the PDF - Out In The City
the PDF - Out In The City
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WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM :=@3; =CbZ]`S[ =CbT`]\b PAGE 42 INTERNET EDITORIAL// ADVERTISING PAGE 44 COLUMNST Alex Bryce on homophobia in Westminster Editor David Hudson [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1943 PAGE 47 OUT THERE Upcoming scene highlights for March, plus coverage of Ku Bar, XXL and Trannyshack PAGE 18 KELLY CLARKSON CONTENTS ISDN: 1473-6039 Head of Business Development Rob Harkavy [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1936 Advertising Manager Dan Goodban [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1832 Senior Advertising Executive Maggie Allen [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1991 Senior Advertising Executive Maz Ogden [email protected] +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Square Peg Media Ltd. 37 Ivor Place London NW1 6EA Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 Cover photo: Adrian Peacock The content of this publication, either in whole or in part may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or trasºmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers. Opinions expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2008. Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one of our advertisers/ Media Partners. PAGE 73 OUTREACH The Metro Centre, Student Pride and community listings – plus fostering in Wandsworth PAGE 04 LETTERS Send emails to [email protected] HUDSON’S LETTER I know that we can’t rely on The Daily Mail for balanced reporting when it comes to gay issues, but the paper has recently sunk to new depths on the subject of gay adoption. If you haven’t been following the story, a couple of children in Scotland were recently placed with a gay couple for adoption. The children’s mother is a heroin addict, and their elderly grandparents were judged by social services to not be best suited to raising them. This predictably prompted an onslaught from the Daily Mail, which viciously attacked the council’s decision and the very notion of gay adoption. One columnist labelled gay people “selfish” for wanting to adopt. Selfish? Giving up countless time, finances, and energy to give a child a home, to try and give them the very best start in life… that’s selfish? In the interests of balance, we asked a representative from Wandsworth Adoption and Fostering to write us a feature this month (pg.76) explaining exactly what they’re seeking when looking for foster carers and adopters, and why they – along with other councils across the UK – believe that gay people make excellent carers. Elsewhere this month, and because we know many of you are anxious about job security, we’ve got an extended recruitment section – with details about careers in the police and Home Office, amongst others. We catch up with Kelly Clarkson, review the great new Pet Shop Boys album, review the latest films and theatre, plus bring you all the essential diary dates for London over the coming month. Enjoy – and keep sending us your feedback. [email protected] PAGE 06 MY LONDON Tasty Tim gives us his capital highlights PAGE 48 XXL PAGE 08 SHOPPING Boys On Film and Kuyichi denim PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON talks about new album PAGE 83 Easy Come Easy Go RECRUITMENT Working and studying PAGE 28 at Newham College, FILM plus careers in the The Young Victoria, Home Office and police Hush and Bronson reviewed PAGE 88 PROPERTY Living in Kentish Town, PAGE 34 THEATRE plus Carrington House Spring Awakening HomeStyle PAGE 11 DIARY March’s cultural highlights in and around London PAGE 18 KELLY CLARKSON Having stormed back to the top of the charts in the US, the original American Idol-winner chats to Out about her life and new album… PAGE 36 FOOD Sumosan reviewed plus restaurant listings PAGE 22 COLUMNIST Knight Hooson tracks down some old lover on Facebook PAGE 24 MUSIC New albums from Pet Shop Boys and U2 PAGE 26 MARIANNE FAITHFUL The cult chanteuse PAGE 40 COLUMNST Daniel Fry is tired of racial stereotypes… PAGE 106 MOTORING PAGE 108 TRAVEL Scene stars best holidays, plus a postcard from Gran Canaria PAGE 112 HOROSCOPES PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON Contributing Editor Adrian Gillan [email protected] Design Concept Splicer Design Art Director Thom Rhein [email protected] Sub Editor Kathryn Fox Contributors Richard Bevan, Alex Bryce, Charlotte Dingle, Adrian Foster, Daniel Fry, Edward Gamlin, Knight Hooson, Chloe Marshall, Paul Murphy, Gary Ryan, Richard Tonks, Michael Turnbull, Stephen Unwin, Steve Watson Photographers Chris Jepson, Bernard Miller Publisher Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley PAGE 6 TASTY TIM PAGE 111 HEALTH Soho’s new sexual health clinic at 56 Dean Street, and Living Well Life Clubs ! =CbT`]\b :3BB3@A TOP OF THE POST ON FIRE WATCHMEN A whole clutch of buff male specimens in skimpy, figure-hugging outfits – in this year’s first big, bona fide blockbuster - in cinemas 6 March. LOLA We’re loving this Frenchborn American-based singer, who wowed us (and Grace Jones!) with an intimate showcase at the 100 Club at the beginning of February. ICELAND It may have gone in to financial breakdown, but its just got the world’s first openly gay Prime Minister. Yay! SO LOVELY 7XcabeO\bSRb]aOg bVOb7`SOZZgS\X]gSR g]c`W\bS`dWSeeWbV 5`OVO[<]`b]\³Wb [ORS[SP]]YbWQYSba b]aSS:O1OUS/cf 4]ZZSa7¸dSOZeOga eO\bSRb]aSSbVS aV]eO\R7O[OTO\ ]T5`OVO[¸aO\ReOa W\bS`SabSRb]aSSV]e VSTSZbOP]cb^`S^O`W\U T]`bVSaV]ea]7¸[ \]eZ]]YW\UT]`eO`R b]WbW[[S\aSZg Aaron, Shoreditch CONSTANT ROADWORKS Whether by bus or car, getting around central London at the moment seems to entail crawling around roadworks on every other street… BANK BONUSES SNOW Actual snow; moaning about snow; snow disruption… we’ve had enough for one winter! ON ICE " SINGLED OUT 7eOaW\bS`SabSRb]`SORbVS^WSQSPg@caaSZZ EVO`b]\OP]cbb`gW\Ub]TW\RO`SZObW]\aVW^eVS\ g]c¸`S67D^]aWbWdS/ZbV]cUVb`SOb[S\bT]`67D VOaW[^`]dSRU`SObZgO\R[O\g^S]^ZSeWbV 67DQO\ZSORZWdSaeWbV]cbag[^b][a\]bVW\U QO\YWQYg]cW\bVSUcb[]`SbVO\PSW\U`SXSQbSR PgOV]babcRbVObVOR^`SdW]caZgaV]e\U`SOb W\bS`SabPcbeV]acRRS\Zgbc`\aQ]ZReVS\g]c bSZZVW[bVObg]c¸dSU]b67D/\RbVS`SO`SabWZZ Z]ba]T^`]TWZSa]\bVS7\bS`\SbbVOba^SQWTgg]cPS ·RWaSOaST`SS¸EVObOQVO`[W\U^V`OaSW\RSSR A][SUcga[OgbVW\YbVOb67DWa\]PWURSOZ O\g[]`S³PSZWSdW\UbVObWb¸aOZZOP]cbVSOZbVO\R W[^`]dSR[SRWQObW]\BVSgR]\¸b`SOZWhSbVOb bVS`SWaabWZZOZ]b]TabWU[OO\RTSO`O`]c\R67D O\RbVObbVS`S`S[OW\Z]ba]TUcgaeV]aORZg e]\¸beO\bb]RObSg]cPSQOcaSg]c¸dSU]bbVS dW`ca WIN! WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL You do well, you get a bonus. You send the economy into meltdown, you still get a bonus. Eh? No wonder we didn’t do well at maths at school… STAR LETTER HOT BOD BVO\Yg]cbVO\Y g]cbVO\Yg]cT]` W\b`]RcQW\U[Sb] bVSZ]dSZg[]RSZT]` 00]gc\RS`eSO` EV]WabVObUcg-/\R QO\eS^ZSOaSVOdS a][S[]`S^WQbc`Sa ³]`SdS\OeV]ZS QS\b`Sa^`SOR-6S¸a OPa]ZcbSZgU]`US]ca a]7eOaRSZWUVbSRb] TW\R[]`S^WQbc`Sa]\ bVSeSPaWbS1][S]\ P]ga³V]eOP]cbO T`]\bQ]dS`-7bVW\Y7¸[ ]PaSaaSR M, SW11 /\g]\SeV] VOaOZSbbS` ^cPZWaVSR W\bVS/^`WZ WaacS]T=cb 7\BVS1Wbg eWZZ`SQSWdSOQ]^g]TbVS\Se 2D20]ga=\4WZ[D]Z(6O`R:]dS@SZSOaSR Pg>SQQORWZZ]>WQbc`SabVWabe]V]c`Q]ZZSQbW]\ ]TUOgaV]`baTSObc`SaVOZTOR]hS\TWZ[aT`][ c^¸\¸Q][W\UUOgbOZS\b0]ga=\4WZ[D]Z(6O`R :]dSWa`SZSOaSR';O`QV ' BVSe`WbS`]T/^`WZ¸aAbO`:SbbS`eWZZ`SQSWdSO Q]^g]T0]ga=\4WZ[D]Z(6O`R:]dSO\R /\]bVS`5Og0]fASb³eVWQVQ]\bOW\abVSa^]]T Q][SRWSa/\]bVS`5Og;]dWSO\R/\]bVS`5Og AS_cSZ@SZSOaSRPgB:/`SZSOaW\UbVSPOeRg QO[^Sfb`OdOUO\hOaTSObc`SaUcSabO^^SO`O\QSa T`][@c>OcZ5`OVO[<]`b]\>S`Sh6WZb]\O\R 1]Zb]\4]`RBVS2D2Wa`SZSOaSR]\!;O`QV ^`WQSR ''' B]PSW\eWbVOQVO\QS]TeW\\W\UO^`WhS^ZSOaS 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^OUSabVWa[]\bV7 XcabeO\bSRb]e`WbSW\ b]c`US^S]^ZSb]aSS bVWae]\RS`TcZaV]e 0SbbS0]c`\SUWdSaO\ O[OhW\U^S`T]`[O\QS Oa?cS\bW\1`Wa^ 7b¸a`c\\W\Uc\bWZbVS PSUW\\W\U]T/^`WZ³U] aSSWb\]e Neil Lucas Everyone who had a letter published this month won a copy of the re-released Now That’s What I Call Music 1. =CbT`]\b MY LONDON A13<3:353<2/<228B/ABGB7;57D3A CA67A1/>7B/:6756:756BA¬ >=@B@/7B0G16@7A83>A=< E63@32=G=C1=;34@=;=@757</::G/ZbV]cUV7eOaP`]cUVbc^W\µ@]gOZ¶Bc\P`WRUSESZZa7eOaOQbcOZZgP]`\W\ @][T]`RAQ`SO[;S/\3aaSf5W`ZeV]¸RVOdSbVc\YWbE63@32=G=C1C@@3<B:G:7D3/<2E63<272G=C;=D3B63@37ZWdSXcab]TTBVS>]`b]PSZZ]@]OR7b¸aacQVOU`SOb\SWUVP]c`V]]R4cZZ]T Y]]YgSQQS\b`WQaeVWQVWaeVg7TWbW\^S`TSQbZg7¸dSPSS\VS`S#gSO`aE]e BVObUOdS[Sa][SbVW\Ub]bVW\YOP]cb E6/B¸AB6303ABB67<5/0=CB:7D7<57<:=<2=<BVSO[OhW\UO[]c\b]TbOZS\bSRO\RQ`SObWdS^S]^ZSbVObU`OdWbObSb]eO`Ra bVS:]\R]\\WUVbZWTS7b¸aOZeOgaQVO\UW\UO\ROZeOgaQVOZZS\UW\U ¬/<2B63E=@AB7bbOYSab]]Z]\Ub]USbO\geVS`SO\RbVS]cb`OUS]caQOPTO`SabVSgQVO`US g]cb]R]Wb 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We’ve always thought that one of the highlights of the annual London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival are the collections of gay shorts. Often by first time film makers, they’re usually interesting, attention-grabbing or just a little bit weird. So, we were happy to see that Peccadillo Pictures have gathered together some of the best gay shorts from the last couple of years for Boys On Film Vol 1: Hard Love. The DVD includes such gems as Cowboy Forever (about gay rodeo), Gay Zombie and the awardwinning Scarred. Boys On Film Vol 1: Hard Love is released 9 March 2009. BOTTLE IT We’d buy any old rubbish if it were adorned by a nice Keith Haring print, but we do think this new range of re-usable watter bottles from Sigg are actually a good idea. The re-usable and recyclable bottles – available in a range of designs – are made from pure aluminium, helping to reduce landfill waste caused by disposable plastic water bottles (taking many years to bio-degrade). They cost £13.99 from Selfridge’s, Fenwick’s Brent Cross or SIX NATION ARMY Why can’t more advertising campaigns feature naked rugby players? England rugby captain Steve Borthwick (pictured), along with fellow players Paul Sackey and Shane Williams, has stripped of for an advertising campaign for energy drink Powerade – official sports drink for the Rugby Football Union. The Powerade InnerGear campaign has been launched ahead to coincide with the Six Nations tournament, and emphasises the importance of hydration for all athletes. & DIRTY DENIM On the same eco vibe as this month’s SIGG bottles, we’re liking the SS09 collection from Kuyichi. The Pure Premium collection is described as a “high level eco-luxury denim line”, and features garments created from 100% organic cotton and mixed hemp selvedge. Colouring – where applicable – is carried out with eco-friendly vegetable dyes. The jeans range has just been complemented by a range of tops, including a shirt, jacket and sweatshirt. Prices start at £115 for the regular denim or £200 for the Pure Premium collection. Stockists: www. =CbT`]\b 27/@G HIGHLIGHT EVENTS// MARCH 2009 25 FEB-7 MAR AND 26 MAR: A new, acclaimed, mixed-gender production of Jean Genet’s classic play The Maids is currently touring the UK. From a translation by Neil Bartlett, and directed and designed by Sâmir Bhamra, the production features men taking the female roles of the maids. “Although, the first performance of The Maids had a female cast, Jean Genet’s long time friend and supporter, Jean Paul Sartre, states that Genet’s intention was always 02-07 MAR Pack up your troubles in your Prada bag and join the darlings of London’s neo-cabaret scene, as the all-singing, all-dancing alternative cabaret duo Bourgeois & Maurice bring their live show to the Soho Theatre for five nights. Expect “a whistlestop tour through the peculiarities of a nation on the edge, and a fabulous homage to the century we live in – this new show covers socially vital issues such as eroto-manic stalking, clandestine body mutilation and the fatal cult of celebrity.” b]c`^`][]bW\UZOab gSO`¸a2SObV;OU\SbWQ OZPc[eee[SbOZZWQO Q][ PHOTO © ANDRÉ MORIN © ADAGP 01, 05 AND 25 MAR: AbWZZZO[S\bW\UbVS S\R]TZOabgSO`¸aF 4OQb]`-1ObQVbVS b]^bS\Q]\bSabO\baW\ OZZbVSW`UZ]`g]\bVS F4OQb]`:WdSB]c` eVWQVaeSS^aW\b] ES[PZSg/`S\O]\ ;O`QVbVS= ]\bVS# ;O`QVO\RbVS\POQY b]ES[PZSg]\ # ;O`QV@cbV:]`S\h] 2WO\ODWQYS`a8:A O\R3]UVO\?cWUU OZZab`SbQV]cbbVSW` #[W\cbSa]TTO[S OZ]\UeWbV0`WbOW\¸a 5]bBOZS\b`c\\S`a c^AWU\Obc`SeVWZS /ZSfO\R`O0c`YSeWZZ \]R]cPb`OWaSbVS`]]T eWbV·6OZZSZcXOV¸BWQYSba &#eeefTOQb]` WbdQ][b]c` for the production to feature young men playing women, because female actors did not need to ‘play’ women.” Phizzical Production’s presentation of the work seeks to understand how different genders play with the roles – and how far they are willing to stretch the imaginary world. The production comes to the Watermans Arts Centre ( in Hounslow from 25 February to 7 March, and then Rich Mix, Bethnal Green on 26 March ( 04 MAR-25 MAY: BVS A]cbVPO\YV]abaO [OX]``Sb`]a^SQbWdS]T bVSe]`Y]TdSbS`O\ 4`S\QVQ]\bS[^]`O`g O`bWab/\\SbbS ;SaaOUS`P]`\'"! EWRSZg`SUO`RSR Oa]\S]T3c`]^S¸a []abW[^]`bO\b Q]\bS[^]`O`gO`bWaba bVWaaV]e·BVS 02 AND 28 MAR: ;SaaS\US`a¸eWZZ ;SbOZUWO\ba;SbOZZWQO ^`SaS\bO\]dS`dWSe]T ^ZOgbVS= /`S\OOa bVSO`bWab¸aQO`SS`O\R ^O`b]TbVSW`Qc``S\bC9 `SdSOZVS`caS]T SUN 01 MAR Planning your civil partnership? Are you happy to splash the cash? The Designer Civil Partnership Show is coming to Liverpool Street’s Andaz Hotel (formerly the Great Eastern Hotel), with a host of top quality exhibitors all vying to impress those looking to celebrate their special day in true style. Civil Partnership experts will be on hand to offer advice, and there will be exhibition stalls for everything from wedding photographers and stationers through to florists and cake-makers. Full details at =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS//MARCH 2009 10 MAR: Previews begin for the West End musical production of Priscilla Queen Of The Desert at the Palace Theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue, followed by the gala lunch proper on 24 March (bookings now being taken till end of September 2009). The show – based on the well-loved, Oscar-winning 1994 film – stars Jason Donovan, Tony Sheldon, Oliver Thornton and Zoe Birkett, and recounts the tale of three Sydney drag queens who decide to drive a bus across the Australian outback to reach a far-flung residency in Alice Springs. O\OTTSQbW\U`S^S`b]W`S ]TT]`[aO\R[ObS`WOZa O[]\UbVS[a]Tbb]ga abcTTSRO\W[OZaTOP`WQa e]]Z^V]b]U`O^Va O\RR`OeW\Uaeee a]cbVPO\YQS\b`SQ]cY IMAGE © FÉLIX DAGENAIS 05-10 MAR: BVS 26 FEB-08 MAR The Sadlers Wells hosts Eonnagata – a new dance collaboration from Sylvie Guillem, Russell Maliphant and Robert Lepage that seeks to tell the curious story of 18th century spy Charles de Beaumont – diplomat, writer, swordsman and a member of the King’s Secret, a network of spies under the control of Louis XV. “De Beaumont was perhaps the first spy to use transvestitism in the furtherance of his duties and until the day he died his true gender was a source of constant speculation, even provoking public bets in the late 18th century.” The show utilizes the Kabuki method of Onnegata, with men playing women and sporting elaborate costumes designed specifically for the production by Alexander McQueen. Tickets £10-£40. O\\cOZ3OabTSabWdOZ Q][Sab]bVSQO^WbOZ QSZSP`ObW\UbVSPSab ]T3Oab:]\R]\BVWa gSO`¸a^`]U`O[[S TSObc`Sa]dS`! SdS\ba³T`][TOaVW]\ TWZ[O\RT]]RbV`]cUV b]O`bVWab]`gO\R ^S`T]`[O\QS³OZZ bOYW\U^ZOQSOQ`]aa bVS1WbgAV]`SRWbQV 6]fb]\EVWbSQVO^SZ A^WbOZTWSZRa6OQY\Sg O\RAb`ObT]`R THUR 05 MAR: /ZbV]cUV]\Zg `SZSOaW\UASOaWRS@]QY W\bVS[WRRZS]T & AeSRWaVW\RWS`]QYS`a >SbS`0X]`\O\R8]V\ VOdSO\]bVS`\Se OZPc[³:WdW\UBVW\U ³RcST]``SZSOaS]\! ;O`QV/VSOR]TbVOb bVSg^ZOgO]\S]TT UWUObBVSAQOZOW\ 9W\U¸a1`]aaeee ^SbS`PX]`\O\RX]V\ Q][ FRI 06 MAR: BVSBW\U BW\Ua³]\S]TbVS PSab\SePO\Rab] VOdSS[S`USRW\ & ³T]ZZ]ec^bVSVcUS acQQSaa]T·BVOb¸a <]b;g<O[S¸O\R ·AVcbC^/\R:Sb;S 5]¸eWbVOVSORZW\S aV]eObbVS0`Wfb]\ = /QORS[geee bVSbW\UbW\UaQ][ 12-22 MAR: BVSO\\cOZ :]\R]\/cab`OZWO\ 4WZ[4SabWdOZ`Sbc`\a b]bVS0O`PWQO\ 1W\S[OT]`bS\ROga 20-21 MAR After playing a month of shows in London last year, cult duo Sparks – otherwise knows as brothers Ron and Russell Mael – headline at the Forum in Kentish Town over two nights. Expect hit singles from their extensive back catalogue, including the likes of ‘Beat The Clock’ and ‘This Town Ain’t Big Enough For The Both Of Us’. ! =CbT`]\b 27/@G CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS// MARCH 2009 03-04,07-08 & 11 MAR: BVSTWTbSS\bV:/44bVS Pc[^S`^`]U`O[[S W\QZcRSaTSObc`S TWZ[aR]Qc[S\bO`WSa O\RaV]`ba4]` Qc``S\bZWabW\UaO\R ^`]U`O[[SbW[Sa QVSQYbVSeSPaWbSOb eeePO`PWQO\]`U cYOcab`OZWO\TWZ[ FRI 06 MAR Following last year’s Off With Their Heads album, the Kaiser Chiefs wind up their UK tour with a date at Wembley Arena. MON 09 MAR Following the release of new album – Tonight: Franz Ferdinand – Alex Kapranos’ art-school indie rockers play a headline show at the Hammersmith Apollo. " SAT 14 MAR: 4]ZZ]eW\U bVSQ`WbWQOZO\R Q][[S`QWOZacQQSaa ]TZOabgSO`¸a;S`Qc`g /eO`ReW\\W\UOZPc[ BVSASZR][ASS\9WR 3ZP]e^ZOgO]\S]TT O`S\OUWUObES[PZSg /`S\O³bVSW`PWUUSab Q]\QS`bgSbeee SZP]eQ]cY 14-16 MAR: /ZbV]cUV ZOabgSO`¸a/6c\R`SR ;WZZW]\Ac\aOZPc[VOa \]bgSb[O\OUSRb] PHOTOGRAPHY © GIACOBETTI She’s back and she’s still simply the best! The legendary Tina Turner – still shaking her tail feather at the age of 69 – descends upon the O2 Arena for a series of London gigs. Expect a set packed with greatest hits. aSbbVSQVO`baOZWUVb W\bVSaO[SeOg OaWba^`SRSQSaa]` A\]e>Ob`]ZaV]cZR Q][T]`bOPZgTWZZbV`SS \WUVbaObbVS= /`S\O eeea\]e^Ob`]Z\Sb 20 MAR-13 APR: 5Sb R]e\b]3O`Za1]c`b T]`bVS3243\S`Ug 7RSOZ6][SAV]e BVSC9¸aPWUUSabO\R Z]\USab`c\\W\UV][S O\RZWTSabgZSSfVWPWbW]\ W\QZcRSaVc\R`SRa ]TabOZZaO\RSfVWPWba T]`bV]aSeO\bW\U b]W[^`]dSbVSW` V][SaO\RUO`RS\a ]`b]QVSQY]cb\Se RSaWU\WRSOaBVSYSg bVS[ST]`bVWagSO`¸a SdS\bWa·AOdS;]\Sg AOdS3\S`UgAOdS A^OQS¸ASSeee WRSOZV][SaV]eQ]cY T]`TcZZRSbOWZa SAT 21 MAR: :]dS`a ]TbVS@WRZSgAQ]bb QZOaaWQ0ZORS@c\\S` [OgeO\bb]`SaS`dS bVS[aSZdSaOaSObT]` Oa^SQWOZaQ`SS\W\U]T ·BVS4W\OZ1cb¸Ob 27 MAR-15 MAY The recently opened Kings Place in King’s Cross hosts an exclusive presentation of portraits of the late Francis Bacon by friend and fellow artist Francis Giacobetti. The conventional view of Francis Bacon is that he was something of a recluse, rarely venturing from the studio and even then restricting his socialising to meeting his bohemian and underworld friends at Soho’s Colony Club. Bacon, however, had something of a parallel life in Paris where he had a broad circle of friends, among whom was Giacobetti. He often persuaded the London artist to pose for him, with many of the resulting works being intentional pastiches of Bacon’s own style. # =CbT`]\b 27/@G HIGHLIGHT EVENTS// MARCH 2009 17 MAR-11 APR: mission to enhance his social status and finally get a shag.’ The production proved a big hit upon its Edinburgh Festival debut in 2000, with The Guardian summing it up as “Adolescent desire, burgeoning sexuality, loss of virginity and cross-generational sex all deftly handled in a cracking script”. This production also costars Ciara Janson (Hollyoaks) and comedienne Mel Giedroyc (of Mel & Sue fame). Tickets £20-£25. IMAGE © INGRID DULCIMER Adapted from the acclaimed novel by William Sutcliffe, a new production of the gay-themed New Boy comes to the Ambassadors Trafalgar Studio, starring Nicholas Hoult (Skins, About A Boy). He plays Mark, who begins the sixth form at school acutely aware that it’s his last chance to impress his fellow pupils. ‘The mesmerizingly good-looking Barry seems to be having trouble making friends. Everyone is afraid of him. He could be the perfect ally in Mark’s bVS047A]cbVPO\Y ]\AObc`ROg ;O`QV BVSaQ`SS\W\UeWZZPS ObbS\RSRPgOQb]` @cbUS`6OcS`eV] ^ZOgSR·`S^ZWQO\b¸@]g W\bVS[]dWSBVS aQ`SS\W\UbOYSa^ZOQS Ob#^[³QVSQYeee PTW]`UcY 25 MAR-08 APR: BVS THUR 26-28 MAR Fresh from the success of her second number one single (‘The Fear’) and the release of second album It’s Not Me, It’s You, Lily Allen plays three nights at the Shepherd’s Bush Empire. $ :]\R]\:SaPWO\ 5Og4WZ[4SabWdOZ `Sbc`\ab]bVS047 A]cbVPO\YeWbV be]eSSYa]T TSObc`STWZ[aaV]`ba R]Qc[S\bO`WSaO\R UcSabO^^SO`O\QSa /bbVSbW[S]TU]W\U b]^`SaabVWagSO`¸a aQVSRcZSVOR\]bPSS\ `SZSOaSRPcbT]`bVSTcZZ ^`]U`O[[SO\RbWQYSb W\T]`[ObW]\QVSQYbVS eSPaWbSObeeeZZUTT ]`UcY THUR 12 MAR With a new album being self-released in April – Battle – Patrick Wolf returns to the music scene, kick-starting his campaign with a headlining show at Heaven, Villiers Street, WC2. Aiming at breaking down the barriers between artist and audience, Wolf parted ways with Universal last year. Battle is being released through Patrick’s own label, Bloody Chamber Music, and funded via, the new online funding vehicle that allows fans to take a stake in an album’s success through buying stocks at £10 a time ( For more info, check =CbabO\RW\U CANDY GIRL 93::G1:/@9A=<:/C<1632=<B=B63E=@:2AB/53/AB63E7<<3@=4B63 47@AB/;3@71/<72=:0/197< A63¸A6/263@C>A/<22=E<A0CB7A 1C@@3<B:G3<8=G7<5B6307553AB67B=463@1/@33@=D3@7<B63AB/B3A A6316/BB32B=AB3>63<C<E7</0=CB63@<3E/:0C;9/BG>3@@G /<263@5/G4/<A¬ ES¸`SaWbbW\UW\Oab`W^^SRPO`SacWbS]T:]\R]\¸a;Sb`]^]ZWbO\6]bSZ O\RWb¸aXcab9SZZg1ZO`Ya]\[SO\RO`SQ]`RQ][^O\gbg^SeV]¸a Zc`YW\Ua][SeVS`S]cb]TSgSaV]b7TbVS`SeOaOPSRW\bVSacWbS bVSg¸dSbOYS\Wb]cbO\RO^O`bT`][bVSbV`SS]TcabVS`SO`Sbe]eVWbS a]TOaOQ]TTSSbOPZSO\R\]bVW\USZaSSfQS^bTZ]]`b]QSWZW\UeW\R]ea O\ROeV]ZSZ]OR]TeVWbSeOZZ7b¸aXcabU]\SRO`Ya]bVSSTTSQbWaYW\R]T SS`WS µ=VWb¸ag]c¶aVS^`OQbWQOZZggSZZaOZZO\W[ObSRO\RSTTcaWdSO\RPSZWSdOPZS bVS`S¸aOQVO\QSbVS`SQ]U\WbW]\eOa^`][^bSRPgOabOUSeVWa^S` OTbS`OZZµES[SbOb¬¶aVSU]Sa]\T]ZZ]eSRPgS\]cUVSbQSbS`OaO\R a]O\Ra]¸ab]PSb]bOZZgUS\cW\S/\RPO\UVSSS`W\SaaWaU]\SO\RWb¸a Xcab9SZZg1ZO`Ya]\³5`O[[g/eO`ReW\\W\U[cZbW[WZZW]\OZPc[aSZZW\U /[S`WQO\7R]ZeW\\W\U^]^Qc[`]QYabO`³PSW\UOZZ\]`[OZ /\RR]\¸bU]S_cObW\U\]`[OZeWbVP]`W\U0]`W\UWabVSQ]\dSg]`PSZb abO`ZSbeWbVVS`TZOb^OQYSR^S`a]\OZWbgO\R^`S]`ROW\SRabgZS³bVSYW\R 9SZZg]TbS\TW\RaVS`aSZT\Sfbb]W\bVSTZW[aWS`^`SaadS`g[cQVW\a^WbS ]TVS`aSZTAVS¸abVSTc`bVSabT`][^`SS\SR^ZcQYSRTZcTTSRO\R^`S^^SR Oag]cQO\W[OUW\SW`]\WQOZZgbVWaWa]TbS\bVS`SOa]\aVSTW\RaVS`aSZT a^ZOaVSROQ`]aaU]aaW^[OUOhW\SaPcbQ]\dS`aSZgR]Sa\¸b`SdSZW\ P`SOYW\UbVSQc``S\b[]cZRAVS¸aXcabOV][SZgBSfO\UW`ZW\OTc\\g]ZR ^`]TSaaW]\ µ7O[^`SbbgZSdSZVSORSR¶aVSaOga\]RRW\Uµ/\R7eSO`c\RS`eSO`¶ 9SZZg1ZO`Ya]\WabVS^]abS`UW`ZT]`UW`ZaeV]e]cZR\¸baSZZbVSW`a]cZa b]Z]]YZWYSg]c`OdS`OUS^]abS`UW`Z6O`RZgOaQ`O^]T[OYSc^)VOW` bVObSdS\WTWbWaSf^S\aWdSZgQ]WTTSRO\RQ]Z]c`SRO\RVOZTPSZ]\UW\Ub] QVWZR`S\T`][RSdSZ]^W\UQ]c\b`WSag]c¸RPS\]\SbVSeWaS`)bVSa]`b ]TQZ]bVSag]c¸ReSO`]\OAc\ROg\WUVbObV][SQc^]Ta][SbVW\U eO`[W\T`]\b]T2O\QW\U=\7QSPZcSXSO\aO\RUS\S`WQQ]eP]gaVW`b O\RPO`SZgO\]c\QS]TaV]ePWh³a][cQVa]bVObg]c¸RPST]`UWdS\ T]`bVW\YW\Ug]ceS`SW\bS`dWSeW\UbVSe]`YSf^S`WS\QSUW`Z\]b]\S]T bVSe]`ZR¸aPWUUSabaSZZW\UTS[OZSaW\US`a/b]\S^]W\b^S]^ZSeS`S QZO[PS`W\Ub]^WZS`SQ]`RP`SOYW\UTSObac^]\VS`TOabSabaSZZW\UbVWa PWUUSabaSZZW\UbVObPcbeWbV`SQ]`RaOZSaO^^`]OQVW\UbVS [WZZW]\ [O`YO\RVS`^]aWbW]\Oa³TO`O\ROeOg³bVS[]abacQQSaaTcZ/[S`WQO\ 7R]ZeW\\S`9SZZg1ZO`Ya]\¸aR]W\UeSZZSdS\Pg[SUORWdOabO\RO`Ra /\ReVS\eSaOg·RWdO¸Wb¸aOb]bOZ\]R`O[OZWbbZS·R¸ G]cR]\¸beO\bb]aOg·\WQS¸³RO[\W\UeWbVTOW\b^`OWaSO\ROZZbVOb³Pcb & aVS`SOZZgWa/\ReO`[O\RVSOR]dS`VSSZaT`WS\RZgO\Rg]cY\]ebVOb `S[S[PS`W\UbVSZOabbW[SeS[SbbVW\U`SOZZge]`Ya¬AVS¸a`WQVPSg]\R []ab^S]^ZS¸aeWZRSabR`SO[aO\RQ]cZRQZWQYVS`TW\US`aaS\RR]e\ T]`QVO[^OU\SQOdWO`9SbbZS1VW^aeVObSdS`b]]YVS`TO\QgPcbaVS R]Sa\¸bBVObZOabbW[SeS[SbW\QWRS\bOZZg9SZZgeOaSObW\UZc\QVbVOb aVS¸RP`]cUVbW\VS`aSZT=cb]TOBc^^S`eO`SP]f7\bVS0SdS`ZgEWZaVW`S V]bSZW\0SdS`Zg6WZZabVS>`SbbgE][O\]\SA]Wa\¸bbVS`SSdS\bVS bSS\WSabeVWTT]TbVSac^S`abO`OP]cbVS`\]bSdS\T]`STTSQb-µ=YOga]7 RWR\¸b[OYSbVObZc\QVW\bVSBc^^S`eO`SP]f¬¶ESZZWb¸aOabO`b¬ /\R9SZZg1ZO`Ya]\VOabVOb`SOZZgTOabeOg]TbOZYW\UbVSeOg/[S`WQO\ bSS\OUS`aR]=`R]W\aV]eaZWYSBVS6WZZaAVS¸a\]bObSS\OUS` O\g[]`S]TQ]c`aS³aVSbc`\aO`W^S]Z¸ %bVWagSO`³Pcb9SZZg`SbOW\a OQS`bOW\g]cbVTcZ_cOZWbgW\\]QS\QSSdS\BVS`S¸a]\ZgbVS[S`Sab I HAVE THE WORST GAYDAR IN THE WORLD... 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WANTED SOMETHING DIFFERENT UWTb¸¶BVS\9SZZgabO`ba]\O\O\SQR]bS³O\]bVS` ]\S³OP]cbeVS\aVSeOa]\VS`eOgPOQYT`][ :OaDSUOaeOaOPWba_cWTTgOTbS`]\S]`aSdS`OZ O\RS\RSRc^bVS^`]cR]e\S`]TO RWO[]\RQ`cQWTWfA^ZWbaQ`SS\OeV]ZSZ]OR]T ^]ab^c`QVOaSO\fWSbg 0cbWTbVS`S¸a]\SbVW\Ug]ce]cZR\¸bVOdS\]bWQSR OP]cb9SZZg1ZO`Ya]\Wb¸aO\]bOPZS]bVS`<]b O\g]\SeS¸`SOeO`S]TO\geOg1Oabg]c`[W\R POQYO\RbVS`SeOaOP]gT`WS\RT]`OeVWZS³bVS ]RR^WQbc`SVS`SO\RbVS`S³Pcb\]bVW\Ub]PcgO \WQS>VWZW^B`SOQg]dS` µBVS`S¸a\]bSdS\O^`]a^SQb]TO]\SOb bVS[][S\b¶aVSZOcUVabVS`SOZWbg]TWb ]PdW]caZg\]bP]bVS`W\UVS`bVOb[cQV µ/\R7¸[\]b`SOZZgZ]]YW\U0cbWb¸aU]]R 7UcSaabVS`SO`SROgaeVS\g]ceO\b a][S]\Sb]VO\U]cbeWbVPcbT]`bVS []ab^O`b7¸[\]b`SORgT]`bVOb¶ /\R]TQ]c`aSW\bVSOPaS\QS]TO P]gT`WS\RPcbW\bVS^`SaS\QS]TbV]aS ZSaPWO\`c[]c`aeVWQV³V]eSdS`[O\g bW[SaaVS[cabVOdS`STcbSRbVS[ `STcaSb]U]OeOgeSZZg]cY\]eWa aVS- µC\T]`bc\ObSZg7ZWYSP]ga¶aVSU`W\a µA][SbW[Sa7eWaV7RWR\¸bXcabPSQOcaS bVS`SO`Sa][O\g^`]PZS[aeWbV `SZObW]\aVW^a³Pcb7ac^^]aSbVObe]cZR VO^^S\eVSbVS`WbeOaOP]g]`OUW`Z A]\]¶ 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so when that album finds Chris and Neil deciding to unite with Xenomania – the hit-making production team responsible for most of Girls Aloud’s biggest hits. However, on first airing, Yes might seem underwhelming. Xenomania haven’t given the boys a complete makeover, or – as some might have expected – produced an album of bold and brash three-minute pop singles. In fact, their influence has been considerably subtler… and yet important. This is still unmistakeably the Pet Shop Boys, but pushed to their very best. Whereas fans may have had to force themselves to embrace the last couple of albums, this one effortlessly lodges itself in your brain… although it might take a couple of spins to appreciate its nuances. It’s a mature, stately and epic offering that offers up some of the band’s best work in over a decade. ‘Love etc’ doesn’t sound like the most obvious lead single, but that ultimately works in its favour. It’s cool, confident and doesn’t try too hard. ‘Vulnerable’ is another highlight – sounding like a cross between ‘Rent’ and ‘I’m Yes (Parlophone) STARSAILOR All The Plans (Virgin) Out: 23 March +++++ PETE DOHERTY Grace/wastelands (Parlophone) U2 No Line On The Horizon (Island) James Walsh, frontman of Starsailor, once remarked that he never understood why people got so het up about music they didn’t like. Surely, he reasoned, it was akin to seeing a jacket in Topman that you weren’t going to buy, yet still getting angry about its existence. Fair point, James, but nobody makes you wear the coat once you’re inside the shop, and it won’t be worn in every All Bar One. While their press blurb seeks to portray the Chorley quartet as a ‘misunderstood British success story’, valiantly plodding on in the face of media ‘digs’, Starsailor’s brand of reliably straightforward windswept rock is more likely to inspire indifference than devotion. After a hook-up with Phil Spector on 2003’s Silence Is Easy and a flirtation with Americana (2005’s On The Outside), default settings have been resumed here by roping in Steve Osborne, who helmed their debut, 2001’s Love Is Here. With fretwork provided by Ronnie Wood, it’s stuffed with majestic midtempo ballads. At its best, the melodies of lead single ‘Tell Me It’s Not Over’ and the eponymous ‘All The Plans’ invoke a sense of false memory whereby a new song feels instantly familiar. And, in a landscape where music increasingly comes with a raised eyebrow and ironic nudge-wink, there’s something commendable about the open-hearted sincerity that pervades the likes of international politics commentary ‘Stars & Stripes’. Even so, it’s a chore to wade through 11 tracks of identikit tremulousness delivered in Walsh’s emotive – somewhat strangulated – vocal style. GR Almost five years after the release of How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb, Bono and co. return with their 12th studio offering, and on first impressions, No Line On The Horizon appears to be very much business as usual. They’ve again teamed up with long-time collaborators Brian Eno, Daniel Lanois and Steve Lilleywhite, while photographer Anton Corbijn has again done much of the album artwork. Such familiarity may please their large fanbase, and yet… even they might find something curiously lacking from …Horizon. Could it be that U2 are running out of ideas? As a whole, this comes across as a more cerebral and less ballsy offering than their previous two long players. More worryingly, there’s a lack of obvious big singles, with killer choruses ditched in favour of unnecessarily long song intros and the occasionally rambling lyric. Highlights include the title track opener, which harks back to classic early 80s U2, while second track ‘Magnificent’ even has a whiff of ‘Mysterious Ways’ about it. It’s U2-by-numbers, but so much so that it’s in danger of being a pastiche. The quality is just about maintained across the first half, ending with lead single ‘Get Your Boots On’, but the second half sounds more of an effort for all concerned, with the likes of ‘Fez – Being Born’ more an ambient piece of filler than a song. The self-indulgent ‘Breathe’ sounds like a studio jam that no-one was entirely sure what to do with. No Line On The Horizon is an ironically apt title for a piece of work that – by U2 standards – comes across as unfocussed and indistinct. DH After success with Libertines and Babyshambles, Pete Doherty has finally decided to release a solo offering. If you’ve not previously fallen for his… well, let’s say ‘ramshackle’ charms, Grace/Wastelands is probably not likely to win you over. When Morrissey left The Smiths, he opted to work with legendary indie producer Stephen Street, and Doherty has interestingly also chosen Street to produce his debut offering. The producer brings a richness to these recordings that marks them out from much of Doherty’s previous output. Graham Coxon plays guitar throughout, and there’s sonic experimentation on the likes of the 60s-soundtrack sounding ‘A Little Death Around The Eyes’ (an old Libertines demo), and the honky tonk – or Chas & Dave depending on your viewpoint – piano of ‘Sweet By And By’. Lead single ‘Last Of The English Roses’ is surprisingly meaty, while moody album highlight ‘New Love Grows On Trees’ comes across like Lou Reed fronting Suede. It’s just a pity then that for all his “people’s poet” credentials, it’s Doherty’s limited vocal approach that let’s the work down. You either love or loathe his voice, but on many of these tracks he still sounds like a pissed-up busker. He’s not shy of baring his soul (“She opened her heart to a tearaway, he was covered in scars and full of heroin” he croons with Dot Allison on ‘Tearaway’), so it’s a shame that on some of these songs you can’t really make out what he’s singing. Thanks to Street, it’s a polished offering, but there are clearly some things that can’t be greatly improved upon. AG Out: 2 March Out: 2 March Out: 16 March +++++ " +++++ +++++ REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON, ANTHONY GORDON AND GARY RYAN THE PET SHOPBOYS In Love (With A Married Man)’, with a lyric that wears its heart on its sleeve: “You may think I’m strong and I can do no wrong, but I’m vulnerable, so vulnerable, without you.” Both this and ‘The Way It Used To Be’ sound like not-so-subtle homage to ‘Voyage, Voyage’ by Desireless, but… well, we can live that. ‘Beautiful People’ could have been written for Dusty Springfield. It’s electro Duffy, with some atmospheric harmonica buried in the mix. The closing track is the epic ‘Legacy’. If the Beatles warned you to ‘Let It Be’, the Pets simply advise that ‘You’ll get over it’ – whatever irritations life might throw at you, (‘The Carphone Warehouse boy has been on the phone, he wants to upgrade the mobile you own. Have you realized your computer’s a spy? Give him a ring, he’ll explain why... look at me, I’m so over it, and you, you’ll get over it’) The downside? A couple of tracks needlessly run over the five minute mark (‘King Of Rome’), and the richness of the music threatens to overshadow Neil’s vocals at some points. However, those are minor quibbles for an album that gets better and better with each airing. DH =Cb\]e # PHOTOGRAPHY © PATRICK SWIRC ;CA71 $ =Cb\]e =Cb\]e ;CA71 YOURS, FAITHFULLY ;/@7/<<34/7B64C::7A0/19E7B6/</:0C;B6/B47<2A63@ 1=::/0=@/B7<5E7B6A=;3=4B=2/G¸A6=BB3ABG=C<5B/:3<B A63B/:932/0=CBB63>@=831BB=;716/3:BC@<0C:: 4`][VS`PSUW\\W\UaOaOµ%gSO`]ZRaQV]]Z UW`ZeWbVO^`SbbgZWbbZSd]WQS¶b]PSQ][W\U]\S ]TbVS[]ab`SdS`SRe][S\W\bVSW\Rcab`g ;O`WO\\S4OWbVTcZZVOa\]eS\X]gSR[]`S bVO\#gSO`aW\[caWQO\ROQbW\UB]RObSaVS VOa`SZSOaSR]dS` OZPc[aPSS\bVSTOQS]T AeW\UW\U:]\R]\eWbVbVS\P]gT`WS\R;WQY 8OUUS`]dS`Q][SVS`]W\O\RQ]QOW\SORRWQbW]\ O\RSdS\T]c\RbW[Sb]^ZOg·5]R¸W\/P4OP OZ]\UbVSeOg <]eaVSWaPOQYeWbV3Oag1][S3Oag5] eVWQVaSSaVS`W\bS`^`Sbb`OQYaPga][S]TVS` TOd]c`WbSO`bWabaW\QZcRW\U2]ZZg>O`b]\0ZOQY @SPSZ;]b]`QgQZS1ZcPO\R2cYS3ZZW\Ub]\AVS P`]cUVbW\a][S]T[caWQ¸aP`WUVbSabbOZS\ba T]`bVS^`]XSQbW\QZcRW\U/\b]\g6SUO`bgT`][ /\b]\gO\RbVS8]V\a]\a@cTcaEOW\e`WUVb O\R1Ob>]eS`=cb7\BVS1WbgQOcUVbc^eWbV VS`ObVS`>O`WaO^O`b[S\bOaaVS^OQYSRVS` µPObV]WZaO\RQZSO\aW\UZ]bW]\aT]`IVS`Kb`W^b] :cfS[P]c`U¶ ;/@7/<<36=E:=<56/D3G=C033< :7D7<57<>/@7A7R]\¸bZWdSVS`SOZZbVSbW[SPcbWb¸aOP]cbaWfgSO`a \]e7VOdS\¸bZWdSRW\:]\R]\T]` gSO`a7U] ]dS`OZ]bb]aSS[gT`WS\RaO\R[gTO[WZg2]7 [WaaWb-7¸[UZOR7QO\U]]dS`O\RdWaWb7¸dSU]b a][SU`SObT`WS\Ra7QO\abOgeWbVbVS[ 2=G=CB67<9B63:=<2=<>/@BGA13<3 6/A16/<532/5@3/B23/:A7<13G=C E3@3B63@37R]\¸bY\]e0SQOcaS7¸[]ZRS`7R]\¸bU]b] ^O`bWSaESZZ7R]U]b]^O`bWSaPcb\]bbVOb[O\g EVS\7eOag]c\UbVSQW`QcWbeOadS`ga[OZZ 0cb7bVW\Y:]\R]\S`aVOdSOZeOgaY\]e\V]e b]UWdSU]]R^O`bWSa/ZeOga7¸dSPSS\`SORW\U AO[cSZ>S^gaOUOW\7b¸aa]TOaQW\ObW\UAW\QS bVS@][O\aO\R^`]POPZgPST]`SbVSg¸dSPSS\ VOdW\UU`SOb^O`bWSa 0CBE3¸@363@3B=B/:9/0=CBG=C@ <3E/:0C;3/AG1=;33/AG5= GSaeSO`S E6/BE/AB631=<13>B0367<27BBVS`SeOa\¸b]\S`SOZZg8cabU`SOba]\UaBVOb eOabVSQ]\QS^b B6/B¸A<=B/0/2=<3 GSaWbWaOU]]RQ]\QS^bWa\¸bWb- 6/A7B033<D3@G27443@3<BB67AB7;3 /@=C<2GSaWbVOa>S]^ZSO`S\WQS`O\RQ][SeWbVOPWb []`S`Sa^SQb7eOabOZYW\Ub][g>@bVS]bVS` ROgO\RaVSR]Sa\¸bPSZWSdSW\bOPZ]WRQ]dS`OUS O\R7OU`SS7R]\¸bbVW\YbVObaVWbaSZZa]\S`SQ]`R B63/:0C;7A/::1=D3@A6=E272G=C 16==A3B63B@/19A7VOROZ`SORg^WQYSRa][Sa]\Uab]Q]dS`W\ %O\R6OZIEWZZ\S`ZSUS\RO`g^`]RcQS`K QO[SO\RP`]cUVba][SWRSOab]]6SO\R7ZWYS b]bOYS`WaYaa]eSRWR\¸b`SOZZgY\]eWTWbe]cZR e]`Y]`\]b7bbc`\SR]cbbVObWbRWR7baSS[SR dS`g]PdW]cab][SbVObeSaV]cZR^WQYbV]aS 0cb]TQ]c`aSbVS`S¸aOe]`ZR]TU`SOba]\Ua]cb bVS`S E=C:2G=CA/GB6/BG=C;3B6=2A7<5 =<B67A/:0C;ESZZgSOV7¸[caW\U[gOQbW\UaYWZZaBVOb¸aT]` ac`S7Y\]ebVOb7eOaRWaQ]dS`SROb%O\R7eOa XcabOaQV]]ZUW`ZeWbVO^`SbbgZWbbZSd]WQS<]bVW\U `SOZZgSfQS^bW]\OZ8cabO^`SbbgZWbbZSd]WQSBVS\ 7abO`bSROQbW\UO\R7RWRa][SbVW\UObbVS@]gOZ 1]c`b7beOabVSBV`SSAWabS`aeWbV5ZS\RO 8OQYa]\O\ROZZbV]aS^S]^ZS/\RbVObeOa`SOZZg e]\RS`TcZO\R7S\X]gSRWbdS`g[cQVBVS\7RWR 6O[ZSbO\R7¸dSPSS\OQbW\Ua]`b]TOZZ[gZWTS7 bVW\YWb¸a`SOZZgVSZ^SR[g]bVS`e]`Yg]cY\]e Sa^SQWOZZgeWbVbVWa`SQ]`RPSQOcaS7eOaOPZSb] caS[gZ]dS]TZO\UcOUSO\R[gc\RS`abO\RW\U O\R[OgPS[geV]ZSZWTS`SOZZgb][OYSbVWa `SQ]`R AS I GOT OLDER I FOUND I WASN’T GAY. IT WASN’T A BIG DEAL TO ME. 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He’s plagued by the recently deceased Greg Kinnear to take care of widow Téa Leoni. An entertaining and amusing outing from Mr Gervais. OUT: 2 MARCH +++++ 3 DAY WEEKEND THE YOUNG VICTORIA /aWba\O[SacUUSababVWa]ZRTOaVW]\SRVWab]`WQOZ Z]dSab]`gWaPOaWQOZZgbVSbOZS]TbVSg]c\U ?cSS\DWQb]`WOO\RVS`Q]c`baVW^eWbV/ZPS`b ³bVSZ]dS]TVS`ZWTS3[WZg0Zc\bbOYSabVS^O`b ]TbVSg]c\U^`W\QSaaeV]aSZWTSWaRWQbObSR R]e\b]bVSTW\SabRSbOWZPgVS`abS`\]dS` Q]\b`]ZZW\U[]bVS`bVS2cQVSaa]T9S\b;W`O\RO @WQVO`Ra]\BVS^]]`UW`ZQO\¸bSdS\eOZYR]e\ bVSabOW`ac\OQQ][^O\WSRT]`TSO`bVObaVS[WUVb bOYSObc[PZSO\RP`SOYVS`^`SbbgZWbbZS`]gOZ \SQY5WdS\bVSS\]`[]ca^]eS`bVObeWZZPSOb VS`RWa^]aOZc^]\bVSRSObV]TVS`TObVS`9W\U EWZZWO[³^ZOgSRPg8W[0`]ORPS\bbVS`SO`S ^ZS\bgeV]O`S^Z]bbW\Ub]aSWhSOaZWQS]TbVS OQbW]\T]`bVS[aSZdSaW\QZcRW\UVS`[]bVS` ³OWRSRPgORdWaS`AW`8]V\1]\`]g;O`YAb`]\U ³O\R0SZUWO\c\QZS9W\U:S]^]ZReV]Q]OQVSa VWaa]\/ZPS`bW\bVS^`W\QSaaSa¸ZWYSaO\RRWaZWYSa a]bVObVS[WUVbaSRcQSVS`W\b]O[O``WOUS 6]eSdS`Wb¸aQZSO`T`][bVS[][S\bbVObbVSg [SSbbVObacQVacPbS`TcUSWac\\SQSaaO`gBVS ^`W\QSaaWa`W^ST]`aeSS^W\U]TVS`TSSbO\RTOZZa T]`bVSVO\Ra][S/ZPS`b³^ZOgSRVS`SPg@c^S`b 4`WS\R >]ZWbWQOZ[O\W^cZObW]\O\R^]eS`ab`cUUZSaT]`[ bVSPOQYR`]^b]bVWaac[^bc]caQ]abc[SR`O[O e`WbbS\Pg8cZWO\4SZZ]eSaO\RRW`SQbSRPg8SO\ ;O`QDOZZSSeV][ORSbVSSfQSZZS\b1O\ORWO\ UOgQ][W\U]TOUS1@/HG 7b[WUVbPSOPWb;WZZa0]]\W\^ZOQSaPcbWb acQQSSRaZO`USZgb]OZWYSOPZS^S`T]`[O\QST`][ 0Zc\bO\ROUS\cW\SQVS[Wab`gPSbeSS\VS`O\R 4`WS\R/5 =cb($;O`QV +++++ HUSH & OUT: 9 MARCH +++++ MISS PETTIGREW LIVES FOR A DAY Frances McDormand and Amy Adams star in this slight but entertaining piece of fluffy farce. It’s 1930’s London, and governess Guinevere Pettigrew (McDormand) has trouble holding down a job, until she turns up on the doorstep of flighty singer Delysia LaFosse (Adams) and tricks her way into the younger woman’s employment – where she finds herself helping LaFosse juggle her three boyfriends, career and homelife. A forgettable but fun movie, aided by strong performances from its two leads. OUT: 9 MARCH +++++ O^`SRWQbOPZSO\Rc\W\a^W`W\U UO[S]TQObO\R[]caS7b¸a \]dSZT]`OV][SU`]e\TWZ[ b]^ZOg]\bVSc`PO\aca^WQW]\ bVObbVS`SO`Sa][SeSW`R]a ]^S`ObW\U]cbbVS`SW\`c`OZ 0`WbOW\PcbbVSS\R`SacZbWa ZSbR]e\Pga][SW[^ZOcaWPZS ^Z]bbeWabaO\R³TObOZZgT]` ObV`WZZS`³O^OQSbVObab]^a O\RabO`ba/ZbV]cUV]\Zg& [W\cbSaZ]\Ug]c¸ZZ^`]POPZg PSUZOReVS\Wb`SOQVSaWba acRRS\gSb]PdW]caQZW[Of26 =cb(!;O`QV +++++ BODY OF LIES Although responsible for such cinematic classics as Blade Runner and Gladiator, Ridley Scott sure does occasionally miss the mark. If you found Black Hawk Down messy and incomprehensible, you might want to avoid Body Of Lies, in which Leonardo DiCaprio is a CIA operative embedded deep in the Middle East, and Russell Crowe plays his ruthless and cold handler back in the U.S. The film is visually impressive and slick – so it’s just a shame you’re never quite sure what’s happening or why. OUT: 30 MARCH +++++ REVIEWS: DAVID HUDSON AND ANTHONY GORDON /V]``]`TWZ[aSb[OW\ZgO`]c\R bVS;-GSaW\RSSRbVWaZ]e PcRUSb0`WbbV`WZZS`YWQYa]TTeWbV O`UcW\Ug]c\UQ]c^ZSHOYSa O\R0SbVeV]eVS\R`WdW\U V][S]\S\WUVb]\O`OW\a]OYSR []b]`eOga^geVObO^^SO`a b]PSObS``WTWSRg]c\Ue][O\ P]c\RO\RQOUSRW\bVSPOQY]T OZ]``gBVSg^cZZ]dS`ObbVS\Sfb aS`dWQSabObW]\O\R0SbVVS`aSZT ^`][^bZgRWaO^^SO`aaSS[W\UZg a\ObQVSRPgbVSaO[S[gabS`W]ca b`cQYR`WdS`HOYSaaSba]TTW\ V]b^c`acWbW\bS\b]\`SaQcW\U VWaUW`ZT`WS\RO\R^`]dW\Ub]bVS ^]ZWQSbVObVSRWR\¸bVW[aSZTVOdS OVO\RW\VS`RWaO^^SO`O\QS 6caV]TTS`aO\]`WUW\OZO\R W\bS`SabW\U^`S[WaSPcbOTbS`bVS W\WbWOZaSbc^aSbbZSaR]e\W\b] A low-budget indie flick from the States, two gay couples arrange a weekend trip to a luxurious log cabin, and each invite a single friend along to add some spice… which is duly delivered courtesy of hustler Andre. The assembled group bitch, moan, bed hop, ponder growing old, and self-knowingly discuss gay films. Although a gentle enough ride for its 80-minute duration, some may find the end result is a little too slight and syrupy to truly satisfy. 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Now, 25 years later, Karl crosses the border in search of his other half. As history takes an unexpected turn, the brothers must struggle to reconnect.” Mark Ravenhill’s new play examines the hungers released when two countries, separated by a common language, meet again. The production stars real life actor twins Harry and Luke Treadway, and is running as part of the Royal Court’s Off The Wall season of new plays about Germany. Tickets £12-£25 (all tickets £10 on Mondays). IN THE MOOD FOR DANCING Brian Friel’s Olivier awardwinning play Dancing at Lughnasa opens at The Old Vic on Thursday 5 March, with previews from 26 February. A bittersweet reflection of rural Ireland on the brink of industrialisation in the 1930s, the play’s portrait of the five unmarried Mardy sisters follows their loss of love and opportunity played out against the echoes of the twentieth century with dark humour, raw energy and tenderness. This new production will feature the stage debut from Andrea Corr, alongside Niamh Cusack, Michelle Fairley, Simone Kirby, Finbar Lynch, Susan Lynch, Peter McDonald and Jo Stone-Fewings. Running till 9 May, tickets cost £9.50-£45. 0870 060 6628 THREESOME Rising film star James McAvoy stars alongside Nigel Harman (formerly of EastEnders) and Lyndsey Marshal in new play Three Days Of Rain. They play the children of two former business partners and architects, who gather in the famed Manhattan loft that their respective late fathers designed in order to settle their estates and the apartment’s future. “But the discovery of a journal and the brief entry, ‘three days of rain’, begins a surprising story the children could never have imagined...”Written by Richard Greenberg, the production is coming to the Apollo Theatre on Shaftesbury Avenue from 30 January till 2 May. Tickets £16-£47. For full details, check =CbbVS`S 4==2 Sumosan NOW AND ZEN IWAN WATSON REVIEWS SUMOSAN 26, Albemarle Street, Mayfair, W1. 020 7495 5999 Tucked away behind its paper window panels on Mayfair’s Albemarle Street is Japanese restaurant Sumosan which, since opening two years ago claims to have established itself as one of London’s finest Japanese restaurants. It’s certainly popular, with an international clientele filling up the tables fast on the evening of our visit. We were seated between a table of French girls gossiping over sushi rolls, and a group of Japanese business-types dining out over their Blackberries. The decor is neutral, understated, yet calm and relaxing. The menu, on the other hand, offers a bewildering amount of choice. For our starter we tried the Sumosan Tartar (£18.70) – a tower of delicious cubed tuna and avocado seasoned with truffle oil, and housing a lightly poached quail’s egg. Another surprise was lurking within the lobster salad (£16.70) which resembled a topiary ball of lollo rosso with two lobster claws poking out of it! Inside, we found plenty of meaty lobster, dressed in a tangy vinaigrette. Sumosan’s executive chef, Bubker Behlit, had impressed us so far, and with a further 8 sushi chefs beneath him, it would have been rude not to try some of the fantastic sushi and sashimi on offer. We went for the sushi rolls Peking Duck (£7.30), and some fantastic sashimi, including the Hotategai (£6.50) – diced scallop in a cucumber basket with salmon caviar. We followed this with a generous !