August 07 issue - Out In The City
August 07 issue - Out In The City
4@33 B63C:B7;/B35C723B=5/G:=<2=< 7<A723¬ @716/@2<3E;/< E==2G6/@@3:A=< >:/GA5/G 713:/<2¸A1==:/>>3/: 5/G47:;1:C0 >@723 0@756B=< =6E32= :793B=03 03A723B63 A3/A723 3<@7?C3 =<5/GB63B/0:=72A/<2>7<5>=<5 EEE=Cb;/51=C9 7AAC33756B&% =CbT`]\b HUDSON’S LETTER Nowadays, depictions of gay men on film or TV usually strive to be positive, sometimes at the expense of realism. Not all gay men are perfectly well-adjusted, happy and sorted… however many may claim to be so on their online profiles. Partly for this reason, I was intrigued and moved by new film The Walker, in which Woody Harrelson plays the sort of gay character that few would necessarily wish to identify with. Prissy and waspish, he still lugs around the sort of baggage that many of us have been straddled with at some stage in our lives. Watching it slowly dawn upon him that there are other ways to live his life, and that he is answerable to nobody but himself, was both stirring and empowering. If you can, catch the movie when it opens in London this month. Read a fuller review in our film section, along with information on a novel gay film club that has sprung up on MySpace. There’s a wealth of other reviews in this issue, from the latest music releases to the scene. Thanks for all the feedback – keep it coming. [email protected] EDITORIAL//ADVERTISING Managing Editor David Hudson [email protected] Publisher +44 (0)20 7258 1943 Group Ad Sales Manager Victoria Lloyd [email protected] Contributing Editor Adrian Gillan [email protected] Design Concept Splicer Design Design Helen Mathias Clare Willis [email protected] [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1943 Contributors Simon Blake, Sam Bentley, Gabriele Giambrone, Katie McCrum, Chris Morgan, Mark Riese, Gary Ryan, Richard Tonks, Steve Watson, Donna Werbner, Emma Willis, Michael Wilton Photographers Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley ISDN: 1473-6039 +44 (0)20 7258 1991 Sales Executives Dean Houlahan Doug Mayo [email protected] [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1991 Office Manager//Accounts Margaret Tapping [email protected] PAGE 22 ENRIQUE IGLESIAS CONTENTS PAGE 04 LETTERS Send your correspondence to [email protected] PAGE 06 MY LONDON Former BB housemate and radio presenter Richard Newman PAGE 08 SHOPPING Canon’s new camcorder, plus shopping over the net PAGE 13 DIARY August’s cultural highlights in and around London PAGE 22 MUSIC New albums from The Coral, Dragonette, Darren Hayes and Kosheen PAGE 06 RICHARD NEWMAN PAGE 61 OUTREACH The work of the Gay Business Association, plus the community listings PAGE 64 OUTNEWS Gay stories from home and abroad. PAGE 24 PEREZ HILTON PAGE 68 PROPERTY Living in King’s Cross and property advice PAGE 11 INTERNET SHOPPING +44 (0)20 7258 1936 Head of Business Development Linda Riley [email protected] Square Peg Media Ltd. 44 Huntsworth Mews London NW1 6DB Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 The content of this publication, either in whole or in part may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or trasmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2007. Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. PAGE 14 AUGUST HIGHLIGHT Soho Pride and the Metro Weekender PAGE 16 BRIGHTON PRIDE All you need to know about this year’s festival on 4 August PAGE 18 ENRIQUE IGLESIAS The Latin heartthrob chats about his new album, career, and playing G-A-Y PAGE 24 FILM Knocked Up, The Hoax, The Walker and Gay Film Club PAGE 28 THEATRE The Drowsy Chaperone reviewed PAGE 32 COLUMNIST Den Maloney isn’t always pleased to receive a party invite PAGE 35 OUT THERE Upcoming scene highlights for August, the history of the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, plus reports on Juicy’s postPride party, Salvation’s Gold Party and The Box PAGE 44 PRIDE LONDON PAGE 80 OUTLAW Civil partnership news plus legal advice PAGE 87 TRAVEL The cool appeal of Iceland PAGE 90 HOROSCOPES PAGE 93 HEALTH Pink Therapy and 25 years of the Terrence Higgins Trust ! =CbT`]\b :3BB3@A THREE CHEERS ON FIRE DEXTER We loved Michael C. Hall in Six Feet Under, and are loving him even more in Dexter – the serial killer it’s OK to cheer. MURDER MOST FAB Julian Clary relaunches himself as a novelist with this laugh-out-loud comic debut. Our favourite summer read. BVO\YaT]`bVSTSObc`S ]\6S`]SaI8cZg %K ;SO\R[gP]gT`WS\R VOdSPSS\eObQVW\U WbSdS`g;]\ROg\WUVb ]\AQW4WO\RP]`W\U ]c`T`WS\Raabc^WReWbV V]ee]\RS`TcZWbWa ESZ]dS6W`];]\ROg \WUVbaO`S\¸bU]W\Ub] PSbVSaO[SeVS\Wb TW\WaVSaPcbObZSOab eVS\WbabO`ba]\bVS 001SdS`g]\SeWZZ Y\]eeVObeS¸dSPSS\ bOZYW\UOP]cb Frank, Stratford NIKKI BLONSKY Somehow manages to be more adorable than even Rikki Lake in the new film version of Hairspray. Can we have a big-screen remake of Pink Flamingos next, please? WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL HARRY POTTER We are officially sick to the back teeth of Potter-mania. The last book has been published. Time to get over it! SUMMERTIME Rain, rain and more rain… we’ll just write off summer 2007, shall we? Time to book that last-minute holiday to Gran Canaria perhaps… GAY.COM GET IT ON ON ICE " Huge in America, but seemingly unable to compete against Gaydar’s stranglehold of the UK online gay dating market, has announced the closure of its UK office. CRY BABY BVO\YaT]`bVS W\bS`dWSeeWbV;WZ] DS\bW[WUZWO¬Pcb7 eWaVg]c¸ROZa]OaYSR VW[eVObbVSVSZZVS eOaR]W\UabO``W\UW\ bVObdWRS]T]`4S`UWS¸a R`SORTcZ·0WU5W`Za2]\¸b 1`g¸aW\UZS John, N1 OUTCAST 7`SOR2S\\Wa1O`\Sg¸a O`bWQZSI8cZg %KeWbV U`SObW\bS`Sab7O[O PZOQYUOg[O\eV] VOaPSS\]cbaW\QSbVS SO`Zg&aO\RPOQYW\ bV]aSROgag]cQ]cZR Q]c\bbVS\c[PS`]T PZOQY^S]^ZS]\>`WRS ROg]\]\SVO\R;` 1O`\SgbOZYa]TOPcaS 0OQYbVS\eSbVSTSe PZOQYUOgaO\RZSaPWO\a U]bOPcaSRPgP]bV PZOQYO\ReVWbS^S]^ZS bVS\OZa]U]b^`OWaSR T]`abO\RW\Uc^T]`]c` `WUVba EWbVU`SObW\bS`Sab7 X]W\SRbVSPZOQYU`]c^ ]\Zgb]TW\R]cbbVOb 7eOa·QZOaaWTWSR¸Oa O\]cbQOabPSQOcaS 7eOaRObW\UOeVWbS Ucg7e]\RS`WTbVWa ;`1O`\SgU]Sa]\b] bSZZcaeVOb1VO\\SZ" VOaR]\S6S\SSRab] U`]ec^ David, East London BLACK PRIDE TOP OF THE POST STAR LETTER WITH THIS RING I agree with Steve Watson on civil partnerships [July 2007]. It’s nice to see how different couples are opting for such a variety of ceremonies. However, like him, I suspect that over time our ceremonies will become indistinguishable from the heterosexual norm… particularly when so many businesses have been so keen to flog us the same old tired wedding paraphernalia and matrimonial clichés. Civil partnerships should be a time for celebrating a relationship – not for placing that relationship under intolerable financial stress. I hope we won’t get dragged into the same sort of one-upmanship exhibited by some hetero couples in throwing the biggest and most lavish weddings that their credit cards can afford! Chris, SE11 WIN! I LIGHT SPEAKER We are giving away an I-Lit lava lamp speaker to the writer of next month’s Star Letter. This kitsch prize will look great in the swankiest of London pads. The retro, colourful lamp doubles up as two high quality speakers, which have a universal headphone jack that can be plugged into any MP3 device or CD player. The gadget is completely sound and light sensitive, so turn up the volume and create your own mini disco. The I-Lit weighs less than six eggs, so the crystal clear speakers are completely portable. To find out more, go to VOaQVO\USR-7R]\]b T]`]\QSRS\gbVOb `OQWa[SfWbaPcb7VOdS [O\OUSRb]S\bS`O\g UOgdS\cS7a]eWaVSR eWbV]cbO\g^`]PZS[a 6]eSdS`bVSO[]c\b ]TV][]^V]PWO7VOdS `SQSWdSRT`][PZOQY ^S]^ZSZSOdSa[cQVb] PSRSaW`SR ;`1O`\SgQWbSa <WUS`WOO\R8O[OWQO PcbR]Sa\]bSdS\ [S\bW]\HW[POPeS eVWQVOZa]QZSO`Zg RSTWSabVSC<W\Wba b`SOb[S\b]TUOg ^S]^ZS7ObbS\RSRbVS P]]YTOW`W\6O`O`S O\R7eOabVS]\ZgUOg ^S`a]\eWZZW\Ub]PS W\bS`dWSeSRPgA]cbV /T`WQO\BSZSdWaW]\ `WaYW\U[gZWTSOZbV]cUV 7[O\OUSRb]ZSOdSbVS Q]c\b`gO\V]c`PST]`S bVSP`]ORQOab]T[g W\bS`dWSe BVS`SO`SZ]ORa]T ^S]^ZSeV]O`SOQbW\U PSVW\RQZ]aSRR]]`a b]`OWaSOeO`S\Saa]T PZOQYZSaPWO\O\RUOg ^S]^ZSPcbW\abSOR]T ^`OWaW\UacQV^S]^ZS BVO\Yg]cT]`bVS W\bS`dWSeeWbV2S\\Wa 1O`\SgO\RbVS W\T]`[ObW]\OP]cb PZOQYUOgU`]c^aG]c` `SORS`a[WUVbOZa] eO\bb]Y\]ebVObbVS O\\cOZ0ZOQY>`WRS TSabWdOZbOYSa^ZOQS bVWagSO`]\AObc`ROg &/cUcab %W\ @SUS\ba>O`Y1]ZZSUS `WUVbW\bVS[WRRZS]T @SUS\ba>O`Y1VSQY eeecYPZOQY^`WRS]`U cYT]`RSbOWZaO\RbWQYSb W\T]`[ObW]\ David, Wembley POP LIFE 7ZWYSRg]c`TSObc`S]\ ^]^Ocb]PW]U`O^VWSa I8cZg %K1O\7OZa] `SQ][[S\R6]ZZg 8]V\a]\¸a/0]\S7\ ;g4ZcbSeVWZS8cZWO\ 1]^S¸aOQQ]c\b]TVWa bW[SW\bVSBSO`R`]^ 3f^Z]RSa6SOR=\ Waa][SbVW\U]TO\ c\RS`U`]c\RQZOaaWQ O\RWaO\]bVS`U`SOb OQQ]c\b]TbVSZObS %aSO`Zg&a:WdS`^]]Z aQS\S7¸[Xcab\]e eOWbW\UT]`0]eWSb] e`WbSVWaZWTSab]`g Barry FAG FREE 6]eVOabVSa[]YW\U PO\OTTSQbSRbVSaQS\S- ;OgPSWb¸aQ]a7¸[O \]\a[]YS`Pcb7¸dS \]b`SOZZg\]bWQSRO\g QVO\USeVOba]SdS` 3fQS^bbVObbVSPO`a O`S\]Z]\US`a[]YSg ]PdW]caZg Craig, W1 [gZ]\R]\ MY LONDON E63@32=G=C1=;34@=;=@757</::G7eOaP]`\W\3\UZO\RPcb[]dSRb]1O\OROeWbV[gTO[WZgObbVSOUS]T bV`SS7eOa`OWaSRW\OQWbgQOZZSR3R[]\b]\PSbeSS\bVS@]QYg;]c\bOW\a O\RbVS>`OW`WSa7beOaOdS`g0`]YSPOQY;]c\bOW\SfWabS\QS E63@32=G=C1C@@3<B:G:7D3/<2E63<272G=C;=D3B63@37R]\¸bY\]eWT7aV]cZRO\aeS`bVOb7b[WUVbPSO\W\dWbObW]\T]`abOZYS`a;W\R g]ceWbVbVSeOg[gZ]dSZWTSWaU]W\UOabOZYS`[WUVbPSXcabeVOb7\SSRA] 7ZWdSW\0`]QYZSgA]cbV:]\R]\7[]dSRbVS`SOP]cbbV`SSgSO`aOU]OTbS` a^ZWbbW\UeWbV[g^O`b\S` E6/B¸AB6303ABB67<5/0=CB:7D7<57<:=<2=<BVSO[]c\b]TbVW\Uab]R]:]\R]\`SOZZgWabVSQS\b`S]TZWTSWbaSZTESZZT]`[S O\R[gQW`QZS]TT`WS\RaWbWaBVS`S¸aO\S\RZSaaZWab]TbVW\Uab]R]^S]^ZSb] [SSb ¬/<2B63E=@ABBVS\SUObWdSS\S`UgbVObTZ]eabV`]cUVbVWa1WbgBVS`S¸aa][cQV]TWb >S]^ZSQ]dS`SRW\[WaS`gOUU`SaaW]\O\RO\c\eWZZW\U\Saab]VSZ^bVSW`TSZZ]e :]\R]\S`aWb¸aSdS`geVS`S7abWZZTW\RWbT`cab`ObW\UeVS\g]cOaYObcPSe]`YS` ]`aV]^OaaWabO\bT]`OaaWabO\QSO\RbVSgZ]]YObg]cZWYSg]c¸dSXcabOaYSR bVS[b]`S[]dSOYWR\SgT]`g]c7[SO\7Q][ST`][Oa[OZZQWbgW\1O\ORO eVS`SbVSac\aVW\Sa]cb]TSdS`g]\S¸aOaaO\RWTg]cOaYSRbVS[T]`OYWR\Sg bVSg¸RQcbbVS[aSZdSa]^S\O\RVO\RWb]dS`W[[SRWObSZg E6/B/@3G=C@4/D=C@7B3@3AB/C@/<BA7¸ZZU]O\geVS`SeVS`SbVSg]TTS`[ST`SSQ]QYbOWZa7OR]`S;]`]QQO\QcWaW\S O\R`SUcZO`ZgU]b]HOgb]c\O]\4`WbVAb`SSbBVS`SWaOe]\RS`TcZ[O\OUS` bVS`SQOZZSR;]eV]]TTS`abVS[]abTZOeZSaaT`WS\RZWSabaS`dWQS;W\Rg]cOZZ bVSabOTTbVS`SO`Se]\RS`TcZ 4/D=C@7B35@33<A>/13ESZZbVS`SO`S\¸b[O\gU`SS\a^OQSaW\:]\R]\7\TOQb7QO\¸bbVW\Y]TO\gA] 7¸RVOdSb]aOg1O\OROG]c¸dS\SdS`aSS\a][cQVU`SS\O\Ra][cQVa^OQS 7bU]Sa]\T]`SdS` E63@32=G=C3A1/>3B6317BG7R]Z]dS>O`Wa7bWaeWbV]cbOR]cPb[gTOd]c`WbSQWbgW\bVSe]`ZR;]`Sa]bVO\ :]\R]\7Z]dSbVS`][O\QS]T>O`WaBVSab`SSbabVSO`QVWbSQbc`SbVSa[SZZa bVS[caWQbVSQcZbc`S7Q]cZRU]]\AORZgbVS^OQSXcabR]Sa\¸bacWb[S E6/B¸AB63;=ABG=C¸D3>/724=@/1/0/<2B=E63@3 T`][A]V]b]0`]QYZSg </;3/>:/13=@:=1/B7=<=4A3<B7;3<B/:D/:C3B=G=C A]V]7Y\]ebVOba]c\RaOPWb]PdW]caQ][W\UT`][OUOg[O\Pcb7abWZZ `S[S[PS`bVSTW`abbW[S7RWaQ]dS`SRWbBVS[][S\b7`SOZWhSRbVS`S¸aO\ S\bW`SdWZZOUS]TUOg[S\PO`aO\RaV]^a7beOaacQVO\SfQWbW\UbW[ST]`[S Sa^SQWOZZgQ][W\UT`][a][SeVS`Sa]^`]dW\QWOZ7bVW\YSdS`gUOg[O\TSSZa V][SO\R^`WRSeVS\eOZYW\UR]e\=ZR1][^b]\Ab`SSbESZZ]YOg[OgPS \]bObbV`SS]¸QZ]QYW\bVS[]`\W\UeVS\bVSUcbbS`aO`STWZZSReWbVR`c\YS\ _cSS\aVc`ZW\Uc^^W\ba]TPSS`O\RYSPOPa¬ E6/B¸AG=C@1=19B/7:=416=713E]]E]]8cabPSQOcaS7Z]dSaOgW\UWb E6/B¸A:=<2=<¸A;=AB03/CB74C:0C7:27<5BVObUVS`YW\bVW\U7b¸aa]^VOZZWQ7bZ]]YaZWYSOUWO\bPcbb^ZcU /@3G=CA7<5:3=@2/B7<5AW\UZS7YSS^RObW\UOPa]ZcbSZ]aS`a7¸dS`SOZZgU]bb]ab]^bVOb7b¸aPSQ][W\UO PORVOPWbESbaVOZZ]eO\Ra^W\SZSaaO`SbV`SSdS`gU]]RRSaQ`W^bW]\a]TbVS [S\7¸dSU]\S]cbeWbV]dS`bVS^OabgSO`EVS`SVOdSOZZbVSU]]R[S\U]\S- ;OgPS7Xcab\SSRb]ab]^ZWdW\UW\OTcQYW\U8O\S/cabW\\]dSZ /@3G=CE=@97<5=</<G>@=831BAB6/BG=CE/<BB=B3::CA /0=CBESZZbVS`SO`S[gaV]ea]\5OgRO`@ORW];gaSZTO\R:SOT`][0WU0`]bVS` %O`Se]`YW\U]\O\W\bS`\SbPOaSRBSZSdWaW]\aV]eObbVS[][S\beVWQV eSV]^Sb]VOdSbVOb]cbPgbVSeW\bS`O\ReS¸dSPSS\Z]]YW\UOba][S ^`SaS\bW\U]TTS`aOa2WQYg2]ZZg $ PHOTOGRAPHY © CHRISJEPSON.COM - WITH THANKS TO PROFILE BAR, 56 FRITH STREET, SOHO, W1 @716/@2<3E;/<4@=;0750@=B63@ %/<25/G2/@@/27=¸A2719 2=::GA6=EB3::ACA67A1/>7B/: 6756:756BA¬ % =CbaV]^ >@=2C1BA TWINKLE TWINKLE... Whenever we’re in the Carnaby Street area, we always make a point of popping into Twinkled. This recently-opened celebration of all things retro harks back to the days when this famed thoroughfare truly was the centre of the fashion universe. Situated on the first floor of Kingly Court, this kitsch emporium offers a wide selection of retro fashions, accessories and homeware. Everything from jackets, trousers, t-shirts, belts, ties, airline-branded bags, and crockery to telephones, wallpaper and curtains… and much, much more besides. Whether you’re a vintage connoisseur or just looking for something a little unique, you won’t be disappointed. Twinkled, 1.5 Kingly Court, Carnaby Street, W1. 020-7734 1978. BOYS ON FILM Available from mid-August is Canon’s brand new HR10. The world’s smallest AVCHD DVD camcorder combines the convenience of straight-to-DVD shooting with stunning 1080i HD video recording. With this little beauty, you can record High Definition DVD footage for HD-ready TVs, or make Standard Definition videos for playback on normal TVs. Discs can also be played back in Blu-ray players, and there’s a comprehensive range of software included for managing AVCHD footage. Basically, you don’t have to worry about the technology becoming obsolete or being superseded any time soon! SHOPPING... WIRED FOR SOUND If you’re looking for a small, cheap MP3 player, you might want to check out Samsung’s new YP-U3. A step up from the company’s old U2 model, the U3 is just 25.4mm in height and weighs just 22.8g. It has the capacity to hold up to 4GB of memory, 33 hours of voice recording, and playback for up to 15 hours. It’s compatible with Samsung Media Studio - allowing you to download the latest tracks - has a built-in FM radio, and is available in black, white, pink, green and blue. Best of all, it retails at just £39.99. & FASH MAG SLAGS A must for any illustrator, graphic designer or student of fashion, The Big Book Of Fashion Illustration is a contemporary sourcebook of illustration. Including everything from traditional watercolours, acrylics and pencil drawings through to designs made in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and digital photography, it represents the work of artists from all corners of the globe. With sections on menswear, sportswear, accessories and glamour, it’s a perfect coffee table tome that you’ll want to flick through again and again… and will perhaps make you wish you’d applied yourself a bit more during art class! The Big Book Of Fashion Illustration, by Martin Dawber, is published by Batsford and available priced £19.99 from all good bookstores. =CbaV]^ >@=2C1BA WORLDWIDE FASHION ;=@3/<2;=@3=4CA/@3 A6=>>7<5=<:7<357D3<B63 4/D=C@/0:33F16/<53@/B3 E63B63@A6=>>7<54@=;6=;3 =@/0@=/27B03/BA0@/D7<5 B636=@23A7<B63E3AB 3<2=CB1631932=CBA=;3 C>¸<¸1=;7<54/A67=<A7B3A¬ WWW.SCHULTZJEANS.CO.UK Let’s be honest… the first thing that grabbed our attention about Schultz Jeans were the jaw-droppingly gorgeous spunks who model for the label. Upon closer inspection, we couldn’t help but notice the innovative ‘Schultz Strap’ that the jeans feature… thinking ‘what the hell is that?!’ Basically, the strap is designed to replace a belt, for those that like wearing their jeans low-slung, or even open at the fly to show-off their Schultz underwear… or anything else they feel like flashing. Each pair of jeans comes with two Schultz Straps, which are interchangeable or can even be updated for new designs as they become available. Check for the full range of jeans, underwear, and plenty of arresting images! WWW.OTTERFASHION.COM Ever found yourself stumbling around your bedroom trying to find something appropriately trendy and practical down the gym? That’s exactly the dilemma that led Atlanta boy Joshua Harrell to set up fashion label Otter Fashion last year. The gay-friendly company specialises in t-shirts and sports clothing that’s good enough to wear whether you’re planning on working out or not. It’s also diversified to include underwear (right) and accessories. Given the fantabulous exchange rate of the £ against the $, picking up clothing from American websites can now prove cost-effective, even with the added shipping costs. For the full selection of t-shirts and sportswear, check Another Stateside site to take advantage of with the Brit-friendly exchange rate is Producing urban-inspired menswear since 1997, this Los Angeles company continues to grow and establish an international reputation. Sponsoring London events like the Salvation parties prove its gay-friendly credentials… and the fact that it knows where its market lies. There’s plenty of gorgeous underwear, swimwear, t-shirts and accessories. You can purchase Andrew Christian wear at online retailers Universal Gear and International Jock, or direct from, which is packed with lovely pictures and yummy models (below). Also check out the myspace site at www. PHOTOGRAPH: © 2007 ANDREW CHRISTIAN WWW.ANDREWCHRISTIAN.COM =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS//AUGUST 2007 PRINCE The pint-sized pop genius is coming to London… to take up a residency at the new 02! Yes, expect a full greatest hits show from the enigmatic creator of such hits as ‘Kiss’, ‘Raspberry Beret’, ‘Sign O The Times’, ‘Purple Rain’ and many, many others. He’ll be performing August 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17, 18, 24, 25, 28 and 31 and September 1, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 20 and 21. 26-27 AUGUST The TDK Cross Central festival returns to the King’s Cross Freight Depot. This cool celebration of electro, underground and indie rock will feature the likes of Franz Ferdinand, Killa Kela, Audiofly, Ryan Shaw, Robots In Disguise and many more. This is the urban festival’s fourth year, and the final to be taking place at the King’s Cross Freight Depot. Tickets £25 per day. www. THU 02-TUE 21: 3c`]^S¸a PWUUSabW\RWSTWZ[ TSabWdOZBVS>]`b]PSZZ] 4WZ[4SabWdOZ`Sbc`\a b]:]\R]\eWbV]dS` $T`SSTWZ[a]\ aV]eBVSaQ`SS\W\Ua eWZZPSOQQ][^O\WSR PgOT`W\USTSabWdOZ ]TSfVWPWbW]\aPg dWacOZO`bWabaO\R ^S`T]`[O\QSaPg \SeO\Rc^Q][W\U PO\Raeee ^]`b]PSZZ]TWZ[TSabWdOZ Q][ SAT 04:BVSO\\cOZ >`WRSW\0`WUVb]\ 6]dSbOYSa^ZOQST`][ &8cZg·bWZ#/cUcab eWbVbVSVWUVZWUVb ³bVS^O`ORSO\R ^O`YSdS\b³bOYW\U ^ZOQS]\AObc`ROg" /cUcab3f^SQbO[Oaa Sf]Rca]TUOgZWTST`][ :]\R]\]\bVSROg BVSbVS[SbVWagSO`Wa ·BVS;caWQOZa¸eee P`WUVb]\^`WRS]`U THU 02-SUN 19:>]^ OZ]\Ub]B`OTOZUO` A_cO`ST]`bVSO\\cOZ B`OTOZUO`A_cO`S TSabWdOZ@c\\W\UT`][ '/cUcabbVWagSO` Wb¸aOZZPOaSRO`]c\R O\7\RWO\bVS[S 3f^SQbRO\QSbVSOb`S O\R]bVS`a^SQbOQZSa ]\BVc`aROgO\R 4`WROgSdS\W\Ua O\RAObc`ROgO\R Ac\ROgOTbS`\]]\a eeeZ]\R]\U]d cYb`OTOZUO`a_cO`S SAT 11:/TbS`8cZg¸a :]dS0]fESSYS\RS` 6OQY\Sg¸aDWQb]`WO >O`Y^ZOgaV]abb] 4WSZR2Og³O\Se ^agQVSRSZWQac[[S` TSabWdOZbVObP]Oaba OdWZZOUSTSbSbVS[S 3f^SQb^S`T]`[O\QSa T`][bVSZWYSa]T ;gabS`g8Sba>cZZ BWUS`BOWZBVS /ZWS\a/PaS\bSS 8O[SaG]`Yab]\O\R 3ZSQb`OZO\S/aeSZZOa ZWdSOQbaO\R28aacQV Oa3`]Z/ZYO\bVS`S eWZZPSb`ORWbW]\OZTSbS Obb`OQbW]\aZWYS;]``Wa 2O\QW\Ub][P]ZOa eSZZgbV`]eW\UbSO O\RQOYSa>`SaS\bSR Pg0cUUSR=cb /RdS\bc`Sa7\BVS 0SSb`]]b4WSZRO\R3Ob G]c`=e\3O`a=^S\ \]]\!