soils of central and northern new brunswick
soils of central and northern new brunswick
SOILS OF CENTRAL AND NORTHERN NEW BRUNSWICK New Brunswick Soil Survey Report No. 12 Research Branch - Potato Research Centre - Fredericton New Brunswick 2005 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada Canada SOILS OF CENTRAL AND NORTHERN NEW BRUNSWICK New Brunswick Soil Survey Report No. 12 H. W. Rees, S. H. Fahmy, C. Wang and R. E. Wells Potato Research Centre Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Fredericton, New Brunswick PRC Contribution No. 05-01 (Map sheet) Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Branch 2005 Copies of this publication are available from: Potato Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada P. O. Box 20280, 850 Lincoln Road, Fredericton, N ew Bru nsw ick, E3B 4Z7 New Brun swick Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture Box 6000, Lincoln Road, Fredericton, New Brunswick, E3B 5H1 Electron ic cop ies of th is pub lication an d dig ital ma ps ar e availab le for downloading free of charge from the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada web site of the Can adian Soil Information S ystem (Can SIS) at: ansis Correct citatio n as follow s: Rees, H. W ., Fahmy, S. H., W ang, C. and W ells, R. E. 2005 . Soils of Central and No rthern New Brunsw ick. Potato Research Centre, Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Fredericton, N. B. 137 pp with map. iii CONTENTS ACKN OW LEDGM ENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii SUMM ARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 PART 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AR EA.. . . . . . . L o c a t io n a n d e x te n t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Land use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F o r e s tr y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A g r ic u l tu r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M in in g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e c r e a tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L a n d o w n e r sh ip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P h y s io g r a p h y , to p o g r a p h y , d r a in a g e a n d b e d ro c k g e o lo g y Climate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A t m o s p h e r i c c li m a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o i l c li m a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V e g e ta tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 8 8 9 9 PART 2. SOIL FORMATION AND CLASSIFICATION. . . . . . . S ur fic ial g eo log y.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S oil p ar en t m ate ria ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M i n e r a l so i ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O r g a n i c s o i l s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . So il develop m ent and soil form ing factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . S o i l p r o f il e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S y s te m o f so il c la s s if ic a tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o i l O r d e r s in c e n tr a l a n d n o r th e n N e w B r u n s w i c k . . . . . . B r u n i s o l ic S o i ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G l e y s o l ic S o i ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L u v i s o l ic S o i ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O r g a n i c S o i ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Po dzolic Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e g o s o l ic S o i ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I m p a c t o f a g r ic u ltu r e o n so il c la s s if ic a tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . R e l a tio n s h ip b e tw e e n s o il c la s s if ic a tio n a n d s o il m a p p in g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 19 20 20 PART 3. SOIL MAPPING METHODOLOGY.. . . . . O ffic e m eth od s.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F ield m eth od s.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M ap sy m bo l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Land types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S o i l c o r r e l a ti o n w i th e s t a b l is h e d s o i l c o n c e p t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 21 21 22 27 27 KEY AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION. ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 31 31 31 35 37 38 40 42 44 47 PART 4. SOIL ASSOCIATION IDENTIFICATION K e y t o s o i l a s s o c i a t io n p a r e n t m a t e r ia l s . . . . . S o i l a s so c ia tio n g e n e ra l d e s c rip tio n . . . . . . . . A c a d ie S i d in g A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . . . . B ar rie au -B uc tou ch e A ss oc iatio n.. . . . B elld un e R ive r A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . . . B i g B a l d M o u n ta in A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . B o s t o n B r o o k A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . . . . C a r i b o u A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C a r l eto n A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . C a t a m a r a n A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv G a g e to w n A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . . G ra nd F alls A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . G uim on d R ive r A ss oc iatio n.. . H olm es ville A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . In ter va l A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . . . Ja cq ue t R ive r A ss oc iatio n.. . . . Ju nip er A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . . . . L av illette A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . . L o n g L a k e A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . . M alis ee t A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . . . M cG ee A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . . . . M un iac A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . . . . N iga do o R ive r A ss oc iatio n.. . . P ar lee ville A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . P op ple D ep ot A ss oc iatio n.. . . . R ee ce A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . . . . . R i c h ib u c to A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . R i v e r b an k A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . . R o g e r s v ille A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . S ton y B ro ok A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . S t. Q ue ntin A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . S u n b u r y A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . . . T eta go uc he A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . T eta go uc he F alls A ss oc iatio n.. T hib au lt A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . . . T r a c a d ie A s s o c ia tio n . . . . . . . . T ua do ok A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . . . V iole tte A ss oc iatio n.. . . . . . . . L and type s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S a l t M a r sh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San d D unes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W a ter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PART 5. ELECTRONIC DATA FILES. . . . . . . F ile s tru ctu re .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P ro jec t F ile (P F ).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . P oly go n a ttrib ute tab le file (P A T ).. S oil M ap U nit F ile (S M U F ).. . . . . S oil N am e F ile (S N F ).. . . . . . . . . . S oil L ay er F ile (S L F ).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 103 103 104 104 104 105 PART 6. INTERPRETATIONS - SINGLE FACTOR AND GENERAL AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY RATINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S i n g le - fa c to r so il m a p u n it c o n d itio n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C a n a d a L a n d I n v e n to r y C l as s if ic a tio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S oil c ap ab ility c las sific atio n f or ag ric ultu re .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L a n d cap a b ility clas s ificatio n fo r fore s try . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 107 110 110 111 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G LO SSA RY - G EN ER AL TER M S. . . . . . . GLOSSARY - ROC K TYPES . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX - COM M ON AND SCIENTIFIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 129 135 137 ................. ................. ................. NAM ES OF TREES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 71 73 74 76 77 80 82 84 85 87 89 91 92 94 96 98 100 102 102 102 102 v LIST OF TABLES AND ILLUSTRATIONS TABLES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. S o i l a s s o c ia t io n m e m b e r s o f t h e ce n t ra l a n d n o r th e r n N e w B r u n s w i c k m a p a r e a c la s s if ie d ac co rd ing to th e C an ad ian S ys tem of S oil C las sific atio n .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S oil m ap pin g le ge nd .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C or re latio n o f so il as so cia tion s m ap pe d in ce ntr al a nd no rth er n N ew B ru ns w ick w ith es tab lish ed so il se rie s .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K ey to s oil a ss oc iatio n p ar en t m ate ria ls in the ce ntr al a nd no rth er n N ew B ru ns w ick m ap ar ea .. S ele cte d in ter pr eta tion s o f so il m ap un its . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 23 28 32 112 FIGURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14 . 15 . 16 . 17. 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28. 29. 30 . 31. 32 . 33 . 34 . 35. 36 . 37 . 38. 39 . 40 . A r e a s o f N e w B r u n s w i c k fo r w h i c h re c o n n a is s a n ce s o il s u rv e y s h a v e N e w B r u n s w i c k S o il S u r v e y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P hy sio gr ap hic re gio ns of the su rv ey ar ea .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B ed ro ck ge olo gy of the su rv ey ar ea .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C l i m a t ic z o n e s w i th i n th e s u r v e y a re a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F or es t reg ion s a nd se ctio ns w ithin the su rv ey ar ea .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D iag ra m m atic ho riz on pa ttern s o f v ar iou s s oil p ro files .. . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d A ca die S idin g s oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d B ar rie au -B uc tou ch e s oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W ell d ra ine d B ar rie au -B uc tou ch e s oil p ro file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d B elle du ne R ive r so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W ell d ra ine d B elle du ne R ive r so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d B ig B ald M ou nta in s oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B i g B a l d M o u n t a in s o i l a s s o c i a ti o n l a n d s c a p e s h o w i n g “ t o r s ” . . . . . . W ell d ra ine d B ig B ald M ou nta in s oil p ro file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d B os ton B ro ok so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d C ar ibo u s oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W e l l d r a i n e d C a r i b o u s o i l p r o f il e , v e n e e r p h a s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d C ar leto n s oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W ell d ra ine d C ar leto n s oil p ro file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d C ata m ar an so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M od er ate ly w ell d ra ine d C ata m ar an so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d G ag eto w n s oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R ap idly dr ain ed G ag eto w n s oil p ro file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d G ra nd F alls so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R ap idly dr ain ed G ra nd F alls so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d G uim on d R ive r so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d H olm es ville so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W e l l d r a in e d H o l m e s v i ll e s o il p ro f il e , c u l ti v a te d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P r o v in c ia l s o il b a d g e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d I nte rv al s oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I n te r v a l s o il a s so c ia tio n la n d s c a p e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Im pe rfe ctly dr ain ed In ter va l so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d J ac qu et R ive r so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d J un ipe r so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ju n i p e r so i l as s o ciatio n lan d s c ap e an d surfa c e s tone s /bo ulde rs . . . . . W ell d ra ine d J un ipe r so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d L av illette so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L a v i lle tte s o il a s so c ia tio n la n d s c a p e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d L on g L ak e s oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W ell d ra ine d L on g L ak e s oil p ro file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b e e n p u b lis h e d b y ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 7 9 10 17 31 35 36 37 38 39 39 39 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 56 57 58 58 59 61 61 62 63 64 65 66 vi FIGURES cont’d 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 . 51 . 52. 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . 61 . 62 . 63 . 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 . 71 . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d M alis ee t so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d M cG ee so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . W ell d ra ine d M cG ee so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d M un iac so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d N iga do o R ive r so ils . . . . . . . W ell d ra ine d N iga do o R ive r so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d P ar lee ville so ils . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d P op ple D ep ot s oils . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d R ee ce so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W ell d ra ine d R ee ce so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d R ich ibu cto so ils . . . . . . . . . . W e l l d r a i n e d R i c h i b u c t o s o i l p r o f i le , v e n e e r p h a s e L oc atio n o f m ap pe d R ive rb an k s oils . . . . . . . . . . R ap idly dr ain ed R ive rb an k s oil p ro file . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d R og er sv ille s oils . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d S ton y B ro ok so ils . . . . . . . . . M od er ate ly w ell d ra ine d S ton y B ro ok so il pr of ile L oc atio n o f m ap pe d S t. Q ue ntin so ils . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d S un bu ry so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . W ell d ra ine d S un bu ry so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d T eta go uc he so ils . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d T eta go uc he F alls so ils . . . . . W ell d ra ine d T eta go uc he F alls so il pr of ile . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d T hib au lt so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . W ell d ra ine d T hib au lt so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d T ra ca die so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . P oo rly dr ain ed T ra ca die so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d T ua do ok so ils . . . . . . . . . . . . W ell d ra ine d T ua do ok so il pr of ile . . . . . . . . . . . . L oc atio n o f m ap pe d V iole tte s oils . . . . . . . . . . . . M od er ate ly w ell d ra ine d V iole tte s oil p ro file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 69 70 71 73 73 75 76 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 97 97 98 99 100 101 v ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T h e a u th o r s e x te n d s p e cia l r e co g nitio n to th e fo llo w in g : D . K e y s , fo r m e r ly N e w B r u n s w i c k D ep ar tm e n t o f N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s , M i n e r a l R e s o u r c e s B r a n c h , P e atlan d In v en to ry S e c tio n , w h o p r o v id e d inf or m atio n o n th e o rg an ic s o ils o f t h e ar e a ; B . M . S m ith ( re tired ), N ew B ru ns w ick D ep ar tm e n t o f N a tu r a l R e s o u r c e s, F o r e s t M a n a g e m e n t B r a n c h , w h o su pp lie d d a t a f r o m t h e N e w B r u n s w i c k F o r e s t I n v e n to r y ; s ta f f o f th e A n a l y ti c al S e rv ice L ab o ra tory o f A gr icu ltu r e C a n a d a ' s L a n d R e s o u r c e R e s e a r c h C e n t r e ( n o w A g r ic u ltu re an d A g ri-F o o d C ana da ’s E ast e r n C e r e a l a n d O ils e e d R e s e a rc h C e n t re ) , w h o c o n d u c t e d s o il c h e m i c al an d p hy sic al a na lys es in s up p o r t o f fie ld w o r k ; a n d th e m a n y o th e r s w h o a s s is te d in f ie ld w o r k , la b o r a to r y a n aly s e s , a n d dr af ting . L a bo ra tory a n d o f f ic e s p a c e w e r e p ro v id e d b y A gric ulture C a n a d a 's F r e d er ic to n R e s e a r c h S t a tio n ( n o w A g r i c u ltu r e a nd A gr i-F oo d C an ad a’ s P ota to R es ea rc h C en tre ). T h e s o il m a p a n d i ll u st ra t io n s w e r e p re p a r e d b y J a n e t C u m m in g s an d A nd ré V illen eu ve , C an ad ia n S oil I n fo r m a t io n S ys tem (C an S IS ), E as ter n C er ea l a n d O i ls e e d R es ea rc h C en tre , A g r ic u ltu r e an d A g r i -F o o d C a n a d a , O t ta w a . A c k n o w l e d g m e n t is m a d e to G a r y P a t te r so n , A c t in g N a t io n a l So il C orre la tor, A gric ulture a n d A g r i -F o o d C a n a d a , T ru ro , N ov a S co tia, fo r h is t ec h n i c a l r e v ie w of the m an us cr ipt. v iii SUMMARY The area surveyed encompasses most of central and northern New Brunswick, occupying 2.79 million ha (6.89 million ac) or approxim ately one third o f the total land area of the province. T his includes all of Restigouche and Gloucester counties, most of No rthumberland co unty, the northern half of Yo rk county and the northeast tip o f Carleton co unty. The survey area occupies parts of the Maritime Plain, New Brunswick Highlands, Chaleur Uplands and Notre Dame Mo untains of the Appalachian Region. The level to gently undulating landsc apes of the M aritime P lain alon g the G ulf of St. Lawrence are strongly contrasted by the rugged, more hilly nature of the Highlands, Uplands and M ountains, which reach elevations of in excess of 80 0 m. T he area is drained mainly by tributaries of the Saint John River to the west, the Miramichi River to the east and the Restigouche and Nep isiguit Rivers to the north. Despite its mid-latitude maritime location, the survey area has a modified continental climate with prevailing westerly winds blowing offshore, resulting in a more extre me climate similar to inland Canad a. Within the survey area two influences dominate the climate - the moderating effect of the Atlantic Ocean along the eastern shore and the cooling effect of increased elevations in central and northwestern New Brunswick. Annual daily mean air temperature ranges from 2.0 to 5.2 oC. The southern and eastern most areas have the longest frost-free periods with in excess of 130 d ays while in the central and northwestern regions the average frost-free perio d is less than 90 days. Annual precipitation ranges from 1000 to over 1200 mm per year, of which 280 to 380 cm (280 to 380 mm of water equivalent) occur as snowfall. Mean annual soil temp erature varies fro m 2 to 8°C. Bedrock geolo gy is relatively sim ple and uncomplicated in the northeastern Maritime Plain portion of the survey area, with 90% underlain by horizontal to gently dipping, Pennsylvanian age, sedimentary rocks, predominately gray-green sandstone. The Chaleur U pland and Notre Dame M ountains to the west are underlain by a mixture of vertically-standing greywacke, slate, sand stone, limeston e and conglome rate with minor volca nic roc ks of rhyo lite, trachyte a nd basaltic flows. The M iramichi Highlands are underlain by a number of bedrock types, with the northern p ortions consisting of formations of silicic volcanic rocks, rhyolite, rhyoliteporphyry, silicic tuffaceous rocks and metamorphosed equivalents, quartz and quartz-feldspar schist, with some mafic volcanic flows. The southern portion is rich in granites and granodiorites with argillaceous sedimentary rocks, greywacke, quartz, conglomerate and minor limestone, tuff and volcanic flows. Central and northern New Brunswick includes parts of three major forest regions - the Acadian, G reat La kes-St. Lawrence and Boreal Forest Regions. Impeded draina ge in the lowlands has lead to a prevalence of pure stands of black spruce, red spruce, and balsam fir or mixed wood in which these species are associated with eastern white pine, red maple, trembling aspen, sugar maple, yellow birch, and white birch. While the higher altitudes of the New Brunswick Highlands section are dominated by coniferous forests of balsam fir, black spruce, white spruce and white birch, at lower altitudes, crests and upper slopes are forested with sugar maple, yellow birch and beech; middle slopes include a com pon ent of red and white spruce, eastern hemlock and balsam fir; and lower slopes and depressions support primarily coniferous stands of spruces, fir, eastern white cedar and tamarack. The Chaleur Uplands are similarly characterized by forests of sugar maple, beech and yellow birch on the hill tops with balsam fir and spruce in the valleys. In the northwest, the Notre Dam e Mo untains are dominated by coniferous forest cover types of balsam fir, black spruce and white spruce with some eastern white cedar and white birch. Forest production and forestry-related ac tivities constitute the single largest land use. More than 90% of the area is productive woodland, whereas less than 2% of the land base is used for agricultural purposes. Most of the agricultural activity in the survey area is scattered along the north shore from Campb ellton and Dalhousie through Belledune and Bathurst over to Caraquet and then south along the east coast from Shippegan and Tracadie down to the Newcastle-Chatham area, and somewhat inland along the Miramichi River and its tributaries. Another area of agricultural significance is the St. Quentin-Kedgwick area. In general, farmlands occur in small parcels interspersed between larger areas of forested land. Soil parent materials vary widely but are dominated by icedeposited sediments. G laciers, which covered the entire region during Wisconsin glaciation, scoured all preglacial surfaces and su bseq uently deposited a man tle of glacial drift of varying thickness. Thickness of the drift generally ranges from less than 1 to 2.5 m . Of the glacial materials, thin deposits consisting of less than 1 m of loamy-textured, com pact, lodgment tills or slightly thicker 1 to 2 m of coarse loamy-textured, loose, ablational till, are by far the most abundant. The general direction of glacier movement was to the southeast. Thus, texture, color and coarse fragment lithology of lodgment tills closely resemble the underlying bedrock or bedrock to the northwest. Ablation tills may have a more wide-ranging lithological composition and weaker ties to the underlying bedrock type. Excluding the northern half of the Acadian Peninsula where reddish brown tills are common, most tills are yellowish to olive brown or grey. Relatively few glac iofluvial d epo sits are present. Following deglaciation, the lowlands portion of the survey ix area was submerged by sea water. However, marine d epo sitions are confined to a narrow zone along the coastline. Bo th fine- and coarse-textured marine sediments occur. Soil and climatic conditions of the region promote paludification (the formation of peat), especially in the lowlands portion. Some bogs have attained thicknesses of more than 5 m. Alluvial deposits, although associated to some degree with most stream and river co urses, are restricted in are a. Of the nine orders defined in The Canadian System of Soil Classification, six are present in the study area: Brunisolic, Gleysolic, Luviso lic, Organic, P odz olic, and Regosolic orders. Podzo lization is the dominant soil-forming process. W ell-drained Podzo ls dom inate the morainal tills in the Upland and H ighland areas while imp erfectly drained Luvisols and poorly drained Gleysols do minate the mo rainal tills on the M aritime P lain lowlands. Luvisolic d evelo pme nt in these acidic materials is weak ly expre ssed. In general, the strongest Luviso lic development is found in the marine clays scattered along the coast.. Well- and imperfectly drained, coarse-textured, marine and glaciofluvial deposits are also Podzols. Their po orly drained counterparts are usually Brunisols. Regosols are found on alluvial sites where ongoing deposition disrupts horizon formation. Soils of the Organic order are either deep accumulatio ns of poorly to very poorly drained sphagnum, or thinner deposits of mod erately decomposed sedg e-spha gnum or we ll decomposed forest peats. They occur throughout the study area but are most prominent in the Maritime Plain. Reduced soil quality for biological growth as a result of low fertility (cause d by a lack of available nutrients, high acidity, and low exchange capacity), and adverse climate, prevails throughout the survey area, as it does throughout most of Atlantic Canada. Undesirable soil structure and low permeability, often resulting in excess soil moisture, are inherent limitations in the compa ct lodgment tills. Slope limitations occur throughout much of the upland and highland areas. Exce ssive stoniness plagues the looser, ablational tills. Low m oisture-holdin g capacity affects the coarse-textured marine and glaciofluvial materials. The more fertile alluvial deposits are subject to flooding. M ost organic soils are conside red as nonprod uctive forest lands, and their potential for agricultural development is, at best, mod erate. Interpretations for agriculture and forestry uses vary greatly with soil material an d site co nditions. Alluvial deposits are the best sources for topsoil. Sands are abundant along the coast, but deposits are typically thin in nature. Gravel reserves are scattered sparsely throughout the inland portion of the survey area. Organic soils are potential sources of horticu ltural and fuel pea t. x 1 INTRODUCTION Soil survey is "the whole procedure involved in making a soil resource inventory. It includes the initial plan, the field investigations, creating the legend, drawing the map, describing and sa mpling the soils, analysing the samples, writing the report and preparing the interpretations" (Mapping S ystems W orking Group , 198 1). This repo rt is the twelfth in a series dealing with soils and landscapes in New Brunswick (Fig. 1). The area is located in central and northern New Brunswick. Soils were mapped at a l:250 000 exploratory level, with the objectives of providing an inventory of soil resources by showing their distribution on a map and describing their characteristics and limitations. Such base information is a prerequisite for competent resource management and land use planning. Information provided in this report was designed to be multipu rpose in nature. Initial soils mapping was conducted from 1978 to 19 81, and the information was placed on open file. This publication prese nts the comple ted results of the survey, consisting of two co mpo nents-- the re port and the soil map. The report is divided into six parts. Part 1 describes the location and extent of the surveyed area, the present land uses, and the natural resources - physiog raphy, topo graphy, drainage, vegetation, climate, and bedrock geolo gy. Part 2 discusses soil formation and explains how soils are classified. It also outlines soil parent materials and modes of deposition and summarizes soil development and the system of classification used. Part 3 deals with soil mapping procedures. Part 4 includes a key to soil association parent materials and describes the m app ed so il associations in terms of topographic conditions, material composition, drainage, classification, and related soils. Part 5 outlines how the data is stored in electronic files that allow for greater ability to manipulate and apply the information in a consistent and timely manner. Part 6 presents general interpretations of the soil map units for agriculture and forestry. W hile the text of the report provides technical information on soil and landsca pe pro perties and rates general suitabilities of the mapped soils, the distribution (location and extent) o f the vario us kinds of soils are displayed on a 1:300,000 scale line map located in the pocket on the inside of the back cover of the report. A published map scale of 1:300,000 was used for logistical reasons - overall map size, and the ability to present the entire map on one sheet. The map includes a map legend which briefly summarizes soil properties and landscape features typical of each mapped soil asso ciation or land type. Figure 1. Areas of New Brunswick for which reconnaissance soil surveys have been published by New Brunswick Soil Survey. Information provided in this report is relevant for provincial, regional and national land use planning,, but it should also prove useful to urban developers, foresters, highway engineers, land use planners, and interested memb ers of the public, as well as to farmers, agricultural engineers, and agrono mists. Limitations to the use of the soils information conveyed by the soil map and report must be app reciated. T he da ta presented is generally only for soil materials to a depth of one metre. Discussions on materials below 1 metre are estimates based on occa sional field observations. Also, the reliability and accuracy of this data is commensurate with a 1:250 000 map scale. B ecause of this exploratory scale of mapping, significant areas o f soils that differ from the identified dominant soils may be included in the map units. Enlargement or “blowing up” of this map can cause a serious misund erstand ing of the detail of mapping and can result in erroneous interpretations. The inform ation in this soil survey provides a preliminary definition or overview of the general qualities of the different land areas within the mapped area. It does not eliminate the need for on-site investigation, testing and analysis before implementing any intended use. 2 3 PART 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA LOCATION AND EXTENT The area surveyed enco mpa sses mo st of central and northern New Brunswick. The location of the map area, with respect to other p ublished soil survey re port map areas, is shown in Fig. 1. More spec ifically its boundary runs east along the New Brunswick - Quebec border to Chaleur Bay, south along the Northumberland Strait coastline to M iramichi Ba y, west along the Little SW M iramichi River to longitude 65 o 45 ', south to latitude 46 o 30', west to longitude 66 o 30', south to latitude 46 o 00 ', west to the Nac kawic Stream , northwest along the Nackawic Stream to longitude 67 o 22.5 ', north to latitude 46 o 30', east to longitude 67 o 00', north to the Victoria county line, northeast along the Victoria county line to the York county line, northeast along the Y ork county line to the Northumbe rland county line, northwest along the Northumberland county line to the Restigouche county line, and then northwest along the Restigouche county line to the New Brunswick - Quebec border. This includes all of Restigouche and Gloucester counties, m ost o f Northumberland county, the northern ha lf of Yo rk county and the northeast tip of Carleton county. It covers par ts of the national topographic map-sheets (1:250,000 scale) for Bathurst (21-P), Campb ellton (21-O), Edmund ston (21-N), Matane (22 -B), Moncton (21 -I), and Wood stock (21-J). The survey area occupies 2.79 million ha (6.89 million ac) or approxim ately one third of the total land area of the province. The principal centres of population within the area are the cities of Bathurst (pop. 15,705) and Campbellton (9,818), the towns of Cara quet (4,31 5), D alhousie (5,707), Lameque (1,571), Newcastle (6,284), Shippagan (2,726) and Tracad ie (2,45 2) and the m ajor villages o f Atholville (1,694), Balmoral (1,823), Bas Caraquet (1,859 ), Beresford (3,652), Charlo (1,603), Neguac (1,755), Petit Rocher (1,860) and Saint Quentin (2,334). LAND USE Major land users within the survey area are forestry, agriculture, urbanization, mining and recreation. Land use status is summarized below: Forest Agriculture Old Fields Water Open Wetlands Occupied (cities, towns, airports, etc.) Facilities (ro ads, p ower lines, etc.) Source: Smith (1982). 92.9% 2.0% 0.8% 0.9% 1.9% 0.6% 0.8% Forestry Forested lands account for 9 2.9% of the survey area. Th is represents in excess of 2.59 million ha. Of these forested lands 93.4% is stocked, 3.9% is disturbed (planted, cut or burnt) and 2.7% is nonproductive (Smith 1982). Average volume of harvestable wood (greater than 12 cm dbh, diameter at breast height or 4.5 ft above the forest floor) varies from 50 to 125 cubic metres per hectare (Smith 1982). The coa stal lowlands around P oint V erte, B athurst, Caraquet, Burnsville, Tabusintac and C hatham average only 50 to 90 m3/ha. The de pleted cond ition of these forests is due to insect infestations (primarily spruce budworm), disease, fire and mismanagement (high-grading, little or no reforestation, etc.) This area of northeastern New Brunswick has experienced the most severe levels of annual burn in the province. Mean annual burn is 0.43%, which represents a fire rotation pe riod of about 230 years (W ein and Moore, 1977.). In contrast to this, the central and western uplands average 90 to 125 m 3 of merchantable wood volume per hectare. The most prod uctive re gions w ithin this area are aro und S tates B rook-M enneval in the northwest and S e r p e n t i n e L a k e -T u a d o o k L a k e - M c K e n d r i c k Lake-Hayesville-Coldstream-M illville in the sou thwest, where average hectare yields are 110 to 125 m 3. Spruce budworm infestations are a se rious p roblem, but their control through aerial spray programs is probably more successful than in settled areas where spraying was either banned or less effective due to the sporadic pattern of application. North central and northwestern New Brunswick are also areas of low annual burn. Large fires have only occurred recently, corresponding to improved access for tree harvesting and recreation . Softwoods pred ominate, esp ecially spruce and balsam fir, with lesser amounts of jack pine, white pine, red pine and cedar. Hardwoods, sugar maple, red maple, yellow birch, white birch, ash, beech and poplar, make up 15 to 45% of the forest community. (See the section on vegetation for a more detailed account of species distribution.). However, the total hardwood harvest is only about 10% of the total wood fibre harvest, indicating that hardwood is being significantly under-utilized. W hile forest harvesting operations are for the most part labor intensive, skidders and chainsa ws are increasingly giving way to more highly mechanized systems (feller bunchers, short wood harvesters, etc.). Most of the wood fibre harvested is consumed by the pulp and paper indu stry. Several pulp and paper mills are located within the study area (Athoville, Dalhousie, Bathurst, Newcastle) and a number in close proximity (Nackawic, Edmundston). Products produced include kraft pulp, groundwood pulp, sulphide pulp, container board and newsprint. There are numerous sawmills operating within the area. Many of the 4 smaller mills are p ortab le or home-m ade and o perate intermittently. However, there are also a number of larger mills with annual production exceeding 3 million fbm (footboard-measure, equivalent to a piece of wood measuring 12" x 12" square by 1" thick ). In addition to the pulpwood and sawlogs, other softwood products include veneer logs, "stud" logs, poles and cedar logs. Hardwood products include venee r logs, sp oolw ood and fuelwood. Christmas tree and maple syrup production are other wood land uses. Although small in land area involved, they are important assets in local econo mics. In the southern portion of the survey area there is some general farming in the Stanley-Williamsburg and Burtts Corner-M illville areas. Dairy o perations are particularly prevalent in the Burtts Corner-Millville area. Agriculture Agricultural land use within the study area accounts for app roxim ately 2% of the total land area, representing some 55,800 ha of cleared land (Smith 1982). An additional 0.8% or 21,000 ha is abandoned farmland consisting of old fields reverting to forest. This indicates a 27 % reduction in farmland, which is comparable to the provincial decline of 35% in total imp roved farm land o ver the perio d 1961 to 1981 (N. B. Department of Agriculture and Rural Developm ent 198 1). Agricultural development is strongly related to the land base. W ith the exception of the Kedgwick-St. Quentin area, all of the central and northwestern portions of the study area are completely devoid of farmed land. Climatic, topo graphic and /or soil conditions are too severe to permit agricultural establishm ent. Undulating and gently rolling topography coupled with more suitable soil parent materials (ie less stony and rocky), have allowed for a successful agricultural sector in the Kedgwick-St. Quentin vicinity, built around a worked farmland base of about 8,00 0 ha. M ixed farming is the norm , howe ver, some specialization has take n place in potato production. Other field crops include hay, oats and barley and minor amounts of mixed grain and corn. Metallic mineral occ urrences are con centrated in the central h i gh l a nd s p o r t i o n o f th e s t u d y a r e a f ro m Campbellton-Bathurst south to Fredericton. Hugh zinc-copper-silver deposits were found near B athurst in 1952. They are presently being mined by Brunswick Mining and Smelting Corporation Limited. A second operation, Heath Steele M ines Limited, located northwest of Newcastle, was closed down due to low world metal prices. Other metallic mineral discoveries include gold, iron, uranium, mang anese, cobalt, nickel, tin, tungsten, beryl and flourite. Most of the agricultural activity in the survey area is scattered along the north shore from Campbellton and Dalhousie through Belledune and Bathurst over to Caraquet and then south along the east coast from Shippegan and Tracad ie down to the Newcastle-Chatham area, and somewhat inland along the M iramichi River and its tributaries. Farmlands occur in small parcels interspersed between larger areas of forested land. Most of the topography is level to undulating and so it holds more prom ise for agriculture, however, it is more likely that early settlement patterns are responsible for this agricultural development. For many, farming has supplemented logging or fishing, or vice versa. Farming is genera l in nature, including the pro duction of cattle, hogs and poultry and dairy and the associated cultivation of fields crops such as hay, oats, barley and small areas of mixed grains and corn. Vegetab le production of potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, carro ts and the like is for lo cal consumption. Wild blueberries are a traditional crop which is being encouraged through land clearing and m anagem ent of natural stands. M ining As a result of its comp lex geo logical history, central and northen New Brunswick possess a great variety of mineral resources. These include metals, non-metallic industrial minerals, fuel-energy resources and structural materials (N. B. Dep artment of Commerce and D evelopment No d ate). No n-metallic industrial minerals include limestone, granite, phosphate, marb le, diab ase, slates and silica. Only the limestone and silica are being actively worked and extracted. Bo th are at sites near Bathurst. Fuel-energy resources are limited in their abundance. Drillings have revealed coal deposits scattered along the N o r t h u m b e r l a n d S h o r e f r o m T a b u s i n ta c t o Shippegan-Caraquet, but quantities and quality do not warrant development at the present time. Explorations have identified uranium deposits in the central highlands which show potential. Organic soils in the northeast are a source of peat which is presently being " mined" for horticultural purpo ses. Suitability as an energy source is being considered. Experimentation with peat fueled greenhouse heating was tried. Sand, gravel and other aggregate structural materials are quarried throughout the area. Mo st such operations are relatively small, servicing local nee ds on ly. Processing may or may not involve some screening. Some bedrock materials, granites, slates, sandstone, etc., are also being utilized for things such as building materials, road fill and riprap. Recreation The recreational base in central and northern New Brunswick includes over 350 km of coastline, 2.7 million ha of wilderness land and hundreds of small rivers, lakes and streams (N. B. Department of Comm erce and Developm ent No date). Recreational use of the land has become increasingly important in recent years. Most of the recreational activity is centered on hunting and fishing. 5 Numero us species of both large and small game abound: moose, deer, bear, coyote, bobcat, muskrat, raccoon, fox, mink, rabb it, ducks, geese, partridge and woo dcock. Mo st noteworthy to the fisherman are the abundant salmon streams, the Nashwaak, the Restigouche and the headwaters of the infam ous M iramichi. Othe r recreational activities include canoeing, hiking, swimming, rock collecting, and nature watching in the summer, and snowshoeing, skiing and snowmobiling in the winter. There are several game refuges and provincial p arks. M ount Carleton P rovincial Park in north central New Brunswick is particularly scenic. It also encompasses the highest peak in the province, Mount Carleton, at 820 m above sea level (asl). Land O wnership Land ownership is divided into three categories: Crown land, 70%; large freehold , 9%; and small freehold, 21% (Smith 1982). Crown lands are administered by the provincial governme nt. Freehold refers to lands that are privately owned . Small freehold are parcels with less then 200 ha of land, usually in or adjacent to settled areas; large freeho ld are parcels with more than 200 ha of land. The basic land tenure pattern of the study area was determined by early settlement. Land ownership impacts directly on land use. D istribution of small freehold properties is almost identical to that of farmland distribution. Early land grant patterns and su bseq uent sub division of these original parcels from generation to generation has resulted in numerous relatively small land holdings. This is further aggravated by the urbanization of rural lands. Large freehold properties are concentrated in the southern por tion of the survey area around Tuad ook Lake, Hayesville and N apadogan. Less extensive blocks of large freehold are found along the northwestern boundary, adjac ent to M adawaska and V ictoria Coun ties. As with C rown land, all large freehold is forested. In all freeho ld land, both large and sm all, the mineral rights have been retained by the Province. PHYSIOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, DRAINAGE AND BEDROCK GEOLOGY Most of the major landforms in central and northern New Brunswick are the result of tectonic (broad regional assemblage of structural or d eform ational features o f the earth crust) and erosional forces at play over the past 135,000,000 years (Rampton et al. 1984). The survey area occupies parts of the Maritime Plain, New Brunswick Highland s, Chaleur U pland s and No tre Dame M ountains (Fig. 2) of the Appalachian Region (B ostock 1970). The Maritime P lain po rtion is also know n as either the Central and Eastern Lowlands (Putnam 195 2) or the New Brunswick Lowlands (Weeks 1957, Rampton et al. 1984). It rises from sea level along the N orthumbe rland Strait to elevations greater than 150 m (500 ft) at its western boundary where it grades into the M iramichi Highlands portion of the New B runswick Highland s. The M aritime P lain is characterized by flat to gently undulating landscapes. Because of its flatness and owing to the nature of the soil parent materials depo sited during glaciation and post glacial marine submergence, drainage is for the most part imperfect. Drainage is highly dependent upon relief. W ell drained so ils are restricted to crests and upper slope positions. More extensive areas of better drainage are associated with steeper slopes along the transition to the New Brunswick Highlands or where streams are more strongly incised. The Nashwaak Hills are an example of this. They are well drained b ecause of higher relief. The Nashwaak H ills are also the only portion of the Maritime Plains within the study area that do not drain into the Gulf of St Lawrence. The Nashwa ak H ills drain via the N ashwa ak and Saint Jo hn Rivers into the Bay of Fundy. T he Central Lowlands and the southern portion of the Acadian P eninsula subd ivisions o f the M aritime P lain are draine d by the Miramichi River into the Gulf of St Lawrence. The Central Lowlands consist of broad flat areas with weakly expressed valleys. Other than for the areas adjacent to the Southw est M iramichi River where local relief is more pro noun ced, draina ge is at best fair. A very poo rly defined north-south oriented trough called the CurventonBathurst Valley (Rampton et al. 1984) occurs along the western edge of the Acadian Peninsula, separating it from the New B runswick Highlands. The C urventon-B athurst Valley bottom is imperfect to poorly drained, with somewhat better drainage in the series of benches forming the valley sides. Troug h drainage is either north via the Nepisiguit River or south via the No rthwest M iramic hi River. The Acadian Peninsula is a gently sloping, eastward-facing impe rfectly drained plain that descends from 150 m elevation adjacent to the Curventon-Bathurst Valley to sea level along the coast. It is drained by the Bartibog, Tabusintac, Tra cadie and Pokemouche rivers into the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Areas of better drainage occur where these rivers are more dee ply incised into the bedrock. The Maritime Plain is dominated by grey-green Pennsylvanian sandstone bedrock (Fig. 3) with only minor locally occurring shale, siltstones and conglomerates. Some redbeds occur, the largest concentration of which are in an area south of Bathurst. The New B runswick Highlands with their more rugged and hilly landscapes are in stark contrast to the gently undulating Maritime Plain. Rampton et al (19 84) subd ivided this portion of the study area into four major divisions: the Eastern, Northern, Central and Southern Miramichi Highland s. The Eastern M iramichi Highlands are essentially a transition zone between the Maritime Plain and the new Brunswick Highlands proper. E levations are typ ically below 350 m and landforms gently rolling with moderately good drainage. Gauthier (1983) described the No rthern Miramichi Highlands as having “the highest sum mits of New Brunswick. They form a central undulating high plateau with an ave rage elevation well ab ove 600 metres. Mount Carleton is the highest peak with an elevation of 820 6 Figure 2. Physiographic regions of the survey area based on Bostock (1970 ) as modified by Rampton et al. (1984). metres.” Relief exceeds 200 m and streams are deeply incised resulting in a preponderance of well drained conditions. As a result of deep entrenching, the streams are typically rock-walled. Some less elevated broad depression areas occur to the south and east of this central core zone . Drainage is provided by the Nepisiguit R iver to the north, the Miramichi River to the east and the Tobique and Serpen tine Rivers to the west. The Central and Southern Miramichi Highlands are progressively lower in elevation and less pronounced in topography, grading from a more hilly aspect in the Central Miramichi Highlands to rolling landscapes in the Southern Miramichi Highland subd ivision. Elevations range from 350 to 600 m in the Central Miram ichi Highlands but seldo m exc eed 300 m in the Southern zone. W hile both areas are generally well drained, impeded drainage occurs in some localized valleys in the Central Miramichi Highlands and broader depressional areas in the Southern M iramichi Highland s. The Central Miramichi Highlands are drained solely by tributaries of the Miramichi River. The Southern Miramichi Highlands drain into the Saint John W atershe d primarily via the Becaguimec, Keswick and N ashwaak Rivers. The Miramichi Highlands are underlain by a number of bedrock types. The northern portion co nsists of Ordovician 7 Figure 3. Bedro ck geo logy of the survey area b ased on P otter et al. (197 9). formations of silicic volcanic rocks, rhyolite, rhyoliteporphyry, silicic tuffaceous rocks and metamorphosed equivalents, quartz, and quartz-feldspar schist with some mafic volcanic flows in a distinctive circular pattern. South of this are parallel formations of Devonian granites and granod iorites, Ordovician argillaceous sed imentary rocks, greywacke, quartz, conglomerate and m inor limestone, tuff and volcanic flows, and Silurian greywacke, slate, siltstone, sandstone, conglome rate and limestone. M inor areas of M ississippian and/or Pennsylvanian red to grey conglomerate and siltston e are also present. The Chaleur Uplands consist of a plateau extending from west of the Restigouche River to a transition zone with the New Brunsw ick Highlands that runs from north of Mount Carleton over to B athurst. The eastern boundary of the Chaleur Uplands (Fig. 3) is a mo dification of B ostoc k’s (1970) physiographic divisions as suggested by Rampton et al. (1984) to better align physiographic units with major structural elements of the region. The Uplands tend to be lower in elevation and less rugged than their adjacent counterp arts, the New Brunswick Highlands on the east and Notre Dame Mo untains on the west. Excluding the narrow Chaleur Coastal Plain and the localized Campbellton Hills, 8 the Chaleur Uplands portion of the study area is dominated by two subdivisions, the Saint Quentin Plateau and the Jacquet Plateau. T he Jacquet Plateau is east of the Up salquitch River. It consists of a north-sloping plateau ranging in elevation from 450 m along its southern border with the Highland s to less than 100 m as it approaches Chaleur Bay. A series of northeast running ridges occur south of Dalhousie. Drainage is via the deeply incised Upsalquitch, Jacquet and Tetagouche Rivers in a northe rly or northeasterly direction. These rivers are all steep-sided, rock-walled, V-shaped drainage channels in their upper reaches. Bedrock geology consists of Silurian and Devonian greywacke, slate, shale, sandstone, limestone and conglomerate with minor volcanic rocks of rhyolite, trachyte and basaltic flows. The Saint Que ntin Plateau falls mostly between the deeply incised R estigouche and Upsalquitch Rivers. Elevations are in the 300 to 425 m range. Relief averages less than 100 m and is co nsiderably less pronounced than in the Highlands. Although drainage is for the most part mode rate, the gently rolling to und ulating nature of the landscapes lead to some low lying, flat areas being poo rly drained. T he Camp bellton Hills are a localized series of ridges and hills running parallel to the Restigouche River from west of Dalhousie to the Upsalquith River. Elevations are usually in excess of 300 m with relief varying from 50 to 150 m, resulting in typically well drained conditions. Und erlying bedro ck is a mixture of greywacke, slate, sandstone and conglomerate, with some limestone and volca nic rocks. The Chaleur Coastal Plain is a narrow (2-10 km wide), low lying (less than 80 m elevation), gently sloping, imperfectly to moderately well drained, plain adjacent to Chaleur Bay underlain by the same bedrock as found in the adjoining Jacq uet Plateau.. The Kedgwick Ridge H ighlands subdivision of the Notre Dame Mo untains occupies the area west of the Restigouche River from the Restigouche County line north and west to the Queb ec interprovincial border. As the name implies, these highlands o r mountains are mo re rugg ed an d exhibit greater relief than fo und in the Chaleur U pland s to the east. Elevations range from 4 50 to 600 m with relief o f 100 to 250 m. More deeply incised tributaries of the Restigouche River, including the Kedgw ick River, result in narrow valleys and greater relief along the eastern edge of the area. This area is predominately well drained. T he western half of the subdivision is more rolling with less relief. Here, broad, flatter valleys with poorer draina ge sep arate the well drained uplands. The underlying bedrock consists of Devonian shale, limestones and sandstone, with minor greywacke, tuff and volcanic rocks. CLIMATE Atmosph eric climate Despite its mid-latitude maritime location, the survey area has a modified continental climate (Chapman and Brown 1966). The prevailing westerly winds in Maritime Canada blow offshore, resulting in a mo re extre me climate sim ilar to inland Canada (Dzikowski et al. 19 84). In general, weather changes are numerous with the passage of low pressure air masses from interior No rth Am erica. Summ ers are cool, winters are cold and snowy, and springs are short and late. Near the coast, the ocean moderates the continental influence. Coastal areas tend to have long but cool growing seasons, while sheltered inland valleys have shorter but warmer growing seasons. Advantages of a prolonged growing season along the co ast are o ffset by cooler temperatures. However, the waters of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence are warmer in the summer and colder (frozen) in the winter than the Atlantic Ocean, resulting in less of a mod erating effect. Annual daily mean air temperature ranges from 2.0 to 5.2 oC. W inter temperature extremes in Janu ary can drop do wn to below -40oC in the highlands and uplands. Annual precipitation ranges from 1000 to over 12 00 mm p er year, of which 280 to 380 cm are snowfall. Snow cove r helps to minimize the impact of low winter temperatures on ground vegetation. Although slightly heavie r in late fall and early winter, precipitation is distributed fairly evenly throughout the year, providing adequate moisture (375 to more than 500 mm) during the growing season of May to September. Occasional dry periods do occur. Excess moisture resulting from snowmelt is common in spring. Duration of daylight (sunrise to sunset) ra nges fro m ab out 9 hours in December to about 16 hours in June. However, the rather cloud y cond itions typical of the area result in considerably less sunshine hours--especially along the coast of the Northumbe rland Strait. The average frost free period (days from last spring frost until first fall frost) varies greatly depending upon latitude, elevation, topography and distance from the coast. The southern and eastern m ost areas have the longest frost-free periods with in excess of 130 days (May 23 to September 30) while in the central and northwestern regions the average frost-free period is less than 9 0 days (June 14 to September 1). Dzikowski et al. (1984) stratified the atmospheric climate of the study area based on annual growing degree-days (above 5 oC) and M ay to September rainfall (Fig. 4). This map provides information on the distribution of heat units and growing season precipitation within the area. In general, areas with higher heat units and moderate precipitation are more favourable for agriculture. The Exploratory S oil Survey of Central and Northern New Brunswick has areas falling within climatic zones 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 4C and 4D. W ithin these zones, annual degree-days (greater than 5 oC) vary from 1200 to 1800 and M ay to September precipitation from 350 to 550 mm. W hile other parameters can be used to stratify climatic c ond itions, the m ap in F ig.4 9 complex and indirect. Soil climate resp ond s to atmospheric climate, but these changes are a function of time and of soil conditions--soil moisture content, depth, surface cover, and site position. Based upon temperature and moisture conditions for bio logically significant periods of the year, Clayton et al. (1977) classified the so il climate of the lowlands portion of the surveyed area as Humid B oreal and for the uplands po rtions, primarily P erhum id Cryobo real. The Humid Boreal areas are characterized by a mean annual soil temperature, measured at a depth of 50 cm, of 5 to 8°C and mean summer (June, July, and August) soil temperature of 15 to 1 8°C. In most years, no soils are dry for as long as 90 consecutive days; thus, water deficits are slight during the growing season (2.5 to 6.4 cm). A s with atmospheric climate, marine influence results in a modified regime along the coast. The Perhumid Boreal areas are characterized b y a mean annual soil temperature of 2 to 8°C and mean summer soil temperature of 8 to 15 °C. Th e soils are mo ist all year, seldom being dry, with no significant water deficits in the growing season (less than 2.5 cm). VEGETATION Figure 4. Climatic zones within the survey area based on Dzikowski et al. (1984). provides a good representation of climatic trends and variab ility within the study area. Within the survey area two influences dominate the climate--the moderating effect of the Atlantic Ocean along the eastern shore and the cooling effect of increased elevations in central and northwestern New Brunswick. Essentially, annual heat units decrease and growing season rainfall increases along two transects going from south to north and from east to west. T he mo re highly elevated areas in the central and northern portions are colder and receive more M ay to September precipitation than the coastal and southern regions. The lower temperatures are a function of more no rthern latitudes, higher elevations and greater distance from the coast. As Dzikowski et al. (1984) explain, lower precipitation along the coa st is “caused by the air descending and warming, thus being able to hold more water and producing less precipitation. In effect, the topography shelters the se areas from storm winds. A ir masses moving into north eastern coastal New Brunswick have lost much of their moisture over the central highlands resulting in lower precipitation in these areas.” Soil climate Although implications of the atmospheric climate have been well documented, knowledge of the interaction between atmo spheric and so il climates is essential for various land uses, in particular, productive plan t growth as related to subaerial development and for some engineering app lications. This relationship, although possible, is often According to Rowe (197 2), central and northern New Brunswick includes parts of three major forest regions - the Acadian, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence and B oreal Fo rest Regions (Fig. 5). However, given that the survey area is on the border of these zones, being at the southwestern extreme of the Boreal Forest Zone, the eastern extreme of the Great Lake s-St. Lawrence Forest Region and the northwestern extreme of the Acadian Forest Region, the forest stands tend to be somewhat intra-zon al. Forests of the Notre Dame M ountains in western Restigouche County are part of the Gaspe Section of the Boreal Fore st Region. Although mixed conifer-hardwood stands occur, the dominant forest cover type is conifers: balsam fir, black spruce and white spruce, o ften with eastern white cedar. White birch is a common hardwood com pon ent in these stand s. East of this, the Chaleur Uplands fall in the Tem iscouataRestigouche Sectio n of the G reat La kes-St. Lawrence Forest Region. Rowe (1972) describes these forests as “characterized by sugar maple, beech and yellow birch on the hill tops with balsam fir and white spruce in the valleys. ... Eastern white cedar of good size is common on lower slopes. On hillsides an d low rocky knolls b alsam fir forms mixtures with yellow birch, white birch and, formerly at least, with the eastern white and red pines. Though much reduced in impo rtance relative to their earlier status, the pines are locally ab unda nt, and eastern white pine shows up prominen tly in second growth stands which have sprung up following fire. Alluvial flats support balsam poplar, black ash, white elm and white spruce. Other species distributed through the Section are red maple, white birch and jack pine, 10 Figure 5. Forest regions and sections within the survey area based on Ro we (1972). the latter species forming locally important pulpwood stands. Both white birch and aspen regeneration are prolific following fire. Black spruce and tamarack are found on botto mland s and in bog gy areas.” The New Brunswick Highlands and Maritime Plain portions of the study area are part of the Acadian Forest Region. Mo re specifically, Rowe (1972) has subdivided the New Brunswick Highlands area into the New Brunswick Uplands, Upper Miramichi-Tobique, Carleton and “Southern” Uplands Sections. The Maritime Plain area falls within the Eastern Lowlands Section. High altitudes result in the New Brunswick Uplands Section being dominated by coniferous forests, with a noticeable boreal similarity. Balsam fir, black spruce, white spruce and white birch dominate. White pine, eastern hemlock and red sp ruce o ccur sp orad ically. Coarser textured soils and frequent forest fires has increased the presence of trembling aspen, jack pine, white birch, eastern white pine and red pine. Tolerant hardwoods are scarce. The Uppe r Miramichi-Tobique Section has a more pronounced hardwoo d compo nent. Crests and upper slopes are forested with sugar maple, yellow birch and beech; midd le slopes include a com pon ent of red and white spruce, eastern hemlock and balsam fir; and lower slopes and depressions support primarily coniferous stands of spruces, fir, eastern white cedar and tamarack. Northern reaches of this Section have a more boreal-like coniferous-dominated forest type as found in the adjacent New Brunswick Uplands Section. W hite birch, red maple and trembling aspen are common successional species after harvesting and/or fire. Grey birch, eastern white pine, red pine, jack pine, red map le and black ash are restricted to local occurrences. A small area of Carleton Section forest types occur along the southwestern edge of the survey area. Hardwood stands of sugar maple, beech, yellow birch, red maple and white ash predominate but yellow birch, balsam fir, eastern hemlock and eastern white pine occur in the mixed wood transitional forests that grade into the higher altitudes of the Upper Miramichi-Tob ique Section to the east. Poorly drained areas support stands that include eastern white cedar, black ash, red maple and white elm along with black spruce, balsam fir and some eastern hemlock. Small areas of the “Southern” Uplands Section occur just north of Fredericton and along the eastern side of the New Brunswick Highland s. Tolerant hardwoods - sugar maple, beech and yellow birch occupy crests and upper slo pes while red maple, white birch, balsam fir, red spruce, eastern white pine and eastern hemlock dom inate low er slopes. Black spruce, tamarack, eastern white cedar and red map le populate poorly drained areas. On the Maritime Plain, impeded drainage has lead to a prevalence of pure stand s of black spruce, red spruce, and balsam fir or mixed wood in which these species are associated with eastern white pine, red maple, trembling aspen, sugar maple, yellow birch, and white birch. Forest conditions and species distribution largely reflect the effect of: a high level of annual burn; extensive logging activities; and repeated infestations of spruce budworm. As a result, correlation of vegetation with soils an d land form is poo r. Balsam fir has been infested and defoliated by spruce budworm to the point that mature stand s are relatively sparse, but regeneration of ba lsam fir is quite comm on thro ugho ut. Pure stands of American beech, with some sugar maple and yellow birch and a scattering of spruce and fir, are common on exposed ridges. On extensive flat-lying poorly drained areas, swamps and peat bogs of sphagnum moss-ericaceous shrub complexes are interspersed with stands of black spruce and tamarack, and some eastern white cedar. Eastern hemlock, once well represented, is now limited in extent, as the result of repeated cuttings and fires. Exposure to wind reduces tree stature along the coast. 