MakingTHEWorld - Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest


MakingTHEWorld - Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest
2014 Annual Report
The Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
Board of Directors
Ex-Officio Members
President (2013-15)
Karen Layng
Scheck Industries
Nancy Wright, CEO
Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago
and Northwest Indiana
First Vice President (2012-14)
Maryann Waryjas
Great Lakes Dredge & Dock
Second Vice President
Monica Weed
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Third Vice President (2012-14)
Christine Montenegro McGrath
Mondelēz International Inc
Kathy Scherer
Deloitte Tax LLP
Secretary (2012-14)
Ann McAloon
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Duke Alden
Aon Service Corporation
Josephine Bahl
Ernst & Young
Maureen Beal
National Van Lines
Cheryl Beebe
Amy Best
Exelon Corporation
Phyllis Cochran
Sidney Dillard
Loop Capital Markets
Jim Dimitriou
Karen Eng
Jennifer Evans
The Private Bank
Jolanta Gal
Gartner Executive Programs
Maureen Jamrock
Kevin McDonnell
Scheck Industries
Maryann McNally
Illinois Tool Works, Inc.
Tamara L. Meyer
Health Care Service Corp.
Carla Michelotti
Leo Burnett Company, Inc.
Marlena Peleo-Lazar
McDonald’s USA LLC
Cheryl Pearson-McNeil
Melissa Preston
Capital One
Kimberly Reome
The Kenrich Group
Scott Saunders
HAVI Global Solutions
Karen Schillings
Violet Sistovaris
NiSource Inc.
Eileen Sweeney
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Girl Representatives
to the Board
Ashley Benson
Elise Bowler
Sheila Evans
Anika Ranginani
Kiersten Rasberry
Carley Washa
Advice from
a Camp CEO
Rachel Portell:
“If you have
a passion for
don’t be afraid
to go after your
How Camp CEO
Changed My Life
“Don’t let go of your
dreams; you have no idea
what’s waiting for you.”
—Brenda Russell
by Eva Lewis, Girl Scout
Camp CEO left me thinking, never
had I left a program feeling more
altered. Through the team building,
hiking, and interacting with the CEOs,
I acquired a substantial amount of
skill and confidence. I left feeling
empowered, and more importantly, a
Being at Camp CEO opened my
eyes to how Girl Scouts embodies
feminism. Here I was, sitting among
strong and successful women, most
of whom had fought their way to get
to success by battling racial prejudice
and the sexist environment of a
Only recently have women been
able to stand equally next to men in
various fields, and Camp CEO was a
visual representation of the change
the world is going through. I had the
opportunity to be advised by women
breaking ground as pioneers in a
modern workplace of greater equality.
It was pretty obvious that none of
these women had their occupations
handed to them on a silver platter.
They worked for what they got. And I’m
sure they would mostly say that they
still haven’t quite finished working yet.
But feminism is not only about
the equality of the sexes socially,
politically, and economically. It is
about the equality of all peoples, and
ultimately the oppression of none.
Eva Lewis, left, with her Camp CEO mentor, Brenda Russell
As a black young woman, I have come
face to face with racism and sexism.
At a young age I was taught to hold
my head up in the presence of all
obstacles, because they would always
be flung my way because of who I am.
Feminism is about eliminating these
type of obstacles for all women,
regardless of race, binary or non binary
sex association, or sexual orientation.
Camp CEO was the first place where
I felt like people saw me before they
saw my race or society’s limited
representation thereof. There was no
hate amongst us at all. There was no
animosity shown between people. It
was just us. Us for who we are.
Our group was comprised of girls from
all different backgrounds. Our faces
around the campfire could have been
the rainbow of diversity, if it existed. It
was the definition of a social sanctuary,
and I didn’t realize it until I was gone.
Camp CEO had managed to bring
a diverse crowd of women and girls
together to learn from each other,
ultimately so that we could utilize our
acquired skills in the real world. We
were bettering ourselves to make the
road to become a successful woman
easier. Not only were we investing in
our futures, but by doing this we were
Camp CEO is
“Girl Scouts is a safe house.
It’s a place to let go of social
norms and embrace yourself
for who you really are, and
most importantly, who you
really can be.”
of girls and
CEO mentors
—Eva Lewis
investing in the futures of
those who will come after us.
Camp CEO helped me to
understand what feminism
really was, and why I should
embrace it. I had always thought
that a feminist is the epitome of
a Rosie the Riveter poster with a
gender equality caption. But I’ve come
to realize that feminism embodies
everything and everyone.
That week in June was one of the
best times of my life. I know I won’t
experience anything like it for some
From a Camp CEO
“It’s really about who
you are as a person and
about making the best
decisions for you.” –
Anne Marie Hawley
Under the
leadership of
co-chairs Eileen
Sweeney of the Tampa
Bay Buccaneers and Jodi Bahl
of Ernst & Young, Camp
CEO paired 25 teen girl
participants selected
during an application and
interview process with
local executive women.
The women shared their
own personal stories
to inspire the teens
with transformative
reflections about
their experiences in
the highest levels of
leadership. During their casual
time together, the Girl Scouts
and their Camp CEO mentors
enjoy archery, swimming,
hiking, and campfires in the
beautiful camp setting at
Camp Butternut Springs in
My experience at Camp CEO sparked
my further involvement with Girl
Scouts. Since then I have been able
to share my ideas as a Girl Scout
and feminist to other Girl Scouts
and leaders. I now understand the
importance of being a Girl Scout. It
isn’t just a pastime or something to do
just because it looks good on a college
application. Girl Scouts is a safe house.
It’s a place to let go of social norms and
embrace yourself for who you really
are, and most importantly, who you
really can be.
I know it was meant for me to attend
Camp CEO. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t fully
understand the concept of feminism.
And reflecting on myself now, I couldn’t
imagine myself without it.
From a Camp CEO participant
“I learned to challenge myself and
take risks.” – Sahar Jiwani
Making the World
a Better Place
by Jenna Nissly, Girl Scout
of eligible Girl Scouts
earn the Gold Award
My name is Jenna and when I was thirteen
years old my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer.
After all of my mom’s surgeries she used this small
pillow to comfort and support her when she was having
Having this small pillow made her recovery easier and
it alleviated some of the pain. My goal is to help make
other breast cancer patients’ recoveries easier and
more comfortable for them.
So for my Girl Scout Gold Award project I made these
small pillows that my mom once used and am asking
others to make them, too. Here’s my website www.
These pillows are typically put under the arm to keep
the arm from touching sensitive areas after surgery on
the chest and put in between
Jenna made small
ones chest and a seat belt in
custom pillows
a car.
to help alleviate
pain after breast
I finished my Gold Award
cancer surgery for
Project and received my Gold
her Gold Award.
Award in June 2014.
Earning the Girl Scout
Gold Award is an immense
accomplishment. Each of
these young trailblazers
uses her leadership skills to
affect positive local or global change,
creating a legacy of social impact with
her personal commitment to take action
to make the world a better place.
The Girl Scout Gold Award evolved from
a long line of leadership awards going
back as early as 1916. It is the highest
award and honor a Girl Scout between
the ages of 14 and 18 can earn.
2014 Gold Award recipient
“I hope that my garden enables
people to realize that they can
better the community in which
they live by striving to choose
plants that are native to their
—Allison Applebaum
2014 Gold Award recipient
“My community is now better informed
about disabilities, particularly Down
syndrome and Cerebral Palsy, and is
now a more welcoming and accepting
environment for the disabled.”
—Margaret Cullen-Conway
teen girls
received their Gold
Awards in 2014
The Gold Awards
Ceremony was held
Saturday, June 7,
2014, at The Hilton
Rosemont Hotel
Congratulations to our
2014 Gold Award recipients
Allison Rae Applebaum
Bonita Angelana Barnett
Ashley Barnstable
Alexandria Elizabeth Bassett
Katherine Cleone Bassett
Samantha Boettjer
Dana Brecklin
Lisa Renee Breitenfield
Maddisen Marie Brennecke
Christine Elizabeth Carmazzi
Sherry C. Chambers
Nicolet Anne Chovancak
Jaina F. Chu
Kayla Cook
Nikole Crane
Sarah Catherine Crites
Clare A. Cullen-Conway
Margaret Cullen-Conway
Emily Deahr
Taylor Elyse Demming
Irene Rose Dobbs
Darcy Quinn England
Laura Renee Erickson
Katherine Jane Evans
Alyson D. Ford
Gabrielle Briana Foster
Meredith Gawlik
Megan Elysse Goldbranson
Shruti Gulati
Valerie Raizel Gutmann
Morgan A. Harris
Jada Haynes
Sarah M. Hoffman
Anna Grace Holbrook
Madeline Prindiville Hopps
Alexandria Ippolito
BreAnn Lynn Jackson
Demi Kallis
Catherine Rose Kells
Kimberly Lauren Kreil
Rachel Kreppert
Sydney Nicole Lawson
Briana May Lear
Heather Grace Legan
Colleen M. Lentz
Olivia Leone
Nicole Marie Loch
Melanie Jane Lofgren
Kelly N. Mack
Julia Mangan
Sydney Nicole Mann
Michelle Maskeri
Molly McInerney
Lindsey Nicole Miller
Jalela Mitchell
Jennifer M. Nissly
Kathleen Oates
Mary O’Connor
Jacalynn O’Donnell
Megan Anne O’Donnell
Patricia O’Donnell
Lynn Renee Photography
Katherine M. Oshinski
Olivia Ottenfeld
Jessica L. Puryear
Lauren Denee Ransom
Caitlin Colleen Roberts
Mariali Rodriguez
Anna Charlotte Rowe
Gabrielle M.D. Saunders
Sarah Schirmer
Brianna Elizabeth Scivinsky
Victoria Sundell
Clarice Julianna Swanson
Nicole Ashley Szumigalski
Gloria Elizabeth Tabaczyk
Claire Travers
Katherine Washagan
Jennifer Wojcik
Kristen Yi
Abigail Zemach
Andrea Zimmerman
Lives Impacted
GirlSpace Program
GirlSpace seeks to bring
the Girl Scout Leadership
Experience (GSLE) to
life through a variety of
curricular areas.
