Dealing with extreme heat in the hoophouse
Dealing with extreme heat in the hoophouse
growing ne ws & ide a s for lo c al fo od producers FOR Volume 21 / Number 7 August 2012 M A R K ET Dealing with extreme heat in the hoophouse By Lynn Byczynski Irrigation advice / 7 Harvesting efficiently / 9 Planting garlic / 16 Revitalizing an old market / 21 Most vegetables set fruit at maximum temperatures of 90°F or less, so this summer’s sweltering temperatures in much of the U.S. have been a challenge. High tunnel production has been especially difficult, as temperatures can routinely go over 100°F on a sunny day. When the air outside is within a plant’s critical temperature range, hoophouse ventilation may be sufficient to keep crops from heat damage. But when the outside temperature itself is too hot, shading is the only way to cool down the hoophouse. Shading is also helpful for reducing sun scald on sensitive plants such as peppers and tomatoes, and it may also be used to extend the season for cool-loving crops such as lettuce and to get fall crops started in summer. The two options for shading are liquids that can be sprayed or brushed on the poly hoophouse covering; and shade fabrics that can be placed on the outside or inside the tunnel. The cost of shading ranges from free to more than $500 for a 20x96 tunnel. But there is no certain way to predict whether the cost will be justified. “Cooling a greenhouse where you have live plants transpiring is a fairly complicated thing,” said Dr. Daniel Willits, a biological and agricultural engineer at North Carolina State University. He did research on greenhouse cooling for several decades and is widely viewed as the expert on the subject. However, he shut down his program four years ago because of a lack of funding — an unfortunate circumstance, given the record-breaking temperatures of recent years. In this article, we’ll describe the shade options, their costs, and what’s known about the benefits and pitfalls of each method. On page 5, you’ll find a chart of critical temperatures for high tunnel crops, which may help you decide whether you should spend money on shading your hoophouses. At the free end of the cost range is mud. Josh Volk of Slow Hand Farm in Oregon says that at one farm in the Willamette Valley, the crew goes down to the river and makes up a slurry of mud and then tosses it onto the outside of the poly covering with yogurt cups. At Singletary Farm Goods, also in the Willamette Valley, the mud mix is applied with a largebore water gun. “Of course, it doesn’t rain here in Oregon in the summer, so you don’t really have to reapply,” Josh said. “The winter rain cleans it off.” Mud is not an option in places where it does rain in the summer. A cheap alternative is white latex paint, which should be diluted one part paint to 10 parts water and applied with a sprayer or long-handled roller. It will not come off, though, so should be used ONLY when the poly is due for replacement for fall crops. Higher on the expense ladder are continued on page 4 LET TER FROM Wild Onion Farm LYNN BYCZYNSKI A tough summer for many The map at right pretty much summarizes the kind of summer many of us are having. It is the drought map as of July 14 — every shade of yellow indicates drought, with orange indicating extreme drought. But that’s only part of the story. Extreme heat has been burning up the middle part of the country. I happen to be in the officially designated “hot spot” of Kansas. For at least three weeks, we have had temperatures in the upper 90s to as high as 108. Plenty of other places are hotter than normal, too. Among all the natural disasters that affect farms, drought requires the most engagement of the brain. We have to constantly make decisions about what to save and what to let go, what is worth the expense of water, drip irrigation, and labor, and what won’t produce adequate returns. On this farm, we are saving the tomatoes, which had set before the heat arrived and are actually doing very well. But we had to let go of the sweet potatoes, which were late getting in the ground anyway and didn’t stand a chance. Things are bad enough that we are having to decide which landscape plants to save; the oak trees my daughter and I planted as acorns 12 years ago are getting water, but the lilacs are fending for themselves. It’s a heartbreaking business. To all of you in the same situation this summer, I extend my sympathy and heartfelt wishes for a long, cool rain in the near future. Growing for Market is published 10 times per year by Fairplain Publications, Inc. ISSN 1060-9296 785-748-0959 Volume 21 Number 7, August 2012 (To Canada, add $15 postage; other countries, add $30 postage. All orders in U.S. dollars.) © 2012 Fairplain Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this magazine may be copied in any manner for use other than by the subscriber without permission from the publisher. Electronic edition: $30 for 1 year subscription Full Access: $89 for 1-year subscription plus access to archives Full Access Plus: $99 for access to archives and print editions for one year Editor/Publisher Lynn Byczynski Display Advertising: 2010 rate sheet available at or phone 800-307-8949. Associate Editor Daniel Nagengast *URZVRPHWKLQJGLIIHUHQWWKLVIDOO*URZ,WDOLDQ 9DOHULDQD PDFKH SLFWXUHG DERYH LV D VDODG JUHHQ SRSXODUZLWKFKHIVWKDWGRHVZHOOLQWKHZLQWHUKLJKWXQQHO 2WKHU PRQH\PDNLQJ FURSV IRU IDOO LQFOXGH $UXJXOD %HHWV &KDUG &XWWLQJ &KLFRU\ &LPD GL 5DSD %URFFROL 5DDE &XWWLQJ (QGLYH 0LVWLFDQ]D 0HVFOXQ 5DGLVKHV DQG6SLQDFK2UGHUQRZIRUEHVWVHOHFWLRQ 2 GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 Print edition by mail: $36 for 1 year / $64 for 2 years Circulation Manager Jozie Schimke Office manager Jessica Pierson Contributing Editors Erin Benzakein Pam Dawling Josh Volk Classified Advertising: Send with payment before the 7th of the month. 50 cents per word for subscribers; $1 for non-subscribers. See our web site for available back issues and market farming books. Contact us: Email: [email protected] Web: Toll-free phone: 800-307-8949 Fax: 785-748-0609 Mail: GFM, PO Box 3747, Lawrence, KS 66046 Essay contest deadline is Aug. 11 The Farmers Market Coalition, in collaboration with Growing for Market and American Farmland Trust, is seeking essays about the value of farmers markets, written by agricultural producers. The winning essay writer will receive a cash prize of $1,000 and have their essay published in Growing for Market. Five honorable mentions will be awarded; winners will receive a one-year print subscription to Growing for Market. We are looking for concise, imaginative, striking essays that reflect agricultural producers’ perspectives about the people, products, or partnerships that make selling at farmers markets valuable. Submissions should be no longer than 1,200 words, and should include at least one quote from a fellow farmer, customer, market manager, or community partner. In addition, essays should weave in at least three pieces of measurable data; for example, the number of acres in production, number of crops/varieties, income earned at farmers markets, number of employees and/or family members supported by farmers market sales, number of regular customers, or number of pounds donated to social service agencies. Each entry should include a photograph of the submitter (or another representative from their business) at their market, accompanied by a one sentence caption. See the Inspiration Award home page for all submission criteria. To be eligible for the award, essays must be submitted through the FMC website submission form by 5 p.m. on August 11, and follow all the essay guidelines. Farmers Market Coalition staff and Board of Directors, American Farmland Trust staff, and Growing for Market editorial staff will make up the panel of judges and will announce the winning $1,000 entry in early September. Please see the Inspiration Award website for submission criteria and to submit your essay. for sale THE VALLEY OAK WHEEL HOE for Ecological Farming Wipe out weeds without harming the environment! 