Mastopexy Augmentation
Mastopexy Augmentation
Laurence T. Glickman MD FRCSC FACS Long Island Plastic Surgical Group Garden City New York Breast Augmentation and Mastopexy y y y y y y y y y y Anatomy Consultation Operative Plan 3D Photography Surgical Options Augmentation Mastopexy Augmentation/Mastopexy Post Operative Care Complications Anatomy of the Breast Blood Supply y y y y Internal Mammary Artery Lateral Thoracic Artery Thoraco dorsal Artery Medial and Anterolateral intercostals 3rd - 5th anteromedial intercostal nerves (T3-T5) • 3rd - 6th anterolateral intercostal nerves (T3-T6) • Supraclavicular nerves from lower fibres of cervical plexus --> innervation to upper and lateral parts of breast • Lateral cutaneous branch of 4th intercostals (T4) --> innervation of NAC Indications for surgery Breast augmentation aims to enlarge the breast Mastopexy aims to improve the shape of the breast and elevate the nipple areolar complex without altering the size of the breast Augmentation/ Mastopexy aims to improve the shape and enlarge the breast while elevating the nipple areolar complex Pre Op Considerations y y y y y y y y y General Medical History Breast History Date of last mammogram Family history of breast disease and cancer Examinations of Breasts Size and Shape in relation of body habitus Previous breast surgery Motivations and expectations of surgery Understanding the surgical options Pre Op Measurements Sternal notch to nipple distance Inter-nipple distance Asymmetry Distance of nipple in relation to inframammary crease y Skin quality, breast density, chest wall size y Areolar dimensions y Preoperative Photographs y y y y y y y y y y y y y Pre operative photos 3d photo analysis Blood work Medical Clearance Mammogram Ultrasound Implant selection Surgical approach Informed consent Preoperative Worksheet Questions to Consider How long will I be off work How long will the stitches be in How long for the swelling to go down How long must I wear a special bra Will you guarantee breast size and shape When can I start normal activities Will I have normal sensation in the breast and nipples y How much will the procedure cost y y y y y y y Surgical Approaches y Augmentation Inframammary vs. Periareolar vs. Transaxillary Subpectoral vs. subglandular Saline vs. Silicone y Mastopexy Periareolar vs. Vertical vs. Inverted T y Augmentation/Mastopexy Incision and implant type Augmentation Incisions Choosing an Implant y Saline vs. Silicone y Advantages y Disadvantages Implant Selection Saline Implant Silicone vs. Saline Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation Mirror System -Vectra 3D Vectra 3D imaging Vectra 3D Vectra 3D Vectra Vectra 3D imaging Trans-axillary Augmentation Trans-axillary Augmentation Augmentation -Transaxillary Peri-areolar Augmentation Peri-areolar augmentation Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation Breast Augmentation Augmentation –Peri-areolar Augmentation – peri-areolar Augmentation - peri-areolar Augmentation – Transaxillary Ptosis Mastopexy -Surgical Options y Benelli incision – periareolar - crescentic y Le Jour incision – vertical – circumvertical y Robbins incision – inverted T- Wise pattern Every surgeon uses a different technique Mark midline Mark position of IMF Measure from sternal notch to nipple and from midline to nipple to assure symmetry Transpose IMF to help determine NAC position (some put it at IMF, some above) +/- Mark new areolar opening - some leave areolar excision until the end and do not mark it at the start Design pedicle position and dimensions Plan skin resection Vertical Mastopexy Vertical Mastopexy Vertical mastopexy Vertical Mastopexy Auto -Augmentation Vertical Mastopexy Vertical Mastopexy Mastopexy Inverted T Breast Markings Mastopexy Inverted T Breast Markings Mastopexy Inverted T Breast Markings Mastopexy - Inverted T Mastopexy Mastopexy Mastopexy Mastopexy Mastopexy Mastopexy Mastopexy Mastopexy Mastopexy Mastopexy Mastopexy Mastopexy Mastopexy Augmentation Mastopexy y One of the most difficult and complicated operations we do y Up to 20% complication rate y High incidence of patient dissatisfaction y Poor communication y Poor planning y Poor execution Augmentation Mastopexy Mastopexy/Augmentation Mastopexy/Augmentation Mastopexy /Augmentation Mastopexy/Augmentation Mastopexy/Augmentation Mastopexy/Augmentation Mastopexy /Augmentation Mastopexy Changes over time Post Operative Care y y y y y y y y Limit exercise for 4 weeks Take antibiotics and analgesics as prescribed Encourage hydration - 8 glasses of water a day No smoking or second hand smoke Post operative exercises Wear brassiere 24/7 for support for 2 weeks Wear Bandeau when indicated Silicone sheeting post operatively for 3 months Post Operative Exercises Post Operative - Bandeau Post Operative Gel Complications y y y y y y y y y y y Bleeding Infection Scarring Asymmetry Capsular Contracture Window shading Bottoming out Necrosis Nipple Insensitivity Inability to lactate Mammographic Changes Peri-areolar Mastopexy Rippling Augmentation/Mastopexy Bottoming Out Hematoma Window shading Capsular contracture Capsular contracture Implant selection Scarring Scarring Concluding Remarks y Cosmetic Breast surgery is challenging y Patients must be carefully evaluated for breast pathology y Patients must be carefully selected for existing breast shape, skin quality and morphology y Selection of implants must be made with the patient y Mastopexy has many surgical options y Augmentation /Mastopexy is a very challenging procedure y Breast augmentation and Mastopexy can be very rewarding with excellent outcomes Thank you!!!
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