$ delicately-flavoured portion of Black Cod with Miso (£23.50). My boyfriend opted for the steamed Chillean seabass (£22.50) with steamed rice (£3.00) – which again was generously-sized and coated in a fresh-tasting, piquant orange sauce. Make sure you leave room for the dark and white chocolate fondant (£8.50), which came served with ice-cream beneath a cage of caramel – I’ve been raving about it to friends! If you love Japanese food – in discreet and understated surroundings – then Sumosan will not disappoint. On the downside, and despite the quality on offer, prices are on the steep side. This is not necessarily somewhere for anyone feeling the economic crunch. That said, they do offer £22.50 lunch combinations between noon-2.45pm, when you can choose a soup, sushi/sashimi and main course (including the wonderful black cod). =CbbVS`S 4==2 EATING OUT OUR FAVOURITE RESTAURANTS AND GAY-FRIENDLY DINING OPTIONS CENTRAL Amato, 14 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1. 020-7734 5733. Busy café and patisserie, offering pasta dishes and a huge array of cakes. Very popular with gay Soho. Balans, 60 Old Compton Street, W1. 020-7439 2183. The nearest Soho has to a gay restaurant, busy throughout the week and open throughout the day and night. Traditional British dishes with Meditteranean and Asian flourishes. Approx. £28 per head. See also the nearby Balans Café at 34 Old Compton Street. www. Bocca di Lupo, 12 Archer Street, W1. 020 7734 2223. Gayrun, upmarket Italian restaurant, opened November 2008 and running Monday-Saturday. Approx. £29 per head. www. Bodeans, 10 Poland Street, W1. 020-7287 0506. Cheap and cheerful barbecue restaurant, with counter service upstairs and restaurant down below. Popular with visiting Americans, plus the odd bear from the nearby Kings Arms! Branches also in Clapham, Fulham and Westbourne Grove. Cha Cha Moon, 15-21 Ganton Street, Soho, W1. 020 7297 9800. Newly-opened noodle restaurant from Hong Kong-born restaurateur Alan Yau (Hakkasan). Great selection of soup-based dishes, wok-fried noodles and sides. Ed’s Diner, 12 Moor Street, W1. 020 7434 4439. Delightfully kitsch, American-style 50s diner, at the Shaftesbury Avenue end of Old Compton Street, great for burgers and milkshakes. Check website for details of other central London branches – First Out, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020-7240 8042. Long-running, gay-run café and bar, serving homemade vegetarian dishes, coffee and !& cakes. Lots of gay magazines, community info and flyers. Floridita, 100 Wardour Street, W1. 020-7314 4000. Large, glamorous Cuban-themed restaurant and bar, with regular music acts and even occasional drag. Approx. £36 per head. NORTH EAST Gilgamesh, Camden View, Camden Stables Market, Chalk Farm Road, NW1. Huge, ornate and lavish pan-Asian restaurant with one of London’s most stunning interiors. Food good rather than outstanding, but worth a visit for the décor. Cheaper at lunchtime than the evening. Bistrotheque, 23-27 Wadeson Street, Bethnal Green, E2. Modern, contemporary classy restaurant with basement bar and cabaret room, and fine dining upstairs – modern British cuisine and French bistro dishes – approx. £35 per head. www. La Porchetta, 141-142 Upper Street, N1. 020-7288 2488. Great value pizza and pasta restaurant, with possibly some of the biggest pizzas in London! Sister branches in Finsbury Park The Easton, 22 Easton Street, WC1. 020-7278 7609. Cool gastropub just off Exmouth Market. Sunday lunch is packed with Clerkenwell-istas and the food is top notch. www. 0007. A stylish and upmarket vegan and raw food restaurant – popular with London’s healthconscious and conscientious diners. Approx. £24 per head. The Riverside, 5 Hamilton House, 5 St George Wharf, Vauxhall, SW8. Great pub food in upmarket, riverside gastropub that boasts terrific views of the Thames. Tinseltown, 44-46 St John Street, Farringdon, EC1. Want a double cheeseburger and Mars Bar Milkshake at 5am? Then 24-hour, subterranean American diner Tinseltown is the place to head. Round the clock diner (24/7) popular with late-night clubbers – very near Fabric. Cool when quiet but avoid if there’s a queue for entry. www. Roxy Bar and Screen, 128-132 Borough High Street, SE1. 020 7407 4057. London’s unique, gay-friendly cinema restaurant. Free film screenings – everything from recent blockbusters to arthouse documentaries. www. L’Autre Pied, 5-7 Blandford Street, Marylebone Village, W1. 020 7486 9696. Chic, stylish, upmarket restaurant from the same team that created the Michelin-starred Pied-à-Terre on Charlotte Street. Winner of the BMW Square Meal Award for Best New Restaurant Spring 2008. Approx. £40 per head (or take advantage of the lunch and pre-theatre fixed-price deals). Ristorante Biagio, 189 Piccadilly, W1. 020-7434-1921. Great, authentic Italian food in contemporary and smart surroundings, spread over four floors. Approx. £32 per head. Stef’s, 3 Berners Street, W1 0203073 1041. Huge, gay-friendly Italian – formerly Linda’s Pasta Bar on Poland Street – moved to the other side of Oxford Street in 2007. Pizza and pasta heaven. St Pancras Grand, Upper Concourse, St Pancras International, NW1. 020 7870 9900. Old-fashioned, art-deco glamour at this stunning, all-day restaurant from Searcys (who also operate the neighbouring Champagne Bar). Well worth a trip to St Pancras, whether you’re catching the Eurostar or not. Approx. £40 per head. www. Wagamama, 10a Lexington Street, Soho, W1. 020-7292 0990. Our favourite branch of the noodle chain, offering cheap, healthy Japanese delights – great gyoza and… well, noodles! £16 per head. Check website for other branches - Royal Teas, 76 Royal Hill, Greenwich, SE10. 020-8691 7240. Delightfully charming café offering tea, scones, cakes and other delights for an eclectic crowd. Brit camp fabulousness. The Stonhouse, 165 Stonhouse Street, SW4. Lovely Clapham gastropub with great steaks, burgers, salads and sandwiches. Approx. £22 a head. BOUNDARY New for the Shoreditch/Farringdon area is Boundary (2-4 Boundary Street, E2), the latest multi-functional venue from Sir Terence Conran. Located in a converted Victorian warehouse, this multi-floored establishment features a restaurant, café, bakery, hotel rooms and bars. The and Bloomsbury. Approx. £17 per head. Little Bay, 228 Belsize Road, NW6. Wonderfully down-toearth and charming restaurant serving Modern European cuisine at very reasonable prices (particularly at lunchtime). Excellent value for money. Spotted Dick, 292 Caledonian Road, Islington, N1. 020 7607 5577. Gay-friendly café/bar/ restaurant offering modern and traditional British grub (great Sundays roasts!). Open from breakfast till late throughout the week. World Café, 130 Crouch Hill, Haringey, N8. 020-8340 5635. Trendy, chic, gay-friendly café for Crouch Hill crowd, serving snacks, main meals and fab cappuccinos. restaurant and Albion café are now open, while a designer rooftop bar (complete with its own garden, open fireplace and stunning views of the city) is due to open later in the spring. Green and Red, 51 Bethnal Green Road, E1. 020 7749 9670. Fiesta-style restaurant with Mexican food and a huge tequila selection - with basement bar and dancefloor area for afterwards. Kenza, 10a Devonshire Square, EC2. 020-7929 5533. Delightful and sumptuous subterranean Middle Eastern restaurant a stone’s throw from Liverpool Street station. Arabic interior and mezza menu – approx. £35 per head. Les Trois Garcons, 1 Club Row, Whitechapel, E1. 020-7613 1924. A former Victorian boozer, stuffed with baroque decor and antiques, creating a camp, culinary haven near Old Street. British/French menu. www. Saf, 152-154 Curtain Road, Shoreditch, EC2. 020 7613 SOUTH Bonnington Café, 11 Vauxhall Grove, SW8. Cheap, cheerful and very gay-friendly cooperatively run vegetarian café in Bonnington Square. Pig out on three courses for £10! http:// El Panzon @ The Dogstar, 389 Coldharbour Lane, SW9. Authentic Mexican and Tex-mex restaurant and fantastic prices in the trendy Dogstar bar. Don’t miss the burritos or the taco plate to share. Approx. £14 per head. The Loft, 67 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020-7627 0792. Upmarket and stylish restaurant, bar and late-night haunt. Classic British dishes and lots of cocktails. Approx. £40 per head. Upstairs Bar and Restaurant, 89b Acre Lane, SW2. Hidden gem and local secret. Critically acclaimed, eclectic European menu, with emphasis on French cuisine. Limited choice but menu changes daily. Open Tue-Sat. WEST Balans Chiswick, 214 Chiswick High Road, W4. 020 8742 1435. Balans heads further out west – gay-friendly service and British and Meditrerranean dishes. Balans Knightsbridge, 239 Old Brompton Road, SW5. 0207244 8838. Very gay-friendly restaurant, offering British and Mediterranean dishes. Approx. £28 per head. The Fat Badger, 310 Portobello Road, W10. Upmarket and classy gastropub, serving fine British cuisine. Good Sunday roast. S&M Café Portobello, 268 Portobello Road, W10. 020-8968 8898. The sausage and mash café (hence S&M!). Great British grub in kitsch café surroundings. =CbdWSe AB=@G WHAT’S YOUR FLAVOUR? 2/<73:4@G47<2AB6/BB635/GA13<37A AB7::6C<5C>=<@/17/:AB3@3=BG>3A¬ µ7]\ZgRObSPZOQY[S\¶[gT`WS\R0`WO\³O aSS[W\UZgeSZZSRcQObSRPO\YS`T`][A]cbV:]\R]\ ³b]ZR[S`SQS\bZg /TbS`ObV`SSgSO``SZObW]\aVW^0`WO\¸a\SegSO`¸a `Sa]ZcbW]\eOaW\TcZZaeW\U/TbS`aeSO`W\U]TT []\]UO[gVSVORU]\S]dS`b]bVSRO`YaWRSZWbS`OZZg O\RVORQV]aS\b]Sf^Z]`SVWaaW\UZS[W\RSRQc`W]aWbgT]` /T`WQO\[S\µEVg-¶7OaYSRµPSQOcaS bVSg¸`S[]`SQVO`[W\U-1]\TWRS\b- /RdS\bc`]ca-¶µGSOV¶VSaOWR a[WZW\UOaWT7VOR[WaaSRbVS]PdW]ca µO\RbVSgVOdSPWUUS`g]cY\]e¶ =TQ]c`aS7Y\SeESOZZY\]e4`][ ^]`\]U`O^Vgb]bVSeWRS`[SRWO PZOQY[S\O`SabWZZRS^WQbSROaaSfSR c^Tc`\OQSa]T[OQVWa[]³RO`YO\R P`]]RW\UeWbV]dS`aWhSR^S\WaSabVOb aeW\Ub]]c`Y\SSa5`O\bSRW\bS`[a ]T^cPZWQW[OUSWbQ]cZRPSe]`aS 6]eSdS`WTbVS`cZSa]T^]`\]U`O^Vg O^^ZWSRb]`SOZZWTSeS¸ROZZPSaVOUUW\U bVS^WhhOP]g>]ZWbWQWO\ae]cZRPS b]]PcagPO\UW\UW\bVS6]caS]T 1][[]\ab]RSOZeWbVbVSSQ]\][WQ R]e\bc`\>D1QZORR]Qb]`aO\RbVSW` aSfgOaaWabO\bae]cZRPSOdOWZOPZS]\ 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TWUVbW\Ua]Z]\UT]`QV]WQS^S`VO^aWbabW[SeSQV]aS \]bb]ZW[Wb]c`aSZdSa_cWbSa][cQV WE SHOULDN’T LET NARROW-MINDED IDEAS DICTATE WHO WE LET INTO OUR HEARTS AND BEDS " =Cb`c\ 7<B3@<3B WEB GAYDAR CIRCUIT GAYDITTO.COM AE7B164@=;·</C56BG¸B=·<=@;/:¸=</< 7<<=D/B7D3<3E5/G2/B7<5/<2A=17/:E30A7B3¬ BVS`SO`S[O\gU`SObQVO\USabOYW\U^ZOQSW\ O\RO`]c\R0W`[W\UVO[³T`][bVS[WZZW]\ RSdSZ]^[S\b]TbVSUOgDWZZOUSW\ 'b]O\Se Z]]Y0W`[W\UVO[>`WRS6]eSdS`0W`[W\UVO[ WaOZa]bVSV][Sb]e\T]`W\bS`\Sb^VS\][S\O ³eee5OgRWbb]Q][ ESQOcUVbc^eWbVUOgS\b`S^`S\Sc`>VWZ =ZRS`aVOebVS[O\PSVW\RbVSaWbSO\ROaYSR VW[V]ebVSWRSOQO[SOP]cb O\ReVObbVSaWbS]TTS`a µBVSWRSOT]`bVSaWbSQO[S T]ZZ]eW\U[gSf^S`WS\QS]\aWbSa acQVOa4OQSP]]Y;ga^OQSO\R OZZbVScacOZUOg`SZObSRaWbSabVOb eSSWbVS`Z]dS]`VObSW\b]ROg¸a [O`YSb7b]QQc``SRb][SbVOb \]P]RgVOROQbcOZZgQ`SObSR OaWbSbVOb^`Sbbg[cQV`]ZZSRWb OZZW\b]]\SeVWZSYSS^W\UWbTc\ O\R³OP]dSOZZ³W\bS`OQbWdSZg S\bS`bOW\W\UESVOdSb`WSRb] YSS^OZZbVSO\\]gW\UPWba]cb O\RVOdSYS^bWb]`WUW\OZW\RSaWU\ O\R^`OQbWQOZWbgPcbOP]dSOZZeS 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`SUWabS`W\UT]`T`SS\]e QO\USbO\·c^U`ORSR¸ Sfb`OaS`dWQSa [S[PS`aVW^bVObWaOZa] Phil Oldershaw T`SSBVSgQO\OZa]S\bS` OZOc\QVQ][^SbWbW]\ b]eW\bV]caO\Ra]T^]c\Rae]`bV]T^`WhSa W\QZcRW\UQOaV :]]Y]cbT]`^VOaSbe]]TbVSaWbS³ZOc\QVW\UbVS S\R]T4SP`cO`g Check it out at Gaydar, the world’s biggest gay dating web site and Matinée Group have signed a global partnership agreement that makes the Gaydar brand the first official sponsor of CIRCUIT Festival ’09. This year’s CIRCUIT Festival runs from the 1-9 August 2009. Thousands of guys from all over the world will turn Barcelona into the ultimate gay melting pot. During one full week the best DJ’s and performers will star in groundbreaking parties and events like never seen before. CIRCUIT Festival’s all-gay Water Park event returns on Wednesday 5 August with the best water rides and the Matinée All Stars providing the music throughout the day. Forty-five pre-parties will support the main event which are currently being confirmed in Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France, the UK, Israel, Canada, US and Mexico. A package of marketing and advertising has been agreed to promote this year’s event with exclusive content and competitions being offered to Gaydar’s five million members in 140 countries. The event will be supported with digital and radio ads across the Gaydar portfolio from March. LOVESTRUCK Remember how the gay press used to carry those personal adverts for guys you may have glanced on the tube? Well, a new website has been launched to take advantage of such missed opportunities. is a new missed connections site, which has seen a surge in activity around Valentine’s time. Missed connection sites are a relatively new phenomenon that aim to give brief encounters a second chance. Less daunting to many than dating sites where the contact is “cold”, they have the added advantage of being (in the main) free to use. Gareth Moss, founder of, says: “Whether you’re a cynic of the commercial hype, or a dyed-in-thewool romantic soul, Valentine’s can hardly fail to pass you by. Most singles hope their relationship status is temporary and this is evident through the increased traffic we have witnessed over the last few weeks.” Whether you are looking for love or not, the sites that operate on the same basis as the “do you remember me” type columns – which, even if you’re not looking to place or respond to an advert, can offer some entertaining, voyeuristic reading! Unlike personal adverts, entries on are flagged using google map technology that plots hearts on specific locations to help trace encounters. 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"" "# CLUBS>BARS>FASHION>GOSSIP>NEWS>TRENDS>SCENES>QUEENS>FACTS> PHOTOGRAPHY © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM =CbbVS`S PAGE 50 THE YARD Looking for a warm atmosphere and an inexpensive night out and? Head for this Soho institution! PAGE 52 THE GREEN The Islington bar has built a large and loyal following with cheap drinks and nightly promotions SHINING STARS B63A=6=@3DC30/@6/A1:=A32>@=;>B7<5 B@/<<GA6/19B=;=D3B=4@332=; PAGE 58 KU BAR February saw the launch of the brand new Ku bar on Frith Street - full of more Ku bar cuties! The Wednesday nighter has effortlessly made the move to Wardour Street, and in mid-February the gang threw a special 'We Love Boy George' party that attracted club kids from far and wide. Check out our full review on pages 48-49... "% @3D73E B@/<<GA6/196/A;=D32:=1/B7=<B= 4@332=;³E63@37B6=AB32/8=G=CA B@70CB3<756BB=0=G53=@537< 430@C/@G¬ PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM TRANNYSHACK =CbbVS`S "& =CbbVS`S @3D73E After three years at the legendary Soho Revue Bar (formerly Too 2 Much and the Raymond Revue Bar), last month Trannyshack were given notice that the venue was closing and they had a week to find a new home. Above all the odds, Dusty O pulled it off and the transition to the new venue – in the basement of Freedom on Wardour Street – was seamless. Whilst not having the stage facilities that the Trannyshack girls were used to, Freedom’s basement club is a gorgeous venue with raised platforms, leather seating areas, mesmerising fish tanks and the all-important pole dancing facilities. After settling in for just one week, their second event there was a huge ‘We Love Boy George’ tribute night to show love and support for George after his recent incarceration. A whole host of artistes gathered to perform on the night including George’s musical partner Mr John Themis, West End diva Miss Zee Asha, Keith George (AKA The Boy George Experience), stars of the musical Taboo and performers George has worked with over the years. There was also the rather cute new protégé of William Baker and Kylie; Mr Sam Taylor. The Trannyshack girls paid their own special homage with Jeanie Dee doing ‘I’ll Tumble 4 You’ whilst, um, tumbling – at 66 years of age! The audience made an effort with a whole host of George looky-likies – there were pole dancing trannies, a Boweryesque ink-splattered Tasty Tim on the decks, and by 3am it all resembled rather tragic tranny roadkill – priceless! Trannyshack, every Wednesday night from 10.30pm onwards at Freedom, 66 Wardour Street, W1. "' =CbbVS`S @3D73E For well over a decade, The Yard has held its own on the Soho scene. Offering an outdoor courtyard (sheltered and equipped with heaters during the winter months), a ground floor bar, plus the upstairs Loft, it’s cultivated its own large and loyal following. Perhaps because it’s slightly tucked away from Old Compton Street, the Loft bar in particular feels slightly more intimate and exclusive than other establishments – making it perfect for a date or just as somewhere to hang out with friends. Conscious of the fact that we’re currently in a recession, and that some people need a little more incentive to venture out during the winter months, the Yard and Loft are # currently offering one of the best price deals in the whole of Soho. All drinks are now on sale for just £2 at all times except after 7pm on Friday and Saturday nights. That means that every other night of the week, the bar is now probably cheaper than almost anywhere else on the Soho scene – and at the time of going to press, the promotion was set to last for the coming few weeks at the very least. If you’re a regular at the bar, you’ll need little persuasion to return, but if you’ve not been for a while, then now’s the perfect time to re-discover this Soho hangout. The Yard, 57 Rupert Street, W1 PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM THE YARD 1=C<B7<5G=C@>3<<73A;=@327:753<B:G /BB63;=;3<B-/<756B=CB/BB63G/@2 <332<B0@3/9B630/<9 =CbbVS`S @3D73E It’s been almost a year since The Green had its refurb, so we popped along to see if the dust had settled and how the nights are going. The vibe when you walk in is a modern contemporary space yet also a local welcoming venue, and it has definitely become a destination bar for north London. Friday nights tend to attract an alternative/Shoreditch crowd with Sink the Pink, Triple Penny, and more on the way, while Saturdays attract a more Soho-esque gathering, with Prestige as the lady of the house and, in a new monthly slot, Lady Lloyd. In fact, the venue offers everything that the West End does but without the high prices! Great food is still on offer in the evenings and all day Saturday and Sunday, and its legendary wine and cocktail list is ever # evolving, with the favourite at the moment being the Strawberry Myrtle – fresh strawberries, balsamic vinegar, vodka, topped up with bubbly! One of The Green’s most important changes was to make the venue more accessible to everyone regardless of gender, orientation or scene. So on most nights you will find a gaggle of power lesbians up the front of the bar drinking cocktails, the dance floor full of twinks, a few bears in for a brew and sprinklings of bearded drag queens and Soho cuties – with the odd straight couple thrown in. Take in to account the various theme nights, drag hosts and cute DJs, and the Green has finally become the venue it was always meant to be. The Green, 74 Upper Street, N1. PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM THE GREEN B635@33<7<7A:7<5B=<7A/BB@/1B7<5 /;7F321@=E24@=;/::=D3@<=@B6 :=<2=</<203G=<2¬ WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM =CbbVS`S A13<3 #! @3D73E #" =CbbVS`S =CbbVS`S @3D73E PHOTOS © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM KILL YOUR PETS 563BB=¸A<3E4:/5A67>4@72/G <756B=CB7<5=443@A3:31B@=03/BA 27@BG27A1=/<2<=BA=1C22:GB=GA Long-running indie and alternative haunt Ghetto made the move from Soho to Old Street in December, forced to relocate because its old premises are to be demolished to make way for the Crossrail Link through central London. However, the team have made the best of the move, revamping the Ghetto brand within new premises and introducing some new nights in the process. Original Friday nighter The Cock has now made way for the grisly-titled Kill Your Pets. Upstairs in the Trash Palace bar we found Tasty Tim spinning rave classics like ‘Ride On Time’ and ‘Pump Up The Jam’, while the main Ghetto dancefloor downstairs offered up a heady concoction of throbbing electro beats, dirty disco and squelchy synth anthems - with remixes of Lady GaGa’s ‘Just Dance’ and Britney’s ‘Womanizer’ going down particularly well. A projection of Pat Butcher glowed on the walls, while stuffed toys hung from nooses above the bar (kill your pets - geddit?). The night attracts a mixed crowd of boys, girls, Shoreditch reprobates and fashion freaks – with a couple of boys in leggings and animal masks striking some particularly memorable poses at the bar. Animal nightlife indeed! Kill Your Pets, every Friday night at Ghetto Old Street, 58 Old Street, EC1. ## =CbbVS`S A13<3 aeSObg7¸dSPSS\OPWUTO\T]`OTSegSO`a\]e /TbS`gSO`a]Tb`SORW\UbVSP]O`Ra]T[]abbVS QO^WbOZ¸aUOgac^S`QZcPaO\ROTbS`V]c`a^O`bWSa eVWQV7abWZZ`SZWaV7aSS[SRb]R`WTbW\b]ZObSf _cWbSPgOQQWRS\bOTbS`OYW\RR]\ObW]\]TP]]ba O\RZSObVS`b`]caS`aT`][OTSZZ]eQ]e]`YS`=\S eVWTT]TT`SaV[O\aeSOb]\ZObSfZObS`O\R7eOa V]]YSR³O\RYS^b]\Q][W\UPOQYT]`[]`S /\RWb¸a\]`SOZac`^`WaSbVObWb¸abVWaaWRS]TbVS aQS\SbVObaSS[ab]PS`ObbZW\UOZ]\U`ObVS`\WQSZg ASfWa`SQSaaW]\^`]]T`WUVb-/\RWTg]c¸`S]\S ]TbVS[O\gT]ZZ]eS`a]TTSbWaVbVOb`SaWRSW\bVS PWUa[]YSg]c¸ZZVOdS\]bWQSRZWbbZSRWTTS`S\QSW\ bVSObbS\RO\QSO\R^]^cZO`Wbg]TbVWaQZcPaQS\S bVS`SeOaQS`bOW\Zg\]bVW\UTZOQQWROP]cbbVSZOab 6O`R=\7eS\bb]¬0cbWaWb`SOZZgOZZOP]cbbVS aSf-4`][[g]e\Sf^S`WS\QSaaSfQZcPaSfWaO \WQSPg^`]RcQb]TbVSSdS\W\U¸aSf^S`WS\QSPcb Wb¸a\]bS\]cUV]TO^cZZb]Q]Of]cbbVSQ`]eRa eSSYOTbS`eSSYSdS\bOTbS`SdS\bEWbVT`SS 7\bS`\SbRObW\UaWbSaO\RZO`USaOc\OaOQ`]aaOZZ T]c`Q]`\S`a]TbVSQO^WbOZaSfVOa\SdS`PSS\ []`SW[[SRWObSQ]\dS\WS\bO\RR]e\`WUVb QVSO^O\geOg HARD TIMES @716/@2B=<9A7<D3AB75/B3AA=;3 @313AA7=<>@==47<2CAB@73A¬ BVS`SO`S^ZS\bg]TcaTSSZW\UbVSTW\O\QWOZ^W\QV O\Ra^S\RW\UZSaa]\U]W\U]cbES¸`S\]b QO\W\UWbR]e\W\DOcfVOZZ]dS`bVSeSSYS\R]` R`W\YW\U]c`aSZdSaW\b]O[WReSSYabc^]`W\A]V] eWbV_cWbSbVSaO[S`SUcZO`WbgOa []\bVaOU] A]VO`RS\SRVOdS[O\g]T[gT`WS\RaPSQ][S b]bVSeW\Ra]TTW\O\QWOZQVO\USbVObbVWaZOab^Og ROgXcabU]\SWbeOaO\STT]`bb]SdS\[cabS`c^ ac^^]`bT]`OR`W\YW\b]e\/\RT]`OQ]c^ZS]T []\bVa\]e7¸dSPSS\`SORW\UZSbbS`a^cPZWaVSR ]\bVSaSdS`gVOZZ]eSR^OUSabVObQZcPabVOb eS`S]\QSOUcO`O\bSSRV]bbWQYSbO`S\]e·VWb O\R[Waa¸bV`]cUVReW\RZW\U\c[PS`a<]bU]]R AbWZZOZeOga]\Sb]Z]]Y]\bVSP`WUVbaWRS7¸dS VSO`RbVObaSfWa]\bVSc^7\bVWaSQ]\][g PcabW\UabO`bb]bVSgSO`bVS`SVOdSPSS\O \c[PS`]Tab]cbVSO`bSR[SRWOObbS[^bab] a_cSShSOZWbbZSZ]dSXcWQS]cb]TbVS\SeaQgQZS b]^`SbS\RbVS`SeOaOaS\acOZaWZdS`ZW\W\Ub] bVSab]`[QZ]cRaUObVS`W\UW\SdS`g]\S¸aPO\Y OQQ]c\ba7\TOQbOCAPZ]UUW\UaWbS[ORSQZOW[a bVOb]\bVSROgbVS2]e8]\Sab]]YO^Zc\US `SQ]`RSRVWba]\Q`cWaSaWbS;O\6c\b`]QYSbSR /^^O`S\bZgUS\bZS[S\bVWaZ]\UZOabW\UTW\O\QWOZ UZ]][WaR]W\Ue]\RS`aT]`]c`aSfZWdSa ESZZ7Y\]e·SdS`gQZ]cRVOaOaWZdS`ZW\W\U¸ [OgPSO^^`]^`WObSPcbSdS\eVS\bVSP]bb][ WaTOZZW\U]cbg]c`PO\YOQQ]c\bQO\bVWa`SOZZg PSbVSQOaS-/`SeSOZZUSbbW\UPSbbS`\]]YWS O\R[]`S]TWb-BVS`SQS\baV]QY]T1Z]\SH]\S U]W\Ub]OR[W\Wab`ObW]\O\Ra^]`ORWQa^O`aS\Saa ]T^c\bS`aOQ`]aabVSaQS\S[OgZSOR[O\g b]PSZWSdSbVWaQO\\]bPSbVSQOaSPcb[g W\dSabWUObW]\aW\b]bVSaQS\S¸aaSfWS`aWRSR]Sa W\RSSR`SdSOZO\Sfb`S[SZgPc]gO\bQcZbc`S <]bbVOb7SdS`\SSRSROPORQ`SRWb`ObW\Ub] []bWdObS[Sb]aZW^W\b]a][SbVW\UaVW\gO\R #$ =\SbVW\U7VOdSZSO`\SRT`][[gTSbWaV OQ_cOW\bO\QSaWabVObbVSaSQZcPaObb`OQbO TS`]QW]caZgZ]gOZO\RRWaQS`\W\UQ`]eR4O`T`][ bVSaSfQ`OhSRO\RR`cUTcSZZSRabS`S]bg^SO\R bVObQO\PSdS`g\WQSa][SbW[Sab]]7¸dST]c\R APPARENTLY THIS FINANCIAL GLOOM IS DOING WONDERS FOR OUR SEX LIVES... 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Hard On runs a strict dress policy of leather, rubber, skinhead (boots, braces, shave head, bleached jeans), uniforms, or just your boots. Make an effort as you will be asked to leave if you do not adhere to this dress code. Changing areas and cloakrooms are available. Hard On is the last Saturday or every month at Hidden, 100 Tinworth Street, Vauxhall. Entry is £15 members – club membership required 48 hours before the event. www.hardonclub. Check out alternative hotspot Ghetto Old Street every Friday night for an electrotrash night Kill Your Pets. Residents mash up electro, beeps and beats cutting-edge electro, dirty disko, trashed-up techno and retro rave for a cute crowd of alternative fashionista foppery and gay East End drinkers. Ghetto is 58 Old Street, EC1. Doors are open upstairs at Trash Palace from 5.30pm and downstairs in the club from 10pm. www. =CbbVS`S @3D73E Bucking the economic downturn, Gary Henshaw’s Ku Bar has been going from strength to strength. The Lisle Street establishment has built upon its long-running following with an eclectic mix of different nights and promotions. So much so that owner Gary decided to take the plunge and launch a second venue. He’s taken over the bar formerly known as Rush (on the corner of Frith Street and Old Compton Street), and called in the builders to give the place a complete makeover. The results were unveiled at the beginning of February. The new venue may appear small from the outside, but it offers a deceptively large selection of different areas. There’s a ground floor bar and small first floor bar overlooking Frith Street, each of which #& can hold approximately 40 people and which will be open throughout the afternoon and evening. Then there’s the basement, which is split into three different areas, and which offers a slightly more exclusive ‘lounge’ feel for the evenings. Gary is running the venue very much as a daytime and early evening destination, and is hopeful customers will start their evening in the Frith Street Ku before ending it in the bigger premises on Lisle Street. Either way, as the first new gay bar to open in Soho in many a month, the new Ku has brought a welcome blast of fresh air to the Old Compton Street scene! The Ku Bar, 25 Frith Street, W1. PHOTOGRAPHS BY CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM KU BAR B639C0/@6/AA>/E<32/G=C<53@ A;/::3@A7AB3@0/@7<B6363/@B=4A=6= =CbbVS`S @3D73E Given the cold snap that descended over the UK, February may have been the best month to hold an underwear party, but after entering the super heated arches at XXL last week, we were more than happy to shuck our outer layers and join the party. We weren’t the only ones, although perhaps dissuaded by the sub-zero temperatures outside, plenty of others opted to stay clothed. The spoilsports! That said, everyone seemed to be having a great time. The XXL crowd seems to be getting more diverse every time we visit, and in keeping with their mantra of “one size fits all”, there were bears, twinks, muscle boys and even a couple of big $ wigged trannies! The four arches are home to three distinct music genres – spanning everything from old school disco and pop to cutting edge electro and in the main room Christian M played his signature sound of big anthems and Freemason remixes that had all the arms in the air. With quiet bar areas, relaxing sofas, outside terraces and a cruise zone, there really is something for everyone – and on this occasion there were even a couple of cute muscle boys flag-waving in the main room! XXL, The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. WORDS BY DELOREM BY | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM ANDLOREM PHOTOGRAPHS CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM XXL E367BB63/@163A7<:=<2=<0@72534=@B63 1:C0¸A·4C@1=/B<=9<7193@A¸>/@BG =CbbVS`S A13<3 $ =CbbVS`S PHOTOGRAPHY © CHRIS JEPSON :7AB7<5A <756BA HIGHLIGHTS VAUXHALL VARIETY PHOTOGRAPHY © CHRIS JEPSON As we reported last month, Popstarz is temporarily running each Friday night at the Bloomsbury Ballroom – until it can move into its new central London home. This stunning art deco ballroom is just ten minutes walk from its previous home on Charing Cross Road, and offers a couple of distinct areas. Enjoy the indie and pop in the main ballroom (everything from the Killers and Kings Of Leon to Blondie and Britney), chill out in the Popstarz Library, or hang out in either of the two bars (with a happy hour each between 9 and 10pm). Get along on Friday 6 March for the club’s own ‘Kill Bill Ball’, when the team will be transforming the venue into the House Of Blue Leaves. The night will feature the “Black Mamba R’n’B Lounge, a karaoke bar, Crazy 88 dancers, sumo ring, Tea House, origami corner, Japanese snacks and Deadly Viper cocktails.”They’ll also be carrying out Tarantino-inspired transformations, should you wish to be turned into a “blood-splattered bride, samurai, naughty nurse, crazy 88 gangster or schoolgirl assassin.” Doors will be open from 9pm till 3am, and for more details, check www. RUGGER BUGGERS The boys down at XXL have a couple of big parties lined up over the coming weeks. Always happy to commemorate the patron saints, on Saturday 28 February they’ll be throwing a party for St David’s Day. This is followed on Saturday 14 March by a ‘Green Party’ in honour of St Patrick’s Day and the birthday of promoter Mark Ames. That’s followed on Wednesday 18 March by a St Patrick’s Hair of the Dog Party. Looking a little further ahead, Fusion will be returning on bank holiday Sunday (12 Apr) with another guest slot from the Freemasons – put that one in your diaries now. The guys are also loving the current Six Nations rugby tournament and are screening selected Six Nations matches. Get along on Saturday 28 February for Scotland vs Italy and Ireland vs England, the 14 March for Italy vs Wales and Scotland vs Ireland, and 21 March for Italy vs France, England vs Scotland and Wales vs Ireland. Doors open at 5pm for screenings, with free entry before 8pm (all those who arrive before 8pm can stay on for free to XXL – a bargain!). $ SECRET SUNDAY The beginning of the month brings with it another dose of Decadence – The Secret Society. This upmarket and sophisticated get together takes place on the first Sunday of the month at bespoke members club No.5 Cavendish Square. This new Sunday Tea Dance offers an afternoon of networking and socializing, with beautiful boys in powdered wigs bringing a touch of Versailles to the proceedings! Doors will be open from 5pm right through till 2am (admission £10), so you can call in for an early evening rendezvous if you have work to worry about on the Monday morning. But be warned… once you enter, you may find it hard to tear yourself away! Spinning the sounds will be Mark Bambach and The Oli, while your hostess is Holly Penfeld. If you want to make a proper evening of it, table bookings (two-course meal plus Champagne £20, three-courses plus Champagne £25) can be reserved by calling Richard on 07951314486. WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM POPSTARZ KILLER As always, the Royal Vauxhall Tavern has a whole host of great nights lined up over the coming weeks. Highlights, amongst the many events taking place, include Nite Wreckage with comic performer Celine Hispiche on Tuesday 24 February. She’ll be performing three comic monologues, and then teaming up with Dave Ball (Soft Cell) to perform some footstomping songs! Dave Ball will then perform a DJ set. That will be followed on Wednesday 25 February by ‘cabaret miscreant’ Ophelia Bitz with ‘It Speaks! Tales Of A Reluctant Showgirl’. The Club Wotever team take over the club each Thursday from 5th March till 9th April for a series of ‘Wotever Sex’ nights. Josephine Wilson, Jet Moon, Switch, Killpussy, Hilda Eusebio and Mr Meredith present a series of ‘queerlesque shows devoted to the sex lives of some truly unique performers – see them bare their innermost desires, secret fantasies and insecurities about sex, sexuality, gender and whatever else rocks their boats!’ Another very exciting series of nights will be running each Tuesday from 17 March till 21 April. Scott Capurro’s Position will be a live chat show, featuring very special guests each week. Confirmed for the launch party are Graham Norton and Richard Thomas, while guests confirmed for later in the run include Brian Paddick (31 March), Bill Bailey and Phil Jupitus (7 April), and Julian Clary and Ken Livingstone (21 April). Admission for this special series of chat shows will be £8 (doors open at 7pm with show at 8pm). Besides this, the venue hosts its regular nightly promotions, such as Timberlina’s Bingo pub night, Saturday nighter Duckie, and the Sunday Chill-Out/S.L.A.G.S session. The Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11. Tickets for RVT Weeknights are now available on TicketWeb (www. ) and A13<3 =CbbVS`S A13<3 LO-PROFILE Stylish subterranean club Lo-Profile is also open for late night dance action on Friday and Saturday nights, with residents DJs on rotation Steve Pitron, Paul Heron, Brent Nicholls, Gonzalo, Gary H, Luke Hope, Nick Head and Alessandro – check out the action at 84-85 Wardour Street, Soho, W1. As we were going to press, QSoft (which runs Lo-Profile and Gaydar) announced that Gaydar and Matinée Group have signed a global partnership agreement that makes the Gaydar brand the first official sponsor of CIRCUIT Festival ’09. This year’s CIRCUIT Festival runs from the 1st of August until the 9th in Barcelona. A package of marketing and advertising has been agreed to promote this year’s event with exclusive content and competitions being offered to Gaydar’s five million members, and the event will be supported with digital and radio ads across the Gaydar portfolio from March. PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON VENUES: CENTRAL LONDON TRANNY FREEDOM 79 CXR, 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2. 020 7734 0769. Leicester Square tube. Mon-Sat 1pm-3am, Sun 1pm-10.30pm. Cover charge after 11pm. Large, cruisy, late-night bar - always busy after 10.30pm with those who don’t want to head home too early. Following the unexpected closure of the Soho Revue Bar, leading midweek night ADMIRAL DUNCAN, 54 Old Trannyshack has been Compton Street, W1. 020 7437 forced to find itself a new 5300. Leicester Square tube. home. After three and a Friendly, traditional gay pub - just half years at the historic look out for the purple and pink Soho venue, hosts Dusty exterior! O, Tasty Tim and their collective gaggles of BARCODE, 3-4 Archer Street, gorgeous man-girls have W1. 020 7734 3342. www. made the move across the Piccadilly Circus road to Freedom. They tube. Mon-Sat 4pm-1.30am. Sun reckon Freedom is perfectly until 10.30pm. Dance bar on three suited to hold the night, floors, with club-style basement. being in the heart of Soho Comedy Camp stand-up night and featuring a camp and each Tuesday, and more dancecolourful interior boasting oriented sessions at weekends. over 200 mirroballs! There’s also a stage, allowing the THE BOX, 32-34 Monmouth team to continue to hold Street, Seven Dials, WC2. 020 their weekly open mic 7240 5828. Leicester Square tube. performances and live acts, 11am-11pm. Stylish and plus a couple of poles for award-winning gay café dancing. Trannyshack runs every bar popular with Wednesday night, and admission scene and is free for anyone in drag, or £5 for everyone else. Freedom, 66 Wardour Street, W1. $" muscle queens. Frequent exhibitions on the walls and great food. CANDY BAR, 4 Carlisle Street, W1. 020 7494 4041. Tottenham Court Road tube. Mon-Thu 5-11.30pm. Fri & Sat 5pm-2am. Sun 5-11pm. Longrunning and famed lesbian bar. COMPTONS, 52 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7479 7961. Leicester Square tube. Noon-11pm. A Soho institution. Large, traditional gay boozer on two floors, attracting a butch and manly crowd. www. THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON, 77 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7439 1274. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat noon-midnight, ‘til 10.30pm on Sun. Traditional and fun gay pub over two floors, attracting a good cross-section from across the scene. ESCAPE, 10a Brewer Street, W1. 020 7734 2626. Piccadilly Circus tube. 5pm-3am. Cover charge after 11pm. Every night’s a party at this late-night video dance bar. EXILIO, LSE Underground, Houghton Street (off Kingsway), Aldwych, WC2. Long-running, Saturday night gay Latin and salsa night. Open 10pm till 3am. www. FIRST OUT CAFÉ, 52 St Giles High Street, WC2. 020 7240 8042. Tottenham Court Road tube. 10am-11pm. Sun 10.30pm. Over 20 years old and still going strong. Long-running community café bar. FREEDOM, 66 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7734 0071. Piccadilly v Circus tube. Opulent style bar, with late-night club promotions for a mixed, metrosexual crowd. FRIENDLY SOCIETY, 79 Wardour Street, WC1. Trendy and unique, intimate basement bar with quirky decor and fun atmosphere – attracts a mixed crowd. G-A-Y BAR, 30 Old Compton Street, W1. 020 7494 2756. Leicester Square tube. 12pm12am. Huge, poptastic gay bar, with a multitude of video screens, pop tunes and drinks promotions. G-A-Y LATE, 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. Tottenham Court Road tube. 11pm-3am. Late-night sister venue to G-A-Y Bar – more video screens, camp pop fun and cheap drinks.Gets very busy most nights of the week. G-A-Y, along with Monday nighter Popcorn and Wednesday’s urban session Work! Check for details THE KINGS ARMS, 23 Poland Street, W1. 020 7734 5907. Oxford Circus tube. Mon-Thur 12pm–11pm, Fri-Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12pm-11.30pm. London’s bar for bears and blokes. Traditional atmosphere, pool table upstairs and BearHug each Friday. KUDOS, 10 Adelaide Street, WC2. 020 7379 4573. Charing Cross tube. 3pm-11pm, Sat noon-11pm, Sun noon-10.30pm. Beautiful and stylish café bar (great food!), with clubbier vibe and video screens in the basement. Popular with Asian crowd. Weekend jazz sessions in the basement. KU BAR, 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 020 7437 4303. Leicester Square tube. Large, award-winning, upmarket gay bar spread over three floors, open till 3am daily and always busy throughout the week. www. KU BAR SOHO, 25 Frith Street, W1. Leicester Square tube. New, smaller sister venue to Lisle Street Ku Bar, with entrances on Old Compton Street and Frith Street - open till 11pm daily.. www. LO-PROFILE, The Basement, 84-85 Wardour Street, W1. Swanky, sophisticated, 400-capacity late-night basement bar and club space – from the people that bring you Open till 2am Thursdays, 4am weekends, and 10.30pm Sundays. www. LONG YANG CLUB, long-running social group for East Asian gay guys and friends. Regular parties and social events. Check website at for full details. PROFILE, 56 Frith Street, Soho, W1. Tottenham Court Road tube. Stylish, big gay bar, owned by the team at – spread over three floors, with internet access and Gaydar radio. THE QUEBEC, 12 Old Quebec Street, WC1. 020-7629 6159. Marble Arch tube. Long-running and huge pub, on two floors, attracting an older crowd. Open till 3am at weekends. Off the beaten Soho track but well worth checking out. RETRO BAR, 2 George Court, WC2. 020 7321 2811. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Fri noon-11. Sat 5pm-11pm, Sun 5pm-11pm. A traditional boozer for the gay scene’s indie, alternative and student-types – Tuesday’s pop quiz is an institution. RUPERT STREET, 50 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7292 7141. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-11pm, Sun 10.30pm. Large, designer style bar, popular with professional gay boyz. SHADOW LOUNGE, 5 Brewer Street, W1. 020-7287 7988. Piccadilly tube. Exclusive, gorgeous, late-night bar and club for A-list gays and celeb-spotters. Open from late each evening. PHOTO © RALF OBERGFELL GOING=Cb open to all. THE GREEN CARNATION, 4-5 Greek Street, Soho, W1. 020-7434 3323. Stylish, three-floored late night gay venue, with bar, dancefloor and nightly promotions. Attracts a mixed crowd. www. THE EDGE, 11 Soho Square, W1. 020 7439 1313. Tottenham Court Road tube. Noon-1am, Sun 2pm11.30pm. Stylish, hip gay bar spread over four intimate floors, with regular nights from top DJs, regular piano bar and tasty food menu. HALFWAY TO HEAVEN, 7 Duncannon Street, WC2. 020 7321 2791. Charing Cross tube. Mon-Thu noon-11pm, Fri & Sat 12pm-12am. Old-style gay pub spread over two floors. THE ENCLAVE, 25-27 Brewer Street, W1. Intimate, lounge bar and basement club, offering members-bar atmosphere but HEAVEN, The Arches, Villiers Street, WC2. Charing Cross Road tube. Huge, world-famous gay club, which is now home to GUTTER STARS The Gutterslut team return on Saturday 28 February to Images, 483 Hackney Road, E2. One of Shoreditch’s most debauched, queer and freaky electro offerings, sounds will come from Per QX, Elliot J Brown, Nic Fisher and Ralf O, with Miss Crystal MC. PrickImage and the ‘Dalston Gay Mafia’ will be supplying visuals. Doors are open from 11pm till 5am, with admission £6 before midnight and £8 after. For more details, check the myspace site at =CbbVS`S A13<3 SWEATBOX, 1-2 Ramillies Street, Soho, W1. 020-3214 6014. Exclusively gay gym (ground floor) and sauna (first floor), which now hosts occasional late-night parties with a late-night alcohol licence. Open Sun-Thurs noon-midnight, and till 5am Friday and Saturday. VAULT 139, 139 Whitfield Street, W1. 020-7388 5500. Newlyopened, central, daytime intimate cruise club, for a men-only crowd. Open 1pm-1am seven days a week. VILLAGE, 81 Wardour Street, W1. 