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A13<3 5CBB3@:A:CB :=>@=47:3 :=D3167:2 9C0/@ 2B>; A 3 0 / 0 C5/ A /7< 5 / @ 3 D 5= < 7 B @ / B A 7<A723AB3>63<8=<3A4/BB=<G¸A:=<2=< A7;=<B/G:=@ABC23<B>@723;/@D3::=CA;G9=<=A EEE=Cb;/51=C9 7AAC3B67@BG<7<3! 4@33 B63C:B7;/B35C723B=5/G:=<2=< =CbT`]\b PAGE 22 SUGABABES EDITORIAL// ADVERTISING Editor David Hudson [email protected] PAGE 67 OUTREACH Age Concern Camden’s Opening Doors befriending project and community listings IMAGE © ELLIS PARRINDER +44 (0)20 7258 1943 PAGE 68 OUTNEWS All the gay news from home and abroad CONTENTS PAGE 04 LETTERS Send your correspondence to [email protected] ISDN: 1473-6039 Head of Advertising Rob Harkavy [email protected] + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 Head of Business Development Lyndsey Porter [email protected] + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 Senior Advertising Executive Dan Goodban [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1832 Advertising Executive Jacqueline Blake [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Advertising Executive Nicole Clowes [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Square Peg Media Ltd. 37 Ivor Place London NW1 6EA Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, either in whole or in part may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2009. Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. PAGE 70 CAREER Mark PalmerEdgecumbe on homophobia in professional football HUDSON’S LETTER I was intrigued to watch I Love You Phillip Morris, a new film hitting cinemas this month in which Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor star as gay lovers. You can read a full review of the movie on page 28. It did make me think how it has becoming increasingly common for straight actors to throw themselves into gay roles. The fact that both Tom Hanks and Sean Penn have won Oscars for their portrayals of gay men (in Philadelphia and Milk respectively) shows that Hollywood certainly has no problem with straight actors playing gay. However, the industry still seems to have a problem with openly gay actors – as examined in the play The Little Dog Laughed (also reviewed in this issue). Also in this month’s edition, Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe looks at the problem of homophobia in football from an employment point of view. Shockingly, the publicist Max Clifford recently advised two gay Premier League footballers to keep quiet about their sexuality, warning them that if they spoke out it would bring their careers to an end. It’s hugely disappointing that in a world where gay rights are protected by equality laws, and gay politicians operate at the highest levels of government, there remain careers where being openly gay is actively discouraged. If audiences are happy to accept a straight person playing gay, why does Hollywood think that same audience would have such a problem with a gay person playing a straight, romantic role? Enjoy this month’s issue and keep sending us your correspondence. [email protected] PAGE 08 MY LONDON DJ Fat Tony gives us his capital highlights PAGE 10 SHOPPING H&M T-shirts and the latest Sony Ericsson mobile phone PAGE 13 DIARY March’s cultural highlights in and around London PAGE 50 LO-PROFILE PAGE 32 THEATRE The Little Dog Laughed plus theatre news PAGE 34 ART Simon Taylor and his film-inspired canvases PAGE 22 SUGABABES We catch up with Heidi, Amelle and new member Jade PAGE 36 STEPHEN JONES The acclaimed hat designer talks to us about his career PAGE 26 MUSIC New albums from Sharleen Spitiri, Turn Brakes and Ellie Goulding PAGE 38 FOOD Mayfair’s Benares and Babbo reviewed PAGE 30 FILM I Love You Phillip Morris, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and Motherhood reviewed PAGE 78 PROPERTY Living in Leyton and the latest products for the home PAGE 88 MOTORING We test drive the new Volkswagen Golf GTi PAGE 90 TRAVEL Mykonos PAGE 97 HEALTH The Gym – Covent Garden and 56 Dean Street PAGE 8 MY LONDON PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON Staff writer John Kelly [email protected] Design Concept Boutique Marketing Graphic Designer Ryan Beal Sub Editor Kathryn Fox Contributors Richard Bevan, Adrian Foster, Daniel Fry, Edward Gamlin, Knight Hooson, Paul Murphy, Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe, Max Skjönsberg, Richard Tonks, Stephen Unwin Photographer Chris Jepson Publishers Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley PAGE 43 OUT THERE Upcoming scene highlights for March, plus coverage of Love Child, DTPM, Lo-Profile and Ku Bar ! =CbT`]\b :3BB3@A !gSO`a0cbWTg]c aOWRUWdS[SbS\e]`Ra b]RSaQ`WPSg]c`aSZT UOge]cZR\¸bPS]\S]T bVS[¸¶ 7Y\]ebS\e]`Ra7¸R caSb]RSaQ`WPSVW[ abO`bW\UeWbV^ObVSbWQ Andrew Brettell, Canterbury ON FIRE DANDY ANDY FT. CARMEN CASTRO From enigmatic French act Dandy Andy, the brilliant ‘My Lonely Valentine’ (out 21 March) is one of our favourite new tunes. THE APPLE IPAD We’re not entirely sure why we need it, but as Apple devotees, our lives will not be complete until we have one. Due to hit the market in late March. BETTE BOURNE A living legend. Just a few more days to catch his brilliant A Life In Three Acts show with Mark Ravenhill at the Soho Theatre (until 27 February). WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL THE RECESSION Apparently, according to official statistics, it’s over. However, we think we’ll still be living on a budget for some time to come. UGLY BETTY It’s been announced by American channel ABC that it plans to drop Ugly Betty. Farewell to one of the campest shows on TV. THE POPE Has again spoken out against equality, this time criticising the UK’s Equality Bill as being “against natural order”. Charming. ON ICE " FORDFAUX PAS BOZYW\UW\O\Sea^O^S` `SQS\bZgBVSAc\ROg BW[Sa³%OP]cb VWaTWZ[/AW\UZS;O\ bVSTWZ[¸a2W`SQb]` B][4]`ReV]Wa OZa]OTO[]caTOaVW]\ RSaWU\S`aOgaµWb¸a\]b OUOgab]`gVSXcab VO^^S\ab]PSUOg¶ EVgR]TWZ[RW`SQb]`a TSSZbVS\SSRb]ORR bVSaS_cOZWTWQObW]\a b]e]`YaOP]cbUOg QVO`OQbS`a-/AW\UZS ;O\eOae`WbbS\ Pg1V`Wab]^VS` 7aVS`e]]ROdS`g ]cbUOg[O\O\R bVS[OW\QVO`OQbS` 5S]`USWaUOgBVS TWZ[¸aabO`1]ZW\4W`bV eOabVS\_c]bSROa aOgW\UµeVS\VS¸a OaYSR\]bb]Q][S b]VWaZ]dS`¸aTc\S`OZ ³bVObQ]cZRPSO\g aSQ`Sb]`W\O^^`]^`WObS Z]dS`¶BVWaWU\]`SabVS TOQbbVObbVSTWZ[WaaSb W\bVS$¸aO\Rc\bWZ bVSW\b`]RcQbW]\]T bVS1WdWZ>O`b\S`aVW^ /QbW\ #bVSTSO` ]TPSW\UPO``SRT`][ bVSTc\S`OZ]`V]a^WbOZ PSRaWRS]TOZ]dS` eOaOdS`g`SOZbV`SOb O\RW\[O\gQOaSaO TOQbT]`UOg^S]^ZS BVSaSQ][[S\ba RW[W\WaVbVS^`]PZS[a bVObTOQSRbVS:50B Q][[c\WbgObbVOb bW[Sb]USbVS`eWbVbVS PObbZSabVSgVORO\R abWZZR]VOdSb]UOW\ b`cSS_cOZWbg 4WZ[RW`SQb]`aR]\]b TSSZbVS\SSRb]aOg bVObbVSW`VSbS`]aSfcOZ TWZ[aO`S\]b VSbS`]aSfcOZab]`WSa ]`bVObbVSW`QVO`OQbS`a µXcabVO^^S\b]PS¶ ab`OWUVb:Saa]\aO`S abWZZb]PSZSO`\SR /\SdS\aORRS` STAR LETTER DOWN MEXICO WAY 4OaQW\ObSRbV]cUV7eOaPgbVSO`bWQZS]\ UOg[O``WOUSW\/`US\bW\OO\R;SfWQ]I=7B1 4SP`cO`g KWbeOaa][SeVOb[O``SRPgbVS aS\bS\QS(µ1WdWZc\W]\aVOdSPSS\ZSUOZW\;SfWQ] aW\QS $Pcb;SfWQ]1Wbg¸a[]dSb]ZSUOZWaS [O``WOUSS\ac`SabVOb4`Sg`SO\R2S0SZZ]¸a QS`S[]\geWZZPST]ZZ]eSRPg[O\g]bVS`aW\ A]cbV/[S`WQO¶ BVWaW[^ZWSabVOb;SfWQ]WaW\A]cbV/[S`WQO BVS\O[S]TbVSb`ORW\U^OQbPSbeSS\1O\ORO bVSCA/O\R;SfWQ]WaQOZZSRbVS<]`bV/[S`WQO 4`SSB`ORS/U`SS[S\bT]`U]]R`SOa]\);SfWQ] WaOQbcOZZgW\<]`bV/[S`WQO =bVS`eWaSO\SfQSZZS\bWaacS7^O`bWQcZO`Zg S\X]gSR`SORW\UbVSO`bWQZSµ/1VO\US]TAQS\S¶ I^OUS"KeVWQV7bV]cUVbUOdSO`ST`SaVW\UO\R ^S`VO^a[]`S`SOZWabWQ^S`a^SQbWdS]\bVSZWdSa]T bVS[OX]`Wbg]TUOg[S\O\R e][S\eV]ZWdSW\:]\R]\ Jan Altus WIN! 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NEW PUMA We’ve always been rather partial to the Puma brand, so were immediately taken by the new spring/summer additions to its range of trainers. We’re loving the re-issued Sky II Hi Neo in grey and purple – a classic Puma basketball shoe that was first introduced back in 1980. The boots are beautifully cushioned for those wishing to jump around on a basketball court or, indeed, a dancefloor. They cost £70. SPRING SPRUNG Welcome the spring by adding a dash of colour to your accessories range. Watchshop is a new discovery for us – a website offering hundreds of different timepieces, from the formal and luxurious through the cheap and cheerful. Vibrant additions to its collection include this Adidas Originals Green Chronograph (£39) – also available in purple and blue. There’s a bright yellow Timex Expedition WS4 (£134), and, at the more pricey end of the spectrum, the electric blue Technomarine (£350). Check the full range at KEY TO LIFE Sony Ericsson are releasing half a dozen new mobile units to the market this spring. Our favourite is this one – the Sony Ericsson Vivaz™ pro. A sister phone to its successful Vivaz™, the pro version comes with a slideout QWERTY keyboard (perfect for messaging and other social networking sites), HD video recorder and a full touchscreen. For those who regard small as beautiful, also look out for Sony Ericsson’s new Xperia™ X10 mini – a technologically advanced phone that’s smaller than a credit card, but also comes with a slide-out keyboard for easy messaging. T-SHIRT LOTTO André Lorens Stock is an 18-year-old from Sweden who is behind the hyped T-shirt label Black Book. André started the label after he printed a T-shirt he’d bought at H&M with his own design. Now, H&M is celebrating his entrepreneurial spirit with an collaboration through André will choose and customize his favourite prints that are sent in from customers to from January, with the resulting T-shirts appearing in-store from April. =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// MARCH 2010 24 FEB-04 MAY: Best IMAGE © CORBIS known for her role as Samantha Jones in Sex and the City, Kim Cattrall returns to the stage to act opposite Matthew Macfadyen (Tom Quinn from Spooks) for an extended production of Private Lives. Playing a longdivorced couple, Elyot and Amanda, the characters are unexpectedly reunited when they happen upon each other in the south of France. Still glamorous, rich and reckless, their passionate feelings for 2 MAR-10 APR: ;]dW\U 01-13 MAR: The Connect Festival is an annual celebration of dance at the Sadler’s Wells Theatre that will combine performances, workshops and seminars. Do you think you’re too old to take up dancing? If that is the case, the Company of Elders may inspire you. The group (pictured above), all of whom are aged between 61 and 87, will be opening the festival. Connect will also celebrate young talents with Roar! on 5 March presenting youth dance groups from across the capital, while the FATHom Project on 10 March is a collective from Newcastle specialising in inclusive dance, theatre, film and music. A diverse and engaging experience is guaranteed. Tickets cost from £5. RSTbZgT`][^Oabb] ^`SaS\b:]`R/`bVc`¸a 0SReSOdSabVS ab]`g]T[]RS`\ROg UOgQ]c^ZS2]\OZR O\R8W[eWbVbVOb ]TDWQb]`WO\Q`]aa R`SaaS`a3`\SabAbSZZO O\R4`SR4O\\g /ZbV]cUVT`][dOabZg RWTTS`S\bQW`Qc[abO\QS O\RS`Oa2]\OZR O\R8W[RWaQ]dS` O\c\Sf^SQbSR Q]\\SQbW]\b]AbSZZO O\R4O\\gO\ROa bVSgRWURSS^S` W\b]bVS^OabbVSg `WaYaVObbS`W\UbVS T]c\RObW]\a]T bVSW`]e\T`OUWZS each other are immediately rekindled, but there’s a minor obstacle – both are on honeymoon with their new spouses and their inability to quench their feelings for each other leads them down a predictable path of turmoil and deceit. A comedic tale that’s bound to draw crowds due to Cattrall’s enduring popularity, the play is now running at London’s Vaudeville Theatre until 4 May. www.vaudeville-theatre. `SZObW]\aVW^>`]RcQSR PgG]`YaVW`SO\R 0`WUVb]\POaSR Q][^O\gBVSOb`S <]`bVbVS;O`bW\ :Seb]\RW`SQbSR ^ZOg`c\aObBVS 9W\Ua6SORBVSOb`S W\7aZW\Ub]\O\R abO`a@cO`OWR ;c``OgO\RA^S\QS` 1VO`ZSa<]ZZeee YW\UaVSORbVSOb`S]`U 02-28 MAR:BVS/P]dS bVSAbOUbVSOb`SW\ DWQb]`WOV]abaO\Se ORO^bObW]\]T3; 4]`abS`¸aQZOaaWQbOZS ;Oc`WQSBVS\]dSZ eOa]`WUW\OZZge`WbbS\ W\'!"PcbeOa\¸b ^cPZWaVSRc\bWZ'% ³OTbS`4]`abS`¸a RSObVO\RXcabT]c` gSO`aOTbS`bVS RSQ`W[W\OZWaObW]\]T V][]aSfcOZWbg7b¸aO bS\RS`O\RSd]QObWdS ab]`g]TaO[SaSfZ]dS W\3ReO`RWO\ JAN-27 MAR: Adult entertainment star Dean Monroe (pictured) hits the West End stage this month. He’s currently appearing in a production of the smash hit fringe production Naked Boys Singing… which offers exactly what it says on the tin! Several gay characters recount the tales of their lives through the medium of song… and very little clothing. It’s playing Friday and Saturday nights at 10pm until 27 March at the Arts Theatre, 6-7 Great Newport Street, WC2. Tickets £10-£20. ! =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// MARCH 2010 19 FEB-27 MAR: The Sprüth Magers gallery is now hosting an exhibition by cult artist, filmmaker and writer Kenneth Anger – his first solo show in London in over five years. Making films continuously since the late 1940s and considered a countercultural icon, Kenneth Anger is widely acclaimed as a pioneering and influential force in avant-garde and queer cinema. The exhibition will feature, amongst others, 04-10 MARCH: W\bS\aSZg^S`a]\OZbOZS bVObRc`W\U4]`abS`¸a ZWTSbW[SVSaVO`SR ]\ZgeWbVb`cabSR T`WS\RaW\QZcRW\U26 :Oe`S\QSDW`UW\WO E]]ZTB3:Oe`S\QS O\R:gbb]\Ab`OQVSg BVS\]dSZeOaTWZ[SR W\'&%abO``W\UO g]c\U6cUV5`O\b O\ReOaTW`abORO^bSR T]`bVSabOUSW\''& BVWa^`]RcQbW]\Wa PSW\U]dS`aSS\Pg `SaWRS\bRW`SQb]`BW[ ;Q/`bVc`BWQYSbaQ]ab T`][ %;O`QV O\RbVS\"T`][ ' &;O`QVeee OP]dSbVSabOUQ][ The annual Birds Eye View Film Festival celebrates women directors from all corners of the globe. The festival takes place each March, during International Women’s Week at the BFI Southbank and the Institute of Contemporary Arts. It started as a small, short film event in 2002, but has grown into a highly praised and popular event, both nationally and internationally. Highlights from this year’s festival include Gloria (pictured above) and Drew Barrymore’s directorial debut Whip It starring Juliette Lewis, and Danish filmmaker Susanne Bier, who will be holding a masterclass. The festival also promises films from the developing world as well as plenty of celebrity glamour. THUR 04 MAR: 6OdW\U aQ]`SRVcUSZWbS`O`g acQQSaaeWbVVS` Ocb]PW]U`O^VWSa AVO`]\=aP]c`\S VOa\]e[]dSRW\b] TWQbW]\eWbVRSPcb \]dSZ@SdS\US AVS¸ZZPSaWU\W\U Q]^WSaSfQZcaWdSZg ObASZT`WRUS¸a]\ BVc`aROg";O`QV PSbeSS\$O\R%^[ eeeaSZT`WRUSaQ][ 3\UZO\ReVWQV 4]`abS`Y\SeeOa TO`b]]aQO\ROZ]ca Ob]^WQb]^cPZWaVOb bVSbW[S7beOaO\ THUR 04 MAR: 8:AO`S Qc``S\bZgaSZZW\U]cb dS\cSaOQ`]aabVSC9 BVWaUWUObbVS6;D 6O[[S`a[WbV/^]ZZ] " Anger’s seminal 1969 film Invocation of My Demon Brother – a hypnotic montage of jarringly edited images with a repetitive synthesised soundtrack by none other than Mick Jagger. Other works dwell upon Anger’s fascination with Hollywood’s sordid underbelly, pagan magick and demonology. Sprüth Magers, 7a Grafton Street, Green Park, W1. eWZZPSbVSW`bVW`RO\R TW\OZRObSW\:]\R]\ eeeXZa]TTWQWOZQ][ 04-09 MARCH:·3Oab¸ WaOaWfROgTSabWdOZ RSRWQObSRb]bVS`WQV O\RdO`WSRQcZbc`S]T 3Oab:]\R]\<]e W\WbaT]c`bVgSO`bVS TSabWdOZ^`][WaSa]dS` SdS\baW\dO`W]ca dS\cSaOQ`]aabVS O`SO/`QVWbSQbc`S [W\W[OZWa[bVS/aWO\ acPQ]\bW\S\bO`S O[]\UbVSbVS[Sa bVObeWZZPSSf^Z]`SR bV`]cUVTWZ[aT]]R TOaVW]\O`bO\R[cQV []`S4cZZRSbOWZaeS`S abWZZPSW\UQ]\TW`[SR ObbVSbW[S]TU]W\U b]^`SaaPcbYSS^ QVSQYW\UbVSeSPaWbS Ob(eeeTW\RSOab Q]cY SUN 07 MAR:1WdWZ ^O`b\S`aVW^aO`SO U`]eW\UPcaW\Saa eWbVO\SabW[ObSR [WZZW]\PSW\Ua^S\b]\ bVS[W\bVSC9ZOab gSO`BVS2SaWU\S` 1WdWZ>O`b\S`AV]e ^`][WaSabVSPSab bVSeSRRW\UW\Rcab`g VOab]]TTS`O\RWa c\OaVO[SRZgOW[SR ObQ]c^ZSaeV]^ZO\ b]a^ZOaV]cb[]`S THUR 18 MAR: Brilliant Canadian band The Hidden Cameras returns to these shores for an eagerly-awaited concert. They’ll be performing in the intimate surroundings of St Leonard’s, Shoreditch, for a unique orchestral-acoustic show in aid of the Albert Kennedy Trust. The band’s new album is called Origin:Orphan, and as many of you will know, the AKT is a charity that aims to find home and safe refuge for homeless young gay people. Five pounds from each ticket sale will go to the charity. The band play a second London date on Wednesday 24 March at the Hoxton Bar & Kitchen. bVO\!#]\ bVSW`QS`S[]\g1WdWZ >O`b\S`aVW^Sf^S`baeWZZ PS]\aWbSb]O\aeS`OZZ g]c`_cSabW]\aOP]cb =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// MARCH 2010 QWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^aV]e Q][ SUN 07 MAR::WZg/ZZS\ O\R2WhhSS@OaQOZ ³P]bVVWUVZWUVba]TZOab gSO`¸aTSabWdOZaSOa]\ ³VOdSbSO[SRc^T]` OQ]VSORZW\Sb]c` BVSgVWbbVS= O`S\O W\A3]\%;O`QV eeebVS] Q]cY b]e\W\O`SQSaaW]\VWb Q]c\b`ga][SbVW\U [O\g]TcaQO\`SZObS b]ObbVS[][S\b 7beWZZPS^ZOgW\UOb bVS8S`[g\Ab`SSb BVSOb`SO\RbWQYSba Q]ab&#^`SdWSea $;O`QVT]`# BcSaROgb]AObc`ROg %!^[O\RAObc`ROg O\RAc\ROg[ObW\SSa !!