Somewhere over the rainbow, there`s
Somewhere over the rainbow, there`s
Somewhere over the rainbow, there’s our 2009-2010 annual report Merrymount helps children by supporting their families in crisis and transition. Our round-the-clock programs provide a place for children to stay when there is a crisis. Our education and prevention programs support more than 7,000 families each year. mission Merrymount is a caring organization committed to providing support and crisis care for children and families. We deliver responsive and innovative programs to strengthen children and their families in times of transition. Vision Our goal is to be a leader in the field of crisis support and transition services for children and their families. We help improve the lives of children. We help keep families together. What could be more important? Burden Lifted Imagine experiencing life-threatening illness within days of arriving in a new community... ...imagine wondering who would care for your child while you cope with regular four-hour dialysis sessions. had the sense that this was the right place for Junayd. It was a whole new world, with doors opening for us.” This was the experience of Riz Ramzanali. “I went into kidney failure,” she remembers. “It was very stressful. We didn’t have time to adapt to anything – everything just came at us head on.” Because her husband was often away from home on business, Riz had to find care for her son Junayd while she attended evening dialysis appointments. Someone at the hospital suggested that she contact Merrymount. Junayd has diabetes and Riz felt confident that he would be well cared for at Merrymount. It was soon clear that he loved being there, too. Riz could focus on regaining her health, knowing that Junayd was happy and well. From the moment she entered the building, Riz felt as if a burden had been lifted. “Everyone was so welcoming and so accommodating, it was just amazing. We immediately For the Ramzanalis and many other families, that place is Merrymount’s Family Support and Crisis Centre. For 135 years, we’ve been there for families in crisis. It doesn’t take much for a family to experience crisis. A sudden illness. A habit that slips into addiction. Abuse. Divorce. Mental health issues. Each situation is different but every family needs somewhere to turn. This year’s annual report incorporates an original print by artist Heidi Dange, generously donated to Merrymount from the Ramzanali family ~ thank you! One family’s story of caring and support Kari and Tim McAteer were at the end of their rope. They had three daughters at home, twin four-year-olds and a two-year-old. Kari was pregnant. In the fifth month, her water broke and she had to be hospitalized. There was no family nearby and Tim’s employer couldn’t extend his leave any further. Fortunately a social worker in the hospital told Kari about Merrymount. It wasn’t easy to send the girls the first time, Kari admits. “As a parent, you think that nobody can care for your children as well as you. And it’s always hard to ask for help. But we didn’t have any choice.” Soon all hesitation vanished. Merrymount became a second home to the little girls and a pillar of strength for their parents. “When I saw how happy the girls were, I knew this was a place I wanted them to be,” says Kari. “I don’t know what we would have done without Merrymount. They were like family to us.” Kari was in hospital for two months awaiting the birth of baby Aleeyah. The three girls went to Merrymount daily and thrived on the experience. Once the baby arrived and Kari was home, the older girls continued to come to Merrymount regularly. Aleeyah had lung problems, a result of spending two months without amniotic fluid. “The first year was really hard,” Kari says. “We were at children’s emerg at least once a month, with pneumonia and other respiratory problems. Merrymount took the other girls while I stayed in hospital with the baby.” Eventually the girls started school and daycare, but Merrymount continued to be a source of support and practical help. The girls would spend time at the Centre, when needed, to give their parents a respite break from the stresses of raising a busy young family. Kari says they asked eagerly every week if they were going to Merrymount. Recently the McAteers were looking forward to the birth of their fifth daughter. The girls visited Merrymount often during the pregnancy, so that Kari could get the rest she needed. Fortunately, the pregnancy was uneventful. “I don’t know what we would have done without Merrymount” The McAteers had arranged for the girls to stay at the Centre during the planned birth. But the baby decided to arrive a week early, so Tim made an urgent call to Merrymount. “Once again, they were very accommodating in fitting us in,” Kari says. “I have only the highest regard