Newsletter FEBRUARY/MARCH 2016 BLUE WATER CLASSIC MAAC AWARDS NIGHT MANDURAH CRAB DAY AND MORE... Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club West Coast Drive Marmion P 08 9447 1733 | F 08 9447 1277 | W | E [email protected] Printpost No. 630707/00004 WHAT’S INSIDE... 3 8 From the Club Manager From the President 9 Tour De Force 10 Captain’s Report 13 Pool Report 15 Dive Report 20Juniors 23 Chase the Ace 24 Spearfishing 26 Darts Report 28Dining 28Bands 32 $25 Lunch Special MAAC MERCHANDISE Available from the office Monday - Friday Spray Jacket $35 Short Sleeve Polo $35 Short Sleeve Vest $45 Plain Polo $32 Postcards 5 for $1 Rugby Top $45 2 Peak Cap $14 Broad Rim Hat $18 Embroided cap $16 Beanie $20 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. FROM THE CLUB MANAGER CHASE THE ACE The Jackpot now stands at $4,500.00. Since our last newsletter Leo Prideaux drew the 9 of Diamonds, Simon Irvine the 7 of Clubs, Todd Robinson the 10 of Spades, Dennis Blake the Jack of Hearts, Rhett Shannon the 2 of Clubs, Martin Dew the 2 of Spades, Steve Trickett the 5 of Clubs, Michael Fernandez the 5 of Diamonds and Deborah Newcombe the King of Clubs. We have one Ace left on the board (Ace of Clubs). Each week Club members are only eligible to enter “Chase the Ace” so come down on a Wednesday evening between 5.00 and 6.30pm and see if you can take home the money. Buy a drink and the bar staff will give you a few tickets so that you can “Chase the Ace” and you may walk home with a nice bit of cash. BEER PRICES TO REMAIN AS THEY HAVE BEEN FOR THE LAST SIX MONTHS – NO INCREASE In February and August each year our major suppliers (Carlton and Swan) hand down a tariff increase and whilst they have passed on an increase the MAAC for the next six months will keep prices as they are today. This is a bonus for members and all must be aware that our tap prices are more than competitive and going forward will be even more so given the decision to refrain from any increase. This is just another way for the General Committee and Management to ensure members are looked after. Value is gained from belonging to the Club and being a strong Club does not mean that we always must chase that elusive profit. BLUE WATER FISHING CLASSIC 2016 On Saturday, February 20th the MAAC successfully held this annual event, the largest offshore fishing competition in Western Australia. Seven hundred and sixty anglers took to the water on what proved to be a fabulous day. For once the weather gods got it right, cool and windy (Easterly) in the morning flattening out during the day and then our friendly Fremantle Doctor did not let us down in the afternoon. Great fishing conditions and after speaking with many of the competitors the weather did not deter them from catching some of the species available in the Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. competition and it was just the luck on the day and whether the fish were biting or not as to how many fish they weighed in. Many good catches were recorded and this will be reported on later. As soon as the competition got underway from Hillarys and Ocean Reef Marinas the set up team headed by Paul Hillary readied the Club for the weigh-in that started at around 4.30pm. Upstairs in the bars and Blue Water Room Tony O’Dea and Ian Hardey had ensured the Club was ready for the mass of people due back to the MAAC and our chef Nigel Sweeney and his crew again waived a magic wand and fed all right through to the close late in the evening. Well done is extended to the entire team at the MAAC for putting on such a great event. Now back to the fishing. Later in this newsletter are photos of the winners and a list of all who received a prize. On the day Mike Roenfeldt and Glenn Omond dazzled the crowd on the stage with their banter and knowledge on all the fish caught and telling stories of the one that got away. To the team on the stage and in the boatshed that processed all bags and displayed the fish a job well done. A big thank you is extended to all sponsors who assisted the club in making this event the success that is was. Well done to all who took to the water and we hope to see you back at the MAAC in February 2017 next year for an even bigger and better Blue Water Fishing Classic. Details of the major prize winners and photos of the event are enclosed and all the photos of the day are available on the web at 3 2016 STATE BOAT ANGLING CHAMPIONSHIPS Every year the State Boat Angling Championships are held at various clubs around the state and this year they are to be hosted by the Lancelin Angling & Aquatic Club “LAAC” at Lancelin. On Saturday 19th March we are asking all MAAC angling members to fish and support your club. This is a fun day and a great weekend and a wide variety of species are up for the take. Great prizes are there to be won and the MAAC would like at the end of the day to take home the title of State Champions. A list is up on the notice board so please enter your name and contact details if you would like to enter and fish for your club. If you want to know more about this event contact the Club Manager on 94471733. AMBROSE GOLF DAY – 17th April, 2016 Book now and make up a team of four to be part of this great day. The MAAC takes over one of the Wembley courses for half a day and 144 ardent golfers show us their skills. Do not miss out, get your team together and book at the office and book early. See the flyer later in this newsletter for full details and costs. WALLY LOTHIAN FISHING EVENT – ANZAC DAY Monday 25th April 2016 A reminder to all that the Wally Lothian fishing event is nearly upon us. For those unaware the “WALLY” is held annually on ANZAC DAY in memory of Wally Lothian who was a long standing member of the Club. There is a “Sail Past and Dawn Ceremony” on the water front of the Club starting at 7.45am and after the tribute at 8.00am it is off to sea to fish and back at the Club at noon to enjoy the fruits of the day. Tea & coffee are provided down in the boatshed early in the morning so bring down your friends and children and help us commemorate this very important day in the life of Australia. The fishing event is a half day, in-shore fishing competition that is focused mainly upon smaller species, fun, camaraderie and having a good time. The catch is donated to the cause and cooked for all to enjoy whilst sampling the odd cold refreshment. If you do not normally fish in the Club Competitions but are interested in doing so, then this is the perfect opportunity to ease your way in, meet other anglers and have a good time along the way. Non Members are permitted to fish this competition but there must be a MAAC Member on each team. Only a MAAC Member however is eligible to have a victory recognised on the perpetual trophy. If you are coming down after noon please bring your salads and nibbles and please remember that what we catch is available for a taste not a full meal. With the new fishing restrictions on the number of herring one can catch numbers may be down this year. Bring down some steak and sausages and join in what is always a great day at the Club and remember that all those doing the cooking and donating the fish are volunteers. This is ANZAC DAY and all flags will be flown at halfmast in remembrance and respect for all who gave up their lives, went to war