39 sites
including Chicago
Public Schools and two
park districts
summer sites
FY14 GirlSpace Funders
Polk Bros. Foundation
Caerus Foundation
City of Chicago
Albert Pick, Jr. Fund
JR Albert Foundation
Bowman C. Lingle Trust
REAM Foundation
Susan and Roger Stone Foundation
State Farm
Bank of America Foundation
The Private Bank
People’s Gas
CME Group Community Foundation
Josephine Bahl
CarMax Foundation
George M. Eisenberg Foundation McGraw Foundation
Bridgestone America’s Trust Fund
Aniya is a 2nd grade student
at Sherman School who loves
participating in STEM (science,
technology, engineering and math)
activities in Girl Scouts. One science
activity caught her eye and prompted
her to ask many questions that started
with the word “why.” In fact, she was so
fascinated by a “color cow milk change”
activity that Aniya used it as the basis
for her science fair experiment at
school, earning her a second place in
the science fair for her classroom.
GirlSpace impacted
girls in 2014
Yazmine attends the Girl Scout
program at Dunne School. As she
started learning about the concepts
of earning, spending and budgeting
money during financial literacy
sessions, Yazmine realized that she
had no idea what a budget was and
why it was important. This experience
prompted her to go home after one
of her Girl Scout meetings and ask
her mother if she could go grocery
shopping with her the next time. She
explained that in Girl Scouts she
learned how to grocery shop on a
budget and told her mom that she
could surely help her save money
because she learned all about
Girls represented
Javeanh is a Girl Scout at Dett
School. Healthy living activities
opened Javeanh’s eyes and helped
her understand the importance of
healthy eating. Javeanh’s favorite
foods were chips and candy, and she
loved to drink soda, but she hadn’t
made the connection to her increased
weight. During her Girl Scout activities,
Javeanh learned about nutrition, how
to read food labels and about calories.
She took it upon herself to track just
how many calories she was consuming
each day. As a result, she began to
realize how much sugar and fat she
was consuming in her favorite foods.
So she made a conscious decision to
change her eating habits. She learned
to make healthy snacks like yogurt
parfait and trail mix. She realized that
these snacks were healthier, and they
still satisfied her cravings for a sweet
taste. Javeanh is a latch-key-kid and
lives with her aunt. Javeanh took what
she learned and encouraged her aunt
to purchase healthier food items so
that she could make these snacks
once she got home from school.
Attending the healthy living sessions
made Javeanh aware of healthier
eating practices, and she is now taking
an active role to reduce her weight. She
monitors her diet and makes it a habit
to exercise daily.
girls have been served through the years
Summer Reading
with Rahm
Girls in our GirlSpace program
participated during the Summer
Learning Challenge at the Chicago
Public Library. The summer reading
program challenged youth to read 20
minutes a day, every day, and to read
300 minutes. To reach the goal, these
girls had a sleepover at the Manning
Chicago Public Library. Girls connected
with library staff, read special books
and spent the night having fun and
reading with their Girl Scout sisters.
Project Law Track
Twelve girls from the GirlSpace
program at the Young Women’s
Leadership Charter School
participated in the Project Law Track.
Camp CEO
Three girls from GirlSpace participated
in Camp CEO.
Something New: CSI
Thanks to the support of GCNWI Board
Member Jodi Bahl, our Community
School Initiative, CSI, is a pilot program
being conducted at five schools in four
at-risk communities in its first year, and
ultimately will impact 1,800 girls in 24
schools by the end of the third year.
Girl Scouts will deliver this three-year
initiative to address childhood obesity
and healthy living. Supported by adults
and led by girls, this sustainable project
will directly impact the participating
schools and community. This initiative
further seeks to empower young
women to strive to achieve greater
heights and to encourage them to
make positive, permanent changes in
their own lives.
packages donated locally to Gift of Caring
Gift of Caring
Nina Grotto is an inspiring cookie entrepreneur who has
raised thousands of dollars for a great cause! The 16-yearold Girl Scout has single-handedly raised nearly $14,000 to
secure Girl Scout Cookies for our Gift of Caring program,
which sends cookies to organizations that serve members
of the armed forces overseas and in the community.
Thanks to the support of local businesses that recognize
her incredible sales and marketing skills, Nina will send
approximately 3,500 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to
individuals supported by these organizations.
“I love supporting Gift of
Caring because my father
and both my grandfathers
are veterans. The soldiers
deserve a taste of home.”
–Nina Grotto
in the cookie program
Tokens of Love
for Refugee
To achieve a final award relating
to making a connection with
the wider world of girls and
community service, staff from
the nonprofit organization
GirlForward came to speak to Girl
Scout Brownie Troop 20273 about
mentorship, educational programs
and leadership opportunities they
provide for refugee and immigrant
girls in Chicago.
The girls learned why refugee/
immigrant families resettled in the
United States, and also developed
an understanding of the different
challenges (new and overwhelming
responsibilities, social isolation,
learning English and a new culture) that
refugee girls had to face.
Troop 20273 decided
to use a large chunk of their cookie
money profits to purchase much
needed items for the participants of
GirlForward. They also decided that a
“token of love” craft item would help
personalize the kit and that books
would make a nice treat as well (GF girls
are learning to read in English). They
stuffed 45 tote bags with personal care
items, specially-made craft items, and
hand-written notes of encouragement!
Cookie Rally
Girl Scouts of all ages shook
the rafters of Allstate Arena
with their giggles, energy
and enthusiasm in January
2014 as they gathered to
learn additional skills that
would help them market
their Girl Scout Cookies
during the council’s annual
financial literacy program.
Allyson Rodriguez, Morrigan
Macho, Samantha Fountain, Holly
Doyle and Mairead Skelton take
over the office of the CEO after
selling the most cookies in 2014.
Cookie Booths
Cookie CEOs/Words
of Advice for Other
Five Girl Scouts topped the charts by
setting their goals high and attaining
them during the annual Girl Scout
Cookie program. Morrigan Macho,
who sold the most boxes of cookies in
2014, has some advice for other young
n Have a great personality
n Do not get mad at a customer who
is taking forever; you will lose sales.
n Have fun no matter what.
STEM Numbers
Girl Scout Troop 60194 focuses on
all things STEM and used their cookie
money to attend LEGO Robotics
workshops. The girls learned about
electricity and even had ComEd
professionals come to their meeting
to do a Safety Ambassador training
where the girls learn how power works
and how to be safe around power lines.
In turn, the girls presented the opening
safety message at ComEd’s training
event in front of 550 people.
LEGO Robotics
In FY14, GSGCNWI sponsored 18
teams to compete in qualifying
tournaments (an increase from seven
teams in FY12). Teams were formed
in June 2014 to compete in the new
season of LEGO Robotics. We sponsor
three leagues for Girl Scouts to
compete in: Junior FIRST Lego League,
FIRST Lego League and FIRST Tech
Challenge. By providing three levels,
we increase opportunities for girls who
want to be involved.
STEM programs run
Older Girl Program Spotlight
Project Law Track
Girl Scouts
Engineering Day
at NiSource
Thanks to the efforts of GSGCNWI
Board Member Violet Sistovaris, Girl
Scouts partnered once again with
NiSource in Merrillville, Indiana, to
provide a free program for girls who
are interested in engineering and
STEM in general. This unique event
gives girls the opportunity to interact
one-on-one with women engineers
who specialize in everything from
chemical to electrical to aeronautical
During this event, the girls became
engineers for the day. They worked
in teams to build wind towers from
everyday household items that could
withstand galeforce winds. They also
rode cycles that generated energy,
teaching them about the power of
myriad sources of energy. The event
received impressive interest, growing
year over year from 81 to 118 girls and
29 adult chaperones participating.
On March 8, 2014, 422 Girl Scouts of
all ages created a tower from spaghetti
and marshmallows, experimented
with computer programming and
made slime. Throughout the day girls
from our council discovered how
much fun STEM is during an all-day
STEMapalooza extravaganza. The
success of the event prompted us
to plan two STEMapaloozas in two
different areas of our council in 2015 to
accommodate more girls who want to
learn everything there is to know about
science, technology, engineering and
Girl Scout Day
at the Museum
of Science and
Girl registrations for this popular
kickoff event grew from 247 in 2011
to 1,223 for the event on Nov. 22,
2013. Girls participated in a museumwide scavenger hunt, an Omnimax
experience and a Girl Scout only
science show.