11 PART 2. SOIL FORMATION AND CLASSIFICATION SURFICIAL GEOLOGY Excluding the continuous processes of weathering, the surficial geology of the survey area has de velop ed primarily as a result of four primary phenomena: glaciation, submergence, alluviation, and paludification (Rampton et al. 1984). Of these, the effects of glaciation are predominant, with other processes acting as modifiers While glacial and postglacial events over the more recent 600,000 years have lead to only minor modifications of pre-glacial landscapes, they have had m ajor impacts on so il parent material composition and distribution. During one stage of the Pleistocene epoch, W isconsinan ice covered the entire province of New Brunswick. All preglacial surfaces were scoured and subsequently cove red b y a man tle of glacial drift of varying thickness. W ith deglaciation, which is thought to have occurred about 10,000 to 12,000 B P (before present), the low-lying Maritime Plain was subjected to a period of s hall o w marine submergence. Maximum ma rine submergence is thought to have been about 120 m above sea level (asl). Postglacial submergence was follo wed by a period of emergence, during which the relative levels of the land and ocean attained present day status. This emergence was at least partially completed by 8000 BP. The most active post-submergence processes of material deposition are those of alluviation (materials deposited by present rivers and streams) and paludification (the development of organic deposits or peatlands), which continue at present. SOIL PARENT M ATERIALS Based on their parent materials, soils are divided into two categories or group s: mineral soils and orga nic soils. Mineral soils consist predominantly of mineral matter, or natural inorganic compound s as found in sands, silts, clays and rock fragme nts of gravels, cobb les, stones and bo ulders. Essentially they have formed in unconsolidated bedrock material that, in the case of central and northern New Brunswick, has usually been displace d, as previously mentioned. Organic soils consist of peat deposits that contain more than 30% organic matter and are typically greater than 40 cm thick, but often exceed 2 m in total accumulation. M inera l Soils Residual - Soils formed from, or resting on, consolidated rock of the same kind as that from which it was formed and in the same locatio n are called re sidual soils. The ma terials consist of unconsolidated or pa rtly weathered bedrock that has deve loped as a result of in situ physical, chemical and biological activities. D ue to a similarity in appearance and com position, residual materials are o ften difficult to differentiate from glacial tills. Only those areas dominated by parent materials of a residual nature were included and mapped in this category. Most exposed bedrock surfaces have some weathering, b ut this is usually limited to the upper 0.5 m of rock (Rampton et al. 1984). However, deeper bedrock weathering is associated with some areas of sandstone bedrock in the Maritime Plain and granitic bedrock in the New Brunswick Highlands. These areas of more deeply weathered bedrock are thought to be preglacial in origin (Chalmers 1888, W ang et al. 1981). While the sandstone bedrock may be weathered to a depth of up to 2 m in some loca lized areas o f the M aritime P lain, it is generally overlain by othe r soil form ing parent materials and mapped accordingly. More deeply weathered granites are scattered throughout the New Brunswick Highland s. These deposits are extensive eno ugh to have b een map ped as a unique soil association They also occur as undesignated com pon ents of related till soils. Rotting of granitic bedrock has produced ellipsoidal-shaped tors or core stones on some of the highe r mountain p eaks. A ma ntle of grus, consisting of coarse-grained fragments resulting from the disintegration of the granite, occurs over most such areas. In gene ral, soils mapped as residual consist of a complex mixture of disintegrated bedro ck, colluvium (materials deposited by mass-wasting, usually at the base of a steep slope) and some glacial till ma terial. Glacial Till - Morainal till of varying thickness was deposited as either ablatio n till or lod gment (basal) till as a result of glacial activity during the last ice age. The glacial deb ris was typically deposited as a mo rainal blanket o f 1 to 2 m in thickness but with some veneer depositions (less than 1 m) and some areas of greater accumulation (greater than 2 m). As Rampton et al. (1984) state “even though they consist dom inantly of till, in ma ny places they comprise a complex of ablation till, lodgment till, glaciofluvial depo sits, glaciolacustrine deposits, colluvium, and weathered bedrock.” Lodgment tills are dense and compact due to the pressure applied by the weight of the glacial ice that plastered them in place and subsequently overrode them as the glaciers advanced. Ablation till is that material carried on top of or within the glacier and is generally stonier and usually not compacted. It is released from the glacier in the ablation zone, the area where melting occurs at a greater rate than accumulation. As the ice melts, material is released from the glacier where it may accumulate to a thickness of many metres, creating an ablation moraine. In general, true ablation tills tend to be thicker than lodgment tills. Ablation till generally exceeds 5 m in thickness (Rampton et al. 1984), however, areas of negligible coverage are also commo n. Thin ablation de posits are considered to be the result of rapid retreat of the glacial ice, not allowing for any significant accumulation of ablation debris. Most lodgment 12 tills have some capping of ablation material, albeit very thin. Slowly retreating or stationary d ebris-rich ice she ets resulted in thicker ribbed, humm ocky and rolling ab lational till depo sits. Differentiation of ablational from lo dgm ent till materials is almost impossible where the ablational capping over lodgment till is thin and soil formation has obliterated the interface. Identification is made more difficult where the ablation and lodgment tills are alike in texture and colour. Similar difficulties in identification occur where tills are shallow and soil forming processes have been active throughout the depo sit thickness. Even in lodgm ent tills, soil forming processes loosen the upper 50 cm of material. Some materials deposited as ablation debris now have relatively compact subsoils, a development that Rampton et al. (1984) attribute to postglacial processes. Representative ablatio nal tills that are considered to be “no ncompa ct” still have subsoils which are den ser than the surfac e soil due to the weight o f overlying materials. No attemp ts were made to differentiate compact ablational till from compact lodgment till. Soil materials with similar physical and chemical properties were grouped together, regardless of original mode of deposition. In areas of high bedrock relief, glacial erosion has resulted in most lodgm ent till dep osits being relatively thin veneers. Texture, colour and coarse fragment lithology of lodgment tills closely resemble the underlying bedrock, or at least the bedrock that is in an up -flow glacial direction, usua lly northwest. Ablation tills may have a more wide-ranging lithological composition and weaker ties to the underlying bedrock type. Excluding the northern half of the Acadian Pen insula where redd ish bro wn tills are comm on, most tills are yello wish to o live bro wn or grey. Meltwaters from the glacier have often reworked the surface of the till to give it a glaciofluvial appearance. This may happen to such an extent that it is very difficult to differentiate between a highly reworked ablation till and a glaciofluvial deposit. For the purpo se of mapping, tills with compact subsoils were considered to be lodgment tills and tills with non-compact subso ils were considered to be ablatio n tills. Lodgment and ablation tills were further categorized on the basis of soil parent material particle size class, reaction, colour and lithology. Fluvial - All sediments, past and present, deposited by flowing water, are fluvial. This includes glaciofluvial materials that were moved by glaciers a nd sub sequently sorted and deposited by streams flowing within and from the melting ice, forming outwash plains, deltas, kames, eskers, and kame terraces. Alluvial materials deposited by modern rivers and streams are also included in the “fluvial” designation. Glaciofluvial deposits are usually stratified sands and gravels and exhibit some degree of sorting, depending upon the amount of water working to which they have been subjected. T heir pa rticle size ranges from coarse-loamy to sandy-skeletal. Although many glaciofluvial deposits occur along present-day drainage channels, other, such as eskers, which have formed in tunnels and channels within the glacier ice, are notorious for traversing landscapes with little regard to existing topography. Because of water working actions, glaciofluvial coarse fragments are strongly rounded. The coarse-textured, highly permeable nature of glaciofluvial sediments means that most soils develop ed on these m aterials are well drained, unless drainage is impeded topographica lly. Gra velly, cobbly and bouldery alluvial materials are found in up-stream locations. Finer-textured alluvial sedim ents consisting of fine sands, silts and clays and organic materials form terraces and floodplains along lower stretches of streams and rivers. Alluvium is commonly underlain by glaciofluvial sediments. Marine - Post glacial marine submergence resulted in sands of varying thicknesses being deposited on the tills and a general reworking of surficial materials in the Maritime Plain portion of the study area. These sandy deposits range up to several metres in thickness, but also commonly occur as thin veneers over either glacial tills or bedrock. Thick dep osits of reworked marine, or possibly lacustrine clays, are also found well above present day sea levels. Since many of these deposits contain remn ants of glacial materials, they more ap tly may be considered as “glacial marine”. A report by the Maritime Resource Management Service (1978) describes the depositional environment for materials on the Chaleur Coastal Plain as follows: “Marine depo sits are associated with the invasion and recession of marine waters on and from the land . During deglaciation, the earth’s crust was still depressed from the weight of the glacial ice sheet and the sea was able to encroach upon the land surface. The marine submergence extend ed inland to 78 metres above the present sea level in the Jacquet River area... The uplift was very gradual, thereby creating a suitable depositional environment for extensive marine sedim ents along the coast.... Much of the study area along the coast north of Peter’s River consists of a complex of raised beach ridges, strand lines and logoonal sediments. Each beach system represents a shoreline which has been washed by the waves o r tides of a sea undergoing a eustatic decline in sea level relative to the uplifting land mass. The material associated with these deposits is a well-graded, gravelly loam exhibiting continuous stratification, which indicates extensive washing and sorting.” Or gan ic Soils Three types of organic deposits have been identified and mapped. Bog - Bogs consist of sphagnum and to a lesser extent forest peat materials. They have formed in an ombrotrophic (nutrient poor) environment due to the slightly elevated 13 nature of the accumulation. This tends to disasso ciate them from the nutrient-rich ground water of surrounding mineral soils. These organic materials are extremely acid (pH less than 4.5) and weakly to moderately deco mpo sed (fibric to mesic). Bogs are associated with depressions where the water table is at or near the surface for the entire year. Mo st dep osits are virtually treeless, with the exception of some severely stunted conifers around the periphery. They are characterized by a ground vegeta tion cover of sphagnum mosses and ericaceous shrubs. Bo g units mapp ed in this survey are typically domed bogs on the M aritime Plain. Fen - Fens consist of peat materials derived primarily from sedges formed in a eutrop hic (nutrient rich) environment. This is due to the clo se asso ciation of the material with mineral-rich waters. F en ma terials are med ium acid to neutral (pH 5.5 to 7.5) and mode rately to strongly decomposed (mesic to humic). They are associated with a nutrient-rich watertable that persists seasonally at or very near the surfac e. M ost deposits have a low to medium height shrub cover and sometimes a sparse layer of trees. Stream fens are the most commo n type of fen found in the survey area. M ost mapped fens have a surficial capping of acidic sphagnum peat and are in a stage of transition towards a bog enviro nment. Swamp - These units are dominated by peat materials that consist of moderately to strongly decomposed (mesic to humic) forest peat. They have fo rmed in a eutro phic environment resulting from strong water movement from the margins with surrounding mineral soils. Forest peat materials are medium acid to neutral (pH 5.5 to 7.5). They are associated with stream courses and depressions where standing to gently flowing waters occur seasonally or pe rsist for long periods on the surface. The vegetative cover usually consists of a thick forest growth of coniferous and deciduous trees. Swamps were map ped in the highland and upland areas of the survey area. SO IL DEVELO PMENT FACTORS AND SOIL FORMING Soil genesis or formation involves all the processes that are respo nsible for the d evelo pme nt of soil. Although the individual processes are numerous, studies have shown that the kind o f soil that develops is largely controlled by five major factors: climate (particularly temperature and precipitation); parent material (mode of deposition, texture, and mineralogical com position); top ography or relief (in relation to soil drainage and rates of soil erosion); living organisms (especially natural vegetation, but also animal life); and time (the period over which the soil parent material has been subjected to soil formation). T hese factors were described in the preceding text under Part 1. General Description of the Area. Soils are very much products of their environme nts. Different environmental cond itions result in dissimilar soil formation. The differences in the types of soil formed is dependant upon the magnitud e of variation in the soil forming factor(s) involved. Clima te is perhaps the most influential factor in determining the degree of weathering and thus the d egree of soil formation that occu rs. The rate of chemical reaction doubles for every 10 oC rise in temperature (Brady, 1974) . Soil temperature is highly dependant upon soil moisture. Biochemical reactions and changes are sensitive to both soil temperature and moisture. Within the study area, annual precipitation (rain plus snow-water equivalent) averages 1000 to 12 00 m m. Under these levels of p recipitation, soil materials that have good drainage are readily leached of soluble and mobile materials which are either translocated and redeposited within the profile, or lost entirely from the soil body. Podzolization, or the downward movement of Fe and Al and organic matter, is an end resu lt. Annu al air temperatures vary from a high of 5 .2 oC in the lowlands to a low of 2.0 oC in the central portion of the N. B. highlands. Lower temperature s result in reduced rates of chemical reactions. Evapotranspiration is also lower and thus there is higher "effective" p recipitation, ie., more o f the rainfall mov es through the soil profile becau se less water is lost by evaporation from the soil or via the plant (transpiration). Variations in soil solum development result. This usually takes the form of increased accumulation of organic matter in the upper B horizo n. The climatic influence is also indirec tly expressed in its control over natural flora and fauna (organisms), which are in themselves contrib uting soil forming factors. Meso, or local, climate influences the way soils develop , both directly as a result of temperature variations and secondarily through type of vegeta tion. Local topo graphy, steepness of the slope, aspect, exposure, position on slope and type of vegetation all modify meso climatic conditions (van Groenewoud, 1983) and thus impact on soil formation. Living organisms p lay a significant role in soil pro file develop ment. Natural vegetation in particular is a critical factor in determining soil characteristics. Different types of organic debris (leaves, stems, branches, etc.) can vary considerably in mineral element content. The litter from deciduous trees is comparatively much higher in bases such as calcium and potassium than is litter from coniferous trees. The higher b ase status in deciduous litter usually results in a greater rate of decomp osition in the forest duff layer. In contrast to this, the organic acids from coniferous forest litter strongly leaches the upper min eral soil layers. W indthrows, or the uproo ting of trees, mixe s the soil. Although animal b ioma ss in natural soil ecosystem s is typically less than 1% of plant biomass (Buol et al, 1973), anima ls create and foster change in soil conditions. In the adjoining counties of Carleton, Victoria and Madawaska, which are to the immediate west of the study area, Langmaid (1964) found alteration in surface horizona tion o f virgin forest soil profiles as a result of earthworm invasion. 14 M icro-organisms are involved in biochemical reactions. Even man plays a role in his use of the land. Conversion of forested land to farmland is a most dramatic change. Parent material has been recognized as a significant soil forming factor since the inception of p edo logy. M any soil properties are inherited from the initial parent material. Since most of our soils are relatively young in age, geologically speaking, weathering and soil formation have not drastically obliterated the inherited properties of the initial parent material. Different modes of deposition yield soil parent materials with different compositions and prop erties. Basal or lodgment tills that are so prevalent throughout the study area tend to yield compact, finer textured deposits than ablational tills. Glaciofluvial sedim ents are usually readily previous, sandy or sandy skeletal materials. The lithlogy of the bedrock materials from which the regolith has be en derived determines the mineralogy of the soil. The po tential fertility supplying power of a particular rock type depends up on both its inherent nutrient content and its weatherability, or the rate at which nutrients can be released (Colpitts et al. 1995). Of all the mineral comp onents the clay fraction is the most important beca use it is the most active in terms of physical, chemical and biological processes. Most of the clays in our soils are inherited from the so il parent material. Little formation or alteration of clay minerals has taken p lace in the period since glaciation. Illite dominates, but most soils have significant amounts of chlorite and small amounts of kaolinite and vermiculite-montmorillonite (C layton et al. 1977). Where the initial parent material contained large amo unts of free carbonates, the normal acid leaching process is retarded until the free carbonates are leached from the soil. During this time, clay moves from the upper part of the profile and is redeposited in the B horizon. When leaching has gone beyond this stage and the upper part of the profile is sufficiently acid, podzolization takes place. Top ography or relief has been related to the following so il properties (Buol et al, 1973): (1) depth of the solum; (2) thickness and organic matte r content of the A horizon; (3) relative wetness of the profile; (4) degree of horizon differentiation; (5) soil reaction; (6) temperature; and (7) chara cter of the initial (parent) material. To a large degree these effects are moisture related. The rugged topography of central and northwestern New Brunswick is cond ucive to more extensive areas of better drainage than in the flatter Maritime Plain region of northeastern New B runswick, where excess water tends to remain in the landscape for a longer perio d of time. Soil profiles d evelo p acc ordingly. Locally, drainage variation across toposequences has significant impact on the degree and nature of so il formation. Poorly drained soils have less distinct and duller coloured horizons than well-drained soils. Material types are associated with different positions in the landscape. Depressional areas that are saturated with water for a large part of the year encourage the accumulation of organic soils; alluvial soils occupy along flood plains; and so on. Top ography also modifies the climatic influence and is a determining factor in native vegetation cover type. The period or time that any given material is subjected to the processes of weathering is another factor in soil formation that canno t be over em phasized. Soils are routinely subjected to new cycles of soil development over both the short term (ie. vegetative cover changes, erosion, etc.) and the long term (ie. land up lifting, world climatic cha nges, etc.). However, from a comparative point of view, time zero can be established at that point following the last major catastrophic event (Boul et al. 197 3). In the Atlantic Region, glaciation was the last major catastrop hic eve nt. W hile some remnants of weathered bedrock in central New Brunswick are considered to be in excess of 1 to 1.5 million years old, for the mo st part, glacial sediments have o nly been exposed to weathering for some 10,000 to 12,000 years. Postglacial marine submergence in the lowland portion of the area has resulted in slightly shorter periods of exposure, 8,000 to 10,00 0 years. Alluvial floodplain sedimentation is an ongoing process, as is p aludification (orga nic soil accumulation). Materials are constantly being added to the surface of these deposits and soil development reflects these conditions. From the foregoing discussion it is easy to see that the soil forming factors are interdependent and interactive. They are simultaneously at work, altering and continuously modifying the soil profile. SOIL PROFILE The soil profile is a vertical cross section of the soil through all its horizons and extending into the parent material. A soil horizon is a layer of soil approximately parallel to the land surface that differs from adjacent genetically related layers in properties such as colour, structure, consistence, texture or chemical, biological and mineralogical compo sition. Organic layers are differentiated from mineral horizons and layers on the basis of organic carbon. (Organic matter content is about 1.7 tim es the organic carbon co ntent.) Organic layers co ntain 17% or more o rganic carbon. Two groups of organic layers are recognized. O, organic layers have develop ed mainly from mosses, rushes, and woody materials; and L -F-H, organic layers have developed primarily from leaves, twigs, and woody materials with only a minor compo nent of mosses. Organic horizons are found in Organic so ils and comm only at the surface of mineral soils. Mineral horizons and layers contain less than 17% organic carbon. The master mineral soil horizons, from the mineral soil surface downward, are designated by the letters A, B, and C. The A and B horizons represent the upper and mo st weathered part of the soil profile. Collectively, they are 15 referred to as the solum. The A horizon is formed at or near the surface in the zone of removal of materials in solution and suspension, or maximum in situ accumulation of organic carbon. The B horizo n is immediately below the A horizon. It is usually characterized by either an enrichment in materials leached from the A horizon (ie. clay, iron, aluminum or organic matter) or some other form of alteration in colour and/or structure. The underlying C horizon is the relatively unweathered parent material from which the soil has developed. It is com paratively unaffected by the pedogenic (soil-forming) processes operative in the A and B horizons. Lowercase suffixes are appended to the master horizon designation to indicate the type of horizon. Arab ic nume rals are used when further subdivision is required. Roman nume rals are prefixed to horizon and layer designations to indicate parent material discontinuities in the profile. Bed rock (greater than 3 on M ohs' scale of hardness) is designated as R. Imperfectly draine d mineral soils have the same type and arrangement of horizons as their well-drained counterparts, but because they are periodically saturated, a condition called "mottling" develops. Mottling, or the occurrence of spots of different colours or shades interspersed within a matrix colour, is indicative of zones of alternating good (oxidized) and poor (reduced) aeration. In well drained sites the soils are well oxidized an d red , yellow and reddish brown colours develop. Where oxygen is lacking, reduction results in grays an d blues. Po orly and very poorly drained soils are waterlogged for a large part of the year, and so, because of the resulting reduced grayish-blue colours, are said to be "gleyed". Excessive moisture tends to retard profile development and expression. Horizonation is not nearly as evident as in well drained soils. A com plete listing of all horizon nomenclature used in this report is prov ided in the Canad ian System of Soil Classification (Soil Classification Working G roup 199 8). A profile that is under native vegetation and unmodified by man is considered a “virgin” profile. In a virgin p rofile the effects of soil formation are left relatively undisturbed or as is. Most forest soils are considered as virgin sites, regardless of whether or not they have been logged in the past. Under these conditions the naturally occurring sequences of soil horizons and layers are readily expressed and recognized. The exception to this is where road construction and other soil displacing activities have taken place. In contrast to forest soil profiles, agricultural soils show drastic variation in the surface layers as a result of cultivation. The organic surface layer, A horizon and upper B horizon are mixed together into a relatively homogeneous plow layer, which is designate d as the A p horizon. M an's activities not only alter the soil's physical and chemical com position, but also modify the soil forming factors themselves and thus impa ct on future soil develo pme nt. SYSTEM OF SOIL CLASSIFICATION The soils are classified in accordance with criteria established by the Canadian System of Soil Classification (So il Classification Working Group 1998). Soil classification is based on a vertical section of the soil pro file referred to as the contro l section. The con trol section is typically 1 m for mineral soils and 1 .6 m for organic soils. The Canadian system is a hierarchical organization of categories that permit the consideration of soils at various levels of generality. The taxa are based upon soil properties that can be observed and measured objectively in the field, or, if necessary, in the laboratory. T he system has a ge netic bias in that soil properties that reflect genesis are favoured as differentiae in the higher categor ies. There are five different levels: Order. Taxa at the order level are based on properties of the pedon that reflect the nature of the soil environment and the effects of the dominant soil-forming proce sses. Great group. Great groups are soil taxa formed by the subdivision of each order. Thus each great group carries with it the differentiating criteria of the order to which it belongs. In addition, taxa at the great group level are based on properties that reflect differenc es in the strengths of dominant processes or a major contribution of a process in addition to the dominant one. For exam ple, in Luvic Gleysols the d ominant pro cess is considered to be gleying, but clay translocation is also a m ajor pro cess. Subgroup. Subgroups are forme d by subdivisions of each great group. Therefore they carry the differentiating criteria of the ord er and the grea t group to which they belong. Subgroups are differentiated on the basis of the kind and arrangement of horizons that indicate: conformity to the central concept of the great group, i.e. Orthic; intergrading toward soils of another order, e.g. Gleyed or Brunisolic; or additional special features within the control section, e.g. Ortstein. Fam ily. Taxa at the family level are formed by subdividing subgroups. Thus they carry the differentiating criteria of the order, great group, and subgroup to which they belong. Families within a sub group are differentiated o n the basis of parent material characteristics such as texture and mineralogy, and soil climatic factors and soil reaction. Series. Series are formed by sub divisions of families. Therefore they carry all the differentiating criteria of the order, great group , subgroup, and family to which they belong. Series within a family are differentiated on the basis of detailed features of the pedon. P edo ns belonging to a series have similar kinds and arrangem ents of horizons whose colour, texture, structure, consistence, thickness, reaction, and composition fall within a narrow range. 16 SOIL ORDERS IN CENTRAL AND NORTHERN NEW BRUNSWICK Bruniso lic Soils Most Brunisolic soils are well to imperfectly drained and have developed on either coarse textured glaciofluvial depo sits, or medium textured old (ancient) alluvial sedim ents. They have sufficient profile development to exclude them from the Regosolic order, but lack the degree or kind of ho rizonation spe cified for other ord ers. W ithin the mapping area of central and northern New Brunswick, most Brunisols ca n be considered to be weakly developed Podzo ls. They tend to have a brownish-coloured Bm horizon which has an accumulation of illuvial Al and Fe compounds and o rganic matter under a whitish-gray eluvial Ae horizon. Significant areas of Dystric Brunisols occur under virgin conditions. Materials are acidic and lack any well developed mineral-organic surface horizon. Eluviated Dystric Brunisol and Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisol (Fig. 6a) subgroups are present. Some of the Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisols are poorly drained coarse textured glaciofluvial, marine or mora inal till sediments. They have evidence of gleying but it is too weakly expressed to meet the spe cifications of Gleysolic soils. Gley solic Soils Soils of the Gleysolic order have features indicative of perio dic or prolonged saturation with water and reducing conditions. They are associated with either a high groundwater table at some period of the year or temporary saturation above a relatively imp erme able layer. Gleysols occupy poorly drained landsc ape positions, lower slop es, toes and d epressions in rolling and hilly top ography, and depression to mid-slope and sometimes even upper slope sites in level to gently undulating topography. Soil horizons are subd ued in app earan ce and ma y be difficult to differentiate due to the gleyed and/or mottled conditions throughout the profile. Hydrophytic vegetation and surface peaty layers are commonly associated features, although not diagnostic. Gleysol, Humic Gleysol and Luvic Gleysol great groups occur. They are separated on the basis of the presence or absence of an Ah or Bt horizon. The following subgroup members were identified as occurring within the study area: Orthic Gleysols (Fig. 6b), Rego G leysols, Fera Gleysols, Orthic Humic G leysols, Rego Hu mic Gleyso ls, Orthic Luvic Gleysols, Humic Luvic Gleysols and Fera Luvic Gleysols. With exception of organic so ils, Gleyso ls have developed in every so il parent material type and almo st all mappe d soil associations. Luvisolic Soils W ell to imperfectly drained mem bers o f several soil associations are classified as Luvisols. They have developed in fine loam y morainal tills and clayey marine sediments. Luviso ls are characterized by the presence of an illuvial Bt horizon in which silicate clay has accumulated. Clay suspended in the soil solution is moved do wnward in the soil profile from the surface layers to a depth were the soil solution ceases to mo ve or movement becomes very slow. In the central and northern New Brunswick area, Luviso lic soil development is for the most part weakly expressed. The typical Luviso lic characteristics of a mod erate to strong prismatic or blockly structured Bt horizon and so lum of high base satura tion are not present. W ithin the study area Luviso lic soil developm ent is most pronounced in materials of neutral reaction, ie. the Caribou, Carleton and T racad ie associations. Due to clima tic conditions, only members of the Gray Luvisolic great group are found . The subgroup s occurring within the study area are: Orthic G ray Luvisols, Gleyed Gray Luvisols, Bru nisolic Gray Luviso ls, Gleyed B runisolic Gray Luvisols, Podzo lic Gray Luvisols (Fig. 6c), and G leyed P odz olic Gray Luvisols. The Podzolic Gray Luvisols are "transitional" in that they have bisequal profile development with a podzolic B horizon formed over the luvisolic Bt horizon. The B runisolic Gray Luvisols and Gleyed Bru nisolic Gray Luviso ls can be considered to be "juvenile" counterparts of the Podzolic Gray Luvisols and Gleyed Pod zolic Gra y Luvisols. Or gan ic Soils Organic soils are composed largely of organic materials, including soils commonly known as peats, mucks, bogs and swamp s. They occur in poorly and very poorly drained depressions and level areas saturated with water for prolonged perio ds, and are derived from hydrophytic vegetation (mosses, sedges, shrubs, etc.) that grow in such sites. Organic soils have at least 40 cm of organic material, with some hav ing in excess of 5 m. Organic so ils found in the study area fall into the Fibrisol, Mesisol and Humisol great groups. These subdivisions are based upon the degree of deco mpo sition o f the organic material. The following subgroups occur: Typic Fibrisols (Fig. 6d), M esic Fibrisols, Terric Fibrisols, Hum ic Me sisols, Terric M esisols, Terric Fibric Mesisols, T erric H umic M esisols, M esic Humisols, T erric H umiso ls and T erric M esic H umiso ls. Podzo lic Soils In central and northern New Brunswick mo st of the we ll to imperfectly drained mineral soils are members of the Podzo lic order. See Table 1. This includes soils developed in morainal till, marine, residual, glaciofluvial and ancient alluvial parent materials. Podzo lization is the dominant type of soil form ation in the regio n. The prevailing cool to cold, humid to perhumid climatic conditions coupled with the influence of forest/heath vegetation, is cond ucive to pod zolic soil deve lopm ent. These soils are characterized by the following horizon sequence: The surface L, F and H, or possibly Of or Om horizo n, is underlain by a thin discontinuous dark coloured Ah horizon and then by a light ashy coloured eluvial Ae horizon . The Ae horizon breaks abruptly into a reddish brown to almost black B horizon that grades into a slightly modified BC horizon and then into the parent material “C”). The podzolic B contains illuvial Fe, Al and organic matter. It is the diagnostic horizon in terms of morphological and chemical requirements. These and other 17 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 6. D iagrammatic horizon p atterns of various soil profiles. technical criteria are detailed in the Canadian System of Soil Classification (Soil Classification Working Group 1998). The Podzo lic order is divided into great groups on the basis of organic carbon content and related p roperties. B oth Humo-F erric and Ferro-Humic P odzols are present. Six subgroups occu r: Orthic Humo-F erric P odz ols (Fig. 6e), Gleyed Hum o-Ferric Podzo ls, Fragic H umo-Fe rric Pod zols, Luviso lic Hum o-Ferric Podz ols, Orthic Ferro-H umic Podzo ls and G leyed F erro-Hum ic Po dzo ls. Som e poorly drained soils have gley features but also a podzolic B 18 Table 1. Soil association members of the central and northern New Brunswick map area classified according to the Canadian System of Soil Classification (1998) Soil Association Mode of Deposition Rapidly to Mod. Well Drained CSSC Subgroup(s) Imperfect Drained Acadie Siding Paludification ---- ---- T.M, TFI.M, THU.M (T.H, T.F) Barrieau-Buctouche Marine over morainal till O.HFP GL.HFP, GLE.DYB O.G, FE.G Belldune River Marine O.HFP GL.HFP O.G, FE.G Big Bald Mountain Residual O.HFP GL.HFP ---- Boston Brook Morainal till O.HFP GL.HFP O.G Caribou Morainal till PZ.GL, LU.HFP GLPZ.GL, GLBR.GL O.LG, O.HG Carleton Morainal till PZ.GL, LU.HFP (O.HFP) GLPZ.GL, GL.HFP O.LG, O.G Catamaran Morainal till O.HFP GL.HFP O.G, FE.G Gagetown Glaciofluvial O.HFP, E.DYB GL.HFP, GLE.DYB GL.HFP, GLE.DYB, O.G Grand Falls Glaciofluvial O.HFP GL.HFP GL.HFP, GLE.DYB, O.G, R.G Guimond River Glaciofluvial O.HFP, E.DYB GL.HFP, GLE.DYB GL.HFP, GLE.DYB, O.G Holmesville Morainal till O.HFP GL.HFP O.G, FE.G Interval Alluvium O.R, CU.R GL.R, GLCU.R R.G, R.HG Jacquet River Morainal till O.FHP, O.HFP GL.HFP O.G, FE.G Juniper Morainal till O.HFP GL.HFP O.G, FE.G, O.HG Lavillette Paludification ---- ---- TY.F, ME.F Long Lake Morainal till O.FHP, O.HFP GL.HFP O.G Maliseet Alluvium (ancient) O.HFP GL.HFP, GLE.DYB GLE.DYB, O.G, R.HG McGee Morainal till O.FHP, O.HFP GL.HFP O.G, R.G Muniac Glaciofluvial O.HFP GL.HFP GL.HFP, GLE.DYB, O.G, R.HG Nigadoo River Morainal till O.FHP, O.HFP GL.HFP O.G, FE.G Parleeville Morainal till O.HFP GL.HFP GLE.DYB, O.G Popple Depot Morainal till O.FHP, O.HFP GL.HFP O.G, FE.G Reece Morainal till O.HFP, FR.HFP GL.HFP FE.G Richibucto Marine O.HFP, E.DYB GL.HFP, GLE.DYB GLE.DYB, O.G Riverbank Glaciofluvial or Alluvial (ancient) O.HFP GL.HFP GLE.DYB, O.G, FE.G Poor to Very Poor Drained 19 Table 1. Soil association members of the central and northern New Brunswick map area classified according to the Canadian System of Soil Classification (1998) cont’d Soil Association Mode of Deposition Rapidly to Mod. Well Drained CSSC Subgroup(s) Imperfect Drained Poor to Very Poor Drained Rogersville Morainal till O.HFP, FR.HFP, PZ.GL GL.HFP, GLPZ.GL O.LG, FR.LG St. Quentin Paludification ---- ---- T.M, THU.M, T.H, TME.H (ME.H, HU.M) Stony Brook Morainal till PZ.GL, LU.HFP GLPZ.GL, LU.HFP O.LG, FE.LG Sunbury Morainal till O.HFP GL.HFP GL.HFP, GLE.DYB, O.G Tetagouche Morainal till O.HFP, O.FHP GL.HFP O.G, FE.G Tetagouche Falls Morainal till O.HFP, O.FHP GL.HFP O.G, FE.G Thibault Morainal till O.HFP GL.HFP O.G, FE.G Tracadie Marine or Glaciolacustrine O.GL, BR.GL GL.GL, GLBR.GL O.LG Tuadook Morainal till O.FHP, O.HFP GL.HFP O.G, FE.G Violette Morainal till O.HFP, PZ.GL GL.HFP, GLPZ.GL O.G, O.LG Brunisols E.DYB GLE.DYB Eluviated Dystric Brunisol Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisol Gleysols O.G FE.G R.G O.LG FE.LG HU.LG O.HG R.HG Orthic Gleysol Fera Gleysol Rego Gleysol Orthic Luvic Gleysol Fera Luvic Gleysol Humic Luvic Gleysol Orthic Humic Gleysol Rego Humic Gleysol Luvisols O.GL GL.GL BR.GL GLBR.GL PZ.GL GLPZ.GL Orthic Gray Luvisol Gleyed Gray Luvisol Brunisolic Gray Luvisol Gleyed Brunisolic Gray Luvisol Podzolic Gray Luvisol Gleyed Podzolic Gray Luvisol Organics TY.F T.F ME.F HU.M T.M TFI.M THU.M T.H ME.H TME.H Typic Fibrisol Terric Fibrisol Mesic Fibrisol Humic Mesisol Terric Mesisol Terric Fibric Mesisol Terric Humic Mesisol Terric Humisol Mesic Humisol Terric Mesic Humisol Podzols O.FHP GL.FHP O.HFP GL.HFP FR.HFP LU.HFP Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzol Gleyed Ferro-Humic Podzol Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzol Fragic Humo-Ferric Podzol Luvisolic Humo-Ferric Podzol Regosols O.R GL.R CU.R GLCU.R Orthic Regosol Gleyed Regosol Cumulic Regosol Gleyed Cumulic Regosol horizon. The podzolic B horizon takes precedence and the soils are classified as gleyed subgroup mem bers of the Podzo lic order. Regosolic So ils Regosolic soils are weakly developed. The Regoso lic soils mapped in central and northern New B runswick lack development of genetic horizons due to the youthfulness of the material in which they are form ing, recent alluvium. 20 They are found along river and stream flood plains throughout the study area. T he mo st pronoun ced soil development is in the surface layer where a thin organic-rich Ah horizo n is often p resent. Soil development in the rest of the profile is usually co nfined to changes in colour due to mottling or gleying. Buried mineral-organic layers and organic surface horizons may also be found. Only members of the Re goso l great group occu r. They are: Orth ic Rego sols, Gleyed Regosols, Cumulic Regosols (Fig. 6f) and Gleyed Cumulic Regoso ls. Collivial sites, with ac tive soil deposition as a result of mass-wasting, usually at the base of steep slopes, may also have regosolic profiles. However, these sites are localized and have been included with glacial till soils. I M P A C T O F A G R IC U L T UR E CLASSIFICATION ON S O IL W hen land is brought into agricultural production the upper profile sequence of mineral and organic horizons are mixed together during cultivatio n to form an A p horizon. Soil solum horizo ns are, in w hole or in part, incorporated into the plow layer. Sinc e soils are classified on the basis of diagnostic horizons that are in the soil solum, the classification of a virgin soil profile may be different than that of its cultivated counterp art. W ithin the survey area the dep th of solum developme nt averages 40 to 50 cm. The more strongly developed horizons are usually in the upper solum near the surface. On average the furrow slice, that portion of the soil turned or sliced by the plow, varies from 20 to 25 cm in thickness. This can account for 40 to 65% of the average so lum thickness. Cultivation of a soil can affect classification at the highest taxa, the order and great grou p levels. Ferro -Hum ic Po dzo ls are often altered to Humo-Ferric Podzols, Humo-Ferric Podzols to Sombric Brunisols, and D ystric Brunisols to either Som bric B runiso ls or Regosols. Subgroup classifications are also affected . For example, P odz olic Gray Luvisols often beco me B runisolic Gra y Luviso ls when cultivated. This type of variation in classification between cultivated and noncultivated conditions is dependent on the nature of development of the soil involved and the degree of disturbance it is subjected to. Many cultivated soils retain their pre-cultivated classification status, others do not. RELATIO NSH IP BETW EEN CLASSIFICATION AND SOIL MAPPING SO IL Soil mapping is the identification, description and delineation on a m ap of contrasting segm ents of the landscape based on a set of established differentiating criteria. Soil mapping should not be confused with so il taxonomy or classification. Soil classification systems are methods of organizing information and ideas about soil in a logical and useful manner. Even though map units are described in terms of taxono mic classes, the mapping units are not the same as so il taxa. The purp oses of soil classification are: to provide a framework for the formulation of hypotheses about soil genesis and the response of soil to management; to aide in extending knowledge of soils gained in one area to other areas having similar soils; and to provide a basis for indicating the kinds of soils within mapping units (Canada Soil Survey Committee, 1978) The soils of the central and northern New Brunswick area are mapped at the exploratory scale of 1:250,000. T he soil association was used as the basic unit for soil mapping and description. The soil associatio n is a grouping of soils that have developed on similar parent material under similar climatic conditions but vary in drainage d ue to to pog raphic relief. The soil association is a broadly enough defined unit to encompass the variation and range of soils that are encountered within landscape units commensurate with the 1:250,000 scale of mapping. Soil associations may co nsists of several subgroups (T able 1). Where patterns of soil development are simple, the mapping units may consist of one associate (member of an association) and possibly only one subgroup. These units are relatively pure taxonomically speaking. In other areas the com plexity of the landscape is such that soils with contrasting properties cannot be separated and must be included in the sam e unit. It is not p ossible to show the geographic location of these different soils, but rather they are complexed on the map. These units consist of two or more associates. Since the Canadian System o f Soil Classification is a national system designed to group different soils across the entire co untry (ie. the whole population of soils), it is understandable that in some regions the soils have pro perties that strad dle the boundary line between two taxa. For example, the well drained associate of the McG ee Associatio n contains bo th Orthic Humo -Ferric Podzo ls and Orthic Ferro-Humic Po dzols. These soils have properties that are close to the taxono mic class bounda ry. Drainage variations also result in differences in taxa at the higher levels of classification for soils that are loca ted in close proximity to each other. Well and imperfectly drained Ho lmesville Association mem bers a re bo th Po dzo ls while their poorly draine d counterp arts are Gleysols. Intrica te drainage patterns are common and therefore so are complex map units with two or more taxa. 21 PART 3. SOIL MAPPING METHODOLOGY OFFICE METHODS Initial efforts consisted of compiling existing information on the physical resources of the study area that would be useful to pred ict soil properties and distribution. Information was collected on climate, vegetation, geology, physiography, and geomorpho logy. This included bedrock and surficial geology m aps, topo graphic maps, climatic parameter maps (temperature, precipitation, etc.) and forest cover type m aps. Previous soil map ping within the study area and soil survey repo rts and ma ps from adjoining areas (See Fig. 1), were used extensively to establish a preliminary field mapping legend or key. A brief reconnaissance of the area was used to corro borate the validity of the legend. Discrepancies were rectified acco rdingly, additions were made were necessary, and the preliminary legend was finalized. Pho to interpretation played a major role in delineating the various soil-landscape units. Aerial photographs taken between 1976 and 198 1 at a scale of 1:63,360 were interpreted in terms o f soil-landform patterns relevant to soils mapping at the exploratory (1:250,000) level of intensity. Tentative delineations were made on the basis of major landforms. To pog raphic map s (1:50,00 0 scale with 25 or 50 ft contour intervals) were used to check the accuracy of the delineation boundary lines and the landform-slope designations. Surficial and bedrock geology and photo interp retation were used to estimate soil parent materials types. Aerial photographs were the basic tool used to locate observation sites for ground truthing the predicted map p olygons. The majo r landfo rms (d efined as includ ing bo th materials and form) used to stratify the survey are were: 1. Morainal sedim ents of comp act or non-compact glacial till (lodgment and ablational) consisting of a nonstratified, hetero geneous m ixture of particle sizes ranging from sand, silt, and clay to gravels, cobbles, stones, and boulders; 10 cm to more than 10 m thick, but usually less than 3 m thick; sandy, coarse loamy or fine loamy, with skeletal variations; hilly, hummocky, ridged and sloping to rolling, undulating and level. 2. Resid ual sed iments of unconsolidated or partly weathered bedrock developed in place from the underlying consolidated rock ; veneer (10 cm to 1 m thick); sandy skeletal; rolling. 3. Fluvial sedime nts consisting of mode rately to well sorted and stratified rounded gravels (and sometime cobbles), sands, silts and occasionally clays deposited by flowing water, both past and present (ie. glaciofluvials and alluvials); usually more than 2 m thick a nd freq uently as m uch as 20 to 30 m thick; sa ndy ske letal, sand y or co arse loamy; level to undulating or slop ing terraces, kame s, eskers, deltas and floodplains. 4. Ma rine sediments of clay, silt and sand that are well to mode rately well sorted and stratified as a result of having settled from suspension in salt or brackish water, or having accumulated through shoreline processes such as wave action and lo ngsho re drift; ranging from thin discontinuous veneers over bedrock or morainal depo sits, to in excess of 50 m thick; sa ndy, co arse loamy o r clayey; level to gently undulating. 5. Colluvial sediments of nonsorted particle size classes ranging from clay to boulders that are products of mass-wasting and are the result of gravity-induced mov ement; usually less than 1 m thick, commonly overlying the Pleistocene till materials from which they have been derived; coarse loamy to fine loam y, with skeletal variations; hilly, sloping or hummocky. NOT E: In the final compilation colluvial sediments were grouped with morainal deposits due to there similarities and intermixed distributions. 6. Organic sediments consist of peat deposits containing more than 30% organic matter by weight that are derived from either sphagnum ma terials in an omb rotrophic environment or sed ge-forest materials in a eutroph ic enviro nment; at least 40 cm thick, but in excess of 5 m in some depo sits; fibric, mesic, or humic; dome d, horizontal, or bowl shaped. 7. Rock co nsists of undifferentiated, indurated materials of bedrock origin that are at o r near the surfac e; the bedro ck is at the surface or covered by less than 10 cm of regolith material, usually glacial drift; igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary rock; hilly, ridged, sloping or rolling (associated with upper slope or crest positions). FIELD METHODS The conventional or "free mapping" ap proach to soil-landscape information collection was employed. Relationships between soils and landforms were established by observing the soils on strategic points in the landscape, such as crests, upper slopes, midslopes, lower slopes, depressions, etc. Once these relationships were established the frequency of observations was reduced to a relatively few strategic p oints to verify the soil type or association. These points were selected under stereoscopic examination of aerial photographs. Accessibility limited the selection of these points to locations alo ng road ways, power lines, 22 railroad tracks, etc. Ground accessibility was adequate to traverse most map units. However, poor accessibility of a few region s did dictate the use o f a helicopter for additional field data collection. Field examination p oints were well distributed throughout the area with at least one observation point in 70 to 80% of the delineations. While intensity of observations was heavily dep endent on accessibility, it also varied with simplicity or complexity of the soil-landform relationships. In complex areas the number of field checks required to verify material co mpo sitions and distrib utions was greater than in areas of more uniform soil develop ment. Field inspec tions provid ed ground -truth data to improve the quality and accuracy of the soil map. Information and boundaries for soil-landscape units were extrapolated from areas with ground inspections by interpretation of the aerial photograp hs. In most cases a pit was dug by shovel to expose the soil profile. Road cuts, gravel/fill pits and other excavations were used to supplement profile data. Soil observations in mineral soils were made to a depth of 1 m, or to a lithic (bedrock) contact in shallow soils. Organic soils were examined to a depth of 1.6 m , or to a mineral soil contact, whichever was less. Each observation was described in terms of specific soil and site criteria. Descriptions and classifications were in accordance with procedures established in the Canadian System of Soil Classification (Soil Classification W orking Group 1998). Soil parameters included: horizon or layer designations, depths, colour, structure, consistence, mottles were present, reaction class, texture and coarse fragme nt type and co ntent. Site information consisted of: parent material mode of deposition, surface exp ression, slope cha racteristics, drainage and moisture regime, erosion features, surface stoniness, depth to bedrock, land use and vegetation. A number of representative soil profiles were described in detail and sampled for laboratory analysis to characterize the soil in terms of selected physical and chem ical prope rties. Parameters in parentheses - material thickness, bo ulderiness and rockiness - are only indicated in map symbols where relevant. The soil association is a natural group ing of so ils based on similarities in climatic or ph ysiographic factors and so il parent material. In this context it is similar to the concept of the soil catena, in that it is a sequence of soils of about the same age, derived from similar parent material, and under similar climatic conditions, but having unlike characteristics because of variations in relief and draina ge. T hirty six soil associations are mapp ed. The soil associations are listed alpha betically in the legend (Tab le 2) and described in terms of: mode of deposition, description of the soil parent material (family particle size class, compactness, reaction, coarse fragme nt content, lithology), surface form and physiographic region. This information is expanded upon in the report (Part 4). The remainder of the symbol is used to describe phases (ie. material thickness, drainage, surface expression, slope, boulderiness, rockiness). Phases describe characteristics that are sp ecific to a given d elineatio n. M aterial thickness indicates the average thickness of regolith or soil material overlying solid bedrock. Drainage refers to the actual moisture content in excess of field capacity and the extent of the period during which such excess water is present in the control section. For example, in well dra ined so ils excess water flows do wnward rea dily into underlying pervious material, or laterally as subsurface flow. The water source is precipitation. In contra st, in poo rly drained soils the water is removed so slow ly in relation to supp ly that excess water is evident in the soil for a large part of the time. W ater sources are subsurface and/or groundwater flow in addition to precipitation. Established drainage classes (Expert Committee on Soil Survey, revised 1982) of excessive, well, moderately well, imperfect, poor and very poor are groupe d into seven d rainage catego ries. MAP SYMBOL The map symbol is the link between the soil map and the repo rt. It is designed to convey information about the soils and map units to the reader or user. M apped soil and nonsoil portions of the landscape are delineated on the soil map. These delineations or polygons are labelled on the map by a symbol which is made up of letters and numbers representing classes of selected soil and landscape properties. Descriptions or explanations for the various com pon ents of the map symbol are provided in the map legend (Table 2). The map symbol used for the purpose of this survey is typically as follows: Soil Association(s) (M aterial Thickness) Drainage Surface Exp ression Slope (B oulder iness) (Ro ckiness) Surface expression signifies a unique surface form (assemblage of slopes) or pattern of forms that are repeated in nature. For example, rolling is a very regular sequence of mod erate slopes extend ing from rounded , sometimes confined concave depressions to broad, rounded convexities producing a wavelike p attern of mod erate re lief. Slope quantifies the degree of inclination of the dominant slopes within the map polygon. Slopes of similar magnitude are group ed into seven classes expressed in percent slop e. Boulderiness is defined as the percentage of the land surface occupied by stones greater than 1 m in diameter. Rockiness indicates the percen tage of the land surface occupied by bedrock exposures (or soil material less than 10 cm thick over bedrock). 23 Table 2. Soil mapping legend Soil Associations and Land Types: Name Symbol Mode of Deposition Description of Soil Parent Material Surface Form Physiographic Region Acadie Siding AS Paludification 40 to 160 cm of acidic, brown to dark brown, mesic and humic sedge-sphagnum peats over undifferentiated mineral soil deposits. Flat, bowl or horizontal Maritime Plain N. B. Highlands BarrieauBuctouche BB Marine over morainal till 20 to 100 cm of acidic, yellowish brown to brown, sandy, noncompact marine sediments with less than 20% (but usually less than 5%) coarse fragments of mostly gray-green sandstones over acidic, yellowish brown to dark reddish brown, loamy compact till with 15 to 20% coarse fragments of mostly gray-green sandstone. Undulating to level blanket or veneer Maritime Plain Belldune River BR Marine Acidic, reddish brown to yellowish brown coarse loamy to sandy skeletal, noncompact, material with 15 to 50% coarse fragments of conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, argillite and some limestone. Undulating Chaleur Uplands Big Bald Mountain BM Residual Acidic, yellowish brown, sandy skeletal, noncompact material with 15 to 50% coarse fragments derived from feldspar rich granite weathered in situ. Hilly to rolling veneer N .B. Highlands Boston Brook BO Morainal till Acidic, olive to olive brown, fine loamy (skeletal), noncompact, (but slightly firm), material with 10 to 30% coarse fragments of argillite, slate and fine-grained sandstones. Rolling to hilly veneers and blankets Chaleur Uplands Caribou CB Morainal till Neutral, olive to olive brown, fine loamy noncompact (but slightly firm in the Bt and C) material with 10 to 30% coarse fragments of calcareous shale, argillite and slate and some limestone. Undulating, rolling, hilly sloping blanket and veneers Chaleur Uplands Carleton CR Morainal till Neutral, olive to yellowish brown, fine loamy, compact material with 10 to 30% coarse fragments of calcareous shale, argillite and slate and some calcite. Rolling, undulating, hilly and sloping blankets and veneers Chaleur Uplands Catamaran CT Morainal till Acidic, yellowish brown to olive brown, coarse loamy, compact material with 10 to 25% coarse fragments of granite, schist, quartzite, slate and sandstone. Rolling, undulating, hilly and sloping blankets and veneers N. B. Highlands Gagetown GG Fluvial (Glaciofluvial) Acidic, yellowish brown to brown, sandy skeletal, noncompact sediments with 35 to 70% coarse fragments of mixed igneous and metamorphic and miscellaneous sedimentary rocks. Terraced, undulating and hummocky N. B. Highlands Maritime Plain Grand Falls GF Fluvial (Glaciofluvial) Acidic, olive to olive brown, sandy skeletal noncompact sediments with 35 to 70% fragments of noncalcareous slate, shale, quartzites and sandstones. Terraced and hummocky N. B. Highlands Chaleur Uplands Notre Dame Mtn 24 Table 2. Soil mapping legend cont’d Name Symbol Guimond River GM Mode of Deposition Physiographic Region Description of Soil Parent Material Surface Form Fluvial (Glaciofluvial) Acidic, olive to yellowish brown, sandy skeletal, noncompact sediments with 35 to 70% coarse fragments of soft gray-green sandstone. Terraced, undulating and hummocky Maritime Plain Holmesville HM Morainal till Acidic, olive to olive brown, coarse loamy, compact material with 10 to 30% coarse fragments of quartzite and sandstones and miscellaneous argillite, slate and schist. Rolling, undulating and hilly blankets and veneers Chaleur Uplands Notre Dame Mtn N. B. Highlands Interval IN Fluvial (Alluvial) Acidic to neutral, olive to yellowish brown, stratified coarse loamy and sandy, noncompact sediments with very few coarse fragments of undifferentiated lithologies. Terraced and undulating to level Maritime Plain N. B. Highlands Jacquet River JR Morainal till Acidic, yellowish brown, coarse loamy, noncompact material with 20 to 40% coarse fragments of rhyolite and trachyte, with some basalt and miscellaneous slate and greywacke. Undulating to hilly blankets and veneers N. B. Highlands Chaleur Uplands Juniper JU Morainal till Acidic, yellowish brown to brown, coarse loamy to sandy (skeletal), noncompact material with 20 to 50% coarse fragments of granite, granodiorite, diorite, granite gneiss and miscellaneous volcanics. Rolling and hilly veneers and blankets or undulating to hummocky N. B. Highlands Lavillette LV Paludification Acidic, brown to dark reddish brown, fibric (and minor mesic) sphagnum peats usually thicker than 1.6 m over undifferentiated mineral soil deposits. Domed Maritime Plain Long Lake LL Morainal till Acidic, olive brown, coarse loamy, compact material with 20 to 40% coarse fragments of slate, siltstone, argillite, schist and miscellaneous quartzite and greywacke. Rolling, hilly and undulating blankets and veneers N. B. Highlands Chaleur Uplands Maliseet MA Fluvial Acidic, olive to yellowish brown, stratified (Ancient alluvial) sandy to coarse loamy, noncompact sediments with less than 10% coarse fragments of slate, shale miscellaneous quartzite and volcanics. Level and terraced Chaleur Uplands Notre Dame Mtn McGee MG Morainal till Acidic, olive to olive brown, coarse loamy (skeletal), noncompact material with 20 to 50% coarse fragments of slate, argillite, schist, greywacke and quartzite. Rolling, hilly and sloping blankets and veneers N. B. Highlands Chaleur Uplands Notre Dame Mtn Muniac MU Fluvial (Glaciofluvial) Neutral, olive to olive brown, sandy skeletal noncompact sediments with 35 to 70% fragments of calcareous slate, shale, quartzites and sandstones. Terraced and hummocky Chaleur Uplands Nigadoo River NR Morainal till Acidic, yellowish brown, coarse loamy, compact material with 15 to 30% coarse fragments of metagabbro and metabasalt, with some granites, conglomerate and metagreywacke. Variable - undulating, rolling, hilly, ridged and hummocky veneers and blankets Chaleur Uplands N. B. Highlands Parleeville PA Morainal till Acidic, dark reddish brown, coarse loamy, noncompact material with 15 to 30% coarse fragments of sandstone and conglomerate. Rolling and undulating blankets and veneers Chaleur Uplands N. B. Highlands 25 Table 2. Soil mapping legend cont’d Name Symbol Mode of Deposition Popple Depot PD Reece Physiographic Region Description of Soil Parent Material Surface Form Morainal till Acidic, yellowish brown to olive brown, coarse loamy (skeletal), compact material with 20 to 40% coarse fragments of rhyolite and trachyte, with some basalt and miscellaneous slates and greywacke. Rolling, hilly and sloping veneers and blankets N. B. Highlands Chaleur Uplands RE Morainal till Acidic, strong brown to dark yellowish brown, loamy, compact material with 10 to 25% coarse fragments of soft gray-green sandstone and miscellaneous remnants of highly weathered shale. Undulating blankets and veneers Maritime Plain Richibucto RB Marine Acidic, yellowish brown to brown, sandy, noncompact sediments with less than 20% (but usually less than 2%) coarse fragments of soft gray-green sandstone. Undulating and level veneers, blankets and thicker deposits Maritime Plain Riverbank RI Fluvial (Mixture of glaciofluvials and alluvials) Acidic, yellowish brown to olive brown, sandy noncompact sediments with less than 20% (but usually less than 2%) coarse fragments of mixed igneous, metamorphic and minor amounts of sedimentary rock types. Terraced and level Maritime Plain N. B. Highlands Rogersville RS Morainal till Acidic, brown, fine loamy, compact material with 10 to 25% coarse fragments of sandstone, granites, gneiss, schists and some volcanics and miscellaneous remnants of highly weathered shale. Undulating blankets Maritime Plain Salt Marsh SM Marine Undifferentiated marine deposits along coast or tidal river, submerged at high tide by salt water Level Maritime Plain Chaleur Uplands Sand Dune SD Aeolian Low ridges of loose windblown sand along the coast Ridged Maritime Plain Chaleur Uplands St. Quentin SQ Paludification Usually less than 160 cm of neutral, dark brown, forest-fen peats over undifferentiated mineral soil deposits. Flat, bowl and horizontal Chaleur Uplands Stony Brook SB Morainal till Acidic, red to reddish brown, fine loamy, compact material with 10 to 25% coarse fragments of soft gray-green sandstone and miscellaneous remnants of highly weathered shale. Undulating and level blankets and veneers Maritime Plain Sunbury SN Morainal till Acidic, yellowish brown to brown, coarse loamy to sandy (skeletal), noncompact material with 15 to 35% coarse fragments of soft gray-green sandstone. Undulating blankets and veneers Maritime Plain Tetagouche TT Morainal till Acidic, strong brown, fine loamy, compact material with 10 to 25% coarse fragments of metagabbro, metabasalt, metagreywacke and conglomerate. Undulating and rolling with some ridged and hilly blankets and veneers Chaleur Uplands Tetagouche TF Falls Morainal till Acidic, strong brown, loamy, noncompact material with 15 to 35% coarse fragments of metagabbro, metabasalt, metagreywacke and conglomerate. Rolling to hummocky or ridged and hilly veneers, blankets and deeper phases Chaleur Uplands N. B Highlands Thibault Morainal till Neutral, light olive brown, coarse loamy, noncompact material with 10 to 35% coarse fragments of weakly calcareous shale, slate, quartzite, argillite and sandstone. Rolling and hilly blankets and veneers Chaleur Uplands Notre Dame Mtn TH 26 Table 2. Soil mapping legend cont’d Name Symbol Tracadie TC Tuadook Mode of Deposition Physiographic Region Description of Soil Parent Material Surface Form Marine or glaciolacustrine Neutral, red to yellowish brown, clayey, compact sediments with less than 2% coarse fragments of undifferentiated lithologies. Level and undulating blankets and deeper phases Maritime Plain TU Morainal till Acidic, yellowish brown to brown, coarse loamy (skeletal), compact material with 15 to 35% coarse fragments of granite, granodiorite, diorite, granite gneiss and miscellaneous volcanics. Rolling, hilly and sloping blankets and veneers N. B. Highlands Violette VO Morainal till Acidic, light olive brown, fine loamy, compact material with 10 to 25% coarse fragments of quartzite, sandstone and miscellaneous shale, argillite and slate. Rolling, undulating and hilly veneers and blankets Chaleur Uplands N. B. Highlands Water WA - Small unnamed water bodies - All regions Material Thickness: v - veneer, less than 1 m to bedrock. b - blanket, 1 to 2 m to bedrock. Where no material thickness is indicated it can be assumed to be greater than 2 m. Drainage: 1234567- excessively, well and/or moderately well drained (greater than 80% of the area) dominated ( greater than 40%) by excessively, well and/or moderately well drained with significant (20-40%) imperfectly drained dominated by excessively, well and/or moderately well drained with significant poorly drained dominated by imperfectly drained with significant excessively, well and/or moderately well drained dominated by imperfectly drained with significant poorly and/or very poorly drained dominated by poorly and/or very poorly drained with significant imperfectly drained poorly and/or very poorly drained Surface Expression: h - hummocky: a complex sequence of slopes extending from somewhat rounded depressions or kettles of various sizes to irregular to conical knolls and knobs. Elevation differences are usually less than 100 m. I - inclined: a sloping, unidirectional surface with a general constant slope not broken by marked irregularities. l - level: a flat or gently sloping, unidirectional surface with a generally constant slope not broken by marked elevations and depressions. Slopes are generally less than 2%. m - rolling: a very regular sequence of moderate slopes extending from rounded, sometimes confined concave depressions to broad rounded convexities producing a wavelike pattern of moderate relief. Slope length is often 1.6 km or greater and gradients are greater than 5%. r - ridged: a long, narrow elevation of the surface, usually sharp crested with steep sides. s - sloping: an inclined multi-directional surface with variable slopes broken by marked irregularities. t - terraced: a scarp face and the horizontal or gently inclined surface (tread) above it. u - undulating: a very regular sequence of gentle slopes that extends from rounded, sometimes confined concavities to broad rounded convexities producing a wavelike pattern of low local relief. Slope length is generally less than 0.8 km and the dominant gradient of slopes is 2-5%. y - hilly: a very complex sequence of slopes extending from weakly to moderately incised depressions of various sizes to somewhat rounded crests and peaks. Elevation differences are usually greater than 100 m. An asterisk following the surface expression (eg. m*, etc.) indicates that the landform is significantly dissected by steeply incised drainage channels. 27 Table 2. Soil mapping legend cont’d Slope: Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rockiness: % Slope 0-0.5 0.5-2 2-5 5-9 9-15 15-30 30-45 45-70 70-100 Class R1 R2 Boulderiness: % Surface exposed 2-10 10-25 Distance (m) between exposures 75+ 25-75 Class B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 % Surface exposed 0.01-0.1 0.1-3 3-15 15-50 50+ Distance (m) between exposures 30-10 10-2 2-1 1-0.1 less than 0.1 All delineations with exac tly the same symbol constitute a map unit. Because of the open mapping legend approach that is used in this soil survey, a majority of map units are unique. These tend to be the simpler map units. M ap units may contain one to three soil associations. Simp le map units consist of 100% of soils that have properties as defined for the designated so il association. Comp lex map units are used to describe areas were a second and po ssibly third soil association is significant in areal abundance, but so intricately mixed with the dominant soil asso ciation that it (they) can not be separated out at the 1:250,000 scale of mapping. In complex map units consisting of two soil associations, the first or do minan t soil association acco unts for 70% of the area and the second or significa nt soil association for 30%. In complex map units consisting of three soil associations, the first soil association accounts for 50% of the area, the second soil association for 30% of the area and the third soil association for 20% of the area. Inclusions are areas of unspecified soil or nonsoil bodies that occur within delineated map units. Typically up to 15% of a mapped polygon may consist of inclusions of different soil materials. names have been used to indicate the kind of soil and/or nonsoil materials present. Three land types were mapped - salt marsh, sand dune and water bodies. Where a land type has been mapped, no additional information is provided on surface texture, slope, drainage, etc. The degree of detail that is required o r intended ultim ately determines the minimum size area that should be depicted on the soil map. At a mapping scale of 1:250,000, a map area of 0.5 cm 2 represents 156 ha of land. This is the smallest area that should be identified on the map, however, in a few instances, areas smaller than this with highly contrasting soil and landscape differences, were mapped. In most of the earlier mapping programs the soil series was the taxonom ic element employed to describe the mapping units. The soil series provides more precise information about the soil mapping unit than does the soil association. This was appropriate because the scale of mapping of these earlier surveys was of a more detailed nature (ie, larger scale). The concept of the soil series has evolved over the years, it is dynamic. Soil mapping in the Fredericton-Gagetown and Woodstock areas during the late 1930's employed a concept of the soil series that was somewhat analogous to a geological formation based on origin of material, lithology, weathering and colour, and subdivided into textural classes. This concept has changed greatly over the years to the present day where the soil series has precisely defined limits in terms of colour, texture, structure, consistence, thickness and degree of expression of horizons and of the solum, abundance of coarse fragments, depth to bedrock, depth to free carbonates, pH, and In total, 685 so il polygons were mapped with an average polygon size of 4060 ha, a minimum polygon size of 37 ha and a maximum polygon size of 43,236 ha. Land Types Natural and man-made units in the landscape that are either highly variable in content, have little or no natural soil, or are excessively wet, are referred to as land types. Connotative SO IL CO RR ELA TIO N W ITH EST AB LISH ED SO IL CONC EPTS Soil correlation is the process of maintaining consistency in naming and classifying soils. Over the years soil survey has gradually defined and categorized many of the different soils found in New Brunswick. The central and northern New Brunswick area shares a common boundary with seven regional reconnaissance soil survey areas (Fig. 1). Other detailed or reconnaissance soil survey mapping has also been conducted within the study area. There is a need to correlate the soils mapped in these previous studies to the soil legend used in this report. Table 3 is a summary of the relationships among the soil associations used in the Exploratory Soil Survey of Central and Northern New Brunswick and established soil series from other survey areas in the province. 28 lithology, for mineral soils; and parent material botanical origin, abundance of logs and stumps, calcareousness, bulk density, mineral content, soil development, and mineralogy of the terric layer, for organic soils. A few of the later date reconnaissance-detailed surveys (ie. Rogersville-Richibucto, Chipman-Minto-Harcourt) utilized an association-catena type concept whereby each of the associates (association drainage members) is basically equivalent to the soil series. Because of drainage difference, the soil series that form a catenary sequence can be quite dissimilar in soil profile horizons and other properties. However, these soil series are closely associated under field conditions and so the catenary association is a very practical grouping for mapping the soils of a region. By convention, the catena-association name is taken from the name of the most rapidly drained member of the drainage sequence. Referring to soils on a catenary basis was also seen as a means of reducing the number of soil names involved. A Cyr soil is simply referred to as a poorly drained Grand Falls, a Blackville soil as an imperfectly drained Stony Brook, and so on. and land segments that are similar in geomorphic position, landform, and soil properties. It is an amalgamation of similar catenary associations. For example, as defined in this report, the Juniper Association consists of the Juniper catena (Juniper, Jummet Brook, and McKiel series) and the Irving catena (Irving, Goodfellow and Halls Brook series). Both catenas have developed in coarse loamy stony ablation or water reworked till parent materials derived from gray and red granites, with some basalts, felsites and volcanics in a rolling to hilly or sloping landform. The soils and landscape properties that are used to differentiate the two catenas are not mappable at the exploratory level of investigation and so they have been combined into one association, Juniper. The soil properties for the "new" Juniper Association have ranges that are broad enough to include both of the former catenas. In other instances the soil association consists of only one catenary association ie. the Interval catena (Interval, Waasis and East Canaan series). Here the association definition is a generalized catenary association description, expanded as required to include variations found during mapping. The soil association concept employed in the central and northern New Brunsw ick survey area is more broadly defined than the catenary association. It is a grouping of related soils Table 3. Correlation of soil associations mapped in central and northern New Brunswick with established soil series as listed in "Soils of New Brunswick: A First Approximation" (Fahmy et al. 1986) Soil Association Rapidly to Mod Well Drained Established New Brunswick Soil Series Imperfectly Drained Acadie Siding Barrieau-Buctouche Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Acadie Siding* Chelmsford* Barrieau* Bretagneville* St. Charles* Buctouche* Cote d'Or Shediac Michaud Neguac Belldune River Belldune River* Durham Centre* Green Point* Big Bald Mountain Big Bald Mountain* Boston Brook Boston Brook* Skin Gulch Yellow Brook Caribou Caribou* Jardine* Undine* Harquail* Quisibis* Carlingford Nickle Mills Washburn Five Fingers Dube Big Spring Carleton* Kedgwick* Siegas* Canterbury Canterbury (Washburn) Salmon Bourgoin Carleton 29 Table 3. Correlation of soil associations mapped in central and northern New Brunswick with established soil series as listed in "Soils of New Brunswick: A First Approximation" (Fahmy et al. 1986) cont’d Established New Brunswick Soil Series Imperfectly Drained Soil Association Rapidly to Mod Well Drained Catamaran Catamaran* Gagetown Gagetown* Geary Penobsquis Grand Falls Grand Falls* Sirois Cyr Guimond River Guimond River* Cocagne* Lord and Foy* St. Olivier St. Theodule Holmesville Holmesville* Johnville Poitras Interval Interval* Waasis East Canaan Jacquet River Jacquet River* Juniper Juniper* Irving* Jummet Brook Goodfellow McKiel Halls Brook Lavillette Poorly to Very Poorly Drained Lavillette* Legaceville* Long Lake Long Lake* Serpentine* Britt Brook* Blue Mountain Adder Portage Lake Colter Mountain Jenkins Babbit Brook Maliseet Maliseet* Flemming* Benedict* Wapske Martial Wapske Kelly McGee McGee* Glassville* Nason Temiscouata Trafton Foreston Muniac Muniac* Ennishore Cyr Nigadoo River Nigadoo River* Parleeville Parleeville* Midland Midland Popple Depot Popple Depot* Reece Reece* Chipman Pangburn Richibucto Richibucto* Kouchibouguac* Bay-du-Vin* Chockpish* Caissie* Galloway* Babineau* Escuminac* Miscou Island* Cap Lumiere Potters Mills Napan Nevers Road Vautour Fontaine Smelt Brook Briggs Brook Riverbank Riverbank* Oromocto Nevers Road Rogersville Rogersville* Acadieville Rosaireville Baie-Ste.