or were in the forces. We should and will never forget our comrades and this day is a little way we at the MAAC can show our respect. If you want to know more about the day call the office on 94471733 or speak with one of our Committee Members on duty throughout the weeks leading up to the day. MOTHER’S DAY Sunday the 8th May is the day we set aside to remind us all how important one’s Mother is. Here at the MAAC we are holding a bumper lunch and we want all to look after Mum or Grand Mother. We make the day special for Mum and also have “Face Painting” on the day for the children. A three course meal being soup and bread roll served to the table followed by an extensive buffet and then dessert served to the table plus tea and coffee will ensure all are catered for. Children 5 to 12 are half price. Booking is essential and at a cost of $40.00 per adult you will certainly enjoy the day and not go home hungry. Mum will also receive a complimentary drink on arrival. Book early by calling the office on 94471733. ENTERTAINMENT Over the coming months we have some great entertainment coming up for all at the Club. The back cover of this newsletter sets out the dates of when we have bands and entertainment at the Club. 4 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. MAAC AWARDS NIGHT DINNER The annual MAAC Awards Night was held on Saturday, 30th January, 2016. The night proved to be a great success, the dinner was sensational, the amber fluids and wines flowed all night as part of the package and all present congratulated the winners coming from darts, pool, fishing and diving. Listed below are the major division winners for the year and later in the newsletter is a range of photos covering the night and the balance are up on the web at DARTS Singles Champion Robert Glass Singles Runner Up Pauline Kalajzich Doubles Champions Robert Glass/Lindsay Johnson Doubles Runners Up Rod Stirling/Gerry Pooley POOL Junior Pool Champion Junior Champion Junior Runner Up Bill Kerr Memorial Nathan Dempsey Logan Dempsey Bob Aiberti Memorial Singles Champion Mason Cuthbert Singles Runner Up Keith Alderslade Doubles Champions Keith Alderslade/Bruce Cross Doubles Runners Up Robin Gordon/John Boxhorn MAAC Pool Club Highest Average Champion Player Champion Runner Up Mason Cuthbert Paul Cain Mason Cuthbert External Competitions -Club Pool Association Singles Champion Paul Cain Highest Average Paul Cain DIVING Best Overseas Photo Dive Terry Morgan Best Photo on a MAAC Dive Rob Walters Biggest Crayfish on a MAAC Dive Rob Walters Singles Spear Fishing Champion Mike Kane Doubles Spear Fishing Champions Mike Kane/Paul Hillary ANGLING Small Boats Champion Small Boats Runner Up Terry Couldridge Ken Matthews Patrons Trophy Species Aggregate Winner Glenn Omond Species Aggregate Runner Up James Omond Veterans Champion Ken Matthews Veterans Runner Up Kevin Murphy Junior Champion Luke Moran Junior Runner Up Max Castiglioni Ladies Champion Darlene Shepherd Ladies Runner Up Sara Woodcock Doubles Champion Glenn Omond/James Omond Doubles Runners Up Gerard Murphy/Glen Carter Singles Champion Glenn Omond Singles Runner Up Gerard Murphy Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Paul Hilary & Mike Kane Ken Matthews 5 Ken Jackson & Kevin Murphy Ged Woodcock & Darlene Shepherd (Ladies Winner) Steve Trainer & Terry Couldridge Logan & Nathan Dempsey Glenn Omond 6 Paul Cain Luke Moran Happy Diners Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. CITY OF JOONDALUP CONTINUES IMPROVING THE CAR PARK AND SURROUNDS As a Club member all would agree that the new car park has proved a great success. In the coming weeks to the northern end of the new car park a staircase from the beach up to the road will be installed and at the car park landing a fresh water shower has been put in place for all to enjoy. Bike racks and two motor cycle bays have also been included. New security lighting throughout the car park has been installed and the MAAC have located six new CCT cameras for your protection in this area and these are running 24/7. To the rear of the car park along the seventy metre stretch of wall abutting West Coast Drive a “Sea Scape Mural” is being painted by the council depicting sea life found in the Marmion Marine region. This will be another added attraction to the area. All would have noticed the new street lights out in front of the Club along the median strip and this with the inclusion of better marking on the roads this is designed to slow traffic down and protect all entering and leaving the Club. Further works are underway with the council to better define speed on the footpath and protect all. Watch this space as the Mayor himself has weighed in on this project and we are certain that new initiatives in the future will see a far improved “Safety Plan” established not only for MAAC members but also for the general public. MANDURAH CRAB DAY On the Australia Day weekend MAAC members and their families travelled to Mandurah and set up a base camp at the Dawesville boat ramp. From the Friday prior through to the Sunday many had been practicing their skills at catching the elusive crabs. The MAAC ran the club bus down with a full complement and all who attended certainly had a good serve of crabs and enjoyed a very sunny afternoon. This is one of those days where any member of the club can join in and have a great day be it catching crabs, eating crabs or just playing in the water or sitting on the banks enjoying a lovely Sunday lunch. Check out the photos both attached and on our website and we hope to see more at the event next year. MAAC MERCHANDISE Come downstairs and view the great range of MAAC merchandise. Hats, caps, short sleeve polo shirts, rain jackets and rugby tops. We have sizes for all at very reasonable prices. Come down to the office, say hello to the staff and try on some of the goods.. New stock now available. KITCHEN HOURS BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL - CALL 94471733 LUNCH Wednesday to Sunday A-la-carte 12.00 noon to 2.30pm. DINNER Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday A-la-carte 6.00pm to 9.00pm Friday Buffet only (no A-la-carte) 6.30pm BAR SNACKS Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday – 12.00 noon to 2.30pm Wednesday and Thursday – 6.00pm to 9.00pm Friday and Saturday – 12.00 noon to 9.00pm Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 7 FROM THE PRESIDENT by Martin Hall When I joined the MAAC I like most people did it to get something from the club, in my case to learn to fish and enjoy meeting new people socially. Well I have still got more to learn but have certainly benefited from my 8 years with the club. It is for that reason that I have served on General Committee for several years and last year took on the role of MAAC President, because I felt it was time I gave back to the club that has given so much to me. My job as President has in no small part been made a lot easier from having a great team of staff led by Robert and a very cohesive and active General Committee and I really appreciate their support. The club is in a very good financial position with January reflecting results well above previous years in all areas of bar, kitchen and overall performance and it’s one of the reasons we have been able to hold our beer prices again. updated as we progress. It