^[ eeeTWSZRROgTSabWdOZa Q][]`[ga^OQS Q][TWSZRROgTSabWdOZa [ga^OQSQ][ TWSZRROgZ]\R]\ FRI 17:;Obb2O[]\ QcbaOROaVOQ`]aa QW\S[OaQ`SS\aOa 8Oa]\0]c`\S]\QS OUOW\eWbVbVSC9 `SZSOaS]TBVS0]c`\S CZbW[Obc[W\QW\S[Oa ]\bVWaROg WED 22-SAT 25: /ZOW\ 0S`ZW\S`¸aOQQZOW[SR ''%TWZ[;ODWS3\ @]aSUSbabVSabOUS b`SOb[S\beWbVWba e]`ZR^`S[WS`SObbVS G]c\UDWQ$$BVS1cb A37bbSZZabVSab]`g]T SWUVbgSO`]ZR:cR]dWQ eV]R`SO[a]TPSW\U OUW`ZAcWbOPZST]`OUSa SWUVbO\Rc^eO`R eeeg]c\UdWQ]`U 31 JULY-26 AUGUST Following a sell-out run in March, Debbie Saloman returns to the King’s Head in Islington, reprising the role of Judy Garland. Get Happy! follows the legend as she rehearses for her 1960 concerts at the London Palladium, and besides featuring little-known anecdotes and stories, also boasts a dazzling pitch-perfect selection of some of Garland’s best-loved songs. Tickets £15-£18. THU 23-MON 27: 4`WUVbTSab`Sbc`\ab] bVS=RS]\ESab3\R 7b¸abVSC9¸aPWUUSab O\\cOZV]``]`TWZ[ TSabWdOZO\R`c\aT]` T]c`ROga6WUVZWUVba W\QZcRSbVS^`S[WS`S aQ`SS\W\U]Th][PWS O\W[OZQ][SRg0ZOQY AVSS^O\RO^`SdWSe aQ`SS\W\U]T/ZZBVS 0]ga:]dS;O\Rg :O\SBVS`S¸a]dS` TWZ[aQ`SS\W\Ua^ZcaO _cWh\WUVbO\R]bVS` Oaa]QWObSRSdS\ba 1VSQYeeeT`WUVbTSab Q]cYT]`TcZZRSbOWZa Erol Alkan performs at East London’s Field Day FRI 24:6OdW\UR]\SbVS PcaW\SaaObbVSCAP]f ]TTWQSac^S`\Obc`OZbV`WZZS` "&]^S\aW\bVSC9 8]V\1caOQYO\RAO[cSZ :8OQYa]\abO`W\bVWa AbS^VS\9W\U^S\\SR ab]`gOP]cbOVOc\bSR V]bSZ`]][ 02-11 AUGUST Get along to the gorgeous Somerset House for the summer open air movie season, held in conjunction with FilmFour. With a giant, 14m screen and state-of-the-art projection, catch the UK premiere of hit comedy Knocked Up on Thursday 2 August. It’s followed by screenings of horror movies The Descent and The Thing (Friday 3 August), The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (4 Aug), Rushmore (5 Aug), Rear Window (6 Aug), E.T (7 Aug), Walk The Line (8 Aug), Chak De India (9 Aug), Hot Fuzz and Point Break (10 Aug), and 2001: A Space Odyssey (11 Aug). Tickets from Ticketmaster. and ! =CbT`]\b 27/@G CROWD PHOTOS: DA VID HUDSON HIGHLIGHT EVENTS//AUGUST 2007 SOHO PRIDE SUNDAY 19 AUGUST ES¸`S\]bS\bW`SZgac`S eVObbVS^]W\bWa]T A]V]>`WRSPSaWRSa PSW\U]\SPWU^O`bgT]` OZZbVSUOgPcaW\SaaSa ]TA]V]PcbUWdS\bVOb eSOZeOgaVOdSOTc\ O\R[S``gOTbS`\]]\ eS¸`S\]bOP]cbb] Y\]QYWb<]eW\WbaTWTbV gSO`bVS %SdS\bWa `c\\W\UOPWbZObS`bVO\ \]`[OZPcbUWdS\V]e ZObSbVSU]]ReSObVS` VOaPSS\W\O``WdW\U bVWagSO`VS`S¸aV]^W\U eWbVVOdSO\7\RWO\ ac[[S`O\RbVOb bVSac\WaPZOhW\U]\ Ac\ROg'/cUcab BVSSdS\beWZZ`c\ PSbeSS\\]]\O\R &^[O\R[]ab]T bVSPO`aW\A]V]eWZZ PSW\d]ZdSR=\QS OUOW\Sf^SQbbVS?F 28O\RQOPO`SbabOUS ]\@c^S`bAb`SSbO 5OgRO`5W`Za^]ZS RO\QW\UabOUS]\ " 1O`ZWaZSAb`SSbO\R bVS5OgRO`@ORW] abOUSP`]ORQOabW\U ZWdST`][A]V] A_cO`SW\Oaa]QWObW]\ eWbV2WaQ]bSQ2B>; O\R4WQbW]\/ZZbVWa ^ZcabV]caO\Ra]T UOg^c\bS`aV]^^W\U T`][PO`b]PO`O Q][[c\Wbg[O`YSb O`SOO\R]cbR]]` R`W\YW\UO\RRW\W\U UOZ]`S µA]V]>`WRSWa OQ][[c\Wbg QSZSP`ObW]\O\R Wb[cabPS]\S]T bVSTSeSdS\babVOb P`W\UaOZZbVSUOgO\R ab`OWUVbPcaW\SaaSa b]USbVS`W\VO`[]\g T]`bVSROg¶aOga Q]]`UO\WaS`/R`WO\ 3ZSTbVS`W]cµBVOb OZ]\SP`W\UaO Zc[^b][gbV`]Ob :]]YW\U]cbT`][O eW\R]e]dS`A]V] A_cO`SO\RaSSW\U OZZbV]aSbV]caO\Ra ]T^S]^ZSS\X]gW\U bVSROg[OYSaWbOZZ e]`bVeVWZS¶ A]V]>`WRS¬bOYW\U bVS_cSS`PSOb]cb ]\b]bVSab`SSba PHOTO: CLEO LENG METRO WEEKENDER If you’re not planning on disappearing up to Manchester for the city’s annual Pride festival, then you may be interested to hear about the Metro Weekender - a big late-summer knees up set to hit Clapham Common on the bank holiday weekend (25-26 August 2007). The idea is to host one day of dance acts, followed by a day of indie, punk and hip-hop. To this effect, get along on Saturday 25 August for the South West Four day, when there will be performances and live sets from Pete Tong, Paul Van Dyk (pictured left), Sasha, Ferry Corsten, Shapeshifters, Judge Jules, John Digweed, Josh Wink, Eric Prydz, Sander Kleinenberg and Smokin’ Jo, to name but a few. Then, on Sunday (26 August), for the Get Loaded In The Park part of the festivities, catch sets from Dirty Pretty Things, The Streets, The Go Team, Peter Bjorn and John, Art Brut, Dizzee Rascal, The Mitchell Brothers, 2ManyDJs and Mia. Last year’s event attracted about 20,000 revellers on both days, and Paul Van Dyk this year’s event looks like being The Streets and just as well attended. Day tickets Shapeshifters cost £35, and full details can be found at the website at www. WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM =CbT`]\b 27/@G # =CbabO\RW\U BRIGHTON ROCKS GETTING THERE There are approximately four trains per hour from London Victoria to Brighton, operated by Southern Trains. A return ticket costs £17.40. Thameslink trains also run from London to Brighton, stopping at King’s Cross Thameslink and London Bridge. A same-day return costs £16.50. For best fares and times, check For details of coach travel, check If driving, set out early and expect road closures and delays. Check the website nearer the date for information on possible road closures. ACCOMMODATION If you’re looking to book yourself a room, you’d better get your skates on – much of the city’s hotels and B&B’s are booked up for Pride. For more help, check out the following websites: •• •• PHOTOGRAPH: © THT 8cabeVObWaWbOP]cb>`WRSW\0`WUVb]\O\R 6]dSbVOb[OYSaWb³O`UcOPZg³bVSPWUUSabO\R PSab>`WRSQSZSP`ObW]\W\bVSQ]c\b`g-:WYS[]ab ^`WRSTSabWdOZaWbabO`bSR]cbTOW`ZgVc[PZg7bOZZ PSUO\W\'' eWbVO[]RSabOTbS`\]]\SdS\bOb BVS:SdSZAW\QSbVS\WbVOaQ]\aWabS\bZgU`]e\W\ aWhSO\RabObc`SO\R\]eObb`OQbaUOgaT`][OZZ OQ`]aabVSC9 EVS`SOa>`WRS:]\R]\VOaVORWbac^a O\RR]e\aeWbVObbS[^bab]QVO`USbV]aS ObbS\RW\UO\RSfS`QWaSaW\`SP`O\RW\U·;O`RW 5`Oa¸O\g]\S-0`WUVb]\VOaOZeOgaYS^bWbTOW`Zg aW[^ZS³O\Rc\R]cPbSRZgU`]e\ab`]\US`T]` \]bbO[^S`W\UeWbVWbaT]`[cZOBVS`S¸aObVS[SR [O`QVT]ZZ]eSRPgOPWUT`SS^O`bgW\>`Sab]\ >O`Y³eWbVOVO\RTcZ]`Tc\R`OWaS`aO\R Oaa]QWObSRSdS\baW\bVSROgaZSORW\Uc^b]bVS [OW\QSZSP`ObW]\BVS`S[WUVb`O`SZgPSPWU\O[S OQba]\bVSabOUSPcbbVOb¸aS\ac`SRbVObO\g []\Sg`OWaSRU]Sab]ac^^]`bW\UbVSTSabWdOZ O\RYSS^W\UOR[WaaW]\T`SS³eWbVO\gORRWbW]\OZ []\Sg`OWaSRac^^]`bW\UZ]QOZUOgQOcaSa µ>`WRS4SabWdOZeSSYVSZRW\/cUcab QcZ[W\ObW\UW\bVS1O`\WdOZ>O`ORSO\R>`Sab]\ >O`YSdS\b^`]dWRSabVS^ZObT]`[O\R S\dW`]\[S\bb]^`]dWRSSdS\babVOb\]b]\Zg QObS`T]`bVSRWdS`aS\SSRa]TbVSZ]QOZ:50B Q][[c\WbgPcbOZa]OQbOaOT]QcaT]`:50B dWaWPWZWbgeWbVW\bVSeWRS`Q][[c\Wbg¶aOgaO >`WRSa^]YSa^S`a]\µ=TTWQWOZSabW[ObSaW\RWQObS bVObbVS1O`\WdOZ>O`ORSO\R>`Sab]\>O`YSdS\b Obb`OQbSR[]`SbVO\ dWaWb]`aZOabgSO` O\R]dS`"TZ]ObaO\RbOPZSOcf^O`ORSRbV`]cUV bVSVSO`b]TbVSQWbg;O\g]TbVSaS^O`bWQW^O\ba eS`ST`][bVSZ]QOZ:50BQ][[c\Wbg]TOZZ OUSaSa^SQWOZZgbV]aSeV][Og]bVS`eWaSTSSZ [O`UW\OZWhSR;]abW[^]`bO\bZgbVSeWRS` ^]^cZObW]\]T0`WUVb]\O\R6]dSX]W\OQSZSP`ObW]\ ]TbVSRWdS`aWbg]TbVSQWbgBVSSdS\bWaT`SSb] ObbS\Ra]bVS`SO`S\]PO``WS`ab]S\b`gT]`O\g]\S S\Q]c`OUW\UbVSQcZbc`S]TW\QZcaWdS\SaaO\R OQQS^bO\QS]TeVWQV0`WUVb]\O\R6]dSWa^`]cR¶ PHOTOGRAPH © BRITAINONVIEW/BRIGHTONONVIEW 0@756B=<6/A/<3AB7;/B325/G>=>C:/B7=<=4 =D3@"/<2G/@2C>=<G/@2=4>/:3>/AB3: >@=;3</23/AB63C9¸A?C33@3AB@3A=@B53/@A C>4=@7BA/<<C/:>@7237<0@756B=<6=D3 13:30@/B7=< &8C:G³#/C5CAB=CBB/93A/ :==9/BE6/BG=C1/<3F>31B¬ WWW.BRIGHTONPRIDE.ORG 3dS\baVO^^S\W\UW\bVS`c\c^b]>`WRSW\QZcRS bVSTW\OZ]TbVS>`WRS¸a5]bBOZS\bQ]\bSabObbVS ?cSS\¸a/`[a/cUO\REVW^1`OQY/eOgOb Ab/\R`Se¸a1Vc`QV]\BVc`aROg /cUcabO\R 4`WROg!/cUcabBVSZObbS`WaO\SQZSQbWQaV]e]T bOZS\beWbVV]ab2OdWR@OdS\;OWaWSB`]ZZSbbSO\R bVS0`WUVb]\O\R6]dS5Og;S\¸a1V]`caBVS QcZ[W\ObW]\]TbVS>`WRSTSabWdWbWSaWac\R]cPbSRZg bVS[OW\^O`ORSO\R>`Sab]\>O`Y^O`bgeVWQV bVWagSO`eWZZVOdSbVSbVS[S·BVS;caWQOZa¸ $ PHOTOGRAPH: © WWW.REALBRIGHTON.COM MAP THE PARADE BVWagSO`¸a1O`\WdOZ>O`ORS]\AObc`ROg"/cUcab ^`][WaSab]PSSdS\[]`SQ]Z]c`TcZO\RSfQWbW\U bVO\SdS`eWbVOTO\bOabWQO``Og]TTZ]ObaeOZYW\U U`]c^aabWZbeOZYS`aPO\RaO\R]TQ]c`aSO[OhW\U Q]abc[Sa3f^SQbQVO`OQbS`aRO\QSaO\Ra]\Ua T`][bVSZWYSa]T5`SOaSESabAWRSAb]`g5cga O\R2]ZZa=YZOV][O;]cZW\@]cUSBVSA]c\R =T;caWQO\R0cUag;OZ]\S BVS^O`ORSaSba]TTT`][;ORSW`O2`WdSOb !O[O\ReWZZeS\RWba[S``geOgb]>`Sab]\ >O`Yb]O``WdSPg\]ZObS`bVO\^[/aW\^Oab gSO`abVSab`SSbaeWZZPSZW\SRPgbV]caO\Ra]T ^S]^ZSg]c\UO\R]ZReV]OZZQ][S]cbb]S\X]g O\Rac^^]`bbVSO[OhW\Ua^SQbOQZS4]`bVWa gSO`]\ZgRcSb]bVS`]ORe]`YaW\<]`bVAb`SSb bVS^O`ORS`]cbSeWZZPSaZWUVbZgaV]`bS`O\ROa W\^`SdW]cagSO`abVS^O`ORSeWZZPSVSORSRc^ PgbVS^]ZWQSeWbV]dS`&]TTWQS`aT`][AcaaSf Ac``SgO\R6O[^aVW`S >`WRSabWZZ\SSRaabSeO`RaT]`bVS>O`ORSa]WT g]cTO\Qgd]Zc\bSS`W\UQOZZbVS[]\ %!%%#'!' PRIDE IN THE PARK THE SCENE BRIGHTON’S GAY QUARTER CAN BE FOUND CHIEFLY AROUND ST JAMES STREET AND OLD STEINE, STRETCHING ALONG THE FRONT FROM THE PALACE PIER INTO THE AREA CALLED KEMPTOWN… OR ‘CAMPTOWN’ AS IT IS SOMETIMES DUBBED. ADRIAN GILLAN CHECKS OUT SOME OF THE VENUES WORTH A VISIT… The Bulldog Tavern (31 St James Street), on St James Street itself, is the oldest gay venue still functioning. It’s got very late opening hours and will be open around the clock for Pride. The Marine Tavern (13 Broad Street), just off on Broad Street, joins a crowd of other traditional Kemptown bars that generally cater for the older crowd, while the bears tend to head for the Star Inn (7-9 Manchester Street). Or try the all-in-one Amsterdam (11-12 Marine Parade) on the seafront - a hotel-bar-sauna multiplex that pulls in travellers from afar who strangely fancy everything under one roof. To rev up, the Queen’s Arms (7 George Street) - over on George Street across St James’ - is still one of the liveliest, campest pubs in town with regular drag acts and karaoke laid on all week for a drunken cheery crowd. R-Bar (7 Marine Parade) ups the style stakes with unbeatable views of pier and sea. Almost next door, Charles Street (8 Marine Parade) – a bit like Soho’s Rupert Street but bigger - is the real style-meister hereabouts, with room for 500, many of whom you’ll find queuing at the long bar, if not busy making a big entrance or exit down the illuminated ramp. massive Wild Fruit (Creation, 78 West Street This year Wild Fruit’s official post-Pride party will take place at Audio, with tickets £18-£20. Other post-Pride parties include a Monkey meets Crash Pride Special at Gloucester Nightclub, and a Discotec and Queer Nation special at the Ocean Rooms – check for ticket information. 4]ZZ]eW\UbVS>O`ORS>`Sab]\>O`Y^ZOgaV]aba b]OZZ]TbVScacOZ>`WRSTOd]c`WbSaW\QZcRW\UbVS @SdS\US1OPO`SbBS\bV]abSRPgbVSZcaQW]ca :]ZO:OaOU\SbVSEWZR4`cWb0WUB]^>]^abO`h bVSE][S\¸a>S`T]`[O\QSBS\b0SO`abS\b 1OZOPOaV\c[S`]caPO`aOTc\TOW`[O`YSbO`SO bVSA^SQb`c[/QQSaabS\bO\RbVS>OcZEWZRS :W\S2O\QW\UbS\bBVS`SWaOZa]a][SbOZY]TO \SeORRWbW]\bVWagSO`W\bVST]`[]TOB`O\abS\b BVWagSO`>`WRSWa^`]cRb]O\\]c\QSbVObbVS 0O`QZOga1][[c\WbgDWZZOUSVOa[]`SabO\RabVO\ SdS`PST]`SeWbVZ]QOZ:50BU`]c^aO\RQVO`WbWSa PS\STWbW\UT`][T`SSa^OQSO\R[O\gUSbbW\U ac^^]`bT]`bVSW`OQbWdWbWSaT`][bVSQWbgQ]c\QWZ ST JAMES STREET 7Tg]cabWZZVOdSbVSS\S`UgOb&^[eVS\bVS>O`Y QZ]aSaO\RTW\Rg]c`aSZTeWbV]cbO^O`bg]`SdS\b b]U]b]XcabT]ZZ]ebVSQ`]eRaPOQYb]b]e\O\R g]ceWZZTW\RAb8O[SaAb`SSbeWZZeSZQ][Sg]c7\ OQO`T`SSS\dW`]\[S\bbVS`SeWZZPSPO`a]\bVS ab`SSbaO\ROU`SObOb[]a^VS`SbV`]cUV]cbbVS `]ORQZ]ac`SO`SOa There are several main devotedly-gay clubs in Brighton, each offering varied nightly flavours to suit most tastes. V2 (5 Steine Street) holds court on Steine Street. Around the block, Revenge (32 Old Steine is just about the biggest club in the south of England outside London, playing host to a young, mainstream crowd across multi-floors; vying with a host of regular rival nights – not least the :©W PHOTOGRAPH WW.REALB M RIGHTON.CO % =CbabO\RW\U THE SON ALWAYS & SSHINES B63A=<=48C:7= 75:3A7/A3<@7?C3 75:3A7/A7A>@=0/0:G <=E;=@34/;=CA B6/<67A2/23D3@E/A A1=@7<5E=@:2E723 67BAE7B6B63:793A=4 ·0/7:/;=A¸/<2·63@=¸ /4B3@5@/17<5B63B=> 47D3E7B6<3EA7<5:3 ·2=G=C9<=EB63 >7<5>=<5A=<5¸/<2 E=E7<5B631@=E2A /B5/GD3@=<71/ >/@93@1/C56BC>E7B6 B63:/B7<AC>3@AB/@ 4=@=CB¬ 7B¸A033</E67:3A7<13G=C@:/AB/:0C;%E6/B6/D3G=C 033<2=7<5-E6/B272G=C2==<G=C@B7;3=44EVOb7eOaR]W\UeOa`SQ]`RW\UO\RbVS\7¸RbOYSP`SOYaO\R7e]cZRXcab ZWabS\b]eVOb7`SQ]`RSR7e]cZRbOYSOeSSY]TTSdS`gbV`SS[]\bVaO\R 7e]cZRZSOdSO\RXcabU]b];SfWQ]O\RZWabS\b]bVSabcTTVO\U]cb]\bVS PSOQVO\R`SZOf/abW[SYS^b^OaaW\U7e]cZR\]bWQSbVObSdS`gaWf[]\bVa bVSOZPc[e]cZRbOYS]\ORWTTS`S\bRW`SQbW]\7beOaT`cab`ObW\UObbW[Sa 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open-air gay gathering of the last six months, the launch of Canadian popsters Dragonette has not quite set the world alight in the way that label Mercury might have desired. They were arguably robbed of a chart hit with debut single ‘I Get Around’, and if second single ‘Take It Like A Man’ has not earned itself a place in the top 30 by the time you read this, then there’s something seriously amiss. With cute husband and wife duo Dan and Martina (backed by fellow Canadian Joel and Brit guitarist Will), melodic hooks aplenty, a classic pop sensibility and the hint of something a bit darker and fetishistic beneath the chart-friendly sheen, all the ingredients are seemingly in place… or are they just lacking that indefinable X factor? Debut album Galore follows pretty much the same template laid down by their first two singles. Guitardriven electro pop that veers between Gwen Stefani and MOR 80s acts like Duran Duran. Possible future singles include the likes of ‘Black Limousine’, with its squelchy synths, and the Christian-baiting ‘Jesus Doesn’t Love Me’, in which Martina possibly tries to hard to push the ‘ooh, aren’t we naughty’ angle a little too hard. Dragonette produce polished pop that’s a lot better than some of the dross clogging up the lower reaches of the charts. However, on the evidence of Galore, the jury’s still out on whether they’ve got the nous to make the leap from first division to premier league. DH From the opening lyric of Damage, it’s apparent that vocalist Sian Evans has just recently come out of a bitch of a relationship. Against a gutsy backdrop of drum and bass, the first Kosheen release in over four years is Evan’s thinly-veiled attempt at catharsis - and it doesn’t always make for easy or comfortable listening. On ‘Thief’, she positively spits, “You keep your jacket, I don’t want it!”. Elsewhere, on tracks like ‘Same Ground Again’ and ‘Overkill’, Evans further unleashes her frustration and despair at the disintegration of her union. The name Kosheen is derived from the Japanese symbols for ‘old’ and ‘new’, and Damage combines both elements of the band’s namesake. On a handful of tracks, the Bristol-based trio revisit some of the acidic elements of their debut album Resist, but the songs have a tendency to get a little lost amongst the bleeps and techno flourishes. Damage has more impact when the formula is thrown out the window. ‘Analogue Street Dub’ is sparse and fuzzy, ‘Guilty’ pits the guitar riff of The Cure’s ‘A Forest’ against new-wave pop, and ‘Under Fire’ is effectively haunting and minimalist. The highlight of Damage, however, is ‘Cruel Heart’, a song Evans wrote about her teenage son discovering his independence from her. It’s truthful without being sentimental... and the subject provides a welcome relief from the trauma of her bitter break-up. Here’s hoping she finds more contentment before album number five. MW Out: 6 August +++++ Out: 27 August +++++ KOSHEEN DARREN HAYES This Delicate Thing We’ve Made (Powdered Sugar) Savage Garden sold over 25 million records within the space of four years, managing to crack the lucrative American market in the process. Perhaps singer Darren Hayes saw himself as some kind of tortured artist trapped within a generic pop act, because just like George Michael did with Wham!, he split the band up at the height of their fame. On his first two solo outings, Hayes flirted with electronica, but the songs lacked conviction and subsequently failed to cut through or score the same amount of commercial success as he’d previously enjoyed. However, This Delicate Thing We’ve Made, an ambitious double offering that he’s released on his own label, is dark, brave, and much more strident. Although he’s gone to great pains to mark his own identity, Hayes pays distinct homage to his idols. He often employs a lyrical obliqueness similar to Kate Bush’s work; he plunders Prince’s Purple Rain on the funktastic ‘Bombs Up In My Face’; and ‘Who Would Have Thought’ could easily be a cast-off from Madonna’s Ray Of Light. Double albums have a reputation for being self-indulgent and inconsistent, but Hayes only briefly drops the ball in the middle of the second CD. ‘I Just Want You To Love Me’ nods to the schmaltzy heyday of Savage Garden, briefly reminding us of a past which, elsewhere, he’s done such a good job of letting us forget about. MW Out: 20 August +++++ WORDS BY DAVID HUDSON AND MICHAEL WILTON DRAGONETTE Galore (Universal) =Cb\]e 3<B3@B/7<;3<B ! =Cb]TaWUVb 47:; FILMS OUT IN AUGUST KNOCKED UP 4`][e`WbS`O\RRW`SQb]`8cRR/^Ob]eBVS "GSO`=ZRDW`UW\\SeQ][SRg9\]QYSR C^VOa^`]dSRO\c\Sf^SQbSRaZSS^S`VWbW\ bVSAbObSaASbV@]US\^ZOgaaZOQYS`0S\eV] S\X]gaOR`c\YS\]\S\WUVbabO\ReWbV`WaW\UBD ^`SaS\bS`/ZWa]\9ObVS`W\S6SWUZB]bVSW\WbWOZ RWa[OgO\RaV]QY]TP]bV/ZWa]\RWaQ]dS`aaVS¸a ^`SU\O\bO\RbVSQ]c^ZSRSQWRST]`bVSaOYS ]TbVSW`QVWZRbVObbVSgaV]cZRUWdSbVSW` `SZObW]\aVW^OU]4`][bVObaZWUVb^`S[WaS /^Ob]eVOaQ`OTbSROeO`[aeSSbO\RdS`g Tc\\gTWZ[eVWQVc\ZWYSa][O\g6]ZZge]]R Q][SRWSaWa\]bOW[SRa_cO`SZgObbVSbSS\ [O`YSbGSabVS`S¸aa][SQ`cRSVc[]c`OP]cb bVSeV]ZSPW]Z]UWQOZ^`]QSaa]T^`SU\O\QgPcb PgW\ZO`USbVSZOcUVaRS`WdST`][bVSOZZb]] Vc[O\QVO`OQbS`aO\RbVS^`SRWQO[S\baW\ eVWQVbVSgTW\RbVS[aSZdSa7b¸aOTWZ[bVObeWZZ O^^SOZXcabOa[cQVb]bVSZORa[O`YSbOaWbeWZZ b]bVSZ]dS`a]TQVWQYTZWQYa¬eVWQVWa^`]POPZg eVgWbeWZZc\R]cPbSRZg`S^SObWbaAbObSaWRS acQQSaa]dS`VS`S =cb( "/cUcab THE HOAX ;]ZW\OVSQ]c\ba ]\bVSTOQbbVObbVS S\WU[ObWQO\R`SQZcaWdS 6cUVSae]cZR\SdS` `WaY^cPZWQZgaV]eW\U VW[aSZTb]]^S\Zg RS\]c\QSVWae]`Y]T TWQbW]\7b¸aO\]bW]\ bVOb[WUVbaSS[ ^`S^]abS`]cab]ca b]ROgW\Oe]`ZReVS`S bVS^O^O`OhhWVc\b R]e\SdS\bVSaVgSab ]TQSZSP`WbWSaPcbbVOb ]\Zg[OYSabVSSOaS eWbVeVWQVVSeOa OPZSb]T]]Za][O\g OZZbVS[]`SaV]QYW\U /a7`dW\U_cWQYZgZSO`\a RcSb]bVS\Obc`S]T 6cUVSa¸TO[SbVS +++++ SUNSHINE OUT: 27 AUGUST Director Danny Boyle’s epic scifi spectacle may not be able to quite decide whether it wants to be 2001: A Space Odyssey, Silent Running, Alien or Event Horizon, but it still provides more than enough special effects and thrills to keep fans of the genre happy. Cillian Murphy and Chris Evans star as the astronauts on a mission to revive the dying sun and save the earth... when they pick up a distress signal from another craft. FAST FOOD NATION OUT: 27 AUGUST PWUUS`O\R[]`S ]cbZO\RWaVbVSZWSaVS bSZZaOP]cbVW[bVS []`S^S]^ZSO`S ^`S^O`SRb]PSZWSdS VW[¬O\RbVSRSS^S` VSTW\RaVW[aSZT b`O^^SRW\aWRSVWa]e\ TO\bOabWQQ`SObW]\ /ZbV]cUV\]SRUS]T aSObbV`WZZS`BVS6]Of WaO\W\bS`SabW\UO\R bV]cUV^`]d]YW\UTWZ[ bVObWaOcbVS\bWQOZZg P`]cUVbb]ZWTSPg RW`SQb]`:OaaS 6OZZab`][1WRS`6]caS @cZSa1V]Q]ZOb 7baVSRaZWUVb]\O T]`U]bbS\'%a aQO\ROZO\RZSOdSag]c UcSaaW\USfOQbZgeVS`S bVSZW\SPSbeSS\TOQb O\RTWQbW]\aV]cZRPS R`Oe\`WUVbc^ c\bWZbVSS\R =cb(!/cUcab +++++ BVSdS`g]RRSab]T]RRPOZZ`][Q][abVWaZ]ePcRUSbTSObc`S T`][<SeHSOZO\RQ]\QS`\aZ]\SZg:WZg;Q9W\\]\:]`S\6]`aZSg O[WaTWbTOabT]]Re]`YS`eV]TOZZaVSOR]dS`VSSZaT]`aSZT]PaSaaSR O\RQVWZRZWYSQ][^cbS`UO[SaQVO[^W]\8O``]R8S[OW\S1ZS[S\b EVS\8O``]R`Sbc`\ab]VWaV][Sb]e\]\O[WaaW]\]T`SdS\US:WZg T]ZZ]eaVW[¬]\Zgb]PSa^c`\SRPg8O``]RPcbS[P`OQSRPgVWa Y]]YgTO[WZgBVWaRSPcbTSObc`ST`][e`WbS`RW`SQb]`BOWYOEOWbWbWWa OZWbbZS`S[W\WaQS\b]TTSZZ]e<SeHSOZO\RS`8O\S1O[^W]\¸aSO`Zg e]`YAeSSbWSPcbeWbV[]`SZOcUV]cbZ]cR[][S\ba7baac``SOZ Vc[]c`[WUVb^`]dSObc`\]TTT]`a][SPcbQcZbabObcaWaOaac`SR =cb(%/cUcab " Will Ferrell and Jon Heder are the rival figure skating champions who are forced to unite as a team after they find themselves disqualified from competing as singles. Good for a giggle, this is an effective but generic Hollywood comedy that offers slapstick humour, light-hearted homo-eroticism and lots of outrageous Lyrcra outfits. But please Will, no more sports send-ups, eh? +++++ EAGLE VS. SHARK +++++ BLADES OF GLORY OUT: 6 AUGUST Greg Kinnear, Ethan Hawke, Patricia Arquette, Avril Lavigne and Kris Kristofferson are among the ensemble cast in Richard Linklater’s semi-successful adaptation of Eric Schlosser’s worldwide bestseller. A series of interwoven, separate stories examine t he underbelly of the fast food industry, from the production of its menus to the exploitation of lowly-paid staff and migrant workers. +++++ WHEN THE LEVEES BROKE OUT: 27 AUGUST If you missed this when it was on BBC4 earlier this year, do try and catch a viewing of this on DVD. Director Spike Lee’s monumental and epic documentary on the damage and aftermath wreaked by Hurricane Katrina upon New Orleans – and the ensuing bureaucratic ineptitude of the authorities - is unmissable. It draws heavily on first hand accounts from the survivors of the worst natural disaster in living US history. It’s both gripping viewing and a testament to the spirit of the citizens of this stricken city. +++++ REVIEWS BY DAVID HUDSON @WQVO`R5S`Sbc`\aW\ ]\S]TVWaPSabSdS` ^S`T]`[O\QSaW\bVWa b`cSZWTSab]`g]T1ZWTT]`R 7`dW\UOT`cab`ObSR \]dSZWabeV]POQYW\ '% Q]]YSRc^bVS WRSO]TTOYW\U6]eO`R 6cUVSa¸Ocb]PW]U`O^Vg O\RacPaS_cS\bZg ^]QYSbW\UOVcUS ORdO\QST`][VWa ^cPZWaVS`a6]eRWR bVS[O\W^cZObWdSO\R RWaV]\Sab7`dW\U W[OUW\SbVObVSe]cZR SdS`USbOeOgeWbV acQVO`caS-/WRSRPg T`WS\R@WQVO`RAcaYW\R VS`S^ZOgSRP`WZZWO\bZg Pg0`WbOW\¸a/ZT`SR THE BEST DVDS AUGUST ’07 =Cb]TaWUVb AB=@G THE WALKER /\W\b`WUcW\Uac`^`WaW\UO\R`ObVS`c\cacOZ QW\S[ObWQ]TTS`W\UVS`ST`][>OcZAQV`ORS` eV]TW`abQO[Sb]^`][W\S\QSOaOaQ`W^be`WbS` eWbVbVSZWYSa]TBOfW2`WdS`O\R@OUW\U0cZZ PST]`S[OYW\UVWa]e\RW`SQb]`WOZ\O[SeWbVbVS TWZ[a/[S`WQO\5WU]Z]O\R;WaVW[O 2W`SQbW\UT`][VWa]e\aQ`W^bAQV`ORS`¸a Z]eYSgTWZ[Q]\QS`\aWbaSZTeWbV1O`bS`>OUS777O eOa^WaVeWbbgO\RaZWUVbZg^`Waag"a][SbVW\U UOg[O\1][T]`bOPZg`WQVVSe]`Ya^O`bbW[SOa OEOaVW\Ub]\SabObSOUS\bO\RW\bS`W]`RSaWU\S` O\ReWZSaOeOgVWaSdS\W\UaOaOQ]\a]`bO\R ·eOZYS`¸T]`bVSeWdSa]TEOaVW\Ub]\^]ZWbWQOZ SZWbS³SaQ]`bW\UbVS[b]bVS]^S`OO\RTc\QbW]\a bVObbVSW`VcaPO\RaVOdSZWbbZSW\bS`SabW\]` SfQVO\UW\UU]aaW^eWbVbVS[]dS`eSSYZgQO`R aSaaW]\a EVS\]\S^O`bWQcZO`T`WS\RaS\Ob]`¸aeWTS :g\\S9`WabW\AQ]bbBV][OaRWaQ]dS`abVOb VS`Z]dS`VOaPSS\[c`RS`SR>OUSOU`SSab] YSS^_cWSbOP]cbVS`RWaQ]dS`g]TbVSP]Rg O\RW\abSORbSZZabVS^]ZWQSbVObVSeOabVS]\S b]abc[PZSOQ`]aabVSRSORZ]PPgWab6]eSdS` eVS\bVS^]ZWQSacPaS_cS\bZgb`SOb>OUSOa