-Anne 30 Table 3. Correlation of soil associations mapped in central and northern New Brunswick with established soil series as listed in "Soils of New Brunswick: A First Approximation" (Fahmy et al. 1986) cont’d Soil Association Rapidly to Mod Well Drained Established New Brunswick Soil Series Imperfectly Drained St. Quentin Poorly to Very Poorly Drained St. Quentin* Stony Brook Stony Brook* Harcourt* St. Gabriel* Blackville Coal Branch North Forks Shinnickburn Grangeville North Forks Sunbury Sunbury* Big Hole* Fair Isle* Hoyt Beaver Lake Black Brook Cork Tetagouche Tetagouche* Tetagouche Falls Tetagouche Falls* Thibault Thibault* Monquart* Guercheville Lauzier Tracadie Tracadie* Mount Hope* Bouleau Boland Fundy* Sheila Cambridge Canobie Tuadook Tuadook* Redstone Lewis Violette Violette* * Catenary association name. 31 PART 4. SOIL ASSOCIATION IDENTIFICATION KEY AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION KEY TO SOIL ASSOCIATION PARENT M ATERIALS A key to the soil association parent materials in the central and northern New Brunswick map area is presented in Table 4. The soils are systematically keyed out using chemical, physical, morphological and genetic properties and characteristics of the parent material. The sequence of parameters utilized includes, in mineral soils: mode of deposition, particle size class, consistence, reaction class, colour, and coarse fragment lithology; and in organic soils: botanical origin, degree of decomposition, reaction class, colour and thickness. The key provides a means to identify an association, or of differentiating one association from another. It is also an orderly arrangement of the distinguishing features of a group of soils that facilitates the classification and determination of relationships. Soils are grouped into similar classes according to diagnostic characteristics. For example, Reece, Stony Brook, Tetagouche, and Violette are all mineral soils developed on glacial till deposits of fine loamy, compact, acidic material. These soil associations are differentiated from each other on the basis of more detailed characteristics, ie. soil colour and coarse fragment lithology. A more general grouping of soils would be that of all mineral soils developed in marine sediments. This includes; Richibucto, a sandy noncompact acidic material; Belledune River, a coarse loamy to sandy skeletal noncompact acidic material; and Tracadie, a clayey compact neutral material. The Reece-Stony BrookTetagouche-Violette grouping can be considered a fourth level grouping (composition, mode of deposition, particle size-consistence, reaction), whereas the Richibucto-Belledune River-Tracadie grouping is a second level grouping (composition, mode of deposition). vegetative cover, and related associations and how they are differentiated. Profile and/or landscape photographs are included for some of the dominant soil associations. Summary tabular information is provided at the end of each soil association description. Acadie Siding Association The Acadie Siding Association is made up of soils which are composed of organic materials. They consist of relatively thin peatland deposits, averaging 0.4 to 1.6 m in thickness, with weakly to well-decomposed sphagnum and sedge plant remains. Acadie Siding soils have developed as a result of the "gradual build-up" process (Tarnocai, 1981). This process involves the invasion of poorly drained areas by hydrophytic vegetation, particularly mosses and sedges. As plant debris accumulates above the level of the surrounding nutrient rich ground water, the deposition becomes more and more acidic and "nutrient poor", or ombrotrophic. Essentially, they are flat, basin or bowl bogs (Tarnocai 1981) that have developed on horizontal or channel fens. Acadie Siding soils occur mostly in the Maritime Plain portion of the survey area (Fig. 7) on level to undulating landscapes with slopes of less than 5%. Some scattered deposits are also found in the New Brunswick Highlands. Although they only account for 45,435 ha, representing less than 1.63% of the survey area, Acadie Siding soils commonly occur as unmapped inclusions in other organic soils map units, or with very poorly drained mineral soils. SOIL ASSOCIATION GENERAL DESCRIPTION A general description of each soil association is provided in the following text. These descriptions include information on soil, landscape and related attributes. A map of the survey area shows the location of polygons where the soil association has been mapped. The soil profile is discussed in terms of horizon sequence and classification in the Canadian System of Soil Classification (Canada Soil Survey Committee 1978), texture, consistence, structure, colour, coarse fragment content (G, gravels; C, cobbles; S, stones), reaction, moisture holding capacity, available rooting zone, internal drainage, mottling, gleying and inherent fertility. General landscape conditions are discussed. These include; slope, surface expression, elevation, material thickness, depth to bedrock, mode of deposition, stoniness, boulderiness and drainage (catena members, site drainage, runoff). Information is also provided on location (ie. physiographic region, etc.) and extent, Figure 7. Location of mapped Acadie Siding soils. Acadie Siding peatlands usually have level or flat surfaces that are not raised above the surrounding terrain. Although peat depths are relatively uniform, they decrease in depth from the 32 Table 4. Key to soil association parent materials in the central and northern New Brunswick map area I. Mineral soils. A. Soils developed on glacial till. 1. Sandy, non-compact. a. Acidic. I. Yellowish brown to brown; coarse fragments - granites, granodiorites, diorites, granite gneiss and miscellaneous volcanics; frequently skeletal. ........Juniper ii. Yellowish brown to brown; coarse fragments - soft grey-green sandstone; frequently skeletal. ........Sunbury 2. Coarse loamy, non-compact. a. Acidic. I. Olive to olive brown; coarse fragments - slate, argillite, schist, greywacke and quartzite; frequently skeletal...........McGee ii Yellowish brown; coarse fragments - rhyolite, trachyte, basalt and miscellaneous slates and greywacke..........Jacket River iii Yellowish brown to brown; coarse fragments - granites, granodiorites, diorites, granite gneiss and miscellaneous volcanics; frequently skeletal. ........Juniper iv. Yellowish brown to brown; coarse fragments - soft grey-green sandstone; frequently skeletal. ...........Sunbury v. Dark reddish brown; coarse fragments - sandstone and conglomerate. ............Parleeville b. Neutral. I. Light olive brown; coarse fragments - weakly calcareous shales, slates, quartzites, argillites and sandstones. .........Thibault 3. Coarse loamy, compact. a. Acidic. I. Olive brown; coarse fragments - slate, siltstone, argillite, schists and miscellaneous quartzite and greywacke; frequently skeletal. ........Long Lake ii. Yellowish brown to olive brown; coarse fragments - quartzite, sandstone and miscellaneous argillite, slate and schists. ........Holmesville iii. Yellowish brown to olive brown; coarse fragments - granites, schists and quartzites. .......... Catamaran iv. Yellowish brown to olive brown; coarse fragments - rhyolite, trachyte, basalt and miscellaneous slates and greywacke; frequently skeletal. ..........Popple Depot v. Yellowish brown; coarse fragments - metagabbro and meta basalt with some granites, conglomerate and metagreywacke.. .........Nigadoo River vi. Yellowish brown to brown; coarse fragments - granites, granodiorites, diorites, granite gneiss and miscellaneous volcanics; occasionally skeletal. ......Tuadook 4. Loamy, non-compact a. Acidic. I. Strong brown; coarse fragments - metagabbro and meta basalt with some granites, conglomerate and metagreywacke.. ...........Tetagouche Falls 5. Fine loamy, non-compact a. Acidic. I. Olive to olive brown; coarse fragments - argillites, slates and fine grained sandstones. ...........Boston Brook b. Neutral. I. Olive to olive brown; coarse fragments - calcareous shale, argillite and slate and some limestone. ..........Caribou 6. Fine loamy, compact a. Acidic. I. Light olive brown; coarse fragments - quartzite, sandstone and miscellaneous shale, argillite and slate. ........ Viloette ii. Yellowish brown to brown; coarse fragments - soft gray-green sandstone and miscellaneous remnants of shale. ........Reece iii. Brown; coarse fragments - sandstones, granites, gneiss, schists, and some volcanics and miscellaneous remnants of highly weathered shale ..........Rogersville iv. Strong brown; coarse fragments - metagabbro and meta basalt with some granites, conglomerate and metagreywacke.. ...........Tetagouche v. Red to reddish brown; coarse fragments - soft gray-green sandstone and miscellaneous remnants of shale. ... ........Stony Brook b. Neutral. I. Olive to yellowish brown; coarse fragments - calcareous shale, argillite and slate and some calcite. .......... Carleton B. Soils developed in residual materials. 1. Sandy skeletal, non-compact a. Acidic. I. Yellowish brown; coarse fragments - granite. ............................Big Bald Mountain 33 Table 4. Key to soil association parent materials in the central and northern New Brunswick map area cont’d C. Soils developed in fluvial sediments. 1. Sandy skeletal, non-compact. a. Acidic. I. Olive to olive brown; coarse fragments - noncalcareous slate, shale, quartzite and sandstone. .........Grand Falls ii. Olive to yellowish brown; coarse fragments - soft gray-green sandstone...........Guimond River iii. Yellowish brown to brown; coarse fragments - mixed igneous, metamorphic and miscellaneous sedimentary. .........Gagetown b. Neutral. I. Olive to olive brown; coarse fragments - calcareous slate, shale, quartzite and sandstone. ..........Muniac 2. Sandy, non-compact. a. Acidic. I. Yellowish brown to olive brown; coarse fragments - mixed. .......................Riverbank 3. Sandy to coarse loamy, non-compact. a. Acidic. I. Olive to yellowish brown; coarse fragments - slate, shale and miscellaneous quartzite and volcanics. .........Maliseet 4. Coarse loamy, non-compact. a. Acidic to neutral. I. Olive to yellowish brown; coarse fragments - none; floods. .......................Interval D. Soils developed in marine sediments. 1. Sandy, non-compact. a. Acidic. I. Yellowish brown to brown; coarse fragments - soft gray-green sandstone. ........Richibucto 2. Coarse loamy to sandy skeletal, non-compact. a. Acidic. I. Reddish brown to yellowish brown; coarse fragments -conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, argillite and some limestone. .........Belldune River 3. Clayey, compact. a. Neutral. I. Red to yellowish brown; coarse fragments - very few, mixed. ..........Tracadie E. Soils developed in marine or fluvial sediments over glacial till deposits. 1. Sandy, noncompact over loamy, compact. a. Acidic over acidic. I. Yellowish brown to brown; coarse fragments - very few, undifferentiated over yellowish brown to dark reddish brown; coarse fragments - undifferentiated............Barrieau-Buctouche II. Organic soils. A. Soils developed in sphagnum peat. 1. Dominantly fibric. a. Acidic. I. Brown to dark reddish brown; usually greater than 160 cm thick. ...........Lavillette B. Soils developed in sedge-sphagnum peat. 1. Dominantly mesic and humic. a. Acidic. I. Brown to dark brown; usually less than 160 cm thick. ..........Acadie Siding C. Soils developed in forest-fen peat. 1. Dominantly mesic and humic. a. Neutral. I. Dark brown; usually less than 160 cm thick. ...........St. Quentin 34 centre of the deposit outwards. Inclusion of areas with thicknesses of more than 1.6 m may occur. Pronounced surface patterns are usually lacking with the exception of the presence of intermittent to semi-permanent drainage courses. Most deposits are topographically confined in depression-like areas. Vegetative cover is dominated by sphagnum mosses and ericaceous shrubs, with varying amounts of sedges and reeds. Most deposits are treeless or treed with stunted dwarf black spruce and tamarack in the centre, but with increasing cover at the margins. Those sites that are more strongly minerotrophic (nutrient-rich) have increased concentrations of sedges, grasses, reeds, and even herbs. They also have denser tree cover. Peat stratigraphy usually consists of a surface layer 20 to 100 cm thick of fibric (weakly decomposed) sphagnum peats with some shrubby materials, over a layer of mesic (moderately d e c o m p o s e d ) a n d / o r h u m ic (w e ll -d e co m p o s e d ) sedge-sphagnum to sedge peat. This material extends to the terric (mineral) contact. The underlying mineral material is variable, usually being whatever is the predominate material in the surrounding area. The surface peat is brown to dark reddish brown, acidic (pH in H 2O of less than 4.5), low in bulk density (less than 0.1 g/cm 3), moderately rapid to rapidly permeable (saturated hydraulic conductivity of 10 to 15 cm/hr), and highly fibrous with a class 1 to class 4 rating on the von Post scale of decomposition. Properties of the subsurface peat differ, mostly as a result of its more advanced state of decomposition and different botanical origin. The subsurface peat is brown to dark brown, acidic (pH in H2O of less than 4.5), moderate to high in bulk density (approximately 0.15 g/cm 3), moderately to very slowly permeable (saturated hydraulic conductivity of 1.0 to less than 0.1 cm/hr), and moderate to low in rubbed fibre content with a class 5 to class 8 rating on the von Post scale of decomposition. Drainage is very poor. Water table levels are at or near the surface throughout the year resulting in ponding. Ground water is acidic to neutral and of low to moderate nutrient status. Acadie Siding soils are dominantly Terric Mesisols, Terric Fibric Mesisols or Terric Humic Mesisols, but with significant Terric Humisol and Terric Fibrisol components. Total thickness of the organic material ranges from 40 to 160 cm over the mineral soil (terric) contact. Variation in classification depends upon the relative thicknesses of the fibric and humic layers in the profile. The fibric influence is largely determined by the thickness of the surficial layer of weakly decomposed (fibric) sphagnum material. Where fibric materials dominate the control section, the profile is classified as some form of Fibrisol, depending upon the significance and degree of decomposition of other layers present. The degree of decomposition of the underlying sedge-sphagnum material, which varies from mesic to humic, also plays a major role in the classification of Acadie Siding soils. Where the control section of the profile is dominated by well-decomposed sedge-sphagnum peats, the soil is classified as a Humisol. Inclusions of areas of deeper deposition (i.e., nonterric) usually consist of thicker layers of both fibric and mesic-humic peats, which are classified as Typic Mesic Fibrisols or Typic Fibric Mesisols. Acadie Siding soils are associated with other organic soils, as well as with poorly and very poorly drained members of some mineral soils. Lavillette is a common organic soil associate. Lavillette soils differ from Acadie Siding soils in that they consist of deep, non-terric, weakly decom posed, fibric materials found on well-developed, domed or raised bogs. Lavillette soils usually have a distinctive circular surface pattern not present on Acadie Siding soils. Very poorly or poorly drained Barrieau-Buctouche, Richibucto, Reece, Stony Brook and Sunbury mineral soils are also close associates. Acadie Siding soils have been mapped less frequently with Catamaran, Juniper, Long Lake and Tuadook mineral soils. Acadie Siding soils are differentiated from mineral soils based on the depth of organic material present. To be classed as Acadie Siding, a soil must have at least 40 cm of dominantly mesic or humic organic material or 60 cm of dominantly fibric organic material, otherwise it is included with the appropriate mineral soil association. Acadie Siding soils are considered to have no immediate potential for forest or agricultural crops. Costs associated with development and management are considered to be excessive. Summary of general characteristics of the Acadie Siding Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Degree of Decomposition Botanical Composition Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : AS : Maritime Plain, N. B. Highlands : < 150 m : 45,435 ha : 1.63% : Organic : Basin or bowl bogs : 0.4-1.6 m over mineral soil : Brown to dark brown : Moderately to very strongly decomposed : Sphagnum and sedge peat : Very low : Flat (<1%) in an undulating landscape (<5%) : Very poor : Terric Mesisol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material #1 Subsoil material #2 Depth (cm) 0 - 60 60 - 120 > 120 Von Post rating 1-4 5-8 - % Wood 10 10 - 35 Texture Class - - Sandy clay loam % Sand - - 60 % Silt - - 16 % Clay - - 24 % Coarse Fragments - - 20 angular G/C pH (H2 O) < 4.5 < 4.5 4.5 BD (g/cm3 ) < 0.10 0.15 1.90 Ksat (cm/hr) 10 - 15 1.0 - < 0.1 0.1 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.10 0.20 < 0.10 Barrieau-Buctouche Association The Barrieau-Buctouche association is made up of soils that have developed in deposits consisting of acidic, sandy, marine or marine modified glacial outwash sediments overlying acidic, compact, fine loamy, morainal till materials. It occupies the transition zone between Richibucto soils and Stony Brook-Reece soils. Mapping of these types of transition zones between material types is usually impossible at a scale of 1:250,000. In most instances they are ill-defined areas along map unit boundaries. However, as a result of postglacial marine submergence, significant areas of the lowland plain (Fig. 8) have a thin veneer (less than 1 m thick) of marine sediments overlying the glacial till. Barrieau-Buctouche soils are found at elevations of less than 50 m above sea level. They occupy approximately 40,054 ha, or about 1.44% of the map area. Figure 8. Location of mapped Barrieau-Buctouche soils. The underlying glacial till is basal or lodgment till, plastered into place in successive layers and compacted by the weight of glacier ice. It is a heterogeneous mixture of particle sizes ranging from silts and clays to stones and boulders. Subsequent to this was the deposition of well sorted sandy marine or marine reworked glaciofluvial sediments. These are weakly stratified sands, primarily medium to fine grained, but with some fine gravels. The combined thickness of both materials is usually 1 to 3 m, with most soils being mapped as blankets. Barrieau-Buctouche soils occupy level to gently undulating landforms. Surface expression conforms to the configuration of the underlying bedrock. Most slopes are between 0.5 and 3%. Steeper gradients are site specific or occur along stream and river valleys. Well to moderately well drained sites support stands of black spruce and balsam fir with some jack pine and grey birch on the drier sites. Black spruce, balsam fir, cedar, red maple and some yellow birch are typical of ill-drained conditions. The Barrieau-Buctouche association consists of well to moderately well drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 9), imperfectly drained Gleyed H umo-Ferric Podzols and Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisols, and poorly to very poorly drained Orthic Gleysols and Fera Gleysols. Although the B horizon in well to imperfectly drained profiles appears morphologically to be a Bf horizon, chemical analysis reveals that it just barely exceeds the minimum requirements for sodium pyrophosphate extractable Fe plus Al. Poorly drained soils lack the podzolic B horizon. They have evidence of gleying that satisfies the specifications of the Gleysolic order. Where hydrous iron oxide has accumulated forming a Bgf horizon they are Fera Gleysols, otherwise poorly to very poorly drained Barrieau-Buctouche soils are classified as Orthic Gleysols. Internal drainage is impeded by the presence of the underlying compact, very slowly permeable (less than 0.1 cm/hr) glacial till subsoil. Textural voids in the coarse textured sandy marine surface sediments are conducive to rapid flow rates of in excess of 15 cm/hr. This hydraulic discontinuity between the surface and subsoil promotes internal lateral flow, with downslope seepage of water. Perched water tables often result, with a saturated zone at and just immediately above the interface. Available water storage capacity is moderately low (less than 0.15 cm/cm) throughout the profile . With exception of the upper solum where slightly finer texture and the presence of organic matter enhance moisture retention, the coarser nature of the marine sand is not conducive to water storage. On the other hand the glacial till subsoil is low in available water storage capacity because of its limited total porosity. Well to moderately well drained Barrieau-Buctouche soils occupy crest and upper slope positions where precipitation is the sole source of water. Excess precipitation is laterally removed from the site as subsurface flow. Given similar topographic conditions, well drained sites usually occur where marine sediments are thicker (50 to 100 cm), and moderately well drained where thinner cappings are present (less than 50 cm). Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained sites are strongly influenced by inflow (seepage) from surrounding uplands. Prolonged saturation is due to both perched and true groundwater tables. The undulating 36 configuration of the underlying till is conducive to localized perched water tables which are created by spring snowmelt and rejuvenated during the summer months by precipitation and seepage. The association is dominated by imperfect drainage. interface of the two materials. The textural profile consists of sandy loam to loamy sand marine sediments over loam to clay loam or sandy clay loam glacial till material. The marine sediments are usually relatively free of coarse fragments (less than 5%). Those coarse fragments that do occur are rounded gravels derived from soft, gray-green Pennsylvanian sandstone. The till materials have from 15 to 20% flat to subangular cobbles and gravels of similar sandstone lithology. Some remnant shale and siltstone chips are also present, but for the most part the original clasts have disintegrated and been incorporated into the soil matrix. Surface stones are insignificant. Barrieau-Buctouche soils are low in natural fertility and acidic throughout, pH(H 2O) 4.0 to 5.5. The solum is very friable, weak platy (Ae) or weak granular (B). Subsoil marine sediments are usually loose and structureless or single grain. The underlying till is firm to compact and pseudoplaty to weak medium subangular blocky or massive. Barrieau-Buctouche soils have developed in two tiered deposits of marine sediments over glacial till. They are therefore intimately associated with soils that have developed on either of their component parts, i.e., Richibucto sandy marine soils, or Stony Brook and Reece fine loamy till soils. The Richibucto association lacks the underlying till component. The Stony Brook and Reece associations lack the surficial mantle of marine sediments. Tracadie marine clays and Guimond River glaciofluvial gravels are other waterdeposited soils that have been mapped with BarrieauBuctouche. Very poorly drained Barrieau-Buctouche soils have also been mapped with Lavillette organic soils and Salt Marsh land types. Figure 9. Well drained Barrieau-Buctouche soil profile. Soil formation averages 35 to 45 cm in depth. Depending upon thickness of the marine mantle, this development may be confined to the marine sediments, or may affect both materials. In well to moderately well drained profiles the common horizon sequence is either : LFH, Ae, Bf, BC, C, and IIC ; or LFH, Ae, Bf, IIBC, and IIC. The profile is typically podzolic in appearance with a thin LFH layer over an ash coloured eluvial A horizon that has an abrupt lower boundary to a reddish brown to yellowish brown Bf. Where present the C horizon is yellowish brown to brown. The underlying IIC horizon is either yellowish brown to brown, or red to reddish brown. Imperfectly drained sites are not always podzols and so there may be either a Bfgj or Bmgj horizon. There is also usually a thin leached horizon, Aegj, immediately above the second material. This layer is the result of lateral leaching. Poorly drained profiles consist of LFH or O , Aeg, Bg or Bgf and II Cg horizons. The surface organic layer is usually thicker and strong mottling and/or gleying occurs along the In terms of land use and biological production, the outstanding features of the Barrieau-Buctouche association are the presence of the relatively coarse fragment free sandy marine veneer and the dense, compact, relatively impermeable nature of the underlying till which limits moisture movement and root penetration. Barrieau-Buctouche soils are also low in natural fertility. While natural or inherent fertility of the soil is to a large degree a function of soil mineralogy, it also relates to soil nutrient retention. Coarser-textured soils that are low in clay content tend to be more easily leached of nutrients than finertextured soils. Forest production, which is dependent on natural fertility, is limited by these low levels of nutrients. Summary of general characteristics of the Barrieau-Buctouche Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) : BB : Maritime Plain : <50 m : 40,054 ha : 1.44% : Mineral : Marine or outwash over compact glacial till : 1-3 m : Yellowish brown to brown over yellowish brown to reddish brown : Sandy over loamy : Grey-green sandstone over grey-green sandstone plus red shale 37 Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : Low : Level to undulating (0-3%) : Imperfect : Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material #1 Subsoil material #2 Depth (cm) 0 - 40 40 - 65 65 - 100+ Texture Class Loamy sand Sand Sandy clay loam % Sand 85 93 53 % Silt 8 4 25 % Clay 7 3 22 % Coarse Fragments 0 5 rounded G 20 subangular G/C pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.15 1.40 1.90 Ksat (cm/hr) 45 50 0.1 AWHC (cm/cm) < 0.15 0.10 < 0.10 Belledune River Association The Belledune River association consists of soils developed in moderately thick (greater than 2 m) deposits of strong to medium acidic, coarse loamy to sandy skeletal, non-compact, marine sediments with coarse fragments of conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and some argillite and limestone. Belledune River soils occur only on the lowlands portion of the New Brunswick Highlands adjacent to Chaleur Bay (Fig. 10). They are situated at elevations of less than to 50 m above sea level. Belledune River marine sediments are underlain by either glacial till, or lie directly on the bedrock. Belledune River soils occupy approximately 27,854 ha or 1.00% of the map area. Belledune River soil parent materials are marine depositions dominated by sand and silt. They were deposited in a brackish, shallow water environment during postglacial marine submergence and subsequently exposed when water levels receded. Most land surfaces are gently undulating, with slopes of 2 to 5%. Belledune River material consists of weakly stratified marine sediments with coarse fragments and soil particles poorly sorted according to size or weight. Because of this, they are frequently referred to as being “dirty” sand and gravel deposits. Belledune River soils may have enough scattered surface stones to be a slight hindrance to cultivation. Forest vegetative cover consists of species such as black spruce, cedar, tamarack, red maple, trembling aspen and alder. Figure 10. Location of mapped Belledune River soils. Well drained Belledune River association soils are Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 11). Podzolization is strongly expressed, even in sites that are less than well drained. Imperfectly drained sites are Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols. Poorly drained sites are Orthic Gleysols or Fera Gleysols. Internal drainage is good . The profile consists of a moderately rapidly permeable solum over a moderately permeable subsoil. Saturated hydraulic conductivity values are greater than 2.5 cm/hr throughout the profile and greater than 5 cm/hr in the solum. Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.20 to 0.10 cm/cm, the higher values being in the solum where finer textures and organic matter contents enhance moisture retention. Precipitation is the sole source of water supply on well drained sites. Excess water flows downward into the underlying subsoil. Imperfectly and poorly drained sites are the results of high groundwater tables. Solum development in Belledune River soils varies from 35 to 55 cm in thickness. The common horizon sequence is: LFH, Ae, Bf, BC and C on well to moderately well drained sites; LFH, Ae, Bfgj, BCgj or BCg and Cg on imperfectly drained sites; and LFH or O, Aeg, Bg or Bgf and Cg on poorly or very poorly drained sites. Although Belledune River soils have formed in marine sediments, soil forming processes have obliterated any evidence of material stratification in the solum. Soil textures grade from a sandy loam to loam or silt loam solum into a sandy loam to loamy sand subsoil. Coarse fragment content ranges from 15 to 50%. Coarse fragments are mostly subrounded to rounded gravels with some cobbles. They are derived from conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone and some argillite and limestone. These rock types result in a soil that is moderately fertile. The profile is acidic throughout, ranging from a pH(H 2O) of 5.0 to 6.0 . The parent material is reddish to dark brown. The mineral soil profile consists of a 38 pinkish gray, friable, weak, fine platy Ae horizon over a strong brown, very friable, weak to moderate, fine granular Bf horizon which merges gradually into the friable, very weak, subangular blocky BC and then C. Mottles and grayish gley colours modify the profile morphology in imperfectly and poorly drained sites. Only under the very wettest of conditions is the general podzolic sequence not present. Summary of general characteristics of the Belledune River Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : BR : Chaleur Uplands : <50 m : 27,854 ha : 1.00% : Mineral : Marine :>2m : Reddish brown to yellowish brown : Coarse loamy to sandy : Conglomerate, sandstone siltstone, argillite and some limestone : Medium : Undulating (2-5%) : Imperfect : Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Sandy loam, loam, silt loam Sandy loam to loamy sand % Sand 55 60 % Silt 28 30 % Clay 17 10 % Coarse Fragments 20 rounded G 50 rounded G/C pH (H2 O) 5.0 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.30 1.55 Ksat (cm/hr) 10 2.5 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.20 0.10 Figure 11. Well drained Belledune River soil profile. Big Bald Mountain Association Belledune River association soils are often associated with other water deposited materials - Tracadie and Gagetown. Tracadie soils have developed in coarse fragment-free clayey marine sediments and are readily differentiated from Belledune River soils. Gagetown soils have developed in yellowish brown glaciofluvial gravels. The Big Bald M ountain association consists of soils that have developed in thin veneers of acidic, sandy skeletal residual material that has weathered in place from the consolidated granite bedrock on which it lies. Big Bald Mountain soils were first mapped in the vicinity of Big Bald Mountain in the Central Highlands physiographic region (Fig. 12). They are also found in other areas of the Central Highlands where granitic bedrock occurs. Big Bald Mountain soils are mapped at elevations of 400 to 600 m above sea level, and cover approximately 15,394 ha, or about 0.55% of the map area. Good internal drainage, adequate water and nutrient holding capacities in the surface soil and medium natural fertility make Belledune River soils productive for both agricultural and forestry crops. The major limitation to land use is the predominance of imperfectly and poorly drained conditions. However, with moderate permeability in the subsoil, Belledune River soils should be very responsive to tile drainage. Natural drainage conditions will be more of a limitation to forestry crops. Big Bald Mountain soils are considered to have develop in situ from the underlying feldspar rich granitic bedrock. Physical and chemical transformations have taken place in the surface of the parent bedrock which has disintegrated and decomposed into rock fragments and soil debris. This type of accumulation 39 glaciers. The landforms have a strongly rolling to hilly surface expression dominated by moderate to very strong slopes of 9 to 45%. Vegetation consists mainly of stunted, scattered jackpine and spruce. Wild blueberry, interspersed with other ericaceous shrubs, is the dominant ground cover. The Big Bald M ountain association is dominated by well to rapidly drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 14). The profile consists of a bleached ashy Ae horizon followed by a dark to strong brown B horizon in which both colour value and chroma decrease with increase in depth. The C horizon is dark yellowish brown. Imperfectly to somewhat poorly drained sites occur as inclusions. They consist of Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols. Figure 12. Location of mapped Big Bald Mountain soils. of angular coarse-grained fragments resulting from the granular disintegration of granite (and other crystalline rocks) is referred to as "grus". The granite bedrock of the Big Bald Mountain association is estimated to consist of 40% potassium feldspar, 25% plagioclase, 30% quartz and 5% biotite, chloride and hornblende. Weathered bedrock or grus is usually less than 1 m thick, except for the soils at the foot of slopes which are deeper. Tors, peculiarly shaped isolated rock masses or pinnacles, are present on some summits (Fig. 13). They are deeply weathered, with rings 1 to 2 m wide, of colluvial grus accumulating around their bases. Figure 13. Big Bald Mountain soil association landscape showing “tors”. Gibbsite, considered to be the end product of the weathering sequence of soil minerals, has been found in Big Bald Mountain soil parent material. The presence of tors and gibbsite coupled with a general lack of evidence of glacial activity prompted Wang et. al. (1981) to conclude that these soils and landforms are of pre-Wisconsin or even pre-Pleistocene age. It is hypotheorized that the area was frozen, protected by ice, and consequently undisturbed by the Figure 14. Well drained Big Bald Mountain soil profile. Precipitation is the sole source of water on well to rapidly drained sites. The soils have a high infiltration capacity and excess water flows downward rapidly through the porous profile at an estimated rate of 10 cm/hr or greater. The bedrock, which becomes m ore consolidated with depth, impedes downward flow to some degree, causing horizontal water flow under conditions of extrem e rainfall or rapid snowmelt. Available water storage capacity is estimated to be less than 0.15 cm/cm in the solum and less than 0.10 cm/cm in the C horizon. Increased capacity to retain moisture in the solum is attributed to its higher clay and organic matter contents and lower coarse fragment content than the patent material. Moisture deficits on Big Bald Mountain soils influence forest fire patterns, encouraging repeated burnings, thus determining the vegetative cover type. Imperfectly to somewhat poorly drained sites occupy depressions and drainage channels in lower site positions. They are supplied with water by groundwater flow and seepage (along the soil-bedrock interface) from adjacent uplands. Soil development averages 30 to 45 cm in depth. The common horizon sequence consists of: Om, Ae, Bf, BC, C, and R. A weakly developed ortstein layer may occur in the Bf horizon. Ortstein is an irreversible hardpan that is bonded by Fe, Al and organic matter complexes. It is discontinuous, occurring in less than 20% of the soil associations horizontal extent. Profile 40 texture is sandy loam to loamy sand. Clay content seldom exceeds 10%. Coarse fragment content increases with depth from 10 to 20% in the solum to in excess of 60% in the parent material C horizon). Most coarse fragments are angular fine gravels but the occasional cobble or stone sized fragment of consolidated bedrock is also found in the profile. The land surface is slightly to moderately stony where differential frost heaving has brought bedrock fragments to the soil surface. All coarse fragments have been derived from the underlying granitic bedrock. Bedrock exposures and areas of very thin soil (less than 10 cm thick) cover up to 25% of the land surface of some map polygons. They are scattered patches on crest and upper slope positions. Big Bald Mountain soils are very low in natural fertility and acidic, pH (H2O) of 4.5 to 5.5, throughout. The soil is very friable to friable, very weak, fine to coarse, subangular blocky in the solum, and firm, pseudo platy in the C horizon. Much of the original bedrock structure is retained in the profile, becoming more pronounced with depth. Where patches of ortstein occur the Bf horizon is firm and massive. Juniper is the soil most commonly mapped in association with Big Bald Mountain. Juniper is coarse loamy to sandy and is derived from primarily granitic sources. Its till mode of deposition, however, makes it easy to separate the two soils. Juniper soils are a heterogeneous mixture of glacial debris ranging from silts and clays to boulders. Lithologically they are also more diverse with diorites, granodiorites, granite gneiss, volcanics and miscellaneous sedimentary and metamorphic coarse fragments in addition to the feldspar rich granites. Big Bald M ountain is also found adjacent to units of Long Lake and McGee soils, both of which are glacial till soils. The Long Lake and McGee associations have distinctly different lithological origins, having been derived from argillaceous sedimentary and metamorphic rock types such as shale, argillite, slate, greywacke and quartzite. Big Bald Mountain soils are shallow to bedrock and very low in natural fertility and available moisture storage capacity. These limitations coupled with adverse topographic conditions, ie. excess slope, and a harsh climate, make Big Bald Mountain soils unsuitable for agriculture. These factors also limit the soils potential for forestry. Summary of general characteristics of the Big Bald Mountain Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : BM : N. B. Highlands : 400-600 m : 15,394 ha : 0.55% : Mineral : Residual :<1m : Yellowish brown : Sandy skeletal : Granite : Very low : Strongly rolling to hilly (9-45%) : Well : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Bedrock Depth (cm) 0 - 35 35 - 70 > 70 Texture Class Sandy loam Loamy sand - % Sand 70 85 - % Silt 23 7 - % Clay 7 8 - % Coarse Fragments 15 angular G 50 angular G/C - pH (H2 O) 4.5 5.0 - BD (g/cm3 ) 1.10 1.45 - Ksat (cm/hr) > 10 10 - AWHC (cm/cm) < 0.15 < 0.10 - Boston Brook Association The Boston Brook association consists of soils that have developed in acidic, fine loamy, noncompact morainal till derived from argillites, slates and fine-grained sandstones. Deposits range from less than 1 m thick (veneers) to in excess of 3 m. Boston Brook soils occur in the Chaleur Uplands portion of the study area (Fig. 15) at elevations between 300 and 500 m above sea level. They occupy approximately 2,877 ha, representing some 0.10% of the map area. Boston Brook soil parent material is an ablational till, and as such is typically noncompact, however, some firmness may occur in the subsoil. The somewhat firm consistence of the subsoil can be attributed to the composition of the parent material in that it is fine loamy and acidic. The acidic nature of the subsoil does not promote soil forming physical and biochemical processes that favour the development and stabilization of soil structure. Boston Brook soils consist of fine loamy sediments with subangular and flat to subrounded coarse fragments derived from the underlying slate, argillite, sandstone or quartzite bedrock. Surface stoniness ranges from moderate to very stony, with up to 15% of the land surface occupied by coarse fragments in some cases. Well drained Boston Brook soils have developed under a mixed hardwood-softwood forest cover type consisting of yellow birch, cedar, spruce, balsam fir, sugar maple, beech, white birch, white pine, red oak and striped maple. Poorly to very poorly drained members are dominated by cedar, black spruce, balsam fir, white birch, red maple, speckled alder and willows. 41 Figure 15. Location of mapped Boston Brook soils. The Boston Brook association is dominated by well to moderately well drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols. Imperfectly drained sites are classified as Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols, indicating varying oxidizing/reducing conditions due to periodic saturation. Poorly to very poorly drained sites are typically Orthic Gleysols but may have some inclusions of Fera Gleysols. Imperfect and poorly to very poorly drained sites occur along drainage channels and in depressions in areas dominated by moderately well drained soils, or more extensively in areas that are level or only gently undulating. Boston Brook soils have moderate to somewhat slow internal drainage. The upper solum usually has moderate permeability (approximately 5 cm/hr saturated hydraulic conductivity), but the subsoil only has moderately slow permeability (0.5 to 2.0 cm/hr). Available moisture storage capacity exceeds 0.20 cm/cm throughout the profile with highest levels in the upper solum. Decreased pore size in the lower solum reduces the availability of retained moisture. In well to moderately well drained sites precipitation is the dominant source of water. Lateral flow or seepage is not a problem, occurring only on very steeply sloping landscapes where bedrock restricts vertical flow, or when water inputs due to either precipitation or snowmelt exceed the subsoil permeability. Poorly to very poorly drained sites occur because of high groundwater levels and to a lesser extent because of the inflow of seepage from adjacent uplands, or both. The underlying bedrock is acidic and so seepage waters are not exceptionally rich in nutrients, although still somewhat beneficial to plant growth. Soil development is relatively thin, with solums ranging from 35 to 55 cm. The common horizon sequence on well drained sites is LFH, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C. O horizons may occur under coniferous forests where mosses dominate the ground vegetation. The organic layer is 3 to 10 cm thick, becoming more humified with depth. It overlies a thin (2 to 5 cm), light brownish gray coloured Ae horizon which breaks abruptly into the B horizon. A thin brown to dark brown Bhf horizon varies from 3 to 8 cm in thickness. The Bhf horizon merges with a yellowish brown Bf horizon which gradually grades into the oxidized light olive brown parent material. At 30 to 40 cm the podzolic B horizon grades into a BC horizon which grades into the unaltered parent material or C horizon. Imperfectly drained soils have similar profile horizons but are modified by periodic saturation. They are mottled in the B and C horizons. Poorly to very poorly drained horizon sequences typically consist of LFH or O, Aeg, Bg, BCg, and Cg horizons. The forest duff layer is thicker in poorly and very poorly drained conditions than found in well drained counterparts, varying from 5 to 15 cm, but occasionally as thick as 30 cm. The Boston Brook textural profile consists of a loam to clay loam, usually increasing in clay content with depth and also as drainage becomes poorer. Profile coarse fragment content varies from 10 to 30%, with a preponderance of subangular to somewhat subrounded gravels and cobbles. Boston Brook soils are medium in inherent fertility and acidic throughout, with pH(H 2O) values of 4.0 to 5.5. A friable to very friable, weak to moderate, fine to medium, granular or subangular blocky solum overlies a slightly firm weak, medium subangular blocky subsoil. Boston Brook soils are associated with soils of the Caribou, Holmesville and Violette associations., and occasionally with the Tetagouche and Tetagouche Falls associations The Caribou association is differentiated from Boston Brook on the basis of subsoil reaction. Boston Brook parent materials are acidic while Caribou parent materials are near neutral. Coarse fragment lithologies also differ between the two soils, however, in many other features they are similar owing to their both having developed on fine loamy noncompact till materials. Boston Brook is differentiated from Holmesville and Violette on the basis of subsoil compaction. Boston Brook soils are only somewhat compact in the subsoil while both Holmesville and Violette soils are strongly compacted, especially Violette soils. Holmesville soils have coarser textured subsoils than Boston Brook soils. Violette soils have similar fine loamy subsoils, and near identical lithologies, making their separation from Boston Brook soils one of subsoil compaction. The Boston Brook association is considered marginally suitable for agriculture in its existing state. The major limitation to agricultural development is coarse fragment content. Stones and cobbles may impede agricultural production, but when overcome, Boston Brook soils should be moderately suitable for most crops. They have good nutrient and water holding capacities and the subsoil is not typically a structural limitation. From a forestry perspective these soils are capable of supporting a wide range of commercial species since they are moderate in natural fertility. Summary of general characteristics of the Boston Brook Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) : BO : Chaleur Uplands 42 Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : 300-500 m : 2,877 ha : 0.10% : Mineral : Glacial till, noncompact :<3m : Olive to olive brown : Fine loamy : Argillite, slate and fine-grained sandstone : Medium : Undulating to hilly or ridged (2-70%) : Well to moderately well : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Loam Clay loam % Sand 35 30 % Silt 40 39 % Clay 25 31 % Coarse Fragments 15 subangular G/C 25 subangualar G/C pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.30 1.60 Ksat (cm/hr) 5 0.5 - 2 AWHC (cm/cm) >.20 0.20 9%, but slopes of 15 to 45% may occur along stream channels that are deeply incised into the bedrock. Landform surface expressions are more characteristic and indicative of a basal till mode of deposition. This is further corroborated by the localized nature of the till debris. Most of the soil parent material has been derived from the bedrock upon which it is presently resting, with only minimal displacement. Similarity to the underlying bedrock often makes it difficult to determine if the subsoil is till or residual (weathered in situ) material. The friable to only somew hat firm consistence of the subsoil may be attributed to the composition of the parent material. The presence of available bases (ie. calcium from the calcitic bedrock debris) promotes physical and biochemical processes in soil formation that favour the development and stabilization of soil structure. Figure 16. Location of mapped Caribou soils. Caribou Association The Caribou association consists of soils that have developed in neutral to weakly calcareous, fine loamy, noncompact morainal till derived from calcareous shale, argillite and slate, and occasionally some limestone. Deposits range from less than 1 m thick (veneers) to some deposits in excess of 3 m thick. The transition from regolith to bedrock may be gradual, with some in situ weathering of the underlying vertically dipping calcitic shale (slate) bedrock. Caribou soils occur in the Chaleur Uplands portion of the study area (Fig. 16) at elevations between 300 and 500 m above sea level. They occupy approximately 82,212 ha, representing some 2.95% of the map area. Caribou soil parent material is noncompact, and as such has been considered to be ablational till. However, it is quite conceivable that much of the material was in fact deposited as basal till, laid down below the glacier as it advanced. This hypothesis is substantiated by several conditions. Most Caribou soils occur on the gently rolling to undulating plateau between St. Quentin and the Restigouche River. They commonly occupy ridges with broad tops and slopes of 3 to Regardless of mode of deposition, the physical and chemical attributes of Caribou soils are quite uniform. They consist of noncompact, fine loamy sediments with sharp, angular, flat coarse fragments derived from the underlying weakly calcareous shale-slate. Surface stoniness ranges from slightly to moderately stony, with less than 3% of the land surface occupied by coarse fragments. Well drained Caribou soils have developed under a mixed hardwood-softwood forest cover type consisting of red and sugar maple, beech, white birch, mountain ash, red oak, trembling aspen, white pine, balsam fir and black and white spruce. Poorly to very poorly drained members are dominated by black spruce, balsam fir, white cedar, tamarack, red maple, trembling aspen, black ash, and speckled alder. The Caribou association is dominated by well to moderately well drained Podzolic Gray Luvisols and Luvisolic Humo-Ferric Podzols. This represents bisequal soil horizonation ie. two sequences of an eluvial horizon and its related illuvial horizon. The upper sequence of horizons is typical of a podzol with development of a Bf horizon. The lower sequence of horizons is typical of a luvisol, with a distinct increase in clay content forming a Bt horizon. Depth 43 to the Bt horizon determines whether the soil is classified as Luvisolic or Podzolic. During soil formation acid leaching removed free carbonates from the upper solum. Wetting and drying cycles then lead to the dispersal of the very fine clay component which was translocated with the downward movement of water. Carbonates in the lower profile caused the clays to flocculate, thus accumulating into a Bt horizon. Thin to moderately thick clay films are present in voids and root channels and on most vertical and horizontal ped faces. Imperfectly drained sites are classified as either Gleyed Podzolic Gray Luvisols or Gleyed Brunisolic Gray Luvisols, indicating weaker soil development than is found in the well to moderately well drained sites. Poorly to very poorly drained sites are Orthic Luvic Gleysols and Orthic Humic Gleysols. They usually occur along drainage channels and in depressions as predictable inclusions in areas dom inated by well to moderately well drained soils. Caribou soils have moderate internal drainage. Based on pore size distribution, the upper solum is estimated to have a moderate to moderately rapid permeability (2.5 to 10 cm/hr saturated hydraulic conductivity) and the lower solum (Bt horizon) and subsoil moderately slow permeability (0.5 to 2.0 cm/hr). Available moisture storage capacity exceeds 0.20 cm/cm throughout the profile. In well to moderately well drained sites precipitation is the dominant source of water. Rainfall exceeds evaporation resulting in excess water which flows downward through the profile. Lateral flow occurs only on very steep gradients during periods of extreme wetness (spring snowmelt, heavy rainfall, etc.). Poorly to very poorly drained sites occur because of high groundwater levels and to a lesser extent because of inflow of seepage from adjacent uplands, or both. The underlying bedrock is a vertically standing weathered shale-slate (Fig.17) that accommodates some downward movement of water. Soil development is quite thick, with solums ranging from 60 to in excess of 100 cm. This greater than normal thickness of solum development can be attributed to the illuviation of clay. Profile development is greatest in the well to moderately well drained sites. The common horizon sequence is LFH, Ah, Ae1, Bf, Ae2, Bt and C. The Ae1 horizon is usually thin and often discontinuous. Faunal activity has created a moder-mull type of forest humus form that may reach depths of 5 to 10 cm, at the expense of the LFH and Ae horizons. However, conditions also exist in which the Ah horizon may be almost completely absent. The organic rich Ah is dark brown to black while the Ae horizon is white to light grey. The Bf horizon is characteristically strong brown to brownish yellow, becoming paler with depth. Parent material colours range from olive to olive brown. Imperfectly drained Caribou soils have similar horizonation to their well drained counterparts. The major difference morphologically is the presence of mottles and gley features due to periodic reducing conditions. Chemically, Fe and Al accumulation in the upper B horizon is less than in the well drained member. The upper B horizon in imperfectly drained soils ranges from a Bf to a Bm (or Bfj). In poorly to very poorly drained profiles the common horizon sequence is either LFH or O, Aeg, Btg and Cg where there is a significant amount of clay translocation; or, LFH or O, Ah, Bg and Cg Figure 17. Well drained Caribou soil profile, veneer phase. where the dominant features are the thick Ah and lack of clay migration; or some combination of the two sequences. The Caribou textural profile consists of a silt loam to loam upper solum that grades into a clay loam to silty clay loam in the Bt and C horizons. The clay content peaks in the Bt horizon. Clay mineralogy of the podzolic portion of the profile is dominated by vermiculite. Mica dominates the Bt and C horizons (Arno et. al ca 1964). Percent silt plus clay averages 60 to 75%. Poorly drained depression sites have heavier textures because of inwashed fines from seepage and overland flow. Coarse fragment content within the profile averages 10 to 30%, usually increasing with depth. Lithic or veneer phases may have increased coarse fragment contents especially nearing the bedrock interface. The rock fragments are flat, angular gravels (channers) of soft weathered shale-slate derived from the underlying calcitic bedrock. Most fragments are completely leached of carbonates, especially in the upper profile. The soil parent material has been derived from rock types that weather rapidly and are moderately rich in bases. Inherent fertility is therefore high in comparison to other soil associations but at the same time "wanting" because of natural leaching due to rainfall. From an agricultural perspective nutrient retention is good. There is a gradual increase in soil reaction down the profile. The upper solum is acidic while the lower solum is neutral grading into a weakly calcareous parent 44 material between 1 and 2 m from the mineral soil surface. Shallow to bedrock phases are acidic throughout. Sites that receive seepage are often enhanced with soluble bases that have been leached from adjacent upland soils and bedrock formations. Impeded drainage also results in less acid leaching. For this reason depressions are often higher in exchangeable bases (more nutrient rich) and thus have a higher pH. Caribou soils are characterized by their noncompactness and well developed structures. The upper solum is usually friable to very friable, moderate to strong, medium, granular. The Bt is friable to slightly firm with a moderate, medium, subangular blocky structure. The subsoil is somewhat firm in situ but is very friable when removed. Caribou soils are primarily associated with soils of the Carleton and Thibault associations, and to a lesser degree with the Boston Brook, Violette and Holmesville associations. Caribou, Carleton and Thibault soils have all developed on parent materials derived from calcareous to weakly calcareous rock types. Thibault soils are coarser-textured and often referred to as "the coarse loamy phase of the Caribou association". However, while well drained Caribou soils have bisequal profile development with podzolic features over luvisolic features, Thibault association soils lack any sign of luvisolic features. The Carleton association is similar to the Caribou association in that both soils are fine loamy and have developed from parent materials derived from the same lithological rock types. They differ in subsoil compaction. Carleton soils are compact, Caribou soils are non-compact. In some instances where the subsoils are only weakly compact, separation of these two associations may be difficult. The Caribou association is differentiated from the Boston Brook, Violette and Holmesville soils on the basis of coarse fragment lithology, particle size class, reaction, and/or subsoil consistence. Caribou is derived almost completely from calcareous shale-argillite-slate. Boston Brook, Violette and Holmesville are derived from acidic lithological rock types such as quartzite, sandstone, argillite and slate. Both Holmesville and Violette have developed on lodgment tills and as such have dense compact subsoils. Holmesville soils are also coarse loamy in comparison to the fine loamy Caribou. Like Caribou soils, Boston Brook soils are fine loamy and noncompact in the subsoil. But Boston Brook soils have more angular cobble-sized coarse fragments, the coarse fragments are of acidic metasedimentary rock types, the subsoil pH is more acidic and the subsoil consistence is more firm (com pact) and less structured. The Caribou association is considered highly suitable for agriculture where surface relief is sufficient for external drainage, but not excessively steep. The soil has a deep (50 cm plus) available rooting zone with excellent nutrient and water retention capacities. The soils are easily worked and retain most of their structural integrity. From a forestry perspective these soils are capable of supporting a wide range of commercial species. They are comparatively high in natural fertility. Summary of general characteristics of the Caribou Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : CB : Chaleur Uplands : 300-500 m : 82,212 ha : 2.95% : Mineral : Glacial till, noncompact :<3m : Olive to olive brown : Fine loamy : Calcareous shale, argillite, slate and some limestone : High : Undulating and rolling to hilly or sloping (3-45%) : Well to moderately well : Podzolic Gray Luvisol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 50 50 - 100+ Texture Class Silt loam Clay loam % Sand 30 35 % Silt 45 33 % Clay 25 32 % Coarse Fragments 10 flat/angular G 25 flat/angular G pH (H2 O) 5.3 6.0 - 7.0+ BD (g/cm3 ) 1.20 1.55 Ksat (cm/hr) 2.5 - 10 0.5 - 2 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.25 0.20 Carleton Association The Carleton association consists of soils that have developed in neutral to weakly calcareous, fine loamy, compact morainal till derived from calcareous shale, argillite and slate, and occasionally some limestone. Deposits are typically less than 2 m thick (veneers and blankets) over bedrock. In veneer phases, the transition from regolith to bedrock may be gradual, with some in situ weathering of the underlying calcareous bedrock. Carleton soils occur mostly in the Chaleur Uplands portion of the study area (Fig. 18) at elevations between 300 and 500 m above sea level. They occupy approximately 85,211 ha, representing some 3.06% of the map area. Carleton soil parent material is compact, and as such has been considered to be a lodgment or basal till, laid down below the glacier as it advanced. Most of the soil parent material has been derived from the bedrock upon which it is presently resting, with only minimal displacement. While the subsoil is 45 considered to be firm, it is not excessively so. The firm to somewhat friable subsoil consistence is attributed to the composition of the parent material. It is gravelly, which tends to reduce its compatibility and it is also higher in pH. The presence of available bases (ie. calcium from the calcareousrich bedrock debris) promotes physical and biochemical soil forming processes that favour the development and stabilization of soil structure. Figure 18. Location of mapped Carleton soils. Carleton soils consist of compact, fine loamy sediments with an abundance of gravel-sized subangular and subrounded to sharp, angular, flat coarse fragments derived from the underlying weakly calcareous bedrock. Surface stoniness ranges from slightly to moderately stony, with less than 3% of the land surface occupied by coarse fragments. Well drained Carleton soils have deve loped under a mixed hardwood-softwood forest cover type consisting of red and sugar maple, beech, birch, mountain ash, red oak, trembling aspen, white pine, balsam fir and black and white spruce. Poorly to very poorly drained members are dominated by black spruce, balsam fir, white cedar, tamarack, red maple, trembling aspen, black ash, and speckled alder. The Carleton association is dominated by well to moderately well drained Podzolic Gray Luvisols (Fig. 19) and Luvisolic Humo-Ferric Podzols, but with some Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols. The Podzolic Luvisols and the Luvisolic Podzols have overlying sequences of eluvial/illuvial horizons. The upper sequence of horizons is typical of a podzol with development of a Bf horizon. The lower sequence of horizons is typical of a luvisol, with a distinct increase in clay content forming a Bt horizon. Depth to the Bt horizon determines whether the soil is classified as a Luvisolic or Podzolic intergrade, and where Bt horizon formation is weak (more acidic sites), the profile is classified solely as a Podzol. During soil formation acid leaching removed free carbonates from the upper solum. Wetting and drying cycles then lead to the dispersal of the very fine clay component which was translocated with the downward movement of water. Carbonates in the lower profile caused the clays to flocculate, thus accumulating into a Bt horizon. Thin to moderately thick clay films are present in voids and root channels and on most vertical and horizontal ped faces. Imperfectly drained sites are classified as gleyed variants of their well-drained counterparts, Gleyed Podzolic Gray Luvisols and Gleyed Hum o-Ferric Podzols. They may also be Gleyed Brunisolic Gray Luvisols, indicating weaker soil development than is found in the well to moderately well drained sites. Poorly to very poorly drained sites are Orthic Luvic Gleysols and Orthic Gleysols. They usually occur along drainage channels and in depressions, interspersed in areas dominated by well to moderately well drained soils. Carleton soils have slow internal drainage. The upper solum is estimated to have moderate to moderately rapid permeability (2.5 to 10 cm/hr saturated hydraulic conductivity), but the lower solum (Bt horizon) and subsoil have slow permeability (0.1 to 0.5 cm/hr). Available moisture storage capacity ranges from 0.25 cm/cm in the upper solum to less than 0.15 cm/cm in the subsoil. The subsoils are dense and compact, but not excessively so. Bulk densities of 1.70 to 1.80 g/cm3 are common. In well to moderately well drained sites precipitation is the dominant source of water. Downward movement of excess moisture through the profile is impeded by the subsoil. Lateral flow or seepage is common, especially on sloping topography after heavy rains or follow ing snow melt. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained areas have developed because of a combination of topographic position, lack of gradient, subsoil compaction, seepage and high groundwater table. Soil development is quite thick, with solums ranging from 60 to in excess of 80 cm. This greater than normal thickness of solum development can be attributed to the illuviation of clay. Profile development is greatest in the well to moderately well drained sites. The common horizon sequence is LFH, Ah, Ae1, Bf, Ae2, Bt and C. The Ae1 horizon is usually thin and often discontinuous. Faunal activity has created a moder-mull type of forest humus form that may reach depths of 5 to 10 cm, at the expense of the LFH and Ae horizons. However, conditions also exist in which the Ah horizon may be almost completely absent. The organic rich Ah is dark brown to black while the Ae horizon is white to light grey. The Bf horizon is characteristically strong brown to brownish yellow, becoming paler with depth. Where clay translocation is weakly expressed, the Bt horizon may not be present. The transition to parent material is then designated as a BC horizon. Parent material colours range from olive to olive brown. Imperfectly drained Carleton soils have similar horizonation to their well drained counterparts. The major differences morphologically are the presence of mottles and gley features due to periodic reducing conditions. Chemically, Fe and Al accumulation in the upper B horizon is less than in the well drained member. The upper B horizon in imperfectly drained soils ranges from a Bf to a Bm (or Bfj). In poorly to very poorly drained profiles the common horizon sequence is either LFH or O, Aeg, Btg and Cg where there is a significant amount of clay 46 translocation; or, LFH or O, Ah, Aeg, Bg and Cg where clay migration is less pronounced. The Carleton textural profile consists of a loam to silt loam upper solum that grades into a loam to clay loam or silty clay loam in the Bt and C horizons. The clay content peaks in the Bt horizon. Poorly drained depressional sites have heavier textures because of inwashed fines from seepage and overland flow. Coarse fragment content within the profile averages 10 to 30%, usually increasing in abundance with depth. Lithic or veneer phases may have increased coarse fragment contents especially nearing the bedrock interface. Most fragments are completely leached of carbonates, especially in the upper profile. The soil parent material has been derived from rock types that weather rapidly and are moderately rich in bases. Inherent fertility is therefore high in comparison to other soil associations but at the same time subjected to natural leaching due to rainfall. From an agricultural perspective nutrient retention is good. There is a gradual increase in soil reaction with depth. The upper solum is acidic while the lower solum is neutral grading into a weakly calcareous parent material between 1 and 2 m from the mineral soil surface. Shallow to bedrock phases are acidic throughout. “There are slight variations in texture, pH and degree of leaching in the Carleton association. The degree of leaching usually increases and the pH decreases as the texture becomes lighter. It is also generally found that a welldrained porous soil on top of ridges and knolls is more acidic and more leached then the average Carleton soil. Down the slope the reaction of the soil gradually increases and the degree of leaching decreases. This gradual change down the slope is partly connected with the parent material of the soil. The parent material of the Carleton series contains considerable lime, which on weathering, is liberated into the soil and subsequently washed down to the lower levels. This raises the pH of the lower lying soils and consequently restricts the leaching process.” (Stobbe 1940). Sites that receive seepage are thus enhanced with soluble bases that have been leached from adjacent upland soils and bedrock formations, resulting in increased fertility. The upper solum is usually friable to very friable, moderate to strong, medium, granular. The Bt is firm, but with a moderate, medium, subangular blocky structure. The subsoil increases in density with depth. and slate while the Carleton association soils have been derived from calcareous-rich rock types. Holmesville is coarse loamy in comparison to the fine loamy Carleton, but Violette is similarly fine loamy in composition and as such very similar to the Carleton soil. In addition to different lithologies, subsoil reaction and density are also used to separate the two associations. Violette is acidic and more compact in the subsoil than Carleton. Violette also has more cobble-sized subangular coarse fragments throughout the profile. Figure 19. Well drained Carleton soil profile. Carleton soils are associated w ith other soils that have developed on parent materials derived from calcareous to weakly calcareous rock types - the Thibault and Caribou associations. Both of these soils have developed on noncompact ablational tills and as such lack the compact subsoil found in the Carleton soils. The Thibault soils are also coarser textured than the Carleton soil. The Caribou association is similar to the Carleton association in that both soils are fine loamy and have developed from parent materials derived from the same lithological rock types. They differ in subsoil compaction. Carleton soils are compact, Caribou soils are noncompact. In some instances where the subsoils are only weakly compact, separation of these two associations may be difficult. Carleton soils have also been mapped with Violette and Holmesville soils. Both Violette and Holmesville soils have been derived from acidic quartzite, sandstone, argillite The Carleton association is considered highly suitable for agriculture where surface relief is sufficient for external drainage but not excessively steep. The soil has a relatively deep (50 cm plus) available rooting zone with excellent nutrient and water retention capacities. The soils are easily worked and retain most of their structural integrity. From a forestry perspective these soils are capable of supporting a wide range of commercial species. They are comparatively high in natural fertility. Summary of general characteristics of the Carleton Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent : CR : Chaleur Uplands : 300-500 m : 85,211 ha 47 Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : 3.06% : Mineral : Glacial till, compact :<2m : Olive to yellowish brown : Fine loamy : Calcareous shale, argillite, slate and some calcite : High : Rolling and undulating to hilly or sloping (2-100%) : Well to moderately well : Podzolic Gray Luvisol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 50 50 - 100+ Texture Class Loam Loam - clay loam % Sand 40 40 % Silt 40 29 % Clay 20 31 % Coarse Fragments 15 subangular G/C 25 subangular G/C pH (H2 O) 5.0 - 5.5 6.0+ BD (g/cm3 ) 1.20 1.75 Ksat (cm/hr) 2.5 - 10 0.1 - 0.5 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.25 < 0.15 Figure 20. Location of mapped Catamaran soils. Catamaran Association The Catamaran association consists of soils that have developed in moderately thin (most less than 2 m thick) deposits of acidic, coarse loamy compact morainal till. This association has been used to describe soils that occur mostly in an area along the eastern boundary of the New Brunswick Central Highlands physiographic region (Fig. 20), where the glacial till has been derived from a mixture of Devonian granites and Ordovician and Silurian greywacke, schists, quartzite, slates and sandstones. Elevations range from 120 to 400 m above sea level. Other occurrences of Catamaran soils are found north of Fredericton and west of Bathurst. In total these soils occupy approximately 133,044 ha or 4.77% of the total map area. Catamaran parent material has been deposited as ground moraine, basal till plastered in place during glacial advance and subsequently covered w ith a thin discontinuous mantle of ablational till upon glacial retreat. Both materials are of similar composition. Mixing actions of soil formation have obliterated most evidence of the ablational capping. Only in areas where the noncompact ablational material is significantly thicker than the average depth of soil development can the two materials be positively identified. These represent very small areas, being the exception rather than the rule. In most profiles the solum is underlain by a dense compact lodgment till subsoil (Fig. 21). Because of the relatively thin nature of these deposits, the surface expression generally reflects the topography of the underlying bedrock. Landforms consist largely of blankets and to a lesser extent veneers over an undulating to rolling (2 to 15% slope) and sometimes hilly, inclined or sloping (9 to 45% slope) bedrock. Relief is a function of distance from the Maritime Plain, with more strongly expressed topographic conditions occurring in the central portions of the Highlands. Although the regolith is thin, the material is uniform in thickness. Seldom are there significant bedrock outcrops (ie. exposures covering more than 2% of the surface) to warrant consideration. Well drained Catamaran soils support mixed softwood-hardwood stands of balsam fir, black spruce, red spruce, white birch, yellow birch, red oak and sugar and red maple. Forest cover on poorly drained sites is comprised of balsam fir, black spruce, cedar, red maple, tamarack and some yellow birch. Drainage of Catamaran soils ranges from good to poor, but well and imperfectly drained associates dominate. They are classified as Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 21) and Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols, respectively. Most profiles show some tendency of intergrading towards soils of the Ferro-Humic Podzol great group, with a thin (less than 10 cm thick) Bhf in the upper B horizon. Higher effective precipitation due to cooler temperatures results in environmental conditions in central New Brunsw ick that are conducive to organic matter accumulation in the B horizon and thus the formation of a Bhf. Poorly drained Catamaran soils are classified mainly as Orthic or Fera Gleysols, and occasionally as Orthic Humic Podzols. Internal drainage is somewhat impeded by the subsoil which has an estimated slow permeability rate of 0.1 to 0.5 cm/hr. Available water storage capacity is estimated at 0.15 to 0.25 48 are slow. The F horizon dominates over the H horizon. The light grayish coloured Ae overlies the dark reddish brown coloured Bhf which in turn changes abruptly to a 10 to 25 cm thick, yellowish brown coloured Bf horizon. The Bf horizon grades through a transitional BC horizon into a compact C horizon. The C horizon often has fragipan formation, which when moist, is difficult to differentiate from the compact parent material. When dry, the fragic material is brittle and slakes in water. Well drained profiles with fragipan development are classified as Fragic Humo-Ferric Podzols. However, most of the fragipan in Catamaran soils is weakly expressed and limited in areal extent. Imperfectly drained members of the Catamaran association have a similar sequence of horizons, but display distinct or prominent mottling, especially along the contact of the dense, compact subsoil. Gleying becomes more prominent in lower site positions. Poorly to very poorly drained Catamaran soils have profiles consisting of LFH or O, Aeg, Bg or Bgf, and Cg. The predominance of coniferous forest vegetation on these sites encourages mosses and the accumulation of thicker organic layers. Lithic phases of Catamaran occur randomly in well, imperfectly and even some poorly drained locations, wherever bedrock is near the surface. With the exception of being somewhat abbreviated, profile characteristics are similar to the aforementioned. Figure 21. Moderately well drained Catamaran soil profile. cm/cm in the solum and less than 0.15 cm/cm in the subsoil. Well to moderately well drained Catamaran soils have developed in areas where steeper topography permits adequate site drainage. They occupy crest to mid-slope positions in rolling landscapes, but may also occupy lower slope positions in hilly, inclined and strongly sloping areas. Precipitation is the dominant water source but additions by subsurface flow are also significant in moderately well drained sites. Excess water flows both downward through the underlying parent material and laterally as subsurface flow. Seepage along the subsoil contact is common during periods of excess moisture. ie. after heavy rainfalls and following snowmelt. Poorly drained Catamaran soils occur on level to gently undulating terrain characterized by slow runoff, or in depressions and along drainage ways in areas with more relief (rolling, hilly and sloping topography). Groundwater flow and subsurface flow are the major water sources. Imperfectly drained sites are frequently the result of a temporarily perched water table where precipitation and lateral flow exceed downward permeability and evapotranspiration. Solum thickness ranges from 40 to 50 cm. On well drained sites the common horizon sequence is LFH, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C or Cx. The upper horizons, LFH, Ae, and Bhf are all relatively thin (3 to 10 cm) but distinct in appearance. Mineralization and humification processes in the organic layer The Catamaran texture profile consists of a loam to sandy loam throughout, with 8 to 18% clay content. Weathering within the solum may result in a slightly finer texture in the upper profile than in the subsoil, however, this variation is still within the loam-sandy loam grouping. Profile coarse fragment content ranges from 10 to 25% with subangular cobbles and gravels the dominant size class. Most Catamaran land surfaces are moderately to very stony with stone-sized clasts occupying 2 to 15% of the area. Usually these soils are also moderately to very cobbly with surface coverage similar to that of the stones. Surface boulders are present but not in significant quantities to warrant designation. Catamaran soils are low to medium in natural fertility. The granitic parent rocks weather slowly and yield relatively infertile soil material. The non-granitic component tends to weather more rapidly and yield more nutrient-rich soil. Soil reaction increases with depth but both the solum and subsoil are acidic, falling within a pH(H 2O) range of 4.0 to 5.5. The solum is weak to moderate, fine to medium, granular to subangular blocky structured and very friable. It provides a 40 to 50 cm potential rooting zone. The parent material is firm to very firm, compact, and slightly cemented in the upper C horizon. The C horizon is usually pseudoplaty in situ but breaks to medium subangular blocky when extracted. Catamaran soils found along the Plaster Rock-Renous highway occupy a bedrock zone that separates the Long Lake-McGee association parent materials to the northwest, the Juniper association parent material to the west and the Reece association parent material to the east. Juniper soils are readily differentiated from Catamaran soils on the basis of a number of properties, the most obvious being subsoil consistence, 49 coarse fragment content and lithology. Juniper soils have a noncompact subsoil, 20 to 50% coarse fragment content and granitic lithology. Catamaran soils have a compact subsoil, 10 to 2 5 % c o a r se fragm ent co n t e n t an d m i x ed granitic-metamorphic lithology. Reece soils are similar in morphology but are fine loamy (greater than 18% clay content) whereas Catamaran soils are coarse loamy (less than 18% clay content). Reece soils are also derived from sandstone and shale bedrock types. Long Lake soils are closest to the Catamaran association in terms of physical, chemical and morphological properties. Long Lake soils are coarse-loamy with compact subsoils, but they are derived from slate, siltstone, argillite, schist and miscellaneous quartzite and greywacke. Biological production on Catamaran soils is affected by low to medium inherent fertility, surface stoniness, depth to a root/water restricting layer, climate, and to a lesser degree wetness and topography. These limitations more severely handicap agriculture than forestry. Agricultural potential is marginal. Catamaran soils should prove adequate to support moderately productive stands of forest tree species climatically suited to the region. Ksat (cm/hr) 2.5 - 10 0.1 - 0.5 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.15 - 0.25 < 0.15 Gagetown Association The Gagetow n Association consists of soils developed in thick deposits (some in excess of 20 m) of noncalcareous, sandy skeletal, glaciofluvial material with mixed igneous and metamorphic coarse fragment rock types. There soils occur in small tracts scattered throughout the central New Brunswick Highlands and coastal Maritime Plain regions of the survey area (Fig. 22). Gagetown association soils cover approximately 44,150 ha or 1.58% of the map area. Summary of general characteristics of the Catamaran Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : CT : N. B. Highlands : 120-400 m : 133,044 ha : 4.77% : Mineral : Glacial till, compact :<2m : Yellowish brown to olive brown : Coarse loamy : Granite, schist, quartzite, slate and sandstone : Medium : Rolling and undulating to hilly or sloping (2-45%) : Well to moderately well : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Loam - sandy loam Sandy loam % Sand 50 60 % Silt 35 30 % Clay 15 10 % Coarse Fragments 15 subangular C/G 20 subangular C/G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.20 1.80 Figure 22. Location of mapped Gagetown soils. Gagetow n soils are found on eskers, kames, kame terraces and deltas, kame and kettle complexes, outwash plains and fans and valley trains. Surface expressions vary from gently undulating plains with less than 5% slopes to hummocky, terraced or sloping landscapes with slopes ranging from 2 or 3% to in excess of 45%. Steep complex slopes are the rule rather than the exception. Many of these depositions are associated with present day river valleys along the Nepisiguit, Tetagouche, Miramichi and Nackawic Rivers and their tributaries. Other deposits traverse the landscape, showing little or no conformity to existing relief or topography. These were englacial stream flow sediments which were left behind upon glacial retreat. Most sediments consist of well stratified sands and gravels with some cobbles. Bedding is commonly skewed from the horizontal and particle size distribution may vary abruptly and significantly from one layer to the next. Most of the finer materials (silts and clays) have been washed out during deposition. Boulders and stones occasionally occur, both on the surface and within the soil profile, the result of ice-rafted debris. However, most units are nonstony. Gagetown soils usually support forest stands of 50 predominantly softwoods, jack pine and black spruce, with some grey birch on the drier sites. Wetter sites along river bottoms encourage stands of black spruce, red maple and white birch. The Gagetown Association is dominated by well to rapidly drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 23) and Eluviated Dystric Brunisols. Significant areas of gleyed phases of the aforementioned subgroups occupy imperfectly and poorly drained sites, with some Orthic Gleysols on very poorly drained locations. On well to rapidly drained sites the sole source of water is precipitation. Excess rainfall quickly dissipates since the underlying material is very rapidly permeable (usually greater than 25 cm/hr). These soils have a low to very low available water storage capacity, 0.10 cm/cm or less. In imperfectly and poorly drained sites excess water is the result of a high ground water table. Off drainage occurs in depressions and lower terrace site positions along some stream and river valleys. Figure 23. Rapidly drained Gagetown soil profile. The solum of Gagetown Association soils varies from 35 to 45 cm in thickness. Solum thickness is related to the prevailing moisture regime. Well to somewhat imperfectly drained soils have the thickest development, followed by rapidly (excessively) and then poorly to very poorly drained soils. The common horizon sequence in well to rapidly drained soils is: LFH, Ae, Bf or Bm, BC and C. Imperfectly to poorly drained profiles have: LFH or O, Ae, Bfgj or Bmgj, BCgj or BCg and Cg ; and very poorly drained profiles: LFH or O, Aeg, Bg and Cg. The surface horizons of Gagetown soils are relatively devoid of the stratification or layering so prevalent and characteristic of the parent material. The non-stratified nature of these upper horizons can be attributed to pedogenic activities of soil mixing by microorganisms, frost action and tree windthrow. Pedogenic weathering has also resulted in increased levels of silt and clay (fines) in the solum. The Gagetown texture profile usually grades from a gravelly loamy sand to sandy loam solum into a gravelly to very gravelly loamy sand to sand subsoil. Coarse fragment content varies from occasionally less than 20% in the solum to more than 70% in the C horizon or parent material, usually increasing with depth. Most coarse fragments are rounded or subrounded gravels, 0.2 to 7.5 cm in diameter, however some larger cobbles may occur. The coarse fragments are derived from granites, granite gneiss, schists, quartzite, basalt and related lithologies. Gagetown soils are very low in natural fertility. They are also acidic throughout the profile, with pH(H 2O) ranging from 4.0 to 5.5. In well drained soils the parent material colour is yellow ish brown to brown. The solum consists of a light gray Ae horizon and a yellowish brown to strong brown and occasionally even reddish brown Bf or Bm horizon. Imperfectly and poorly drained members have either distinct or prominent mottling. Poorly and very poorly drained members are gleyed with gray to olive gray colours of low chroma. The subsoils are loose and single grain, while the sola are for the most part very friable, very weak, fine to medium granular. In exception to this is the presence of ortstein, a hardpan that occurs sporadically throughout Gagetown soils. Iron, aluminum and organic complexes are the cementing agents that result in massive to slightly platy, irreversible Bfc horizons. Ortsteins usually form 10 to 15 cm below the mineral soil surface. The upper boundary of the ortstein is abrupt and cementation decreases near the lower boundary some 10 to 45 cm below. Ortstein is most strongly expressed under poorly drained conditions, however, even here it is discontinuous. Massive blocks of cemented ortstein materials are frequently observed in gravel pits where G agetown soil parent materials are being extracted. The Gagetown catena has formed in glaciofluvial material derived primarily from igneous and highly metamorphosed rocks. It is found in areas dominated by soils formed from similar rock types, such as the Juniper, Catamaran, Popple Depot and Tuadook Associations. However, these are till soils and readily distinguished from Gagetown. Catamaran, Popple Depot and Tuadook are nonstratified deposits with angular coarse fragments, finer textures and have compacted subsoils. Juniper, an ablational till, is similar to Gagetown owing to its mode of deposition. Depending upon the degree of waterworking during deposition, some Juniper soils may closely resemble Gagetown soils. The modal Juniper soil is readily differentiated from Gagetown on the basis of its non-stratified, heterogeneous nature and the presence of more angular coarse fragment shapes. Gagetown soils also occupy the same type of 51 landforms as a number of other associations formed in fluvial sediments - Grand Falls, Riverbank, Interval and Maliseet. Geographically, the Gagetown association is most closely associated with the Riverbank and Interval associations. Differentiation among associations formed in fluvial sediments is made on the basis of particle size or coarse fragment lithology. The Interval and Maliseet associations are coarse loamy; the Riverbank association is sandy; and the Grand Falls association is sandy skeletal but with noncalreous shale, quartzite, slate and sandstone coarse fragments. In comparison, the Gagetown association is sandy skeletal and has granite, granite gneiss, basalt and some quartzite coarse fragments. All uses of Gagetown soils for biological production, be it agriculture or forestry, are limited by the soils low water holding capacity and fertility related problems - low inherent fertility and low fertility retention. Forest tree species selection must be done with these limitations in mind. Imperfect to very poorly drained members also have added problems of excessive wetness, typically due to topographic position. However, Gagetow n soils are readily drained by tile drainage systems. Gagetown soil parent material is an excellent source of aggregate for road building, construction and related uses. It is extracted for local use from numerous sites. BD (g/cm3 ) 1.20 1.55 Ksat (cm/hr) > 25 > 25 AWHC (cm/cm) < 0.10 < 0.05 Grand Falls Association The Grand Falls Association consists of soils developed in thick deposits (often in excess of 20 m) of acidic, sandy skeletal, glaciofluvial material with noncalcareous slate, shale, quartzite and sandstone coarse fragments. The glaciofluvial material is underlain by glacial till or bedrock. These soils occur in small tracts scattered throughout the Chaleur Uplands and New Brunswick Highlands regions of the survey area (Fig. 24). Grand Falls association soils cover approximately 24,264 ha or 0.87% of the map area. Summary of general characteristics of the Gagetown Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : GG : N. B. Highlands, Maritime Plain : up to 300 m : 44,150 ha : 1.58% : Mineral : Fluvial (glaciofluvial) : Up to 20 m : Yellowish brown to brown : Sandy skeletal : Mixed igneous and metamorphic and some sedimentary : Low : Terraced, undulating and hummocky (245%) : Rapid : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 40 40 - 100+ Texture Class Loamy sand Loamy sand - sand % Sand 80 85 % Silt 10 10 % Clay 10 5 % Coarse Fragments 25 rounded G 60 rounded G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 Figure 24. Location of mapped Grand Falls soils. Grand Falls soils were deposited as river terraces, outwash plains or kames or eskers. The topography is either hummocky ie, knob-and-kettle; terraced, with horizontal or gently inclined terraces separated by steeply sloping scarp faces; or undulating. The knob-and-kettle topography consists of a disordered assemblage of knolls or "knobs" interspersed with irregular depressions or "kettles" that are commonly poorly drained or even swamps or ponds. The terraces are long, narrow surfaces running parallel to streams and rivers, marking a former water level. The esker deposits are long, narrow, low, sinuous, steep-sided ridges or mounds. Most of the Grand Falls soils mapped are located along present day drainage systems, however, some minor deposits are known to occur in isolated areas far removed from any existing waterways. These have been deposited by streams within glacial ice and then subsequently laid down upon glacial retreat, thus show ing little or no conformance to local relief. Most sediments consists of well stratified sands and gravels 52 with some cobbles. The soil and rock fragments are smooth and rounded. The layers or strata vary in thickness and composition, a reflection of the changing environmental conditions during which they were deposited. Although some erratic surface boulders and stones may be found, Grand Falls soils are considered to be nonstony. The major forest species on well to rapidly drained sites are black spruce, balsam fir and white and yellow birch. Poorly to very poorly drained lower slopes and depressions support communities of black spruce, balsam fir, red maple and white birch. The Grand Falls Association is dominated by well to rapidly drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 25). Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols occupy imperfectly drained sites, and Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols, Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisols, Orthic Gleysols and Rego Gleysols occur on poorly to very poorly drained sites. The subsoil parent material is very rapidly permeable (usually greater than 25 cm/hr) and so on elevated, rapidly to well drained sites, excess precipitation readily flows downward through the profile. These soils have low available water storage capacity within the control section, averaging 0.10 cm/cm or less. The available water storage capacity decreases with depth, a reflection of coarser soil materials and increased gravel content. Upper solum water holding capacities are enhanced by their finer textures and the presence of organic matter. Precipitation is the sole source of water on these sites. Off-drainage (imperfect, poor and very poor drainage) is the result of high ground water tables and groundwater flow. Most Grand Falls soils are either dry (well to excessively drained) or wet (poorly to very poorly drained). Areas of imperfect drainage are restricted to subdominant components of map units of the above mentioned drainage categories. The depth of the solum of Grand Falls Association soils varies from 35 to 55 cm. Thickest solum development is found on well to imperfectly drained sites. Sites with moisture regimes at the extremes, either excessively dry or excessively wet, tend to have shallow er solum development. The common horizon sequence in well to rapidly drained soils is: LFH, Ae, Bf, BC and C. At higher elevations where there is greater effective precipitation, increased accumulation of organic matter in the upper podzolic B horizon leads to the formation of a thin Bhf horizon. Imperfectly drained profiles have: LFH, Ae, Bfgj, BCgj and Cg horizons, indicating the presence of distinct or prominent mottles. Poorly to very poorly drained soils have horizons sequences of: LFH, Ae, Bmgj or Bfjgj and Cg; LFH or O, Aeg, Bg and Cg; or LFH or O and Cg as drainage gets progressively worse. The stratification so characteristic of the soil parent material is not present in the solum. Mixing actions of soil organisms, frost churning and tree uprooting (windthrow) have altered the upper soil profile, obliterating any of its original stratification. The Grand Falls texture profile usually grades from a gravelly sandy loam to loamy sand, and occasionally even loam, solum into a gravelly to very gravelly loamy sand to sand subsoil. In poorly drained sites inwashed fines (siltation) may make the surface material slightly heavier. Coarse fragment content increases with depth to in excess of 70% in some strata (layers) in the parent material. Percentage coarse fragment content varies from one stratum to another. Most coarse fragments are round-edged, flat, elongated gravels or channers, 0.2 to 15 cm long. These channers are derived from slate, shale, quartzite, sandstone and related lithologies. The characteristic channer shape is an inherited feature from these rock types. Grand Falls soils are low in natural fertility. Profiles are acidic throughout, with pH(H 2O) values ranging from 4.0 to 5.5. In well drained soils the parent material colour is olive brown. The solum consists of a relatively thin (1-5 cm) LFH horizon over a light to pinkish gray Ae which is underlain by a brownish or reddish yellow to strong brown coloured Bf. Imperfectly drained soils have iron mottling of high chroma and value in the lower B and C horizons. Poorly drained soils are characterized by gray colours and prominent mottling indicative of intense reducing conditions. Matrix chromas are generally 2 or less. The subsoils are loose and single grain, while the sola are very friable to friable, with weak, fine to medium, granular structure in the B horizon and weak, fine, platy structure in the A horizon. Cementation of the B horizon occurs in some profiles. This is the result of ortstein or hardpan formation. It is discontinuous and very sporadic in its occurrence. Figure 25. Rapidly drained Grand Falls soil profile. Grand Falls soils are found in areas dominated by soils formed 53 from shale, slate, quartzite and sandstone, such as the Holmesville, Long Lake and McGee associations. However, these are till soils and readily distinguished from Grand Falls soils. These till soils are nonstratified deposits with angular coarse fragments (cobbles, gravels, and stones), finer textures and have friable to very firm subsoils. Grand Falls soils occupy the same type of landscapes as do a number of other soils formed on fluvial sediments: Gagetown, Interval and Maliseet. They are differentiated on the basis of soil particle size class and coarse fragment lithology. Interval and Maliseet are coarse loamy nonskeletal materials. Gagetown is sandy skeletal, but dominated by igneous coarse fragments. Biological production on Grand Falls soils is limited because of low fertility retention and low water holding capacity. Finertextured surface soil in some deposits helps but does not completely alleviate this problem. Retention characteristics of the subsoil are still problematic. Excessive wetness is an additional problem on poorly drained sites. Grand Falls soil parent material is an excellent source of aggregate for road building, construction and related uses. It is extracted for local use from numerous sites. Ksat (cm/hr) > 25 > 25 AWHC (cm/cm) < 0.10 < 0.05 Guimond River Association The Guimond River Association consists of soils developed in relatively thick deposits (sometimes in excess of 10 m) of acidic, sandy skeletal, glaciofluvial material with coarse fragments of soft sandstone. The glaciofluvial sediments are underlain by either bedrock, or a thin mantle of glacial till over the bedrock. Guimond River soils are found only on the lowlands or Maritime Plain (Fig. 26). All deposits occur at low altitude, less than 100 m above sea level, and so were subjected to a short (approximately 2000 years) period of post glacial marine submergence. They occupy approximately 2169 ha or 0.08% of the map area. Occurrences are scattered and small in size. Summary of general characteristics of the Grand Falls Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : GF : N. B. Highlands, Chaleur Uplands, Notre Dame Mountains : 300-600 m : 24,264 ha : 0.87% : Mineral : Fluvial (glaciofluvial) : Up to 20 m : Olive to olive brown : Sandy skeletal : Noncalcareous slate, shale, quartzites and sandstones : Low : Terraced and hummocky to undulating and rolling (0.5-15%) : Rapid : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Figure 26. Location of mapped Guimond River soils. Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Sandy loam - loamy sand Loamy sand - sand % Sand 75 90 % Silt 15 5 % Clay 10 5 % Coarse Fragments 35 rounded, flat, elongated G 60 rounded, flat, elongated G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 1.20 1.50 3 BD (g/cm ) Guimond River soils were deposited as river terraces, outwash plains, eskers, beach ridges and related landscapes. Typically they are found close to flowing water, but not necessarily. Englacial sediments deposited during glacial retreat do not always conform to present day relief. Landform surface expressions vary from gently undulating with slopes of less than 5%, to sloping terraced configurations with complex, irregular slopes of up to 30%. Valley fills of Guimond River materials are common. The sediments consist of well stratified sands and gravels with some cobbles. Water working has resulted in most soil and gravel fragments being smoothed and well rounded. Changing conditions during the time of deposition is reflected in an alternation of sediment beds that show no regular sequence and considerable variation in thickness and texture. Guimond River soils are nonstony, with the exception of the occasional ice rafted erratic stone or 54 boulder. Well to rapidly drained sites support stands dominated by jack pine and black spruce, with minor inclusions of red pine and stunted white birch. Ill-drained sites in depressions or along drainage channels have forest stands of black spruce, balsam fir, red maple and some birch and alder. The Guimond River association is dominated by well to rapidly drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols and Eluviated Dystric Brunisols. Imperfectly to poorly drained sites are classified as gleyed phases of the aforementioned subgroups. Very poorly drained soils are frequently classified as Orthic Gleysols. The entire depth of the soil (greater than 100 cm) consists of a very rapidly permeable material with saturated hydraulic conductivities of 25 cm/hr and faster. Coarse texture results in a low available water storage capacity of 0.10 cm/cm or less. The available water storage capacity is highest in the solum where textures are slightly finer and less gravelly, and organic matter is present in significant quantities. Precipitation is the sole source of water on well to rapidly drained sites. In poorly drained sites precipitation supplements groundwater flow, which is the dominant factor determining drainage. In the catenary sequence the transition from rapidly drained to poorly drained soils is abrupt, occurring over a relatively short horizontal distance. Imperfectly drained soils are usually only subdominant components of map units dominated by either well to rapidly drained soils or poorly to very poorly drained soils. Solum development in Guimond River soils varies from 30 to 50 cm in depth, where it gradually merges into the unweathered regolith or subsoil. Well-aerated conditions promote thicker sola than in poorly drained sites. This may be somewhat negated on rapidly drained sites that are excessively droughty. Moisture deficiencies lead to reduced rates of soil genesis. Poorly drained soils may have more than 20 cm of organic debris accumulation on the surface. The common horizon sequence is: in well to rapidly drained soils, LFH, Ae, Bf or Bm, BC and C; in imperfectly to poorly drained soils, LFH or O, Ae, Bfgj or Bmgj, BCg and Cg; and in very poorly drained soils, LFH or O, Aeg, Bg and Cg. Postglacial marine submergence (wave washing, sediment deposition and erosion) and soil forming processes have created solum conditions that vary from the subsoil. The solum is nonstratified and finer textured and less gravelly than the subsoil. Marine submergence was brief and consisted more of an estuarial environment of brackish water rather than salt water. Some sediments may have been deposited subaqueously. However, chemical alterations as a result of this marine inundation have long since been leached out. The Guimond River texture profile consists of gravelly to nongravelly sandy loam to loamy sand A and B horizons over a gravelly to very gravelly loamy sand to sand subsoil. Coarse fragment content increases with depth. It ranges from 35 to 70%. Most coarse fragments are rounded gravels, 0.2 to 7.5 cm in diameter. They are derived from the gray-green Pennsylvanian sandstone that underlies the coastal plain. Minor inclusions of red Pennsylvanian sandstone and some non-sandstone components from the highlands may be present. The gray-green sandstone is relatively soft ( less than 4 Mohs scale), medium to fine-grained, and contains 60 to 85% feldspars and 5 to 10% biotite and muscovite. Guimond River soils are very low in natural fertility and acidic throughout the profile, with pH(H 2O) values of 4.0 to 5.5. In well to rapidly drained soils the parent material is olive to yellowish brown. The solum consists of a light grayish coloured eluvial Ae horizon with an abrupt boundary to a reddish brown to yellowish brown B horizon that becomes progressively yellower in hue as it grades into the BC and C horizons. Mottles and grayish gley colours are found in imperfectly and poorly drained conditions, but for the most part the general podzolic or brunisolic horizon sequence is maintained. The subsoil is loose and single grain while the solum is usually very friable, very weak, fine to medium granular. Ortstein, an irreversible hardpan, occurs sporadically in the B horizon of Guimond River soils. Iron, aluminum and organic matter complexes cement the sand grains together into a very firm, compact, massive but discontinuous layer. Ortstein is most strongly expressed under poorly drained conditions. The Guimond River association is found on the eastern coastal plain portion of the study area, interspersed between units of Reece, Stony Brook and Sunbury till soils. The Reece and Stony Brook soils are compact lodgment tills and readily distinguished from the Guimond River association. Sunbury soils are similar lithologically in that their coarse fragments are derived from soft sandstone. But Sunbury soils are finer textured in the parent material and consist of nonstratified glacial drift with angular and flaggy coarse fragments. Guimond River soils are most closely associated with Richibucto soils. Both were deposited by water and they occupy similar landscapes positions. However, Richibucto soils are non-skeletal; they are relatively coarse fragment-free sandy materials. Very low water holding and nutrient retention capacities effect all uses of Guimond River soils for biological production of forest and agricultural crops. Forest tree species selection in particular must be made with these limitations in mind. Guimond River parent material is a source of aggregate used for buildings, road construction and related activities. Quality is a problem with these materials. The sandstone clasts are considered to be unsound. The gravels are soft and rapidly break down into their initial components, ie. sand, making them lower quality gravel sources. Summary of general characteristics of the Guimond River Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour : GM : Maritime Plain : < 100 m : 2169 ha : 0.08% : Mineral : Fluvial (glaciofluvial), possibly marinemodified : Up to 10 m : Olive to yellowish brown 55 Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : Sandy skeletal : Soft gray-green sandstone : Very low : Undulating (0.5-5%) : Rapid : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 40 40 - 100+ Texture Class Sandy loam - loamy sand Loamy sand - sand % Sand 80 90 % Silt 10 5 % Clay 10 5 % Coarse Fragments 30 rounded G 60 rounded G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.20 1.50 Ksat (cm/hr) > 25 > 25 AWHC (cm/cm) < 0.10 < 0.05 Holmesville Association The Holmesville association consists of soils that have developed in relatively thin (1 to 3 m thick) deposits of acidic, coarse loamy, compact morainal till sediments derived from quartzite and sand stones with miscellaneous argillite, slate and schists. They occur in the Chaleur Uplands, Central Highlands and Notre Dame Mountains physiographic regions of the study area (Fig. 27) at elevations of 300 to 600 m above sea level. Holmesville soils occupy approximately 72,592 ha, or 2.60% of the map sheet. The soil parent material has been deposited as ground moraine, plastered in place under the weight of advancing glacial ice. However, it is possible that the loose material in which the solum formed is a thin layer of ablational till, derived from the same bedrock sources, deposited on top of the ground moraine by melting ice during glacial retreat. As a result, there are varying depths of the loose material overlying the compact till. Composition strongly reflects the incorporation of local bedrock formations. The till is a heterogeneous mixture of angular to subrounded shaped particle sizes ranging from silts and clays to cobbles and stones. Coarse fragment shapes are a function of the parent bedrock but have been somewhat rounded by basal till grinding actions. Contents typically vary from 10 to 30% with a high percentage of gravels and cobbles. Holmesville soils are generally not too stony to prevent their use for agriculture, with usually less than 3% of the land Figure 27. Location of mapped Holmesville soils. surface area occupied by coarse fragments. Frost action may concentrate profile cobbles on the mineral soil surface under the forest floor in imperfectly and poorly drained sites. Boulders are not common. Holmesville landforms are dominated by undulating, rolling and occasionally hilly surface expressions with slopes varying from 2 to 45%, but mostly in the 2 to 15% range. Holmesville soils occur on bedrock controlled topography with most map units averaging only 1 to 2 m of soil material. Veneer phases are associated with areas of steeper topography and bedrock outcrops that occur are usually associated with these areas. Well drained soils of the Holmesville association support forest communities of sugar maple, beech, yellow birch, red oak, red and white spruce, balsam fir, red maple, white pine, trembling aspen, pin cherry, striped maple and mountain maple. On poorly to very poorly drained sites the tree vegetation consists of black spruce, cedar, speckled alder and balsam fir, with some red maple and tamarack. Holmesville soils are dominated by well drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 28). Well drained conditions dominate where more steeply sloping hilly and rolling landscapes occur. In these landforms poorly and imperfectly drained conditions are confined to relatively narrow drainage channels. More significant hectarages of imperfectly and poorly drained Holmesville soils occur as Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols and Orthic Gleysols, respectively, in areas of undulating to gently rolling topography. Internal drainage is restricted by a slowly to moderately slowly permeable subsoil with an estimated saturated hydraulic conductivity value of 0.1 to 1.0 cm/hr. Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.25 to less than 0.15 cm/cm, decreasing with depth because of reduced total porosity in the compact subsoil. Well drained sites are supplied with water solely via precipitation. Downward movement of excess moisture through the profile is impeded by the subsoil, resulting in lateral flow or seepage, particularly in the spring after snowmelt. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained areas have developed because of a combination of topographic position, lack of gradient, subsoil 56 compaction, seepage and high groundwater table. lack a podzolic B horizon. They consist of LFH or O, Aeg, Bg, BCg, and Cg horizons. The forest duff layer is thicker in the poorly and very poorly drained conditions than found in well drained counterparts, varying from 5 to 15 cm, but is occasionally as thick as 30 cm. The Holmesville textural profile consists of a loam to sandy loam (8 to 18% clay) throughout. Profile coarse fragment content varies from 10 to 30%, with a preponderance of subangular to somewhat subrounded gravels and cobbles. Holmesville soils are medium in inherent fertility and acidic throughout, with pH(H 2O) values of 4.0 to 5.5. The friable to very friable, weak to moderate, fine to medium, granular or subangular blocky solum overlies a firm to very firm, massive to medium platy subsoil. The subsoil shatters readily upon extraction. The Holmesville association is most comm only found with members of the Long Lake and McGee associations. The three soils have been derived from materials of similar lithological origin, mostly metasedimentary rock types. Holmesville and Long Lake are also alike in many other physical, chemical and morphological features, both having developed in coarse loamy basal till materials. Differentiation is primarily based on lithology. Long Lake soil parent materials have been derived from strongly metamorphosed quartzite, slates and some volcanics. Subsoil consistence is the primary differentiating criteria between McGee and Holmesville. Holmesville subsoils have firm to very firm consistence, high bulk density (greater than 1.75 gm/cm 3) and voids consisting predominantly of micro pores. McGee subsoils are friable (to slightly firm), lower in bulk density (usually less than 1.60 gm/cm 3) and have a higher proportion of macro pores. Holmesville soils have also been mapped in association with Boston Brook, Caribou, Carleton, Jacquet River and Thibault soils. Figure 28. Well drained Holmesville soil profile, cultivated. Soil development varies from 35 to 65 cm in thickness. The common horizon sequence on well drained sites is LFH, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C. O horizons may occur under coniferous forests where mosses dominate the ground vegetation. The organic layer is 2 to 10 cm thick, becoming more humified with depth. It overlies a thin (5 to 10 cm), white, ashy coloured Ae horizon which breaks abruptly into the B horizon. The upper strong brown to dark reddish brown Bhf horizon varies from 2 to 5 cm in thickness. It merges with the brown to yellowish brown Bf horizon which gradually grades into the oxidized olive to grayish brown parent material. Morphological appearance may be deceptive. Significant amounts of translocated iron and aluminum are often present in horizons that display little colour change from the parent material. At 35 to 45 cm the podzolic B horizon grades into a BC horizon which grades into the unaltered parent material or C horizon between 35 and 65 cm from the mineral soil surface. Imperfectly drained soils have similar profile horizons but are modified by periodic saturation. They are mottled in the B and C horizons, especially a thin zone immediately above the compact subsoil where water is perched. The Ae horizon is often irregular or broken because of tree uprooting due to windthrow. Poorly to very poorly drained horizon sequences Excluding problems due to wetness in imperfectly and poorly drained locations, the dominant features affecting agricultural land use are related to topography (excessive slope), coarse fragment content (both surface and profile) and the presence of a subsoil restricting layer which impedes root penetration and water percolation. Medium inherent fertility means that Holmesville are productive forest soils suited to a wide range of tree species. Holmesville are typical of soil development in New Brunswick and have been selected as the provincial soil (Fig. 29). Figure 29. P rovincial soil badge. The Holme sville soil was proclaimed the New Brunswick provincial soil on February 13, 1997. 57 Summary of general characteristics of the Holmesville Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : HM : Chaleur Uplands, Notre Dame Mountains, N. B. Highlands : 300-600 m : 72,592 ha : 2.60% : Mineral : Glacial till, compact : 1-3 m : Olive to olive brown : Coarse loamy : Quartz and sandstone with miscellaneous argillite, slate and schist : Medium : Rolling and undulating to hilly or sloping (2-100%) : Well to moderately well : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 50 50 - 100+ Texture Class Loam - sandy loam Loam - sandy loam % Sand 50 50 % Silt 35 35 % Clay 15 15 % Coarse Fragments 15 subangular G/C 25 subangular G/C pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.10 1.75 Ksat (cm/hr) 2.5 - 10 0.1 - 1.0 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.20 - 0.25 < 0.15 Interval Association The Interval association consists of soils that have developed in acid to neutral, coarse loamy to sandy alluvial sediments of variable thickness. Alluvium is deposited during relatively recent geologic time by running water (rivers, streams, etc.) as sorted or semi-sorted clays, silts, sands and gravels in stream beds and flood plains. It is derived from the till and bedrock that underlies its upstream area of origin. The size of particles carried by the water is among other factors determined by stream flow velocities and currents. Settling occurs where stream velocity is decreased. Depositions are thus varied within the profile (layered) as well as from site to site. Interval sediments are mostly silts and fine sands, although some coarser-textured materials are found immediately adjacent to the channel. They occur as narrow flood plains and terraces along most stream courses. Small tracts of Interval soil are scattered throughout the study area at elevations ranging from sea level to 700 m. However, at the exploratory level of mapping it is not possible to identify these as individual units. They are considered as predictable inclusions within other related map units. The only areas of significant size are found along the Nashwaak, Keswick and Southwest Miramichi Rivers where river channel meandering has resulted in flood plains of up to 1 km in width (Fig. 30). These are within the Lowlands and Central Highlands physiographic regions. In total, Interval soils account for 4,871 ha, or 0.17% of the map area. Figure 30. Location of mapped Interval soils. Interval alluvial terraces, flood plains and stream bottoms have flat to very gently undulating surface expressions with generally less than 2% slope (Fig. 31). They are located only slightly above mean annual river elevation. Alluviation is an ongoing process. Increments of soil are added during flooding. Depending upon site location this may be an annual event or may only occur under extreme conditions (ie. once in every 10 or 20 year flood). Because of this gradual buildup or accumulation of sediments, most Interval soils are rich in organic matter. Plant roots and surface litter are constantly being buried by the addition of new sediments (Fig. 32). Floodwaters are also rich in organic matter. The natural vegetation on these valley floor locations is distinctly different from that associated with adjacent uplands. They are dominated by nutrient demanding and/or water tolerant deciduous tree species such as elm, ash, red maple, willow and alder and various native grasses and herbaceous plants. The Interval association is dominated by imperfectly drained Gleyed Regosols and Gleyed Cumulic Regosols. Soil horizonation is too weakly expressed to meet the requirements of any order other than the Regosolic Order because of the youthfulness of the material. These are immature soils. They have little or no soil horizon development. The common horizon sequence consists of an LF and thin (less than 10 cm 58 thick) Ah over a Cgj. A B horizon less than 5 cm thick may underlie the Ah. Sites with only intermittent flooding and deposition of material have buried Ah horizons resulting in profile horizon sequences of LF, Ah, Cgj, Ahb, Cgj, Ahb, Cgj etc. Well to moderately well drained Interval soils are classified as orthic subgroups of their imperfectly drained counterparts. Most of these profiles still have some faint orange mottling. Poorly and very poorly drained associates are Rego Gleysols and Rego Humic Gleysols with common horizon sequences of LFH or O, Cg; and LFH or O, Ah, Cg; respectively. Buried horizons may also occur. All catena members are subjected to flooding. The severity of flooding varies with site position. During the spring floods the soils are usually saturated with water or entirely submerged. As river levels recede, surplus moisture seeps through the profile. Where water is trapped in enclosed depressional areas the drying out period is extended to several weeks. Interval soils are usually readily permeable within the profile (saturated hydraulic conductivity of greater than 2.5 cm/hr). Underlying substrata of both coarse (sand and gravel) and fine (clay) materials may impede water movement. The available water holding capacity averages 0.20 to 0.30 cm/cm for the entire depth of the profile. Imperfectly drained soils are supplied with water from numerous sources: precipitation, seepage from adjacent uplands, and groundwater flow. W ell to moderately well drained sites occupy slightly elevated positions and are not effected by subsurface and groundwater flow to the same extent as imperfectly drained sites. Poorly to very poorly drained sites are the result of high groundwater tables and inflow of seepage waters. They are found in low-lying depressions and are subjected to ponding after heavy rainfall or whenever river levels rise. with each successive deposition during flooding. Many of the sediments consist of nutrient rich materials eroded from upland soils. Texture and organic matter contents are also conducive to nutrient retention. Soil reaction ranges from pH(H 2O) 5.0 to 6.5. Most variation is between profiles. The parent material colour is olive to yellowish brown in well to moderately well drained soils. Thin, irregularly spaced layers of dark coloured, buried Ah horizon may occur. The surface Ah is dark gray to dark brown. Gray shades dominate poorly to very poorly drained sites. The soil profile is weak to moderate, medium granular to fine subangular blocky and friable to very friable throughout. No compacted or otherwise root restricting layers exist. Figure 32. Imperfectly drained Interval soil profile. Figure 31. Interval soil association landscape. The Interval textural profile consists of a relatively uniform silt loam to fine sandy loam or fine loamy sand throughout (Fig. 32). The majority of soil particles fall within the silt to fine sand diameter range, 0.002 to 0.25 mm. Stratification is common in the lower profile. Substrate may be quite variable (clays to gravels) depending upon past stream conditions. Interval sediments are free of coarse fragments and surface stones. They are high in natural fertility, probably the most fertile soils of the region. The fertility is renewed or enhanced Interval soils are associated with other fluvial soils that occupy similar geographic positions. They have been mapped with Gagetown, Grand Falls and Riverbank soils. The Gagetown and Grand Falls associations are sandy skeletal (ie. gravels) and the Riverbank association is sandy. All three have well developed horizonation. Interval soils are readily distinguished by their lack of soil development and silty texture. Well to moderately well drained Interval soils are particularly suited to agriculture. They are stone free and friable throughout, making them easy to work. Available moisture 59 storage capacity is high and they retain nutrients well. Surface conditions are level to gently undulating. Their chief limitations are that they are subject to flooding and that their scattered distribution and small extent make them economically unimportant from a regional perspective. Flooding and subsequent saturation delays planting until late in the spring. Poorly drained areas are difficult to drain because of their low-lying locations with groundwater levels near the surface. Development of many Interval soils is possible on a field by field basis, but under other circumstances they require community efforts for such projects as dykes and main drains. From a wood production point of view, Interval soils are really of little significance, other than that they occupy riparian zones that are protected. However, it is this riparian zone nature that makes Interval soils extremely important in terms of surface water quality protection and wildlife habitat. Interval soil material is often treated as an extractable commodity. It is "mined" and sold as topsoil for lawns, gardens and other uses. Jacquet River Association The Jacquet River association consists of soils that have developed in moderately thin (mostly less than 2 m) deposits of acidic, coarse loamy non-compact morainal till derived from mixed rhyolite and trachytes with some basalt and miscellaneous slates and greywackes. It occurs scattered across the New Brunsw ick Central Highlands physiographic region. Some Jacquet River soils are also mapped in the Chaleur Uplands (Fig. 33). Elevations range from 120 to 700 m above sea level. In total these soils occupy approxim ately 69,047 ha or 2.48% of the total map area. Summary of general characteristics of the Interval Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : IN : Maritime Plain, N. B. Highlands : up to 700 m : 4871 ha : 0.17% : Mineral : Fluvial (alluvium) : 1-4 m : Olive to yellowish brown : Coarse loamy : Undifferentiated : High : Undulating or terraced (0.5-5%) : Imperfect : Gleyed Regosols Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 30 30 - 100+ Texture Class Silt loam - fine sandy loam Silt loam - fine sandy loam % Sand 30 25 % Silt 55 60 % Clay 15 15 % Coarse Fragments 0 0 pH (H2 O) 5.5 - 6.0 6.0 - 6.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.10 1.20 Ksat (cm/hr) > 2.5 > 2.5 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.20 - 0.30 0.20 - 0.25 Figure 33. Location of mapped Jacquet River soils. Jacquet River parent material is a non-compact till and as such has been deposited either as an ablational till or possibly as a lodgment till that has been reworked by water. Regardless of origin, it is friable throughout both solum and subsoil. However, as a result of the overburden, the subsoil does tend to be somewhat more dense. Because of the relatively thin nature of these deposits, surface topography is generally a reflection of the topography of the underlying bedrock. The exception to this is where Jacquet River is mapped as hummocky. Here the till is often slightly thicker and tends to mask the underlying bedrock configuration. Most Jacquet River landforms consist of a mixture of veneers and blankets on either undulating and rolling or hilly, ridged and sloping bedrock formations. Slopes range from 0.5 to 100%. Bedrock outcrops are common on the more rugged landscapes (hilly, sloping) that have steeper slopes. Here exposures occupy anywhere from 2 to 50% of the map unit area. Well drained Jacquet River soils support mixed softwood-hardwood stands of balsam fir, black spruce, red spruce, white birch, yellow birch, and sugar and red maple. Forest cover on poorly drained sites is comprised of balsam fir, black spruce, cedar, red maple, tamarack and some yellow birch. Jacquet River soils are dominated by well drained Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzols with some Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols. 60 Climatic conditions in central New Brunswick are conducive to the development of Ferro-Humic Podzols. Ferro-humic podzolization is more strongly expressed under the harsher climates of the central portion of the Highlands. Mesoenvironmental differences due to the type of vegetation and thus the type of litter are also important in determining variation in solum formation within a map unit. Well drained conditions dominate steeply sloping hilly, ridged and sloping landscapes. In these landforms poorly and imperfectly drained conditions are confined to relatively narrow drainage channels. Most of the hectarage of imperfectly drained Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols and poorly to very poorly drained Orthic Gleysols and Fera Gleysols occur in areas of undulating topography. Internal drainage is moderate to rapid (saturated hydraulic conductivity of 5 to 15 cm/hr) in the solum but becomes moderate (2 to 3 cm/hr) in the subsoil. Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.25 to less than 0.15 cm/cm, decreasing with depth from surface to subsoil. Well drained sites are supplied with water solely via precipitation. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained areas have developed because of a combination of topographic position, lack of gradient, and high groundwater table. Solum thickness ranges from 35 to 55 cm. On well drained sites the common horizon sequence is LFH, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C. The upper horizons, LFH, Ae, and Bhf are all relatively thin (3 to 12 cm or slightly thicker) but distinct in appearance. Mineralization and humification processes in the organic layer are slow. The F horizon dominates over the H horizon. The light grayish coloured Ae overlies the dark reddish brown coloured Bhf which in turn changes abruptly to a 10 to 25 cm thick, yellowish brown coloured Bf horizon. The Bf horizon grades through a transitional BC horizon into the C horizon. Bedrock exposures occur in better drained more steeply sloping sites with truncated profiles. Imperfectly drained members of the Jacquet River association have a similar sequence of horizons, but display distinct or prominent mottling in the subsoil. Gleying becomes more prominent in level to depressional site positions. Poorly to very poorly drained Jacquet River soils have profiles consisting of LFH or O, Aeg, Bg or Bgf, and Cg horizons. The predominance of coniferous forest vegetation on these sites encourages mosses and the accumulation of thicker organic layers. The Jacquet River texture profile consists of a sandy loam to loam throughout, with 8 to 18% clay content. Weathering within the solum may result in a slightly finer texture in the upper profile than in the subsoil , however, this variation is still within the sandy loam-loam grouping. Profile coarse fragment content ranges from 20 to 40%, with subangular stones, cobbles and gravels and even some boulders. Most Jacquet River land surfaces are moderately to very stony with stones occupying 2 to 15% of the surface area. Usually these soils are also moderately to very cobbly with surface coverage similar to that of the stones. Surface boulders are present but not in significant quantities. Jacquet River soils are low in natural fertility. The parent rocks weather slowly and yield relatively infertile soil material. Both the solum and subsoil are acidic falling within a pH(H 2O) range of 4.0 to 5.0. The solum is moderate, fine to medium, granular to subangular blocky structured and very friable. The parent material is friable to slightly firm. Jacquet River soils have been mapped with other till soils Popple Depot, Catamaran, Tetagouche Falls, Thibault and McGee. Of these, Popple Depot is the most frequent associate. Popple Depot soils have developed in parent materials of similar lithology to Jacquet River soils. However, Popple Depot soils have a compact subsoil. Catamaran soils also have compact subsoils. Tetagouche Falls, Thibault and McG ee soils have developed in non-compact ablational till materials as have Jacquet River soils. They are differentiated on the basis of coarse fragment lithologies. Tetagouche Falls is most similar, having igneous rock types, but they are richer-yielding mafic volcanic rocks. Thibault and McGee soils are derived from sedimentary and metasedimentary lithologies. Jacquet River soils are also occasionally mapped with Big Bald Mountain, Holmesville, Juniper, Nigadoo River and Long Lake soils. Biological production on Jacquet River soils is affected by low inherent fertility, surface stoniness, climate, topography and to a lesser degree wetness. These limitations more severely handicap agriculture than forestry. Agricultural potential is marginal. Jacquet River soils should prove adequate to support moderately productive stands of forest tree species climatically suited to the region. Summary of general characteristics of the Jacquet River Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : JR : N.B. Highlands, Chaleur Uplands : 120-700 m : 69,047 ha : 2.48% : Mineral : Glacial till, noncompact : <2 m : Yellowish brown : Coarse loamy : Rhyolite and trachyte with some basalt, slate and greywacke : Low : Undulating, rolling and hummocky to ridged, sloping and hilly (2-100%) : Well : Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzol and Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Loam - sandy loam Loam - sandy loam % Sand 45 60 % Silt 40 25 % Clay 15 15 61 % Coarse Fragments 20 subangular S/C/G 30 subangular S/C/G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 4.5 - 5.0 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.10 1.55 Ksat (cm/hr) 5 - 15 2-3 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.20 < 0.15 Juniper Association The Juniper association consists of soils that have developed in thin (less than 1 m) to relatively thick (greater than 5 m) deposits of acidic, coarse loamy to sandy, frequently skeletal, noncompact morainal till derived from granite, granodiorite, diorite, granite gneiss and miscellaneous volcanics. These soils occur over large blocks of land in the Central Highlands along the western boundary of the map area from Coldstream north to Serpentine Lake (Fig.34). Elevations range from 300 to 700 m above sea level. Juniper soils cover approximately 219,273 ha, or 7.87% of the survey area. different landforms. Thin layers of Juniper till cover broad expanses. Rampton et. al. (1984) attributed these deposits to the down wasting of dead ice which was isolated from the main glacier as it thinned out over areas of high relief. Associated landforms generally consist of sloping or hilly veneers or undulating to strongly rolling blankets over similarly configured bedrock. Slopes range from 3 to 45%. Rock outcrops are common in elevated crest, upper slope or summit positions or along incised stream channels. Lithic phases (less than 1 m to bedrock) may have a component of residual material. The underlying bedrock is usually Devonian granite, which is also the main constituent of the Juniper till parent material. Glacial ice has also displaced some of these sediments to the southeast where the underlying bedrocks are Silurian or Ordovician argillaceous sedimentary rock types. Thicker deposits of Juniper soil (some exceeding 10 m) occur in valley bottoms where glacial ice was thicker and supplied more debris during melting. Associated landforms are usually hummocky with short irregular slopes of 5 to 15%, but some areas may be undulating to rolling in surface expression. These units are characterized by numerous randomly oriented drainage channels, streams, ponds and lakes. All Juniper soils are stony and usually bouldery (Fig. 35). The valley bottom deposits are particularly bouldery on the surface with some units mapped as having boulder pavement where more than 50% of the surface area is occupied by boulders. Well drained sites support stands of red and black spruce, balsam fir, sugar and red maple, beech, yellow and white birch and some white pine. Species segregation occurs on the basis of aspect and slope position with the more tolerant species occupying the cooler lower slope and north-facing slope positions. Imperfect to poorly drained soils have forest vegetation consisting of balsam fir, black spruce, red maple, cedar, tamarack and alder. Figure 34. Location of mapped Juniper soils. The soils of the Juniper association have developed on ablational till materials. These ablational tills have resulted from the down wasting of glacial ice that was rich in debris. Juniper sediments are usually more stony, less compact and coarser textured than surrounding lodgment till. The materials accumulated in place as the ice melted. No compacting forces were involved in their deposition. Interstitial fines were flushed from the matrix by running water resulting in coarser textures and accentuating the stone content. Periglacial frost action also concentrated stones on the surface. Ice-contact well to poorly sorted deposits such as kames and eskers are common inclusions. Juniper soils occupy a number of Figure 35. Juniper soil association landscape and surface stones/boulders. Juniper soils have excellent internal drainage. The parent material is open and porous with 30 to 40% total pore space, of which approximately one third are macro pores that permit a moderate to moderately rapid (2.5 to 10 cm/hr) saturated hydraulic conductivity. Available water storage capacity is 62 0.10 to 0.20 cm/cm in the solum but is always less than 0.15 cm/cm and commonly less than 0.10 cm/cm in the subsoil. Better water retention capabilities in the solum are due to increased content of colloidal materials, ie. clays and fine silts due to weathering, and humus as a result of decaying plant debris. Upland Juniper soils are dominated by well drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols. A thin Bhf horizon is usually present and in some cases is sufficiently developed (greater than 10 cm thick) to classify the profile as an Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzol. On well drained sites precipitation is the sole source of water. Excess water flows downward through the underlying pervious subsoil and out of the control section. In lithic phases lateral subsurface flow may occur for short durations as water moves down slope along the bedrock contact. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained sites are usually found in valley bottom deposits. Imperfectly drained associates are Gleyed H umo-Ferric Podzols. Poorly to very poorly drained associates are Orthic Gleysols, Fera Gleysols or Othic Humic Gleysols. Groundwater flow is the major water source. Precipitation and subsurface flow are less important. Poorly to very poorly drained sites are confined to depressions, drainage channels and other low-lying areas. In hummocky topography there is often a sequence of well drained knolls and poorly drained depressions. Imperfectly drained conditions occur on the periphery of depressions, in lower slope positions and locally where hillslope seepage is fed by springs. Profile development averages 40 to 55 cm in depth (Fig.36). The common horizon sequence in well drained profiles is LFH or O, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C. Moss dominated O horizons usually occur in sites under coniferous forest cover. Mixed wood conditions promote development of a thinner LFH horizon sequence. The organic layer varies from 5 to 10 cm in thickness but may exceed 15 cm in localized areas, especially where the organic debris is acidic softwood and moss litter. The mineral soil profile consists of a leached ashy coloured Ae horizon of 5 to 15 cm over a thin (less than 5 cm thick) dark reddish brown coloured Bhf. The underlying Bf horizon is strong brown to yellowish brown. It becomes progressively paler with depth grading through the BC into the light olive brown C horizon. Imperfectly drained soils have a similar horizon sequence but are less pronounced in appearance and distinctly mottled. As drainage conditions worsen the Bfgj horizon becomes less distinct and the total solum thickness is reduced. Poorly to very poorly drained sites often have peaty phases with 15 to 40 cm of organic debris, usually from mosses, on the mineral soil surface. Horizon sequences consist of LFH or O, Ah and/or Aeg, Bg or Bgf, and Cg. The very dark brown or black coloured Ah horizon is usually thin but under some conditions may exceed 10 cm in thickness. A dull grayish leached Aeg horizon 5 to 15 cm thick overlies the B horizon, which is commonly highly mottled with more than half of the soil material occurring as prominent iron mottles of high chroma. Beneath this is the drab coloured parent material. The Juniper textural profile consists of a sandy loam to loam over a sandy loam to loamy sand subsoil. The acidic granitic rock fragments weather to a coarse textured material. Figure 36. Well drained Juniper soil profile. However, silt plus clay content in the upper profile is considerably greater than in the subsoil because of ongoing physical and chemical weathering processes. Poorly drained depressional sites also have inwashed silts and clays from adjacent uplands and so their surface soil textures are often significantly finer than their subsoil texture. Clay content averages less than 15% throughout most profiles. The silt:sand ratio decreases with depth. Rampton et. al. (1984) considered that much of the weathering of these granites, which make up the Juniper Association parent material, was initiated before the last glaciation, as found in the Big Bald Mountain soils. The profile coarse fragment content ranges from 20 to in excess of 50%. Angular to subrounded cobbles and stones dominate but coarse fragments of all sizes, gravels to boulders, are present. The Juniper association is very stony to excessively stony with 10 to 50% of the surface being occupied by stone-sized coarse fragments. As previously mentioned, some areas also have boulder concentrations on the surface, with fragments ranging from 1 m to more than 4 m in size. Juniper soils are low in natural fertility and acidic, with pH(H 2O) of 5.5 or less throughout the profile. The parent rocks are slow to weather and yield infertile soils. The solum is usually weak to moderate, medium to fine, granular or subangular blocky and very friable to friable while the subsoil is weak, fine to medium subangular blocky to structureless and 63 friable. No significant root or water restricting soil layers occur within the profile. Ortstein, a cemented hardpan formation, may be present in the B horizon but it is discontinuous and sporadic in occurrence. Juniper soils have been mapped in proximity to several soil associations, but are most closely associated with the Catamaran and Tuadook soils, which are lithologically similar. However, both the Catamaran and Tuadook soils have developed in lodgment till and as such have dense compact subsoils whereas the Juniper subsoil is friable. The differing modes of deposition have also resulted in Juniper being coarser textured and somewhat stonier than the other two. Soils such as Gagetown, which have developed on glaciofluvial sediments, are also common in some of the undulating to hummocky Juniper deposits found in valleys bottoms. In more steeply sloping landscapes with veneer-thick soil materials, Juniper is commonly mapped with Big Bald Mountain. Big Bald Mountain is a residual soil, having developed directly as a result of the in situ weathering of the granitic bedrock. Juniper, as a till soil, is a heterogenous mixture of glacial debris ranging from silts and clays to boulders. Lithologically, Juniper is are also more diverse with diorites, granodiorites, granite gneiss, volcanics and miscellaneous sedimentary and metamorphic coarse fragments in addition to the feldspar rich granites. Juniper soils are also mapped with Long Lake and McGee soils along some sedimentary and metasedimentarygranitic bedrock boundaries. Juniper soils suffer from excessive stoniness and boulderiness, droughtiness and to some degree rockiness. In many situations topographic conditions are also detrimental to potential land uses. While some localized areas may be the exception to the rule, Juniper soils as a whole have little or no potential for agricultural use. There soils should remain under forest. Forest management of these soils should take into account the droughty nature and low to very low inherent fertility on these materials, and where soils are shallow to bedrock or excessively stony on the surface, must consider the rather delicate nature of the ecosystem. Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Sandy loam - loam Sandy loam - loamy sand % Sand 55 70 % Silt 33 20 % Clay 12 10 % Coarse Fragments 25 subangular C/S/G 35 subangular C/S/G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.00 1.60 Ksat (cm/hr) 5 - 15 2-3 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.10 - 0.20 < 0.10 Lavillette Association The Lavillette Association consists of organic soils that have developed on deep (average thickness greater than 1.6 m), ombrotrophic domed bogs (Tarnocai 1981). They are mapped only in the Maritime Plain portion of the survey area (Fig. 37). Landform conditions vary from nearly level to very gently rolling, slopes of 2% or less being dominant. Lavillette soils occupy 26,811 ha or 0.96% of the area. Summary of general characteristics of the Juniper Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : JU : N.B. Highlands : 300-700 m : 219,273 ha : 7.87% : Mineral : Glacial till, noncompact : <1 - >5 m : Yellowish brown to brown : Coarse loamy to sandy skeletal : Granite, granodiorite, diorite, granite gneiss and some volcanics : Low : Undulating, rolling and hummocky to sloping and hilly (2-70%) : Well : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Figure 37. Location of mapped Lavillette soils. As the name implies, domed bogs are typified by convex surfaces or domes. As most of the bog surface is raised above the level of the surrounding terrain it is virtually unaffected by any nutrients in ground waters from adjacent mineral soils. Most deposits consist of the following zones: a central dome zone (also referred to as core); a slope zone with a flark 64 subzone; and a marginal zone (Airphoto Analysis Associates Consultants Ltd. 1975). The dome or core zone is characterized by depths of as great as 5 to 10 m. The slope zone borders the dome and extends to the almost-level marginal zone. A flark subzone occurs within the slope zone, immediately adjacent to the dome. It is characterized by a distinctive arrangement of ridges with interspaced flashets that forms a circular pattern, oriented perpendicular to the direction of slope. The marginal zone or lagg, composed of relatively shallow peat materials (usually less than 1 m in thickness), borders the bog, forming a transition from organic deposit to mineral soil. Wide lagg areas dissected by small streams are common. The marginal zones vary from the core and slope zones in that they are generally influenced to some degree by the nutrients in seepage waters from the surrounding mineral soils. Lavillette deposits are usually void of significant tree cover. Bog domes and slopes are covered with sphagnum and feather mosses and ericaceous shrubs, but scattered dwarf black spruce and larch are common. Lagg areas are generally open and support sedge species in addition to mosses and shrubs. Dense stands of stunted black spruce and larch occupy the lagg to mineral soil transition zones. Peat stratigraphy usually consists of a surface layer 0.5 to greater than 4.0 m thick of fibric (weakly decomposed) sphagnum peats overlying a layer 0.3 to 2.0 m thick of mostly mesic (moderately decomposed) and some humic (well-decomposed) sedge-sphagnum peats which grade into pure sedge peats. This material in turn is underlain by a relatively thin, confined, basal layer of sedimentary peat. The surface fibric layer is dominated by sphagnum mosses, readily identifiable as to origin because they are only slightly decomposed. The remains of shrubby plants are also commonly found in this layer and may account for as much as 20% by volume. In general this surface layer is composed of materials that have a brown to dark reddish brown colour, an extremely acid reaction (pH in H 2O of less than 4.0), low bulk densities (less than 0.075 g/cm3), moderately rapid to rapid permeabilities (saturated hydraulic conductivity of greater than 10 cm/hr), and high contents of rubbed fibre with class 1 to class 4 ratings on the von Post scale of decomposition. The middle layer is dominated by sedges (Carex spp.) with lesser amounts of sphagnum mosses. These materials are at an intermediate to advanced stage of decomposition. They have a brown to dark brown colour, an extremely acid to acid reaction (pH in H2O of less than 4.0), moderate to high bulk densities (greater than 0.15 g/cm 3), moderate to very slow permeabilities (saturated hydraulic conductivity of less than 2 cm/hr), and moderate to low contents of rubbed fibre with von Post scale of decomposition class 5 to class 8. The basal layer of sedimentary peat or ooze is composed of coprogenous earth, which is aquatic plant debris modified by aquatic animals. Very few or no plant remains are recognizable to the naked eye. It usually has a dark brown to very dark grayish brown colour, an acid reaction (pH in H2O of 4.5), high bulk density (greater than 0.3 g/cm 3) and ash content (30%) values, and very slow permeabilities (saturated hydraulic conductivity of less than 0.1 cm/hr). Natural drainage varies little with site position on the bog. The dome, slope and marginal zones are all very poorly drained (Fig. 38). The water table is at or near the surface throughout the year. Groundwater in bogs is extremely acid and low in nutrients, even in lagg areas. Figure 38. Lavillette soil association landscape. Lavillette soils are mainly Typic, and some Mesic, Fibrisols on the dome and slope zones with Terric Mesic or Humic Fibrisols on the marginal zone. Typic Fibrisols have dominantly fibric middle and bottom tiers. Some minor layers of mesic material occur, usually in the deeper portions of the profile. Where subdominant mesic layers have a total thickness greater than 25 cm in the m iddle and bottom tiers the soils are classified as Mesic Fibrisols. Bog margin or lagg zones have shallow (usually less than 160 cm) thickness of organic material, consisting of fibric sphagnum peats over mesic or humic sedge-sphagnum peats. They are classified as Terric Mesic or Humic Fibrisols. Lavillette soils are associated with other organic soils as well as with poorly and very poorly drained members of some mineral soils. Acadie Siding is an organic associate which differs from Lavillette soils in that it consists of soils on less-developed peatland deposits--mostly shallow (less than 1.6 m of organic material) Terric Mesisols (moderately decomposed) or Humisols (well decomposed). Acadie Siding soils lack the pronounced circular surface pattern of Lavillette soils. Very poorly or poorly drained Barrieau-Buctouche, Reece, Richibucto, Stony Brook and Tracadie soils are also commonly found with Lavillette soils. Mineral soils may have surface layers of fibric organic material up to 60 cm thick and still be considered mineral soils. The boundary between Lavillette organic soils and adjacent mineral soils is, in most places, abrupt and obvious. Lavillette soils are considered non-productive woodland. They have potential agricultural uses for vegetable crop production but require specialized management practices and equipment. 65 Lavillette soils are often used as sources for peat moss and related products. Summary of general characteristics of the Lavillette Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Degree of Decomposition Botanical Composition Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : LV : Maritime Plain : < 150 m : 26,811 ha : 0.96% : Organic : Domed bog : >1.6 m over mineral soil : Brown to dark reddish brown : Weakly decomposed : Sphagnum peat : Very low : Domed (<1.5%) in an undulating landscape (<5%) : Very poor : Typic Fibrisol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 60 > 60 Von Post rating 1-3 2-4 % Wood 5 5 pH (H2 O) < 4.0 < 4.0 BD (g/cm3 ) < 0.05 0.08 Ksat (cm/hr) 50 20 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.10 0.10 particle sizes ranging from silts and clays to stones and boulders. Clast shapes are a function of the parent bedrock. Coarse fragment content is particularly high where weathered bedrock has been incorporated into thin veneer deposits. Long Lake soils are very stony on the surface, with 3 to 15% of the land area occupied by coarse fragments. In imperfectly and poorly drained sites frost action frequently concentrates profile cobbles on the mineral soil surface under the forest floor. Boulders are common but usually not in sufficient quantities to warrant designation as a bouldery phase. Long Lake landforms are dominated by undulating, and rolling surface expressions with slopes varying from less than 3% to in excess of 30%. Some hilly, ridged or sloping map units with slopes of up to 70% also occur. The soils are relatively uniform in thickness and bedrock outcrops are not all that common. Those bedrock exposures that do occur are found on topographic highs and summits or along steeply inclined drainage channels that are deeply incised into the bedrock. Bedrock exposures often consist of more resistant strata that weather at a slower rate than adjacent rock. Well drained soils of the Long Lake association support forest communities of black spruce, balsam fir, yellow and white birch, red oak, white pine, and sugar and red maple. On poorly to very poorly drained sites the tree vegetation consists of black spruce, balsam fir, red maple, cedar and some tamarack and yellow birch. Long Lake Association The Long Lake association consists of soils that have developed in relatively thin (mostly less than 2 m thick) deposits of acidic, coarse loamy, compact morainal till derived from slate, siltstone, argillite, schist, quartzite and greywacke. They occur mostly in the Central Highlands physiographic region of the study area, and to a lesser extent in the Chaleur Uplands, at elevations of 300 to 700 m above sea level (Fig. 39). Long Lake soils occupy approximately 262,504 ha, or 9.42% of the map sheet. The soil parent material has been deposited as ground moraine, plastered in place under the weight of advancing glacial ice. Composition strongly reflects the incorporation of local bedrock formations. Thin surficial mantles of ablational till, usually McGee material, are common, but their identification is difficult. The McGee and Long Lake parent materials are similar in composition and mixing actions during soil formation have modified the upper soil profile, obliterating most evidence of multiple till layers. The till is a heterogeneous mixture of flat, angular to subangular shaped Figure 39. Location of mapped Long Lake soils. Well drained Long Lake soils are mostly Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzols (Fig. 40) with some Orthic Hum o-Ferric Podzols. Climatic conditions in central New Brunswick are conducive to the accumulation of organic matter in the podzolic B horizon. Most macro and meso environmental conditions are such that Long Lake soils have enough organic carbon content to qualify for the Ferro-Humic Podzols great group. The remaining well drained soils are Humo-Ferric Podzols. Ferro-humic podzolization is not as strongly expressed along the eastern periphery of the Long Lake range where the Central Highlands merge with the Maritime Plain. Humo-Ferric Podzols dominate the Maritime Plain, which has 66 a slightly milder climate than the Highlands. Mesoenvironmental differences due to the type of vegetation and thus the type of litter are also important in determining variation in solum formation within a map unit. Well drained conditions dominate steeply sloping hilly and rolling landscapes. In these landforms poorly and imperfectly drained conditions are confined to relatively narrow drainage channels. Significant hectarages of imperfectly drained Long Lake soils occur as Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols in areas of undulating and gently rolling topography, where they are found in association with both well drained or poorly drained associates. Poorly drained soils of the Long Lake association are Orthic Gleysols. Internal drainage is restricted by a slow ly to moderately slowly permeable subsoil with an estimated saturated hydraulic conductivity value of 0.1 to 1.0 cm/hr. Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.20 to 0.10 cm/cm, decreasing with depth because of reduced total porosity in the compact subsoil. Well drained sites are supplied with water solely via precipitation. Downward movement of excess moisture through the profile is impeded by the subsoil so some lateral flow occurs for short durations. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained areas have developed because of a combination of topographic position, lack of gradient, subsoil compaction, seepage and high groundwater table. Soil development varies from 45 to 60 cm in thickness. The common horizon sequence on well drained sites is LFH or O, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C. O horizons are common under coniferous forests where mosses dominate the ground vegetation. The organic layer is 5 to 15 cm thick, becoming more humified with depth. It overlies a thin to moderately thick (5 to 20 cm), ashy coloured Ae horizon which breaks abruptly into the B horizon. The upper dark brown to dark reddish brown Bhf horizon varies from 5 to 20 cm in thickness. It merges with the strong brown to yellowish brown Bf horizon which gradually grades into the oxidized olive brown parent material. Morphological appearance may be deceptive. Significant amounts of translocated iron and aluminum are often present in horizons that display little colour change from the parent material. On the other hand, organic coatings on coarser textured Bf horizons give the impression of more organic matter than is actually present. Imperfectly drained soils have similar arrangements of profile horizons but are modified because of periodic saturation. They are mottled in the B and C horizons, especially a thin zone immediately above the compact subsoil where water is perched. The Ae horizon is often irregular or broken because of tree uprooting due to windthrow. An Ahe horizon up to 10 cm thick may be sandwiched between the H and Ae horizons in imperfectly drained Long Lake soils. Poorly to very poorly drained horizon sequences lack a podzolic B horizon. They consist of LFH or O, Aeg, Bg, BCg, and Cg horizons. The forest duff layer is usually thicker than found in well drained counterparts. The Long Lake textural profile consists of a loam or silt loam to sandy loam (8 to 18% clay) throughout, but the solum is often slightly finer textured (higher in silt and clay content) than the subsoil. This is most obvious in imperfectly to poorly drained sites and is considered to be the result of increased weathering and/or siltation. Profile coarse fragment content averages 20 to 40%, with a preponderance of flat, horizontally lying channers, gravels and flagstones. In lithic phases uplifted fragments of fractured bedrock increase the percentage of coarse fragments in the lower profile. Long Lake soils are medium in inherent fertility, but acidic throughout, with pH(H 2O) values of 4.0 to 5.5. The friable to very friable, weak to moderate, fine to medium, granular or subangular blocky solum overlies a firm to very firm, massive, breaking to medium subangular blocky, subsoil. The subsoil shatters readily upon extraction. Figure 40. Well drained Long Lake soil profile. The Long Lake association is most comm only found with members of the M cGee association. The two soils have been derived from materials of similar lithological origin. They are also alike in many other physical, chemical and morphological features. Differentiation is primarily made on the basis of subsoil compaction, and associated characteristics. Long Lake subsoils have firm to very firm consistence, high bulk density (greater than 1.75 gm/cm 3) and voids consisting predominantly of micro pores. McGee subsoils are friable (to slightly firm), lower in bulk density (usually less than 1.55 gm/cm3) and have a higher proportion of macro pores. Along transition zones Long Lake soils have also been mapped in complexes with a number of other soils: Tetagouche, Jacquet River, Holmesville, Violette, Popple Depot, Juniper, Reece, Catamaran, and 67 Tuadook soils. Excluding problems due to wetness in imperfectly and poorly drained locations, the dominant features affecting land use are related to topography (excessive slope), coarse fragment content (both surface and profile) and the presence of a subsoil restricting layer which impedes root penetration and water percolation. Long Lake soils are moderately fertile and so produce respectable stands of most tree species that are climatically suited. New Brunswick Highlands, Chaleur Uplands and Notre Dame Mountains physiographic regions at elevations ranging from 200 to 500 m above sea level (Fig. 41). Maliseet soils cover approximately 3,332 ha or 0.12% of the map area. They occur in small, scattered tracts. Summary of general characteristics of the Long Lake Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : LL : N.B. Highlands, Chaleur Uplands : 300-700 m : 262,504 ha : 9.42% : Mineral : Glacial till, compact : <2 m : Olive brown : Coarse loamy : Slate, siltstone, agrillite, schist and some quartzite and greywacke : Medium : Rolling and undulating to sloping and hilly (0.5-45%) : Well to moderately well : Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzol and Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 50 50 - 100+ Texture Class Loam Loam - sandy loam % Sand 45 50 % Silt 39 38 % Clay 16 12 % Coarse Fragments 20 flat, subangular C/G/S 30 flat, subangular C/G/S pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.10 1.75 Ksat (cm/hr) 2.5 - 10 0.1 - 1.0 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.15 - 0.20 0.10 - 0.15 M aliseet Association The Maliseet association consists of soils developed in relatively thick (3 m plus) deposits of acidic, sandy to coarse loamy fluvial (ancient alluvium) or possibly glaciofluvial material derived from slate, shale and miscellaneous quartzite and volcanic rock types. Maliseet materials are underlain at depth by the regionally prevailing till. They are found in the Figure 41. Location of mapped Maliseet soils.. Maliseet soil parent materials were deposited as river terraces and are level to gently undulating with steep slopes between terraces. As such, they tend to be elongated deposits found in narrow strips along river and stream courses. Deposition has been by waters flowing at moderate velocity. Velocity of the flowing water determined the size of the particles that were deposited. Suspended particles were deposited when water turbulence ceased to exceed their settling velocities, a function of particle diameter, shape and specific gravity, and fluid density. Most sediments consist of well rounded fine to medium sand grains with varying amounts of silt. Changes in stream velocity resulted in layers of varying thickness and particle size. Some gravel transport and deposition occurring during periods of faster than norm al streamflow have lead to the inclusion of the occasional gravelly layer within Maliseet materials. Maliseet landscapes are variable in that they consist of terrace surfaces, with horizontal or gently inclined planes (0 to 3% slope) separated by scarp faces (15 to 45% slope). Maliseet soils support mixed wood stands of balsam fir, black spruce, white pine, white birch, trembling aspen, white elm and white ash on the drier well drained sites. Moist sites along stream bottoms and lower terraces have cedar, black spruce, tamarack, red maple, white elm, speckled alder and black ash. The Maliseet association consists of rapidly to well drained Orthic Humic-Ferric Podzols, imperfectly drained Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols and Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisols, and poorly to very poorly drained G leyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisols and Orthic Gleysols and occasionally Rego Hum ic Gleysols under very poorly drained conditions. On well drained sites water is supplied only by precipitation. Maliseet soils have moderate available water storage capacity in the solum, (0.20 to 25 cm/cm), but it decreases to as little as 0.10 68 cm/cm or less in the subsoil. Finer textures and higher levels of organic matter content aid water retention in the upper solum. Imperfectly and poorly drained sites are mostly restricted to lower terraces along valley floors. In these sites, groundwater presence is the determining factor in soil drainage. Impeded drainage may also occur on some upper terraces at the base of the transition slope from the above terrace. Subsoil permeability varies from 1.0 cm/hr to more than 10 cm/hr. This wide range is due to parent material stratification. The C horizon is made up of layers of sandy loam, loamy sand, fine gravel and silt. Most layers are moderately rapidly permeable. Soil development in Maliseet materials ranges from 30 to 50 cm in thickness, but is typically less than 40 cm. Moderately well to imperfectly drained sites have the deepest solum development. These sites have more suitable moisture regimes for biological production and soil formation. The horizon sequence in well to rapidly drained soils is typically: LFH, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C. The Bhf horizon is thin and poorly developed. Imperfectly drained profiles have LFH, Ae, Bfgj, BCgj and Cg horizons. Poorly to very poorly drained profiles have a number of different possible profiles: LFH, Ae, Bmgj, BCg and Cg; or LFH or O, Aeg, Bg and Cg; or, very thin LFH or O, Ahg, BCg and Cg. Weathering has resulted in the surface soils having more fines (silt and clay) than is found in the subsoil. Windthrow , frost action and biological activity have obliterated any stratification that may have originally been present in the solum. The Maliseet texture profile grades from a fine sandy loam to sandy loam solum into a loamy sand to sandy loam subsoil. Clay content only exceeds 10% in the upper solum. Coarse fragments are few. Where they do occur they are usually fine gravels of slate, shale and quartzite. Maliseet soils are medium to low in natural fertility and acidic throughout the profile, with a range in pH (H 2O) of 4.0 to 5.5. The exception to this is found in some poorly to very poorly drained sites in which the subsoil pH is elevated to 6.5 or even higher as a result of inwashing of carbonates from surrounding calcareous soil parent materials and/or bedrocks. The parent material colour is olive gray. In well drained sites the solum consists of a thin LFH layer overlying a leached light gray coloured Ae horizon. The underlying B horizon consists of a thin (less than 5 cm thick) reddish brown Bhf horizon over a dark to yellowish brown Bf horizon that becomes progressively yellower in hue with depth. Imperfectly and poorly drained soils have iron (Fe) mottling or gleyed colours of low chroma, or both. The subsoils are loose and single grain or structureless but stratified. The A horizon is friable to very friable, very weak, fine platy. Most B horizons are very friable, weak to moderate, fine granular. Very poorly drained profiles may be restricted to a moderately thick (15 to 20 cm) Ah horizon over a thin transitional BC horizon that grades into the subsoil at 30 to 40 cm depth. Maliseet soils are usually associated with other soils developed in fluvial sediments, such as Grand Falls and Muniac. Maliseet, Grand Falls and Muniac are lithologically similar, but both Grand Falls and Muniac are sandy skeletal, i.e., gravelly or very gravelly in the parent material. They are separated on percent coarse fragment content. Grand Falls and Muniac soils usually have 50 to 70% gravels in the subsoil while Maliseet soils have less than 20% gravels and usually less than 5%. Interval soils occupy similar soil landscapes to Maliseet soils, but Interval soils are distinctly finer-textured than Maliseet soils. Interval soils are also restricted in occurrence to flood plains. Maliseet soils are productive for both agricultural and forestry crops. They respond to fertilizer treatments and the solum texture is generally fine enough to have adequate waterholding capacity. Medium natural fertility is an asset in forestry. Summary of general characteristics of the Maliseet Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : MA : Chaleur Uplands : 200 to 500 m : 3,332 ha : 0.12% : Mineral : Fluvial (ancient alluvium) :>3m : Olive brown to yellowish brown : Sandy to coarse loamy : Slate, shale and miscellaneous quartz and volcanics : Medium : Undulating or terraced (2-15%) : Well : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 35 35 - 100+ Texture Class Fine sandy loam Fine sandy loam fine loamy sand % Sand 60 80 % Silt 25 10 % Clay 15 10 % Coarse Fragments 5 rounded G 5 rounded G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.00 1.45 Ksat (cm/hr) 5 - 10 1 - 10 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.20 - 0.25 0.10 M cGee Association The McGee association consists of soils that have developed in relatively thin (most less than 2 m thick) deposits of acidic, coarse loamy to loamy skeletal, noncompact, "water- 69 reworked" morainal till derived from slates, argillite, schist, greywacke and quartzite. McGee soils are found throughout the Central Highlands, Chaleur Uplands and Notre Dame Mountains physiographic regions of the study area at elevations ranging from 300 to 800 m above sea level (Fig. 42). They occupy large, extensive areas totalling some 417,254 ha which represents 14.97% of the map area. Figure 42. Location of mapped McGee soils. The origin or mode of deposition of McG ee parent material is variable. It consists of morainal till sediments, probably both ablational and lodgment debris, that has been reworked to varying degrees by either water, periglacial action or colluvial action, alone or in combination. As the glaciers ablated, materials within the ice were deposited. Melt waters also modified previously deposited glacial sediments of lodgment (basal) till, removing fines, weakly stratifying some surficial materials, etc. Periglacial environments on the margins of waning glacial ice sheets were characterised by cold temperature climates in which frost action was an important factor. Original parent material conditions were altered by frost heaving due to ice lense formation caused by freezing. Deep frost penetration helped to loosen compacted basal till sediments. Colluvial action, gravity induced movement on steeply sloping surfaces, is an on-going process that has further modified some McGee materials. These colluvial materials are associated with site positions at the base of steep slopes or cliffs. They consist of sediment that strongly resembles the till parent material but may be poorly sorted or stratified. McGee materials occupy m ostly rolling to hilly landscapes with gentle to very strongly sloping gradients of 5 to 45%. Most deposits are either veneers or blankets, ie. less than 2 m thick, and so conform to the configuration of the underlying bedrock. Thicker sediments usually occur on lower slope positions. McGee soils are also found on steeply sloping banks of streams that are deeply incised into the bedrock. Here, some slopes may be in excess of 70%. Lessor areas of McGee soils occur on undulating, ridged and hummocky landscapes. Shallowness to bedrock and bedrock exposures are an inherent characteristic of McGee map units. On undulating to rolling landscapes, however, exposures usually cover less than 2% of the surface and as such are considered as nonrocky. Significant occurrences (2 to 25% surface area) of bedrock exposures are confined to sloping, hilly and ridged conditions. Well drained sites support stands of white and yellow birch, sugar maple, black and red spruce, and balsam fir. Poorly to very poorly drained sites are found in low-lying depressions and drainage channels. Natural vegetation consists of water tolerant and frost hardy species such as black spruce, balsam fir, tamarack, cedar, red maple and alder. The McGee association is dominated by well drained Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzols (Fig. 43) and Orthic Hum o-Ferric Podzols. Podzolization is strongly expressed. The colder climate of central New Brunswick results in greater effective precipitation and hence the formation of a podzolic B horizon with appreciable amounts of organic matter accumulation. In some locations the organic carbon content of McGee B horizons straddles the taxa boundary. Where organic carbon levels in 10 cm or more of the B horizon meet the requirements of a Bhf (greater than 5% organic C), the profile is classified as a Ferro-Humic Podzol, otherwise it is a Humo-Ferric Podzol. It was not possible to separate these two great groups into homogeneous units at the level of mapping undertaken in this project. Imperfectly drained McGee soils are classified as Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols. Poorly to very poorly drained members are Orthic or Rego Gleysols. Where mapped, imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained McGee soils are usually subdominant components of units dominated by well drained McGee soils. They also occur as predictable inclusions in units mapped solely as well drained. Well drained sites occur on crest to middle or lower slope positions, depending upon topographic conditions. Where slopes are steep, the transition from well drained to poorly or very poorly drained is quite abrupt. Imperfectly drained areas are usually associated with rolling to undulating landscapes. Poorly to very poorly drained sites occupy drainage ways. McG ee soils have good internal drainage. The subsoil is pervious, and based on pore size distribution, should be moderate to moderately slow in permeability (1.0 to 5 cm/hr saturated hydraulic conductivity). Available water storage capacity is 0.20 to less than 0.10 cm/cm, decreasing with depth. Precipitation is the sole source of water on well drained sites. Excess water readily flows downward through the profile and into the underlying bedrock, which is usually weathered and fractured on the surface. However, under periods of excessive moisture supply, some lateral flow may occur along the bedrock surface. Excess water in poorly drained sites is the result of high groundwater levels and inflow of seepage water from adjacent uplands. Soil drainage status is largely a function of topographic position. Profile development averages 40 to 60 cm in depth. The common horizon sequence in well drained profiles is: LFH or O, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C. Under mixed woods the forest floor layer is LFH, but under softwood stands, O horizons of peaty mors develop. The grayish coloured Ae horizon is often 10 to 20 cm thick, tonguing into the brown to dark reddish brown upper B horizon (Bhf). The Bhf horizon varies from 2 to 15 cm in thickness. The underlying Bf is a dark brown to 70 mottles occur. The Ah horizon is usually thin or absent. Under very poorly drained conditions there may be no horizonation apart from evidence of gleying. The McGee textural profile varies from a loam or sandy loam to a silt loam. Texture may vary considerably from profile to profile as well as within the profile. Some profiles are relatively well sorted, others are not. One peculiarity in the McGee texture profile is the high silt content in the Ae horizon compared to underling horizons. Percentage silt in the Ae may be more than twice that of the B and C horizons. This is attributed to a combination of weathering of coarser sized particles and differential movement of soil constituents within the profile. Frost action has caused disintegration of rock fragments into silt sized particles and percolating waters have translocated some of the clay fraction into the B horizon. The profile coarse fragment content averages 20 to 50% flat to subangular, gravels, cobbles and stones. Veneer phases may exceed this range. The coarse fragments are derived mainly from hard, tough, firmly indurated rock types such as slate, greywacke and quartzite. Some deposits, however, contain large quantities of weathered chloride-mica schist and argillite. Most landscapes are very stony with 3 to 15% of the surface area occupied by stones 1 to 2 m apart. Boulders, fragments greater than 1 m in diameter, are common. McGee soils are medium to low in natural fertility and acidic, pH(H 2O) 4.0 to 5.5. No root or water restricting soil layers occur within the profile. The solum is mostly moderate, medium granular and friable to very friable. The subsoil is weak, fine to medium subangular blocky and friable providing a deep porous well aerated potential rooting zone. Ortstein, cementation in the Bf or Bhf horizon, may occur, but only sporadically. It has little effect on land use. Figure 43. Well drained McGee soil profile. dark yellowish brown, becoming progressively yellower as it grades into the BC. The McGee parent material is usually olive brown. Colouration is often deceptive, indicating less soil development than is confirmed by chemical analysis. Other than being mottled and having thin (less than 5 cm thick) Bhf formation, imperfectly drained sites are similar in appearance to their well drained counterparts. An Ahe horizon up to 5 cm thick may also be sandwiched between the H and Ae horizons in imperfectly drained McGee soils. Poorly drained profile sequences usually consist of O, (Ah), Aeg, Bg and Cg. The colours are dull with low chromas and prominent McGee soils have been mapped in complex units with numerous other soils including Long Lake, Thibault, Holmesville, Catamaran, Jacquet River, Juniper, Popple Depot, Tetagouche, Tetagouche Falls and Violette, however, they are most commonly associated with the first three soil associations. Long Lake is texturally and lithologically very similar to McGee. The two soils are differentiated on the basis of subsoil compaction. Long Lake has a firm, dense compact subsoil. McGee subsoil is noncompact. Thibault is also similar in physical characteristics to McGee. One of the major differences that separates these two soil associations is soil reaction. Thibault soil parent materials are neutral. They have been derived from weakly calcareous shales, slate, quartzite, argillite and sandstone. Like Long Lake, Holmesville soils are developed on lodgment till parent material and have compact subsoils. Major soil and landscape features affecting land use of McGee soils include excessive stoniness, shallowness to bedrock and slope steepness. These limitations place significant restrictions on potential agricultural usage. Excluding poorly drained conditions, McGee soils should be good to fair in terms of forest production of suitable species such as white and black spruce, balsam fir, jack pine, birch and maple. 71 Summary of general characteristics of the McGee Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : MG : N.B. Highlands, Chaleur Uplands, Notre Dame Mountains : 300-800 m : 417,254 ha : 14.97% : Mineral : Glacial till, noncompact : <2 m : Olive to olive brown : Coarse loamy : Slate, agrillite, schist, greywacke and quartzite : Medium : Undulating and rolling to sloping and hilly (2-100%) : Well : Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzol and Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol level. Esker deposits are long, narrow, low, sinuous, ridges or mounds. Most sediments consists of well stratified sands and gravels with some cobbles. The soil and rock fragments are smooth and rounded. The layers or strata vary in thickness and composition, a reflection of the changing environmental conditions during w hich they were deposited. Muniac soils are nonstony. Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 50 50 - 100+ Texture Class Loam (sandy loam or silt loam) Sandy loam % Sand 40 60 Figure 44. Location of mapped Muniac soils. % Silt 45 25 % Clay 15 15 % Coarse Fragments 25 flat, subangular G/C/S 35 flat, subangular G/C/S The major forest species on well to rapidly drained sites are black spruce, balsam fir, white birch, white pine, trembling aspen, red maple and yellow birch. Poorly to very poorly drained lower slopes and depressions support communities of cedar, tamarack, black spruce, willow and balsam fir. pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm ) 1.10 1.55 Ksat (cm/hr) > 10 > 10 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.15 - 0.20 0.10 3 M uniac Association The Muniac Association consists of soils developed in thick deposits (often in excess of 20 m) of neutral, sandy skeletal, glaciofluvial material with calcareous to weakly calcareous slate, shale, quartzite and sandstone coarse fragments. The glaciofluvial material is underlain by glacial till or bedrock. These soils occur in small tracts scattered throughout the Chaleur Uplands and New Brunswick Highlands regions of the survey area (Fig. 44). Muniac association soils cover approximately 2,450 ha or 0.09% of the map area. Muniac soils usually occur in old river terraces or as eskers. The topography varies from undulating to terraced, with horizontal or gently inclined terraces separated by steeply sloping scarp faces. The terraces are long, narrow surfaces running parallel to streams and rivers, marking a former water The Muniac Association is dominated by well to rapidly drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols. Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols occupy imperfectly drained sites, and Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols, Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisols, Orthic Gleysols and Rego Humic Gleysols occur on poorly to very poorly drained sites. The subsoil parent material is rapidly pervious (usually greater than 10 cm/hr). Excess precipitation readily flows downward through the profile. Upper solum water holding capacities are enhanced by their finer texture (gravelly loam to gravelly sandy loam) and the presence of organic matter. Here, water storage capacities may reach 0.20 cm/cm. The available water storage capacity decreases with depth. Muniac soils have low available water storage capacity within the subsoil, averaging 0.10 cm/cm or less. Precipitation is the sole source of water on well drained sites. Off-drainage (imperfect, poor and very poor drainage) is the result of high ground water tables and groundwater flow. Most Muniac soils are either dry (well to excessively drained) or wet (poorly to very poorly drained). Areas of imperfect drainage are restricted to subdominant components of map units of the above mentioned drainage categories. The depth of the solum of Muniac Association soils varies from 25 to 50 cm. Thickest solum development is found on well to imperfectly drained sites. Sites with moisture regimes 72 at the extremes, either excessively dry or excessively wet, tend to have shallower solum development. The common horizon sequence in well to rapidly drained soils is: LFH, Ae, Bf, BC and C. At higher elevations where there is greater effective precipitation, increased accumulation of organic matter in the upper podzolic B horizon leads to the formation of a thin Bhf horizon. Imperfectly drained profiles have: LFH, Ae, Bfgj, BCgj and Cg horizons, indicating the presence of distinct or prominent mottles. Poorly to very poorly drained soils have horizons sequences of: LFH, Ae, Bmgj or Bfjgj and Cg; LFH or O, Aeg, Bg and Cg; or LFH, Ah and Cg as drainage gets progressively worse. The stratification so characteristic of the soil parent material is not present in the solum. Mixing actions of soil organisms, frost churning and tree uprooting (windthrow) have altered the upper soil profile, obliterating any of its original stratification. The M uniac texture profile usually grades from a gravelly sandy loam solum into a gravelly to very gravelly loamy sand to sandy loam subsoil. In poorly drained sites inwashed fines (siltation) may make the surface material slightly heavier. Coarse fragment content increases with depth to in excess of 70% in some strata (layers) in the parent material. Percent coarse fragment content varies from one stratum to another. Most coarse fragments are round edged, flat, elongated gravels or channers, 0.2 to 15 cm long, having been derived from highly fractured calcareous slate, shale, quartzite, sandstone and related lithologies. Muniac soils are medium in natural fertility. Most profiles are acidic in the upper solum, increasing in pH with depth. Free carbonates are present at varying depths below one metre. Calcium is a highly mobile base ie. it is readily leached. During podzolization, intense leaching by strong organic acids has removed most of the calcium from the soil profile, thus resulting in an acidic solum. The bases dissolved by these percolating acids are removed in solution into the groundwater. Subsequently some bases are redeposited in poorly drained areas by calcium carbonate enriched groundwater. In well drained soils the parent material colour is olive brown to light olive brown. The solum consists of a relatively thin (1 to 5 cm) LFH horizon over a light brownish gray Ae which is underlain by a dark brown to strong brown coloured Bf. Imperfectly drained soils have iron mottling of high chroma and value in the lower B and C horizons. Poorly drained soils are characterized by gray colours and prominent mottling indicative of intense reducing conditions. Matrix chromas are generally 2 or less. The subsoils are loose and single grain, while the sola are very friable to friable, with weak, fine to medium, granular structure in the B horizon and weak to moderate, fine, platy structure in the A horizon. Muniac soils are found in areas dominated by soils formed from calcareous shale, slate, quartzite and sandstone, such as the Thibault, Caribou and Carleton associations. However, these are till soils and readily distinguished from Muniac soils. Till soils have developed in nonstratified deposits with angular coarse fragments (cobbles, gravels, and stones), finer textures and friable to very firm consistence. Muniac soils have been mapped in association with other soils formed on fluvial sediments: Grand Fall and Maliseet. They are differentiated on the basis of particle size class and coarse fragment lithology. Maliseet are coarse loamy nonskeletal materials, i.e., they lack the gravel content of Muniac soils. Grand Falls soils have developed on gravelly glaciofluvial materials, but they have been derived from non-calcareous rock types. Biological production on Muniac soils is limited by low fertility retention and low water holding capacity. Excessive wetness is an additional problem on poorly drained sites. Where surface textures and organic matter enhance water retention, Muniac soils are productive for some agricultural crops, this primarily being because they are quick to dry and warm up in the early spring. Muniac soil parent material is an excellent source of aggregate for road building, construction and related uses. It is extracted for local use from numerous sites. Summary of general characteristics of the Muniac Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : MU : Chaleur Uplands : 300-600 m : 2450 ha : 0.09% : Mineral : Fluvial (glaciofluvial) : Up to 20 m : Olive to olive brown : Sandy skeletal : Calcareous slate, shale, quartzites and sandstones : Medium : Undulating or terraced (2-15%) : Rapid : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 35 35 - 100+ Texture Class Sandy loam Loamy sand - sandy loam % Sand 65 80 % Silt 23 10 % Clay 12 10 % Coarse Fragments 35 rounded, flat, elongated G 60 rounded, flat, elongated G pH (H2 O) 5.0 - 5.5 5.5 - 7.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.20 1.50 Ksat (cm/hr) > 25 > 25 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.10 - 0.20 < 0.10 73 Nigadoo River Association The Nigadoo River association consists of soils that have developed in relatively thin (less than 2 m thick) deposits of acidic, coarse loamy, compact morainal till sediments derived from metagabbro and metabasalt, with some granites, conglom erate and metagreywacke. They are scattered across the northern half of the Chaleur Uplands and New Brunswick Highlands physiographic regions at elevations of 200 to 700 m above sea level (Fig. 45). Nigadoo River soils occupy approximately 35,342 ha, or 1.27% of the map sheet. soils have enough organic carbon in the B horizon to be classified as Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzols. Humo-ferric podzolization is the rule where climatic conditions are milder. Imperfectly drained Nigadoo River soils occur as Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols. Poorly drained soils are Orthic Gleysols or Fera Gleysols. They are found more extensively in gently undulating landscapes, but also occur as localized areas in depressions and along drainage channels in more strongly sloping map units. Internal drainage is restricted by a slowly to moderately slowly permeable subsoil with an estimated saturated hydraulic conductivity value of less than 0.1 cm/hr. Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.25 to 0.10 cm/cm, decreasing with depth because of increased coarse fragment content and reduced total porosity in the compact subsoil. Well drained sites are supplied with water solely via precipitation. Nigadoo River subsoils have firm consistence with a bulk density greater than 1.75 gm/cm 3 and voids consisting predominantly of micro pores. Downward movement of excess moisture through the profile is impeded by the subsoil and lateral flow or seepage occurs along the subsoil contact. The seepage waters are moderately rich in nutrients and thus beneficial to most biological production. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained areas have developed because of a combination of topographic position, lack of gradient, subsoil compaction, seepage and high groundwater table. Figure 45. Location of mapped Nigadoo River soils. The soil parent material has been deposited as ground moraine, plastered in place under the weight of advancing glacial ice. Composition strongly reflects the incorporation of local bedrock formations consisting of dark-coloured, basic, finegrained volcanics. Smaller amounts of light-coloured, acidic granitic and metasedimentary rocks also occur. Nigadoo River soils are moderately to very stony with 2 to 15% of the land surface occupied by stones. Boulders are common but usually not in sufficient quantities to warrant designation as a bouldery phase. Nigadoo River soils have been mapped on a number of landforms ranging from undulating and rolling, to hummocky, hilly, sloping and ridged. Slopes vary from 2 to 45%. Bedrock outcrops are not common but may occur in some of the more strongly sloping landscapes, particularly topographic highs or along steeply inclined drainage channels. Well drained soils of the Nigadoo River association support mixed wood forest communities of red and sugar maple, beech, red oak, birch, white pine, black spruce and balsam fir. On poorly to very poorly drained sites the tree vegetation consists of black spruce, balsam fir, cedar and tamarack with some red maple and yellow birch. Nigadoo River soils are dominated by well, moderately well and imperfect drainage. Well drained sites are generally Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzols (Fig. 46). Climatic conditions in central New Brunswick promote the accumulation of organic matter in the podzolic B horizon. As a result, most Nigadoo River Figure 46. Well drained Nigadoo River soil profile. Soil development varies from 40 to 50 cm in thickness. The common horizon sequence on well drained sites is LFH, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C. The organic layer averages 5 to 10 cm thick. It overlies a thin (5 to 10 cm), ashy coloured Ae horizon which breaks abruptly into the B horizon. The upper reddish brown to strong brown Bhf horizon varies from 5 to 15 cm in 74 thickness. It merges with a yellowish brown Bf horizon which gradually grades into the brown to yellowish brown parent material. Imperfectly drained soils have similar profile horizons but are mottled in the B and C horizons, especially a thin zone immediately above the compact subsoil where water is perched. The Bhf horizon is also typically thinner in imperfectly drained sites. Poorly to very poorly drained horizon sequences lack a podzolic B horizon. They consist of LFH or O, Aeg, Bg or Bgf, BCg, and Cg horizons. As with most ill-drained catenary members, the forest duff layer is usually thicker in the poorly and very poorly drained sites than that found in well and imperfectly drained counterparts. The Nigadoo River textural profile consists of a loam to silt loam or sandy loam (8 to 18% clay) throughout. Profile coarse fragment content averages 15 to 30%, with a preponderance of subangular gravels and cobbles. Although the parent rocks are intermediate in weatherability, they yield sediments of medium to high fertility. Nigadoo River soils are relatively acidic throughout the profile with pH(H 2O) values ranging from 4.0 to 5.5. The solum is friable to very friable and grades into a firm and massive subsoil at approximately 45 cm. The subsoil may be pseudoplaty as a result of its mode of deposition (having been plastered in place by glacial ice). The Nigadoo River association is most commonly found with other soil associations that have developed on till soil materials of volcanic rock-type origin, particularly Tetagouche, Tetagouche Falls and Popple Depot. Nigadoo River, Tetagouche and Tetagouche Falls soils have all developed from materials dominated by ferromagnesian, dark-coloured, “mafic”, volcanic rock types. They are differentiated on the basis of consistence and particle size. Nigadoo River soils are coarse loamy and compact in the subsoil. Tetagouche soils are fine loamy and compact in the subsoil. Tetagouche Falls soils are loamy and non-compact in the subsoil. Of all soils, Nigadoo River is probably most similar physically and morphologically to Popple Depot soils. Both have developed on coarse loamy compact tills. They are separated on the basis of lithology. Popple depot soils are dominated by lightcoloured, or “felsic” volcanic rock types. In areas of complex bedrock geology and/or along bedrock transition zones, Nigadoo River soils are also mapped with Carleton, Long Lake and Thibault soils. Excluding problems due to wetness in imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained locations, the dominant features affecting land use are: coarse fragment content (both surface and profile); topographic conditions (excessive slope) and the presence of a subsoil restricting layer which impedes root penetration and water percolation. However, medium inherent fertility is an asset to forest production. Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : Glacial till, compact : <2 m : Yellowish brown : Coarse loamy : Metagabbro and metabasalt with some granites, conglomerate and metagreywacke : Medium : Undulating to rolling and hummocky, hilly, sloping and ridged (2-45%) : Moderately well : Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzol and Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Loam Sandy loam - loam % Sand 40 55 % Silt 44 33 % Clay 16 12 % Coarse Fragments 15 subangular G/C 25 subangular G/C pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.10 1.80 Ksat (cm/hr) 2 - 10 < 0.1 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.20 0.10 Parleeville Association The Parleeville association consists of soils developed in thin (less than 1 m) to moderately thick (greater than 2 m) deposits of acidic (but increasing in pH with depth), coarse loamy to loamy skeletal, noncompact, morainal glacial till material (ablational till) with coarse fragments of soft arkosic sandstone and weathered conglomerate pieces (granites, quartzites, volcanics and so me sandstones). Parleeville soils occur in the southern portions of the New Brunswick Highlands and Chaleur Uplands at elevations of 100 to 300 m above mean sea level (Fig. 47). The Parleeville ablational till material is underlain by weathered red sandstone and conglom erate bedrock that has a weakly calcareous cementing agent. In veneer phases the bedrock occurs within 1 metre of the surface and is often weathered in situ, thus some of the soil parent material is residual in origin. Parleeville soils occupy approximately 16,800 ha or 0.60% of the map area. Summary of general characteristics of the Nigadoo River Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type : NR : Chaleur Uplands, N.B. Highlands : 200-700 m : 35,342 ha : 1.27% : Mineral Parleeville soils are considered to have developed in ablational till. Ablational till is the accumulation of debris deposited from glacial ice during down wasting or melting of the glacier. In the case of Parleeville, some of the parent material may be non-compact lodgment till or residual. Landforms range from 75 Figure 47. Location of mapped Parleeville soils. rolling to strongly undulating, with slopes of 2 to 15%. Where down wasting of glacial ice was more rapid, thin layers of Parleeville ablational till were deposited. Although the soil is shallow in these units, bedrock outcrops are scarce. The soil parent material consists of a heterogeneous mixture of sand, silt, clay and coarse fragments, mostly gravels, but with some cobbles. Most coarse fragments are subrounded to subangular gravels of granite, quartzite, volcanics and arkosic sandstone. Parleeville soils are usually slightly to moderately stony on the surface. Stones are greater than 2 m apart and occupy less than 3% of the surface area. Well drained Parleeville sites support mixed stands of black spruce, balsam fir, grey and yellow birch, sugar maple and some beech. On ill-drained sites the sugar maple and beech component is superseded by red maple, cedar, tamarack, speckled alders and willow. The Parleeville association is dominated by well to moderately well drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols. Podzolization is strongly expressed, even in sites that are less than well drained. Imperfectly drained sites are Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols and poorly to very poorly drained sites, Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisols or Orthic Gleysols. Internal drainage is good. The profile consists of a rapidly permeable solum over a moderately permeable subsoil. Saturated hydraulic conductivity values range from greater than 10 cm/hr in the solum to 2 to 5 cm/hr in the subsoil. Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.10 to 0.20 cm/cm, the higher values being in the solum where finer textures and organic matter contents enhance moisture retention. Precipitation is the sole source of water input on well drained sites. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained sites are the result of high water table and groundwater flow. Drainage is largely determined by topography. Well to moderately well drained soils dominate areas of rolling topography. Undulating map units are dominated by imperfectly drained conditions. Poorly drained sites are restricted to depressions and stream channel locations. Solum development in Parleeville soils varies from 35 to 55 cm in thickness. The common horizon sequence is: LFH, Ae, thin Bhf, Bf, Bfj, BC and C on well to moderately well drained sites; LFH or O, Ae, Bfgj, BCgj or BCg and Cg on imperfectly or poorly drained sites; and LFH or O, Ae, Bmgj, BCg and Cg, or LFH or O, Aeg, Bg and Cg on poorly or very poorly drained sites. Soil textures grade from a loam to sandy loam, which is sometimes gravelly, into a gravelly to very gravelly sandy loam to loam subsoil. Coarse fragment content increases with depth. It ranges from 15 to 30% but may be as high as 50% in some shallow lithic phases. Most coarse fragments are gravels of granite, quartzite, volcanics and arkosic sandstone that have weathered from the conglomerate bedrock. Parleeville soils are medium in natural fertility, owing to the bases associated with the weathered weakly calcareous cementing agent in the parent conglomerate bedrock. However, the profile is acidic throughout the upper metre, ranging from a pH(H 2O) of 4.0 to 5.5. The parent material is reddish brown to weak red. Typically, well drained soil profiles consist of a pinkish gray, friable, weak, fine platy Ae horizon over a yellowish red to yellowish brown, very friable, weak to moderately fine granular Bhf/Bf (the Bf being the lighter colour) which merges gradually into the friable, very weak, subangular blocky to structureless BC and then C. Mottles and grayish gley colours modify the profile morphology in imperfectly and poorly drained sites. Under poorly and very poorly drained conditions the podzolic sequence is not present. Parleeville soils were not mapped in association with any other soil types. They tend to occur as “islands” within a sea of soils developed from yellowish brown to olive brown coloured parent materials. As such, Parleeville soils are readily identified by their strong reddish brown colour. In this respect, parent material colour, they are most similar to Stony Brook soils. Stony Brook soils have fine loamy, very dense compact subsoils in comparison to the coarse loamy, open, porous subsoils in Parleeville. Parleeville soil parent materials are also more lithologically diverse. Parleeville soils are suitable for a wide range of agricultural and forestry crops. Veneer phases may pose some limitations to crop production due to lowered water-holding capacities. Forest site capability is enhanced by the moderately rich natural fertility. Summary of general characteristics of the Parleeville Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : PA : Chaleur Uplands, N.B. Highlands : 100-300 m : 16,800 ha : 0.60% : Mineral : Glacial till, noncompact, some residual material :<2m : Reddish brown : Coarse loamy to loamy skeletal : Sandstone and conglomerate : Medium : Undulating to rolling (2-30%) : Well : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol 76 Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Loam - sandy loam Sandy loam - loam % Sand 45 55 % Silt 40 30 % Clay 15 15 % Coarse Fragments 15 rounded G 30 rounded G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.10 1.50 Ksat (cm/hr) > 10 2-5 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.15 - 0.20 0.10 similar composition. Mixing actions of soil formation have obliterated most evidence of the ablational capping. The solum is underlain by a dense compact lodgment till subsoil (parent material). Because of the relatively thin nature of these deposits, the surface expression generally reflects the topography of the underlying bedrock. Landforms consist of a mixture of blankets and veneers over undulating, rolling, hilly and sloping bedrock formations. Slopes range from 2 to 30% with the occasional slope ranging up to 70% were streams and rivers are deeply incised into the landscape. Bedrock exposures occupying up to 25% of the map unit area may be found in these more steeply sloping areas. Well drained Popple Depot soils support mixed softwood-hardwood stands of balsam fir, black spruce, red spruce, white birch, yellow birch, and sugar and red maple. Forest cover on poorly drained sites is comprised of balsam fir, black spruce, cedar, red maple, tamarack and some yellow birch. Figure 48. Location of mapped Popple Depot soils. Popple Depot soils are dominated by well drained Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzols and Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols. Climatic conditions in central New Brunswick are conducive to the accumulation of organic matter in the podzolic B horizon. Macro- and mesoenvironmental conditions are such that organic carbon accumulates in sufficient quantities to qualify most Popple Depot soils for Ferro-Humic Podzol great group status. Ferro-humic podzolization is not as strongly expressed along the eastern periphery of the Popple Depot range where the Central Highlands merge with the Maritime Plain, which has a slightly milder climate than the Highlands. Mesoenvironmental differences due to the type of vegetation and thus the type of litter are also important in determining variation in solum formation within a map unit. Well drained conditions dominate steeply sloping hilly and rolling landscapes. In these landforms poorly and imperfectly drained conditions are confined to relatively narrow drainage channels. Significant hectarages of imperfectly drained Popple Depot soils occur as Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols in areas of undulating and gently rolling topography, where they are found in association with well drained or poorly drained associates. Poorly drained soils of the Popple Depot association are Orthic Gleysols or Fera Gleysols. Internal drainage is restricted by a slowly permeable subsoil with an estimated saturated hydraulic conductivity value of 0.1 to 0.5 cm/hr. Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.20 to 0.10 cm/cm, decreasing with depth because of reduced total porosity in the compact subsoil. Well drained sites are supplied with water solely via precipitation. Downward movement of excess moisture through the profile is impeded by the subsoil. Some lateral flow occurs for short durations. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained areas have developed because of a combination of topographic position, lack of gradient, subsoil compaction, seepage and high groundwater table. Popple Depot parent material has been deposited as ground moraine, basal till plastered in place during glacial advance and subsequently covered with a thin discontinuous mantle of ablational till upon glacial retreat. Both materials are of Solum thickness ranges from 35 to 55 cm. On well drained sites the common horizon sequence is LFH, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C or Cx. The upper horizons, LFH, Ae, and Bhf are all relatively thin (3 to 15 cm) but distinct in appearance. Mineralization and humification processes in the organic layer Popple Depot Association The Popple Depot association consists of soils that have developed in moderately thin (less than 2 m) deposits of acidic, coarse loamy compact morainal till derived from mixed rhyolite and trachytes with some basalt and miscellaneous slates and greywackes. Popple Depot soils are located in the New Brunswick Highlands and eastern Chaleur Uplands physiographic regions (Fig. 48). Elevations range from 120 to 700 m above sea level. In total these soils occupy approximately 148,083 ha or 5.31% of the total map area. 77 are slow. The F horizon dominates over the H horizon. The light grayish coloured Ae overlies the dark reddish brown coloured Bhf which in turn changes abruptly to a 10 to 25 cm thick, yellowish brown coloured Bf horizon. The Bf horizon grades through a transitional BC horizon into a compact C horizon. The C horizon may have fragipan formation, which when moist is difficult to differentiate from the compact parent material. When dry, the fragic material is brittle and slakes in water. Well drained profiles with fragipan development are classified as Fragic Humo-Ferric Podzols. However, most of the fragipan in Popple Depot soils is weakly expressed and limited in areal extent. Bedrock exposures occur in better drained more steeply sloping sites and may occupy as much as 10 to 25% of these units. Imperfectly drained members of the Popple Depot association have a similar sequence of horizons, but display distinct or prominent mottling, especially along the contact with the dense, compact subsoil. Gleying becomes more prominent in lower-slope site positions. Some imperfectly drained Popple Dep ot soils have thin (approximately 5 cm thick) Ahe horizons sandwiched between the H and Ae horizons. Poorly to very poorly drained Popple Depot soils have profiles consisting of LFH of O, Aeg, Bg or Bgf, and Cg horizons. The predominance of coniferous forest vegetation on these sites encourages mosses and the accumulation of thicker organic layers. The Popple Depot texture profile consists of a sandy loam to loam throughout, with 8 to 18% clay content. Weathering within the solum may result in a slightly finer texture in the upper profile than in the subsoil , however, this variation is still within the sandy loam-loam grouping. Profile coarse fragment content ranges from 20 to 40% with subangular stones, cobbles and gravels and even boulders. Most Popple Depot land surfaces are moderately to very stony with stones occupying 2 to 15% of the surface area. Usually these soils are also moderately to very cobbly with surface coverage similar to that of the stones. Surface boulders are present but not in significant quantities to warrant designation. Popple Depot soils are low in natural fertility. The parent rocks weather slowly and yield relatively infertile soil material. Both the solum and subsoil are acidic, falling within a pH(H2O) range of 4.0 to 5.5. The solum is moderate, fine to medium, granular to subangular blocky structured and very friable. It provides a 40 to 50 cm potential rooting zone. The parent material is firm to very firm, compact, and slightly cemented in the upper C horizon. The C horizon is usually pseudo platy in situ but breaks to medium subangular blocky when extracted. Popple Depot soils have been mapped with Catamaran, Jacquet River, Nigadoo River, Long Lake, McGee, Tetagouche and Tetagouche Falls soils. Jacquet River soils have developed in tills of similar lithology to Popple Depot soils. They are differentiated on the basis of subsoil compaction. Jacquet River soils have a noncompact subsoil. Popple Depot soils have a compact subsoil. Catamaran soils are closest to the Popple Depot association in terms of physical, chemical and morphological properties. They are similar in colours, textures and structures, but Catamaran soils are derived from granites, schists and quartzite. Biological production on Popple Depot soils is affected by low inherent fertility, surface stoniness, depth to a root/water restricting layer, climate, and to a lesser degree wetness and topography. These limitations more severely handicap agriculture than forestry. Agricultural potential is marginal. Popple Depot soils should prove adequate to support moderately productive stands of forest tree species climatically suited to the region. Summary of general characteristics of the Popple Depot Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : PD : N..B. Highlands : 120-700 m : 148,083 ha : 5.31% : Mineral : Glacial till, compact : <2 m : Yellowish brown to olive brown : Coarse loamy (skeletal) : Rhyolite and trachyte with some basalt and slates and greywacke : Low : Undulating to rolling or hilly (2-30%) : Moderately well : Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzol and Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Loam Sandy loam - loam % Sand 50 55 % Silt 35 33 % Clay 15 12 % Coarse Fragments 20 subangular G/C 30 subangular G/C pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.10 1.80 Ksat (cm/hr) 2-5 0.1 - 0.5 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.15 - 0.20 0.10 Reece Association The Reece Association consists of soils developed in moderately thin (1 to 2.5 m) to thin (less than 1 m) deposits of acidic, fine loamy, compact glacial till material (lodgment till) with coarse fragments of soft sandstone. Reece soils occur in the lowlands portion of the study area at elevations ranging from 40 to 140 m above sea level (Fig. 49). The lodgment till frequently has a surficial capping of coarse loamy ablational 78 till (Sunbury material). Reece soil materials are underlain by the soft gray-green Pennsylvanian sandstone that underlies most of the New Brunswick Lowlands or Maritime Plain. Some veneer phases occur where the bedrock is within 1 metre of the soil surface. Reece soils occupy approximately 332,784 ha, representing 11.94% of the map area. Figure 49. Location of mapped Reece soils. Lodgment till consists of successive layers of glacial debris which is plastered into place below the glacier as it advances. The finer textured nature of Reece soil parent material is attributable to a shale component within the debris. At the time of glaciation the Pennsylvanian aged bedrock is thought to have had interbedded shale-sandstone near the surface. The scouring nature of glacial ice readily abraded the shales. The softer shale (and siltstone) fragments have completely disintegrated. Only fragments of the more durable sandstone remain intact. The lodgment till is characterized by its physical heterogeneity. There is no size assortment and no evidence of stratification with exception of a pseudo platy structure caused by compaction under ice pressures during deposition. Soil and coarse fragment shapes vary from sharp and angular to subrounded, depending upon fluctuations in the grinding actions caused by the ice. Reece soils have moderately stony to very stony land surfaces. Stones are 1 to 10 m apart and occupy 0.1 to 15% of the surface area. Reece soils tend to be most stony where mapped in association with Sunbury soils. This is the result of the ablational till capping on the lodgment till. Reece landforms are typified by undulating to very gently rolling surface expressions with 2 to 7% slopes. Well drained sites support stands of black spruce, balsam fir, sugar maple, white birch and beech. As drainage conditions deteriorate the sugar maple, white birch and beech give way to red maple and yellow birch. Cedar and tamarack occur on very poorly drained sites. The Reece association is dominated by imperfectly drained Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols. There are extensive areas of impeded drainage. Well to moderately well drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 50) and Fragic Humo-Ferric Podzols or poorly to very poorly drained Fera Gleysols are usually subdominant components of map units dominated by imperfectly drained soils. Internal drainage is restricted by a slowly permeable subsoil (0.1 to 0.5 cm/hr saturated hydraulic conductivity). The solum permeability is usually 5 cm/hr or faster. Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.15 to 0.20 cm/cm in the solum, but is less than 0.10 cm/cm in the subsoil. Low available water storage capacity in the subsoil is due to compaction and thus lower total pore space. On well drained sites precipitation is the dominant water source. Excess water flows laterally as subsurface flow. Where there is less gradient, water is removed from the soil somewhat slowly in relation to supply giving rise to m oderately well drained conditions. Imperfectly drained sites occupy mid to lower slope positions where water is supplied by precipitation and subsurface flow or seepage. Poorly and very poorly drained conditions are strongly influenced by subsurface inflow and groundwater flow, in addition to precipitation. They occupy lower slope, toe and depressional sites. Lateral water movement is promoted by the dense, slowly permeable Reece subsoil. Profile development is moderately thick, 40 to 70 cm. The common horizon sequence is LFH, Ae, Bf, BC or BCx and (II)C or (II)Cx, on well drained sites; LFH, Ae, Bfgj, BCgj or BCxgj and (II)Cg or (II)Cxg on imperfectly drained sites; and LFH or O, Aeg, Bgf and (II)Cg or (II)Cxg on poorly to very poorly drained sites. Soil horizon continuity is often disrupted by tree uprooting, especially on imperfectly and poorly drained sites. Windthrow also promotes hummocky micro topography in these sites. Poorly drained profiles may have a 10 to 30 cm thick accumulation of organic debris on the surface, especially in level and depressional areas where Reece soils are associated with organic soils, Lavillette or Acadie Siding. Climatic conditions on the western edge of the lowlands plain adjacent to the uplands boundary result in thin Bhf development in the upper B horizon. Fragipan, indicated by the "x" suffix in the horizon designation, is a common characteristic of Reece soils. It is a hardpan with high bulk density, very low organic matter content and slow to very slow permeability that forms in the lower B and C horizons. When moist, fragipans are moderately to weakly brittle and difficult to differentiate from the compact lodgment till. When dry, they have a hard consistence and seem to be cemented. But they are reversible pans and air dried clods of fragic horizons slake or fracture when placed in water. Most Reece soils occur below the maximum level of post glacial marine submergence. Coarser textures in the upper solum may be attributed to this. Sandy marine sediments may have been deposited during this period of submergence and subsequently incorporated into the upper soil profile. The Reece texture profile consists of a sandy loam to loam solum over a loam to sandy clay loam or clay loam subsoil. Profile coarse fragment content averages 10 to 25%, with higher percentages occurring in some lithic (veneer) phases. Coarse fragments are subangular to flat cobbles, gravels and stones of soft, gray-green sandstone derived from the local bedrock. The sandstone is fine- to medium-grained. It is dominated by quartz but with significant feldspars, biotite and muscovite. Reece soils are medium in natural fertility. 79 glacial till soils that occur on the lowland plain with Reece soils. Reece, Rogersville and Stony Brook soils have all developed on fine-loamy lodgment till materials. Rogersville soils are more reddish brown in colour, are somewhat heavier in texture, but most obviously, have a granitic component in their lithological composition. Stony Brook soils have a red to reddish brown subsoil which is the most obvious differentiating criteria from Reece soils. They are also slightly heavier in texture. Reece soils are most intimately associated with Sunbury soils. In fact, they may be identical in the upper solum. They are separated on the basis of subsoil characteristics. Sunbury soils are coarser textured and noncompact. Poorly drained Reece soils are often situated adjacent to organic soils, either Acadie Siding or Lavillette. Thickness of the organic layer is used to differentiate mineral from organic soils. Mineral soils such as Reece have less than 40 cm of organic debris on the surface. Reece soils have also been mapped with Long Lake and Catamaran soils along the Maritime Plain - New Brunswick Highlands boundary. Both Long Lake and Catamaran soils have developed on compact lodgment till materials, but they are coarse-loamy. Lithological differences are also used to separate Long Lake (slate, siltstone, argillite, schist, quartzite and greywacke) and Catamaran (granites with greywacke, schists, quartzite, slates and sandstones) from Reece (sandstone). The major limitations to biological production on Reece soils are a result of the drainage-compact subsoil situation. Stoniness may also be detrimental in agricultural usage. From a forestry perspective Reece soils are among the most productive soil types found in the lowlands. Figure 50. Well drained Reece soil profile. Summary of general characteristics of the Reece Association The profile is acidic throughout, falling between pH(H2O) 4.0 and 5.5. Well drained soil parent materials are strong brown to dark yellowish brown. The profile consists of a grayish, friable, weak, fine platy Ae horizon over a yellowish red to yellowish brown, very friable, weak to moderate, fine granular Bf horizon which grades through a BC horizon into a firm to very firm, weak subangular blocky or platy to structureless C horizon. A thin slightly grayish zone of lateral leaching may be present immediately above the compact layer. In imperfectly drained soils temporarily perched water tables create a mottled zone along the friable-compact interface. Grayish gley colours dominate poorly drained profiles. Fragipan formation is related to site drainage. It is most strongly expressed on well drained sites where development averages 40 to 60 cm in thickness, the upper boundary of which occurs at depths of 50 to 70 cm below the mineral soil surface. Poorly drained conditions have weakly developed pans that are thinner, 20 to 30 cm thick, and have formed closer to the surface, at depths of 30 to 40 cm. The upper boundary is clear and abrupt while the lower boundary is gradual or diffuse. Fragipans have very coarse prismatic structure separated by bleached vertical fissures or planes that produce a polyhedron pattern when cut horizontally, such as in ditch bottoms. Rogersville, Stony Brook and Sunbury associations are other Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : RE : Maritime Plain : 40-140 m : 332,784 ha : 11.94% : Mineral : Glacial till, compact : <2.5 m : Strong brown to dark yellowish brown : Fine loamy : Gray-green sandstone and weathered shale : Medium : Undulating to gently rolling (2-7%) : Imperfect : Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 50 50 - 100+ Texture Class Sandy loam - loam Loam - sandy clay loam % Sand 55 50 % Silt 30 23 % Clay 15 22 80 % Coarse Fragments 10 subangular C/G/S 20 subangular C/G/S pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.10 1.80 Ksat (cm/hr) >5 0.1 - 0.5 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.15 - 0.20 < 0.10 Richibucto Association The Richibucto association consists of soils developed in relatively thin (less than 2.5 m) deposits of acidic, sandy marine sediments derived from soft sandstone. They occur only in the lowlands portion of the study area where they are confined to a narrow strip about 10 km wide along the coast, occasionally fingering inland more deeply along tidal rivers (Fig. 51). Thin deposits (veneers less than 1 m thick) rest directly on weathered gray-green Pennsylvanian sandstone bedrock. Thicker deposits (greater that 1 m) may be underlain by a thin mantle of morainal till overlying the bedrock. Richibucto sands are also underlain by marine/lacustrine clays along some estuarial valleys. Most Richibucto soils are found at elevations of less than 50 m above sea level. They cover approximately 60,029 ha, or about 2.15% of the map area. Figure 51. Location of mapped Richibucto soils. Richibucto parent materials are marine sediments or marine reworked glaciofluvial material, some of which may have been deposited subaqueously. They were deposited in an early postglacial, shallow brackish water environment. Acid leaching has destroyed any calcareous fossils that may have been present but material composition and configuration coupled with its general location below the level of postglacial marine submergence indicate a marine mode of deposition. Richibucto soils have developed on wave-washed sediments deposited as marine beach ridges, marine terraces and discontinuous blankets and veneers of marine sand. They consist of well sorted sands, primarily medium- to fine-grained particles, but some strata are gravelly or pebbly. Associated landforms have level to gently undulating surface expressions, with slopes of 0.5 to 2%. Steeper gradients may occur along river valleys. Well to rapidly drained Richibucto soils support softwood stands of predominantly jack pine and black spruce. Stunted gray birch occurs on the more droughty sites. Red maple, white birch, black spruce and balsam fir occur on the wetter sites. The Richibucto association is made up of rapidly to well drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols and Eluviated Dystric Brunisols, imperfectly drained gleyed subgroups of the afore-mentioned, and poorly to very poorly drained Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisols and Orthic Gleysols. In well and imperfectly drained associates the B horizon, although appearing morphologically typical of a Bf horizon, just meets the chemical requirements for a podzol. The deceiving appearance is the result of the sandy nature of the material and the fact that very little illuviated iron and organic matter is required to significantly affect a colour change. Poorly drained soils do not meet podzolic requirements. On rapidly to well drained sites precipitation is the sole source of water. Excess water readily flows downward through the pervious subsoil which has saturated hydraulic conductivity values of greater than 25 cm/hr. Available water storage capacity is low, usually less than 0.10 cm/cm and decreases with depth. Slightly finer textures and higher organic matter contents enhance moisture retention in the solum. Imperfectly and poorly drained conditions are the result of high groundwater tables. Groundwater levels respond quickly to additions by precipitation because of the low moisture holding capacity of the soil profile and the relative ease of groundwater flow through the coarse textured subsoil. Substrata, bedrock (Fig. 52) or relatively impermeable morainal till or marine clays, also create deep (below the control section) seepage conditions which recharge these sites. Soil formation averages 30 to 50 cm in depth, however, most development is concentrated in the upper 30 cm of the profile, below which is a zone of transition into the parent material. Common horizon sequences consist of: LFH , Ae, Bf or Bm, BC and C in rapidly to well drained sites; LFH , Ae, Bfgj or Bmgj, BCgj and Cg in imperfectly drained sites; and LFH or O, Aegj, Bmgj, BCg and Cg, or O, Aeg, Bg and Cg in poorly to very poorly drained sites. Rapidly to imperfectly drained profiles have a typical podzolic appearance. They have a thin organic duff layer over a light grayish coloured eluvial A horizon. The underlying reddish brown to yellowish brown B horizon has an abrupt upper boundary and becom es progressively yellower as it grades through the BC into the brown to yellowish brown C horizon. Iron (Fe) mottling modifies this appearance in imperfectly drained sites. Poorly and very poorly drained sites are often severely gleyed because of the persistence of waterlogged conditions. Very poorly drained sites often have bluish gray subsoils. Horizonation is weakly expressed. The texture profile grades from a loamy sand to sandy loam solum into a loamy sand to sand subsoil. Clay content seldom exceeds 10% and is usually less than 5% 81 in the subsoil. The high degree of particle size sorting is exemplified by subsoils in which sand accounts for 95 to 97% of the soil material. Most profiles are relatively free of coarse fragments. Those coarse fragments that are present are usually rounded gravels of soft gray-green sandstone. Occasionally there is as high as 20% gravels. These areas are thought to be remnants of beach ridges. Veneer phases may also be an exception to this. Frost action and windthrow mix thin, flat fragments of the underlying bedrock into the lower profile. Richibucto soils are very low in natural fertility and nutrient retention capability. They are also acidic, with pH (H2O) 4.0 to 5.0, throughout. Soil structure is weakly expressed in the solum and structureless or single grain in the subsoil. Consistence is typically very friable to loose, except for the presence of ortstein, a firmly cemented hardpan, that occurs sporadically in the solum. Ortstein is a discontinuous, irreversible pan in which the soil particles are bonded by Fe, Al and organic matter complexes. It is more strongly developed under poorly drained conditions where pans are harder and cover a greater lateral extent. than 1 m of marine sand over a compact cobbly morainal till. Tracadie soils are marine clays. Riverbank soils are very similar to Richibucto soils in morphological characteristics. However, unlike Richibucto soils, Riverbank soils are derived from a mixture of lithologies and thus have greater mineralogical variability. Riverbank is also associated with different landforms; kames, eskers, stream terraces, etc. Very poorly drained Richibucto soils are often mapped in complexes with organic soils, either Acadie Siding or Lavillette. Thickness of the organic layer is used to differentiate mineral soils from organic soils. Mineral soils such as Richibucto have less than 40 cm of organic debris on the surface. Biological productivity on Richibucto soils is limited by very low moisture holding capacity, inherent natural fertility and nutrient retention. Selection of crops must be made with these constraints in mind. Richibucto sands are easily manipulated in terms of moisture and nutrient status by irrigation and fertilizer applications and so are ideal sites for specialty crops that require closely controlled environments. Richibucto parent material is also a source of industrial sand. Summary of general characteristics of the Richibucto Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) Figure 52. Well drained Richibucto soil profile, veneer phase. Richibucto soils are found in close proximity to other soils that have developed on marine sediments, the Barrieau-Buctouche and Tracadie associations. Both soils are readily differentiated from Richibucto soils. Barrieau-Buctouche soils consist of less : RB : Maritime Plain : < 50 m : 60,029 ha : 2.15% : Mineral : Marine : < 2.5 m : Yellowish brown to brown : Sandy : Soft gray-green sandstone : Very low : Level to undulating (0.5-2%) : Rapid : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 40 40 - 100+ Texture Class Loamy sand - sandy loam Loamy sand - sand % Sand 80 85 % Silt 10 10 % Clay 10 5 % Coarse Fragments < 2 rounded G < 2 rounded G pH (H2 O) 4.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 5.0 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.20 1.50 Ksat (cm/hr) > 25 > 25 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.10 0.05 - 0.10 82 Riverbank Association The Riverbank association consists of soils developed in relatively thick (sometimes in excess of 10 m) deposits of acidic, sandy glaciofluvial material derived from igneous, metamorphic and some sedimentary rock types. Riverbank materials are underlain by either bedrock, or the prevailing regional glacial till material. They are found primarily in the New Brunswick Highlands but also occur on the western edge of the Maritime Plain at elevations ranging from 50 to 300 m above sea level (Fig. 53). Riverbank soils cover approximately 12,733 ha or 0.46% of the map area. They occur in small, scattered tracts. Figure 53. Location of mapped Riverbank soils. Riverbank parent materials were deposited as either glacial outwash plains and valley trains, or as ice contact stratified drift in features such as kames and eskers. Most deposits are found in narrow strips on river terraces and bottoms. Deposition has been by moderately fast flowing waters. Suspended particles were deposited when water turbulence ceased to exceed their settling velocities, a function of particle diameter, shape and specific gravity and fluid density. Therefore, to a large degree, the velocity of the flowing water determined the size of the particles that were deposited. Most sediments consist of well rounded fine to medium sand grains. Changes in streamflow velocity resulted in layers of varying thickness and particle size. Deposits often contain thin layers of silt or gravel. These strata may significantly modify internal drainage characteristics. Riverbank landscapes are varied. They include terraced surfaces, with horizontal or gently inclined planes (0-3% slope) separated by scarp faces (15-45% slope); outwash plains, with undulating (0-5% slope) surface expressions; and ridges or eskers, with rounded crests and steep sides (5-30% slope). Riverbank soils support predominately softwood stands of jack pine and black spruce, with stunted grey birch on the drier sites. Moist sites along stream bottoms and lower terraces have black spruce, red maple and white birch. The Riverbank association consists of rapidly to well drained Orthic Humic-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 54), imperfectly drained Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols, and poorly to very poorly drained Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisols, Orthic Gleysols and Fera Gleysols. On rapidly to well drained sites water is supplied only by precipitation. Rainfall rapidly enters the soil and a large part of the water passes through the profile or evaporates into the air. These soils have a low available water storage capacity, 0.15 to 0.10 cm/cm or less, usually decreasing with depth. Slightly finer textures and higher levels of organic matter content aid water retention in the upper solum. Imperfectly and poorly drained sites are restricted to areas that are affected by high ground water levels, such as depressions and lower terraces along valley floors. Groundw ater flow is the main water source. Seepage is absent. Subsoil permeability varies from less than 1 cm/hr to more than 25 cm/hr. This wide range is due to parent material stratification. However, most layers are rapidly permeable with transm issibility rates of more than 10 cm/hr.. Soil development in Riverbank materials averages 30 to 50 cm in thickness. Those sites with more suitable moisture regimes for biological production tend to have the greatest degree of solum development. Excessively dry and excessively moist sites have shallower sola. The common horizon sequence in well to rapidly drained soils is: LFH, Ae, Bf, BC and C. Imperfectly drained profiles have LFH, Ae, Bfgj, BCgj and Cg horizons. Poorly to very poorly drained profiles have a number of different possible profiles: LFH, Ae, Bmgj, BCg and Cg; or LFH or O, Aeg, Bg and Cg; or, LFH or O, Aeg, Bgf and Cg. The surface horizons of Riverbank soils display little evidence of the stratification so typical of their parent materials. They also contain more silt and clay than found in the subsoil. These modifications are attributed to soil forming processes. Windthrow, frost action and biological activity have mixed together the originally stratified surface materials. Physical and chemical weathering in the solum has lead to the disintegration and decomposition of rocks and minerals. The Riverbank texture profile grades from a sandy loam to loamy sand solum into a loamy sand to sand subsoil. Clay content seldom exceeds 10% in any horizon. The sand fraction varies from 70 to 95%. It has a wide variety of minerals such as quartz, hornblende, biotite, muscovite and numerous feldspars. Most profiles are relatively free of coarse fragments, but occasionally some deposits have as much as 20% gravels and cobbles derived from mixed igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock types such as granites, schists, gneisses, slates, quartzite and volcanics. Riverbank soils are low in natural fertility. They are also acidic throughout the profile, with pH (H 2O) of 4.0 to 5.0. The parent material colour is yellowish brown to olive brown. In well drained sites the solum consists of a thin LFH layer overlaying a leached grayish coloured Ae horizon. The underlying Bf horizon is yellowish brown to strong brown, becoming progressively yellower in hue with depth. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained soils have either iron (Fe) mottling or gleyed colours of low chroma, or both. The subsoils are loose and single grain (structureless) but stratified. The A horizon is friable to very friable, very weak, fine platy. Most B horizons 83 Richibucto soils are almost identical to Riverbank soils. Both consist of well sorted sands. Richibucto sands are of marine origin and restricted to the lowlands, usually in close proximity to the coast. Their parent materials were derived from soft Pennsylvanian sandstone. They lack the mineralogical variability found in the Riverbank association. Low water holding capacity, low natural fertility and low fertility retention characteristics restrict biological productivity to selected crops. In forestry, tree species must be selected that minimize these impacts. Riverbank soils can be highly productive for specialty crops (strawberries, apples, etc.) where management inputs are high and moisture levels artificially controlled. Riverbank parent material is also a source of industrial or commercial sand. Summary of general characteristics of the Riverbank Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : RI : Maritime Plain, N.B. Highlands : 50-300 m : 12,733 ha : 0.46% : Mineral : Fluvial (glaciofluvial or possibly alluvium) : Up to 10 m : Yellowish brown to olive brown : Sandy : Mixed igneous, metamorphic and minor sedimentary : Low : Undulating to terraced (0.5-5%) : Rapid : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Figure 54. Rapidly drained Riverbank soil profile. are very friable, weak to moderate, fine granular, however, occasionally they may have cemented, massive ortstein layers. Ortstein is a strongly cem ented irreversible but discontinuous hardpan that restricts root penetration and is only slowly permeable to water. Fe, Al and organic complexes are the bonding agents. Ortstein layers vary from 10 to 60 cm in thickness. Technically speaking, ortstein is a cemented Bh, Bhf or Bf horizon at least 3 cm thick. Those cemented horizons that do not make the podzolic B criteria are not "true" ortsteins. Ortstein development is drainage dependent. In poorly drained sites it is harder and covers a greater lateral extent than in sites with better drainage. Riverbank soils are usually associated with other soils developed in glaciofluvial sediments, such as Gagetown. Gagetown is sandy skeletal, i.e., gravelly or very gravelly in the parent material. Gagetown and Riverbank are lithologically identical. They are separated on percent coarse fragment content. Gagetown soils have greater than 20% gravels (usually 50 to 70%) and Riverbank soils have less than 20% gravels (usually less than 2%). Riverbank soils have also been mapped with Interval soils. Interval soils have formed in coarse loamy alluvial sediments, usually silt loams to fine sandy loams, and are located within present-day flood plains. Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 50 50 - 100+ Texture Class Sandy loam - loamy sand Loamy sand - sand % Sand 75 90 % Silt 15 5 % Clay 10 5 % Coarse Fragments < 2 rounded G < 2 rounded G pH (H2 O) 4.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 5.0 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.20 1.50 Ksat (cm/hr) > 25 > 10 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.10 - 0.15 0.05 - 0.10 84 Rogersville Association The Rogersville Association consists of soils developed in moderately thin (1 to 2 m) deposits of acidic, fine loamy, compact glacial till material (lodgment till) with coarse fragments of sandstone, granites, gneiss, schists and some volcanics. Rogersville soils occur in the M aritime Plain portion of the study area at elevations ranging from 40 to 140 m above sea level (Fig. 55). The lodgment till may have a thin surficial capping of coarse loamy ablational till or water reworked material. Rogersville soil materials are underlain by the soft gray-green Pennsylvanian sandstone that underlies most of the New Brunswick Lowlands. Rogersville soils occupy approximately 3,312 ha, representing 0.12% of the map area. Figure 55. Location of mapped Rogersville soils. As a lodgment till, Rogersville soil parent material consists of successive layers of glacial debris scoured from the earth’s surface and redeposited or plastered into place below the glacier as it advanced. As such, the underlying bedrock lithology played an important role in soil characteristics. The finer textured nature of Rogersville soil parent material is attributed to a shale component within the debris. At the time of glaciation, the Pennsylvanian aged bedrock is thought to have had interbedded shale-sandstone near the surface. The scouring nature of glacial ice readily abraded the shales. The softer shale (and siltstone) fragments have completely disintegrated. Only fragments of the more durable sandstone remain intact. The granites, gneiss, schists and volcanics were transported in from central New Brunswick as the glacial ice travelled in a southeastern direction. The weight of glacial ice has resulted in the subsoil having a pseudo platy structure. Coarse fragment shapes vary but are mostly subangular to subrounded. Rogersville soils have moderately stony to very stony land surfaces. Stones are 1 to 10 m apart and occupy 0.1 to 15% of the surface area. Rogersville landforms are typified by undulating surface expressions with slopes of 2 to 5%. Well drained sites support stands of black spruce, balsam fir, sugar maple, white birch and beech. As drainage conditions deteriorate the sugar maple, white birch and beech give way to red maple and yellow birch. Cedar and tamarack occur on very poorly drained sites. The Rogersville association is dominated by imperfectly drained Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols and G leyed Podzolic Gray Luvisols. Moderately well drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols, Fragic Humo-Ferric Podzols and some Podzolic Gray Luvisols occur along with the imperfectly drained Rogersville members where topographic conditions are more pronounced. Poorly to very poorly drained Orthic Luvic Gleysols and Fragic Luvic Gleysols occur extensively on level to very gently undulating sites. Internal drainage is restricted by a very slowly permeable subsoil (less than 0.1 cm/hr saturated hydraulic conductivity) that occurs within 50 cm of the mineral soil surface. The solum permeability is usually 5 cm/hr or faster. Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.15 to 0.20 cm/cm in the solum, but is less than 0.10 cm/cm in the subsoil. Low available water storage capacity in the subsoil is due to lower total pore space as a result of compaction. Excess water as a result of snowmelt and/or heavy precipitation flows laterally as subsurface flow (seepage). Because of the prevailing level topography and restricted internal drainage, imperfectly drained sites may occupy mid to upper slope positions as well as lower slope positions. Poorly and very poorly drained conditions are strongly influenced by subsurface inflow and groundwater flow, in addition to precipitation. They occupy lower slope, toe and depressional sites. Profile development is moderately thick, 40 to 70 cm. The common horizon sequence is LFH, Ae, Bf, Btj or Btjx and (II)Cgj, on moderately well drained sites; LFH, Ae, Bfgj, Btgj or Btxgj and (II)Cg on imperfectly drained sites; and LFH or O, Aeg, Bgf, BCg or Bxg and (II)Cg on poorly to very poorly drained sites. Soil horizon continuity is often disrupted by tree uprooting because the imperfect and poor drainage limits rooting depth. Windthrow also promotes hummocky micro topography in these sites. Poorly drained profiles may have a 10 to 30 cm thick accumulation of organic debris on the surface, especially in level and depressional areas where Rogersville soils are associated with organic soils such as Lavillette or Acadie Siding. Climatic conditions on the western edge of the lowlands plain adjacent to the uplands boundary result in thin Bhf development in the upper B horizon. Fragipan, indicated by the "x" suffix in the horizon designation, is a common characteristic of Rogersville soils. It is a hardpan with high bulk density, very low organic matter content and slow to very slow permeability that forms in the lower B and C horizons. When moist, fragipans are moderately to weakly brittle and difficult to differentiate from the compact lodgment till. Fragipan formation is more strongly expressed on well drained sites, but it occurs at greater depths, usually first appearing 50 to 70 cm below the mineral soil surface. Poorly drained conditions have weakly developed pans that are thinner, 20 to 30 cm thick, and have formed closer to the surface, at depths of 30 to 40 cm. Fragipan formation is discontinuous in Rogersville soils. Clay 85 translocation from the upper solum has resulted in the presence of a weak Bt horizon. Illuvial clay accumulations form Btj, Btgj and Btg horizons. The Bt horizon has a very weak, coarse subangular blocky structure and is resistant to both root and water penetration. These horizons are similar to the subsoil in terms of their compact consistence. Fragic layers may occur within these horizons. The Rogersville soil texture profile consists of a loam to sandy loam solum over a loam to sandy clay loam or clay loam subsoil. Profile coarse fragment content averages 10 to 25%. Coarse fragments are subangular to somewhat subrounded cobbles, gravels and stones of mixed lithologies - sandstone, granites, gneiss, schists and some volcanics. Rogersville soils are medium in natural fertility. The profile is acidic throughout, falling between pH(H2O) 4.0 and 5.5. Well drained soil parent materials are brown but may be slightly reddish brown where Rogersville soils are transitional to Stony Brook soils. The profile consists of a grayish, friable, weak, fine platy Ae horizon over a yellowish red to yellowish brown, very friable, weak to moderate, fine granular Bf horizon which grades through a BC or Bt horizon into a firm to very firm, weak, coarse platy to structureless C horizon. A thin grayish zone of lateral leaching is usually present immediately above the compact layer. In imperfectly drained soils temporarily perched water tables create a strongly mottled zone along this friable-compact interface. Grayish gley colours dominate poorly drained profiles. Average depth of friable soil material over a root or water restricting layer is 30 to 50 cm. Rogersville association soils most closely resemble Reece soils in morphological appearance as well as physical and chemical characteristics. The main difference is the petrological composition of the till. Reece soils are derived from sandstone and weathered shale/siltstone; Rogersville soils have a significant component of granites, gneiss, schists and volcanics. As a result, Reece soils tend to be slightly coarser textured than Rogersville soils. Rogersville soils are also less permeable in the subsoil than Reece soils. While both soils have fragipans, Reece soils have more pronounced pan development. Reece soils also do not have horizons with appreciable amounts of illuviated clay (Bt horizons). Rogersville soils commonly have Bt horizons. Stony Brook is another lodgment-till soil that occurs on the Maritime Plain along with Rogersville soils. Stony Brook soils have a red to reddish brown subsoil which is the most obvious differentiating criteria. They are also slightly heavier in texture. Stony Brook soils lack the petrological variability found in Rogersville soils. Stony Brook soils have sandstone coarse fragments exclusive of other rock types. Poorly and very poorly drained Rogersville soils are also associated with, or situated in, proximity to organic soils, either Acadie Siding or Lavillette. The major limitations to biological production on Rogersville soils are related to the drainage-compact subsoil situation. Stoniness may also be detrimental in agricultural usage. From a forestry perspective Rogersville soils are among the more productive soil types found in the lowlands. Summary of general characteristics of the Rogersville Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : RS : Maritime Plain, N.B. Highlands : 40-140 m : 3312 ha : 0.12% : Mineral : Glacial till, compact : 1-2 m : Brown : Fine loamy : Sandstone, granites, gneiss, schists and some volcanics and weathered shale : Medium : Undulating (0.5-5%) : Imperfect : Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzol and Gleyed Podzolic Gray Luvisols Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 40 40 - 100+ Texture Class Loam - sandy loam Loam - sandy clay loam - clay loam % Sand 45 40 % Silt 40 35 % Clay 15 25 % Coarse Fragments 10 subangular C/G/S 20 subangular C/G/S pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.15 1.80 Ksat (cm/hr) >5 < 0.1 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.15 - 0.20 < 0.10 Stony Brook Association The Stony Brook association consists of soils developed in moderately thin (1 to 2 m) deposits of acidic, fine loamy, compact glacial till material (lodgment till) with soft sandstone coarse fragments. Stony Brook soils only occur in the lowland portion of the study area, usually at elevations of 40 to 120 m above sea level (Fig. 56). The thickness of the lodgment till tends to be a uniform blanket. It is underlain by soft gray-green Pennsylvanian sandstone, from which most profile coarse fragments have been derived. Frequently there is a thin 40 to 50 cm thick mantle of Sunbury association coarse loamy ablation till on the surface. It is also possible that this capping may be due to incorporation of sandy marine sediments. Stony Brook soils occur below the zone of maximum post-glacial marine submergence. They occupy approximately 151,867 ha, or 5.45% of the map area. Stony Brook subsoils are very dense and compact, properties 86 that can be attributed to their mode of deposition as lodgment tills plastered in place below hundreds of metres of glacial ice. Their fine texture and red to reddish brown colour come from incorporated red shale (35% clay content) and/or reddish clayey marine sediments. Abrasive actions during glaciation have almost completely disintegrated the soft shales. Upon close examination small remnants can be identified in the soil matrix. The soil material is a heterogeneous mixture of subangular to subrounded particles ranging in size from fine clays to stones and even the occasional boulder. Stony Brook soils are moderately stony on the surface, with stones 2 to 10 m apart occupying 0.1 to 3% of the land area. Stonier phases may occur in complex units with Sunbury. Stony Brook landscapes are undulating to level or flat morainal blankets. Most slopes are complex but less than 5%. Bedrock outcrops are not common. Well drained sites support stands of black spruce, balsam fir, white birch and some sugar maple and beech. On imperfectly drained sites the sugar maple and beech are absent. Red maple, yellow birch, cedar, larch, black spruce and balsam fir occupy poorly to very poorly drained sites. Figure 56. Location of mapped Stony Brook soils. Dense, compact subsoils with high clay-silt content combined with level to gently undulating topography results in a high proportion of wet soils. The predominant soils are imperfectly drained Gleyed Podzolic Gray Luvisols intermixed with some Luvisolic Humo-Ferric Podzols. Increased clay content in the luvisolic horizon restricts downward movement of water. Moderately well drained Podzolic Gray Luvisols (Fig. 57) and Luvisolic Humo-Ferric Podzols occupy upper slope and crest positions. Poorly to very poorly drained Orthic Luvic Gleysols and Fera Luvic Gleysols are found on low er slope to depressional site locations. Internal drainage is severely impeded by a very slowly permeable subsoil with hydraulic conductivities of less than 0.1 cm/hr. The solum is moderately rapid to rapidly permeable (saturated hydraulic conductivity greater than 5 cm/hr). Perched water tables are common. Excess water flows through the solum and concentrates above the relatively impermeable subsoil. This saturated layer of soil is separated from the underlying true ground water table by an unsaturated zone. Available water storage capacity is 0.15 to 0.20 cm/cm in the solum but less than 0.10 cm/cm in the subsoil. On moderately well drained sites, precipitation is the dominant water source. Excess w ater is removed somewhat slowly in relation to supply because of low perviousness in the subsoil and lack of gradient. Conversely, subsoil compaction prevents root penetration and also limits recharge of soil moisture in the solum. Because of this, some sites experience moisture deficiencies or droughtiness during summers with low precipitation. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained sites are strongly influenced by inflow of lateral seepage waters. The seepage water found in these soils is usually nutrient poor, but it is often aerated, and thus still somew hat beneficial to tree growth. In poorly to very poorly drained depressional sites the water stagnates and is deleterious to biological production. Most saturated conditions are due to perched water tables or a combination of perched and true groundwater. Solum development is usually quite deep, 50 to 100 cm, however, only the upper 30 to 50 cm is adequately friable to be considered potential rooting zone. The common horizon sequence in moderately well drained profiles is LFH, Ae1, Bf, Ae2, (II)Bt and (II)C. The Ae2 horizon is created by lateral flow leaching. Imperfectly drained sites have a similar sequence but with distinct mottling in the upper 50 cm and prominent greyish streaks in the lower (Bt and C) horizons. Poorly to very poorly drained profiles have horizon sequences of LFH or O, Aeg, Bg, (II)Btg and (II)Cg, or, LFH or O, Aeg, Bgf, (II)Btg and (II)Cg. Shallow rooting, especially on ill drained sites, makes trees susceptible to windthrow. Hummocky micro topographies and irregular, broken soil horizons result. The Stony Brook texture profile consists of a loam to sandy loam upper solum over a loam to clay loam or sandy clay loam lower solum and subsoil. Inwashed fines tend to make soils in receiving sites slightly heavier textured. Profile coarse fragment content averages 10 to 25%. Most are subangular to flat, cobbles and gravels, but with some stones, of weathered fine- to medium-grained Pennsylvanian grey-green sandstone. In deposits that are two tiered, i.e., ablational till over lodgment till, coarse fragments may be concentrated along the interface. These are referred to as “stone lines”. Stony Brook soils are derived from parent rocks that weather moderately rapidly but yield materials that are low in natural fertility. The profile is acidic throughout, pH (H 2O) 4.0 to 5.5. Moderately well drained soils consist of a yellowish brown to reddish brown upper solum over characteristically reddish brown Bt and C horizons. The Ae1 horizon is friable, weak, fine platy. It overlies a 15 to 35 cm thick, very friable, weak to moderate, fine granular Bf/Bfj horizon. The Ae2 horizon is weakly leached, friable, fine platy and often faintly mottled. The Bt and C horizons are firm to very firm and usually moderate, coarse platy, a structure inherited from the parent material. Transition of the Bt horizon into the C horizon is gradual. Poorly drained materials are gleyed in the upper horizons but the reddish coloured parent material persists in spite of reducing conditions. They also have thicker, 10 to 25 cm, surface organic layers. 87 that limit crop production. Relatively low levels of natural fertility restrict forest productivity. Summary of general characteristics of the Stony Brook Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) Figure 57. Moderately well drained Stony Brook soil profile. Stony Brook soils share the Maritime Plain portion of the map area with other soils developed on morainal tills, the Reece, Rogersville and Sunbury associations. Stony Brook soils are readily differentiated based on their red to reddish brown coloured subsoils. Reece subsoils are yellowish brown and slightly lighter textured. Rogersville subsoils may be somewhat reddish brown along soil transitional boundaries, but they are dominated by non-sandstone rock types such as granites, gneiss, schists and volcanics. Sunbury soils are readily differentiated from Stony Brook soils. Their subsoils are yellowish brown, much coarser textured, and noncompact. Some Stony Brook soils are mapped with Barrieau-Buctouche soils in areas along the coast where sandy marine deposits of varying thickness overly the lodgment till. Poorly drained Stony Brook soils are often associated with organic soils, Lavillette and especially Acadie Siding. Organic soils have at least 40 cm of organic debris. Mineral soils, such as poorly drained Stony Brook, may have surface organic layers up to 40 cm thick, but more commonly, organic surface layers are less than 20 cm thick. Most uses of Stony Brook soils are affected by the low permeability and undesirable structure of the subsoil. When this condition is coupled with a lack of slope gradient and the prevailing levels of precipitation and snow melt, it results in a large percentage of Stony Brook soils with wetness problems : SB : Maritime Plain : 40-120 m : 151,867 ha : 5.45% : Mineral : Glacial till, compact : 1-2 m : Red to reddish brown : Fine loamy : Soft gray-green sandstone and weathered shale : Low : Undulating and level (0.5-5%) : Imperfect :Gleyed Podzolic Gray Luvisol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 40 40 - 100+ Texture Class Loam - sandy loam Clay loam - loam sandy clay loam % Sand 45 42 % Silt 35 30 % Clay 20 28 % Coarse Fragments 10 subangular C/G 20 subangular C/G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.15 1.80 Ksat (cm/hr) >5 < 0.1 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.15 - 0.20 < 0.10 St. Quentin Association St. Quentin soils consist of peat materials found in swamps formed from forest vegetation on poorly to very poorly drained sites. They are the result of a gradual building up process where the water table is near the surface and organic debris accumulates They consist of relatively thin peatland deposits, averaging less than 2 m in thickness. The peat is composed of wood, leaves, needles, feather mosses and other forest debris. St. Quentin soils occur in the Chaleur Uplands portion of the survey area (Fig. 58) on level to undulating landscapes with slopes of less than 5%. Although they only account for 1,111 ha, representing less than 0.04% of the survey area, St. Quentin soils often occur as unmapped inclusions in areas of very poorly drained mineral soils. Strong water movement from the deposit margins or from 88 mineral soils results in a nutrient-rich environment. St. Quentin peatlands usually have relatively level or flat surfaces. Although peat depths are relatively uniform, they decrease in depth from the centre of the deposit outwards. Pronounced surface patterns are usually lacking with the exception of the presence of intermittent to semi-permanent drainage courses. Most deposits are topographically confined in depression-like areas. Vegetative cover consists of coniferous and deciduous trees, tall shrubs, herbs and mosses. Tree cover is usually thick and quite diversified as a result of the nutrient-rich groundwater. Cedar, black spruce, trembling aspen, ash, red maple and alder are comm on. Terric phases of the above listed taxa. St. Quentin soils are usually surrounded by very poorly to poorly drained mineral soil members. Mineral soils occurring in areas of calcareous bedrock, such as Caribou, Thibault and Carleton, are likely associates. St. Quentin soils are differentiated from mineral soils based on the depth of organic material present. To be classed as St. Quentin a soil must have at least 40 cm of mesic or humic organic material, otherwise it is included with the appropriate mineral soil association. St. Quentin soils have little potential use for agriculture. While they support often impressive forest stands, St. Quentin soils require highly specialized management to ensure sustainability. They are easily damaged by harvesting operations. Summary of general characteristics of the St. Quentin Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Degree of Decomposition Botanical Composition Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : SQ : Chaleur Uplands : 300-600 m : 1111 ha : 0.04% : Organic : Swamps : < 2 m over mineral soil : Dark brown : Moderately to very strongly decomposed : Forest-fen peat : High : Flat, bowl and horizontal (<1%) in an undulating landscape (<5%) : Very poor : Terric Mesisol or Terric Humisol Figure 58. Location of mapped St. Quentin soils. St. Quentin soils are dominated by forest peat that is generally moderately to well decomposed, with a structureless or very fine fibred structure, resulting in a slightly matted appearance. The colour is dark brown or reddish brown to almost black, pH greater than 5.5, and the peat material is in a mesic to humic state of decomposition with a rubbed fibre content that averages 10%. Von Post scale of decomposition is usually 6 to 8. Bulk density is high for a peat, being 0.1 to more than 0.2 g/cm 3. Saturated hydraulic conductivity is very slow at less than 0.1 cm/hr. Coarse- to medium-sized woody fragments are randomly distributed throughout. The layer of forest peat is often underlain by a thin layer (less than 30 cm) of fen peat derived from sedges. The underlying mineral material is variable, usually being the predominate material in the surrounding area. Drainage is very poor. Water table levels are at or near the surface throughout the year, resulting in ponding. Ground water is neutral and of elevated nutrient status. Where depth to the mineral soil contact is greater than 1.6 m, St. Quentin soils are classified as either Typic or Mesic Humisols, or as Typic or Humic Mesisols, depending upon their degree of decomposition. St. Quentin soils having a depth of 0.4-1.6 m to the mineral soil contact are classified as Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material #1 Subsoil material #2 Depth (cm) 0 - 30 30 - 150 > 150 Von Post rating 2-4 6-8 - % Wood 15 15 - Texture Class - - Sandy clay loam % Sand - - 60 % Silt - - 15 % Clay - - 25 % Coarse Fragments - - 20 angular G/C pH (H2 O) 6.0 - 6.5 > 6.5 > 7.0 BD (g/cm3 ) 0.10 0.20 1.80 Ksat (cm/hr) 10 < 0.1 < 0.1 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.15 0.20 < 0.10 89 Sunbury Association The Sunbury association consists of soils developed in moderately thin (less than 2 m) deposits of acidic, coarse loamy to sandy and frequently skeletal, noncompact, morainal glacial till material (ablational till) with coarse fragments of soft sandstone. Sunbury soils occur only on the Maritime Plain or lowlands portion of the study area (Fig. 59). They are found at elevations of 50 to 140 m above sea level. The Sunbury ablational till material is underlain by either dense compact basal (lodgment) till or lies directly on the bedrock. In veneer phases the bedrock occurs within 1 metre of the surface. The bedrock is horizontally bedded gray-green Pennsylvanian sandstone dominated by quartz but with some feldspars and lesser amounts of biotite, muscovite and chloride. The coarse fragments within the profile have been derived from this sandstone bedrock. Sunbury soils occupy approximately 102,477 ha or 3.68% of the map area. Figure 59. Location of mapped Sunbury soils. Ablational till is the accumulation of debris deposited from glacial ice during down wasting or melting of the glacier. Where Sunbury material has been deposited as end moraines by dumping off the glacier margin as the ice melts, the till is thicker, masking the underlying landform configuration with hummocky or ridged mesotopography, but still maintaining the undulating to gently rolling surface expression characteristic of the lowlands plain. Slopes average 3 to 9%. Where down wasting of glacial ice has been more rapid, thin layers of Sunbury ablational till were deposited over large areas. Areas of shallow (less than 1 m ) ablational till over bedrock are mapped as Sunbury veneers. However, areas of similarly shallow ablational till over lodgment till are assigned to the appropriate lodgment till-derived soil association (usually Reece or Stony Brook). Some Sunbury map units also occupy steeply sloping positions along incised river channels, where slopes commonly range from 9 to more than 15% and material thickness is less than 1 metre over bedrock. Sunbury material consists of nonstratified glacial drift with coarse fragments and soil particles not sorted according to size or weight, but rather lying in the random sequence in which they were released from the melting ice. Materials consist of a heterogeneous mixture of sand, silt, clay and coarse fragments ranging from gravels and cobbles to stones and boulders. Most particles are angular and sharp edged, but where fluvial action was more intense, subrounded and even rounded coarse fragments occur. Meltwaters have removed many of the fines (silt and clay) leaving a matrix dominated by sand (greater than 60%). Sunbury soils are usually very stony on the surface. Stones are 1 to 2 m apart and occupy 3 to 15% of the surface area. Stoniness may vary greatly over a very short distance. Boulders are present but usually not in significant quantities to designate. Well drained Sunbury sites support stands of black spruce, jack pine, balsam fir and some sugar maple, white birch and beech. On ill-drained sites the jack pine-sugar maple-beech component is superseded by red maple, yellow birch, cedar and larch. The Sunbury association is dominated by well to moderately well drained Orthic Hum o-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 60). Podzolization is strongly expressed, even in sites that are less than well drained. Imperfectly drained sites are Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols. Poorly to very poorly drained sites are Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols, Gleyed Eluviated Dystric Brunisols or Orthic Gleysols, depending upon the degree of impeded drainage. Internal drainage is excellent. The profile consists of a very rapidly permeable solum over a rapidly permeable subsoil. Saturated hydraulic conductivity values are greater than 5 cm/hr throughout the profile. Available water storage capacity ranges from less than 0.10 to 0.15 cm/cm, the higher values being in the solum where finer textures and organic matter contents enhance moisture retention. On well drained sites precipitation is the sole source of water. Excess water flows downward into the underlying subsoil. Imperfectly and poorly drained sites are the results of high water tables. Poorly drained sites are restricted to depressional or stream channel locations. They are typically associated with well and imperfectly drained Sunbury soils but seldom occupy a large enough area to be designated in the map unit. Solum development in Sunbury soils varies from 35 to 55 cm in thickness. The common horizon sequence is: LFH, Ae, Bf, BC and C on well to moderately well drained sites; LFH or O, Ae, Bfgj, BCgj or BCg and Cg on imperfectly or poorly drained sites; and LFH or O, Ae, Bmgj, BCg and Cg, or LFH or O, Aeg, Bg and Cg on poorly or very poorly drained sites. The upper horizons in poorly drained sites are often discontinuous because of uprooting of trees due to windthrow, resulting in mounded micro topography. Most Sunbury soils are below the maximum level of post-glacial marine submergence (approximately 140 m asl). However, little or no evidence remains to identify this event. Soil formation has obliterated any surficial modification that may have resulted from marine submergence. Soil textures grade from a gravelly or cobbly sandy loam solum into a cobbly or stony sandy loam to loamy sand subsoil. Coarse fragment content increases with depth. It ranges from 15 to 35% but may be as high as 60% in some shallow lithic phases. Most coarse fragments are either channers or flagstones, but with some angular or irregular cobbles and stones. They are derived from soft gray-green 90 and consistence. They are reddish brown, fine loamy and firm to very firm. Reece soils may be identical to Sunbury soils in the colour (yellowish brown to brown) and morphological appearance. They differ in subsoil characteristics. Reece subsoil is fine loamy and compact (firm to very firm), whereas Sunbury subsoil is coarse loamy and friable. Guimond River soils are similar in composition to Sunbury soils, but they have stratified water-worked (rounded) sediments in comparison to the heterogenous, angular nature of Sunbury rock fragments. Excessive stoniness and low available water holding capacity are the major limitations to agriculture, especially the stoniness. Some of the more strongly sloping Sunbury landscapes would also be a hindrance to the usage of agricultural equipment. Forestry uses are impacted by low natural fertility and droughtiness. Species selection must consider these two limitations. Summary of general characteristics of the Sunbury Association Figure 60. Well drained Sunbury soil profile. Pennsylvanian sandstone. This thin, flat "channer-flagstone" shape is inherited from the sandstone which splits readily and uniformly along bedding planes or joints. The sandstone is soft and highly weathered, rating less than 4 on the Mohs scale. It is dominated by quartz (60-80%) but with significant feldspars (10-30%) and biotite and muscovite (5-10%). Sunbury soils are low in natural fertility, especially exchangeable calcium and magnesium. The profile is acidic throughout, ranging from pH(H 2O) 4.0 to 5.5 . In well drained soils the parent material is yellowish brown to brown. Typically the mineral soil profile consists of a grayish, friable, weak, fine platy Ae horizon over a yellowish red to yellowish brown, very friable, weak to moderately fine granular Bf horizon which merges gradually into the friable, very weak, subangular blocky to structureless BC and then C. Mottles and grayish gley colours modify the profile morphology in imperfectly and poorly drained sites. However, only under the very wettest of conditions is the general podzolic sequence not present. Occasionally, ortstein has formed in the solum, resulting in a compact, very firm, massive B horizon. The ortstein is an irreversible, but discontinuous hardpan cemented by Fe, Al and organic complexes. It impedes downward movement of water and is a barrier to root growth, but the intermittent nature of its development is such that it does not significantly impact land use. Sunbury association soils are most intimately associated with Reece soils, and to a lesser extent, Stony Brook soils. All three associations occur on the eastern Maritime Plain. Reece and Stony Brook soils often have a surficial capping of Sunbury material. Stony Brook soils are readily differentiated from Sunbury soils on the basis of parent material colour, texture Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : SN : Maritime Plain : 50-140 m : 102,477 ha : 3.68% : Mineral : Glacial till, noncompact :<2m : Yellowish brown to brown : Coarse loamy to sandy (skeletal) : Soft gray-green sandstone : Low : Undulating to gently rolling (3-9%) : Well : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Sandy loam Sandy loam - loamy sand % Sand 70 75 % Silt 15 15 % Clay 15 10 % Coarse Fragments 20 flat, subangular C/S/G 30 flat, subangular C/S/G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.10 1.50 Ksat (cm/hr) > 25 > 10 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.10 - 0.15 < 0.10 91 Tetagouche Association The Tetagouche association consists of soils that have developed in acidic, fine loamy, compact morainal till derived from metagabbro, metabasalt, metagreywacke and some conglomerate. Deposits are mostly less than 2 m thick (veneers and blankets) but some deeper phases also occur (greater than 3 m thick). Tetagouche soils are mostly located in the northern portion of the Chaleur Uplands portion of the study area at elevations between 100 and 500 m above sea level (Fig. 61). They occupy approximately 18,079 ha, representing 0.65% of the map area. Figure 61. Location of mapped Tetagouche soils. The soil parent material has been deposited as ground moraine, plastered in place under the weight of advancing glacial ice. Composition strongly reflects the incorporation of local bedrock formations composed largely of dark-coloured, basic, fine-grained volcanics. Coarse fragment content is higher where weathered bedrock has been incorporated into thin veneer sediments. Tetagouche soils are very stony on the surface, with 3 to 15% of the land area occupied by coarse fragments. Boulders may be present, but not in sufficient quantities to warrant designation as a bouldery phase. Tetagouche landforms range from undulating to rolling surface expressions with slopes of 2 to 9%, to some ridged and hilly map units with slopes of in excess of 45%. Although thin, the soils are relatively uniform in thickness and bedrock outcrops are not common enough to warrant a rocky designation. Those bedrock exposures that do occur are found on topographic highs and summits or along steeply inclined drainage channels that are more deeply incised into the bedrock. Well drained soils of the Tetagouche association support forest communities of mixed softwood-hardwood forest cover type consisting of yellow birch, cedar, spruce, balsam fir, sugar maple, beech, red oak, white birch, white pine and striped maple. Poorly to very poorly drained members are dominated by cedar, black spruce, balsam fir, white birch, red maple, speckled alder and willows. Well to moderately well drained Tetagouche association soils are Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols but with some Orthic FerroHumic Podzols. Imperfectly drained sites are classified as Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols, indicating the presence of mottling and/or gleying. Poorly to very poorly drained sites are typically Orthic Gleysols but may have some inclusions of Fera Gleysols. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained sites dominate the undulating and gently rolling landscapes. Well to moderately well drained Tetagouche soils usually occur as significant components in more steeply sloping landscapes dominated by other soil types. Internal drainage is restricted by a slowly to very slowly permeable subsoil with an estimated saturated hydraulic conductivity value of less than 0.2 cm/hr. Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.25 to less than 0.10 cm/cm, decreasing with depth because of reduced total porosity in the compact subsoil. Downward movement of excess moisture through the profile is impeded by the subsoil and lateral flow or seepage occurs along the subsoil surface. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained areas are strongly affected by seepage. Topographic position, lack of gradient, and high groundwater table also play a role. Soil development is relatively thin, with solums ranging from 35 to 55 cm. The common horizon sequence on well drained sites is LFH, Ae, Bhf, Bf, Btj or BC and C. The organic layer is 3 to 10 cm thick, becoming more humified with depth. It overlies a thin (2 to 5 cm), light brownish gray coloured Ae horizon which breaks abruptly into the B horizon. The brown to dark brown Bhf horizon varies from 3 to 12 cm in thickness. It is thickest in the colder regions of the central New Brunswick Highlands. The Bhf horizon merges with a yellowish brown Bf horizon. At 35 to 45 cm the podzolic B horizon grades into a weakly developed Btj or BC horizon . Clay translocation from the upper solum results in the presence of a weak Btj horizon. The Btj or BC horizon has a very weak, coarse subangular blocky structure and is resistant to both root and water penetration. These transitional horizons are similar to the subsoil in terms of their compact consistence. They gradually grade into the unaltered parent material or C horizon. Imperfectly drained soils have similar profiles but are modified by periodic saturation. They are mottled and gleyed in the B and C horizons. An Ahe horizon up to 5 cm thick may be sandwiched between the H and Ae horizons in imperfectly drained Tetagouche soils. The Ahe horizon formation is at the expense of the Bhf horizon formation, which is very thin or nonexistent. Poorly to very poorly drained horizon sequences typically consist of LFH or O, Aeg, Bg, Btjg or BCg, and Cg horizons. The forest duff layer is thicker in the poorly and very poorly drained conditions than found in well drained counterparts, varying from 5 to 15 cm, but occasionally as thick as 30 cm. The Tetagouche textural profile usually consists of a loam surface grading into a heavy loam to clay loam subsoil. Clay content is usually highest in the subsoil and also tends to increase as drainage becomes poorer. Profile coarse fragment content varies from 10 to 25%. Subangular gravels and cobbles dominate. Tetagouche soils are medium in inherent fertility owing to the nature of the rock types from which they have been derived. The soils are acidic throughout, with pH(H 2O) values of 4.0 to 5.5. The friable, weak to moderate, fine to medium, granular or subangular 92 blocky solum provides an available rooting zone of approximately 45 cm. The underlying parent material is firm to very firm, massive or pseudoplaty, the pseudoplatiness a result of its having been plastered into place by glacial ice. Tetagouche soils have been mapped in association with other till soils that have igneous lithology - Tetagouche Falls, Nigadoo River and Popple Depot. The Nigadoo River association has the same lithology and dense compact subsoil, but it is coarser-textured. The Tetagouche Falls association has the same lithology and similar textural profile, but it has a relatively friable, non-compact subsoil. Popple Depot has developed on a compact basal till, but of different rock types that are more quartz-based. Popple Depot is also coarse-loamy in texture. Tetagouche soils have been mapped with Catamaran, McGee, Long Lake and Violette in some transitional areas between different bedrock formations. The latter mentioned soils have developed from metasedimentary bedrock types. Ksat (cm/hr) >5 < 0.2 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.20 0.10 Tetagouche Falls Association The Tetagouche Falls association consists of soils that have developed in acidic, loamy, non-compact morainal till derived from metagabbro, metabasalt, metagreywacke and some conglomerate. Essentially, Tetagouche Falls soils are noncompact Tetagouche or Nigadoo River soils. Deposits range in thickness from veneers of less than 1 m thick to deeper phases of greater than 3 m thickness. Tetagouche Falls soils are scattered throughout the New Brunswick Highlands and Chaleur Uplands portions of the study area at elevations between 50 and 600 m above sea level (Fig. 62). They occupy approximately 48,940 ha, representing some 1.76% of the map area. The primary limitations affecting land use of Tetagouche soils are coarse fragment content (both surface and profile), soil drainage and shallowness to a compact subsoil layer. Medium inherent fertility, however, is an asset to forest production. Summary of general characteristics of the Tetagouche Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : TT : Chaleur Uplands : 100-500 m : 18,079 ha : 0.65% : Mineral : Glacial till, compact : < 2-3 m : Strong brown : Fine loamy : Metagabbro, metabasalt, metagreywacke and conglomerate : Medium : Undulating and rolling to ridged and hilly (2-45%) : Moderately well :Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol and Orthic Ferro- Humic Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Loam Loam - clay loam % Sand 45 40 % Silt 35 35 % Clay 20 25 % Coarse Fragments 10 subangular G/C 20 subangular G/C pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.15 1.80 Figure 62. Location of mapped Tetagouche Falls soils. Tetagouche Falls soil parent material is non-compact and as such is considered to be an ablational till, however, some firmness may occur in the subsoil. The somewhat firm consistence of the subsoil can be attributed to the composition of the parent material in that it is loamy and acidic. The acidic nature of the subsoil does not promote soil formation physical and biochemical processes that favour the development and stabilization of soil structure. Tetagouche Falls soils have subangular coarse fragments derived mostly from the underlying mafic volcanic bedrock. The soil surface is typically very stony, with 3 to 15% of the land surface occupied by coarse fragments. Well drained Tetagouche Falls soils have developed under a mixed softwood-hardwood forest cover type consisting of yellow birch, cedar, spruce, balsam fir, sugar maple, beech, red oak, white birch, white pine and striped maple. Poorly to very 93 poorly drained members are dominated by cedar, black spruce, balsam fir, white birch, red maple, speckled alder and willows. Well to moderately well drained soils of the Tetagouche Falls association are either Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols or Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzols (Fig. 63). Imperfectly drained sites are classified as Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols, indicating varying oxidizing/reducing conditions due to periodic saturation. Poorly to very poorly drained sites are typically Orthic Gleysols but may have some inclusions of Fera Gleysols. Poorly and very poorly drained sites are usually restricted to localized areas such as drainage channels and small depressions in landscapes dominated by well to moderately well drained soils. Tetagouche Falls soils have moderately rapid to moderate internal drainage. The upper solum usually has moderately rapid permeability (5 to 15 cm/hr saturated hydraulic conductivity) and the subsoil has moderate to moderately slow permeability (2 to 3 cm/hr). Available moisture storage capacity exceeds 0.15 cm/cm throughout the profile and is greatest in the upper solum (0.20 to 0.25 cm/cm). Well drained sites are supplied with moisture through precipitation. In shallow to bedrock moderately well and imperfectly drained sites, precipitation may be augmented with some lateral flow or seepage along the bedrock interface. Poorly to very poorly drained sites occur only because of high groundwater levels. The soil parent material and underlying bedrock is relatively rich in nutrients and so seepage waters are beneficial to plant growth. Soil development is relatively thin, with solums ranging from 35 to 55 cm. The common horizon sequence on well drained sites is LFH, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C. The organic layer is 3 to 10 cm thick, becoming more humified with depth. It overlies a thin (2 to 5 cm), light brownish gray coloured Ae horizon which breaks abruptly into the B horizon. The upper B horizon consists of a brown to dark brown Bhf horizon 3 to 15 cm in thickness. The Bhf horizon merges with a yellowish brown Bf horizon. At 35 to 45 cm the podzolic B horizon grades into a BC horizon w hich then grades into the unaltered strong brown coloured parent material or C horizon. Imperfectly drained soils have similar profiles but are modified by periodic saturation. They are mottled and gleyed in the B and C horizons. An Ahe horizon up to 5 cm thick may be sandwiched between the H and Ae horizons in imperfectly drained Tetagouche Falls soils. The Ahe horizon formation is at the expense of the Bhf horizon formation, which is very thin or nonexistent. Poorly to very poorly drained horizon sequences typically consist of LFH or O, Aeg, Bg, BCg, and Cg horizons. The forest duff layer is thicker in the poorly and very poorly drained conditions than found in well drained counterparts, varying from 5 to 15 cm, but occasionally as thick as 30 cm. The Tetagouche Falls textural profile usually consists of a loam to sandy loam surface grading into a loam subsoil. Clay content is typically around 18% in the subsoil but tends to be higher in poorly drained sites than in well drained sites due to inwashing of fines. Profile coarse fragment content varies from 15 to 35%. Subangular gravels and cobbles dominate. Tetagouche Falls soils are medium in inherent fertility owing to the nature of the rock types from Figure 63. Well drained Tetagouche Falls soil profile. which they have been derived. The soils are acidic throughout, with pH(H 2O) values of 4.0 to 5.5. The friable to very friable, weak to moderate, fine to medium, granular or subangular blocky solum grades into a slightly firm weak, medium subangular blocky subsoil. Tetagouche Falls soils have been mapped in association with other till soils that have igneous lithology - Tetagouche, Nigadoo River, Juniper, Popple Depot and Jacquet River. The Nigadoo River association has the same lithology but is slightly coarser-textured and has a very dense compact subsoil. Juniper, Popple Depot and Jacquet River are all derived from different rock types that are more quartz-based. All three soils are also slightly coarser textured, being coarse loamy compared to Tetagouche Falls which is loamy. Popple Depot soils also have dense compact subsoils. Tetagouche soils have developed from the same bedrock sources, but they are slightly finer textured and have compact subsoils. Tetagouche Falls soils have also been mapped with Boston Brook, Catamaran, 94 McGee, Long Lake and Thibault in some transitional areas between different bedrock formations. The latter mentioned soils have developed from sedimentary and metasedimentary bedrock types. The primary limitations affecting land use of Tetagouche Falls soils are coarse fragment content (both surface and profile) and topographic conditions (excessive slope). Medium inherent fertility, however, is an asset to forest production. morainal material that is the result of either ablational deposition, periglacial and other reworking of lodgment till, or residual development, alone or in combination. The underlying Devonian, Silurian and/or Ordovician age bedrock types are easily weathered. Thibault soils occupy approximately 138,569 ha, representing 4.97% of the map area. Summary of general characteristics of the Tetagouche Falls Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : TF : Chaleur Uplands : 50-600 m : 48,940 ha : 1.76% : Mineral : Glacial till, noncompact : <1 - >3 m : Strong brown : Loamy : Metagabbro, metabasalt, metagreywacke and conglomerate : Medium : Rolling and ridged to hilly (5-70%) : Well : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol and Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzol Figure 64. Location of mapped Thibault soils. Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 45 45 - 100+ Texture Class Loam - sandy loam Loam % Sand 50 47 % Silt 35 35 % Clay 15 18 % Coarse Fragments 20 subangular C/G 30 subangular C/G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 4.5 - 5.5 BD (g/cm ) 1.10 1.55 Ksat (cm/hr) 5 - 15 2-3 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.20 - 0.25 0.20 3 Thibault Association The Thibault association consists of soils that have developed in thin (less than 2 m thick) deposits of neutral to slightly acidic, coarse loamy non-compact morainal till derived from weakly calcareous shale, slate, quartzite, argillite and sandstone. Thibault soils occur mostly in the Chaleur Highlands physiographic region, and to a lesser extent in the Notre Dame Mountains, at elevations of 250 to 550 m above sea level (Fig. 64). They have formed in loose, noncompact Although Thibault soil parent material is the end product of a number of different processes, it is relatively uniform in composition. Either as a result of deposition or development, it consist of a friable medium. Interstitial fines have been removed from the soil matrix by washing. High coarse fragment contents (10 to 35%) prevail because of the fractured bedrock component that has been incorporated into the profile as a result of either glacial process or periglacial frost heaving. The parent rock types produce a characteristic flat, channery or flaggy clast shape. Thibault soils have moderately stony to very stony land surfaces with 2 to 15% of the surface occupied by stone sized clasts. Surface channers and flaggs are also abundant. The topographic conditions under which Thibault soils occur very considerably. They include undulating (2 to 5% slope), rolling (5 to 15% slope), ridged (5 to 15% slope), hilly (15 to 45% slope), and sloping (15 to 70% slope) surface expressions. Veneers, with less than 1 m of regolith over the bedrock, are associated with the ridged, hilly and sloping landforms. Rocky phases of the Thibault soils are abundant in sloping map units where stream channels are deeply incised into the landscape. Scattered rock outcrops also occur along ridge or hill tops where more resistant bedrock strata persist. Thicker deposits are associated with areas of undulating and gently rolling topography where slopes are longer and less dissected. Here, the till overburden tends to be more uniform in thickness and bedrock outcrops are not common. Native vegetation on well drained Thibault soils is a diverse softwood-hardwood forest composed of black and red spruce, balsam fir, white and yellow birch and sugar and red maple. Less prolific species include white cedar, trembling aspen, striped maple, mountain ash and beech. Vegetation on poorly 95 drained sites consists of such water tolerant trees as black spruce, balsam fir, white cedar, red maple and speckled alder. Moderately sloping landscapes combined with coarse loamy particle size class and the open, porous nature of the subsoil, result in a high proportion of Thibault soils being well drained. The Thibault association is dominated by well drained Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 65). Imperfectly drained Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzolic Thibault soils are often intermixed with their well drained counterparts on rolling or ridged topography. They occupy segments of the landscapes where natural drainage is impeded ie. lower slopes, depressions, etc. Poorly drained members of the Thibault association are Orthic or Fera Gleysols. They occur as predictable inclusions in most map units but are usually restricted to narrow zones along drainage ways or confined to depressions. Internal drainage in Thibault soil material is good. The subsoil has 30 to 40% total pore space of which more than one third is macropores. Based on this pore size distribution, the subsoil has an estimated permeability of moderate to moderately rapid (2.5 to 10 cm/hr saturated hydraulic conductivity). Available water storage capacity decreases with depth from greater than 0.25 cm/cm in the solum to 0.15 cm/cm in the subsoil. On well drained sites precipitation is the sole source of water supply. Excess water flows through the profile and into the underlying verticallystanding, fractured bedrock. Impeded drainage conditions Figure 65. Well drained Thibault soil profile. conditions (imperfect and poor) are the result of high groundwater levels. Intermittent springs also occur where groundwater is forced onto the land surface by a buildup of underground hydraulic pressures because of gravitational water seepage along bedrock fracture planes. Profile development averages 40 to 60 cm in thickness. The common horizon sequence in well drained profiles is: LFH, Ae, Bhf (discontinuous), Bf, BC, and C. The soils generally have a thin organic layer 2 to 6 cm thick dominated by L and F horizons. In some profiles soil fauna have complexed the colloidal humus with the mineral soil forming a transitional dark gray to black, porous crumbly Ah horizon. The underlying light grayish coloured Ae horizon is 3 to 8 cm thick but exceeds 15 cm in some pockets where tree-throw has disturbed the solum pattern. Transition from the A to the B horizon is abrupt. The 25 to 35 cm thick B horizon is a strong brown colour along the upper boundary, becoming progressively yellower with depth. It consists of a thin discontinuous Bhf horizon overlaying a Bf horizon. Podzolization is not as strongly developed as in more acidic parent materials such as the McG ee association. In the weakly calcareous Thibault parent material, initiation of podzolic horizon formation was delayed until the carbonates had been leached from the upper part of the soil. Subsequently, Thibault soils are not always podzolized to the same degree as adjacent soils that have developed in acidic parent materials. The Thibault B horizon is, however, a well developed podzolic Bf. The Bf horizon grades into a pale brown to light olive brown coloured BC and then C. Imperfectly drained profiles have a similar horizon sequence but are characterized by greyer colours or distinct to prominent mottling indicative of periodic reduction. Both the organic and A e horizons are also usually thicker. Poorly drained soils consist of the following horizons: LFH, Aeg, Bg or Bgf, and Cg. Peaty phases are common where organic debris has accumulated to a thickness of greater than 15 cm. Mineral soil matrix colours are dull and subdued making differentiation of horizons difficult, especially where the sequence is Aeg, Bg, and Cg. Where present, the Bfg horizon is readily identifiable on the basis of prominent orange mottles. The Thibault textural profile varies from a loam-silt loam to a sandy loam. Silt plus clay content decreases from the surface downwards, indicative of the effects of weathering on soil particle size. This is particularly true of the Ae horizon which is highest in silt-plus-clay content. Imperfectly and poorly drained Thibault soils usually contain more fines in the solum than do their well drained counterparts. This is attributed to a combination of the inwashing of silt and clay from adjacent upland positions and the more pronounced influence of physical disintegration by frost action in water saturated conditions. Profile coarse fragment content averages 10 to 35% channers and flaggs. In lithic phases this may exceed 60 to 70% along the soil bedrock contact where in situ formation has taken place and the coarse fragments retain the vertically standing orientation of the bedrock. The weakly calcareous shale, slate, quartzite, argillite and sandstone parent rock is moderately rich in nutrients and weathers rapidly to release these nutrient elements into the soil. However, much of the exchangeable calcium and magnesium has been lost by 96 leaching and the soil has gradually become more acidic. Soil reaction (pH in water) is less than 5.5 throughout the solum but the parent material has retained a weakly neutral status (pH greater than 5.5). Availability of plant nutrients how ever, is restricted by soil acidity, thus negating some of the benefits of the Thibault inherent fertility. In poorly drained conditions inwashed bases often enhance the profile nutrient content and increase the pH. There are no physically impeding layers within the profile to restrict plant roots. The solum is moderate, medium, granular and friable. Subsoil conditions vary with drainage. Well drained sites are usually friable and weak, fine granular to subangular blocky, but as drainage conditions worsen, the subsoil becomes slightly firm and very weakly structured to amorphous. The amorphous nature of the Cg horizon in imperfectly and poorly drained soils reduces percolation rates but is not considered to be a major factor in determining drainage. Thibault soils have been mapped in complex units with Carleton, Caribou, Holmesville and McGee soils and occasionally Jacquet River, Nigadoo River, Long Lake, Tetagouche Falls and Violette soils. Thibault, Caribou and Carleton soil associations have all developed on parent materials derived from weakly calcareous sedimentary or metasedimentary bedrocks. Both Caribou and Carleton are fine-loamy materials in contrast with Thibault, which is coarseloamy. Carleton soils also have dense compact subsoils. The McGee association is probably the most similar to the Thibault association in terms of soil physical and morphological characteristics. Both soils have developed on non-compact coarse-loamy olive brown-coloured till materials. However, while Thibault soils have been derived from weakly calcareous shale, slate, quartzite, argillite and sandstone parent rocks, McGee soils have been derived from acidic slates, argillite, schist, greywacke and quartzite. Holmesville soils, although mapped in complexes with Thibault soils, are quite different, having developed on lodgm ent till material. Holmesville soils are very compact in the subsoil. Land use of Thibault soils is restricted by topographic conditions (excess slope), shallowness to bedrock, stoniness and to a lesser degree by excess moisture. Where thicker deposits occur on areas of moderate relief, Thibault soils have very good potential for growing agricultural crops climatically suited to the region. Thibault soils are considered highly suitable for forestry because of their inherent fertility, good moisture holding capacity and deep available rooting zone. Summary of general characteristics of the Thibault Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) : TH : Chaleur Uplands, Notre Dame Mountains : 250-550 m : 138,569 ha : 4.97% : Mineral : Glacial till, noncompact :<2m : Light olive brown : Coarse loamy : Weakly calcareous shale, slate, quartzite, argillite and sandstone Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) : High : Undulating and rolling to ridged, hilly and sloping (2-70%) : Well : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 50 50 - 100+ Texture Class Loam - silt loam Loam - sandy loam % Sand 40 50 % Silt 40 38 % Clay 20 12 % Coarse Fragments 10 flat C/S/G 25 flat C/S/G pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.5 > 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.10 1.50 Ksat (cm/hr) > 10 2.5 - 10 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.20 - 0.25 0.15 - 0.20 Tracadie Association The Tracadie association consists of soils that have developed in moderately thin (1 to 2 m) to very thick (sometimes in excess of 20 m) deposits of neutral, clayey marine and glaciolacustrine sediments. Gauthier (1983) recorded up to 100 m of marine clay in the subsurface of the Bathurst Basin. Well logs also indicate significantly thick deposits along other tidal river valleys, however, most occurrences are patchy and not nearly so thick. Tracadie soils are confined to the coastal margins of the Maritime Plain, but with some occurrences along Chaleur Bay in the New Brunswick Highlands physiographic region of the study area (Fig. 66). They are mostly at elevations of less than 50 m above sea level. Tracadie soils cover approximately 15,590 ha, or about 0.56% of the map area. Tracadie parent materials are marine or glaciolacustrine sediments, mostly silt and clay. They were deposited in a brackish, shallow water environment during postglacial marine submergence and subsequently exposed when water levels receded. Tracadie sediments have been derived from mixed undifferentiated lithologies. They are rich in mica-illite and chloride. Tracadie soil particles are well worn and weathered, first by stream flow, then by ocean forces, and finally, upon emergence, by soil forming factors. Most land surfaces are flat to very gently undulating, with less than 2% slope, and uniform, seldom interrupted by irregularities in topography. Valley depositions may have more relief, conforming to pre-sedimentation structures and further modified by post-sedimentation erosion. Vegetative cover consists of water 97 tolerant species such as black spruce, cedar, tamarack, red maple, trembling aspen and alder. structured Bt horizon which grades into the parent material some 70 to 120 cm below the mineral soil surface. Immediately above the Bt horizon is a thin 3 to 10 cm thick, leached layer. The Bt and C horizons are typically pseudo platy, a structure inherited from the mode of deposition. Varving, the bedded or laminated annual sequence of deposition found in ponded freshwater, is present in varying degrees, indicative of the "brackish water" environment. Parent material colour varies from red to yellowish brown. Poorly to very poorly drained profiles usually have the following horizon arrangement: LFH or O, Aeg, Bg, Btg, and Cg. A thin (less than 10 cm thick) Ah horizon may be present at the organic-mineral soil interface. Prominent gray and brown streaks occur along vertical cracks associated with the prismatic structure of the Bt horizon. Figure 66. Location of mapped Tracadie soils. The Tracadie association is dominated by imperfectly drained Gleyed Gray Luvisols and Gleyed Brunisolic Grey Luvisols. These profiles are characterized by the combination of clay accumulation in the B horizon (Bt) and moderate to strong mottling and gley features. Moderately well drained sites are insignificant in areal extent. They occur as inclusions in map units dominated by either imperfectly or poorly drained members. Where they do occur they are classified as either Orthic Gray Luvisols or Brunisolic Gray Luvisols. Poorly and very poorly drained Tracadie soils are Orthic Luvic Gleysols (Fig. 67). Excess water is removed from the soil very slow ly in relation to supply due to the low perviousness of the subsoil (saturated hydraulic conductivity of less than 0.1 cm/hr) and the lack of gradient. Subsurface water flow, in addition to precipitation, is the main source of water recharge. Perched water tables are common when water supply (seepage, snowmelt and precipitation) exceeds evapotranspiration. Surface water flows away so slowly that free water often ponds on the soil for a significant period of time. Available water storage capacity is high (0.20 to 0.25 cm/cm) in the upper solum (top 20 to 35 m) but relatively low (less than 0.10 cm/cm) below this, because of reduced total porosity. Solum development may exceed 100 cm. This is the result of deep Bt horizon formation. However, the available rooting zone or friable portion of the solum seldom extends to a depth of more than 35 cm, and is frequently less than 25 cm thick. In imperfectly drained sites the common horizon sequence is LFH, Ae, AB or Bm, Aegj, Btgj, Btg and Cg. The organic-mineral soil contact is not always abrupt and there may be a degraded Ah or Ahe horizon. The forest floor is usually a thin layer of deciduous-coniferous and related organic debris. The upper solum is friable. It consists of a well-developed platy Ae horizon over a weak to moderate coarse granular to fine subangular blocky AB or Bm. This is underlain by a firm to very firm, moderate to strong, prismatic or angular blocky Figure 67. Poorly drained Tracadie soil profile. In red coloured deposits the upper solum horizonation is particularly weakly expressed. Regardless of drainage, clay accumulation in the B horizon is usually quite pronounced, with moderately thick clay films in many voids and channels and along most ped forces. The textural profile consists of a loam to silty clay loam surface material over a (silty) clay loam to silty clay or clay subsoil (Bt and C) Coarser textured surface soils occur where a thin overburden of marine sand 98 was deposited and incorporated into the solum. In the subsoil the combined silt plus clay content accounts for 80 to 95% of the soil material. The percent clay range from 35 to 60%. Discontinuous sand lenses are an associated feature. Most Tracadie soils are free of coarse fragments, both within the profile and on the surface. Those coarse fragments that do occur are explained as being ice rafted debris. They consist of mixed lithological types. Some inclusions of marine modified glacial till or glacier reworked marine/lacustrine sediments may tend to have higher coarse fragment content. Tracadie soils are naturally moderately fertile, with high exchangeable calcium and magnesium. However, leaching, due to prevailing rainfall conditions, has removed many of these bases from the upper profile, thus lowering the pH. Although the parent material is neutral to strongly calcareous, the surface soil (Ae and upper B) is strongly acidic with pH(H 2O) 5.0 to 5.5. Due to its high clay content, the soil has a high cation exchange capacity and thus a good ability to retain or hold nutrients. Tracadie soils are commonly associated with other marine deposited soil types, Richibucto and Belldune River. Richibucto soils consist of marine sands, the textural opposite of the Tracadie clays. In some areas the Richibucto sand is underlain by Tracadie clays. The Belledune River soil is a coarse loamy material with 20 to 50% gravels. These properties readily differentiate it from the Tracadie association. Organic soil formation is encouraged by the impeded drainage conditions present in Tracadie soils. As a result, some poorly to very poorly drained Tracadie soils are mapped in association with Lavillette organic soils. Use of Tracadie soils is affected by shallowness to a root-restricting layer; high clay content, which enhances nutrient retention and moisture holding capacities, but makes the soil difficult to work; and poor internal permeability and relatively level topography which make land drainage a problem. Although they are nutrient-rich materials, ill-drained conditions limit their use in forestry. Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 30 30 - 100+ Texture Class Loam - silt clay loam Clay loam - silty clay % Sand 30 15 % Silt 45 45 % Clay 25 40 % Coarse Fragments 0 0 pH (H2 O) 5.0 - 5.5 > 6.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.20 1.85 Ksat (cm/hr) 2-5 < 0.1 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.20 - 0.25 < 0.10 Tuadook Association The Tuadook association consists of soils that have developed in relatively thin (mostly less than 2 m thick) deposits of acidic, coarse loamy, compact morainal till materials derived from granite, granodiorite, diorite, granite gneiss and some miscellaneous volcanics. They occur predominantly in the central to southern portion of the New Brunswick Highlands physiographic region at elevations of 300 to 700 m above sea level (Fig. 68). Tuadook soils occupy approximately 82,171 ha, or 2.95% of the map area. Summary of general characteristics of the Tracadie Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : TC : Maritime Plain : < 50 m : 15,590 ha : 0.56% : Mineral : Marine or glaciolacustrine : Up to 20 m : Red to yellowish brown : Clayey : Undifferentiated : High : Level to undulating (<2%) : Imperfect : Gleyed Gray Luvisol and Gleyed Brunisolic Gray Luvisol Figure 68. Location of mapped Tuadook soils. The soil parent material has been deposited as ground moraine, plastered in place under the weight of advancing glacial ice. Composition strongly reflects the incorporation of local bedrock formations. Thin mantles of ablational till may be 99 present on the surface. Coarse fragment content is particularly high where weathered bedrock has been incorporated into thin veneer sediments. Tuadook soils are very stony on the surface, with 3 to 15% of the land area occupied by coarse fragments. Boulders are common but usually not in sufficient quantities to warrant designation as a bouldery phase. Tuadook landforms are dominated by rolling surface expressions with slopes varying from 5 to 30%. Some undulating (2 to 5% slope) and hilly (9 to 45% slope) map units also occur. The soils are relatively uniform in thickness and bedrock outcrops are not all that common. Those bedrock exposures that do occur are found on topographic highs and summits or along steeply inclined drainage channels that are more deeply incised into the bedrock. Well drained soils of the Tuadook association support forest communities of yellow birch, white birch, sugar maple, red maple, striped maple, red oak, white spruce and balsam fir. On poorly to very poorly drained sites the tree vegetation consists of black spruce, balsam fir, red maple, yellow birch and some cedar. Tuadook soils are dominated by well drained Orthic FerroHumic Podzols with some Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols (Fig. 69). Climatic conditions in central New Brunswick are conducive to the accumulation of organic matter in the podzolic B horizon. Most Tuadook soils have enough organic carbon to qualify for the Ferro-Humic Podzol great group. The remaining well drained soils are Humo-Ferrics. Ferro-Humic podzolization is not as strongly expressed along the eastern and southern edges of the Tuadook range where the New Brunswick Highlands merge with the Maritime Plain, which has a slightly milder climate than the Highlands. Well to moderately well drained conditions dominate. Significant hectarages of imperfectly drained Tuadook soils occur as Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols. Under these drainage conditions, an Ahe horizon up to 10 cm thick may develop in lieu of the Ae horizon. The Ahe horizon usually develops at the expense of Bhf horizon thickness. Poorly drained soils of the Tuadook association are Orthic Gleysols. They are found more extensively in gently undulating landscapes, but also occur as localized areas in depressions and along drainage channels in more strongly sloping map units. Internal drainage is restricted by a slowly to very slowly permeable subsoil with an estimated saturated hydraulic conductivity value of less than 0.5 cm/hr. Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.20 to 0.10 cm/cm, decreasing with depth because of reduced total porosity in the compact subsoil. Well drained sites are supplied with water solely via precipitation. Downward movement of excess moisture through the profile is impeded by the subsoil and lateral flow or seepage occurs along the subsoil contact. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained areas have developed because of a combination of topographic position, lack of gradient, subsoil compaction, seepage and high groundwater table. Soil development varies from 40 to in excess of 60 cm in thickness. The common horizon sequence on well drained sites is LFH, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC and C. The organic layer averages 5 cm thick. It overlies a thin (5 to 10 cm), ashy coloured Ae horizon which breaks abruptly into the B horizon. The upper reddish brown to strong brown Bhf horizon varies from 5 to 15 cm in thickness. It merges with a yellowish brown Bf horizon which gradually grades into the brown parent material. Morphological appearance may be deceptive. Significant amounts of translocated iron and aluminum are often present in horizons that display little colour change from the parent material. Imperfectly drained soils have similar Figure 69. Well drained Tuadook soil profile. profile horizons but with thicker LFH horizons (5 to 10 cm) and are mottled in the B and C horizons, especially a thin zone immediately above the compact subsoil where water is perched. The Ae horizon may be irregular or broken because of tree uprooting due to windthrow . Poorly to very poorly drained horizon sequences lack a podzolic B horizon. They consist of LFH or O, Aeg, Bg, BCg, and Cg horizons. The forest duff layer is usually thicker than found in well and imperfectly drained counterparts. In some profiles an Ah horizon may be found in place of the thicker organic horizon. The Tuadook textural profile consists of a loam to silt loam or sandy loam (8 to 18% clay) throughout. Profile coarse fragment content averages 15 to 35%, with a preponderance of subangular to somewhat subrounded cobbles and stones. Poorly and very poorly drained sites may have a “stonepavement” on the mineral soil surface below the organic layers. Tuadook soils are low in inherent fertility and acidic 100 throughout. pH(H 2O) values range from less than 4.0 to only slightly greater than 5.0. The solum is friable to very friable, and varies from a weak to moderate, medium platy structure in the Ae to a weak, fine to medium, granular or subangular blocky structure in the B. The subsoil is firm to very firm and massive, breaking to coarse pseudoplaty. % Clay 15 12 % Coarse Fragments 20 subangular C/S 30 subangular C/S pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 4.5 - 5.0 BD (g/cm ) 1.10 1.80 Ksat (cm/hr) 2-5 0.1 - 0.5 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.15 - 0.20 0.10 3 The Tuadook association is most comm only found with members of the Juniper association. While both soils have been derived from materials of similar lithological origin, they are strikingly different in many respects. The most obvious difference is subsoil com paction, and asso ciated characteristics. Tuadook subsoils have firm to very firm consistence, high bulk density (greater than 1.75 gm/cm 3) and voids consisting predominantly of micro pores. Juniper subsoils are loose and friable, lower in bulk density (usually less than 1.55 gm/cm 3) and have a higher proportion of macro pores. Juniper soils are coarse-loamy to sandy in particle size class while Tuadook are more “modal” coarse loamy. Along transition zones Tuadook soils have also been mapped in complexes with Catamaran and Long Lake soils. Excluding problems due to wetness in imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained locations, the dominant feature affecting land use is coarse fragm ent content (both surface and profile). Excessive stones preclude their use for agriculture and impact on their use for forestry. Topographic conditions (excessive slope) and the presence of a subsoil restricting layer which impedes root penetration and water percolation, also impact on land use. Low inherent fertility limits potential forest crops. Violette Association The Violette association consists of soils that have developed in relatively thin (less than 2 m thick) deposits of acidic, fine loamy, compact morainal till sediments derived from quartzite and sandstones with miscellaneous argillite, slate and schists. Essentially, Violette are the fine-loamy equivalent of Holmesville. They occur in the Chaleur Uplands and New Brunswick Highlands physiographic regions of the study area at elevations of 300 to 700 m above sea level (Fig. 70). Violette soils occupy approximately 32,076 ha, or 1.15% of the map sheet. Summary of general characteristics of the Tuadook Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : TU : N..B. Highlands : 300-700 m : 82,171 ha : 2.95% : Mineral : Glacial till, compact : <2 m : Yellowish brown to brown : Coarse loamy (skeletal) : Granite, granodiorite , diorite, granite gneiss and some volcanics : Low : Rolling, hilly and sloping (5-45%) : Moderately well : Orthic Ferro-Humic Podzol and Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 50 50 - 100+ Texture Class Loam - silt loam or sandy loam Loam - sandy loam % Sand 40 45 % Silt 45 43 Figure 70. Location of mapped Violette soils. The soil parent material has been deposited as ground moraine, plastered in place under the weight of advancing glacial ice. Parent material composition strongly reflects the incorporation of local bedrock formations. The till is a heterogeneous mixture of subangular-shaped particle sizes ranging from silts and clays to cobbles and stones. Violette soils are generally not too stony to prevent their use for agriculture, with usually less than 3% of the land surface area occupied by coarse fragments. Boulders are not common. V iolette soils are found on landforms varying from undulating or gently rolling to hilly or sloping. Slopes of 5 to 15% are typical, but some slopes are up to 45%. Although Violette landscapes are bedrock controlled, bedrock exposures are rare. Well drained soils of the Violette association support forest communities of sugar 101 maple, beech, yellow birch, red oak, red and white spruce, balsam fir, red maple and pin cherry. On poorly to very poorly drained sites the tree vegetation consists of black spruce, cedar, speckled alder and balsam fir, with some red maple, tamarack and willows. ranging up to 30 cm thick. The Violette textural profile consists of a loam to clay loam or sandy clay loam with 18 to 35% clay in the subsoil. Surface textures are commonly loams, silt loams, clay loams or silty clay loams. Profile coarse fragment content varies from 10 to 25%, with a preponderance of subangular to somewhat subrounded gravels and cobbles. Well to moderately well drained Violette soils are Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzols and Podzolic Gray Luvisols (Fig. 71). They are found on the more steeply sloping landscapes. In these landscapes, poorly drained conditions are confined to relatively narrow drainage channels. Slow internal permeability contributes to impeded drainage conditions. Downward movement of excess moisture through the profile is impeded by the subsoil, resulting in lateral flow or seepage, particularly in the spring after snowmelt. Seepage results in wet lower slope and depressional positions. Even sites with significant slopes may be affected by wetness. Imperfectly and poorly drained Violette soils occur more extensively on undulating topography. Imperfectly drained Violette soils are Gleyed Humo-Ferric Podzols and Gleyed Podzolic Gray Luvisols. Poorly drained members are Orthic Gleysols or Orthic Luvic Gleysols. Internal drainage is restricted by a slowly permeable subsoil with an estimated saturated hydraulic conductivity value of less than 0.1 cm/hr. The solum is moderately permeable (saturated hydraulic conductivity of 2.0 to 5.0 cm/hr). Available water storage capacity ranges from 0.20 to 0.10 cm/cm, decreasing with depth because of reduced total porosity in the compact subsoil. Well to moderately well drained sites are supplied with water mostly via precipitation. Imperfectly and poorly to very poorly drained areas have developed because of a combination of topographic position, lack of gradient, subsoil compaction, seepage and high groundwater table. Soil development varies from 35 to 80 cm in thickness. The common horizon sequence on well to moderately well drained sites is LFH, Ae, Bhf, Bf, BC or Bt and C. O horizons may occur under coniferous forests where mosses dominate the ground vegetation. The organic layer is 2 to 10 cm thick, becoming more humified with depth. It overlies a thin (5 to 10 cm), white, ashy coloured Ae horizon which breaks abruptly into the B horizon. The upper strong brown to dark reddish brown Bhf horizon varies from 2 to 5 cm in thickness. It merges with the brown to yellowish brown Bf horizon which gradually grades into the oxidized olive to grayish brown parent material. At 35 to 45 cm the podzolic B horizon grades into a BC, Btj or Bt horizon, which grades into the unaltered parent material or C horizon between 45 and 80 cm from the mineral soil surface. Imperfectly drained soils have similar profile horizons but are modified by periodic saturation. They are mottled in the B and C horizons, especially a thin zone immediately above the compact subsoils where water is perched. The Ae horizon is often irregular or broken because of tree uprooting due to windthrow. Poorly to very poorly drained horizon sequences lack a podzolic B horizon. They consist of LFH or O, Aeg, Bg, and Cg horizons. A Btg horizon may be present between the Bg and Cg horizons. The forest organic layer is thicker in the poorly and very poorly drained conditions than found in well drained counterparts, Figure 71. Moderately well drained Violette soil profile. Violette soils are medium in inherent fertility and acidic throughout, with pH(H 2O) values of 4.0 to 5.5. The friable to very friable, weak to moderate, fine to medium, granular or subangular blocky solum overlies a firm to very firm, massive to medium platy subsoil. The subsoil is dense and compact and resists deformation. Subsoil bulk densities often exceed 1.80 gm/cm 3 and voids consist primarily of micro pores. The Violette association has been mapped in complexes with members of the Boston Brook, Caribou, Carleton, Catamaran, Long Lake, McGee and Thibault associations. The Boston Brook, Caribou, McGee, and Thibault soils have all developed on non-compact till deposits in comparison to the compact subsoil of the Violette association. In addition, McGee and Thibault soils are coarse-loamy compared to the fine-loamy Violette soil. Caribou soils have developed on fine loamy materials that are derived from calcite-rich rock types. Boston 102 Brook is most similar in parent material mineralogical composition and can be considered as a non-compact Violette soil equivalent. Carleton, Catamaran and Long Lake soils have all developed on compact lodgment tills, but the Catamaran and Long Lake association soils are coarse loamy with less than 18% clay in the subsoil while Violette soils have in excess of 18% clay. Carleton soils are similar in physical appearance to Violette soils. They are differentiated on lithological and related differences. Carleton soils have formed in till materials derived from weakly calcareous slates, shales and fine-grained sandstones with some limestone. As a result, Carleton soils are richer in nutrients and have subsoils with higher pH values, pH 6.5 and greater. The dominant features affecting land use of Violette association soils are related to problems due to wetness as a result of the presence of a subsoil restricting layer which impedes both root penetration and water percolation. However, Violette soils are medium in natural fertility and are quite productive from a forestry perspective wherever wetness conditions are not excessively restricting. Summary of general characteristics of the Violette Association Map Symbol Physiographic Region(s) Elevation Extent Percentage of Mapped Area Parent Material Type Mode of Origin Material Thickness Soil Colour Family Particle Size Class Petrology (parent material) Inherent Fertility Topography (slope) Drainage (dominant) Classification (typical) : VO : Chaleur Uplands, N.B. Highlands : 300-700 m : 32,076 ha : 1.15% : Mineral : Glacial till, compact :<2m : Light olive brown : Fine loamy : Quartzite, sandstone and some shale, argillite and slate : Medium : Rolling and undulating to hilly (2-45%) : Moderately well : Orthic Humo-Ferric Podzol and Podzolic Gray Luvisol Layer Friable upper soil material Subsoil material Depth (cm) 0 - 40 40 - 100+ Texture Class Loam - silt loam Loam - clay loam % Sand 40 40 % Silt 40 30 % Clay 20 30 % Coarse Fragments 10 subangular G/C 25 subangular G/C pH (H2 O) 4.5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 BD (g/cm3 ) 1.20 1.80 Ksat (cm/hr) 2-5 < 0.1 AWHC (cm/cm) 0.20 0.10 LAND TYPES Salt M arsh (SM ) Salt marsh represents those areas of undifferentiated marine dep osits along the coast or tidal rivers which are submerged at high tide by bra ckish to strongly saline water. They consist of flat very p oorly drained land that is usually covered by a thick mat of salt tolerant water-loving plants and plant debris. Th ese units are scattered alo ng the coast line from Chatham to Dalhousie. Salt marsh has been mapped in six polygons, occupying 669 ha. Sand Dunes (SD) Sand dunes consist of loose sand deposited by wind action into ridge-like piles. They are located above high tide level along the coast. Sand dunes occup y 140 ha, having been mapp ed in only 3 p olygons. Water (WA) These are small water bodies that appear as unnamed units on the soil map. They usually consist of fresh water but in some instances along the coast they may include salt or brackish water. Forty four (44) polygons were designated as water. They occupy a total of 5581 ha. 103 PART 5. ELECTRONIC DATA FILES The conventional product of a soil survey such as Soils of Central and Northern New B runswick consists of a high quality paper map with legend, and an acco mpa nying rep ort, like this one. The soil map portrays the extent and location of the soils and the soil report provides detailed technical information about the soils and land surface. With the increased application of computer technologies to data hand ling, a second product is also available - soil survey information, both polygon lines and map unit attribute data, in electronic format. T his allows for greater ab ility to manipulate and apply the information in a consistent and timely manner. The polygon and ma p attribute data in this report are stored nationally in the National Soils DataBase (NSD B) in the Canadian Soil Information System (CanSIS), and provincially in the New Brunswick Agricultural Land Information System (NB 'ALIS'). CanSIS is maintained by the Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre, Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in Ottawa and can be accessed via its web page at h ttp : / / si s . a g r . g c . ca /ca n s is . NB 'ALIS' is a joint fede ralprovincial government system located in the Land and Environment Branch, N ew Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquiculture, in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Both CanSIS and NB'ALIS' are based on com merc ially available geographic information systems (GIS). GIS is designed to manage and manipulate large volumes of information that are spatially oriented. The ability to handle relationships among locations is the geo graphic feature o f a GIS that sets it apart from a standard d ata base information system. It also has analytical capabilities. CanSIS uses ARC/INFO software while NB 'ALIS' uses CARIS (Computer Aided Resource Information System) software. Data exchange protocols have been established between the two systems to ensure that information can be easily transferred back and fo rth. These systems are also comp atible with most other land information systems. Polygon data is essentially line information to define the map polygon bound aries and location. It is stored in a series of x-y coordinates referenced to a base map. This defines the geographic location aspect of the map polygon. Each polygon has an associated reference to link it with map attribute files that describe the polygon. suitably handled separately. Plant nutrient sup ply is manipulated by management, espec ially in agriculture. Therefore, the ability of soils to supply water to growing plants is the focal point of these files. This does not preclude their use for other applications, but rather indicates that they may at times b e lacking in some specific properties required to make an assessmen t. Core properties of these attribute files consist of the following features: - drainage water tab le rooting depth texture organic matter pH base saturation cation exchange ca pacity water ho lding capacity saturated hydraulic conduc tivity bulk density electrical cond uctivity slope stoniness taxonomy to the Subgroup level state of decomposition (O rganic soils) wood content (Organic soils) FILE STRUCTURE The data is stored in five related files: Project File (PF) - documentation on survey specifications, etc. from the So il Survey Rep ort. Polygon Attribute Table F ile (PA T) - links map polygons to soil map units. Soil Map Unit File (SMUF) - links soil map units to soil names and landscape mo difiers. Soil Names F ile (SN F) - links so il names to attributes that pertain to the whole so il. Soil Layer File (SLF) - links soil names to attributes that vary in the vertical direction. Project File (PF) The follow ing inform ation is included in the PF file: As a system serving agricultural, forestry, and environmental needs, the inform ation sto red in these attrib ute files is primarily concerned with the biological productivity of the soils. Biological prod uctivity is controlled by the availab ility of energy, water, and nutrients. Since energy availab ility is controlled by atmospheric climate, it is most - survey intensity level - publica tion scale - photo graphy scale - sampling/observation strategy (free, transect, grid, etc.) - symbol configu ration including concept of soil map unit 104 - "building blo cks" (series, association, etc.) authors and contributors publica tion da te analytical methods estimate o f reliability ARC/INFO library date of last revision 9 SOIL_CODE3 CHAR 3 10 MODIFIER3 CHAR 3 11 EXTENT3 NU ME RIC 2 12 SLOPEP1 NU ME RIC 5 1 13 SLOPEP2 NU ME RIC 5 1 14 SLOPEP3 NU ME RIC 5 1 15 STONE1 CHAR 1 16 STONE2 CHAR 1 17 STONE3 CHAR 1 18 DATE DATE 8 Y Y .M M .D D ________________________________________________ Polygon Attribute Table File (PAT) The purp ose o f the polygon attribute table file is to link polygon numb ers to soil map units. For the p urpo se of this discussion, a soil map unit is the entire symbol found within a polygon drawn o n the soil map. An explana tion of the soil map symbol from this report is given in PART 3. SOIL MAPPING METHO DOLOG Y, Map symbol. 1 SMUF file field name descriptions are listed below. PROVINCE MAPUNITNOM SOIL_CODE The list of attributes for the PAT file is as follows: Field Field Name 1 Type W idth Dec 1 AREA FLOATING 4 3 2 PERIMETER FLOATING 4 3 3 SOIL# BINARY 4 4 SOIL-ID BINARY 4 5 MAPUNITNOM CHAR 60 ________________________________________________ 1 MODIFIER EXTENT SLOPE PAT file field name descriptions are listed below. STONE AREA PERIMETER SOIL# SOIL-ID MAPUNITNOM Area of polygon in square metres Perimeter of polygon in metres Internal system number Polygon number Map symbol DATE Code for province, i.e., NB for New Brunswick Soil map unit symbol as cod ed in CanSIS from the original paper map Three character code for the soil name (SOIL_CODE1, SOIL_CODE2, SOIL_CODE3) Three character code to show soil variations. The modifier applies to the soil name and the soil code (MODIFIER1, MOD IFIE R 2, MO DIFIER3) Percent of the map unit occupied by a specific soil Slope steepness in percent (SLOPEP1, SLOPEP2, SLOPEP3) Stoniness class (STON E1, STONE2, STON E3) Date of last revision Soil Names File (SNF) This file contains information that applies to the entire soil. Soil Map Unit File (SMUF) A record in the SMUF file is unique with respect to the following fields: A record in the SNF file is unique with respect to the following fields: PROVINCE SOIL_CODE MODIFIER LU PROVINCE MAPUNIT N OM The list of attributes for the SM UF file is as follows: The list of attributes for the SN F file is as follows: Field 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Field Name 1 PROVINCE MAPUNITNOM SOIL_CODE1 MODIFIER1 EXTENT1 SOIL_CODE2 MODIFIER2 EXTENT2 Type CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR NU ME RIC CHAR CHAR NU ME RIC W idth 2 60 3 3 3 3 3 2 Dec Field Field Name 1 Type W idth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PROVINCE SOILNA M E SOIL_CODE MODIFIER LU KIND WATERTBL CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR CHAR 2 24 3 3 1 1 2 Dec 105 8 ROOTRESTRI CHAR 1 9 RESTR_TYPE CHAR 2 10 DRAINAGE CHAR 2 11 MDEP1 CHAR 4 12 MDEP2 CHAR 4 13 MDEP3 CHAR 4 14 ORDER CHAR 2 15 S_GROUP CHAR 4 16 G_GROUP CHAR 3 17 PROFILE CHAR 14 18 DATE DATE 8YY.MM.DD 19 SLFNA CHAR 1 _______________________________________________ 1 SNF file field name descriptions are listed below. PROVINCE S OIL NAME SOIL_CODE MODIFIER LU KIND WATERTBL ROOTRESTRI RESTR_TYPE DRAINAGE MDEP ORDER S_GROUP G_GROUP PROFILE DATE SLFNA See SOIL MAP UNIT FILE Assigned soil name i.e., Caribou See SOIL MAP UNIT FILE See SOIL MAP UNIT FILE Land use (agriculture or native) Kind of soil (m ineral, organic, etc.) W ater table characteristics Soil layer that restricts root growth Type of root restricting layer Soil drainage class Mode of deposition (MD EP1, MDEP 2, MD EP3) Soil Order (Canadian System of Soil Classification, CSSC) Soil Subgroup (CSSC) Soil Great Group (CSSC) Representative soil profile reference Date of last revision Denotes prese nce o f soil layer file records Field Field Name 1 Type W idth Dec 1 PROVINCE CHAR 2 2 SOIL_CODE CHAR 3 3 MODIFIER CHAR 3 4 LU CHAR 1 5 LAYER_NO CHAR 1 6 HZN _LIT CHAR 1 7 HZN_MAS CHAR 3 8 HZN_SUF CHAR 5 9 HZN_MOD CHAR 1 10 UDEPTH NU ME RIC 3 11 LDEPTH NU ME RIC 3 12 COFRAG NU ME RIC 3 13 DOMSAND CHAR 2 14 VFSAND NU ME RIC 3 15 TSAND NU ME RIC 3 16 TSILT NU ME RIC 3 17 TCLAY NU ME RIC 3 18 ORGCARB NU ME RIC 5 1 19 PHCA NU ME RIC 4 1 20 PH2 NU ME RIC 4 1 21 BASES NU ME RIC 2 22 CEC NU ME RIC 3 23 KSAT NU ME RIC 6 3 24 KP0 NU ME RIC 3 25 KP10 NU ME RIC 3 26 KP33 NU ME RIC 3 27 KP1500 NU ME RIC 3 28 BD NU ME RIC 4 2 29 EC NU ME RIC 3 30 CACO3 NU ME RIC 2 31 VONP OST NU ME RIC 2 32 WOOD NU ME RIC 2 33 DATE DATE 8 YY.MM.DD ________________________________________________ 1 Soil Layer File (SLF) Note: For fields 12 and 14-32, a three digit numeric field for the number of observations is optional. A code of zero (0) indicates an estimate. 2 This file is designed to handle attributes which vary in a vertical direction, i.e., soil profile information. The mean value is repo rted for each attribute. The method of analysis is listed in the project file. A record in the SLF file is unique with respect to the following fields: PROVINCE SOIL_CODE MODIFIER LAYER_NO LU The list of attributes for the SLF file is as follows: SLF file field name descriptions follow. PROVINCE SOIL_CODE MODIFIER LU LAYER_NO HZN _LIT HZN_MAS HZN_SUF HZN_MOD UDEPTH LDEPTH COFRAG DOMSAND VFSAND TSAND See SOIL MAP UNIT FILE See SOIL MAP UNIT FILE See SOIL MAP UNIT FILE See SOIL NAMES FILE 1-9, Horizon number Canadian System of Soil Classification (CSSC) horizon lithological discontinuity CSSC master horizon (upper case) CSSC horizon suffix (lower case) CSSC horizon modifier Upper horizon depth (cm) Lower horizon depth (cm) Coarse fragments (% by volume) Dominant sand fraction size Very fine sand (% by weight) To tal sand (% by weight) 106 TSILT TCLAY ORGCARB PHCA PH2 BASES CEC KSAT KP0 KP10 KP33 KP1500 BD EC CACO3 VONP OST WOOD DATE To tal silt (% b y weight) To tal clay (% by weight) Organic ca rbon (% by weight) pH in calcium chloride pH in water Base saturation (%) Cation exchange capacity (meq/100 g) Saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/h) W ater retention at 0 kilop ascals W ater retention at 10 kilo pascals W ater retention at 33 kilo pascals W ater retention at 150 0 kilop ascals Bulk density of the soil matrix (g/cm3) Electrical conductivity (dS/m) Calcium carbonate equivalent (%) von Post estimate of decomposition Volume (%) of woody material Date of last revision The five files for the Soils of Central and Northern New Brunswick are stored under the following names: PFCNNB.TXT PATCNNB.DBF SMUFCNNB.DBF SNFCNNB.DBF SLFCNNB.DBF ASCII Format dBase Format dBase Format dBase Format dBase Format W hile application o f the data sets using a GIS allows for the ability to display results geographica lly , i.e., on maps, lack of such a system does not preclude analyses of the attribu te file information. These data files are easily uploaded to a personal computer and can be analysed with any number of commercial database management software pro grams. The interpretations presented in the next section of this report are based on these files. 107 PART 6. INTERPRETATIONS - SINGLE FACTOR AND GENERAL AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY RATINGS The purp ose o f soil survey is to enha nce the ability to pred ict, and to make precise, differential interpretations from area to area that can be use d in land-use decisionmaking. Groupings or interpretations of soils and landscapes are techniques that are used to make soil information and maps mo re understandable to users (Olson 1981). It is often difficult for the non-soils specialist to comprehend all the intricate details provided in a soil survey. Interpretations are a synthesis of soil surve y data to facilitate its use, as not all readers/users will be equally well versed in the use and application o f soils inform ation. Soils interpretations or group ings allow users such as planners and developers to consider only those soil properties and characteristics that are important for their specific intended uses. Soils interpretations are typically stratified into three categories: single-facto r or single parameter; soil suitability, limitation or capability; and integrated soil/non-soil assessments. The simplest form of soil survey interpretation is a map or table that shows a “single-factor” soil condition (Olson 1981). These maps dep ict or present core properties of the soils and landscapes that are mapped in the soil survey, such as drainage, depth to a compact layer, depth to bedrock, stoniness, rockiness, slope and soil texture. B ecause only one factor is considered, these maps are readily understood and can be very effective at showing the limitations to, or conversely the opportunities for, a given land use. By “overlaying” or considering several different singlefactors at once, soils can be grouped to show suitability, limitations or capabilities for a given use. Soils interpretive guidelines for various agricultural crops (alfalfa, apples, cereals, forages, potatoes, etc), forest tree species (balsam fir/white spruce, black spruce, eastern white cedar, jack pine/red pine, white pine, sugar maple, white ash, yellow birch, trembling aspen), urban development (frost action, housing, roads and streets, septic tank absorp tion fields, sewage lagoo ns), recreation (outdoo r living, paths and trails), and so urce m aterials (gravel, ho rticultural p eat, road fill, sand, topso il) have b een d evelo ped and used in New Brunswick (W ang and Rees 198 3, Atlantic Advisory Committee on Soil Survey 19 88, F ahmy and R ees 1996 ). Categories are made for each soil characteristic that is considered important to the specific use and limits are set acco rdingly. Integration of soil/landscape and non-soil themes is the third and most complicated form of soil interpretation. Most land evaluation requires other “n on-soil” information for a more com plete assessm ent of land potential. Climate, land use and property ownership are three other essential compo nents. An examp le of this kind of interp retation is presented in Dillon et al. (1996) in which potential for potato land expansion is based on inherent soil limitations, climatic suitability, land cover type an d prope rty owne rship considera tions. In this repo rt, interpretations will be limited to a presentation of the more important single-factor soil properties and general assessm ents for agriculture and forestry (Table 5). The se interpretations are for the do minan t soil and landscape elements in the map symbol. By no means is this an exhaustive list of all possible interpretations that can be made. This is only the "tip of the icebe rg." A s previously mentioned, interpretations can range from those for very specific reasons, to those of a much more general nature. Interpretations should be comm ensurate with the level of detail provided by the survey and thus the scale of mapping. The soils mapping prese nted in this survey is 1:250,000 or exploratory in nature. However, while the information provided is not ap propriately detailed for interp reting so il suitability for site-specific use, it can still prove valuable for estimates of the different po tential problems/op portunities that exist in d ifferent areas of the region . Soil map s rema in useful long after the soil interpretations pub lished with them have b ecome o utdated. It should also be remembered that these interpretations are not recom mendations, but rather are indications of potential difficulties, or conversely, potential opportunities, that the land base offers to vario us uses. On -site inv estiga tion is required prior to any actual usage of the land. SINGLE-FACTOR SOIL MAP UNIT CONDITIONS Depth to bedrock (m) - Shallowness to bedrock limits the availab le rooting zone. It also has severe limitations on any land uses requiring moderately deep so il excavations, such as subsurface tile drain installation in agriculture and for basement construction, land-levelling for athletic fields and installation of septic tank filter fields. Veneers (v) consist of less than 1 m of unconsolidated material over bedrock. They are too thin to mask underlying irregularities in the bedrock. Blankets (b) are moderately thin (1 to 2 m) mantles of unconsolidated material thick enough to mask minor irregularities in the underlying bedrock but still conform to the general bedrock topography. Where no dep th to bedrock is reported, the soil material is considered to be greater than 2 m thick. Depth to compact layer (cm) - The thickness of friab le soil material available for root growth and water percolation is an impo rtant consideration in both agricultural and forest crop production and land management. Dense compact 108 subso il layers resist penetration of pla nt roots and percolation of water. These soils are also late to dry in the spring and easily saturated (perched zone of saturation) by high intensity or prolonged rainfall. Shallow rooting of crops may result in plant nutrient deficiencies, lack of resistance to mid-summ er dro ught, and winter damage due to frost heaving . Water percolation to subsurface drainage lines is also impeded. Soil layers with bulk densities (BD) greater than 1.60 g/cm 3 or pe rmea bilities of less than 1.0 cm/hr, or bo th, are considered restricting layers. Drainage or w etness - Soil drainage refers to the rapidity and extent of the removal of water from the soil in relation to additions, especially by surface runoff and by flow through the so il. Persistence of excess water, especially in the spring and after prolonged or heavy precipitation, hinders trafficability for many uses. Productivity of poo rly drained soils is limited by a lack of aeratio n, susceptibility to compaction, and lower soil temperature. Soil drainage classes are described below: Rap idly drained ®) - Water is remo ved from the soil rapid ly in relation to supply. Soils are usually coarsetextured, shallow, or bo th. W ater sourc e is precipitation. W ell drained (W) - Water is removed from the soil readily but not rapidly. Soils are generally interme diate in texture and depth. W ater source is precipitation. Mode rately well drained (MW) - W ater is removed from the soil so mewhat slowly in relation to supply. Soils are usually medium- to fine-textured. Precipitation is the dominant water source in mediumto fine-textured soils; precipitation and significant additions by subsurface flow are necessary in coarsetextured soils. Imperfectly drained (I) - Water is removed from the soil sufficiently slowly in relation to supp ly to keep the so il wet for a significant part of the growing season. Precipitation, subsurface flow and groundwater act as a water source, alone or in combination. Soils have a wide range in texture and depth. Poorly drained (P ) - Water is removed so slo wly in relation to supply that the soil remains wet for a com paratively large part of the time the soil is not frozen. Subsurface flow or groundwater flow, or both, in addition to p recipitation, are the main water sources. Soils have a wide range in texture and depth. Very poo rly drained (VP) - W ater is removed from the soil so slowly that the water table remains at or on the surface for the greater p art of the time the soil is not frozen. Groundwater flow and subsurface flow are the major water so urces. Soils ha ve a wide range in texture and depth. Fertility - Soil fertility is the quality of the soil that enables it to provide the proper balance of nutrients for plant growth. Mineralo gy or petrographic origin of the soil materials is a determining factor in inherent site nutrient status. The composition of parent rock materials contribute largely to the chemical characteristics and pH o f soil. Some rock types are rich in bases and weathe r rapid ly, resulting in so ils with potentially high nutrient status. Other rocks contain few bases or are more resistant to weathering and release nutrients more sparingly. For a more detailed discussion on soils and tree nutrient supply, the reader is referred to Forest soils of New Brunswick by Co lpitts et al. (1995 ). W hile natural or inherent fertility of the soil is to a large degree a function of soil mineralogy, it also relates to soil nutrient retention. Coa rser-textured so ils that are low in clay content tend to be more easily leached of nutrients than finertextured soils. T he fertility rating is an estimate of the soil nutrient status based o n the anticipated cum ulative effects of these factors: Association Fertility Code Acadie Siding Barrieau-Buctouche Belldune River Big Bald Mountain Boston Brook Caribou Carleton Catamaran Gagetown Grand Falls Guimond River Holmesville Interval Jacquet River Juniper Lavillette Long Lake Maliseet McGee Muniac Nigadoo River Parleeville Popple Depot Reece Richibucto Riverbank Rogersville St. Quentin Stony Brook Sunbury Tetagouche Tetagouche Falls Thibault Tracadie Tuadook Violette very low low medium very low medium high high medium low low very low medium high low low very low medium medium medium medium medium medium low medium very low low medium high low low medium medium high high low medium vl l m vl m h h m l l vl m h l l vl m m m m m m l m vl l m h l l m m h h l m 109 Flood ing or inundation - Flooding occurs when water levels rise above normal stream, river, and lake boun daries. Flooding interferes with time of planting, thus reducing an already short growing season. Erosion of unprotected bare ground, and subsequent sediment loading of stream courses, can also result. The following flooding classes are used: Class Phase R0 R1 R2 non slightly moderately R3 very None (N ) - soils not subjected to flooding R4 exceedingly R5 excessively Occasional (O) - so ils subjected to flooding of short duration once every 3 years or more Frequent (F) - soils subjected to flooding of medium duration once every 2 years Very frequent (VF) - soils subjected to prolonged flooding every year Stoniness - Stoniness refers to the percentage of the land surface occupied by coarse fragments of stone size (25 to 100 cm diameter). Plo wing, harrowing, and seeding equipment are significantly hindered by the presence of surface stones. Roo t crops, such as p otatoes, are esp ecially sensitive to stoniness, in terms o f poten tial tuber injury. Alternately, stones are somewhat beneficial in terms of improving the soil thermal regime and protecting soil particles from being washed away. Classes of stoniness are defined on the basis of the percentage of the land surface occupied by stone fragments 25 to 100 cm in diameter: Class Phase Effect on Cultivation % Surface Distance Occupied Apart (m) S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 non slightly moderately very exceedingly <0.01 0.01-0.1 0.1-3 3-15 15-50 >30 10-30 2-10 1-2 0.1-1 S5 excessively no hindrance slight hindrance some interference serious handicap cultivation prevented until stones cleared too stony to permit any cultivation >50 <0.1 Bo ulderiness - Boulderiness refers to the percentage of the land surface occupied by coarse fragments of boulder size (greater than 1 m diameter). It is defined with the same class limits as stoniness. Rockiness - Rockiness is an indication of the land surface area that is occupied by bedrock exposures. Bedrock exposures interfere with tillage. Bedrock outcrops are incap able of supporting viable crops and result in fields with non-uniform crop growth and quality. Rockiness classes are defined below: Effect on Cultivation no sign. interference slight interference tillage of inter-tilled crops is impractical use of most machinery is impractical all use of machinery is impractical --- % Surface Distance Occupied Apart (m) <2 2-10 10-25 >75 25-75 10-25 25-50 2-10 50-90 <2 >90 --- Slope or topography - Slope steep ness is an indication of the landsc ape gradient. Imp ortant practical aspects of soil slope that impact on use and managem ent include: rate and amount of runoff; erodibility of the soil; use of agricultural machinery; and uniformity of crop growth and maturity. Although slope shape, length, and pattern also play an important role in slope effect, slope grad ient is a convenient measure of slope impact on cro p produ ction and so il management. Slope classes are defined below: Slope Class % Slope 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0-0.5 0.5-2 2-5 5-9 9-15 15-30 30-45 45-70 70-100 Soil texture - Soil texture is an ind ication of the relative proportions of the various mineral soil particle size groups - sand (2 to 0 .05 mm ), silt (0.05 to 0.002 mm) and clay (less than 0.002 mm). Each of the textural soil classes has an established range for percentage sand, silt, and clay. Soil texture is one of the most permanent characteristics of a soil, and probab ly the most important. Size of the soil particles affects most chemical, physical, and minera logical reactions, and influences root growth for plants and engineering behaviour for machinery o peration. So il texture influences: capillarity (water holding capacity); soil ero dibility potential; cation exchange capacity and nutrient retention; percolation; trafficability; and soil tilth. Subsoil texture impa cts on subsoiling success. Coa rser-textured so il materials are m ore p rone to shattering when subso iled dry. Soil texture class abbreviations are defined below: 110 soils are found in New B runswick. Typ ical % Symbol Soil Texture Sand c cl l ls s sc scl si sic sicl sil sl 28 32 41 82 93 52 61 9 7 10 23 65 clay clay loam loam loamy sand sand sandy clay sandy clay loam silt silty clay silty clay loam silt loam sandy loam Silt 22 35 41 12 3 7 11 86 46 57 64 25 Clay 50 33 18 6 4 41 28 5 47 33 13 10 CANADA LAND INVENTORY CLASSIFICATION The Canada Land Inventory program was designed to provide a basis for land-use planning. Although some regional modifications of its application were incorporated, the system is national in scope. It provides a relative ranking of the soil's or land's capability, in terms of a rating that is familiar and understoo d by many users. Soil capability classification for agriculture In the So il Capability Classification for Agriculture, mineral soils are gro uped into se ven cla sses accord ing to their potential and limitations for agricultural use (Canada Land Inventory 196 5). T he first three classes are considered capable of sustained production of comm on cultivated crops; the fourth is marginal for sustained arable culture; the fifth is capable o f use only for improved pasture and hay; the sixth is capable o f use for only unimproved natural grazing; and the seve nth class is fo r soils and land types (including rock outcrops and small bodies of water) considered incap able of use for arable culture or perma nent pasture. The system was designed for mineral soils only and so is not applicab le to organic soils. The capability classification consists of two main categories: the cap ability class and the capab ility subclass. Capability class The class is the b road est category in this classification. It is a grouping of subclasses that have the same relative degree of limitation or hazard. The class indicates the general suitability of the soils for agricultural use. The limitation or hazard becom es progressively greater from Class 1 to Class 7. Class 1. Soils in this class have no significant limitations in use for crops. Due to regional climate limitations (insufficient heat units and low natural fertility) no Class 1 Class 2. Soils in this class have mod erate limitations that restrict the range of crops or require moderate conservation practices. Class 3. Soils in this class have moderately severe limitations that restrict the range of crops or require special conservation practices. Und er good m anagement these so ils are fair to mod erately high in produ ctivity. Class 4. Soils in this class have severe limitations that restrict the range of crops or require special conservation practices or bo th. The limitations may seriously affect such farming practices as the timing and ease of tillage, planting and harvesting, and the application and maintenance of conservation practices. Class 5. Soils in this class have very severe limitations that restrict their cap ability to producing perennial forage crops, but improvement practices are feasible. Some Class 5 soils can be used for cultivated crops provided unusua lly intensive management is used. Class 6. Soils in this class are capable only of producing perennial forage crop s, and im provement practices are not feasible. While these soils have some natural capa bility to sustain grazing, if not ma intained , they rapidly revert back to forest. For this reason, no soils are classified as Class 6, but instead they have been classed as Class 7. Class 7. Soils in this class have no capa bility for ara ble culture of common field crop s or perma nent pasture. Capability sub class The subclass group s soils with similar kinds of limitations and hazards. It provides information on the kind of conservation problem or limitatio n. Subclass designations found within the survey area are : Adv erse climate ©) denotes inadequate heat for optimal growth, thus restricting the range of crops that can be grown. It is only used for Class 2 soils. Un desirable soil structure and/or low permeability (D) is used for soils in which the depth of rooting zone is restricted by conditions other than a high water table or consolidated bed rock. The restricting layer is usually a compacted till material. Soil layers w ith bulk densities greater than 1.60 g/cm 3 and/o r perm eabilities less than 1 .0 cm/hr are considered significantly restricting. Low fertility (F) is used for soils having low fertility that either is correctable with careful management in the use of fertilizers and so il amendme nts or is difficult to correct in a feasible way. T he limitatio n of soils in this subclass is usually due to a lack of available plant nutrients (low 111 nutrient holding capacity), high acidity and low exchange capacity. Inundation by streams, rivers, and lakes (I) includes soils subjected to flooding causing crop damage or restricting agricultural use. M oisture limitation (M ) denotes soils where crops are adversely affected by dro ughtiness owing to inherent soil characteristics. These soils have low water holding capacities. Stoniness (P) indicates soils sufficiently stony on the surface to hinder tillage, planting, and harvesting opera tions. Stony soils are usually less pro ductive than c omp arable nonstony soils. Consolidated bedrock ®) designates soils where the presence of bedrock nea r the surface restricts their agricultural use. This includes soils that have bedrock within 1 m of the surface and also considers the presence of bedro ck expo sures. Topography (T) indicates soils where top ography is a limitation. Both the percent of slope and the pattern of frequency of slopes in different directions are important factors in increasing the cost of farming over that of smooth ground, in decreasing the uniformity of growth and maturity of crops, and in increasing the hazard of water erosion. Excess water (W ) is used fo r soils where excess water other than that brought about by inundation is a limitation to their use for agriculture. Excess water may result from inade quate soil drainage, a high water table, seepage or runoff from surrou nding areas. Land capability classification for forestry The Land Capability Classification for Forestry is based on the soil's ability to grow commercial timber (Canada Land Inventory 196 7). Three ca tegories are used in this system: the capa bility class, the capa bility subclass, and the indicator species. Capability class. W hen assigning land to a given class, the environment of subso il, soil surface, local and regional climate, as well as the characteristic tree species, are all taken into acc ount. The capability class, then, is an expression of all the environmental factors as they ap ply to tree gro wth, i.e., it defines the degree of limitation to the growth of commercial forests. Associated with each capability class is a productivity range based on mean annual increment of the best species or group of species adapted to the site. Expressed in cubic metres per hectare per annum, the classes are: Class Class Class Class Class Class Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 greater than 7.7 m 3 6.3 to 7.7 m3 4.9 to 6.3 m3 3.5 to 4.9 m3 2.1 to 3.5 m3 0.7 to 2.1 m3 less than 0.7 m 3 Ca pab ility sub class. As expressed by the principle o f limiting facto rs, plant response is determined by the least o ptimum facto r. Factors that limit tree growth are shown as subclasses. Knowing the kind of limitation is important in determining the type of forest management to be used. Silvicultural practices can be used that ove rcom e or m inimize the detrimental effects of a given growth-limiting factor. The degree of limitation of the growth-limiting factor determines the class designation. The capability subclasses found within the survey area are: climate U exposure, which, althoug h significant in coastal region s, is not listed, as only so il limitations are considered soil moisture M soil mo isture de ficiency W excess soil moisture perm eability and depth o f rooting zone : D physical restriction to rooting caused by dense or consolidated layers, other than bedrock R restriction of rooting zone by bedrock other soil factors: F low fertility I soils periodically inundated by streams or lakes P stoniness which affects forest density or growth Indicato r species Tree species that can be expected to yield the volume associated with each class are shown as p art of the symbol. They are indigenous coniferous species adapted to the region and land: bs for black spruce or jp for jack p ine. Table 5. Selected interpretations of soil map units Map Unit Symbol AS AS + TU(b)6/u2 BB(b)5 + RB(b)4/u2 BB(b)4/l-u2 BB(b)5 + SB(b)6/u2 BB(b)4 + TC5/u2 BB4 + SB4/u2 BB(b)4/u2 BB(b)6 + SB(b)6/u2 + AS BB(b)6 + SB(b)6/u2 BB(b)6 + RB5/u2 BB(b)7/u2 BB(b)3 + RB(v)1/u3 BB(b)3 + SB(b)4/u2 BM(v)1/m4-6 R2 BM(v)1 + JU(v)1/y6 B2 BM(v)1 + JU(v)1/s6-7 R2 BM(v)1 + JU(b)1/y6 B2 BM(v)1 + JU(v)1/y6 BM(v)1 + JU(v)1 + JR(v)1/y7 R1 BO(b)3 + HM(v)2/u3 BR4/u3 BR2 + TC6/u3 BR3 + GG3/u3 CB(b)4 + CR(b)4/m5 CB(b)4 + CR(b)4 + CB(v)2/m5 CB6 + BO6/u3 CB(v)2/u3 CB(v)2 + TH(v)1/s5-7 CB(b)2/m4 CB(v)1 + TH(v)1 + HM(b)2/s6 CB(b)2 + TH(b)2/u3 CB(v)2 + BO(v)2/y5 CB(v)2 + HM(b)2/m4 CB(v)2 + TH(v)2 + CR(b)2/r5-4 CB(b)2 + TH(b)3/u3 No. of polygons 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Area (ha) 383 137 253 1270 1384 7566 2171 2173 14917 10073 7453 542 517 3219 2427 1334 1955 1446 659 8859 1467 17634 13138 593 2585 358 2009 2234 3673 30362 2763 4883 1945 517 7717 465 Dominant soil AS AS BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BM BM BM BM BM BM BO BR BR BR CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB CB Depth to bedrock (m) >2 >2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 >2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 >2 >2 >2 1-2 1-2 >2 <1 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 <1 <1 1-2 Depth to compact (cm) 120 120 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 70 70 70 70 70 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Drainage VP VP I I I I I I P P P VP W W W W W W W W W I W W I I P W W W W W W W W W StonFertility Flooding iness vl N S0 vl N S0 l N S0 l N S0 l N S0 l N S0 l N S0 l N S0 l N S0 l N S0 l N S0 l N S0 l N S0 l N S0 vl N S2 vl N S2 vl N S2 vl N S2 vl N S2 vl N S2 m N S3 m N S1 m N S1 m N S1 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R2 B2 R0 B0 R2 B2 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 0.