is opportune to thank all those who volunteer for our various committees and timely to especially thank Kevin Murphy, Paul Hillary, Glenn Omond and their Blue Water Classic committee for another successful event in 2016. Finally let me express our appreciation to Robert and all the staff at the MAAC who constantly try to keep us all happy, which is no easy task especially on busy days and events like the Blue Water Classic day. So if you haven’t been down to the club in a while make the change and come down and enjoy good times with old friends and maybe make new ones while you’re here. Martin Hall PRESIDENT Your General Committee having led the club through much disruption over the past several years is now placed to be proactive and act to see the MAAC continue its reputation as a great club and to return benefits to you our members. We are actively pursuing projects and reviews around, House Rules & Constitution, Club Management Systems, Kitchen and Restaurant, prospects of a Club Boat in the future and the feasibility of installing a Dumb Waiter to serve food in the Seawall Bar. These projects are in the development phase with no guarantees of implementation. They first need to pass a vigorous review process by GC and we will keep you Resident Sea Eagles at the Club DRINKING OR SMOKING IN FRONT OF THE CLUB IS PROHIBITED Please refrain from smoking or taking drinks outside the entrance door. The Club permits smoking out on the balcony on the ocean side not near the kitchen and the drinking of alcohol out the front of the Club is not permitted by law. Please abide by this direction as set by the General Committee. 8 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Carol Shaw As you may have noticed through media outlets recently, now is the time that premier touring company Scenic, announce their pre-release European River Cruising programme for 2017. As I have said before these deals are always the best you are going to get for travel in 2017 with this fantastic holiday company. A Scenic river cruise should be near the top of everyone’s bucket list! The deals they are promoting right now offer 2017 cruising and tours at 2016 prices, this can sometimes save you up to $1000 per tour! They have special opportunities for certain times of the year for an upgrade to Business Class for an additional $1995 per person, now wouldn’t that just make a wonderful holiday! You can also pay in full by 31May and get a further $600 per couple off the price! There are other opportunities available to make this a fabulous deal for a great holiday. If any of the above interest you, you need to strike while the iron is hot! These deals are only available for a short time and are limited. In January I had the great honour of being named number 3 consultant in Australia for Scenic out of 25000 consultants, so to celebrate this achievement we will also throw something into the pot to sweeten the deal for you! In October last year I had the opportunity to travel with Scenic on their 13 day South of France river cruise from Dijon to Tarascon. I have in the past cruised from Amsterdam to Budapest, Amsterdam to Basel and Amsterdam to Frankfurt and totally loved them all, but this has to be near the top for me. As we travelled south down the beautiful Rhone River we visited amazing towns such as Beaune known for beautiful wines and mustards, ah what a treat! Another great experience is Tournus where not only do you get the chance to try more beautiful wines but they are accompanied by the great delicacy truffles! The taste is divine! As a history buff, I loved all the incredible towns we visited along the river as almost all of them are heritage listed, and they have a history of 1500 years plus in most places. The highlight for me was a visit to Pont du Gard to see the UNESCO heritage listed Roman Aqueducts built over 2000 years ago. Stunning, and have to be seen to be believed! We travel through all the great wine areas of France, but for non wine lovers, there are as always, plenty of alternative tours to take each day. There is a fabulous Benedictine Abby in Cluny and Notre Dame Basilica in Lyon. Alternatively walk the cobblestone paths of yesteryear in the medieval hilltop town of Perouges. If this isn’t to your liking visit the exclusive culinary school of Paul Bocuse and perfect the art of French cuisine! What about a guided walk of Tain L’Hermitage including tastings at Valrhona Chocolates! For the adventurous there is bike riding and you can canoe through one of Europe’s largest natural canyons! In Tournon you have the chance to board an historic steam train that travels through stone tunnels and forested mountains perched high above valley streams. What a delightful experience, the scenery is breathtaking! This is a 13 day cruise through the most beautiful country side and at a very easy pace, with lots of time to spend in beautiful quaint villages, so relaxing. For further information on this great cruise holiday, or any of the fabulous Scenic cruises in Europe, or if you would like to make a booking, give me a call and set up an appointment. Regards, Carol. “WITHOUT A TRAVEL AGENT YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN” We are your travel agent and we look forward to giving you the holiday you deserve! TOUR de FORCE TRAVEL 9246 2177 [email protected] Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 9 CAPTAIN’S REPORT by Kevin Murphy 9TH JANUARY 2016 MONTHLY FISHING COMPETITION Wishing all members a very happy New Year. May this year provide lots of success and good weather conditions for all competitors. January got off to a great start. The weather was calm all morning with a late afternoon north-westerly breeze. This provided good boating conditions. Thirty seven fishing boats, seventy-seven anglers, together with seven dive boats and seventeen divers participating. Although the conditions were good the fish seemed reluctant to bite! Double Winners on the day were Gerard Murphy and Glen Carter with a total score of 58.69. Gerard also took out the Singles and Species award. Runners up Doubles went to Filko Bavcevic and myself. Fishing with us on the day was Justin Bolitho who took out the prize for largest Breaksea Cod. Singles runner up was Dave Woodcock. Sara his wife won the Ladies award. Dave also caught a very Good Pink Snapper weighing 6.91 kilos. I understand that Dave perfects the anchor and burley technique. Junior winner went to Sarah Chessells and runner–up went to Luke Moran. Great to see these young Juniors regularly in the winning circles. Mini Junior went to Maisie Malseed with a score of 6.83 almost as good as our junior winner. Well Done! Visitor’s prize went to Fred Kober who fished with his son Dieter, whilst holidaying here from Melbourne. Spear-fisherman Doubles went to Paul Arais and Luke Tobin. They caught a nice bag of fish which included a great Spanish Mackerel. Dhufish award went to Brett Dunn with a nice fish of 15.88kilos. Spear-fisherman Michael Fernandez also weighed in a good Dhufish, both receiving a bottle of Bourbon for their efforts. Fish of the Day (Baldchin Groper) awards went to Spearfishing participant Amanda Schupp and Angler Alan Omond. Carryover Fish of the Day, from December Competition, went to Paul Arais and angler Mark Gault. Largest Samson fish went to John Cant and Shaun Murphy received the award for the largest Shark. Tailor and Garfish prize went to our Veteran fisherman Ken Matthews. Other Veteran Anglers who did well were Brian Green with a 1 kilo Squid and Noel Williams winning the Whiting award. Diver Brett Richards weighed in a very respectable Cray-fish of 2.27kilos. A great crowd came down for both the Weigh-in and Presentations. Many stayed on for the BBQ and had an enjoyable evening. I would like to thank all who participated in the competition and members who helped on the day. Thanks, greatly appreciated. Our next two months, February and March will be very busy with the different competitions. I wish all participants all the best of luck! Kevin. 