Project Law Track is a series of
interactive sessions that introduce
girls to the fascinating field of law.
Attorneys with the Chicago Bar
Association’s Alliance for Women
Committee and teen Girl Scouts
worked together to design four
exciting sessions, each of which
focused on a different facet of the
practice of law. Girls learned whether
courtrooms are really like what is
portrayed on the big screen, what it
takes to have a career in law, and how
to plan and stage a mock trial. In FY14
the program accommodated 25 girls
at each session, including girls from
the council’s GirlSpace community
engagement initiative and girls who
submitted their applications for the
popular program. Approximately
10-15 attorneys participated in each
session. Monica Weed, a member
of the GCNWI Board of Directors,
is one of three women who are
instrumental in running the workshop
STEM programs offered
girls served in STEM
Stories of
High Adventure
A Week at Snow
Mountain Ranch
The beautiful scenery of Granby,
Colorado, and the call of highadventure activities attracted 18
girls and three adults to the 2014
program “Colorado: A Week at
Snow Mountain Ranch” as part of
the council’s emphasis on unique
travel opportunities. Surrounded by
picturesque mountains, crystal-clear
streams and wide-open spaces, girls
went white-water rafting, canoeing,
rock climbing, zip lining, hiking, and
horseback riding, and participated
in myriad team-building activities
including challenging ropes courses at
Rocky Mountain National Park.
Camping in the UK
Eight Girl Scouts from Girl Scouts
of Greater Chicago and Northwest
Indiana, along with two adult
chaperones, headed to London
during the summer of 2014 to absorb
the sights and historical highlights
before joining approximately 8,000
Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from 25
countries for a camping jamboree in
Windsor, England. The girls spent the
week camping, completing service
projects, and participating in outdoor
group activities. It was a phenomenal
trip that the girls and adults
said they will never forget.
in Girls
Tribute to Achievement
The annual Girl Scout Leadership and Innovation Awards:
A Tribute to Achievement was held on March 12, 2014 at the
Four Seasons Hotel Chicago. The event funds programming that prepares girls for careers in science, technology,
engineering, math, environmental sciences, entrepreneurship, healthy living, arts, culture and global awareness. The
dinner raised more than $650,000 in gross contributed
revenues including in-kind support
from American Girl, Crain’s Chicago Business and
Today’s Chicago Woman/NiSource.
Our 2014 Honorees
Connie L. Lindsey, Executive Vice President and Head of Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Diversity & Inclusion, Northern Trust
Maria Green, Senior Vice President, General Counsel
and Secretary, Illinois Tool Works
Smart Cookies Make a Difference
Our annual signature breakfast applauds exemplary
leaders who, through their smarts and achievements,
change the rules of the game and in doing so, make the
world a better place. On Sept. 23, 2014, we celebrated
the accomplishments of six “Smart Cookies” who serve
as role models for our next generation of girls and youth.
Smart Cookies raised more than $160,000 in gross
contributed revenues in 2014.
Smart Cookies raised
Awards dinner raised
Our 2014 Honorees
Karen Freeman-Wilson, Mayor, City of Gary
Mitzi Miller, Editor-in-Chief, Ebony Magazine
Rachel Portell, Managing Partner, Marketing & Business
Development, Blueye
Laura Sanchez-Greenberg, Managing Partner, Verde
Cesar Rolon, Founder, Imagen Marketing Consultants and
Latino Fashion Week
Brooke M. Wiseman, CEO, Blessings in a Backpack
Our Membership
Council of 100
Ivy Anderson
Joni Andrioff
Josephine Bahl
Maureen Beal
Cheryl K. Beebe
Amy Best
Mary Rose Birch
Nancy Borghesi
Cheryl Burton
Maureen Byers
Marie T. Campagna
Doris K. Christopher
Phyllis Cochran
Rebecca N. Coke
Michelle L. Collins
Meg M. Compton
Madeleine Condit
Regine Corrado
Ellen Costello
Sidney Dillard
Jim Dimitriou
Gerard Dupczak and
Cynthia Dupczak
Karen Eng
Geoffrey M. Euston
Therese Fauerbach
Mary Ellen Fitzsimonds
Jolanta T. Gal
Ruth Gannon Cook
Timothy J. Gardner
Janet C. Gibbs
Julia K. Gin
Violet Goodheart
James Gordon
Maria Green
Lisa Hartkopf Kelly
Patricia Hemingway Hall
Deb Hervey
Angela Hickey
David Hiller
Jill Hudson
Maureen Jamrock
Michael J. Kelly
Vicki C. King
Karen Layng
Susanne M. Lenz
Connie L. Lindsey
Annie Logue
Mary MacLaren
Gina McLeod
Maryann McNally
Judith Meguire
Tamara Meyer
Carla R. Michelotti
Mary Lee Montague
Christine Montenegro
Christopher Nash
Janet Neubert
Kristie P. Paskvan
Rachel Portell
Anne Pramaggiore
Sharmila Rao Thakkar
Mary E. Rauschenberg
Bryn Reese
Kimberly R. Reome
Nancy J. Rich
Carolyn Rosenberg
Scott Saunders
Margaret Scanlan Brown
Judith Scheck
Kathy M. Scherer
Karen Schillings
Jill Schwieterman
Carole Segal
Bonnie Shamblin
Megan Shebik
Hille Sheppard
Jean Sheridan
Violet Sistovaris
Charles F. Smith
Nigel Telman
Mary Ann Tuft
Christopher Van Tassel
John S. Vishneski
Colleen Warner
Maryann Waryjas
Monica Weed
Cheryl Whitaker
Nancy Wilke
Allison L. Wolfe
Douglas Wood
Maria E. Wynne
Andrea Yassemedis
Susan A. Yates
Doyoung Yong
Angela Zotos
61,416 girl members
21,202 adult members
Girl Demographics:
n White
n American-Indian/Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
n Asian American
n Black/African American
n Other
n Two or more ethnicities
n Ethnicity unreported
Note: 12.6 percent of total girl members identified as also of Hispanic/Spanish origin
Program Levels (Grades):
OMG you potato head
Girl Scout Daisies (K-1)
Girl Scout Brownies (2-3)
Girl Scout Juniors (4-5)
1. Make your pie char
3. Create the shape yo
4. Place your mask ov
5. Now make the mas
6. Select pathfinder >
7. Delete the shape p
Girl Scout Cadettes (6-8)
Easy as pie. No math.
Girl Scout Seniors (9-10)
Girl Scout Ambassadors (11-12)
Not reported
Source: Girl Scouts of the USA
OMG you potato head
1. Make your pie char
3. Create the shape yo
4. Place your mask ov
5. Now make the mas
6. Select pathfinder >
7. Delete the shape p
Easy as pie. No math.
Council Delegates
Thank you to the following volunteers and girls who serve as
voting members in our governance structure, in partnership
with our board of directors.
National Council
Kristina Adamczewski
Alison Bartusiak
Delia Canino
Christine Cline
Kirstin Corbett
Jan Grant
Cheryl Kirkpatrick
Patricia Lasley
Karen Layng
Beverly Macrito
Ellen Morgan
Michelle Ptack
Tresa Radermacher
Anika Ranginani
Jacqueline Robinson
Karen Schillings
E. Rose Sims
Sara Sullins
Amanda Wade
Anjanette Wold
Nancy Wright
Karen Zelle
National Council
Susana Cardenas-Soto
Rosemarie Courtney
Lisa Files
Alexis Franciszkowicz
Christine Graves
Meghan Higdon
Nina Hulet
Kathryn Mlsna
Cathy Neely
Janet Neubert
Kimberly Nice
Elizabeth Ptack
Maeve Riordan
Sofia Rodriguez
District Delegates
District 1 Chair
Marie Oskerka
District 2 Chair
Melissa Young-Bridgeforth
District 3 Chair
Cheri Kirkpatrick
District 5 Chair
Yolanda Shannon-Albert
Amber Adams-Holecek
Jill Anders
Maria Baldini-Potermin
Kathy Barnard
Elizabeth Bartusiak
Scott Bennett
Joan Billingham
Hope Blandin
CoraLee Blazek
Gina Ceaser
Sandy Cervenka
Brenda Charron
Susan Chin
Elaine Darko
Judie Elsinger
Laura Erickson
Michelle Fisher-Rhode
Pamela Flowers
Christina Gerber
Carolyn Gomez
Christine Graves
Julie Greenfield
Lindsay Hayden
Amanda Hays
Karen Hepperle-Warren
Patti Huck
Pat Huntoon
Brandy Ihne
Donna Ioppolo
Mumtaz Jamal
Karen Johnson
Maria Johnson
Lynn Kadel
Norena Kazmierczak
Karen Kirstein
Patricia Klopp
Jolene Knudson
Barbara Krummick
Mary Landis
Patricia Lasley
KaSandra Lewis
Marypat Lexow
Karen Lindell
Karen Lopez
Lisa Mackenzie
Carol Macola
Beverly Macrito
Dania Mahoney
Tamela Martin
Joyce Maslanka
Renee Matthews
Nia McClendon
Tina Melendez
Robin Michon
Sherry Milsap
Eleanor Mitchell
Connie Mitchell
Penny Montgomery
Rachel Moody
Miriam Moore
Robin Moss
Claire Mueller
Turney Munson
Cindy Murray
Cathy Neely
Rebecca Nelson
Norrine Nix
Wendy Passini
Elizabeth Ptack
Michelle Ptack
Alice Reynolds
Morgan Rhoades
Lana Rivera
Colleen Rock
Hannah Roen
Kelly Roggow
Ann Ryan
Sylvie Salazar
Shelley Schilling
Jennifer Slotabec
Debbie Smith
Roberta Spalla
Jennifer Sutton
Melissa Timotic
Kay Tworek-Sanchez
Sara Beth Vanek
Gina Verta
Cheryl Vlach
Pat Walenga
Mary Wisniowicz
Anjanette Wold
Rebecca Zoltoski
Alternate Council
Christine Alfred
Levita Anderson
Toiria Baker
Allison Charlier
Phyllis Drewno
Jane Evans
Sheila Evans
Donna Frenier
Terry Howe
Amy Miller
Stephanie Nowka
Tresa Radermacher
Narda Seaberry
Vikki Zak
Financial Support
The Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago
and Northwest Indiana, Inc.
