Ihe Scnatch Sheet - Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association
Ihe Scnatch Sheet - Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association
Ihe Scnatch Sheet The Official Publication of the MAINE COON BREEDERS & FANCIERS ASSOCIATION Established in 1968 for the Promotion & Protection of the Maine Coon Cat SPRING 1994 IN THIS ISSUE The Best Maine Coons of 1992 - 1993 MCBFA OFFICERS PRESIDENT Barbara Washburn 310 Boot Road Malvern. PA 19355 610-644-9372 VICE-PRESIDENT Dr. Frances Lloyd 1465 Gloria Slreet Griffin, GA 30223 404-229-5901 TREASURER/ ACTING FANCIER MEMBER SECRETARY Suzanne Servies P.O. Box 791 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 408-372-701 8 RECOROING SECRETARY Greg Cada 21437 Lake Road Rocky River, OH 44116 2 1 6-333-461 9 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Carol Downs 57302 Peggy Drive Soulh Bend, lN 46619 2't9-233-7564 BREEDER MEMBER SECRETARY Judy Chappetta 2210 Jefferson Avenue New Orleans, LA 70115 601 -467-l 868 PROVISIONAL BREEOER MEMBER SEGRETARY Darlene Ruhle 2721 Aspen Circle WANT YOUR SCRATCH SHEETSENT FIRST CLASS? You may receive your Scrafcf, Sheef by First Class mail if you wish. The U.S. charge is $10.00 per year to cover additional postage and handling. (Foreign countries already receive their Scrafch Sheefs First Class.) lf you want to have your Scratch Sheef sent First Class, please send check or money order made out to MCBFA to the Circulation/Mailing Manager (address at left). MEMBERSHIP: FANCIER MEMBERSHIP (includes Scratch Sheet subscription): U.S,: $lO.fi)/one year; $20.fi)/two yean; $2S.fi)/three years CANADA (marked "U.S. Ftrnds Only" please): $l2.fi)/one year; $24.00/two years; $30.00/three years. ALL OTHER COUNTRIES (U.S. firnds only please): $14.fi) per year (no multiple-year dtucount). Please send mernbership fees and address changes to the Fancier Member Secretary, Sue Servies (address at left). Whenjoining or when changing address, please fill out the membership form irside the back cover. PROVISIONAL BREEDER MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION. DI,IES. AND ADDRESS CHANGES: Please send dues ($25.00/1st year, $20.fi)/subsequent years), address changes, and requests for membership information to the Provisional Breeder Memlrer SecretarT, Darlene RuNe (address at left). BREEDER MEMBERSHIP DUES AND ADDRESS CHANGES: Please send dues ($20,ffi/year) and address changes to the Breeder Member Secretary, Judy Chappetta (address at left). ADVERTISING: Only full Breeder Members may advertise cats or kittens for sale, stud service, catteries, or any service related to live animals. flftis does not apply to "Grand Galkry" listings; any member -- Fancier, Provisional Breeder, or Breeder -- may submit listings and photosfor the "Grand Gallery.") No one may run more than one ad per issue (excluding "Breeders For Sale," "Grand Gallery," "Lonesome Toms," and "lnnely Hearts" listings, and merchandise ads). Payments must be received with ads. Ads may be sent camera-ready, or the Editor will lay out the ad ifso requested. Please send your ads and payments to the Editor, address at left. CATTERY AD RATES Page ll4Page ll2 Page Full Page Norman, OK73072 Trish Simpson 205-853-7905 . MIDWESTERN DIRECTOR Marlene Wacker P.O. box 48 Wakeman. OH 44889 216-839-2166 SOUTH CENTRAL DIRECTOR Karen Crooke P.O. Box 35407 Houston. TX77235-54O7 713-776-8827 WESTERN DIRECTOR Connie Zimmerman 15127 NE 24th#101 Redmond, WA 9E052 206-441-8004 OVERSEAS DIRECTOR Posilion Open ARCHIVIST Jane Gargill 215'16 86th Avenue W Edmonds, WA 98020 26-774-0445 fA Printed on Recycled Paper g27.OO $60.00 $30.00 (limit two per year) $60.00 (limit one per year) ''GRAND GALLERY,'' ''LONESOME TOMS,'' & LONELY HEARTS'' RATES Please see "Grand Gallery" & "lonesome Toms" pages for rates. No charge for "l,onely Hearts" listings. MERCHANDISE ADRATES CIRCULATION/MAILING Judy Carlson 3446 S. Granada Spring Valley, CA 91977 619-466-9460 NORTHEASTERN DIRECTOR Lynne Boroff Advent Hill Farm, Advent Hill Road Hartland, W 05048 802-436-2050 MID.ATLANTIC DIRECTOR Kale McMahon 220 S. 4th Avenue Highland Park, NJ 08904 908-819-9643 SOUTHEASTERN DIRECTOR Rebekah Cumbie 1@O Tammy Anne Drive Birmingham, AL 35235 ONEYEAR $7.50 $15.00 1/8 405-447-8907 FANCIER MEMBER SECRETARY Position Open SCRATCH SHEET EOITOR 13283 Deron Avenue San Diego, CA 92129 619-484-8530 ONETIME SIZE ll4 ll2 Page: $20.00 per issue Page: $40.00 per issue Full Page: $80.00 per issue ALL AD PHOTOGRAPHS $l5.00chargeperphotounlessalreadyscreened. PhotoswillbereturnedifaccompaniedbyaSASE. SCRATCH SHEET SI]BMISSIONS Anyone may submit articles, pictures, and stories to The Scratch Sheet' however, only a Breeder, Provisional Breeder or Fancier member may submit "Grand Callery" information. l,etters to the Editor must be signed in order to be published but names and/or addresses will be withheld ifrequested. Please send your submissions to the Editor (address at left). Photographs will be retumed ifaccompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. REPRINT PERMISSION Reproduction of any part of The Scratch Sheet isby permission only. For permission to reprint articles, please contact the Editor. THE SCS4TCH.,SHEET ISPUBLISII.ED QU_TEfil;Y.',(S,pr.iis, '.",,',' DFl'nx'tN SFORSUBLIISSIONSAREFEB,, S1+14mer" Fsll;.;'& l(i41erl I5rMAY,IS,AUG".LS':&NO,V. 15 IN THIS ISSIIE Articlcs Cat Show People The Top Maine Coons of 1993-1994 FIP? Not MelBy Leigh Polli and Chis C. Cowing, Devotees From Down Undet, by Shelley Adams DIM 16 19 Regubr Features Grand Gallery At The uThe Imer Workings of a Cat's Mtnd,. by Judie Judie's Zoo, Maine At Our Best (Photos) Shows Tails l5 Voelkel_)2 20 23 , JI{ESC.BATCII,SIEET'...SP.BII$G'1994:. FROM THE BDITOR Awards Issue Greetings, all, and welcome to spring! (two- and four-legged) I hope all ofyou are'thriving, having survived the arltrl winter suffered by most of the country. This issue honors the Top Five Maine Coon Cats, Kittens, and Alters in the various major U.S. and Canadian regis- tries, as available. Some associations (CCA, CFF, and TICA) do not score that deeply within breed. (We regret that results are not available for the Great Britain and European registries.) For those of you who aren't familiar with the various cat registries and are confused by the headings on the awards sections, ACFA stands for the'American Cat Fanciers Association,' CCA for the 'Canadian Cat Association,' CFA for the 'Cat Fanciers Association,' CFF for the 'Cat Fanciers Federation,' and TICA for 'The International Cat Association' (which holds and scores shows in the U.S., Canada, Asia, and Ewope). All of these beautifirl cats and their owners have put up with a lot, expended massive amounts of effort and time (and owners' money!), and done without week- end "sleep-insn in order to promote the breed and achieve these awards. Let's hear it for all of them! The Question Of "Looks" It's interesting in looking at the pictures of the award-winning cats to note the different "looks" of the Maine Coon. Some people have expressed confusion by or disapproval ofthese various looks, but I feel that the subtle differences in looks between different regions and/or associations is one of the things that gives the breed its overwhelming popularity. Feral or sweet-faced, moderate or extreme, wild-looking or tame; there's a lv{aine Coon out there to fit every taste and they all fall within the standards. And these differences are tnino4 a head that is "medium in width and medium-long in length with a squareness to the muz- zle...nose medium long in length" can be on the long side or the short side of "medium long" so long as the head is longer than it is wide. Ears that are large, higb-set or higher set (these are such subjective terms! ). Rather than encouraging cookie+utter uniformity, our standard allows for these variations to the benefit of the breed. After all, if we all had to breed for exactly the same thing what would happen to our breed? We would further limit our gene pool as well as the broad appeal of the Maine Coon. Every br€ed has variations of looh and as long as these variations fall within the purview of the standards they are all equally acceptable. So whatever look you prefer, please recognize that all of these various looks are @rrect within the bounds of the standards, they are all beautifrrl, and they all contribute to the present and future success of the Maine Coon. A happy, safe, and fruitful Spring to all ofyou! Yours, Trish "Large, well-tufted, wide at the base...set high on the head" can be large or extra- LETTERS Deafness - The Ongoing Debate Dear Members, For 26 years, since the founding in 1968 of the Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association, white lvlaine Coons have been bred and exhibited in all the various associations. The coincidence that this issue of ethics regarding breeding and showing deaf whites has suddenly arisen the very same year tlat the top Maine Coon in CFA is a deaf white is very disturbing indeed! This situation is being watched with dismay by responsible members of MCBFA, both current as well as potential. The timing is very poor, making this issue look suspiciously like a witch hunt. The reasoning is flawed. Referring to the letter submitted by Ms. Floyd, Genovese, and Stirling: "Deaf queens can be poor mothers" - deaf white Maine Coons can- and do. make excellent mothers. Poor mothers come in all colors but, since our cats are no longer in the wild, responsible breeders monitor their queens and kittens. Nor do responsible breeders sell to homes that would subject cats to dangers from "dogs, wandering toms, wild ani- cult to perceive deaftress because of the kittens' compensatory olfactory, visual, and tactile adaptation to events that cause noise in their environment." The Book of The Cat states tl,at uThe best way to keep the incidence of deaftress down is not to breed from deaf individuals." But it does mals or motor vehicles..." not tell us to what degree this will keep Since this is a color linked gene, the issue ofbreeding whites, deafor hearing, is a complicated one. In studying the material to which Ms. Floyd, Genovese, and Stirling refer; on one hand Carlson and the incidence ofdeafness down. On the other hand, Neils Pederson offers no reference to whether we should or should not breed deaf whites, and neither does Robert Sherding. In fact, he states that "Clinical examination of the deaf cat Giffin state 'Congenitally deaf cats should not be used for breeding." They do (if any) efrect limiting dea&ress. not tell us, however, what this will have in Chastain and Fleming tell us 'there is no treatment for congenital deaftress in white cats. Affected cats should not be bred." But they also state that "When affected kittens are awake, it is much more diffi- usually demonstrates that behavior is normal.n Roy Robinson in his Genetics for Cat Breeders states "The deafness which is an aspect of dominant white may be briefly noted. This disability does not s€em to greatly inconvenience the cat it may probably be regarded as of (L&ers continued on n& page) and .frS.,SC.R HI,SI.EETIIi;..SFB-II$G..I994..'''