15% DISCOUNT FOR ALL MAAC CLUB MEMBERS WHEN MEMBERSHIP CARD IS PRESENTED AT PURCHASE OR ENTER PROMO CODE MAAC15 WHEN BOOKING ONLINE BOOK NOW (08) 9246 1039 | Valid for up to 4 Adults per booking. Valid for Standard Ferry travel only. Discount does not include Gov. Tax. 10 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. JANUARY FISHING COMEPTITION Brett Richards Justin Bolitho Breaksea Cod Mark Gault King George Whiting John Burt Harlequin Paul Arais Spanish Mackeral Matt Bayliss Baldchin Groper Mitch and Brad Dixon Robert Weir Baldchin Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Shaun Murphy Red Snapper 11 JANUARY COMPETITION WINNERS CATEGORY POINTS / SPONSOR WEIGHT Doubles Winner Gerard Murphy & Glen Carter Doubles Runner Up Singles Winner Singles Runner Up Veterans Ladies Junior Junior Runner Up Mini Junior Visitors Most Species Spearfishing Doubles Filko Bavcevic & Kevin Murphy Gerard Murphy Dave Woodcock Kevin Murphy Sara Woodcock Sarah Chessells Luke Moran Maisie Malseed Fred Kober Gerard Murphy & Glenn Omond Paul Arias & Luke Tobin 51.58 Pts 32.51 Pts 30.01 Pts 26.59 Pts 15.85 Pts 9.39 Pts 8.40 Pts 6.83 Pts 12.97 Pts Seven (7) 24.03 Pts Fish of the Day – Baldchin Groper & King George Whiting Dhufish Alan Omond Mark Gault Brett Dunn Michael Fernandez - Dive Mark Gault John Cant Dave Woodcock Alan Omond Justin Bolitho Shaun Murphy Ken Matthews Doug Christiansen Glenn Omond Noel Williams Murray Cribb Ken Matthews Brian Green Brett Richards Amanda Schupp Paul Arais 2.303 kgs 0.851 kgs 15.88 kgs 8.75 kgs 0.851 kgs 16.63 kgs 6.91 kgs 2.303 kgs 1.891 kgs 9.17 kgs 1.230 kgs 0.825 kgs 0.271 kgs 0.193 kgs 0.610 kgs 0.156 kgs 1.00 kgs 2.27 kgs 3.559 kgs 0.907 kgs King George Whiting Samson Fish Snapper - Pink Baldchin Groper Breaksea Cod Shark Tailor Skippy Herring Sand Whiting Flathead Garfish Squid Largest Crayfish Fish of the Day Speared – Baldchin Groper & King George Whiting 58.69 Pts North Coast Concrete P/L – Steve & Sheryl Bevis & Solomons Flooring Joondalup - Colm & Philomena Kane Hillarys Boat & Tackle Hillarys Boat & Tackle Centrewest Insurance – Joe Barbaro L. J. Hooker North Beach – Brian Murray Leigh Wilson – Peard Real Estate Hillarys Margaria Cleaning Group – Roland & Sam Margaria Hillarys Boat & Tackle Carramar Resourse Industries – Borrello Family MAAC Doug Clegg Award - Ian Wilkes & Family Gold Constructions – Aldo & Amaryll Werjutina & Carramar Resource Industries – Borrello Family MJ Murphy & Sons - Gerard & Renee Murphy Mini Mix Concrete – Hillary Family Carine Homes - Phil & Dale Crannage ProMicro Pty Ltd - Bruce Reed Shore Catch –Chessells Family Award Contracting – Tim Daws Darren Hall Electrical Contractors – Hall Family Lauren K. Photography - Dieter & Lauren Kober Best Consultants - Cameron Dawe & Family Sky West – Justin Bransby Sorrento Electrix - Darren Fairburn & Family Patron’s Award – Lockhart Family Barnet Building Co. P/L – Paul & Christine Sumner Ian Diffen’s Osborne Park - Bryn & Di Allwood Sense Financial Services – Paul Tasker Gold Constructions – Aldo & Amaryll Werjutina Ben Mettam Mike Kane HU L $1 L ON 5,8 LY 93 The latest design from Karnic Superb offshore 5.56m runabout with the option of choosing your own deck layout Call us for more information Now the New Honda Dealers North of the River OUTBOARDS SERVICING PARTS 5% DISCOUNT ON PARTS TO ALL MEMBERS Phone Larry 0438 181 640 SUPS BOATS OUTBOARDS 12 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. POOL REPORT by Kevin Craft PEPF SUMMER COMPETITION As I don’t play in the summer competition I am not always across the situation. I asked the summer players to put together a report and this is what they came up with... This year we decided to change things up and have a designated A team and a B team Instead of having two even teams. The A team were testing their skills by going up a division into the A league and playing teams with recognised WA State players and teams consisting of several very strong players. The season got off to a flying start with the A team winning their first match 16-14 after trailing 13-14. The winner that night was definitely the new strategy with the losing team congratulating the MAAC A team on a great win played in style! This sadly was the last time the A team won for 4 weeks as a series of close games resulted in the MAAC A team coming a close second by the nearest of margins. drains his opponents. Yet to tap his full potential, on soft shots he still has to faucet. Greg Fussell, usually found perched in small tin sheds way above Fiona Stanley craning his neck at passersby. Unable to have meals delivered, Greg has lost weight, can now tread water in a garden hose & has to run around in the shower just to get wet. Clint Stonier, an excellent player until he recently experienced a loss – would anyone finding the aforementioned brain please put in the bottom of an empty Guinness glass as Clint seems to be staring into every one. Paul Cain had this to say regarding the one strong team strategy; “This year Steve Cox decided to change things and totally (expletive deleted) it up with changing players around. Resulting in both teams doing very average at best, instead of his team doing very average and the supposedly “B” team going all the way taking out the Champion of the Champions trophy singing “We are the champions”. Steve - that’s “We are the champions” To help put things in perspective the guys put together the following resume of the A-Team; Unfortunately we started the season with a decided handicap – a pommie, captain Paul Cain. Paul speaks in a strange dialect so we usually just nod & smile & continue with what we were doing. He plays ok, 2nd in the overall averages so we’ll probably keep him. Vice-captain Steve Cox, a master plumber, cleverly takes plenty of time over his shots which psychologically Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. BOOKKEEPING 13 Pool report continued... Mason Cuthbert, a cabbie, never around when you want him, always around when you don’t, keeps his meter running while outside having a puff or playing 9 holes, has visions of an Uber existence. Keith Alderslade, obviously the glue that hold this disheveled disparate motley crew of reprobates together. Usually the one who puts the team triumphantly over the line with shots of incredible skill & grandeur only to be woken by the alarm clock to face yet another day living the dream……. MONTHLY COMPETITION On the last Sunday of each month we hold a pool competition open to all CPA players and MAAC members and their guests. There is a $10 entry fee with a guaranteed first prize of $100 and second