Newsletter Dec 2011 - Wellington High School
Newsletter Dec 2011 - Wellington High School
Volume 24, No 6 – 8 December 2011 [email protected] Kia ora tatou The school year is over. NCEA is finished and we await results. It was pleasing to hear the examination centre supervisor, Jose Fitzsimmons, say that she thought the kids were great and easy to manage. I hope it is reflected in great results. We have all worked hard this year. Junior last week activities have been hectic but rewarding. The senior ball was a lovely event. Courses for next year are sorted for most students. There are some seniors whose combination of courses cannot be met but we still hope to sort these so that acceptable options can be agreed. The annual prize givings, both senior and junior, are a rewarding way to end the year. It is a real joy to celebrate students’ success with family and friends. We acknowledged academic excellence across the school. Our top scholar - Dux for 2011 and winner of the Cousins Award is Felix Borthwick, runner up and winner of the Hankins bequest is Sam Metcalfe. At High we have a number of excellent academics who come close to being Dux and we like to recognize them with the Principal’s Prize for academic excellence. This year winners are; Tony Butler-Yoeman, Monique Hodgkinson, Imogen Holmstead-Scott and Helen Ker. The two other major prizes for school service and contribution were awarded to Troy Ruhe - The Wellington High School Peace Prize and Bryn Hickson-Rowden- The Tusha Gupta Award for AllRound Achievement. The Deans’ Awards for all round participation and excellence awarded by each Dean to their year level went to Y13 Caitlin Daugherty- Kelly, Y12 Oscar Battell-Wallace, Y11 – Merinda Jackson, Yr 10 - Sasha Kapica Yr 9 – Tess Breitenmoser We also acknowledged enhancement of the school’s mana by the group who were runners up in the International Young Physicists Tournament; Mitchell Reid-Tait, Conor Ivory, Lily Mason- Mackay and Maia Holder-Monk, with the Parents’ Association Prize, a picture which remains in the school. Each of these ceremonies was well attended by parents, caregivers, siblings and peers. The senior prize giving was outstanding and a tribute to the maturity of our students who are able to respectfully appreciate the achievement of other yet obviously enjoy the occasion. Jane Smiler is retiring this year. She has been here since 1987 when she won the position as assistant Head of English. Over the years Jane has made a huge contribution to High in the classroom as a superb teacher and beyond by doing the school magazine for years, the school timetable, Yr 12 Shakespeare day and more recently made a huge contribution to Learning to Learn and Building Learning Power resources. Jane, you are a highly professional teacher and you and your institutional knowledge will be missed. I too am retiring and this is my 136th and final newsletter. I have always tried to keep the school focused on the kids and provide an education that equips them for their future while at the same time recognizing that each of them is a valuable individual with skills and feelings that must be nurtured. I hope you feel we have done that for your child and that High is not just a factory - force feeding for exams – important as they are. I go with few regrets and a lot of fine memories of amazing students and staff. I have just received news that we have received a $365,000 grant from the New Zealand Lotteries Grants Board to upgrade the lights, sound, projector, stage etc of the Hall. I’m a bit sad I won’tto be here to do the work. We really need donations to help with the chairs now! Please! I hope you all have a peaceful festive season. Have a corker holiday with your corker kids and I hope the new boss is corker too. Ka kite ano Prue Kelly – Tumuaki Board of Trustees From the Board of Trustees Huge congratulations to Prue, who last month received an award for Distinguished Contribution to College Sport Wellington and the NZ Secondary Schools Sports Council, and then capped this off by winning the award for Wellingtonian of the Year in the education category - thoroughly deserved; you made us all very proud Prue. And further celebrations were held last week when Mayor Celia WadeBrown and Molly Tindill, daughter of the late Eric Tindill, officially opened the new Eric Tindill Sports Centre. With much sadness we also farewell Prue in this newsletter, after 17 years of incredible service and visionary leadership here at High. Prue’s contribution and commitment to Wellington High School and its community have been outstanding. We want to pay tribute to her incredible dedication and care of the school and everything it stands for, her tireless hours of work and her ability to make things happen, and her loyalty to staff and students. She has been a great Principal and a highly effective manager for successive Boards to work with. We wish Prue a rich and enjoyable retirement. Arohanui Prue. We hope that all families and whanau received an email about the new Principal. We are pleased to announce the appointment of Nigel Hanton to the position and welcome him to Wellington High. Nigel is currently the Principal at Wanganui High School. Nigel has been the Deputy Principal at Mana College, then Principal at Flaxmere College in the Hawkes Bay, followed by his appointment to Wanganui. Nigel holds a Bachelor of Teaching and Learning and a Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management. He will take up the position in early March 2012. Dominic Killalea will be Acting Principal from the start of the year until Nigel begins. Mitzi Austin, Chairperson Current Board members and their contact details Mitzi Austin Chairperson Jane Pierard Deputy Chairperson Eryl Jones Merita Holder Faye Molen Keith Powell Acting Deputy Chairperson Adaire Hannah Staff Representative Prue Kelly Principal Brandt Feeney Student Representative Sophie Lloyd Student Representative [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Jane Pierard is on 3 month’s leave from the Board of Trustees. DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 2 W Whana au Notic ces Starting dates S d for 2012 2 and d first wee ek p programm me Monday 16 January M 9 9.00am – scchool admin nistration op pens E Enrolments – phone 38 85 8911 # 800 First Week Dates for 2012 F 2 M Monday 30 January 8 8.45am – all new year 9 students arrive a 9 9.00am – po owhiri for all new year 9 students in i R Riley Centre e. Whanau welcome. w 9 9.30am – Ye ear 9 orienttation begins 3 3.20pm – Ye ear 9 finish Tuesday 31 T 1 January 8 8.45am – all new year 10-13 