5REHUVRQ)DUP f f f f f f f f &KDWKDP&RXQW\1& JHQWO\UROOLQJDFUHVZLWKSRQG &RQYHQLHQWWRQXPHURXVRUJDQLFPDUNHWV +D\SURGXFLQJIHVFXHSDVWXUHV EHGEDWKKRPHFRQVWUXFWHGLQ *UHHQKRXVHSURGXFHKDQGOLQJEXLOGLQJ 3URGXFHEXLOGLQJKDVZDONLQFRROHUIXOOEDWK &RQWDFW%HQ:ROIHEURNHU ZZZZROIHVUHFRP No herbicides or fossil fuels Faster & easier than hand hoeing VL]HVIURP´WR´ Rugged steel - built to last WATCH THE WHEEL HOE IN ACTION NOW: 0HQWLRQWKLVDGIRUD)5((6SHHG\6KDUS WRROVKDUSHQHUZLWKSXUFKDVH P.O. Box 301 Chico, CA 95927 530-342-6188 8am-6pm Pacific GDYLG#YDOOH\RDNWRROFRP GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 *URZLQJIRU0DUNHW SDJH´[´ 'HFHPEHU 3 Shade cloth continued from page 1 shading compounds made specifically for greenhouses. The most commonly available is Kool-Ray, which should be diluted about 1 part to 8 parts water. One gallon of the concentrate costs about $35 and covers a 20x96 greenhouse. Another compound called Varishade is applied to the inner side of the hoophouse covering. White when dry, it becomes transparent when wet from condensation, which often occurs in winter when it’s cooler outside than inside the greenhouse. The cost is $60 a gallon, which covers 3200 square feet. Mark Miller of G&M Ag Supply (www.gmagsupply. com) says that shading compounds don’t sell as well as shade cloth, probably because shade cloth is much easier to use and lasts for years. Most shade cloth is designed to be installed on the outside of the greenhouse or hoophouse. The density of shade cloth is expressed as the percentage of light blocked; for example, 30% shade cloth allows 70% light transmission. The most popular type of shade cloth is knitted polyethylene, which can be cut to any size and won’t unravel. Quoting G&M Ag Supply’s catalog prices, black 60% shade cloth runs about 16.5 cents per square foot. Green knitted 60% shade costs 18.5 cents. Woven shade cloth is heavier and lasts longer, but needs to be taped to prevent unraveling. A hoophouse at Happy Quail Farm in California is covered with traditional black shade cloth on the right and Aluminet on the lef t. Photo by the Center for Urban Education for Sustainable Agriculture ( CUESA) . Willits found that although shade cloth reduces light transmission to the percentage stated, it does not reduce heat load an equivalent amount. In fact, in some of his research he found that shade cloth of 30% or less didn’t reduce the temperature in the greenhouse at all. Higher percentages do reduce temperatures somewhat, but create low light conditions that can cause other problems. He speculated that the dark colors of the shade cloth reduce its efficiency because the fabric absorbs heat and radiates it into the greenhouse. He experimented with 1-877-564-6697 An employee-owned company Join Johnny’s Community of Growers Belonging to a community of growers gives you the opportunity to learn from others and share your experiences to help us and your fellow growers improve. Connect with experts and growers for advice and product information Share your stories, knowledge, farm photos, and news Learn about the latest growing tips and Johnny’s promotions Connect, Share, Learn 4 GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 misting the shade cloth, with the result that wet fabric was more effective at reducing the temperature inside because evaporative cooling reduced the temperature of the fabric itself. The most expensive option is reflective shade cloth, Aluminet being the most common brand. It costs 25 cents a square foot from G&M. Because it reflects light, it does not absorb heat the way black shade cloth does. It can be installed outside or inside the hoophouse. Inside, it can be used as a retractable curtain that can be used to retain heat in the house when it’s cold outside as well as for shading when it’s hot. Effect of high temps Temperatures beyond the critical maximum can cause various kinds of physiological problems in vegetables. Tomatoes — the most researched crops — produce the largest yields of highest quality fruits when day temperatures are in the range of 80° to 85°F and when night temperatures Vegetable Transplants Specializing in ALL vegetable transplants for farms, market JDUGHQVDQG&6$·V Certified Organic We welcome all orders - 1 tray to 1,000 trays. No order too large or too small. Onion plants Sweet potato slips Critical temperatures for select high tunnel crops Crop Tomato Pepper Eggplant Cucurbits Leafy greens Strawberry Raspberry Growth State Transplantharvest Transplantflowering Floweringharvest Transplantharvest Transplantharvest Seedingharvest Fall planting Spring harvest Fall harvest Optimum Temp. °F 70-75 Maximum Temp. °F 85 70-80 85 70-80 90 70-85 95 75-85 90 60-65 75 55-70 65-75 60-75 75 75 80 Adapted from High Tunnel Temperature Management by Lewis Jett, West Virginia University, remain above 62°F, but below 72°F. According to the Florida Greenhouse Vegetable Production Handbook: “Excessively high temperatures can lead to poor fruit color (orange instead of deep red). High localized fruit temperatures (sun scald or sun burn) from excessive radiant energy on fruits can lead to yellow areas that never turn red. This symptom is referred to as “solar yellows.” Unmarketable fruits result. On some cultivars that have the “green-shoulder” genetic background, excessive fruit temperature seems to enhance the green-shoulder expression. These fruits often will not develop uniform red color and the shoulders often be- come rough and cracked. High temperatures (above 90°F) also result in poor pollination and reduced fruit set.” With cucumbers, fruit production and quality are reduced at temperatures above 95°F. Peppers are tolerant of temperatures above 100°F, but such extremes during bloom can reduce pollination, fruit set, and yield. Resources Florida Greenhouse Production Handbook, topic_book_florida_greenhouse_v3 Bell Pepper Production in California, pdf/7217.pdf *URZLQJWUDQVSODQWV\HDUURXQG Alternative Refrigeration .HHS\RXUSURGXFHFRRODQGIUHVKIRUOHVV Deep Grass Nursery 302-398-4413 E-mail: [email protected] New patent-pending technology cools your walk-in or insulated room to 35 degrees with just a Window Air Conditioner tPGUIFVQGSPOUDPTUPGBDPPMFSDPNQSFTTPS t4BWFVQUPJOFMFDUSJDBMPQFSBUJOHDPTUTcompared to same size cooler Order now and try CoolBot for a 30-Day * RISK-FREE TRIAL * ZZZVWRUHLWFROGFRP GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 5 A new book to teach you — or help you teach others — about farm equipment Review by Lynn Byczynski When it comes to the mechanical end of farming, growers fall into two categories. In the first are people who grew up with farm equipment or have spent a lot of time around it, and are thoroughly comfortable using it. In the second category are the people who don’t know as much as they need to about buying, using and maintaining tools and machinery. Small Farm Equipment, a new book by Massachusetts farmer Jon Magee, is written for both groups of growers. I consider it to be one of the best books I have ever seen about farm equipment, and I recommend it for every farm’s bookshelf. For growers who don’t know as much as they need to, this book is a huge help. It’s clear, simple, and to the point. It assumes you know nothing about farm equipment and starts with the very basics in the chapter entitled Concepts: Mechanical Elements and Terminology. Here is where you learn the difference between a two-stroke and a four-stroke engine, get some understanding of the pros and cons of diesel versus gas engines vs electric motors, and how each is generally used on the farm. The author describes the precise elements of a PTO and defines, with illustrations, roller chains, V-belts, sprockets, zerks, and plenty of other terms for the parts of machinery. This basic approach to farm equipment can be useful for experienced operators as well as novices. People who are extremely knowledgeable about a topic often have a hard time breaking it down into its simplest elements. That makes it difficult to teach to those with no knowledge. If the PTO on your tractor is an essential part of your work, you may never think to teach new employees (as Jon does in his book) that it is “a splined driveshaft which transmits power from a vehicle’s engine to auxiliary implements...usually at the rear, where most implements are attached.” Basic concepts and terms are only the beginning of this book. It also pays close attention to safety, maintenance, and troubleshooting in general. Separate chapters cover the most commonly used types of equipment in detail. Walk-behind tractors, string trimmers, tractors, and irrigation pumps (see excerpt on next page) are some of the tools that are covered in the specific. Appendices cover safety instruction and supplies; working with fasteners and threaded fittings; keeping maintenance logs; and further resources. Jon says that he was motivated to write this guide because of his own experience learning to farm. He has worked at several farms, most recently at Atlas Farm in western Massachusetts since 2009. He founded The Farmers Library as a technical AeroCoir Wholesale Cocopeat Supplier 205,&HUWL¿HG3URGXFWV $HUR&RLU$HUDWLRQ%OHQG²DPL[RIPPFRFRFKLSVDQGFRFRSHDW (DV\H[SDQGLQJFRLUZLWKORZ(&DQGS+RI² NJEDOH\LHOGVDSSUR[LPDWHO\OLWHUVRUFXELFIHHW 6XVWDLQDEOHJURZLQJPHGLDIRUKLJKTXDOLW\VHHGOLQJVDQG¿QLVKFURSV %HWWHUZDWHUKROGLQJFDSDFLW\DQG&(&WKDQSHDW 7225'(5&217$&7686$1$1'(5621DW VXVDQ#DHURFRLUFRPWDG#DHURFRLUFRP 6 GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 resource for small farmers, and this book is expected to be the first in a series. Feedback and project proposals are welcome at If you’ve ever been hindered or embarrassed by your lack of knowledge of common mechanical concepts — or if you can’t believe someone wouldn’t know the basics — this book is for you. Small Farm Equipment by Jon Magee, 6x9, 118 pages, spiral bound. Available for $15 ($12 for subscribers) plus $5 shipping from Growing for Market, PO Box 3747, Lawrence KS 66046; 1-800-307-8949. Order online at To get the subscriber discount, use the words print and member in the Member Login fields in the top right column on the home page. G&M Ag Supply Company LLC Your Source For: )URVW)DEULF 5RZ&RYHUV 0XOFK)LOPV 3OXJ7UD\V )ODWV3RWV 3RO\)LOP *UHHQKRXVH6WUXFWXUHV *UHHQKRXVH6XSSOLHV (URVLRQFRQWURO 1-800-901-0096 :&RXQWU\/DQH 3D\VRQ$= JPDJVXSSO\#QSJFDEOHFRP ZZZJPDJVXSSO\FRP Excerpt from Small Farm Equipment: Irrigation pumps Pumps consist of two main parts: the pump impeller (which pushes the water), and the motor which drives the impeller. Small irrigation pumps can be gas or diesel, electric, or PTOdriven. Electric and PTO-driven pumps will seem to require less time troubleshooting—mostly because electric motors are wonderfully low-maintenance, and PTO-driven pumps are as reliable as the tractors