prize is a $25 MAAC voucher. If you would like to get regular updates on what is happening with the MAAC Pool club please email me at [email protected] Until next time... Kevin Craft MAAC POOL CLUB 2015 - We are the champions Since my last report we have had only one competition which was held on the 31st January (the December comp. was cancelled as it fell on the yuletide long weekend). Weatherwise it was an awful day with blustery wintry conditions slap bang in the middle of summer! If I had not known better I could have imagined I was in Melbourne. Due to the weather we had a very poor turnout. Just as we were about to call it a day a few more stragglers entered the Sea Wall bar, and being a quorum we were able to hold a competition, albeit a bit smaller field than usual. John Kirwan It was great to see a couple of the darts hustlers, in the form of John & Annette Kirwan, sign on for the competition. At the end of the day we ended up with quite a lively bunch of players taking a very relaxed approach to their game. With some well-timed quips and no sheep stations on the table, it was a fun afternoon. Steve Cox won the $25 voucher whilst Paul Cain was crowned champion for the day. Paul Cain The next monthly competition will be held on the 27th March. If you are interested in having a go, or just want to watch, check the Grapevine for news of this event. It is generally on the last Sunday of the month but can sometimes change if it is a public holiday or clashes with another event. We are always looking for new players, so please drop in on a Monday night, have a few games and find out more about the Pool Club. Annette Kirwan 14 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. DIVE SECTION REPORT by Paul Hillary OCEAN REEF SEA SPORTS CLUB (ORSSC) AND MARMION ANGLING & AQUATIC CLUB (MAAC) CRAY DIVE WEEKEND IS SET DOWN FOR SATURDAY 19TH & SUNDAY 20TH MARCH. We have organised a charter dive on the Saturday 19th and have 6 spots on the Charter Boat with PDA Hillarys doing two dives at Rottnest. The cost is $110.00 and we leave at 7:30am. (BYO lunch) Tea and coffee provided. On the Sunday we will dive from our own boats and meet at ORSSC at 3:00 for a BBQ and cray cook up with some prizes. Let me know if you are keen. THE PLANS FOR THE MAAC DIVE TRAIL OUT THE FRONT OF THE CLUB is progressing slowly and as more and more comes to light we will keep all informed TRAINING - WE HAVE BEEN REQUESTED TO RUN ANOTHER COMPRESSOR COURSE. The last one run was in December and we will run another when we have the numbers. Contact Paul Hillary if you wish to be included. DIVING IN MONTHLY FISHING COMPETITIONS Scuba Divers are eligible to fish and also dive for Crayfish in the clubs monthly Fishing competitions. Scuba Divers will not spear or loop fish on air. Scuba Divers can catch Crays and Squid by loop and weigh them in. Biggest/Heaviest Cray Fish Award To clear up any confusion divers can weigh in only one DAVID MEAD MAAC member & coastal property specialist If you are considering your property options, please contact David Mead, for honest and professional service with a smile. DISCOUNTS OFFERED TO MAAC MEMBERS & THEIR FAMILIES 0428 814 407 [email protected] PEARD REAL ESTATE HILLARYS MARINA GALLERY OFFICE (08) 9447 0011 | Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 15 Dive section report continued... Crayfish on the day, with only the heaviest Cray caught being recorded on the board for the monthly prize and be eligible for the end of year award. This includes both Scuba and Free diving (Spearfishers), there will be no need to weigh and record all crayfish, only the biggest and this should save some time on busy days. Divers must hold a rock lobster license and Crays are only to be taken by hand or looped - no hooks. FREE DIVERS (SPEARFISHERS) Free divers (Spearfishers) will be eligible to weigh in any of the fish on the species list. The Spearfishing section will have their own awards for the heaviest of the listed species on the score board in the boat shed and be awarded the heaviest if speared, separate to the fishing section. The only exception is that the monthly species prize for fish of the day can go to a diver or angler. Both divers and fishers weights (points) will be recorded on board, for all listed species, spear fishers under anglers in Green. Their monthly species points will only go towards the doubles Spearing end of year awards. The Islands lie about 60 kilometres west of Geraldton, on the Western Australian coast, and consist of 122 islands clustered into three main groups: the Wallabi Group, Easter Group and Pelsaert Group, which extend from north to south across 100 kilometres of ocean. Lying in the stream of Western Australia’s warm, southwardflowing Leeuwin Current, the marine environment surrounding the Abrolhos is a meeting place for tropical and temperate sea life. Abrolhos Islands Trips include all meals and depart from Geraldton on the Wednesday night and return Sunday afternoon. The Southern Image now has a desalination plant for unlimited showers, a bread maker to wake up to the smell of fresh bread and muffins and a coffee machine for one of Luke’s amazing coffees at breakfast KOMODO JUNE 2017 OVERSEAS DIVE TRIP I have already been approached by people wanting to bring friends along so realistically we have about 16 people ready to pay the deposit. Their scores will not go to fishing end of year awards. Spearfishers can weigh in their heaviest Crayfish to be eligible for the heaviest Cray for the month and end of year awards. This trip is a first paid first on trip (I did my online booking and paid my deposit today). Bookings can be made by contacting Joseph or myself and we will provide a link. All details on how to pay the $1,000.00 deposit are included. NOISE AND HELPING OUT AT MONTHLY COMPETITIONS It would be greatly appreciated when attending the monthly weigh-in to keep the noise down so that the weigh-in staff can get their jobs done. Also after all the fish have been cleaned it would be helpful if you can give a hand in putting the cleaning tables away. Please remember to clean up your tables and put rubbish into the bins and dishes on the sink at the end of the night. Unlike previous organised “MAAC DIVE” Trips this is not a MAAC DIVE MEMBERS & FRIENDS EXCLUSIVE trip. From 24th Feb 2016 (yep - next week - not next year) any spots not taken will be available on the Dive Adventures Online Booking Portal at the same price shown here (Mermaid II reasons - not Dive Adventures). As this is not an Exclusive MAAC DIVE Trip there will be no official Group Shirt, Flights, accommodation etc. ABROLHOS ISLAND SCUBA DIVE TRIP 11TH - 15TH MAY Luke from Image Dive has offered us a 4.5 day trip to the Abrolhos so if you are keen please let me know ASAP. There is only 1 spot left, so be quick. Individuals are responsible for the 125 Euro National Park Fee and the 96 Euro Nitrox Package. Deluxe room (upstairs) is AUD$4000.00 don’t forget your own Travel Insurance. About the Abrolhos Islands and the trip The Abrolhos Islands and their surrounding coral reef communities form one of Western Australia’s unique marine areas. If you would like to join in one of our local or overseas dive trips or come to one of our monthly meeting please contact me and I will send some information, at most dive meetings we