Malta Malta
Malta Malta
93 Malta Malta The island of Malta lies in the Mediterranean Sea, just to the south of Sicily. It is famous for its sun, sea and history, but is particularly renowned for its fabulous cuisine. and North African neighbors: the recipe included here for bragoli (beef olives) is thought to have originated in Sicily, for example. The cuisine of in the Mediterranean. Snails and prickly pears are grown locally, along with a huge array of vegetables, such as aubergines, pumpkins, peppers and artichokes. Rabbit, tripe and wild duck are particular Maltese specialties and are used in many of the island’s traditional recipes. 94 Malta Malta beef olives bragoli It is said that the Maltese adapted many of their more frugal dishes by importing more sophisticated ideas from the Sicilians. Bragoli is considered to be one of the more important dishes in Maltese cuisine and many variations of this recipe have been passed on through the generations. Ighidu li l-bragoli waslu Malta mill-gzira ta’Sqallija, il-garha taghna. It-tradizzjoni tghidilna li l-Maltin hawru l-ikel taghhom li kien xi ftit semplici billi importaw u addottaw ideat minn Sqallija. Hafna jqisu diversi varjazzjonijiet ta’ din ir-ricetta ghaddew minn generazzjoni ghal ohra. 1 Remove the skin and extra fat from the meat, lay the meat slices on a chopping board and beat with a meat mallet. 1 Nehhi l-gilda u x-xaham zejjed mill-laham u wittih bilmazza tal-kcina. 2 Mix together the breadcrumbs, diced ham, beaten eggs, minced beef, parsley and hard-boiled eggs, then season with salt and pepper. Serves 4 Ghal erba’ persuni 900 g rump steak, sliced 900 g canga 225 g fresh white breadcrumbs 225 g kikkra frak tal-hobz canga kkapuljata, it-tursin, il-bajd mgholli iebes u mqatta bicciet zghar, u l-melh u bzar. 110 g ham, diced 110 g perzut ikkapauljat 3 piece of meat and fold each slice into a small parcel. 3 Qieghed mgharfa mit-tahlita f’nofs il-laham u itwi l-laham f’pakkett zghir. 2 eggs, beaten 2 bajdiet mhabbtin 4 Wind cotton thread around the beef olives to secure the meat 2 tbsp chopped parsley 2 mgharef tursin mqatta 4 Dawwar kull pakkett bil-hajt biex il-mili ta’ gewwa ma johrogx barra. 5 Prepare the sauce by frying the onion in some oil. Add the tomato paste to 1 liter of water, mix well and add to the fried onion. zewg pinet ilma u itfa’ l-basal moqli. 6 6 Halli z-zalza ttektek fuq nar baxx ghal hames minuti. 225 g minced beef 225 g kapuljat 2 eggs, hard-boiled 2 bajdiet iebsin salt and pepper melh u bzar For the sauce: Ghaz-zalza: basla kbira mqatta Malta Malta 7 Add the beef olives, peas, sliced carrots, bay leaf, wine and seasoning to the sauce, cover the saucepan and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 1 1/2-hours or until the meat is tender and the sauce has reduced and thickened. 2 tbsp tomato paste 2 mgharef kunserva karrotti mqatta’ u l-werqa tar-rand. Ghatti l-borma u halliha sakemm taghli. Baxxi n-nar u hallih itektek ghal siegha-u-nofs jew saghtejn, jew inkella sakemm il-laham isir u z-zalza tinxtorob ftit. 2 carrots, sliced 2 karrotti mqatta roti 8 The sauce from the beef olives can be served with pasta as a 570 ml red wine pinta nbid ahmar second course. 8 Tista sservi z-zalza tal-bragoli ma’ l-ghagin bhala l-ewwel platt, u l-bragoli bhala t-tieni platt. 140 g peas 140 g pizelli 1 bay leaf werqa tar-rand salt and freshly ground black pepper melh u bzar mithun 95