which run them. All the same, the advice here is still worth reading: there are plenty of subtleties to the workings of pumps beyond their motors. For gas- and diesel-powered small pumps, the motor usually takes half or more of all the maintenance time. Part of this is due to the nature of pumps—they sit off on river banks, away from the shop and out of view, mostly stationary, where farm personnel rarely go except to start the pumps, not to maintain them. Strategies must be developed, then, to make it easier and more convenient to service the pump. For this reason, keeping engine oil and a grease gun (if appropriate to your pump) near the pump station or in an irrigation vehicle will make maintenance much more likely to happen. Be aware that if you are going to keep engine oil, fuel, or grease out in the field, it’s required to be sealed from the elements and prevented from dripping or spilling onto the ground or into water. A tightly sealed plastic container, lashed in place above the flood line, will do the job. An alternative is sending out your irrigation operator with a designated tool bag containing all the items he or she might need. Take advantage of rainy periods when irrigation is less in-demand and bring your pumps in for service. Pumps are often forced to do without regular maintenance during the season because of the inconvenience of fetching the pumps back to the farm. Anything you can do to make it easier to transport pumps, then, will make good maintenance more likely to happen. Mount pumps on a trailer, or mount wheels onto the pump’s frame; keep a suction hose and other appropriate fittings at each pump station, so that they don’t need to be moved as often as the pumps; build better vehicle access to pump stations; use an all-terrain dolly or your tractor’s hydraulic loader to carry small pumps with less effort; make fuel tanks easily detachable with quick-disconnect fuel lines. Beyond the problem of transport, the sum total of regular maintenance activities only takes about half an hour on small pumps, so it’s not out-of-the-question even during busy periods. The impeller is the business end of the pump. In most small irrigation pumps, the impeller works by centrifugal force—a rotating disk flings the water out from the center and on out of the pump housing. The impeller is water-cooled, so a pump that has run dry or lost prime and runs too long without any water in the housing will overheat and damage itself. Pumps pull water up from their source through a suction hose. A suction hose requires a very tight seal at all seams to function properly. Also, for the quality of the water that is pumped, the suction hose strainer end must be away from the stream/ pond bed and still far enough below the surface to avoid sucking in air. For this reason, the strainer end is often fitted with a combination of weights and floats. Priming a pump means filling the suction hose with water, all the way up to meet the impeller. A pump must be continued on the next page # $!"$&%$ GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 7 Irrigation pumps continued from page 7 primed in order to push water. Some pumps are self-priming, including most small pumps. This means that, if they are started with their housing full of water already, they will be able to create enough suction in an empty, air-filled suction hose to eventually draw the water up to the impeller and start pumping. Self-priming pumps usually need high throttle to prime themselves, but they should be throttled down once they start pushing water—too much pressure while filling the lines can break fittings (the water hammer* effect). Other pumps need to be primed manually, usually by a hand-operated primer pump. In either case, water can only be drawn up a certain height by suction. Even before that physical limit, there is a practical limit where a pump will have difficulty priming or maintaining prime. Place pumps as close as is reasonable to water level while still maintaining solid, level footing. [*Water hammer refers to the pres- 8 sure wave as water (or any fluid) fills pipes and pushes out air, or abruptly stops and changes direction. A common example is the shudder that can come from suddenly closing a household spigot. Farmers must be aware of the effect and avoid closing irrigation valves suddenly or filling irrigation lines too quickly. The force of the water can blow out drip fittings, dislodge pipes from each other, or split hoses and clamps.] If your water source is prone to rapid fluctuations in water level, be alert and ready to fetch your pump at any time. Keep fuel cans secured far away from any potential flood level. Tie ropes, straps, or chains from your pump and suction hose to sturdy trees as insurance against losing equipment to sudden flooding or a deteriorating GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 stream bank. Some pumps come equipped with protective circuits designed to shut off the pump in event of a problem. The primary anticipated problem is a blowout in the water line, resulting in a rapid pressure loss as the water floods the area around the rupture. The circuit operates as a pressuresensitive switch, then—if line pressure goes down, it will cut off the pump. These switches, when working properly, need to be reset before each irrigation. Some pumps have sensors on their oil level or engine temperature, but if you do not see explicit mention of a protective circuit in the manual, you might assume that your pump has none. Whether you have protective circuits or not, your maintenance routine should be the same, since you should never rely on the switches alone to protect your equipment—it has been my experience that on the farm they do not often function as intended. Valuable as these circuits are, they are one of the first things to check in event of difficulty operating a pump. Affordable Insurance Strategies efficient harvesting for Farmers Marketsfor and Vendors Finally! A company that understands the insurance needs of farmers markets and their vendors. By Pam Dawling The National Farmers Market Insurance Program offers insurance rates starting at $250 for markets and $275 Every year, early infor thevendors. season, our crew watches an old video, Efficient Harvesting Techniques, made by CSA $1,000,000 per occurrence Works (Food Bank Farm) in Hadley, MA. It’s no lon$2,000,000 aggregate ger available, sadly (Michael Docter says “We’ve retired from the film industry to do farming!”). The film has cult movie status with us, and old hands join in on key punch lines. It’s packed with good information. It took me many screenings before I no longer took away a new tip each time I watched. Much of what we have learned is from them. According to Vern Grubinger in his book Sustainable Vegetable Production from Start-Up to Market at Food Bank Farm, “On an average day, 5,000 pounds of produce is brought in by noon by five people working for seven hours each. That works out to nearly 145 pounds per hour per person.” Aside from learning from Food Bank Farm, we have also Make compiled ourare own tips properly for harvesting which I sure you covered for less bycrews, contacting Campbellgood Risk Management describe below. Another resource is Roxbury Farm’s detailed Harvest Manual; see page 20 for more informa800-730-7475 ext 203 tion. Affordable Insurance for Farmers Markets and Vendors Finally! A company that understands the insurance needs of farmers markets and their vendors. The National Farmers Market Insurance Program offers insurance rates starting at $250 for markets and $275 for vendors. $1,000,000 per occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Make sure you are covered properly for less by contacting Campbell Risk Management 800-730-7475 ext 203 Planning The seed for smooth, efficient harvesting is sown before the season starts, when you plan your field layout and review your equipment. It’s good to have the giant winter squash, pumpkins and watermelons near a road, or at least a path wide enough for a garden cart, if not a truck. Plant long rows with access gaps every hundred feet (thirty meters) or so, to reduce the distance you need to carry heavy loads. Our mixed system of beds and row crops means that small plantings of delicate crops are always located where we will pass by them often. (Permaculturists call this close-at-hand area Zone 1). It is poor planning to have your lettuce at the bottom of a long field, “over the horizon” from the top of the row. Plant tall but closely spaced crops (corn, broccoli) in pairs of rows so that one person can pick two rows for the same amount of travel distance. This works best for crops where each plant offers up only one piece for harvest at a time. With peppers, tomatoes, beans and the like, we find it more efficient to pick just one row at a time, or else the picker “loses their place” and has to scan over the plant again when switching from one row to another. Don’t put time into harvesting more of a crop than you need — aim to have the right amount coming in each week. Organization Before you set out to the field, make a picking list and gather the containers and knives you will need. Watch the weather forecast — harvest more or sooner if a big rain is coming, and preemptively pick crops that should not be handled when the leaves are wet. Plan who will pick each crop. It is often more efficient to have regular crew members specialize in