Statement of Financial Position
September 30, 2014
Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets
For the Year Ended September 30, 2014
Cash and cash equivalents
$ 1,572,904
$ 1,369,619
Accounts receivable, net
Pledges receivable, net
Inventories 618,261589,969
Prepaid expenses
Other current assets
Investments 11,852,66712,690,227
Property, plant and equipment, net 14,043,404 14,809,157
Assets held for sale
Total assets
Public support
Individual gifts
$ 343,485
Corporate gifts and grants
Government grants
Foundation grants
Family partnership campaign
United Way allocations
Special event revenue, net
Net assets released from restrictions -
Total public support
Accounts payable
Accrued expenses
Membership dues owed GSUSA
Deferred revenue
Deferred rent
Line of credit
Notes payable
Total liabilities
Program related revenue
Cookie sales, net of direct costs $ 10,126,722
$ 10,808,365
Fall sales, net of direct costs
Program fees 1,472,9771,320,657
Sales of merchandise,
net of direct costs 705,538 782,061
Other revenue
Interest and dividend, net
$ 23,765,547
Temporarily restricted
813,442 1,224,364
Permanently restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Total revenue
Total public support and revenue
$ 15,665,474
$ 16,467,582
Membership services
$ 12,189,459
$ 13,507,160
Camping 832,829 709,492
Supporting services
Management and general 1,536,888 1,826,895
Total operating expenses
Changes in net assets
from operating activities
$ (998,840)
Net realized and unrealized gain
on investments
$ 283,007
GSUSA pension contribution (1,067,210)
Loss on sale of property
Total non-operating expenses
Changes in net assets
(627,380) (1,219,543)
Net assets, beginning of period
Net assets, end of period
& United Way
$100,000.00 +
Searle Funds at The Chicago
Community Trust
Girl Scouts of the USA/
Leventhal Kline Management
(formerly Rockefeller
Philanthropic Advisors)
John W. Anderson Foundation
Lake Area United Way
McCormick Foundation
Polk Bros. Foundation
Westlake Health Foundation
A.G. Cox Charity Trust Fund
Albert Pick, Jr. Fund
BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois
Caerus Foundation
Capital One
Capital One Foundation
City of Chicago Department of
Family and Support Services
Exelon Corporation
Girl Scouts of the USA/
Girl Scouts of the USA/Mattel
Girl Scouts of the USA/Nestle
Illinois Tool Works
McDonald’s Corporation
Motorola Solutions Foundation
NiSource Inc.
Northern Trust Corporation
United Way of Will County
Aronberg Goldgehn
Bank of America Charitable
Baxter International, Inc
Blue Star Partners LLC
Bryan Cave LLP
CarMax Foundation
Chicago Tribune Foundation
CME Group Community
Dr. Scholl Foundation
DuPage Community
Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
George and June Block Family
G.H. Zendt Charitable Trust
HAVI Global Solutions
Holland & Knight LLP
Jenner & Block LLP
The Kenrich Group LLC
Littler Mendelson Foundation,
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLC
Nash Brothers Construction
Co., Inc.
National Van Lines
The Pampered Chef
Peoples Gas
Ungaretti & Harris LLP
United States Steel Corporation
- Gary Works
Vedder Price P.C.
Verizon Wireless
Winston & Strawn LLP
Zurich American Insurance
ABC 7 Chicago
Aileen S. Andrew Foundation
The Allyn Foundation, Inc.
The Bellows Law Group, P.C.
Bridgestone Americas Trust
Bruce Foundation
Cambium, LLC
Central Steel & Wire Company
Chicago Board Options
City of Evanston
CVS Corporation
Dykema Gossett PLLC
The Edgewater Funds
Emerson Network Power
ExxonMobil Foundation
Matching Gift Programs
Fifth Third Bank
Francis Beidler Foundation
George M. Eisenberg
Foundation for Charities
Gerald A. & Karen A.
Kolschowsky Foundation
Girl Scouts of the USA/Kappa
Health Care Service
Jackson National Life Insurance
James A. Gammon Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
The Horton Group
Kamm Insurance Group
Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP
The Kenrich Group LLC
Kinder Morgan Foundation
King & Spalding LLP
King, Krebs, & Jurgens, PLLC
Levenfeld Pearlstein
Loop Capital Markets
McGraw Foundation
The Northridge Group, Inc.
Park Ridge Community Fund
PJH & Associates
Paul Galvin Memorial
Foundation Trust
PNC Bank
Alfred Bersted Foundation
Baker & McKenzie LLP
Barker Welfare Foundation
BMO Harris Bank
Bowman C. Lingle Trust
Buchanan Family Foundation
Carl R Hendrickson Family
Foundation, Bank of
America, N.A. Trustee
Caterpillar Foundation
CDW Corporation
Deloitte, LLP
Elizabeth Morse Genius
Charitable Trust
Ernst & Young
Freeborn & Peters LLP
Grosvenor Capital
Management, L.P.
Girl Scouts of the USA/Motorola
Insurance Industry Charitable
J.R. Albert Foundation, Inc.
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Leo Burnett Worldwide
Navigant Consulting, Inc.
Navistar, Inc
NiSource Charitable
The PrivateBank
The REAM Foundation
Sidley Austin LLP
United Way of Grundy County
Robert and Joanne Crown
Income Charitable Fund
Sahara Enterprises Fund
Segal Family Foundation
Stout Risius Ross, Inc.
Sulzer Family Foundation
Tuft & Associates
Ungaretti & Harris LLP
United Conveyor Foundation
United Scrap Metal Inc.
United Way of Kankakee County
United Way of Porter County
U. S. Equities Realty, Inc.
Village of Riverdale
Village of Vernon Hills
Walmart Joliet
Washington, Pittman,
McKeever, LLC
William Blair & Co.
William M. Hales Foundation
Women Construction Owners &
Executives Chicago Caucus
Women’s Club of Inverness
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Bryce Downey & Lenkov, LLC
Common Sense Solutions
DHR International
The Economic Club of Chicago
Epstein Becker & Green, P.C.
Fifth Third Bank
Financial Executives
GCG Financial, Inc.
GE Foundation Matching Gifts
John S. Swift Co. Inc. Charitable
Merrill Corporation
Metropolitan Capital Bank &
Morgan Stanley Wealth
Porter County Community
Roux Associates, INC.
Sam’s Club, Evanston
Semler Industries
Skender Foundation
Stevenson Crane Service, Inc
Stratego Partners
Troop 456
Verde Associates
Verizon Foundation Volunteer
Walmart Hammond
Walmart Waukegan
Under $500
Adult Troop 007
Aon Foundation Matching Gift
ArcelorMittal Matching Gifts
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
Baxter Employee Giving
Big Bay Lumber Company
Charter One Foundation
Chicago Sky
Community Chest of Lemont
Community Counseling Centers
of Chicago
Corporate Leadership Center
Evergreen Executive Source,
Exelon Corporation United Way
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Gerard Printing Co.
Ginsberg Jacobs LLC
Godfrey & Kahn, S. C.
Hillshire Brands Matching
Grants Program
Hospira Employee Giving
IBM Employee Services Center
Jasper Foundation, Inc.
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Kappa Kappa Kappa Inc.
LaGrange Highlands Womans
Club Benevolence
Lemont Community Chest
McCauley Mechanical
Construction Inc.
Mead Johnson Foundation
Employee Engagement Fund
Microsoft Corporation
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Pepsico Foundation Employee
Giving Campaign
Perkins Coie LLP
Pleasant Lake Property Owners
Association, Inc.
Points of Light Institute
R.B.Hayward Co
Razoo Foundation
Spahn Financial INC
Tengelsen Family Foundation
The John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation
Troop 50496
U.S. Silica Company
Underwriters Laboratories
Village of Woodridge
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
In Kind Contributions
American Girl
Crain’s Chicago Business
Deloitte LLP
HAVI Global Solutions
McDermott Will & Emery
Taproot Foundation
Women in Trucking
Corporate and
Matching Gifts
Aetna Foundation, INC.