.,'. LETTERS (Continued) minor import." In the We have among us those whose catteries are dirty and overcrowded, creating stress and ill health. This white cat and January 1994 "Cat Fancy" is an article about deaf cats leading happy, long lives and in the best of care, with no cages, in a house which is stated "The majority of hearing- that is spotless...and we choose not to impaired cats are deaf only in one ear..." Breeders who have worked with whites have found that hearing cats can produce deafoffspring, and deafcats can produce hearing offspring. So??? What to do??? If we cannot eliminate deafrress from white admit these breeders. In short, with the exception of the fact that these novice breeders have bred and shown a deaf white cat, they exempliS all the values which MCBFA holds dear...yet we have chosen not to allow them into MCBFA! Perhaps the issue of deaf white cats is not really the issue here. Perhaps the issue is where is MCBFA going? Those good people who founded this fine Association, Rod and Betty Ljostad, the Wartells, Nancy Silsbee, and all the others who esiablished the concept of being magazine there cats, and they can live normal, happy, healthy lives, should we eliminate a it is unethical to breed deaf cats? At a time when we need as much diversity in our bloodlines as possible, this hardly makes sense. We whole color because must not cast aside something today that we may find to be of value tomorrow. Until we have further scientific guidance in regard to deafness in whites, perhaps the rational thing to do is leave the breeding of deaf whites to the discretion of the breeder (with the exception, of course, breeding hearing-impaired to of hearing- impaired). Standing by their code of ethics, MCBFA has refused membership to the breeders of this year's lso farl top winning Maine Coon in CFA. In this instance have we really done the right thing? Have we looked at the whole picture with fair perspective? Ms. Floyd, Genovese, and Stirling refer to them as novice breeders. Who among us has not made mistakes, particularly when we were new to breeding and showing? We have among us grumblers and poor losers. Yet the breeders of this white cat have shown exemplary sportsmanship with a friendly attitude toward others, winners and losers, and are giving of their time and energy to the fanry by involving themselves in club activities and in the production of shows...and yet we have chosen not to admit them into this Association. We have among us those who have exhibited cats that look dirty and poorly groomed. But this winning white cat has consistently been presented in peak condition and beautifully groomed, a shining example of our breed to exhibitors and spectators alike...yet we have chosen not to admit his breeders into this Association. his companions are lovingly raised, with promoters and protectors of our breed, went beyond that concept. They were teachers. They were communicators. They hetped and they cared. We have strayed from these basic principles, and it is time to get back on track. We should not be policemen. We should not be an elite clique serving a few. We should not wallow in petty politics. We must serve all members, and all potential members, with unbiased objectivity. We must keep our perspectives balanced. We must set an example of cooperation through communication and education, working with potential members, not against them. The membership of MCBFA is growing enormously. Therefore it is more important than ever that the leadership of this Association set examples by intelligent and fair decisions, reached through deliberate and educated thought. It seems that this Association has become merely a collection ofpeople lacking direction and vision. We need to have befter purpose and stronger focus. Let us go forward with positive actions for education and communication. Why not form teams for long-term study of the health problems facing our breed? Why not arrange programs of education in genetics and cattery management though seminars led by veterinary exp€rts? Why not have breeders tell us oftheir experiences on various subjects? Let us take positive action to make this Association an example to all breeders of Maine Coons, even beyond our membership. We need a fair and strong Association because we are now facing the greatest challenge ever in the history of the Maine Coon! Our beloved breed is becoming dangerously inbred. We are killing the Maine! This imperative issue overrides all others. With every generation we breed, we are pushing our cat to the very brink of the pit of ill health. He is teetering on the edge and if he falls in we will never loe able to bring him out. We are losing the Maine Coon as Mother Nature made him. We are rapidly losing outcross blood and thus hybrid vigor. Wake up, breeders! This is urgent! We must learn our lines back to foundation. We must learn where our cats are related. We must locate outcross blood NOW and use it! If we do not, we will see, across the board" more catdiomyopathy and pectvs, more hip dysplasia, more suppressed immune systems, more breeding problems and problems in kittening, and who knows what else. The Maine Coon is a noble breed...do not dishonor him by letting him slide into ill health as so many breeds have done before him. Some of you may remember in the 1959 CFA Yearbook there was a quote from Cals of Yesteryear: "The popularity of the Maine Cats began to wane shortly after the turn ofthe century and very few were seen in shows subsequent to 1904. Cats, preferably imports with lengthy ancestral backgrounds, were fashionable. The fact that the Maine cat failed to thrive in wanner climates also contributed to its &inction as a breed." Mark these words: If we fail to keep hybrid vigor, ifwe fail to expand our gene pool, the Maine Coon as we know him...and love him...will in fact by extinct. This is the challenge that faces not only the Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association, but every single person who breeds a Maine Coon. Will MCBFA rise to the occasion and truly protect the Maine Coon by taking positive and innovative action to ensure a healthy future for the Maine Coon? Will MCBFA promote respnsible breeding by adopting a cooperative attitude toward all breeders so that true communication and education can be established? Will MCBFA help promote harmony among all Maine Coon breeders so that these goals can really be achieved? It is up to you, Members. The future starts now. (Si gn e d on fo I I ow i ng page) I{E ISCRATCI{'''SIIEET'.':;'. SPRING:.:tr994 LETTERS (Continuedl Re spe c tfu I ly sub mi tte d, Signed by (in alphabetical order) Margaret K. Bachman, KUHNBACH Judy Ries, FOREST MANOR 3202 Loon Lake Shores lltatetford, MI 48329 4 Richard Street Sloatsburg, NT 10974 Karen A. Jacobus. SOHO MEll/S 80 N. Moore St. #l58 Judy Quimby, COUNTRYLORE 35 Prospect Terrace Montgomery, NY 12549 Catherine G. Glynn, GLYNNWOLD 1790 Pleasant Hill Road New York. NY 10013 Franklin, TN 37064 The Scratch Sheet will publish letters and articles at the discretion of the Editor (no letters or articles defamatory to particular persons or catteries will be published), but reserves the right to edit letters and articles in the interest of clarity. Additionally, names and/or catteries mentioned in letters and/or articles may be withheld at the discretion of the Editor. Letters will be published with authors'nameswithheld if so requested, but letters must be signed in order to be published. Letters received anonymouslywill not be published. No articles will be published with authors' nemes withheld. The opinions expressed in published letters and articles are not necessarily the opinions of MCBFA or the Editor. Uru Caring For, Breeding, puBLrcArroNS AvArLAum FRoM & Showing Your Maine Coon Cat; Miuro nru From the Scratch SheetEditor $7.00 (includes shipping) Cenetics For The Maine Coon Cat Breeder, By Amanda Thomas; nrom ttre Scrach SheetEditor. $7.00 (includes shipping) The Maine Coon Cet; 8-112" x I I " flyer explaining the breed ana MCBFA. May be reproduced for distribution at shows or to your friendsorkittenbuyeii'FromtheScrqlchShee'Editor.NoCharge. MCBFA Information Booklet; Includes an introduction to the breed, the MCBFA Srandard of Pcrfection, Code of Ethics. and MCBFA Guarantee. information on joining MCBFA as a Fancier or Breeder Member, and a list of articles available from MCBFA. This booklet is an ideat handout at shows and to your interested kitten buyers and friends. From Pat Robbins, 1009 Near Dr Arexandria' ' uo";::,:,'::::;:',';;":::,:';*:::':,i}:;*t*" tt.;"-n''';;;ifi; ;Jf*li{{{siffird, II SCRATCH SHEET" DEPARTMENTS The Scratch Sheet has several departments which welcome submissions from all members. Among these are "Grand Gallery" (fees listed on Grand Gallery page), which features listings and optional photos of new Grand Champions and high-scoring cais; "At The Shows," which showcases Maines at shows around the world; "Maine Tails," which features anecdotes, stories, and poems about Maine Coons (photos are welcome); and "Golden Years," saluting our Maine Coons l0 years old or older (photos encouraged). Ifyou have submissions for any ofthese features, please send them in. And ofcourse articles and photos are always very welcome! 4 TIIE SCRATCH SHEET - SPRING 1994 Before we present the top Maine Coon Cats of the 1992/93 sltow season, we'd like you to htow a little bit more about the people who dedicate their leisure time to promoting the Maine Coon through showing their cats. To that end, we present CAT SHOV/ PEOPLE Cat Show People are a special breed not given recognized status by the registering associations, and... ...think everyone has "tokyo cages" in their living rooms. "..have messy houses but spotless catteries. ...can always find a show catalog within arm's reach; can't remember where they put the gas biil. ...drive trucks, vans, and station wagons especially equipped to haul cat carriers (and occasionally other'cat people'). ...think nothing of taking a phone call at 4:00 a.m. to assist another cat person who's having a birthing problem, buf ...won't take a phone call from anyonewhen it's show-bath time). ...can never be reached on a weekend (they're at a cat show). ...will drive 400 miles, spend $100.00 on gas, $200.00 on a motel room, and $100.00 on meals to bring home a $2.00 rosette. ...can get up at 6:00 a.m., groom the cats, and be a ringside dressed to kill at 9:00 a.m., but have trouble getting to work on time. ...never miss a closing date for entry fees but pay the mortgage ten days late. ...own the latest in up-to-date scratching posts, carriers, cages, etc.; their furniture saw its last good year five years ago. ...talk for hours on the phone with another cat person in a langu age onty cat people can understand. ...know the ring average of every competitor in the area; do not know the names of their elected city officials. ...use empty dry cat food bags for trash cans, and 30-gallon trash cans for cat litter. ...think nothing of sitting in one position for eight hours while monitoring a delivery; get restless if there is more than 45 minutes between ring calls. ...have parents who think they've lost their minds. ...have neighbors who think they're strange. ...have cat friends who think they're terrific. (Reprinted by kind permission from the 1992 ACFA Parade Of Royalty. Originally published as "Dog Show People" by Judy Kilgore, Petsmart News/92. Rewritten by Kat Malone and Sharon Libott, ACCA lttrewsletter/92, edited by l4/ini Keuler, tgg2 ACFA yearbook.) rrm scMrcn sluBl -tspRnqc - Lggz 1994 - 1993 ACFA BEST MAINE COON CATS BEST MAINE COON CAT Lawmaine Northern Xposure of Alabar Brown Classic Tabby with White Male Breeders: Steve & Carol Lawson Ov,'ners: Lee Polk & Barbara Truit 2ND BEST MAINE COON CAT The Tribe's Chitwin Brown Mackerel TabbY Male B/O: Ron & JudY Ingram 3RD BEST MAINE COON CAT Brule I See Blue Blue-Silver Mackerel Tabby with White Female B/O: Doug & Linda Johnson 4TH BEST MAINE COON CAT Nite Stalker Bruno Sam Brown Classic Tabby with White Male B/O: Donald & Christine Glover (No picture furnished) 5TH BEST MAINE COON CAT Serval Just Clown N' Arutrnd Brown Classic Tabby with White Male B/O: Fred & Brenda Parnell (No picture furnished) 5 1992. 