020 7434 2124. Piccadilly Circus tube. 12-1am, Sun 11.30pm. Late night door charge. Soho’s original gay café bar, spread over four floors, REVOLVER RELOADED NORTH LONDON THE BLACK CAP, 171 Camden High Street, NW1. 020 7485 0538. Camden Town tube. Shufflewick Bar: Mon-Thu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am, Sun Noon-10.30pm. Club: Mon-Thu 10pm-2am, Fri-Sat 10pm-3am, Sun 10pm-1am. Long-running, famed gay pub – probably the most famous cabaret pub in London, with nightly DJs and entertainment. www. CENTRAL STATION, 37 Wharfdale Road, N1. Tel: 020 7278 3294. Kings Cross tube. MonWed 5pm-2am, Thur 5pm-3am, Fri 5pm-4am, Sat 1pm-4am, Sun 1pm-12am. Big gay bar on three floors, with ground floor cabaret and infamously cruisy cruise nights in basement. Upstairs restaurant offering gastropub menu. www. COSMO LOUNGE, 43 Essex Road, N1. Tel: 020 7688 0051. Angel tube. Sun-Wed 2pm-Midnight, Thu-Sat 2pm-1am. Long, narrow, intimate gay bar popular with locals girls and boys. EGG, 200 York Way, Kings Cross, N7. Tel: 020 7609 8364. Kings Cross tube. Bespoke club space on three floors, hosting occasional gay club nights and after-hours sessions (mixed afterhours every Saturday night). THE GREEN, 74 Upper Street, N1. 020-7704 0713. Angel tube. London’s first ‘gay gay-stropub!’ Stylish, Islington bar, serving full food menu and wide range of cocktails. Mixed, chilled crowd - now run by the same team as The Edge in Soho. KING EDWARD VI, 25 Bromfield $$ Get along to the Village (81 Wardour Street) this March for a very special evening of entertainment. A Stage Kindly is a touring musical revue, featuring a handful of singers performing songs from new and fringe musical theatre shows. Its aim is to bring the works to a wider audience, and to generate interest for the shows from which the songs derive. The revue features songs from across the genre of musical theatre – from big, belty old-school numbers through to the more contemporary work – full details of both shows and songs can be found at The revue is touring several small venues in London and Brighton this March, and it will be touching down at the Village in Soho on Sunday 8 March and Sunday 29 March at 8pm. Admission to the show will be £10. THE YARD, 57 Rupert Street, W1. 020 7437 2652. Piccadilly Circus tube. Mon-Thur 4pm-11pm, Fri & Sat 1pm-11pm, Sun 1pm1.10.30pm. Busy gay bar with hugely popular courtyard area, outdoor balcony and cosy loft bar. CLUB KALI, The Dome, 1 Dartmouth Park Hill, Tufnell Park, N19. World’s biggest lesbian and gay Asian music night, running every third Friday of the month. Always busy and rather unique. Following its successful relaunch at the Fridge in Brixton, Revolver will be returning to SW9 for another night of circuit-style clubbing on Saturday 28 February 2009. Following successful stints at the Scala and Astoria (R.I.P!), Revolver has now made the infamous Fridge its new home. Expect amazing production values, stunning shows, gorgeous go-gos, spectacular lighting and heart thumping sound system all topped off with some continental passion. This month’s party will have a ‘Boxing’ theme, so expect a show with hunks in boxing shorts and glamorous girls holding the numbers aloft. There might even be some locker room action! Special guest DJ Danny Verde will be jetting in from Italy, joining residents Oliver M, Paul Heron, Pagano and Alessandro, while a PA will come from Diva Houston. Doors will be open from 10pm till 7am, and you’ll find the Fridge on Town Hall Parade, Brixton, SW9. For tickets – see VILLAGE REVUE and now with basement dancefloor and discos. Popular with a youngish crowd of boys and girls. Street, N1. Tel: 020 7704 0745. Angel tube. Sun-Thu 12noon12midnight, Thu 12noon-1am, Fri-Sat 12noon-2am. Very long-running gay pub, with ‘local’ atmosphere and character, plus popular beer garden. KW4, 77 Hampstead High Street, NW3. 020-7435 5747. Large, cosy, traditional old gay pub, with regular entertainment, beer garden and food. One of London’s longestrunning gay establishments. www. THE LOAD OF HAY, 207 Pinner Road, Watford, 01923-441113. Watford‚s only gay pub, with big beer garden and regular entertainment! www.loadofhay. THE OAK BAR, 79 Green Lanes, N16. 020-7354 2791. Manor House tube. Friendly, diverse gay bar with late-night club promotions, and open ‘til 3am at weekends. Very popular with lesbians and male friends. www. ON THE ROCKS, 25 Kingsland Road, E2. Underground Shoreditch venue that hosts the weekly Trailer Trash club night each Friday – the ‘Dirty Eastend Gay Ravebox!’ www. PLAYPIT, 76 Caledonian Road, N1. Intimate, King’s Cross sleaze club – basically a basement darkroom. Open Thur-Sat 9pm-3am, Sun 3pm-7pm and 8pm-1am. Take your own booze. SOUTH LONDON AREA, 67-68 Albert Embankment, SE1. Gorgeously-designed, hard dance club and cabaret rooms, with eclectic roster of different gay nights, one-off promotions, plus cruise nights like Rude Boyz. www. BARCODE VAUXHALL, Arch 69, Albert Embankment, SE11. 0207 734 3342. Vauxhall tube. Open 7 days a week. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri-Sun 4pm-4am. Very popular club bar, with dancefloor and mezzanine chill-out space - gets busy at weekends. CLUB COLOSSEUM, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8. Huge, late-night venue for after-hours crowd – hosting various monthly promotions such as Bootylicious, Matinee and Megawoof. THE EAGLE, 349 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7793 0903. Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 9pm-late, Tue 7.30-10.30pm, Sun 4pm-2am. Vauxhall tube. Large, club-bar with nightly promotions. Tonker (Fridays), Berlin (Saturdays) and Horse Meat Disco (Sundays) are particularly popular. www. EGO, 82 Norwood High Street, SE27. 020 8761 5200. West Norwood BR. Sun-Thu 8pm-late, 7pm-4am. Door charge on weekend. Large, popular bar and club, attracting big crowds at weekends. WEEKLY SPEAKEASY Following the success of its party in January, Queer Nation is coming back on a regular basis. The longrunning night returned last month to the Brixton club where it ran for so many years. Hundreds turned up to party the night away at Nsomnia (9 Brighton Terrace, SW9) – delighting both the venue and promoter Patrick Lilley. So, the Queer Nation Speakeasy will be a regular weekly fixture at the venue from Friday 20 February. Doors open from midnight-6am, with DJs Matt Lamont, Pierre, Miss Bailey and Jeffrey Hinton. Admission is £6 or £5 with a flyer/NUS. PHOTO © BERNARD MILLER/WWW.PRESQUEVU.COM SOHO REVUE BAR, 11 Walkers Court (off Brewer Street), W1. 020-7734 0377. Legendary Soho cabaret club, attracting very gay crowd with nightly cabaret, gigs and burlesque. =CbbVS`S $% =CbbVS`S PHOTO © CHRIS JEPSON/LONDONCLUBLAND.COM :7AB7<5A CAMP ATTACK G-A-Y is continuing to pull in the punters at its new home at Heaven. Following recent appearances from Lily Allen, Lady GaGa and Duffy, host Jeremy Joseph was still in the process of confirming PA for the month of June. However, the flagship Saturday isn’t the only night that the club has to offer. The Friday night G-A-Y Camp Attack also has a huge following, with hundred of boys and girls enjoying an unpretentious and fun-filled night of classic retro pop and cheese. The main floor offers up non-stop 70s and 80s, with sounds from the 90s in the Star Bar. For those of you who really like things a bit more contemporary (or are just too young to remember!), you can catch sounds from the last ten years in the Pop Room. Doors are open from 11pm till 4am, and you can pick up free entry wristbands and flyers from the G-A-Y Bar on Old Compton Street. For full details about this, Thursday night’s G-A-Y Porn Idol, or the G-A-Y Saturday night extravaganzas, check the website at FACTORY, 65 Goding Street, SE11. Stylish, railway arch Vauxhall venue, hosting occasional dance and cruise nights. HIDDEN, 100 Timworth Street, SE11. Railway arch venue, home to infamous Hard On night once a month ( THE FORT, 131 Grange Road, SE1. 020-7237 7742. Small cruise club, open till 11pm throughout week, with regular boots-only and underwear parties. THE HOIST, Arch 47c, South Lambeth Road, SW8. 020 7735 9972. 10pm-late. Door charge and strict dress code. One of London’s most famous dress-code and cruise clubs - busy with a men-only crowd. Open Friday-Sunday and occasional Thursdays (SM Gays every third Thursday of the month - www. FIRE, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. Vauxhall tube. Infamous, late-night gay venue beneath the Vauxhall railway arches, host to the likes of Orange, A:M, Horizon and Gravity. Open around the clock at weekends. or THE FRIDGE, Town Hall Parade, Brixton, SW9. 020 7326 5100. Brixton tube. Large and legendary venue - formerly a theatre. Now home to occasional gay club nights such as Love Muscle and Revolver. and THE GEORGE & DRAGON, 2 BlackheathHill, Greenwich, SE10. 020 8691 3764. Deptford Bridge DLR. Mon-Thu 4pm-1am, Fri & Sat 4pm-4am, Sun 4pm-2am. Late-night pub with nightly entertainment and cabaret. www. $& JACKIE’S JUKEBOX, Rivoli Ballroom, 350 Brockley Road, SE4. First Saturday of the month, 7pm-midnight (£7). Gay ballroom and Latin dancing night, attracting up to 300 dancers a month to the glam 1950s-style Rivoli Ballroom. Crofton Park BR. www.therivoli. KAZBAR, 50 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7622 0070. Clapham North tube. Mon-Thu 4pmmidnight, Fri 4pm-1am, Sat noon1am, Sun noon-midnight. Clapham video bar, popular throughout the week, with DJs at weekends. LITTLE APPLE, 98 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7735 2039. Kennnigton tube. Open 7 days a week. Small, traditional gay boozer for local gay boys and girls - open till 1.30am Fri-Sat. customers each Saturday with uplifting dance anthems and occasional guest DJs. PLAY PIT SOUTH, 64 Tyres Street, Vauxhall, SE11. Sleazy, late-night cruise club - no DJ and bring your own booze! Open Fri-Sat 9pm2am, Sun 3pm-midnight (£8). EAST LONDON ROYAL VAUXHALL TAVERN, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11. 020 7840 0596. Opening times vary. Vauxhall tube. Door Charge. Huge, traditional and historic gay pub, with long history of hosting cabaret. Packed to rafters on Saturday (Duckie) and Sunday (S.L.A.G.S/Chill-Out). Check www. or the facebook group RV Taverners for information. THE STAG, 15 Bressenden Place, SW1. 020 7828 7287. Victoria tube. Mon & Tue midday-midnight, Wed-Fri midday-2am, Sat 5pm2am, Sun 4pm-midnight. Dark and atmospheric gay bar in Victoria, with occasional cabaret and DJs at weekends. 286, 286 Lewisham High Street, SE14. 020-8690 7648. Large, late-opening gay pub and club, with regular entertainment, DJs and cabaret. Open till 2am Sun-Thur and till 4am Fri-Sat. www.two8six. THE ANGEL, 21 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8555 1148. Stratford BR and tube. Big gay pub, always popular at weekends, with regular cabaret, DJs and disco nights. THE BACKSTREET, Wentworth Mews, off Burdett Road, E3. 020-8980 8557. Over 24 years old – small but legendary East End dress code leather club, open Thur-Sun. Very strict rubber and leather dresscode, ensuring a wide and loyal following. www. THE BLACK HORSE, 168 Mile End Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1684. Mile End tube. Mon-Thurs 8pm-1am, Fri-Sat 8pm-3am, Sun 8pm-1am. Late-opening,East End cabaret bar and disco. BISTROTHEQUE, 23-27 Wadeson St, E2. Tel: 020 8983 7900. Bethnal Green tube. Very mixed, gay/straight crowd of trendy metrosexuals. Great bar, restaurant, plus separate cabaret room. www. CHARLIE’S BAR, 124 Globe Road, E1. Tel: 020 7790 1007. Whitechapel tube. Recently refurbished, Moroccan style – friendly, local gay bar. GHETTO OLD STREET, 58 Old Street, EC1. 020-7287 3726. Trendsetting gay club venue - now in a new Old Street home! Spread over two floors, with Trash Palace bar upstairs (open from 5pm) and late night club downstairs. Nightly alternative promotions, such as Kill Your Pets (Fri) and Wig Out (Sat). THE JOINERS ARMS, 116 Hackney Road, E2. Tel: 020 7739 9854. Debauched decadence – old-skool boozer popular with post-club crowd at weekends. Gets busy later in the evenings. KINGS HEAD, 11 Church Street, E15. Tel: 020 8534 0197 Stratford BR and tube. Intimate and welcoming East End gay pub – regular cabaret. Open till late throughout the week. THE TRAFALGAR ARMS, 148 Tooting High Street, SW17. 020-8767 6059. A spacious, lively, attitude-free pub. Excellent food served all day. Weekly DJs on Friday and Saturday nights. Karaoke on Wednesdays. THE TWO BREWERS, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4. 020 7819 9539. Clapham Common tube. Mon-Thu 5pm-2am, Fri & Sat 5pm-4am. South London’s most famed gay cabaret venue. Large bar and separate dancefloor room. It’s been pulling in the punters for over 20 years. UNION, 66 Albert Embankment, SE1. 020-7793 9262. Cruisy dance club which hosts monthly parties such as Growl and afterhours party Menergy. Plays areas and hot gogo’s. XXL, The Arches, 51-53 Southwark Street, SE1. www.xxl-london. com. London Bridge tube. Huge world-famous club for bears, big men and admirers, on Saturday and Wednesday. Pulls in 1,000+ SALVATION GOES EAST Another date for your spring diary is Sunday 12 April. That’s the date that mega-party Salvation returns to London. Following the problems experience at the club on New Year’s Day at the Hippodrome, the team have been scouring London for a new venue… and have settled upon The Troxy. No, we’ve never heard of it before either, but it’s apparently a 1930s art deco theatre in Limehouse that has recently been restored to its former glory. The team say that it’s even bigger and better than the Hippodrome, with a capacity of over 2,000! The venue will boast more bars and cloakrooms, with friendly security, plus an excellent VIP balcony and separate VIP room. This Easter Party will take place at the slightly later time of 8pm, with a VIP pre-party from 7pm. Tickets go on sale soon – keep checking www. for more details on DJ’s and performers, or for more details on the venue check $' =CbbVS`S :7AB7<5A LAST DAYS OF DECADENCE, 145 Shoreditch High Street, E1. Old Street tube. Recently opened designer bar and club, decked out in retro 1920. Host to mixed Friday nighter Circus with celebrated drag hostess Jodie DJ Max Morel RAPIDO RESPONSE Following its storming launch party, circuit-style Dutch dance night Rapido returns to London on Sunday 1 March. Once again, it will be taking over the amazing Koko in Camden. Doors will be open from 5pm till 2am, and spinning the funky house and hard dance sounds will be Italy’s Giangi Cappai, Amsterdam’s Max Morel (Matinee, Salvation, White Party, Muccassasina, Space) and London’s very own Pagano. The night is sponsored by the likes of Aussiebum, gaydar and Atlantis gay cruises, and promises to pull in a huge number of sexed-up hunks and dance lovers. Advance tickets cost £15 or £20 VIP – they’re available now from Prowler, Clone Zone or The Box Bar. Alternatively, check or www. You’ll find Koko at 1a Camden High Street, NW1 (that’s the Mornington Crescent end of the High Street). % Harsh ( from 9.30pm till 2.30am. www. THE OLD SHIP, 17 Barnes Street, E14. Tel: 020 7790 4082. Limehouse DLR. Open from 7pm Mon & Tue, from 6pm Wed-Sat, from 4pm on Sun. Small, local, traditional pub, with regular cabaret - five minutes’ walk from BJ’s White Swan (see below). BJ’s WHITE SWAN, 556 Commercial Road, E1. Tel: 020 7780 9870. Limehouse DLR. Mon 9pm-1am Tue-Thu 9pm-2am, Fri-Sat 9pm-3am, Sun 5.30pmmidnight. A large, long-running gay pub and club, open throughout the week and legendary across London! Wednesday’s Amateur Strip is an institution. www. WEST LONDON THE CULVERT, 54 Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge. 01895 256 690. Uxbridge tube. Mon-Wed 4pm-1am, Thu noon-2am, Fri & Sat noon-3am, Sun 3pm-1am. Regular discos, cabaret, karaoke and one-off events. Established, local gay venue. ESCAPE, 184 London Road, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey, KT2. 020 8549 9911. Revamped, long-running gay nightclub open Wednesday-Sunday. regular cabaret and entertainment throughout the week. www. TO UPDATE LISTINGS, PLEASE SEND INFORMATION TO [email protected] THE HOPE & ANCHOR, 20 Macbeth Street, Hammersmith, W6. (contact mobile - 07858281995). New gay pub for Hammersmith and Chiswick. Traditional boozer with nightly entertainment – open noon11pm throughout week, with popular karaoke at weekends. THE RICHMOND ARMS, 20 The Square, off Princes Street, Richmond. 020-8940 2118. Longrunning, traditional gay pub, with regular cabaret and entertainment. One of gay London’s better locals. TED’S PLACE, 305a North End Road, West Brompton, W14. 0207 385 9359. Earls Court or West Brompton tube. Mon-Fri from 7pmlate, closed Sat & Sun. Small, West London cruise club. Dark and sleazy. WEST 5, Popes Lane, South Ealing, W5. 020-8579 3266. Large, popular gay pub with Piano Room and cabaret bar, open till late at weekends with entertainment and DJs. Attracts a big local crowd - particularly at weekends. www. WINDSOR CASTLE, 152 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3. 0208577 6590. Large, local gay pub with VICTORIAN CHILD Following its big Valentines party on Sunday 15 February, Love Child will be returning to Pacha in Victoria for another circuit-style dance extravanganza on Sunday 29 March. Residents Per QX, Stewart Who?, Mattias and Tony English will be joined by Brent Nichols and Leomeo, plus very special guests the Hoxton Whores. Expect several hundred buff boy clubbers and an opulent, sexy and refined 21st century clubbing experience. Advance tickets (£10) go on sale at Prowler, The Box, DV8 and Bar Code, or online at and Alex Erfan is also the man responsible for bringing over the world famous Hustlaball. Following last month’s hugely successful Hustlaball London party, which took place in the Vauxhall arches of Area and Depot, the 2009 Hustlaball date has just been announced. Put Sunday 3 May in your diary and start planning your outfit now! This year’s event will take place in Vauxhall’s Renaissance Rooms, and will feature ten world-class DJs and 40 different performers and adult movie stars! We’ll bring you more details over the next couple of months. % =Cb`SOQV 1=;;C<7BG BOVVER’D ABOUT GAY YOUTH ;/@9>/B3@A=<G=CB6 A3@D713;/</53@/B B63;3B@=13<B@37< 5@33<E7166756:756BA A=;3=4B63;/7<7AAC3A 4/17<5G=C<5:50B >3=>:37<B631/>7B/: B=2/G/<2=CB:7<3A 3FB3<A7D363:>/B6/<2 µ/`Sg]cP]ddS`¸R-¶³BVWaeOabVSTW`ab _cSabW]\7OaYSReVS\7eOaO^^ZgW\Ub]PS bVS\SeG]cbVAS`dWQS;O\OUS`T]`BVS;Sb`] 1S\b`S[S`S[]\bVaOU]/\R7`SQSWdSRO `Sa]c\RW\UµGSa¶7\TOQb7RWaQ]dS`SRbVS;Sb`] G]cbVAS`dWQS;GAeOaa]P]ddS`¸ROP]cb g]c\U:50B?^S]^ZSbVObWbVORQ][[WaaW]\SR OTcZZ`S^]`b]\bVSW`\SSRaW\A]cbVO\R3Oab :]\R]\S\bWbZSRµESO`SP]ddS`¸R¶ BVSSfSQcbWdSac[[O`gT`][bVWa`S^]`b`SOZZg a^SZZSR]cbb][SeVgeS\SSRb]P]bVS`O\R bVSQVOZZS\USaOVSOR³T]`[S7b`SOR(µG]c\U :50B^S]^ZSSf^S`WS\QSO`O\US]T^`]PZS[a O\RRWTTWQcZbWSa\]bOPZgW\QZcRW\UVWUVZSdSZa ]TPcZZgW\UTO[WZg^`]PZS[aWa]ZObW]\Z]e aSZTSabSS[aSZTVO`[O\RObbS[^bSRacWQWRS R`cUO\ROZQ]V]Z[WacaSO\RaSfcOZ`WaYbOYW\U 1]\dS`aSZgVWUV^`]^]`bW]\a]TbVWa^]^cZObW]\ `S^]`bbVObbVSgO`Sc\OPZSb]OQQSaaaS`dWQSa bVSg\SSR]`eO\bacTTWQWS\bZgSO`Zg¶ EVObeOaVWUVZWUVbSRT]`[SO[]\UabbVSO``Og ]TWaacSaTOQW\Ug]c\U:50B?^S]^ZSb]ROg eOabVOb]dS`VOZTbV]aSaO[^ZSRVORObbS[^bSR acWQWRS]`aSZTVO`[O\R$abWZZTSO`SROV]abWZS `SOQbW]\b]Q][W\U]cb4]`[]ab^S]^ZSe]`YW\U eWbVg]c\U:50B?^S]^ZSbVWaWa\]bSO`bV aVObbS`W\U\SeaPcbaORZgQ]\TW`[ObW]\bVOb\]b [cQVVOaQVO\USRRSa^WbSU`SObS`dWaWPWZWbgO\R []`STOd]c`OPZSZSUWaZObW]\BVS`SQS\b[c`RS` ]TbVS&gSO`]ZRbSS\OUS`;WQVOSZ1OcaS`W\ :WdS`^]]ZWaOQVWZZW\U`S[W\RS`]TbVSSfb`S[Sa ]T^`SXcRWQSOW[SROb:50BQ][[c\WbWSaO\R ^O`bWQcZO`ZgW\bVWaQOaSg]c\U:50B?^S]^ZS ;g\Sfb_cSabW]\]\abO`bW\UeOaµa]eVObWa bVS;GAOQbcOZZgR]W\UT]`g]c\U^S]^ZS-¶ µ/Z]b¶eOabVSaW[^ZSO\aeS`:WYSOZZRSbS`[W\SR O^^ZWQO\ba7VORR]\S[g`SaSO`QV]\bVS;Sb`] 1S\b`S7OZ`SORgY\SeWbeOaOQVO`Wbg^`]dWRW\U T`SSO\RQ]\TWRS\bWOZaS`dWQSaeWbVbVS;GA RW`SQbZgORR`SaaW\UbVS\SSRa]Tg]c\U:50B? ^S]^ZSW\A]cbV3Oab:]\R]\7bVORPSS\`ObSR O1S\b`S]T3fQSZZS\QSO\RVOR]dS` #gSO`a Sf^S`WS\QSW\WbaTWSZR7RWaQ]dS`SROdWP`O\bO\R ZWdSZgO``Og]Tg]c\U^S]^ZS¸aU`]c^aW\QZcRW\U( 167::7<¸=CB³ESSYZgU`]c^T]`:50B? ^S]^ZSOUSR$ #[SSbaSdS`gAc\ROg #^[ W\5`SS\eWQV B@703³4]`b\WUVbZgU`]c^T]`g]c\U ^S]^ZSOUSR$O\Rc\RS`^O`bWQcZO`ZgbV]aS Sf^S`WS\QW\UWaacSa]TPcZZgW\UObaQV]]Z A</>³ESSYZgU`]c^T]`:50B?^S]^ZSOUSR $ #[SSbaSdS`gBVc`aROg%^[W\0`][ZSg D703³ESSYZgU`]c^T]`:50B?^S]^ZSOUSR $ #[SSbaSdS`gBcSaROg$!'!^[W\ 0SfZSg 5/::G ³ESSYZgU`]c^T]`:50B?^S]^ZSOUSR $ #[SSbaSdS`g4`WROg%'^[W\:SeWaVO[ 3OQVU`]c^VOaWba]e\`O\US]TOQbWdWbWSa T`][[caWQO\RTWZ[[OYW\Ub]e]`YaV]^a]\ Q]\TWRS\QSO\RaSfcOZVSOZbVBVS`SO`SOZa] OVER HALF THOSE SAMPLED HAD ATTEMPTED SUICIDE... AND STILL FEARED A HOSTILE REACTION TO COMING OUT U`SOb]^^]`bc\WbWSab]a]QWOZWaSeWbV]bVS`g]c\U :50B?