stude ents arrive 9 9.00am – po owhiri for all new year 10 – 13 s students, ye ear 9 studen nts continue e orientation n p programme 1 12.30pm – new n year 10 0 – 13 finish h 3 3.20pm – ye ear 9 finish Wednesday W y 1 Februarry 8 8.45am – Y9 9 to roopu groups g – oriientation c continues, Y arrive – year assem Y10 mbly in hall th hen roopu 1 10.20am – year y 11-13 students s arrive – full s school assembly 1 11.20am – whole w schoo ol roopu 1 1.20pm – start 2012 no ormal timeta able 3 3.20pm – scchool finishe es separate acccommodattion, a reade er, a writer, a reader and writer, and access to a computerr (for word proce essing). Every year we apply to o the NZ Qu ualificationss Authority to o have Speccial Assessm ment Conditions for studentss whose sp pecific learning difficulty ha as been iden ntified and monitored in Tukutahi cla asses. However, we w do not prrovide SAC Cs for studen nts until their Year Y 11 prog gramme is under u way. The reason ns for this arre two-fold. Firstly ourr resources are a such tha at we can only o supportt students in “high stake es” assessm ments. Secondly th he end of ye ear examina ation can be e used to signal that a sttudent shou uld seek SA AC ng year. Exa am papers can c be used d to the followin support an application for SAC to the Qualificatio ons Authorityy at the beg ginning of th he NCEA yearr. Parents wh ho would like e to explore e provision of o SACs in 20 012 should ccontact the Dean for further inforrmation. Opening of o Eric Tin ndill Sportts Centre The new gyym was officcially opening on Wednesdayy, 30 Novem mber by Ce elia WadeBrown, Wellington’s m mayor. The new gym ha as been name ed the Eric T Tindill Sportts Centre in honour of Eric E Tindill, a former stu udent of Wellington Technical C College who o was both an All Black an nd a Black C Cap. The facility f was blessed by Matua Bill Herbert and d Eric’s daughter Molly M was ab ble to attend d. Thursday 2 February T N Normal time etable contin nues Friday 3 February F N Normal time etable contin nues Policy rega P arding Junior Scho ool e examinatio ons and re eader writters As the Year 10 examinations apprroach the A L Learning Se ervices faculty is somettimes by parentss who seek reader / wriiter a approached s support for students s wh ho have wea ak skills of liiteracy. All senior stud dents with a specific le earning diffiiculty are prrovided with h Special A Assessment t Conditionss (SAC) in National C Certificate o Education of n of Educational A Achievemen nt (NCEA) exams. e A SAC S may be e a one or a combination of these conditions: any Celia Wade e-Brown, Ma atua Bill He erbert, Mollyy Tindill, Prue e Kelly D DON’T FOR RGET: sh hould you lo ose this ne ewsletter, go g to our website w ww ww.whs.sch 3 F Faculty y News s SCPS Junio or Outreach Progra amme Sylvia Thom mas Edmon nd, Lucy Brrewerton, Zoe Z Is saacs, Sash ha Kapica, Sheryl Wo ong, Eleni Hackwell, Sttanley Sark kies, Frank k Thrift, Luk ke Porteous, Charlie Hard d, Arlo Hey ynes were ch hosen to sp pend the wh hole of Nove ember 15th at a Year 10 Nan notechnolo ogy Discove ery Day. L Library Ne ews We thank all the studen W nts who retu urned their library l b books and th he caregive ers who asssisted us in g getting bookks returned. We hope that all our c community w find lotss of good bo will ooks in theirr C Christmas stockings. This term we T e have cele ebrated the two winnerss of o 2011 po our oetry compe etition. Sien nna Kelly’s I’m W Watching Yo ou and Cale eb McGarv vey’s The Grave G D Digger were e the succe essful poems. Sienna is i a y year 10 stud dent and Ca aleb is a yea ar 13 student. A s small cerem mony was he eld to mark these new a additions to the level 4 linkwell Writers and Arrtists w walkway. The aim wass to engage able year 10 1 students in so ome cutting g edge scien nce experim ments in the e area off nanotechn nology and e encourage them to see e the po otential of science s in so olving some e of the big is ssues that fa ace the worrld today. The studentss worked in three differrent laborato ories to o look at nan notechnolog gy in differe ent areas off sc cience that link to physsics, chemis stry and biology co ontexts. During the dayy there were e also seminars fro om Universsity research hers and po ost graduate e sttudents. Stu udents from m 18 schools s attended the t prrogramme over o three d days. Further inform mation about the progrramme is av vailable on the website e: htttp:// Careers C an nd Gatewa ay With W the exams now ove er and junio or school winding do own for 201 11, we would like to tak ke this op pportunity to o let you alll know how well this ye ear ha as gone. We W had 34 sstudents in placements p s on th he Gatewayy programme and a few w of the pllacements have h led to part time and holiday work. w Our O year 13 students ha ave left us armed a with as a much m knowle edge and ad dvice as we e could give e th hem, some to t tertiary e education an nd others to o work. w We wiish them all the best in their en ndeavours and a know th hat they will do well in whatever w the ey take on. S Sienna Kellyy and Caleb b McGarveyy At the end of A o last term we w held a lu unchtime Meet M th he Politician ns event in the library. We were rather r o overwhelme ed by the hig gh level of student s inte erest in th his event ass over 100 of o them crammed into the liibrary to listten to the po oliticians’ brrief political s speeches be efore launch hing into qu uestions. The d debate continued outsid de the library at the en nd of th he lunchtim me as we ha ad classes arriving. a Ma any m media comm mentators have been saying young p people are not n intereste ed in politicss but the n numbers atttending our Meet the Politicians P evvent d disproved th hat claim. This T was a very v successsful a activity and one we will certainly re epeat in thre ee y years time. We W would alsso like to ta ake this opportunity to thank t alll the fantasstic employe ers and bus sinesses, wiithout whom w we wo ould not be able to continue the Gateway G Pro ogramme. W We look forrward to working with w them ag gain next ye ear and enco ourage you to su upport them m in their businesses. We W have listted th hem below for f your info ormation. If you have a business a and would like to suppo ort th he Wellingto on High Sch hool Gatewa ay Program mme ne ext year, ple ease feel fre ee to contact Pania Be ennett Pania.Benne [email protected] We W would lovve to he ear from yo ou. Anne Grimmer, Careerss Pania Benne ett, Gatewayy Administra ator D DON’T FOR RGET: sh hould you lo ose this ne ewsletter, go g to