have a guest speaker. COMING EVENTS March Monthly Fishing, Diving Spearing Competition 12th March 2016 Monthly Dive 19th and 20th Dive with ORSSC Cray Dive Day also Hillarys Abrolhos Island Scuba Dive Trip 11th - 15th May Safe Diving Paul Hillary 0419040346 [email protected] 16 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Back To Realty, After Reality The team at LJ Hooker North Beach (MAAC Sponsors) are happy to welcome Blake Garvey’s wealth of experience and auctioneering talents into our Coastal team. Since starring on the reality television show The Bachelor, the prominent Perth auctioneer has broken back into the property scene, conducting a high number of auctions for some of Perth’s most recognised real estate agents. Recently on February 6th Blake again tasted success with a sale under the hammer at 51B Beachton St, North Beach. Principal/Licensee Brian Murray said “Blake is an excellent auctioneer, and he did a great job on the day with multiple bidders and a crowd of over 40 potentials buyers.” Blake’s passion for property has encouraged him to return to sell real estate in the Perth Metropolitan area with LJ Hooker North Beach who are looking forward to having him as part of their team! We invite you to contact Blake if you are thinking of putting your house on the market either by Auction or by Sale or for a no obligation free market appraisal. Contact the team at LJ Hooker North Beach on 9447 0082 for all your real estate needs! GLENGARRY SPECTACLE BOUTIQUE Shop 13 Glengarry Shopping Centre Duncraig 6023 Phone 9246 1022 / 9448 5503 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 17 B LUE W ATER O PEN F ISHING C LASSIC 2016 PRIZE WINNERS BLUE WATER CLASSIC PRIZE WINNERS SPECIES 18 WHITING HERRING BREAK SEA COD GARFISH BALDCHIN GROPER TAILOR FLATHEAD DHUFISH HARLEQUIN SKIPJACK PINK SNAPPER KING GEORGE WHITING QUEEN SNAPPER SAMSON FISH / AMBERJACK NAME ALEX THOMAS ROBBIE RICHES ADAM BORRELLO BLAKE SHEPHERD STEVE BROWN TIM MORAN BEN CAMPBELL CHRIS HAROLD MATT LANGRIDGE CLINT ACKERMAN GAVIN BENNETT STEVE BROWN TERRY BELL NEIL ROWSE WEIGHT 0.251 KG 0.384 KG 2.190 KG 0.284 KG 4.310 KG 1.63 KG 1.884 KG 16.30 KG 1.93 KG 3.07 KG 8.08 KG 1.148 KG 5.59 KG 17.50 KG EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION WINNER -‐ BRETT RICHARDS PHILIP CULLEN - LUCKY COMPETITOR PRIZE 4.2M ALUMINIUM DINGHY ON A DUNBIER TRAILER WITH 30HP SUZUKI OUTBOARD, 4xPDF’S, ANCHOR KIT, INSHORE FLARES & 12 MONTHS REGISTRATION & INSURANCE. TOTAL VALUE $11,500 SPONSOR - ALL BOATS & CARAVANS – KINGSLEY, MAAC & CLUB MARINE Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. T E H MONT T F O P H A MARCH PRESENTS AT THE MAAC THURSDAY 17TH MARCH 2016 Glass Middy Pint JUG $3.90 $4.70 $9.40 $18.80 TAP CHANGES EVERY MONTH Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 7:30PM TO 10:30PM Come along in your orange or green and enjoy a great Irish Band “The Dublin Stompers”, some Guinness, Kilkenny or green beer and participate in a great day. The kitchen will be open for bar snacks and normal al a carte meals. 19 MAAC JUNIORS by Simon Irvine MAAC Juniors returned after the Christmas break on Sunday 10th January with the Juniors straight back into their normal activities of kayaking, snorkelling, fishing, swimming and general water fun. Then after burning up some energy, slowing down with table tennis, pool and foozball. A quick energy boost from the canteen and repeating the same process again. It is an interesting morning when Juniors go snorkelling after the monthly abalone day. They return to the shore with all sorts of lost and broken dive gear. Lost screwdrivers are the most common find, along with the odd flipper, masks, booties and gloves. A dive bag with a dozen abalone was found one morning. Mick Chessells has been taking out several Juniors fishing on his boat Sunday mornings (weather permitting). It’s great to see them return all smiles and hear their stories of fish caught and the ones that got away. It’s such a good experience for the Juniors to go fishing with Mick, as he passes on his knowledge and teaches them “hands on fishing”. What better way to learn, while out on a boat and from somebody with such a love of fishing. Thanks Mick! kayaks were out and a few games of beach/grass volleyball were played. A fun day was had by all, topped off with a feed of freshly caught crabs. On one of the windier Sundays at The Boatshed, the lifesavers from Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club gave us some demonstrations on how to perform water rescues. They also taught us how to use the defibrillator machine and oxygen bottle. At the time of writing, Chase The Shark major prize still hasn’t been won. Only 3 cards left on the board. Good Luck! We have a busy month of March with Patron’s Cup in Jurien Bay March long weekend, Moore River Kayaking Day on Sunday 13th March and State Boats in Lancelin on Saturday 19th March. All MAAC Juniors are encouraged to fish in these competitions and monthly MAAC Competitions. Unfortunately we had to postpone our MAAC Juniors Fishing Classic yet again due to a strong wind warning issued by The Bureau of Meteorology. Better to be safe than sorry. We are still trying to find a suitable date to reschedule. The MAAC Juniors met up with rest of the MAAC down at the annual Mandurah Crab Day on the 24th January. We took both the MAAC dinghies down to the estuary and the Juniors put in a great effort to get the boat limit for both dinghies. There were many crabs caught, however the majority were just a millimetre or two undersize, so we were crabbing for a while as the Juniors were determined to reach their limit. While the Juniors waited their turn for a run in the dinghies, the 20 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. The final day for MAAC Juniors will be a day trip to Rottnest Island on Sunday 3rd April, so keep this day free in your diaries. Finally thanks to all the volunteers and Juniors Committee Members who put in a fantastic effort to make an enjoyable season for our MAAC Juniors. It couldn’t be done without all of your help. Kids at Mandurah MAAC Boat in front of Club Kids at Mandurah Mandurah Crabbing Kids playing in front of Club Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 21 SOMETHING Big Rock Toyota PROUD SPONSOR OF FOR MAAC MAAC Present your MAAC membership card and enjoy: Big Rock Toyota Benefits Purchase a New Vehicle Big Rock Staff Rates Fleet Rates On and Receive On Finance Servicing & Parts SAVE cash back $ 400 Off your best negotiated deal $$$ SAVE $$$ ON ALL MAKES AND MODELS PLUS HUGE RANGE OF PRE-OWNED VEHICLES AVAILABLE SER ICE Big Rock Toyota 445 Wanneroo Road, Balcatta, WA 6021 (08) 9344 0111 F: (08) 9344 3246 E: [email protected] TOYOTA T OYOTA ACCESS A SMARTER WAY TO BUY GKP2550 22 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. CHASE THE ACE JACKPOT $4,500 Fax: 9446 4755 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. See Terry, Bernie or Shaun for all of your panelbeating needs. Mention your involvment with the MAAC club for a $50 discount!! Remember - you get to choose your repairer, so make us yours. or email [email protected] for enquiries. Come and see us for an obligation free restoration quote any day of the week. No bookings required. Debra Newcombe Todd Robinson Dennis Blake Michael Fernandez Leo Prideaux