for Merrymount,” says Kari. “When I walk in people stop and talk to me – there’s a real sense of personal connection, which is so important when your children are there.” Letter from the Executive Director and President, Board of Directors It was a good year, a productive year, a soul-searching year, but also a financially frustrating year. In the end, 2009 was another year we were able to support over 7,000 families so that they too could look forward to a tomorrow. In our message this year we would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff, our volunteers, members of our Boards, our community partners, and our funders. The work that we do would not happen if your support wasn’t behind us. Throughout this report are quotes from the voices of children sharing their experiences at Merrymount. Their comments reaffirm that what we are doing here is working and meaningful to real people’s lives. We also heard from parents and caregivers about Merrymount: “Merrymount is there the minute you need them, to support you, to talk to you. They do know what’s out there and give you information about everything possible to help you.” “Thanks to Merrymount, my kids are healthy and growing and I feel that life is worth living. I have someone to call for support.” “Every staff member goes above and beyond. Kids love it here, and the staff members are like family. Merrymount helps make life easier. It’s the little things they do that make the difference.” “They take so much of my stress and worry away. They give 100% support. I have somebody to depend on. Before I had no one and I was lost.” These are the voices we listen to. These are the voices that direct our work. These are the voices asking for our doors to be open round the clock. Merrymount has always been a community partner and a friend to the people in need in the community. Reduced financial resources have caused Merrymount and its Boards to re-focus on what Merrymount offers best for the community. For our Board, it has been a year of education and analysis. In challenging financial times, the role of the Board changes. The Board has an expanded function of ambassador for Merrymount and a commitment to raise the awareness of Merrymount’s mission and need to its friends. This year, our staff, management and Board members have truly learned that we are stronger by working together and having support. Like the families in crisis and transition that we service, Merrymount has shown that we can change and build from our strengths in challenging times. Difficult choices have faced Merrymount this year and the process of decision-making has strengthened our commitment to service delivery to families and children in crisis. Merrymount is a committed community partner and believes that the combined strengths of the community will continue to grow solutions for the families that we help. The Strategic Planning Process reaffirms the essential services we offer our community and our goal will be to continue to provide the services families in crisis and transition are desperately seeking. Thank you again to our community partners for your trust and support. We could not do our work if you were not there working with us. It was a good year, a productive year, a financially frustrating year, and yet another year spent supporting over 7,000 families. It was a year that forced us to take a look at ourselves. We know that together we can see a better tomorrow. Joanne Beasley President, Board of Directors Ailene Wittstein Executive Director Community Partners merr y mo u n t & R ot h olme As one of five branches of Mission Services of London, Rotholme Women’s and Family Shelter operates a 41 bed emergency shelter providing a safe haven for between 15 to 20 families who are homeless and at different points personal crisis. Over the last 12 years, while I have been the Director at Rotholme Women’s and Family Shelter, Merrymount Children’s Centre has been one of our key stakeholders. One of the first things when a new family needs shelter we do is to try and understand some of the complex reasons that contributed to the family living in poverty and what has lead them to lose their housing. When our caseworkers look for resources to support families in crisis one of the first referrals they make is to Merrymount Children’s Centre. Many of our children have already been a part of their wonderful array of groups and services. However, for others it is a chance to link them with an agency that prioritizes doing everything it can from a client centered, strengths based approach supporting vulnerable parents and their children by building coping skills and resiliency so they can survive and thrive as viable families. Families report to us that the parent relief they receive from Merrymount Children’s Centre both from day programs and overnight