1993 ACFA BEST MAINE COON KITTENS BEST MAINE COON KITTIN Senal Just Clown N' Around Brown Classic Tabby with White Male B/O: Fred & Brenda Parnell (No picturefurnished) 2ND BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Nite Stalker Bmno Sam Brovm Classic Tabby with White Male B/O: Donald & Christine Glover (No picture furnished) 3RD BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Kenland Jordan MacArthur Brown Mackerel Tabby with White Male B/O: Mary McCauley, DVM & Ahmad Safa (No picture furnished) 4TH BEST MAINE COON KITTIN Kenland Bootscootnboogie Blue Mackerel Tabby Female Breeder: Mary McCauley, DVM Ov"ners: M. McCauley/A. Safa/J & D. Byrnes (No picture furnished) sTH BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Pine Street Calypso Brown Classic Tabby Female Breeders: Wayne & Judy Kramer Owner: Sandy Ostertag 1992.1993 ACFA BEST MAINE COON ALTERS BEST MAINE COON ALTER Abristine Catch The Class Red Classic Tabby Neuter Breeder: Abby C.A. Carbine-Dooman Owner: Abby & Jesse Dooman (No picture furnished) 3RD BEST MAINE COON ALTER Sean Coonery Brown Classic Tabby with White Neuter Breeder: Linda Kelley Ov"ners: Cheryl & Clenn Caithamer 2ND BEST MAINE COON ALTER Alabar Willoughby of Abydolls Brown Classic Tabby with White Neuter Breeders: l,ee Polk & Barbara Truitt Owner: Lynne Bagby (ACFA Alters continued on next pqge) 1 a l ACFA BEST MAINE COON ALTERS (Continued) 4TII BEST MAINE COON ALTER Ilairbearei Spencer Tracy of Taelcat Silver Classic Tabby with White Neuter Breeder: Elizabeth & Alfred Haeberer Owner: JoAnn Genovese sTtr BEST MAINE COON ALTER Chancery Finder Of A Iost Love Silver Mackerel Tabby Neuter B/O: Judy & Dale Liggett 1992 - 1993 CCA BEST MAINE COON CATS BEST MAINE COON CAT Ruathahold Master Ilarper O'Mazinaw Brown Classic Tabby with White Male Breeders: Ruthanne & 2ND BESTMAINE COON CAT Ryanplace Shacado of Wyndhaven Brovm Classic Tabby with White Male Breeder: Elizabeth & Stephen Cole Ovrner: Laurel Grams (No picture furnished) Bill Smith Owner: Susan Nelson Qtro pi c ture fu rn i sh e d) 3RD BESTMAINE COON CAT Hillside J.R. Beau Brown Classic Tabby Male B/O: Alma and Ken Shindler 4TH BEST MAINE COON CAT sTE BEST MAINE COON CAT Kenmargot's Rufus The Red Red Mackerel Tabby Male B/O: Margot and Ken Richardson Qtto p i c tur e furn i sh e Prima-a-Cat Batman Black and WhiteMale B/O: Joanne and George Prima (No picture furnished) d) (Ed' Note: The Canadian Cat Association does not score kittens or alters within breed; howwer, Hillside Beaudacious, brown mackerel tabby with white male bred and owned by Alma and Ken Shindler, was CCA's Best Maine Coon Kitten, and Wyndhaven Quirk of Pandomanea, a blue classic tabby neuter bred by Laurel Grams and owned by Gerrie Bucsko, a was ccA's Best Maine coon Alter, based on their ccA National Awards) 1992 - 1993 CFA BEST MAINE COON CATS BEST MAINE COON CAT Coonsboro Calvin Coonidge Brown Mackerel Tabby Male B/O: Jill and Dave Burrow 3RD BEST MAINE COON CAT Katapia Oscar Ile La Renta Ovmer: Betty Williams (No picture or information furnished) 2ND BEST MAINE COON CAT Masteast Jonathan Edwards Brown Classic Tabby with White Male Breeders: Sue & Clint Jacobs Owner: Sue Storten I I 4TH BEST MAINE COON CAT Mysterymain Moris Claw, Iletective Brown Classic Tabby with White Male B/O: Gail & Bill Frew sTH BEST MAINE COON CAT Angtini Hobie Cat Brown Mackerel Tabby with White Male B/O: Linda Komar TIE 1992 SCRATCH'STEET - SPRING 1994 - 1993 CFA BEST MAINE COON KITTENS 2ND BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Snickets Northern Exposure Owner:Heidi Oliveri (No pi cture or informati on furn i she d) 3RD BEST KITTEN Imprint Benchmark Owner: James R. Jenkins, M.D. Q{o picture or information furnished) BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Furcats Jimbeau of Yanikat Brown Classic Tabby with White Male B/O: Sue Yanik & Jim Furr 4TH BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Anatxe Raul Gibbe-Kat of Furkats Brovrn Classic Tabby Male Breeders: Martha Turner & Ana Grant Oyrners: Janet Marr & Marlene Wacker sTH BEST MAINE COON KITTEN tr'uzzyland Dubbillchance of Buctales Black & White Male Breeder: Melissa Duthler Owners: Chris & Bob Buck io . ne sCqa,Tct $rIEPT:* spRr-Hc,rss4 'i :i,;, 1992 - 1993 CFA BEST MAINE COON ALTERS l BEST MAINE COON ALTER "Indy' Coondretti of Nascat Brown Classic Tabby with White Neuter Breeders: Jill and David Burrow Ovrner: Donna Hinton Coonsboro Mario 3RD BEST MAINE COON ALTER Bangor Blazing Black Jaz' B/O: Vicki Abelson (No picture or idormation furnished) 2ND BDST MAINE COON ALTER Groovycats Elbow Macaroni of Sticks Brown Mackerel Tabby with White Neuter Breeders: Tome Rodgers & Martha young Owners: Kim & Chris Bird 4TH BEST MAINE COON ALTNR Beaupor"t Dauntless (No picture or information furnished) l' sTH BEST MAINE COON ALTER Glenncourt Mocha Monster Brov*n Classic Tabby with White Neuter Breeder: Victoria Glenn Owner: Debbie Parker TIM SCRATCH SHEET -. SPRING 1994 . 1992 - 1993 CFF BEST BEST MAINI COON CAT 2ND BESTMAINE COON CAT Heritage Coons Llzz;ie Borden Brown Patched Tabby Female B/O: Betsy & Cindy Piper Kitkor's Chances Are Cameo Mackerel Tabby Male B/O: Kaye A. Sukeforth 1992 MAINE COON CATS - 1993 CFF BEST MAINE COON KITTENS 2ND BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Capecoon Daytripper of McWiskers Brovrn Classic Tabby dWhite Male Breder: Cheryl Kearns Owner: WendyMcGlynn (No picture or information furnished) 3RD BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Heritage Coons Lizzy Borden BEST MAINE COON KITTf,N Le Beau Minu Clyde of Heritage Coons Red Classic Tabby Male Brovrn Patched Tabby Female B/O: Betsy & Cindy Piper (See picture under "Cats" winners) Breeder: Carol & Tom Pedley Owner: Betsy Piper lgg2 - lgg3 cFF BEST MAINE COONALTER Heritage Coons Butch Regan Brown Classic Tabby Neuter B/O: Betsy & Cindy Piper II 1992 - 1993 TICA BEST MAINE COON CATS BEST MAINE COON CAT Coonquest Tycoon Brown Tabby with White Male B/O: Vickie &Larry Fischer 3RD BEST MAINE COON CAT Coonyham Sundance Brown Classic Tabby Male B/O: Sharon & Laura Cunningham 2ND BEST MAINE COON CAT Willowplace Hamlet Brown Classic Tabby Male Breeder: Barbara Ray; Owner: Beftye & CliffScrutchin 4TH BEST MAINE COON CAT Coonyham Santana Brown Classic Tabby Female B/O: Sharon & Laura Cunningham sTH BEST MAINE COON CAT Ryanplace Petosky Brown Mackerel Tabby with White Male B/O: Elizabeth & Stephen Cole I TT{E SC.RATCH SHEET -- SPRING 1994 1992.1993 TICA BEST MAINE COON KITTENS BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Degoonacoon Madagascat Bay Brown Classic Tabby Female B/O: Alexandra De Guzman 3RD BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Coonyham Santana Brown Classic Tabby Female B/O: Sharon & Laura Cunninqham 2ND BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Coonyham Sundance Brown Classic Tabby Male B/O: Sharon & Laura Cunningham 4TH BEST MAINE COON KITTEN Willowplace Hamlet Brown Classic Tabby Male Breeder: Barbara Ray Owner: Bettye & Cliff Scrutchin l3 1992 - 1993 TICA BEST MAINE COON ALTERS I MNNE COON ALTER MtKittery Surrry of Macspurr BEST Brown Mackerel Tabby Spay Breeder: Bartara Washburn Ovrners: 2ND BEST MAINE COON ALTER Calicoon Seahawk Helse Silver Classic Tabby Neuter Breeder: Lynne Sherer Owner: Alice Pursell L. Connell & Barbara Washburn I i I I 3RD BEST MAINE COON ALTER Degoonacoon Fantastic Alex Brovm Classic Tabby Neuter Breeder: Alexandra De Guzman Owner: Virginia W. Thomas 4TH BEST MAINE COON ALTER Prispurr Good For Mischief White Neuter B/O: Priscilla L Spach 15 Gran{Qaffery New Grand Champions, Best fn Ring Wins, and Best Of The Best Cats in Shows NEII/ GRANDS ACFA QGC Taelcats Humphrey Bogart; Silver Classic Tabby with White Male; B/O: Joann Genoveselpeggy McCardle ACFA QGC Coonsboro Mario "Indy" Coondretti of Nascat; Brown Classic Tabby with White Neuteq Breeders: Jill & David B'rrov4 Owners: Donna & Jim Hinton & Family ACFA GRC Alabar Bad to the Bone; Brown Classic Tabby with White Male; Breeders: Barbara Truitt & 6e Polk; Ovrners: Elena & George Tomkowich cFF Gc Heritage coons Lucille Ball; Red classic Tabby Female; B/o: Betsy & cindy piper cFF MST Le Beau Minu Clyde of Heritage Coons; Red Classic Tabby Male; Breeders: Carol & Tom Pedley; Owner: Betsy piper Alabar Bad to the Bone Coonsboro Mario ^[,onesome {oms (Stud Service) "Indy" Coondretti of Nascat CHARMALOT - Ginny Molloy, 301 Double Springs Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42101; 502-782-7554; brown classic tabby KITTYKOON - Joyce Weiner; 25-76 48th St., Astoria, NY; 718-204-5528; brown mctabby/green-gold eyes MTKITTERY - Barbara Washburn, 310 Boot Rd.; Malvern, PA 19355; 215444-9372, brown mctabby; blue classc/green-gold :: :,: , ' r,orvnsonfirorus.cDRAfEs : .' ,,.,., ' , eyes l ,1,, Eacn [$iiig: $2.00 ($8.00pqr]Far). ::, ,,..i Each li*ing yrith photo (scrdened or.unscrcened): $15.00 pcq:itsui/$60.00 pei vear Each additional photo lscrgurd og uryceene4ll $IS,,OO neisflr€t$t2.00 ^C.one\ J{narts (tooLing F V*, fo, g{omes) There are no "Lonely Hearts" listings for this issue. "Lonely Hearts" listings are limited to spayed or neutered adults available to good homes at a minimal charge, and are very successful at finding good homes for your mature cats. No charge for "Lonely Hearts" listings. t6 FIP? NOT ME! By Leigh Polli (Capaqua Turkish Angoras) with Chris C. Cowing, DWI (Animal Cove Pet Hospital, Foster City, CA Is that your reaction when you learn of a fellow breeder or fancier who has expe- rienced an incidence ofFeline Infectious Peritonitis? If so, my congrahrlations that you have never had to deal with this devastating experience and my best wishes that you never do. Howwer, based on the articles I have read, it is likely that you wil/ experience one or more incidences of FIP if you have more than three or four cats. Therefore, everyone should learn werything possible about this deadly virus in order to take preventive measures. What is known about FIP? o Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus (FPD is one of many coronaviruses (FCoD; those strains of FCoV that are capable of inducing enteritis have been designated feline enteric coronayirus (FEC$; the FECV strains typically are of low virulence and produce enteritis in only a minority of infected cats, eq)ecially very young kittens; several strains of FIPV have been identified; the virulence of tlese strains of FIPV range considerably from avirulent strains to those of low virulence and finally to those that consistently produce FIP. r' o 2 It is estimated that 10% to 4OYo of the general cat population have coronavirus titers.l' s It is estimated that 80% to 90Yo of cats in multicat and cattery environments have coronavirus titers,3'4,5 the most common being the low virulence enteric coronavirus (FECV) form. As a general rule, a cattery will either be completely seropositive (e.g., all cats in the cattery will have a coronavirus titer) or seronegative (e.g., no cat in the cattery will have a coronavirus titer.)r There is presently no reliable FIPV antibody titer test that distinguishes the pres€nce of FIPV v. another form of coronavirus or, for that maffer, the avirulent forms from the higtrly virulent forms. Thus, FIPV titer tests are not considered to be reliable diagnostic tools in determining whether or not a cat has FIP or carries and/or secretes Iin)V. l'4'6 o o o Although the virus is relatively stable in the environment,8,e only two to five percent of exposed cats ever develop the disease.a If a cat with FIPV infection or a carrier cat is in close association with other cats inlhe cattery, it may spread the virus by its stool or urine, by sneezing, or by salivating on the other cats' food, litter boxes, etc. It s€ms to take a fairly continuous expostrre over a fairly long period of time to transmit FIPV from an infected cat to a susceptible cat.a There is presently no method for determining which seropositive cats are asymptomatic carriers (e.g., cats that have coronavirus titers may or may not be secreting FIPV or another coronavirus). o 1,Ls,7,t4 o FIPV has very low infectivity, but very high mortalrty. o A diagnosis of FIP can only be confirmed through histopathology (e.g., biopsy of tiszue).s Clinical signs are more readily apparent in effirsive ("wet') FIP of FIP cases present the classical 'wet" form with excessive fluid in either aMominal or thoracic cavities, or both). A "presumption" of FIP requires review of many factors: (l) clinical signs; (2) chemical analysis of eftrsion fluid; (3) blood chemistry (such as an elevated globulin level, etc.); (4) serum protein analysis; and (5) coronavirus titer. It is far more difficult to make any presumptive diagnosis of FIP in the non+ffirsive ('dry') form (25%o of FIP cases do not involve fluid in the aMominal or thoracic (75Vo cavities).r o Kittens and older adults (14 years and older) are the most susceptible to developing IrIPV 5'12 perhaps because kittens and older adults have underdeveloped or weak cell mediated immune sys1gmg.l,2,l3 Recent articles postulate is a mutation of FECV p-tgt":t in 80% 90olo of multicat o th{^lryv to households.T' Some kittenVcats are genetically predisposed to developing FIP when posed.e Prevention r The "test and remove" method advocated for the prevention of FeLV and FIV is not advocated for elimination of FIPV because there is no accurate way of testing for FPV.r'r0 If breeders tested for and removed all cats with coronavirus