^[eee XS`[g\ab`SSbbVSOb`S Q]cY THURS 18 MAR: 11-14 MAR: The annual Affordable Art Fair returns to Battersea Park in London, with stalls from 120 different galleries, showcasing the work of hundreds of artists. Prices for work will range from £50 up to £3,000. Tickets cost £10-£15 – check www. V]eb][OYSg]c` ROgSfb`Oa^SQWOZ OZ]\UeWbV^ZS\bg]T SfVWPWb]`aO\R]bVS` a^SQWOZUcSabaBVWa ]\S]TTSdS\bbOYSa ^ZOQSObbVSAb8O[Sa¸ 1ZcP/\R6]bSZ%& >O`Y>ZOQS:]\R]\ AEeeeRSaWU\S` $ 10 MAR–17 APR: /\g]\S1O\EVWabZS WaPOaSR]\OP]]Y Pg/`bVc`:Oc`S\ba ESabAWRSAb]`gO\R TSObc`Sa[caWQO\R Zg`WQaPg=aQO`O\R 5`O[[geW\\W\U Q][^]aS`AbS^VS\ A]\RVSW[BVWa]TT ESab3\R^`]RcQbW]\ eWZZQ]W\QWRSeWbV A]\RVSW[¸a&bV PW`bVROgO\RWa ^S`T]`[SRPgbVS aO[SbSO[PSVW\R VWaacQQSaaTcZaV]e AObc`ROg<WUVb @]aOZWS1`OWUO\R 7aagdO\@O\RegQY ^WQbc`SRbOYSbVS ZSOR`]ZSaW\Oab]`g aSbW\OPO\Y`c^b A]QWOZ\Sbe]`YW\U U`]c^DWZZOUS2`W\Ya W\^O`b\S`aVW^eWbV bVS2WdS`aWbg1O`SS`a AV]eeWZZPSV]abW\U bVS<ObW]\OZ:50 5S\S`OZ3ZSQbW]\ 6cabW\Ua]TTS`W\U g]cbVSQVO\QSb] VSO`eVObbVSbV`SS [OW\^]ZWbWQOZ^O`bWSa ]TTS`UOgd]bS`aBVS SdS\beVWQVeWZZPS QVOW`SRPgAb]\SeOZZ¸a 0S\Ac[[S`aYWZZeWZZ TSObc`S;>a1V`Wa 0`gO\b:OP]c` <WQY6S`PS`b 1]\aS`dObWdSO\R :g\\S4SObVS`ab]\S :WP2S[BWQYSba Q]abO\R[cab PS^c`QVOaSRW\ ORdO\QST`][eee dWZZOUSR`W\YaQ]cY /R]\ObW]\T`][ SOQVbWQYSbeWZZU]b] Ab]\SeOZZb]Q]\bW\cS in a production described by Total Theatre as: “A captivating performance; full of atmosphere, vivid and fast moving, laced together with particularly beautiful writing.” Tickets cost £12 (£6 concessions) and it is playing Wednesdays to Saturdays at 8pm. THUR 11 MAR: The American electro-rock band Passion Pit wind up their UK tour at The Forum in Kentish Town on 11 March – promoting last year’s album Manners. PHOTO © WARWICK SAINT TRANSISTOR - STANLEY DONWOOD - CAPRA LUPUS 3 10-27 MARCH: One man/woman-show Memoirs of a Hermaphrodite at the Oval House Theatre is inspired by the remarkable life of 19th Century French figure Herculine Barbin. Written and performed by Sarah Leaver, this monologue tells a story of joy, shame and humour SAT 13 MAR: Welsh mezzo-soprano Katherine Jenkins – fresh from the success of the surprisingly addictive Popstar To Operastar TV show – tours the UK this month and will reach the O2 Arena on 13 March. =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR EVENTS// MARCH 2010 09 MAR-04 APR: Any fans of Doris Day will want to head down to Wilton’s Music Hall this month, as it will be hosting A Sentimental Journey – a show based upon her life story. Including such musical numbers as ‘Move Over Darling’, ‘The Deadwood Stage’, ‘Secret 17-24 MAR: The annual London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival returns to the capital, with dozens of gay-themed movies, shorts and documentaries from all corners of the globe. The opening and closing night galas are held in London’s Leicester Square, while most other screenings and events take place at BFI Southbank. The opening night film will be a preview screening of BBC drama The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister, based upon the journals of an early 19th century Yorkshire landowner and industrialist. The closing night screening will be Children Of God (pictured). Award-winning titles from some of the world’s leading film festivals (Berlin, Cannes and Toronto) will make up the rest of the programme, alongside some premieres, archive rediscoveries and rare TV drama. For full details on Europe’s largest lesbian and gay film festival, as well as ticket information, check WbaQO[^OWU\W\UO\R QVO`Wbge]`Y 20-21 MAR: BVSF4OQb]`ZWdS b]c`Q][Sab]bVS= /`S\OW\5`SS\eWQV TSObc`W\UeW\\S` 8]S;Q3ZRS``g8]V\ O\R3ReO`R2O\gZ 8]V\a]\AbOQSg & A]Z][]\O\R=ZZg ;c`aO[]\Uab]bVS`a BVS`SO`SaV]ea AObc`ROgO\RAc\ROg SdS\W\U^ZcaAObc`ROg OTbS`\]]\ OZa]Sf^SQbSRb] R`Oe[ObS`WOZT`][Wba ^`SRSQSaa]`/\3\R 6OaOAbO`b eeeSRWb]`a]TTWQWOZ Q][ 20 MAR–5 APR: WED 24 MAR:=\S]T ;O`QV¸a[]abSOUS`Zg OeOWbSRUWUa[cab ac`SZgPSbVS`Sbc`\ ]TAcSRSeV]O`S `Sc\WbW\UT]`O]\S]TT Q]\QS`bObbVS@]gOZ /ZPS`b6OZZW\PS\STWb ]TbVSBSS\OUS1O\QS` B`cab3f^SQbOaSb ^OQYSReWbVQZOaaWQa VWbaT`][bVS]`WUW\OZ 0`Wb^]^^S`aeee bSS\OUSQO\QS`b`cab ]`U 0`WbOW\¸aZO`USab[]ab SabOPZWaVSRO\RPSab ObbS\RSRV][SO\R ZWTSabgZSSfVWPWbW]\ bVS7RSOZ6][S AV]e`Sbc`\ab]3O`Za 1]c`bbVWa[]\bV/\ W\abWbcbW]\\]eT]` ]dS`gSO`abVS aV]eVOaObb`OQbSR Oa]ZWRObbS\RO\QS eVObSdS`bVSSQ]\][WQ QZW[ObSPcbbVWagSO` ]`UO\WaS`aVOdSOZa] ^`][WaSRb]S\bWQS bVS[OaaSaPgV]abW\U RS[]\ab`ObW]\aPg QSZSP`WbgO[POaaOR]`a /[]\UbV]aS Sf^SQbSRb]ObbS\RO`S 5S]`US1ZO`YS;]\bg 2]\O\R:W\RO0O`YS` eeeWRSOZV][SaV]e Q]cY 29-31 MAR:BVS TOPcZ]ca>OZ][O 0W`[W\UVO[POaSR 4OWbV^S`T]`[abV`SS `]QYPO\R3RWb]`a VSORZW\SaV]eaOb eW\RR]e\bVSW`C9 bVSW\bW[ObS= b]c`eWbVbe]RObSaOb AVS^VS`R¸a0caV 0`Wfb]\¸a= /QORS[g 3[^W`S^`][]bW\U >`][]bW\UbVSW``SQS\b ZOabgSO`¸aabc\\W\U \c[PS`]\SOZPc[ 2]G]cEO\bBVS 7\BVWa:WUVbO\R=\ B`cbV=`A][SbVW\U BVWa3dS\W\UbVSg¸`S 0SOcbWTcZOZPc[eee 24-25 MAR: Love’, ‘Little Girl Blue’, ‘Day By Day’ and ‘Que Sera Sera’, the story will follow Day’s remarkable life, from an early marriage at 17 to near financial ruin after the death of her third husband. Tickets cost £23.50 (£16.50 for preview shows). MON 22 MAR: The annual Lighthouse Gala Auction, which raises funds for the Terrence Higgins Trust, takes place at famed auction house Christie’s (8 King Street, SW1). Expect celebrity attendees, plus lots that will include dinner with the Pet Shop Boys, afternoon tea with Victoria Wood, dinner with rugby star Ben Cohen, and artworks by the likes of Damien Hirst, Tracey Emin and David Hockney, amongst many other treats. A limited number of tickets for the auction are available, priced £135 each, from Peter Knight on [email protected]. uk or 020 7812 1686. ^OZ][OTOWbVQ][ MON 29 MAR: @SQW^WS\ba]TbVS <;3¸a=cbabO\RW\U 1]\b`WPcbW]\B];caWQ /eO`RaS[W\OZaYO ]cbTWbBVSA^SQWOZa VSORZW\SOQ]\QS`bOb bVS@]gOZ/ZPS`b6OZZ b]QSZSP`ObSbVS[caWQ [OUOhW\S¸aO\\cOZ OeO`RaaV]e³O\Rb] `OWaS[]\SgT]`bVS BSS\OUS1O\QS`B`cab =CbdWSe AB=@G THE STRAIGHT MINORITY E63<5/GA=CB<C;03@AB@/756BA 9<756B6==A=<C<1=D3@AA=;3 >31C:7/@1=<A3?C3<13A¬ BVS`SO`STSee]`YS\dW`]\[S\baUOgS`bVO\O[caWQOZ bVSOb`SR`SaaW\U`]][3dS\WTbVSQ]abc[SaO`S DWQb]`WO\P]WZSRe]]Z`ObVS`bVO\aS_cW\aO\RTSObVS`aWb ^]aWbWdSZgaeWaVSaeWbV_cSS`\Saa7b[cabPS]\S]TbVS TSe^ZOQSa]cbaWRS]TA]V]eVS`SbVSUOga`SUcZO`Zg ]cb\c[PS`bVSab`OWUVba ;]ab^S]^ZSOaac[SbVWaWab`cS bV`]cUV]cbbVS^S`T]`[W\UO`baPcb W\[gSf^S`WS\QSbVWaWa\¸bOZeOgaa] EVWZSUOgaQO\PST]c\RW\VWUVS` bVO\OdS`OUS^S`QS\bOUSaW\bVS bSZSdWaW]\TWZ[O\RbVSOb`Se]`ZRa bVSaSO`SabWZZ[O\g[]`S·ab`OWUVb¸ e]`YS\dW`]\[S\babVO\]\Se]cZR 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The buzz around her ensured that she swept to victory in the BBC’s influential Sound Of 2010 poll at New Year – a reputable survey of music biz insiders and tipsters. It all kick-started following an impressive debut on Later With Jools Holland last autumn, and the hype has now reached a level that threatens to actually overshadow the music… about which many people remain largely ignorant. It’s not bad going for a 22year-old woman from Hereford with a nice line in folky, electro pop. So, just how good is she? Well, if you can set aside the tsunami of superlatives thrown in her direction, what you’re presented with on Lights is an accomplished, fully-formed musical debut. Goulding conjures up comparisons with a multitude of female TURIN BRAKES Outbursts (Cooking Vinyl) Turin Brakes’ last album, Dark On Fire, was easily one of 2007’s best offerings. You won’t have heard of it though because, despite being crammed with radio-friendly anthems, it was barely promoted by record label Source, who gave every impression of releasing it merely to fulfil a contractual obligation to do so. It subsequently charted for one week at 36 before – criminally – disappearing for good. Not surprisingly, the band – Olly Knights and Gale Paridjanian – parted ways with Source soon afterwards. Unfortunately, Dark On Fire’s lack of success finds them now scurrying ‘back to their roots’ for their debut on Cooking Vinyl. Written, produced and performed almost entirely by the boys, Outbursts is their most folky offering since they first appeared on the music scene at the end of the 90s. This may please their dwindling fanbase, but it’s unlikely to trouble the charts or airwaves. At its best, they channel the spirit of Simon & Garfunkel on the eco-awareness raising lead single ‘The Sea Change’ and the pleasantly intoxicating ‘Rocket Song’. However, despite this largely being an acoustic guitar affair, it’s difficult to make out what the boys are harmonising about on most of the other tracks, some of which seem laboured while others are so slight as to completely slip under the radar. Only the penultimate number, ‘Radio Silence’, attempts to add a little rock to the mix, but it’s a case of too little, too late. Naming such a world-weary and pedestrian collection Outbursts might surely get them into trouble with the Advertising Standards Agency. DH Out: 1 March +++++ $ SHARLEEN SPITERI The Movie Songbook (Mercury) We do love Sharleen Spiteri, but even as fans, we have wondered whether she’s now a little past her creative peak. Everything she produces is always slick and well-polished, but debut solo album Melody didn’t exactly offer up any classic additions to her back catalogue, and before that, the last couple of Texas albums were a bit… well, meh. How exactly is one supposed to approach solo album number two, The Movie Songbook, in which Sharleen has trotted out covers of her favourite songs from film soundtracks? Is she desperate for a hit, or did she just fancy indulging an artistic whim? Produced by the legendary Phil Ramone, and recorded in eight days at the legendary Capital Studios, these are largely faithful cover versions. Disappointingly so. It makes the whole exercise a bit too close to karaoke for comfort. However, in its favour is Ms Spiteri’s impeccable musical taste. This is as fine a mix tape of movie classics as you’re likely to find, with her deep and soulful vocals sounding perfectly at home on a slightly jazz-ified ‘Cat People’ (by Bowie), ‘Oh, Pretty Woman’ (Roy Orbinson’s classic given a same-sex twist) and Olivia Newton John’s ‘Xanadu’. ‘Take My Breath Away’ is another highlight, while duffest track on offer is probably ‘What’s New Pussycat’, which doesn’t come close to the original. Also included are the likes of ‘The Windmills Of Your Mind’ and ‘Take Me With U’ by Prince. Will it give her a big hit single? Probably not. A guilty pleasure? Absolutely. Out: 1 March DH +++++ singer-songwriters before her but, remarkably, manages to carve out her own little niche. Highlights include the singles ‘Starry Eyed’ and ‘Under The Sheets’, which would force even the most reluctant of toes to tap. ‘This Love (Will Be Your Downfall)’ outguns them both, and must surely be lined up for future release – it’s a synth-driven, slice of 80s-themed pop, but with Goulding’s acoustic guitar adding an earthiness and warmth to proceedings – as it does on most of these tracks. There are nods towards Kate Bush, KT Tunstall, Natasha Bedingfield and Alanis Morrissette throughout, but perhaps the artist that Goulding most resembles (and perhaps hopes to emulate) is Dido – although her sound is more stripped down. Goulding’s vocal style is a bit of an acquired taste, and it sometimes gets lost in the electro pulses and beats. She’s also a little too fond of feeding it through the vocal effects programme – almost to the point of Cher/’Believe’ levels on ‘Your Biggest Mistake’ – a habit that she might want to keep in check. However, that aside, this album, which is full of radio-friendly fare, should sell by the bucketload. Just don’t expect anything too edgy or revolutionary. She’s a talented young lass, not the Second Coming. DH Out: 1 March +++++ GABRIELLA CILMI Ten (Island) You may not recall having heard of Australian Gabriella Cilmi but you’ve definitely heard her. Her debut album Lessons To Be Learned spawned the worldwide hit ‘Sweet About Me’, which was played on radios and dancefloors – some would say overplayed - throughout the 37 consecutive weeks it spent in the UK singles chart. Now 18, Cilmi releases her second album, Ten, with the assertion that she’s embraced adulthood and her “inner diva” in order to produce a more mature, sophisticated work. And first impressions are promising. Opening track and first single ‘On a Mission’ is energetic and upbeat, with a catchy chorus and inspired ‘80s-style production that indicates Climi has drawn inspiration from different genres in order to create a sound that’s fresh and original. That said, when you remember that the girl was born in 1992 it’s debatable as to how much influence she wielded in the track’s production… and that’s a suspicion that continues from thereon in. Having worked with producers Xenomania (Girls Aloud); Dallas Austin (TLC, Gwen Stefani) and Greg Kursten (Lily Allen, Little Boots), it’s obvious that significant effort and expense has been invested in making Ten a successful pop album, but often Cilmi’s voice seems indistinct and overpowered when compared to the instrumentation injected into each track. While other tracks, such as ‘What if You Knew’ and ‘Robots’, seem to function entirely as filler, passing by pleasantly enough but disappearing from memory after being played. All in all, a passable attempt, but whether it produces a hit to match ‘Sweet About Me’ is doubtful. JK Out: 22 March +++++ REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON AND JOHN KELLY ALBUMS OUT IN MARCH =Cb\]e 47:; FILMS OUT IN MARCH THE BEST DVDS MARCH ’10 I THINK WE’RE ALONE NOW By turns shocking, amusing and depressing, I Think We’re Alone Now is a controversial documentary that examines the lives of two individuals branded stalkers of former 80s popstar Tiffany. One, 53-year-old Jeff, suffers from Asperger’s Syndrome and the delusion that he and Tiffany are meant to be together, while 34-year-old hermaphrodite Kelly merely obsesses from afar. The result is a sad insight in to the dark side of fan adoration. I LOVE YOU PHILLIP MORRIS 7:]dSG]c>VWZZW^;]``Wa Wa^`Sbbg[cQVbVS RSTW\WbW]\]TO\ ]RRPOZZ`][O\QS O\Re`WbS`aRW`SQb]`a 5ZS\\4WQO``OO\R 8]V\@S_cO^ZOgWbOa O[ORQO^aQ`SePOZZ OUT: 8 MARCH ORdS\bc`S7\b]\SWb¸aOZWbbZSPWbZWYSbVS1]S\ TRIANGLE 0`]bVS`a¸@OWaW\U/`Wh]\O¬OZbV]cUVeWbV]cbbVOb []dWS¸adWacOZ^O\OQVS Although it slipped past 1O``SgWaQ]\dW\QW\UW\bVSZSOR`]ZSOa@caaSZZ³O rather unnoticed upon RSZcRSRRO[OUSRPcbQVO`Wa[ObWQO\RUS\S`]ca its cinematic release, this T`OcRabS`;Q5`SU]`ZSaaa]OaOTSgPZ]\RSPZcS superior UK/Australian coSgSRBSfO\Vc\Y<SWbVS`QVO`OQbS`W\b`cbVWa production is definitely worth ^O`bWQcZO`ZgZWYSOPZSeVWQVeWZZ^`]POPZgaS`W]caZg a look on DVD. A sailing VO[^S`bVWaTWZ[¸aQVO\QSa]T[OW\ab`SO[ party is cut short by a violent acQQSaa/\SO`ZgaSfaQS\SPSbeSS\1O``Sg storm, and to survive, a group O\RO\O\]\g[]caab`O\US`^cZZa\]^c\QVSa of friends clamber aboard a ]dS`WbaUOgacPXSQb[ObbS`µ1c[W\aWRS[g passing ocean liner… which is not as deserted as it at first O`aS¶OZbV]cUVRWaO^^]W\bW\UZgT]`be][S\ appears. Melissa George stars in this mystery horror that aSS[W\UZgW\Z]dSbVS`S¸aZWbbZSOQbcOZYWaaW\U comes across as a mix of Ghost Ship and Groundhog Day. PSbeSS\1O``SgO\R;Q5`SU]`B`cbVTcZZgbVSTOQb +++++ bVObbVSQVO`OQbS`aO`SUOgWa]TZWbbZS`SZSdO\QS OUT: 1 MARCH b]bVSOQbcOZab]`g/bWbaVSO`bbVWaWaOTWZ[OP]cb a][S]\SeV]b`WSab]W\dS\bO\SeWRS\bWbgT]` HARRY BROWN bVS[aSZdSa³O\RbVObQO\OTTZWQb^S]^ZS]TOZZ Michael Caine turns in an ^S`acOaW]\a arresting performance as the BV]aSSf^SQbW\UObg^WQOZ8W[1O``SgdSVWQZSO`S pensioner of the title. He lives ZWYSZgb]PSRWaO^^]W\bSReVWZSa][SdWSeS`a a sheltered life on a London [WUVbPSbOYS\OPOQYPg@caaSZZ¸aZOQY]T[]`OZWbg housing estate, but when /\RgSbWTg]c¸`SbVSbg^S]T^S`a]\eV] one of his friends is violently S\X]gaZObS\WUVbb`cSZWTSbOZSa]TQ]\[S\O\R murdered, the former marine T`OcRabS`ag]c[OgTW\Rg]c`aSZTacQQc[PW\Ub] decides that the local teenage VWaS\RZSaaaQO[aO\RRSZcRSR]^bW[Wa[GSa gangs need to be taught VS¸aOP]`RS`ZW\Sa]QW]^ObVPcbZWYSOZZa]QW]^ObVa a lesson. It may sound like a cross between Death Wish Wb¸aTOaQW\ObW\Ub]aSSVW[U]W\UOP]cb and Gran Torino, but Harry Brown is a decidedly British, VWaPcaW\SaaaSS[W\UZg]PZWdW]cab] downbeat and gritty tale… and all the better for it. bVSTOZZWPWZWbg]TVWa[OQVW\ObW]\a +++++ BVS`S¸aa][SbVW\UP]bVO^^OZZW\U OUT: 22 MARCH O\RVWRS]caOP]cbbVSQVO`OQbS` PcbOa^ZOgSRPg1O``Sg THE IMAGINARIUM OF VSW\RcQSaS\]cUV DR PARNASSUS ag[^ObVgb]US\S`ObS The latest, fantastical offering US\cW\S]cb`OUSOb from director Terry Gilliam, bVSTWZ[¸aa]PS`W\U The Imaginarium of Dr R{\]cS[S\b26 Parnassus was overshadowed =cb(%;O`QV by the premature death Heath +++++ Ledger, leading to some late re-writes and compensatory cameo appearances from Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell. Sadly, the end result, although visually impressive, lacks pace or clarity. Fans of Gilliam’s work may find much to admire here, but others are just as likely to be left vexed and frustrated. +++++ OUT: 29 MARCH & REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON 4]ZZ]eW\UbVSOeO`R\][W\ObW]\aVSO^SRc^]\ 0`]YSPOQY;]c\bOW\O\R;WZY6]ZZge]]R/ ZWabS`aVOdSeWaSRc^b]bVSTOQbbVObU]W\UUOg T]`^OgeWZZcacOZZgR]bVSW`QO`SS`a\]VO`[ 1]\aS_cS\bZgeS\]eTW\R8W[1O``SgO\R3eO\ ;Q5`SU]`abO``W\UW\bVWa^chhZW\UO[caW\UO\R ³W\SdWbOPZg³RWdWaWdSZWbbZS[]dWSeVWQVWaPOaSR W\Q`SRWPZg]\Ob`cSZWTSbOZS 1O``Sg^ZOgaAbSdS\@caaSZZOTZO[P]gO\b Q]\[O\eV]ZSOdSaVWa8SacaZ]dW\UeWTSO\R g]c\UROcUVbS`eVS\VSRSQWRSabVObVSQO\\] Z]\US`ZWdSOZWS(VS¸aUOgO\RZWTSWab]]aV]`bb] ^`SbS\R]bVS`eWaS6]eSdS`OZbV]cUVVSRSQWRSa b]PSV]\SabOP]cbbVWaOa^SQb]TVWa\Obc`S ^`Sbbg[cQVSdS`gbVW\USZaSW\VWaZWTSWaOQVO`ORS @caaSZZa^S\RaVWabW[SQ]\\W\U]\SQ][^O\g OTbS`O\]bVS`W\]`RS`b]ZWdSeOgPSg]\RVWa [SO\a³b]bVSRWa[Og]TbV]aSQZ]aSb]VW[ 3dS\bcOZZgVSS\Rac^W\XOWZeVWQVWaeVS`SVS [SSbabVSbWbcZO`;`;]``Wa;Q5`SU]`BVSbe] TOZZW\Z]dSO\ReVS\@caaSZZWa`SZSOaSRTW`abVS ^`SbS\Rab]PSOZOegS`b]aSQc`SSO`Zg`SZSOaS T]`VWaZ]dS`BVSbe]aSbc^V][SPcb@caaSZZ QO\¸bab]^^`SbS\RW\Ub]PSa][SbVW\UbVObVS¸a \]bZSORW\Ub]W\Q`SOaW\UZgOcROQW]caT`OcRaO\R RSQS^bW]\a7b¸a]\ZgO[ObbS`]TbW[SPST]`SbVS e]`ZRVSObbS[^bab]Q`SObSQ`c[PZSaO`]c\R VW[3dS\bVS\`SOZWaW\UbVObVSQO\¸bOZeOgaZWS VW[aSZT]cb]TOaWbcObW]\WaOZSaa]\ bVObQ]\bW\cSab]SZcRSVW[)bVS`S¸a aW[^Zg\]bVW\UVSe]\¸bR]W\O\ STT]`bb]abOgeWbV;]``Wa +++++ ' =Cb\]e 47:; FILMS OUT IN MARCH BVSPWUUSabQVOZZS\USW\P`W\UW\U BVS5W`ZEWbVBVS2`OU]\BObb]] b]bVSaQ`SS\WaQ]\RS\aW\UO $^OUSP]]YW\b]ORWUSabWPZS QW\S[ObWQ]TTS`W\U2W`SQb]`<WSZa /`RS\=^ZSdO\RVWaaQ`SS\e`WbS`a XcabOP]cb^cZZWb]TTPgeWaSZg Q]\QS\b`ObW\U]\bVSQ]`Sab]`g ³bVS·eV]Rc\\Wb¸ac``]c\RW\UbVS RWaO^^SO`O\QS]T6O``WSbDO\US` =bVS`ab]`gSZS[S\baVOdSPSS\ `SbOW\SRZO`USZgPSQOcaSbVSgO`S]T `SZSdO\QSb]bVSaSQ]\RO\RbVW`R \]dSZaPcbO\g]\Sc\TO[WZWO`eWbV bVSP]]Ya[OgTW\RbVS[aSZdSa e]\RS`W\UeVg0Z][_dWab¸ab`WOZ T]`aZO\RS`WaaV]SV]`\SRW\b]bVS PSUW\\W\UO\RS\R]TbVSTWZ[ 2]g]c\SSRb]VOdS`SORbVSP]]Y b]O^^`SQWObSbVS[]dWS-<]T]`Ob bVSS\R]TbVSROgbVWaWaOabgZWaV bV`WZZS`³WTOZWbbZSRS\aSW\^O`baBVOb Z]\URSORW\dSabWUObW]\OWRSRPgO\ 6]ZZge]]RVOaOZ`SORga\O^^SRc^ c\Q]\dS\bW]\OZO\Rb`]cPZSRg]c\U bVS`WUVbaT]`O\3\UZWaVZO\UcOUS Q][^cbS`VOQYS`:WaPSbVAOZO\RS` dS`aW]\aV]eabVSab`S\UbV]T eWbVeV][VSTW\RaVW[aSZTT]`[W\U bVS[ObS`WOZPcbWTg]ceO\bbVS O\c\ZWYSZgP]\RBVSRc]c\Q]dS` OcbVS\bWQAeSRWaVSf^S`WS\QS OZW\YPSbeSS\aSdS`OZU`cSa][S ³Q][^ZSbSeWbVeW\bS`gWaZO\R [c`RS`abVObb]]Y^ZOQSPSbeSS\ aSbbW\U³b`SObg]c`aSZTb]bVWaaZWQY bVSZObS'"aO\R$aPcbbVSW` AQO\RW\OdWO\]TTS`W\U26 W\dSabWUObW]\a_cWQYZg^ZOQSbVSW` =cb( ;O`QV ]e\ZWdSaW\RO\US` +++++ THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO ;WYOSZ0Z][_dWabWaVW`SRPg `SQZcaWdSPcaW\Saa[O\6S\`WY DO\US`b]a]ZdSOQ]ZRQOaS³b]TW\R ]cbeV][c`RS`SRbVSW\Rcab`WOZWab¸a \WSQSeV]dO\WaVSReWbV]cbO b`OQS"gSO`aSO`ZWS`BVS]ZR[O\¸a VSOZbVWaTOWZW\UO\RVSR]Sa\]b eO\bb]RWSeWbV]cbTW\RW\U]cb bVSb`cbVOP]cbVS`RWaO^^SO`O\QS 0Z][_dWabP`W\UaOT`SaVSgSb]O THE SCOUTING BOOK FOR BOYS 0SabT`WS\Ra2OdWR@WQVO`RBc`U]]aSO\R3[WZg 6]ZZWROg5`OW\US`ZWdS]\OQO`OdO\^O`Y]\ bVS<]`T]ZYQ]OabBVSW`WRgZZWQbSS\OUSgSO`aO`S aVObbS`SReVS\3[WZgZSO`\abVObaVS[cabZSOdS bVSb`OWZS`aVSaVO`SaeWbVVS`VSOdgR`W\YW\U []bVS`AcaO\:g\QVO\RU]O\RZWdSeWbVVS` TObVS`AVSRSQWRSab]`c\OeOgeWbV]\Zg2OdWR ³eV]\c`aSaOaSQ`SbQ`caV]\VWaT`WS\R³OeO`S ]TVS`PSOQVQOdSVWRSOeOg3[WZg`S[OW\a WU\]`O\b]TbVS^cPZWQO\R^`WdObSQ][[]bW]\ bVObVS`RWaO^^SO`O\QSQOcaSaO\RbVObVS` ]QQOaW]\OZP]gT`WS\R³aSQc`WbgUcO`RAbSdS@OTS A^OZZ³WaPSW\U_cSabW]\SRW\Q]\\SQbW]\eWbV VS`RWaO^^SO`O\QS BVSAQ]cbW\U0]]Y4]`0]gaWaOPSOcbWTcZZgO\R Sd]QObWdSZgaV]bRSPcbTSObc`ST`][RW`SQb]` B][6O`^S`eV]R`OeaOaSRcQbWdS^]`b`OWb ]TWbae]`YW\UQZOaa<]`T]ZYaSbbW\UO\RW\TcaSa ab`SbQVSR[]bVS`ZWdW\UW\<Se G]`Y¸a3OabDWZZOUS;O``WSRb] /dS`g/\bV]\g3ReO`Ra3ZWhO¸a ROgaQ]\aWab]TbOYW\UQO`S]TVS` 4]ZZ]eW\UbVSVcUSacQQSaa]T g]c\UYWRae`WbW\UOPZ]UOP]cb ;O[[O;WOO\RbVSASfBVS1Wbg bVSX]gaO\R^WbTOZZa]T[]bVS`V]]R TWZ[6]ZZge]]RWaaZ]eZgeOYW\U \SU]bWObW\UbVSaQV]]Z`c\O\R c^b]bVSTOQbbVObe][S\[OYS ^]\RS`W\UbVSeOgVS`WRS\bWbgVOa c^O^^`]fW[ObSZg# ]TbVS PSQ][SacPac[SRPgbVS^`]QSaa ^]^cZObW]\¬O\RbVObTWZ[aQObS`W\U ]T^`]RcQW\UQVWZR`S\BVSOQbW]\ a^SQWTWQOZZgb]bVWa[O`YSbQO\SO`\ bOYSa^ZOQSRc`W\UbVSQ]c`aS]T PZ]QYPcabS`abObca;]bVS`V]]RO ]\SROgOa3ZWhOT`O\bWQOZZgb`WSab] ZWUVbeSWUVbQ][SRgR`O[OdSVWQZS ]`UO\WaSOaWfbVPW`bVROg^O`bgT]` T`][e`WbS`O\RRW`SQb]`9ObVS`W\S ROcUVbS`1O`ZOO\RTW\RaVS`aSZT 2WSQY[O\\TOZZaa_cO`SZgeWbVW\ aZ]eZg^caVSRb]P`SOYW\U^]W\b bVWaRS[]U`O^VWQOZbV]cUVWb¸aO 4O[WZgRg\O[WQaQO\QS`bOW\Zg RSQWRSRZg[]`S[]RSab]TTS`W\U PSbVSa]c`QS]TU`SObQ][SRg C[OBVc`[O\^ZOga3ZWhOESZQV ;]bVS`V]]RaORZgWaZSbR]e\]\ Obg^WQOZZgVO`OaaSRO\R]dS` aSdS`OZT`]\ba\SO`ZgOZZ]TeVWQV MOTHERHOOD ! 