bVSW`^`W[Saca^SQbVSa]]\RWaQ]dS`abVObVWa eSZZQ]\\SQbSRT`WS\RaO`S_cWQYb]RSaS`bVW[ ^`][^bW\UVW[b]_cSabW]\VWaZ]gOZbgb]bVS[ O\RbVSZWTSbVObVSVOaQ`SObSRT]`VW[aSZT BVSEOZYS`Wac\cacOZT]`[OYW\UWbaVS`]O QVO`OQbS`bVOb6]ZZge]]Re]cZRb`ORWbW]\OZZg `SZSUObSb]bVSaWRSZW\SaE]]Rg6O``SZa]\ SfQSZaVW[aSZTW\O`]ZSbVObeWZZc\R]cPbSRZga^ZWb OcRWS\QSa1O`bS`>OUSWaObTW`ab\]bbVS[]ab $ GAY FILM CLUB DO YOU HAVE AN INTEREST IN FILM, BUT NOT ALWAYS SOMEONE TO ACCOMPANY YOU TO CATCH THE LATEST ART HOUSE MASTERPIECE? OR DO YOU JUST FANCY MAKING NEW FRIENDS WHILST TAKING IN THE LATEST MULTIPLEX BLOCKBUSTER? ag[^ObVSbWQaQ`SS\Q`SObW]\a]YSS\WaVSb] ZSOROZWTS]T`Sa^SQbOPWZWbgO\RacQYc^b]VWa eSZZVSSZSRTS[OZSQ][^O\W]\aO\R]TbS\ObbVS Sf^S\aS]TVWa`SZObW]\aVW^eWbVg]c\US`O`bWab P]gT`WS\R3[SY;]`Wbh0ZSWPb`Sc6STOQSaO RWZS[[ObVObeWZZb]cQVO\S`dSeWbV[O\gOUOg dWSeS`³V]eTO`aV]cZRVSU]W\R]e\^ZOgW\U VWaaSfcOZWbgb]acQQSSRO\RPSOQQS^bSRPgVWa VSbS`]aSfcOZ^SS`a-/ZbV]cUVVSR]Sa\¸bZWdSW\ bVSQZ]aSbVSTW\RaWbSOagb]OR]^bbVSSf^SQbSR `]ZS]TbVSeWbbgO\RaVOZZ]eV][]aSfcOZ]dS` O\ROP]dSO\gbVW\U[]`SbV`SSRW[S\aW]\OZ]` QVOZZS\UW\U7b¸aO\O\UZS]\UOgaSfcOZWbgbVObVOa `O`SZg`SQSWdSRbVS6]ZZge]]Rb`SOb[S\bPST]`S O\ROZbV]cUVZ]ePcRUSbBVSEOZYS`WaPZSaaSR eWbVO\OZZabO`QOab:WZgB][ZW\:Oc`S\0OQOZZ <SR0SObbgO\REWZZS[2ST]SQ]abO` C\T]`bc\ObSZgWba[OW\TZOeWabVS[c`RS` [gabS`g^Z]bWbaSZTeVWQVWac\\SQSaaO`WZg Q][^ZWQObSR/ZbV]cUVeSR]TW\R]cbbVS`SOZ [c`RS`S`7ZSTbbVSaQ`SS\W\UabWZZ\]bS\bW`SZg ac`S]TbVSW`[]bWdS4]`bVWaO\RbVSTOQbbVOb [OW\ab`SO[OcRWS\QSa[Og\]bQO`ST]`>OUS¸a X]c`\Sg]TaSZTRWaQ]dS`g7^`SRWQbBVSEOZYS` [Og\]b`SOQV[O\gQW\S[OaQ`SS\aEVWQVWa OaVO[S7T]c\R[gaSZTeO`[W\Ub]6O``SZa]\¸a ^]`b`OgOZ]TbVSS[]bW]\OZZgabc\bSR>OUSO\R QVSS`W\UVWaSdS\bcOZaSZTOQQS^bO\QS =cb(/cUcab ((((( Out recently stumbled across the London-based Gay Film Club on MySpace (www.myspace. com/gayfilmclub). The concept is simple – a group of gay film lovers get together once every 2-3 weeks to watch a movie, with events co-ordinated via messages on MySpace. The group was set up in March by one Nick Boogiepop. “The film club was born out of two reasons,” he told Out. “The first is simply my passion for film and how little I had been getting to the cinema for a while. I would always have a checklist of upcoming films I really wanted to see, but as their release dates came, I either wouldn’t manage to find a time when both myself and one of my friends were able to go, or worse yet a time would be set up only for my friends to cancel on me at the last minute. “I felt that setting up a film club would mean that even if it was just a handful of people that turned up there would always be somebody to see the film with. Also, making it into an event such as this would give people that extra little incentive to go out to the cinema. “The second reason was that I just felt it would be nice to have a gay social gathering outside of clubs, which really tended to be the only place I would meet new people.” Gay Film Club is currently organising a home edition to view a John Waters triple bill, plus a cinema outing to see either Transformers or The Simpsons Movie – they’re currently debating online as to what most people want to see! Check the MySpace site for more details. “The best way to stay in touch is definitely the MySpace,” says Nick. “However, I have just recently set up a Facebook group also (London Gay Film Club) and I am starting up a mailing list - send an email to gayfilmclub@hotmail. to join.” =Cb]TaWUVb 3<B3@B/7<;3<B % =Cb\]e B63/B@3 ALL THAT JAZZ PHOTOGRAPHS BY CATHERINE ASHMORE 2=C5:/A;/G=@3D73EAB632@=EAG16/>3@=<3¬ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Q Out was pleased to join with the cast of Avenue Q at the Noel Coward Theatre as they celebrated the first birthday of the West End production recently. It’s a tribute to the material that many of the original cast are still with the production 12 months down & the line – something that is increasingly rare in the West End these days. Having seen the production shortly after it opened last year it was great to revisit what has become an even funnier evening in the theatre. Huge credit must go to Jon Robyns, Simon Lipkin and Julie Atheron who, as BVS2`]eag1VO^S`]\SabO`bSRZWTSOaO\S\bS`bOW\[S\b T]`OT`WS\R¸aeSRRW\U`SQS^bW]\7beS\bR]e\a]eSZZ Q`SOb]`a2]\;Q9SZZO`0]P;O`bW\:WaO:O[PS`bO\R5`SU ;]`Waa]\RSdSZ]^SRbVSabOUSaV]eeVWQVeS\bT`][ RSPcbW\UObbVSB]`]\b]4`W\US4SabWdOZb]^`]dW\UOa[OaV VWb]\0`]OReOg BVSESab3\R^`]RcQbW]\VOaPSS\ Z]dW\UZg`SQ`SObSRPgbVS]`WUW\OZ0`]OReOg ^`]RcQbW]\bSO[eWbV0]P;O`bW\OUOW\ `S^`WaW\UVWa`]ZSOa·;O\7\1VOW`¸3ZOW\S>OWUS[OYSa VS`Z]\U]dS`RcS`Sbc`\b]bVSESab3\ROZbV]cUVb]PS V]\SabVS`TO\a[OgTW\RbVWa`]ZSR]Sa\¸bTcZZgSf^Z]WbVS` bOZS\baAVSR]SabVSPSabeWbV[ObS`WOZOTT]`RSRVS` O\RbVSZWYSa]TAc[[S`Ab`OZZS\8]V\>Ob`WRUSO\R <WY]ZOa5`OQSOZa]aVW\SBVSabO`]TbVSaV]ebV]cUVWa c\R]cPbSRZgbVSOT]`S[S\bW]\SR;`;O`bW\eV]\]b]\Zg e`]bSBVS2`]eag1VO^S`]\SP]]YeWbV2]\;Q9SZZO` PcbUWdSaOb]c`RST]`QS^S`T]`[O\QSTcZZ]TVc[]c`O\R ^ObV]aBVS`SO`S\]VWUVbSQVb`WQYaVS`SeS¸ZZZSOdSbVOb b]:]`R=TBVS@W\UabVWaWaObOZS\bR`WdS\aV]ebVOb RSaS`dSab]PSaSS\7\OgSO`bVObVOaaSS\]dS` [caWQOZaW\dORSbVSESab3\RbVWa]\SVOaaZW^^SRW\ _cWSbZgPcb\]\SbVSZSaaRSaS`dSaSdS`gPWbOa[cQV ObbS\bW]\OaWbaZO`US`O\R[]`SVg^SRQ]c\bS`^O`ba /TbS`]c`\WUVb]cbeWbVBVS2`]eag1VO^S`]\SeS VSO`RbVSaOR\SeabVObbVSaV]eWaaQVSRcZSRb]QZ]aS]\ "/cUcabRcSb]^]]`ObbS\RO\QSa7Tg]c¸`SOPZSb]USbO bWQYSb7c`USg]cb]R]a]PST]`SWbRWaO^^SO`aT`][bVS :]\R]\abOUST]`U]]R Box office: 0870-950 0935 - the lead puppeteers, have created some truly memorable characters – from internet porn-loving monsters and gay republican accountants and the truly inspired Bad Idea Bears. With tickets recently reduced midweek to a top price of £35, now’s the time to book tickets and check out what all the fuss is about! Box office: 0870 950 0902 PHOTOGRAPH BY DAVID DOLMAN 7¸RVSO`ROZ]b]TU]]RbVW\UaOP]cbBVS2`]eag 1VO^S`]\Sa]eOaOPWbVSaWbO\bPST]`SbOYW\U[gaSOb ObbVS<]dSZZ]BVSOb`SG]cY\]ebVObTSSZW\U-EVS\ g]ce]``gOP]cbg]c`VWUVSf^SQbObW]\aPSW\UROaVSRBVS[caWQOZeWbVWba]ZRTOaVW]\SRabgZW\UaO\R W[OUS`gaSS[SRObV`]ePOQYb]ORWTTS`S\bS`O³V]e e]cZRWbQcbbVS[cabO`RW\bVS abQS\bc`gESab3\R S\dW`]\[S\bBVSaV]eWaO]\SOQb[caWQOZS\bS`bOW\[S\be]dS\ O`]c\RbVSabgZW\UaQ]\QSWbaO\R^S`T]`[S`abVOb [ORSc^bVS[caWQOZa]TbVS' aO\R/[S`WQO\ XOhhOUS/cRWS\QSaO`SaV]e\O`SQ`SObW]\]T O' ¸a[caWQOZQOZZSRBVS2`]eag1VO^S`]\S bV`]cUVbVSSgSa]T·;O\7\1VOW`¸O[caWQOZ bVSOb`SO\]`OYeV]QVS`WaVSaVWa^`SQW]cadW\gZ OZPc[aO\RVOaO^S`VO^ac\VSOZbVgS\QgQZ] ^OSRWQY\]eZSRUS]TSdS`gOa^SQb]T bVS[caWQOZaVSa]]PdW]caZgOR]`Sa /abVSQOab`SQ]`RW\UPSUW\ab]^ZOgVWaR`SO`g <SeG]`YTZObWab`O\aT]`[SRPgO\O``Og]TZO`US`bVO\ ZWTSQVO`OQbS`aOabVSS\bW`S[caWQOZ]`ObZSOabbVS[caWQOZ Oa`SQ]`RSR]\bVSOZPc[bOYS]dS`BVWaWaOTO`QWQOZbOZS]T Z]dS[WaQVWSTO\R[OgVS[Q][^ZSbSeWbVTS[OZSW\U{\cS OROaVW\UZSORW\U[O\OVO\Ra][S7bOZWO\1OaO\]dOQ][WQ UO\UabS`aO\ROaQS\SabSOZW\UZSORW\UZORg4`]bVg[caWQOZ \c[PS`aUS\cW\SZgTc\\gX]YSaO\RaWUVbUOUaOP]c\ROa bVWabOZSc\T]ZRaObP`SOY\SQY^OQS7b¸a_cWbS`O`Sb]TW\RO ESab3\ROcRWS\QSZOcUVW\U]cbZ]cRT]`^`]Z]\USR^S`W]Ra ]TbW[SPcb7T]c\R[gaSZTac``]c\RSRPgO\OcRWb]`Wc[ bVObVORTcZZgac``S\RS`SRbVS[aSZdSab]bVSaV]e¸a[O\g QVO`[aO\ReS`SVOdW\UObV]`]cUVZge]\RS`TcZbW[S =CbbVS`S 4==2 RESTAURANT HUDSON REVIEWS KU BAR’S NEW LUNCHTIME MENU… Ku Bar, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. t| 020-7437 4303. Pub grub can be very much a hit or miss affair… and usually more miss than hit. Thankfully, when the Ku Bar took up its lovely new residency on the corner of Lisle Street and decided to offer a lunchtime food menu, the team decided to call in some professional help. To this end, they’ve recruited the crew at Boulevard to prepare their new menu. Boulevard is the stylish, café-restaurant eatery that’s situated right next door to Comptons on Old Compton Street. The Boulevard chefs have come up with a small but perfectly formed selection of lunchtime treats, available at the Ku between the hours of noon and 4pm every day. If you’ve not yet been to the Ku, then this new menu is as good a reason as any to check it out. The new venue underwent a multi-thousand pound refurbishment to bring it up to Ku standards, including some gorgeous black and gold wallpaper, and all-new fixtures and fittings. The ground floor bar is long and narrow, with the tables at the far end being reserved for lunchtime food service. Lunch offers a selection of dishes priced in the £5-£8 region. We perused the menu while greedily gobbling down an array of warm bread, served with butter, olive oil and tapenade (a finely chopped olive paste). Dishes include the likes of minute steak baguette with French fries and tomato-onion chutney, honey oak smoked salmon with celeriac remoulade, Caesar salad, and a meat board, with a selection of Parma, Serrano and cured ham, salami and chorizio. My partner decided to try the homemade burger (£8) – which was a hefty slab of premium quality meat, served in a fresh bun and accompanied by chips and chutney. It certainly hit the spot. I opted for the Eggs Benedict – two freshly poached eggs served on ham and muffins, smothered in a Hollandaise sauce. Decent value at £6.50, and I’d happily have paid more if a smoked salmon version had been available. In fact, for those who like things a little fishy, the bar’s signature dish is mussels – served either in white wine and cream, Thai curry or Calvados and apple sauce (£7.50). The Ku has seen business grow and grow since its move to swanky new premises. The introduction of a well-prepared and affordable lunchtime menu will hopefully attract further custom still, and certainly adds another string to this trend-setting gay bar’s bow. ! =CbdWSe AB=@G bVSZSTb]dS`YWbbg¸BVS\bVS`SeOabVOb·R]¸W\;O`QV /\g]\SSZaSSdS`PSS\b]O^O`bgbV`]e\PgO\SeZg QZOaaWTWSRPO\Y`c^b-G]cUSbQVO`USR!]\S\b`g b]Q]dS`g]c`T]]RO\RR`W\YbVS\a^S\RbV`SS V]c`aaOgW\UµgSa¬O\geOg¬¶ObdO`W]caW\bS`dOZa eWbVbVST]c`]bVS`^S]^ZSabc^WRS\]cUVb]abOg 0cbObZSOabeSeS`SaOb]\QcaVW]\ac\RS`O0? 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PHOTOGRAPHY BY CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM © PAGE 44 PRIDE LONDON It rained cats, dogs and gays... but that didn’t stop the partying! PAGE 48 JUICY The official post-Pride bash took place at Juicy. Unsurprisingly, it was packed to its A6/2=E:=C<5313:30@/B327BA07@B62/G7<8C:G illuminated rafters! SHADOW TURNSSIX /<2B63AB/44AB@7>>322=E<4=@B63=11/A7=< BVSUZWbhgO\RUZO[]`]caQSZSP`ObW]\aT]`bVSb`S\RaSbbW\UQZcP¸aaWfbVPW`bVROgObb`OQbSRZ]gOZ [S[PS`aO\RW\dWbSRUcSaba1VSQY^OUS#T]`]c`^WQbc`SaO\R`S^]`b !# =CbbVS`S @3D73E SALVATION E=@:2@3<=E<320@/<2A/:D/B7=< 7A9<=E<4=@7BA6756>@=2C1B7=< D/:C3AA=/:=BE/A3F>31B32=4 7B¸A>=AB>@723>/@BG¬ Held in the glamorously opulent setting of the art deco Bloomsbury Ballroom, the team transformed the venue with lighting rigs, a mega sound system, staging, podiums, lasers and chandeliers, creating an aural and visual feast for the senses. The crowd were whipped into a frenzy by a constant stream of stilt walkers, go-go’s and drag queens who paraded across the stages scattering give-aways and goodies to the upraised expectant hands. Speaking of the crowd, you’d be hard pushed to find a sexier, more buffed up, collection of guys and gals anywhere outside of Brazil. With gold as a theme many of the revellers had daubed themselves with metallic paints, donned impossibly tight gold shorts, glittered down their pec’s and festooned themselves with ornaments, chains and more bling than an Elizabeth Duke sample sale! Music came courtesy of deckmeisters Elliot Brown and Luke Hope, who dished out fruity and funked up house and arms-in-the-air anthems, and half way through the evening we were treated to a PA from gay-twin-brother-pop-duo Nemesis Rising (interviewed in last month’s mag). The crowd seemed somewhat bemused by a couple of shirtless 32-year-olds, but their debut single ‘Number One In Heaven’ is an inoffensive little pop ditty and their dance routines were certainly enthusiastic! Not bad for a couple of guys raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses! With their super-sexy dancers, lush venues, great DJs and the following of the hottest hunks on the scene, the Salvation crew definitely have a winning formula, and being a monthly club night definitely makes it a destination night to plan towards. Talking of which… put the next Salvation date in your diary now as it’s going to be an extra special one. For one night, the team will be taking over the Grand Hall of the New Connaught Rooms (61-65 Great Queen Street, WC2) for a spectacular Grand Summer Ball. With a whopping capacity for 2,000, it’s sure to be one of the most talked-about parties of the year. Doors will be open from 5pm till midnight and spinning the sounds will be DJs Elliott J Brown, Sharon O’ Love, Luke Hope, Pier Morrocco, Per QX, and Mattias. Tickets are on sale now (priced £15) at The Box, Clone Zone, Prowler, Profile Bar and Trax, or on-line from Salvation returns Sunday 29 July to the New Connaught Rooms in Covent Garden. Tickets priced between £15 and £25 (VIP). For more details, check Jacob from Nemesis !$ WORDS & PHOTOGRAPHY BY CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM © =CbbVS`S @3D73E !% =CbbVS`S @3D73E THE BOX Set apart from the main drag of Old Compton Street and the gay bars of Soho, The Box has very much its own identity and geographical niche. It’s been running for just over ten years, but new owners Frank Kaszynski and Nadir Suleman moved in and took the place over just a few months ago. So far, they’ve been getting to grips with the running of the business. Respectful of the loyal clientele and the image that the venue has established, they’re not about to make any radical changes, but are looking to improve on what’s already on offer. In short, they want to offer good quality food and drink, in stylish café-bar surroundings, for a discerning, modernminded customer. “The Business has increased !& since we took it over,” says Nadir, “predominantly because we have kept the ethos of The Box but tweaked what’s on offer and made it better. Better menu, better wine list, better service and kept the prices static. We’ve given it a lick of paint and TLC, ahead of a major refurbishment in September-October time.” The venue has always attracted a healthconscious, gym-friendly crowd of clubber, and besides its food and drink menu, sells advance tickets for all the big clubbing events. There’s a rotating exhibition of art and photography gracing the walls, while the light and airy feel of the place contributes to its popularity over the summer months. On the night of our visit, the boys were spilling out on to the Seven Dials pavement, and the atmosphere felt suitably European and sophisticated. In fact, it felt more like Barcelona or Paris, and lacked the more drunken ambience of Old Compton Street. “The bar’s popularity is partly because of its location outside Soho,” agrees Nadir. “We offer a very relaxed atmosphere without attitude, a very good-looking crowd, and we know what our customers want. The secret of the bar’s success is listening to what our customers want and offering them a professional service… with a little bit of added sex appeal!” The Box, 32-34 Monmouth Street, Seven Dials, WC2. 020-7240 5828. PHOTOGRAPHY BY CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM © 7B¸A033<@C<<7<54=@=D3@B3< G3/@A0CBB630=F7AAB7::>/197<5 B63;7<E3>/72B630=GA/D7A7B =CbbVS`S A13<3 !' =CbbVS`S @3D73E CENTRAL STATION Although it’s been around for over 15 years, Central Station has retained its position on the London gay scene through constantly changing, adapting and updating itself. Earlier this year the team had a revamp of their ground floor bar, bring in comfy leather sofas and new tables. Along with an extended wine menu, the changes added a touch of class to the venue. Now, owners Martin and Duncan have gone an added a roof terrace, to take advantage of the summer weather and to provide smokers somewhere to head when the urge for a nicotine fix takes them. There’s seating and tables up there too, and it’s already proved a very welcome addition, post-1 July smoking ban. “It’s proved very popular,” Duncan confirmed, “despite the poor weather, because it’s partly covered – although the rain’s been great for the plants!” The Out team visited the " bar on a Friday evening, and arrived just in time to catch entertainment from Drag With No Name. There’s cabaret every Friday and Saturday night, and an eclectic line-up of attraction throughout the rest of the weekend, including queer films each Wednesday at Film Wotever, stripper action on Thursdays, and karaoke on Sundays. Then there’s the basement disco, with its selection of dance and cruise clubs. Throughout the whole of August, the team are inviting you to ‘Get Horny For Free’. Horny is the name of the Thursday night cruise session, and for the month of August, admission to the ground floor and basement will be free on Thursdays. Cabaret highlights for the month include Lizzy Drip on Saturday 18th August, Sandra on the 24th, Lola Lasagne on the 25th and Kandi Kane on the 31st. Central Station, 32 Wharfdale Road, N1. 020-7278 3294. PHOTOGRAPHY BY CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM © /::/@=C<27B97<5¸A1@=AA7A 16/<57<50CBA13<3AB/:E/@B 13<B@/:AB/B7=<7A;=@3 B6/<933>7<5C>E7B6B63 ;=23@<7A/B7=<¬ =CbbVS`S A13<3 " =CbbVS`S A13<3 AB=@G PHOTOGRAPH BY HEIDI RYAN group of muscle queens somewhere vehemently dissing the show of less well-developed totty on the dancefloor, while over in the neighbouring ‘alternative club’, a gaggle of floppy-fringed indie-dudes will cackling at the state of their brothers’ eyeliner. Or something like that. What is it about gay men and their obsession with bitching? We just can’t help ourselves, eh? And then of course, there’s that scandalous blog. Not only do we indulge ourselves of releasing our bitchiness across the dancefloor, some Grand High Bitch has apparently cause for documenting her scorchingly eloquent acidity and releasing it for all to see out there in the cyberscene. In case you’ve missed it, the tantalisingly anonymous and short-lived blog offered a series of caustic bi-weekly observations with the sole intention of mocking, maiming and generally bitching about the state of the scene. No club remained unturned. Promoters, hosts, drag, DJs and scene-queens become fair game fodder for character defamation and inflammatory remarks. Hell, this queen even has an interactive poll set up for our delectation, giving us all a democratic (and crucially anonymous) opportunity to systematically flay the personalities that keep the scene ticking over. Judging by the amount of congratulatory posts (many made by the recipients of the hammering), this popular nugget of gay life has set tongues wagging across all WHAT IS SHE WEARING? @716/@2B=<9AB/93A/:=<56/@2 :==9/B67A7<<3@07B16¬ We’ve all got a friend like it. The fantabulous friend that just can’t help himself. He’s always got a cheap, snide comment handy. Always a ‘God what is she wearing’ or a ‘Look at the state of her’ aside. Think you recognise this vile queen? Think it could apply to every third homo registered in your phonebook? You should recognise her honey – take a look in the mirror. The sport of bitching on the gay scene is something that has fascinated me since those pioneering days of late teendom when I ventured into various provincial hellholes chasing sex as a prime young free-range chicken. I achieved various degrees of success, believing what I wanted was someone to praise my fabulous outfit and reward me with a night of hot sex when what I really needed was an affirmation that being gay was ok and some genuinely friendly companions (something that was apparently in short supply in Walsall). Arriving out on the gay scene, whether you’re a buffed-up old queen or lean baby clubber can be a daunting experience, and we’re all used to braving that less than lukewarm welcome to certain sections of the gay scene. Even if you’ve got the right look, the right complexion, the right clothes and perfect pec-to-waist ratio, you’ll still be fair game for a lashing from some vile perma-tanned queen with a peroxide fringe like a Weetabix. There are clubs of course that market themselves as a ‘friendly’ alternative to everything else that’s out there. As a pan-scene clubber, may I take the liberty of quashing this belief and confirm that this is in fact a complete lie. It doesn’t matter where in the known gay universe you decide to indulge in your partying, there will always be a nasty " WHAT IS IT ABOUT GAY MEN AND THEIR OBSESSION WITH BITCHING? WE JUST CAN’T HELP OURSELVES… corners of the scene and become the most significant