titers, 80olo to 9OYo of all catteries would be eliminated! o Coronavirus titer testing does have some vahte. (1) If you have one of the l0Yoto 2OYo of catteries that have a// se- ronegative cats, then it makes sense to screen all cats coming into the cattery and not allow a seropositive cat into the cattery.5 (2) If you twice test a new cat coming into your cattery three to five weeks apa.rt, and only accept a cat who is seronegative on both tests, you at least will be assured that the cat has not previously been exposed to any coronavirus (including FPV). (3) Some researchers believe that a fourfold increase in titer over a short period of time (three to five weeks) is indicative of exposure to FIPV and probable development of FIP.e,r o It has been postulated that the Primucell FIP vaccine actually sensitizes a cat and makes it more prone to develop FIP.8 A major problem in FIP vaccine development is that you want to avoid stimulating a high antibody response, which in the case of FIP causes an immune reaction which is actually detri- mental to the cat. The FIP virus-antibody in intense inflammation which leads to granulomas and fluid accumulation - the classic signs of FIP.e complex results . Theories and Postulates o e A specific kitten's/cat's cell mediated immune response and not just its humoral or circulating antibody level is the critical factor in the development of FIP or immunity after exposure to FIPV.e ex- Regardless of whether an inci- dence of FIP has been experienced in a padcular cattery, a breeder cannot truthi'rtty e that a kitten from the cat_ tery is FIp negative unless the breeder has the kitten tested and the kitten ltas no gr**t coronavirus titer. A large proportion of kittens raised in a seropositive cattery T}IE SCRATCH STIE'ET.. SPRING will have titers, unless the kittens are isolated from the rest of the cattery until they leave the cattery for their new homes.T Raising Seronegative Kittens o The following is a brief summary of "A study of naturally occurring feline coronavirus infections in kittens" (D.D. Addie, O. Jarrett, 1992.)7 The 1992 Addie/Jarrett study updates the 1990 article mentioned in "FIP: The Secret Killer" and provides considerable empirical data will help breeders manage kitten raising to prevent FIP. "Survey kittens: Four hundred kittens over seven weeks and under 16 weeks of age were sampled. They were from 98 queens, 15 of which had more than one litter. The cats were from 41 households. 19 of which had cases of FIP in adults and 12 had cases in kittens which had been sold out of the house. Four housewhich holds had been in direct contact with households which had a case of FIP. In two households testing was initiated because the cats had chronic diarrhea; FECV infection had been diagnosed histologically in one and was suspected in the other. In four households there was no history of FIP or dianhea. "The kittens were classified according to their environment at the time of the first blood sampling. The environment was "normal" (NI) if the kittens were allowed to mix with the rest of the household, "mother" (M) if the kittens were isolated with their mother, and "isolated" () if the kittens were isolated from all adult cats, including their mother, from two to six weeks of age. (Ed. Note: The kittens are removed from their mother qt the age offrom two to six weeks and not ever returned). The choice ofkitten environment was entirely at the breeder's discretion."T RESULTS: Normal Environment: 8l litters, 238 kit- tens. Seropositive litters: 50 litters; 134 kittens; 124 kittens were seropositive (sTyo) and l0 (4%Q were seronegative; five of the seropositive kittens developed FIP. Seronegative litters: litters; 104 kittens (44%); None of the seronegative kittens developed FIP. 3l Mother Environment: 39 litters, 114 kittens. Seropositive litters: 1l litters, 39 kittens; 35 kittens (307o) were seropositive and4 (4Y$ were seronegative, one ofthe seropositive kittens developed FIP. Seronegative litters: 28 litters; 75 kittens (66%o); None of t}e seronegative kittens developed FIP. Isolated Environment: 12 litters, i16 kittens. Seropositive litters: None Seronegative litters: 12 litters; 46 kittens (100%o); no kittens developed FIP.7 Conclusion: Unless you have a seronega- tive cattery, raising kittens by 1994 17 (increments of 10, 20, 40, 80, 160,320, 640, and 1280). It could be reasonably assumed that seropositive queens were excreting virus if the "rnother" environment was used and the kittens were seropositive. One table in the study indicates that the level ofthe titer does not correspond to the fate of the virus-excreting queen. For example, Queen A's titer values were 0, 0, 160, 10, 0 and 1280 at different times and Queen A is fine. Queen H's titer values were 40, 320, 40, 320, and 160, and Queen H developed wet FIP. the Kittens that died of FIP had titers "normal" method is risky and the majority of your kittens will test seropositive. ranging from 20 to 1280. 80olo of seropositive kittens had poor growth v. 20oh poor growth in the seronegative kittens. "At present, feline infectious peritonitis virus and feline enteric coronavirus can only be differentiated by their different clinical histories in infected catteries. In this survey, cases offeline infectious peritonitis occurred in kittens from households where the initial presentation had Unless the queen is seronegative, using the "mother" environment to raise kittens also has some risk. The only way to insure that kittens you sell will not develop FIP is to use the isolation method. In an article dated May, 1993, Diane D. Addie provided details on raising kittens in isolation. She wrcte, "By isolation, I mean isolation! You MUST devote a room in your house to the litter. Wire pens in the front room with all the other cats sneezing into them will not do... You should also devote certain litter trays and food and water bowls to the ... kiften room to avoid transmission of the virus from the infected cats. Wash your hands before going in, even put on a clean over- all. Litter trays, etc. should be carefully disinfected before being used for kittens to kill any FCoV. A safe way to disinfect utensils is by soaking them in a l:32 dilution of domestic bleach ... then rinse them thoroughly in clean water. "Finally, you should check that your isolation is working by testing the kittens when they are ten weeks of age, or older, for FCoV antibodies. If somehow your kittens have become infected, consult your veterinary surgeon to find out where you went wrong. In my experience this has only happened when a breeder has tried to take a short cut, for example, by keeping two queens and their litters together, or leaving the queen in until the kittens were over six weeks old."ll Kittens should be tested at 10 and 14 weeks of age.7 Other Data From the Study: An immunofluorescent test for antibodies was used with values ranging from 0 to 1280 been enteritis and vice versa."7 The Stigma of FIP I know that many of you who have had the good fortune of not experiencing FIP are still unconvinced and believe that "onc€ you have FIP, you will always have FIP." I'm sure some of you still believe that FIP is only caused by overcrowding and unsanitary conditions in a cattery. And I'm sure some of you, if given a choice, would prefer that I never bring a cat to a show that you attend. I have actually had fellow breeders ask me if I am going to neuter all my cats! I've also been asked if I will replace all my cats so tlnt I can breed and show cats again. The answers are: (l) No! I am not going to neuter all my cats; (2) No! I am not going to replace all my cats; and (3) Yes! I am going to breed and show cats again. My kittens will be raised by the isolated environment method. I believe that the concluding para- graph in the Addie/Jarrett article must be by any person who calls him/herself a "responsible breeder." I only wish I had this information sooner: considered "It has been postulated that all infections with FCoV are initially FECV infections and that a mutation of the virus occurs in vivo, altering the target cells of (Continued on nert page) FIP (Continuedfrom previous page) lium cells in FECV infection to macrophages in FIPV infectioq a Process which allows the virus to escape from the gastro-intestinal tract and become systemic (N.C. Pederson, personal coilrmunication).7 It may be that FIP is a sporadic manifestation of a common, asymptomatic or enteritis-causing FCoV infection. The presence of FCoV in a household cannot be regarded with complacency because the absence of a history of FIP is no guarantee that a loss will not occur. @mphasis added.) Cat breeders have a responsibility to the kitten-buying public to ensure that the kittens they sell are seronegative. Seronegative kittens can be obtained by careful management, but it must be borne in mind that serological testing should never be used in a 'test and remove' programme."T Prior to my kitten Imp's diagnosis I, like many of you, was terrified of FIP but didn't know how to prevent it. In the past, my kittens have been isolated with their mothers until a week after their second inoculation and then allowed to run with the rest of the cats in my cattery (e.g., the "normal" method). Unlike her littermate brothers, Imp evidenced poor gowth at approximately five months of age. Poor growth and an elevated white blood count were the only clinical signs of FIP (which were not recognized as FIP because I had never experienced an incidence of FIP, and these clinical signs could have been diagnostic of many difierent disease processes). It is unlikely that FIP was introduced into my cattery with a new cat; the mutation theory makes far more sense. Imp was apparcntly the weak kitten (genetically predisposed?) in the litter and did not have the opportunity to develop a good cell mediated immune system. Seeing a seven month old kitten die before my eyes w:ls honible; almost as bad as having to call the owners of her littermate brothers and tell them of the diagnosis. Although FIP titer tests are not diagnostic, testing twice over a three to five week period and having consistent low titers, combined with good health, have provided assurance to these owners that their kittens will not develop FIP for that I am gratefirl. I don't intend ever to have to go through this horrible experience again and I am convinced that following the isolated environment method of raising kittens will assure that I won't have to do so. To recap: To attempt to prevent or control FIP in a cattery, one needs to take kittens away from their mother before they are six weeks of age and raise the kittens away from their mother and all other cats (except their littermates) until they are sold. Testing them twice at a three to five week intervals before they are sold (if both tests are negative) will assure both you and the new owners that the kittens are unexposed to the FIP virus. 3. Argr*L JR: Feline viral diseases, in Ettinger, SJ (ed); Textbook of Vaerinary Internal Medicine, ed. 3. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1989, pp 312-340. 4. FIP Titers - Nonsense in Numerical Fonr! Neils DVM, U.C. Davis Pedersoru 5. Hoskins, JD: Coronavirus lnfec'tion in Cats, Vet' erinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal hac' tice, Vol. 23, No. l, January, 1993 pp l'15' 6. Baines, JD: Molecular analyses of feline coro naviruses, PHD dissertation, Comell University, Ith' aca, NY, 1988. ) AMie, DD, Jarret! O: A study of naturally occurring feline cotonavirus infections in kittens' Vet Rec 130:133-137,1992. 8. Feline Infectious Peritonitis: Diagnosis, Trealment 9. Littelhale, K: Current Thoughts on the Prevention and PreventiorL Alice M. Wol4 DVM, Diplomat: ACVIM of FIP. Medical Focus, Winter 1992/The Westem Editio4 pp 8-9. 10. Seigal, lWComell Univenity (ed): The Comell Book ofCats pp 262-264. 11. Addie, DD: F.I.P., May, 1993. 12. Pedersoru NC: Virologic and immunologic aspects of feline infectious peritonitis virus infeaion. Adv Exp Med Biol 218:529-550, 198'7 13. Pedersoq NC: Feline infectious peritonitis and feline enteric coronavirus infections. Part II. Feline infectious p€ritonitis. Feline Pract 13:5-20, 1983. 