Rhett Shannon Simon Irvine Martin Dew Steve Trickett » Residential Homes » Renovations & Additions » Design and Build Service Daniel Ryan 0419 940 121 BRB No. 14081 Email: [email protected] Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 23 SPEARFISHING by Mike Kane JANUARY COMPETITION. The January competition went ahead with some nice weather and good catches. Those who ventured further north seemed to fair best with Mike Fernandez and visitor Paul Arais taking out first prize. Amanda Schupp represented the ladies well with a respectable baldchin weighing 3.559 kgs. It certainly appears those who have been diving and training consistently are seeing improved results. It’s that time of year that the jacks are in town so next month should yield some good fish. YOGA Thursday night training has been moving along. I’m not sure that the instructor can work miracles on some of us, however, I am sure there will be some benefits. It’s $15 per head and all are welcome. Mike Kane - Dhufish TRAINING Pool training - we have now secured the dive pool that is much better suited for our training. We only have the space for one hour so please arrive 5:45 pm for a 6:00 pm start. ABROHLOS TRIP We have secured a boat for an Abrohlos trip on the weekend of the 8/9th May. The trip filled exceptionally quickly so to any who missed out I am sure we will run others throughout the year. RECORDS We have agreed to start a records list. These species will be based only on the species in the monthly competitions. Eligible fish must be speared by a MAAC member and weighed in conjunction with all the associated rules to the MAAC free diving section. Simply weigh in your fish on the day to be eligible. Regards Mike Kane 24 Michael Fernandez - Dhufish CRAYPOTS CRAYPOTS CRAYPOTS CRAYPOTS CRAYPOTS Amatuer Slat + Beehive Fully Rigged Phone Club Member Alan on 0428 955 623 or Glenys on 0418 345 188 PLUS CHEAP CRAY BAIT CRAYPOTS CRAYPOTS CRAYPOTS CRAYPOTS Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. MANDURAH CRAB DAY 24th January 2016 This year’s Crab Day was held on a beautiful summers day on Sunday the 24th January on the Dawesville Foreshore. Club Members, visitors all joined along with the MAAC Juniors and their families. The Foreshore was a hive of activity with the carpark full of many boats and trailers. I had gone along early to secure a spot, however our Junior members families had already set up in preparation for the crab cook- up and picnic lunch. The Club bus, driven by Spencer arrived with a full load of MAAC Members. Spencer feels he deserves a pay rise after having to endure a sing along from HIS passengers on the long journey home. Everyone enjoyed the usual feed of crabs freshly cooked & presented. Many thanks goes to all the members who regularly catch their limit of crabs and bring them along to share. Lots of time goes into this and is greatly appreciated. This year it was a little hard to find legal crabs as so many were just under size. NACA award was mentioned by our members, but More pics on page 7 no one seems to know where it is. If any member knows of its whereabouts please let the Club or myself also know. It would be fun to get the Award happening again! The chief crab cooker of many years on the crabbing days was always Bill Hauth. He was sadly missed this year and his name was definitely mentioned on the day by many other fellow MAAC members who held him in high regard. Australia Day Patronage was very evident on the day with many members’ boats displaying our flag. It was a very enjoyable day and for some a wonderful long weekend. Kevin Murphy Greenwood GET THE POWER OF AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST INDEPENDENT Talk to the team at Tyrepower Greenwood for help choosing the right tyre for your type of driving from our large range. OUR SERVICES: • Tyres, Wheels & Batteries • Wheel Alignment • 4x4 & Truck Tyres Kingsway Shopping Centre COCKMAN RD MAAC 26 Canham Way, Greenwood WA 6024 Email: [email protected] Tyrepower Greenwood Ad 190x130 8-13.indd 1 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. CANHAM WAY WE ARE HERE RD WANNEROO HEPBURN AVE Phone 9247 1166 15/08/13 9:30 AM 25 DARTS FROM THE OCHE by Chris McCarthy Well MAAC darts returned from the Christmas, New Years break with regained vigour to improve in 2016, with mixed results throughout the five teams representing the club across the three divisions. B1 Division B2 Division C Grade (cont.) MAAC Black, returned fresh and on top of their game after the break and have only lost the one game (only had 5 players) and sit comfortably on top of the ladder with 8 wins and 2 losses. Players for the round were Rob Jones 77.76 average and Julian Dinardo 71.47 and a 112 peg. They have been ably assisted by new team member Jed Woodcock who joined the team in the New Year. MAAC White, were slow to find their feet on the return but have come to find regular form in the last few games. A pretty well balanced team has seen input from all players and sit fourth on the ladder with 6 wins, 4 losses leading into finals .Good performances from Shane Jones and Steve Allan against better players have helped in lifting the teams ranking. Top average for the round was Bob Glass with a 60.50 / 59.65. MAAC Green The team returned after the break after losing prior to Christmas to Sorrento White (who only managed to field 5 players) with the determination to win at least one game for the season. Things didn’t look promising having to play the top two sides to open the seasons return but they went close losing 6-5 to the top side. They then went on to play Quinn Grey and it went down to nearest the bull in the final singles game...THEY WON!! Unfortunately they still sit last on the ladder with 11 losses, 1 win. Top average went to new recruit Geoff Yorath with a 52.19. Their ability to finish of games is costing them dearly as is the ability to field a consistent team due to outside influences. From all reports there have been some good individual performances including a peg of 91 to Ian Lennox and 3 pegs to Ian “Jock “Beaton. “180’s” Julian Dinardo – “B1” MAAC Black Paul McFarlane – “B1” MAAC White John Kirwan – “C” MAAC Red Online The individual fixtures and results for each division can now be found on the MAAC website- activities/ darts/fixtures and results. 26 No. in billiards and bingo since 1969 Willetton Super Showroom 34 Gympie Way (Cnr Whyalla) 9354 9150 C Grade Bunbury Pool Tables Bunbury 2/76 Spencer Street MAAC Red sit in second place with 6 wins, 3 losses and a draw heading into the final stages of the season. First game after the break and they play MAAC Blue in the Derby , and from all accounts all players were very “rusty” as no player managed to throw an average of 35 or better, fittingly it ended in a draw. Since then things have improved and they now sit in second position on the ladder. Highlight of the round with an average of 59.18 was John Kirwan. MAAC Blue led by “Clubman of the Year” Gerry Pooley follow very closely in the footsteps of MAAC Green and find themselves floundering at the bottom of the ladder. 