bitch ‘whodunnit’ controversy to hit the scene for years. We just love it, don’t we? Put yourself in the ‘scene personality’ category (I used the word loosely) and you literally put yourself on a level where you’re going to be open to attack. After lengthy conversations with some of the featured personalities of the site, we came to the conclusion that to achieve any level of success on the gay scene, you must by default attract a degree of hostility. ‘It’s all part of the job’. The thing the worries me is that bitchiness is catching, and it’s an activity that I’m guilty of indulging in myself. In the niche ghetto of hardcore muscle and pumping gay after-hours, hard bodies, butt-hugging designer jeans and a masculine square jaw mask a rather needy tendency to hide our weaknesses. Everyone strives to look like they’re having the time of their lives – and of course, some are – but the rest are busy elevating their status and hardening their face by out-bitching their gay brothers. Try living by that ‘what you give is what you get’ maxim for a bit. If someone is mean and bitchy to you, perhaps you need to adjust the way you’re presenting yourself – and walk away. And take a long hard look at your inner bitch. Perhaps she’s not quite as fun as you thought she was. GET ON THE GUEST LIST Join hostess Megan and the Horizon team on Saturday 25 August for a special Bank Holiday weekend foray Under The Sea, featuring lost treasure, underwater caves and sexy mer-gogo boys. Saucy sea dogs spinning those salty sounds include Stevie B, The Oli, David Jimenez, Gonzalo and Dave Cross. Stay on free of charge for Later and ride the Atlantis tide into Sunday! The crew also host a huge Bank Holiday Orange blow-out from 11pm on the Sunday. Horizon’s Under The Sea Party is Saturday 25 August at Fire, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall. Doors are open from 11pm till 10am and entry is £12 in advance. Check out DTPM’s DTEP party on Sunday 26 August at Fabric, featuring an extended session of funky and tribal-laced house tunes courtesy of Justin Ballard, Lisa German, Paul Heron and pals. Black II Basic’s Basil leads the percussion on Floor Two, and you can expect a whole host of sexy go-go action and surprise guests. DTPM’s DTEP is on Sunday 26 August at Fabric, 77a Charterhouse Street, EC1. See www. for more information. PHOTOGRAPH BY DAVID HUDSON & SARAH GARRETT @3D73E "" =CbbVS`S Trafalgar Square Stonewall =CbbVS`S @3D73E PRIDE LONDON 7B@/7<32/<2@/7<32 /<2@/7<320CBB6/B 272<BAB=>B6=CA/<2A 4@=;1=;7<5=CBB= >/@BGE7B6>@723 Well, the weather couldn’t have been much worse, could it? Given that we had the wettest June since records began, Pride London unfortunately didn’t escape getting a bit of a soaking… and that wasn’t its only problem. It took place on Saturday 30 June - less than 48 hours after unexploded car bombs were discovered in central London – for a while there was a chance that the whole thing might have been called off! Fortunately, after discussions between organisers and police, the event took place as planned… and the wet conditions didn’t do anything to dissuade thousands of gay folk from attending. In fact, we reckon it was the biggest and best march in years – even beating last year’s Europride festivities. Maybe the fact that the parade now takes in such a high-profile route has helped to boost numbers. We joined it at Oxford Street… just as the heavens were opening and the umbrellas were being raised. We couldn’t help feeling sorry for the various armed forces and police contingents on the parade, who weren’t allowed to raise umbrellas and just had to endure a good soaking! It was gratifying to see a high number of corporate floats from various bigbusiness employers such as Barclays, Shell and British Airways – all keen to assert their gay-friendly credentials. There also seemed to be a great number of gay sports groups, decked out in kit and eager to demonstrate their prowess along the route – be it volleyball, rugby or football. Our umbrella-less forces Old Compton Street "# =CbbVS`S @3D73E There were the obligatory leather men, while probably causing the most looks of amazement was transsexual superstar and porn actor Buck Angel, who rode a Chariot pulled by a gang of semi-naked hunks from the Hard On club. Not to be outdone, Fire had their own hatchback with hostess Megan proudly waving the placards, and glitter-dusted selection of Vauxhall studs. The parade made its way to Westminster, and was followed by the rally in Trafalgar Square and cabaret in Leicester Square. Here the likes of Darren Hayes, UnkleJam, Axe Girl and Dragonette provided sterling performances, while the likes of Graham Norton, John Barrowman and Amy Lamé acted as comperes, and deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman gave speeches. The persistent rain couldn’t fail to slightly tarnish proceedings, and many ended up disappearing up to Soho to enjoy cover in the many bars that were throwing their own Pride parties. We saw queues to get in to the Yard, Village and Comptons, while The Edge also did a roaring trade on Soho Square, where Fire DJs spun the sounds for the crowds. We didn’t crawl home till the early hours… slightly damp but with smiles on our faces. A big thanks to everyone who came to say hello to the Out In The City team on our stall in Trafalgar Square – look out for us again at Brighton Pride! "$ PHOTOGRAPH BY DAVID HUDSON & SARAH GARRETT GMFA showing their colours (picture courtesey of GMFA) =CbbVS`S A13<3 "% JUICY PRIDE B638C71G1@3E @34@3A632/>=AB>@723 >/@BG1@=E2E7B6/< =44717/:2/<13/B6=< B=03@3;3;03@32¬ The torrential rain that characterised most of last month’s Pride day festivities continued well into the night, so it’s no small mercy that Fire enjoys a location adjacent to the relative sanctuary of a railway arch, which afforded the hordes of glammed-up clubbers that had turned out in force a little shelter from the driving rain. Fire has enjoyed a degree of extensive notoriety of late – perhaps not for all the right reasons – but it’s post-Pride official celebration, hosted by the team that bring you pumping Saturday-nighter Juicy, was proof enough that the capital’s coolest, campest and muscled-up club kids show no signs of wavering their support for the venue that brings you those hi-octane non-stop whoppers. The night featured four rooms of fierce and funky sounds. Gonzalo, Paul Martin and The Oli mashed up the funked-up uplifting vibes on that lunatic main floor, while Sean Dickson and David Jimenez mixed up more of an electroinfused and bass-driven set in Room Two. Over in "& the LightBox, Stevie B kept our hands in the air with an uplifting set that sent the temperatures soaring – just the way we like it at these massive all-night parties! Specially-customised and rainbow-coloured projections were paraded across the venue’s recentlyadded plasma screens, and the extra-camp glittered-up Brazilian go-go contingent gave us a streaming, saucy set and left us lingering over their writhing torsos with keen and hungry eyes… where do they find them, eh? If you’ve not been down to Fire recently, expect to see something in the way of jaw-dropping makeover. The smaller dance arena has long gone, replaced by a swanky, woodpanelled ‘Fire Lounge’ bar area that wouldn’t look out of place in Soho. The Lightbox proved to be one of the most popular rooms – with a full-on light assault on your senses with a full 360-degree light-changing experience. Most of the toilets have seen a vast improvement, and the club’s connecting thoroughfares have been spruced up – did anyone else trip the light fantastic in that amazing colourmorphing corridor between the Mirror Arch and the LightBox? As is always the case with Fire, it’s the eclectic mix of clubbers that give its rotating programme of events the edge over other nights in the capital, and added international elements attracted to town by Pride added to the madness levels. ‘We can’t thank our regulars enough for supporting us over Pride weekend,’ Fire’s scorching First Lady Megan told us. ‘And a huge thanks to all those guys that were only in town for the weekend and chose Juicy’s Pride party as their official after-party – it was an honour to entertain you all!’ As night gradually turned into day and the club magically morphed into a special post-Pride Later before our eyes, our attention turned to the garden, when the sun occasionally managed to break through the clouded skies that characterised the month of July, and we remembered why Fire, and all the club promotions that sail within her, are responsible for so many of the mind-blowing nights that the scene has to offer. Check out Juicy at Fire, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall on Saturday 4 and 18 August. The crew are also presenting a special Bank Holiday Orange followed by an extra-special Later on 26 August. For more details of Fire’s upcoming events, check out the website at WORDS BY RICHARD TONKS | PHOTOGRAPHY BY CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM © =CbbVS`S @3D73E =CbbVS`S @3D73E "' =CbbVS`S @3D73E SHADOW LOUNGE Whenever the Shadow Lounge throws a party, you know it’s going to be something pretty special. The team take pride in hosting some of London’s most lavish bashes, and it was typical for them to pull out all the stops for their sixth birthday, which took place on Thursday 19 July 2007. The theme for the night was ‘Jungle’, and the decorators truly went to town, transforming the Brewer Street venue with a forest of gold foliage and palms. The delectable waiters and bar staff were all turned into Tarzans for the night… with no shortage of customers only too happy to play Jane! Other treats included a PA from Therese (of ‘Put ‘Em High’ fame), plus blistering disco sets from The Oli, Mark Bambach and Paul Heron, which managed to fuse funky house beats and contemporary hits with some classic cuts from yesteryear. The assembled throng happily guzzled the Cosmopolitans and other cocktails from the bar, and were treated to lavish goodie bags at the end of the evening, which included a party mix CD from Paul Heron, shopping # PHOTOGRAPHY BY CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM © A7<137B=>3<327< B63A6/2=E:=C<53 6/A033<AG<=<G;=CA E7B6C>;/@93B5/G 1:C007<57B¸A<= AC@>@7A3B6/BB63 D3<C3¸AA7FB607@B62/G E/A=<3=48C:G¸A;=AB 5:/;=@=CA/44/7@A¬ =CbbVS`S @3D73E Gaydar’s Dolly and Dick vouchers, a Madonna DVD and other delights. The whole event was media partnered by OK! magazine, with further sponsorship from the likes of Aussie Bum underwear and Level Vodka. “The Shadow Lounge’s 6th Birthday party was a huge success,” said Guy Monkhouse of parent company Soho Clubs & Bars. “Our designers let their creative juices run wild to create an ‘Out Of Africa’ experience for our members, their guests and celebrities. The Shadow Lounge staff in their Aussie Bum underwear and their jaw-dropping body makeup set the scene for one of the hottest, sexiest and most extravagant parties that Soho has witnessed this year. We’re proud that The Shadow Lounge continues to create a unique clubbing experience - here’s to another great year ahead!” If you want to ensure an invitation to future parties then you’re best bet is to become a member… but you’d better hurry. In a membership drive, the management are offering discounted membership until 31 July 2007 – costing £230 instead of £330. For more details, check out the recently relaunched website at The Shadow Lounge 5 Brewer Street, Soho, W1. www.theshadow Singer Therese # =CbbVS`S AB=@G RVT PHOTO BY MIKEKEAR.COM. TIMBERLINA PIC BY CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM © ROYAL INSTITUTION B63@=G/:D/CF6/:: B/D3@<7A=<3=4B63 =:23AB7<AB7BCB7=<A =<B635/GA13<3 E7B6/1=:=C@4C: 67AB=@GB6/B2/B3A 0/19<3/@:G#G3/@A /2@7/<>/5/<B/93A /:==9/BB63>/AB =4B67A>/@B71C:/@ 1=@<3@=4D/CF6/::¬ BVS@]gOZDOcfVOZZBOdS`\VOaPSS\OZWdSZg ^S`T]`[O\QS^cPaW\QSWbeOaPcWZbW\&$!0cb SdS\PST]`SWbeOaOUZW\bW\ODWQb]`WO\O`QVWbSQb¸a SgSbVSO`SOeOaOZ`SORgTO[]caT]`POeRgTc\ /aTO`POQYOabVS`SWU\]T1VO`ZSa77bVSDOcfVOZZ >ZSOac`S5O`RS\a]TTS`SRS\bS`bOW\[S\bb]O eWRS`O\UW\UQ`]eR]TOZZ^`]QZWdWbWSa[cQVOa DOcfVOZZ5OgDWZZOUSR]Sab]ROg A PUB IS BORN 4]c`gSO`aZObS`W\&$!bVSDOcfVOZZBOdS`\ eOaPcWZb]\bVSQ]`\S`]TbVSaWbS7bWaaOWRb] VOdSOQ_cW`SRWba·@]gOZ¸O^^S\ROUSbVO\Yab] ?cSS\DWQb]`WO]\QSdWaWbW\UbV]cUVbVWaQZOW[Wa ]TRcPW]ca`SZWOPWZWbg <SdS`bVSZSaaV]eSdS`Wba`]gOZbWbZSeOa OQ_cW`SRbVSdS\cSTZ]c`WaVSRbVO\Yab]bVSPZ]a a][W\U]T[caWQVOZZS\bS`bOW\[S\beVWQVeOa P]`\Xcabc^bVS`]ORW\:O[PSbVEOZY>`]dWRW\U VAUXHALL PLEASURE GARDENS OZWQS\bW]ca[Wf]TQOPO`SbO\RdO`WSbg]\Wbaa[OZZ abOUSbVSBOdS`\^`]dSR^]^cZO`eWbVbVSZ]QOZ BVS@]gOZDOcfVOZZBOdS`\abO\Ra]\bVS e]`YW\UQZOaaSa U`]c\RaT]`[S`Zg]QQc^WSRPgbVSDOcfVOZZ 7beOa\¸bc\bWZOTbS`bVSASQ]\RE]`ZREO` >ZSOac`S5O`RS\aG]c]\ZgVOdSb]UZO\QSObbVS dS`aS]\bVS[c`OZaW\bVST]]bbc\\SZac\RS`bVS bVObSdWRS\QSS[S`USR]TbVS@DBObb`OQbW\U OUOgQZWS\bSZS@Sbc`\W\UaS`dWQS[S\T`][bVS `OWZeOgZW\Sb]Y\]ebVObbVSDOcfVOZZ>ZSOac`S S\bS`bOW\[S\bQ]`^aeV]VORT]c\RbVSW`\WQVS 5O`RS\a]^S\SRW\$$Obb`OQbSR^S]^ZST`][ W\R`OUUW\Uc^b]S\bS`bOW\bVSb`]]^aabO`bW\U OZZ]dS`3c`]^S( ^cbbW\U]\aV]eaObbVSdS\cSeVWQV_cWQYZg PSQO[SY\]e\T]`Wba·O\gbVW\UU]Sa¸ObbWbcRS µ3\UZWaV7`WaVA^O\WaV5OcZR`WdSZWYS[OR BVWaObb`OQbSRO\S\bVcaWOabWQUOgQ`]eReV] b]RSO`DOcfVOZZ¶ eS`SVO^^WZgOQQS^bSRPgbVSZ]QOZa 0SbbS0]c`\S]T5OgBVSOb`SU`]c^0Z]]ZW^a AcQVeOabVSW`TO[SbVSgeS`S[S\bW]\SR `S[S[PS`abVSBOdS`\W\bVS'#¸aOaPSW\U PgOb`cZgabSZZO`ZWab]Te`WbS`aT`][bVOb^S`W]R W\QZcRW\UAO[cSZ>S^gaW\VWaRWO`gW\$$&EWZ TcZZ]Ta[O`bRW\\S`XOQYSbSRg]c\U[S\PSW\U S\bV`OZZSRPgbe]R`OU_cSS\aW\DWQb]`WO\2`Saa ZWO[BVOQYS`OgO\R1VO`ZSa2WQYS\a /ZbV]cUVbVSUOgQZWS\bSZSeOa`SZObWdSZgaSRObS BVSUO`RS\aeS`SbVSZO`USab]cbR]]`S\bS` bOW\[S\b^O`YW\0`WbOW\O\R]TTS`SRQ]\QS`baV]b bVSR`OU_cSS\aeS`SO\gbVW\UPcbbVSg¸R`c\ OZ]\UbVSbVS\V]`aSaV]S[OV]UO\gPO`b]^ OW`POZZ]]\ZOc\QVSabWUVb`]^SeOZYS`a^Oab]`OZ ]TbS\aS\RW\U^S]^ZS¸aR`W\YaTZgW\U TWSZRa]TaVSS^PSO`RSRZORWSaO\R[cQV[cQV BVS$aO\R%aaOebVSPW`bV]TbVSUOgZWP []`S;]ab]TbVSUO`RS\aeS`SZWbPgO\Oa S`ObW]\[]dS[S\bO\RbVS@DBPSQO[SOeSZZ b]c\RW\U#UZOaaZO[^a6]eSdS`bVS`S`S [OW\SRO\c[PS`]TaVOR]egb`SSZW\SROdS\cSa Y\]e\aQS\SdS\cS7beOaOT]QOZ^]W\bT]`R`W\Y W\UO\RRO\QW\UP]bV2WO\O2]`aO\R6W\USO\R acQVOabVS·2O`YEOZY¸eVWQVeS`SW\TO[]ca 0`OQYSbO^^SO`SRbVS`SW\bVS%aO\RT]`bVS ^ZOQSa]TaVORgOaaWU\ObW]\aT]`OZZ^S`acOaW]\a []`SaS`W]ca^c`acWb]T`ORWQOZ^]ZWbWQa 7beOabVS`OWZeOgZW\SbVOb^O`bZgTW\WaVSR]TT bVSUO`RS\a7\bVS[WR'bVQS\bc`gbVSA]cbV µ/PWX]cZWbbZSeW\SPO`Xcaba]cbV]TbVS ESab:W\SeVWQV]`WUW\OZZgbS`[W\ObSROab]\S¸a BVO[Sa¶:WZgAOdOUS bV`]eOeOgOb<W\S3Z[aeOaSfbS\RSRb] EObS`Z]]BVSdWORcQbQcb]TTbVSUO`RS\aT`][ 0gbVS'&abVS@DBPSQO[SY\]e\T]`abO` bVS@WdS`O\RbVSa]]bO\Ra[]YSbVS`OWZeOg P`]cUVb^cb]TT[O\gOQZSO\ZW\Saa]PaSaaSRDWQ bc`\aT`][bVSZWYSa]T:WZgAOdOUSeV]abO`bSR ]TTOaOPO`[O\bVS`SO\R8cZWO\1ZO`g:WZgPSb b]`WO\T`][dWaWbW\U6OdW\UTOZZS\W\b]RWa`S^cbS bS`Y\]e\\]eOaBD¸a>OcZ=¸5`ORg^S`T]`[SR O\RRWa`S^OW`bVSUO`RS\a]^S\SRT]`bVSZOab T]c`bW[SaOeSSYW\QZcRW\UAc\ROgaeVS\bVS bW[S]\ #8cZg&#'O\ReS`SOcQbW]\SReWbV _cScSae]cZRab`SbQV`]c\RbVSPZ]QY[cQVOa bVSW`Q]\bS\baT]`Xcab& # bVSgR]b]ROg0cbWbeOa\¸bOZZOP]eZ]TQVS``WSa 7\'&&bVS^]ZWQS`OWRSRbVS@DBeVWZabAOdOUS eOa]\abOUS/ZbV]cUVbVSgXcabeS`SZ]]YW\U T]`^]^^S`abVSge]`S`cPPS`UZ]dSab]µ^`]bSQb¶ bVS[T`][67D/72AAOdOUSaV]cbSRObbVS Q`]eRb]`W]bO\RT]`VWab`]cPZSS\RSRc^W\O\ O``SabdO\ 0gbVS[WR'abVS@DBeOaVWbPgO\]bVS` Q`WaWa:O[PSbV1]c\QWZ^ZO\\SRb]RS[]ZWaV bVSVWab]`WQdS\cSb][OYSeOgT]`OaV]^^W\U QS\b`S>`]bSaba]cbaWRS:O[PSbVB]e\6OZZ[O\ OUSRb]aOdSbVS@DBT`][RSab`cQbW]\ 7\ #bVSc\ZWabSRPcWZRW\UeOa^cbc^T]` OcQbW]\O\ReOaaOdSRT`][bVS^`]^S`bgRSdSZ ]^S`aPgbVSW\bS`dS\bW]\]Tbe]UOgPcaW \Saa[S\8O[Sa:W\RaOgO\R>OcZ=fZSg BVSgW\abOZZSR\Sea]c\RO\RZWUVbW\U agabS[a]cbR]]`aSObW\U\]bXcabbVS QSZSP`ObSRµU`OaagY\]ZZ¶`]c\RbVS POQYO\R`STc`PWaVSRbVS ZSUS\RO`gRSQ`S^Wbb]WZSba TODAY AND THE FUTURE EWbVbVWa\SeW\dSab[S\b bVS@DBWa\]e]^S\aSdS\ \WUVbaOeSSYeWbVOdO`WSR ZW\Sc^]TS\bS`bOW\[S\bQOPO `SbO\RQZcP\WUVbaW\QZcRW\U SdS`gbVW\UT`][XOhhO\RR`OU b]OdO\bUO`RS^S`T]`[O\QS O\RVO`RV]caS >O`b^cP^O`b\WUVbQZcP ^O`ba]QWOZQZcPbVS[]RS`\ @DBWaXcabOaW\QZcaWdSO\R Obb`OQbWdSb]OZZ\ObW]\OZWbWSaO\R eOZYa]TZWTSOabVSDOcfVOZZ >ZSOac`SUO`RS\aeS`SOZZbV]aS gSO`aOU]/aQ]]e\S`>OcZ =fZSg^cbaWbµ7b¸aZ]]YW\Ub]bVS Tcbc`SeWbVO\SgSb]bVS^Oab¶ The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. For full details of events taking place at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, including check =CbbVS`S A13<3 #! =CbbVS`S <756BA HIGHLIGHTS FICTION’S BACK! I SHOULD COCO Acclaimed New York drag queen Coco Peru swings into London in August, with a residency at the Soho Theatre from 13-25 August (hitting the stage at 9.30pm). Created and performed by Clinton Leupp, Miss Coco Peru is best known in the US for her award-winning solo shows and her roles in various US movies and television shows (she’s had cameos in Arrested Development and Will and Grace). She first appeared in the US spotlight in 1991, with her show My Goddam Cabaret running for two years at New York’s cabaret landmark Rose’s Turn. She soon became a downtown cult favourite. Tickets for 13-15 August cost £10 in advance or £12.50 on the door. Tickets for 16-25 August coast £15/£12.50 in advance, or £17.50/£15 on the door. You’ll find the Soho Theatre at 21 Dean Street, W1, and for more details check Fiction, which called time on its long-running residency at The Cross in N1 earlier this year, has announced its return to the scene. The team behind the polysexual Friday nighter have been scouring London for a suitable venue to host the night, and think they’ve discovered the perfect location. Launching again on Friday 27 July, it will be taking over Island. That’s the swanky venue found next door to Heaven – formerly known as the Soundshaft. “We’re taking Fiction back to its roots,” a spokesperson told us. “It’ll be a more intimate affair, so cast your minds back to when it started at the Cross... long before those extra arches were opened, and you’ll get our drift. The venue itself opens on our night, with Fiction of course being its first residency.” You can expect two rooms of funkin’ pumpin’ electronic bliss, with DJs including Kellilicious, Lora, Luke Hope, Mark Westhenry, Nick Tcherniak and Simon Hunter in room one, and Guy Williams, Justin Ballard, Malcolm Duffy, Nick “Bodyrox” Bridges and Kami in the second room. Doors will be open from 11pm till late each week, with admission £8 in advance, £8 for members, £10 with a flyer, or £12 without. You’ll find the Island at Hungerford Lane, Charing Cross, WC2. For more details, check out the revamped Fiction myspace at clubfiction G-A-Y GUY PHOTOGRAPH: CHRISJEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM © DISCOTEC As if we needed any more reason to get ourselves down to Thursday nighter Discotec… they’ve now gone and introduced a happy hour! Get along early to take advantage of the Discotec Speed bar, which is open every from 10pm till 11.30pm. Enjoy Smirnoff Ice at £2 per bottle, Becks at £1.60 a bottle, Smirnoff and Red Bull at £2, house spirit and mixer at £1.60 and Pop Champagne at just £7.50 a bottle. Highlights at the club for the month of August include Tom Burns, Guy Williams and Justin Ballard tearing up the main room on the 9th, and a special Black & Blue party on Thursday 30th, which will feature special guest Charles Poulin from Montreal. The smaller Lounge Mondiale Room will feature the likes of DJ Ariel (2nd Aug), Firmed Up (9th Aug), and the Pac Man collective (30th Aug). You’ll find Discotec at The End, 18 West Central Street, WC1. Visit or check out www. #" Darren Hayes celebrates the release of his brand new solo album, This Delicate Thing We’ve Made, with an exclusive appearance on stage at G-A-Y on 18 August. Expect tracks from the new album, plus some classics from his back catalogue, including his huge hits as part of Savage Garden. Before all this, the G-A-Y team bravely try to summon up the spirit of summer with their very own annual Beach/ Pool Party on 4 August. Take your swimwear and dip your toes in the club’s own pool – the less you wear, the cheaper the admission on the night! Finally, host Jeremy Joseph would like to hear from any diehard Kylie fans. He’s currently putting together a collection of messages from G-A-Y regulars for a special DVD - anyone interested in taking part should email [email protected] You’ll find G-A-Y at the Astoria, 157 Charing Cross Road, WC2. =CbbVS`S A13<3 ## =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A GOING=Cb SHINKY BIRTHDAY Get along to the Oak Bar (79 Green Lanes, N16) in Stoke Newington on Friday 10 August to help Boogaloo Stu and his crew celebrate the tenth birthday of Shinky Shonky. Yes, the odd-ball, left-of-centre club night has now been running for Boogaloo Stu a whole decade, happily occupying its own little niche within the scene and playing by its own rules. Stu and his rotating line-up of co-hosts, including the likes of Miss High Leg Kick, DJ Albert Twatlock and Miss Dolly Sparkle, entertain the crowd with smutty gameshows, inane quizzes and an eclectic selection of pop and indie chart hits. The birthday party will run from 10pm till 3am, and admission will be £6 or £5 with a flyer. Treats planned include plenty of classic Shinky Shonky floor fillers from Mr Twatlock, classic badges, cabaret from Stu, Le Gateau Chocolat and Princess Twinkle Knickers, plus the return of popular audience-participation game ‘Tittiewank’! For more info, check out VENUES: CENTRAL LONDON DECKS APPEAL In its continued quest to unearth new DJ talent, DTPM has recently been running its Decks Factor contest. Get along to the Farringdon Sunday nighter on 5th August to catch the winner playing their debut spot on the main floor! “We’ve taken a step back and reviewed our ticket prices, giving you even more value for money and making DTPM more accessible no matter what your wage packet,” a spokesperson tells us. “Advance tickets - available from Profile, Clone Zone, Prowler, Trax and online - are now £8, members £8 and on the door it is £10 with a flyer, £12 without. So you can get into DT for under a tenner!” Smokers will also be pleased to know that the team have introduced a comfortable outdoor smoking area, which has proved very popular over recent weeks. For more details, or to join the mailing list, log on to 79 CXR, 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020 7734 0769. Leicester Square tube. Mon-Sat 1pm-3am, Sun 1pm-10.30pm. Cover charge after 11pm. Large, cruisy, late-night bar. ADMIRAL DUNCAN, 54 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7437 5300. Leicester Square tube. Friendly, traditional gay pub. ASTORIA, 157 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020-7734 6963. Tottenham Courtg Road tube. Huge, former theatre, with 2,000 capacity. Now home to G-A-Y club nights. www. BARCODE, 3-4 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 3342. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Sat 4pm-1.30am. Sun until 10.30pm. Dance bar on two floors, with club-style basement. Comedy Camp stand-up night each Tuesday. BLOOMSBURY BALLROOM, Bloomsbury Square, WC1. Ornate dance space, home to monthly muscle boy dance club Salvation - check website for dates - www. THE BOX, 32-34 Monmouth Street, Seven Dials, WC2. 020 7240 #$ 5828. Leicester Square tube. 11am11pm. Stylish and award-winning gay café bar popular with scene and muscle queens. CANDY BAR, 4 Carlisle Street, W1. 020 7494 4041. Tottenham Court Road tube. Mon-Thu 5-11.30pm. Fri & Sat 5pm-2am. Sun 5-11pm. Long-running and famed lesbian bar. COMPTONS, 52 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7479 7961. Leicester Square tube. Noon-11pm. A Soho institution. Large, traditional gay boozer on two floors. DISCOTEC, The End, 18 West Central Street, WC1. 020-7419 9199. Famed and long-running Thursday nighter, running at gorgeous, designer, two-roomed venue The End. THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 77 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7439 1274. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat noon-midnight, ‘til 10.30pm on Sun. Traditional and fun gay pub over two floors. THE EDGE, 11 Soho Square, W1. 020 7439 1313. Tottenham Court Road tube. Noon-1am, Sun 2pm11.30pm. Stylish, hip gay bar spread over four intimate floors, with regular nights from top DJs. ESCAPE, 10a Brewer Street, W1. 020 7734 2626. Piccadilly Circus tube. 5pm-3am. Cover charge after 11pm. Every night’s a party at this late-night video dance bar. EXILIO, LSE Underground, Houghton Street (off Kingsway), Aldwych, WC2. Saturday night gay Latin and salsa night. FIRST OUT CAFÉ, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020 7240 8042. Tottenham Court Road tube. 10am-11pm. Sun 10.30pm. Over 20 years old and still going strong. Long-running community café bar. FREEDOM, 66 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0071. Piccadilly Circus tube. Opulent style bar, with late-night club promotions for a metorsexual crowd. FRIENDLY SOCIETY, 79 Wardour Street, WC1. Trendy and unique, intimate basement bar, which attracts a mixed crowd. G-A-Y BAR, 30 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7494 2756. Leicester Square tube. 12pm-12am. Huge, poptastic gay bar, with a multitude of video screens, pop tunes and drinks promotions. G-A-Y LATE, 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. Tottenham Court Road tube. 11pm-3am. Late-night sister venue to G-A-Y Bar – more video screens, camp pop fun and cheap drinks. KU BAR, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 020 7437 4303. Leicester Square tube. Large, upmarket gay bar spread over three floors, open till 3am daily. www. KUDOS, 10 Adelaide Street, WC2. 020 7379 4573. Charing Cross tube. 3pm-11pm, Sat noon-11pm, Sun noon-10.30pm. Beautiful and stylish café bar (great food!), with clubbier vibe and video screens in the basement. Popular with Asian crowd. LONG YANG CLUB, the basement, Thai Square, 21-24 Cockspur Street, Trafalgar Square. Sunday evening club for Asian men and their admirers. THE PHOENIX, 37 Cavendish Square, W1 (behind Debenhams on Oxford Street). Straight pub with basement club, which plays host to gay indie night Rebel Rebel once a month ( PROFILE, 56 Frith Street, Soho, W1. Tottenham Court Road tube. Stylish, big gay bar, owned by the team at - spread over three floors, with internet access and Gaydar radio. THE QUEBEC, 12 Old Quebec Street, WC1. 020-7629 6159. Marble Arch tube. Huge pub, on two floors, attracting an older crowd. www. thequebec. GHETTO, 5-6 Falconberg Mews, W1. 020-7287 3726. Subterranean, trend-setting gay club venue, with nightly alternative promotions. HALFWAY TO HEAVEN, 7 Duncannon Street, WC2. 020 7321 2791. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat 12pm-12am. Old-style gay pub spread over two floors. HEAVEN, The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. Charing Cross Road tube. Huge, world-famous gay club. THE KINGS ARMS, 23 Poland Street, W1. 020 7734 5907. Oxford Circus tube. Mon-Thur 12pm–11pm, Fri-Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12pm-11.30pm. London’s bar for bears and blokes. Traditional atmosphere, pool table upstairs and BearHug each Friday. MATINEE BANK HOLIDAY One of the most successful events to take place at Area, the boys from Matinee will again be jetting in from Barcelona for a big bank holiday extravaganza on Saturday 25 August. The Matinee parties are always extra busy affairs, and you can expect the bank holiday outing to be no different. It will be followed by another Future afterhours session at Club Colosseum on the morning of Sunday 26th August – visit for admission prices and advance ticket details – with special offers if you buy a joint ticket to Matinee and Future. Other dates for your diary from the Crash/Area camp include Chunk’s third birthday, which will be a one-off extravaganza at Crash on Saturday 28 July. Doors will be open from 10pm till 6am, and admission will be £8 in advance or £10 on the door. Megawoof takes place on Saturday 4 August, the original Crash night returns on Saturday 11 August, followed by Queer Nation at Crash on Saturday 18 August. =CbbVS`S FUSION RETURNS Following up its successful launch over the May Bank Holiday weekend, Fusion is set to return to the Arches, 53 Southwark Street, SE1, for the August Bank Holiday weekend. Taking place on Sunday 26 August, between the hours of 10pm and 6am, the team will once again be taking the best elements of XXL, and fusing them with some exciting innovations. Last time around they bought you a live gig from the Freemasons, and for their second outing they’ll be bringing an exclusive appearance from Soul Avengerz. This hot production duo have remixed the likes of Inaya Day, Katherine Ellis and Marshall Jefferson, as well as producing the likes of Angie Brown, Shena and Javine. Other names involved with the night will be revealed nearer the time – check for more details. Also, put Saturday 22 September in your diaries now, as that’s the date that XXL will be celebrating its seventh birthday! RETRO BAR, 2 George Court, WC2. 020 7321 2811. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Fri noon-11. Sat 5pm-11pm, Sun 5pm-11pm. A traditional boozer for the gay scene’s indie, alternative and student-types – Tuesday’s pop quiz is an institution. RUPERT STREET, 50 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7292 7141. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-11pm, Sun 10.30pm. Large, designer style bar, popular with professional gay boyz and post-work crowd. SHADOW LOUNGE, 5 Brewer Street, W1. 020-7287 7988. Piccadilly tube. Exclusive, gorgeous, late-night bar and club for A-list gays and celeb-spotters. www. SOHO REVUE BAR, 11 Walkers Court (off Brewer Street), W1. 020-7734 0377. Legendary Soho cabaret club, attracting very gay crowd with nightly cabaret, gigs and burlesque. SUNDAY FUSION, The Langley, Langley Street, WC2. 07872958660 (mobile rates). Check www. for upcoming dates. TRASH PALACE, 11 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0522. Piccadilly Circus tube. Sun-Thu 5pm-midnight. Fri & Sat 5pm3am. Indie, rock and trash fun on two floors – very popular with students and alternative club freaks. VILLAGE, 81 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7434 2124. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-1am, Sun 11.30pm. Late night door charge. Soho’s original gay café bar, spread over four floors, and now with basement dancefloor and discos. THE YARD, 57 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7437 2652. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thur 4pm-11pm, Fri & Sat 1pm-11pm, Sun 1pm1.10.30pm. Busy gay bar with hugely popular courtyard area, outdoor balcony and loft bar. NORTH LONDON THE BLACK CAP, 171 Camden High Street, NW1. 020 7428 2721. Camden Town tube. Shufflewick Bar: Mon-Thu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am, Sun Noon-10.30pm. Club: Mon-Thu 10pm-2am, Fri-Sat 10pm-3am, Sun 10pm-1am. Long-running, famed gay pub :7AB7<5A – probably the most famous cabaret pub in London, with nightly DJs and entertainment. CENTRAL STATION, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1. Tel: 020 7278 3294. Kings Cross tube. Mon-Wed 5pm-2am, Thur 5pm-3am, Fri 5pm-4am, Sat 1pm-4am, Sun 1pm-12am. Big gay bar on three floors, with ground floor cabaret and infamously cruisy cruise nights in basement. CLUB KALI, The Dome, 1 Dartmouth Park Hill, Tufnell Park, N19. World’s biggest lesbian and gay Asian music night, running every third Friday of the month. COSMO LOUNGE, 43 Essex Road, N1. Tel: 020 7688 0051. Angel tube. Sun-Wed 2pm-Midnight, Thu-Sat 2pm-1am. Long, narrow, intimate gay bar popular with locals girls and boys. THE GREEN, 74 Upper Street, N1. Tel: 020 7704 0713. www. Angel tube. Mon-Wed 4pm-midnight, Thu 4pm-1am, Fri 12noon-2am, Sun 11am-midnight. London’s first ‘gay-stropub!’ Stylish, Islington bar, serving full food menu and wide range of drinks and cocktails. Mixed, chilled crowd. KING EDWARD VI, 25 Bromfield Street, N1. Tel: 020 7704 0745. Angel tube. Sun-Thu 12noon12midnight, Thu 12noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am. Very long-running gay pub, with ‘local’ atmosphere and character, plus popular beer garden. KW4, 77 Hampstead High Street, NW3. 020-7435 5747. Large, cost, traditional old gay pub, with regular entertainment, beer garden and food. THE LOAD OF HAY, 207 Pinner Road, Watford, 01923-441113. Watford‚s only gay pub, with big beer garden and regular entertainment! www.loadofhay. MA1 BAR, Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, King’s Cross, N1. Intimate, sleazy men-only cruise bar, open throughout the week - THE OAK BAR, 79 Green Lanes, N16. 020-7354 2791. Manor House tube. Friendly, divere gay bar with late-night club promotions, open till 3am at weekends. THE SCALA, 275-277 Pentonville Road, N1. 020-738 2336. King’s Cross tube. Large former cinema, now huge club and live gig venue – home to Friday night indie/rock club Popstarz ( SOUTH LONDON AREA, 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE11. Gorgeously-designed, hard dance club and cabaret rooms, with eclectic roster of different gay club nights throughout the month. (Chunk, Matinee, Bootylicious...). BARCODE VAUXHALL, Arch 69, Albert Embankment, SE11. 0207 734 3342. Vauxhall tube. Open 7 days a week. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri-Sun 4pm-4am. Recently opened and very popular club bar, with dancefloor and mezzanine chill-out space. CLUB COLOSSEUM, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8. Huge, late-night venue for after-hours crowd – hosting various one-off promotions such as the monthly Future. CRASH, 66 Albert Embankment, SE11. 020-7793 9262. Large hard dance club beneath railway arches – hosts different nights (Queer Nation, etc) each weekend. uk. Deptford Bridge DLR. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri & Sat 4pm-4am, Sun 4pm-2am. Late-night pub with nightly entertainment and popular cabaret nights. HIDDEN, 100 Timworth Street, SE11. Railway arch club venue, home to infamous Hard On night once a month (www.hardonclub. and now Beatwood (www. THE HOIST, Arch 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8. 020 7735 9972. 10pm-late. Door charge and strict dress code. One of London’s most famous dress-code and cruise clubs and packed with men-only crowd. Open Friday-Sunday and occasional Thursdays (SM Gays). KAZBAR, 50 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7622 0070. Clapham North tube. Mon-Thu 4pm-midnight, Fri 4pm-1am, Sat noon-1am, Sun noon-midnight. Clapham video bar, popular throughout the week and DJs at weekends. NEW BALLS Anyone for tennis? The 12th Tennis London International gay tennis tournament hits London’s Sutton Tennis Center from 3-5 August 2007. An estimated 200 players from all over the world are expected to participate, and if you want to join the fun, then bear in mind that it all kicks off with a welcome party at new Soho bar Profile on Thursday 2 August. It’s open to the public, as will be the Saturday night tapas party overlooking the London eye and Parliament. Expect guest DJs and celebrities at both. Check www.tennislondon. com for more details. LITTLE APPLE, 98 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7735 2039. Kennnigton tube. Open 7 days a week. Small, traditional gay boozer for local gay boys and girls. EGO, 82 Norwood High Street, SE27. 020 8761 5200. West Norwood BR. Sun-Thu 8pm-late, 7pm-4am. Door charge on weekend. Large, popular bar and club, attracting big crowds at weekends. FACTORY, 65 Goding Street, SE11. Stylish, railway arch Vauxhall venue, hosting occasional dance and cruise nights. ON YOUR MARKS THE FORT, 131 Grange Road, SE1. 020-7237 7742. Small cruise club, open till 11pm throughout week, with regular boots-only and underwear parties. www. FIRE, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Infamous, late-night gay venue beneath the Vauxhall railway arches, host to the likes of Rude Boyz, Orange, A:M, Juicy and Gravity. Open around the clock at weekends. www.allthingsorange. com or THE GEORGE & DRAGON, 2 BlackheathHill, Greenwich, SE10. 020 8691 3764. Older readers may well remember the institution that was the Vauxhall Tavern Sports Day. It would traditionally run on Bank Holidays in the late 80s and early 90s. Well, after an absence from the scene of several years, gay men’s health charity GMFA are about to resurrect the tradition, with the first GMFA Gay Sports Day set to take place in Spring Gardens (behind the Royal Vauxhall Tavern) on Monday 27 August, between 2 and 6pm. Expect the likes of egg and spoon races, handbag tossing, and drag relay! Anyone can take part but teams should consist of five members. Each team will be asked to raise a minimum of £250 through online sponsorship (that’s just £50 per team member) and there’s a prize for the team that raises the most cash. To register, email tim.molloy@ The deadline for entries is 10th August. The majority of the proceeds will go to GMFA but Vauxhall City Farm and the Friends of Spring Gardens will benefit too. As well as all the frivolity, there’s a serious side too. The event will helps to promote GMFA’s new online guide to sports clubs and social groups. Check it out at #% =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A LOVED-UP Club For Lovers And Losers was a one-off May Bank Holiday event that took place at indie hangout Trash Palace to celebrate the publication of the latest novel from gay novelist and journalist Paul Burston. Lovers And Losers was a witty and nostalgic tale of 80s one-hit wonders A Boy And His Diva, and suitably enough, the club night was a true celebration of all things 80s, with the likes of Princess Julia and Paul himself (pictured above) taking a turn at the decks. Anyway, the night proved such a success, that they’re going to be doing it all again, with another Club For Lovers And Losers taking place on Sunday 26th August (bank holiday weekend). Doors are open from 9.30pm till 3am, and admission is free! Paul, Tommy Turntables and guests will spin the 80s electro and trash, and there will be 80s karaoke in the upstairs bar. Trash Palace can be found at 11 Wardour Street, W1. MANBAR, 82 Great Suffolk Street, SE1. 020-7928 3223. London Bridge tube. Late-night cruise bar (with showers!) for men-only. THE POWDER MONKEY, 1 King William Walk, Greenwich SE10. 020 8293 5928. Greenwich BR and tube. Stylish, designer gay bar spread over three floors. ROYAL VAUXHALL TAVERN, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7840 0596. Opening times vary. Vauxhall tube. Door Charge. Huge, traditional and historic gay pub, with long history of hosting cabaret. Packed to rafters on Saturday (Duckie) and Sunday (the post-club Chill-Out). SOUTH CENTRAL, 349 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7793 0903. Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 9pm-late, Tue 7.30-10.30pm, Sun 4pm-2am. Vauxhall tube. Large, club-bar with nightly promotions. Horse Meat Disco (Sundays) is particularly popular. THE STAG, 15 Bressenden Place, SW1. 020 7828 7287. Victoria tube. Mon & Tue midday-midnight, Wed-Fri midday-2am, Sat 5pm-2am, Sun 4pm-midnight. Dark and atmospheric gay bar in Victoria – weekend cabaret. STONEWALLS, 286 Lewisham High Street, SE13. www. Mon-Wed 5pm-1am, Thur 5pm-2am, Fri-Sat 5pm-4am, Sun 5pm-12.30am. Large, late-opening gay pub and club, with regular entertainment and cabaret. #& THE TRAFALGAR ARMS, 148 Tooting High Street, SW17. 020-8767 6059. A spacious, lively, attitude-free pub. Excellent food served all day. Weekly DJs on Friday and Saturday nights. Karaoke on Wednesdays. THE TWO BREWERS, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7498 4971. Clapham Common tube. Mon-Thu 5pm-2am, Fri & Sat 5pm-4am. South London’s most famed gay cabaret venue. Large bar and separate dancefloor room. Busy at weekends. www. XXL, The Arches, 53 Southwark Street, SE1. London Bridge tube. Huge club for bears, big men and admirers, on Saturday and Wednesday, plus the monthly XXL Extreme party. EAST LONDON THE ANGEL, 21 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8555 1148. Stratford BR and tube. Big gay pub, always popular at weekends, with regular cabaret, DJs and disco nights. THE BACKSTREET, Wentworth Mews, off Burdett Road, E3. 020-8980 8557. Over 20 years old – small but legendary dress code leather club, open Thur-Sun. THE BLACK HORSE, 168 Mile End Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1684. Mile End tube. Mon-Thurs 8pm-1am, Fri-Sat 8pm-3am, Sun 8pm-1am. Late-opening,East End cabaret bar and disco. BISTROTHEQUE, 23-27 Wadeson St, E2. Tel: 020 8983 7900. Bethnal Green tube. Very mixed, gay/straight crowd of trendy metrosexuals. Great bar, restaurant, plus separate cabaret room. CHARLIE’S BAR, 124 Globe Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1007. Whitechapel tube. Recently refurbished, Moroccan style – friendly, local gay bar. FABRIC, 77a Charterhouse Street, EC1. 