certain crops. This can give job satisfaction from the sense of competency, and routines can help trained workers know what to expect and so take initiative appropriately. On the other hand, cross-training is important, so pairing up a newbie with an experienced person makes the crew more resilient. Explain the signs of maturity: have people gently squeeze eggplant of different sizes, for instance. I recently learned from the High Mowing catalog that cabbage is fully mature when the biggest leaf on the head (not the loose outer leaves) curls back on itself. I had struggled for years to explain exactly how I was determining maturity — paleness of the center, firmness, size? I couldn’t clearly say how I knew! The curling back leaf is a simple sign, easy to explain. continued on the next page GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 9 Harvest continued from page 9 We generally divide our harvest into three categories: daily, three times a week and twice a week. How often you need to harvest each crop will depend on its shelf life as well as your markets. Daily harvests include salads, okra, cucumbers, zucchini and summer squash, and also topping up supplies of potatoes and sweet potatoes from storage, according to the season. In cooler climates than ours it is probably not necessary to harvest okra or “zukes and cukes” daily. Other growers recommend daily harvesting of corn, but we find no problem with over-maturing when we pick every other day. For the every-other-day crops we have developed an ingenious phonetic system. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday we harvest crops beginning with a k/c/g sound; on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday we harvest b and p crops. This works almost perfectly, with just a few crops we force into place: eggPlant not eGGplant! sPinach, senPosai! This system works well for us, and adds some amusement. It also ensures we harvest some cooking greens each day: kale, collards, cabbage some days, broccoli, pak choy, spinach on the other days. Beans take over from peas as the spring heats up. Corn gets picked on the days we don’t pick labor-intensive beans. The twice-a-week crops include some with a reasonable shelf life, like peppers, and those that are at the end of their season when production has dropped off. At some times of year we have once-a-week harvests, such as winter squash in September and October. Blue flags mark which bed of spinach, kale or lettuce to pick next. We always pick a whole bed, to save confusion. We move the flag after harvesting, in a clockwise rotation (bird’s eye view, not earthworm’s!) round the area of raised beds. Spinach and kale are fall, winter and early spring crops here. We harvest by the leaf, and aim to give each bed a week between pickings to regrow. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, garlic and onions mature all at once and need to be bulk harvested as the major task for the day (or several days) after the regular harvesting is done. Sequence Temperature considerations are a major factor in deciding the order to harvest crops in. All leafy greens and corn benefit from cooling as soon as possible after picking. Pick these before the day heats up, and when the cart or truck has just enough room left, so that a trip to the cooler follows loading of the most perishable crops. Other crops, including cucurbits (cucumber, squash, melons), tomatoes and beans, need to wait until any dew has dried from the leaves before working with them, to minimize the Pr ofe ss io na l D ri p I r r i gat io n S u pp l ie s Use less water and increase your yields Visit DripWorks for ClearSpanTM High Tunnels .com Distributor for T-Tape Call DripWorks for: Conserve Water Less weeds Save time and money Go to: for complete drip irrigation systems 10 GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 • • • • FREE Catalog Fast, Friendly Service Commercial Pricing Best Selection of: Timers & Controllers, T-Tape, Fertilizer Injectors, Emitter Tubing 800.522.3747 • Pond Liners & Pond Care spread of disease. In the summer we find our enthusiasm to harvest early (and finish early before it gets too hot) has to be tempered by the dew point. On dewy mornings we’ll often start with what we call “the aerobic segment” of the shift — any physically taxing work like shoveling, spreading compost or hoeing rather than harvesting. Avoid harvesting in midday during extremely hot periods. Roots and fruits can be harvested in the afternoon and stored overnight for the next day’s sales. In winter, nitrate accumulation in leafy vegetables is a health issue, and a reason to delay harvest of greens until the sun has been up for at least four hours. Management Every day, one of our most experienced people acts as crew honcho. The honcho makes the pick list, matches people with crops to pick, and then tries to ensure a smooth, happy and efficient harvest. She or he shows the workers good techniques, sets the pace, creates a pleasant atmosphere, and appreciates the workers. The honcho keeps an eye on who has picked where, when the cart is full, and if more buckets are needed. They make sure no one leaves tools or buckets of produce behind (yes, it has happened). They also make the decision on whether a plot is worth returning to next time, or is finished, and pass this message on to the other honchos. It is important to recognize that teaching is part of the job, and will help provide the world with more farmers. The honcho trains pickers as needed and, importantly, watches to see if any worker needs remedial training. This is easiest when working alongside or across the row. Often I find it best to fine-tune my instructions, once people learn the basics, rather than giving a deluge of detail at the beginning. Some useful phrases if things go wrong are: “Oh dear, that’s not what I meant” or “I see I didn’t explain that clearly enough.” Get people to start as far from the road as possible, so when the bucket is full they’ll be nearer the road. When picking long rows, we mark the place we started or left off, for example to take a full bucket to the cart. The Sign of the Crossed Beans (two beans laid across one another on the ground) is one of our favorites, or a big ripe strawberry in the path, depending on the crop. If for some reason we can’t finish one of the big harvests (tomatoes for instance) on a particular day, the next time we pick them we start at the opposite end of the patch, hoping we can pick it all, but using a fail-safe system in case it is again too much. Keep yields up by sowing often enough — how many times do you want to pick the same bean plants? It depends on the cost of labor and how much land you have. Pick newer plantings before older ones of the same crop to reduce the spread of disease. If you have enough after picking the younger sowing, you can stop picking the old planting and till it in. On Saturdays we harvest some crops smaller than usual to avoid Monday Monsters: zucchini and summer squash, of course, and also okra (we take Sundays off). If some labor-intensive crops (peas, beans, tomatoes, herbs) are getting away from you, you could consider allowing or encouraging U-pick for them, or calling in the Society of St. Andrew, a volunteer group who glean to feed the hungry. Sales Weekly scouting will help you to plan when the harvest of each planting will start and end. Records from previous years can provide expected start and end dates — keep these dates in a convenient place where you don’t have to search for them. Tools of the trade We use Garden Way-type carts, sometimes a pickup truck, and lots of five-gallon buckets. Customize your buckets — we have some with holes drilled in the bottom. We keep these and the undrilled ones separate, so we can easily find buckets to hold water or to drain washed produce in, as needed. Train your crew not to pour from a full wash bucket into a holey one (greens with grit sauce), but to lift the produce out of the gritty water and put it in the holey bucket. We also have small “berry buckets” we have made from cut-down plastic one-gallon jugs, with rope loop handles. Long roped ones go round the neck to free up both hands for picking blueberries or cherry tomatoes. Short handled ones go over the wrist or are moved along the ground, for strawberries, snap peas and snow peas. Some crops do better in shallow or ventilated crates rather than in deep airless buckets. We use sheets of plastic Bubble Wrap as cushions in the crates we use for slicing tomatoes. Open-topped backpacks are another idea for a harvest container. They are more ergonomic than carrying a heavy bucket on one side. continued on the next page Company /0-""/,0.0'-$+/(/0+)*/0-"0+-%0-+!$/0$)&(0+-%/,& /"/,/*'/&0..)+.+/0 )*0-!,0.,/. -,0",//0,-'!,/0'-*(.'( $/,)'.* ./ -(-,0-/+&0..)+.+/ -%0.)*(/*.*'/ )0/,"-,$.*'/ # # #0-, %).,(0.+/&0- ## 0-!*(0-.00!)*(/,00# %%%&%).,( &.