14. Richards, JR: Management of Coronavirus In- fec'tions in Catteries. I apologize that all of the above cites are not complete; several of the articles that I received did not provide the source. I have collected a package of informative articles which I will be pleased to mail to any interested reader. It costs me ap- 2. proximately $5.00 to copy and mail each package, so a contribution to these costs pared by Janet Wolf and reprinted in the CFA Almanac, January 1993. v 7. l. Barloug[ JE, Stoddart CA: Feline coronaviral infections. In Greene, CE (ed); Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1990, pp 300-312. Ott, RI. DVM, hofessor emeritus, Washington State Univenity: Feline lnfectious Peritonitis (FIP). Summary of presentation at the Fourteenth Annual Dinner and Synposium on Feline Health of The Robert H. Wirm Foundation on June 25, 1992 pre- \ would be appreciated. Leigh Polli 261I Melendy Drive San Carlos, CA 9407 0; 415-591-6404 ncA 7e,fuiQo, g.t'"4t4 .?"*... CFA ) I l,6'y / rrllxe e Marbn r-arE Cltrto.r. CT 06{13 tlarlafEl M€rrlrcr }ICBFA (2qi) 66Ser7() Fax (203) 669-1)658 CI.ADDACOON gant.q6rthtJ o. ,%u Vb €zm €,v. TI{E'''SCEAT€Itr',SAlEEjf l9 ...x., SP,,RING:.,,,,,1,994 DEVOTEES FROM DOWhI UNDER By Shelley Adnms; Legendary Farms, Tasmania, Australia t fl J For the past two years, my husband David and I have been totally occupied with the raising of our Yankee Cats, and with moving our entire household of cats, dogs, and children to the island of Tasmania offthe south coast of Australia. Here we are in the process of building the Taj Mahal of catteries on our 60 My sons Toby (18) and Nicolas (10), and my daughter Sophie (5) spend a great deal of their time in the outside runs playing with the Maines during the day. When the cats come in later in the day, the children end up in the inside runs cuddling and kissing them all over again. No wonder people comment on acres of bushland. The cattery complex will include acres of enclosures which will resemble mini safari parks, where the Maine Coon will be able to stretch out and thoroughly enjoy how affectionate their new kittens are - they come pre-loved! Our Maine Coons have done very well in tle shows here, with many First Prizes and Special Awards. For a breed that is new to Australia and New Z,ealand, this has been a wonder in itself, as some of the other new breeds took many years to gain life. Enclosed are photos of some of our Maine Coon family taken here at Legendary Farm. (Some of the photos were taken in our first-stage, temporary runs.) Building is about to begin on final stage of the complex. This will be built of mud brick to blend in with the environment and to insulate against the cold in winter. The complex will be heated with hydronic heating and will include a special outdoor area in which kittens may safely climb trees, hide in native grasses, and enjoy the sun. There will also be lovely, natural settings where all the adult Maines may feel free yet be the within a fully-enclosed environment. acceptance here. Our aim is the same as MCBFA's: To promote and protect the Maine Coon. Unfortunately, there are some people in Australia who are unaware of the uniqueness of the Maine Coon. They think they are going to breed an "Australian Maine Coon." Perhaps there are some Americans who might like to try to breed an "American Kanga-' roo" - with about as much success! Please be wary of inquiries coming from Australia or New Zealand for Maine Coon breeding stock" The people who Many of our family and think they can breed a pseudofriends wonder at the madness of Maine Coon are going to try to this huge move we've made to use other breeds available over Addeilo Scimitar of Legendary Tasmania, leaving all behind to here, which include the Somali, Blue-Silver Tabby Male at I5 Months of Age build this Maine Coon Safari Turkish Van, and Persian comPark. No doubt other Main Coon-ologists will understand the bined with the Maine Coon. To avoid this, we are neutering and effect these magnificent creatures can have on their devoted spaying all our kittens before they leave for their new homes. caretakers. This precludes any haphazard breeding and gives us time to Our first Maine Coons, Shalimar Sheen and Opalfire, came become acquainted with potential Maine Coon breeders. to us from Melbourne in June of 1991. They were followed by We feel it is imperative to form a branch of MCBFA in Ausanother nine Maines who were quarantined in pairs - except for tralia in order to uphold the Constitution and Code of Ethics in the last who came as a threesome, thus, they always had comthe same way as is done in the U.S.A. This is the best way to panionship during the quarantine period. By March of 1992, we keep the breed pure and authentic. We are totally dedicated to had the whole family of Maine Coons assembled, and were the preservation of the Maine Coon Cat! overjoyed with our magnificent immigrants. Perhaps when Legendary Maine Coon Cattery is finished, With each new litter we marvel at the colors and the tlp€. some of our fellow Maine Coon enthusiasts will come visit us The people who inquire after our kittens are given a thorough here. Only the adventurous will travel to this southernmost part "vetting" before being accepted as Maine Coon Caretakers. of Australia - go any farther and you hit Antarctica. Tasmania Needless to say, many don't make it past the initial phone call! is one of the last natural places in the world, where the air and However, we have met some terrific people through the Maines the water is still pure and a traffrc jam in the capitol city of Howho keep in touch with letters and photos showing us the probart consists of about eight cars in a rowl We figure we should gress of their babies.' Babies such as Roy Galloway, who sails live to be 100 here, and no doubt the Maine Coons will all make on his family's ketch, has his own life jacket, and goes for walks it into their 20's. This gives us extra years of enjoyment with on his harness and lead. And Rochester, who asks his'Mum'to our delectable Maine Coon companions" C lift him up onto the Casablanca-tlpe ceiling fan and waits for @d. Note: Shelley has promised us pictures of her cattery her to push him around on his personal merry-go-round. And complex as soon as it'sfinished.) Felice, who knocks on the door when she wishes to enter a room. Her people say they have a "real love affair" with her! 20 THE SCRATCH SHEET.. SPRING 1994 At The Shows Thanks to Laura Cunninghamfor these photos taken ot the CAN-AM TICA show, 11/12-14/93 in Bellingham, |l/ashington Gerrie Buckso with SGC Paindomainea Stardust Brown Tabby with lyhite Male Pat Still with Coonyham Laramie of St. Valentine Brown Tabby with ltrhite Female Kitten Valerie Horton with MyMains Catch A Wave Silver Tabby Alter Valerie Johnston of I)enaliacoons v,ith her new blue-silverfemale kittenfrom Aleslcycoons Connie Zimmerman with QGC Capecoon Chunky Monkey of Coonmorr, Brown Tabby Male Elsa McCoy with SGC Coycoons Hercules Browt Tabby Male T}IE SCRATCH STIEET - SPRING 1994 AT THE SHOWS (Continued) Sweetheart Angle "Did I do good, Dad?" Ken Shindler with Wyndhaven Prairie Rose of Hillside Albreed Best Kitten, Brown Tabby Female bred by l-aurel Grams and owned by Alma and Ken Shindler Owned by Karen Wolfe of Las Vegas, Nevada "Angle was sold to me as a pet because she has a kink in her tail. I showed her as a Household Pet in the Los Vegas Cat Show, where she tookfour out of sixfinals. At the show, people commented that she looked like |9hat a rcal cat should look like. Lots of people asked me about the personalities of Maine Coons, and I vqs happy to tell themjust how loving,fiendly, and gentle the breed is. I also recommended that people write to the MCBFAfoT information about breeders in their areas" "I havefound thot the Maine Coon is among the smartest breeds I have known. I enjoy having them around me, and it is good to have them waitingfor me when I get home from work. They seem to know when I'm coming home, since they're in the window waitingfor me!" Seeing Double? At the CFA Christmas Show in Inkster, M, both Phyllis Tobias (L) and Sue Bostwick were shocked to see what they each thought was their cat in the wrong ring and class! left is Phyllis with Tuftsntails Silhouette of Kumskala, a black smoke and white spayed Premier bred by Donovan and Sue Riley. On the ight is Sue with Rumblepun Zackery, a black smoke and white male Champion bred by Julia Houle.) (Photo by Katina Tobias) (On the Blazers Bernstein Bear of Bocoon Brown tabby male kitten bred by Dianna Jones and owned by Donnis and Robert Betzer of El Segundo, CA at the San Diego Cat Fanciers show in San Diego, CA, llLZlg4 Thanks to everyone who sent in show photos! 2l 22 UqSCnerCn snBET,= sp-RINc lee4 Juffi.e's Zoo Bv Judie Voelkel "The Inner l4/orkings of a Cat's Mind (And Other Bits and Pieces)" Cats do think! Did you know that? Oh, sure you did! Everyone knows that CATS DO THINK!! They think all the time. They are gfeat planners, they are evenbetter manipulators. I have (out of selfdefense and the right to maintain my sanity and preserve my dignity) found the purr-fect way to counteract them. Instead of asking a cat not to do something (we all know that one never tells one's cat he can not do something), I have learned to tell mine to go right ahead and do exactly what they please. I even apologize to them: "I know how much you hate it when I get in your way." "I know you just hate it when I make the foolish mistake of tripping overyou, or accidentally stepping on your well-placed tail." "My stubbed toe doesn't matter." "No really, my knee will stop bleeding eventually." "Ev- eryone will simply assume that I have a drinking problem and just fell straight into that doorframe. Don't worry your pretty little feline head about it." Then one must threaten to wring said pretty little feline's neck in as loud a voice as possible (and be sure not to laugh out loud when the furrball - or, in our case, furrballs - runs off thanks: First, poor Trish inherited me from the Editors prior to her taking over the job in the mid+ighties, and what a wonderful job she has done. Hats offto you, Trish, and to Mike as well. Second, were you including my wonderfirl, long-suffering husband Jack in your reference to my "animal companions?" He was my Prince long before I started collecting exotic frogs. The frogs, by the by, are a constant source of amusement (for the cats) and aggravation (for me), but are a fun, new hobby for the entire family - almost as much fun as the aquariums. (We believe in keeping our cats entertained...) Back to cafs/ I have stated more than once that cats have incredible memories, particularly my Javert. He constantly :rm:zes me and often brings me closer to tears than I care to admit to him. A number of years ago, I had a wonderfiil, common garden variety cat with huge, yellow eyes who went by the name of Marbles. Christmas was never Christmas for Marbles unless she ended the day by wearing a bow stuck to the top ofher head. Every Christrnas it never failed. I have thought of Martles over and hides under the bed). He is the years with great fondness not really hiding, and his feelJavert with his Christmas bow and a profound sense ofloss ings are not one bit hurt. He is not pouting nor fearing for his (such as I feel for all of my dear furry balls of love who have life. He is eating your shoe lace, or the soft, flu& down from gone to the "Heavy Side Layer"), but I had forgotten about that your mattress. After all, he went to all that trouble to make a special affinity which Marvelous Marbles had for her Christmas hole in the material which the manufacturer so thoughtlessly bow. placed on the under-side of the bed. I believe that those mattress This Christmas morning I watched Jorgan, Abby, and Spritmanufacturers were given the mistaken information that the zle enjoying their first tree and Christmas excitement. marmaterial would deter things from crawling up into the mattress. veling all over again at their glee in the newness ofit all. Javert Obviously these pour souls did not share the under parts oftheir was taking his baby-sitter's duties very seriously until he spied a beds with cats. red bow lying on the floor. He picked it up in his mouth and Beds are a very important part of our homes and lives. I am brought it over to me. I