020-7749 1199. Big, trendy club venue, home to legendary funky house night DTPM each Sunday. Check net for details. THE JOINERS ARMS, 116 Hackney Road, E2. Tel: 020 7739 9854. Debauched decadence – old-skool boozer popular with post-club crowd at weekends. KINGS HEAD, 11 Church Street, E15. Stratford BR and tube. Intimate and welcoming East End gay pub – regular cabaret. THE OLD SHIP, 17 Barnes Street, E14. Tel: 020 7790 4082. Limehouse DLR. Open from 7pm Mon & Tue, from 6pm Wed-Sat, from 4pm on Sun. Small, local, traditional pub, with regular cabaret. WEST 5, Popes Lane, South Ealing, W5. 020-8579 3266. Large, popular gay pub with Piano Room and cabaret bar, open till late at weekends with entertainment and DJs. WINDSOR CASTLE, 152 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3. 0208577 6590. Large, local gay pub with regular cabaret and entertainment. www. BJ’s WHITE SWAN, 556 Commercial Road, E1. Tel: 020 7780 9870. Limehouse DLR. Mon 9pm-1am Tue-Thu 9pm-2am, Fri-Sat 9pm-3am, Sun 5.30pm-midnight. A large, long-running gay pub and club, open throughout the week and legendary across London! Fun, friendly, and loaded with East End charm. Wednesday’s Amateur Strip is an institution. www. WEST LONDON BROMPTONS, 294 Old Brompton Road, Earls Court, SW5. 020 7370 1344. Earls Court tube. Big, long-running gay pub and club, open late throughout week. Regular cabaret and club nights. COCO LATTÉ SW5, 180-184 Earl’s Court Road, SW5. Glamorous and upmarket gay bar and club, with late-night promotions at weekends and members/VIP room. COLEHERNE, 261 Old Brompton Road, Earls Court, SW5. 020 7244 5951. Earls Court tube. Noonmidnight. Larfge and legendary pub. The spit’n’sawdust feel has gone, but still popular with mixed crowd of male drinkers. THE CULVERT, 54 Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge. 01895 256 690. Uxbridge tube. Mon-Wed 4pm-1am, Thu noon-2am, Fri & Sat noon-3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Regular discos, cabaret, karaoke and one-off events. THE RICHMOND ARMS, 20 The Square, off Princes Street, Richmond. 020-8940 2118. Longrunning local gay pub, regular cabaret and entertainment. TED’S PLACE, 305a North End Road, West Brompton, W14. 0207 385 9359. Earls Court or West Brompton tube. Mon-Fri from 7pm-late, closed Sat & Sun. West London cruise club. Sleazy… but that’s why the regulars love it! MAGAZINE MAN There is a whole month’s worth of cabaret and other attractions at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern. Timberlina has taken a break from his Monday night cabaret, and for a limited period only, David Hoyle (pictured) has returned to the venue for a series of Monday night avant garde, confrontational cabaret outings. His Monday session is entitled ‘Magazine – reprint’, following up his first Magazine nights earlier this year, and they will run from 24 July till 24 September. There’s a different theme each week, including the likes of ‘Crime & Punishment’ (6 Aug), ‘Immigration’ (13 Aug), ‘Dogging’ (20 Aug) and ‘Media Studies’ on Bank Holiday Monday (27 Aug). Doors open at 7pm, the show starts at 8pm, and admission is £5.99. The other new development at the RVT is Topping & Butch’s School Gang night each Wednesday. ‘Join the award-winning Topping & Butch as they open the Royal Tavern Comprehensive School for Comedy stand-up - where the kids take over the lessons! Smoking strictly behind the bikeshed only, plus a free drink for those wearing a school tie. Bring a can of the worst crap you can find for the Weekly Harvest Festival Hamper – with prizes given for the worst!’. Topping & Butch appear every Wednesday throughout August, while resident hostess Zoe returns on 5 September. Tuesday’s Jazz Night is also taking a break through August, but will return in September. The wonderful Vauxhallville runs each Thursday, with Duckie on Saturday and Chill-Out and S.L.A.G.S on Sunday. Fridays were still to be confirmed as we went to press. You’ll find the Royal Vauxhall Tavern at 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 =CbbVS`S A13<3 #' =Cb`SOQV D=713 a][S]\SeV]WaOZa]UOgR]\¸bOaY[SeVg bV]cUVESXcabVOdSb]PSQO`STcZbVObeSR]\¸b [O`UW\OZWaS]c`aSZdSa/UOgQ][[c\WbgWaTW\S Pcb\]bb]bVS^]W\b]TPSQ][W\UUVSbb]WaSR EWbVbVObW\[W\RbVS[OX]`Wbg]TUOg PcaW\SaaSaaV]cZRZ]]Yb]e]`YeWbVW\bVS [OW\ab`SO[PcaW\SaaQ][[c\WbgOaeSZZ 0caW\SaaOTbS`OZZWaOP]cb[OYW\UO^`]TWbO\R bVWaQO\PSPSbbS`OQVWSdSRPgRWdS`aWTgW\UbVS QZWS\bPOaS=TQ]c`aSbVS`SeWZZPSQ][^O\WSa bVOb³RcSb]bVS\Obc`S]TbVSW`^`]RcQb]` aS`dWQSeWZZ\]beO\bb]Obb`OQbO\gbVW\U]bVS` bVO\UOgQZWS\ba)PcbbVS`SO`S[O\g[]`S]cb bVS`SeV]Q]cZRcaSTcZZg^WbQVbVW\Uaa][SeVOb eWRS`eWbV[W\W[OZ\SUObWdSW[^OQb]\SfWabW\U UOgQcab][:WYSeWaSUOg^S]^ZS[OgTW\RWb ^ZSOaO\bZg\]dSZSdS\ab`O\USZgS[^]eS`W\Ub] R`W\YW\Oµ[OW\ab`SO[¶PO`]\QSW\OeVWZS BVSPWUUSabPS\STWb]TRWdS`aWTWQObW]\Wa U`]ebV5OgPcaW\SaaSaabWZZ`O`SZg^`]U`Saa PSg]\RPSW\UA;3aa[OZZb][SRWc[aWhSR S\bS`^`WaSa?cWbS]TbS\bVWaWaR]e\b]bVS[ ]dS`ZgRSTW\W\UO\R\O``]eW\UbVSW`bO`USb OcRWS\QSBVS50/VOaVSZR[SSbW\Uab]RWaQcaa bVWadS`gb]^WQO\ReWZZQ]\bW\cSb]^`]dWRS b`OW\W\UWT\SSRSR\]b]\ZgT]`[OW\ab`SO[ [S[PS`Q][^O\WSaeWaVW\Ub]PSbbS`OQQSaaUOg [O`YSba³PcbOZa]T]`bV]aSUOg`c\[S[PS`a Z]]YW\Ub]Sf^O\RPSg]\RXcabbVS:50B Q][[c\Wbg7bQO\e]`YP]bVeOga 7\bVSQ][W\U[]\bVabVS50/eWZZPS O\OZgaW\UbVSTW\RW\Ua]TOac`dSgeSQO``WSR ]cbSO`ZWS`bVWagSO`)OaeSZZOa]dS`VOcZW\U]c` eSPaWbS4`][bVSROgaeVS\eS\SSRSRb]PS OQbWdSZgW\d]ZdSRW\QO[^OWU\W\UT]`UOg`WUVba eS\]eTW\R]c`aSZdSaT]QcaaW\UW\Q`SOaW\UZg ]\c\WbW\UUOgO\RZSaPWO\]e\SRPcaW\Saa UOgS[^Z]gSSaO\RUOge]]W\U[OW\ab`SO[ Q][^O\WSa)O\RUWdW\UORdWQSO\RW\aWUVba]\OZZ Oa^SQba]T`c\\W\U]`e]`YW\UW\PcaW\Saa 4]`W\abO\QSA]V]eWZZR]cPbZSaaQ]\bW\cS b]PSaSS\OabVSUOgQS\b`ST]`:]\R]\)Pcb bVSQ]ab]TPSW\UeWbVW\ESab[W\abS`1]c\QWZ WaOZa]R`WdW\Ua][SQ][^O\WSa]cb]TbVSO`SO @SQS\bZgDOcfVOZZeWbVWbaZO`USUOg`SaWRS\bWOZ QObQV[S\bh]\SO\R[]`STZSfWPZSZWQS\aW\U ZOeaVOaabO`bSRb]^ZOgO[]`S^`][W\S\b O\R`Sac`UW\U`]ZSW\Obb`OQbW\UUOgPcaW\Saa 4]]bTOZZRS^S\RS\bTW`[a]cbaWRS]TbVSaSbe] bV`WdW\UO`SOa[Og\SSRb]^OgQZ]aSObbS\bW]\b] eWbV`SUO`Rab]bVS^`]RcQbaO\RaS`dWQSa[]`S µ[WU`ObW]\¶O\ROQbOQQ]`RW\UZg eWRSZgOdOWZOPZSb]bVS[BVOb¸a\]bb]aOgeS EVSbVS`g]cO`Sa][S]\SeV]WaZ]]YW\U VOdSQ][SbVSTcZZRWabO\QSgSbW\bS`[a]T b][OYSbVSZSO^W\b]aSbbW\Uc^O\R`c\\W\U OQbcOZZgS\RW\URWaQ`W[W\ObW]\)PcbbVSaWU\a g]c`]e\TW`[)O\SfWabW\UQ][^O\g³UOg]` O`SU]]RA]ZO`US`[OW\ab`SO[Q][^O\WSa [OW\ab`SO[aSSYW\UWRSOaO\Ra]ZcbW]\aT]` O\RW\RWdWRcOZae]`YW\UeWbVW\bVS[O`SdS`g U`]ebV)]`O\W\RWdWRcOZe]`YW\UT]`O\gaWhSR W[^]`bO\bb]bVS50/OaWbZ]]Yab]Sf^O\RWba ]`UO\WaObW]\bVS50/VOaa][SbVW\UT]`g]c [S[PS`aVW^POaS =c``SQS\b\Sbe]`YW\USdS\baVOdSPSS\ BVSUOg[O`YSb]`µ^W\Y^]c\R¶OaWbVOa OVcUSacQQSaaO\ReWZZ]\ZgUSbPSbbS` PSQ][SY\]e\]dS`bVSgSO`aWaaSS\OaO BV`]cUV]cbbVS`S[OW\RS`]TbVWagSO`eSeWZZ ZcQ`ObWdSaSQb]`b]USbW\b]O\R\]bXcabT]`UOg PSV]ZRW\U]c`^]^cZO`0caW\Saa;OabS`QZOaaW\ `c\PcaW\SaaSa/ZbV]cUVPg\][SO\aOZeOga 0`WUVb]\OaeSZZOa:]\R]\)^ZcaSdS\baOP]cb bVSQOaSbVS`SWaZWbbZSR]cPbbVObbVS[OX]`Wbg]T UOg^S]^ZSR]\]b`OWaSQVWZR`S\O\RbVWaWa]\S]T PSW\U]cbObe]`YO\RbVS^]eS`]TbVSW\bS`\Sb T]`UOgQ][^O\WSa/Za]W\SO`Zg &eSO`S bVSPWUUSabaO^a]\V]caSV]ZRW\Q][S Z]]YW\Ub]V]ZR]c`TW`abSdS`Q]\TS`S\QST]`:50B EWbVW\Q`SOaW\Uac^^]`bT`][[OW\ab`SO[ PcaW\Saa]\S]TbVS[OW\_cSabW]\aeS\]eTOQS AbOTT5`]c^ab]P`W\Ub]USbVS`SfWabW\UUOg Waµ7abVS`SabWZZacQVO\SSRT]`·UOgPcaW\SaaSa¸-¶ ^`]TSaaW]\OZ\Sbe]`YaP]bVd]QObW]\OZO\RT`][ eWbVW\ZO`US[OW\ab`SO[]`UO\WhObW]\a]`bV]aS ESZZW\a][S`Sa^SQba7e]cZRaOg^`]POPZg\]b) Z]]YW\Ub]T]`[]\S PcbbVObWab]]aW[^ZWabWQO\O\aeS`BVSTOQb `S[OW\abVObµ^S]^ZSPcg^S]^ZS¶7T7O[Z]]YW\U For information about the Gay Business b]^c`QVOaSO^`]RcQb]`aS`dWQS7[Og]TbS\ Association and its work: TW\RWbOPSbbS`Sf^S`WS\QSWT7O[R]W\Ua]T`][ OVER THE RAINBOW INTERVIEW BY ADRIAN GILLAN 5/G0CA7<3AA/AA=17/B7=<D71316/7@ 2/D72A63>>/@2/@5C3AB6/B;/<G?C33@47@;A /<21CAB=;3@A³E=C:22=E3::<=BB==D3@:G 563BB=7A3B63;A3:D3A BVS5Og0caW\Saa /aa]QWObW]\WaaSSW\UObW[S ]TacPabO\bWOZQVO\USO\R bVWaWaW\bVS[OW\RcSb]O U`SObS`OQQS^bO\QS]TUOgZWTSabgZSPgbVS eWRS`Q][[c\Wbg EVS\bVS50/eOaT]`[SRW\'&"WbeOa bVS\OT]`c[eVS`SUOgO\RZSaPWO\]e\SR PcaW\SaaSaQ]cZRQ][Sb]USbVS`O\RRWaQcaa WaacSaTOQW\UROgb]ROg]^S`ObW]\a)O\R[]abZg W\d]ZdSRPO`]e\S`aB]ROgeWbVbVSeSOZbV ]TaS`dWQSabVObQO\PS]TTS`SRPgUOg]e\SR PcaW\SaabVS50/WaT]QcaSR]\P`]ORS` \Sbe]`YW\Ub`OW\W\UO\Rac^^]`bT]` Wba[S[PS`a ;]`S]dS`bVSZOabbe]RSQORSaVOa\]b ]\ZgaSS\bVSdO`WSbg]TUOg`c\PcaW\SaaSa Sf^O\RPcbeWbVU`SObS`b]ZS`O\QSO\R`SQS\b ZSUWaZObW]\^`]bSQbW\UP]bVUOgS[^Z]gSSa O\RUOgQ]\ac[S`aVOaOZa]OZZ]eSRUOg ^S]^ZSe]`YW\UW\PWUTW`[ab]PSQ][S[]`S Q][T]`bOPZSeWbVPSW\U]cbW\bVSe]`Y^ZOQS) O\RUOgQcab][S`ab]PS[]`SRS[O\RW\U $ =Cb`SOQV :7AB7<5A LONDON PRIDE RUN The 4th annual London Pride Run will take place in Victoria Park, Hackney, on Saturday 18 August from 11am. Sponsored by LGB running club, London FrontRunners, the event is open to runners of all abilities, gay and straight alike, and supported by the Mayor of London, with all money raised going to Stonewall. To register, visit GROUPS//ORGS Albert Kennedy Trust: 020 7831 6562 (London). Housing advice for under 21s. Antidote: 020 7437 3523. Counselling, support groups, Thurs drop-in, complementary therapies around alcohol & drug issues. ELOP: 020 8509 3898. Support and community events in Walthamstow. Youth, advice, counselling and groups. meetings once a month. HIV//AIDS LGBT Choir: 07980 023578. Call Michael for more information. Crusaid: 020 7539 3880, London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Groups in Islington. GMFA: 020 7738 6872. The gay men’s health charity. Metro Centre: 020 8265 3311, Regular groups in Greenwich. National AIDS Trust: 020 7814 6767, Mosaic: 07931 336668. www. Youth group, every Wednesday. Terence Higgins Trust: 07090 422 828. Counselling Services. WESTMIINSTER LGB YOUTH SPORTS Westminster LGB Youth Project: PACE: 020 7700 1323. Groups promoting lesbian and gay health and well-being. Out to Swim Westminster Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Youth Project is run by the City of Westminster’s Youth Service; and is open to young people aged 13-21 who identify as being lesbian, gay or bisexual, or who are questioning their sexuality. The Project offers them opportunities to socialise, relax and be themselves, whilst providing information, guidance and support - including mentoring and a peer led anti-bullying and befriending scheme. There are also fun activities, an annual residential, plus regular workshops and outings. Quest LGB Catholics: 0808 808 0234. Regard: Regard, BM REGARD, London WC1N 3XX, secretary@ uk. Disabled LGBT. Step Out Tower Hamlets: Social & support group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans & questioning young people. 5-8pm Tues 079 4633 7160 South London Gays: 020 8672 5268/020 8674 5191. www. A friendly group with a range of social activities. Frontrunners: 07092 346340, Running group. Goslings Swimming: 07814 258 055. Gay social (non competitive) swimming group, Thur 8.30pm-9.30pm. www. The Project’s Personal Development Group runs 3-6pm in Soho. Nearest Tube: Piccadilly/ Leicester Square. Fuller details on the website. Activities - including outings, discussions, workshops, chill-outs and support - are planned and organised by the young attendees themselves. The Project’s Drop-In - open to anyone aged 25 or under - runs Thursdays, 5-8pm, at Clash, 11 Warwick Street London W1. Nearest Tube: Piccadilly. It provides support around a great number of issues, including coming out; sexual health; where to go if you are a victim of homophobic crime, abuse and violence; housing advice; plus drug and alcohol issues. For a comprehensive listing of other London LGBT youth groups: Park / Primrose Hill area. Mon 12-5pm and Wed 6-8pm. HATECRIME Kings Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club: 07090 421 367, Gay men’s rugby. Stonewall Football Club: 07090 422 390. Sunday soccer. London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: 020 7837 7324 Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, (GALHA): 01926 858450, Regular London events. Gay Police Association: Action Line 07092 700 000 (24hrs), [email protected]. Out to Swim: 07090 422 526, Gay swimming group. HELPLINES London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Counselling service. Unison: 0845 355 0845/0800 0967 968 (minicom). Works with LGBT community about work and employment problems. Outrage!: 020 8240 0222. Political group. Regular meetings. Galop: 020 7704 2040. www. For victims of hate crime Raiders Softball Club: 07931 721 377, www.rainbowraiders. com. Mixed baseball in Regents PACE: 020 7700 1323. Health and wellbeing. Tel info/support on Saturdays, 1-3pm. Please send all your listings to [email protected] Islington LGB Forum: Rachael: 07989 747824. An initiative between local police, the council & victim support. Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group: 020 8952 0137. Kairos: 020 7437 6063, www. 9 Archer St, London W1D 7AZ. Lesbian Gay Christian Movement: 020 7739 1249, [email protected]/www.lgcm. Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group: 020 7922 7811, $ Stonewall: 020 7881 9442. Campaign group for LGBT rights. Cruisers basketball: 020 8960 0750 (Debbie)/ 020 7582 7009, (Jordi). Mixed basketball. Dazz-elle: 020 8257 3068. London drug/alcohol support. Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group: 020 7922 7811. Every Stonewall Housing Advice: 020 7359 5767. GAY RIGHTS RECEIVE A BOOST FROM THE BIG LOTTERY FUND The provision of Employment Law advice to Lesbians and Gay Men by Central London Law Centre at the East London Out Project (ELOP) is in its second year of funding from the Big Lottery Fund. The service continues to provide an advice surgery at the East London Out Project in all matters of employment law advice, particularly discrimination, to lesbians and gay men living in East London. The surgery runs once every other week from ELOP’s premises in Walthamstow and gives much needed legal advice, assistance and representation to clients with employment law problems. “Often lesbians or gay men with work related difficulties find seeking advice difficult, especially if the problem is related to their sexuality and they are not out to their work colleagues” said Philip Tsamados of the Central London Law Centre who runs the surgery. The surgery provides a safe and accessible venue for lesbians and gay men to seek legal help. In addition, the Law Centre funding extends to Citizens Advice Bureaux (CAB) in the area. The Law Centre can take referrals from CAB in Waltham Forest and Newham of cases involving any form of discrimination at work. To make an appointment at the surgery, contact ELOP on 020 8509 3898. =Cb\Sea <3EA STEPPING OUT IN SPAIN Fundraisers hit the streets of Barcelona on Saturday 14 July in the hopes of finding treasure on the 10k Stonewall Equality Walk. Last year the participants raised around £40,000, but the campaigning organisation are hoping to break records by hitting over the £50k mark, proceeds will help fund the ‘Education for All’ campaign. NEWS FLASHES UK NEWS GAYS BETRAYED IN BRITAIN’S SCHOOLS LESBIAN SHOT DEAD BY POLICE WE ARE IN SERIOUS MORAL NEW QUEERS IN GOVERNMENT AND OPPOSITION TROUBLE BECAUSE Despite there being now no openly-gay ministers in Brown’s Cabinet, Angela Eagle - the EVERY TYPE UK’s first and so far only openly-lesbian MP - has been named Exchequer Secretary, a junior OF LIFESTYLE ministerial position in the Treasury. Gay Ben Bradshaw moves from the Department of the Environment to become Minister of State at the Department of Health – as well as Minister IS NOW for the South West. And former gay Cabinet minister Nick Brown returns to government as REGARDED AS Minister for the North West – as well as Deputy Chief Whip. LEGITIMATE. 37-year old lesbian, Ann Sanderson, has became the first woman to have been purposely shot by British police - gunned down by marksmen in Sevenoaks, Kent - after brandishing an (it turned out, imitation) firearm at officers which she refused to surrender. Friends say she may have been suffering from mental illness. Some reports suggest she might have goaded police into killing her, a practice known as “suicide by cop”. JAZZ GIANT GEORGE MELLY DIES Bisexual jazz singer, Soho swinger and life-and-soul George Melly has died at his London home, aged 80 – wife by his side. He had been suffering from dementia and lung cancer, for which he refused treatment. GAY.COM’S LONDON OFFICE CLOSES Struggling Gay.Com and Advocate publisher, PlanetOut, has announced that it will close its international offices – in Buenos Aires and in London. BICON 2007 A weekend of workshops, discussions, talks and entertainment, the 25th annual bisexual gathering – BiCon - takes place at the University of Glamorgan, 16–20 August 2007. More at: www. $" A major survey of Britain’s secondary schools by Stonewall has revealed that almost two thirds (65%) of LGB pupils – 156,000 children - have been victims of homophobic bullying. Of those, 92% (143,000) have experienced verbal homophobic bullying; 41% (64,000) physical bullying; and 17% (26,000) death threats. UK BLACK PRIDE FESTIVAL Just as we were going to press, news reached us that the Official UK Black Pride Festival (UKBP) takes place from 11am on Saturday 18 August, at Regent’s Park College. It promises to be a fun-filled day of entertainment, guest speakers, live performances, music, market and information stalls and much, much more. More at: The Rt Rev Graham Dow Bishop of Carlisle, who has claimed that the recent floods in the UK are, in fact, a divine judgment on society’s moral decadence, and not least on us queer folk. =Cb\Sea <3EA TOWERING TURING 0:3B16:3G>/@9C<D37:A5/GAB/BC3 /ZO\Bc`W\UeOabVSW\a^W`ObW]\OZ [ObVS[ObWQWO\ObbVSVSO`b]T 0`WbOW\¸aQ`cQWOZ3\WU[OQ]RS P`SOYW\UacQQSaaSaRc`W\UE]`ZR EO`Be]POaSROb0ZSbQVZSg>O`Y W\;WZb]\9Sg\Sa³eVWQVVOa\]e c\dSWZSRO]\SO\ROVOZTb]\ ZWTSaWhSabObcS]TbVSUS\WcaPg W\bS`\ObW]\OZZg`S\]e\SRaQcZ^b]` AbS^VS\9SbbZSA][SVWab]`WO\a QZOW[Bc`W\U¸ae]`YVSZ^SRaV]`bS\ bVSeO`Pgbe]gSO`aaOdW\U Q]c\bZSaaZWdSa7\'# ObObW[S eVS\V][]aSfcOZWbgeOaWZZSUOZW\ bVSC9Bc`W\UeOaQ]\dWQbSR]T VOdW\UOaSfcOZ`SZObW]\aVW^eWbV O\]bVS`[O\b]eVWQVVS[ORS \]RSTS\QS]bVS`bVO\b]aOgVS aOe\]bVW\Ue`]\UW\VWaOQbW]\a6SeOaaS\bS\QSR b]Ob`SOb[S\bbVObO[]c\bSRb]QVS[WQOZQOab`ObW]\) O\RRWSROTbS`PWbW\UW\b]O\O^^ZSVSVORZOQSReWbV QgO\WRSBVS^]WU\O\bag[P]Z]TbVS[c\QVSRO^^ZS O^bZgZWdSa]\b]bVWaROgW\/^^ZS¸aTO[]ca`OW\P]e Z]U];]`SW\T]Ob(eeePZSbQVZSg^O`Y]`UcY NEWS FLASHES INTERNATION NEWS SÃO PAULO: Three million Brazilians have taken part in São Paulo’s 11th Gay Pride, marching down the main Avenida Paulista - making it easily the world’s largest such event. The mayor, governor and several ministers all took part. LITHUANIA: An estimated 2.5 million queer and gay-applauding revellers converged on Madrid to celebrate EuroPride; and to salute Spain’s socialist government for bringing in legislation that has transformed what was once one of the continent’s most staunchly conservative nations into a beacon of homo-hope - an example to the world, not least to nearby neighbours in Eastern Europe. ...AND FINALLY HUGH’S HOOKER CLAIMS ALL’S DIVINE! Divine Brown, the former prostitute best known for her arrest whilst giving Hugh Grant a fifty buck blow job, claims she is eternally grateful to the aging star for publicity that reputedly earned her over $1.6 million. Gushed she: “Everything worked out for the better. I was blessed that it could get me out of that lifestyle. I love Hugh Grant. He put my kids through school. US CIRCUMCISION RATE: CUT Every year, worldwide, around 10 million Muslims, one million all-American boys, 100,000 Jews and sundry others – totting to about 1 in 6 males worldwide - have the foreskin that billions of years of evolution has bestowed on them, severed from their manhoods. Although controversial, circumcision is the most commonlypracticed medical procedure on Earth. Yet latest stats show, in no small part due to the large influx of the nation’s Asian and Latin immigrants, the US circumcision rate – which peaked at 90% back in the early 60s - has now been slashed to just 57%; in some states, being well below half. That said, some are predicting a fight back – in the light of recent studies suggesting circumcision could well drastically reduce the rate of HIV infection! VIEWERS TUNE INTO HOMOPHOBIA ON BIG BROTHER Angry viewers wrote in to Ofcom regarding the use of the word ‘poof’ on Channel 4’s Big Brother. The show has been accused of double standards over how they have handled the situation following contestant Emily being sent home earlier in the series for using the word ‘nigger’. On the show aired on Sunday 1 July, BB contestant Laura laughed as she jokingly called Liam a ‘poof’, but viewers have queried how this discrimination