BERNALILLO COUNTY Departrnent ofZoning, Building and Planning I I I Union Square, SE Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 314-0350 Fax: (505) 314-0480 SUMMARY REVIEW ApplicationDate: 24|FEB/2012 Application Number: SRP 20120026 Hearins Dare: /\Of \\ { F rI1 505-873-1733 MASCARENAS PATRICK SAI4UEL CITY/ STATE MAILING ADDRESS 2r.4r. PERRY RD sw ALBUOUERQUE, 87105 NM 455 9 PHONE AGEN"T z U ^1Ct2 PIONE OWNER z3 O I'IASCARENAS PATRICK SAMI]EI, CITY/STATE MAI LING A.DDRESS 2141 PERRY RD AIBUQUERQUE, SW 871.05 4659 NM SITE ADDRESS 2141 PERRY RD S}I, AIJBUQUERQUE, NM 87105 DIRECTIONS z I,EGAL DESCRIPTION IJT 11 HENRY METZGAR I S SI'BID & TRACT 73'B-2.A E & z s zoNE N-12 # 45CONT '2500 AC (s) R_1 PROPOSED UPC * MRGCD MAP CURRENT MAP zoNE (s) rorzosss sta glro gst EXISTING BUILDING & USE BUILDING & USE SUBDIVI SION NNE recco vlp a o E] at PROPOSED SUMMARY REVIEW PROCEDI'RES PLSRP SCOPE OF WORK MINOR ST'DIVISION WITHIN BERNAIIIIJIO COI'NTY. SUBDIVISION TYPE: EXISTING LOTS: PROPoSED IOTS| 3 4 2 TOTAL ACREAGE: 0.71795 PIJAT TYPE: 2/24/1.2 SKETCH PI,AT: REPI.ATI/N{...4/5/1-2 FINAI, PI,ATI/AH COMP PI,AN DESIGNATION: SEMI -URBAN 2 o H E o 2 Fl F ti rrl I hereby acknowledgc that I have read this application and stated that the above is correct. I agree to comply with lhe requirements ofthe County of Bemalillo, Ncw M€xico, and the Stat€ ofNew Mexico as found in the appropriate ordinances adopted by both government agencies. I have reviewed and signed the appropriate section oftext found on the reverse side ofthis application which is relative to this application. TKOwner fi fl Dccupanr Agent 'V,-c:"'Ze-v2 APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION OF LAND BERNALILLO COUNTY Zoning, Building & Planning 3 Y . l4_03 50 rn( Su,,t kAA LE6AL DESCRIPTION 2 0 0 UPC# UPC# SECTION I: () I 5 .llt+la b qJ 0 L4 5 +lq SUBDMSION SECTION TYPE rche.k oncl: E D S ' rrPe t npe z E rvpr r IJ TYPE S r'rr,t $ EXlsnNG ,"oroaao ri Lors -t , oa ,nJ-7I -oro, o.*.oou O,O I J9Q a.heck onel * tr LOT LINE E orxtn ADIUSTMENT YEAR LAST DIVIDED: 0 ,z vrnes $ .; lI: I q1 ) 1 I I 0 4 I 0 suBDrvrsroN P M@nb Mao4b edse list any additional UPC nlmbers on REVIEW OFFICE USE ONLY PROCEDURES .cHEck oNEli E fEES! ZOI{E ATIAS nesueMt,-oa AP?IICATION MltlOR SUIDMSION: TYPE 3 (5 -LOTS) oR TYPE 5 (SUMMARY REVTEW): Q sxercs pur tr! FrNAL PLAT lqlo MAIOR SUBDMSOT{ TYPES roTs) D E D O t, 2.3 (6 + sxercs prer usE DEstFrarro]{: rffi\trhc FIES..- TOTAL RECEIPI *: PlaatntnG QuaDraxt: (crrclE oxE) paeuMr^rncv pLAr NE rrrer prer s<ercr/rru, OttlER CO|i?iEHET{SIVE PLAI{ FEE:- HlS I\1' sv .:\ tsw , c*- Nw CASE REVIEW COMi4ITTE€ MEETING DATE veens (FOR DCfINTTIONS OF SECTION t & IO REVCRSC SIDE OF FORMl It, REFCR I hcrcDy hcrcby ackno\\'ledge acknouledge that I havc rcad this applicalion & the infon)rati(nr submitted is conoct. I acknowledge lhlrt I must comply with all aPPlicablc BerDalillo counly C)rdinances. lhe Dxtralerritorial Subdivision ordin^Dcc (if rpplicablc) & New Mexico Slalc Slatulcs. I undcrstand this is an applicalion for subdi\'ision review & this reque\t may be deuied or dcloncd_ SrEn.rttrrr I - R,/.4///ra-{< 4 . q Darc OFTICS USE ONLY a q/a';/).1) i$e$Hf,* I = I igsa#i ]\t isf,3;Ei I N Ec E €F$Fffig ; uE n"-.,8 ?H28 eI: n o BERNALILLO COUNTY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR ST]BDIVISIONS CONTAINING FEWER THAN FIVE PARCELS r. NAME OF SUBDIVISION TnctsT3-B-2-A-I &13-B-2-B-1, MRGCD Map No.46 2. NAME OF SUBDIVIDER Patrick S. Mascarenas and Wanda M. Mascarenas 2139 Perry Road