Creed Park Update
Creed Park Update
Zero Waste Western Isles WINTER 2014 Creed Park Update One of the first questions that the Zero Waste Team are asked is “Is my recycling really recycled?” The answer is YES. Everything that is put into your blue and green recycling bins is taken to the Creed Park Recycling Plant for processing. The waste is sorted by hand, baled and sent to the mainland for further processing. As the waste is sorted by hand, this is the reason that we ask that items are rinsed and reasonably clean. It is also important to put the correct items in for recycling as it cost time and money to remove the contamination. In order for this service and the organic collection to work, we need to ensure that there is NO contamination. The mixed recycling and organic bins will be randomly checked and if there is any contamination found, the bin will be tagged to Organic bin containing items which inform the householder of the error. should have been deposited in mixed recycling and glass bins. Dry Recyclates (plastics, cans, paper, glass) Collected Lewis & Harris 1400 Uist & Barra 1200 1000 800 Tonnes We now have 82% coverage of Lewis and Harris with the dry mixed kerbside recycling collection, and 100% of Uist and Barra. Our recycling rate for this year is currently at 33.6% which is an improvement of more than 10% over the last four years: 600 Organic & Garden waste—2350 tonnes 400 Dry Mixed Recycling—1873 tonnes 200 Mixed recycling bin tagged due to contamination by organic material. Glass—1026 tonnes 0 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 We have also been working closely with Commercial Customers this year to help them ensure that they are compliant with Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012. These regulations state that businesses must take all reasonable steps to recycle as much waste as possible. We hope, that with everyone's help our recycling figures will continue to improve, and in turn save us all money. Conveyor belt being loaded with recycling material Recycling material being sorted and separated Separated bales awaiting dispatch to mainland That’s it for 2014 – a huge thank you to everyone who has helped to make this year such a success, and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from us all at Zero Waste Western Isles! Zero Waste Western Isles 01851 709900 [email protected] Recycling Services in Uist & Barra The Comhairles’s Zero Waste Team would like to thank the residents and visitors in the Western Isles for their continued support and commitment to recycling. Comhairle nan Eilean Siar offer a range of recycling facilities throughout Uist & Barra, so no matter what area you are in, you should have recycling bins for plastic/cans, and paper/card, and there should be a recycling bank situated nearby for you to use for glass recycling. Comhairle nan Eilean Siar have introduced a new colour separated glass recycl in g servi ce throughout Uist. This new service allows householders, and visitors, to recycle glass bottles and jars in purpose built recycling banks, which allows the disposal of separate coloured glass. During 2014 the following tonnages were recycled and diverted from Landfill. These banks can be found at : Glass 92.4 tonnes Berneray,Lochmaddy, Sol l as, Bayh ead , Clachan, Waste Transfer Station, C.A. Site Rueval, Balivanich, Creagorry, I o c h d a r , Stoneybridge, D a l i b u r g h , Lochboisdale and Eriskay. Paper/Card 293 tonnes Plastic/Cans 90.8 tonnes Progression through Partnership “We didn't realise that there are so many exiting educational opportunities available to us through the Creed Park Plant.” Skills Development Scotland The Team took part in the ‘Progression through Partnership’ event by taking a workshop. The event is run by Education & Children’s Services & Partners. The event is to improve young peoples (+16) transition towards and into employment. The workshop was well attended and received, with many there not realising the potential of Creed Park as an Educational facility. Key note speakers Christine Greig & Debbie McCall, Scottish Government, were very impressed at the work that has been done throughout the Western Isles in improving employment prospects for young people. Please remember to use your local recycling centre over the festive period. Situated centrally these sites are manned, so there will always be someone there to help you dispose of your items. At the sites there are skips for various types of materials such as Wood/ Timber, Metals, General Waste, Green Waste and Electricals. Please check Comhairle nan Eilean Siar website for festive opening times of individual sites. Take your real Christmas tree to one of our household waste recycling centres—save space in your organic bin for food preparation scraps and all that leftover food! European Week for Waste Reduction Euorpean Week for Waste Reduction, which ran from 22– 30th November, is all a b o u t L o c a l A u t h o r i t i e s , community groups, businesses, schools and universities across Europe raising awareness of what people can do to reduce waste by making changes to their everyday behaviour. This year, European Week for Waste Reduction also had a special focus on food waste. Every year 380,000 tonnes of food and drink is thrown away – this costs the Scottish public over £1bn every year. The team had a number o f d i s p l a y s throughout the week, making themselves available to answer any questions the public had regarding food waste and recycling. The displays were well attended. Keeping our islands clean and green! Sharon Moving On Sharon MacDonald, who has been with Zero Waste for 10 years has moved to pastures new. We wish Sharon all the best for her future venture and thank her for all her hard work over the last 10 ten years. We’ll miss you! The issue of lack of available recycling at local popular areas was brought to the Teams attention. So you may now have noticed new recycling bin housings at certain sights throughout the islands. This will enable locals and tourists alike to recycle where ever they are. Local Volunteer Cleans Gress Beach Ann Palmer of Gress, has volunteered her services to clean litter off Gress beach on a regular basis. Ann had seen a TV programme which showed a volunteer offering their services to collect refuse off Snowden and thought that it was a great idea. She has been supplied with a litter picker, high visibility vest, gloves and bags by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar. Ann has picked up a wide range of items from the beach, ranging from linoleum to car bumpers! Ann and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar hope that this will encourage other people to do the same in their area and help keep our beaches clean. If you would like to volunteer your services to keep your local area litter free, please contact us to discuss this further. GLASS RECYCLING Glass ONLY in MIXED RECYCLING CLEAN hard plastic. Juice/ milk bottles/ tins & cans/ aerosols/ clean paper/ newspaper/ ORGANIC All food waste/ grass cuttings/ hedge trimmings/ thick card/ dirty or soiled paper/ Zero Waste Western Isles Creed Park Enterprise Park, Lochs Road Isle of Lewis HS2 9JB Zero Waste Western Isles 01851 709900 [email protected] NON RECYCLABLE WASTE Anything that can’t be recycled. Plastic bags/ nappies/ wipes/ cat