+/&'-$ GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 11 Harvest continued from page 11 Small tools are easily lost, so find some kind of portable container to take to the field. The Universal Container, the five-gallon bucket, is often the answer. We have made a pouch for our pruners with the exact number of pockets for the number of pairs, making it less likely we will walk away leaving tools on the ground. Although special harvest knives can be bought, and we have some of those, we get most of our knives at yard sales and thrift stores. Great value for the money! Serrated bread knives can be excellent tools for cutting cabbage and kohlrabi. We use pruners to harvest okra, eggplant and winter squash, and scissors for spinach leaves. We have size cards to hang from the okra-harvesting pruners to eliminate questions about whether an okra is large enough. To protect arms against spiny crops like okra, CSA Works suggests cheap crew socks with the toes cut out. Some kind of barn, packing shed or staging area makes a useful headquarters for communication, especially if supplied with a chalkboard, bulletin board, and perhaps a standup desk, and, hmm, maybe cell phones? For ideas on the layout of packing sheds see Healthy Farmers, Healthy Profits, tipsheets_pdf/shed4web.pdf . As the day draws to a close, you might need a pond, river or outdoor solar shower, followed by some shade trees and a hammock. Harvesting whole heads For leafy greens, we have three main ways of harvesting: heads, leafby-leaf, and “buzz-cutting.” We cut whole heads of mature crops such as cabbage, lettuce, heading oriental greens (napa Chinese cabbage, pak choy, Maruba Santoh, Yukina Savoy, tatsoi), and older spinach. We bend the head to one side, cut through the stem, trim off a few outer leaves if FormTex Plastics Plastic Packaging Solutions for the Produce Industry Complete line of stock and custom produce clamshells and trays XStock clamshells and corrugated trays that are really in stock XComplete line of recyclable products XAll our products are made from food-safe recycled materials X1 case or a truckload XUnrivaled new product design and prototyping capabilities XCredit cards accepted For more information, please call David Grice at extension 120 or email d.grice@formtex. com. FormTex Plastics Corporation 6817 Wynnwood Lane Houston, Texas 77008 713 864-7300 800 669-5634 Fax 713 864-7396 Website: Email: [email protected] 12 GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 needed, and put the heads in a bucket or crate. With crops that tend to become bitter in warm weather, such as lettuce and broccoli, we require the harvester to break off a piece and taste test for bitterness, rejecting culls in the field. In late spring and early summer, we cut celery bunches about an inch (2.5 cm) above the ground, which allows secondary bunches to develop later. Crops that wilt quickly are set like a bunch of flowers in the bucket, initially held on its side, making it easy to add an inch (2.5 cm) of water when the bucket is full. We do this with celery, chard, Russian kale, turnip greens, mustard greens and also leeks. Harvesting leaf-by-leaf For many leafy crops, we extend the harvest period by harvesting leafby-leaf. For adolescent lettuce, arugula and young spinach plants, we cut individual leaves or several leaves in one snip, using the all-metal handforged Chinese scissors from Lee Valley. At the same time, we snip off old yellowed leaves. I like to cut the leaf stems near the main stem, allowing the new leaves to spread for maximum sunlight and preventing a “cage effect” from near-vertical stalks. With bigger leaves, such as chard, collards, kale, senposai and adolescent oriental greens (Yukina Savoy, Tokyo Bekana, Maruba Santoh), we snap leaves off. To avoid over-picking, we tell harvesters to count the leaves from the center outwards and leave “eight for later” — the eight youngest leaves in the center of the plant. Buzz-cutting A quicker variation on cutting a few leaves at a time is what we call “buzz cutting” — giving the plant a crew cut. When the plants are growing fast or we’re short on time, we do this with mizuna, spinach, lettuce mix and arugula. Simply gather the leaves of the plant into a bunch and, using scissors or a sharp knife, cut above the growing point, so the plant can continue growing. During the winter, we often cut our hoophouse mizuna and tatsoi on one side of the plant only, leaving the remaining leaves to make the most of the limited light available. — it may be invisible at the time, but cause trouble later. Onions dropped a foot or more suffer interior bruising. Don’t cram too much into one container: this causes bruising too, and reduces air circulation. Roots and alliums Fruits and pods How you harvest roots and alliums depends on your equipment and the scale of your farm. For example, with carrots, you can mow or tear off the tops, then undercut with machinery, then lift. Or you can use the tops to help get the carrots out of ground, as we do, loosening them with a digging fork, then trim. When we harvest carrots for immediate use, we snap the tops off right at the junction of the foliage and the root. When we harvest for storage, we trim with scissors to leave a small length of greens. We don’t do bunched carrots. If you do, you’ll know to band them and wash, keeping the greens in good condition. For tiny roots, like radishes and baby turnips, we harvest directly into a small bucket of water, after trimming tops and tails. This way the roots wash themselves during harvesting and very little cleaning needs to happen afterwards. We plant our early scallions in bunches, which makes for quicker transplanting and easier harvesting: we loosen the soil, pull up the bunches, band them, trim the roots off, trim the tops with scissors, wash, then stand the scallions in small buckets with water. It is important to avoid bruising of alliums and fruits 374#$7/2(57#$=2>(87&'(?*",&'(@22-'A22/(BC,'"(5'0(5*+,&'(!7D'0(3'//*4'(E0*&#-(37+=-F*77"/'"-(!:#/'(5*--#7$(87&'((@&2--C(E,7<2/' !"#$%&'($)*%+))$ !"#"$%&'(()*%+%,('-* ./'%01(%.'(*1%2"'3(0%&'/4(' G&7-:=74%()7&'$0*&7((!#&0(@7"0'$():#42"#'-((H&*-:(H*//'"(.7%(3'//*4((@2&0'$(?*"-&7$'((I*"D#D2"(?7"-&'C((@#7$/(5'0()'&'"C((@"'7/@"''$ !"#$%&'()"#$%&'()"*+,&'()"'--((.*/"'01'2*-(3'//*4'((5'0(6"-7(87&'((9*"2"7(."74:'(;#<-,22$7(;*-/7"0 When picking peas, beans, tomatoes and peppers, we encourage harvesters to use two hands, and use their eyes to look ahead. Because we deliver our peas and beans directly to a kitchen, we trim the pods as we pick. Once we have gathered a handful of pods, we break off the stem end caps before dropping the pods in a bucket. While we are doing this trimming, we look back to see if any have been missed. We pick and discard over-mature pods. We pick our cucumbers by encircling the cucumber with the hand and pushing against the stem with the thumb. This helps reduce scratches (to the cucumber, not to the harvester, unfortunately!) For zucchini and summer squash we use knives, being careful not to accidentally cut other parts of the plant. We harvest cantaloupes at “full slip,” when the melon leaves the vine after a little nudge. The degree of “nudge” varies a bit, depending on the person harvesting. Some people separate ripe watermelon from the vine with their bare hands, but I prefer using pruners or scissors. Corn is another crop we trim in the field, because we deliver within the half-hour direct to the cooler in our continued on the next page Q`dd\idXe_`^_klee\cj NRCS approved 56/#/786"#%9'/:%;<:'/=(<()0%./'%>)$%%?@%."'<('* !()$%./'%AB'%.'((%9"0"#/7 !"#$%&'($)*%+))$ CDAD%?/E%FGHIJ%C18#/<"01J%AK%ILMLH GQFD%IRID%QHST AB'%(6/#/786"#%"::'/"61%0/%:#")0%-'(($8)7%7()('"0(* !"#$%&'%(!)%*&+!(*+,('%&-&+*.(/*%&$)&$!(0'%(0*%1$%! 41/%$/)N0%B*(%61(<86"#%:'/0(60")0*%")$%O('08#8P('*D ,(-'*".%+))$%/(01%&'23)("*-%40-)23)(%5'(1 444D48#$7"'$()*(($D6/< One of the strongest and best tunnels in the industry. Bows are 2-3/8” diameters, 14 gauge, sidewalls are 2-3/8” 13 gauge, and the purlins are 1.315” 14 gauge all galvanized Allied Gator Shield brand tubing. Tunnels can be equipped with either roll-up sides or a drop-down curtain. Order yours today. Call 573-378-2655 or write to: Morgan County Seeds LLC 18761 Kelsay Rd, Barnett, MO 65011 ;71+7(;*-/7"0(!#&0(5'0(87&'(@"''$(J'&D'/(."74:'((?#$%(?'/#2&'(;#K(;*-/7"0(H&*-:'0(H*//'"()2- GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 Q`dd\idXe_`^_klee\cj 13 Harvest continued from page 13 kitchen. We shuck the corn, throwing the husks back on the ground right there in the patch. This has several advantages, the chief one being the immediate feedback for the harvester on whether the ear has reached full maturity. It also saves cooler space and keeps the soil nutrients removed from the plot to a minimum. Our field trimming produces “kitchen ready” crops, saves time later, and reduces the number of times the crop is handled. Obviously, this technique won’t work for most growers, but it is an example of tailoring harvesting techniques to fit the uniqueness of the market. Food safety concerns As we all know, it is important to avoid bacterial contamination. Wounds and abrasions can lead the crop to pick up new bacteria from the environment. Crops can be punctured by the sharp edges of contain- ers as well as the more obvious knives and fingernails. At the washing station, crops may be washed by spraying down on a mesh table, or by dunking in troughs or buckets of clean water. Not all crops require washing: for some, such as basil and zucchini, it is a poor idea, as quality suffers. Draining is important. Some crops can drain on a mesh table or in a holey bucket, suspended mesh bag or laundry basket. On a field trip with local growers, I learned a method of filling a laundry basket with salad crops, hanging it from a tree, and twirling it round to spin out the water. No electricity! Barrel root washers and salad spinners have the draining stage built in. After washing — or perhaps before — comes cooling (washing itself can also act to cool the crop). Make full use of all possibilities, such as damp burlap, high-percentage shade cloth, or the shade of trees, buildings, or a truck. In the shed, setting buckets or crates of produce on a concrete Affordable protection 3 Season, 4 Season, Single Bay, and Multi-Bay 866-HAYGROVE 14 GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 floor will keep them cooler than on tables, especially if the floor is splashed with water periodically. Pam Dawling is the garden manager at Twin Oaks Community in Louisa County, Virginia. The gardens supply all the fresh produce for the community’s 100 residents. Her book, Sustainable Market Farming: Intensive Vegetable Production on a Few Acres, will be published in February 2013. Sustainable-Market-Farming. MOVING? Please send us your new address before you move. The Postal Service will NOT forward this periodical, so try to let us know your new address before we mail your issue the last week of the month. You can phone us at 800-307-8949; email [email protected]; or send the change of address postcard to GFM, PO Box 3747, Lawrence KS 66046. classified advertising Equipment 1 & 2-ROW POTATO PLANTERS. 