2012 Winter Silver Trumpet 1
2012 Winter Silver Trumpet 1
Silver TrumpetVol. XXI No. 3 Phone: (606) 693-5000 Kentucky Mountain Bible College News Fax: (888) 742-1124 Winter 2012 E-mail: [email protected] COLLINGSWORTH FAMILY CONCERT On September 7, the Phil Collingsworth Family put on a thrilling concert to the biggest crowd we have ever had in the new Helen Mathews Luce Chapel. The music was spectacular. Several times the crowd gave them standing ovations. In addition to the vocal music we were blessed by exhilarating trumpet, violin, and piano specials. The frosting on the cake was when Kim Collingsworth played her special rendition of “How Great Thou Art.” The glory of God seemed to linger near, following her anointed playing. A wonderful feature of the concert was that it was much more than beautiful sounds pleasing to the ear—it was a great worship experience. The Collingsworth’s amazing music was augmented by the terrific acoustics of the new chapel. Both Phil Collingsworth and their sound technician bragged on the excellent acoustics of the building. Phil Collingsworth said the acoustics of the chapel were nearly perfect. 1 WHY I BELIEVE IN KMBC I believe in KMBC because it is committed to the concept of absolute truth as found in the Bible. KMBC agrees with the scriptures which teach that some things are absolutely right, and some things are absolutely wrong! The ever increasing popular postmodern worldview is that there is no absolute truth. This popular teaching holds that everything is relative. Nothing is absolutely right, and nothing is absolutely wrong! According to postmodernism we have many options of truth from which to choose. Each person is entitled to choose his own version of truth. Whatever he chooses is right for him! David Brooks, in his book The Organization Kid, did an extensive study about students at Princeton University. He says, “Today’s students do not inherit a concrete and articulated moral system. ... When it comes to character and virtue, these young people have been left on their own ... go figure out what is true and just for yourselves.” When asked why Princeton doesn’t provide clear teaching on morals, character, and virtue, a Princeton Dean said, “We made the decision that these are adults and this is not our job.” Pathetically this is the typical attitude of secular colleges and universities. They offer a multitude of options for truth—“Pick out whatever suits your tastes!” It is no wonder that our nation is morally adrift. The sad part is that many so-called Christian colleges and universities are adopting the same posture though usually less ex- 2 treme at first. In many Christian universities absolute truth is on its way out, and relativism is on its way in! I believe in KMBC because it is solidly committed to Biblical absolutes of right and wrong. We don’t teach that right and wrong is a multiple choice option and a matter of personal preference. We teach that God’s Word is true and He has clearly communicated in His Word absolute truths upon which we can build our lives. We are not like the liberals who are in search of the truth. Thank God that we have discovered it in His Holy Word! Our big job is not to discover it but rather to obey it. IN THIS ISSUE COLLINGSWORTH FAMILY CONCERT . . . . . . . . 1 WHY I BELIEVE IN KMBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2ND ANNUAL HOLINESS SUMMIT . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BEAUTIFUL STEPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 NEW BUSINESS MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CONGRATULATIONS, STEVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 KMBC DRAMATIC MINISTRIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 WORK TEAM ROLL CALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 KMBC YOUTH CAMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 TALENT EXTRAVAGANZA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: TARA SILECCHIA . . . . 10 STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: BOONCHALIT (Eung) CHOKDEEPUSIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CHOSEN PEOPLE MINISTRIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 SWAUGER HALL RENOVATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 WHY I HAVE PUT KMBC IN MY WILL . . . . . . . . 