Aon Foundation Matching
Gift Program
ArcelorMittal Matching
Gifts Program
Bank of America Matching
Benevity Social Ventures,
Charter One Foundation
Exelon Corporation United
ExxonMobil Foundation
Matching Gift Programs
GE Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Hillshire Brands Matching
Grants Program
Ingredion Matching Gift
JPMorgan Chase
Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Kraft Foods Matching Gifts
Leo Burnett Worldwide
Mead Johnson Foundation
Employee Engagement
Microsoft Corporation
Mondelez International
Pepsico Foundation
Employee Giving
PNC Financial Services
Verizon Foundation
Volunteer Program
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
2014 Gold Award recipient
“My hope is that the members of my
community will be inspired to eat well
and live a healthier lifestyle.”
—Christine Carmazzi
Josephine Bahl
Jim Dimitriou
David Hiller
Jill and Rockney Hudson
William Kamm
Connie Lindsey
Ann and Patrick McAloon
Christine Montenegro McGrath
Janet and Timothy Neubert
Kristie Paskvan
Rachel and Charles Portell
Anne Pramaggiore
Kimberly Reome
Jeanne and Dan Reynolds
Scott Saunders
Karen and Denny Schillings
Violet and Sam Sistovaris
Monica Weed and Frank Smith
Andrea Yassemedis
$10,000 - $14,999
$1,000 - $2,499
Individual Donors
Cheryl Beebe
Ruth K. Mank Trust
Maureen Beal
Vicki King
Maryann McNally
Melissa Preston
Kathy Scherer
Roger and Susan Stone Family
Cheryl Burton
Jolanta Gal
Karen Layng
Tuft & Associates Inc.
$5,000 - $6,999
Marie Campagna
Violet Goodheart
Maureen Jamrock
Michael Kelly
Tamara Meyer
Carla Michelotti
Jennifer Mikulina
Maryann and Ronald Waryjas
$2,500 - $4,999
Maureen Beal
Amy Best
Nancy and David Borghesi
Phyllis Cochran
Sidney Dillard
Jennifer Evans
Therese Fauerbach
Mary Ellen and Stephen
Janet Gibbs CPA
Maria Green
Deb and Michael Hervey
Duke Alden
Gregory Bergmann
Jill Billhorn
Mary Rose Birch
John Blackburn
Rebecca Coke and Chris
The Collins-King Family Fund
Meg M. Compton, PNC Bank
Madeleine Condit
Regine Corrado
Ellen Costello
Deborah Dorman-Rodriguez
Geoffrey Euston
Karen Eng
David Foley
Timothy Gardner
Julia Gin
Andrea and Jim Gordon, The
Edgewater Funds
Marguerite Hark
Lisa Hartkopf Kelly
Connie Heier
Patricia Hemingway Hall
Jim Hickey
Elizabeth Higgins
Janet and Marty Kalin
Simone Kapovich
Elaine Leavenworth
Susanne and James Lenz
Annie Logue
Mary MacLaren
Gina McLeod
Judith Meguire MBA
Mary Lee Montague
Tracie Morris
Barbara and David Moser
Mary Rauschenberg
Bryn Reese
Nancy Rich
From a Camp CEO participant
“Don’t do something because you
think you have to do it. Life isn’t a
template.” – Keelah Washington
Carolyn Rosenberg and Steve
Margaret Scanlan Brown
Judith Scheck
Rick Scheck
Jill Schwieterman
Virginia Scnippel
Carole and Gordon Segal
K. Marisa Seloover
Bonnie and Dan Shamblin
Megan and Steven Shebik
Charles F. Smith
Nigel and Deborah Telman
Christopher Van Tassel
John S. Vishneski, III
Louise M. Walker
Colleen Warner
Cheryl Whitaker
Nancy Wilke
Allison Wolfe, Fifth Third Bank
Douglas Wood
Susan Yates
Doyoung Yong
Donna and Phillip Zarcone
Angela Zotos
$100 - $999
Athena Abbott
Kathleen Abbott
Patricia Abrego-Santucci
Sergio Acosta
James Aderhold
Kathleen Alekno
Laurie Alltop
Kapila Anand
Ivy Anderson
Joni Andrioff
Linda Argeros
Lori Arnold
Susan Arnold
Elkin Arredondo
Kathryn Baker Kemp
Miriam Baker
Rana Barakat
Mark Baranek
John Barile Jr.
Sylvia Bateman
Rachel Baumbach
Barbara Beach
Joyce and Philip Becker
Carol Anne Been and Daniel
Kathleen Bell
Linda Bennett
Kate Bensen and C. Richard
Susan Benton
Elizabeth Berg
Lee Betterman
Matthew Bialecki
Marty Bishop
Cora Lee and John Blazek
Theresa and Charles Boland
Christine Bork
Deborah Bougdanos
Sue and Kenneth Boyer
Dana Brad
Debra Bragg
Carolyn and Andy Brecklin
Monique Brinkman-Smith
Ann M. Brizzolara
Jean Brizzolara
Robin Brown
Tasha Brown
Geoffrey A. Bryce
Kathleen Bunda
George and Trina Burciaga
George and Trina Burciaga
State Representative Kelly
Catherine Burnham
Tracey Burns
Patricia Busse-Oganovich
Maureen and Brian Byers
Michael Cainkar
Nancy and James Camp
Joanne Campanile
Deborah Canale
Deborah and Thomas Carmazzi
Valerie and James Carroll
Carla Carstens
Ann Carstensen
Suzanne and Douglas Carty
Pamela and Richard Cary
Thomas Cerwinske
Esther Chang
Anna Maria Chavez
Jacqueline Cheatham
William Christenson
Jill Christie
Jane Clark
Bruce Coffing
John D. Coffman
Sharon Coleman
Elizabeth Collins
Elizabeth A. Collins
Jane and John Colman
Patrick Condon
Paula Conrad
Brian Cook
Shayna Cook
Catherine Cooper
Melissa Copeland
Noelle Coronado
Rosemarie and Thomas
David Cracco
Patrick and Michelle Cronin
Kimberly Cummings
Candice Cummins
Kathryn and John Cunningham
Leigh D’Andrea
Peter Davidson
Elizabeth Davis
Hannah Davis
Michelle Davis
Thomas Dawkins
Carla Dehmlow
Heather Delgado
Bertha Dellarocca
Caragh Deluca
Barbara Dent
Cynthia Deyhle
Kelly E. Dickinson
Matt Doucet
Meghanne Downes
Jane Doyle
Gerard and Cynthia Dupczak
Alisia Eckert
Sally Ecklund-Baker
Lisa Egan
Kelly and Ian Enger
Theresa Enright
Ellen Ericson
Robert Espie
Ashley Everson
Carrie Falkenhayn
Patty Fay
Susan Feibus
Leslie Fenton
Melanie and Corey Ferengul
Diane Ferriss
G.A. Finch
Susan and David Findling
Pat and Dennis Fink
Kimberley Flowers
Kathy Ford
Monica Foster
Barbara Fox
Jill Fox
Trisha Fox
Michael Sean Francisco
Karen Freeman-Wilson
Heidi Frey
Ashley Fuhri
Rosa Garcia
Elizabeth Garcia-Economou
Deborah Gardiner
Heather Gardner
Ryan Garrison
Susan and Harry Gately
Barbara Geist-Deckert
Madeline Gelis
Lana and Thomas Geselbracht
Karmen Gilbert
Lawrence Gill
Kristen Gilpin
Jay Goldner
Mr. Larry R. Goldstein
Marla Gordon
Albert Grace
Katherine Graham
Kristine Gregorio
Dara Griffith
Margaret Grinnell
Lily Gulik
Lynn and Glen Gutzke
Patricia Gyure
Nancy Hackett
Erica Hale
Krista Haley
Angela K. Hall
Lora-Lee Hall
Rebecca Harpster
Kevin Michael Harris
Siobhan and Bill Hartsell
Lois Haubold
Jonni Hegenderfer
Valerie Henderson
Steven Henn
Magda and Tom Hepokoski
Liza Herron
Angela Hickey
Kathy Hindman
Mr. Donald Hirata
Judith and George Hogan
Claire Holland
Debra Hornell
Lisa Horning
Trina J. Huelsman
Bruce Huey
Patricia Hurley
Jill Hutchinson
Mary Ann and James Hynes
Karen Ann Ingwersen
Parrish Ivy
J.J. Javors
Allison Jewell
Colleen Johnson
Kelly L. Johnson
Keri Johnson
Karen Jones
Wendy Kacer
Joan Kadlec
Warren Kati
Joan and John Katsis
Colleen Kehoe
John Kenny Jr.