1-ROW POTATO AND SWEET POTATO DIGGERS. Parts for most small diggers. SEED CUTTERS. WATER CAGE Plant Protectors 1-888-5221554; FLAME WEEDERS, 4- and 5-torch walkbehind models, ideal for market gardeners and &6$VZZZÁDPHZHHGHUVFRP SEED GARLIC from Still Point Community Farm, naturally grown, Biodynamic preps applied. “Music” hardneck, great keeper, great ÁDYRU(PDLOVWLOOSRLQWIDUP#RSWRQOLQHQHWRU call 845-789-1062 for info and ordering. Quality, Naturally Grown German White garlic for seed and table stock. Large bulbs and cloves. Order early to ensure your shipment. Andy’s Specialty Garlic & Produce. 585-7397888 or [email protected] Supplies and services Seeds, bulbs, and plants CERTIFIED ORGANIC GARLIC, seven varieties, Also, garlic powder and granules using our own garlic — and nothing more. Straw Hat Farm is at the base of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, in Montrose, CO. www. or 970-240-6163. GARLIC for planting or your table from FRASER’S GARLIC FARM in Churchville, NY. &HUWLÀHG RUJDQLF DQG QDWXUDOO\ JURZQ JDUOLF will be available for shipment after August 1, 2012. Garlic intended for planting is laboratory tested for garlic bloat nematode. Please order early. For information and ordering, go to our website: www.frasergarlic. com or call Ed Fraser at (585) 350-8295. SEED GARLIC - CERTIFIED ORGANIC German White (Porcelain Hardneck). This garlic and our ground were tested and are free of garlic bloat nematode. Reserve now as we sell out early! Call Fred @ 585.346.3829 or email [email protected]. For more info see our website: Greenhouses & supplies Farmer’s Market Special Organic cotton t-shirts with your logo — $8.50each/24pc minimum. Wholesale blank shirts also available. 100% Made in USA from organic cotton grown on our farm. email go@ 800-245-2339. WOODCREEK FARM & SUPPLY—Natural and organic products: Organic seed; Natural fertilizers; Growing mixes; Animal supplements; Pest management; Growers supplies.; Cana, VA; Phone 276-755-4902. Marcus Cutter, Broker Associate, buyer’s DJHQW ZLOO KHOS \RX ÀQG IDUPODQG LQ :HVWHUQ Wisconsin, [email protected] 715491-9381 CLASSIFIED ADS WORK! And for GFM subscribers, they’re only 50 cents per word. ($1 per word otherwise.) Email ads@ or phone 800-3078949. Ads in the print edition are published online for free. Fertilizers MORGAN COUNTY SEEDS Top quality seeds at an affordable price 18761 Kelsay Rd., Barnett, MO 65011 Phone 573-378-2655 Fax 573-378-5401 Free catalog Norman & Vera Kilmer, owners 'ULSLUULJDWLRQ 9HJHWDEOHKHUEÁRZHUVHHGV GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 15 Get ready for garlic planting By Josh Volk In the June/July issue, I wrote about garlic harvest and curing. Everything is connected, of course, and the summer work of cultivation and harvest is tied to the the fall work of planting. Farm scale, markets, and equipment affect planting techniques from one farm to the next. In this article, I’ll tell you how farms of several different sizes get their garlic in the ground. On my own very small farm, I grow 900 cloves of garlic on beds that are 66” on center, four rows 12” apart. I grow Siberian, which is a hardneck, and an unnamed red softneck. I simply use an SHW row-making hoe (with a narrow pointed side) to open four furrows in the bed and then I press the cloves, root side down, into the bottom of the furrow every 4” before filling the furrow back in. This is tight spacing but I will take the opportunity in spring to harvest half of the crop as green and fresh garlic by thinning every other plant using a sharpened steel transplanting trowel. The other growers I talked to for this article grow many varieties of garlic both for market and to sell for seed. Chet Byler at Straw Hat Farm in Montrose, Colorado, hand plants on very tight 6” rows that he marks with a tool he made from Earthway press wheels, a bit of all thread rod, and pipe nipples for spacers. Chet is planting 70,000 cloves in a season. His row marker can also be used for other crops and, with different sized nipples, he can change the spacing depending on the crop. In line, he is also planting at roughly 6”, following the faint marks left by the ribs on the wheels. On a slightly smaller scale, Avram Drucker of Garlicana in Southern Oregon uses a dibbling plate to set his spacing. His dibbler marks multiple rows as well as several in-line plants all at once, although he is switching to a design that friends of his use on their farm in New Mexico, which only marks one row across the bed at a time. The one-row tool is much lighter and easier to use. Fred Forsburg of Honeyhill Farm and Ed Fraser of Fraser’s Garlic Farm, both in New York State, have grown several acres of garlic for seed, direct markets, and wholesale marcontinued on the next page Planting sof tneck garlic in Oc tober with the ERME bulb planter at Fraser ’s Garlic Farm in New York: Ed Fraser stands on the toolbar monitoring the planting while Dick Maher drives the Massey Ferguson 35 trac tor, its wheels ex tended to the maximum width to straddle t wo rows. 16 GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 kets for many years. They prefer much wider spacings, planting just two rows on similar width beds, with 30” or 38” spacing between the rows to suit their particular cultivating tractors and implements. Fred plants about 40,000 cloves and Ed plants about 150,000 cloves in a season. Fred got a SARE grant to develop a planting platform that he is continuing to refine, but is very simple in its design. Search SARE for project FNE11-717 for more information on Fred’s project. The basic concept is that the workers and their containers of seed sit on the platform and plant through holes in the platform of the trailer. The tractor that is pulling the trailer is also opening furrows making it easy to plant deeply and in a straight line. The furrows are then filled in with a hiller on the Platform’s toolbar or second pass of the cultivating tractor. The tractor’s hydrostatic transmission allows it to move about 4” a second. At Eatwell Farm in California, a similar trailer has shanks for marking rows mounted on the sled itself. It also would be easy to mount sweeps behind to fill the furrow as it is planted. Using the tractor to plant speeds things up and, perhaps more significantly, is far more ergonomic, relieving the normal back pain from bending over and dragging a bucket of seed garlic. The sled/trailer type planting aid allows the cloves to be carefully placed with the root plate down, which most growers find important for well-shaped garlic heads, es- pecially with hardneck varieties. Ed also uses a two row ERME bulb planter for tightly spaced softneck garlic that he sells as green and fresh garlic. For that garlic, he doesn’t mind if the cloves are planted on their side, or even occasionally upside down. Ed uses Fred’s platform for some of his planting. “I also ride on an old New Idea transplanter depending on availability of labor and if I am planting a single row on the 38” spacing,” Ed said. “Just another option for people. There are many farmers now experimenting with planting into plastic mulch on a raised or flat bed. The results have been very good and I may try some of that this year.” I visited a larger farm here in Oregon a number of years ago that had developed its own garlic planter. It was also a trailer-type arrangement, but it had platforms for two people to stand on with a kind of sorting tray for each of them. They would then slide garlic seed to a slot in the side of the tray where it would fall onto a small conveyor. The conveyor had marks to space the garlic and the conveyor then dropped the seed down a tube and into a furrow that was opened by a shoe, and then closed behind. The spacing was quite tight in the row, but there were also only two rows on a fairly wide bed, which gave good air flow in the canopy and space for the roots to spread. All of these planters are similar to potato planting setcontinued on the next page Jiffy Hitch Systems Inc. Makers of Living Media for Organic Growers The safest, easiest, quickest hitch on the market. Connect and disconnect any implement without leaving your tractor seat. “Jiffy Hitches save