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Fusing Orton-esque anarchic gay humour and classic French farce, Robert Farrar’s play offers seduction, sexual compulsion, mistaken identity and identical twins. Farrar is famous as the writer of the Hollywood-film The Man Who Knew Little (1997) and the gay-themed Bedrooms and Hallways (1998). Relax is directed by Phil Stern, who won the Charrington Theatre Award for Best Comedy for the production Beyond Therapy. The cast includes James Holmes, best known for his role in last year’s BBC sitcom Miranda. It opens on 12 March and is running until 4 April. Box office: 020 8680 4060 PUPPY LOVE 32E/@25/;:7<@3D73EAB63:7BB:32=5:/C5632 µBVSc\a^SOYOPZSb`cbV]TWbWabVS]\Zg]\Sa eV]QO\PSeV]SdS`bVSgeO\bb]PSO`Sc^^S` [WRRZSQZOaaab`OWUVbQ]\aS`dObWdS^`]bSabO\b [S\¶ A]aOga;WbQVSZZO\c^O\RQ][W\UQZ]aSbQOaS OQb]`W\2]cUZOa1O`bS`0SO\S¸aBVS:WbbZS2]U :OcUVSR\]e^ZOgW\UObbVS5O``WQYBVSOb`S/ []RS`\WabbOYS]\O5`SSYQ][SRg³b]ZRT`][ T]c`RWTTS`S\b^]W\ba]TdWSe³:WbbZS2]UZ]]Ya ObbVSQ]\TZWQbaac``]c\RW\UV][]aSfcOZWbgW\ 6]ZZge]]RO\RbVSRO\US`]caPOZO\QS PSbeSS\^ZOgW\UUOgeVWQVWa ^S`TSQbZgTW\SO\ROQbcOZZgPSW\U UOgOQO`SS`YWZZS` 7bPSUW\aeWbV2WO\SBO[aS\ 5`SWUObOYS\]^`Wa]\S`aOUS\b `STZSQbW\U]\V]eaVSO`OUW\U ZSaPWO\ObbS\RSRO\OeO`Ra QS`S[]\geWbV;WbQVSZZ@c^S`b 4`WS\ROaVWaRObSW\]`RS` b]YSS^c^O^^SO`O\QSa /TSeV]c`aZObS``S\bP]g /ZSf6O``g:Z]gRY\]QYa ]\;WbQVSZZ¸aR]]`O\R bVS[SbOR`O[OPSUW\a( ;WbQVSZZWaPSg]\RR`c\Y O\ReVWZSbVS^OW`R]\¸b VOdSaSf]\bVSW`TW`abS\Q]c\bS` OT]ZZ]ec^QOZZaSba]TTa^O`Ya PSbeSS\bVSbe]4]`O\gP]Rg eV]¸aSdS`T]c\ROV]]Yc^]\ 5OgRO`]`Rc`W\UOPZWbhSR]cb \WUVbObOQZcPbVSOeYeO`R\Saa ]Te]`YW\U]cbeV]g]c¸`S aZSS^W\UeWbVO`SbVSgaOTS R]g]cZWYSbVS[S\]cUVb]U] ]\-O\RUSbbW\Ug]c`QZ]bVSa ]TTWaW\abO\bZg`SQ]U\WaOPZS]\ abOUSVWUVZWUVbW\UP]bVbVS ! 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It’s the sequel to Webber’s masterpiece The Phantom of the Opera, which – amazingly – has been running since 1986. Love Never Dies takes up the Phantom’s story ten years after his mysterious disappearance from Paris. It will be the first musical sequel ever to grace the West End and promises to deliver “a rollercoaster ride of obsession and intrigue in which music and memory can play cruel tricks.” Iranian-born Canadian Ramin Karimloo is returning to the role of the Phantom, while Sierra Boggess is also returning as Christine, having previously played the role in Phantom – The Las Vegas Spectacular in 2006. Love Never Dies is booking now and tickets cost £25-£67.50. Box office: 0844 412 4651. WARNINGS Tired of computerised specialeffects and knick-knacks? If so, why not try a classic ghoststory from one of the genre’s masters – all re-told in a sitespecific setting? M. R. James’ supernatural tales are regarded as among the finest of their kind in English literature. They date back to the beginning of the last century and have resulted in several television adaptations. The labyrinthine environment of St Pancras Church is perfect for this chilling theatrical experience. A unique production, Warnings is directed by Nick Blackburn and includes readings of James’ A Warning to the Curious and Count Magnus – all told in the darkness that surrounds the church’s ancient crypt – around which the audience will be able to wander. This unusual show runs until 13 March with tickets costing £12-£15. !! =Cb\]e /@B PAINTER MAN C>¸<¸1=;7<5/@B7AB A7;=<B/G:=@>/7<BA >/<=@/;7147:; 7<A>7@321/<D/AA3A B63;/<163AB3@0/A32 /@B7ABE6=A3E=@9 E7::03/;=<5B6=A3 =<A/:3/BB67A;=<B6¸A /44=@2/0:3/@B4/7@ 3F>:/7<A67;A3:4B= =CB7<B6317BG 6]eRWRg]cQ][Sb]Sf^Z]`STWZ[W\g]c`O`b- EVObR`Seg]cb]TWZ[7TW`abPSQO[SW\bS`SabSRW\TWZ[W[OUS`geVWZabOb c\WdS`aWbg7T]c\R[gaSZTZ]]YW\UObTWZ[RWTTS`S\bZg O\Rb`gW\Ub]c\RS`abO\RV]eRWTTS`S\b^S]^ZS dWSeSRbVSaO[STWZ[7PSQO[SW\bS`SabSRW\ bVSWRSO]TbV]caO\Ra]T^S]^ZSeObQVW\UbVS aO[SW[OUSObbVSaO[SbW[SO\RSf^S`WS\QW\U aW[WZO`S[]bW]\a7eOaW\bS`SabSRW\bVSQ]\QS^b ]TTWZ[abO`aPSQ][W\UQ]\bS[^]`O`gWQ]\aW\O aW[WZO`eOgb]`SZWUW]caWQ]\a]TbVS^OabBVSW` TWZ[aO`SbSZZW\UbVSdWSeS`Oab]`gZWYS`SZWUW]ca ^OW\bW\UaO\RW\bc`\Q][[S\bW\Uc^]\O\R aVO^W\U]c`a]QWSbg¸a[]`OZaW\OaW[WZO`eOg b]`SZWUW]ca^OW\bW\Ua/aeSaVO`SOaW[WZO` dWacOZPOQYU`]c\ReWbV`SUO`Rb]^]^cZO` QcZbc`S7eOaW\bS`SabSRW\bVSeOgbVWaaVO^SRO a]QWSbg¸a[]`OZaO\RUS\S`OZbVW\YW\U 2]g]cVOdSO^OaaW]\T]`O\g^O`bWQcZO`TWZ[a ]`TWZ[US\`S-6]eR]g]cQV]]aSeVWQV QVO`OQbS`ab]^OW\b7e]cZR\¸baOg7VOdSO^O`bWQcZO`^OaaW]\T]`O\g TWZ[]`US\`SPcbZ]]YW\UPOQY]\bVS^OW\bW\Ua7 VOdSQ`SObSRcaW\UTWZ[W[OUS`g7e]cZRaOgbVS`S O`SQ][[]\bVS[Sa7bVW\YOP]cbeVObe]cZR e]`YOaOabObWQW[OUSO\RbVSQ][^]aWbW]\bVOb O^O`bWQcZO`aQS\Se]cZRQ`SObSW\O^OW\bW\U PcbOZa]eVObS[]bW]\abVWaTWZ[]`aQS\SQ`SObSa \]b]\ZgT]`[SPcbT]`bVSdWSeS`7bVW\Y]\S ]TbVSab`]\UbVS[Sa]TbVSbg^Sa]TTWZ[a7caS WabVObbVSg`SZObSb]`SOZZWTSa]bS\R\]bb]PS Q][SRg]`aQWS\QSTWQbW]\Pcb`SZObSb]^S]^ZS S[]bW]\OZZg]\ORW`SQbZSdSZ7O[W\bS`SabSR W\QO^bc`W\UO\ROZbS`W\UbVSW\bS`OQbW]\]T TWUc`SaO\RbVS^ZOgW\UeWbVWRSOa]TbW[SO\R ^S`a^SQbWdSO\R[S[]`geWbVW\aQS\Sa EVObdWacOZO`bWabaR]g]cOR[W`S³]`eV]R] g]cTSSZVOaW\TZcS\QSRg]cbVS[]ab7OR[W`SbVS^OW\bW\Ua]T5S`VO`R@WQVbS`bVSg eOgVSWaOPZSb]b`O\aZObSO^V]b]U`O^VWQ W[OUSW\b]O\OZ[]ab^]SbWQRS^WQbW]\³]\S eVWQVb`O\aQS\RabVS]`WUW\OZ^V]b]U`O^VO\R bc`\aWbW\b]O^OW\bW\UeVWQVPSQ][Sa[]`S ^]eS`TcZO\RW\bS\aSbVO\bVS]`WUW\OZ7VOdS OZeOgaZWYSR/\RgEO`V]ZO\RbVSeOgVS !" 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WWW.JUSTINEPHOTOGRAPHY.COM Stephen Jones OBE !% =CbbVS`S 4==2 COME TO DADDY DAVID HUDSON REVIEWS BABBO, 39 Albermarle Street, W1 020 3205 1099. London has enjoyed a boost in its number of upmarket Italian restaurants over the last couple of years, and we have favourably reviewed both Bocca di Lupo in Soho and Heinz Beck’s Apsleys restaurant at the Lanesborough Hotel. To that number can also be added Babbo (Italian for ‘daddy’), which arrived in the heart of Mayfair at the MAYFAIR SPICE JOHN O’CEALLAIGH REVIEWS BENARES 12a Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, W1 020 7629 8886 In London’s dining lexicon, “going for a curry” doesn’t always immediately foster the most encouraging connotations. Reinterpreting the British conception of Indian cuisine, however, is the recently reopened Benares in Mayfair. Located on the first floor of an imposing building by Berkeley Square, visitors who ascend to the main atrium are greeted dually by immaculately presented staff and a shallow pool coated in fragrant water lilies. Appearance, it seems, is something that’s taken seriously here and it’s a positive first impression that’s further consolidated by the main dining area. Spacious and elegant, the monochrome colour scheme worked well to temper the fiery and colourful dishes we would later be presented with, while the near-capacity crowd of businessmen and couples showed it’s already securing a strong following. Further confirmation of Benares’ commitment to showcasing the best of India was apparent through its menu, which eschews conventional choices in favour of an intricately considered journey through the country’s most flavoursome, impressive and intriguing cuisine. Eager to try as much as possible, we opted for the grazing menu. At £69 per person (or £99 including wine), it’s a light, tasting menu !& beginning of the autumn last year. Babbo boasts an interior that perfectly suits its well-heeled address (on Albermarle Street), being a mixture of the cosy and luxurious. There’s exposed brick along one wall, dark wood flooring, and pale olive paintwork. A multitude of framed, black and white photos depicting Italian family life add a homely feel, while ornate chandeliers and a baroque flower display should help attract all those ladies who like to lunch after a hard morning perusing the nearby boutiques of Old Bond Street. Babbo does not seek to re-invent the wheel, but rather, to offer the very best in traditional Italian cooking courtesy of chef Douglas Santi, who has worked previously under the legendary Alain Ducasse. We kicked off our meal with the Babbo stone crab salad and tomato chutney (£12.75) and bread salad with tunaBabbo belly, lobster and ‘Sanmarzano’ tomato (£11.75). The presentation for both was faultless. The dainty crab salad, drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, offered a delicate marriage of flavours, although it was a tad over-chilled. The bread salad with tuna and lobster, however, was amazing. My colleague followed the latter with Tuscan-style beef cheek in red wine sauce (£27.50), which came served on a bed of polenta. This was a rich, stewed-style serving of beef that fell into thick flakes when broken by a fork. It was a sublime delight. I opted for the restaurant’s signature dish – Lasagne al ragout di chianina (£17.50) – a mixed meat lasagne prepared to a 100-year-old recipe handed down from Santi’s grandmother. It was, simply, the best lasagne I can ever remember, and it packed quite a cheesy, parmesanpunch. That said, even the most perfect lasagne is, at the end of the day, lasagne, and one taste of my colleague’s beef cheek told me that he had made the better choice. If I were to return, I think I’d opt for something a bit more adventurous – for there was no lack of choice, with plenty of pasta, risotto, seafood and meat dishes. We finished the meal with a traditional tiramisu served with cardamom ice cream (£6) and a sweet, creamy burrata ‘Caprese-style’ (£6.50) – a fresh, soft cheese made from mozzarella and cream, which we hadn’t come across before. It came served with a skinned, sweet cherry tomato and small sprig of basil. It was an unusual dessert combination but one that worked well. The tiramisu was also top-notch, and the cardamom ice cream strangely minty in flavour. Service throughout our meal was very attentive, although this might have possibly been partly due to the fact that it was extremely quiet on the Monday night of our visit. The staff were keen to assure us that it does get busier at other times. Babbo is pricey and is definitely aimed at the Mayfair set. However, the food is very good indeed and the surroundings perfectly welcoming. Other Italian restaurants may have opened with more fanfare, but Babbo definitely deserves its own following. that includes some of the restaurant’s signature dishes in miniature form. For starters the Cornish crab salad, curry leaf and tarragon-infused lobster rillet and pickled duck terrine were all excellent, delicately flavoured concoctions that complemented each other perfectly despite their alternate textures. Less memorable were the kaffirflavoured monkfish tails and tandoorroasted rabbit dishes that followed but our ‘mains’ of king prawns in a mint-coriander marinade, lamb rump with rosemary chickpeas and chicken supreme with korma were standout dishes. The quality of the meat and seasoning detectable in every succulent morsel. Indeed, an enthusiasm for meat seems apparent throughout the surprisingly game-heavy menu and also through the experience of a neighbouring diner. Having explained she was vegetarian she was surprised to find fish dishes still included in her grazing menu – a curious oversight that saw them returned to the kitchen, although our own service remained competent and courteous throughout. Finishing on a sweet note with two of Benares’ excellent signature cocktails, a passable chocolate brownie and creamy, moreish lemon grass-infused cheesecake, we may not have been entirely convinced by all the flavours and combinations on offer, but Benares still offered the best-quality Indian we’ve ever had in London for a very long time. !' =CbbVS`S 4==2 EATING OUT OUR FAVOURITE RESTAURANTS AND GAY-FRIENDLY DINING OPTIONS CENTRAL Aqua, fifth floor, 240 Regent Street (entrance on Argyll Street), W1. 020 7478 0540. Big, signature restaurant from Hong Kong’s Aqua group – split into two halves; Spanish themed Aqua Nueva and Japanese-inspired Aqua Kyoto. Around £40 per person. www. Balans, 60 Old Compton Street, W1. 020-7439 2183. The nearest Soho has to a gay restaurant, busy throughout the week and open throughout the day and night. Traditional British dishes with Meditteranean and Asian flourishes. Approx. £28 per head. See also the nearby Balans Café at 34 Old Compton Street. www. Bocca di Lupo, 12 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 2223. Gay-run, hugely-acclaimed, upmarket Italian restaurant, opened November 2008 and running Monday-Saturday. Approx. £29 per head. www. Bodeans, 10 Poland Street, W1. 020-7287 0506. Cheap and cheerful barbecue restaurant, with counter service upstairs and restaurant down below. Popular with visiting Americans, plus the odd bear from the nearby Kings Arms! Branches also in Clapham, Fulham and Westbourne Grove. Cha Cha Moon, 15-21 Ganton Street, Soho, W1. 020 7297 9800. Very popular noodle restaurant from Hong Kong-born restaurateur Alan Yau (Hakkasan). Great selection of soup-based dishes, wok-fried noodles and sides. Ed’s Diner, 12 Moor Street, W1. 020 7434 4439. Delightfully kitsch, American-style 50s diner, at the Shaftesbury Avenue end of Old Compton Street, great for burgers and milkshakes. www. First Out, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020-7240 8042. Long-running, gay-run café " and bar, serving homemade vegetarian dishes, coffee and cakes. Lots of gay magazines, community info and flyers. Floridita, 100 Wardour Street, W1. 020-7314 4000. Large, glamorous Cuban-themed restaurant and bar, with regular music acts and even occasional drag. Approx. £36 per head. Wagamama, 10a Lexington Street, Soho, W1. 020-7292 0990. Our favourite branch of the noodle chain, offering cheap, healthy Japanese delights! £16 per head. Check website for other branches - www. NORTH Gilgamesh, Camden View, Camden Stables Market, Chalk Farm Road, NW1. Huge, ornate and lavish pan-Asian restaurant with one of London’s most stunning interiors. Food good rather than outstanding, but worth a visit for the décor. EAST Bistrotheque, 23-27 Wadeson Street, Bethnal Green, E2. Modern, contemporary, classy restaurant with basement bar and cabaret room, and fine dining upstairs – modern British cuisine and French bistro dishes – approx. £35 per head. www. The Easton, 22 Easton Street, WC1. 020-7278 7609. Cool gastropub just off Exmouth Market. Sunday lunch is packed with Clerkenwell-istas and the food is top notch. www. The Luxe, 109 Commercial Street, E1. 020 7101 1751. Large, recently-opened Spitalfields venture offering several dining areas – including takeaway kiosk, ground-floor café and fine dining restaurant. It offers a wide selection of classic British and European dishes, and is great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. www. Saf, 152-154 Curtain Road, Shoreditch, EC2. 020 7613 0007. A stylish and upmarket vegan and raw food restaurant. Approx. £24 per head. www. The Landau, Langham Hotel, Portland Place, W1. 020 7965 0165. Grand and glamorous hotel restaurant, offering a pricey but imaginative modern European menu. Approx. £60 per head. Ristorante Biagio, 189 Piccadilly, W1. 020-7434-1921. Great, authentic Italian food in contemporary and smart surroundings, spread over four floors. Approx. £32 per head. Stef’s, 3 Berners Street, W1 0203073 1041. Huge, gay-friendly Italian – formerly Linda’s Pasta Bar on Poland Street – moved to the other side of Oxford Street in 2007. Pizza and pasta heaven. St Pancras Grand, Upper Concourse, St Pancras International, NW1. 020 7870 9900. Old-fashioned, art-deco glamour at this stunning, all-day restaurant from Searcys (who also operate the neighbouring Champagne Bar). Approx. £40 per head. Donna Margherita Restaurant, 183 Lavender Hill, SW11. 020 7268 2660. Traditional, Southern Italian restaurant that’s very gay-friendly – even offering a ‘Pizza Gay’ on its menu! Pizzas from £5.90. www. El Panzon @ The Dogstar, 389 Coldharbour Lane, SW9. Authentic Mexican and Tex-mex restaurant and fantastic prices in the trendy Dogstar bar. Don’t miss the burritos or the taco plate to share. Approx. £14 per head. The Loft, 67 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020-7627 0792. Upmarket and stylish restaurant, bar and late-night haunt. Classic British dishes and lots of cocktails. Approx. £40 per head. L’Autre Pied, 5-7 Blandford Street, Marylebone Village, W1. 020 7486 9696. Chic, stylish, upmarket restaurant from the same team that created the Michelin-starred Pied-à-Terre on Charlotte Street. Approx. £40 per head. Profile, 84-85 Wardour Street, Soho, W1. Daytime gay bar and diner. Upmarket and smart surroundings, with gorgeous yellow leather banquettes. Offering food and drink from 11am till 11pm. www. in Bonnington Square. Pig out on three courses for £10! http:// The Riverside, 5 Hamilton House, 5 St George Wharf, Vauxhall, SW8. Great pub food in upmarket, riverside gastropub that boasts terrific views of the Thames. The legendary Red Fort – one of Soho’s most acclaimed Indian restaurants since it first opened its doors in 1983 – was badly damaged by a fire last July. However, the team have been busy restoring the venue, and proudly reopened the doors at the beginning of February, with founder Amin Ali promising that the business would, “rise like a phoenix from the ashes”. Head Chef Azadur Rahman, a master in Mughal Court cooking, has created a new menu in honour of the reopening, and as a reopening promotional offer, enjoy the two-course set lunch for £12 (12-3pm) or pre- (5.30-6.30pm) and post-theatre (10-11.30pm) two-course set dinner for £16. The Red Fort, 77 Dean Street, Soho, W1. 020 7437 2525/2115 Cheaper at lunchtime than the evening. La Porchetta, 141-142 Upper Street, N1. 020-7288 2488. Great value pizza and pasta restaurant, with possibly some of the biggest pizzas in London! Sister branches in Finsbury Park and Bloomsbury. Approx. £17 per head. Little Bay, 228 Belsize Road, NW6. Wonderfully down-toearth and charming restaurant serving Modern European cuisine at very reasonable prices. Excellent value for money. Spotted Dick, 292 Caledonian Road, Islington, N1. 020 7607 5577. Gay-friendly café/bar/ restaurant offering modern and traditional British grub. Open from breakfast till late. www. Green and Red, 51 Bethnal Green Road, E1. 020 7749 9670. Fiesta-style restaurant with Mexican food and a huge tequila selection - with basement bar and dancefloor area for afterwards. Kenza, 10a Devonshire Square, EC2. 020-7929 5533. Delightful and sumptuous subterranean Middle Eastern restaurant a stone’s throw from Liverpool Street station. Arabic interior and mezza menu – approx. £35 per head. Les Trois Garcons, 1 Club Row, Whitechapel, E1. 020-7613 1924. A former Victorian boozer, stuffed with baroque decor and antiques, creating a camp, culinary haven near Old Street. British/French menu. www. Tinseltown, 44-46 St John Street, Farringdon, EC1. Want a double cheeseburger and Mars Bar Milkshake at 5am? Then 24-hour, subterranean American diner Tinseltown is the place to head. Popular with late-night clubbers – very near Fabric. Cool when quiet but avoid if there’s a queue for entry. www. Volupte, 7-9 Norwich Street, EC4. 020 7831 1622. Trendy, popular supper club offering avant-garde cabaret and burlesque performance. Approx. £37 per head. SOUTH Bonnington Café, 11 Vauxhall Grove, SW8. Cheap, cheerful and very gay-friendly cooperatively run vegetarian café Roxy Bar and Screen, 128-132 Borough High Street, SE1. 020 7407 4057. London’s unique, gay-friendly cinema restaurant. Free film screenings – everything from recent blockbusters to arthouse documentaries. www. Royal Teas, 76 Royal Hill, Greenwich, SE10. 020-8691 7240. Delightfully charming café offering tea, scones, cakes and other delights for an eclectic crowd. Brit camp fabulousness. Upstairs Bar and Restaurant, 89b Acre Lane, SW2. Hidden gem and local secret. Critically acclaimed, eclectic European menu, with emphasis on French cuisine. Limited choice but menu changes daily. Open Tue-Sat. WEST Balans Chiswick, 214 Chiswick High Road, W4. 