S.W. Albuquerque, NM 87105 3. CONDITION OF TITLE Fee Simple; owned by Patrick S. and Wanda 4. M. Mascarenas. STATEMENT OF ALL RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD THAT ST'BJECT THE ST]BDWIDED LAND TO ANY CONDITIONS AFFECTING ITS USE OR OCCUPANCY None 5. DESCRIPIION OF UTILITIES BEING PROVIDED BY THE DEVELOPER None. Purchasers after subdivision must arrange and pay for all utilities, including any line extensions, under separate service agreements with: Public Service Company of New Mexico - electric and gas service Comcast * Cable Television Service Albuquerque Bemalillo County Water Utility Authority - water and sewer service Qwest d/b/a Century Link - telephone service 6. WATER AVAILABILITY Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority domestic water is available to the existing homes on Tracts 73-B-2-A-I &73-B-2-B-1, MRGCD Map No. 46. These existing homes are connected to the ABCWUA water line under account number(s) 6334389560 and 753 13389 13 19. FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY -l- 7. LIOUID WASTE DISPOSAL Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority public sanitary sewer is available to the existing homes on Tracts 73-B-2-A-1 &73-B-2-B-1, MRGCD Map No.46. These existing homes are connected to the ABCWUA sewer line under account number(s) 6334389560 and 753 I 338913 19. 8. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Solid waste collection and disposal service is curently being provided to other developed lands within the immediate area. Purchasers of the subdivided lands must arrange and pay for solid waste collection and disposal through a solid waste contractor recognized by Bernalillo County. 9. FLOODZONE The subject property is located within flood zone "X" (no base flood elevation determined) as shown on FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map No. 35001C0341G dated September 26,2008. Tracts 73-B-2-A-l and 73-B-2-B- 1 created by this plat are located within Zone "X" (areas determined to be outside the 0.2Vo arntal chance flood plan). 10. ACCESSTOPROPERTY TractT3-B-2-A-l is via a private drive off of Perry Road and access to Tract 13-B-2-B-1 is on Perrv Road. Access to 11. GRADINGANDDRAINAGE A grading and drainage plan prepared by an engineer registered in the State of New Mexico, and approved by Bemalillo County Public Works may be required with future development. No mass site clearing, grading, or grubbing is allowed without an approved grading and drainage plan. 12. MAIL DELIVERY ROUTE Access to the subdivision includes road maintained by Bernalillo County. No mail shall be delivered on a private road that is not maintained by Bernalillo County nor shall the private road be used as a school bus route. 13. OWNER'SCERTIFICATE This Disclosure Statement is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owners of the real property described herein. Said owners do hereby consent to all ofthe foregoing and do hereby certify that this Disclosure Statement is their free act and deed. FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY -2- OWNER'S SIGNATURES ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR NATURAL PERSONS STATE OF tler,r [.[qvt.-.o COUNTY OP ?ryvrulLUr ) ) ^" tn, 21ff The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before by Patrick S. Mascarenas and Wanda M. Mascarenas. oFFrclAt- sE L Jt dh A. Khg l{dfy Pu* Se d Nd My Commission Expires: 9-zo-zotz(SEAL) FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY -J- auy ot Mual 20ft