stays is a real “life saver”. In the midst of everything falling apart, they tell us that this time helps them to sort out their situation so they can move forward again. They also rave about the practical help they get from the Nurse Practitioner at Merrymount. They have told us that they feel safe leaving their children at Merrymount Children’s Centre. Those who have accessed groups and parental supports and even the supervised access services have told us they do not feel judged but are treated respectfully and helped to become better parents. Merrymount Children’s Centre has a proven track record for excellent service and community partnership. Thus we look forward to them continuing to provide a full range of their services to make London safer for our high-risk families and their children. Leaurie Noordermeer Director, Rotholme Women’s and Family Shelter Mission Services of London Highlights of the Year Intake During the past fiscal year, the Overnight Care program served 1901 children from 900 families. The Family Support & Crisis Care Program served 533 children from 365 families. The top agency referral sources for the year were: Children’s Aid Society; the Middlesex-London Health Unit; and local shelters. During the last quarter we had an increasing number of referrals from hospital social workers to provide care for children who had critically ill family members. The top presenting concerns for families were: isolation, mental illness of caregiver, financial, housing and chronic stress. Family Support and Crisis Care Family Support and Crisis Care continues to provide support to families experiencing acute and chronic crisis. Each of our classrooms has been designed to meet the emotional, cognitive and physical needs of each child in a safe and predictable environment. More than 530 children from birth up to 13 years of age, have been welcomed into our program. The flexibility of the program to accommodate the children up to 23 hours per day, seven days a week has afforded parents the time to cope with their challenges and to provide for their family’s needs. Overnight Care The creative and talented staff continued to offer quality programming for the 1901 preschool and school age children, who stayed in Overnight Care last year. The staff worked diligently to address the individual needs and interests of the children in our care by providing diverse programming in a safe, positive and nurturing environment. To enhance school age children programs, the staff created a number of new areas for the children including an “Imagination Station”, “Kids Corner” and “Interactive To Go”. These areas exposed the children to many new activities and experiences including drama, music, crafts, group games, cooking, science experiments, gardening and more. “Merrymount is cool – play bowling, play on computers, eat good food” timothy age 8 The school age children were also able to take part in structured groups that focused on building self-confidence, identifying and dealing with their stress, building social skills, making friends, and learning strategies to deal with bullying. The preschool children were able to experience many new activities such as crafts, songs, stories, puppet plays, music and co-operative games to build and enhance their numeracy, literacy and social skills. Education “Merrymount Parenting and Children’s programs is lots of fun By supporting both the parent and the child, and we learn we are strengthening the family as a whole and parents that they are not alone in the how to be safe” showing most important job of their lives! teddy age 9 The Parenting programs continue to be well attended and sought by parents of children 0-12 years and community professionals who make referrals. The eighteen programs that have become our core curriculum, offer support and education through discussion groups, interactive programs and concurrent parent/child programs. A TeenChat program for young parents and Secure Connections partnerships with the Children’s Aid Society, Salvation Army’s Bethesda Centre, and MiddlesexLondon Health Unit’s Smart Start continue to support families who use our services. Some programs address specific needs (separation/divorce, families with addiction, starting kindergarten, attachment, grandparenting) and some address general parenting concerns, but all are designed to promote parenting competencies and to strengthen families to produce better outcomes for children and their parents. Our Art and Play Therapists continue to facilitate group programs for children here and in the schools, offering children an opportunity to work though issues of self-esteem, divorce, and violence in the family. Supervised Access Due to the increased number of families in the London/Middlesex Court District, we have expanded hours for visits and exchanges. Our