time and make a farm safer. We have Jiffy Hitches on 27 implements at Angelic Or- ganics, and on 5 tractors. We can swap 3 pt imple- ments in two or three minutes. We are no longer endangering our employees’ safety in hooking up equipment now that we use Jiffy Hitches.” — John Peterson, owner 802-223-6049 Montpelier, Vermont we speak organic For more information on making your farm safer, call 800-786-2829 or visit GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 17 The planting plat form at Honeyhill Farm : Sue Forsburg drives the Tuf f-bilt trac tor, an Allis Chalmers G look-alike made in Alabama, while Carol Williams and Kira White plant garlic cloves. The plat form is low enough that workers can push the cloves into the soil, taking care to place them right side up, which is critical for hardneck garlic. Above right, Fred Forsburg (in the turquoise shir t) shows the frame of the plat form during a f ield day at his farm. Ed Fraser f ills the hoppers of the ERME bulb planter with garlic cloves at lef t. The drive wheel turns a wheel located inside the hopper (not seen in pic ture) . That wheel has springloaded cups which pick up and hold onto the cloves and then drops them into a chute to the soil below. The shoe can be set so that you plant on the sur face or as much as 6” deep into the soil. He prefers to plant garlic on the sur face. The packer wheels f irm the soil around the clove. Af ter the cloves are planted, Ed use a Farmall Super A trac tor to hill, above. The hilling discs, mounted on the rear of the trac tor, are throwing about 6” to 8” of soil over the furrow. 18 GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 ups, and the simpler ones could easily do double duty, with minor modifications, for row spacing, furrow depth and in-row spacing. Popping seed Separating garlic bulbs into cloves is known as “popping” garlic. All of the growers I talked to pop seed by hand. Some like to use butter knives or plastic scrapers to help get between tight cloves. I’ve always had success with just my hands, but it does help to have good finger strength. Ed described to me a device a friend has that is basically a cone which the top of the garlic is pressed against to split apart the entire head at once. Generally, while popping the cloves they are also being sized. Large cloves are used for full-size garlic bulbs and small cloves for green garlic, which is pulled early and used like chives or green onions. Several pests and diseases can be spread by seed garlic. In New York there have been serious problems with garlic bloat nematode, which came in from Canada on table garlic that was then likely used for seed stock, which has continued to spread the problem around. In Colorado, Chet had heard of the problem but had not seen it there, and was sending samples of seed to be tested. In the Northwest, Avram is more concerned with bulb mites and fusarium. For those problems he soaks his seed in 10% bleach for 10 minutes and then deactivates the bleach by rinsing the seed in a bucket of hot water. He also mentions hot water or rubbing alcohol are alternative treatments. He dries the seed completely before planting. Ed Fraser cautions that any hot water treatment should be done in a controlled manner because garlic seed can be killed by water above about 120°F. In any case, he says, there are many disease problems plaguing the industry at present. “We are seeing infestations of wheat curl mites, fusarium bulb rot, white rot, botrytus and a few others. People should be purchasing seed stock from a source that has laboratory testing done. This would really help to curtail the spread of some of these diseases. We regularly test what we grow and what we handle that is sold to the public. It makes for a much happier customer.” Cultivation The planting method has some impact on the tools used for cultivation as does the choice to mulch or not mulch. Mulching is common practice on many farms, especially when garlic is grown on a smaller scale. I’ve worked on several farms that used leaves for mulching, as the leaf collection season corresponds well to garlic planting season. Leaves are an excellent weed suppressant that don’t harbor weed seeds. Friends at Persephone Farm in Lebanon, Oregon, told me that for many years they were able to get weed-free straw in big round bales that they were able to simply roll out in the field to cover the plant- ing, a relatively low labor way to spread mulch without a tractor. If the straw has any quantity of seed remaining, or has significant weed seeds, it can create a weed problem in the field. Once the mulch is down it is impossible to use tractors or even hoes to cultivate out weeds so it’s important that the mulch is weed-seed-free and that a thick layer is applied. Because of the cost and labor involved with mulch, many farmers, myself included, choose to leave the soil bare, allowing cultivation with flame and steel through the garlic growing season. Fred Forsburg uses the standard corn cultivating implements on his Allis Chalmers CA to cultivate his two-row garlic. He has also used vinegar to kill weeds and his SARE report on that method is available on his website Ed Fraser varies his cultivation regimen depending on the weather and access to the fields with equipment. He uses some steel, but also vinegar, as well as flame to control weeds in the garlic. He uses flame even when the garlic is up to a foot tall. Carrying a large tank of propane on the tractor but walking with a hand wand from Flame Engineering next to the tractor, he is able to point the flame at the side of the plant, killing weeds in a 6” wide band next to the plant and in the row. He passes down each side of each rows, typically in early April, and sometimes making a second pass later in the season depending on weed pressure and his ability to get into the field with hilling disks or knives. The flame does a little damage to the outside leaves, but the hard cuticle of the garlic and the wellprotected growing tip shield the plant from any significant damage from the flame. Similarly, for years I flamed my garlic plantings when they were 1-4” out of the ground and winter weeds were still small. I mostly gave up flaming in favor of cultivating with a Lely tine weeder, which in light soils can be used until garlic is at least 6-8” tall. Cultivation with the tines also helps open up the rain-compacted soil here in the Northwest when we have a window of dry weather. A drawback to not mulching is exposing significant soil surface area to winter weather as the garlic canopy doesn’t really fill in until April. On a hand scale, I use a four-tine cultivator with an effect similar to the tine weeder. The cultivator loosens soil that is too wet to get a hoe through. I also use a Heron hoe from Holdridge Enterprises which was actually developed with garlic in mind. The stainless blade that cuts with both forward and backward motions is much less prone to clogging in our wet springs and stays usably sharp with no real maintenance. With a few well-timed cultivations in late fall and mid winter I can keep the garlic nearly weed free. Chet, with his tight spacing, uses another favorite tool of mine, the 4” colinear hoe from Johnny’s Selected Seeds. GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 19 Roxbury Farm manuals available online By Lynn Byczynski One of the most admired CSA farms in the U.S. has made its manuals and planting plans available for free download from its website. Roxbury Farm in Kinderhook, New York, is a community supported, biodynamic farm that grows vegetables, herbs and grass-fed pork, beef and lamb for more than 1,000 shareholders. Its 300 acres of land are permanently protected as farmland by a conservation easement. The farm is operated by Jean-Paul Courtens and Jody Bolluyt. Among the documents that are available are a seeding and planting plan for 100 CSA shares; greenhouse seeding schedules; a planting manual; a harvest manual; advice about buying equipment; and a soil fertility manual. Together, these documents represent some of the most valuable planning tools we have ever seen here at Growing for Market, and they are all available for free. “It is like CSA; the vegetables are for free if you support the farm; the manuals are for free if the outcome is a stronger community and more sharing of information amongst small farmers,” Jean-Paul said. “What is important to understand is that they were written for our apprentices to have an insight into how our operation works, what is expected of them, etc. It was never my intention to create a manual that would cover all bases for all kind of different operations. It is just another way to improve communication on our farm. Other farmers in the CRAFT program ( asked if I was willing to share them. So, I put them online. I encourage people to create their own standards and to create a manual for their farm.” With Jean-Paul’s caveats in mind, we suggest that his manuals provide an excellent example of the types of information you should be compiling about your own farming systems. In addition, they are a good starting place for beginners who are trying to put together a business plan but have no idea of potential yields and labor requirements. The Harvest Manual, for instance, has details for 53 kinds of vegetables. For each, it lists yield, value, hours to pick and wash, tools needed, readiness indicators, harvest procedures, washing