff Jim & Nancy Petro Ginni Ragan Penny Rickard William & Kristine Rickett Margaret Rodgers Paul & Brenda Saldutte Rusty & Nancy Schaefer Gloria Schmelzer-Iverson Edward & Lois Schroeder Andy & Linda Schultz Marilyn Sechrist Marvin Sicherman Homer & Sandra Smith Dan & Lucy Sondles Peter Spitalieri Liz, Anne, & Jonathan Straight Andrew & Michelle Stronczer Ronald & Patricia Suster Nancy Suvak Helen Torok, M.D. Bob & Judy Ufferman United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, Active & Senior Judges University of Akron Don & Rita Jean Wagar William & Candy Wallace Geraldine Warner The Williams Family, Williams on the Lake Larry Wolpert Becker, Charles Deidre Cantrell Cliff Haynes Jane Miller Chris, Christel & Brayden Nickum Danielle Nickum Don Nickum John Nickum Alyson Nickum-Smith Dana Young Benson, Joseph C. The Benson Family Wendell & Janice Christopher Marie Convery Gene & Kathy Emond Christopher & Wanda Harkness The Hilemans Jeffrey Hovan Jerry & Jody Lack Timothy & Lisa O’Malley Sharon Palmer Heather Scott James & Jodi Scott Biehl, Mildred Jeanette Hibler-Rafter Bon, Albert Phyllis & Carl Leohr Botsick, John & Joan Michael & Deni Botsick Boyer, Evelyn Pat Baxter Mary Ellen Ghist Ed & Mary Heiss Calvo, Lois Dawn Rogers Chidsey, Wendell Joyce Baker Conrad, Elizabeth Brooker Mary Jean Miller Cooper, Boyd Marolyn Cooper Daniels, Jean Margaret Villi Dannley, Dennis & Janet Debbie Dannley Kenny Davison, James Shirley Davison Desario, Adelaide Bob & Joanne Andersen Mary Fazio Naso Salvatore Dickey, Phyllis Marlene Bearden Don & Dolly Gordon Eva Muhl Dunham, Robert F. Kent & Judy Daugherty Gary & Holly Hallman Dusbiber, Donald Ron & Barbara Brockway Valerie Brockway Darrell & Kathleen Cooley Sarah Dusbiber Bob & Linda Fenn The Hicks Family Jim Krukones Russell & Anna Leach Jane Niese Rosemary Oldenburg Dale & Nancy Weygandt Eastwood, Linda Owen & Jordi Blakslee Fisher, Lois Vincent & Anita Byrd Bob & Dee Curnayn Virginia Dorner John & Cheryl Gressler Jack & Patricia Hofstetter Peter & Suzanne Loyd David & Susan Muffet Joan Oliver Kurt & Connie Reichley Bill & Barbara Tiberio Fligor, Larry Mike & Kelly Weber Fodor, Sherry Teri Fodor Rich & Pat Robertson Foster, Charles Mary Seidel Geringer, Elaine M. Leonard & June Crowle Bud Geringer Elaine Geringer Jennie Halblaub Alice Hetzel VFW Ladies Auxiliary #5137 Barbara Wittenmyer Betsy Wittenmyer Getz, Florence Dr. Michael Goyette & Dr. Julie Reeves Gillin, Eva Beverly Asad Shirley Moehle Gresh, George Carol Gresh Haas, Robert D. Jim & Betsy Berry Co-workers at the Cleveland Ford Plant Sarah Clary Mary Lou Dolson HHL Group, Incorporated Patricia Imhoff Marianna Miefert Patricia Ostrander Henry (Reg) Smith Jean Stone Donald & Doris Todd Harper, Helen Susan Cooper Hart, Betty Harry & Dorothy Isabel Heichel, Ruth Joel Lawson & Keith Krueger Helfer, Edith Donna Karolczyk Hendershot, Donald E. Ronald & Marian Bryenton Walter & Joyce Henschel Donald Misurec Joan Weigel Hendricks, Connie The Conn Family Rick & Cynthia Marcu Denell Vellarco-Mesa Husar, Armas Corinne P. Hadley Jansky, Sylvia The Family of Sylvia Jansky Johnson, Dawn George & Nancy Adams Dana Bailey Darla Ghidinelli Harold & Donna Grimm Chloann Leidy Joan Pantelone Summa Health System IT&S Department The Mike Zuber Family Johnson, Wandel David Karlak, Natalie & Angela Frank & Annmarie Soltesz Jones, Wilford Jeanette Looper David & Karen Wisbey Kepler, Harold W. Frank & Linda Bontempo Klem, Mildred Laurie Molnar Kluk, Richard Dale & Faye Curtis Komperda, Edward Kathleen Austin Kurtz, Kenneth Ohio Farmers Insurance Leach, Reverend Carl J. Goldie Mack Lind, Anita Candis Disch Ling, Donovan Mary Ling Mani, Mary Ellen Robinson School Migchelbrink, Theodore Lucille Bargar Carolyn Byard Ted & Melissa Deming Steve & Helen Denton Donald & Linda Erb Elizabeth Neff Dennis & Sheila Selzer Zion Industries Miklaus, Ruth E. James McMillen & Family Vera McMillen Miller, Raymond Mary Jean Miller Mulcahy, Merlene Dennis & Kimberly Fruth Myers, Edna Leroy & Peggy Ceccardi Mae Dreibelbis Jim & Maryann Gerbic Dave & Dolly Hood Lee Mitton, Rick, Rickie, & Jeanne The Robert Voshall Family Joan Weigel Jim & Marlene White Myers, Margaret Al & Dolores Skoda Nagy, Doris John Nagy Neeper, Janet Jeffrey Neeper Newell, Jack L. West Chester Senior Center Novak, Peggy I. Mary Ann Balas Central Intermediate School Sunshine Committee Karen Frase O’Leary, Carol Joan Anonymous BCD Travel Betty Bokanyi Joseph & Sue DeFife Dave & Dena Grubb Huron Hospital Family Maternity The Labate Family Ann Loser Ekaterini Louizos & Family Nick & Maria Mavroidis & Family Maurice & Elaine Novak The David O’Leary Family Helen Passig Kim Plataniotis George & Eleni Plataniotis Brooke Trainor William & Katherine Vancourt Michael & Donna Volchko Diana Yost Olszewski, Adeline Ohio Farmers Insurance Petrak, Richard O. Sammon & Bolmeyer Company, L.P.A. Pfeiler, Fred H. Patricia Pfeiler Phillips, Arthur L. Paul & Pat Andrews Mary Jean Bradley Arlene Keethler Roy & Sandra Korn Phoenix, Joy Judy Grna Pobega, Ann Mary Trimble Provoznik, Jeanetta Torben & June Danielsen Michael & Roberta Tewell Quinn, Laura Carl & Phyllis Leohr Raitano, Jacqueline Paul Raitano Richmond, Loretta Annmarie Allberico David & Juanita Atwood Leslie & Francine Burns Chuck & Kathy Falk Scott, Debbie, & Lindsey Gommel Roy Harriger Rebecca Kohuth William & Diane Kubena Marie Masseria Don & Judi Medaglia Medina Life Support Team & EMS Office of Medina Hospital Virginia Roth & Family John & Patrina Sigmund Raymond Thomas Chester & Susan Zielinski Rogers, Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Glenda Blair & The Rogers Family Roland, John R. Andrew Pataki The Ned Robertson Family Ted & Barbara Syx Rooney, David NALS of Northeast Ohio Doris Steidl Root, Eugene R. Dwayne Lewis Lorain County JVS Teachers Association Ross, Mary E. Mary Buckner John & Kathryn Dormish Robert & Patricia Ferencik Joan Hovan Betty Krukowski Merline Petrich Michael & Patricia Vislosky Rowe, Gladys Bruce & Carolyn Beery Marjorie Bowen Mark & Kathy Werrell Rusinko, George John & Peggy Dague Russell, Harold L. Paul & Marie Benninger Jeff & Diane Power Charles & Barbara Russell Theron Smith Rodney & Ellen Stemen Saunders, Nancy Cheryl Campailla Brenda Cook & Familly Opal Iafelice Lee & Kathy Lamonica Clarence Phillips Dempsey & Pamela Root Schaffner, Lori Roy & Evelyn Harriger Medina Rotary Club Donald & Alice Spickler Scott, Margery Linda Lambert Selbee, Mary Sue Blubaugh Bertha Ryland Annabelle Thompson Semenhuk, Michael Scott & Lisa Benedict & Family Joseph & Rosemary Boggins The Borovicka Family Bob & Nancy Del Genio Enrica Del Genio Family of Anna Tataryn Medina Rotary Club James & Priscilla Nerone Mary Frances Payne Susan Reithoffer Barbara Smith John & Virginia Trueman Bruce & Sally Turner Harry & Rosemary Weltman Stefania Wityk Sergent, Mildred Shirley Ostrica & Lloyd Sergent Sharkey, John July 2011 Newsletter Nancy Bailey Thomas Baldwin Steve & Sandy Bell Richard Dickey Dennis Kreider Grace Perkins Mike Perkins Mark Thompson Slaman, D.D.S., Leslie I. Barbara Abeel Roger & Betty Jo Alexander Joanne Bates Lois Brandon Larry & Carol Croskey Robert & Charlotte Crowe Lois Cunningham Pete Ehrbar Gregory & Carol Godec Roger & Jean Ide Pauline Kurtz Frances Anne Lynch Vincent & Carole Lynch Al Nicely Thomas & Teresa Pampush Albin & Frances Polonyi Ralph & Barbara Rockow Marion & Joan Sanford Lois Tashjian George & Deanna Vosmik Southers, Burlen Jean Lloyd Sponsler, Jannis The LoGuidice Family Spratt, Ada A. Raymond Tinnerman Toennies, Ed Regina Crocker Toft, Rosella Jack & Sue Heiszek Towslee, Barbara Ryan August Richard & Joanne Beck Nancy Boomhower Al & Gloria Buckeye Ron Bumbulis George & Julie Bumbulis Jeff & Heather Bumbulis Andy & Barbara Frantz Virginia Hamm Homestead Insurance Agency Mary Ann Kratzer Fred & June (Waite) Kroupa Donna Lantz Goldie Mack Bob & Helen Petrich Terry & Karen Richards Beckie Seeley Small Group