^S]^ZSbV`]cUVSdS\baT`][:]\R]\ >`WRSb]bVS:]\R]\:SaPWO\5Og4WZ[4SabWdOZ) O\Rµ8cab=cb¶Q]c`aSaT]`bV]aSXcabQ][W\U ]cb;]`S]dS`bVS;GAa]]\Q]\dW\QSR[SWbabWZZ eO\bab]VSO`eVObWaµP]ddS`W\U¶g]c\U:50B? ^S]^ZS³bV`]cUVWbaac^^]`bT]`acQVW\WbWObWdSa OaOG]cbV4]`c[a^OQS>ZcaWbWaOQbWdSZgR]W\U ]cb`SOQVO\R^`]dWRW\UaQV]]ZZWOWa]\e]`Yb] T]Qca]\`SRcQW\UV][]^V]PWQPcZZgW\UO\R ac^^]`bW\UbV]aSg]c\U^S]^ZSSf^S`WS\QW\UWb 7a]]\RWaQ]dS`SRPSW\U^O`b]TbVS;Sb`] 1S\b`SOZa][SO\ag]c\U^S]^ZSQO\OQQSaa bVST]ZZ]eW\UORRSRdOZcSaS`dWQSaORR`SaaW\U bVSdS`gaO[SO``Og]TWaacSaVWUVZWUVbSRW\bVOb `S^]`b( /RdWQS/Rd]QOQg³/]\Sb]]\SQ]\TWRS\bWOZ ORdWQSO\Rac^^]`baS`dWQST]`g]c\U:50B?a ^O`bWQcZO`ZgbV]aSeWbVQ]\QS`\aOP]cbPS\STWba ]`V]caW\U0gO^^]W\b[S\b]\Zg ;S\bOZ6SOZbV2`]^W\³/RdWQSO\Rac^^]`bT]` O\g]\S]dS`& >Wbab]^G]cbV³ASfcOZVSOZbVQZW\WQT]`:50B? g]cbVc\RS` #=TTS`W\U`O^WR67D]bVS`AB7 bSabaO\RVS^ObWbWadOQQW\ObW]\a:OabAObc`ROg]T SdS`g[]\bV "^[ 1]c\aSZZW\U³=\Sb]]\SbOWZ]`SRQ]c\aSZZW\U aSaaW]\aT]`g]c\U^S]^ZSc\RS` #gSO`a]ZR ;Sb`]AOTS³AWfeSSY[S\b]`W\U^`]U`O[[S 5;7³>O\:]\R]\W\WbWObWdST]`Tc`bVS` Q]c\aSZZW\UO\Rb`OW\W\U]^^]`bc\WbWSa 7Tg]ceO\bb]Y\]e[]`SOZZS\_cW`WSaO`S eSZQ][SO\RbVSaS`dWQSWaT`SSO\RQ]\TWRS\bWOZ 7Tg]cO`SOg]c\U^S`a]\g]cQO\^V]\S]` S[OWZcab]PS^cbW\Q]\bOQbeWbVa][S]\ST`][ bVSG]cbVBSO[eV]eWZZVOdSOP`WSTbOZYeWbV g]cOP]cb]c`aS`dWQSaO\RV]eeSQO\VSZ^ BVSG]cbVBSO[c\RS`abO\RaV]eRWTTWQcZbWb QO\PSb][OYSbVObTW`abQ]\bOQbO\RO`SVS`Sb] ac^^]`bg]c If you are a young LGBTQ person, or are working with one, and would like to know more about Metro Youth Service or find out about its “We are bovver’d” report, call 020 8305 5000, email info@ or visit %! =Cb`SOQV :7AB7<5A PRIDE MOMENTS Pride London has launched a search to find those people whose lives have been changed by Pride events to act as ambassadors for Pride London 2009. Pride London is looking to talk to anyone who has a story to tell about how Pride, or a Pride festival event, and how it influenced or changed their life in some way, and to find out what Pride means to them. They are particularly keen to hear from anyone who took part in any marches or protests before homosexuality was decriminalized. GROUPS//ORGS Albert Kennedy Trust: 020 7831 6562 (London). Housing advice for under 21s. Antidote: 020 7437 3523. Counselling, support groups, Thurs drop-in, complementary therapies around alcohol & drug issues. BKY - Alternative Jewish Community: www.bkylondon. Regular services and events. ELOP: 020 8509 3898. Support and community events in Walthamstow. Youth, advice, counselling and groups. Jewish Gay and Lesbian Group: 020 8952 0137. & questioning young people. 5-8pm Tues 079 4633 7160 Kairos: 020 7437 6063, www. 9 Archer St, London W1D 7AZ. South London Gays: 020 8672 5268/020 8674 5191. Friendly social group. Lesbian Gay Christian Movement: 020 7739 1249, [email protected]/www.lgcm. HATECRIME Lesbian & Gay Immigration Group: – 020 7922 7811. Every Mon 2-6.30pm, Tue 10am-5pm and Wed/Thur 10am-1.30pm. Helpline and meetings. One-Up: LGBT under-18 youth group, meets every Monday 4-7pm (based in Hendon - North West London) - contact Theresa (PACE) 07504226793 (mobile). PACE: 020 7700 1323. Groups promoting lesbian and gay health and wellbeing. Quest LGB Catholics: 0808 808 0234. Outrage!: 020 8240 0222. Politics group. Regular meetings. Regard: Regard, BM REGARD, London WC1N 3XX, secretary@ uk. Disabled LGBT. Step Out Tower Hamlets: Social & support group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans NATIONAL STUDENT PRIDE Bringing together LGBT students from all over the UK, National Student Pride is scheduled to take place on Sunday 8 March, as part of this year’s Brighton Winter Pride season. With previous events taking place in Oxford and Manchester, this will be the first time that National Student Pride has taken place on the south coast. The event will being with a pre-Pride party in Revenge on the Saturday (7 March) before the main event on the Sunday, which takes place at %" Gay Police Association: Action Line 07092 700 000 (24hrs), [email protected]. Galop: 020 7704 2040. www. For victims of hate crime. GLUG (GAY & LESBIAN UNDERWATER GROUP) Cruisers basketball: 020 8960 0750 (Debbie)/ 020 7582 7009, (Jordi). Mixed basketball. London Amateur Wrestling: The Gay & Lesbian Underwater Group (GLUG) is a non-profit scuba diving club for LGBT Choir: 07980 023578. Call LGBTs and their friends – including a few straight divers who find the club a refreshing change from the somewhat macho, hetero-male environment found in many other scuba Michael for more information. HIV//AIDS clubs! GLUG has over 100 members (two thirds male) throughout the UK, with ages ranging London Friend: 020 7837 from mid-20s to late 50s; and organises at least ten dive trips in the UK and overseas each Crusaid: 020 7539 3880, year. Trips planned for 2009 include Weymouth (May), Stromness / Scapa Flow (June), 3337. Groups in Islington. Pembrokeshire (July), Plymouth (August) and the Southern Red Sea (September), to name Quaker London Lesbian & but a few. GLUG recognises the following organisations and minimum qualifications as GMFA: 020 7738 6872. The gay proof of ability to dive: PADI Open Water, BSAC Club Diver, CMAS, SAA Elementary, NAUI Gay Fellowship: Religious Open Water Diver – and other equivalents. It also organises occasional “try dive” events for group – 020 8675 6740. men’s health charity. absolute beginners; plus advises on training and discounts for certification and for diving Metro Centre: 020 8265 3311, National AIDS Trust: 020 7814 equipment with gay-friendly commercial organisations. GLUG meets socially every first Tuesday of the month, from 7.30pm-9pm, downstairs at Halfway to Heaven, in Charing 6767, Cross – plus at other times throughout the year. Membership costs just £10 per year, Regular groups in Greenwich. Terence Higgins Trust: 020renewing each January – or £5 if joining after July, for the remainder of the year. So go on: Mosaic: 07931 336668. www. 78121777. Counselling Services. take the plunge! Youth SPORTS group, every Wednesday. Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association, (GALHA): 01926 858450, Regular London events. Islington LGB Forum: Rachael: 07989 747824. An initiative between local police, the council & victim support. Stonewall: 020 7593 1850. Campaign group for LGBT rights. Frontrunners: 07092 346340, Running group. Goslings Swimming: 07814 258 055. Gay social (non competitive) swimming group, Thur 8.30pm-9.30pm. Irons: . Gay golfing, events for all levels. King’s Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club: 07090 421 367, Gay men’s rugby. the Oceana club from 1 till 6pm. In addition to the stalls, music and workshops, there will be a Question Time-style debate chaired by Wes Streeting, President of National Union of Students (NUS). Panellists already confirmed include: Aled Haydn Jones (producer from the Chris Moyles Show and Presenter of The Radio 1 Surgery), Dr David Bull (TV personality and prospective MP), Ruth Hunt (Head of Research and Policy at Stonewall) and Nigel Tart (Green Party LGBT Spokesperson, Schools Out and LGBT London Guns ‘N’ Roses Hockey Team: Mixed hockey for all levels. or email [email protected] Out to Swim: 07090 422 526, Gay swimming group. Raiders Softball Club: 07931 721 377, www.rainbowraiders. com. Mixed baseball in Regents Park / Primrose Hill area. Stonewall Football Club: 07090 422 390. Sunday soccer. HELPLINES Broken Rainbow: LGBT National Domestic Violence Helpline. 08452 60 44 60 (Mon and Thurs, 2-8pm/Weds, 10am1pm). www.broken-rainbow. Dazz-elle: 020 8257 3068. London drug/alcohol support. London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: 020 7837 7324 POSITIVELINE: 0800-1696806. HIV info and counselling (weekdays: 11am-10pm and weekends: 4pm -10pm). www. Stonewall Housing Advice: 020 7359 5767. Stonewall infoline: Information on all LGB rights - 08000 50 20 20 (Mon- Fri 9.30am- 5.30pm). London Friend: 020 7837 3337. Counselling service. Unison: 0845 355 0845/0800 0967 968 (minicom). Works with LGBT community about work and employment problems. PACE: 020 7700 1323. Health and wellbeing. Tel info/support on Saturdays, 1-3pm. WANT TO GET LISTED? Please send listings to [email protected] History Month representative). At 6pm the action again moves back to Revenge for free pizza and live music, and then there will be a student bar crawl around Brighton’s gay bars. At 10pm the event will culminate with a massive club night in Brighton’s premier sea front club – Digital – with live acts and guest DJ Scott Mills from BBC Radio 1. To purchase tickets and for more information visit www.studentpride. or check the group on facebook %# =Cb`SOQV 4=AB3@7<5 4]abS`W\UaV]cZRPSOP]cbQVWZR`S\6]eSdS` OZZb]]]TbS\WbPSQ][SaOT]]bPOZZW\^]ZWbWQOZ RSPObSaOP]cbbVS`WUVbaO\R\SSRa]TdO`W]ca ORcZbaA][S^]ZWbWQWO\aO\RX]c`\OZWabaO`S ^O`bWQcZO`ZgORS^bObcaW\UT]abS`W\UO\ROR]^bW]\ OZbV]cUVbVSbe]aV]cZR\]bPS[WfSRc^b] aQ]`S^]W\baT]`bVSW`^O`bWQcZO`WRS]Z]UWSa A]eVObWaT]abS`W\U-7bWabVSX]P]TZ]]YW\UOTbS` ]bVS`^S]^ZS¸aQVWZR`S\BVWaQ]dS`aOa^SQb`c[ ]TRWTTS`S\b\SSRa1VWZR`S\³T`][POPWSab] g]c\UORcZbaZSOdW\UQO`SOb&³QO\OZZ\SSRO TO[WZgV][Sb]ZWdSW\A][SbW[SabVWaWaT]`aV]`b ^S`W]RaRc`W\UTO[WZgQ`WaSa]`eVWZab]bVS`TO[WZg [S[PS`aO`ST]c\RO\RO^^`]dSRb]QO`ST]` bVS[Pcba][SbW[Sa]ZRS`QVWZR`S\³eV]QO\¸b PSOR]^bSR³\SSROTO[WZgb]X]W\c\bWZbVSgO`S `SORgb]ZWdS]\bVSW`]e\ BVSQVWZR`S\O\Rg]c\U^S]^ZSW\d]ZdSR Q][SW\OZZaVO^SaO\RaWhSaT`][OZZa]`ba]T POQYU`]c\RaO\ReWbVOZZa]`ba]T\SSRa/\RbVWa WaeVgZ]QOZQ]c\QWZa\SSRb]`SQ`cWbOeWRS`O\US ]T^S]^ZSeV]O`SOPZSb]]TTS`TO[WZgV][Sa bVObeWZZacWbbV]aSQVWZR`S\/\RbVOb¸aeVg7O[ e`WbW\UbVWab]ROgT]`=cb7\BVS1Wbg EVS\eSZ]]YT]`T]abS`QO`S`abVS`SWa\] a^SQWTWQbg^S]T^S`a]\eSO`SaSSYW\U6]eSdS` eSVOdSZSO`\SR]dS`bVSgSO`abVObbVS`SO`S a][SQVO`OQbS`WabWQabVObO`ST]c\RW\OZZbVSPSab T]abS`QO`S`aBVSaSW\QZcRS( Q1VWZRQS\b`SR^S]^ZSeV]O`SOPZSb]^cbbVS \SSRa]TQVWZR`S\TW`ab QBV]aSeV]VOdSa][SS[^ObVgT]`bVSeOg bVSQVWZR[OgPSTSSZW\UOaO`SacZb]TbVSW` Sf^S`WS\QSa QBV]aSeV]VOdSU]]R^S`a]\OZP]c\RO`WSa c\RS`abO\RW\UeVObWaO^^`]^`WObSO\ReVObWa \]b QBV]aSeV]O`S\¸bb]]XcRUS[S\bOZ^O`bWQcZO`Zg eVS`SPW`bVTO[WZWSaO`SQ]\QS`\SR QBV]aSeV]QO\e]`YeWbV]bVS`aOaObSO[ O`]c\RbVSQVWZR :Sb[SSf^ZOW\bVSaSOZWbbZSTc`bVS`( FOSTERING VS ADOPTION EVS\OQVWZRWaOR]^bSROQ]c`b[OYSaO\ ]`RS`b]ZSUOZZgX]W\bVSQVWZRb]bVSW`\SeTO[WZg /R]^bS`aPSQ][SbVSZSUOZ^O`S\ba]TbVSQVWZR O\Ra][OYSOZZ]TbVS\]`[OZ^O`S\bOZRSQWaW]\a W\`OWaW\UbVSQVWZR7\T]abS`W\Ug]cZ]]YOTbS` ]bVS`^S]^ZS¸aQVWZR`S\]\PSVOZT]TbVSQ]c\QWZ /ZbV]cUVbVSgZWdSW\g]c`V][SO\Rg]c^O`S\b bVS[g]cR]a]W\^O`b\S`aVW^eWbVbVSQ]c\QWZ O\RbVSW`]e\^O`S\ba7\3\UZWaV:OeX]W\b ^O`S\bOZ`Sa^]\aWPWZWbgWaOQS\b`OZSZS[S\b]T ·1O`S¸ CHILDREN’S EXPERIENCES 1VWZR`S\bVObO`SZ]]YSROTbS`PgbVSQ]c\QWZWb QO\OZa]PSY\]e\Oa·W\QO`S¸O`SdS`gZWYSZgb] VOdSVORa][SOeTcZSf^S`WS\QSa/bbVSdS`g ZSOabbVSgVOdSVORb]ZSOdSbVSTO[WZgV][SO\R %$ HOME SWEET HOME A=;3>3=>:3AB7::47<27B1=<B@=D3@A7/:B6/B5/G >3=>:3A6=C:203/::=E32B=/2=>B/<24=AB3@ 2/D724@G4@=;E/<2AE=@B6/2=>B7=</<2 4=AB3@7<53F>:/7<AE6/B;/93A/5==21/@3@ /<2E6G5/G>3=>:3/@3E3:1=;3B=/>>:G¬ bVObOZ]\S[SO\aTSSZW\Ua]T`SXSQbW]\eWbV]cb abO`bW\Ub]bVW\YOP]cbbVS\SUZSQbO\R]`OPcaS bVObQOcaSRbVWab]VO^^S\ ;]ab]TbVSQVWZR`S\7VOdSe]`YSReWbVO`S O\U`gO\RVc`b7bWa`SOZZgW[^]`bO\bbVObbV]aS Z]]YW\UOTbS`bVS[R]\¸bbOYSb]]^S`a]\OZZgbVS PSVOdW]c`bVObbVWa]TbS\QOcaSaG]caSSWb¸a\]b OP]cbg]cWb¸aOP]cbbVS[7Tg]cc\RS`abO\R bVObbVS\g]cQO\[]dS^OabbVS\O[Sag]c¸dS PSS\QOZZSRb]b`gb]`SOQVbVSQVWZRO\RVSZ^ bVS[b]b`cabg]c GOOD PERSONAL BOUNDARIES AW[^Zg^cbbVWaWaOP]cbY\]eW\UbVObaOgW\U µ\]¶Wa]TbS\[]`SQO`W\UbVO\ZSbbW\UQVWZR`S\ R]eVObbVSgaOgbVSgeO\bb]R]/ZZ^O`S\ba ]TTS`a][Sab`cQbc`SO\RP]c\RO`WSaO\RU]]R ^O`S\ba]TTS`O^^`]^`WObSP]c\RO`WSabVObUWdS UcWRO\QSeVWZabOZZ]eW\UQVWZR`S\b]RSdSZ]^Oa W\RWdWRcOZaSf^S`WS\QSbVSe]`ZRaOTSZgO\RU`]e c^c\RS`abO\RW\UbVOb`Sa^]\aWPWZWbgWa\]bORW`bg e]`R TEAM AROUND THE CHILD BVWaWRSOS\Q]c`OUSaOZZ]TbVSORcZbabVObe]`Y eWbVQVWZR`S\b]T]`[ObSO[O`]c\RbVSQVWZR BVWa[SO\abVObW\abSOR]TbSOQVS`aU]W\U]\S eOgVSOZbVe]`YS`aO\]bVS`O\RT]abS`QO`S`a O\Ra]QWOZe]`YS`aRWTTS`S\bOUOW\eSOZZe]`Y b]USbVS`b]Q][[c\WQObSSTTSQbWdSZgO\Rb]^ZO\ b]USbVS`b]c\RS`abO\RbVS\SSRaO\R^ZO\aT]` SOQVQVWZR4]abS`QO`S`aO`SOdS`gW[^]`bO\b ^O`b]TbVWabSO[ZWdW\UeWbVOQVWZRO\Ra] V]ZRW\UdWbOZW\T]`[ObW]\OP]cbbVS[ SO WHERE DO GAY PEOPLE FIT INTO THIS? 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The struggling gay chain went into administration in January, leading to the redundancy of many staff and the closure of six of the business’s ten stores across the UK. However, the business has now been sold to Libertybelle UK Limited, which has taken on the Clone Zone brand, stock and internet retail business. WEB SUPPORT FOR MEN WITH HIV Terrence Higgins Trust and Gaydar have teamed up to offer a new online support group for gay men living with HIV. THT staff will be on Gaydar in the “THT HIV+ Groupwork” chatroom on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 5.30-8.30pm until the end of March. From April onwards, the service is likely to run two evenings a week. If gay men would like information and support on sexual health matters via another method, they can call THT Direct on 0845 12 21 200, email [email protected] or visit BMA RECOGNISES CONTRIBUTION OF LGBY DOCTORS TO NHS To mark February 2009’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) History Month, the BMA (British Medical Association) has produced a report which describes the experiences of LGBT doctors and medical students working in the NHS. Co-chair of the BMA’s Equal Opportunities Committee (EOC), Dr Justin Varney, commented, “Societal attitudes towards homosexuality have changed over the years. Like the UK, the NHS has come a long way in recognising sexual and gender equality since it was founded in 1948. Many of the stories in the report show that LGBT doctors are out and proud at work and this is brilliant news, however, there are still accounts of discrimination which shows we still have a long way to go.” Read the full report at: diversity/sexual_orientation TATCHELL FUNDRAISER A fundraising evening of entertainment that took place in London at the end of January raised £3,412 for the Peter Tatchell Human Rights Fund. The event, which took place at the Phoenix Arts Club on 28 January, featured David Hoyle, Q Boy, Earl Grey, Dickie Beau, Miss Akimbo, Rex Melville, The Flag Dancers, Fred from Bearlesque, Jeanie Dee, Gateaux Le Chocolate, Luke Meredith, Ernesto Sarezale and Michela Da Whore. Thanking everyone who contributed to the evening’s success, Tatchell said afterwards that the £3,412 raised, “exceeded the target of £1,000 by more than 300%. Not a penny was taken in expenses by anyone. It will certainly cover the costs of plenty of protest placards for the next few years.” ICELAND’S LESBIAN PM Johanna Sigurdardottir has become the first out lesbian Prime Minister in the world. The 66-year-old Social Democratic politician heads an interim administration in Iceland, following the resignation of former Prime Minister Geil Haarde following the collapse of the Icelandic banking system. Ms Gisladottir, 54, has been an MP since 1978. A former flight attendant and mayor of Reykjavik, she has led her party since 2005. It is believed she is the first openly gay person to lead any government in the world, although her tenure may be a short one. A general election to elect a new government has been scheduled for 9 May 2009. %& WORD BIRTHDAY Gay’s The Word, the UK’s only surviving gay bookstore, is celebrating its 30th birthday this month. The store, at 66 Marchmont Street, Bloomsbury, W1, is commemorating the event with a host of promotions and events throughout the month of February. If you go along on any remaining Saturday in February, and wish the staff happy birthday when making a purchase, they’ll knock 10% of the price of your purchase. They’ve also hosted some special readings. On Monday 23 March they play host to Matt Cook, who’ll be speaking on ‘London and the Culture of Homosexuality 1885-1914’. Next month, get along on Thursday 19 March at 7pm for a reading from acclaimed author Nick Alexander, who will be reading from and signing his books, including new novel Better Than Easy. For more details, check the website at: www. SCHOOLS OUT! CONFERENCE LAUNCHES LGBT HISTORY MONTH /Vc\R`SRbSOQVS`ag]c\U^S]^ZS^]ZWQg[OYS`aO\R OQbWdWabaT`][OQ`]aabVSQ]c\b`gP`OdSRSO`Zg4SP`cO`g¸a T`SOYeSObVS`b]ObbS\RbVSAQV]]Za=cbQ]\TS`S\QS ObbVS2`WZZ6OZZbVSOb`SW\:]\R]\]\%4SP`cO`g 9Sg\]bSa^SOYS`BS`SaO1ZO`YT`][bVS2S^O`b[S\bT]` 1VWZR`S\AQV]]Za4O[WZWSa]cbZW\SReOgaW\eVWQVbVS U]dS`\[S\bWaQc``S\bZgUSbbW\UaQV]]Zab]ORR`Saa:50B WaacSaBVSQ]\TS`S\QSOZa]W\QZcRSRbVS]TTWQWOZZOc\QV]T :50B6Wab]`g;]\bV4SP`cO`g 'eWbVP]bVAW`7O\ ;Q9SZZS\^WQbc`SRO\R1g`WZ<`WUWdW\U[]dW\U^S`a]\OZ OQQ]c\ba]TV]ebVW\UaVOdSW[^`]dSRT]`:50B^S]^ZS Rc`W\UbVSW`ZWTSbW[SaeeeaQV]]Za]cb]`UcY Sir Ian McKellen THEY SAID IT: QUOTE OF THE MONTH YOU DON’T PAY AN ESCORT FOR SEX. WHAT YOU REALLY PAY AN ESCORT FOR IS TO LEAVE AFTER THE SEX George Michael shares his thoughts on life, love and pretty much everything with a national newspaper. =Cb\Sea PHOTOGRAPHY © TANYA CHALKIN <3EA NEWS FLASHES INTERNATION NEWS BAHAMAS A 25-year-old male in the Bahamas has been cleared of murder by a court in Nassau – after claiming a man he stabbed three times was trying to grope him. The defence lawyer told jurors his client was merely “defending his manhood”. They agreed, and his client walked free. FEMME FUR 4]ZZ]eW\UW\bVST]]babS^a]TQSZSP`WbWSaacQVOa>W\YAbSZZO;Q1O`b\SgO\R >O[SZO/\RS`a]\:]\R]\R`OUabS`8]RWS6O`aVWabVSZObSabQSZSP`Wbgb] ZS\RVS`ac^^]`bb]>3B/>S]^ZST]`bVS3bVWQOZB`SOb[S\b]T/\W[OZa 6O`aVeWZZV]ab>3B/¸aµ4c`WaO2`OU¶4OaVW]\ESSY^O`bg]\4`WROg 4SP`cO`gOb1W`QcaW\3Oab:]\R]\BVSSdS\beWZZTSObc`SOQOcabWQ ^O`]Rg]TOTc``c\eOgaV]eW\QZcRW\UQ`]aaR`SaaW\U[]RSZaa^]`bW\UTc` OQQSaa]`WaSReWbV^OW\bO\W[OZb`O^aO\RaObW`WQOZaZ]UO\aBVSQ]ObaeS`S R]\ObSRPg>3B/ac^^]`bS`aW\QZcRW\Uac^S`RWdO;O`WOV1O`SgO\RASf BVS1WbgWQ]\9W[1Obb`OZZbVSeVWbSQ]ObaSS\VS`STSObc`SRW\bVSASf BVS1Wbg[]dWSeV]VOdSVOROQVO\US]TVSO`bOP]cbeSO`W\UTc` eee^SbO]`UcY MOROCCO: An Italian resident has been fined and jailed for four months in Marrakech, on charges of homosexuality and taking and possessing porn images – which he allegedly shared with a network of Moroccan and foreign gay men. He will be deported on completing his sentence. ...AND FINALLY MORE SEX It has been confirmed that there is to be a sequel to 2008’s hugely-successful Sex & The City movie. Initial reports confirm that the gay writer/director of the first film, Michael Patrick King (who worked on many of the episodes of the original series), has signed up to take the helm of film number two, which is slated for a summer 2010 release. EX-SENATOR CRAIG HALTS CHALLENGE TO COTTAGING CONVICTION 63-year old former US Senator Larry Craig has, at long last, accepted his 2007 conviction for lewd conduct in a Minneapolis airport toilet. While maintaining he was not trying to solicit sex from an undercover cop – and was merely adopting a “wide stance” in his cubicle - he says further attempts to quash his initial guilty plea, made at the scene, are a “futile exercise”. ELTON JOHN: OFFICIAL ICON OF SPECTACLES Gay pop megastar Sir Elton John has been named “Britain’s most iconic glasses wearer” in a poll by optical retail giants Specsavers, safely seeing off the likes of John Lennon, Dame Edna Everage, Eric Morecambe – even Her Majesty The Queen. He is rumoured to own over 20,000 pairs. PANTS FURY A row erupted between rival fashion designers at the recent Milan Fashion Week… and all over a pair of trousers! On the Saturday of the event, Dolce & Gabbana unveiled their new quilted silk trousers – a day before Giorgio Armani unveiled his own… erm, quilted silk trousers. A rattled Armani claimed that D&G had copied his technique, telling reporters, “now they copy, later they will learn.” D&G refuted the allegation, swiping back, “For sure we have much to learn - but certainly not from him. [Armani] has never been a source of inspiration for us and we stopped seeing his shows years ago.” Miaow! OUTSPOKEN: CHRIS BASIURSKI THE GAY FOOTBALL SUPPORTERS’ NETWORK (WWW.GFSN.ORG.UK) SPOKESMAN GIVES HIS TAKE ON HOMOPHOBIA IN THE NATIONAL GAME – AND CURRENT INITIATIVES TO TACKLE IT. “12 GAY PREM FOOTIE STARS OUTED” screamed a headline in the Daily Star last October, going on to say that Paul Elliott, the former Chelsea player and current FA Equalities Ambassador, knew of 12 gay players who were too afraid to come out. It made a good headline, but it did not tell the actual story. Elliott was suggesting that statistically there were likely to be about a dozen players who were in the closet, but he didn’t indicate that he knew who ONLY ONE they were. PROFESSIONAL This is the world we live in FOOTBALL PLAYER – a world of media HAS EVER COME sensationalism, innuendo and a OUT – JUSTIN sport obsessed FASHANU with the issue, without actually being grown up about it. Twelve supporters were recently charged with indecent chanting at Sol Campbell. One has since been convicted but claimed in his defence that he wasn’t being racist – as if that made it OK to suggest Campbell had HIV. The Gay Football