Rachel Kenyon
Erin and Ross Kerr
Sarah Ketchum
Kathy Kilroy
Bo-Ram Kim
Linda Kim
Jennifer King
Diane Kitchell
Kelly Klein
Marlene Knapp
Jennifer Kobayashi
Ray Koenig
Shifra Kolsky
Christina Konieczka
Sirow L. Koplewicz
John Kotal
Andrea Kramer
Heather Kramer
Christine Krenc
Mary and James Kressin
Bryan Kreuger
Cathleen Krsek
William Kulbida
William La Fleur
Nancy Lahey
Stephanie Lake
Kathleen Lakowski
Andrew Landsly
Winfred Leaf
Suzanne Lebold
Carolyn Leonard
Sarah Leonard
Laura Lichter
Cathy Lieberman
Kristin Lindquist
Teri and Duane Lindquist
Meghan Linehan
Judith and Larry Linman
Jill Liska
Deborah Liverett
Lauren Loew
Anthony N. Logan
Carole Long
Paul Longhini
Rachel Lorenz
Dr. Catherine Lustgarten
Jeffrey Lyons
In Honor of
Karen Barch
Martha Cary
Sidney Dillard
Girls of Troop 51981
Katie Harris-Anderson
Mary Lamp
Connie Lindsey
Mary and Jane Milkulski
Anne A. Miller
Janet Neubert
Blythe O’Sullivan
Marlys Powers
Christina Shorter
MaryAnn Waryjas
Maria Wynne
In Memory of
Perry Appelhams
Marilyn Blum
Anna Marie Johnson
Delores Karavidis
Ina Krause
Dorothy Krstenansky
Alice H. Wachman
Bernice “Breezy” Marek
Mary Therese Murphy
Leith Naugle Jr.
Margaret Olson (Bebe)
Blythe O’Sullivan
Arlene Perry
Claudia Reardon
Barbara Uminowicz
Pat VanMelle
$100 - $999
Alice Lyzak
Catherine Maas
Diane MacDonald
Kathy MacDonald
Gioia Macey
Sean MacKey
Carol Ann Macola
Maria Madda
Kate Mahoney
Laura and Scott Maier
Don Mak
Karyn and Robert Malench
Adam Malone
Sarah Mankowski
Barbara Manley
Wendy Manning
Michelle Marciano
Anna Marciniak
Kathleen Marifjeren
Tammy Marks
Ingrid and James Marshall
Roland Martel
Steve Martindale
Mary Kay Martire
Gini Marziani
Cheryl Mayberry-McKissack
Jeff Maydew
Archibald McClure
Michelle McCorkle
Myron McCoy
Kevin McDonnell
Mary Kate McDonnell
Julia McElmurry
Ann Marie McKibbon
Paddy and Barry McNamara
Michelle Meditz
Tracey Mendrek
Maureen Mersch
Laurel Metken
Jonni Miklos
Verett Mims
Marsha Minick
Jane Mirkhaef
Matt Mitchell
Kathryn Mlsna
Mary Monroy-Spampinato
Mimi Moore
Amy Morin Martin
Portia Morrison
Robin Moss
Mary Murdoch
Anna Musci
Angela Myers
Jenne Myers
Christopher Nash
Deb Nawara
Scott W. Nehs
Teresa Newhall
David Nichols
Alexandra Nicholson
Linda and Carleton Nolan
Ann and Michael Nugent
Melissa Oakley
Anastasia O’Brien
Jackie O’Connor
Christa Ojeda
Kirk Openchowski
Jay Oprins
Lynn Orlebeke
John Ormsby
Darlene Ossman
Joan and John O’Sullivan
Roxane M. Ottaviano
April Otterberg
Jean Pagorek
Beth and Perry Palmer
Diana Palomar
Pam Parrish
Lynn Passarelli
Gloria and Joseph Pavese
Tiaya Peach
Jean Pechette
Marlena Peleo-Lazar and John
Todd Pfister
Mary Kate Phillips
Linda Pote
Margo Powers
Veronica and Roy Pradelski
Nancy Pruitt
Mary Jo Ptack
Fran Pukala
Diane Rack
Maja Ramirez
Sharmila Rao Thakkar, MPH,
Randy Rasmussen
Mari Kaye Rath
Beverly Raudabaugh
Valencia Ray
Kara Reckrey
Bryn Reese
Craig Reges
Katrin Reitsma
Debora Renwick
Sandy Reynolds
Amanda Rigby
Daniel Rimkus
Ann and Stanley Robinson
Jean and Bill Robinson
Erin Roeper
Alice Rooks
Colleen B. Rosenbach
Margaret Rowe
Elizabeth and Gary Ruske
Brenda Russell
Danielle and Rahsaan Sales
Theresa Salus
Laura Sanchez-Greenberg
Verona Sandberg
Grace Saunders
Rachel Scaccia
Julia Schanke
Lynn Schmidt
Aimee Schminanski
Dani Schooley
Lisa Schumacher
Linda Schurman and Glenn
Kristine and Cliff Schwandner
Andrew Segall
Steven P. Seltzer
James Sengenberger
Meenal Sethna
Scott and Victoria Severson
Bradley Steven Shaps
Ken Shearer
Patrick Shemroske
Hille and Chris Sheppard
Jean Sheridan
Lisa Shields
Dianne Shorter
Ryan Silvino
Ilene Simmons
Shirley Smiddy
Barbara and Thacher Smith
Elizabeth Snell
Lisa Snow
David Snyder
Tamara Solarich
Susana E. Sota
Lee Spirer
Elizabeth Spolarich
Teresa Sripada
Margaret Stender
Eileen Stepanovich
Michelle and Stuart Stern
Annette Stoner
Bryan Sugar
Mary Kay Sullivan
Becky Sutton
Susan and William Swedler
Connie and Mark Sweeney
Eileen Sweeney
Darci and Mike Swisher
Linda and Gerald
Linda Thielke
Katherine Thompson
Rebecca Thomson
Kristin Threlkeld
Linda Tiffin-Mascorro
Sharon Tiknis
Marsha Tolchin
Jan Tomasik
Cindy and Richard
Karen and Douglas Tulloch
Andrea Twiss-Brooks
Juan Valls
Laura VanDyke-Wall
Kathleen Vega
Mary Vollkommer
Craig Voss
Joan Wagner
Debra Walker
Julie Wall
Valerie Waller
Robert Warner
Scot Edward Warren
Sheri Warsh
Jennifer Waryjas
Mary Wasik
Alice and Greg Watrobka
Christy Webber
Beata Weiss
Mattie West
Ms. RaMona Westbrook
Sally and Kent Westley
Jacqueline White
Rosemary White
Peter A. Wilkins
Claire M. Williams
Norma Williams
Eric J. Wilson
Janet H. Winningham
Brooke Wiseman
James Witz
Ernest Wong
Roycealee Wood
Carolyn Woznicki
Maria Wynne
Michael Wynne
My La B. Young
Victoria Zickenheiner
Vicki Znavor
Andrea Zopp
$25 - $99
Elizabeth Abrams
Dina Aigner
Dana Alexander
Sally Anderson
Mary De Angelo
Cheryl and Jerry Antos
Barbara Van Antwerp
Amy Arend
Diane and Glen Armstrong
Gail August
Jessica Bacoulis
Ronald J. and Julaine Barribeau
Karen Barron
Susan and Michael Barrows
Shelitha Beacham
LaTanya Beasley
Jennifer Belsha
Maureen and Todd Bennett
Alyssa Benson
Lisa and Bruce Beveridge
Jeanine Bischoff
Janet Bockel
John and Barbara Boehm
Catherine A. Bogacz
Margaret Boivin
Tess Boland
Michele Bolanowski
Noreen Bormet
Joanna C. Borsuk
Tara Bowen
James Brannon
Bonnie Brow
Deborah Brown
Elizabeth Brown
Catherine Brownstone-Stillwell
Barrie Brejcha and Mark Buciak
Audrey and Charles Bueche
Marsha Bukala
Janette Burger
Robin Burisek
Marietta Burke
Shirley Burnett
Jeffrey Burns
Jennifer Burt
Barbara Butzin
Theresa Buzinski
Tiffany Campion
Karen Dunn Caspers
Dante Chadwick
Brenda Charron
Sandra Cichocki
Amanda L. St. Clair
Jennifer Colvin
Kristine Condon
Sarita Connelly
Megan Considine
Maritza Nowakowski c/o Impact
Management Consulting
2014 Gold Award recipient
“Often times girls do not know what a harmful
impact low self-esteem can have on their decision
making, so to be a catalyst for change in helping
girls to not make bad choices makes me feel that
my project had a large impact on the community.”
– Sydney Mann
Dr. Ruth Gannon Cook
Ed Cooper
Kirstin Corbett
Diane Cota
Monique Cotton-Yancy
Jamie L. Couzens
Nicole Marie Craig
Stacy Crook
Karen Cullen
Kermit Davenport
Laurel Davis
Donna and Thomas Day
Christine Deering
Eulaine and Robert Deist
Heather Devenport
Sunita and Sanjay Dhiman
Jayna Dillon
Karen and John Dingler
Elaine and Rollin Dix
Amy Dordek Dolinsky
Stacia Doster
Anthony Downing
Joseph Duran
Janice and John Durante
Lori and Kevin Early
Annette Eichorst
Karen Erken
Kristin Esser
Alicia Ethen
Barbara Fahnstrom
Mary Therese and Mark Fazzini
Katherine and John Felton
Catherine Ferguson
Helen Figaro
Elizabeth Ann Flanagan
Carrie Jo Flynn
Terra and Tim Fondriest
Angel Fox
Mark Frommer
Erick Gantt
Michelle Gautsch
Elaine Gehring
Pamela Gehrke
Theresa and John Giblin
Carla Gibson
Laquita Gilfillian
Jeanette and Henry Giragos
$25 - $99
Laura J. Glatthaar
Kimberly Glenn
Jill Glickstein
Kate Golemo
Kathleen Grames
Jen Greenbaum
Darlene Grogan
Suzanne Grund
Kathryn Worthen H.L.D.