9791 5020 No.1 name in... pool, billiard and snooker tables quality cues and accessories bingo tickets and equipment air hockey and soccer tables AFL 8 ball merchandise gaming and fundraising darts and dart boards table tennis tables A preferred supplier to the AHA AHA (WA) Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. DARTS continued. Winter Season The Winter season begins on the 5 April and teams and player nominations are been called for in the lead up to the start. As the competition within the Blue Water Darts Association continues to improve and with the installation of an additional board (boatshed) the MAAC Darts division is always looking for people to join. The competitions are held on Tuesday night in the Seawall bar or at an associated club starting around 7.30pm and usually finishing around 10.30pm. The club has five teams at present represented across four divisions with empathise on social interaction with like minded people. So if you are a dart player or just want to give it a go or just want more information give me a call – Chris on 0417186504. Frank Taylor’s Australian Military History Tours Trading as Kokoda Treks and Tours Pty Ltd : Lic Australian Travel Agent 9TA1368 Australian focussed military history tours worldwide Including : Examination of the Kokoda Campaign and relevant, accessible site visits of both the Kokoda Trail and the beach head battle locations of Buna, Gona and Sanananda. Additionally, we complete the tour of the Papuan Campaigns by visiting and inspecting Milne Bay where Australian Forces defeated Japanese land forces for the first Allied land victory over the Japanese in World War Two. The tour uses four wheel drives with limited walking to enable good site inspection and no overnight jungle trekking. Borneo, Gallipoli “Explore More” Australia’s Western Front 1916 -18 We offer you the benefits of 30 plus years operational & management experience. We can assist with group and special interest programmes as well. Website : Office : [email protected] 7 Laga Court, Stirling WA 6021 Phone 08 94469856 MAAC Member LOOKING FOR WORK? Want Part Time flexible hours? Returning to work after children? Join our mature aged students in Balcatta and gain a qualification you will have forever with our Certificate IV in Bookkeeping (FNS40211). Bi monthly intakes plus we assist after the course with our Job Placement Register. We train you in MYOB, Xero & Excel. 9am to 2.30pm most days. Free parking Call now for a calendar and a chat on 9207 1088 or email [email protected] or visit Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 27 BANDS MAAC AT THE Sunday 13th March John Talati 4:30pm - 7:30pm Thursday 17th March St Patricks Day Dublin Stompers 7:30pm - 10:30pm Sunday 27th March Neil Adams 4:30pm - 7:30pm Sunday 10th April JAZZ Corner House Jazz Band 4:30pm - 7:30pm Saturday 23rd April Tribute Show Ladies of Rock 8:30pm - 11:30pm Sunday 24th April Barry Gee 4:30pm - 7:30pm Sunday afternoons when the kitchen is closed members are encouraged to bring in a “Plate of Nibbles” to help them sit back and enjoy the sunset. On occasions if a major advertised function is being held open to members we will advise all in the Grapevine and Newsletter that our kitchen is open and that the ability to bring food in ceases. This is a health requirement as we do not want any issues with cross contamination foods or liability associated with this issues if any incident arises. DINING AT THE MAAC KITCHEN HOURS Bookings are essential Call 9447 1733 LUNCH Wednesday to Sunday A-la-carte 12.00 noon to 2.30pm DINNER Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday A-la-carte 6.00pm to 9.00pm Friday –Buffet only 6.30pm (no A-la-carte) BAR SNACKS Wed, Thurs & Sun 12.00noon to 2.30pm Wed & Thurs 6.00pm to 9.00pm Fri & Sat 12.00noon to 9.00pm 28 CLUB NIGHT “FRIDAY DINING CALENDAR” MARCH 11th SEAFOOD $37.50 18th BUFFET $27.50 25th CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 1st 8th 15th SEAFOOD BUFFET CARVERY SOUP & DESSERT $37.50 $27.50 $29.50 22nd 29th FRENCH FANTASTIC $29.50 SEAFOOD $37.50 MAY 6th 13th BUFFET CARVERY SOUP & DESSERT $27.50 $29.50 20th SUPER SPECIAL BUFFET $25.00 27th SEAFOOD 3 COURSES $27.50 Our Friday night buffet is always very popular so please make sure you book so you do not miss out. Call the office on 9447 1733 Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00pm. Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. * CONNECTION OF TV TO EQUIPMENT * SIGNAL STRENGTH SURVEY * INSTALL WALL BRACKETS * INSTALL SIGNAL BOOSTER SYSTEM * CHECK TV FOR GOOD PICTURE & SOUND QUALITY I’m the Bell to ring Steve Bell 47 YEARS EXPERIENCE POLICE CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE MONTHLY FISHING COMPETITIONS 12 March 2016 6:00am start 9 April 2016 7:00am start Ladies, gents, juniors, members & guests welcome Weigh-in at 4pm with complimentary drink Prize winning presentations start 6:30pm at MAAC Ph: 9307 4200 Mobile: 0407 082 200 MAAC Memb. No. 76 0438821346 MAAC Member for over 27 years “Original, Mild Chilli & Ring Burner available at the bar” RICHARD MORRIS - 0417 988 492 Alfresco Patio Enclosures using Commercial Grade Channel iT Blinds suited to Ocean Front and High Wind. Turn your outdoor area into a usable area without the wind, rain and insects. Hillarys Marina, Boat Lifting Yard • • • • • Offices, schools, showrooms, factories Commercial and domestic carpet cleaning Rug cleaning specialists Established for 50 years Employing over 300 staff Tel: 08 9349 8277 Fax: 08 9207 1575 Email: [email protected] Ernie Just 0410 448 278 9246 9006 DJM Electrical & Air-Conditioning Services EC 000623 AU 26722 Ring Macca for all Electrical & Air-Conditioning needs Mb 0418 952 856 | Ph 9303 4561 Personalized Quality Service Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. Email [email protected] Unit 5/76 Callaway Street Wangara WA 6065 29 Phone 9401 7777 SUITE EB1 32 ENDEAVOUR ROAD HILLARYS 6025 Phil Webb & Co. REG No. 2791 (Endeavour Business Centre, opposite Bunnings) Mobile: 0414 940 314 a a a No job too large or too small! ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED Ph: (08) 9409 7619 • Fax: (08) 9408 1324 Locally Owned and Operated by COLM KANE PHILOMENA KANE Tel: (08) 9300 3666 Fax: (08) 9300 3766 SOLOMONS F L O O R I N G JOONDALUP Unit 5 / 43 Clarke Cresent Joondalup WA 6027 e: [email protected] Independently Owned and Operated as a Franchise ACCOUNTANTS TAX AGENTS FINANCIAL ADVISORS Luxury beachside spa weekenders. Our 2 Night Spa Package includes a complimentary premium WA wine. Our beachside resort is ideal for couples, families or groups. Choose from 4 star studio rooms and luxury 1 bedroom apartments with huge corner spa and ocean views. Also 2 and 3 bedroom 3.5 star apartments. Restaurant facilities are available in the complex, and it’s just 800m to Hillarys Marina, AQWA, restaurants, shops and Rottnest Ferry. Best of all, it’s Just 76 steps to the beach. To book online for the best available rates go to Phone 08 9246 8100 1 Padbury Circle, Sorrento, Perth CLUB TRADING HOURS MONDAY TO SATURDAY from 12 NOON SUNDAY & PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 12 NOON - 8.30 PM OFFICE HOURS .... MONDAY to FRIDAY 8.30 am - 5.00 pm Phone: 9447 1733 Fax: 9447 1277 30 Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. LA SS AZING ASSOC & GL IA TI O N G M.A.A.C. Members’ Trade Directory Fishing for better Finance? EC 11781 ph: 0438 532 182 email: [email protected] Marmion Angling & Aquatic Club W.A. 31
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