020 8742 1435. Gay-friendly service and British and Meditrerranean dishes. " =CbdWSe AB=@G FASHION FASCISM 2/<73:4@GB67<9AB6/B5/G1:7?C3A6/D30=B6 03<347BA/<22@/E0/19A¬ 4`][bVSBeW\YaO\R0SO`ab]bVSaSZT^`]QZOW[SR ·AQOZZg¸ZORa·7\RWS¸UOga·5VSbb]¸UOgaO\R·Q]`^]`ObS¸ _cSS\a:]\R]\¸aUOgaQS\SWaOQ]Z]c`TcZ[Wf]Tb`S\Ra O\RacPQcZbc`Sa /aObSS\U]W\Ub]Og]cbVU`]c^W\:]\R]\0`WRUST]` bVSTW`abbW[S^`]dSRb]PSOQ`OaVQ]c`aSW\UOga]QW] ^agQV]Z]UgAbO\RW\UPSbeSS\bVS^]]ZbOPZSO\RbVS dS\RW\U[OQVW\S7eOadS`g[cQV OeO`SbVObbVSU`]c^eOa\SObZg RWdWRSRW\b]be]QO[^a(bVSB]^AV]^ P]gaW\aYW\\gXSO\aO\R1]\dS`aS b`OW\S`aO\RbVSPZOQYO\R[Wf`OQSR ZORaT`][SOab:]\R]\8S`[OW\SO bOZZRO`YaYW\\SRP]geOabVSTW`ab b]a^SOYb][SµG]c¸`SOb]^¶VS RSQWRSROTbS`bSZZW\U[SW\U`SObRSbOWZ OP]cbVWa[O\gaSfcOZORdS\bc`Sa6S VORbVOb·aSS\WbOZZPST]`S¸O^ObVgO\R W\bW[WRObW\UQ]QYac`S\Saag]c\UUOg [S\a][SbW[SaVOdS6S[cabVOdS PSS\$µ2]\¸be]``g¶VSaOWRbWQYZSR Pg[gZOQY]TSf^S`WS\QSµeS¸ZZZ]]Y ]cbT]`g]c¶ 6]eSdS`OTbS`aSdS`OZ[]XWb]TcSZZSR \WUVba]T[OZSP]\RW\UOb5/G]c` T`WS\RaVW^a]]\TWhhZSR]cb/VSOdg `SdWaW]\aQVSRcZSP`]cUVb]\Pg/ ZSdSZaO\ROa^Ob]dS`OP]geV]W\ VW\RaWUVbeOa^`]POPZg]cb]TP]bV ]c`ZSOUcSa[SO\bbVObT`WS\Ra[Sb bV`]cUV8S`[OW\SacRRS\ZgPSQO[S µPcag¶O\RQZcPaT`S_cS\bSRb]USbVS` eS`S\]e]cb]TP]c\Ra7UcSaa bVObSdS`aW\QSbVS\7¸dSOZeOgaPSS\ Qc`W]caOP]cbUOgQZW_cSa(OeO`S\]b ]\Zg]TbVSW`^]eS`b]W\QZcRSPcbOZa] b]SfQZcRSg]c abO`bb]R]]RRbVW\Ua)Q]^gSOQV]bVS`QVO\USbVS eOgeSa^SOYTOd]c`bV]aSeV]`SaS[PZSca^WQY ZSORS`ab]e]`aVW^O\R]TbS\]bVS`U`]c^ab]RWaO`[ eWbVbVW\ZgdSWZSRXWPSa 7¸[Xcab[S7¸RZWYSb]bVW\Y7R]\¸b`SOZZgTWbO\g^O`bWQcZO` abS`S]bg^S7¸[\]bPcWZbZWYSOVc\YgPSO`]bbS`]`e]ZT 7¸[b]]]ZRb]TSWU\beW\YR][O\RbV]cUV7Y\]e\]b b][Wf[]`SbVS\be]P]ZRQ]Z]c`a Ob]\QS7VO`RZgVOdSbVSQ`SObWdWbg O\R[W\RP]UUZW\URSRWQObW]\ `S_cW`SRb]`]ZZeWbVbVSVW^g]c\U Q`]eR]T:]\R]\¸aTOaVW]\WabOaB]] ]TbS\7¸dSPSS\ab]^^SR]cbaWRSUOg QZcPaO\ROaYSRPgP]c\QS`aµ2] g]cY\]eeVObYW\R]TQZcPbVWa Wa-¶µ/`Sg]cW\bVS`WUVb^ZOQS-¶]` µEVOb[OUOhW\SaR]g]c`SOR-¶ A][SbW[Sa7¸[b]]O\\]gSRb] dS\bc`STc`bVS`=\]bVS`]QQOaW]\a 7¸dS`S^ZWSReWbVbVS\O[Sa]TbVS ^cPZWQObW]\a7¸dSe`WbbS\T]`PgeOg ]TUOgQ`SRWPWZWbg6]eSdS`bVS`S O`SabWZZbV]aS[OUWQOZbW[SaeVS\ 7¸dSbc`\SRb]TW\ROVO\R]\[g aV]cZRS`O\RO\]ZRT`WS\RR`c\YS\Zg aZc``W\UbV]aSVSO`beO`[W\Ue]`Ra( µVS¸aeWbVca¶ 5`]c^a7¸[`S[W\RSRU`O\bWba W\RWdWRcOZaa^SQWOZORdO\bOUSa BVS`S¸aab`S\UbVW\\c[PS`aO\R `SOaac`O\QSW\acPU`]c^a3[S`UW\U T`][bVSQ]Q]]\]TVSbS`]aSfcOZ W\abWbcbW]\OZWa[eS[SSb]bVS`aZWYS ]c`aSZdSaeV]UWdScabVSQ]c`OUS b]ZWdSZOcUVO\RZ]dSc\Q]\RWbW]\OZZg B]USbVS`S[P]ZRS\SRPg]c`^SS`a eS[]dS[]c\bOW\a 7`SQOZZW[OUSaW\O>`WRSOaa]QWObSR SfVWPWbW]\bVOb7aOeZOabgSO`Ob bVS1ZWTT]`R1VO\QSZOeTW`[(PZOQY O\ReVWbS^V]b]U`O^Va]TUOg [S\e][S\O\Rb`O\aUS\RS`SR W\RWdWRcOZaQ][W\Ub]USbVS`Rc`W\U bVSAb]\SeOZZ`W]ba6O`dSg;WZYO\R bV]caO\Ra]T]bVS`aQO[^OWU\W\U Ob^WQYSbZW\Sae]`ZReWRSeS`SZ]QYSRb]USbVS`ZWYS TW\US`aW\OTWabb]TWUVbOUOW\abW\XcabWQSO\RaSfcOZ ^S`aSQcbW]\ >S`VO^aeVS\O[W\]`WbgSf^O\RaWb¸aVc[O\\Obc`S bVObZSORacab]Q`SObSVWS`O`QVWSaO\R`Sa]`bb]bVS ^ZOgU`]c\R^]ZWbWQaeS]\QSab]]Ra]TW`[Zgc\WbSR OUOW\abESaV]cZR`S[S[PS`bVObOUOgQ][[c\Wbg S\Q][^OaaSaOQ]ZZSQbWdSc\W]\]T^S]^ZSeWbVRWdS`aS W\bS`SabaO\RSf^S`WS\QSac\WbSRPg]\SQ][[]\b`OWb) ]c`aSfcOZWbgEVSbVS`eSaV]^Ob6;^`O\QSOP]cb W\`cPPS`eSbacWbaS\X]g]cbR]]`a^]`baO\RVWYW\U a^S\RV]c`aObbVSUg[]`^`STS`_cWSbbW[SW\bVS ZWP`O`geSaV]cZR\¸bZSbbVSaSRSbOWZa]T]c`WRS\bWbWSa ]cbeSWUV]c`[cbcOZOW[aO\ROa^W`ObW]\a I’D LIKE TO THINK I DON’T REALLY FIT ANY PARTICULAR STEREOTYPE AbO\RW\U]\O\g^OdS[S\bW\ A]V]eS¸`SQ]\T`]\bSReWbVO a^SQb`c[]TbVSaSQZW_cSa7b¸aSOag b]aSSeVga][SPSZWSdSbVObbVS WRSO]TOaW\UZSUOgQ][[c\WbgWa \]eOTOW`gbOZSAS^O`ObSRW\b]b`WPSa RWabW\UcWaVSRPgTOaVW]\O\RP]Rg bg^S[caWQOZbOabSaO\RTSbWaVSab] bVSeWRS`QW`QZSa]TZSaPWO\PWaSfcOZO\Rb`O\aUS\RS`SR W\RWdWRcOZa]c`QV]aS\QZW_cSaObbW[SaQO\PSOaSZWbWabOa bVSgQO\PSPWhO``SZgbS``Wb]`WOZ =TbS\eS¸`SPSaSbPgO`Uc[S\baRWa^cbW\UeVWQVZSbbS` aV]cZRQ][STW`abW\bVS:50BOQ`]\g[O\RQ`WSabVObbVS PWaSfcOZaO\Rb`O\aUS\RS`SRQ][[c\WbWSaO`SWU\]`SR OZb]USbVS`5`]c^aZWYSbVS·PSO`a¸O`SaOWRb]VOdS UOZdO\WhSRaS^O`ObS[]dS[S\baW\`SOQbW]\b]W\bS` aQS\Sac^S`TWQWOZWbgO\R`SXSQbW]\eVWZS]bVS`aO`SW\bS\b ]\`WRWQcZW\UTOQbW]\abVSgTSSZ`SZObSdS`gZWbbZSb]bVSW` ]e\ 7b`S[OW\aO\c\T]`bc\ObSb`cbVbVOb^S]^ZS¸aPSVOdW]c`W\ U`]c^aQO\PSOaTOaQW\ObW\UOaWbWaRWabc`PW\UB]]]TbS\ WbaSS[abVObeVS\eSP]gaO`SPc\QVSRb]USbVS`eS " CLUBS>BARS>FASHION>GOSSIP>NEWS>TRENDS>SCENES>QUEENS>FACTS> PHOTO © CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S PAGE 46-47 LOVECHILD Promoter Alex Erfan's monthly spectacular commemorated its first birthday with another wild night at superclub Fire in Vauxhall... PAGE 50 LO-PROFILE Wardour Street's Lo-Profile threw a Love-In for Valentine's weekend, and pulled in a club full of passionhungry customers... KU BAR 4/<A=:2/<2<3E67BB639C0/@7<430@C/@G B=63:>B63D3<C313:30@/B37BA07@B62/G PAGE 52-53 DTPM The legendary DTPM now only returns for special one-off dates. February found it taking over the swanky Jalouse in Mayfair... ...the party not only commemorated the third anniversary of the team's move to Lisle Street, but also coincided with Valentine's Day and the Chinese New Year. Check out our full review of the night on page 54... "# =CbbVS`S @3D73E LOVE CHILD :=D3167:2@3BC@<32B=47@37< 430@C/@G4=@/<=B63@@326=B <756B=44C::=<1:C007<5¬ Lovechild threw an amazing party at Fire in December, so expectations were high for ‘Love II Love’, the night’s February offer. Not only were the team – led by promoter Alex Erfan – commemorating Valentine’s weekend, but they were also celebrating their own first anniversary! With all three rooms of this fabulous venue open, the line-up read like a Who’s Who of the DJ scene and featured established names as well as fresh (and fit) faces… Alessandro Londra, Brent Nicholls, Craig Daniels, Gabriele Cutrano, Lee Harris, Mattias, Paul Heron, Pagano, Phil Hewson, Saki and Tony English, presented a unique mix of everything from deep, dirty, electro and progressive house to funky tribal sounds. This aural smorgasbord was accompanied by plenty of visual treats, with at least "$ a dozen performers lined up to dance, dazzle and display their wares for the crowds. Gorgeous go-go’s in skimpy Speedos, angels in full-sized feather wings, porn stars in jock straps, engorged strippers and many more paraded peacock-like before us on stages in the main room as well as the mirrored ‘contact’ room. This revamped, all new, testosteronefuelled glossy Lovechild featured superb production, dazzling pyrotechnics and state of the art effects as well as a sexy crowd, mouth-watering performances and a naughty play room of cavorting man-toys... what a perfect night out! To keep informed of future dates, keep checking Alex's website at www. WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S @3D73E "% =CbbVS`S @3D73E LO-PROFILE 74:=D37A/:=BB3@G:=>@=47:3¸A D/:3<B7<3¸A>/@BGB@732B=AB/19B63 =22A7<G=C@4/D=C@¬ WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM Weekends at Lo-Profile are renowned for offering some of the best nights out in Soho and always attract a crowd of sexy boys easily parted from their shirts. Valentine’s weekend was no exception, when the team threw a special ‘Love-In’ for anyone who hadn’t found a Valentine’s date yet. DJs Guy Williams and D’Johnny provided a loved-up soundtrack for a venue packed with Lo-Profile’s trademark clientele …the gym card-carrying, buff A&F modelesque A-gays who bring the party with them and are not afraid to share. As we walked through the crowd from the bump and grind of the dance floor to the illuminated # bar and comfy seating area it was difficult not to get sidetracked by the strokes, gropes and caresses until, arriving at the far end we had forgotten entirely what we wanted and (nightmare scenario) had to ‘run the gauntlet’ again! Skimpilyclad muscle boys danced on top of podiums (courtesy of Alex Erfan’s Lovechild) and provided some dangerous eye-candy at eye level, but the night is all about the music and the crowd, and with superb food upstairs at Profile during the daytime and spectacular clubbing in Lo Profile all night, Gaydar truly have the perfect set of venues. =CbbVS`S @3D73E DTPM Love was certainly in the air in central London in mid February, and in celebration the Blue Cube crew presented a very special ‘From DTPM with LOVE’ party at the gorgeous Mayfair club Jalouse. Passing through the velvet ropes and descending into the subterranean marble and mirror interior was like stepping back in time to the decadent 80s heyday of clubbing. From the sunken dancefloor in the middle of the room to the giant crystal-clad ceiling that had every drag queen green with envy, the plush venue was the perfect location for this love-fest. With previous parties DTPM has let the music take the limelight, and this night was no exception with a superb soundtrack # provided first by the House Husbands and then by Nick Tcherniak and Steve Thomas who, although having very different styles and sounds, all meshed beautifully, taking us on an aural journey through soul, disco, funky house – delivering one euphoric high after another. The hot guys from Manhunt were on hand to provide the horn-factor and they soon had revellers ditching their shirts in favour of a tight white vest, which is never a bad thing! The next DTPM extravaganza is the birthday on Easter Sunday 4th April. The secret venue is to be announced, but like Jalouse, it's sure to knock your socks off. WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM 2B>;7A;/97<5/6/07B=43<8=G7<5=<3<756B AB/<2A/BA=;3=4B631/>7B/:¸A;=AB5=@53=CA 1:C0A430@C/@G¸A2/B3E/A<=3F13>B7=<¬ =CbbVS`S @3D73E #! =CbbVS`S @3D73E KU BAR B639C0/@13:30@/B327BAB67@2/<<7D3@A/@G =<:7A:3AB@33B=<D/:3<B7<3¸A<756B¬ It’s three years since the Ku Bar moved from 75 Charing Cross Road and opened its doors in its gorgeous new Lisle Street location. Last month’s Valentine’s night birthday party kicked off with copious amounts of champagne, served up by the sexy Ku Bar Boys wearing little more than red Cupid-style wings and a big smile. The bubbles continued to flow all night long among the scrum of punters eager to toast Ku’s birthday, their Valentine’s co-celebrants or the Mr Right they were about to meet! Half way through the evening, and in a reversal of the usual birthday etiquette, the Ku Bar gave out 100 gifts of high-quality goodie bags #" to the eager masses – a generous gesture indeed. We caught up with an ecstatic guv’nor Gary Henshaw over a glass of the fizzy stuff who said, “What an amazing three years for Ku… I am very proud and very grateful for all the public support”. If this has got you in party mood then pop along to Ku Bar Soho on Frith Street on Friday 5th March where they will be celebrating their firstst birthday, and then of course we can’t forget Gary’s Irish roots as the bar turns green for St Patrick’s Day on Wednesday 17th March. WORDS AND PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM David Hoyle =CbbVS`S A13<3 `caV-@W\UW\UW\ObZSaabVO\ObS\\S`O^]^O\R OdOWZOPZS`WUVbOQ`]aaA]V]O\R[]abaOc\OabVSg `S[OW\eSZZeWbVW\bVS`SOQV]T[]ab^O`bgU]S`a ³SdS\WTbVSUS\S`OZQ]\aS\acaWabVObbVS\Se T]`[cZOP`O\RaR]\]b_cWbSVOdSbVSaO[SSTTSQb OabVS]ZR\]eWZZSUOZb][O\cTOQbc`SdO`WSbWSa 7¸dSa^]bbSRW\Q`SOaW\U\c[PS`a]TP]bbZSaW\ bVS[caQZSP]c\R[OgVS[]TDOcfVOZZO\R [gTSSZW\UaeS`SQ]\TW`[SReVS\7ObbS\RSRO VSbS`]aSfcOZPW`bVROgaVW\RWUObOPO`\Q]\dS`aW]\ W\<]`T]ZYO\ROP]bbZS]T·`]][]R]c`WaS`¸ O^^SO`SR7TbVSab`OWUVbaO`Sa\WTTW\UWbac`SZgbVWa VOaPSQ][S[OW\ab`SO[`WUVb-<SSRZSaab]aOg O`ObVS`[]`SQ]\aS`dObWdS[S[PS`]T]c`^]aaS `S[]dSRbVS]TTS\RW\UP]bbZST]`TSO`WbPSQO[SO TSObc`S]TbVSaSQ]\R\WUVbO\R]c`X]c`\SgPOQY b]]c`bSS\aeOa]dS` COULD POPPERS BE THE RECESSION’S ANSWER TO A CUT-PRICE RUSH? 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Musically, expect residents James Hillard, Jim Stanton and special guests to mix up a behemoth of classics, Italo disco, oddities and punk funk. There’s an occasional weekly buffet, complimented spontaneous acts of exhibitionism. It starts to get busy about 11pm so arrive early to avoid queues. Horse Meat Disco is every Sunday at The Eagle, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall. Doors 8pm till 3am. www. GutterSlut celebrates its second birthday with a super special celebration rave on Saturday 27 February at The Rhythm Factory, Whitechapel. The debauchery explodes at 10pm and goes through till 7am and there’s loads of great gutter stuff in store. With special guest Larry Tee joining resident Per QX and Elliott J Brown, Nic Fisher, Princess Julia alongside the DiscoSlut DJs and special performances by Jonny Woo and Feral. Gutterslut’s 2nd Birthday Ball is on Saturday 27 February at The Rhythm Factory, Whitechapel Road, E1. Entry is £12 on the door. =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A A13<3 Hugo Sanchez SAMURAI SATURDAY SuperMartxé will be turning all Japanese-y for its next event. Taking place on Saturday 27 February at the gigantic Coronet Theatre in Elephant & Castle (26-28 New Kent Road, SE1), the theme for the event will be ‘Samurai’, so expect plenty of geisha guys and girls! Spinning the sounds will be Spanish SuperMartxé resident jock Hugo Sanchez, alongside Steve Pitron, Tony English and Marlon K Jones (from SuperMartxé Amsterdam). Expect live PAs and performance, plus plenty of kimono-clad glamour. Doors will be open from 10.30pm till 7am, with advance tickets (from £15) available from Profile, Prowler, Clone Zone, DV8, SolarStation, The Box and BarCode Vauxhall. You can also buy online at www. For further details, check SWEET ABOUT HER Best known for her huge hit ‘Sweet About Me’, Australia’s Gabrielle Cilmi will kick off the March PAs at gay superclub G-A-Y on Saturday 6 March. She’ll be hitting the club just before the release of new single ‘On A Mission’ on Monday 8 March, and new album Ten. Gabriella Cilmi G-A-Y takes place at Heaven every Saturday night, with its Camp Attack night on Fridays, Porn Idol on Thursdays, and the studenty Popcorn on Mondays. Check it out at Heaven, Under The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. If you don’t want the full-on club experience, don’t also forget to visit the sister bars at 30 Old Compton Street, Soho, or 5 Goslett Yard (G-A-Y Late). G-A-Y promoter Jeremy Joseph is currently busy in training for this year’s London marathon – pounding the streets of London almost daily in preparation for this grueling athletic endeavour. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of Heaven as a gay nightclub, he is aiming to try and raise a whopping £30,000 (£1,000 for every year) for Amnesty International. At the time of going to press, he’s managed to raise just over £10,000, but still has some sponsorship to earn before the marathon on Saturday 25 April. To sponsor him and donate money to this extremely worthy cause, go to www. – there are also donation buckets at G-A-Y Bar, G-A-Y Late and Heaven. For more information, check out the ‘G-A-Y/ Heaven London Nightclub’ page on Facebook. #& GUTTERSLUT BIRTHDAY Those fabulous Gutterslut freaks will be celebrating their second birthday on Saturday 27 February with a big party at the Rhythm Factory, 16-18 Whitechapel Road, E1. The venue played host the Gutterslut’s Gutterball last year, and the team have been itching to throw another mega bash within its spacious confines. The night will run from 10pm till 7am and will feature special guest Larry Tee, who will spinning sounds alongside Gutterslut resident Per QX, including recent remixes that the two have done for Lady Gaga and Deadmau5. The mysterious ‘Sick Act’ will be making their debut DJ set, along with regular Elliot J Brown and Nic Fisher. Princess Julia will take care of the Discoslut Room. PAs will come from Jonny Woo, Feral and MC Crystal, plus Amsterdam’s Lipstick and Paf Paf. Admission is £12 on the door or £8 in advance (with a limited number of advance tickets from the Dalston Superstore). For more details, check the ‘Gutterslut’ page on Facebook. ROYAL VAUXHALL MARCH March at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern in Vauxhall has yet more special events. Acclaimed performer David Mills (pictured) will be taking up a Wednesday night residency on 3, 10, 17 and 24 March with his new show ‘…And I Am Telling You’ – described as “a hilarious, vitriolic rant with pop song interludes and special guests”. Expect cracking one-liners and covers of some classic pop tunes. The show’s at 8pm and admission is £7. The brilliant Bar Wotever runs each Tuesday night, welcoming boys, girls, trans people and ‘wotevers’ with rock and pop tunes and avant garde cabaret. Promoter Ingo and her team will be David Mills celebrating five glorious years of Bar Wotever on Tuesday 2 March – and are promising something “mega special” on stage. Admission, as always at Bar Wotever, will be free all evening, and doors will be open from 6pm-midnight. Thursday nights in March will host a variety of promotions, including The Kitsch Kittens’ Carnival of Kitsch on 4 March – an eclectic and camp selection of performances to take you back to the days of the London Palladium and vaudeville. Enjoy Madam Galina, the Cubs and the Kittenette Dancers. Tickets will cost £10, with the show at 8pm. It’s followed on Thursday 11 March by ‘Cracked Actress’, a one-off show from Myra Dubois and Miss Annabel Sings (tickets £5). Fridays at the venue will plays host to bi-monthly soft rock night We Built This Speedwagon On A Prayer (5 March), Kimono Krush (12 March), Northern soul stomper Shake Your Tail Feather (19 March) and Diva-lution (26 March). Duckie continues to run each Saturday, and S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out each Sunday, with Timberlina’s cult bingo pub night each Monday. The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11. Tickets for most performance nights are available on and WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM HIGHLIGHTS =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A GOING=Cb SEVENTH HEAVEN Club MoFo celebrates its seventh birthday this month. Joining with girls behind the decks will be special guest Lady Miss Kier (of DeeeLite/’Groove Is In The Heart’ fame), and there will also – as always – be live bands and music. Expect rock, indie, punk, disco and electro sounds between the hours of 8pm and 4am, with admission £4 before 8.30pm, £4 before 10.30pm with a flyer, or £6. It all takes place in Bardens Boudoir, 38-44 Stoke Newington Road, N16, on Saturday 13 March. This will be the last Club MoFo for a few months, but the team plan to re-convene for a new launch later in the year – so get along for your last taste of MoFo for the foreseeable future! VENUES: CENTRAL LONDON 79 CXR, 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020 7734 0769. Leicester Square tube. Mon-Sat 1pm-3am, Sun 1pm-10.30pm. Cover charge after 11pm. Large, cruisy, late-night bar - always busy after 10.30pm with those who don’t want to head home too early. ADMIRAL DUNCAN, 54 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7437 5300. Leicester Square tube. Friendly, famous, traditional gay pub - just look out for the purple and pink exterior! BARCODE, 3-4 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 3342. www. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Sat 4pm-1.30am. Sun until 10.30pm. Dance bar on three floors, with club-style basement. Comedy Camp stand-up night each Tuesday, and more danceoriented sessions at weekends. THE BOX, 32-34 Monmouth Street, Seven Dials, WC2. 