staff is now in the office seven days a week in order to serve the families and have been involved in training and have also attended many workshops. To better understand transition, the three Coordinators and the Supervisor attended an International Conference in May and came back with many new ideas to enhance the Program. Our Elgin and Oxford programs are in the process of expanding to outlying areas. All Kids Belong All Kids Belong has served 472 children in London/Middlesex and 96 children in St.Thomas/ Elgin during 2009. The staff team presented 35 workshops with 748 participants in St.Thomas/ Elgin and 70 workshops in London/Middlesex with 739 participants. These workshops were presented to child care staff, parents and other community professionals on various topics such as Inclusion, Power Struggles, School Transitions, Learning Language and Loving It, Fostering Peer Interactions and Triple P - Positive Parenting to name a few. After completing an intensive Program Evaluation in 2009, the staff reviewed our service delivery, forms, protocols and ways of working to respond to the Savannah age 9 suggestions and feedback from the evaluation. All Kids Belong staff continues to work closely with the families and elementary schools to assist with the transition to “big school”. “Merrymount is interesting and basketball, rollerblade outside, go to groups..” “Love it! It makes me so happy when I am here. I love outings, playing outside and in the gym and I like bedtime.” silvio age 6 Ontario Early Years Centre – London Fanshawe It has been a busy year for London Fanshawe Centre. There were 10,054 visits by children and 6,422 visits by parents/caregivers to our main centre and eight weekly community playgroup locations. There were 1145 people that attended our parent learning workshops. These opportunities also included many parent/child interactive sessions such as Family Math and Letter Fun. Workshop requests from community groups to provide opportunities for parents as well as professional groups have increased this year. We would like to thank our wonderful community partners. Together, London Fanshawe Centre continues to provide a place for families to visit, play and learn. reconnect merrymount ReConnect Merrymount is a Thames Valley District School Board partnership with Merrymount. The program started in 2009 to assist secondary school aged students, who are either pregnant or new parents, to continue their educations while learning to cope with their new responsibilities. The goal is to reduce drop-out rates and re-engage students who have left school without graduating. The popularity of ReConnect Merrymount has grown exponentially since September. There is currently a wait list to join this program as students continue to share their learning experience with friends, partners and acquaintances. The student parents are happy they have the opportunity to learn in a way that suits their lifestyle and appear more confident individuals. The sense of community, an invaluable support to these young people, can be felt when you walk in the door. The TVDSB and Merrymount are very proud of this partnership! Financial Summary In the 2009-10 year, we spent $6,849,277 on programming and services for our families. Merrymount is a not-for-profit, registered charitable organization. Programs and operations receive support through individual donors, corporations, local businesses, foundations, associations and government. We depend on the generosity of the community to help maintain our unique, around-the-clock, seven day a week programming and parent education and children’s groups, each critical to our mission. The response of community members over the years has enabled Merrymount to continually help improve the lives of children and build a brighter future for families. MERRYMOUNT CHILDREN’S CENTRE FINANCIAL DATA YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2010 CONTRACTED SERVICES 5% OTHER 5% REVENUE GOVERNMENT MERRYMOUNT FOUNDATION CONTRACTED SERVICES OTHER $4,904,659 $1,258,551 $339,215 $346,853 TOTAL: $6,849,277 72% 18% 5% 5% FOUNDATION 18% government 72% 100% EXPENDITURES: SPECIALIZED SERVICES 1% PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2% OFFICE ADMIN 2% FOOD & PROGRAM 3% property 5% salary and benefits 87% SALARIES AND BENEFITS* $5,936,230 PROPERTY $317,848 FOOD AND PROGRAM $208,670 OFFICE ADMINISTRATION $177,055 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $134,474 SPECIALIZED SERVICES $75,000 TOTAL: $6,849,277 87% 5% 3% 2% 2% 1% 100% *In keeping with most social service agencies, personnel costs for professional, experienced staff, account for more than 85% of all expenditures. volunteers & staff Merrymount Centre Board of Directors Joanne Beasley (President) Cathie Auger (Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer) Tom