our website w ww ww.whs.sch 4 Employers who support Wellington High School Gateway Programme The Warehouse, Tory Street Ray Hartley Motors Flax Café, Petone Penthouse Cinema Rutherford and Bond Toyota, Kent Terrace Adam Tulloch Electrical Paws in the City Kelly Sport Farmers, Lambton Quay Amcal Pharmacy, Cuba Street Jam Hair Studio Zeal Espressoholic Café Jaycar Electronics Ballentynes, Kilbirnie & City Wellington i-Site Interislander Pro Parts, Lower Hutt Paul A. Crosswell Ltd. Builder Price Plumbing Kathmandu, Willis Street Mary Potter Hospice Shop, Kilbirnie Logan Brown Restaurant Riding for the Disabled, Kenepuru Matiu/Somes Island Treasure Hunt Matiu/Somes Island is the jewel in the crown of Te Whanganui a Tara/Wellington Harbour. Last week on a gloriosly fine Wednesday the peaceful charm of our nearest offshore neigbour was interrupted by WHS year 9 Enrichment Class. Nineteen hardy students braved the giant jellyfish,the worrisome wetas and the timid tuatara to hunt for treasure (the knowledge kind) on the island. Leaving only their footprints but taking a swag of photos (some you see below) they raced all over the island competing against each other and the tide and time to find over 25 living treasures. They 'captured' their finds, memories and views on digital cameras and cellphones. Year 9 Enrichment class on Matiu/Somes Island Welliwood rises anew at WHS Parents and caregivers of Year 9 students joined us in an afternoon of viewing and experiencing their children's work from the last term. Welliwood, the miniature town created through the Mathematics faculty from hundreds of detailed and scale model buildings, was a highlight. Covering six tables with panels on walls and doors it showcased the detailed work of hundreds of students. Rileyville, Kelly Town and the Royal Chambers featured in the side rooms off the main Level three concourse. Parents agreed that it was a great showcase of student work from Term Four and all were intrigued by the tiny models, proud students and digital records. At the end of the hunt it was down to two teams who were locked on 24 points each. The girls were represented by Maggie Blackburn, Bea Cook, Tess Breitenmoser and Zoe Corrin in one team and the boys were Christopher Veitch, Walter Ellis and Josh Richards-Wylie. After digital evidence was presented and time pieces consulted, we crowned the girls team as worthy winners of the first annual Somes Island Treasure Hunt. Thanks to Shelley Monds, Julia Stephens and Tony Cairns for accompanying the students and helping them to discover an exciting way to find out more about our nearest island neighbours. Parents and caregivers at the Yr 9 Exhibition Administration Notes A reminder that all visitors to the school must register their vehicles at the main reception area. Otherwise, they could receive a fine of $50. Lockers will be on sale from the 1st Feb at $10 each - each student will be issued with their own individual padlock, which in turn needs to be returned back to Student Services towards the end DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 5 of the year. ID cards can be ordered at Student Services - $10 for a standard school ID or $20 for a Snapper school ID - this can be done after school photos and ID photos are taken. Dates to be advised when this will be happening. Simply Dental free Dental Service for Schools Simply Dental provide a free dental service to all students at Wellington High School. They have been providing this service to students at Wellington High since mid 2010 and have reached 460 of our students to date. Their programme includes a full dental assessment that includes digital x-rays. If treatment is required and the student is under 16, they will ask for consent from you then transport the student to and from their facility in town. If you would like to opt out of your student receiving this service, please email [email protected] . Sharp, lead its development and delivery to all secondary schools of the country over the next 5 years. Prue’s commitment to affect change not for change’s sake but for the cause it represents, her candidness and her leadership in both education and in sport has been something this region has been privileged to have experienced over the last 17 years. College Sport Wellington Sportsperson of the Year Awards Wellington High School had 3 finalists in the 2011 awards. Our finalists were: Richard Steel - Coach of the Year Izaac O’Hara - Futsal Player of the Year Henry Tutaka - Service to Sport Sports News College Sport Wellington Sportsperson of the Year Awards Annika Bowley, Di Jordan, Prue Kelly, Richard Steel, Henry Tutaka College Sport Wellington Sportsperson of the Year Awards 2011 Congratulations to Izaac O’Hara who was named Futsal Player of the Year. Prue Kelly – Distinguished Volunteer Recognition At the College Sport Wellington Awards Dinner held at the Amora Hotel on November 6 Prue Kelly was recognised for her contribution to College Sport. Prue Kelly began her Principalship at Wellington High School in 1995 coming from Birkenhead College in Auckland and in 1997 assumed the role as Chair of the College Sport Wellington Principals Executive, where she has remained a member since. Additional to this and the responsibilities of managing and effecting change at a large metropolitan school, Prue in 2003 also assumed the Chair of the relatively newly established New Zealand Secondary Schools Sports Council where she, along with its then Executive Director Peter Izaac O’Hara – Winner of Futsal Player of the Year DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 6 Girls’ Volleyball Successes Congratulations to the Senior and Junior Girls volleyball teams who have both had exceptional term four competitions. Both teams met Well Girls in their finals and both finished as WINNERS of the College Sport Wellington Senior and Junior Division One Championships. Congratulations and huge thanks to the team coaches for their large part in these results. Senior girls – Natalie Bell, Junior girls – Corrina Faimalo. New Zealand Skate Champs Three Welly High students recently competed in the NZ Skate Champs with some excellent results. Congratulations to: James Huntley 1st in open grade Ben Evans 2nd in U16 George Rowe 3rd in U16 George Rowe Kapiti Sports Exchange – Central Six Wellington High was invited to participate in a Central Six Sports Exchange on November 25. This was full day competition between six secondary schools, girls and boys across 4 sports. The schools were Taradale High, Havelock North, Wanganui High, Tawa College, Kapiti College and Welly High competing in athletics, tennis, touch and volleyball. 