020 7240 5828. Leicester Square tube. 11am-11pm. Stylish and awardwinning gay café bar popular with scene and muscle queens. Frequent exhibitions on the walls and great food. Long-running community café bar. FREEDOM, 66 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0071. Piccadilly Circus tube. Opulent style bar, with late-night club promotions for a mixed, metrosexual crowd. FRIENDLY SOCIETY, 79 Wardour Street, WC1. Trendy and unique, intimate basement bar with quirky decor and fun atmosphere – attracts a mixed crowd. G-A-Y BAR, 30 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7494 2756. Leicester Square tube. 12pm12am. Huge, poptastic gay bar, with a multitude of video screens, pop tunes and drinks promotions. Lady Miss Kier CANDY BAR, 4 Carlisle Street, W1. 020 7494 4041. Tottenham Court Road tube. Mon-Thu 5-11.30pm. Fri & Sat 5pm-2am. Sun 5-11pm. Longrunning and famed lesbian bar. COMPTONS, 52 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7479 7961. Leicester Square tube. Noon-11pm. A Soho institution. Large, traditional gay boozer on two floors, attracting a butch and manly crowd. www. THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 77 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7439 1274. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat noon-midnight, ‘til 10.30pm on Sun. Traditional and fun gay pub over two floors, attracting a good cross-section from across the scene. THE EDGE, 11 Soho Square, W1. 020 7439 1313. Tottenham Court Road tube. Noon-1am, Sun 2pm-11.30pm. Stylish, hip gay bar spread over four intimate floors, with regular nights from top DJs, regular piano bar and tasty food. ESCAPE, 10a Brewer Street, W1. 020 7734 2626. Piccadilly Circus tube. 5pm-3am. Cover charge after 11pm. Every night’s a party at this late-night video dance bar. FIRST OUT CAFÉ, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020 7240 8042. Tottenham Court Road tube. 10am-11pm. Sun 10.30pm. Over 20 years old and still going strong. G-A-Y LATE, 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. Tottenham Court Road tube. 11pm-3am. Late-night sister venue to G-A-Y Bar – more video screens, camp pop fun and cheap drinks.Gets very busy most nights of the week. houses a Gay Tourist Office from noon-6pm throughout the week ( KU BAR SOHO, 25 Frith Street, W1. Leicester Square tube. New, smaller sister venue to Lisle Street Ku Bar, with entrances on Old Compton Street and Frith Street - open till 11pm daily.. www. KUDOS, 10 Adelaide Street, WC2. 020 7379 4573. Charing Cross tube. 3pm-11pm, Sat noon-11pm, Sun noon-10.30pm. Beautiful and stylish café bar, with clubbier vibe and video screens in the basement. Popular with Asian crowd upstairs, plus a basement women’s bar. LO-PROFILE, The Basement, 84-85 Wardour Street, W1. Swanky, sophisticated, 400-capacity late-night basement bar and club space – from the people that bring you Open 10pm-4am on Fridays and Saturdays. LONG YANG CLUB, long-running social group for East Asian gay guys and friends. Regular parties and social events. Check website at for full details. MADAME JO JO’S, 8-10 Brewer Street, W1. Long-running, late night gig venue, nightclub and cabaret bar - open to very mixed crowd. Home to popular Wednesday nighter Trannyshack. MOLLY MOGG’S, 2 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7434 4294. Tottenham Court Road tube. Small, intimate little gay pub, with regular drag shows attracting a mixed crowd of theatre folk and tourists. PENDULUM, 56 Frith Street, Soho, W1. 0207 734 8300 . Tottenham THE GREEN CARNATION, 4-5 Greek Street, Soho, W1. 020-7434 3323. Stylish, three-floored late night gay venue, with bar, dancefloor and nightly promotions. Attracts a mixed crowd. www.greencarnationsoho. HALFWAY TO HEAVEN, 7 Duncannon Street, WC2. 020 7321 2791. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat 12pm-12am. Old-style gay pub spread over two floors. HEAVEN, The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. Charing Cross Road tube. Huge, world-famous gay club, which is now home to G-A-Y, along with mixed/studenty Monday nighter Popcorn. Check for details THE KINGS ARMS, 23 Poland Street, W1. 020 7734 5907. Oxford Circus tube. Mon-Thur 12pm–11pm, Fri-Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12pm-11.30pm. London’s bar for bears and blokes. Traditional atmosphere plus pool table. Sunday night karaoke very popular. KU BAR, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 020 7437 4303. Leicester Square tube. Large, award-winning, upmarket gay bar spread over three floors, open till 3am daily and always busy throughout the week. The first floor BLUE RINSE Eat Your Heart Out, Scottee’s monthly performance club night, returns on Saturday 26 March – this time taking over the revamped Brickhouse, 152c Brick Lane, East London, E1. Ahead of the general election, and the very real possibility that the Conservatives may sweep back in to power, the theme for this month’s outing is ‘The Return of the Yuppie?’. Prompted by the fact that David Cameron might be our next Prime Minister, Scottee and his cohorts are wondering if that béte noire of the 80s, the yuppie, is also due to return. Expect live performances from Masumi Tipsy, Ryan Styles, Nando Messias, Miss Anabel Sings, Myra Dubois, Absolut Queer and ‘100 Margaret Thatchers’, plus host Scottee. There will be interactive elements, including a Twinset & Pearl Jumble sale, ‘Myra’s Career Advice’ and free milk, while music will come from Alexander6 and Aman to Pet. Doors will be open from 10pm till 3am, with the first show at 10.30pm. Admission costs £7 or £5 NUS. Advanced bookings can be made by emailing eyho@, or table bookings via getmeaseat@ For more details, check the Facebook page ‘Eat Your Heart Out’ #' =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A Court Road tube. Stylish, big gay bar – spread over three floors, with food, drink, art displays and pre-club promotions. www. PROFILE, 84-84 Wardour Street, W1. 020 734 3444. Piccadilly Circus tube. Upstairs bar above Lo-Profile, owned and run by the team behind Gaydar. Stylish gay bar/diner, open for food and drink from early morning through till 11pm – when the action moves downstairs. THE QUEBEC, 12 Old Quebec Street, WC1. 020-7629 6159. Marble Arch tube. Long-running and huge pub, on two floors, attracting an older crowd. Open till 3am at weekends. Off the beaten Soho track but well worth checking out. THE QUEEN’S HEAD, 25 Tryon Street, SW3. 020-7589 0262. Sloane Square tube. Popular, very long-running, cosy gay pub –a Chelsea institution. WALTHAMSTOW LICKED Gay Lick is the name of a new twice-monthly promotion bringing some much-needed gay life to Walthamstow in north east London. The event is currently running every first and third Friday of the month from 9pm till 4am at Club Lick, 58 Hoe Street, E17 4PG. It was launched last September, but has been attracting an increasing following – so much so that promoters Paul and Switch are thinking of setting up a weekly event in the near future. You can expect three floors of fun and frolics in a rather unique venue, with DJs spinning unpretentious dance sounds, club classics and remixes of retro sounds from the 80s to the noughties. Entry is £4 before midnight, then £7 after, with a free coat check. More details and pictures at the website at $ RETRO BAR, 2 George Court, WC2. 020 7321 2811. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Fri noon-11. Sat 5pm-11pm, Sun 5pm-11pm. A traditional boozer for the gay scene’s indie, alternative and student-types – Tuesday’s pop quiz is an institution. RUPERT STREET, 50 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7292 7141. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-11pm, Sun 10.30pm. Large, designer style bar, popular with professional gay boyz and post-work drinkers. SHADOW LOUNGE, 5 Brewer Street, W1. 020-7287 7988. Piccadilly tube. Exclusive, gorgeous, late-night bar and club for A-list gays and celeb-spotters. Open from late each evening. SWEATBOX, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020-3214 6014. Exclusively gay gym (ground floor) and sauna (first floor), with occasional late-night parties. Open Sun-Thurs noon-2am, and till 7am Friday and Saturday. www. VAULT 139, 139 Whitfield Street, W1. 020-7388 5500. Central, daytime and evening intimate cruise club, for a men-only crowd. Open 4pm-1am seven days a week. SAUNAS CHARIOTS WATERLOO 101 Lower Marsh, Waterloo, SE1. 020 7401 8484. Waterloo tube. Well-presented, popular sauna, open 24/7. SAUNABAR COVENT GARDEN 29 Endell Street, Covent Garden, WC2. 020 7836 2236. Covent Garden tube. Basement sauna with pool, sauna and rest rooms. Check website for discount entry. www. PLEASUREDROME 124 Cornwall Road, Waterloo, SE1. Waterloo tube. Big venue with lots of different areas – open 24 hours, 365 days of year. www. SWEATBOX SOHO Ramillies House, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020 3214 6014. Oxford Circus tube. Gay-owned and run gym and basement sauna. SAUNABAR PORTSEA 2 Portsea Place, Marble Arch, W2. 020 7402 3385. Marble Arch tube. Small and friendly gay sauna with masseurs. NORTH LONDON THE BLACK CAP, 171 Camden High Street, NW1. 020 7485 0538. Camden Town tube. Shufflewick FEELING BULLISH VILLAGE, 81 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7434 2124. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-1am, Sun 11.30pm. Late night door charge. Soho’s original gay café bar, spread over four floors, and now with basement dancefloor and discos. Popular with a youngish crowd of boys and girls. THE YARD, 57 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7437 2652. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thur 4pm-11pm, Fri & Sat 1pm-11pm, Sun 1pm1.10.30pm. Busy gay bar with hugely popular courtyard area, outdoor balcony and cosy loft bar. From promoter Oliver M and Manu Garcia (Ursus), Matador is a new Spanish and Balearic-themed monthly club session coming to BarCode Vauxhall on Friday 5 March (and every first Friday of the month thereafter). The music Oliver M policy promises upfront house sounds from some of the best jocks from London and beyond. These will include, on rotation, Oliver M, Gonzalo, Micky Galiano, Steven Artis, Jonny M, Leonardo Glovibes and Saki, amongst others. Doors will open from 11pm till 6am on Saturday morning. =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A long-running gay pub, with ‘local’ atmosphere and character, plus popular beer garden. KW4, 77 Hampstead High Street, NW3. 020-7435 5747. Large, cosy, traditional old gay pub, with regular entertainment, beer garden and food. One of London’s longestrunning gay establishments. www. THE LOAD OF HAY, 207 Pinner Road, Watford, 01923-441113. Watford’s only gay pub, with big beer garden and regular entertainment. www.loadofhay. THE OAK BAR, 79 Green Lanes, N16. 020-7354 2791. Manor House tube. Friendly, diverse gay bar with late-night club promotions, and open ‘til 3am at weekends. Very popular with lesbians and male friends. www. Bar: Mon-Thu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am, Sun Noon-10.30pm. Club: Mon-Thu 10pm-2am, Fri-Sat 10pm-3am, Sun 10pm-1am. Longrunning, famed gay pub – probably the most famous cabaret pub in London. CENTRAL STATION, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1. Tel: 020 Robert 7278 3294. Kings Cross tube. Big, late-opening gay bar on Owens three floors, with ground floor cabaret THOROUGHLY MODERN MUSIC HALL A one-off special to tie in with LGBT History Month, Film Launch and Camden LGBT Forum present Modern Music Hall III at the Conway Hall in Holborn on Saturday 27 February. The highlight of the evening will be the showing of an anti-bullying film made by the aforementioned organisations and Queer Youth Network. The Emmanuel Vincent Harris Trust has funded the film, which examines the problems of homophobic and transphobic bullying. However, the evening won’t just be about the film viewing – there will be plenty of live entertainment. Expect some high leg-kicking fun from The Dream Bears, blues singer Tricity Vogue, Mzz Kimberly, Amphibia and Dickie Beau, performing a special Judy Garland-inspired show. The whole event has been organised by queer arts organisation Wotever World, who are promising free refreshments in the interval and at the end of the night. Tickets are £5 and £3 for concessions. Email your name to [email protected] and collect your tickets on the evening. $ and infamously cruisy cruise nights in basement. Upstairs restaurant offering gastropub menu, plus B&B accommodation. www. CLUB KALI, The Dome, 1 Dartmouth Park Hill, Tufnell Park, N19. World’s biggest lesbian and gay Southern Asian music night, running every third Friday of the month. Always busy and rather unique. EGG, 200 York Way, King’s Cross, N7. 020 7609 8364. King’s Cross tube. Bespoke club space on three floors, hosting occasional gay club nights and after-hours sessions (mixed afterhours every Saturday night/Sunday morning). www. THE GREEN, 74 Upper Street, N1. 020-7226 8895. Angel tube. London’s first ‘gay gay-stropub!’ Stylish, Islington bar, serving full food menu and wide range of cocktails. Mixed, chilled crowd - now run by the same team as The Edge in Soho. KING EDWARD VI, 25 Bromfield Street, N1. Tel: 020 7704 0745. Angel tube. Sun-Thu 12noon12midnight, Thu 12noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am. Very PLAYPIT, 357 Caledonian Road, N7. Caledonian Road tube. 0333 700 1231. Intimate, King’s Cross sleaze club – basically a basement darkroom. Open Thur-Sat 9pm3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Take your own booze. www.londonplaypit. Lane, SE11. 020 7793 0903. Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 9pm-late, Tue 9pm-2am, Sun 9pm-late. Vauxhall tube. Large, club-bar with nightly promotions. Tonker (Fridays) and Horse Meat Disco (Sundays) are particularly popular. Infamous, late-night gay venue beneath the Vauxhall railway arches, host to the likes of Orange, A:M, Later and Juicy. Open around the clock at weekends. or or EXILIO, Bar Rez, Club Colosseum, 1 Nine Elms Lane, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Long-running, Friday night gay Latin and salsa night. Open 11pm till 4am. THE FRIDGE, Town Hall Parade, Brixton, SW9. 020 7326 5100. Brixton tube. Large and legendary venue - formerly a theatre. Now home to occasional gay club nights such as Love Muscle. www.fridge. and FACTORY, 65 Goding Street, SE11. Stylish, railway arch Vauxhall venue, hosting occasional dance and cruise nights. THE FORT, 131 Grange Road, SE1. 020-7237 7742. Small cruise club, open till 11pm throughout week, with regular boots-only and underwear parties. Check website for full listings. www. FIRE, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. Vauxhall tube. THE GEORGE & DRAGON, 2 BlackheathHill, Greenwich, SE10. 020 8691 3764. Deptford Bridge DLR. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri & Sat 4pm-4am, Sun 4pm-2am. Late-night pub with nightly entertainment and cabaret. www. HIDDEN, 100 Tinworth Street, SE11. Railway arch venue, home to infamous Hard On night once a month (, SOUTH LONDON AREA, 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE1. Gorgeously-designed, hard dance club and cabaret rooms, with eclectic roster of different gay nights and one-off promotions, including Jason’s Jukebox on Thursdays, and Friday nighter Onyx, amongst others. BARCODE VAUXHALL, Arch 69, Albert Embankment, SE11. 0207 734 3342. Vauxhall tube. Open 7 days a week. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri-Sun 4pm-4am. Very popular club bar, with dancefloor and mezzanine chill-out space - gets busy at weekends. CABLE, 33a Bermondsey Street, SE1 2EG. 020 7403 7730. London Bridge tube. Huge, purpose-built clubbing venue in railway arches. Host to occasional one-offs and monthly promotions such as Matinee. CLUB COLOSSEUM, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8. Huge, late-night venue for after-hours crowd – hosting various monthly promotions. THE EAGLE, 349 Kennington DJ Nikki Lucas HABIBI LAUNCHES DJ Nikki Lucas will be presiding over a new monthly gay night being launched this month. Habibi aims to showcase a diverse mixture of world music, specialising in “Rai’n’B, Arabic, Turkish, Greek, Urban, Desi and Balkan flavas.” If the music doesn’t have you rushing to the floor, there will be belly dancers and traditional darkbuka players to help lose those inhibitions, and to bring a touch of Istanbul to the proceedings (a city currently in the headlines for being the new European Capital of Culture). The night also aims to help support LGBT activists in Iraq – a country where the LGBT community face consistent persecution. Ten percent of door takings at Habibi will be going to the LGBT Iraqi Solidarity Group (check SOS: Support Iraqi LGBT on Facebook for more details). Habibi will run every second Saturday of the month from 9pm till 3am at the Oak Bar, 76 Green Lanes, N17. Entry £4 before 10pm, £6 before midnight and £7 after. $! =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A and now also Megawoof (www. and popular urban night Work on Wednesdays. THE HOIST, Arch 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8. 020 7735 9972. 10pm-late. Door charge and strict dress code. One of London’s most famous dress-code and cruise clubs - busy with a men-only crowd. Open Friday-Sunday and occasional Thursdays (SM Gays every third Thursday of the month - www. JACKIE’S JUKEBOX, Rivoli Ballroom, 350 Brockley Road, SE4. First Saturday of the month, 7pm-midnight (£7). Gay ballroom and Latin dancing night, attracting up to 300 dancers a month to the glam 1950s-style Rivoli Ballroom. Crofton Park BR. KAZBAR, 50 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7622 0070. Clapham North tube. Mon-Thu 4pmmidnight, Fri 4pm-1am, Sat noon1am, Sun noon-midnight. Clapham video bar, popular throughout the week, with DJs at weekends. LITTLE APPLE, 98 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7735 2039. Kennnigton tube. Open 7 days a week. Small, traditional gay boozer for local gay boys and girls - open till 1.30am Fri-Sat. PARIS GYM 73 Goding Street, Vauxhall, SE11. 020 7735 8989. Vauxhall tube. Huge, well-equipped men-only gym with large, devoted following. Regular classes. Tourists welcome. Check website for entry details and membership. ROYAL VAUXHALL TAVERN, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7840 0596. Opening times vary. Vauxhall tube. Door Charge. Huge, traditional and historic gay pub, with long history of hosting cabaret. Packed to rafters on Saturday (Duckie) and Sunday (S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out). Check or the facebook group RV Taverners for information. THE STAG, 15 Bressenden Place, SW1. 020 7828 7287. Victoria tube. Mon & Tue midday-midnight, Wed-Fri midday-2am, Sat 5pm2am, Sun 4pm-midnight. Dark and atmospheric gay bar in Victoria, with occasional cabaret and DJs at weekends, and now an upstairs theatre space. 286, 286 Lewisham High Street, SE14. 020-8690 7648. Large, lateopening gay venue, with regular entertainment, DJs and cabaret. Open till 2am Sun-Thur and 4am Fri-Sat. THE TRAFALGAR ARMS, 148 Tooting High Street, SW17. 