12 2ND ANNUAL HOLINESS SUMMIT KMBC’s 2nd annual Holiness Summit, Oct. 28 - 30, was another big hit. People came from 12 different states to attend this special event. We had more outside guests attend this conference than any previous conference. The three evangelists, Dr. Nina Gunter, Dr. Norm Wilson, and Dr. John Oswalt, preached excellent messages on the theme of holiness. A number of people sought, found, and testified to finding spiritual help at the altar during this summit. It was a spiritually high time. The music, preaching, and fellowship were all outstanding. It was like a camp meeting compressed into three days. Someone said it was like a camp meeting on steroids minus the typical hard benches and hot sultry temperatures. A unique and blessed feature this year was the service where two local pastors shared one amazing story after another of powerful conversions in their respective churches. They had us laughing and crying at the same time. God was all over the service. One guest from out of state said that service was worth the whole trip! Attendees at the conference are already making plans to attend next year. Be sure to look for the announcement of next year’s Holiness Summit in the next Silver Trumpet 3 BEAUTIFUL STEPS Pictured here is Jerry McLaughlin, who lives near Canton, Ohio, and his crew, redoing the steps that lead to our gymnasium. The concrete had been severely eaten away in many spots. When approached about repairing the steps he suggested that we let him cover them with attractive paving brick. Thanks, Jerry and crew, for coming up with a much better solution than we had originally planned. This new brick job will set off the gymnasium, making it look much more stately and attractive. KMBC has been greatly blessed by having many talented work teams help us improve and enhance our campus facilities. 4 NEW BUSINESS MANAGER In August, Joy Carpenter Paul became KMBC’s new Business Manager. Mrs. Paul had lived in Hyndman, Pennsylvania, prior to coming to KMBC. She had just retired after working in banking for forty-five years. For twenty-five of those years she worked as Chief Operating Officer. Joy comes to us very well qualified to serve as our business manager. She is very congenial, gracious, professional, and easy to work with. Her joining the KMBC team is a real answer to prayer. She and her new husband, David Paul, were married on June 23 of this year. David teaches, works as an Administrative Assistant, and serves as our campus counselor. The Pauls are a great asset and blessing to the KMBC campus. CONGRATULATIONS, STEVE Pictured here are Steve and Melissa Lorimer, who are being honored for Steve’s successful completion of his Masters of Business Administration Degree. Steve is KMBC’s technology guru who works very hard to keep KMBC’s technology up to speed and on the cutting edge. The college is very blessed to have our very own technology expert living on our campus. Steve could easily go elsewhere and pull down a very handsome salary, but he has chosen instead to work at KMBC because he feels God has called him to this work. Steve not only works on our computers but also produces almost all of the software that we use on campus. He has built our own campus phone system, chimes for our chapel, accounting software systems, and much, much more. Many of these systems are better than we could buy on the commercial market. It would cost multiplied thousands of dollars to purchase the many systems he has built for the college. Thanks so much, Steve, for using your special talents to better KMBC and advance God’s Kingdom. 5 KMBC DRAMATIC MINISTRIES The KMBC Dramatic Ministries class diligently prepared the fall production of “No Compromise and the Fool.” The event was held November 16th at 7:00 PM in the Helen Matthews Luce Chapel, with KMBC communications professor, Dr. John Neihof directing. The performance featured a series of sketches with Biblical messages, written by James Mulholland. Inspiring, comedic and convicting performances challenged and entertained the audience. The KMBC campus family, the Mount Carmel High School students, along with visitors and guests made up the audience. After the performance, the drama students celebrated their success with family and friends. 6 WORK TEAM ROLL CALL DATE NAME STATE # WORK DONE July Gary Knox OH 12 Carpet/Carpentry/Painting Jack Duff KY 1 Trim Dick Burk PA 5 Carpet/Carpentry Gary Knox & Co. OH 6 Painting Jason & Cindy Murphy IN 7 Cleaning/Finish Work/Painting Sept Tom Harper IN 1 Finish Work Oct Gary Knox OH 4 Carpentry/Heating/Cooling Jerry McLaughlin OH 6 Masonry Jack Duff KY 1 Flooring Jerry McLaughlin OH 3 Masonry Jack Duff KY 1 Flooring Aug Nov 7 KMBC YOUTH CAMP This past summer KMBC had an exciting youth camp, with campers coming from six different states! Many of the youth got definite spiritual help—a number testifying to getting saved and others testifying to being sanctified. Our goal is to make the camp a powerful spiritual event in their lives that they will never forget. During the day the campers were able to take some fun excursions off campus to enjoy some of the surrounding natural beauty. They went caving and canoeing, and hiked to the top of Natural Bridge plus played a number of fun and unique games on campus. This camp is very reasonably priced at only $80 for six days—a bargain compared to most other youth camps. Next year’s camp is July 29 - Aug 3. Based on early interest, expressed by a number of pastors, we are