automatically placed it upon his head. taking a survey: Do you spend more time with your bed or with He remembered. I need say no more. your cat(s)? There is no prize. Just forward your responses to Cats are the nicest beings. They bring out the joy and the the Editor of this illustrious publication. The results will be in best and make a cloudy day sunny. Javert brought back a wonthe next issue. @d. note: Thanks a bunch, Judie!) derfrrl memory of another time, another feline love. Speaking ofEditors, I publicly thank Trish for her very graJack and I will celebrate our second wedding anniversary on cious and very much appreciated words following the "Judie's Saturday, February l9th, so I suggest that all cats get out from Zoo" Winter 1993 column. I have two more things to add to my under the bed and go play in the O laundry. BEFORE CATS I... Could work jigsaw puzzles on the dining room table. THE SCMTCH S}IEET -. SPRING 1994 29 Svlaine {aib "Hook, Line, and Sinker" By Marie J. Spinella-Phillips, Fancier Member ot all that long ago, this Maine Coon Fancier had no idea that such a breed ofcat existed. The 'hooking'began in 1990, when my husband brought home a tiny black and white fuzzball merely four weeks old. I now know that he was a "shag" kitten, but at that time the fuzzybaby that captured my heart was just another longhaired alley cat. As he grew, both ofus noticed how different he seemed. The rectangular body, the magnificent ruff, the odd, uneven coat, and that tail! Our beloved Demon had a tail to make a show cat green with enr,y. So we searched our reference books and lo and behold - if our black and white Demon did not "Demon" (the Hook) fit the Maine Coon standard then no cat did! He was an Ap- parent Purebred, and he hooked us into the world of Maine Coons. Then the worst happened. On August 6, 1991, ourbeloved black and white boy died, taking with him forever a piece of my heart, but he left as his legary a love of Maine Coons. Armed rvith our newly acquired knowledge, my husband went in search of another kitten to ease my broken heart. Thus into our lives Kahn, another Apparent Purebred. He came grew from afuzzy, clumsy kitten into a big, shaggy teddy bear of a cat, true to the standard that I had memorized. So gentle and quiet even as a tiny tyke, I thought him aloof until he finally began to demand the love and attention he wanted. Khan is gentle with children and kittens, never raising say, "He's a Maine Coon cat!" At three years old, Khan is a fixture in our household, and our lives would be desolate without his big shag hulk around! In the summer of 1993 I decided to buy a purebred Maine Coon CaL I wished further experience, and from a true purebred I could learn a lot about my Apparent Purebreds. So tlre 'line' was cast when the search began for a black and white kitten. During the search, Ijoined the Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association in order to have contact with others who love this grand breed. We found our purebred Maine Coon, Independence Jefferson (Indy) when a breeder called us on July "Khan" (the Line) 5th to tell us he had been born the day before. Though he did not remain black and white (he turned into a dark brown tabby with white), we were in love with the little guy. Unlike Demon and Khan, Indy's a talker. He holds conversations with his toys and arything else willing to listen^ Khan loves him, as does our other cat, Phantom (a Siamese descendant crossbred). Indy is developing well, and promises to have a tail to rival our beloved Demon's huge, bushy black one. Indy's the 'sinker"' endearing us with that face and eyes, braving our dismayed wrath with his pranks! Our Christmas tree was under siege from our two Maine Coons. Big Khan taught little Indy just how to pull offthe ornaments. What fun for them! And this Maine Coon Fancier wouldn't have it any other way. I look forward to a lifetime of joy with my Maine Coon Cats! \, claw. Everyone who sees him tells us how beautiful he is and asks "What kind of cat is he?" Of course we puffout with pride and a "Indy" (the Sinker) 24 TIIE SCRATCH SI#ET:::,SPRING 1994 At Our Best (Photos are welcomefrom all members) It's a tough life... Cheeptrills Silverado taking it easy Breeders/Ouners: Tish & Mike Simpson The newest thing in cat trees S-year-old Sophie Adams with some of the Legendary kittens Breeder: Shelley Adams" Tasmania, Australia Funniest looking darn cat I eyer saw! Mainlysilver Jessica of Alberlee making a new friend Owner: Beverly Jennings; Breeder: Bonnie Pilar White on White I'll get off the bed when I'm good and ready! Pandora van de Mafiosocats stakes her claim Breeder: Corry Meyer, The Netherlands Owner: l,linolaj van der Kilk, The Netherlands Cavasos Wite Lightning (male) Q) and lllya Chasey (emale) (R) Breeders: Thea Maia Dockery (White Lightning) Helen Andre (Chasey) White Lightning now lives in England, and Chasey now lives in Germany THE SCRATCH STIEET ...SP.RING.I994 ,%ot 25 /,%ruaril',M "lfutuoriurn ,%,rav ,%*o,%o*,7-fr O"n/o 2, /989 -.%ht /*,22, /993 You were the largest of your litter, though that was not the reason you caught our attention: You purred loudly when you were picked up. You were good natured. Active. Fearless. And articulate. Your sizable lexicon of chirps, peeps and trills voiced greeting, inquisitiveness, concern, commentary and impatient but light-hearted scolding. And everything in between. Sometimes you would even wartle in the course of a long exhortation. Your paper name was an odd but meaningful collection of ordinary and literary appellations and word play. You were called by any and all ofthese names, and many others. Little Red. Little One. Little Guy. These last in deference to your youth, not your size. Mr. Orange. Sweetie. And, of course, side feeder from atop the refrigerator. Supervising kitchen activities from atop the top oven. Seeing us offin the mornings from a niche atop some books on a shelf Sometimes I won. Sometimes you won. Sometimes we contentedly shared its none-too-ample cushion. My encircling left arm -- never the right -- was a special place of comfort where you kneaded and purred. You were especially treasured since we knew early on your every day with us was borrowed. Kitry. Your first year you nearly tripled in size but your gentle nature and playful spirit became the larger presence in our home. Claws never flashed in annoyance and rarely even in play; in fact, weekly trimmings were magnanimously tolerated. There was a lot of rough and tumble with your more reserved companion and part-uncle, but all in feline play. You westled, hunted any insects that ventured indoors, and sometimes even publicly cuddled one another. Yet another example that the red gene must surely also be the extra special mischiefgene, you were rarely (and never deliberately) destructive and often quite imaginative in your misadventures. You would scamper offwith feathers and bury them under a rug far away. In the mornings you might approach the clothing just laid out on the bed, and after careful thought take up a strap and suddenly fly offdown the stairs with your prize flapping beside you. Tripping on your catch halfivay down deterred your flight only momentarily. Flight and heights. Your special talents and joys. Watching birds at the out- with an adjustable curtain rod. We did the sensible thing with the shower doors and left them ajar. Plumbing fascinated you. No drain stopper escaped your attention. After using a sink, the stopper had to be closed or you would soon have it out and bouncing about in the washbowl. Once you even managed to remove the lengthy stopper frorn the tub drain. My armchair was your armchair. be braced shut Morris in the spot on the bookcase where his ashes now rest just above eye level. You could always settle yourself directly in this small high space with a single, graceful leap. You would fly upstairs, or dovr,n, ahead ofone, then wait at one door, or several in succession, to provide escort into a room. Especially the Yarn and Plant Room, where the door was always closed. More than once, the slapstick scene of removing from that room first you, then your buddy, then you, then your buddy . . . removal required opening The Door. That resulted in the speed of light entry of the Other Cat. And so on. Closed doors were a personal affront to you. You never missed an opportunity -- and there were several each day -- for a foray into the Closet of Tasty Shoelaces. Sliding doors challenged you. One had to You grew into a large cat with rich red coloring, a long silky rumple of fur on your belly and a long flowing tail. You had all the usual vet visits throughout your first year. Then first boosters at 15 months. The vet chatted during the routine examination, then abruptly grew quiet, listened, was silent for too long a time. I knew about that sudden, lengthy silence during check-ups and felt a chill. You were far, far too young to cause that kind of silence. A lot of tests followed. Diagnosis. Vague prognosis. Light medication prescribed. Your life went on as always. Escorting us about. Conversing with us. Bird watching. Daring leaps and flights. Cuddles. Purrs. Not so wrapped up in your own dignity that our laughter at your antics was disdained. Some of your clownishness, I think, was so we might laugh with you although your laughter, of course, was evident only in the sparkle in your eyes. You brooked no excuses for inattentiveness. If a playirl summons was ignored, you'd chimrp softly. Then scold plaintively, during which you might try 26 THE SCRATCH ST{EET -. SPRING 1994 the Trembling Upper Lip appeal. If one still dared to continue doing whatever, you would throw yourself down at his feet, stretch, roll, purr and otherwise Make Cute until your tummy was rubbed. You held your own for quite a while. At the vet's a few weeks before you turned three, there was that sudden, awful quiet again. Lengthy auscultation. Tests. More symptoms, and worse than before. Serious, twice daily medications for treats - a slow song and dance, literally, paws kneading, on the counter under the Treat Cupboard. Sometimes you got a treat. Sometimes you got only love. Other times you would persuade me, the soft touch, to follow you to the pantry, talk me into opening the door and, after a careful inspection, indicate your prefened dry food du jour. Sometimes when the pantry door opened you would rush in, stretch deep prescribed. into the dog food bag and steal While you generally did not think that hugs and kisses made up for being pilled, kibble. It had taken you over three years but you finally found a way to annoy the dog. Years of having your ear tufts licked by her into little spikes had tried the limits of your patience. Your loving nature and innocent courage were your strength, and ours. You fought. We fought. But tests a few months later showed that what wils inside you had now fully awakened and had started its inevitable. evil. relentless you tolerated the regimen with remarkable forbearance. You often ran but rarely hid when you heard the rattle of pill bottles. After all, one sometimes has to make a show of principle . . . and so much the better if a chase can be a part of the show. Life otherwise continued on quite happily. An escort of one of us into the kitchen often included a special appeal a piece of You never knew. You never suffered. You certainly weren't ready. We certainly weren't ready. Living was a joy to you, and you were ajoy to us. In ten days you would have been four and would have celebrated with the special boneless chicken dinner. We had stepped out only five minutes when you took your leave. Your heart so full of love for life could no longer sustain its fragile sojourn in this world. A momentt transition. We like to think you're napping, probably impatiently waiting for a door to open, in a sunny spot in a place where love is stronger than life. Rest easy. Stretch and turn and follow the sun. We love you. We miss you. The Chinitz Family progression. ,fn Zaac>gz "&.r"ry O/ "%;gfr"r %tl"tfrct Bigfoot belonged to my closest friend, and I was his two-legged "aunt." When he was a young (never little!) kitten, his vet said, "He's all feet!" - hence the name Bigfoot. "underfoot " was soon added, because that was his favorite position. As he