020-8767 6059. A spacious, lively, attitude-free pub. Excellent food served all day. Weekly DJs on Friday and Saturday nights. Karaoke on Wednesdays. Feral LONDON NIGHTS You Are Here (Not Paris) is the enigmatic name of a new occasional session from legendary DJ Tom Stephan. It returns to the new East Village club, 89 Great Eastern Street, Shoreditch, EC2 (www. on Friday 26 February. The promoters want those attending to stop dwelling on the past or fearing and fantasizing about the future, and instead concentrate on the here and now! “Join DJ Paulette, Leonardo Glovibes and Tom Stephan for an intense electronic exploration of the present moment featuring a live performance by the incredible Feral. You are not at work, this is the weekend. You’re not staying in, you’re going out. This is not Paris, this is east London and you are HERE!” Doors will be open from 10pm till 3.30am, with admission £6 before 11pm and £8 after. $" THE TWO BREWERS, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7819 9539. Clapham Common tube. Mon-Thu 5pm-2am, Fri & Sat 5pm-4am. South London’s most famed gay cabaret venue. Large bar and separate dancefloor room. An institution for over 20 years. UNION, 66 Albert Embankment, SE1. 020-7793 9262. Cruisy dance club which hosts regular promotions. Plays areas and hot go-go’s. and XXL, The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. www.xxl-london. com. London Bridge tube. Huge world-famous club for bears, big men and admirers, on Saturday and Wednesday. Pulls in 1,000+ customers each Saturday with uplifting dance anthems and occasional guest DJs. SAUNAS CHARIOTS STREATHAM 292 Streatham High Road, SW16. 020 8696 0929. Streatham station. Large sauna, with weekly theme nights (bears, men of colour, etc). CHARIOTS VAUXHALL 63-64 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1. 020 7247 5333. Vauxhall tube. Large, modern sauna in converted railway arch. Mikey D FIRE RAGES THE LOCKER ROOM 8 Cleaver Street, Kennington, SE11. 020 7735 6064. Kennington tube. Long-running, intimate gay-owned and run sauna. www. STEAMWORKS 309 New Cross Road, New Cross, SE14. 020 8694 0606. New Cross/New Cross Gate station. Small, long-running establishment. EAST LONDON THE ANGEL, 21 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8555 1148. Stratford BR and tube. Big gay pub, always popular at weekends, with regular cabaret, DJs and disco nights. THE BACKSTREET, Wentworth Mews, off Burdett Road, E3. 020-8980 8557. Over 25 years old – small but legendary East End dress code leather club, open Thur-Sun. Very strict rubber and leather dresscode, ensuring a wide and loyal following. www. BISTROTHEQUE, 23-27 Wadeson St, E2. Tel: 020 8983 7900. Bethnal Green tube. Very mixed, gay/straight crowd of trendy metrosexuals. Great bar, restaurant, plus separate cabaret room. www. CHARLIE’S BAR, 124 Globe Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1007. Whitechapel tube. Recently refurbished, Moroccan style – friendly, local gay bar. DALSTON SUPERSTORE, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8. 020 7254 2273. Highbury & Islington tube. New, two-floor mixed Some of the most consistently popular nights on the London scene are those run by the Orange organisation. The company operates events at Vauxhall superclubs Area and Fire. Regular events at the latter include afterhours session Gravity, which runs on Thursday night/Friday morning from midnight till 8am in the club’s Mirror arch. Expect cool, pumping house grooves from The Oli, Alan K and Terry Bryan for a crowd of sexy guys who can’t wait till Friday night for the start of their weekend. It’s £10 full price, or £5 with a flyer or advert. Sister afterhours session A:M now takes place on Friday night/Saturday morning from 3am till 10.30am (perfect for those leaving Onyx at Area). D’Johnny, Gonzalo Rivas, David Jimenez and Alan K spin the sounds on the main floor, while there’s a vinyl-only policy in the Bring Back The Funk room, which plays host on rotation to Jamie Head, The Oli, Dave Cross, Terry Bryan and guests. Full price admission is £12, or £8 with a flyer/advert before 5.30am. You’ll find a rotating line-up of Saturday night promotions, such as Juicy and Lovechild, while on Sunday afternoon there’s Later (noon-7pm - £5), which offers more uplifting house for those who can’t stop dancing. It’s followed on Sunday night (11pm-9am) by the flagship Orange session – an all-night bender for those wanting to squeeze maximum pleasure from their weekend. DJ Steven Sharp is currently in charge of promoting the night, which features The Sharp Boys, The Oli, Terry Bryan and Paul Martin on the main floor, while David Jiminez and Gonzalo Rivas spin the minimal tech house in the second room. Admission is £12 on the door, or just £2 before midnight with a flyer/advert (£10 after). Over the road at Area, catch award-winning Friday nighter Onyx, with DJs Phil Marriot, Jamie Hammond and guests spinning the pumping house, and Aerial and Lisa German offering ‘sexy tech dance’. For something lighter, Tuomo Fox, Jason Prince and James St James offer classic house anthems in The Black Box. Doors are 10pm till 5am (advance tickets £5 at This is followed on Sunday mornings (6am till 1pm) by Beyond – London’s busiest afterhours party. Promoter Steven Sharp offers you three rooms of house music from Steve Pitron, Mikey D (pictured), Alan K, Paul Christian, HiFi Sean, Jamie Head, Terry Bryan and the Sharp Boys. Finally, one more date for your diary is Friday 5 March, when Fire will be hosting the Rudeboyz re-union – ‘Up Against The Wall’. Expect sexy sounds, the return of the infamous Scally Ally, plus plenty of cruising between 10pm and 4am. =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A gay-straight venue - café by day and fashionable performance space and club promotions at night. Open noon-2am seven days a week. DANDY BOYS, Visage, 442 Cranbrook Road, Gants Hill, IG2. 020 8554 003. www.Visage80sBar. Gay club night running every Wednesday night at a fab 80s-themed venue. Open 8pm1am. Regular entertainment. Email [email protected] CHARIOTS SHOREDITCH 1 Fairchild Street, Shoreditch, EC2. 020 7247 5333. Liverpool Street station. Biggest gay sauna in UK, with a maze of rest rooms. www. BRIGHTON E15 CLUB 6 Leytonstone Road, Stratford, E15. 020 8555 5455. Stratford tube. Deceptively large sauna behind a discreet facade. www.londonnoise. com/e15 WEST LONDON EASTERN BLOC, 58 Old Street, EC1. 020-7287 3726. Trend-setting gay club venue, spread over two floors. Bar upstairs with small dancefloor, and grond floor dance space. Regular promotions at weekends. GAY LICK, Club Lick, 58 Hoe Street, E17. Walthamstow tube. Twice-monthly gay promotion at a cruisy club space. Every first and third Friday from 9pm-4am. Entry £4 before midnight and £7 after. THE JOINERS ARMS, 116 Hackney Road, E2. Tel: 020 7739 9854. Debauched decadence – old-skool boozer popular with post-club crowd at weekends. Gets busy later in the evenings. KINGS HEAD, 11 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8534 0197 Stratford BR and tube. Intimate and welcoming East End gay pub – regular cabaret. Open till late throughout the week. THE OLD SHIP, 17 Barnes Street, E14. Tel: 020 7790 4082. Limehouse DLR. Small, local, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret - five minutes’ walk from BJ’s White Swan (see below). BJ’s WHITE SWAN, 556 Commercial Road, E1. Tel: 020 7780 9870. Limehouse DLR. A large, legendary, long-running gay pub and club, open throughout the week. Wednesday’s Amateur Strip is an institution. www. $$ THE CULVERT, 54 Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge. 01895 256 690. Uxbridge tube. Mon-Wed 4pm-1am, Thu noon-2am, Fri & Sat noon-3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Regular discos, cabaret, karaoke and one-off events. Established, local gay venue. ESCAPE, 184 London Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, KT2. 020 8549 9911. Revamped, longrunning gay club open WednesdaySunday. THE HOPE & ANCHOR, 20 Macbeth Street, Hammersmith, W6. (020 8748 1873). New gay pub for Hammersmith and Chiswick. Traditional boozer with nightly entertainment – open noon-11pm throughout week, with popular karaoke at weekends. INFINITY, 294 Old Brompton Road, SW5. 020 7370 3494. Earls Court tube. Big gay pub and disco, formerly Bromptons. Open late throughout the week, with weekend cabaret. www. THE RICHMOND ARMS, 20 The Square, off Princes Street, Richmond. 020-8940 2118. Longrunning, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret and entertainment. One of gay London’s better locals. SAUNAS TED’S PLACE, 305a North End Road, West Brompton, W14. 0207 385 9359. Earls Court or West Brompton tube. Mon-Fri from 7pmlate, closed Sat & Sun. Small, West London cruise club. Dark and sleazy. CHARIOTS LIMEHOUSE 574 Commercial Road, E14. 020 7791 2808. Limehouse rail station. Multi-level, well-established sauna. Themed parties such as ‘Big and chunky’ each Monday evening, amongst others. www. WEST 5, Popes Lane, South Ealing, W5. 020-8579 3266. Large, popular gay pub with Piano Room and cabaret bar, open till late at weekends with entertainment and DJs. Attracts a big local crowd - particularly at weekends. AUDIO, Marine Parade, BN1. Club venue with outdoor terrace – making it a summer favourite. Hosts regular club nights such as Sunday Sundae (www. AMSTERDAM BAR, 11-12 Marine Parade, BN2. www. 01273 688825. Long-running establishment, with an adjoining hotel and sauna. Great outdoor terrace for the summer months. AQUARIUM, 6 Steine Street, Brighton. 01273 605525. www. the-aquarium-theatre-bar. Long-running, traditional style pub popular with gay guys. Regular entertainment. BLANCH HOUSE, 17 Atlingworth Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 603504. www. Plush, hip, mixed hotel cocktail bar that’s popular with a cross-section of Brighton residents and visitors. Open late at weekends. BRIGHTON TAVERN, 100 Gloucester Road, North Laine, BN1. 01273 680365. A stylish but homely venue with wooden flooring, open fire, real ales and a friendly welcome. THE BULLDOG, 31 St. James Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 696996. www.bulldogbrighton. com. Legendary scene bar (nearly 30 years old!), attracting a bloke-ish crowd with drinks promotions, entertainment and long hours thanks to a 24-hour licence in operation at weekends. CHARLES STREET BAR, 8 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 624091. www.charles-street. com. Large, stylish and popular gay bar overlooking the seafront – particularly busy with pre-club crowds at weekends. DOCTOR BRIGHTONS, 16-17 Kings Road, BN1. 01273 208113. Another long-running scene institution, ideally placed for the seafront, shopping on The Lanes, or Brighton’s club life. THE HONEYCLUB, 214 Kings Road Arches, BN1. 01273 202807. Acclaimed club venue, which hosts occasional gay nights and parties. THE KING’S ARMS, 56 George Street, BN2. 01273 245128. Brighton’s bar for bears and blokes, with promotions throughout the week and occasional dress-code parties. LEGENDS, 31-32 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 624462. www. A true scene stalwart, and part of the New Europe hotel complex. Longrunning bar that’s still going strong – open late throughout the week. MARINE TAVERN, 13 Broad Street, BN2. 01273 681284. www. Small, cosy, traditional-style bar. QUEEN’S ARMS, 7 George Street, BN2. 01273 696873. Long-running scene pub with camp tunes and fun entertainment throughout the week. R-BAR, 7 Marine Parade, BN2. 01273 608133. www.revenge. Sister bar to the longrunning and famous Revenge nightclub. A hip and stylish establishment that’s popular with its own crowd of regulars. REVENGE, 32-34 Old Steine, BN1. 01273 606064. www. Brighton’s famous, long-running, full-time gay club, offering two floors of music and club promotions. Attracting a wide range of customers from all sections of the city’s gay scene, and a hot spot for visitors. VAVOOM VIDEO BAR, 31 Old Steine, BN1. 01273 603010. As its name suggests, a bight and glitzy video bar, next door to Club Revenge. WILD FRUIT, Tru, West Street, BN1. 01273 327083. The biggest gay night on the south coast. A huge, monthly party that’s been running for years – pulling in clubbers from far and wide. Check the website at www.aeonevents. for details of upcoming dates and ticket prices. THE ZONE, 33 St James’s Street, Brighton, BN2. 01273 682249. Friendly, mixed venue with regular entertainment and laid-back attitude. $& =Cb`SOQV BVSaSbe]ab]`WSaVWUVZWUVbbVS^`]PZS[aTOQSR Pg[O\g]ZRS`:50B^S]^ZS)OUSWa[W\bVS UOgQ][[c\WbgO\RV][]^V]PWQObbWbcRSaW\ ]ZRS`^S]^ZS¸aaS`dWQSa/`SQS\bac`dSg]T]ZRS` ^S]^ZST`][bVS:50BQ][[c\WbWSaW\:]\R]\ T]c\RbVObTSZbc\Q][T]`bOPZSdWaWbW\UbVS UOgaQS\SeVS`SbVSgTSO`PSW\U`SXSQbSRBVSg OZa]Sf^`SaaSRQ]\QS`\aOP]cbOQQSaaW\U]ZRS` ^S]^ZSaaS`dWQSa³Sa^SQWOZZgU]W\UW\b]QO`S V][Sa³eVS`SbVSgTSO`V][]^V]PWO LGBT OLDER PEOPLE EVWZS:50B]ZRS`^S]^ZSVOdSbVSaO[S\SSRa OabVSUS\S`OZ]ZRS`^]^cZObW]\T]`VSOZbVQO`S V]caW\UO\Ra]QWOZac^^]`bbVSgO`SObU`SObS` `WaY]TPSQ][W\Ua]QWOZZgWa]ZObSRW\]ZROUS BVSgO`S #bW[Sa[]`SZWYSZgb]ZWdSOZ]\SbVO\ bVSW`VSbS`]aSfcOZQ]c\bS`^O`baO\RbeWQSOa ZWYSZgb]PSaW\UZS:SaabVO\]T]ZRS`:50B ^S]^ZSVOdSQVWZR`S\]`TO[WZWSabVSgQO\QOZZ]\ W\O\S[S`US\Qga]bVSgO`S[]`SZWYSZgb]`SZg ]\T]`[OZ^`]dWRS`a]TQO`Sb][SSbbVSW`ac^^]`b \SSRa =^S\W\U2]]`a7\1S\b`OZ:]\R]\WaO ^W]\SS`W\U^`]XSQb`c\Pg/US1]\QS`\ 1O[RS\W\^O`b\S`aVW^eWbV/US1]\QS`\ 6OQY\Sg7aZW\Ub]\9S\aW\Ub]\1VSZaSOO\R ESab[W\abS`b][SSbbVS\SSRa]T]ZRS`:50B ^S]^ZSEVS\bVSaS`dWQSeOaZOc\QVSRbVSW\WbWOZ T]QcaeOa]\RSdSZ]^W\Ua]QWOZ\Sbe]`YaO\R U`]c^aeVS`S]ZRS`^S]^ZSQ]cZR[SSba]QWOZWaS O\RVOdSTc\7bWaY\]e\bVObVOdW\Ua]QWOZO\R S[]bW]\OZQ]\bOQbeWbV]bVS`:50B^S]^ZS `SacZbaW\W[^`]dSR^VgaWQOZO\RS[]bW]\OZ eSZZPSW\UO\R`SRcQSRRS^`SaaW]\O\fWSbgO\R Z]\SZW\Saa =c`^`]XSQb^`]dWRSa`SUcZO`a]QWOZOQbWdWbWSa W\QZcRW\U[]\bVZga]QWOZU`]c^aT]`[S\O\R e][S\[WfSRU`]c^a:50BQ][[c\WbgaOTSbg PHOTO © AGE CONCERN AND HELP THE AGED µ:]\SZW\SaaWaa]U`cSa][S¶aOWRAW[]\O\ &gSO`]ZRUOg[O\eV]WaOZ[]abPZW\ROa VS]^S\SRbVSR]]`]TVWaTZOb6SZWdSaQZ]aSb] bVSVSO`b]TA]V]¸aUOgdWZZOUSgSbVWaPZW\R\Saa [OYSaWbRWTTWQcZbT]`VW[b]OQQSaaa]QWOZdS\cSa O\RVSTSSZac\eSZQ][S]\bVSQ][[S`QWOZUOg aQS\SeVWQVQObS`aT]`Og]c\US`[]`SOTTZcS\b Q`]eR 6STSZbWa]ZObSRW\UOgdS\cSaPSQOcaS\]]\S a^]YSb]VW[6SSf^S`WS\QSROacPbZS^`Saac`S bVOb³OaO\]ZRS`[O\eWbVORWaOPWZWbg³VSeOa \]beO\bSRGSbeVS\VSU]Sab]dS\cSaT]` ]ZRS`^S]^ZSbV]aSW\QVO`USOaac[SbVObOZZbVSW` aS`dWQScaS`aO`SVSbS`]aSfcOZ]`WTbVSgO`S\]b bVS`SWaO\Sf^SQbObW]\bVObbVSgeWZZYSS^_cWSb OP]cbWb6STSZbSfQZcRSROaOUOg[O\Sa^SQWOZZg OaV][]^V]PWQQ][[S\ba[ORSPg]bVS` aS`dWQScaS`aeS\bc\QVOZZS\USR 2WO\SO%!gSO`]ZRZSaPWO\OZWTSZ]\UOQbWdWab T]`:50BS_cOZWbgO\RbVSe][S\¸a[]dS[S\b TOQSaROWZgV][]^V]PWOW\bVSaVSZbS`SRV]caW\U c\WbeVS`SaVSZWdSaAVSeOabVSbO`USb]TO VObS[OWZQO[^OWU\bVObQcZ[W\ObSReVS\]\S \SWUVP]c`a^ObW\VS`TOQSAVS\]Z]\US`TSSZa aOTSObV][SO\RVS`aS\aS]TWa]ZObW]\VOa W\Q`SOaSREVS\aVS`S^]`bSRbVSOPcaSb]abOTT bVSg`S^ZWSRbVObbVS`SeOa\]bVW\UbVSgQ]cZR R]OP]cbWb 1=;;C<7BG A FRIEND IN NEED 0@7/<1=::7<A;12=C5/::B63034@73<27<5 1==@27</B=@4=@/531=<13@<1/;23<¸A =>3<7<52==@A:50B>@=831B3F>:/7<AB63 A3@D713A7B=443@A=:23@:50B>3=>:3/<26=E B=53B7<D=:D32E7B6034@73<27<5 SdS\baQ][^cbS`QZOaaSaOQQSaab]:50BT`WS\RZg SfS`QWaSQZOaaSaW\T]`[ObW]\O\RORdWQSaSaaW]\a OaeSZZOa^O`bWQW^ObW\UW\PWUUS`QSZSP`ObW]\a acQVOa:]\R]\>`WRSO\RRc`W\U4SP`cO`gOTcZZ QOZS\RO`]TSdS\bab][O`Y:50B6Wab]`g;]\bV BVSU`]c^a^`]dWRSOac^^]`bWdSa]QWOZa^OQS T]`bV]aS]ZRS`:50B^S]^ZSeV]O`SOPZSb] b`OdSZb]ObbS\RU`]c^aA][S]TbV]aSeV]VOdS ac`dWdSRbVSRSObV]TOZ]\UbS`[^O`b\S`TW\R bVSU`]c^ab]PSO^O`bWQcZO`ZWTSZW\S THE LGBT BEFRIENDING PROJECT BVS[]abT`OWZ]`RWaOPZSR]ZRS`[S[PS`a ]TbVS:50BQ][[c\WbWSaO\RbV]aSeWbV [S\bOZVSOZbV^`]PZS[aO`SObU`SObSab`WaY]T a]QWOZWa]ZObW]\BVSgO`S`O`SZgOPZSb]b`OdSZb] U`]c^aO\R]TbS\`SZg]\QO`SabOTTeV]QO\PS V][]^V]PWQT]`bVSW`ac^^]`b\SSRa BVSPST`WS\RW\UaS`dWQS[ObQVSaa]QWOZZgWa]ZObSR :50B^S]^ZSOUSR#W\1O[RS\6OQY\Sg O\RbVS1Wbg]T:]\R]\eWbVd]Zc\bSS`aT`][bVS :50BQ][[c\WbWSa =\S]TbVSX]ga]T[gX]POabVSPST`WS\RW\U Q]]`RW\Ob]`Ob=^S\W\U2]]`aWaeVS\7 W\b`]RcQSOd]Zc\bSS`b]O\]ZRS`^S`a]\O\R7 aSSOa^O`YZS`Sbc`\b]bVSW`SgSOabVSgQ]\\SQb eWbVO\]bVS`:50B^S`a]\]TbS\T]`bVSTW`abbW[S W\gSO`a /TbS`bV`SS[]\bVa]TeSSYZgdWaWbaPgVWa PST`WS\RS`AW[]\TSSZaZSaaRS^`SaaSRO\R Wa]ZObSRT`][bVS:50BQ][[c\Wbgµ6WadWaWb WabVSVWUVZWUVb]T[geSSYESVOdSOZOcUV b]USbVS`6S`SORab][ST`][bVSUOg^`Saa ³a][SbVW\U7Q]cZR\¸bOaY[gQO`S`b]R]7TSSZ ^O`b]Ta][SbVW\UOUOW\¶ ;]ab]T]c`PST`WS\RW\Ud]Zc\bSS`a\]bWQSaW[WZO` QVO\USaW\bVS^S]^ZSbVSgdWaWb³WbWaeVOb [OYSad]Zc\bSS`W\Ua]e]`bVeVWZS THE NEED FOR VOLUNTEERS BVS`SO`SSabW[ObSRb]PSPSbeSS\'O\R !]ZRS`:50B^S]^ZSZWdW\UW\QS\b`OZ :]\R]\/acPabO\bWOZ^`]^]`bW]\]TbVSaSeWZZPS c\OPZSb]OQQSaaaS`dWQSa]cbaWRSbVSW`V][S]` W[[SRWObSZ]QOZWbgBVS=^S\W\U2]]`a^`]XSQb Qc``S\bZg`SOQVSa]\ZgbVSbW^]TbVSWQSPS`U ESeWZZ]\ZgPSOPZSb]Sf^O\RbVSaS`dWQSeWbV []`Sd]Zc\bSS`aT`][bVS:50BQ][[c\Wbg /d]Zc\bSS`WaOaYSRb]Q][[Wbb]UWdW\UO [W\W[c[]T'[W\cbSaOeSSYb]dWaWbO\]ZRS` :50B^S`a]\7bWaO\]^^]`bc\Wbgb][OYSOVcUS RWTTS`S\QSW\O\]ZRS`^S`a]\¸aZWTS If you would like to find out more about volunteering as a befriender with Opening Doors, or if you would like more information about volunteering with groups or events please contact. Brian Collins-McDougall, LGBT Befriending Coordinator, Age Concern Camden, 54 Chalton Street, London, NW1 1HS. 020 7121 3333. [email protected] $' =Cb`SOQV :7AB7<5A Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group: 020 8952 0137. Kairos: 020 7437 6063, www. Soho project promoting health and wellbeing among LGBT community. OUT IN SOUTH LONDON Out In South London is a radio LGBT magazine show on www.resonancefm. com (104.4FM) hosted each Monday evening at 6.30-7pm by comedian Rosie Wilby. The current series features different guests each week, with upcoming highlights including journalist Tim Teeman (pictured above – 1 March) and Time Out’s Paul Burston (8 March). Listen on 104.4FM or online. GROUPS//ORGS Albert Kennedy Trust: 020 7831 6562 (London). Housing advice for under 21s. Antidote: 020 7437 3523. Counselling, Thursday drop-in, complementary therapies around alcohol and drug issues. BKY - Alternative Jewish Community: www.bkylondon. Croydon Area Gay Society: Friendly social group in Croydon. 020 8645 0943 - ELOP: 020 8509 3898. Support and community events in Walthamstow. Youth, advice, counselling and groups. Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, (GALHA): 01926 858450, Lesbian Gay Christian Movement: 020 7739 1249, [email protected]/www.lgcm. Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group: – 020 7922 7811. Every Mon 2-6.30pm, Tue 10am-5pm and Wed/Thur 10am-1.30pm. Helpline and meetings. London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Groups in Islington. Quaker London Lesbian & Gay Fellowship: Religious group – 020 8675 6740. Metro Centre: 020 8265 3311, Greenwich-based LGBT support. Mosaic: 0800 0433 411. www. Youth group based in Brent. One-Up: LGBT under-18 youth group, meets every Monday 4-7pm (based in Hendon - North West London) - contact Theresa (PACE) 07504226793 (mobile). OutZone: London-based social and support group for gay and bisexual young men under 25. Every Friday 6.30-9.30pm - [email protected] - www. PACE: 020 7700 1323. Counselling and support groups. Outrage!: 020 8240 0222. Political campaiging group. Quest LGB Catholics: 0808 808 0234. Islington LGB Forum: Rachael: 07989 747824. An initiative between local police, the council and victim support. Regard: Regard, BM REGARD, London WC1N 3XX, secretary@ uk. Disabled LGBT group. Step Out Tower Hamlets: Social & support group for LGBT and questioning young people. 