Allen Shelley Baker Joe Belecky Lyn Campbell Dawne Dopp Fabian Gorodzinsky Robert Kayser Sigmar Martin Greg McCarvell Shawn McConville Susan Rodger Suzanne Vandervoort Merrymount Foundation Board of Directors Mike Blewett (President) Cathie Auger Joanne Beasley Joe Belecky Al Edwards Michael Flanagan Robert Kayser Norm Thompson Mark Wendling Clint Wilson Volunteers Joanna Alexis Kim Anderson Penny Brennan Robyn Buckler Anna Currado Claire Cyr Kristine Geddes Mary Gillick Betsy Gorniak Terri Goss Jazmine Greystone Kendra Haggith Tsakani Hantchi Audryanna Harback Stephanie Harkin Julie Hermson Fran Hardy Shay Indian Chantell Kelly Haley Kivell Cynthia Leavitt Steve Lethaby Jennifer MacRae Cathy Mamo Melanie Matthews Heidi Mettler Mary McGuinness Kasey Moore Lindsay O’Connell Jena Pilon Cathy Pintus Stacey Pipicelli Jamie Pszeniczny Angela Ryan Lisa Schwartz Lori Serratore Judith Smith Deb Tobin Donna Travis Ashley Whalen Alyssa Van Cliet Tracy Vickers Amelia Whiltshire Krista Xettler Executive Director Ailene Wittstein Administrative Assistant Kym Loos Senior Management Richard Macgregor, Manager of Business Services Tom Patterson, Manager of Human Resources Christine Walker, Director of Development Supervisors Lynne Booker-Collins JoAnn Dunn Deborah Gillis Della Morton Rosemary Nasswetter Helen Sleaford Lisa Sortun Coordinators Amanda Bruyns Audrey Burnett Stacey Leighfield Susan McKane Wendy Tapp-Moore Staff Yvette Aconito Faduma Amin Becky Wilfong-Armstrong Kathleen Ashton Angela Balcom Angelica Baldinelli Stephen Baldinelli Jason Bertling Michelle Bielski Deb Bloomfield Aaron Botosan Kelley Cates Wanda Caughell Angie Ceneviva Yolanta Chajder Colette Chapman Rosemary Ciccone Kelly Clark Amanda Colborne Dina Collard Sherri Daley Dora Dawkins Lori Dean Maria Del Vasto Geri Dibsdale Todd Dickey Darlene Donaldson Lynn Donaldson Tiphanie Doxtator Glen Everett Tracy Faulkner Katie Foote Harold Fox Dara Francois Judy Gasparik Louis Gasparik Linda Gates Andrea Gilkes Jennifer Graham Leslie Green Angela Grigg Darlene Gwodz Brooke Hannah Joanna Hicks Mary Jane Hodsman Lisa Jackson-Lumley Yasika Jarquin Jenise Jarvis Elisa Jones Gloria Jean King Alice Kolendowski Brenda Lampman Kimberley Lamport Danielle Lewis Nancy Liabotis Carolyn Little Teresa Liwosz Dianne Loft Michelle Loos Erin Lovell Mario Lucci Lori Masterson Patricia Mazariegos Sandi McAlpine-McCullough Teri McCullagh Heather McDowall Kate McKeon Patricia Meek Marie Merrimen Paul Miszczyk Jonathon Mota Kathryn Mrkoci Bob Mullins Tina Neeb Theresa Nicholson Lori Nigh Kathleen Nutt Beth O’Hagen Cheryle O’Hara Melissa Oliver Maria Park Violet Pilarski Meredith Pirrie Marisela Ponce Melissa Riehl Denise Riopelle Julie Ritchie Adela Rivera Tanya Ross Paulina Rybka Rebecca Salton Annette Scholier Karen Scott Tiffany Scott Krishna Sengupta Patricia Serrato Jackie Sharzer Jennifer Smale Karen Smith Jerry Smithers Heather Soares Amanda Spoelstra Lisa St. Marie Brenda Stevenson Sandra Stewart Julie Sylva Barbara Szczukowski Kevin Thompson Janice Topping Rosemary Van Wieren Maria Warren Sarah Wells Angelica Wilde Patricia Wistow Marlena Wojciechowska thanks to each and every one of you Thank you to the donors who so generously supported Merrymount in 2009-2010. Your gifts helped change the lives of children and families. Aboutown Advanced Landscaping Co. Ltd. Al Anon Program Dr. John Albert Patricia and Dr. Larry Allen Thomas and Patty Allen The Arcangelo Rea Family Foundation Employees of Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing Margaret Atchison Cathie and Lowell Auger Carol I. and Edward Aziz Dr. David Bach Richard and Shelley Baker Family Foundation Joanne Beasley Joseph and Jacquie Belecky Beverly and Dr. David Bell Diana Bergougnou Margaret and Murray Blackie Michael Blewett Deb Bloomfield Dr. Andrew Bodkin David Bolichowski Dr. Bessie and David Borwein Thomas and Lorraine Boutette Margaret Bowie Laurie Bratcher Brown Beattie O’Donovan LLP Dr. Yehoshua Brownstone Dorothy Bullock Bev A. Burns David R. Campbell Linda Campbell CIBC CIBC Children’s Foundation, The McGorman Investment Team Lynne Booker-Collins Mary Jane Collins Dan Cullen Jacqueline Cullen Raymond Cullen Michael and Susan Davies Noreen De Shane Maria Del Vasto Bill Dixon Karen and Todd Dixon Tim Dixon Ronald and Lois Doane Lynn Donaldson Malcolm Douglas Frances Down Diane Dunn Jo Ann Dunn Sandra and William Dunn B. Irene and Brian Durnin Eastside Bar & Grill Allan and Susan Edwards Thelma Edwards Elleyr Investments Ltd. EllisDon Corporation Wouter and Maria Eshuis Dr. H. Brian and Janey Evans Peter Feeney Catherine Finlayson and James MacNeil Vito and Sharon Finucci Myrna and James Fisk Derek Floyd Krystyna Fraser Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Gary and Etta Galvin Linda and Randy Gates Edna Gee Patricia Gergich Deborah Gillis Manuella