51 students from Well High travelled to Kapiti College along with staff Bharat Pancha, Tim Gibbs, Susie Cottrell and Di Jordan. This was a fantastic day of competition. Our students were great ambassadors and they provided some very tough games for the opposition. James Huntley Boys’ Athletics team Ben Evans Girls’ Athletics team DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 7 AFL Tournament On 10 November Wellington High School hosted the 2011 Hawks Cup AFL tournament played between 5 colleges. We had a group of 20 boys practising regularly to prepare and then compete in the tournament. This is the second year Hawks Cup has been held in Wellington and it was great to see the tournament grow significantly in size. Sam Forman in action College Sport Wellington AWD Swimming Championships Wellington High took a team of kids from Base One to compete in the annual AWD Swim Champs. Special mention and congratulations go to Elizabeth Davis, Dom Faherty and Matthew Di Leva who achieved the following results. 25m breaststroke 50m backstroke 50m freestyle 25m backstroke 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd Elizabeth Davis Dom Faherty Dom Faherty Matthew Di Leva Staff vs Students Cricket Game This was played on the WHS home ground at Happy Valley Park on a very pleasant early summer evening. There were some excellent performances on the day with special note of the batting performance from Sean O’Connor reaching 50 (even if he did turn his back on his colleagues and play for the students), Laurie Steel hit the cover off the ball and nailed the best six of the day as well as delivering an outstanding bowling display. Laurie was the only player to bowl a maiden over. Dom Killalea showed his youthful talent with the bat and as opener for the staff set things off on a great track. He wasn’t half bad with the ball as well but it would have to be said that the ole bowling arm had a struggle after a good bicep pull. Great batting was also seen from Little Steel, Mike Nahu and Richie Brown and top bowling from Mike Davis. The rest of us were also in fine form. Did I say who won? Down to the last ball of the game, students batting, 2 runs needed from 1 ball. Look around, where are the cameras? Damn it, they got them. A victory by one run to the students. Wait for the return game in 2012! 2012 Sport and Cultural Opportunities Booklet This booklet which is filled with information will be included in the final mail out to all students at the end of the school year. It is easy to notice with a bright red cover. Thanks to Oscar Battell-Wallace and Merinda Jackson for collating the cultural opportunities part of the booklet. ‐ Summer sport registration close on Tuesday, 7 February ‐ Students wanting to play summer sport must register. Be aware that team entries will be made based on registrations received. There is very little time for mucking around. ‐ Do not hestitate to seek more information. Contact details are in the Sport Booklet. Sport Shirt The WHS sport shirt is available for purchase at Student Services for $40.00. This shirt is required for a number of sports (see the Sport Booklet) and can be used for a variety of sports and PE if you wish. Return of WHS Sports Uniforms Numerous student still have sports shirts from this year or earlier years. These shirts belong to school and it is critical that they are returned. Without them we do not have enough for next year’s students. Do the right thing. Sports Captain Applications Applications will be sought very early in 2012 for Sports Captains. Look out for information and application forms. WHS student participation in sport The annual NZSSSC census report has recently been completed. Welly High has 48% of our students participating in sport (53% male, 42% female). While we held the participation level of 2010 in a year with only one gym, this is somewhat lower than the Wellington average. Of concern is the low percentage of girls participating in sport and this issue will be addressed next year. Your thoughts and interests will be sought. Start thinking about what it is you would like to do next year. THANK YOU I would sincerely like to thank every individual who has in any way contributed to the 2011 sports programme at Wellington High. Your involvement has most definitely had an impact and contributed to our successes and the enjoyment of sport experienced by our students. DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 8 I look forward to a continued relationship with many of you in 2012. To those moving on I wish you well. To all I hope you have a fabulous summer. See you next year. Feliz Navidad Di Jordan [email protected] 027 2106087 / dd 8027677 Community News Community Education Community Education Centre Wellington High School 2012 Courses. Enrol now for any 2012 course and enjoy an EARLY BIRD 15% DISCOUNT Phone, visit or go to our website. EASY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING • Shop, save money, save time and raise funds for your school. Step 1 – sit down & relax ! Step 2 – get someone to make your favourite coffee ! Step 3 - simply go to, select your school and start browsing for Christmas presents. • No queues, No parking problems, No aching feet ! • Save on petrol costs. • Over 70 online stores to choose from including electronics at Apple, fashion at Ezibuy, books at The Nile, toys at Mighty Ape and you can even get your groceries online at Woolworths. • Your shopping is dealt with directly by your chosen online store. • automatically provide funds to your school. Treat yourself to easy shopping and help your school this Christmas. Support Your School with TelstraClear and Intelligent Rewards™ A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has sponsored Wellington High School through TelstraClear and Intelligent Rewards™. Enrol online at Phone: 385 8919 or email us: [email protected] for more information We now have a number of families sponsoring our school through their monthly TelstraClear spend. We receive 1.5 points for every dollar and can use them to get fantastic rewards, e.g. computers, school trips, sports gear, musical instruments, almost anything the school wants. DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 9 So become a sponsor today and spread the word. It costs you nothing and you may save if you switch to TelstraClear. If you are not with TelstraClear, simply visit and complete the “I am interested in becoming a TelstraClear customer” online form (obligation free). If you are already with TelstraClear, simply