grew, it became a standing joke that if he got much bigger he would be hauled offto the Bronx Zoo. He was a very bright, curious, lively, and mischievous kitten - Dennis the Menace on four paws. His "big sister," Keetay (a ladylike cat) didn't know quite what to make of his enerry - or his active teeth. when she began to respond, "love and hisses" became the order of the day. As time went on, the large brown tabby kitten became a large brown tabby cat with a magnificent pair of gold-and-green eyes. He still resembled a small boy walking around in his father's shoes, and he still had a talent for mischief. Many cats play "hockey" with dry food, but how many play hockey with the bowls? He also had a trick of skimming water with his paws onto the floor. when he tried that trick using water from the bathtub I was sure there was a leak from the ceiling. what a mess! How many cats do you know who have their own pair of glasses? Taking eyeglasses offpeople, then batting them around and chewing on the frames was a favorite activity of Bigfoot's. i finatty gave him one of my discarded frames so that he could have his own glasses to play with - in the hope of sparing those belonging to people. It didn't work all the time, but he did enjoy those frames. At about the age of two, he bagan to mellow out. People found him easier to live with. Even Keetay was becoming friendly with him. It looked as though a pleasant life was in store for him. Unfortunately, it was not to be. Bigfoot died of FIP on January 4th, at the age of two and a half. I'll always remember the way he would grab my glasses with his oversized paws, and the throaty, double "meow-meow" that he used to call attention to something he wanted. He will be missed by many. Rest in peace, Bigfoot Underfoot. Susan Levy -z\. sGC cALTcooNPRINCEVALIANT t "ffit \-- ^6" OUTSTANDING SIRE HIS WINNING OFFSPRING: SGC Calicoon Seahawk Helse SGC Ricndar Tina Tiger TGC Broadsway Acadiu TGC Coonceit Purrci Faith DGC Donnahugh LiIIe GRC Broadsway Chelses GRC Calicoon Moe Man GRC Coonsboro Culvin Coonidge GRC Goodmaine Count Basie GRC St Clouds Silverdude of Mllowplace Prince Valiant is now retired and living with his owner, Elaine Mann. His children and grandchildren are carrying on his tradition with wins in several associations. SGC RICNDAR TINA TIGER MAINE COON - TICA ]2TH BEST NORTH CENTRAL CAT - TICA BEST NORTH CENTRAL TGC COONCEIT PURRCI FAITH 3RD BEST REGIONAL MAINE COON - ACFA SGC CALICOON PRINCE VALIANT. OS GRC COONSBORO CALVIN COONIDGE SGC CALICOON SEAHAWK HELSE Best Regional Maine Coon Alter - TICA 2nd Best Regional Alter - TICA 2nd Best Maine Coon Alter - TICA Best Regional & National Maine Coon - CFA 17th Best Cat - CFA ONE SHOW GRAND IN AOZI CFA & TICA (Perhaps the first Maine Coon to do this) Owned by Alice Pursell Bred by Lynne Sherer Br/Ow: Jill & David Bunow CALICOON MAINE COONS Lynne Sherer 882 Kirk Avenue o Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 o phone 70g-9 4l-3295 MCBFA BREEDER MEMBER SINCE 1976 28 TIIE SCRATCH SI{EET -- SPRING 1994 Hand Sculptured Jewelry Solid Gold - Solid Sterling Silver - Solid Bronze Set with Genuine Sapphires or Emeralds Designed by Shelley Adams Maine Coon Brooch (without I.D plate) (3" x 2") Maine Coon Necklace with I.D. plate (3" x 25 PRICE LIST (Includes shipping & handling from Australia) Brooch; Solid 9 Carat Gold (with or without I.D. plate) $642.00 plate) $97.00 Brooch; Sterling Silver (with I.D. plate)_$9S.00 Brooch; Solid Bronze (without I.D. plate)_$69.00 Brooch, Sterling Silver (without I.D. Brooch; Solid Bronze (with I.D. plate) $73.00 Necklace; Sterling Silver & Chain $140.00 Chain_$7g.OO Stick Pin (head only); Solid Sterling Silver .--$51.00 Necklace; Solid Bronze & Stick Pin (head only): Sotid Bronze Alliewelry can $4s.75 14, 18, and 24 carat gold. Please write or callfor prices. Please specifu sapphire or emerard eyes when ordering. be made in 9, Crafted by hand by David & Shelley Adams Middleton, Tasmania, Australia shelley and David are kindly donating a percentage of each sale to MCBFA To order contact: Judy Carlson, MCBFA Circulation Manager 3446 S. Granada Spring Valley, CA92007 o phone 6tg-466_9460 Please make check or money order in u.s. Funds only payable to MCBFA A) Nef/ Gem-tree for 6ats Breeder Software by Menagerie Programs Our original product Cafs/ was widely considered the easiest to use program of its type. Gen-tree has been redesigned from the ground up to provide greatly improved functions while maintaining truly intuitive operation. lf you have not been using computerized pedigree record keeping because you are uncomfortable with computers or because the pedigree programs you have seen are arakrarard and sometimes dounright primitive, please look at the advan- tages of Genlree. Maintain pedigrees and records for an untimited number of cats. All changes you have made to any of the ancestors are automaticallY uPdated. Putt down menus and multiple overlapping and resizable windovre, take full advantage of your mouse but can be operated entirely from the keyboard. Context sensitive helpis available at a mouse click or keystroke. Built in Address/Phone file keeps breeder, owner, future buyer information and prints mailing labels. Four styles of customizable pedigrees can be viewed and edited on screen, edited, printed or exported into other programs. The Reverse pedigree function creates a compact listing of descendants from an ancestor cat. Each cat has a separate medical record and a notepad with full editing capability. Share information with database, spreadsheet, uord processing and desktop publishing programs. lmport data s[fr:,Tt:5'"'fl ,?X'"?'""tel*::;lil,'Jfi1rrax&Bercats,"*rf:#i:ii?,,tf $59.99 + 6.00 ''ru ehipping &handlinq Petwof6; Major Credit, Carde acceVLed 175 Main St. Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 SYSTEM: 286, 386, 486 with 640K RAM & hard disk drive, 1.2Mb 5.25" or 3.5" floppy drive Atso stitt avaitable:Original Cats! pedigree software 45.99 + shipping & handling Registered o\A/ners of original Cafs/ by Menagerie Programs: call for upgrade information. 1-8OO-SAY-MEOW 1-914-66G.4480 CORONADOCATS CATTERY MCBFA ACFA TICA - CFA Maine Coon Cats DIANE AND CHUCK SWEENEY 81 0 Coronado Ave. Coronado, CA92'l 18 (619) 435-s758 SGC Willowplace Argus of Seascape Son cl-rr pe Jllsirw Coons F Xa i ne Coons 0FA Certified Producing award-wi nni n g c ats fro m Supreme Grand Champions Sllver Smoke Black Blue Solrd Red & & Tortoiseshell Dorothy & Gary Robinson P.O. Box 281 Warren. ME 04864 207-273-2527 lrerose Helen ( abby Witfr White Dohrmann 5220 206) 927 - 9429 T Ridqe place NE Tacoma, WA 98422 1T-IE-..SCRATCHSI-{E-EJr,-.-SP.RD.*IG,.:I994 Fur - Kats Maine Coons Kitten CAPE COON I.4AiNE COON CATS Stud Service CFA, TICA, ACFA Breeder Member MCBFA CFA Breed Council g"? CL""el Janet Marr 326 7 & r JAY\7YN B"u ("o,n, V.," l?J fo"-o,tf,po't, f"1A 02615 Melinda Lane Dhone so8-r6z-8826 Florence, KY 41042 (Near Cincinnati) Fax (606) 282-0836 5oB t6c stt4 . f1Ef1BER |ICBFA. . CFF . CtrA . TICA . ACtrA . MA NE COO\] CATS JEANETTE&IFNNY LUSiG 26 \(/EST CEDAR SIRE[LVINGSTCN, N J C7OJ9 (2AD 992-34O4 SHOWYOURLOVE FORTHE MAINE COON I ?MAI NE COON CATS REMOVABLE VINYL BUMPER STICKER (3-314" x 7-112") Color of Cat is Gold, Tan, and White S1.25 each; 3 for $3.25; 5 for $5.00; 10 for S8.25 (lncludes shipping) W. C. Gallagher, Jr. 3392 Florida Palm Avenue o Melbourne. FL 32901 . -' iHE.. SGBATCIII,ISIIEE-TI i' ISP,.BING...I.,1994 That Yankee C at The Maine Coon; Req/is ed z"a Edition by Marilis Hornidge "lf thoek wry infonrationregadingtlwMahvCmntlwtMorilisHonidgehrcrctbcatcd, outhmt;catzd, cortofuratpi, ualiilatcd, cudfed, atd yumtcd, one ulanW be hsd p* n hnaghv iuhat it nndr fu." Cats Magazine I only $12.95 I I full-color photos I - complete upd"rcd information on history, care, and breeding Special discount for bulk purchase of l0 or more copies please inquire - How to order Call: Fax: Write: Pay: Clip this Coupon 800-582-1899 207-582-8227 Tilbury House, Publishen 132 Water Street Gardiner, ME 04345 Original edition, $4.48 (*itft coupon); 2nd edition, $12.95 and receive the original Harpswell edition of ThotYanl<ze Cat for LlT price! It sold for $8.95 but you pay only $4.48 plus shipping, and mx (Maine residents only). Ca[l, hx, or send your order to Tilbury House, Publishers (see ordering information). Press - VISA/MasterCard accepted, or send check or money order for the price ofeach book, plus $3.50 shipping and handling for the 6rst book and $.50 for each book, thereafter. (Maine residents add 6% sales tax). We ship USPS book rate. UPS services available at addidonal cost. Please inquire, HURRY WHILE THEY LAST! MAINE COON Cattery CHILD OF MAINE Amerikaanse Import Maine Coons in diverse kleuren Rob & Inge Schopman, Adm. de Ruyterweg 495 1055 MH Amsterdam, HOLLAND Telefoon ..31 (0)20 684 17 69 [-tc^ r>rr3r rD(iti q.36') xf,ulrlTz Maine Coon Cats mostly tabbies Home of MTKITTERY ELIOT CFA- Grund, RW TICA - Supreme Granil, RW FiFE - Champion Rita & PauI Blose 7304 Carlsbad Diae Gaithersbutg, MD 20879 307-926-0746 pi c tu rc d N AV I(ATZ M I S S O URI MOSTLY X ZCatnip tpfs with character! MICE FISH Corduoy or calico fabric. Choice of aqua, blue, black, brown, green, fuscia, pink, purple, red, tm or yellorv. Denim fabric in blue, only. Cotton fabric. Colors inciude blue, green, lavendar, fucia, red rust and hfquoise To order: Send a note indicating how many toys, your fabric and color choices and a check or money order for $4.00 per toy plus $.50 for postage and handling to: MOSTLY MICE 1009 Neal Drive, Alexandria, VA 22308 These toys are completely safe for you cat. They were tested by ou trew of 6 Maine Coons. Each toy is approximately 4" x 6" ald comes in a plastic bag.The toys ue double stitched, stuffed with polyfill and lots of organic catnip. Every toy is handmade by me, Pat Robbins. If you have queslions, please mite, or call me at 703-780-8361. 32 TI{E SCRATCH SHEET r:SPRING,l99rl MCBFA Breeder Members ALABAMA AmandaMcCoy MACRO RochelleCrow Z72lHanoverCir. BirminghamAl 35205 205-933-6147 Patrick/Rebekah Cumbie ACRITH 1000 Tammy Anne Dr. Birmingham AL 35235 205-853-7905 Barbara/RickRay WILLOWPLACE 4945MountainViewPkwy Birmingham AL 35244 205-991-5803 ARKANSAS Helen Gregory GREGRIDGE Rt. l, Box 98 Hughes AR 72348 50I-339-2923 ARIZONA Mark & Debra Smith CANCOON P.O. Box 84 Arlinglon AZ 85322 602-386-5646 Toni Kalish TOPA 3442 N Catalina Ave Tucson AZ 85712.5449 CALIFORNIA Nanry Davenport ST.CLOUDS 5921 Stoneview Dr. Culver City CA 90232 310-836-2596 Claire B. Grace KONACOONS 4323 W. l80th St. Torrance CA 90504 310-542-7433 Donna./Ron Greene LUNYCOONS 22644 Gaycrest Ave. Torrance CA 90505 213-540-7841 Donald & Helen Johns PEDROPURRS 1404 W. 36 Street San Pedro CA 90731 310-548-6896 Anita D. Ballard CONDOPURRS 4102 Orange Ave. #107-84 Long Beach CA 90807 310-433-8958 AlexandradeGuzman DEGOONACOON ll34lBairdAvenue NorthridgeCA 91326 818-831-7913 Don/Joan Murie AZULIKIT 731 Uclan Dr. Burbank CA 91504 818-843-4085 Judy Carlson COONRIGGERS 3446 S. Granada Spring Valley CA 9L9'77 619-466-9640 Tere L. Beckman COONI'OSH 10368 Settle Road Santee CA 92071 619-449-3676 Judy Friedman COONS'KIN 2612 Lunalane SanDiego CA 92117 619-2'73-1511 Chuck & Diane Sweeney CORONADO CATS 810 Coronado Drive Coronado CA 92118 619-435-5758 Trish & Mike Simpson CFIEEPTRILLS 13283 Deron Ave. San Diego CA92129 619-484-8530 Dianna M./Grinnell Jones BLAZERS 782 W. Ave. L Calimesa CA 92320 '114-795-1162 Terry Sweet SWEETCOONS 26052 Lorri Dr. El Torro CA 92630 914-586-3789 Cheri & Todd Glosier SHIRECATS 3804 E. Dakota Fresno CA 93'726 209-222-9496 Brenda M./Bill Kinnunen KINUKTIN 17595 Vierra Canyon Road#142 Salinas CA 93907 408-663-4657 Karen/Steve Mclnchak MCINKATS 995 Paloma Rd. Del Rey Oaks CA 93940 408-394-'7336 Suzanne Servies SUZERAN P.O. Box 791 Pacific Grove CA 93950 408-372-7018 Laura & Bruce Borden VENTURECATS 703 Benvenue Avenue Los Altos CA 94022 415-941-2555 Patsy Stephens NAPA VALLEY 2901 First St. Napa CA 94558 707-255-5891 Lydia Hynds ACME CATS Bill Westcott 2473 W. 136th Ave. San Leandro CA 945'l'7 415-483-0650 Sharon & Laura Cunningham COON-ffAM 3599 Carlsbad Ct. Pleasanton CA 94588 510-846-3858 Patricia Still ST VALENTINE 5900 Harbord Drive Oakland CA 94611 510-547-0419 Gayla Pierce LAGUNACOONS 