Bible Study of Dan & Steph Brown James Stevenson John & Darla Towslee Trowbridge, Jr., James First Baptist Church of Nitro Becky Holliday Cathy Krabec Truscello, Samuel Sandra J. Ammiller Wagar, Paulina Anna Allen-Ruoff Georgia Henry Richard & Lillian Joliat Francine Goldstein Marie Dugan Wallover, James John & Elizabeth Monhemius Mrs. Edna Beglin & the Late Donald & Denise Piwinski D. Robert Beglin Zollinger, Joe E. Ward, Ella Janet Elsasser The Beavers Family - Donald, Robert & Mardel Dotterer Kay, Alex, Anita, Ryan & In Honor of: Robert McCroskey, Dan David & JoAnne Moskaluk Ed & Mary Ann Heiss Warner, Pearl Betty Bagley Donations: Stephen & Bonnie Dell Kelly Adams Ted & Karin Genard Anna Dean Chapter 595, Don & Barb Gilbert Order of Eastern Star Pamela Hagelin’s Co-Workers Peter Carlson Winifred Hagelin Center Star Lodge #11 Dolly Horner Pat Collins Phyllis Flaugh Richard Dickey Glenn & Darlene Meek Jan Eley Jack & Charlotte Rees Hildred Genoso Robert & Eloise Rice Girl Scout Troup #71963 Riverdale Rebekah Lodge Dave & Susie Griffith #596 Phyllis Harrison Dennis & Maretta Warner Gerry Henningsen Paul & Vicky Warner & Lizz Dr. Joseph Kasa Warner Keepers Group Bill & Marcia Young Ladies Benevolent Society West, Howard Litchfield UCC Congregational Sharyn Estes Lorraine Leonhardt The Farmers Savings Bank Leroy United Methodist Women Reid & Teri Firestone Richard Matthews Doris Hange Betty McCray Donald & Marian Hoffman Kevin A. McCormick Larry McCoy Medina Church of Christ John L. Nagy Medina Eagles Auxiliary LifeFest Tom & Charlotte Nesbett Volunteers Laurie Molnar Dave & Sandra Noall Barbara Mulcahy Penny Rickard Mary Neel David & Marilyn Sigel Rittman Apostolic Christian Margaret Surrarrer & Ben Church Delewski Stephanie Rose West, Stephen Jim Rowe Larry & Nancy (Bader) Mark & Pam Thompson Isenbarger & Family Wadsworth Newcomer’s Club Dean & Francie Fisher & Judy Wakabayashi Family Light Up a Life 2010 Wille, Jr., Francis J. James & Susan Albon Richard & Christine Stegmaier Christine Baker Willis, Lloyd Greg & Lori Betz Hope Clifford Kenneth & Joan Braun Wilson, Eileen Scott & Marcia Crabtree Lorene Kovats Patricia Dickson Wilson, Karyn L. Christopher & Gayle Farage Dolores Wilson Nancy Frognowski Wise, Richard Judith Gaume Timothy & Kathryn Duncan Catherine Graff Richard & Cheryl Gow William & Beth Green George & Lois Miller Robert & Christine Kelly Bruce & Lori Rodgers Ronald & Jill Linek Dr. Gary & Jane Unsdorfer Joann Mueler Richard & Elizabeth Young Robert & Mona Mim Yatsuk, Peter Amanda Plute Mary Ann Brian Lynn Reig Zahnke, Susan T. Larry & Cindi Santeford Caroline Bryant Daniel & Judy Schneider Ken & Pat Cleveland Richard & Rebecca Seyler Jack & Rhea Curtis Sandra Skocir William & Pamela White Karen Smith Ziemnik, Sr., Joseph E. Jeffrey & Kim Stout Anonymous Kevin & Nancy Strand Mary Dahler Jack Young 5 “100 for Hospice” For the third year, Patrick Spoerndle, President of the Medina-based 7-D Marketing is sponsoring “100 for Hospice.” What that means is: 100 = the number of golf holes to be played by Patrick Spoerndle on August 1, 2011 100 = the percentage of money raised that will go to HMC Hospice of Medina County 100 = the percentage of your donation that is tax deductible. 2010 Team Spoerndle Erin, Alex & Pat Spoerndle, Megan Bricker Patrick Spoerndle is raising money for the new facility for HMC Hospice of Medina County by golfing 100 holes in one day at Fox Meadow Country Club. To make a donation in support of HMC Hospice of Medina County, contact Patrick at 330.721.8822 or send donations to 100 for Hospice c/o 7-D Marketing, Inc, 345 State Road, Medina, OH 44256 (Please make checks payable to HMC Hospice of Medina County.) FORE! Or rather, 100! RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED • Barberton Hospice & Palliative Care 527 W. Tuscarawas Ave. Barberton, OH 44203 • 797 North Court Street Medina, OH 44256 Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Permit No. 18 Medina, OH