and Dominic Giuliano Dr. Ben and Dr. Judy Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. J. F. Goose Carolyne Gorlick and Alan Pomfret Fred Goth Doreen Graham Leslie Green Ruth Green Angela Grigg Paul Guenette Ronald Hair Mary Hall Rhonda Hallberg and Gene Sorin Terrence Harnett June Harris Harrison Pensa LLP Shona and Robert Hart Pat Hayes Anne and Robert Hayman James Hendry Highstreet Asset Management Inc. Margaret Hoff Investors Group Financial Services Inc. IODE - Bishop Hellmuth Marion and William Jamieson Robert Johnston Junior Achievement Kappa Alpha Theta Dr. Sheila Kappler Lila Kari Kayser Family Foundation Frieda and Emil Kellenberger Kellogg Canada Inc. Frances Kilbourne Kiwanis Club - Forest City Dr. David and Lynda Kligman Anita Kluke Mary Margaret Koreen Michael and Penny Lander Kathryn and Robert Lannigan RBC Foundation London Community Foundation Thank you to RBC Foundation for its generous donation to Merrymount’s Secure Connections program. Thank you to the London Community Foundation for its generous Urgent Need Grant in support of the Merrymount Family Fund. Lerners LLP Nancy Liabotis and Bill Hill Sheilanne Lindsay Lioness Club - Central London Ms Shawna Lockie London Community Foundation London Community Hebrew Day School London Devilettes, Atom B London Life London Police Association London Shrine Club Pop Can Kym and John Loos Richard and Sheila Macgregor Ann MacKenzie Mackenzie Financial Services Inc. Gerald Marcus Sigmar and Deborah Martin Dorothy McClelland Bill McConnell Peter McConville Shawn and Bev McConville Peggy and Michael McCormick Myrna McDermid Dr. John W. and Susan McDonald Judie McDonald Sylvia McGeein Susan and David McKane Lawrence J. McKenzie Bill and Nancy McKeough Margaret McNulty Catherine McRoberts Paul Miszczyk S. Elizabeth Moore Della Morton Rose Nasswetter M. Catherine Nichols Norquay Kathleen Nutt Optimist Club of London North Optimist Club of Oakridge Acres Inc. Optimist Club of Stoney Ridge - London Dr. Grace Parraga Tom Patterson P.C. Consulting Linda Pearse Mary and Maurice Pellarin Lesley and Paul Pergau Barbara E. Perryman Juan Pinzon Joanne and Barry Playford Donna and Dr. Howard Plotkin Judith M. Potter Rizwana and Asgar Ramzanali Ray Cullen Chevrolet Ltd. RBC Foundation Red Rhino Inc. Helen Riordon Juan Riordon Jim Robinson Stan and Jean Robinson Linda and Dr. Cecil Rorabeck Thelma and Dr. David Rosner Rotary Club of London West Virginia Rutledge Paulina Rybka Yashwant and Vaishali Sankpal Debbie and Bob Schram Peggy Schucht Scotiabank Rotary Club of London West Thank you to the Rotary Club of London West for its ongoing support of Merrymount’s Family Support and Crisis Centre. Mrs. Helene Sellery Mary and Darwin Semotiuk Most Reverend John Sherlock Shelly and Robert Siskind Helen and Gerry Sleaford Jerry Smithers Snow White Produce Ltd. Gene Sorin and Rhonda Hallberg South Caradoc United Church Spriet Investments St. George’s Public School Mark Steeper Diane Y. Stewart Melvyn Swain Sysco Food Services of Central Ontario Julie Sylva Wendy Tapp-Moore TD Bank Financial Group Temple Israel of London Temple Sinai Congregation of Toronto The Employees of 3M Canada Company The London Heritage Council and the City of London The Sisters of St. Joseph Beverly and James Thompson David S. Thompson Jim Thournout Janice Topping Michael and Susan Tremblay Jane and Paul Trudell Lillian and Jerry Ugar Paul Vandenbosch and Cindy Wright Suzanne Vandervoort Patricia and Dr. Josef Vladars Pegi M. Walden Christine and Scott Walker Susan Wark Cynthia Warner Tim Watson Cindy and Scott Webster Elizabeth Webster Lorna and Mark Wendling Ruth Werezak Ms. Lois Wey Nelly Wideman Wilf and Jean Bell Foundation Mrs. Shirley Willoughby Clint Wilson Dr. Helen Wilson and Dr. Paul Francis Ailene Wittstein Wolverine Tube (Canada) Inc. Bill Wood Hazel Wright Dr. Gerald Z. Wright and Nancy A. Wright Gary Zimmerman And three donors who wish to remain anonymous While every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, we apologize for any errors or omissions. Please let us know of any changes. Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Thank you to Investors Group Financial Services Inc. for its leadership support of Merrymount’s Comedy Night that has raised more than $100,000 and provided more than 500 days of 24-hour care for children. unt Presents Merrymo Phone: 519-434-6848 x250 Email: .ca nt. jsylva@merrymou on 1064 Colborne St. London, ON N6A 4B3 t f 519.434.6848 519.434.6851 Charitable Registration # 107692303RR0001 Merrymount Children’s Centre is an accredited Children’s Mental Health Centre and is a member of London’s Child and Youth Network. A special thank you to photograph contributors Richard Bain, Bob Kayser, Paul Miszczyk. Artist, Heidi Dange. Design by RedRhino.
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