Elizabeth Haflin
Helena Haley
Karey Halverson
Jean Harlow
Shauntell Harris-Wiggins
Kimberly Hayden
Amy Heinz
Joseph Hirsch
Susan and Todd Hitzeman
Hoang Ho
Deborah Hogan
Lois and James Honan
F. Michael Covey III
Janice Irving
Valerie Isidore
James Jansen
Charles A. Fiscus Jr.
Ebonne Just
Susan and Mark Kane
Esta Kaplan
Marnie Kapuscinski
Janet Katich
Anna Kazmark
Marilyn Kelly
Cynthia Kielkucki
Royal Klauk
Mary Pat Kohberger
Judy Koller
Susan Kolon
Joanna Krek
Esther Kristoff
Sondra Krumm-Carlson
Danuta and Jacek Kurnyta
Dorothy Kurtz
Janette Kwon
Megan Lamb
J. Bates McIntyre Larson
Roberta Laska
Emily Lau
Margaret and Richard Leabru
Carole Leahy
Lisa Lebeck
Beth Lee
Andrea Leets
Katharine F. Lessaris
Nhadine Leung
Sally and Barry Levenstam
Melissa R. Lindvall
Susan Locsmandy
Lisa LoVallo
Paula Lundell
Tamara Mackinney
Jan and Jim Mahan
Jane Hoffman, Kellogg, Centre
for Nonprofit Management
Peggy and Todd Mangun
Beth March
Cecile Margulies
Estelle Markham
Christina Martin
Joyce and Robert Maslanka
Daniel Mathews
Mary Catherine Mauer
Mary McCauley
Peggy S. McClanahan
Brian and Anh McCormick
Felice McEuen
Effie McHenry
Ann McKenzie
Teresa McMahon
Sara Mee
Nancy Meingast
Betty Meyer
Jackie Meyer
Phyllis and Keith Meyer
Leslie Michaels
Cecile Mikulski
Vailda Milhouse
Mitzi Miller
Diane Milligan
Carol and Michael Moon
Rachel Moore
Judy and David Morgan
Marcella Morrison
Advice from a Camp CEO mentor
Lisa Dietlin: “Do three things a
day toward your goal.”
Patricia Murfay
Marian Namovic
Cynthia Natalie
Patricia Neely
Carol Nenne
Barbara Neustadt
Annette Newby
Barbara and David Newman
Maureen and James Newman
Jennifer Niego
Gail Ogdon
Alice O’Hara
Kaney O’Neill
Suzanne Paden
Anne Paluck
Katina E. Panagopoulos
Rosemarie Panico-Marino
Hetal Parikh
Donna Pascolla
Amee Patel
Norman Patinkin
Elizabeth Patterson
Dee Pauss
Christopher Pavnica
Louise L. Pawlak-Chapman
Marilyn and Jack Pearson
Rafael Perello
Mirna Perez
Sabrina St. Peter
Joy Peters
Diane Pina
Jill Pironti
Kathleen Pletcher
Adoleena Plunkett
Joan Potsch
Jillian Potter
Jane Prugh
Rita and John Race
Gene Raffone
Zachary David Rhodes
Rebeca Rivera
Aubrey Rosati
Nancy Rose
Cynthia Rosenstein
Warner Rosenthal
Susan Rosney
Jackie Rotondi
Rebecca Roussell
Helen Rush
Kevin Ryan
Thomas Salutric
Noralee Sandala
Elaine Renee Santiago
Mark Sarich
Stephen M. Scalzo
Annette J. Schmidt
Marylee Schmidt
Kathleen Kelly Schnieders
Danielle Schroeder
Meegan Scovell
Mary Sebahar
Cynthia Shannon-Hutchison
Marilyn Sheahan
Rebecca Sherman
Andrew Shipper
Cornelia and James Shoffner
Sam Sibley
Daniel Sieburg
Janet Sikorski
Norma J. Di Silvio
Sheila L. Simmons
Peggy Tuck Sinko
Richard Smolinski
Kevetta Powell Snow
Charles Sommercorn
Pat Spalla
Mildred Spath
Catherine Spohnholtz
Katherine Stackwell
Michelle Stallings
Brian Starr
William J. Steciak
Ann Stevens
Claire Stevens
Louise Stone
Mary Kay and Larry Stoor
Cynthia Tait
Kathy and Michael Tanner
Maia Thiagarajan
Barbara Fry-Timcke and
Wolfgang Timcke
Eva and John Townsend
Robert Trinco
Effie Tyler
Tina Velasquez
Carol Villegas
Christine Lynne Vollmer
Donna and Richard Wade
Katrina Waldron
Carolyn M. Walsh
Beata Welsh
Elizabeth Whitlow
Lavonne and Cal Wilcox
Alma Williams
Lisa Wirtanen
Barbara and Larry Wolfrum
Gloria Wooden
Kendall Woods
Mary Ellen Woods
Alison Wright
Sharon and Paul Wussow
Suzanne Wychocki
Kelly Yarbrough-Hutchinson
Keith Yelnick
Barbara Yong
Vikki Zack
Robert and Deb Zaremba
Sharon and Joseph Zic
Mary Zier
Family Partnership $100-$999
The Affolter Family
The Allison Family
The Avila Family
The Awad Family
The Barton Family
The Beamer Family
The Brzeszkiewicz Family
The Caputo Family
The Carmazzi Family
The Carter Family
The Chesney Family
The Clarke Family
The Coffey Family
The Coleman Family
The Cooke Family
The Crane Family
The Delaney Family
The Dillenburg Family
The Dobrez Family
The Droege Family
The Durham Family
The Ehlert Family
The Ferengul Family
The Feurer Family
The Florkiewicz Family
The Force Family
The Fortsch Family
The Garner Family
The Gillen Family
The Gin Family
The Gonzales Family
The Graham Family
The Gruft Family
The Harpold Family
The Harrington Family
The Helbing Family
The Hendrickson Family
The Hinson Family
The Howard Family
The Jeon Family
The Jerz Family
The Jones Family
The Juarez Family
The Kehoe Family
The Kernan Family
The Kirkpatrick family
The Larson Family
The Lewis Family
The Loya-Costabile Family
The Macgregor Family
The Malackowski Family
The Martin Family
The Martinez Family
The McCarville Family
2014 Gold Award recipient
“Many of the kids walked away
with a new insight on science,
understanding that it can actually be very fun and exciting.”
—Jada Haynes
The McHugh Family
The Mesterharm Family
The Metzger Family
The Mirkhaef Family
The Munson family
The Newhall Family
The Norris Family
The O’Brien Family
The O’Leary Family
The Petrick Family
The Ptack Family
The RackFamily
The Reeves Family
The Rin-Laures Family
The Robinson Family
The Savegnago Family
The Scherer Family
The Schilling Family
The Schimanski Family
The SedlacekFamily
The Smith Family
The Stambolic Family
The Stathis Family
The Stein Family
The Stevens Family
The Strumberger Family
The Tengelsen Family
The Thakkar Family
The Tung Family
The Uihlein Family
The Van Swearingen Family
The Vargo Family
The Virgilio Family
The Wagner Family
The Walker Family
The Whittington Family
The Wolfe Family
The Wong Family
The Zipfel Family
The Zubenko Family
The Zurek Family
The Abbasi Family
The Abboud Family
The Adamski Family
The Adejo Family
The Advani Family
The Aguilar Family
The Albrecht Family
The Alfaro Family
The Alkhudari Family
The Alstadt Family
The Alzaim Family
The Anderson Family
The Anderson Family
The Andolina Family
The Angelides Family
The Archer Family
The Badame Family
The Baffes Family
The Baldwin Family
The Ballanco Family
The Banaszewski Family
The Barrettt Family
The Bartusiak Family
The Basulto Family
The Batllo Family
The Baugh Family
The Beirne Family
The Berglund Family
The Bergquist Family
The Berks Family
The Bernaden Family
The Berni Family
The Bhojani Family
The Biba-Brown Family
The Bielinski Family
The Biery Family
The Birch Family
The Bird-Janulis Family
The Bischopink Family
The Blackstone Family
The Block Family
The Boehme Family
The Bojrab Family
The Bork Family
The Borner Family
The Boyer Family
Family Partnership
The Bracamontes Family
The Bratland Family
The Brett Family
The Brosius Family
The Brown Family
The Bryant Family
The Buchanan Family
The Bukowski Family
The Burnette Family
The Burns Family
The Busch Family
The Buttell Family
The Cabrera Family
The Callahan Family
The Canon Family
The Carbone Family
The Carlos Family
The Carlotti Family
The Carroll Family
The Cassaro Family
The Cassidy Family
The Castillo Innis Family
The Caywood Family
The Cedzidlo Family
The Cerny Family
The Cherven Family
The Childs Family
The Ciaglia Family
The Clemency Family
The Coffern Family
The Cole Family
The Collier Family
The Condic Family
The Condon Family
The Connolly Family
The Connor Family
The Conroy Family
The Coseglia Family
The Costabile Family
The Coussis Family
The Coy Family
The Crider Family
The Crossan Family
The Crosson Family
The Cruz Family
The Cuerdon Family
The Cullen Family
The Curry Family
The Dahle Family
The Daly Family
The Daniel Family
The Daniher Family
The Daul Family
The Davila Family
The De Luna Family
The Delany Family
The Deyhle Family
The DiDomenico Family
The Disanto Family
The Domenech Family
The Donnellan Family
The Dorn Family
The Dorr Family
The Doyle Family
The Drapszo Family
The Dreixler Family
The Drzewiecka Family
The Dudy Family
The Dunkin Family
The Dunn Family
The Dvorak Family
The Dzendzeluk Family
The Eberhard Family
The Eckert Family
The Egeland Family
The Eichorst Family
The Einig Family
The Elgeness Family
The Ellias Family
The Elliott Family
The Enschede Family
The Farel Family
The Fasano Family
The Fato Family
The Fay Family
The Finley Family
The Flam Family
The Flaminio Family
The Flanagan Family
The Fletcher Family
The Fortman Family
The Foster Family
The Frangias Family
The Frendreiss Family
The Frese Family
The Friedman Family
The Frieswyk Family
The Froiland Family
The Gaastra Family
The Gaines Family
The Galiano-Sanchez Family
The Galvan Family
The Garazin Family
The Garcia Family
The Gargano Family
The Garmey Family
The Garvey Family
The Gearhart Family
The Gibbs Family
The Gibson Family
The Gigliotti Family
The Gignac Family
The Gil Family
The Gleason Family
The Glickley Family
The Golda Family
The Goldberg Family
The Golz Family
The Gomez Family
The Gomien Family
The Gonzalez Family
The Good Family
The Gordils Family
The Gordon Family
The Grady Family
The Grant Family
The Graziano Family
The Great Family
The Grib Family
The Grinen Family
The Groom Family
The Gruia-Fregoso Family
The Guay Family
The Gulik Family
The Guthrie Family
The Gutierrez Family
The Gyori Family
The Halstead Family
The Hane Family
The Hanlon Family
The Harris Family
Advice from a Camp CEO mentor
Diana Palomar: “Whatever you do,
bring other girls along and share
your opportunities with them.”