expecting a significant increase in attendance for next year. 8 TALENT EXTRAVAGANZA KMBC’s spring recruiting event, April 19 & 20, is going to have an exciting new feature! High school juniors and seniors who have musical or public speaking talents will be invited to come to the KMBC campus and compete in a talent contest. Winners will be awarded a KMBC scholarship. The emphasis of this recruiting weekend will be “Using Our Talents for God!” On Friday evening, April 19, three KMBC singing groups will be using their talents to present a sacred concert. Make plans now to come and hear the KMBC Choir, the Voice of Truth, and By Grace. We encourage pastors and youth leaders to begin making plans with their youth to come to this “Talent Extravaganza.” 9 STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: TARA SILECCHIA Tara Silecchia is a freshman from Scio, Ohio who came to KMBC with a call to missions. She had been impressed that this school was a place that she could grow, and according to her, she “absolutely” has. Tara is studying Elementary Education, and while she doesn’t know where God wants her to go exactly, she is getting ready and is willing to follow Him wherever He leads. In the preparation she is finding that her desire to serve Christ in missions is also growing. She is solid in her faith and a light here already on campus, so pray that Tara will abound even more and more in the love of God. STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: BOONCHALIT (Eung) CHOKDEEPUSIT Boonchalit (Eung as he is called around here) came from Bangkok, Thailand to the states to attend highschool. As he was seeking where to attend college, God clearly closed doors and opened the one to KMBC. Eung is a Sophomore this year, and plans to return to Thailand [which is part of the 10-40 window] when he graduates in some kind of “home” missionary capacity. He says he has grown in his spiritual life since being at KMBC, mentioning that his classes have stimulated his thinking and deepened his understanding of life in the Spirit, which has strengthened his ability to live for Christ with consistency. An accountability group has also been part of helping him to grow. Eung is a blessing, and his upbeat attitude on campus is a great encouragement. Please pray that God will work in him all that he needs to minister under God’s anointing and power. 10 CHOSEN PEOPLE MINISTRIES Peter Shirokov shared his powerful testimony about coming to Christ as a young Jew in the Ukraine, the amazing leadership of the Lord in bringing him to the USA to study, and now as he serves Christ in vibrant ministry with Chosen People Ministries. Peter also opened the Word of God to strongly challenge us to “Go, and take the Gospel to all nations!” This ministry was founded in 1894 by Leopold Cohn, an orthodox Jewish rabinical student who found Jesus as Messiah. The ministry is committed to sharing the Good News of salvation with His chosen people and any others who seek Him. SWAUGER HALL RENOVATION This summer, work teams braved the stifling heat and completely renovated the third floor ladies’ dorm of Swauger Hall. Crews stripped the floor down to the bare studs. Following this, the floor was rewired, re-drywalled, and painted. New light fixtures, trim, and carpet were installed, making the place look brand new. New dorm furniture was also purchased for the floor. The ladies were delighted when they returned from summer vacation and found their floor completely redone. We are very grateful to the KMBC Alumni Association for providing the funding for this project. Praise God, three of the four floors in the ladies’ dorms have been completely renovated, including new dorm furniture for the rooms. 11 KENTUCKY MOUNTAIN BIBLE COLLEGE P.O. BOX 10 VANCLEVE, KY 41385-0010 WHY I HAVE PUT KMBC IN MY WILL We wish to thank a special friend and supporter who recently made KMBC the primary beneficiary of his will. When asked why he chose KMBC, he gave the following reasons: He is a conservative evangelical in the Wesleyan Arminian tradition and wants to support a college that believes as he does. He said he appreciates the fact that KMBC emphasizes holiness and has not drifted like a lot of schools. He wants to support KMBC because we are training people for the ministry and for missions. He feels comfortable investing his money in the school because it is well managed fiscally. Another positive factor to him is that KMBC is a smaller school where his contribution can make a real impact. KMBC is deeply grateful to our friend and all others that have included the college in their estate planning. Inheritance money is a tremendous blessing because it helps the college do a better job and provides a more secure financial foundation for the future. 12 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SHOALS, IN PERMIT No.18
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