visit and complete the “I am an existing TelstraClear customer” online form. Alternatively, call TelstraClear toll free on 0508 011 737 and tell them you want to nominate Wellington High School for TelstraClear and Intelligent Rewards™. Wellington High School We require inclusive, caring and supportive families to homestay our international students coming from EUROPE, STH AMERICA and ASIA. We pay $240 per week accommodation. To find out more contact: Pamela Braddell 04 385 8911 x 843 [email protected] The Music Learning Centre is now accepting enrolments for 2012. Please email [email protected] or call 232-1231 to organise lesson times or to arrange an audition for the choir or string orchestra. The Music Learning Centre 9 Fitzwilliam Tce, Tawa Wellington 5028 New Zealand Congratulations WELLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL 2011 Academic Prizegiving Recipients Year 11 Certificates for Contribution to Class Ryan AddisonSpanish Jones Numeracy Luke Arthur Practical Furniture Soane Brown Construction Outdoor Jeremy Cater-Hook Education English Annabelle Cole Mechanical Jarrod Coventry Engineering History Tessa Davies Art Billy Gibson Digital Media Dylan Guja Music Health Anahera Harris Physical George Hollis Education Monique Science Hopkinson English Conor Ivory Geography English Merinda Jackson Statistics and Modelling Human and Environmental Liam Kealy Science Drama Alice Lahatte Practical Food Jesse Leary and Nutrition General Studies Lachy MacKintosh James Malcolm Drama Connor MorrisonEnglish Mills Ayeisha Motu Art Thomas Nicholls Practical Computing Scarlett Geography O'Callaghan Hanahiva Rose English Rosalie StonyerEnglish Linn Science Shannon TalivaiPhysical Johnson Education Te Reo Ingarihi Grets Tangsakul English as a Second Language Oscar Whiting Art DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 10 Matt Wilkinson Grayson Ziogas Recreation Physical Education Year 11 Certificates of Excellence Thomasin English Abraham Frankie Berge Drama Contribution to Design Technology Fabrics Drew Brice-Ford Science Daisy Cadigan English Contribution to History Contribution to Mathematics with Statistics Teresa Collins Art Cidalia Da Costa English as a Leite Second Language Jake Glover Mathematics with Statistics Gareth Jones Mathematics with Algebra Science Tasha Keddy English Micah McKimm Art Liam O'Neill Science Contribution to Information Science Hazel Osborne Mathematics with Statistics Indara Pania Numeracy Adam Sutton Mathematics with Algebra Science Hugh Sutton Physical Education Tuan Tran English as a Second Language Briar Turnbull Outdoor Education Contribution to Science Bill Wen English as a Second Language Lisa Wollner Mathematics with Statistics Year 11 Academic Contribution Prizes Amber Beardsley, Helen Blenkin, Teresa Collins, Sarah-Louise Crawford, Dylan Guja, Gareth Jones, Toby Kingi, Rachel Linton, Lucy O’Connell, Sophie Timms, Hannah van Seventer, Year 11 Prizes for First in Subject Abdi Abdisamad Life Skills Caitlin Agnew-Francis Practical Furniture Construction Ciaran Barr-Burns Mechanical Engineering Contribution to Design Technology Innovation Daniel Braithwaite Digital Media Information Science Savanna Calton Human and Environmental Science Excellence in Numeracy Ailis Coleman Design Technology Fabrics Hazel Daniel French Tamara Dunkley Art Practical Food and Nutrition Contribution to Graphics Sophia Focas Health Maia Holder-Monk English Spanish Excellence in Geography Contribution to Outdoor Education Contribution to Science Jeff Jones Geography Excellence in Physical Education Salah Khalif English Skills Contribution to Life Skills Connor Leary Practical Computing Ailidh Leslie History Contribution to English Contribution to Media Studies Lily Mason-Mackay Outdoor Education Excellence in English DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 11 Aria McInnes Rian McManamon Kimiora Nathan Mohamed Osman Petra Parker-Price Alexander Payne Rennie Pearson Dylan Petera Nerissa Ranginui Mitchell Reid-Tait Regan Robinson Vanessa Taal Christopher Tait Lauren Thompson Benjamin Wilson Sheryl Wong Excellence in Science Contribution to Mathematics with Algebra Mathematics with Statistics Japanese Excellence in History Contribution to Mathematics with Algebra Contribution to Science Maori Recreation Contribution to Numeracy Contribution to Food Technology Graphics Excellence in English Design Technology Innovation Music Maori Contribution to Mathematics with Statistics Te Reo Ingarihi Science Contribution to Mathematics with Algebra General Studies Food Technology Physical Education Contribution to Science Drama Excellence in Science Excellence in English Media Studies Mathematics with Algebra Excellence in Science Natasha Avatea Kim Beauchamp Jonathan Churton Sam Daysh Dane Dodds Joshua Graham Jackson Hamilton Cole Hanfling Conor Hill Pamela Howard Jordan Howe Harry Lane-Tobin Isaac Laughton Binny Li Matthew MacDiarmid Jordyn Mackie Michael Mann Alex McKee Flynn McLean Luke Palmer Devon Parker Terri Petersen Nino Raphael Flora Reilly-Davis Lucy Roche Amy Terry Thomas Tregidga Year 12 Certificates for Contribution to Class Employment Studies English Electronics Practical Workshop Japanese Legal Studies Carpentry Hospitality Mechanical Engineering Chemistry Geography Digital Media Dance Mathematics with Statistics Graphics Photography Design Technology Innovation English as a Second Language Contemporary Text Mathematics with Algebra Art Agriculture and Horticulture Studies Mathematics with Statistics Mathematics with Algebra Biology Gateway Design Technology Fabrics Film and Television Studies English Music Painted Word Art Physical Education Outdoor Education DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 12 Zanie Vrey April Whitaker Claire Williams Contemporary Text English Outdoor Education Drama Year 12 Certificates of Excellence Oscar BattellEnglish Wallace Geography Contribution to Statistics and Modelling Contribution to Physics Psychology Lucy Becker Mathematics with Algebra Richy Brown Art Chora Carleton Contribution to Classical Studies Recreation Tevita Elesoni Contribution to Creative Skills Mathematics with Algebra Kate Henderson Kelsey Jack Physics Mathematics with Calculus Contribution to English Roszanna Johnstone Employment Studies Contribution to Practical Mathematics and Finance Mereana Latimer English Alvey Little Chemistry Contribution to Physics Christian Mooij Physics Chrystal Ngature Hospitality Danielle Ryan Applied Mathematics Harlen Wilkinson Mathematics with Statistics Contribution to Biology Vinny Willcock Chemistry Outdoor