procedures, and packing standards. The manuals are updated every other year or so to reflect changes in the farm’s practices. The manuals and other Roxbury Farm documents can be downloaded at For LOCAL FRESH PRODUCE Professionals 800-622-7333 Your seed sources for outstanding flowers and vegetables For FLORICULTURE Professionals 888-645-2323 20 GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 Revitalizing an old market Grand Rapids, Michigan, updates with a shelter and internet access for vendors By Lynn Byczynski Grand Rapids, Michigan, is surrounded by some of the most productive fruit and vegetable farmland in the United States. To the west of the city is the largest blueberry production area in Michigan. Muck soils in the area contribute to Michigan’s ranking as #2 in the nation for fresh market carrots and celery. And north of Grand Rapids, the land is blanketed with orchards of apples, peaches, cherries, and other tree fruits. With so much fresh market produce grown in the area, it’s not surprising that Grand Rapids has a long history of farmers markets. Ninety years ago, the city had four markets but over time only one survived: the Fulton Street Farmers Market. Although the market has had its ups and downs over the decades, the Fulton Street Farmers Market has recently transformed itself into one of the most successful farmers markets in the state. Three aspects of the market’s renaissance stand out as offering lessons to other farmers markets around the country. The first is a permanent structure, which opened in May, to protect shoppers and farmers from the weather. The second is a set of policies designed to bring old practices into line with current trends in farmers marketing. And the third is technology that is expected to bring in thousands of dollars of untapped federal and state food assistance. Building a shelter Since 1922, the Fulton Street Farmers market has occupied a long, narrow strip of land in a residential area. It consisted of a single aisle with vendor spaces on either side of the aisle, and rows of posts to which tarps could be attached for shelter. It was a tight squeeze for shoppers; “You couldn’t fit two strollers side by side,” said Tom Dudek, a native of Grand Rapids and Michigan State Extencontinued on the next page GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 21 Grand Rapids continued from page 21 sion’s Senior Horticulture and Marketing Educator. Several years ago, the neighborhood association initiated a fundraising campaign to revitalize the market. They formed a design team, made up of 15 people — vendors, neighbors, Extension, city staff — to evaluate proposals for a new layout and buildings. The Project for Public Spaces did a feasibility study and proposed a design that widened the vendor space and moved parking to one end of the lot. The proposal would have required half the vendors to offload, then park their trucks. The vendors objected strenuously and the design team voted it down. Ultimately, the design that was approved was similar to the existing layout but with a middle aisle twice the width. The market is covered by a roof, 14 feet tall to accommodate the largest box trucks, 650 feet long. Built-in tables line both sides of the center aisle. Each vendor space has a parking space directly behind it. Customer parking is on the other side of the drive. In all, the new market has 118 vendor spaces, each 8 feet wide. Some growers take multiple spaces, and the average Saturday sees 60 ven- An unoccupied vendor stall shows the permanent tables that line both sides of the aisle at the Fulton Street Farmers Market. Having permanent tables in place at market is a huge time and space saver for vendors. dors. The market is also open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from May through December, and Saturday only January through April. The cost per space is $10 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, $20 on Fridays and $30 on Saturdays. On Sundays, a committee of artists runs an art market in the space. The improvements cost $2.8 million, and there is just $200,000 left to raise. Once those funds are found, the final phase of the project, including a building with year-round indoor stalls and restrooms, will be completed. Philanthropic foundations provided the greatest amount of support, followed by some city funds. The market raised $25,000 selling engraved bricks that pave the entrance. Altogether, 700 unique contributions have been made. “Everybody feels like ‘this is my market,’” said Christine Helms-Maletic, a neigh- Tom Dudek from Michigan State and market manager Melissa Harring ton. 22 GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 bor who has served as a consultant on the project. “They feel they have a stake in it, and that’s the beauty of the thing.” New attitudes “Having a 90-year-old market is like driving a big freighter. You turn it slowly,” said market manager Melissa Harrington. Case in point: Reselling produce. Although many in the community would like to see Fulton Street Farmers Market be a producer-only market, some of the vendors have been buying at the auction houses and reselling produce at the market for generations. So the market has implemented some new rules designed to encourage more local produce. Since 2007, new vendors have been subject to an 80-20 rule that requires them to grow at least 80% of what they sell. A special certification program, “100% Homegrown” is available to vendors who sell only what they grow. And all vendors have to put up signs identifying produce that is bought in. The market has a “product chal- Above, the market ’s of f ice at the entrance to the market. The to ken system adver tised on the sign will be eliminated once vendors begin to accept Elec tronic Benef it Transfer cards. Top right, a vendor displays head let tuce in quar t boxes lined with plastic bags for easy packaging. At right, J. D ykstra Produce employees prep strawberries in quar t boxes. Vendors are allowed to resell produce as long as its origin is clearly marked ; in this case, signs show that strawberries are from Michigan but peaches are from out of state. J. D ykstra Produce uses multiple stalls, below, for its bountiful and orderly display. Notice how the permanent market tables provide a convenient shelf for signs and for customers to set down bags. GROWING FOR M ARKET / AUGUST 2012 23 growing PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID TOPEKA, KS PERMIT NO. 9 for ma rket P O B o x 3 74 7 L aw r e n c e , K S 6 6 0 4 6 a journal of news and ideas for local food producers Grand Rapids continued from page 23 lenge” rule designed to cut down on vendors trying to discredit other vendors. A vendor can challenge another grower’s product by paying $100 to the market. The market staff then investigates and if the farmer is found to be violating the locally grown rule, the person who complained gets the $100 back. If the complaint is unfounded, the $100 is forfeited. “It’s cut down on a lot of tattling,” Harrington said. The market also has embraced CSA farms by allowing them to use the Wednesday evening market for distribution — but they stipulate that the farmers also have to sell at the market. This year, five CSA farms are participating. Another new policy that took effect just this year is a requirement that every vendor have $1 million product and general liability insurance. It’s available to members of the Michigan Farmers Marketing Association for $300 per year. iPods for all The market has long accepted SNAP, the main federal food stamp program, using a token system Ever y vendor at the market can receive a free ipod and card swipe device to accept EBT payments. whereby market staff could debit a SNAP card in exchange for tokens that could be used to purchase food. A privately funded program, Double Up Food Bucks, doubles the value of benefits spent at farmers market. Last year, the market redeemed $131,000 in SNAP and $107,000 in Double Up benefits. Although the token system worked for those programs, it entailed a lot of bookkeeping and it could not be used for the federal WIC program, so those dollars were not being spent at market. This year, Fulton Street is piloting an innovative Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) program to increase access to fresh food for low-income citizens. The state purchased an iPod with a card swipe device for every produce vendor at the market and the market installed wi-fi so that every vendor can access the internet to process card payments. Now, each farmer can accept all benefits, including WIC, and the money is deposited directly into the farm’s bank account. “Sales are way up,” said Case Visser of Visser Farms. “It’s such an incentive for people to come to the market.” Farmers are not required to participate in the EBT program — but all except one have chosen to do so. Vendors report annual sales anonymously in order to help the market make the case for improvements. Last year, sales totaled $1.75 million, an average of $13,000 per vendor stall. This year, with the facility improvements and EBT, market staff projects sales of $2 million. And so far, the growth is happening. “Our opening day (at the new structure) was a madhouse,” Harrington said. “We had 10,000 people. The month of May has been as busy as a normal July or August. One vendor told me he made more last Friday (June 8) than any Friday last year.”