5-8pm Tues 079 4633 7160 South London Gays: 020 8672 5268/020 8674 5191. Friendly social group. Stonewall: 020 7593 1850. Campaign group for LGBT rights. HATE CRIME Gay Police Association: Action Line 07092 700 000 (24hrs), [email protected]. Galop: 020 7704 2040. www. Advice and support for victims of hate crime. KB FITNESS Terence Higgins Trust: 02078121777. Counselling Services. Irons: . Gay golfing, events for all levels. SPORTS King’s Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club: 07090 421 367, Gay men’s rugby. A gay-run martial arts sports club, KB Fitness has been running for just over a decade – offering classes in kickboxing, kung fu, self-defence, yoga and core stability. The club has also recently introduced a new discipline – Kick Fu. This new fitness trend exercises several HIV//AIDS core muscle groups, as well as offering you the chance to “punch and kick your way into a stress-free zone!” The exercise is apparently excellent for anyone who wants to improve his Crusaid: 020 7539 3880, or her coordination skills and core strength. Like any exercise, it will also help you to lose weight, as it can help burn up to 800 calories an hour. KB are offering classes catering for anyone – from beginners to more advanced levels. KB Fitness classes take place at several GMFA: 020 7738 6872. Gay venues in central London, including Tottenham Court Road, Holborn, London Bridge and Piccadilly. Anyone who tears out this piece of editorial and takes it along upon joining, men’s health charity. will be entitled to one free self-defence class in the month of March – check the website National AIDS Trust: 020 7814 for dates and locations for classes. For further information please contact KB Fitness on 020 7681 0114/07881957977 (mobile rates apply) or visit 6767, Cruisers basketball: 020 8960 0750 (Debbie)/ 020 7582 7009, (Jordi). Mixed basketball. Frontrunners: 07092 346340, Gay running group. Goslings Swimming: 07814 258 055. Gay social swimming group, Thur 8.30pm-9.30pm. GALLOP FOR GALOP Still managing to maintain some of those New Year fitness resolutions? Galop – London’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans charity for victims of hate crime or those who have experienced problems with the police – is offering people the chance to get their running shoes on to help raise funds. The anti hate-crime charity is offering five places to % run in the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October 2010 and raise money for the cause. All runners need to do is guarantee to raise a minimum of £350. Deborah Gold, Galop’s Chief Executive, says, “We know there are loads of LGBT people out there who are really into running but it’s hard for them to get their hands on an individual place in races like this and the London Marathon, Stonewall Football Club: 07090 422 390. Sunday soccer. and Thursday 6.30-8.30pm, offering structured telephone counselling or 30-minute counseling sessions. Or email [email protected] HELPLINES POSITIVELINE: 0800-1696806. London Amateur Wrestling: The London Royals Hockey Team: Mixed hockey for all levels. or email iainkimmins115@ Broken Rainbow: LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline. 08452 60 44 60 (Mon and Thurs, 2-8pm/Weds, 10am-1pm). Dazz-elle: 020 8257 3068. London drug/alcohol support. HIV info and counselling (weekdays: 11am-10pm and weekends: 4pm -10pm). www. Stonewall Housing Advice: 020 7359 5767. Stonewall infoline: Out to Swim: 07090 422 526, Gay swimming group. Grace’s Cricket Club: The world’s only gay cricket club! or 020 8376 0630. London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: 020 7837 7324 London Raiders: Gay and London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Counselling service. lesbian softball club – both beginners and experienced players welcome. www. PACE: 0808 1807 223. Helpline open Monday 9.30am-12.30pm which we also plan to offer places in next year. It’s a win-win situation: our runners get to do something they love doing and Galop really benefits from the sponsorship money they can raise. We provide vital services on very low levels of funding, and the money raised by Team Galop can massively impact on our ability to do our work.” Anyone who joins Team Galop will get supported every step of the way: from tips on fundraising to detailed training plans and advice. However, there are only five place available and they are expected to be snapped up fast – so if you’re interested in taking part, don’t delay! Those interested in taking part can get more details at the Galop website at Information on all LGB rights - 08000 50 20 20 (Mon- Fri 9.30am- 5.30pm). WANT TO GET LISTED? Please send listings to [email protected] =Cb\Sea <3EA UK NEWS LGB GENERAL ELECTION HUSTINGS ANNOUNCED Village Drinks, the popular social group and networking community for gay professionals, will be hosting the National LGB General Election Hustings on Thursday 18 March. The evening event (7-10pm) is being held in partnership with the Diversity Careers Show and in support of Stonewall. The evening will be chaired by Stonewall’s Ben Summerskill (pictured), while confirmed speakers include Chris Bryant MP (Labour), Nick Herbert MP (Conservative) and Lynn Featherstone MP (Lib Dem). This will be a chance to hear what the three main political parties have to offer lesbian, gay and bisexual voters, and to put your own questions to the politicians. Tickets, costing £10, must be purchased in advance through the Village Drinks website at (which also carries venue address and details) – a donation from each ticket sold will go directly to Stonewall. GAY’S THE WORD FACE RENT HIKE PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON The owners of Gay’s The Word bookshop – the UK’s only bookshop for the LGBT community– were dismayed to be hit by a demand for a 25% increase in rent by leaseholders Camden Council. The shop’s manager, Jim MacSweeney, told Camden New Journal, that he was appalled by the decision. The bookshop ran into financial difficulties three years ago when its rent was last increased, but supporters raised £20,000 to help keep it in business. Gay’s The Word reports that business has been doing “really well” recently, but it still intends to try and enter into discussion with Camden council about the propsosed changes to the rent. MAYOR OF LAMBETH RIDES THE LONDON EYE The gay mayor of Lambeth, Christopher Wellbelove (pictured left), will be hosting a fundraising charity event on 3 March 2010. Not only will the event raise money for Lambeth-based charities, but it offers something of a bargain night out. For just £45, guests can enjoy a trip on the London Eye followed by a cruise along the Thames, with wine and buffet included. The charities supported are Trinity Hospice, Lambeth Women’s Aid and Clapham Youth Centre. Email [email protected] for further information and ticket details. ILLEGAL MINI-CAB DRIVER JAILED An illegal mini-cab driver, who was found guilty of sexually assaulting one male passenger and raping another, has been sentenced to ten years in jail. As previously reported [Out In The City – January 2010], Mohamad Caid, aged 38, picked up his victims on two separate occasions in Charing Cross, after they had left Heaven nightclub. Both attacks took place in May 2009. Commenting on the sentence, Detective Inspector Dave Carter of the City of London Police said, “This was a violent sex attack and the sentence is fully justified. The joint investigation between the City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police was thorough. We would remind everybody of the inherent dangers of using unlicensed minicabs.” % ALEXANDER MCQUEEN: 1969-2010 PHOTO © J.A.BALLESTEROS/FAMOUS NEWS FLASHES Internationally acclaimed fashion designer Alexander McQueen was found dead at his £1million Mayfair apartment on Thursday 11 February. A subsequent coroner’s reported ruled the cause of death to be suicide. His death has shocked the fashion world, with many paying tribute to his astounding talent. McQueen came from a humble background. Born Lee McQueen in 1969, he was the youngest of six children for Ronald and Joyce, a cab driver and teacher respectively. He became an apprentice on Savile Row when just 16, before studying fashion at St Martin’s college in central London. He came to prominence while still a student, with his entire graduation show being snapped up by influential stylist Isabella Blow, who became a close friend, confidante and muse. His early acclaim led to a job in 1996 as head designer for Givenchy in Paris. He left the fashion house five years later to concentrate on his own label. McQueen was widely credited for his beautiful tailoring, fearless imagination, and legendary catwalk shows. Alexandra Shulman, editor of British Vogue, summed up the feelings of many when she described him simply as a “modern-day genius”. ANNUAL SCHOOLS OUT LAUNCHES ‘THE HOMOPHOBIA PROJECT’ BVSO\\cOZAQV]]Za=cb Q]\TS`S\QSb]]Y^ZOQSObbVS 2`WZZ6OZZW\:]\R]\]\AObc`ROg $4SP`cO`gObb`OQbW\U]dS` bSOQVS`ag]cbVe]`YS`a ^]ZWQg[OYS`aQ][[c\Wbg OQbWdWabaO\Rg]c\U^S]^ZS 6SZRb]Q]W\QWRSeWbV:50B 6Wab]`g;]\bVOVWUVZWUVb ]TbVWagSO`¸aSdS\beOabVS ZOc\QV]TBVS6][]^V]PWO >`]XSQb³O![W\cbSTWZ[bVOb W[OUW\ObWdSZgOW[ab]^]`b`Og bVSµVSbS`]^V]PWO¶bVObab`OWUVb bSS\OUS`a[WUVbTOQSW\OUOg e]`ZR/\]bVS`VWUVZWUVbeOa O^O`bg]Tg]c\U^S]^ZST`][ g]cbVU`]c^aW\A]cbVEOZSa eV]QO[Sb]:]\R]\b]aVO`S The Schools Out conference bVSW`Sf^S`WS\QSa]T`c`OZ:50B ZWTS³[O\g]TeV][TSZbOU`SOb aS\aS]TWa]ZObW]\O\RVORb] b`OdSZU`SObRWabO\QSab]ObbS\R g]cbVU`]c^a A^SOYS`aObbS\RSRT`][ 0O`\OR]a/2Og7\6O\R bVS<A>11O\RbVS/ZPS`b 9S\\SRgB`cabO\RbVS`SeS`S OZa]e]`YaV]^a]\V]eb] S\UOUSaQV]]ZaW\:50BWaacSa b`O\aWaacSaW\SRcQObW]\O\R V]eb]caSBVS6][]^V]PWO >`]XSQbTWZ[ =Cb\Sea <3EA NEWS FLASHES GLOBAL NEWS OUTSPOKEN: MARK HEALEY ITALY GAY RUNNERS RAISE CASH FOR SWITCHBOARD /VSOR]T]\SbVSQZcP¸a`SUcZO` Q]OQVW\UaSaaW]\aW\ZObS8O\cO`g :50B`c\\W\UU`]c^:]\R]\ 4`]\b`c\\S`a^`SaS\bSROQVS_cS T]`" #b]:]\R]\:SaPWO\O\R 5OgAeWbQVP]O`RBVSbSZS^V]\S VSZ^ZW\SeOabVSU`]c^¸aRSaWU\ObSR QVO`WbgW\ 'O\R[cQV]TbVS []\Sg`OWaSRQO[ST`][bVS ^`]QSSRa]TbVSU`]c^¸aO\\cOZ :]\R]\>`WRS@c\eVWQVb]]Y ^ZOQSZOab/cUcabW\DWQb]`WO>O`Y /TbS`bVSQVS_cSUWdW\UbVSU`]c^ WaacSROabObS[S\bO\\]c\QW\U bVObAeWbQVP]O`Re]cZR`S[OW\ bVS`c\\S`¸aRSaWU\ObSRQVO`WbgT]` OaSQ]\RgSO` O\RbVObbVWa gSO`¸a:]\R]\>`WRS@c\e]cZR bOYS^ZOQS]\AObc`ROg"/cUcab >VWZ<WQ]ZQ]QVOW`]T::5A aOWR(µAc^^]`bT`][:]\R]\ 4`]\b`c\\S`aW\ 'VSZ^SR cab]Q]\bW\cS`c\\W\U]c` ^V]\SaOZZ]eW\Ucab]^`]dWRS ]c`Q]\TWRS\bWOZ\]\XcRU[S\bOZ O\R\]\RW`SQbWdSac^^]`bO\R W\T]`[ObW]\aS`dWQSb]:50B ^S]^ZSbV`]cUV]cb:]\R]\O\R PSg]\RES¸`SdS`g[cQVZ]]YW\U T]`eO`Rb]e]`YW\UeWbV:]\R]\ 4`]\b`c\\S`aW\ ¶ eeeZ]\R]\T`]\b`c\\S`a]`U UNITED STATES President Barack Obama has used his first State Of The Union Address to announce an end to the ban on gay people serving openly in the US military. He said, “This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies gay Americans the right to serve the country they love.” Although welcoming the statement, some gay rights groups remain concerned that military discharges will continue to take place until the ban is officially overturned. ...AND FINALLY GAY RUGBY STAR TO CLIMB KILIMANJARO Gareth Thomas, the top Welsh rugby player who recently came out as gay, is taking part in a sponsored climb of Africa’s Mount Kilimanjaro later this year. The aim is to help raise £1 million for the Velindre Cancer Centre Stepping Stones Appeal. Several top rugby players (past and present) are taking part in the venture, which was the initiative of national team sports photographer Huw Evans, whose family has recently been affected by lung cancer. Members of the public are able to join the expedition if they can pledge a minimum of £10,000 to the appeal. Alternatively, to simply donate, go to – or www.justgiving. com/captainthomas to donate specifically to Thomas’ fundraising appeal. PHOTO © PIERS ALLARDYCE/STONEWALL I founded the Facebook group “17-24-30” in April last year to mark the 10th anniversary of the London Nail Bomb attacks on Brixton (17th April), Brick Lane (24th April) and Soho (30th April). I designed a window poster, and I encouraged 200 of the local businesses to display it in their windows, and distributed over 2,000 mini-flyers around Soho. Over 2,800 people joined the group on-line. The nail bomber of those attacks had a SOMETIMES WE plan. He attacked the black community of NEED TO WORK Brixton, the Asian community of Brick TOGETHER TO Lane and the gay RESOLVE THE community of Soho because he wanted BIGGER ISSUES to strike fear into these communities. He hoped that his campaign of hate would start riots leading to the election of the BNP. Luckily, his plan failed, but three people died and many others had their lives changed forever. My main objectives are: (1) to bring people together, (2) to actively remember what happened, (3) to support those attacked and (4) to stop hate crime. FEEHILY TO HITCH Westlife singer Mark Feehily has announced, via Twitter, that he has become engaged to his partner, Kevin McDaid. It’s believed that the couple (pictured left at the 2008 Stonewall Awards) became engaged on their fifth anniversary, although, at the time of going to press, they had not announced the date of their civil partnership. He said on the social network site, “Hi guys, ITS TRUE!!! Myself & Kevin are engaged!! We are so happy! Exciting times ahead,thanks for all ur kind words! Lotsa love, Mark&Kevin x” Feehily came out in 2005 when he began dating McDaid, who was formerly in the short-lived boy band V. BEEB SHOOT BOY GEORGE Filming has begun on a one-off BBC2 drama that recounts the early years of Boy George’s career. The 90-minute film, entitled Worried About The Boy, will concentrate on the early 80s, showing how the singer and club kid went from being a cloakroom attendant at the infamous Blitz club for New Romantics to a fully-fledged popstar and global icon. Newcomer Douglas Booth will play George, while Matthew Horne (of Gavin and Stacey fame) will play Culture Club drummer Jon Moss. PHOTO © HUWEVANSAGENCY.CO.UK London Frontrunners present a cheque to a Switchboard representative MARK HEALEY, FOUNDER OF THE COMMEMORATIVE FACEBOOK GROUP “17-24-30” EXPLAINS THE IDEA BEHIND THE INITIATIVE… It has been announced that the first prison devoted to trans inmates is being built in Empoli, Tuscany. The institute, which was formerly a halfway house for women, is due to open in late March. Trans prisoners – particularly those transitioning from male to female – have long faced difficult treatment in traditional jails, and have often had to postpone their transition process until leaving prison. Why do we need to bring people together? I believe that over the course of time our over-lapping communities have started to drift apart and that we need to remind ourselves that sometimes we need to work together to resolve the bigger issues. Hate crime is something that we will not be able to resolve unless we get everyone involved. It’s important to actively remember the past so that we can learn from it and, hopefully, make things better in the present and future. We also need to safeguard ourselves and our communities from further hate crime attacks, and marking the anniversaries is an opportunity to raise awareness, to remind us how and why we need to be vigilant and educate everyone how to deal with hate crime. It was reported in Gay Times that “There is little care intuitionally for LGBT people; the act of remembrance can create trauma for those who have remained quiet and private about their experience.” This is an issue that we hope to address. It’s important to balance the needs of those directly involved with the need to tackle these issues within our communities. To mark the 11th anniversaries of the London nail bomb attack we are planning three events; “Brixton Remembers 17-24-30”, “Brick Lane Remembers 17-24-30” and “Soho Remembers 17-24-30”. Check out the Facebook group “17-24-30” for more details or e-mail [email protected] %! =Cb\Sea 1/@33@ Members and supporters of Ernst & Young LGBT networking group EYGLES STRENGTH IN NUMBERS >3=>:3>3@4=@;03ABE63<B63G1/<03 B63;A3:D3A@31=5<7A7<5B67A6/A63:>32 3@<ABG=C<5B=03@/B32B63;=AB5/G 4@73<2:G/11=C<B7<547@;7<B63C9 7\bVSSd]ZcbW]\]TZSORS`aVW^RWdS`aWbgWa \]bXcabRSTW\SRPgaSfcOZ]`WS\bObW]\`OQS ]`US\RS`7bOZa]S\Q][^OaaSabVSeV]ZS Vc[O\Sf^S`WS\QS³OUSQcZbc`SSRcQObW]\ ^S`a]\OZWbgaYWZZaO\RZWTSSf^S`WS\QSa ;O\OUSR^`]^S`ZgRWdS`aWbg]TTS`abVSTZSfWPWZWbg O\RQ`SObWdWbgeS\SSRb]`SQ]dS`T`][bVS SQ]\][WQQ`WaWaO\RQ]\T`]\bbVS[O\gT]`QSa QVOZZS\UW\Uca /b3`\abG]c\UeSPSZWSdSbVObb]bV`WdSO\R W\\]dObSW\bVSe]`Y^ZOQSTZSfWPWZWbgQ`SObWdWbg O\RW[OUW\ObW]\O`S`S_cW`SR³_cOZWbWSabVObQO\ PS\c`bc`SR]\ZgPgORWdS`aWbg]TdWSe^]W\ba P`W\UW\URWTTS`S\bd]WQSab]bVSbOPZS ESO`SdS`g^`]cRbVOb]c`O^^`]OQVb] RWdS`aWbgO\RW\QZcaWdS\SaaWaPSW\U`SQ]U\WaSR W\bVS[O`YSb=\S]T]c`VWUVZWUVba]TbVSZOab aWf[]\bVaeOaPSW\U`O\YSRbVW`RW\bVS 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PLACE TO BE: LEYTON <=B4/@4@=;B63=:G;>71>/@97<AB@/B4=@28=6< =¸13/::/75647<2AB6/B:3GB=<¸A>=>C:/@7BG7A@7A7<5¬ 4]`OZ]\UbW[S:Sgb]\Q]cZRP]Oab \SWbVS`Z]QObW]\\]`Q][[c\WbgOaO Zc`ST]`^S]^ZSZ]]YW\Ub]^c`QVOaS O^`]^S`bgW\bVSSOab]T:]\R]\ >S`VO^aPSQOcaSWbeOac\TOW`Zg `SUO`RSROaO\O`SObVOb¸a^`]\Sb] ^SbbgQ`W[SO\Rc^VSOdOZO\RVOa OP]`RS`bVObab`SbQVSaOZ[]abb] H]\S"/\Rb]ORRW\acZbb]W\Xc`g ]\S]TWba[OW\QZOW[ab]TO[SeOa PSW\UbVSPW`bV^ZOQS]T7`]\;OWRS\ 6]eSdS`W\RWQOb]`aO`SbVObbW[SaO\R ^S`QS^bW]\aO`SQVO\UW\UEWbVbVS RWab`WQbXcab]\S[WZSOeOgT`][bVS =Zg[^WQ>O`Y:Sgb]\WaQc``S\bZg PS\STWbbW\UT`][bVS[OaaWdSZSdSZa]T W\dSab[S\bPSW\U^c[^SRW\b]bVS O`SOO\RVOaPSQ][SOdWOPZSQV]WQS T]`O\g]\SaSSYW\UO\OTT]`ROPZS ^`]^S`bgW\eVObWa\]eO\c^O\R Q][W\U^O`b]TbVSQO^WbOZ :]QObSRY[$ [WZSaT`][1VO`W\U 1`]aa:Sgb]\WaPcTTS`SRPg6OQY\Sg LEYTON WHAT YOU CAN BUY IN THE AREA 01 MURCHISON ROAD, E10 £224,995 Moments from Leyton High Road is three-bedroom terrace property (right). Spencers: 020 8539 3650 & Ab`ObT]`RO\R6][S`b]\O\ReOaZ]\U Q]\aWRS`SR]\S]TbVSZSaaObb`OQbWdS ^O`ba]TbVSQWbg3fbS\aWdSRO[OUS Rc`W\UE]`ZREO`77VOaaSS\bVSO`SO PZWUVbSReWbVc\Obb`OQbWdSO`QVWbSQbc`S eVWZSW\`SQS\bbW[SabVSb]eS` PZ]QYabVObQcbW\b]bVSaYgZW\SeS`S RSS[SRc\aOd]c`gO\bWa]QWOZO`SOa 6]eSdS`[]ab]TbVSb]eS`PZ]QYa VOdSaW\QSPSS\Y\]QYSRR]e\eVWZS OQbWdS`SUS\S`ObW]\^`]U`O[[SaO`S abSORWZgW[^`]dW\UbVSQVO`OQbS`]TbVS O`SOeWbV[]`Sa]QWOZ`Sa]c`QSaO\R O[S\WbWSa\]eOdOWZOPZSb]`SaWRS\ba =\S]T:]\R]\¸a[]abSbV\WQOZZg RWdS`aS\SWUVP]c`V]]Ra:Sgb]\ P]OabaaWhSOPZSQ][[c\WbWSaT`][ >OYWabO\5VO\O<WUS`WO7`SZO\RO\R 7bOZgO\RVOa[]`S`SQS\bZgaSS\ O\W\TZcf]TW[[WU`O\baT`][A]cbV /T`WQO0]a\WOO\RAS`PWOBVSTcaW]\]T QcZbc`SaeWZZPSW[[SRWObSZgO^^O`S\b 02 STADIA, E10, £225,000 A new development of spacious one- and twobedroom apartments, this modern complex is located conveniently close to Leyton tube station and all local amenities. Prices start at £225,000 for a one-bedroom property. Felicity J Lord: 020 8536 0785 b]O\g]\SeV]eOZYabV`]cUVbVS O`SOO\RWaOZa]Sf^`SaaSRbV`]cUVbVS ^ZSbV]`O]TSObS`WSa³US\S`OZZgQVSO^ O\RQVSS`TcZ`ObVS`bVO\U]c`[Sb ³bVObO`ST]c\RbV`]cUV]cbbVS acPc`P/\]bVS`Obb`OQbW]\bVObR]Sa V]eSdS`Obb`OQbRWaQS`\W\US^WQc`SO\a T`][bV`]cUV]cbbVSQO^WbOZWabVS <SeA^WbOZTWSZRa;O`YSb;]dSRT`][ Wba]`WUW\OZA^WbOZTWSZRaZ]QObW]\W\'' WbWa3c`]^S¸aZSORW\UV]`bWQcZbc`OZ [O`YSbO\RaSZZaO\SfVOcabWdS aSZSQbW]\]TSf]bWQT`cWbaO\RTZ]eS`a 4]`[]`SUS\S`OZQ]\ac[^bW]\ :Sgb]\6WUV@]ORWabVSO`SO¸a[OW\ O`bS`gP]`RS`SR]\P]bVaWRSaPg ac^S`[O`YSbaVWUVab`SSbab]`SaO\R Z]QOZPcaW\SaaSaeVWZSQWbgQS\b`S Obb`OQbW]\aO`SOZa]SOaWZg`SOQVSR 0]bV:Sgb]\O\R:Sgb]\ab]\SO`S ]\bVS1S\b`OZ:W\SeVWZS\SO`Pg EOZbVO[ab]eO\RAb`ObT]`RO`S]\bVS DWQb]`WOO\R8cPWZSS:W\Sa`Sa^SQbWdSZg ELCHE RESTAURANTE DE TAPAS 567 HIGH ROAD, LEYTONSTONE, E11 A popular and affordable local tapas restaurant, with regular flamenco! VELODROME E15 Still in construction, the Olympic Velodrome (bordering Leyton and Stratford) will remain operational after the games and promises to be a major amenity and local landmark. 