Education Year 12 Academic Contribution Prizes Luke Abernethy, Arie Bates-Hermans, Phoenix Connolly, Jack Mells, Lachlan Pierard-Conland, Mereana Prior-Yockney, Thomas Raethel, Ruth van Seventer, Year 12 First in Subject Lena Arndt English as a Second Language Samuel Austin Electronics Chelsea Campbell Employment Studies Contribution to Contemporary Text Contribution to Mathematics with Statistics Tina Chen-Xu History Japanese Contribution to Mathematics with Algebra Contribution to Journalism Morgan ChristyBiology Jones Food Technology Lara Daly Legal Studies Contribution to Hospitality Isabella Dampney Classical Studies Excellence in Photography Sonja DavenportFilm and Television Petersen Studies Geography Hedley Dew Agriculture and Horticulture Studies Xavier Ellah Art French Graphics Painted Word Excellence in Mathematics with Algebra Ella Esau Foundation English Creative Skills Bryden Frizzell Information Science Thomas Fuller Practical Workshop Julia Holden Journalism Mathematics with Statistics Excellence in English DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 13 Walter Jay Zung Mai Steven McCord Linh Nguyen Tess Norquay Huirua Prime Joe Read Oska Rego Lillian Savage Tarquin Smith Alex Thornton Jared Thornton Matthew Titchener Jamie Wardrop Vera Williams Lei Yang Presley Ziogas Contemporary Text Mathematics with Calculus Contribution to Chemistry Contribution to English Carpentry English as a Second Language Contribution to Chemistry Contribution to Food Technology Design Technology Fabrics Excellence in English Contribution to History Recreation Contribution to Applied Mathematics Contribution to Foundation English Contribution to Employment Studies Digital Media English Contribution to Photography Hospitality Contribution to Physics Design Technology Innovation Contribution to English Photography Contribution to Geography Chemistry Mathematics with Algebra Physics Excellence in Biology Physical Education Music Drama Music Performance Outdoor Education Dance Year 13 Certificates for Contribution in class James AgnewMathematics with Francis Algebra Farish Ali English Skills Enayat Amiri English as a Second Language Information Science Brooke Anderson Art Design Kerry Archibald English Steph Bennington Biology Physical Education Jack Binding Film and Television Studies MacKenzie Graphics Boddington Erin Brennan Agriculture and Horticulture Studies Samantha Carr Hospitality Alex Chung Mathematics with Statistics Contemporary Text Mathematics with Calculus Chais Clark Legal Studies Alana Cooper Design Technology Fabrics Rene Da Costa Leite Applied Mathematics Gabrielle De Groen Digital Media Rosa Du Chatenier Chemistry Adrian Gordon Recreation Laurentius Herrmann English as a Second Language Tom Heynes Sonic Arts Nadia Isaia - Nicholls Physical Education Lukas Jury Music Hendrick Lubbers Electronics Mathematics with Calculus Jack Luo English as a Second Language Steven McCord Biology Habtom Negassi Recreation Semere DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 14 Son Nguyen Dinh Charlotte Prout Ruby Rowe Geoffrey Sciascia Dara Taylor Statistics and Modelling History Outdoor Education Photography Physics Year 13 Certificates of Excellence Thomas Beneteau Statistics and Modelling Monica Corliss Gateway Caitlin DaughertyJournalism Kelly Callum Fitt-Simpson Physics Contribution to Information Science Yulia Gaiduch English Mae Grant Drama Bryn Hickson Physical Rowden Education Contribution to Physics Monique Journalism Hodgkinson Contribution to Japanese Helen Ker Biology Journalism Contribution to English Linda Li English as a Second Language Jackson Miller Statistics and Modelling Nastassja Mooij Contemporary Text Ha Thu Nguyen English as a Second Language Contribution to Art Sculpture Contribution to Food Technology Ching Lam Pang English as a Second Language Hana Rochford Chemistry Barber Contribution to Drama Year 13 Academic Contribution Prizes Frankie Ancilloti, Ronan Binding, Alana Cooper, Rosa du Chatenier, Audrey Goulding, Adam Hao’Uli, Hee-Jin Kim, Georgia Lee, Sara Monty, Bridie Thompson Year 13 First in Subject Renee Andrew Design Technology Fabrics Contribution to Photography Felix Borthwick Drama Japanese Painted Word Sonic Arts Esther Bosshard Graphics Art Design Rea Burton Art Sculpture Excellence in Art Painting Tony Butler-Yeoman Economics English Georgi Conroy Art Painting Photography Jack Faircloth Statistics and Modelling Abby-Lee Freeman Legal Studies Zac Hildred Classical Studies Excellence in English Contribution to History Imogen HolmsteadJournalism Scott Music Contribution to Chemistry Tom Leslie Electronics Sophie Lloyd Film and Television Studies Excellence in English Leah McEnhill Chemistry Excellence in History Reuben McLaughlin Mechanical Engineering Sam Metcalfe Biology Geography Outdoor Education DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 15 Robert Mitchell Mohan Nana-Ahirao Hayden O'Neill Kody Paki Sarah Panton Troy Ruhe Zach Sim Blake Walden Physics Music Performance History Contribution to Geography Digital Media Maori Food Technology Contribution to Art Painting Contribution to Classical Studies Contribution to Painted Word Physical Education Contribution to Drama Contribution to English Information Science Contemporary Text Hospitality International Student Awards Basim Al-Humrani Lena Arndt Marta Avancini Heather Campbell Luisa Guimaraes LE Ha Van Linda Li Pedro Marcondes Almeida Alena Naciva Claudia Notermans Piattoni Grets Tangsakul Bill Wen Saudi Arabia Germany Italy U.S.A Brazil Vietnam China Brazil Fiji Italy Thailand China Special Awards The MW Award Winners: Corrina Faimalo and Son Nguyen The Robert Bostock Scholarship Winner: Caitlin Daugherty-Kelly The Jody Davis memorial award Winner: Ryan Hayes Thomas Stace Cup for most outstanding achievement in sport: Boys: Izaak O’Hara Girls: Ruci Tueli The Brooker Award (Computing) Winner: Zach Sim The Natcoll Design Technology prize Winner: Gabrielle de Groen The Huxford Award Winner: Dominic Faherty The BDO Spicer Award for Economics. Winner: Son Nguyen Total Trade Supplies Winners: Ciaran Barr Burns, Jarrod Coventry, Jackson Hamilton, Reuben McLaughlin The Chinnock Award. Winner: Jung Shim Krefft The Katherine Mansfield Birthplace Literature Award i Winner: Caleb McGarvey The John Tapiata Award Winner: Kody Paki Seatoun Arts & Crafts Winner: Isabella Dampney The Service to students awards. Winners: Renee Andrew, Oscar Battell-Wallace, Steph Bennington, Mackenzie Boddington, Felix Borthwick, Annika Bowley, Riley Brophy, Richy Brown. Tina Chen-Xu, Jonathon Churton, Alana Cooper, Gabrielle