The Hart Family
The Hartbarger Family
The Hasan Family
The Henricks Family
The Hernandez Family
The Hewitt Family
The Higgins Family
The Hohmeier Family
The Hollingsworth Family
The Holloway Family
The Honderich Family
The Hosek Family
The Hribal Family
The Hubbard Family
The Hudgens Family
The Hunter Family
The Hurdogan Family
The Hurubean Family
The Ikeuchi Family
The Imowitz Family
The Ioppolo Family
The Izenstark Family
The Izraeli Family
The Jacobsen Family
The Jacobson Family
The Jamrock Family
The Jensen Family
The John Family
The Johnson family
The Jovicic Family
The Kahdeman Family
The Kaiser Family
The Kanala Family
The Kareem Family
The Keller Family
The Kelly Family
The KennedyFamily
The Kim Family
The Kindig Family
The Kipp Family
The Kirkman Family
The Klein Family
The Klotz Family
The Kmiec Family
The Knispel Family
The Knopf Family
The Knuckman Family
The Koenig Family
The Kohl Family
The Kolar Family
The Kolatek Family
The Kontos Family
The KorteFamily
The Kozlowski Family
The Kupec Family
The Kurowska Family
The Kurtz Family
The La Falce Family
The Lacrosse Family
The Ladd Family
The Lakowski Family
The Laliberte Family
The Lam Family
The Lambert Family
The Lancaster Family
The Land Family
The Landis Family
The Langlois Family
The Larsen Family
The Laurie Family
The Lazaro-Carrasco Family
The Levy Family
The Lincolnhol Family
The Lindell Family
The Locher-Kingsfield Family
The Loera Family
The Lombardi Family
The Lomingkit Family
The Louie Family
The LoVallo Family
The Lowe Family
The Lucas Family
The Lucente Family
The Lumsden Family
The Lynch Family
The Maatouk Family
The Macadlo Family
The MacDonald Family
The Macias Family
The Madary Family
The Madrigal Family
The Magliochetti Family
The Malone Family
The Mandadi Family
The Mandell Family
The Manning Family
The Manrriquez Family
The Marconi Family
The Marfise-Patt Family
The Marnie Kapuscinski Family
The Marquez Family
The Marro Family
The Marshall Family
The Martin Family
The Martin-Eatinger Family
The Martinez Family
The Maslanka Family
The Massengill Family
The Masterson Family
The Matthew Family
The Mazzeo Family
The McAlister Family
The McCann Family
The McColgan Family
The McCormick Family
The McGovern Family
The McKee Family
The McLaughlin Family
The McManamon Family
The McPherrin Family
The Meinke Family
The Melby Family
The Mendo Family
The Merkell Family
The Mia Family
The Michaels Family
The Miehl Family
The Mikulina Family
The Miller Family
The Miller-Roed Family
The Milligan Family
The Mitchell Family
The Mizerk-Thorrens Family
The Mock Family
The Moller Family
The Monckton Family
The Moncrief Family
The Moore Family
The Moran Family
The Morgan Family
The Morrison Family
The Murnane Family
The Naujokas Family
The Nay Family
The Nelson Scadron Family
The Neubauer Family
The Niego Family
The Nix Family
The Norris Family
The Norton Family
The O’Brien Family
The O’Connor Family
The Okada Family
The O’Keefe Family
The Oleksiuk Family
The Olivencia Family
The Olson Family
The Orante Family
The Ortiz Family
The Page Family
The Pankratz Family
The Pantoni Family
The Parks Family
The Patel Family
The Paul Family
The Paulauskas Family
The Paulding Family
The Pea Family
The Pearce Family
The Pearson Family
The Peck Family
The Pertsovskiy Family
The Peters Family
The Peterson Family
The Petreanu Family
The Petty Family
The Peyser Family
The Phillips Family
The Pieters Family
The Pignataro Family
The Pinto Family
The Pizza Family
The Polka Family
The Porter Family
The Posa Family
The Powers Family
The Pozdal Family
The Putzel Family
The Radenbaugh Family
The Ramirez Family
The Ramsey Family
The Randolfi Family
The Rayburn-Zammiello Family
The Reese Family
The Renaud Family
The Reuter Family
The Reyes Family
The Rhone Family
The Riccelli Family
The Richardson Family
The Rider Family
The Riedl Family
The Ritchie Family
The Robinson Family
The Roberts Family
The Rodriguez Family
The Roess Family
The Rohn Family
The Rose Family
The Roth Family
The Rubenstein Family
The Ruffini Family
The Salani Family
The Salgado Family
The Sandoval Family
The Sarno Family
The Saulis Family
The Scali Family
The Scepkowski Kulma Family
The Schafer de Ochoa Family
Family Partnership
The Scheck Family
The Scheib Family
The Scheier Family
The Schickel Family
The Schiffer Family
The Schimke Family
The Schimmelpennink Family
The Schiro Family
The Schmerold Family
The Schmidt Family
The Schoenjohn Family
The Schoenwetter Family
The Schulman Family
The Schuster Family
The Schutte Family
The Sekulic Family
The Sethi Family
The Shaikh Family
The Shanbaum Family
The Shanmugam Family
The Shaw Family
The Shelley Family
The Sheppard Family
The Sherry-Savage Family
The Shiakallis Family
The Shimamoto Family
The Siegel Family
The Silva Family
The Simzyk Family
The Skinner Family
The Slater Family
The Sliwicki Family
The Smith Family
The Smrz Family
The Smyrniotis Family
The Solak Family
The Solei Family
The Sommer Family
The Soto Family
The Spartz Family
The Spoehr Family
The Spreitzer Family
The Stack Family
The Stange Family
The Stumpf Family
The Suderow Family
2014 Gold Award recipient
“My community has seen how
service meets passion to create
a positive change.”
—Lisa Breitenfield
The Sundquist Family
The Superson Family
The Swanagan Family
The Szatynska Family
The Tagliavia Family
The TakacsFamily
The Tanna Family
The Taylor Family
The Tell Family
The Thoma Family
The Thomas Family
The Thompson Family
The Thornton Family
The Tobin Family
The Tomaszkiewicz Family
The Toohey Family
The Toth Family
The Townsend Family
The Trandel Family
The Trusk Family
The Turner Family
The Upshaw Family
The Urban Family
The Utter Family
The Vasilj Family
The Vemparala Family
The Vesel Family
The Vincer Family
The Vitti Family
The Vitto Family
The Voss Family
The Waechtler Family
The Walk Family
The Waugh Family
The Weddle Family
The Weil Family
The Weis Family
The Wells Family
The Welsh Family
The Wenc Family
The Wenger Family
The Wetle Family
The Weyna Family
The Whitaker Family
The Widman Family
The Wille Family
The Williams Family
The Winans Family
The Winter Family
The Witkowsky Family
The Wolcott Family
The Wood Family
The Wood-Prince Family
The Wright Family
The Ybarra Family
The Yuknis Family
The Zaheer Family
The Zanayed Family
The Zhang Family
The Zientarski Family
The Zinn Family
The Zinski Family
The Zoltoski Family
The Girl Scout Law
Advice from a Camp CEO mentor
Phyllis Cochran: “You need people
to help you get better in this world.”
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
GSGCNWI Gathering
Places located in:
• Vernon Hills
For more information, visit:
To donate or volunteer,
use your mobile phone to
connect to the QR code and
connect with us!