differed from the earlier incident. GATELY ANNOUNCES NEW TOUR Stephen Gately has been announced as the leading role in the rock opera musical Godspell, which will tour this autumn. The former Boyzone star and gay singer recently did a spell on ITV’s Dancing On Ice but after previous West End appearances he can’t wait to return to the stage. Godspell is being hyped as the new high-energy modern-day song-and-dance production depicts the last days of Jesus through its uplifting music. PHOTOGRAPH: HUGO GLENDINNING Tour Information Line - 01584 873912. OUTSPOKEN: SEBASTIAN ROCCA THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE UK LESBIAN & GAY IMMIGRATION GROUP CLAIMS ASYLUM SEEKERS ARE BEING FAILED BY THE UK If you are an LGBT asylum seeker then – according to numerous official refusal letters issued on behalf of the UK government - you can just go straight back to where you came from; and conceal your homosexuality to avoid harm. You can go home, hide your true self, never live with your partner and deny the very core of your identity. Would we tolerate such a situation ourselves, in our own country? If not, should we return desperate people, seeking help, home to face such inhuman discrimination elsewhere? ...LEAVING THEIR HOME COUNTRY IS NOT A MATTER OF CHOICE – APART FROM THE CHOICE OF LIFE OVER DEATH For many LGBT asylum seekers, leaving their home country is not a matter of choice – apart from the choice of life over death. Most of us here are lucky enough to have little idea what that means. When the UK Lesbian and Gay Immigration Group (formerly Stonewall Immigration Group) began in 1993, our main challenge was to win the right for same sex couples with a foreign partner to remain together in the UK. Our long and painstaking battle achieved gradually increasing rights until equality was finally reached in December 2005, when the first civil partnerships took place.As we became aware that this goal would be achieved, the focus of our work moved to providing legal support to LGBT asylum seekers. Despite legal LGBT-related advances in the UK, in more than 80 member states of the United Nations, consensual acts between same sex adults are still criminalized. Sometimes the focus of the media and politicians is on the small number of unfounded claims for asylum or on the rapidly increasing number of asylum seekers removed from the UK, rather than on the real issues and real people behind such numbers. This emphasis creates a culture of disbelief and lack of trust within communities, rather than promoting genuine ‘social integration’ – words very popular with politicians. Few people know, for example, that many African lesbians come to the UK and claim asylum because they are raped or threatened with genital mutilation by members of their families or their community, in an attempt to ‘turn them straight’. There is very little support available for LGBT asylum seekers in this country; and our project is a vital lifeline. It is a place to meet others struggling with similar issues and a source of quality legal advice, of practical and emotional support and – importantly – of hope. To make a donation or find out more about the UK Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group’s work: $# >@=>3@BG $$ =CbV]caS =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG One of the best investments in the capital is the dramatically changing ‘Gateway to Europe’ GOING OUT TOP HANGOUTS We find the most popular gay hotspots around King’s Cross OU]]R^]bS\bWOZW\dSab[S\bT]`W\dSab]`aO\R `SaWRS\bWOZPcgS`aOZWYS <WQV]ZOa2Oea]\;O\OUS`]TEW\Ye]`bV SabObSOUS\ba]\4O``W\UR]\@]ORSf^ZOW\abVOb bVSO`SOVOaSf^S`WS\QSRO!"^S`QS\b`WaSW\ c\RS`bV`SSgSO`aPcb^`]^S`bgWaabWZZSfb`S[SZg `SOa]\OPZS(µB`ORWbW]\OZZgbVSO`SOWaOQVSO^ OZbS`\ObWdSeWbVW\bS`SabW\UPcWZRW\UaacQVOa eO`SV]caSaa]9W\U¸a1`]aaWa[cQVQVSO^S` bVO\WbaZ]QOZ`WdOZQ]c\bS`^O`baacQVOa1ZS`YS\ eSZZ0Z]][aPc`gO\R/\USZ¶ 9W\U¸a1`]aaVOaOZO`US`S\bOZ[O`YSbPcb OZa]Obb`OQba`SaWRS\bWOZPcgS`ab]]@SaWRS\ba `O\UST`][abcRS\bab]QWbge]`YS`a2Oea]\ ORRa(µBVSRWdS`aWbg]T^S]^ZSeWbVW\bVSO`SOWa µ7TDOcfVOZZWaPSQ][W\UbVSQO^WbOZ¸a OaU`SObOabVS`O\USO\RRWTTS`S\QSaW\bVSbg^S UOgdWZZOUS7bVW\YbVOb9W\U¸a1`]aa ]T^`]^S`bgESVOdSSdS`gbVW\U]\]TTS`W\QZcR Q]cZRRSTW\WbSZgR]bVSaO[SW\<]`bV W\U\SePcWZR'!aeO`SV]caSQ]\dS`aW]\a :]\R]\¶abObSa;Obb6]^YW\aUS\S`OZ DWQb]`WO\bS``OQSTZObQ]\dS`aW]\aO\R5S]`UWO\ [O\OUS`]T1S\b`OZAbObW]\6]eSdS` V]caSaO\RdWZZOa¶ bVWaWa\]bbVS]\Zg`SOa]\eVg[O\g BVSRWdS`aSZ]QObW]\OZa][OYSa9W\U¸a1`]aa ]TbVSUOgQ][[c\WbgO`SZ]]YW\Ub] ^O`bWQcZO`ZgUOgT`WS\RZgeWbVTO[]caQZcPaacQV []dSb]bVSO`SO]\QSY\]e\T]`Wba OaUOgW\RWS\WUVb>]^abO`hObbVSAQOZOO\R ^`]abWbcbSaR`cURSOZS`aO\RcUZgW\ ]QQOaW]\OZQZcPSdS\baObac^S`QZcP3UU]\G]`Y Rcab`WOZc\Wba7\`SQS\bgSO`a9W\U¸a EOgO\RSabOPZWaVSRPO`aW\QZcRW\U1S\b`OZAbO 1`]aaVOaOQ_cW`SRO`S^cbObW]\T]` bW]\O\RbVS5]ZRS\:W]\1S\b`OZAbObW]\eVWQV PSW\U`c\R]e\O\Rc\aOTSPcbWb¸a·OZZQVO\US¸ VOaaS`dSRbVSUOgQ][[c\WbgT]`#gSO`a[Og ObbVSTO[]cab`O\a^]`bRSabW\ObW]\OabVSO`SO PS]\S]T[O\gUOgPO`a`c\\W\UW\bVSTcbc`S ^`S^O`SaT]`bVSW[[W\S\bO``WdOZ]T3c`]abO` BVSPO`¸a[O\OUS`;ObbSf^ZOW\aV]eVSS\dWa ^ZO\\SRT]`<]dS[PS` % OUSabVObbVSO`SOQ]cZRPSQ][SOUOg[SQQO( 9W\U¸a1`]aaeOa]`WUW\OZZgOdWZZOUSY\]e\ µ7QO\aSSOZ]b]TbVSA]V]PO`a]^S\W\UVS`Sb] Oa0ObbZS0`WRUSPcbW\&!#W\V]\]c`]T9W\U bOYSORdO\bOUS]TV]e[cQVSOaWS`WbWab]USb 5S]`US7DbVSO`SOPSQO[SY\]e\Oa9W\U¸a ZObSZWQS\aW\U¶6SQ]\bW\cSa(µBVS`SO`SOZa]^ZO\a 1`]aa:]\R]\¸a[OX]`Q][[cbW\UVcPVOaU]\S b]ZOc\QVO[caSc[QSZSP`ObW\UUOgO\RZSaPWO\ bV`]cUV[O\gQVO\USaaW\QSPcbbVSO`SOWagSb VWab]`gObbVS1O\OZ;caSc[eWbVW\bVS\Sfb b]c\RS`U]bVS[]abW[^`SaaWdSTOQSZWTbgSb7bWa Q]c^ZS]TgSO`a¶ QZOW[SRbVObbVSPWUUSab`SUS\S`ObW]\^`]U`O[W\ A]WTg]c¸`SZ]]YW\Ub]ZWdSQS\b`OZeO\bb] 3c`]^SWaQc``S\bZgbOYW\U^ZOQSVS`S2SdSZ]^ VOdSbVS]^bW]\]TOPcag\WUVbZWTSO\RO`Se]`Y [S\b]T`SaWRS\bWOZ^`]^S`bWSaa]^VWabWQObSR W\UeWbVObWUVbPcRUSbPcgW\UW\b]9W\U¸a1`]aa¸a ]TTWQSaaV]^aO\Rb]c`WabObb`OQbW]\aO`SPcaWZg ZO\R[W\S]T^]bS\bWOZQ]cZRPSWRSOZ PSW\U^ZO\\SRO\RPcWZb[OYW\U9W\U¸a1`]aa THE PLACE TO BE: KING’S CROSS CENTRAL STATION 37 WHARFDALE ROAD King’s Cross’s famous bar with roof terrace, cabaret, strippers. underground disco and more. A7;=<0:/93B3::ACAE6G0CG3@AA6=C:2 6/D3D7A7=</A97<5¸A1@=AA7A=<B63C> KING’S CROSS WHAT YOU CAN BUY IN THE AREA 01 BUNNING WAY, £279,950 A two bedrooms flat (right) in a modern development just off Caledonian Road. Includes parking. Chesterton. 0207 262 5060 02 PENTONVILLE ROAD, £279,950 03 KING’S CROSS ROAD, £930,000 A one bedroom, ground floor flat in a Grade II Listed Georgian house on Pentonville Road. The property comprises open plan living room, bathroom, bedroom and pretty communal gardens. A three bedroom and three reception five story Georgian property (left), currently configured with a ground and lower ground floor commercial A3 unit. Located within walking distance of King’s Cross and St Pancras stations. Winkworth. 020 7430 2510 Sandfords. 020 7723 9988 GOLDEN LION 2 BRITANNIA STREET A gay institution offering cabaret, bingo, quizzes and karaoke. The refurbished bar offers has a new beer garden. POPSTARZ @ SCALA PENTOVILLE ROAD The popular alternative indie night for Fridays has been running for over a decade. 10pm-4am. LONDON FRIEND CALEDONIAN ROAD Offering workshops, counselling and a helpline. For more information check online or drop by. $% =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG talking through all of their requirements. Pinpointing exactly what they are looking for so not only do they feel satisfied with the service, and hopefully they will recommend me to their friends and colleagues. At the moment there is no consultancy fees (for the first six months of the year ) just a one off payment when a deal is completed (this is on the commercial side). As far as the residential side is concerned, I will not be charging applicants to look at our instructions or register, unlike some competitors. Why set up a gay focussed property business? I feel that there are not enough people that offer this service and the ones that do are very few and far between, especially those that concentrate on the commercial acquisition side. I have ten years of property experience and wanted to use my knowledge to assist ‘gay’ or ‘gay run’ companies that are setting up, looking to acquire some additional space or individuals who want to purchase freehold buildings either for investment or owner occupation. What advice you have for gay people setting up their own business? The same as anyone setting up their business - gay or straight - you have to know your niche market. What reputation do you try to build? A good one… [laughs]. Perhaps steer away from the typical estate agent stereotype. Someone that people can rely on and trust, so they can achieve the best deal possible when acquiring new space. An estate agent that seems to be on the tenants and purchasers side not the landlord or vendor for a change! What made you go into business? At my old firm I was instructed by approximately ten clients at any given time. Just before the end of last year, eight of these happened to be gay. This is where the idea for my company came from. Working on a one-on-one basis with these clients is a proven success (see the testimonials). Proof is in the pudding. It’s about placing people with properties that they are looking for. What else inspired you? My uncle, who is also my business partner, is a property developer and investor in Central London and indeed throughout the UK. He started off at a very young age and has built one of the biggest property portfolios in the UK. If there is anyone to look up too it would have to be him. PROFILE BEN KAYE We find out more about the entrepreneur who just happens to be hot property. What is unique about your approach to property? I take pride in taking the time out, meeting my clients and Ben Kaye deals with clients looking to acquire offices or commercial accommodation and residential customers: 104 Great Portland Street, London W1W 6PE. 020 7637 0558. www. RECRUITMENT: JOURNALISTS RECRUITMENT: FREELANCE WRITERS LOOKING TO BREAK INTO JOURNALISM OR SEEKING FRESH EXPERIENCE IN AN EDITORIAL OFFICE? ESO`SOZa]Z]]YW\UT]`4@33:/<13E@7B3@AeV]a^SQWOZWaSW\^`]^S`bg ZSUOZ[ObbS`aO\RTW\O\QS S[OWZ(aO`OV.U![OUOhW\SQ]cYeWbVbV`SSO`bWQZSWRSOaO\RSfO[^ZSa]T g]c`e]`Y We regret that only successful applicants will be notified. RECRUITMENT: BOOK KEEPER ESO`SOZa]Z]]YW\UT]`O0==9933>3@b]e]`Y^O`bbW[S[cabVOdS Sf^S`WS\QS]TA/53Y\]eZSRUS]TaSbbW\Uc^agabS[aWa^`STS``SRPcb\]b \SQSaaO`g S[OWZ(ZW\RO.]cb[OUQ]cYeWbVg]c`1D We regret that only successful applicants will be notified. =cb7\BVS1WbgWaQc``S\bZgaSSYW\UT`SSZO\QS8=C@</:7ABAb]VSZ^]cbW\ ]c`:]\R]\]TTWQSaT]` ROga]TbVSeSSY >ZSOaSaS\RO1DQ]dS`W\UZSbbS`O\ROQ]c^ZS]TSfO[^ZSa]`g]c`e]`Y b][O\OUW\USRWb]`2OdWR6cRa]\ S[OWZ(VcRa]\.]cb[OUQ]cY]`[OWZ(=cb7\BVS1Wbg""6c\bae]`bV ;Sea:]\R]\<E$20 We regret that only successful applicants will be notified. $& Square Peg Media is an equal opportunities employer. 44 Huntsworth Mews, London NW1 6DB. 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Mark Riese is the owner and managing director of urban living the inspiring furniture emporium in London’s trendy Marylebone village. Please send questions to: [email protected]. BEST BUY//BARGAIN BEDS For an extra clever storage idea, Martin Barnett Furniture have ash wood bed frames of all sizes with an hydraulic lift up system that gives you direct access to all the space under the bed – loads of extra storage with easy access! They are currently running a special offer of a double storage bed with a “Firmrest” mattress for only £650. See % =CbV]caS >@=>3@BG ]cbORSbOWZSRPcRUSb]TV]e[cQVg]ceWZZVOdS b]a^S\R]\bVS^`]^S`bgO\ReVObWbeWZZSdS\bc OZZgPSe]`bVBOYSW\b]Q]\aWRS`ObW]\eVS`SbVS AbO[^Rcbg[O`YTOZZa0WRRW\Ua][SbW[Saab]^a ObbVWa^]W\bOaWb[Og[SO\abc[^W\Uc^O\Sfb`O ]\S^S`QS\b]TbVSb]bOZ^`WQS Picking up a bargain at auction is easy, at the drop of the hammer the property is yours 05 TIME IS MONEY ;]ab^`]^S`bWSaP]cUVbT`][OcQbW]\\SSR[]R S`\WaObW]\ObbVSdS`gZSOab0S`SOZWabWQOP]cbV]e [cQVe]`YWa\SSRSRO\RVOdS`SZWOPZSPcWZRS`aW\ ^ZOQSb]abO`bbVSe]`Y4]`bVS[OX]`WbgeV]O`S ^OgW\UO[]`bUOUS]\bVS^`]^S`bgWbWaSaaS\bWOZ b]USbe]`YQ][^ZSbSR_cWQYZgO\RSTTWQWS\bZg 06 GUIDE PRICE ;O\gOcQbW]\V]caSacaSRb]acUUSabbVOb[]ab ^`]^S`bWSaU]T]`O`]c\R #^S`QS\b[]`SbVO\ bVSacUUSabSRUcWRS^`WQSOZbV]cUVPSQOcaS []`S^S]^ZSO`SObbS\RW\UOcQbW]\aO\RbVS Q]\bW\cW\U`WaW\U^`]^S`bg[O`YSbSf^SQbb]^Og Oa[cQVOaR]cPZSbVSUcWRS^`WQS 07 SMALL PRINT HAMMER IT HOME 7bWa^`STS`OPZSb][OYSac`SbVS^`]^S`bgVOa dOQO\b^]aaSaaW]\]\^c`QVOaW\U7TPcgW\UeWbV ObS\O\b[OYSac`SbVSg¸`S]\O\/aac`SRAV]`b 6]ZRBS\O\Qg/U`SS[S\b³WbWa\]bORdWaOPZSb] Pcg^`]^S`bgeWbVO`SUcZObSRbS\O\bPSQOcaS bVSaSO`SZWTSbS\O\QWSa]\Z]e`S\beVWQVQO\ PS^OaaSR]\b]\Sfb]TYW\7Tg]cO`SPcgW\UO ZSOaSV]ZRQVSQYeV]bVST`SSV]ZRS`WaO\RbVOb bVSZSOaSVOaORSQS\bO[]c\b]TbW[Sb]`c\ # gSO`aWa^`STS`OPZS 74G=C¸@36/D7<5B@=C0:347<27<5/6=;37<:=<2=< 08 VIEWING TIMES A/;03<B:3GAC553ABAB7>A=<B@G7<5B=/1?C7@3/ ;]abOcQbW]\V]caSa`SZSOaSQObOZ]UcSaO`]c\R 0/@5/7<7</C1B7=<4=@47@ABB7;3@A bV`SSeSSYaPST]`SbVSOcQbW]\a]Wb¸aW[^]`bO\b DWaWbW\Ug]c`Z]QOZOcQbW]\QO\PSOROc\bW\U OTTOW`WTg]c¸`SZ]]YW\Ub]a^S\RbV]caO\RaObbVS R`]^]TbVSVO[[S`/ZbV]cUVPWRRW\UT]`g]c` V]caSQO\PSbVS[]ab^`]TWbOPZSeOgb][OYS []\Sg]`SdS\RSdSZ]^g]c`^S`TSQb`SaWRS\QS BVS`SO`S[O\g`S^]aaSaaSRV]caSaW\bVS QO^WbOZO\RV]caW\UOaa]QWObW]\V][Sac^T]` U`OPa^Zca^`]^S`bWSaW\\SSR]TB:1eWbVO ^`]TWbOPZS[O`UW\b]RSdSZ]^ BVSPS\STWba]TOcQbW]\O`SbVOb]\QSbVS VO[[S`TOZZabVS^`]^S`bgWag]c`abVS`SWa\] UOhc[^W\U\]QVOW\O\R\]SabObSOUS\bb`gW\U b]`OWaSbVS^`WQS/ZbV]cUVg]c[OgPSUSbbW\UO ^`]^S`bg_cWQYZgO\R]\bVSQVSO^g]c\SSRb] PSSfb`S[SZg]`UO\WaSRO\RQ][^ZSbSbVS aOZS_cWQYZg 01 SORT OUT YOUR FINANCES 7Tg]ceW\g]c`PWRg]c\SSRb]^cbR]e\O ^S`QS\bRS^]aWbab`OWUVbOeOga]`S[S[PS`g]c` QVS_cSP]]YO\R^Oaa^]`bG]cQ]cZRS\Rc^ Z]aW\Ug]c`RS^]aWbWTg]cVOdS\¸ba]`bSR]cb g]c`TW\O\QSaPST]`SVO\R7\US\S`OZWbWaORdWa OPZSb]VOdSO2SdSZ]^[S\b:]O\]`0`WRUW\U :]O\W\^ZOQSPSQOcaS`SUcZO`[]`bUOUSaO`S cacOZZgVO`Rb]USb]\RWZO^WRObSR^`]^S`bWSa O\RQO\bOYSZ]\US`b]Q][^ZSbSbVO\bVScacOZ &ROgRSORZW\S %" 02 GET A STRUCTURAL SURVEY BVSa]QOZZSRPO`UOW\g]c¸dSXcabOQ_cW`SR[Og S\Rc^PSW\UO[]\Sg^Wb=\QSbVSVO[[S` TOZZabVS^`]^S`bgWag]c`aa]Wb¸aW[^]`bO\bb]USb Oab`cQbc`OZac`dSgR]\ScacOZZgQ]abW\UO`]c\R %G]c[OgZ]aSbVSPWRO\RbVSQ]ab]TO ac`dSgPcbPSZWSdS[SWb¸aPSbbS`bVO\S\RW\Uc^ eWbVO^`]^S`bgeVWQV\SSRac\RS`^W\\W\UO\R O\Se`]]T 03 RESEARCH YOUR AREA 2]\¸bOaac[SbVObOZZ^`]^S`bWSaa]ZR]\OcQ bW]\O`SPO`UOW\a)g]cQ]cZRPSPWRRW\UOUOW\ab a][S]\SeWbV\]QSWZW\U]\V]e[cQVbVSg¸`S eWZZW\Ub]^Og/Za]c\ZWYS^cbbW\UO\]TTS`W\]\O V]caSeWbVg]c`SabObSOUS\bg]cQO\\]b`Sb`OQb g]c`PWRWTg]cQVO\USg]c`[W\R7bWaW[^]`bO\b b]`SaSO`QVbVSO`SOT]`\SeRSdSZ]^[S\baTZ]]R `WaYSbQO\RQ][^O`Sa]ZR^`]^S`bg^`WQSaG]c QO\QVSQYbVS^`WQSa]TaW[WZO`a]ZR^`]^S`bWSa ]\ZW\SObC^[gab`SSbQ][ 04 KNOW WHEN TO STOP BIDDING 7b¸aO[OhW\UV]e[O\g^S]^ZS]dS`a^S\RW\bVS PWRRW\UT`S\hg7b¸aW[^]`bO\bb]e]`Y]cbO[OfW [c[O[]c\bg]cO`SeWZZW\Ub]PWRPge]`YW\U b]PS]`UO\WaSR4W\R]cbbVSRObSabVObbVSZ]b RSbOWZaeWZZPS`SZSOaSRO\RUSb]\bVS[OWZW\UZWab T]`OQObOZ]UcS>ZO\\W\Ub]Pcg]\OcQbW]\WaO TcZZbW[SX]PG]c[cabb`gb]ObbS\RbVSTW`abdWSe W\Ub]UWdSg]cS\]cUVbW[Sb]P]]YOac`dSg O\RUSb_c]bSaT`][PcWZRS`a 09 SELLER’S PACK G]cQO\cacOZZg`S_cSabOaSZZS`¸a^OQYbV`]cUV bVSOcQbW]\SS`aBVSaSeWZZVOdSRSbOWZa]TOZZbVS aSO`QVSaO\RQ]\dSgO\QSRSbOWZaPcbOZa]bS`[a ]TaOZSBVS`S[OgSdS\PSOaSZZS`¸aTSS]TO`]c\R ]\S^S`QS\ba][OYSac`SbVWaWaQVSQYSRbV]` ]cUVZgO\RSdS\USbg]c`a]ZWQWb]`b]Z]]Y]dS` bVS^OQYT]`^WSQS]T[W\R 10 BE A RISK TAKER /cQbW]\aO`S\]bT]`bVSTOW\bVSO`bSR0cgW\UW\ bVWaeOgWaOZeOgaO`WaYPcbWTg]cbOYSOa[O\g ^`SQOcbW]\aOa^]aaWPZSbVWaQO\PS[W\W[OZWaSR Popular London auction houses: Savills: McHugh and Company: Strettons: Allsop: Or for all properties: =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA WE WANT... B67A;=<B6¸A6=B>@=2C1BA4=@ B636=;3 01 ASSORTED VASES | BOCONCEPT Since layering patterns, colours and textures is this month’s “hot trend”, try a mix and match with accessories, like these vases from BoConcept. The perfect solution if you’re not yet ready to dive into the smorgasbord of wallpapers, materials and other such fixed designer statements. 01 RRP £24 - £89 02 VACUUM JUG | STELTON Designed in the 1970s by Erik Magnussen, the Vacuum Jug is Stelton’s all-time best-selling product. Not surprising considering it’s an effortless and colourful amalgamation of classic chic, and even easier to appreciate when it’s hanging from your freshly painted (designer) kitchen wall. RRP £50 03 DAB RADIO| DUALIT Praised for the brushed steel brilliance of their industrial produce, Dualit has inevitably entered the consumer electronics market to equal high acclaim. Designed to compliment other products in the coveted brand, their DAB Radio’s polished aluminium casing and iconic style do just that. RRP £199.95 02 04 REGOLIT LAMP | IKEA Ikea’s winning attitude towards budget style will never fail to draw in customers, but sometimes the Swedes manage to even outdo themselves. The Regolit lamp embodies every timeless trends ever to grace “the moment”: functional and gorgeous. RRP £36 05 COCOA LEAF DUVET COVER | AMENITY HOME Adorned in an exotic leaf print and alluring cocoa colour, this duvet set from American textiles specialist Amenity Home will speak volumes in the quiet hush of your boudoir. There’s just one snag – it’s only available in the US. Better find an American friend, fast! RRP $320 06 WRONGWOODS CHEST OF DRAWERS | RICHARD WOODS AND SEBASTIAN WRONG FOR ESTABLISHED & SONS Sebastian Wrong is a founding member of the pioneering British furniture dealer Established & Sons. Woods, his partner in design crime, has recently produced some solid work for London Underground. “Wrongwoods” is the celestial brainchild of both creatives’ iconic styles: graphic, laminate, and incontrovertibly must-have. RRP £ on request 07 CARAFES | LEONARDO The transparent earnestness of plying us with such stylish, contemporary and cosmopolitan glassware is almost enough to call buyers at Leonardo and offer them a drink! Finally - a company prepared to make genuine labeled goods at humble, humane prices, purely for the love of design. RRP £38 (each) WORDS BY EMMA WILLIS 08 BALL CHAIR BY FINN STONE| BODIE AND FOU British designers are currently enjoying some time under the international spotlight, including Finn Stone, creator of the now iconic Ball Chair. It’s a little piece of Panton-inspired heaven for the derrière, available now at Bodie and Fou in every imaginable colour (well, almost). 