Supporters’ Network is attempting to change attitudes in football. We are a national organisation, which hosts the world’s only gay and gay-friendly national league and are working to provide a safe and tolerant environment in football at all levels of the game, so that if someone wanted to come out, they could do so without fear of prejudice or discrimination. It’s not an easy task, but we have some allies. The FA has set up the Tackling Homophobia in Football Working Group, in which the GFSN takes a leading role; and the KickItOut Campaign (formerly Kick Racism Out) provides us with much needed advice and assistance. KickItOut has also amended its equality standards, which are the benchmarks it sets for the professional clubs, to include homophobia along with other forms of discrimination. In 2007, the GFSN set up a join initiative with The FA to appoint volunteer liaison officers between the GFSN and the professional clubs, to help and advise the clubs on dealing with instances of homophobia and to help integrate and promote the gay footballing community into the wider footballing community. Only one professional football player has ever come out – Justin Fashanu, whose footballing career nosedived afterwards. He subsequently suffered depression and committed suicide. One of the GFSN’s teams, Brighton Bandits FC, has set up a memorial campaign for Justin and is hosting a Football Festival on 7 March 2009 to highlight the fight against homophobia in football and recognise that the footballing world needs to take some responsibility for the tragic events of his life. It must not be allowed to happen again. Gay Football Supporters’ Network: %' =Cb\Sea PHOTOGRAPHY © ALAN OLLEY / SCOPEFEATURES.COM <3EA NEWS FLASHES NEWS GAY RELATIONSHIPS UNSTABLE CLAIM SCOTTISH CATHOLICS The decision by Edinburgh City Council to place two children in the adoptive care of a gay couple – after deciding that the children’s grandparents were not the most suitable people to raise the children – has provoked condemnation from the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland. “There is an overwhelming body of evidence showing that same-sex relationships are inherently unstable and reduce the life expectancy of those involved,” Church spokesman Peter Kearney controversially told the Daily Mail. Representatives of the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland have often denounced the rights of LGBT people in the past. The Bishop of Motherwell, Jim Devine, claimed last year that the “gay lobby” attends Holocaust memorials, “To create for themselves the image of a group of people under persecution. The homosexual lobby has been extremely effective in aligning itself with minority groups. It is ever present at the service each year for the Holocaust memorial, as if to create for themselves the image of a group of people under persecution.” SOHO REVUE CLOSES The Soho Revue Bar has become the latest victim of the ongoing credit crunch. The historic venue has been running as a cabaret bar and late-night haunt for many years, and was relaunched as the Soho Revue Bar in 2005. However, the business went into administration last March. According to a former member of staff, the business was allowed to continue trading while a new buyer was sought. However, none were forthcoming, and following a particularly quiet January, the decision was made to close the doors. BRIGHTON WINTER PRIDE The 6th Brighton Winter Pride festival runs 7-15 March 2009. Venues, community groups, individuals and organisations will celebrate LGBT lives by staging a range of events throughout the city. Last year’s programme even included an impromptu naked sea swim (pictured)! More details at WALK FOR LIFE NAMES DATE HIV/AIDS charity Crusaid has confirmed the time and place for its 2009 Walk for Life - its main annual fundraising event. It will take place on Sunday 7 June 2009. Last year, thousands of people did the 10k walk around London’s iconic sights to raise over £300k. For more details email [email protected] or check NEW MET CHIEF BRINGS DOWN GAY FLAG An allegedly “livid” Sir Paul Stevenson, the new head of London’s Metropolitan Police Service, has ordered the removal of a rainbow flag flying outside Limehouse police station to mark the start of LGBT History Month – reportedly on the grounds that he did not wish the service to “stray into political territory”, despite the Met supporting the Month in other ways. LONDON TEEN PLEADS GUILTY TO GAY MANSLAUGHTER 19-year old David Smith from Bexley in Kent has admitted the manslaughter of 61-year-old retired lorry driver, Ronald Dixon, in south east London last May, in a homophobic attack. & BID FOR BARBARA /^S`a]\OZb]c`]TbVS3Oab3\ReWbV0O`PO`O EW\Ra]`WaXcab]\S]TZ]ba]\]TTS`ObbVWagSO`¸a :WUVbV]caS5OZO/cQbW]\eVWQVbOYSa^ZOQS]\ ;]\ROg !;O`QVOb$!^[Ob1V`WabWS¸a&9W\U Ab`SSbAb8O[Sa¸aAE0SaWRSabVSPZOQYQOP b]c`]TbVS3Oab3\ReWbV;WaaEW\Ra]`g]cQO\ OZa]PWRb]ObbS\RORW\\S`^O`bgV]abSRPgAO`OV 2cQVSaa]TG]`Y[SSb9SdW\A^OQSgObbVS=ZR DWQ]`aQ]]^SfQZcaWdSO`be]`YT`][B`OQSg3[W\ 8OYSO\R2W\]a1VO^[O\O\R>OcZO@SU] µES¸dSU]ba][SO[OhW\UZ]ba]\]TTS`bVWagSO`¶ aOWR2SPPWS6]Z[Sa2W`SQb]`]T4c\R`OWaW\UOb BS``S\QS6WUUW\aB`cabB6BµeVSbVS`g]cTO\Qg OUWUUZSeWbV0O`PO`OEW\Ra]`]`TW\SRW\W\U eWbVbVS2cQVSaa]TG]`Y0gPWRRW\UT]`Ob`cZg c\W_cSSf^S`WS\QSg]c¸ZZOZa]`OWaSdWbOZTc\RaT]` ^S]^ZSZWdW\UeWbVO\ROTTSQbSRPg67D¶ /ZW[WbSR\c[PS`]TbWQYSbaT]`bVSOcQbW]\O`S OdOWZOPZS^`WQSR!#SOQVT`][>SbS`9\WUVb 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RECRUITMENT OPPORTUNITIES – RECRUITMENT TEAM Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 8257 4366 EQUALITY & DIVERSITY FOR STAFF CHRIS FREESTONE Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 8257 4362 OLIVIA BESLY Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 8257 4370 (Please contact Olivia if you would like a copy of the College’s Sexual Orientation Action Plan). EQUALITY & DIVERSITY FOR STUDENTS SHAGUFTA SHAHIN Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 8257 4313 LINDA TOMS Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 8257 4267 W[^]`bO\QSbVObbVSQ]ZZSUSVOaObbOQVSRb] :50WaacSaESeO\bb]PcWZR]\bVWaacQQSaa O\RS\ac`SeSO`SO\S[^Z]gS`]TQV]WQSOa eSZZOaOTW`abQV]WQST]`^S]^ZSZ]]YW\Ub]abcRg W\bVSSOab:]\R]\O`SO¶ <SeVO[1]ZZSUSVOaZSO^T`]UUSR$%^ZOQSaW\ bVSZSOUcSbOPZST`][ZOabgSO`PcbbVS`SOZbSab WaW\bVS`SOQbW]\]\bVSU`]c\R=\S]^S\ZgUOg abcRS\b;O`Y4`OaS`aOgabVObVWaaSfcOZWbgVOa \SdS`PSS\O\WaacSObbVSQ]ZZSUS µA][S]T[gT`WS\RaOb]bVS`Q]ZZSUSaaOg bVSgTSSZW\dWaWPZSW\bVSW`QZOaaSa]`O`SPcZZWSR _cWbSPORZg¶`SdSOZa;O`YµES¸`SOZZOeO`SV]e ^]W\bZSaaQ`cSZO\R\O``]e[W\RSRbVWaYW\R]T PSVOdW]c`Waa]7¸[Xcaba]UZOR7QO\aOgbVOb 7¸dSV]\SabZg\SdS`TSZbZWYSbVOb7b¸aQZSO`bVS 1]ZZSUS¸aS_cOZWbg^]ZWQWSaO\RO\bWV][]^V]PWQ abO\QS`SOZZg[OYSaO\W[^OQb]\caabcRS\ba¶ LGB EMPLOYEE ADVISORY GROUP CO-CHAIRS OLIVIA BESLY Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 8257 4370 LINDA TOMS Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 8257 4267 STUDENT APPLICATIONS AND QUERIES Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 8257 4446 SMS: 078 0000 0204 (deaf and hard of hearing only) Textphone: 020 8257 4461 (deaf and hard of hearing only) && =Cb\Sea >@=>3@BG GOING OUT TOP HANGOUTS We find the most popular hotspots in Kentish Town PLACE TO BE: KENTISH TOWN ANNIE’S BAR, KENTISH TOWN ROAD, NW5 Launched last year, the opulent and flamboyant Annie’s Bar describes its style as ‘contemporary-meetsLouis XVI’ ! =<13/A:33>GD7::/532/B7<50/19B= &93<B7A6B=E<7A <=E0CHH7<5E7B6:7D3;CA711C:BC@3/<2>:3<BG=4>C0A /<20/@A16:=3;/@A6/::47<2A=CB;=@3 2SaQ`WPSRW\'OaOµVSOZbVTcZ acPc`PRSO`b]bVSVSO`b]TbVS^WO\] [OYS`¶9S\bWaVB]e\O\RWba[caWQOZ `S^cbObW]\VOaQ]\bW\cSRb]W[^`]dS BVSe]`ZRTO[]ca4]`c[OZ]\UaWRS [O\g]bVS`[caWQdS\cSa^ZOgV]abb] P]bVc^¸\¸Q][W\UOQbaO\RSabOPZWaVSR OQbaBVSO`SOP]OabSROeSOZbV]TXOhh ^cPaW\bVS#aO\R$aeVWQVaZ]eZg UOdSeOgb]^cP`]QYW\bVS%aBVS b]`QVWaQO``WSRb]ROgPgbVSZWYSa]TbVS QVWQ0cZZSb0O`eVWQV]TTS`a`SUcZO` OQ]cabWQ\WUVbaW\abgZWaVac``]c\RW\Ua /dWP`O\bO\RdO`WSR[caWQaQS\SWa Xcab]\S]T9S\bWaVB]e\¸aQcZbc`OZ Obb`OQbW]\aB]``WO\]/dS\cSWaV][S b]BVSB]``WO\]>]SbaBVSU`]c^VOa PSS\V]abW\U^]Sb`gaZO[aT]`]dS` be]RSQORSa 9S\bWaVB]e\WaOZa]W\QZ]aS^`]fW[Wbg b]1O[RS\B]e\eWbVWba[O\gO`b UOZZS`WSa[O`YSbaOZbS`\ObWdSPO`aO\R UOgT`WS\RZg\WUVbZWTSeVWQV[OYSac^ T]`9S\bWaVB]e\¸a]e\ZOQY]TV][] VOc\ba KENTISH TOWN WHAT YOU CAN BUY IN THE AREA 01 QUEEN’S CRESCENT, NW5 £179,950 A one-bedroom flat, located on the first floor above a shop. With one double bedroom, lounge, kitchen and bathroom Salter Rex: 020 7482 4488 ' 4]]RZ]dS`aO[]\UcaeWZZ\]bPS RWaO^^]W\bSRBVS0ZcS;]]\BVOW 1OTSVOaVSOZbVgRSZWQW]caBVOWRWaVSa eWbV[O\gdSUSbO`WO\]^bW]\aBVS TO[WZg`c\7bOZWO\>O\SDW\]Wa`SUO`RSR Oa]\S]TbVSPSab^WhhO^ZOQSaW\ :]\R]\A^SQWOZWabRSZWQObSaaS\ 4ZOd]c`aaSZZaaQ`c[^bW]caV][S POYSRT]]RaO\RRSZWW\U`SRWS\baO\R bVS`S¸aOZa]3O`bVOTO\bOabWQOZZgeSZZ ab]QYSReV]ZST]]RaaV]^ BVSO`SOWaY\]e\T]`WbaaV]^a³eWbVO Z]QOZ5`SS\>O`bgac`dSgTW\RW\UbVOb#! ]T9S\bWaVB]e\¸a&%6WUVAb`SSbaV]^a O`SabWZZW\RS^S\RS\bZg]e\SRA]g]c QO\Sf^SQbb][OYS^ZS\bg]Tc\cacOZ SbVWQOZZga]c`QSR^c`QVOaSaSa^SQWOZZg W\bVS?cSS\a1`SaQS\b;O`YSb B`O\a^]`bZW\YaO`SOZa]OU]]R9S\bWaV B]e\abObW]\WaW\H]\S ]\bVS <]`bVS`\:W\SBVSabObW]\OZa]aS`dSa 4W`ab1O^WbOZ1]\\SQb[OW\ZW\Sb`OW\a eVWZS9S\bWaVB]e\ESabWa]\bVS :]\R]\=dS`U`]c\R<]`bV:]\R]\ :W\S 0SOcbWTcZ\SO`PgeOZYW\UO`SOaW\QZcRS 6WUVUObSE]]Ra³O%OQ`SO\QWS\b e]]RZO\R³OaeSZZOa6O[^abSOR 6SObVb]bVSeSabBVS9S\bWaVB]e\ 1Wbg4O`[WaOZa]e]`bVOdWaWbeWbVT]c` O\ROVOZTOQ`Sa]TTO`[ZO\RbVObeWZZ RSZWUVb\Obc`SO\RO\W[OZZ]dS`aOZWYS BVS[]ab^`SbbgO\R^WQbc`Sa_cS O`QVWbSQbc`SQO\PST]c\RW\:WbbZS 5`SS\Ab`SSb]\S]T:]\R]\¸aTSe `S[OW\W\U5S]`UWO\ab`SSbaeWbV 5`ORS77ZWabSRV]caSa<SO`PgB]``WO\] 1]bbOUSaWaO_cOW\bS\QZOdS]T# DWQb]`WO\Q]bbOUSaeWbVa][S\SeS` V]caW\U[OW\bOW\W\UbVS`cabWQO\R `c`OZabgZS<SabZSRW\bVSVSO`b]T<]`bV :]\R]\9S\bWaVB]e\VOaOaS\aS ]TQ][[c\WbgO\ROdWZZOUSTSSZO\R VOaPSQ][SOdS`g^]^cZO`^ZOQSb] Pcg^`]^S`bg=ZRS`PcWZRW\UaO\R Q]\dS`aW]\aO`SVWUVZg^`WQSRO\R [cQVa]cUVbOTbS`a]PO`UOW\Vc\bS`a [OgPSPSbbS`]TTZ]]YW\U]cbT]`\Se PcWZRRSdSZ]^[S\ba 02 MARSDEN STREET, NW5 £189, 950 03 WEEDINGTON ROAD, NW5 PRICES FROM £195,000 A well-presented studio flat on the top floor, in a serviced purpose-built block (left). The flat comprises studio bedroom, kitchen and separate bathroom, with laminate flooring and plenty of storage units. Situated within walking distance of Kentish Town High Street. Foxtons: 020 7424 6000 These homes are built around a courtyard, with 18 one-bed apartments and four studios (left). Built by Pocket Homes, they can be bought on a shared-ownership basis by those on a household income of up to £60,000 per year. Savills: 020 7472 5000 THE TORRIANO PUB TORRIANO AVENUE, NW5 For many years an oldfashioned community boozer, still going strong after a recent conversion. THE FORUM, HIGHGATE ROAD, NW5 A large, famed music venue. Over the coming weeks it plays host to shows from the likes of Doves, Sparks and Animal Collective. PRIMROSE HILL NW3 Boasting one of the very best views of London, a climb up Primrose Hill also offers great exercise! WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM =Cb\Sea /2D3@B=@7/: RATHBONE LOFTS :==97<5B=@3<BE7B67<13<B@/::=<2=<- B63@313<B:G1=;>:3B32@/B60=<3:=4BA=443@ 23A75<3@:CFC@G8CAB;7<CB3A4@=;A=6=¬ A TRULY ENVIABLE LOCATION :]QObSRW\O_cWSbaWRSab`SSbeWbVW\bVSbV`WdW\U ·c`PO\dWZZOUS¸]T4Wbh`]dWOW\bVSVSO`b]TbVSESab 3\R@ObVP]\S:]TbaWaeWbVW\SOQV`SOQV]TbVS1Wbg [W\cbSaOeOgT`][bVSbVSOb`SRWab`WQbO\Rac``]c\RSR Pga][S]TbVSPSabPO`aQOT{aO\R`SabOc`O\babVOb :]\R]\VOab]]TTS` <SO`Pg1VO`Z]bbSAb`SSb³T`S_cS\bSRPg\]bOPZSO`bWaba e`WbS`aO\RbVSP]VS[WO\aSbW\bVS'!¸a³Wa\]eO TOaVW]\OPZSO\RTW`ab`ObSeW\W\UO\RRW\W\URSabW\ObW]\ 3\X]gO\O^S`WbWTObbVS1VO`Z]bbSAb`SSb6]bSZPST]`S OPWbSb]SObOb@]YO]`^S`VO^aRW\SOb;O`YSb >ZOQSW\\SO`Pg5`SOb>]`bZO\RAb`SSbT]ZZ]eSRPg OQVW\UZgVW^Q]QYbOWZaObbVSAO\RS`a]\6]bSZ @ObVP]\S:]TbaO`SaWbcObSR[WReOgPSbeSS\ =fT]`R1W`Qca5]]RUSAb`SSbO\RB]bbS\VO[1]c`b @]ORbcPSabObW]\a³O\RO`SXcabOTWdS[W\cbSeOZY T`][A]V]O\RbVSPcabZW\UUOgZWTS]T=ZR1][^b]\ Ab`SSb TRANSFORMING MODERN CITY LIVING @ObVP]\SAb`SSba:]Tba`SRSTW\Sa []RS`\QWbgZWdW\U/\]`WUW\OZO\R QZOaaWQ' ¸a]TTWQSPZ]QYPcWZRW\U ³WbVOaPSS\acPabO\bWOZZgO\R W\bSZZWUS\bZg`S[]RSZZSRb]]TTS` SWUVbSfQS^bW]\OZZ]TbO^O`b[S\ba TW\WaVSRO\RTc`\WaVSRb]bVSdS`g VWUVSababO\RO`RaT]`[OfW[c[ Q][T]`bO\R]^bW[c[ZWTSabgZS /ZZeWbVc\cacOZZgVWUVQSWZW\Ua VO\R[ORSYWbQVS\aO\RQZOaaWQ :ST`]g0`]]YaaO\WbO`geO`SbVS `SaWRS\QSa`O\UST`][SZSUO\b ]\SPSR`]][Z]Tbab]a^SQbOQcZO` ^S\bV]caSO^O`b[S\baeWbVaYg bS``OQSa]dS`Z]]YW\UbVS[]ab dWP`O\bQWbgW\bVSe]`ZR '" SPECIFICATION: Q/\bW_cS^O`_cSbTZ]]`W\U bV`]cUV]cb QA]ZWR]OYX]W\S`g Q;O`PZSQZORPObV`]][a Q:ST`]g0`]]YaaO\WbO`geO`S Q6O\R[ORSTcZZgS_cW^^SR YWbQVS\a Q2]cPZSUZOhSRTZ]]`b]QSWZW\U 1`WbbOZZeW\R]ea Q2SQYSRbS``OQSaW\aSZSQbSR O^O`b[S\ba Q/\bW_cSP`OaaW`]\[]\US`g Q3ZWUWPWZWbgT]``SaWRS\ba^O`YW\U ^S`[Wba /ZZ`SaWRS\QSaO`SOdOWZOPZSeWbV bVS]^bW]\b]PSTc`\WaVSR]` c\Tc`\WaVSRT]`O[W\W[c[ []\bVQ]\b`OQbBVSaS `S\bOZO^O`b[S\baO`SQc``S\bZg OdOWZOPZSbV`]cUV:25O\RO`S \]bSf^SQbSRb]PSdOQO\bT]` Z]\UEWbVTWdSOZ`SORgZSbbVWaWa []abZWYSZgbVSZOabQVO\QSb]U`OP g]c`aSZTOTO\bOabWQ]^^]`bc\Wbg /bbVSbW[S]TU]W\Ub]^`Saa bVS`SeS`SbV`SSbe]PSR`]][SR O^O`b[S\baabWZZdOQO\b4]`Tc`bVS` RSbOWZaTZ]]`^ZO\aO\R`SQS\bZg `SRcQSR`S\bOZTWUc`SaQVSQYbVS eSPaWbSOb '# =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 01 WE WANT B67A;=<B6¸A6=B >@=2C1BA4=@B636=;3 01 FUTURE FLORA LIGHTS | TORD BOONTJE This striking range of lights is new in at Dutch by Design. A stunning futuristic take on natural forms, the lights are available in a selection of different styles. They are made of etched metal sheets and are packaged flat. RRP £65 '& 03 02 ZIKMU PARROT SPEAKERS | PHILIPPE STARCK We do love Philippe Starck designs so were very interested to hear that he’d recently created some wireless stereo speakers for Parrot. The ‘Zikmu’ speakers stand 75cm tall, and are compatible with iPod/iPhone or your computer (PC and Mac) via Wi-Fi connection. . RRP £1,200 03 GLASS CHAIR | ROB HASSALL Up and coming British designer Rob Hassall has created a collection of impressive glass furniture that will bring a touch or modernity to any room. Choose from a dining table, coffee table, plasma TV stand, CD rack and this dining chair. Or, the company will take on private commissions. RRP £999 WORDS: CHARLOTTE DINGLE 02 =CbV]caS >@=2C1BA 04 05 06 07 04 MEDUSA COFFEE TABLES | CONRAN SHOP On first glance it may appear to be just one table, but look closer and you’ll find that the snakelike nest of legs un-entwines to produce a set of three different-sized pieces. Cherry veneer tops rest on solid, stained-beech frames. 05 EXTRA LARGE FLORAL WALL CLOCK | DWELL We think this gorgeous flowerthemed clock would look great alongside the Future Flora lights from Dutch by Design. Made of plastic with metal hands, it measures a generous 75cm in diameter. RRP £650 RRP £115 06 RAITA BENCH | DURAT DURAT is a solid polyester based material. It contains recycled plastics and is itself 100% recyclable. The Durat design company produce a wide range of furniture from this recycled material, such as this bench, by designer Eeva Lithovius. Check the website for further tables, chairs, basins, baths and shower trays. 08 07 CUNARD 2 DRAWER CHEST | ECCO TRADING This attractive oval chest is finished in teak veneer, with the optional addition of a removable mirrored top. A definite nod towards ‘30s and ‘40s style is combined with a truly modern, streamlined shape. RRP £425 08 MINI MEASURING JUG SET | JOHN LEWIS This dainty little set of jugs from the John Lewis Easter collection would look ideal in any pastelschemed, retro-style kitchen. Use them alongside some other gems from the same collection, like the gorgeous Polka Dot Recipe Book and the Pink Vintage Scales. RRP £4.85 '' =CbV]caS HOME STYLE: BOLD & BEAUTIFUL /5@/2377:7AB3253=@57/<0C7:27<57<<=@4=:9=443@A/ 0=:2/<21=:=C@4C:3A1/>34=@AB@3AA32=CBC@0/<7B3A¬ EVS\WbQ][Sab]RSQ]`ObW\UV]e[O\g]T ca^`STS`b]U]T]`bVSaOTSO\RQ]\aS`dObWdS ]^bW]\-ESOZZeO\bO\SgSQObQVW\UO\RabgZWaV V][SPcb]TbS\³eVS\TOQSReWbVbVSQV]WQS ³aVgOeOgT`][eVObeSTSO`Q]cZR^`]dSO\ Sf^S\aWdS[WabOYSW\a]TbTc`\WaVW\Ua =\S[O\eV]VOa[ORSOQO`SS`T`][VWaP]ZR Sf^S`W[S\baW\RSaWU\WaAVOc\1ZO`Ya]\³bVS [O\`Sa^]\aWPZST]`Q`SObW\UbVSZ]]Y]TacQV SabOPZWaV[S\baOabVS>WUOZZS1ZcP=RSbbSaO\R bVSEOZZOQSB]USbVS`eWbVaSbRSaWU\S`@caaSZZ 6OZZVWaZObSab^`]XSQbVOaPSS\1O``W\Ub]\6]caS ³O[O\aW]\ZWYS^`WdObSV][SbVOb¸aOdOWZOPZST]` `S\bW\bVSdWZZOUS]TA\SbbWaVO[\]`bV<]`T]ZY /U`O\R5S]`UWO\`SaWRS\QS]\bVSSfbS`W]` Q][^ZSbSeWbV[OU\WTWQS\bORX]W\W\UQ]bbOUS ]\ZgbVSP`WUVbQVO`b`ScaSR]]`PSZWSabVS e]\RS`eWbVW\0SbeSS\bVS[bVSV]caSO\R Q]bbOUSP]OabbV`SSab`WYW\U`SQS^bW]\`]][a \W\SPSOcbWTcZPSR`]][aOabc\\W\URW\W\U`]][ ZSWac`SZ]c\USO\ROZO`USZWdSW\YWbQVS\ µ;gaSZTO\R[gPcaW\Saa^O`b\S`P]bVVOdS V][SaW\bVSO`SOO\ReSO`SOZeOga]\bVS Z]]Y]cbT]`c\W_cSO\Rab`WYW\U^ZOQSa¶Sf^ZOW\a 1ZO`Ya]\µEVS\eSQO[SOQ`]aa1O``W\Ub]\ 6]caSeSXcabTSZZW\Z]dSeWbVbVS^`]^S`bg µ=c`]`WUW\OZ^`]^S`bg1ZWTT0O`\aOZa]W\<]`T]ZY eOaR]W\Ua]eSZZeSeS`SVOdW\Ub]bc`\OeOg QZWS\bSZSa]O\]bVS`^`]XSQbeOabVSO\aeS`EWbV `SUO`Rab]bVSQ]\QS^bO\RRSaWU\7eO\bSRb] VOdSbVSQVO\QSb]Q`SObSa][SbVW\UaW[WZO`Pcb OZWbbZS[]`SU`]e\c^¶ AbgZWabWQOZZg1O``W\Ub]\6]caSWaP]ZRU`O^VWQ O\RUZO[]`]cabV`]cUV]cbeWbVSdS`g`]][ SfcRW\UW\RWdWRcOZWbgO\R]`WUW\OZWbgBVSRW\W\U `]][WabVScZbW[ObSW\VSR]\WabWQRSaWU\ASObW\U eWbVOVcUSPZOQYZOQ_cS`SRbOPZSac``]c\R SRPgeVWbSZSObVS`c^V]ZabS`SRQVOW`abVS`]][ ]]hSaSZSUO\QSBVS`S¸aOZa]bVSU`SS\bW\USR ·>OdWZW]\@]][¸^WQbc`SROP]dS³O[]RS`\ beWab]\Ob`ORWbW]\OZR`OeW\U`]][µ;gTOd]c `WbS^O`bZgPSQOcaSWbZ]]YaZ]dSZgW\^V]b]aO\R OZa]PSQOcaSbVSeOZZ^O^S`Waa]O[OhW\U¶³O\R OacPbS``O\SO\a]c\R^`]]TSRQSZZO`Q][^ZSbS eWbVQVWZZ]cbO`SO28RSQYaOaWfT]]bQW\S[O aQ`SS\O\Ra[OZZRO\QSTZ]]` µBVSW\bS`W]`aU`Se]cb]TbVSa^OQS7UObVS`SR OZ]b]TbVSTc`\Wbc`SeVWZS]\[gb`OdSZa;]ab ]TbVSeOZZ^O^S`aQ][ST`][1OZWT]`\WOOabVSg bS\Rb]VOdS]ZRS`O\R[O\g[]`SVO\R^OW\bSR dO`WSbWSa7OZa]T]c\R^WSQSa]TbVSTc`\Wbc`SW\:/ O\R/\beS`^¶ 0SR`]][aW\QZcRS·BVSDS`aOQS¸eWbVWbaPS a^]YS`OWaSRPSR)·BVS6]ZZge]]R¸O\/[S`WQO\ beW\ab`OWUVbT`][bVSaSb]TO'#a[]dWS)O\R bVS=`WS\bW\a^W`SR·1VW\]WaS`WS¸Q][^ZSbSeWbV be]ZO`USZcfc`W]caaW\UZSPSRaEWbVO\]Rb] bVSaeW\UW\UabgZS]TbVS$abVSORX]W\W\U gSbdS`g^`WdObSQ]bbOUSTSObc`SabV`SSR]cPZS PSR`]][aOac^S`abgZWaVaWbbW\U`]][Zcfc`g PObV`]][O\R^`WdObSeOZZSRbS``OQSBVS1OPW\ @]][Q][SaeWbVT`SSabO\RW\UPObVeVWZabbVS BS``OQS0SR`]][eWbVWba^`WdObS^ObW]P`W\UabVS ]cbaWRSW\aWRSeWbVOPSa^]YSPSRTSObc`W\UO e]]RZO\RaWZV]cSbbS EVS\OaYSRWTVSVORO\gORdWQST]`O\g]\S eO\bW\Ub]Sf^S`W[S\beWbVQ]Z]c`O\R^ObbS`\a W\bVSW`]e\V][S1ZO`Ya]\eOaSPcZZWS\b)µ0S P]ZRPSP`OdSO\RR]\¸bPSOT`OWRb]caSQ]Z]c` :SbbVW\UaQZOaV7Tg]c\SSRa][SW\a^W`ObW]\ XcabbOYSOZ]]YOb1O``W\Ub]\6]caS¸a·DS`aOQS¸ `]][¶ 4Se]TcaeWZZSdS`]e\a][SeVS`SOaU`O\ROa 1O``W\Ub]\6]caSPcbT]`O^`WQSWbQO\PSg]c`a T]`O\WUVb]`eSSYS\R>`WQSaabO`bOb!