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 3.5 1.25 17 22.5 30 22.5 22.5 37.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 12 12 3.5 3.5 27 7 22.5 3.5 12 7 10 3.5 Surface soil texture n/a n/a ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls sl sl sl sl sl sl l sl sl sl sil sil sil sil sil sil sil sil sil sil sil sil Parent material texture n/a n/a s/scl s/scl s/scl s/scl s/scl s/scl s/scl s/scl s/scl s/scl s/scl s/scl ls ls ls ls ls ls cl sl sl sl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl CLI Agriculture O O 3WF 3WF 3WF 3WF 3WF 3WF 4W 4W 4W 5W 3MF 3MF 5TR 5TRP 5TR 5TRP 5TR 6T 3P 3WF 3MF 3MF 4T 4T 4W 3R 5T 3T 5T 2C 4TR 3TR 4TR 2C CLI Forestry 7W 7W 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 5Wbs 5Wbs 5Wbs 6Wbs 4FMjp 4FMjp 6RMFjp 6MFjp 6RMFjp 6MFjp 6MFjp 6UMFjp 3Fbs 3UFjp 3UFMjp 3UFMjp 3FWbs 3FWbs 4Wbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d Map Unit Symbol CB(v)1/s6 CB(b)3 + CR(b)3/m5 CR(b)5 + TH(b)4 + VO(b)5/u3 CR(b)4 + TH(b)4/m5 CR(v)2 + TH(v)1/s8-9 R1 CR(v)2 + CB(v)2 + VO(v)2/y6 CR(v)2 + TH(v)1/s7 CR(v)2 + CB(v)1 + TH(v)1/y7 R1 CR(v)2 + HM(v)1/y6 CR(b)2 + TH(b)2 + CT(b)2/m4 CR(v)2/m5-4 CR(v)2 + TH(v)1/y6-7 CR(b)2 + CB(b)1/m5-4 CR(b)2 + CB(b)2 + VO(b)2/m5-4 CR(v)2 + CB(b)2/m4 CR(v)1 + VO(v)1/y6 CR(b)3/m4 CR(v)1 + TH(v)1/s9 R1 CR(b)3 + TH(b)2/m4 CR(v)3/m4-5 CT(b)4/u3 CT(b)4 + LL(b)4/u3 CT5/u3 CT(b)5 + RE(b)5/u3 CT5 + JU5/u3 CT(b)4 + RE(b)4/u3 CT(b)4 + LL(b)4/i3-4 CT6 + JU4/u3 CT(b)6 + LL(b)6/u3 CT(v)6/u3 CT(b)7 + LL(b)7/u3 + AS CT(b)2 + RE(b)2/u3 CT(v)2/m4-5 CT(b)2/m4 + JU3/h4 CT(v)1 + LL(v)1/s6 CT(b)2 + JU(v)1/y7-8 R1 No. of polygons 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Area (ha) 1608 6132 2986 1055 9431 15839 839 23114 2449 2025 333 4648 5570 16370 1024 2490 667 1361 8555 3257 7576 7421 7769 9870 3683 1176 3718 448 2247 2094 1187 1999 4509 5032 805 814 Dominant soil CB CB CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CR CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT Depth to bedrock (m) <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 >2 1-2 >2 1-2 1-2 >2 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 Depth to compact (cm) 100 100 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Drainage W W I I MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW W W W W W I I I I I I I P P P VP W W W W W StonFertility Flooding iness h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 Average Slope (%) 22.5 12 3.5 12 72.5 22.5 37.5 37.5 22.5 7 10 30 10 10 7 22.5 7 85 7 10 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 5.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 10 7 22.5 50 Surface soil texture sil sil l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Parent material texture cl cl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl CLI Agriculture 5T 4T 4WD 4T 7T 5T 6T 6T 5T 3T 4TR 5T 4T 4T 3TR 5T 3T 7T 3T 4TR 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 7W 3DP 4TR 3TDP 5T 6T CLI Forestry 3Fbs 3Fbs 3FDWbs 3FDWbs 5Rbs 3FDbs 3FDbs 4Rbs 3FDbs 3FDbs 3FDbs 3FDbs 3FDbs 3FDbs 3FDbs 3FDbs 3FDbs 5Rbs 3FDbs 3FDbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 6Wbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4RDFbs Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d Map Unit Symbol CT(b)2 + JU(b)2/m5 CT(b)3/y5-6 CT(v)2 + LL(v)2/s5 CT(b)2 + LL(b)2/m4 CT(b)2/m4 CT(b)2 + JU(b)2/m4 CT(b)2 + PD(b)2 + JR(v)3/m4 CT(b)3/m4 CT(b)3 + LL(b)3/s5-6 CT(b)2/m4-5 CT(v)2 + JU(v)1/s6 CT(v)2 + LL(v)1/s6 R1 GF5/u3 GF3/t3-5 GF3/t3-5 + IN5/u2 GF3/h4 GF3 + GG3/t3-5 GF3 + MA3/t3-5 GF2/u3 GF3/m4 GF3/t3 GG5 + RI5/u3 GG5 + GF5/u2 GG5/u3 GG4 + MU4/u3 GG4 + GF4/t3-5 GG6 + JU6/u3 GG1/h4 GG3 + RI3/t2-4 GG3 + RI3/t3 GG3/t3-5 GG1/u2 GG3/u3 GG3 + RI3/t3 + IN6/u2 GG1/s8 GG3 + JU3/u3 No. of polygons 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Area (ha) 1282 3005 904 47239 124 6484 5935 3828 2463 14661 933 2319 6392 2374 200 6330 3027 510 306 1533 692 377 1782 445 931 6820 1844 3055 9916 8204 2644 638 695 3068 257 1408 Dominant soil CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT CT GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GF GG GG GG GG GG GG GG GG GG GG GG GG GG GG GG Depth to bedrock (m) 1-2 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 Depth to compact (cm) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Drainage W W W W W W W W W W W W I R R R R R R R R I I I I I P R R R R R R R R R StonFertility Flooding iness m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO l N SO Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 12 19.5 12 7 7 7 7 7 19.5 10 22.5 22.5 3.5 8.5 8.5 7 8.5 8.5 3.5 7 3.5 3.5 1.25 3.5 3.5 8.5 3.5 7 4.75 3.5 8.5 1.25 3.5 3.5 57.5 3.5 Surface soil texture l l l l l l l l l l l l sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls Parent material texture sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls CLI Agriculture 4T 5T 4TR 3TDP 3TDP 3TDP 3TDP 3TDP 5T 3TDP 5T 5T 3WF 3TMF 3TMF 3TMF 3TMF 3TMF 3TMF 3TMF 3MF 3WF 3WF 3WF 3WF 3WF 5W 4MF 4MF 4MF 4MF 4MF 4MF 4MF 6T 4MF CLI Forestry 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4RDFbs 4Fjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 6Wbs 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d Map Unit Symbol GG1/h6 GG3 + JU3/t3-5 GG3/h3-5 GM3/u3 GM(b)1 + BB(b)3/u2 HM(v)4 + LL(v)4 + MG(b)2/u3 HM(b)5 + CR(b)5/u3 HM(b)5 + MG(b)4/u3 HM(b)6 + LL(b)6/u3 HM(b)3 + MG(b)3/m4 HM(b)2 + MG(v)1/m*6-7 HM(b)2 + LL(b)2 + MG(v)1/m4 HM(v)2 + CR(v)2/m4 HM(v)2 + MG(b)1/y5-6 HM(v)1 + MG(v)1/y6-7 R1 HM(v)2 + MG(v)1/m6 R1 HM(b)2 + MG(b)2/m4 IN4 + RI4/u2 IN4 + GF4/u2 JR5 + PD5/u2 JR(b)6 + PD(b)6/u3 JR(b)2 + TH(b)2 + TF(b)2/m*4-5 JR(v)1/y7 R1-2 JR2/h4-5 JR(b)3 + PD(v)2/h4 JR(v)2 + MG(v)2/m4 JR(b)3 + MG(b)3/h4-6 JR(v)1 + PD(v)2/s7 R2 JR(v)1 + CT(v)2/y9 R3 JR(v)1 + PD(v)2/y6 R1 JR(v)1/r5-6 JU5/h4 B1 JU5 + GG5/h4 B2 JU5 + JR5/h4 JU(b)5/u3 B2 JU(b)5/u3 No. of polygons 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Area (ha) 420 614 1814 1312 524 10067 5413 2860 1529 1460 1989 2315 1549 3766 5508 1963 138 3650 2346 2134 2104 4517 327 1692 3098 4221 7180 2190 556 7436 1161 29934 6745 2199 4906 836 Dominant soil GG GG GG GM GM HM HM HM HM HM HM HM HM HM HM HM HM IN IN JR JR JR JR JR JR JR JR JR JR JR JR JU JU JU JU JU Depth to bedrock (m) >2 >2 >2 >2 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 >2 >2 >2 1-2 1-2 <1 >2 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 >2 >2 >2 1-2 1-2 Depth to compact (cm) 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Drainage R R R R R I I I P W W W W W W W W I I I P W W W W W W W W W W I I I I I StonFertility Flooding iness l N SO l N SO l N SO vl N SO vl N SO m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 h F S0 h F S0 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1-2 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R2 B0 R3 B0 R1 B0 R0 B1 R0 B2 R0 B0 R0 B2 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 22.5 8.5 8.5 3.5 1.25 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 7 30 7 7 19.5 30 22.5 7 1.25 1.25 1.25 3.5 10 37.5 10 7 7 17 37.5 85 22.5 19.5 7 7 7 3.5 3.5 Surface soil texture ls ls ls ls ls l l l l l l l l l l l l sil sil l l l l l l l l l l l l sl sl sl sl sl Parent material texture ls ls ls ls ls l l l l l l l l l l l l sil sil l l l l l l l l l l l l sl sl sl sl sl CLI Agriculture 5T 4MF 4MF 4MF 4MF 4RWD 4WD 4WD 5WD 3TD 5T 3TD 3TRD 5T 5TR 5TR 3TD 3IW 3IW 4P 4W 4TP 6T 4TP 4P 4RP 5T 6T 7T 5TR 5T 5P 5P 4P 5P 4P CLI Forestry 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 5MFjp 4RDWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 5WDbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4RDbs 4RDbs 4Dbs 3FIbs 3FIbs 4Fbs 5WFbs 4Fbs 4RFbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 5RFbs 6RFbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 5PFbs 4Fbs 5PFbs 4Fbs Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d Map Unit Symbol JU5/u3 B2 JU5 + TU5/u3 JU5/u3 JU(b)4/m4 JU4 + GG4/h4 JU5/h4 JU5/h4 B5 JU5 + CT5/u3 JU5/h4 B2 JU(b)6/h4 JU6/u2-3 + AS JU6 + GG5/u3 JU(v)1/y6 JU(v)1/y8 R2 JU(v)1 + BM(v)1 + TU(b)2/y8 R2 JU(v)1 + BM(v)1 + TU(b)2/s7 JU(v)2 + BM(v)1/m4 JU(v)1 + TU(b)2/y6 R1 JU3/h4 JU(v)1 + JR(v)1/y7 R1 JU(b)1 + BM(v)1/m5-6 B2 JU(b)2/m5-4 JU3 + TF3/h5 JU(v)3 + CT(b)2/s6 JU(v)1 + TU(v)2/y5-6 B2 JU(b)1 + BM(v)1/y5 JU(b)2/m4 JU(v)1/y5-6 JU(b)3/m5 B2 JU(v)1 + BM(v)1 + TU(b)2/y6 JU(b)2/m6 JU(b)2/m4-5 JU(v)1 + TU(v)2/y5-7 JU(v)2 + TU(b)2/m4 No. of polygons 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Area (ha) 4689 13762 3207 1138 13594 4680 3309 938 4467 1268 1718 1281 189 1319 974 1427 374 546 4483 2491 1609 9465 360 3899 16784 3370 1531 7350 3482 7299 1187 3061 4808 3866 Dominant soil JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU Depth to bedrock (m) >2 >2 >2 1-2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 1-2 >2 >2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 >2 <1 1-2 1-2 >2 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 Depth to compact (cm) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Drainage I I I I I I I I I P P P W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W StonFertility Flooding iness l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 JU(b)3/m3-4 1 225 JU JU(v)2 + MG(v)2 + TU(b)4/m4 1 1699 JU 1-2 100 W l N S3 B0 R0 5.5 <1 100 W l N S3 B0 R0 7 Boulder- Rockiness iness B2 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B5 R0 B0 R0 B2 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R2 B0 R2 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R1 B2 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B2 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B2 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 3.5 3.5 3.5 7 7 7 7 3.5 7 7 2.75 3.5 22.5 57.5 57.5 37.5 7 22.5 7 37.5 19.5 10 12 22.5 19.5 12 7 19.5 12 22.5 22.5 10 27 7 Surface soil texture sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl Parent material texture sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl CLI Agriculture 5P 4P 4P 4P 4P 4P 7P 4P 5P 5W 5W 5W 5T 6T 6T 6T 4RP 5TR 4P 6T 5TP 4TP 4TP 5T 5TRP 4TP 4P 5T 5P 5T 5T 4TP 5T 4RP CLI Forestry 5PFbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 6Pjp 4Fbs 5PFbs 6Wbs 6Wbs 6Wbs 4Fjp 5RFjp 5RFjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4RFjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 5PFjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 5PFjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 5PFjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp sl sl 4P 4Fjp sl sl 4RP 4Fjp Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d Map Unit Symbol JU(v)1 + MG(v)1/y6 JU(v)1/y7 R3 JU(v)1 + CT(v)2/y6 JU(b)1/m6 JU(v)1 + MG(v)1 + LL(b)2/y8 R1 JU(b)1 + TU(b)2/y5-6 JU2/m5 JU(v)2/m4 JU(b)3 + TU(b)3/u3 JU(v)1/y6-7 LL(b)4 + MG(v)4/u3 LL(b)4 + RE(b)4/m4 LL(b)4 + CT(b)4 + MG(b)3/m4 LL(b)4 + CT(b)3/m4 LL(b)5/u2-3 LL(b)4 + TT(b)4 + MG(b)3/m3-4 LL(b)4 + RE(b)4/u3 LL(b)4 + NR(b)4 + PD(b)4/u3 LL(v)4/u3 LL(b)5 + MG(b)4 + HM(b)5/u3 LL(b)5 + MG(b)4/u3 LL(b)6 + VO(b)6 + MG(b)5/u3 LL(b)6 + PD(b)6/r-u3 LL(b)6 + MG(b)5/u2 LL(b)6 + RE(b)6/u2 LL6 + MG5/u2-3 LL(b)2 + MG(v)1/s5-4 LL(b)2 + MG(v)1 + JU(v)1/y7 R1-2 LL(b)3 + MG(b)3 + JU(b)3/u3 LL(v)1 + HM(v)2/s6 R1 LL(v)1 + JU(v)1/y6-7 R1 LL3 + JR3/h4-5 LL(v)2 + MG(v)2/r4 LL(b)3 + MG(b)3/m4-6 No. of polygons 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Area (ha) 1773 244 3662 857 4697 24240 253 182 902 9673 9363 2487 3215 13580 4511 13183 5423 12426 765 12721 516 29080 12698 824 29592 4151 3475 5546 1290 1377 576 4770 2940 8745 Dominant soil JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU JU LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL Depth to bedrock (m) <1 <1 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 >2 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 >2 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 >2 <1 1-2 Depth to compact (cm) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Drainage W W W W W W W W W W I I I I I I I I I I I P P P P P W W W W W W W W StonFertility Flooding iness l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R3 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1-2 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 22.5 37.5 22.5 22.5 57.5 19.5 12 7 3.5 30 3.5 7 7 7 2.75 5.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 1.25 1.25 2.75 10 37.5 3.5 22.5 30 10 7 17 Surface soil texture sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Parent material texture sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l CLI Agriculture 5T 6TR 5T 5T 6T 5T 4TP 4RP 4P 5T 4WDP 4WDP 4WDP 4WDP 4WDP 4WDP 4WDP 4WDP 4RPWD 4WDP 4WDP 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 4TP 6T 4P 5TR 5TR 4TP 4RP 4TP CLI Forestry 4Fjp 6RFjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 5RFjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 4Dbs 4RDbs 4Dbs 4RDbs 4RDbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs LL(b)2 + RE(b)2/u3 1 4014 LL 1-2 50 W m N S3 B0 R0 3.5 l l 4P 4Dbs LL(v)2 + MG(v)1/y6 R1 1 3709 LL <1 50 W m N S3 B0 R1 22.5 l l 5TR 4RDbs Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d No. of Map Unit Symbol polygons LL(b)2 + MG(b)3/u3-4 2 LL(v)1 + MG(v)1/m5-6 1 LL(v)2 + PD(v)2/s7-6 R1 1 LL(b)3/m4 1 LL(v)2 + PD(v)2 + JR(v)1/y6 1 LL(v)2 + MG(b)2/m5 1 LL(v)2 + MG(v)1/y6-7 R1 1 LL(v)2 + MG(v)2/m4 1 LL(b)3 + RE(b)3/u3 1 LL(b)2 + MG(v)2/m4 2 LL(b)2 + MG(b)2/m4 1 LL(b)2 + TU(b)2/m4 1 LL(b)2/m4 1 LL(b)2 + MG(v)2/s5 1 LV + RE(b)7/l2 5 LV + TC7/l1 1 LV + SB(b)7/l2 1 LV + RE(b)6/u2 1 LV 54 LV + BB7/l1 1 LV + AS + RB(b)7/l1 1 LV + RB(b)7/l1 2 LV + RS(b)7/l2 1 MA5/u3 1 MA3 + GF3/u3 1 MA3 + GF3/t3-5 1 MG(v)4 + LL(b)4/u*3 1 MG(b)4 + LL(b)4/m4 1 MG(b)5 + LL(b)5/u3 1 MG(v)2/m5-6 1 MG(v)1 + LL(b)2/r6-7 1 MG(v)1 + JR(v)1 + HM(b)2/y-s5-6 R11 MG(v)1 + HM(v)2/m6 R1 1 MG(v)1 + TH(v)1/s6-8 R1 1 MG(v)1/y6-5 1 MG(v)1 + JR(v)1/s7-6 R1 1 Area (ha) 25369 3818 278 4190 8402 1627 9974 3358 509 11280 2294 10211 1825 1279 745 216 92 4523 21502 223 324 198 88 907 1236 1222 4601 299 321 8468 2987 10752 1941 895 2413 8155 Dominant soil LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV LV MA MA MA MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG Depth to bedrock (m) 1-2 <1 <1 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 >2 <1 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 Depth to compact (cm) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Drainage W W W W W W W W W W W W W W VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP VP I R R I I I W W W W W W W StonFertility Flooding iness m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 m N S0 m N S0 m N S0 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R1 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R1 Average Slope (%) 5.5 19.5 30 7 22.5 12 30 7 3.5 7 7 7 7 12 1.25 0.25 1.25 1.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.25 3.5 3.5 8.5 3.5 7 3.5 19.5 30 19.5 22.5 42.5 19.5 30 Surface soil texture l l l l l l l l l l l l l l n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a sil sil sil l l l l l l l l l l Parent material texture l l l l l l l l l l l l l l n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a fsl fsl fsl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl CLI Agriculture 4P 5T 5TR 4P 5T 4TRP 5TR 4RP 4P 4P 4P 4P 4P 4TP O O O O O O O O O 3W 2C 3T 4RP 4P 4P 5T 5T 5TR 5TR 6T 5T 5TR CLI Forestry 4Dbs 4Dbs 4RDbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4RDbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 7W 7W 7W 7W 7W 7W 7W 7W 7W 3Fjp 3FMjp 3FMjp 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4RFbs 4RFbs 4RFbs 4Fbs 4RFbs Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d Map Unit Symbol MG(v)1 + TH(v)1/s6 MG(v)1 + TH(b)2/s8-9 R2 MG(v)1/s8-9 R2 MG(v)1 + HM(b)2/m*6 MG(v)1/s9 R2 MG(v)2 + LL(b)2/m4 MG(v)2 + LL(b)2/m-y5-6 MG(b)3 + CT(b)3/m4 MG(v)1 + HM(b)3/m5-6 MG(v)1 + LL(v)2/y6 R2 MG(v)2 + HM(b)2 + CR(b)2/m5 MG(v)3 + LL(b)3/m-r4 MG(v)2 + LL(v)3 + HM(v)3/m5-6 MG(v)1 + HM(v)2/s8-9 R2 MG(b)3 + LL(v)2 + CT(v)2/m5 MG(v)2/m5 MG(v)1 + HM(b)2/y5 MG(v)2 + LL(v)2/s5 MG(v)2 + JR(v)2/m4-6 MG(v)1 + JR(v)1/y8-9 R3 MG(v)1 + TH(v)1/m5 MG(v)1 + TF(v)1/y6 MG(b)2 + TH(b)2/m-y5 MG(b)1 + TH(b)1/m*5 MG(v)1 + JR(v)2/s6 R1 MG(v)1 + HM(b)2/r6-7 MG(v)1/y7 R1-2 MG(v)1/s8 R2 MG(v)1 + LL(v)2/m5 MG(b)1 + HM(b)2/y5-6 MG(v)1 + HM(b)2/y6 MG(v)2/s5-6 MG(v)1/y-r*6-7 R1 MG(v)1/m5 MG(v)1/r*7 R2 MG(b)2 + TH(b)2/m5-4 No. of polygons 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Area (ha) 1869 1341 10436 15682 2614 19131 19152 2479 3075 4423 22106 6328 3347 840 11933 4149 18655 2879 4247 3487 4874 559 11882 54 7253 4491 12043 1151 3608 2416 4491 1017 43236 3099 16410 11961 Dominant soil MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG Depth to bedrock (m) <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 Depth to compact (cm) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Drainage W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W StonFertility Flooding iness m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R2 B0 R2 B0 R0 B0 R2 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R2 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R2 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R3 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R1-2 B0 R2 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R2 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 22.5 72.5 72.5 22.5 85 7 19.5 7 19.5 22.5 12 7 19.5 72.5 12 12 12 12 17 72.5 12 22.5 12 12 22.5 30 37.5 57.5 12 19.5 22.5 19.5 30 12 37.5 10 Surface soil texture l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Parent material texture sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl CLI Agriculture 5T 7T 7T 5T 7T 4RP 5T 4P 5T 5TR 4TRP 4RP 5T 7T 4TP 4TRP 4TRP 4TRP 5T 7T 4TRP 5T 4TP 4TP 5TR 5T 6T 6T 4TRP 5T 5T 5T 5TR 4TRP 6T 4TP CLI Forestry 4Fbs 5Rbs 5Rbs 4Fbs 5Rbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 5Rbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 5Rbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 6Rbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4RFbs 4Fbs 4RFbs 5Rbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4RFbs 4Fbs 5Rbs 4Fbs Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d No. of Map Unit Symbol polygons MG(v)1 + TH(v)1/m*6 1 MG(v)1 + JU(v)1/s6-8 R1 1 MG3/h5 1 MG(v)1/s6-8 R1 1 MG(b)1 + TH(b)2/m*5 1 MG(b)2 + HM(b)2/m4 1 MG(v)1/y-r*7 R1-2 1 MG(b)2 + TH(b)2/m4-5 1 MG(v)3 + LL(b)4 + JU(v)3/y5 1 MG(b)1 + LL(b)2 + CT(b)2/s5 1 MG(v)1 + TT(b)2 + PD(v)1/y5 1 MG(b)2 + HM(b)2 + TH(b)2/m4-5 1 MG(v)1 + TH(v)1/s7-8 R1 1 MG(v)1/s7-8 R1 2 MG(b)2 + TH(b)2 + HM(b)2/m4-5 1 MG(b)2 + HM(v)3/m4-5 1 MU4 + MA4/t3-5 1 MU2 + GG4/u3 1 MU2/u3 1 NR(b)4 + PD(b)4 + LL(b)4/m4 1 NR(v)4 + TT(v)4/m4 1 NR(b)5/m4 1 NR(v)2/h6 1 NR(b)3/u3 1 NR(v)2 + PD(v)2/y6-7 1 NR(v)3/m3 + PD(b)3/m4 + TF3/h4-5 1 NR(v)1 + TF(v)1/r5-7 R1 1 NR(v)2/s5 1 PA(b)4/u3 1 PA4/u3 1 PA(v)2/m4 1 PA(v)1/m5-6 1 PA(v-b)2/m4-5 1 PD(v)4/m4 R1 1 PD(b)5 + LL(b)5/u3 1 PD(b)6 + JR(b)5/u3 1 Area (ha) 2386 4471 1202 1689 11621 1707 33160 759 6197 4112 14872 28432 5968 2556 18762 2993 1835 483 548 2741 5104 1123 1643 1953 3319 12446 9131 154 2702 3102 1358 2885 6752 12895 1885 922 Dominant soil MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MG MU MU MU NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR PA PA PA PA PA PD PD PD Depth to bedrock (m) <1 <1 >2 <1 1-2 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 >2 >2 >2 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 >2 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 Depth to compact (cm) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 100 100 100 100 100 45 45 45 Drainage W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W I R R I I I W W W W W W I I W W W I I P StonFertility Flooding iness m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S0 m N S0 m N S0 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1-2 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 22.5 42.5 12 42.5 12 7 37.5 10 12 12 12 10 50 50 10 10 8.5 3.5 3.5 7 7 7 22.5 3.5 30 3.5 27 12 3.5 3.5 7 19.5 10 7 3.5 3.5 Surface soil texture l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l sl sl sl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Parent material texture sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl ls ls ls sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl CLI Agriculture 5T 6T 4TP 6T 4TP 4P 6T 4TP 4TRP 4TP 4TRP 4TP 6T 6T 4TP 4TP 3TWF 3MF 3MF 4WD 4RWD 4WD 5T 3D 5T 3RPD 5TR 4TR 3W 3W 3TR 5T 4TR 4RWDP 4WDP 5WD CLI Forestry 4Fbs 4RFbs 4Fbs 4RFbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4RFbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 5RFbs 5RFbs 4Fbs 4Fbs 3Fbs 4Mjp 4Mjp 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 4RDWbs 4DWbs 5WDbs Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d Map Unit Symbol PD(b)6 + LL(b)5/u2 PD(v)2 + LL(v)2 + MG(b)5/u3 PD(v)2/m5-4 PD(v)2 + LL(v)1/s8 R1 PD(v)3 + LL(v)3/m4 PD(b)2 + LL(b)2/u3 PD(b)3 + LL(b)3/u3 PD(b)2/u3 PD(b)2 + NR(b)2/m4-5 PD(v)1 + JR(v)1/y6-5 R2 PD(v)3 + TF(v)3/m4-5 PD(v)2 + JR(v)2/y5 PD(v)2 + JR(v)1/y5-6 PD(b)2 + TF(b)1/y6 R1 PD(v)2 + JR(v)1/s7 R2 RB(v)5/u2 RB(v)4/u2 RB(v)4/l-u2 RB(v)4 + BB(b)5/u2 RB(b-v)3/l2 + AS RB3 + TC6/u2 RB3 + GM3/u3 RB(v)2/u2 RB(v)1 + BB(b)4 + SB(b)4/u3 RB(v)1/u3 RB2 + BB3/u3 RB(v)1/u2 RB(v)3/l2 RB(v)3/l2 + AS RB(v)1 + BB(b)4/u3 RB(b)2 + BB(b)4/u2 RB(v)2 + BB(b)3/u2 RE(b)5/u3 RE(b)4 + SN(b)3/u3 RE(b)4 + SN(b)4/u2-3 RE(b)4/u2 No. of polygons 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 Area (ha) 2913 16178 272 4054 12949 8444 1947 3383 8752 18767 27320 14030 26286 4653 2538 5321 14412 810 1599 14136 7667 1633 7933 2292 237 1246 548 2092 291 415 4520 3156 8176 34795 12428 3406 Dominant soil PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RE RE RE RE Depth to bedrock (m) 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 >2 >2 <1 <1 <1 >2 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 Depth to compact (cm) 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 Drainage P W W W W W W W W W W W W W W I I I I R R R R R R R R R R R R R I I I I StonFertility Flooding iness l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 vl N S0 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R2 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R2 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 1.25 3.5 10 57.5 7 3.5 3.5 3.5 10 19.5 10 12 19.5 22.5 37.5 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 3.5 1.25 3.5 3.5 3.5 1.25 1.25 1.25 3.5 1.25 1.25 3.5 3.5 2.75 1.25 Surface soil texture l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls sl sl sl sl Parent material texture sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls ls l l l l CLI Agriculture 5WD 4P 4TRP 6T 4RP 4P 4P 4P 4TP 5TR 4TRP 4TRP 5T 5TR 6T 3RWF 3RWF 3RWF 3RWF 3MF 3MF 3MF 3RMF 3RMF 3RMF 3MF 3RMF 3RMF 3RMF 3RMF 3MF 3RMF 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD CLI Forestry 5WDbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 5RDFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 5Rbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4RDFbs 5Rbs 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4Fjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d Map Unit Symbol RE(b)4/u3 RE(b)5 + SN(b)4/u3 RE(b)5/u2-3 RE(b)4 + SN(b)2/u3 RE(v)4/u3-4 RE(v)4 + SN(v)2/u3 RE(b)5 + SN(b)4/u2-3 RE(b)4 + SN(v)3/u3 RE(b)4 + SN(b)2/m4-3 RE(b)5/u2 RE(b)4 + SN(b)4/u3 RE(v)4 + SN(v)2/m4-3 RE(b)4/u2-3 RE(b)6/u2-3 RE(b)6/u2 RE(b)6 + SB(b)6/u2 + AS RE(b)6/u2 + AS RE(b)6 + SN(b)5/u2 + LV RE(b)6 + SN(b)5/u3-2 RE(b)6 + LL(b)6/u2 + GG5/h3-4 RE(b)6 + LL(b)6/u3 RE(b)6 + SN(b)5/u2 RE(b)6 + SN(b)5/u2 + AS RE(b)7 + CT(b)7/u2 RE(b)7/u2 + AS RE(b)7/u2 RE(b)2/u3-2 RE(v)2 + SN(v)1/s5 RE(v)2/s4 RE(b)2 + SN(b)2/u3 RE(b)2 + SN(b)1/u3 RE(v)2 + SB(b)4/u3 RE(v)2 + LL(v)2/s6-5 RE(v)2 + SN(v)1/s5-4 RE(b)2/u3 + SN(v)2/s5 RE(b)2 + SN(b)2/u3-2 No. of polygons 6 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 7 1 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 Area (ha) 19642 1060 13072 1552 6566 11834 3905 7123 13955 184 1458 3716 2062 7377 11487 35936 41075 4439 10430 6851 14185 2969 16226 636 1223 1487 585 899 513 21049 9466 4345 3290 1026 10792 2821 Dominant soil RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE RE Depth to bedrock (m) 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 Depth to compact (cm) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Drainage I I I I I I I I I I I I I P P P P P P P P P P VP VP VP W W W W W W W W W W StonFertility Flooding iness m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 3.5 3.5 2.75 3.5 5.5 3.5 2.75 3.5 5.5 1.25 3.5 5.5 2.75 2.75 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.75 1.25 3.5 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.75 12 7 3.5 3.5 3.5 19.5 10 3.5 2.75 Surface soil texture sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl Parent material texture l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l CLI Agriculture 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4RWD 4RWD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4WD 4RWD 4WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 7W 7W 7W 3D 4TR 3TRD 3D 3D 3RD 5T 4TR 3D 3D CLI Forestry 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 6Wbs 6Wbs 6Wbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d Map Unit Symbol RE(b)2/u3 RE(v)2 + SN(v)2/u2 RE(b)2 + SN(v)2/m4 RE(b)3 + SN(b)3/u2 RI4/u3 RI6 + GG6/u2 RI2/u3 RS(b)4/u3 RS(b)4 + RE(b)4/u3 RS(b)4/u2-3 RS(b)6/u2 SB(b)5 + SN(b)4/u3 SB(b)4/u3 SB(b)4 + SN(b)2/u3 SB(b)5/u2 SB(b)5/u3 SB(b)4 + RE(b)4/u3 SB(b)2 + SN(b)2/u3 SB(b)2 + RE(b)2/u3 SB(v)2/s5-6 SB(b)3/u3 SB(v)2 + SN(v)1/u3 SB(b)2/u3 SB(b)2 + RE(b)2 + SN(v)2/m5 SB(b)2/u2-3 SB6/u2 + AS SB(b)6/u3 SB(b)6 + RE(b)5/u2 SB(b)6 + BB(b)5/u3 SB(b)6/u2 + AS SB(b)6/u2 SB(b)7/u2 + AS SB(b)7 + BB(b)7/u2 SD SM SM + BB7/l1 No. of polygons 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 1 1 5 1 1 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 Area (ha) 21731 4174 24042 253 670 4110 1622 125 3040 443 590 7821 27214 12580 2436 18231 7810 5863 172 3208 1422 692 4274 3511 2348 1002 2385 4942 2708 38043 2733 6531 1837 102 378 214 Dominant soil RE RE RE RE RI RI RI RS RS RS RS SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SB SD SM SM Depth to bedrock (m) 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 >2 >2 >2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 >2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 >2 >2 >2 Depth to compact (cm) 50 50 50 50 100 100 100 45 45 45 45 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 n/a n/a n/a Drainage W W W W I P R I I I P I I I I I I MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW P P P P P P VP VP n/a n/a n/a StonFertility Flooding iness m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 l N S0 l N S0 l N S0 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 l N S2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 3.5 1.25 7 1.25 3.5 1.25 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.75 1.25 3.5 3.5 3.5 1.25 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 19.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 12 2.75 1.25 3.5 1.25 3.5 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 n/a n/a n/a Surface soil texture sl sl sl sl sl sl sl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l n/a n/a n/a Parent material texture l l l l s s s l l l l cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl cl n/a n/a n/a CLI Agriculture 3D 3RD 3TD 3D 3WF 4W 3MF 4WD 4WD 4WD 5WD 4DW 4DW 4DW 4DW 4DW 4DW 3D 3D 5T 3D 3DR 3D 4T 3D 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 7W 7W - CLI Forestry 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Fjp 6Wbs 4MFjp 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 5WDbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 6Wbs 6Wbs - Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d Map Unit Symbol SM + SD SN(v)1 + RE(b)2/s4-5 SN(v)1/s4-5 SN(v)2/u2 SN(v)2 + RE(b)4/u2-3 SN(v)1/s5 SN(v)1/s4 SN(b)3 + SB(b)3/u3 SN(b)2/u3 SN2 + RE2/u3 SN(v)2 + RE(b)2/u3 SN(b)2 + RE(b)3/u3 SN(b)2/u2 SN(v)1 + RE(b)2/s6 SN(v)2/u3 SN(b)2 + RE(b)2/u3 SN(v)2 + RE(b)2/s4-5 SQ TC6 + BB6/u2 TC6/u3 TC(b)6 + RB(b)6/u2 TC(b)6 + SB(b)5/u2 TC6 + BR4/u2-3 TC(b)6 + BB(b)6/u2 TC7 + RB6/l2 TC7/u2 TC7/u2 + SM TF4 + TT5 + PD5/u3 TF(v)1 + JU(v)1/y6 R1 TF(v)1 + JR(v)1 + PD(b)2/y6-7 TF(b)2 + TT(b)2 + PD(b)2/m4 TF(v)1 + TT(v)2/r5-6 TF(b)3 + NR(v)3 + JR3(b)/h4-5 TF(v)2 + LL(v)2 + TH(v)1/m5-4 TF(v)2 + MG(v)2/h5-6 TF(v)1 + NR(v)1/y5 No. of polygons 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Area (ha) 127 6303 1725 1095 13888 1057 708 1725 1020 3900 1352 1668 1651 785 2528 1919 2434 1111 153 2662 739 816 2026 337 1511 323 174 3110 7293 3439 15088 2618 10446 2002 788 1887 Dominant soil SM SN SN SN SN SN SN SN SN SN SN SN SN SN SN SN SN SQ TC TC TC TC TC TC TC TC TC TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF Depth to bedrock (m) >2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 >2 <1 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 1-2 <1 >2 >2 >2 1-2 1-2 >2 1-2 >2 >2 >2 >2 <1 <1 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 <1 <1 Depth to compact (cm) n/a 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 150 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Drainage n/a W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W VP P P P P P P VP VP VP I W W W W W W W W StonFertility Flooding iness n/a n/a n/a l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 h N S0 h N S0 h N S0 h N S0 h N S0 h N S0 h N S0 h N S0 h N S0 h N S0 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 m N S3 Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) n/a 10 10 1.25 2.75 12 7 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 1.25 22.5 3.5 3.5 10 0.25 1.25 3.5 1.25 1.25 2.75 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 3.5 22.5 30 7 19.5 10 10 19.5 12 Surface soil texture n/a sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl n/a sicl sicl sicl sicl sicl sicl sicl sicl sicl l l l l l l l l l Parent material texture n/a sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl n/a sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic l l l l l l l l l CLI Agriculture 4TR 4TR 3RPM 3RPM 4TR 3RPM 3PM 3PM 3PM 3RPM 3PM 4PM 5T 3RPM 3PM 4TR O 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 5WD 7W 7W 7W 3P 5TR 5T 3P 5T 4T 4TR 5T 4TR CLI Forestry 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 4FMjp 6Wbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 5WDbs 6Wbs 6Wbs 6Wbs 3Fbs 4RFbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d No. of Map Unit Symbol polygons TF(v)1 + TT(v)2 + BO(v)2/r6-8 1 TF(b-v)2 + JU(v)1 + CT(b)2/y6-5 1 TH(b)4 + CB(b)4/u3 1 TH(v)1/m6 R1 + HM(v)3/m5 R1 1 TH(v)1/m6 R1 1 TH(v)1 + CB(v)2/s6-7 R1 1 TH(v)1 + CR(b)2/s6 1 TH(v)1 + CR(b)2/s7 1 TH(v)1 + JR(v)1 + TF(v)1/s8 R1 1 TH(b)3 + MG(v)2/u3 1 TH(b)3 + CB(v)2/u3 1 TH(b)2 + MG(b)2/m5 1 TH(v)1/s-y9-7 R1 1 TH(b)2/m5 1 TH(v)2 + CR(b)2 + LL(b)2/m5-4 1 TH(v)2 + CR(b)2 + NR(b)2/m4 1 TH(v)1 + CR(b)2 + VO(b)2/y7-8 1 TH(v)1 + MG(v)1 + CB(v)2/s6-8 R1 1 TH(v)1 + CB(v)2/s8 R1 1 TH(v)2 + CR(v)3/r4-5 1 TU(b)5 + LL(b)5/u3 1 TU(b)6 + JU(b)5/u3 1 TU(b)2 + JU(b)1 + BM(v)1/y6-7 1 TU(b)2 + JU(b)1/y5 1 TU(b)3 + CT(b)3/m4 1 TU(b)2 + JU(v)3/m5 1 TU2 + JU2/m5 1 TU(b)3 + JU(b)3/m5 1 TU(v)2/m5-4 1 TU(b)2 + JU(b)3/m4-5 1 TU(b)3 + JU(b)3/m6 2 TU(b)2 + JU(b)2/m5-6 1 TU(v)1/y5-7 1 TU(b)2 + JU(b)1/m6 2 TU(b)3 + JU(b)3/m3-4 1 TU(b)2 + JU(v)1/y6 1 Area (ha) 2109 6949 3067 15398 3048 1047 1178 889 12792 2260 9079 10060 14663 3337 9978 2674 380 16047 4100 17982 2464 579 1227 6655 3861 1596 2770 3927 15176 3074 3567 3867 343 8625 2852 2136 Dominant soil TF TF TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU Depth to bedrock (m) <1 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 1-2 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2 >2 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 Depth to compact (cm) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Drainage W W I W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W I P W W W W W W W W W W W W W W StonFertility Flooding iness m N S3 m N S3 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 h N S2 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R1 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R1 B0 R1 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 42.5 19.5 3.5 22.5 22.5 30 22.5 37.5 57.5 3.5 3.5 12 65 12 10 7 50 42.5 57.5 10 3.5 3.5 30 12 7 12 12 12 10 10 22.5 19.5 27 22.5 5.5 22.5 Surface soil texture l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Parent material texture l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l CLI Agriculture 6T 5T 3W 5TR 5TR 5TR 5T 6T 6T 2C 2C 4T 7T 4T 4TR 3TR 6T 6T 6T 4TR 4WD 5WD 5T 4T 3P 4T 4T 4T 4TR 4T 5T 5T 5T 5T 3P 5T CLI Forestry 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 4Rbs 4Rbs 4Rbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 5Rbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 5Rbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 3Fbs 5Rbs 4Rbs 5Rbs 3Fbs 4DWFbs 5WDbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs Tab le 5. Selected interp retations of soil map units cont’d Map Unit Symbol TU(v)2 + LL(v)2/m5 TU(b)2 +JU(b)2/m5 TU(b)2 + JU(b)2/m5-4 VO(b)5 + CT(b)5 + TT(v)5/u3 VO(v)4 + LL(v)4 + MG(b)2/u3 VO(v)3 + CR(v)3/m4 VO(v)2 + BO(v)1/y6-7 VO(b)3 + CR(b)3 + TH(b)2/m4 VO(v)3 + LL(v)3 + MG(v)3/s6 WA No. of polygons 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 44 Area (ha) 8353 2489 2017 6267 4107 2228 805 10742 5619 5581 Dominant soil TU TU TU VO VO VO VO VO VO WA Depth to bedrock (m) <1 1-2 1-2 1-2 <1 <1 <1 1-2 <1 >2 Depth to compact (cm) 50 50 50 40 40 40 40 40 40 n/a Drainage W W W I I MW MW MW MW n/a StonFertility Flooding iness l N S3 l N S3 l N S3 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 m N S2 n/a n/a n/a Notes: The depth recorded under “Depth to Compact” assumes that bedrock does not occur within the profile. Boulder- Rockiness iness B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 B0 R0 Average Slope (%) 12 12 10 3.5 3.5 7 30 7 22.5 n/a Surface soil texture l l l l l l l l l n/a Parent material texture l l l l l l l l l n/a CLI Agriculture 4TR 4T 4T 4DW 4DW 3DR 5T 3D 5T - CLI Forestry 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DFbs 4DWbs 4DWbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs 4Dbs - 127 REFERENCES Airphoto Analysis Associates Consultants Ltd. 1975. W etlands, peatlands resou rces, N ew B runswick. Re port to New Brunswick Department of Na tural Resourc es, Fredericton, N. B. 106 pp. Arno, J. R., Struchtemeyer, R. A., Langmaid, K. K. and Millette, J. F. G. ca 1964. A look at the Caribou soils - A compilation of data on the Caribou soil series. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service in cooperation with Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, Maine and C anada Dep artment of Agriculture, New Brunswick Soil Survey, F redericton, N ew B runswick. 72 pp. Atlantic Adv isory Committee on Soil Survey. 1988. Comp endium of soil survey interpretive guides used in the Atlantic Provinces. 149 pp. Bostock, H. S. 197 0. A p rovincial physiographic map of Canada. Geol. Surv. Can. Pap. 64-35, 1964; and Geological Survey of Canada Map 1245 A. Bra dy, N. C. 1974. The nature and properties of soils. 8th Edition. MacM illan Publ. Co., Inc., New York, New Y ork, U.S.A. 639 pp. Buol, S. W., Hole, F. D. and McCracken, R . J. 1973. S oil genesis and classification. The Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. 360 pp. Canada Land Inventory. 1965. Soil capability classification for agriculture. Canada Land Inventory Report No. 2. Information Canada, Ottawa, Ont. 16 pp. Canada Land Inventory. 196 7. Land capa bility classification for forestry. Canada Land Inventory Report No. 4. McCormack, R. J., editor. Information Canada, Ottawa, Ont. 72 pp. Canada Soil Survey Committee. 1978. The Canadian system of soil classifica tion. Can. Dep . Agric. Pub l. 164 6. Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa, Ont. 164 pp. Chalme rs, R. 1888. Report on the surficial geology of northeastern New Brunswick. Summary Report for 1887-88, V. 3, Part N ., Geo l. Surv. C an. O ttawa, O nt. Chapman, L. J. and Brown, D. M. 1966. The climates of Canada for agriculture. Report No. 3. The C anada Land Inventory, Agriculture and Rural de velop ment Act. Department of Forestry and Rural Development, Ottawa, Ont. 24 pp. Clayto n, J. S., Ehrlich, W. A., Cann, D. B., Day, J. H. and Marshall, I. B. 1977. Soils of Canada: Volume I soil report. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ont. 243 pp. Colpitts, M. C., Fahmy, S. H., M acD ouga ll, J. E., Ng, T. T. M., McInnis, B. G., and Zelazny, V. F. 1995. Forest soils of New Brunswick. CLBRR Contrib. No. 95-38, Timber M anagement Branch, New Brunswick Dept of Natural Resources and Energy, Fredericton, N. B. 51 pp. Dillon, M. J., Rees, H. W ., Loro , P. J., Matthews, D. B. and W alker, G. M . 1996. Soil evaluation for agriculture at the farm, watershed and regional levels in New B runswick. Pages 55-71 in conference Proceedings, 1996 International CAR IS Conference, June 10-11, 1996, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. Dzikow ski, P.A., Kirby, G., Read , G. and R ichards, W .G. 1984. The climate for agriculture in Atlantic C anad a. Publ. No. ACA 84-2-500, Agdex N o. 070, Atlantic Advisory Committee on A grom eteorology. Expert Comm ittee on Soil Survey. 1982 (revised).The Canada Soil Info rmatio n System (CanSIS) Manual for describing soils in the field . Edited by J. H. D ay. L. R. R. I. Contribution No . 82-52. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Fahm y, S. H. and Rees, H. W. 1996. Soils of the W ood stock-Florenceville Area, Carleton County, New Brunswick. Volume 3. New Brunswick Soil Survey Report No. 14. CLBRR Contribution No. 96-02. Re search Branch, Agriculture Canada. 93 pp. Fahm y, S. H., Rees, H. W . and M ac M illan, J. K. 1986. Soils of New Brunswick: A first approximation. New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Fredericton, N. B. 105 pp. Gary, M., M cAfee, R. and W olf, C. L. (eds). 1972. Glossary of geology. American Geological Institute, Washington, D. C. 805 pp. Gauthier, R.C. 19 83. Surficial materials of northern New Bru nswick. Open File 963 . Geo l. Surv. C an., Ottawa, O nt. Langmaid, K. K. 196 4. Some effects of earthworm invasion in virgin podzols. Can. J. Soil Sci. 44: 34-37. Maritime Resource M anagement Service. 1978. Soils and related developmental interpretations of the Belledune Planning District. Prepared for the Belledune Planning Commission by Maritime Resource Management Service, Amherst, N. S. 218 pp. 128 N. B . Dep artment of Ag riculture and R ural D evelo pme nt. 1981. Agricultural Statistics, 1981 ed. Statistics Canada and N. B. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Fredericton, N. B. 59 pp. N. B. Department of Commerce and Development. No date. New Brunswick in profile. N. B. Department of Commerce and Development, Fredericton, N. B. 62 pp. Olso n, G. W . 198 1. So ils and the Environm ent. A guide to soil surveys and their applicatio ns. Cha pma n and Hall, New York, New York 178 pp. Potter, R. R., Hamilton, J. B. and Davies, J. L. 1979. Geological map of N ew B runswick, 2 nd edition. Map Number N. R. -1. Mineral Resources Branch, New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, Fredericton, N. B. Putnam, D. F. 1952. Canadian regions: A geography of Canada. J. M . Den t and S ons (C anad a) Ltd., Bownamville, Ont. 601 pp. Rampton, V . N., Gauthier, R. C., Thibault, J. and Seaman, A. A. 198 4. Quaternary geo logy of New Brunswick. Memo ir 416.Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. 77 pp (with maps). Research Branch, Canada Dept of Agriculture. 1976. (Revised). Glossary of terms in soil science. Information Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario. Publication 1459. 44 p. Rowe, J. S. 1972. Forest regions of Canada. Publ. No. 1300, D epartment of the Environment, Canadian Forestry Service, Ottawa, Ontario. 172 pp with map. Smith, B. M. 1982. Selected summaries from 1978 New Brunswick forest inventory. Forest Management Branch, New Brunswick Dep artment of N atural Resou rces, Fredericton, N. B. Soil Classification Working Group. 1998. The Canadian system of soil classification. Agric. and Agri-Food Canada Publ. 1646 (Revised). 187 pp. Soil Science Society of A merica. 1978. G lossary o f soil science terms. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Wisconsin. 36 pp. Stobbe, P. C. 194 0. Soil Survey of the FrederictonGagetown Area, New Brunswick.First report of the New Brunswick Soil Survey. Publ. 709, Tech. Bull. 30, Dominion of Canada-Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. 51 pp (with map). Van Groenewoud, H . 198 3. Summary of clim atic data pertaining to the climatic regions of New Brunswick. Information Report M-X-146. Environment Canada, Canadian Forestry Service, Maritime Forest Research Centre, Fredericton, N.B. Wang, C, Ross, G. J. and Rees, H. W. 1981. Characteristics of residual and colluvial soils developed on granite and of the associated pre-Wisconsin landforms in north-central New Brunswick. Can. J. Earth Sci. 18(3):487-494. W ang, C. and Rees, H. W . 1983. Soils of the Rogersville-Richib ucto R egion of New B runswick. Ninth Report of the New Brunswick Soil Survey. Research Branch, Agriculture Canada and New Brunswick Departm ent of A griculture and Rural Development, Fredericton, New Brunswick. 239 pp. Weeks, L. J. 1957. The Appalachian region. Pages 123205 in C. H . Stock well, editor. Geology and econ omic minerals of Canad a, 4 th edition. Geol. Surv. Can. Econ. Ser. No. 1. W ein, R. W. and M oore, J. M. 197 7. Fire history and rotations in the New Brunswick Acadian forest. Can. J. For. Res. 7(2):285-294. 129 GLOSSARY - GENERAL TERMS* ablation till A surfac e of loo se, permea ble somewhat, stratified sandy and stony till usually overlying denser till. chroma, color The relative purity, strength, or saturation of a color (related to grayness). acid soil A soil having a pH of 5.5 or lower (generally pH 4.0 to 5.5). classification The systematic arrangement of soils into categories on the basis of their characteristics. alluvium Material such as clay, silt, sand and gravel depo sited by mod ern rivers and stream s. clay As a soil separate, the mineral soil particles less than 0.002 mm in diameter: usually consisting largely of clay minerals. association, soil A natural grouping of soil or landscape segments based on similarities in climatic o r physio graphic factors and soil parent materials. available rooting zone That depth of soil material which is suitable for root growth and pene tration. Soil matrix bulk densities of greater than 1.60 g/cm3 are considered a serious limitation to root growth. clay films (skins) Coatings of oriented clays on the surfaces of soil peds (natural unit of soil structure) and mineral grains, and in so il pores. coarse fragments Roc k fragm ents greater than 2 mm in diameter, including gravels, cobb les, stones and bo ulders. cobb les Rock fragments 7.5 to 25 cm in diameter. ava ilable water The portion of water in a soil that can be readily abso rbed by plant roots. It is the wate r held in the soil against a pressure of 33 kPa to 1500 kPa, expressed in centimetres of water per centimetre of soil, and reported on a whole soil basis (soil <2 mm diameter, plus co arse fragments). complex, soil A mapping unit used in soil surveys where two or more so il associations are so intima tely intermixed in an area that it is impractical to separate them at the scale of mapping used. bedrock exposure W hen the solid ro ck that usually underlies soil is exposed at the surface or is covered by less than 10 cm of unconso lidated material. compact Said o f any soil that has a firm or dense consistence and whose particles are closely packed with very little intervening space. Compact soils typically have a matrix bulk density (particles less than 2 mm diameter) of greater than 1.60 g/cm3. bisequal Two sequa in one soil; that is, two sequences of an eluvial horizon and its related illuvial horizon. bog Spha gnum or fore st peat m aterials formed in an ombrotrophic environment due to the slightly elevated nature of the bog tending to be disassociated from nutrientrich ground water or surrou nding minera l soils. boulders Rock fragments greater than 100 cm in diameter. bulk density The m ass of dry soil per unit bulk volume, often expressed in g/cm3. In this report, the bulk density is reported for the material <2 mm d iameter. calcareous A material containing sufficient calcium carbonate, often with magnesium carbonate, to effervesce visibly when treated with cold 0.1 N hydrochloric acid. catena A nontaxonomic grouping of a sequence of soils of about the same age, d erived from similar parent materials, and occu rring under sim ilar climatic conditions, but having unlike characteristics becau se of variations in relief and drainage. compaction (soil) Any process (such as by weight of overburden or dessication) by which a soil mass loses pore space and achiev es a higher density. consistence The resistance of a material to deformation or rupture. The degree of cohesion or adhesion o f the soil mass. Terms used for describing consistence are for spe cific soil moisture contents, i.e. moist soil: loose, very friable, friable, firm, very firm. control section The vertical section of soil upon which classification is based. Typically 1 m in mineral soils and 1.6 m in organic soils, but less in cases o f shallow to bedrock, and in the case of organic soils, shallow to a mineral soil. coprogenous earth A material in some organic soils that contains at least 50% by volum e of feca l pellets less than 0.5 mm in diameter. core zone The central regions of raised and blanket bogs. * Source of most entries in Glossary - General Terms: Airphoto Analysis Associates Consultants Ltd. (1975); Research Branch, Canada Dept of Agriculture (1976); and Soil Science Society of America (1978). 130 deglaciation The uncovering of a land area fro m be neath a glacier or ice sh eet by the withdrawal of ice due to shrinkage by melting. deposit Material left in a new position by a natural transporting agent suc h as water, wind, ice or gravity. drainage (soil) The frequency and duration of periods when the soil is free of saturation. eluviation The transportation of soil material in suspension or in solution within the soil by the downward or lateral movement of water. ericaceous Pertaining to or like heath plants; belonging to the heath family of plants. esker A winding ridge o f irregularly stratified san d, gravel, and cobbles deposited under the ice by rapidly flowing glacial streams. eutroph ic Said of an environment characterized by an abundance of dissolved plant nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and calcium. evapotranspiration The loss of water by evaporation from the soil and by transpiration from plants. fen Sedge p eat materials derived primarily from sedges with inclusions of partially decayed stems of shrubs formed in a eutrophic environment due to the clo se association of the material with mineral-rich waters. fibric Said of an organic soil material containing large amo unts of weakly decomposed fiber whose botanical o rigin is readily identifiable. flaggs shale. Thin fragments of sandstone, limestone, slate or flark zone Found in organic soils, it borders the core zone, or central regions of raised and blanket bogs. The flark zone is characterized by large parallel embankments formed by rows of hummocks that surround the peat bog in a step-like manner. Flashets (ponds) occur between the hummocks oriented at right angles to the direction of the slope. floodpla in Land bordering a stream, built up of sediments from overflow of the stream and subject to inundation when the stream is at flood stage. fluvial depo sits All sediments, past and present, deposited by flowing water, including glacio fluvial deposits. fragipan A natural subsurface horizon having a higher bulk density than the solum above; seemingly cemented when dry, but showing moderate to weak brittleness when moist. geo mor phic Pertaining to the form of the Earth or o f its surface features. glacial drift A general term applied to all rock material (clay, silt, sand, gra vel, cobbles, boulders) transported by a glacier and deposited d irectly by or from the ice, or by running water emanating from the glacier. glaciation The alteration of a land surface by the massive movement over it of glacier ice. glacier A body of ice, consisting mainly of recrystallized snow, flowing on a land surface. glaciofluvial depo sits Material moved by glaciers and subsequently sorted and deposited by streams flowing from the melting ice. glaciolacustrine Sediment generally consisting of stratified fine sand, silt, and clay deposited on a lake bed. Glacial ice exerted a strong but secondary control upon the mode of origin in that glacier ice was close to the site of deposition. glaciomarine Unconsolidated sorted and stratified depo sits of clay, silt, sand , or gravel that have settled from suspension in salt or brackish water bodies. Glacial ice exerted a strong but secondary control upon the mode of origin in that glacier ice was close to the site of deposition. gleysation A soil-forming process, operating under poor drainage conditions, which results in the reduction of iron and other elements and in gray colors, and m ottles. gra vel Rock fragments 2 mm to 7.5 cm in diameter. groundw ater Water beneath the soil surface, usually under conditions where the voids are completely filled with water (saturation). grus An accumulation of waste consisting of angular, coarse-grained fragments resulting from the granular disintegration of crystalline rocks (esp. granite). horizon, soil A layer in the soil pro file approxim ately parallel to the land surface with m ore o r less well-defined characteristics that have been produced through the operation of soil forming pro cesses. hum ic Said of an organic soil material containing large amo unts of highly decomposed organic materials with little identifiable fiber. hummo cky A very complex sequence of slopes extending from somewhat rounded depressions or kettles of various sizes to irregular to conica l knolls and knobs. illuviation The process of depositing soil material removed from one horizon in the soil to another, usually from an 131 upper to a lower horizon in the soil profile. Illuviated substances include silicate clay, hydrous oxides of iron and aluminum, and organic matter. impeded drainage A condition that hinders the movement of water by gravity through so ils. inclusion A soil type found within a mapping unit that is not extensive enoug h to be map ped separately or as part of a complex. kame An irregular rid ge or hill of stratified glacial drift deposited by glacial meltwater. lacustrine Material deposited in lake water and later exposed by either lowering of the water level or by uplifting of the land. These sediments range in texture from sands to clays. lagg The areas at bog edge s adja cent to mineral soil where waters flow or stagnate. land type Natural and man-made units in the landscape that are either highly variable in content, have little or no natural soil, or are excessively wet. landform The various shapes of the land surface resulting from a variety of actions such as deposition or sedimentation, erosion, and earth crust movements. lithology The description of rock fragments on the basis of such characteristics as color, structure, mineralogic composition and grain size. lodgment till Material deposited from rock debris in transport in the base of a glacier. As it is “plastered” into place, this till is compact and not sorted. mineral soil A soil consisting predominantly of, and having its properties determined pred ominantly by, mineral matter. It contains less than 30% organic matter (17% organic carbon), except for an organic surface layer that may be up to 60 cm thick. mode of deposition The method whereby soil parent material has be en left in a ne w po sition b y a natural transporting agent such as water or ice. moder A forest humus form (litter layer), especially under northern hardwoo ds, where the mixing of organic and mineral particles is purely mechanical with no formation of true organo mineral com plexes. The mixing is due to micro arthropod activity. mor A type of forest humus (litter layer) in which the organic forest floor layer is present and there is prac tically no mixing of the surface organic matter with mineral so il. The transition from organic to m ineral ho rizon is abrupt. moraine A mound, ridge or other distinct accumulation of unsorted, unstratified glacial drift, predo minan tly till, deposited chiefly by direct action of glacier ice in a variety of topographic landforms that are independent of control by the surface on which the drift lies. mottles Irregularly marked spots or streaks, usually yellow or orange but sometimes blue, that indicate poor aeration and lack of good drainage. They are described in terms of abundance, size and contrast. mull A humus form in which there is extensive decomposition of forest litter and intimate association of colloidal organic matter with mineral soil. A forest mull implies a stead y state of faunal activity with regular passage of organic matter and mineral particles through the guts of earthworms. Diag nostic o rganic layers are lacking. neutral soil A soil wh ich is neithe r acid or alka line in reaction, typically considered pH 5.5 to 7.5. non soil The collection of soil material or soil-like material that does not meet the definition of soil. Nonsoil includes soil displaced by unnatural processes, unconsolidated material unaffe c te d by s oil-forming p rocesses, unconsolidated mineral or organic material thinner than 10 cm overlying bedrock, and soils covered by more than 60 cm of water. omb rotroph ic Said of an environment characterized by a shortage of plant nutrients due to a disassociation from nutrient-rich waters. organic matter The organic fraction of the soil; includes plant and animal residues at various stages of decomp osition, cells and tissues of soil organisms, and substances synthesized by the soil population. org anic soil Organic so ils consist o f peat d epo sits containing more than 30% organic ma tter by weight (17% organic carbon) and are usually greater than 40 to 60 cm thick. outw ash Sediments washed out by flowing water beyond the glacier and laid dow n as stratified beds with particle sizes ranging from bo ulders to silt. overburden The loose soil or o ther unconsolidated material overlying bedrock. paludification The process of peat formation. parent material The unconsolida ted and m ore or less chem ically weathe red m ineral or orga nic matter from which the solum of a soil has develop ed by soil forming processes. par ticle size class Refers to the grain size distribution of the whole soil including the coarse fraction. It differs from 132 texture, which refers to the fine earth (<2 mm) fraction only. In addition, textural classes are usu ally assigned to sp ecific horizons whereas particle-size classes indicate a compo site particle size of all or a part of the control section. See particle size classes triangle below. polygon Any delineated area shown on a soil m ap that is identified by a symbol. pores, macro Soil voids that are readily drained of free water, based on water retention at 100 cm of water suction. Herein considered on a whole soil basis (soil <2 mm diameter, plus coarse fragments). pores, micro Soil voids that are not readily drained of free water, based on water retention at 100 cm of water suction. Herein considered on a whole soil basis (soil <2 mm diameter, plus coarse fragments). porosity, total The total spa ce no t occupied by solid particles in a bulk volume of soil. Herein considered on a whole soil basis (soil <2 mm diameter, plus coarse fragments). post glacial Pertaining to the time interval since the total disappearance o f continental glaciers. profile, soil A vertical section of the soil through all its horizons and extending into the parent material. peat Unconsolidated soil material consisting largely of organic matter. reaction, soil The degree of acidity or alkalinity of a soil, usually expressed as a pH value. pedoge nic Pertaining to soil formation. regolith The unconsolidated mantle of weathered rock and soil material overlying solid rock. pedology The aspects of soil science dealing with the origin, morpho logy, genesis, distribution, mapping, and taxonomy of soils, and classification in terms of their use. reworked Descriptive of material modified after its preliminary deposition, commonly by water. perhum id A soil moisture regime that experiences no significant water d eficits in the growing season. Water deficits are less than 2.5 cm. permeability, soil The e ase with which gases and liquids penetrate or pass through a bulk mass of soil or a layer of soil. rockiness Defined on the basis of the percentage of the land surface occupied by bedrock exp osures. sand A soil particle between 0.05 and 2.0 mm in diameter. saturated hydraulic conductivity The effective flow veloc ity or discharge velocity in saturated soil at a unit hydraulic gradient. An approximation of the permeability of the soil, expressed in centimetres per hour. perviousness See: perme ability. petrology Deals with the origin, occurrence, structure and history of rocks. seepage The down-slope horizontal movement of water within the soil profile on top of a layer of restricted perm eability. pH, soil The negative logarithm of the hydrogen-ion activity of a soil. The degree of acidity or alkalinity of so il expressed in terms of the pH scale. series, soil The basic unit of soil classification consisting of soils that are essen tially alike in all major profile characteristics except surface texture. phase, soil A subdivision of a soil association or other unit of classification having characteristics that affect the use and management of the soil, but that do not vary sufficiently to differentiate it as a separate association. silt A soil separate consisting of particles between 0.05 and 0.002 mm in diameter. physiography The physical geography of an area dealing with the nature and o rigin of topographic features. soil The unconsolidated material on the immediate surface of the earth that serves as a natural me dium for the growth of land plants and that has been influenced by soil forming factors. 133 soil-forming factors Natural agenc ies that are respo nsible for the formation of soil: parent rock, climate, organisms, relief (drainage) and time. terric Refers to a mineral layer und erlying an organic soil. The mineral layer occurs within a depth of 160 cm from the surface. soil map A map showing the distribution of soil types or other soil mapping units in relation to the prominent physical and cultural features of the earth’s surface. texture, soil The relative propo rtions of the vario us soil separates (sand, silt and clay) in a soil. See texture classes triangle below. soil survey The whole proce dure involved in making a soil resource inventory. The systematic examination, description, classification, map ping and interpreting of soils and soils data within an area. solum The upper horizons of a soil in which the parent material has been modified and in which m ost plant roots are contained. It usually consists of the A and B horizons. sorted Said of an unconsolidated sediment consisting of particles of essen tially uniform size or of particles lying within the limits of a single grade or class. stones Rock fragments greater than 25 cm in diameter. stoniness, surface Defined on the basis of the percentage of the land surface occupied by fragments coarser than 25 cm in diameter. stratified materials Unconsolidated sand, silt and clay arranged in “strata” or layers. structure, soil The combination or arrangement of primary soil particles into second ary particles, units or peds. These peds are characterized and classified on the basis of size, shape and degre e of distinctness. surface expression The form (assemblage of slopes) and pattern of forms in a landscape. swamp A peat-covered or pe at-filled area with the water table at or above the peat surface. The dominant peat materials are mesic to humic forest a nd fen peat fo rmed in a eutrophic environment resulting from strong water movement from the m argins or other m ineral sources. till Unstratified glacial material deposited directly by the ice and consisting of clay, sand, gravel and boulders intermingled in any proportion. value, color The relative lightness or intensity of color. veneer A thin layer of soil material from 10 cm to 1 m in thickness which does not mask minor irregularities in the underlying unit’s surface, which is often bedrock. 134 135 GLOSSARY - ROCK TYPES* argillite A compact rock de rived from either mudstone (claystone or siltstone) or shale, that has undergone a somewhat higher degree of induration than is present in mudstone or shale but that is less clearly laminated than, and without the fissility (either parallel to bedding or otherwise) of shale, or that lacks a cleavage distinctive of slate. arkose A feldspar-rich, typically coarse-grained sandstone, com mon ly pink or red dish to pale gray or b uff, composed of angular to subangular grains that may be either poorly or moderately well sorted , usually de rived from the rapid disintegration of granite or granitic rocks. basa lt A dark- to medium-dark colored, comm only extrusive, mafic igneous rock composed chiefly of calcic plagioclase and clinopyroxene in a glassy or fine-grained groundmass (the extrusive equivalent of gabbro) basic Said of an igneous rock having a relatively low silica content, sometimes delimited arbitrarily as less than 54%, e.g. gab bro, basalt calcareous Said of a substance that contains calcium carbonate (CaCO 3). When applied to a rock name it implies that a considerable percen tage (up to 5 0% ) of the ro ck is calcium carbonate calcite A common rock-forming mineral: CaCO 3; usually white, colorless or pale shades of gray, yellow or blue conglomera te A coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock composed of rounded (to subangular) fragments larger than 2 mm in diameter (granules, pebb les, cobbles, boulders) set in a fine-grained m atrix of sand, silt or any of the common natural cementing materials (such as calcium carbonate, iron oxide, silica, or hardened clay) (the consolidated equivalent of gravel). diorites A group of plutonic rocks intermed iate in com pos iti o n betwe en ac idic an d ba sic rocks, chara cteristically com posed of dark-colored amphibole (esp. hornblende), acid plagioclase, pyroxene and sometimes a small amount of quartz. felsic Applied to an igneous rock having light-colored minerals in its mode. It is the opposite of mafic. gabbro A group of dark-colo red, basis intrusive igneous rocks com posed principa lly of basic plagio clase and clinopyroxene gneiss A foliated rock formed b y regional metam orphism in which b ands or lenticles or granular minerals alternate with bands and lenticles in which min erals having flaky or elongate prismatic habits predominate. granites A term loosely applied to any light-colored coarse-grained plutonic rock (pertaining to igneous rocks formed at great depth) containing quartz as an essential com pon ent, along with feldsp ar (usually white of nearly white and clear and translucent) and mafic (dark-colored minerals) minerals granite gneiss A gneiss derived from a sedimentary or igneous rock and having a granite mineralogy. granodiorites A gro up of coarse-grained plutonic rocks intermediate in composition between quartz diorite and quartz monzonite. greyw acke A dark (usually gray o r greenish gray, sometimes black) and very hard, tough and firmly indurated, coarse-grained sandstone that has a subconchoidal fracture and consists of poorly sorted and extremely angular to subangular grains of quartz and feldspar with an abundant variety of small, dark rock and mineral fragments embedded in a preponderant and compact, partly metamorphosed clayey matrix having the general composition of slate and containing an abundance o f very fine-grained micaceous and chloritic minerals. igneous Rock form ed fro m the cooling and solidification of magma, and that has not been changed appreciably since its formation limestone A sedimentary rock consisting chiefly (more than 50% by weight or by areal percentage under the microscope) of calcium carbonate, primarily in the form of mineral calcite, with or without magnesium carbonate. mafic Said of an igneous rock composed chiefly of one or more ferromagnesium, dark-colored minerals in its mode. It is the opposite of felsic. meta basalt Metamorposed mafic rock which has lost all traces of original texture and mineralogy d ue to comp lete recrystallization metagabbro Metamo rphosed gabbro metagreyw acke Metamo rphosed greywacke * Source of most entries in Glossary - Rock Types: Gary, M., Mc Afee, R. and W olf, C. L. (eds) (197 2). 136 meta mor phic Rock derived from pre-existing rocks but that differ from them in physical, chemical and mineralogical properties as a result of natural geological pro cesses, principally heat and pressure, originating within the earth. The pre-existing rocks may have been igneous, sedimentary or another form of metamorphic rock. shales A fine-grained, indurated, detrital sedimentary rock formed by the consolidation (as by compress ion or cementation) of clay, silt or mud, and characterized by finely stratified (Laminae 0.1-0.4 mm thick) structure and/or fissility that is approximately parallel to the bedding (along which the rock breaks readily into thin layers) quartzite A very hard but unmetamorphosed sandstone consisting chiefly of sand grains that have b een comp letely and solidly cemented with secondary silica that the rock breaks across or through the individual grains rather than around them siltstone An ind urated or somewhat indurated silt having the texture and composition, but lacking the fine lamination or fissility, of slate; a massive mudstone in which the silt predominates over clay (intermediate between sandstone and shale) rhy olite A gro up of extrusive igneous rocks, gene rally porphyritic (large crystals) and exhibiting flow texture, with phenocrysts of quartz and alkali feldspars (esp. orthoclase) in a glassy to crypto crystalline groundma ss (the extrusive equivalent of granite) slate A compact fine-grained metamorphic rock formed from such ro cks as shale and volcanic ash, which possesses the property of fissility along planes independent of the original bedding (slaty cleavage). sandstone A medium-grained clastic sedimentary rock composed of abundant and rounded or angular fragments of sand size set in a fine-grained m atrix (silt or clay) and more or less firmly united by a cementing material (commonly silica, iron oxide or calcium carbonate); the consolidated equivalent of sand, intermediate in texture between conglomerate and shale. schist A strongly foliated crystalline rock formed by dynamic metamorphism which can be read ily split into thin flakes or slabs due to the well developed parallelism of more than 50% of the minerals present, particularly those of lamellar or elongate prismatic hab it, e.g., mica, hornblende sedimentary Rock form ed fro m ma terials deposited from suspension or precipitated from solution and usually being more or less consolidated. The principal sedimentary rocks are sandstone, shales, limestones and conglom erates. trachyte A group of fine-grained, generally porphyritic, extrusive rocks having alkali feldspar, minor mafic m inerals (biotite, hornblend e or p yroxene) as the main com pon ents tuff A compacted deposit of volcanic ash and dust that may or may not contain up to 50% sediments such as sand or clay. volcanics A generally finely crystalline or glassy igneous rock resulting from volcanic actio n at or near the Earth’s surface, either ejected explosively or extruded as lava. 137 APPENDIX - COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES OF TREES a ld e r , s p e c k l e d a s h , b l a ck a s h , m o u n ta in ( A m e ric a n ) a sh , w h ite a s p e n , l a r g e - t o o th a s p e n , tr e m b lin g b e e c h , A m e r ic a n birch , gray or w ire or fire b i rc h , w h ite o r p a p e r b ir c h , y e llo w c e d a r , e a st e r n w h ite c h e rry , p in e lm , w h i t e f ir , b a l sa m he m lock , eastern la r c h , A m e r ic a n m a p l e , m o u n t a in m aple, red m a p l e , s tr ip e d m aple, sugar o a k , re d p in e , e a st e r n w h ite p i n e , ja c k pine, red p o p la r p o p la r , b a l sa m s p r u c e , b l a ck spruce, red sp ru c e , w h ite ta m a r a c k w illo w ` Alnus rugosa ( D . R . ) S p r . Fraxinus nigra M a rs h . Sorbus americana M a rs h . Fraxinus americana L . Populu s grandid entata M ic h x . Populus tremuloides M ic h x . Fagus gran difolia E h r h . Betu la po pulifolia M a rs h . Betula papyrifera M a rs h . Betu la alleg han iensis B ritt. Thu ja occiden talis L . Prunus pensylvanica L . Ulmus americana L . Abies balsamea (L .) M ill. Tsug a canad ensis ( L . ) C a r r . Larix laricina ( D u R o i) C . K o c h . Acer spicatum L a m . Acer rubrum L . Acer pensylvanicum L . Acer saccharum L . Quercus rub ra L . Pinus strobus L . Pinus banksiana L a m b . Pinus resinosa A it. Populus L . Populus balsamifera L . Picea mariana ( M i ll .) B S P . Picea rubens S a r g . Picea glauca ( M o e n c h ) V o s s Larix laricina ( D u R o i) C . K o c k . Salix L .