de Groen, Yuri Domanski, Kevin Duindam, Corrina Faimalo, Thomas Fuller, Bryn Hickson-Rowden, Merinda Jackson, Aria McInnes, Briar McLeod, Son Nguyen, Kody Paki, Troy Ruhe, Izaac O’Hara, Manoa Teaiwa, Ruci Tueli, Jasmine Watene-Lord, Angus Webster. The Service to student support award Winner: Tom Leslie The Service to the school Winner: Brandt Feeney and Sophie Lloyd The Murray Kanara Award Winner: Haukura Jones The Parents’ Association Prize. Mitchell Reid-Tait, Conor Ivory, Lily Mason-Mackay and Maia Holder-Monk DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 16 Deans Awards – Y11 – Merinda Jackson Y12 – Oscar Battell-Wallace Y13 – Caitlin Daugherty-Kelly The Tusha Gupta Award for All-Round Achievement Winner: Bryn Hickson-Rowden The Wellington High School Peace Prize Winner: Troy Ruhe Principal's Award for Excellence Tony Butler-Yeoman, Monique Hodgkinson, Imogen Holmstead-Scott, Helen Ker Hankins Bequest (runner up to Dux) Sam Metcalfe Cousins Award (Dux) Felix Borthwick Karepa Reyne Robati Emma Steele Wharepapa Tapiata-Bright Darren Tong Wayne Williams Gabriel Antipas Andrew Bennett Jade Buckley Ruairi CahillFleury Oliver De Groot Freya Elkink Walter Ellis JUNIOR ACADEMIC PRIZGIVING Recipients Year 9 Certificates of Achievement Caitlin FittSimpson Alice Adam Ruby Lilley Nikolai Artemiev Rafi Baily Daniel Baldwin Tasha Barrett Max Beauchamp Jenna BlackburnChurcher Millar Boddington Jack ComerHudson Niamh Cooney Zoe Corrin Thomassen Crawford Scott Dench Kaleb Ellis Ashlyn Feeney Zara Feeney Jaquille HaribhaiThompson Archie Henry Dean Kealy Jayde Leary Bryn McKerracher Siah Metekingi Taran Molloy Liri Mrkusic-Rouch Ciara O'Callaghan Tatana Parai- Fashion Technology Digital Media Health Physical Education Maori Health Mathematics Drama English Kasey Leary Saskia McDonald Nathaniel Miller Maddy Nixon Max Nunes-Cesar Oliver Rawdon Japanese Mathematics Maori Ralph Samson Science Health English Japanese Mathematics Sophia Faber Science Physical Education Food Technology Social Studies Physical Education English Dance English Physical Education Henk Willcock Callum MacRae Lomani O'Hagan Chris Visser-Fee Sarah Asher Mathematics Science Physical Education Physical Education Physical Education Maori Sports Studies Physical Education Social Studies English Physical Education Mathematics Social Studies Mathematics Science Health Design Technology Physical Education Sports Studies Design Technology Classics Science Physical Education Spanish Drama Science Spanish Art Drama English Social Studies Physical Education Classics English Science Design Technology Sports Studies Social Studies Food Technology English Science Social Studies Mathematics Graphics Social Studies Japanese English Science Mathematics Social Studies Spanish Physical Education DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 17 Bea Cooke Lucy Edwards Efe Guven Wairiki Latimer Eleni McCallum Zevanya Ranginui Joshua RichardsWylie Mika Sawada Alex Smisek Maggie Blackburn Tess Breitenmoser Science Social Studies Spanish English Maths Science Dance Physical Education Health Physical Education Science Graphics Japanese Mathematics Digital Media Information Science Art English Social Studies Classics Science Music Mathematics Social Studies English Maori Social Studies Information Science Mathematics Physical Education Science Dance Art Science Design Technology Information Science English Social Studies Music Graphics English Mathematics Physical Education Social Studies Digital Media Sports Studies Fashion Technology English Mathematics Raphaella HolderMonk Ted HolmsteadScott Jack Power Eddyn PerkinsTreacher Science Social Studies Food Technology Fashion Technology Physical Education Mathematics Science Social Studies Drama Dance Art English Mathematics Music Digital Media Fashion Technology English Mathematics Social Studies Music Food Technology Graphics English Mathematics Science Social Studies Classics Information Science Year 10 Certificates of Achievement Erin Ahuriri Campbell Barrett Sage Bird Lucy Brewerton Taani Brown Matthew Burke Jackson Croft David Daish Taylor Docherty Meghan Evans Jack Flude Axel GrahamWiggins Bernard Green Elis Hickson Rowden Edward Johnston Isaac Landwer- Social Studies Social Studies Food Technology Science Art Workshop Design Technology Physical Education & Health Science Drama English English Japanese Science Workshop Design Technology Physical Education & Health Classics DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 18 Johan Praise Leauma Joshua Mann Samantha McLaughlin Carlos McQuillan Lily McRae Ezra Metekingi Stacey Muru Adam Norman Ngawhera Rangitaawa Jusal RobinsonKrishnan Stanley Sarkies Bella Simpson Henry Thompson Xiong Yi Wang Kate Abernethy Zachary Blakely Trisha Castillo Pernando Dickinson Arlo Heynes Emma Houpt Sienna Kelly Thomas Kimber George McDougall Louise Nodder Vita O'Brien Luke Porteous Max Te Rito Oscar Thomas Frank Thrift Sports Studies Physical Education & Health Workshop Design Technology Sports Studies Art Classics Maori Science Maori Henry Tutaka Art Sasha Kapica Physical Education & Health Physical Education & Health Art English as a Second Language Mathematics Sports Studies Food Technology Mathematics Food Technology Japanese Food Technology Physical Education & Health English Science English Social Studies English Mathematics Workshop Design Technology Physical Education & Health Design Tech Innovation Art Mathematics Social Studies English Science Music Science Digital Media Design Tech Innovation Design Tech Innovation Graphics Mathematics Charlie Volpicelli Kris Devereux Charles Hard Zsontell Levi-Teu Eli Mulheron Elsie Russell Michael Sirvid Isabella Austin Celeste-Rose Berdinner Tom Coupe Hunter Eagle Eleni Hackwell Science Mathematics Physical Education & Health English Social Studies Food Technology Music Physical Education & Health Drama English Social Studies Graphics Mathematics Art English Mathematics Science Drama Music Physical Education & Health Fashion Technology Science English Mathematics Information Science Classics Drama English Music Physical Education & Health Social Studies Fashion Technology English Food Technology Physical Education & Health Social Studies Art Graphics Mathematics Science Social Studies Mathematics Physical Education & Health Science Social Studies Fashion Technology DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 19 Louis Hefford Anna Hill Zoe Isaacs Oscar Jay Zoe Kraemer Ruben O'Hara Sheryl Wong Milan De Maule Callum Hildred English Mathematics Social Studies English Science Information Science Spanish Mathematics