$#T]` ObV`SS\WUVbeSSYS\ReVWQV³WTg]cQO\`SQ`cWb T`WS\Ra³e]`Ya]cbOb$^S`^S`a]\O\WUVb Carrington House, 12 Lynn Road, Snettisham, Norfolk, PE31 7LS T: 0870 850 5468 Cliff Barns, Narford Road, Narborough, Norfolk PE32 1HZ T: 0870 850 5468 ! =CbZOe >@=>3@BG IN YOUR INTEREST PHOTOGRAPHY © CHRIS JEPSON 03<9/G3@3>=@BA=< E6/BB6316/<53A7< 7<B3@3AB@/B3A;3/< 4=@6=;3=E<3@A/<2 B63>@=>3@BG;/@93B¬ BVSR`]^W\W\bS`Sab `ObSaWaeWRSZg ^S`QSWdSROaU]]R \SeaT]`V][S]e\S`a PcbbVWaWa\]b \SQSaaO`WZgbVSQOaS 7b¸aSabW[ObSRbVOb []`SbVO\VOZT]T bVSC9¸a%[WZZW]\ V][S]e\S`aO`S]\ TWfSR`ObS[]`bUOUSa O\RbVSgeWZZbVS`ST]`SaSS\]`SRcQbW]\W\bVSW` []\bVZg^Og[S\ba6]eSdS`bVSbV`SS[WZZW]\ V][S]e\S`aeV]O`S]\b`OQYS``ObSaO`S\]e `SO^W\UbVSPS\STWbaO\RW\a][SQOaSaVOdS aSS\bVSW`[]`bUOUS`S^Og[S\ba\SO`ZgVOZdSR OaW\bS`Sab`ObSaVOdSbc[PZSR 7bWaOaWU\]TbVSbW[SabVObO#QcbW\bVS PO\Y`ObSTSSZa`SZObWdSZgc\acPabO\bWOZ³RSa^WbS bOYW\UW\bS`Sab`ObSaPSZ]ebVS^`SdW]ca`SQ]`R Z]e]T :Oab[]\bVa][SZS\RS`a^OaaSR ]\bVSTcZZQcbW\bVSW`abO\RO`RdO`WOPZS`ObSa eVWZS]bVS`a^OaaSR]\]\ZgO^S`QS\bOUS]TWb OaWbWaUSbbW\UQZ]aSb]bVSZW[WbObeVWQVZS\RS`a QO\^`]TWbOPZg]TTS`[]`bUOUSBVS^`]RcQba ]TTS`SRW\bVS\SfbTSe[]\bVaQ]cZReSZZPS bVSPSabbVObeSO`SZWYSZgb]aSSW\bVWaQc``S\b QgQZSbVS`ST]`S^S]^ZSeV]]^bT]`OTWfSR `ObS[]`bUOUS\]eQ]cZRR]dS`geSZZW\RSSR ONE-STOP LAW SHOP VISIT OUR RESIDENT SOLICITOR GABRIELE GIAMBRONE IF YOU HAVE A DIFFICULT LEGAL PROBLEM AND NEED THE ANSWERS. PLEASE SEND ANY QUESTIONS TO [email protected] DEAR LEGAL DOC, I am interested in becoming a sperm donor and registering with a clinic but I am concerned about the new laws allowing offspring to contact me when they reach the age of 18. Can they make any claims against my estate? HG " OaW\bS`Sab`ObSaeWZZW\SdWbOPZg`WaS³^S`VO^aOa _cWQYZgOabVSgVOdSTOZZS\³]\QSeSPSUW\b] SfWbbVS`SQSaaW]\ 6]caS^`WQSaRWdSRW\ &O\RbVS@]gOZ 7\abWbcbSWT1VO`bS`SRAc`dSg]`a@71AVOa ^`SRWQbSRbVOb^`WQSaeWZZQ]\bW\cSb]TOZZOTc`bVS` Rc`W\U 'PcbbVS\bVSgaV]cZRabO`bb] PSUW\b]`SQ]dS`7TZS\RS`aabO`bZS\RW\UOUOW\ ³O\ReWbVbVSW\b`]RcQbW]\]TbVSV][S]e\S` Z]O\³bVS[O`YSbaV]cZR`SQSWdSO[cQV\SSRSR P]]ab /ZbV]cUVbVSdO`W]caQcbaW\W\bS`Sab`ObSaVOdS a]TO`VORZWbbZSW[^OQb]\bVSOPWZWbg]TZS\RS`a b]]TTS`\SeZ]O\a\]ebVS5]dS`\[S\bVOa O\\]c\QSRORRWbW]\OZTc\RW\UT]`bVSPO\YW\U O\RaSQc`SRZ]O\aSQb]`]TTS`W\Ub]Pcgc^ ZS\RS`aa]QOZZSRµb]fWQRSPba¶bVWaaV]cZR S\Q]c`OUSbVSPO\Yab]abO`bZS\RW\U]\QS[]`S ;O\gZS\RS`aQZOW[SRbVObbVS`SOa]\bVSW` `ObSaeS`Sa]VWUVO\RbVSW`ZS\RW\UQ`WbS`WOa] DEAR HG, Around 2,000 children are born every year in the UK using donated eggs, sperm or embryos. In April 2005, the law surrounding donating sperm, eggs or embryos was altered removing the right of the donor to anonymity. Following this significant change, which some donors felt exposed them to the possibility of having to support enumerable off-spring created from their sperm or eggs, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority was set up being a statutory body whose remit is to license and monitor UK clinics that offer IVF (in vitro fertilisation) and DI (donor insemination) treatments, and all UK-based research into human embryos – including regulation overseeing the storage of eggs, sperm and embryos. If you go to a clinic licensed by this authority you will have no need to worry, as you will be fully protected against any future children making claims upon you. However, you will be entitled to know a little about the children you help to create. Details that you can find out bWUVbeOaRcSb]bVSZSdSZ]T`WaYbVSgTOQSRW\ aSQc`SRZ]O\ab]SfWabW\UQcab][S`a<]ebVOb bVS5]dS`\[S\bWa^ZO\\W\Ub]`SZWSdSZS\RS`a]TO Z]b]TbVSPORQ`SRWbZ]O\abVSgQc``S\bZgV]ZRbVWa aV]cZR`SRcQSbVS`WaYZSdSZaO\RbVS`ST]`SS\OPZS PO\YaO\RPcWZRW\Ua]QWSbWSab]abO`b]TTS`W\U []`S`SOZWabWQOZZg^`WQSRZ]O\^`]RcQba BVWa\SeaQVS[SWaRcSb]abO`b\Sfb[]\bVXcab W\bW[ST]`a^`W\UeVS\b`ORWbW]\OZZgbVSV]caW\U O\RV][S]e\S`Z]O\[O`YSbaSSO\c^bc`\ W\\SePcaW\SaabVSZWUVbS`SdS\W\UaaSS[b] S\Q]c`OUS^]bS\bWOZPcgS`ab]S\bS`bVS[O`YSb 7beWZZPSO\]bVS`Q]c^ZS]T[]\bVaPST]`SeS VOdSO\OQQc`ObSWRSOOab]eVSbVS`bVWaZObSab W\WbWObWdSVOaVORbVSRSaW`SRSTTSQb7¸[ac`SbVOb 7¸[\]bbVS]\Zg]\SeV]WaeOWbW\UeWbVPOWbSR P`SObVb]aSSeVObVO^^S\a Ben Kaye is the managing director of bespoke property finding service Ben Kaye & Co. include how many children have been created (as you will be donating after 2005 the maximum permitted from one donation is, at present, ten). You are also entitled to know the gender and the year of birth. Children born from your donation will also be able to contact the HFEA when they reach the age of 18 and ask for information about you, but donors using a clinic registered with the HFEA are protected by the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Act 1990 from any attempt to make a claim either for maintenance or against your estate. For further advice, call Gay Lawyers on 0870-0427 631 or check - or email Gabriele Giambrone at [email protected] PLEASE NOT THAT THIS IS VERY GENERAL ADVICE AND WE RECOMMEND YOU SEEK ADVICE FROM A SOLICITOR SPECIALISING IN SAME-SEX COUPLE AND GAY RIGHTS ISSUES. # =Cb`c\ ;=B=@7<5 CRUISING SECOND-GEN BMW Z4 /2@7/<4=AB3@B@73AB=0=<2E7B6B63/AB=< ;/@B7<20' 7¸dSOZeOgaeO\bSRO\/ab]\aW\QS[gaQV]]Z ROga7\TOQb[gbVS\TOd]c`WbSeOabVS'$a `OQW\U20"5BeWbVbVSPSOcbWTcZ7bOZWO\HOUOb] P]RgBVSZ]dSOTTOW`W\bS\aWTWSReWbV%¸aaWZdS` 20#W\5]ZRTW\US`O\RgSO`aZObS`7eOaUWdS\ bVS\SO`^S`TSQbUWTb]TOR`WdW\USf^S`WS\QS W\O\/ab]\;O`bW\D&DO\bOUSO\RWbRWR\¸b RWaO^^]W\bEVObOTO\bOabWQQO`³U`SOba]c\R eWbVbVS`ORW]]TTVO\RZSRPSOcbWTcZZgO\R7T]c\R bVSQOPW\VORbVSaO[SaS\aS]T]QQOaW]\g]c USbRW\W\UObbVS2]`QVSabS`A]7eOaVO`RZg U]W\Ub]bc`\R]e\bVS]^^]`bc\Wbgb]R`WdS /ab]\;O`bW\¸aZObSabac^S`QO`bVS20'eOa7- MONSTROUS :Sb¸aTW`abZ]]YObbVSTOQba(bVS20'$ZWb`S D S\UW\SVOaPSS\c^U`ORSRO\RRSZWdS`aO []\ab`]ca"%PV^O\R$<[]Tb]`_cSO\ W\Q`SOaS]T PV^O\R!<[]dS`bVS^`SdW]ca 20'[]RSZBVWaWab]^`]dWRS[]`ScaOPZS^]eS` O\RW[^`]dSR·R`WdSOPWZWbg¸/\Se`ORWOb]`U`WZZS a][SQVOaaWabeSOYaO\ReWQYSR\Se'W\QV TWdSa^]YST]`USROZc[W\Wc[OZZ]geVSSZa ^`Sbbg[cQVac[c^bVSW[^`]dS[S\ba;W\S QO[SeWbVbVS]^bW]\OZTOQb]`gTWbbSR·A^]`ba >OQY¸a^SQWTWQObW]\eVWQVW\QZcRSRbVS`SdWaSR aca^S\aW]\aSbbW\UaO\R\SeOZZ]ga ]T20'aa]ZRSOQVgSO`VSZ^aS\ac`S`SbOW\SR dOZcSa`S[OW\ab`]\UO\RbVSQ][^O\g¸a `SZWOPWZWbg`SQ]`RVOa\SdS`PSS\PSbbS`C\ZWYS a][S^`SdW]ca/ab]\a7¸dSbSabSRbVWa]\SVOR O[O\cOZUSO`P]f7T7¸[V]\Sab7T]c\RWbObOR VSOdgO\RQc[PS`a][S³WbTSSZaZWYSWb[OgVOdS Q][ST`][Ob`cQY7b¸aObbOQVSRb]bVSS\UW\SdWO OQZcbQVbVObVOa[OaaSa]Tb`OdSZO\ROPWbSh]\S bVObQ]cZRPS[SOac`SRW\[WZZW[Sb`Sa2Sa^WbS OZZbVOb^]eS`g]cQO\abOZZbVWaQO`[]`S]TbS\ bVO\g]cR]\¸b0cbeVS\g]cR]\¸b7VOdSb]aOg Wb¸aOX]g6OdW\UbVSUSO`aO\RbVSQZcbQV[SO\a g]cVOdSb]bOZQ]\b`]Z]dS`bVS`SdaO\RV]eTO` bV`]cUVbVSP]\\Sbg]cQ]cZRXSbbWa]\OZZbV]aS dOZdSa0cbTWbbW\UOµa^]`ba¶^OQYb]O$ZWb`SD 5BQO`¬-7a\¸bbVObOPWbZWYSTWbbW\UO\·]TT`]OR¸ ^OQYb]O:O\R@]dS`-/PWb^]W\bZSaaEVObg]c USbT]`g]c` #WaOZbS`SRabSS`W\Uc^`ObSR a^`W\UaO\ROa]TbS`T`]\bO\bW`]ZZPO`/\R eVObbVWa[SO\aWaOVO`RS`[]`STW`[`WRSPcb O_cWQYS``Sa^]\aSb]R`WdS`Q][[O\RaAORZg bV]cUVWbOZa][SO\aa][S]TbVSVSOdW\SaaWa U]\ST`][bVSabSS`W\U7caSRb]_cWbSZWYSbVOb ³bVSaS\aSg]ceS`S[O\VO\RZW\UbVSQO``ObVS` bVO\XcabaWbbW\UbVS`SR`WdW\UWb HIGH EXPECTATIONS /TbS`acQVVWUVSf^SQbObW]\a7VOdSb]OR[Wb bVOb7T]c\RbVS/ab]\;O`bW\20'aZWUVbZg RWaO^^]W\bW\U8cRUSR^c`SZgOaOa^]`baQO` WbZOQYabVSOUWZWbg]TbVS\W[PZS`O\Ra[OZZS` 4`][bVS[][S\bg]cQZW[POP]O`RbVS20' D&DO\bOUSBVS20'TSSZaPWUVSOdgO\R ]TTS`aO\W\Q`SRWPZSaS\aS]T]QQOaW]\BVSZSObVS` ^VS\][S\OZZg^]eS`TcZPcbWbZOQYabVS b`W[WaZcaVO\RVOaW\b`WQObSabWbQVW\UeVWZSbVS ·QVcQYOPWZWbg¸]TbVSDO\bOUS=\bVS]bVS` `SdWaSRQS\b`SQ]\a]ZSWaOPWUZSO^T]`eO`RW\ VO\RWbZ]aSa]cbOaO5`O\RB]c`W\UQO`eWbVWba _cOZWbg;OQVW\SRTW\WaVRWOZaO`SU]`US]cagSb VO`aVaca^S\aW]\O\RVSOdgabSS`W\U[OYW\UWb bVSQ][^O\gVOaOZa]^OWRObbS\bW]\b]bVS W[^]aaWPZST]`]\Sb]`SZOfO\RZSbbVSD U]PPZS Tc\RO[S\bOZaeWbVOac^^]`bWdSaSObO\RU]]R c^bVS[WZSa7¸[OaVO[SRb]aOg7eOa\]baORb] R`WdW\U^]aWbW]\G]cQO\T]`USbbVSPOQYaSOba aSSbVWa^O`bWQcZO`/ab]\U]V][S bV]cUV³bVSg¸`S]\ZgSdS`U]W\Ub]PScaSTcZT]` Price: from £113,950 OTR aV]^^W\U]`YWRa<SSRZSaab]aOgTcSZSQ]\][g Visit: WaOZa]dS`g^]]`O\RSdS\bVSPOaSZWab^`WQS WaSfb`S[SZgVWUV:cQYWZgbVSZ]e\c[PS`a SENSE OF OCCASION $ Price: circa £25,000 Visit: FIESTA ECONETIC IS UK’S GREENEST CAR You may not realise it, but the trendy colour right now is green. But the question is, can its growing popularity be sustained? Since launching ECOnetic, Ford has used the green logo to denote the most environmentally friendly models in its range. In fact the Fiesta ECOnetic carbon dioxide emissions of just 98g/km will make it Britain’s lowest emitting mass production diesel car when it goes on sale this month – and most impressive is its average fuel consumption of 76.3mpg. With car manufacturers now adding green sub-brands to their ranges, Ford’s ECOnetic is up there with the best, offering features such as the green shift indicator. The beauty of the ECOnetic line-up (the ‘netic’ part comes from the manufacturer’s kinetic design principle) is that relatively simple modifications deliver impressive results. This new Fiesta is no different, with one change being that it’s 20mm lower courtesy of shorter, stiffer springs as used on the Zetec S variant – further improving the aerodynamics. Price: from £11,845 WORDS BY ADRIAN FOSTER/DRIVELINES BOY’S TOY BMW has lifted the lid on its new Z4 and replaced the rag-top of old with a slick, folding hard-top. On sale in May, it boasts a smart electro-hydraulic lid that can be raised or lowered in 20 seconds. And the powered top isn’t the only thing BMW has reworked on its sports car. Front-on, the Z4 smiles thanks to smoother, up-swept headlamps. The tail lights have been reworked to match. There’s more good news in the fact that BMW has shown the entry-level four-cylinder unit the door in favour of beefier six-cylinder power. There’s a choice of three petrol units: a 201bhp 2.3; 255bhp 3.0 and a range-topping 302bhp twin-turbo 3.0-litre. With an automatic gearbox, the Z4 will cover 0-62mph in 7.3 secs and reach a top speed of 149mph. The range-topping 35i does it in 5.1 seconds, with a 155mph maximum. All new models are offered with a six-speed manual box and the 35i comes with the option of BMW’s seven-speed double-clutch set-up. =CbeO`R B@/D3: MY BEST MISS KIMBERLEY ISRAEL ;g[]ab[S[]`OPZSV]ZWROg eOaOb`W^b]bVSU]`US]ca 7a`OSZ0SW\UPZOQY/[S`WQO\ eWbV8SeWaVVS`WbOUSWbeOa OPchhT]`[Sb]RWaQ]dS` []`SOP]cb[gTO[WZgVWab]`g 7`S[S[PS`USbbW\U]\3Z/Z^ZO\SbVObeOaTWZZSReWbV=`bV]R]f8SeaO\R bVW\YW\UbVWaWaU]W\Ub]PSW\bS`SabW\UEV]O[7U]W\Ub]bOZYb]-BVS\]cb ]T\]eVS`SbVS`SaVSeOa³<]O0]\RS`³eV]aW\QSbVS\7VOdSOR]^bSR Oa[gROcUVbS`<]OeOa`Sbc`\W\Ub]7a`OSZOTbS`V]ZWROgW\UW\bVSC9AVS O^^`]OQVSR[S]\bVS^ZO\SOTbS`eObQVW\U[SO^^Zg[OYSc^/TbS` aSQ]\Ra]Ta^SOYW\UeST]c\RbVObeSVORa][cQVW\Q][[]\BVOb SdS\W\U[gaSZTO\R<]OOPW]Z]UWQOZUW`Z[Sbc^Ob1ZcP444V]abSRPg 7a`OSZ¸ab]^^`][]bS`·AVW`hW¸7`S[S[PS`RO\QW\UbVS\WUVbOeOgc\bWZbVS []`\W\UeWbV<]OO\RbVWaW\Q`SRWPZg^ZSOaO\bR`OU_cSS\T`][5OhOeWbV bVS^]`b]TbVSBSZ/dWdaSO`WUVbPSVW\RcaBVSOW`eOaeO`[O\R7TSZb \OcUVbga]]TT7eS\baYW\\gRW^^W\U7VORU`SOb^ZSOac`OPZSTc\ RWdW\UW\b]bVSeOdSaBVS\SfbROgTSSZW\UZWYSaVWb<]OW\dWbSR[S aV]^^W\U]\AVS\YW\Ab`SSbESaV]^^SRT]`OP`OOa7Z]ab[W\SW\bVS QZcPbVS\WUVbPST]`SEVOb7`SOZZgZ]dSROP]cb7a`OSZWabVObbVSQ]c\b`gWa a]\]\XcRU[S\bOZeVS\WbQ][Sab]g]c`aSfcOZWbgO\RbVSgVOdSbVSPSab PSOQVSa7¸[\]eOT`S_cS\bdWaWb]`b]7a`OSZ The London Hotel DREAMBEARS TENERIFE AMY LAMÉ WEST HOLLYWOOD 7¸[]\ZgOaU]]ROa[gZOabV]ZWROg7¸[e`WbW\U bVWaT`][[gTOPcZ]caZg^ZcaV`]][ObbVS:]\R]\ 6]bSZeeebVSZ]\R]\eSabV]ZZge]]RQ][ ESab6]ZZge]]R:]a/\USZSaCA/O\R7¸[ TSSZW\UdS`gU]]RW\RSSR;ge]`YOaOb`OdSZe`WbS`[SO\a7¸dSPSS\OZZ ]dS`bVSe]`ZR[WfW\U[gX]PeWbVOZ]b]T^ZSOac`S:]a/\USZSaVOa PSS\O^ZSOaO\bac`^`WaS³7Sf^SQbSRSdS`g]\Sb]PSTObeVSOb[SOb ROW`gT`SSVSOZbVQ]\aQW]caUg[Pc\\WSaPcb7O[UZOR7¸dSPSS\^`]dS\ e`]\U7¸[VS`Se`WbW\UOP]cb:/OaOT]]RWSRSabW\ObW]\T]`BVSBW[Sa O\RbVS`SabOc`O\baO\R[O`YSbaO`SXcabTOPcZ]ca7ZWYSb]Sf^S`WS\QS V]ZWROgabV`]cUVT]]RO\R7¸dSPSS\b`gW\UOZZa]`ba]TW\bS`SabW\UbWbPWba ³AOZdOR]`SO\^c^caOa9]`SO\PW[PO[P]^O\RT`]hS\g]Uc`beVWQVWa dS`g:/7RWRQOdSW\O\RU]b]\bVS`c\\W\U[OQVW\SbVWa[]`\W\UW\bVS V]bSZ¸a]^S\OW`Ug[PcbeVS\g]c¸`S]dS`Z]]YW\UbVS6]ZZge]]RVWZZa Pc`\W\UbV]aSQOZ]`WSaWa[cQVSOaWS`bVO\W\U`Sg:]\R]\ & /TbS`O\c[PS`]T[]\bVa b`OdSZZW\UbVSQ]c\b`gW\ & aVOYW\U]c`\W^^ZS^OabWSaObbVS U]]R^S]^ZS]T5`SOb0`WbOW\ eSRSQWRSRWbeOabW[SbVS 2`SO[PSO`ab]]YbVS[aSZdSa]\ O[cQVRSaS`dSRZObSac[[S` V]ZWROgA]W\[WR=Qb]PS`eS Vc\Uc^]c`a]QYaca^S\RS`a ^OQYSRc^]c`UZWbbS`O\RaVW\gb]^aO\RVSORSRb]AbO\abSRBVS RSabW\ObW]\-Ac\\gBS\S`WTS ESeS`SabOgW\UObObW[SaVO`SO^O`b[S\b]\bVS\]`bV]TbVSWaZO\RbVOb bVS^O`S\ba]T]\S]TbVSPSO`aYW\RZgZSbcaVOdSESa^S\bbVSROgaZOhW\U PgbVS^]]ZO\RbVSSdS\W\UaeObQVW\UbObbgR`OUaV]ea6]eSdS`WbeOa ]\OROgb`W^b]bVSeObS`YW\UR][AWO[>O`YeeeaWO[^O`YbS\S`WTS Q][bVObeS`SOZZgZSb]c`Tc`R]e\EWbVO[O\[ORSPSOQVQ][^ZSbS eWbVPcWZbW\eOdSaO\ROeSa][SeObS`O\RTZc[Sa`WRSag]cQ]cZRVSO`ca PSO`aa_cSOZOZZO`]c\RbVWadOab^O`Y³bVSaSZT^`]QZOW[SR·5`SObSabEObS` >O`YW\3c`]^S¸0SOcbWTcZeSObVS`\WQST]]RbO\\SReSbVc\YaZ]ba]TTc\ O\RZOcUVbS`EVOb[]`SQ]cZRbV`SSPSO`aeO\b- =CbeO`R B@/D3: HOLIDAY RUPERT SMITH NEW ENGLAND - AUGUST 2008 RICHARD NEWMAN VENICE ;gTOd]`WbSV]ZWROgVOab]PSDS\WQS7bOZg7¸dS PSS\]\[O\g]QQOaW]\aPcb]\SW\^O`bWQcZO` abO\Ra]cbT]`[SDS\WQSWa\¸bXcabOQWbgT]` Z]dS`aWb¸aOZa]OU`SOb^ZOgU`]c\RT]`OTOUO\R VWaTOUVOU;SO\R[gRSO`T`WS\RAW[]\SV]^SR ]\OQVSO^@gO\/W`TZWUVbb]B`SdWa]XcabOab]\S¸abV`]eT`][DS\WQS ESabOgSReWbV[gTZOb[ObS¸aTO[WZgW\O\SO`PgdWZZOUSO\RdS\bc`SR W\b]DS\WQSPgb`OW\ROWZgBVSPSabbW[Sb]U]b]DS\WQSWaW\4SP`cO`g BVSQWbgWa\¸bTZ]]RSRbVS\O\R1O`\WdOZWabOYW\U^ZOQSEVOb7Z]dS OP]cbDS\WQSWabVObbVS`SWaa][cQVb]bOYSW\P]bVOSabVSbWQOZZgO\R S[]bW]\OZZg;cabR]¸a]\Ob`W^b]DS\WQSO`SbVS0OaWZZWQOAO\;O`Q] ³[OYSac`Sg]cU`OPOV]b7bOZWO\Q]TTSSOb]\S]TbVS[O\gQOTSa bVObZW\SbVS>WOhhOBVS]\S^ZOQSbVObOZeOga[O\OUSab]USb[S `WUVbW\bVSVSO`bWabVS2O\WSZW6]bSZVbb^(RO\WSZWV]bSZW\dS\WQSQ][ ]\bVS5`O\R1O\OZG]c[cabU]T]`OQ]QYbOWZBVSW\bS`W]`Wab`cZg P`SObVbOYW\UO\R]^cZS\bPSg]\RO\gbVW\U7VOdSSdS`aSS\ ES¸dSV]ZWROgSROTSebW[SaW\<Se 3\UZO\RPSQOcaSeSVOdST`WS\Ra bVS`SO\RWb¸abVS[]abPSOcbWTcZ^ZOQS]\5]R¸aSO`bV:OabgSO`eOa ^O`bWQcZO`ZgU]]RPSQOcaSeSb`OdSZZSRO`]c\R[]`SESabO`bSR]TTOb 1O^S1]R[SaaW\UOP]cbW\P]ObaO\RRWaQ]dS`W\US[^bgPSOQVSaBVS\ eSPOaSR]c`aSZdSaW\bVSe]]Ra]TDS`[]\bO\RRWROZ]b]TR`WdW\U O`]c\RESb]]YOe`]\Ubc`\W\<SeG]`YAbObSO\RRWaQ]dS`SR@O_cSbbS :OYSObW\g`c`OZQ][[c\WbgeWbVOaW\UZSPO`bVObT]`bc\ObSZgT]`caVOR `]][aBVOb\WUVbbVSZ]QOZZORWSa¸a]TbPOZZbSO[QSZSP`ObSReW\\W\UO[ObQV eWbVOdS`gZ]\U\]Wag^O`bg)bVS\Sfb[]`\W\UbVS^ZOQSeOab]bOZZgaWZS\b O\ROPSOcbWTcZ[WabVc\U]dS`bVSZOYS7b¸abVSa]`b]T[][S\bbVObg]c Q]cZR\SdS`^ZO\O\RbVOb7eWZZ\SdS`T]`USb @c^S`bA[WbVWabVSOcbV]`]TOcbV]`]TaSdS`OZ\]dSZaW\QZcRW\U7;cab 1]\TSaaO\RAS`dWQSEOaVO\ROa8O[Sa:SO`BVS0OQY>OaaOUSO\R BVS>OZOQS]TDO`WSbWSa6SOZa]^`]U`O[[SaO\R^`]RcQSaSdS\baT]` BVS6]caS=T6][]aSfcOZ1cZbc`S DUSTY O SITGES ;gTW`abO\RPSabV]ZWROg eWbV]cb[g^O`S\baeOa b]AWbUSaW\A^OW\eVS\ 7eOa&7\bV]aSROgaWb VOR]\ZgXcababO`bSRb] PSQ][SbVSUOg[SQQO WbWab]ROgO\ReOaabWZZ CALIFORNIA dS`gaZSS^gO\R_cOW\b :Oab8O\cO`g[gPSab[ObS@]\\WS 7RWaQ]dS`SRbVSX]ga 9W\UO\R7aeO^^SR:]\R]\T]` ]T\OYSRac\PObVW\U 1OZWT]`\WOESRWRWbW\be]VOZdSa ]\bVSTOPcZ]ca\cRWab ³OeSSYW\:/abOgW\U]\AO\bO PSOQVOP]cb! 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If you’re finding that it’s not exactly as good as it could be, you need to find out how it can be improved. Just listening out for that pleasured grunt isn’t good enough - you might need to ask for an appraisal. 23 SEP-22 OCT 23 OCT-21 NOV PISCES LIBRA Liza Minnelli 12.03.46 Times may seem a little bleak Libra and you’ve had some tough breaks recently, but try and balance them out with the positive things that come along. Don’t let yourself get dragged under by the weight of the world – because as much as you may sometimes feel it, you’re not alone. One of our most treasured gay icons, poor Liza had not had the easiest of lives, but she somehow always manages to bounce back. Pisceans are naturally adaptable, compassionate and accepting, but can also be oversensitive, indecisive and escapist. Here’s hoping Ms Minnelli continues to dazzle for many more birthdays to come. 22 DEC-19 JAN A romantic whirlwind threatens to lift you off your feet. Although exciting, don’t become obsessive or focus entirely on this new passion – particularly to the detriment of everything and everyone else around you. Be sure to introduce your new love to your friends – don’t alienate those who already love you. CAPRICORN SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS Be wary of being misunderstood Scorpio – all it takes is for the wrong thing to be said and you risk an avalanche of bad feelings raining down upon you. Be careful to express yourself with clarity – both at home and at work. There is opportunity to progress in unexpected direction if you are able to express yourself. Watch you don’t lose sight of the person you are and become over-confident and – in essence – a tosser. Sorry if that’s harsh, but it’s for your own good. Don’t become arrogant or a loudmouthed bully. Behind your back people are starting to turn away from you and you’re getting a reputation. 20 JAN-18 FEB All of a sudden you seem too much to do and AQUARIUS tonothave enough hours in the day – and you’re finding yourself getting a little more stressed than is comfortable! Make sure you prioritise and work on what’s really important. As much as you want to please everyone else, you must put your own mental, physical and emotional wellbeing first. 19 FEB-20 MAR 21 MAR-19 APR 20 APR-20 MAY 21 MAY-21 JUN 22 JUN-22 JUL 23 JUL-22 AUG PISCES ARIES TAURUS GEMINI CANCER LEO Donning blinkers and blithely presuming that you know what’s best just because you’re reasonably intelligent is going to end in disaster. Keep your ears open and be prepared to and listen to other people’s advice. You’re not an expert on everything. Try to learn from other’s mistakes. 22 NOV-21 DEC Be very cautious about money this month Aries – there may be some financially slippery times ahead. It would be prudent to cut down on spending and stick some money away for a rainy day. That old cliché about counting your pennies and allowing the pounds to take care of themselves is very true. Stop double guessing your current partner. It doesn’t make you observant and clever but simply twitchy and paranoid. Give him a little breathing space and try to be more relaxed within the relationship. Instead of showing the real you they’re seeing a side of your personality that isn’t hugely attractive. When was the last time you had a real holiday? You desperately need a break from the endless, mundanity of work that has become your life. It doesn’t have to be two weeks in Florida – something as simple as visiting a friend or just a week off in front of the telly will do you the world of good. Make more time for your friends Cancer. Set aside a couple of nights where you all catch up and discover what’s been happening in each other’s lives. Friends are not just there for emergencies and big occasions – they also help you make sense of this frustrating world. Relying on others can sometimes prove to be risky and frustrating – take more responsibility and develop your independence. It might require some organization and it may be time consuming, but the time is right to use your initiative and to put into motion some of your more adventurous ideas and schemes. ! =CbTWb 63/:B6 1:7<71;/</53@:3756 167A:3BB3F>:/7<AE6/B /<3EA3FC/:63/:B6 13<B@37<B63D3@G 63/@B=4A=6=6/AB= =443@5/G;3<E63<7B =>3<AB=B63>C0:71=< ;/@16 ' 7Tg]c¸dSSdS` caSR1VSZaSO O\RESab[W\abS` 6]a^WbOZ¸aDWQb]`WO 1ZW\WQPOaSRObbVS A]cbVESab[W\abS` 1S\b`SW\DW\QS\b A_cO`Sg]c¸ZZY\]e Wb¸aSfb`S[SZg^]^cZO` ESOZZY\]eWb¸a\WQS PSW\U^]^cZO`PcbbVS TZW^aWRSeOabVObWbeOaPSQ][W\UOab`cUUZSb] Q]^SeWbVRS[O\RBVSU]]R\SeaWabVObeS¸`S []dW\Ub]\SeZO`US`abObS]TbVSO`b^`S[WaSa W\2SO\Ab`SSbA]V]]\;]\ROg ;O`QV =c`\SeaSfcOZVSOZbVQS\b`SZ]QObSRObO\R QOZZSR#$2SO\Ab`SSbeWZZPSOeSZQ][S ORRWbW]\b]acQVTOQWZWbWSaW\:]\R]\ES¸`S`SOZZg ^`]cR]T1VSZaSOO\RESab[W\abS`¸a`S^cbObW]\ W\bVWaTWSZR7\ %&[]`SbVO\$$ ^S]^ZScaSRbVSB`cab¸aaSfcOZVSOZbVaS`dWQSa BVS\c[PS`]TUOg[S\eWbVaSfcOZZg b`O\a[WbbSRW\TSQbW]\aQ]\bW\cSab]W\Q`SOaSa] eSV]^SPSW\UZ]QObSRW\bVSVSO`b]T:]\R]\¸a UOgQ][[c\WbgeWZZPSO\ORdO\bOUS³^`]dWRW\U SOagOQQSaab]aS`dWQSa[SO\a^S]^ZSO`S[]`S ZWYSZgb]caSbVS[ES¸ZZOZa]PS]TTS`W\U[]`S TZSfWPZS]^S\W\UV]c`aa]^S]^ZSQO\OQQSaa aS`dWQSaeVS\bVSg\SSRbVS[O\RObObW[S bVObacWbabVS[ES¸ZZPS]^S\be]SdS\W\UaO eSSYOaeSZZOa]\AObc`ROga[OYW\U#$2SO\ Ab`SSb]\S]T]\Zgbe]<6AaSfcOZVSOZbVQS\b`Sa W\:]\R]\b]]TTS`AObc`ROg]^S\W\U³bVS]bVS` PSW\U1VSZaSOO\RESab[W\abS`¸aESab:]\R]\ 56 DEAN STREET 1S\b`ST]`ASfcOZ6SOZbV =c`OW[eWbV#$2SO\Ab`SSbWab]Q`SObSO a^OQSbVObeWZZabO\RbVSbSab]TbW[SO\R]\S bVOb[]dSaTW`[ZgOeOgT`][bVSabS`WZSO\RRcZZ BEING LOCATED IN THE HEART OF LONDON’S GAY COMMUNITY WILL BE AN ADVANTAGE S\dW`]\[S\babVObO`SOZZb]]]TbS\Oaa]QWObSR eWbVaSfcOZVSOZbVQZW\WQaO\RaS`dWQSaBVS Q]Z]c`aTW\WaVSaO\R_cOZWbg]T[ObS`WOZaO\R Tc`\WaVW\UaVOdSQ`SObSRO\W\dWbW\UQ][T]`bOPZS `SOaac`W\UO\RabgZWaVS\dW`]\[S\bAS`dWQSa VOdSPSS\RSaWU\SRb]ab`SO[ZW\SbVSTZ]e]T bV]aSdWaWbW\UeVWQVeWZZVSZ^`SRcQSbVSO[]c\b ]TbW[S^S]^ZSVOdSb]a^S\RaWbbW\UO`]c\R eOWbW\U =\]TTS`eWZZPSbVScaS]TbVSZObSabbSQV\]Z]Ug O\ROTcZZQ][^ZS[S\b]T67DO\RaSfcOZVSOZbV QO`S/c\W_cSOa^SQb]TbVSaS`dWQSWabVOb ^S]^ZSeWZZPSOPZSb]eOZYW\ObO\gbW[SRc`W\U ]^S\W\UV]c`aO\RVOdSO]\SV]c`67DbSab /\]bVS`YSgaS`dWQSeWZZPSeOZYW\Sf^`Saa 6S^ObWbWa0dOQQW\ObW]\a6S^ObWbWa0WaO Q][^ZSbSZg^`SdS\bOPZS^]bS\bWOZZgZWTS bV`SObS\W\UW\TSQbW]\PcbPgbVSbW[SbVSg¸`S !#]\SW\bV`SSUOg[S\eWZZVOdSVOR6S^ObWbWa 0ESeO\bb]QVO\USbV]aSabObWabWQa =bVS`aS`dWQSaW\QZcRSS`SQbWZSRgaTc\QbW]\ QZW\WQaQV`]\WQUS\WbOZ^`]PZS[QZW\WQaOTcZZ Q]\b`OQS^bW]\aS`dWQSO\ROROWZgRSRWQObSR g]c\U^S]^ZS¸aeOZYW\aS`dWQSQOZZSR1]\b.Qb ESZ]]YT]`eO`Rb]aSSW\Ug]cW\bVS\SO`Tcbc`S For more info, visit - which will soon have complete details about services and opening hours - or send an email to [email protected] <332A=;3;=B7D/B7=<-=@/E339:GA6=B=4A3:4/E/@3<3AA-5=B' B3FB(:7<2A/G1/:23@ ;7<CB3A-B63<:7431:C0A;/G038CABC>G=C@AB@33B µ/eSSYZgR]aS]TaSZTOeO`S\Saa¶WaV]e]\S QZcPPS`RSaQ`WPSaWb/\]bVS`aSSaWbOaµbW[S O\Ra^OQSOeOgT`][bVSVcabZSO\RPcabZSb] T]Qca]\g]c¶1ZSO`ZgbVWaWa\¸bg]c`OdS`OUSYW\R ]TQZcPPW\UBVWaWa:WdW\UESZZ:WTS1ZcPaO\Se aS`WSa]Te]`YaV]^a]TTS`SRPg:WdW\UESZZb] Q][^ZS[S\bWbaU`]eW\U`O\US]TVSOZbVO\R eSZZPSW\UaS`dWQSaT]`g]c\U^S]^ZS& $ EVSbVS`g]cVOdS[OX]`QVO\USag]c¸RZWYSb] [OYS]`OTSe[W\]`beSOYa:WTS1ZcPaVSZ^a g]cWRS\bWTgeVS`Sg]c¸`SObO\ReVS`Sg]ceO\b b]PSeWbV^`OQbWQOZ'[W\cbSe]`YaV]^aBVSg `c\T]`aWfeSSYaO\RO`Sab`cQbc`SRaSaaW]\a eWbVOb`OW\SRV]ab BVSe]`YaV]^¸aT]QcaWaV]ZWabWQBVSaSaaW]\a OW[b]W[^`]dSQ]\TWRS\QS[]bWdObW]\O\Rg]c` OPWZWbgb][OYSVSOZbVgQV]WQSaW\SdS`gOa^SQb ]Tg]c`ZWTSBVS\ObbVSS\R]TbVSaWfeSSYag]c VOdSO]\Sb]]\SaSaaW]\eWbVg]c`V]ab BVSU`]c^e]`Ya]\ORWTTS`S\bb]^WQSdS`geSSY " CLUBBING CLARITY caW\USfS`QWaSaT`][bVSW\a^W`W\U:WTS1ZcPa T]ZRS`eVWQVOQbaOaOZ]U]Tg]cO\Rg]c`ZWTS 3OQVeSSYg]cTWZZW\O^S`a]\OZ·POZO\QSQVO`b¸ eVWQVZSbag]caSSV]e^O`ba]Tg]c`ZWTSacQV Oae]`YZ]dSVSOZbVO\R`SZOfObW]\`SZObSb] SOQV]bVS`0g`ObW\UV]eVO^^gg]cO`SeWbV SOQV^O`b]Tg]c`ZWTSg]caSSV]eab`]\UZg OQS`bOW\Oa^SQbOTTSQbaO\]bVS`eVWQVWa ac`^`WaW\UZgWZZc[W\ObW\U 5`]c^aO`S[ORSc^]T ZWYS[W\RSR ^S]^ZSO\R[]ab]TbVSbW[Sg]ce]`YeWbV O·PcRRg¸cacOZZgbV`SSRWTTS`S\b^S]^ZS^S` e]`YaV]^3dS`gbVW\UWaQ]\TWRS\bWOZPcbbVWaWa dS`gRWTTS`S\bT`][a^WZZOZZU`]c^bVS`O^g3OQV aSaaW]\WadS`gT]QcaSRO\R^`OQbWQOZ:WTS1ZcPa ^`]dWRSO\OQQSaaWPZSO\RW\Sf^S\aWdSeOgb] aVSROZWbbZSZWUVb]\g]c`ZWTS³O\R[OYSWbPSbbS` :WdW\UESZZO`SQc``S\bZg`c\\W\UbVSU`]c^aW\ :]\R]\B]TW\R]cbeVWQV:]\R]\P]`]cUVa Qc``S\bZg`c\:WdW\UESZZ:WTS1ZcPab]`SUWabS` g]c`W\bS`Sabcb[]`SOP]cbO\g]TbVSaS`dWQSa ]TTS`SRPg:WdW\UESZZ^ZSOaSQ]\bOQbca]\ &%"$ %"
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