03 %& RRP £140 =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 04 05 06 07 08 %' =CbZOe >/@B<3@A ON THE REGISTER 475C@3A=CB:/AB;=<B6AC553AB B6/B17D7:>/@B<3@A67>6/A033</ 6C53AC113AA7<7BA230CBG3/@ 7\bVSTW`abgSO`]TQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^a]dS`&Q]c^ZSaW\bVSC9`SU WabS`SROQQ]`RW\Ub]ZObSab=TTWQST]`<ObW]\OZAbObWabWQaTWUc`SaAO[SaSf Q]c^ZSaQ]cZRZSUOZZg`SUWabS`bVSW`^O`b\S`aVW^T`][bVS 2SQS[PS` # W\3\UZO\ROTbS`bVS1WdWZ>O`b\S`aVW^/QbQO[SW\b]T]`QSeSSYaSO`ZWS` ]\#2SQS[PS` C^c\bWZbVSS\R]T $[]`S[S\VORbWSRbVSY\]bbVO\e][S\ eWbV$^S`QS\b]TQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^abOYW\U^ZOQSPSbeSS\UOg[S\ 5W\];S`WO\]T]c\RS`]T>W\YESRRW\UaO\R]`UO\WaS`]TbVS5OgESR RW\UAV]eSf^ZOW\a(µ>S]^ZSaOgWb¸aPSQOcaSZSaPWO\aO`S[]`SQOcbW]ca bVO\UOg[S\Pcb7R]\¸bbVW\YbVObbVWaWabVS]dS``WRW\UTOQb]`¶6S Q]\bW\cSa(µ7b¸aO\]^^]`bc\WbgT]`P]gab]U]OUOW\abbVSabS`S]bg^S O\RaV]ebVSW`Q][[Wb[S\be][S\[Og\]bTSSZbVS\SSRb]R]a] Oa[cQV¶/Za]bVSOdS`OUSOUST]`[OZS^O`b\S`aeOa"%T]`[S\ eVWQVeOaaZWUVbZg]ZRS`bVO\bVOb]Te][S\ObOg]c\US`""gSO`a µBVSOUS[OgPSaZWUVbZgRWab]`bSRPSQOcaSeVS\QWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^ ZOc\QVSRbVS`SeS`S_cWbSOZ]b]T]ZRS`Q]c^ZSaeV]VORPSS\eOWbW\U T]`gSO`a¶abObSa5W\]eV]Sf^SQbabVSTWUc`Sb]R`]^W\Tcbc`SgSO`a :]\R]\VORbVSZO`USabRWTTS`S\QSW\UOg[S\O\RZSaPWO\`SUWab`ObW]\a eWbV[S\T]`[W\UbV`SSbW[SaOa[O\g^O`b\S`aVW^aOabVSW`TS[OZSQ]c\ bS`^O`ba/_cO`bS`]TOZZQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^ab]]Y^ZOQSW\bVSQO^WbOZeWbVbVS bg^WQOZUOgT`WS\RZgQWbWSaOZa]TOW`W\UeSZZ4WUc`Sa`SZSOaSRPgZ]QOZQ]c\QWZa abObSRbVOb5`SObS`;O\QVSabS`VORbVSVWUVSab`SUWab`ObW]\abVS\0`WUVb]\ O\R6]dST]ZZ]eSRPgbVS:]\R]\0]`]cUV]TESab[W\abS` 5W\]aOga(µBVSb]^bS\]\Zg`S^`SaS\ba %^S`QS\b]TbVSb]bOZ\c[PS` & ]T1WdWZ>O`b\S`aVW^aT]`[SRESaV]cZR\]b T]`USbbVS^ZOQSaOQ`]aabVSC9bVOb[Og\]b VOdSVWbbVSQVO`baa]b]a^SOYPcbaV]cZRabWZZ PS`SQ]U\WaSRacQVOaG]`Y0`Wab]Z1]`\eOZZO\R AcTT]ZYeVWQVOZZO^^SO`W\bVSb]^#W\ORRWbW]\ ZSb¸aQSZSP`ObSO\R`SQ]U\WaSSdS`gaW\UZSQ]c^ZS bVObVOdST]`[SROQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^b]VSZ^ RS[]\ab`ObSbVSW\QZcaW]\]TaO[SaSfTO[WZWSaW\ []RS`\a]QWSbg Pink Weddings are organisers of the Gay Wedding Show, check for more information. TOP TEN MOST POPULAR AREAS 01 Greater Manchester 02 Brighton and Hove 03 Westminster 04 West Yorkshire 05 West Midlands 06 Kensington and Chelsea 07 Kent 08 Islington 09 Surrey 10 Hampshire Edinburgh is the most popular city for Scotland and Cardiff for Wales. =CbZOe :35/: ONE-STOP LAW SHOP VISIT OUR RESIDENT SOLICITOR GABRIELE GIAMBRONE IF YOU HAVE A DIFFICULT LEGAL PROBLEM AND NEED THE ANSWERS. PLEASE SEND ANY QUESTIONS TO [email protected]. DEAR LEGAL DOC, I am getting registered with my partner in a Civil Partnership, but he says he wants to do a Pre-Civil Partnership Agreement with me. Besides the fact that I don’t feel he trusts me anymore, I have heard that these are a waste of time as they don’t actually stand up in court. Could you please advise me, I feel so in the dark. Mike DEAR JB, First of all, congratulations on deciding to register your civil partnership. Secondly, please do not feel that because your partner has asked you to sign a Pre-Civil Partnership Agreement he no longer trusts you. A Pre-Civil Partnership Agreement is a document which is signed by both partners prior to entering into a Civil Partnership which sets out the assets that each partner has brought into the relationship and also sets out what should happen to those assets should you dissolve your Civil Partnership. It is correct that such Agreements are not legally binding in this country; however they are not a waste of time. Case law has shown that such Agreements can be highly persuasive in court proceedings where the financial assets are in issue. A Pre-Civil Partnership Agreement would be more effective if it provided for full and frank disclosure of both partner’s assets, if both partners received their own independent legal advice, if neither partner was put under any pressure to sign the Agreement and the Agreement was signed in advance of the registration of the Civil Partnership, a suitable amount of time would be around 21 days prior to the registration. Pre-Civil Partnership Agreements are not obligatory and you do not lose your rights if you enter into an Agreement as a PreCivil Partnership Agreement cannot oust the jurisdiction of the court; however, as stated above, a properly drafted Agreement would be an important and persuasive factor in deciding how to divide the assets upon dissolution and therefore is highly recommended in order to protect each partner’s financial position. Gabriele For further advice, please speak to Avv. Gabriele Giambrone at [email protected] , or call him on 0870 0427 631. Please note that this is very general advice and we strongly recommend you seek advice from a solicitor specialising in same-sex couple issues and will and probate. & NEWS I’M ‘TAX’ FREE 8]V\7\[O\¸a^O`b\S`TW\O\QWOZZgPS\STWbaT`][ QVO\USaP]cUVbPgQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^WbeOa `S^]`bSRZOab[]\bV@SUWabS`W\UO^O`b\S`aVW^Wa TOab^`]dW\UWba^`OQbWQOZPS\STWba`ObVS`bVO\Xcab PSW\UO`][O\bWQW\QZW\ObW]\BVSabO`]TbVS'%a 001Q][SRg·/`SG]c0SW\UAS`dSR-¸eOa]\S]T bVSTW`abb]`SUWabS`VWa^O`b\S`aVW^W\2SQS[PS` #eVS\bVS1WdWZ>O`b\S`aVW^0WZZeOa]TTWQWOZZg ^OaaSRAORZgW\;O`QV %bVSOQb]`^OaaSR OeOgOTbS`PObbZW\UZWdS`^`]PZS[aZSOdW\UVWa PS`SOdSR^O`b\S`@]\:g\QVVWaT]`bc\S >`SdW]cab]bVSROga]TQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^O\R T]`aO[SaSfQ]c^ZSaeV]O`SgSbb]`SUWabS`O\g bVW\U]dS` &#bVObWaZSTbb]O^O`b\S`e]cZR PSacPXSQbb]W\VS`WbO\QSbOf]T"^S`QS\b /Qb]`8]V\7\[O\eSRVWa^O`b\S`]T!#gSO`a ObESab[W\abS`@SUWabS`=TTWQSO\RPSQOcaS]T VWaQWdWZ^O`b\S`aVW^eWbV:g\QVbVSSabObSe]`bV W\bVS`SUW]\]TO\SabW[ObSR &[WZZW]\eOa T`SST`][O\gW\VS`WbO\QSbOf =CbZOe :35/: &! =CbZOe 47</<13 ADVERTORIAL FEATURE Couples like Julian and Sandy left their complicated mortgage to Compass, so they could continue living their busy lives ][[S\RSROP`]YS`6SOaYSRSOQV]TbVS[T]` bVSW`^`SdW]caaWf[]\bVaPO\YabObS[S\bBVOb RWR\]bW\QZcRS2SQS[PS`PcbWbRWRW\QZcRS8cZg a]8cZWO\¸aabObS[S\baRWR\]baV]eVWa1V`Wab[Oa P]\caPcbRWRaV]eeVObbVSgVORa^S\b]\bVSW` V]ZWROgW\A]cbV/T`WQO/aT]`AO\RgbVSac[[S` eOaOZeOgaVWa_cWSb^S`W]Ra]bVSOQQ]c\baRWR \]bZ]]YP`WZZWO\beVWQV[SO\b^`]PZS[a :cQYWZg8cZWO\O\RAO\RgeS`SW\b`]RcQSRb] 1][^OaaPST]`SbVSgZ]abbVSV]caS/\RWbeOa \]^`]PZS[bVOb8cZWO\eOaOPZSb]^cbR]e\ OdS`g[cQVZO`US`aVO`S]TbVSRS^]aWbbVO\ AO\Rg/B`cab2SSRa]]\a]`bSR]cbO\gTcbc`S ^`]PZS[aW\bVObO`SO <]ebVSgO`SU]W\UPOQYb]1][^Oaab]a]`b ]cbOZWbbZSS_cWbg`SZSOaSb]`SR]bVSZ]]O\R PObV`]][/a8cZWO\aOgaWb`SOZZgR]Sa\SSRO abSO[aV]eS`O\RO\geOgbVSgVOdS\SdS`ZWYSR bVSTWbbW\Ua=`bVSS\acWbS G]c\SdS`Y\]eg]c[WUVbPSOaYSR`]c\R W\QV^ZOa[ObSZZg/\RO\gZWbbZSUWTbT]`bVSYWbQVS\ b]b`g]cbbVSaV]eS`eVS\WbWaOZZTW\WaVSR [cabU]eWbVPZOQY[O`PZSO\RQV`][S 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OZ]b]TaSaaW]\e]`YO\RbVS]QQOaW]\OZa]Z]UWU Chris Morgan is Managing Director of Compass, Financial AdvisPcbbVS[]\SgWaOPWbS``ObWQ ers to the gay community and editor of 6OdW\UaSbbZSR]\bVSV]caSbVSOUS\b`SQ Pink Finance the gay finance magazine HOME: A GAY PLACE TO WORK, REST AND MORTGAGE 6][SWaOabObS[S\b]T]c`^S`a]\OZWbg)]c` W\bS`Saba]c`abgZS6][S[OgPSbVSP]\RbVOb YSS^aOQ]c^ZSb]USbVS` /\RbVSQVO\QSaO`SWbWa[]`bUOUSR>]aaWPZg c^b]bVSVWZb/TbS`OZZeScacOZZgR]\]bVOdSb] e]``gOP]cbQVWZR`S\O\ROaWbQ]aba]\OdS`OUS #b]`OWaSOQVWZRT`][PW`bVb]c\WdS`aWbg bVOb[]\SgeSQO\W\dSabW\]c`V][SEVSbVS` g]cO`SbVW\YW\U]T[]dW\Uc^[O`YSb]``S []`bUOUS1][^OaaQO\VSZ^ ESQO\VSZ^g]c]PbOW\VWUVS`O[]c\ba]T P]``]eW\U]\g]c`V][SbVO\[O\g]bVS`P`] YS`aO\ReWbV]cb^`]]T]TW\Q][SBVWaQO\VSZ^ P]bVS[^Z]gSRUcgaO\RSa^SQWOZZgaSZTS[ ^Z]gSRUOg[S\([S\ZWYS8cZWO\O\RAO\Rg¬ EVS\g]cO`SW\dWbSR`]c\RT]`R`W\YWSa R]`S[S[PS`TZ]eS`aT]`8cZWO\[cabPSeVWbS \]bVW\UbVObWaU]W\Ub]RWab`SaabVS[W\W[OZWab ZWdW\U`]][eWbVWba^W\STZ]]`/T`WQO\`cUO\R$ &" CO PRODUCED BY CHRIS MORGAN AND 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The northernmost bears gettogether in the world, this small festival takes place 7-9 September 2007. This year’s event will include a whale watching expedition, Blue Lagoon trip, and parties at the MSC Club and guest London club, Come To Daddy. Check for full details and accommodation and travel advice. && NORTH, THEN NORTH AGAIN… 6OdW\UbVcabOabSRbVSabO`Y`OePSOcbg]TbVWaSO`bVg\ObW]\W\Wba QO^WbOZO\Rac``]c\Ra[O\gOb`OdSZZS`eWZZVc\US`gSO`\O\RdSS`b]eO`Ra 7QSZO\R¸a/`QbWQ<]`bV/abOUUS`W\UZgR`O[ObWQ"#[W\cbSTZWUVbeWZZbOYS g]cOQ`]aabVSBV]`VSe\W\bS`W]`b]bVS#^]^cZObSR/Yc`Sg`W aQO`QSZg$[WZSaT`][bVS/`QbWQ1W`QZS6W`SO6S`bheeeVS`bhWaO\R Sf^Z]`S^O`b]T^ZO\Sb3O`bV¸a[]ab\]`bVS`ZgOQQSaaWPZS`SOQVSa 7\/Yc`Sg`WWbaSZTQVSQY]cbbVSRWabW\QbWdSU`Sg:cbVS`O\1Vc`QV)O\R bVS0]bO\WQOZ5O`RS\aV][Sb]]\S]TbVSe]`ZR¸aPSabQ]ZZSQbW]\a]T/`QbWQ ^ZO\ba3\X]gOa]OYW\OV]b^]b]`abSO[S`ObbVSb]e\¸aaeW[[W\U^]]Z)]` V]ZRQ]c`bObaeWaVQOT{PO`9OTTW/Yc`Sg`WAb`O\RUObO% BVS\R`WdSO\V]c`O\ROVOZT\]`bVSdS`1W`QZSeO`Rab]bVS # ^]^cZObSR6aOdWYT]`a][SeVOZSeObQVW\U)O\Rb]^]YSW\aWRSbVSe]`ZR¸a ]\Zgµ>S\Wa;caSc[¶OYO7\abWbcbS]T>VOZZ]Z]Ug6SRW\aP`Ocb!O6aOdWY) eee^VOZZcaWa)]^S\ ;Og³AS^beVS`Sg]c¸ZZPS_cWbSZWbS`OZZgU]P a[OQYSRPgOXOeR`]^^W\UaWfT]]beVOZSQ]QY]\S\b`gT]ZZ]eSRPgO\ O``Og]TaSdS`SR[OZS[O[[OZWO\[S[PS`aO\R^WQYZSR^`WQYa @SgYXOdY5Og>`WRSeeeUOg^`WRSWa]\'bV bV/cUcab % eWZZPSObbS\RSRPg]dS`#^S]^ZS7\TOQbWb¸abVSPcaWSabb]c`Wab eSSYS\RW\b]e\QcZ[W\ObW\UW\O[O`QVabOUSaV]eaO\RObV]`]cUV P]cb]T^O`bgW\U/`bWaba^S`T]`[W\UbVWagSO`W\QZcRS]c`dS`g]e\8W[[g A][S`dWZZSO\R?P]g ESQO\`SQ][[S\RbVST]c`abO`<]`RWQO6]bSZAcc`ZO\RaP`Ocb ) B(!#""""#)eeeWQSV]bSZaWaW\[WRb]e\@SgYXOdYP]OabW\U abc\\W\UdWSeaOQ`]aaQWbgO\RPOg7\/Yc`Sg`Wg]c`PcRUSbeWZZab`SbQVTO` Ob]\S]TbVSaSbe]e]\RS`TcZeSZQ][W\UQS\b`OZ^OW`a]TUcSabV]caSa( AZc` `c\\O`ab`£bW'!9ZSbbOabUc`$)B(!#""$$]`5cZODWZZO\ 0`SYYcUbc& W\UdOZZOab`£bW")B(!#"&'$&"$")eeeUcZOdWZZO\Wa 7QSZO\ROW`eeeWQSZO\ROW`Q]cYTZWSaT`][6SObV`]eO\R5ZOaU]eb] /Yc`Sg`WW\\]`bVS`\7QSZO\RdWO@SgYXOdWYT`][Xcab #`Sbc`\W\QZcRW\U bOfSac\bWZbVSS\R]T/cUcab Reykjavik The Blue Lagoon =CbORa 1:/AA74732A &' =CbaQ]^S AB/@A 21 MAR-19 APR ARIES Be wary of getting defensive with someone who is trying to find a joint resolution. Now is the time to tread carefully in conflicts – either at work or closer to home. You have diplomatic skills Aries and now is the time to draw upon them. Do also keep an eye out for a special event in the first few days of August. 20 APR-20 MAY TAURUS LEO Taureans can expect to hit some real but surmountable obstacles in the early part of the month. However, don’t give up at the first hurdle. August also brings romantic developments – keep an eye open for new possibilities or positive changes in your current relationship. Go with the flow. 23 JUL-22 AUG The midsummer sun is in your She may do her best to hold back the years, but there’s no escaping the fact that Madonna turns 49 on 16 August. A typical Leo, she’s a survivalist with a need for approval. Leo’s are often warm, with a flair for drama and ‘what you see is what you get’ attitude. LIBRA Face it Libra… you can’t keep everyone happy all of the time, and attempting to do so is leaving you exhausted. Be wary of over-stretching yourself, particularly when it comes to saying ‘yes’ too often at work. A new relationship – friendship or otherwise – is set to blossom around the 17th August. ' 23 OCT-21 NOV 22 JUN-22 JUL GEMINI CANCER There have been some rough times over the last few months, but Geminis can expect an upturn in their finances from the beginning of August. Don’t blow it all on a wild weekend binge! You can also look forward to some new work opportunities after 17 August – be prepared to move out of your comfort zone. Stop being so hard on yourself Cancer. Even a small boost in your self-esteem this month will reap financial rewards and alter your perceptions of your earning power. Accept your limitations with grace and publicise your strengths. Stay practical and re-visit that ‘must do’ list of errands and plans. 23 AUG-22 SEP Early August is a time for quiet house Leo, and now is the time to give love to those close to you. Look afresh at things that have caused you grief, as a new bout of optimism will help you see things in their true perspective. All is positive on the creativity and romance front, and expect the unexpected around the 13th. Welcome it in whatever form it may take. and contemplation…ideal if you’ve got a relaxing holiday planned! Take stock of your life and the things you want to change – then devise ways for doing so. Virgos can expect a period of self-indulgence around the 22nd, but try not to overdo it. Pamper yourself and be open to the possibility of physical fulfillment. VIRGO LEO 23 SEP-22 OCT 21 MAY-21 JUN 22 NOV-21 DEC 22 DEC-19 JAN SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN Fasten your seatbelt… it’s going to be a bumpy ride! Expect a boost in your work and home life, following the full moon on 9 August. Changes to your routine may make you anxious at first, but keep your head together and you’ll reap the rewards.This month may be emotional, but you’ll see things clearer by the end. The full moon on 9 August inspires off-the-wall ideas, but pursue them with foresight and discipline. Even great ideas can fail if poorly executed. Be wary of advice from others, and the tendency for some of those around you to gossip and exaggerate. Yes, even on the gay scene… shocking, eh?! You’ve been partying hard lately, and August is the time to kick-start a new exercise regime. You’ll reap particular benefits from all physical activity between now and the end of September. It’s time for a mid-year detox and health kick. A lunar eclipse on 28 August finds others coming to you for advice. Give it wisely. 20 JAN-18 FEB AQUARIUS You can sometimes be plagued by indecisiveness Aquarius, but you know that following your gut instinct pays dividends. August brings fresh challenges – mainly in your relationships with friends and loved ones, but be true to yourself and stand firm. 23 August is a good time to make a new action plan. 19 FEB-20 MAR PISCES Stop complaining that your life is in a rut and do something about it! Now is the time to book a holiday somewhere unusual… or even just to visit somewhere locally that you don’t normally venture. Try hanging out at a different bar or club for a change. You might be pleasantly surprised. =CbTWb 63/:B6 ' 63/:B6 ' =CbTWb =CbTWb 63/:B6 HOLDING BACK THE YEARS 2@>/B@7190=E:3@ @3>=@BA=<B63 5@=E7<5B@3<2 4=@/3AB63B71;/:3 5@==;7<5/<2B63 >@=132C@3AB6/B /@3>@=D7<5;=AB >=>C:/@¬ EVS\7TW`ababO`bSRW\Q]a[SbWQe]`YbeS\bg gSO`aOU]7RWR\]baSSO[O\T`][]\SgSO` b]bVS\Sfb<]e7¸RSabW[ObSbVOb]dS`]T [g^ObWS\baO`S[OZSBVSaSPZ]YSaQ][SW\OZZ aWhSaOUSaPOQYU`]c\RaO\ROdO`WSbg]TaSfcOZ ^S`acOaW]\a;]`SO\R[]`S[S\O`Sbc`\W\U b]eO`Ra\]\ac`UWQOZO\bWOUSW\Ub`SOb[S\ba acQVOa0]b]fRS`[OZTWZZS`a^SSZa[WQ`] RS`[OP`OaW]\O\RZOaS`VOW``S[]dOZOabVSg `SOZWhSbVObabOgW\Ug]c\UW\O^^SO`O\QS`S_cW`Sa []`SQ][[Wb[S\bbVO\bVS]QQOaW]\OZTOQWOZ]` bVSZObSab[]Wabc`WaW\UQ`SO[ BVSaVWTbW\Ub`S\RPSUO\]dS`bS\gSO`aOU] O\RWaaZ]eZgUObVS`W\U[][S\bc[BVSUOg ^]^cZObW]\Wac\R]cPbSRZgbVSW\Rcab`gZSORS` VOdW\UTSeS`W\VWPWbW]\aW\caW\UOZ[]abO\g [SbV]Rb]Z]]YbVSW`PSabBVS[SRWOTc`bVS` S\ZWUVbS\bVSW``SORS`aeWbV`SUcZO`O`bWQZSa]\ [S\¸aVSOZbVO\RbVS`SO`SaSdS`OZeSZZY\]e\ [OZS[OUOhW\SaeWbV^OUSaRSd]bSRb]bVSZObSab U`]][W\UbSQV\W_cSaO\R^`]RcQba O\R[]Wabc`WaS`aO\R[]abW[^]`bO\bZgeSO`S SRcQObW\UbV`]cUVbVS[SRWOaOZ]\aQZW\WQaO\R bVSW\bS`\Sb 7\bVSQZW\WQOZS\dW`]\[S\b0]b]fWabVS[]ab ^]^cZO`b`SOb[S\bT]`[S\eWbVT]`SVSORO\R T`]e\ZW\SaBVWab`SOb[S\bWaOZa]caSRb]VSZ^ Q]\b`]ZSfQSaaWdSaeSObW\U]bVS`eWaSY\]e\ Oa6g^S`VWR`]aWa2S`[OZTWZZS`aT]`\]aSb]ZW^ ZW\SaT]ZZ]eQZ]aSPSVW\RO\R`SQS\bZgO\c[PS` ]T[S\[O\g]TbVS[W\bVSW` ¸aO\R!¸aO`S `S_cSabW\UZW^S\VO\QS[S\b/\SedWU]`]ca bg^S]T[WQ`]RS`[OP`OaW]\QOZZSR2WO[]\R B]\ST`][bVSCAVOa`SQSWdSRQSZSP`Wbg S\R]`aS[S\bO\RWa^`]dW\UOVWbeVS\WbQ][Sa b][OYW\UbVSaYW\O^^SO``ORWO\bO\RVSOZbVg <]\ac`UWQOZb`SOb[S\baO`SWRSOZT]`[S\ PSQOcaSbVSgR]\]b`S_cW`SR]e\bW[ST`][ e]`Y]`]bVS`OQbWdWbWSaO\RR]\]bVOdSbVS abWU[O]TPSW\UµUW`Zg¶]`TS[W\W\S^`]QSRc`Sa ;]`SW[^]`bO\bZgbVSgR]\]bab]^g]c`ZWTSBVS b`SOb[S\baSaaW]\aO`SaV]`beWbV[O\gbOYW\U ZSaabVO\#[W\cbSaa]g]cQO\eOZY]cb]TbVS QZW\WQO\RUSb]\eWbVg]c`ZWTS 3gSPOUac`US`gZW^]acQbW]\P`SOab`SRcQbW]\ OcU[S\bObW]\O\RVOW``Sab]`ObW]\O`SbVS[]ab `S_cSabSRQ]a[SbWQac`US`g^`]QSRc`SaT]`[S\ BVS\Seµ:c\QVBW[S:W^]¶b`SOb[S\bA[O`b :W^]bVObcaSaZOaS`ab]RWaa]ZdSTObWaOZa] UOW\W\UW\^]^cZO`WbgeWbV[OZS^ObWS\baOaa[OZZ Z]QOZWhSRO`SOa]TTObQO\PS`SRcQSReWbV]cbbVS \SSRT]`ac`US`gBVSQVW\O\RZ]dSVO\RZSaO`S bVS[]ab^]^cZO`O`SOaT]`[S\:SaaQ][[]\ O`STOQSZWTba7\bS`SabW\UZg^S\WZSSfbS\aW]\aQ][S eSZZR]e\bVSZWab EVObZWSaOVSOR-BVS`SeWZZPS[]`SU`]][W\U QS\b`SaQObS`W\USfQZcaWdSZgT]`[S\O\RbVWaeWZZ ]\ZgW\Q`SOaSW\bVSC9OaOeV]ZSO\ReWZZ\]b PSQ]\TW\SRb]QWbg QS\b`SaZWYS:]\R]\ O\R;O\QVSabS` ;OZSU`]][W\UeWZZ S\Q][^OaaOeWRS dO`WSbg]TSfQWbW\UO\R STTSQbWdS\]\ac`UWQOZ O\Rac`UWQOZb`SOb[S\b ]^bW]\abVObeWZZ Q]\bW\cSb]U`]e THE GAY POPULATION IS UNDOUBTEDLY THE INDUSTRY LEADER, HAVING FEWER INHIBITIONS IN USING ALMOST ANY METHOD TO LOOK THEIR BEST Dr Bowler’s is Medical Director of Court House Clinics (0845-555 5050) and co-founder of the British Association of Cosmetic Doctors, which can offer independent advice on medical cosmetic procedures. ;S\O`S\]e[]`SOeO`S]TbVSW[^]`bO\QS]T Z]]YW\UU]]Rb]W[^`SaabVSW`aWU\WTWQO\b]bVS`a O\Rb]Tc`bVS`bVSW`QO`SS`a;O\gW\Rcab`WSa VOdSOg]cbVQcZbc`S(bVS[SRWOO\R7BO`SU]]R SfO[^ZSa;S\e]`YW\UW\bVSaSO`SOaO`Sc\RS` ^`Saac`Sb]`SbOW\bVSW`g]cbVTcZO^^SO`O\QS b]YSS^ObbVSb]^/bV][SbVSW`^O`b\S`aO\R T`WS\RaS\Q]c`OUSbVS[b]caSac\aQ`SS\a '! 63/:B6 '" =CbTWb =CbTWb /2D3@BA '# =CbTWb 63/:B6 DOMINIC’S TOP TIPS FOR STAYING MENTALLY FIT… PHOTOGRAPH: WWW.MIKEKEAR.COM • Make and maintain some good friends - be loyal to, and care for, each other. • Take time to think about your life - maybe keep a journal of your feelings and thoughts. • Find five new ways to have fun - which don’t involve having sex, drinking, taking drugs or shopping! PINK THERAPY… ALL IN THE MIND? 2=;7<712/D73A4@=;>7<9B63@/>G 1=;;3<BA=<B63A>317471 16/::3<53=4<C@BC@7<55==25/G ;3<B/:63/:B6¬ µ@SQS\b`SaSO`QVacUUSabaUOg[S\O`STWdS bW[Sa[]`SZWYSZgb]VOdSObbS[^bSRacWQWRS bVO\ab`OWUVb[S\)O\RO`SbeWQSOaZWYSZgb]VOdS PSS\RS^`SaaSRW\bVSZOabgSO`:50BaO`SOZa] bV`SSbW[Sa[]`SZWYSZgb]VOdS^`]PZS[a]TR`cU RS^S\RS\QSbVO\bVSW`VSbS`]^SS`a 4`][bVSW`SO`ZWSab[S[]`WSa[O\g:50B ^S]^ZSU`]ec^TSSZW\URWTTS`S\bBVSg[Og VOdSTSZbbVObbVSW`Obb`OQbW]\aO\RRSaW`SaO`S ·e`]\U¸O\RYS^bbVWaOaSQ`SbY\]eW\UbVObb] `SdSOZWbb]bVSW`TO[WZg]`T`WS\RaQ]cZR`SacZbW\ `SXSQbW]\^]aaWPZgdW]ZS\QSBVSg[OgVOdSVOR TSe^]aWbWdS`]ZS[]RSZab]R`Oec^]\ZSORW\U b]Z]eaSZTSabSS[`SZObW]\aVW^RWTTWQcZbWSaTO[WZg b`]cPZSaO\ROdcZ\S`OPWZWbgb]PSW\UOPcaSRPg bV]aSeV]aV]ebVS[^]aWbWdSObbS\bW]\ ;]`S]dS`WabVS`S[]`Sb]PSW\U:50BbVO\ aSfO\R^O`bgW\U-G]ce]cZR\¸b\SQSaaO`WZg bVW\Ya]eVS\ac`dSgW\Ua][S]T]c`UOg[SRWO ³bVSS[^VOaWa]\VSR]\Wa[O\RZ]]YW\UU`SOb 6]eSdS`bVWa^`SaS\baOTOW`Zg]\SRW[S\aW]\OZ dWSe]TeVObWb[SO\ab]PSUOgeVWQVTSe]Tca OQbcOZZgZWdSc^b])O\RQO\Q]\b`WPcbSb]Z]eaSZT SabSS[(·7R]\¸bZ]]YZWYSbVObQO\¸bOTT]`Rb]U]b] bV]aS^ZOQSaSbQ¸ 1][[]\ag[^b][aeVWQVg]c]`a][S]\S g]cY\]e[OgSf^S`WS\QSeVWQV[OgPS\STWb T`][^`]TSaaW]\OZac^^]`bQ]cZRW\QZcRSTSSZW\U '$ has a UK-wide online directory - listing over 300 therapists, of all orientations, who won’t judge someone because of their sexuality. It also runs an extensive training programme for therapists to learn more about the specifics of being from a gender or sexual minority and how this impacts on lives. It has just moved from Harley Street to the very lap of Soho: 0207 434 0367 or www. 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Will Nutland [SO\bbVOb67DWaZSaadWaWPZS>S]^ZSO`SWZZZSaa ]TbS\O\RWbWaSOaWS`b]YSS^ORWOU\]aWa^`WdObS ORSQWaW]\^S]^ZS]TbS\[OYSPSQOcaS]TbVS abWU[OO\RWU\]`O\QSbVObabWZZSfWaba BVS`SO`S[]`S^S]^ZSZWdW\UeWbV67DW\bVWa Q]c\b`gbVO\SdS`[O\g]TbVS[c\RWOU\]aSR gSbbVWaZOQY]TdWaWPWZWbgT]abS`aQ][^ZOQS\Qg ;O\gUOg[S\bVW\YbVSgR]\¸bY\]eO\g]\S ZWdW\UeWbVbVSdW`cagSb\ObW]\OZZg]\SW\ #UOg [S\VOdS67D)O\RW\:]\R]\WbWa[]`SbVO\]\S W\bS\ BeS\bgTWdSgSO`a]\WbTSSZaOabV]cUVbVS`S¸a []`ST]`B6Bb]R]bVO\SdS`ES¸dS[ORS a][S`SOZ^`]U`SaaPcbbVS`SO`SabWZZ[O\g[]`S QVOZZS\USaOVSOR¶ BS``g6WUUW\aRWSROUSR!%ObAbBV][Oa¸ 6]a^WbOZ:]\R]\]\"bV8cZg'& ]\S]TbVS TW`ab^S]^ZSW\bVSC9 b]a]R]OaO`SacZb]T /72ABVSBS``S\QS 6WUUW\aB`cabeOaaSb c^aV]`bZgOTbS`eO`Ra PgOU`]c^]TBS``g¸a T`WS\R(4]`RSbOWZa]TWba e]`Y]`T]`VSZ^O\R ORdWQSZ]U]\b]eee bVb]`UcY G]cQO\OZa]QOZZB6B 2W`SQb]\&"# bVSVSZ^ZW\S Wa]^S\;]\ROg 4`WROgO[[ O\RAObc`ROgAc\ROg \]]\$^[ FROM ITS SMALL BEGINNINGS IN A FLAT IN CENTRAL LONDON, THT HAS GROWN TO BECOME THE UK’S LEADING HIV AND SEXUAL HEALTH CHARITY - ONE OF THE LARGEST IN EUROPE Terry Higgins The Trading Standards Institute (TSI) has found that many of the most common tooth whitening kits available to buy over the counter contain illegally high levels of bleaching agent hydrogen peroxide. The popularity of such kits has risen drastically in recent years, as people seek and quick and cheap way of whitening their teeth. However, hydrogen peroxide can aggravate gum disease, damage tooth enamel, and increase tooth sensitivity. The TSI found that hydrogen peroxide levels were higher than the legal limit in 18 out of 20 DIY products tested, with one particular brand exceeding the legal limit by a factor of 230 times! They were keen to point out that their tests were carried out only on teeth whitening kits, and not whitening toothpastes. The two whitening kits that passed their tests were the Boots Expert Teeth Whitening Programme, and the ‘Brilliant’ tooth whitening system from Brilliant Products. Commenting on the findings, a spokesperson for the British Dental Association told the BBC, “It is important any patient considering having their teeth whitened consults their dentist, who will examine their mouth properly, take a full medical history and discuss treatment options.” SALTY SANDWICHES Recent research has revealed that some brands of prepackaged sandwiches can contain high levels of salt. A high level of salt in your diet is known to raise blood pressure, and can lead to heart disease and stroke. Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH) analysed the nutritional content of 140 sandwiches, and found that 41% cent contained one-third of the recommended daily salt intake for adults. That’s not too bad if a lunchtime sandwich makes up one of your three meals of the day. However, 8% of the sandwiches studied contained half the recommended daily salt limit. Worst offenders were ‘All Day Breakfast’ sandwiches – some of which contained the same amount of salt as seven bags of crisps! All sandwiches containing bacon and ham tended to have higher salt levels, while lowest were the Co-op’s Healthy Living Tuna and Cucumber and Tesco’s Healthy Living Chicken Salad, with only 0.6g of salt (around 10% of your recommended daily intake). CASH’s advice to consumers was to always check the labels, and urged retailers to always provide such information on their packaging.
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