03 VICARAGE ROAD, E10, £350,000 With three bedrooms and three reception rooms, this exceptionally spacious property (left) further distinguishes itself with masses of original features and a sheltered, tranquil garden. Douglas Allen: 020 8509 0092 BIRKBECK TAVERN 45 LANGTHORNE RD, E11 Stepping into this old East End boozer is a bit like stepping back in time. There’s always a selection of real ale, plus a nice beer garden for the summer months. 01 02 03 04 WE WANT B67A;=<B6¸A6=B >@=2C1BA4=@B636=;3 &$ 01 LOUNGE CHAIR With its designs regularly featuring in Out In The City, Italian design house Kartell continues to find new ways to structure classic pieces of furniture. This LCP design chair is a case in point – moulded from a single, looping sheet of clear acrylic plastic it’s not only comfortable and durable but also stylish and innovative. It also comes in blue, pink and crystal. 02 CARAFES You may not know it but designer David Mellor’s creations have already stopped you in your tracks – he designed the nation’s traffic lights in the ‘60s. His London shop stocks his extensive range, but also includes the occasional piece by others. These beautifully designed carafes by Scandinavian firm Littala show a comparable infusion of style and functionality. 03 TABLE Lifestyle Bazaar’s continued commitment to sourcing playful, decorative and irreverent furniture is exemplified yet again through the ‘Tapeto Magico’ table. Quite unsurprisingly translating as ‘magic carpet’, the metal table is resilient despite its lightweight and diminutive size. It’s available exclusively through the Lifestyle Bazaar’s website. RRP £973.70 RRP From £39 RRP £195 WORDS: JOHN O’CEALLAIGH =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 05 06 07 08 04 CUSHIONS Superfluous accoutrements they may be but we like to think of the swirls and tassels that adorn this range of Dwell cushions as fun rather than fussy. Just two of an extensive range, both cushions pictured here are feather filled and satisfyingly soft and squeezable. Other designs are variously pleated, printed, embroidered, interwoven, metallic or printed. 05 FLOCKED PHONE Presumably aware that the market for landline phones is in need of some form of reinvigoration, Heal’s is calling on nostalgia with this reinterpretation of the original 706 telephone. Designed by Johnny Egg, the shocking pink makes it hard to miss while the velvety feel of the appliance is a nice touch. It’s thankfully fully compatible with modern sockets. 06 CABINET A standout piece of furniture, this hand-crafted chest is modelled on a classic French Chiffonier, a name which is derived from the term ‘rag gatherer’ and indicated its purpose as a receptacle for odds and ends. Evoking its unassuming origins, it retains fixtures placed slightly askew and a patchwork of coloured drawers mottled with paint spots and scratches. 07 HOME DESK Regarded as one of the founding fathers of American modernism, George Nelson had a knack for creating products that stand the test of time. He originally intended this ‘Home’ desk as a design that would appeal only to women. Delicate and slender-limbed it undoubtedly is, but we reckon it’s a stylish addition to anybody’s workspace. 08 PLATE Greedy types might be tempted to lick their plates clean, but that would seem rather uncouth in this instance. Made in Italy by surrealist atelier Fornasetti, this particular plate features the face of Adam and i0s one of a series of beautifully constructed, printedporcelain tableware pieces. Designed for display, the base is pierced for stringing and hanging. RRP From £29.95 RRP £85 RRP £2,350 Price on enquiry RRP £134 &% =Cb`c\ ;=B=@7<5 CRUISING `SRSaWU\SRT]`bVSaWfbVUS\S`ObW]\O\RSOag b]`SORRWOZaaWbW\`SQSaaSRQ]eZaPSVW\RbVS bV`SSa^]YSabSS`W\UeVSSZeWbVbVS]^bW]\]T Q]\b`]ZaT]`S\bS`bOW\[S\bO\RQ][[c\WQObW]\a Tc\QbW]\a6WUV_cOZWbga]Tbb]cQV^ZOabWQaO`S W\bSU`ObSReWbVbOabSTcZOZc[W\Wc[O\RQV`][S VWUVZWUVbaO\RD]ZYaeOUS\¸ab`ORWbW]\OZPZcS POQYZWUVbW\U[OYSaeOgT]`eVWbSPOQYZWbRWOZa eVWQVO`SWZZc[W\ObSR`SUO`RZSaa]TeVSbVS`bVS QO`¸aSfbS`W]`ZWUVbaO`S]\ Bentley says its eagerly-awaited new super saloon will be engineered without compromise, with refined performance and unparalleled levels of luxury. Which is just as well, as it will cost a cool £220,000 when it goes on sale in the UK next summer! Named after the legendary Mulsanne Straight at the Le Mans Circuit de la Sarthe, it inherits the striking profile and proportions of the outgoing Arnage coupled with some dramatic elements, including those big front lights and the protruding fastback rear. There’s a choice of 114 paint colours, 21 carpet colours, nine wood veneers and 24 interior leather hides, all of which will be tanned using a decades-old process to ensure this future classic never loses its scent. In addition, customers will be able to specify custom colour schemes via Bentley’s bespoke service. Each car takes about nine weeks to build, partly because each will have more standard leather and wood veneer than any other modern Bentley. Price: from £220,000 Visit: USABLE POWER PEUGEOT GETS SIX APPEAL PLUS ÇA CHANGE … /2@7/<4=AB3@>:/GA/@=C<2E7B6B63<3E D=:9AE/53<5=:45B7 BA7 3dS`gbW[SO\SeD]ZYaeOUS\5BWWaZOc\QVSR bVS[]b]`W\Rcab`gU]SaW\b]OT`S\hWSRRSPObS OP]cbeVSbVS`bVSZObSabdS`aW]\WaOe]`bVg acQQSaa]`b]bVS]`WUW\OZ/R[WbbSRZgbVS`SeOa a][SbVW\UdS`g`WUVbOP]cbbVSTW`ab5BWeVWQV eOaW\b`]RcQSRb]bVS3c`]^SO\[O`YSbW\'%$ BVWaa^]`bg5]ZTVObQVPOQYeOa^]eS`SRPgO $ZWb`SS\UW\SbVObRSZWdS`SR&V]`aS^]eS`³ []RSabPgb]ROg¸aabO\RO`Ra3dS\a]WbQ`SObSR OaS\aObW]\POQYbVS\O\RO\SeUS\`S]Ta[OZZ OTT]`ROPZS^S`T]`[O\QSQO`aeOaP]`\ NEW ‘FACE’ EVObD]ZYaeOUS\VOaR]\SbVWabW[SWa bOYSbVSSfQSZZS\bO\R³b][gSgSa³PSbbS` Z]]YW\U;Y#5BWO\RbeSOYSRWbW\dO`W]ca dWbOZ`Sa^SQbaBVSS\UW\SWaaZWUVbZgZWUVbS`Pcb ^`]dWRSa[]`S^]eS`eWbVPSbbS`SQ]\][g7b \]eVOaO\SeQ]`^]`ObS·TOQS¸OZW[WbSRaZW^ RWTTS`S\bWOZb]PSbbS`VO`\SaabVObSfb`O^]eS` O\RO\ORO^bWdSQVOaaWabVObR]SaQ][Tg\]b a]Q][TgO\Ra^]`bgObbVSb]cQV]TOPcbb]\ /ZbV]cUVbVS\Se5B7¸a]dS`OZZaVO^SWaTO[WZWO` []ab[OX]`P]Rg^O\SZaVOdSPSS\QVO\USR ;]abab`WYW\UWabVS\SeV]`Wh]\bOZ`ORWOb]`U`WZZS eWbVOZO`USDEPORUSRSORQS\b`SO\R`SR OQQS\bZW\SaZWYSWbaTO[]caT]`SPSO`4cZZfS\]\ VSORZWUVbaO`SO\]^bW]\eWbVORW`SQbW]\OZ TSObc`SbVObZSbabVS[aeWdSZc^b]!RSU`SSaW\ b]Obc`\³W\ag\QeWbVabSS`W\UW\^cba BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED BVS5BW¸aW\bS`W]`Wa`]][gO\RPSOcbWTcZZg TW\WaVSReWbVabO\RO`RS_cW^[S\bbVObW\QZcRSa abgZWaV`SRO\RPZOQYbO`bO\a^]`baaSOba`SR P`OYSQOZZW^S`aO\R%W\QV;]\hOOZZ]geVSSZa BVS5]ZT¸aW\ab`c[S\b^O\SZeOaQ][^ZSbSZg && BVS5BWWa_cWQYPSQOcaSg]cQO\caSOZ]b]T Wba^]eS`eWbVbVSZSOab`WaYb]g]c`aSZTO\R ]bVS`abVO\Yab]WbaaOTSVO\RZW\U2Sa^WbS Wbaa^SSRbV`WZZW\UVO\RZW\UO\RbOcb`WRSWbWa abWZZOQ][^SbS\bQO`T]`bV]aSZ]\U[]b]`eOg VOcZaQ`cWaW\UO`]c\Rb]e\]`R]W\UbVSeSSYZg aV]^^W\U7b¸aO^WbgbVSQO`¸aTW`[aca^S\aW]\ ^WQYac^_cWbSOZ]b]T`]OR\]WaSPcbWbWa\]b c\RcZgW\b`caWdS WOULD WE BUY ONE? 7a^S\bbVSPSab^O`b]T[geSSYeWbVbVS\Se 5BWb`gW\Ub]e]`Y]cbeVObWbeOabVOb7eOa [WaaW\UOP]cbbVWaQO`Ac`SbVWaZObSab5BWWaTOab ³T`WUVbS\W\UZga]³O\RR`WdSaO`]c\RQ]`\S`aZWYS Wb¸a]\`OWZa/\RWbeWZZPSObOZ[]abO\gbVW\UOeOg T`][bVSb`OTTWQZWUVbaWTg]c¸`Sa]W\QZW\SR0cbT]` [SbVS5BWaSS[SRc\W\d]ZdW\UO\R\SdS`[ORS [SeO\bb]TZWQYbVSUSO`abWQYR]e\OQ]c^ZS \]bQVSaPc`gbVSbV`]bbZSO\RU]VSZZT]`ZSObVS` T]`bVSaVSS`OR`S\OZW\`caV;OgPSbVS5BWVOa U`]e\c^O\R7VOdS\¸b On the road price: from £24,175 For information visit: Peugeot’s svelte 308 CC has grown longer legs since the recent introduction of a new turbo-charged petrol engine and an improved 6-speed automatic gearbox. The flagship 308 CC THP 156 automatic is now even lighter and more compact than its predecessor, while the new auto ‘box is designed to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, with particular emphasis on quality and speed of the gear changes in terms of smoothness and responsiveness. Two driving modes can be used: automatic, for quiet, stress-free driving which adapts to the user’s driving style, and a more active mode thanks to the sequential selection control. This new 308CC automatic model will be available in SE and GT trim levels, unlike the current THP 140 automatic model, which was only available in SE trim level. Price: from £22,895.00 Visit: WORDS BY ADRIAN FOSTER/DRIVELINES BENTLEY WITHOUT COMPROMISE =CbeO`R B@/D3: @716/@203D/<3<8=GA B63C>;/@93B23:756BA =4;G9=<=A=<3=4 3C@=>3¸A;=AB5/G 4@73<2:G6=:72/G @3A=@BA ;gY]\]aWa]\S]T bVS[]abTO[]caO\R ^]^cZO`5`SSYWaZO\RaW\ bVS1gQZORSa)O\WaZO\R U`]c^bVObQ]\abWbcbSa ^O`b]TbVSeWRS` /SUSO\O`QVW^SZOU] 7b¸aO^O`bWQcZO`TOd]c`WbS eWbVUOgb]c`WabaRcSb] WbaZWPS`OZ`SZOfSRObbWbcRS ^ZSbV]`O]TUOgQZcPa PO`aO\RPSOcbWTcZPSOQVSaBVWaa[OZZU`O\WbS WaZO\R[SOac`W\UXcab"a_cO`S[WZSa]TTS`a O[Wfbc`S]T1gQZORWQQVO`[POZ[geSObVS` abc\\W\UZO\RaQO^SaO\RdWP`O\b\WUVbZWTSeVWQV OZbV]cUV\]bOaP`OaVOa7PWhOabWZZVOaS\]cUV Pchhb]S\bS`bOW\]ZRS`UOg[S\Z]dSPW`R Q]c^ZSaO\RRWaQ]Pc\\WSaOZWYS Ac``]c\RSRPgRSS^^c`^ZSO\RO_cO[O`W\S eObS`abVSTW`abbVW\UbVObVWbag]ceVS\TZgW\U W\b];gY]\]a¸c\TcaagO\RQ]\bOW\SROW`^]`b WabVSRWabW\QbWdSZO\RaQO^SbVOb[OYSac^bVWa `cUUSRO`WRO\RRcabgWaZO\R7Tg]c¸`Sc\TO[WZWO` eWbV5`SSYWaZO\RO`QVWbSQbc`SbVS\WbeWZZPS _cWbSO\SgS]^S\S`T]`aQObbS`SRO`]c\RbVS b`SSZSaaVWZZaO`SeVObO^^SO`b]PSO[cZbWbcRS 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The downside is that it isn’t that convenient for Mykonos town, involving a good 15-minute walk along a busy road. The Elysium – A cool, centrally-located hotel, which prides itself on being straight friendly! There a vast range of clean and affordable guest houses in Mykonos Town, some with pools. If you’re more interested in just getting to the beach every day from an accessible base then a pool-free hotel is cheaper. Try Anchor Apartments, which have been serving visitors for the past ten years – LINKS Mykonos Gay scene Global Gay Guide Mykonos Gay Friendly Accommodation in Mykonos ' =CbeO`R B@/D3: POSTCARD FROM GRAN CANARIA T]`ORSZcfS`]][bV`]cUVb]$#Sc`]aT]` OUO`RS\acWbS/\RQ][^O`SReWbVbVSYW\R ]TP]cbW_cSV]bSZabgZSOQQ][[]RObW]\ g]c¸ZZTW\RSZaSeVS`SW\3c`]^SbVOb¸a^`Sbbg `SOZWabWQB]aSSeVOb¸a]\]TTS`QVSQY]cbbVS eSPaWbSObeeePW`RQOUS`Sa]`bQ][]`QOZZ !"' &%$"% GRAB A TAN! 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You might not see obvious answers to all your problems, but don’t forget that you do have a strong support network in place. There’s certainly no shame in asking for help occasionally – you’ll find most friends happy to help. There’s going to be unavoidable conflict this month, Libra. Someone has been pushing all the wrong buttons and tempers are getting frayed (it never takes much with you!). However, try to resist engaging in a blazing row. Clear and calm communication will resolve issues much quicker. Keep your temper in check. 22 DEC-19 JAN If a bad atmosphere at work is getting you down, Capricorn, then try looking at it from the perspective of others… as it might not be completely their fault. Miscommunication is often to blame when a rift opens at work, but if you’re honest with them then they can be open with you. You will look back upon this as something of a storm in a teacup. CAPRICORN Queen Latifah 18.03.70 Rapper, actress, singer… we love Queen Latifah. The curvaceous star – born Dana Elaine Owens in Newark, New Jersey, turns 40 this month, but she’s certainly packed plenty into those four decades – she recently even released her own perfume in the U.S. Pisceans are typically intuitive and sympathetic, but on the downside, can be weak-willed and easily led. 23 OCT-21 NOV 22 NOV-21 DEC SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS You’ve really turned a corner, Scorpio, and the immediate outlook is very rosy indeed. Just by opening your mind and attempting to look at life from a different perspective has had a hugely positive impact and helped to influence change. Run with those changes and don’t fall back in to bad habits. Dear Sagittarius, as a finelooking member of the LGBT community, now is the time to get out and be seen more! It might be easier to lounge around on your sofa, but you’re on the verge of becoming a recluse! Go through your mobile phone and get those pals of yours to drag you out on the town. Have fun! 20 JAN-18 FEB Yes, there is plenty of scary, grown-up stuff going on in your life right now, Aquarius, but keep your head together and steel your resolve. You know what you want, and you just need to focus on slowly moving towards it. It may be tempting to stay within your comfort zone. But no one ever fulfilled their potential by staying within their comfort zone. AQUARIUS 19 FEB-20 MAR 21 MAR-19 APR 20 APR-20 MAY 21 MAY-21 JUN 22 JUN-22 JUL 23 JUL-22 AUG PISCES ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO Aries, you must be doing something right because there’s a hot month coming up for you! You are suddenly going to find yourself swamped with offers. Some want your body and some want your mind… and perhaps one or two will want both. Enjoy it – and don’t dismiss any opportunities. There’s going to be success in the workplace for you this month, Taurus. You’ll find your star rising and doors swinging open for you. However, don’t let it go to your head as that’s when you’ll start making mistakes… and it’s very easy to slip right back down that ladder. Take things slowly. The object of your desire has never seemed so far away. However, do not let that deter you. Let them know that you’re still interested, because they’re getting attention from elsewhere too and you don’t want the chance to slip away. Be visible and charming – it goes a long way. '$ PISCES Gemini, if you need changes in your life then what is it that you’re waiting for? You have the power to change anything you want – just remember that you’re accountable for your actions; if you’re walking over people to get what you want then don’t be surprised if it comes back to haunt you. For once, Cancer, you’re going to have to listen to what your head is saying rather than your heart. Although you’re yearning for something, please don’t throw yourself blindly into a situation that you might eventually regret. You’re not stupid, so think carefully about your actions. Leo, you might not appreciate hearing it, but now is a good time to start looking at a healthier lifestyle. You’ve been putting it off for too long, and ‘starting on Monday’ is obviously not working for you. If you’re going to do it, be resolute about it instead of making vague promises to yourself. =CbTWb 63/:B6 KEEP ON PUMPING 8C07:336/::7A=<3=413<B@/::=<2=<¸A 07553AB/<20@756B3AB47B<3AAA>/13A 2/D726C2A=<E3<B/:=<5B=>C;>A=;37@=<¬ BVS^`]ZWTS`ObW]\]TUg[aW\bVSQO^WbOZ]dS` `SQS\bgSO`aVOaaSS\a][SSabOPZWaV[S\ba a^`W\Uc^W\bVS[]abc\ZWYSZg^ZOQSa7¸dS ^]c\RSRb`SOR[WZZaW\RO`YPOaS[S\baO\R Q]\dS`bSRaV]^c\Wba³PSW\UUOe^SRObPg ^OaaW\UaV]^^S`a7bR]Sa\¸bOZeOga[OYST]`bVS []abeSZQ][W\UOb[]a^VS`S BVS`SO`S\]acQV^`]PZS[aOb8cPWZSS6OZZ BVWaOQQZOW[SRSabOPZWaV[S\bWa]\bVSb]^ TZ]]`]TO\VWab]`WQPcWZRW\U]dS`Z]]YW\U1]dS\b 5O`RS\¸a>WOhhOBVS^ZOQSWaVcUSeWbVVWUV QSWZW\UaaYgZWUVbaO\RSf^O\aWdSeW\R]ea7bTSSZa ZWYSO\]ZRTOaVW]\SRUg[\OaWc[Pcb]\SbVOb¸a Q`O[[SReWbVOZZbVSdS`gZObSabW\S_cW^[S\b µ7b¸aPSS\`c\\W\UOaOTWb\Saaa^OQSaW\QS'%'¶ aOgaQZcP[O\OUS`AbcO`b4ZcRSµPcbWb¸aPSS\ bV`]cUVaSdS`OZW\QO`\ObW]\aW\bVObbW[SPST]`S aSbbZW\UR]e\W\Wba^`SaS\bT]`[ObOaOUg[ eVWQVWaV]eWbe]`YaPSabO\RWaeVOb^S]^ZS eO\b¶ 8cPWZSS6OZZWaRWTTS`S\bb]]bVS`SabOPZWaV[S\ba ZO`USZgRcSb]bVSTOQbbVObWbWa]e\SRPgO QVO`Wbg(8cPWZSS6OZZB`cabBVS]`UO\WaObW]\ eOaSabOPZWaVSRW\'%&b]^`][]bSVSOZbVO\R eSZZPSW\Ub]Z]QOZQ][[c\WbWSa7b\]e`c\a T]c`TWb\SaaO\Ra^]`baQS\b`SaW\:]\R]\O\R ³OaOQVO`Wbg³^`]QSSRaT`][[S[PS`aVW^O`S caSRb]Tc`bVS`WbaQVO`WbOPZSe]`YO\RU]OZa/a acQV8cPWZSS6OZZ]TTS`aOVcUSO``Og]TaS`dWQSa ³a][S]TeVWQVO`S]\ZgVW\bSROb]\WbaeSPaWbS µWb¸aPSS\`SdO[^SRdS`ga]]\¶AbcO`bWaYSS\b] ab`Saa4`][]TTS`W\UYO`ObST]`Z]QOZg]c\UabS`a b]OQbWdWbWSaT]`]dS`#abVS`SWa^`Sbbg[cQV a][SbVW\UT]`SdS`gbVW\UBVS`SO`Sbe]abcRW] a^OQSaeWbV]\SPSW\UOZO`USO`SObVOb¸a ^O`bWbW]\SR]TTPSVW\R^S`a^SfW\bVS[OW\Ug[ O`SO³µU`SOb^VgaWQOZORdS`bWaW\UT]`bVSRWTTS`S\b QZOaaSaO\ROQbWdWbWSa¶ bW^aOP]cbbVSW``]cbW\Sa³Wb¸adS`gac^^]`bWdSW\ bVObeOg¶ 0SUW\\S`aaV]cZRRSTW\WbSZg\]bTSSZW\bW[WRObSR¬ SdS\bV]cUVPSOcbWTcZZgPWUO\RaQcZ^bSRUcga O`SOQ]\abO\bTSObc`S/aAbcO`baOgaµSdS`g]\S VOab]abO`ba][SeVS`S¶O\RbVSSabOPZWaV[S\b VOaObSO[]TabOTTb]]TTS`W\RcQbW]\a^ZcaO\ O`[g]T^`WdObS^S`a]\OZb`OW\S`aT]`bV]aSeV] eO\bb]W\dSabW\a][S[]`S]\Sb]]\SbcWbW]\ 0SaWRSabVSQZOaaSabVS`SO`SOZa]bVS`O^g `]][a]TTS`W\USdS`gbVW\UT`][OQc^c\Qbc`S b][OaaOUSO\R^VgaW]bVS`O^g6]eSdS`eVOb 1ZOaaSaW\QZcRS)Q]`SQ]\RWbW]\W\U)aYW^TWb)6ObVO []ab^S]^ZSeWZZeO\bb]Y\]eOP]cbWabVS g]UO)P]fW\U)>WZObSa)a^W\)OPaSf^`Saa)TZO[S\Q]) OQbcOZUg[WbaSZT=\bVWaacPXSQbbVSPSabWRSO XcXWbacQO`RW]^c[^)QO^]S`WOO\RPc`ZSa_cS Wab]aO[^ZSbVSO[S\WbWSaT]`g]c`aSZT8cPWZSS O[]\Uab]bVS`a7\Q`SRWPZg[O\g]TbVSaS 6OZZVOa]\S]TbVSPSabaSZSQbW]\a]TS_cW^[S\b QZOaaSaO`ST`SST]`[S[PS`a;S[PS`aVW^Q]aba OZ]\UeWbVOVcUSQ]ZZSQbW]\]TT`SSeSWUVba O[OfW[c[]T"'#[]\bVZgPcbbVS`SWaOZa] BVS`SWaZWbS`OZZga][SbVW\UVS`Sb]Wa]ZObSO\R OeWRS`O\US]TQ]\QSaaW]\aOdOWZOPZS e]`YSdS`g[OX]`[caQZSU`]c^W\g]c`P]Rg7\ C\cacOZZg[S[PS`aO`S\]bbWSRR]e\b]O\g TOQbg]c¸`Sa^]WZbT]`QV]WQSBVS`SO`SOZa]^ZS\bg Q]\b`OQbaO\R^OgPg`]ZZW\URW`SQbRSPbeVWQV ]Tb`SOR[WZZaPWYSaO\RQ`]aab`OW\S`aOZ]\UeWbV QO\PSQO\QSZZSRObO\gbW[SO^]ZWQgbVOb dWRS]aQ`SS\aO\R^c[^W\URO\QSa]c\Ra aSdS`OZ 0SQOcaS]T ZO`US`Ug[ WbaQS\b`OZ QVOW\a Z]QObW]\ Q]cZR O[OhW\U R]eWbV TOQWZWbWSaO\R OR]^bW\U eWRS`O\US /Za]g]c ]TQZOaaSa R]\¸bVOdS 8cPWZSS6OZZ b]PSO WaSfb`S[SZg [S[PS` UOgT`WS\RZg b]caSbVS O\RObb`OQba TOQWZWbWSa OZO`US <]\ \c[PS`]T [S[PS`a UOgQZWS\bSZS QO\dWaWb G]cQS`bOW\Zg bVSUg[ e]\¸bPS T]`OQ]ab bVS]\Zg ]T'#O UOgW\bVWa aSaaW]\³a]g]cQO\U]OZ]\UO\Rb`gSdS`gbVW\U ^O`bWQcZO`dWZZOUSPcbbVS`S¸aO`SOZaS\aSbVObWb ]cbOa[O\gbW[SaOag]cZWYSPST]`SRSQWRW\U R]SaW\RSSRQObS`T]`OZZbVSZ]QOZQ][[c\WbWSa eVSbVS`g]ceO\bb]bOYSc^TcZZ[S[PS`aVW^ ³O\RbVSOb[]a^VS`SWa[WfSR`SZOfSRW\T]`[OZ O\RT`WS\RZgBVS]\SbVW\UbVObSdS`g]\SVOa /aYSRV]eVSbVW\YabVSUg[RWTTS`a[]`S W\Q][[]\WaO^OaaW]\T]`TWb\SaaO\RORSaW`S T`][]bVS`SabOPZWaV[S\baAbcO`baOgabVObVS b]e]`Y]cba][SeVS`SbVObbVSgY\]eeWZZ bVW\Ya8cPWZSS6OZZObb`OQba^S]^ZSeV]O`SdS`g STTSQbWdSZgRSZWdS``SacZba aS`W]caOP]cbTWb\SaaO\RUg[`]cbW\Saµ7b¸a ^S`VO^aZSaaa]QWOZPcbPgbVOb7[SO\bVObbVS`S Jubilee Hall, 30 The Piazza, Covent Garden, WC2E 8BE. 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For further information visit or phone 020 8846 6699 to make an appointment. 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August 07 issue - Out In The City
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