Physical Education & Health Science Social Studies Art English Science Social Studies Spanish Mathematics Physical Education & Health Social Studies Sports Studies Digital Media English Mathematics Physical Education & Health Science Digital Media Mathematics Science Social Studies Fashion Technology Design Tech Innovation English Graphics Social Studies Digital Media English Food Technology Mathematics Physical Education & Health Social Studies Food Technology Mathematics Physical Education & Health Science Social Studies Classics Yr 10 Certificate in Learning Skills – Achievement 10BNB Rhiannon Saxon, Lily Carter, Thomas Kimber, Rowan Powell, Jayde Smith, Taylor, Docherty 10FHI Zachary Lyme, Tapua Metekingi, Zack MacKie, Henare Quaife, Shae Steel, Ezra Metekingi 10HNJ Alanah Pearson, Taani Brown 10HSH Jamie Lawrence, Joshua Mann, Stanley Sarkies, Joshua McNaughton, Noah Allen‐Collins, Cody Murray 10HTM Matthew Burke, Pernando Dickinson, Tyler White, Louis Zemke‐Smith, Jack Zillwood, Noura Msahli, Isaac Sharman, Tyler Kopua 10JYR Finn Robertson, Louis Robinson, Lily McRae, Violet Pruden, Samantha Keane 10KNM Luke Porteous, Polly Brown, Max Te Rito, James Nicoll, Carter Barlow, Taylor Conroy, James Redmond 10LEJ Daniel Kemp, Christy Kimble, Paddy Tuohy, Paddy Doyle, Rawiri Karaitiana 10LNA Ell Demuth, Alba Piles‐Perea, Praise Leauma, Bailey Price, Soyoung Chung, Laura Robertson, Stacey Muru, Mereanna Pohatu Whynn, Te Rangi Smith 10LSK Jasper Massov, Zachary Mills, Nathaniel Bennington, Christoph Nutsford, Shannon Petersen, Luke Tilley DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 20 10ORS Ethan Baker, Salote Tu'Itupou, Finn O'Sullivan, Jarred Taiaroa‐Campbell 10RYC James Weaver, Casey Tengu, Deeyontae Nuku, Andrew Davis Yr 10 Certificate in Learning Skills – Distinction 90 – 94% 10BNB Zachary Blakely, Ollie Normann‐Gasson, Jeremy Sutton, Rob Atkins, Harry Grimwood, Adam Norman, Bernard Green Certificate in Learning Skills – High Distinction 95% + 10BNB Ruben O'Hara 10FHI Celeste‐Rose Berdinner, Isabella Austin, Zsontell Levi‐Teu, Kris Devereux, Ahmed Mohamed 10HNJ Zoe Isaacs, Erin Ahuriri, Lucy Brewerton, Milan De Maule 10HSH Kate Abernethy, Emma Houpt 10HTM 10FHI Elsie Russell, Felix O'Hagan, Max Richardson‐Cast, Ngawhera Rangitaawa 10HNJ Sage Bird, Elisabeth Oussov, Jack Geden 10HSH Charles Hard, April Bingley, Milika Nawalowalo‐Mccrory, Kacee Simpson, Thomas Self, Edan Wylie 10HTM Louis Hefford, Jackson Croft, Sam Forman, Mohammad Al‐Rubayee 10JYR Sylvia Thomas‐Edmond, Simona Jagurinoska 10KNM Callum Hildred, Jusal Robinson‐Krishnan, Carlos McQuillan 10LEJ David Daish, Axel Graham‐Wiggins Sasha Kapica 10JYR Arlo Heynes, Eli Mulheron, Henry Tutaka 10KNM Sheryl Wong, Eleni Hackwell, Oscar Thomas 10LEJ Louise Nodder, Hunter Eagle, Zoe Kraemer, Elis Hickson Rowden, Samantha McLaughlin, Campbell Barrett 10LNA Oscar Jay, Isaac Landwer‐Johan, Xiong Yi Wang 10LSK Meghan Evans, Georgia Whiting, Edward Johnston 10ORS Anna Hill, Sienna Kelly, Charlie Volpicelli, Vita O'Brien, Frank Thrift 10RYC Tom Coupe, Trisha Castillo, Billie Feehan, Brennan Corlett, George McDougall 10LNA Adi Naciva 10LSK Joyce McKinlay, Jon Pilalis, Zarina Ahmed, Jack Flude 10ORS Bella Simpson 10RYC Henry Thompson, Teuila 'Ofamo'Oni‐Ah Hi, Michael Sirvid, David Messenger Attendance awards Year 9 Max Beauchamp, Taylor Coventry, Phuong Do, Sophia Faber, Efe Guven, Jaquille Haribhai‐Thompson, Aneurin Hunt, Callum MacRae, Cameron McLachlan, Lomani O’Hagan, Emma Steele, Darren Tong, Daniel Upchurch, Eilysh Webb, Wayne Williams, Year 10 Rob Atkins, Trisha Castillo, Brennan Corlett, Milan De Maule, Billie Feehan, Zoe Kraemer, Joshua Mann, Joyce McKinlay, Samantha McLaughlin, Ollie Normann‐ DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 21 Gasson, Ruben O’Hara, Alba Piles‐Perea, Elsie Russell, Oscar Thomas, Henry Thompson, James Weaver, First in Faculty Year 9 Maggie Blackburn Dean Kealy Henk Willcock Ted Holmstead‐Scott Tess Breitenmoser Callum McRae Wairiki Latimer Technology Physical Education and Health Mathematics Arts Social Sciences Science Languages First in Faculty Year 10 Sheryl Wong Eli Mulheron Charles Hard Zoe Isaacs Oscar Jay Zoe Isaacs Frank Thrift Technology Arts Social Sciences Languages Physical Education and Health Science Mathematics Y9 Leading Learner awards Eddyn Perkins‐Treaher Andrew Bennett Tess Breitenmoser Riley Kelly Royal Y10 Leading Learner awards Ruben O’Hara Anna Hill Eleni Hackwell Ridling Cousins La Trobe Year 9 dean’s award Tess Breitenmoser Year 10 dean’s award Sasha Kapica DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 22 WHS Year Planner Monday 23 January Wellington Anniversary Day? Tuesday 24 January 6.00 – BOT meet Wednesday 25 January Thursday 26 January New staff day Friday 27 January Teacher Only Day Saturday 28 January 29 January 30 January Y9 students only Y9A option starts 3.30 ‐ faculties meet 31 January 8.45 ‐ Y9 + new Y10‐ 13 students 12.30 – new Y10‐13 finish 3.20 – new Y9 finish 2 February 8.30 – roopu meet 3.30 – Deans meet 3 February 4 February 5 February ACE starts 6 February Waitangi day holiday 7 February School / ID photos 8.30 – Staff PD 1 February 8.45 – Y9/10 10.20 – Y11‐13 10.20 – whole school assembly 1.20 – normal timetable 3.30 – staff meeting 8 February School / ID photos 3.30 – faculty PD 9 February 10 February 3.30 – Social club 11 February 12 February 13 February Summer sports start 3.30 – faculties meet 14 February WHS athletics day 8.30 – Staff PD 3.30 – Deans meet 15 February 3.30 – staff meeting 16 February 17 February 18 February 19 February 20 February 3.30 ‐ HoFs meet 21 February 8.30 – Staff PD 22 February 3.30 – faculty PD 23 February 24 February 10.00 newsletter items due 12.20 ‐ BIO223 rocky shore 25 February 26 February 27 February 12.20 ‐ BIO223 rocky shore cancellation 3.30 – faculties meet 6.00 – BOT meet 28 February AWD athletics 8.30 – Staff PD 3.30 – Deans meet Y9 Bradwell to Kaitoke 29 February 3.30 – TKTmeeting 1 March 2 March Newsletter home Athletics ‐ Western 3.30 – Social club 3 March 4 March 5 March 3.30 ‐ HoFs meet 6 March 8.30 – Staff PD Y9 Clarke to Kaitoke 7 March 3.30 – faculty PD 8 March 9 March 10 March CSW Jnr & Snr Futsal Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 96 half days Sunday 22 January Week 1 Week 0 Term 1- 2012 Term Dates for 2012 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Monday, 30 January ‐ Thursday, 5 April Monday, 23 April – Friday, 29 June Monday, 16 July – Friday, 28 September Monday, 15 October – Thursday, 6 December DON’T FORGET: should you lose this newsletter, go to our website 23