305 Irwin St San Rafael CA 94901.5110 714-643-0490 Bruce & Katie Bryson POOHCATS 702 Menker Ave. San Jose CA 95128 408-297-2197 John & Sheryl Price CALAVERAS COONS 4656 Winding River Circle Stockton CA 95219 209-477-4082 Susan A. Ostergard TREWALNEY & CO 360 Ostergard Aly. Dixon CA 95620 916478-6876 COLORADO Diane & Pete Dillingham KAMELOT KOONS 1125 S. Adams St. Denver CO 80210 303-778-6835 Carla Blair CARLACATS 1927 S. Xenon St. Lakewood CO 80228 303-986-3003 GailMitchell KLIPPERKAT 2669 SkeelSt. Brightonco 80601 3034594577 CONNECTICUT lvl/\4 George Andre ILLYA 200 Capen St Windsor CT 06095 203488-4502 EdithDunford COONSTONE 9 ClitrSt. StoninglonCT 06378 203-535-2917 Mary & Michael Hanafin CLADDAGH CATS 9 Marian Lane Clinton CT 06413 203-669-9170 Kirsten Juul MAINLYCOONS Hilton Heath Cos Cob CT 06807 203-661-3999 Merry/Peter Braun CALABASH 339 W. Cedar St. Norwalk CT 06854 203-853-0093 FLORIDA Susan/IlaymondVickerman TRADEWINDS l0l5ArthurMooreDrive GreenCoveSpringsFL 32043 904-282-7232 Muriel R. Heimer MISTICOON P.O. Box 1607 Lake City FL 32056 '152-1607 Mary'Stewart Slade 5568 LaMoya Avenue Jacksonville W 32210 904-7724716 Susan Jones & Barbara Fulton KOONZROSES 507-226 N.W. 39th Rd. Gainewille, FL 32607 904-376-4399 CaroVStevelawson LAWMAINE 1561 Cougar Ct. CasselberryFL 32707 407495-1028 Bonnie Gennell BONNEAUS P.O. Box l9l2 WinterParkFl 32790.1912 407-784-1243 Vicki/Gene Abelson BANGOR 14710 S. SpurDrive MiamiFL 33161 305-8916099 (Florida continued on next page) THE SCRATCH STIEET - SPzuNG T994 FLORIDA (Continued) Jeanette E. Ringer SEAWIND 2000 SW t5l Terr. Davie FL 33326 Marla Vales MARALA 2660 S.E. Ibis Ave Port St. Lucie FL 33452 305-335-7030 JerryRobbins BENTLEY P.o. Box 270443 TampaFL 33688 813-962-8114 ColleenHertzler HERTZMICK JaneMickens P.O.Boxl028l BradentonFL 342t2.028I 813-753-8637 Rita Gene Bott SUPERMAINE PO Box 1082 PinellasParkFL 34664 813-321-1950 Gene &Ray Gregory GENRAY 2525 ColonyAvenue Kissimmee FL 34744 40'7/847-7761 GEORGIA MaryLouNagy-Strine EMLU 6632E.Windsorln. Norcross GA 30093 404-939-9226 susan M. Valerien vALLoN 2t3 cedar Mill Lane woodstock GA 3018s Dr. Franceslloyd TOLKAT 1465 Gloria Street GriffrnGA 30223 404-229-5901 Barbara A. Bruce WEYStt{ l33l Pinyon Pl. Lawrenceville GA 30243 404-5t3-'7703 M. Gerry Walsh WALMET 1827 Club Forest Ct. Dunwoody GA 30338 404-394-9649 Elizabeth Devine Flynn TANASI 208 Kings Chapel Rd. Augusta GA 30907 706-860-1521 Victoria Shipp TALSHIP 2719 wicklowDr. AugustaGA 30909 706-736-3312 HAWAtr SheryvTodd Rooks coRK 716 Han'thorne place #G Honolulu HI 96818.1220 IOWA Roseann A. Davis WOZKATZ l0l0 North Brobst Street Knoxville IA 50138 StS-842-2472 Alex/Claudia Hovden HOVDEN 4223 Newland Dr. Cedar Falls IA 50613 319-266-5608 Richard/CarolBenesh BENECATS 209 S.6thAve. RockRapids tA 51246 il2-4i2-22g0 Lisa & Ron Gielow EVER-READY 10426 Reed Road Havden Lake IA 83835 ILLINOIS Lynr/JeffSherer cALICooN 882Kirk Elmhurstll 60126 i08-94L-32gs David F. & Jill A. Burrow cooNSBoRo 44w. s65 McDoanld Road Hampshire IL 60140 3r2-36s-2933 Sally & Robert Miller MEUNERIE 842 Wellner Naperville IL 60540 i0t-355-2g8:' Mrs. Judy Heinzinger OLDE FARM 4324 N. Newcastle Harwood Heights rL 60634 312-867-4731 Skip & Sharon MacDougall BABocooNMARI 234 CedarLane Sherrard rL 6t2gl 309-593-2352 INDIANA carol & Mike Downs HoosIERCooN 57302 peggy Dr. South Bend IN 46619 219-233-7564 KENTUCKY Donna^lughRichbourg DoNNAHUGH lT0lwindsorPlace LouiwilleKy 40204 502-456-5315 Janet Marr FUR-KA'IS 326 Melinda Ln. Florence Ky 41042 Ginny Molloy CHARMALOT 301 Double Springs Rd. Bowling Green Ky 42101 502-tB2-7554 LOUISIANA Bertin/RayAnnKurtz CATAOUATCHE 5309PritchardRd. Marero LA 70a72 504-341-5805 Judy/Dan Chappetta cooN cREoLE 2210 Jefferson Ave. New orleans LA 70115 601-467-1868 Kenneth & Kit MacKenzie copASETIC 428 Lowerline New orleans LA 70llg MASSACHUSf,TTS Debbie May MAYCOONS 47 Allen Road Belchertown MA 01007 413-323-gs66 Estherventola ESSIEcooNS TMasonDrive MilfordMA 01757 508_634_9818 Patricia Ledoux TEMORA 9l N. Main st. cohasset MA 02025 617-383-1030 Teri Goldman SARAJEN p.o. Box28l MansfieldMA 0204s.0003 508-898-3661 Heidi M. Oliveri SNICKETS 77 Fremont Avenue Chelsea MA 02150 6li-884-s162 Betqy Piper I{ERITAGECOONS 1285 South St. Needham MA 02192 612-444-2968 Jane K. Gilley coDCooN 70 west pond Rd. chatham MA 02633 617-g45-rj76 Cheryl/BobKearns CAPECOON l7l WeirRd. YarmouthportMA 02675 508-362-8826 MARYLANI) Rita,/Paul Blose NAVKATZ l3}4CarlsbadDr. GaithersburgMD 20879 301-9264:146 PegryMccardle TAELCAT 8813 Hayshedlane corumbia-lo zto+s Trisha/Bill Swisher KANAB 9339 Sharp Antler Columbia MD 21045 301-381-7290 Sharon&DavidLibershal WHATACOON 2424 ClydesdaleRoad FinksburgMD 21048 301-876-7813 JoAnn Genovese TAELCAT 541 First Avenue #4 Linthicum MD 21090 410 850 0574 PhyllisE. Floyd TOMERAN 122 WarwickDr. LuthervilleMD 21093 301-321-0064 Thomas/LindaGetz CmSTERPEAKE 12Ratnacourt BaltimorelvD 21236 410-93l-0445 Jennifer/RayHawkins FRANCOONIA 6500CrestwoodRd. Baltimore lvD 2t23g 301-3774851 Karen Thompson NEAMI Jimmy R. Thompson 1933 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd. Annapolis MD 21401 Noreen M. Levee SPARKLEMAINE 9599 Quail Run Rd. Denton I,/D 21629 301-820-1545 33 34 ' ',':,TI{E:SCRATCH SI{EET; SPRING 1994 MAINE ElizabethEastman KTAADN P.O. Box J BrunswickME 04011 207'725-8715 Joaquin Fortin WHALES BACK 3050 A Mere Pt. Rd. Brunswick ME 04011 207-'129-8649 Mrs. Janet Falconer KERRY KIT P.O. Box 563 Kennebunkport ME 04046 207'967-5560 CaroL/Tom Pedley LE BEAU MINU P.O. Box 10 Standish ME 04084.0010 207-839-4703 Mary/David Armentrout TIMBERWIND HCR60 Box 3076 CamdenME 04843 207-236-2287 DorothyRobinson SEASCAPE P.O. Box281 WarrenME 04864 207'273-2527 Kaye A. Sukeforth KITKOR 1079 Atlantic Way WarrenME 04864 20'l-273-3300 MICHIGAN John & Jane Judd WHISTAT 9436 Horseshoe Bend Dexler MI 48130 313-426-2848 Phyllis J. Tobias KUMSKAKA 11501 Dixon Rd. Monroe MI 48161 313-529-3027 Patricia & John Hanley CLASSIC CATTY 1154 W. Pratt Rd. De Witt MI 48820 517-669-8658 MINNISOTA WendyMeyer THEATRICATS RR4, Box50A AustinMN 55912.2208 507-433-8375 Ginny o'Neil MAJESTICATS RR 1, Box 243 Kasson MN 55944.9744 507-635-5746 NORTH CAROLINA Priscillal. Spach PRISPURR 2401RosewoodAve. Winston-SalemNC 27103 919'722'7339 Edith/Eli Gerver AILUROPHILE 705 Fearrington Post Pittsboro NC 27312 919-542-1939 Gena,/Marcus Click KATOKLIX 2242 Newton Dr. Concord NC 28025 704-788-1627 Pat O'Grady ISLANDCATS 82 Lagoon Court Emerald Isle NC 28594 919-354-5304 KarenMulter HONEYCOON 414 Pennton Avenue LenoirNc 28645 704-754-2649 NEBRASKA Joy & Amo Wm. Beal DAKOTACATS P.O. Box 4603 Omaha NE 68104 402-5'72-1203 DorothyCarnine PURRANCH HC87 Box9 AngoraNE 69331 308-162-l'147 NEW HAMPSHIRE Ms. AnneMarieBerger AMBERKAT 44 Rte. 125 BrentwoodNH 03833 603442-5651 NEW JERSEY Carolyn Holmes-Sgro BAKER ST. MEWS 195 W. Mt. Pleasant Ave. Livingston NJ 07039 201-535-0684 Jeanette/Leonard Lustig JAYWYN 26 W. Cedar St. Livingston NJ 07039 201-992-3404 Janice Fortino MALACOON 5301 Fairview Terr. West New York NJ 07093 201-866-065'7 Greta G. Triolo BERRY HILL 7 Stephens Lake Rd. Wanaque NJ 07465 201-831-1835 -129-8264 Janet Amidon MAYNETREE 19 Lewis Ln. SpartaNJ 07871 (201) Shirleen/Daryl Oldham CACOMDOE 185 Washinglon Valley Road RR #2 Basking tudge NJ 07920 Marilyn B. Kampo JERMAR 62 Culver St. Somerset NJ 08873 908-745'9822 Kate McMahon HIGHGATE 220 S. 4th Avenue Highland Park NJ 08904 908-819-9643 NEW MEXICO Vickie &Larry Fisher COONQUEST l456MeadowlarkLane CorralesNM 87048 505-897-0464 Deborah Frick NEW MEXICATS 4405 Karrol S.W. Albuquerque NM 87121 505-873-2704 NEW YORK Elinor Koehlinger OLDE CI{ELSEA 200 West 15th St. New York NIY l00ll Karen Jacobus SOHOMEWS S0 North Moore St. #l5B New York l.IY 10013 212-964-538'7 Bonnie&MikePilar SILVERCOONS 30LincolnPlaza#l4C NewYorkNY 10023 212-757-6255 Miss Helene Budzinski KRAFTIKATS 60 Truman Ave. Yonkers l.ry 10703 914-963-2143 Mrs. Judy A. Ries FOREST MANOR 4 Richard St. Sloatsburg NY 10974 914-351-5672 Joyce Weiner KITTYKOON 25-76 4SthStreet AstoriaNY 11103 718'204-5528 Sonya Stanislow TATI-TAN 41-42 44th Street Long Island City I'ry lll04 BarbaraK. Rothenberg TOWNTABBY 159-51 85th Street HowardBeachNY 11414 718-835-3795 Mr. Harold Schwartz KALICOON 35 Voorhis Ave. Rockville Center NY 11570 516-764-664'7 Betsy/JohnNagy SEACOON 4Orchardln. SeaCliffNY ll5'79 516-759-9362 Gerri & Kasper Bonsignore AMKAT 461 Arnold Avenue W. Babylon l.IY 11704 516-669-2157 Lynn Patten TUFF-TUFTS 94 Bellecrest Avenue East Northport I.[Y 11731 516-757-9884 CynthiaPatterson COONTASTIC 3l2WoodbineAve. Northportl.ry 11768 516-7544674 MerylelRichard Weiss KITTY UP 68 Probst Dr. Shirley l.IY 11967 516-399-1449 Jean C. Blouin SHAGGYTOWN 137 Jackson Street Fishkill |ry 12524 914-896-543'7 Ms. Judy Quimby COIINTRY LORE 35 Prospect Terr. Montgomery NY 12549 914-457-5729 Mrs. Nellie P. Hintz SACANDAGA Lakeview Estates LT l0 89 Stark Road Corinth NY 12822 Judith B. Taylor-Short LAKE COUNTRY Taylor Road RD 6,8ox256 Auburn NY 13021 Judith A. Harvey CLASSYCOON 7932 Mudge Drive Bridgeport l.IY 13030 315433-2939 (New York continued on next page) THE SCRATCH SHEET - SPRING 1994 NEW YORI( (Continued) Evan & Elizabeth Elgin LAKEMIEW CATS 460 Seneca St. Lewiston ]iry 14092 716-'754-7354 RosannMarie/Brent Scott SCOTIA l26Normal Ave. BuffaloNY 14213 7I6-882-5O'7i Julia Cozzarelli AVICATS 100 Graham Rd., Apt. 2E Lansing NY 14850.1101 60i-25i-4959 OHIO James/Jean Brammer SHAGAMUFF P.O. Box 96 Shady Side OH 43947 614476-5484. Linda Komar ANGTINI 2040 Kingsborough Painesville OH 44077 216-354-4863 GregoryA. cada cAcooN 21437LakeRd. RockyRiveroH 44116 216-333-4619 Stanley & Nancy Ann Schultz MAHOOSUC 3058 Huntington Road Shaker Heights OH 44120 Z\6-;5t-8:l25 Ruthie & Russ Ita CHARADE 30150 Woodall Road Solon OH 44139 216-349-2990 Peter & Dorisann Peterson MAINERE 134 Kinney Street Bellevue OH 44811 419-483-2239 Marlene/JoelWacker MAINDIEVAL P.O.Box 48 24 CooperSt. WakemanoH 44889 216-839-2166 Geraldine/Odell OKLAHOMA Berry TI{ECATHUT l0l5 Terracewood Dr. Englewood OH 45322 Darlene/Vern Ruhle CROONERS 2721 Aspn Circle NormanOK 73072 405-447-89}:- OREGON Cheryl M. Gower CHERMAINE 12376 Checkerboard Rd. Gervais OR 97026 503-jg2-3223 Evette Elaine Frakes BRYRHAVEN 1354 Flannagan Coos Bay OR 97420 503-26i-5425 valerie E. Horton Ivffi\{AINS Rt 5, Box 5830 Hermiston oR 97838 503-567-5084 PENNSYLVANIA sue/Bill storten MCKITTYCREEK 4505 Tulane Ave. Erie pA 16506 814-s33-4239 Theresa Kovach MC KOVACATS Michael McKissick l4l Ann Street Middletown PA 17057 Bill & Gail Frew MYSTERYMAIN sgNinth st. wyomingpA 18644 jt7-693-0266 ili-g44-ti83 Pat Koehler COONPLJLSIVE Shirley Young Box 134 Fountainville PA 18923 ZtS-249-3600 James/Louise Kurtz TURKZ 157 S. Sycamore St. Newtown PA 18940 2t5-348-7233 Mrs" Lesley F. Bistline MC KIMMEY 37 Winding Way Boothwyn PA 19061 215-49i-466i Edward Gudera FIRTH 2153 E. Firth st. Philadelphia pA 19125 zt5-425-3942 Donna S. Wiley CITY?AWS 561 Leverington Ave. Philadelphia PA l9l2S 215-546-895j Barbara washburn MT KITTERY 310 Boot Rd. Malvern pA 19355 6t0444-93i2 RIIODE ISLANI) Patricia & George Hunt MACoNCooNS 32Hardy Street cranston RI 02920 SOUTH CAROLINA Bill & Liz Becker TARAKNOLL 39 Anderson Ave. Charleston SC 294t2 Bo3-i62-Il6g christie & Robert call CATCALL P.o. Box 62796 charleston sc 2g4tg-2796 carol M. Burford CARALEE Rt. 2, Box 487-c Ridgeland sc 29936 803-726-3134 SOUTH DAKOTA Douglas & Linda Johnson BRULE R.R.2, Box 68 Alcester SD 57001 605-934-2816 Bert J. Loehrer FARMAINE RRI Box 129 Milbank SD 57252 605-432-5'183 TENNESSEE CatherineGlynn GLYNNWOLD 1790 Pleasant Hill Rd. Franklin TN 37064 615-7i6-2530 Bruce CINNAMAINE 801 Inverness Ave. #B-13 Nashville TN 37204.2736 6t5-82I-3240 TEXAS Elizabeth witt MAINELY cATs 3904 Bandera plano Tx 750i4 214-424-6832 Juliet Allen CANYONCREEK 9601 Moss Farm Ln Dallas TX 75243.76t6 Elizabeth&stephencole RYANPLACECATS 1500ElizaberhBlvd. Ft.wo(hTX 76110 817-926-4544 Joe/Toni Edwards ORO OJOS 2817 Boyce Ave. West Ft. Worrh TX 76t33 817-921-5585 Louise/Steve Clair MAINELINE 1859 Vintage Court CorinthTx '16205 gt7-321-3067 Becky Carazzone PURRTIGERS 4153 Marquette Street Houston TX 77005 :-t3-:/2l-3548 Michelle M. Sykes TJNICOON 15926 PfeifferDrive Houston TX 7j082 :-t3-497-3184 Karen B. Crooke TERRIFICATS P.O. Box 35407 Houston TX 17235 713-776-g82i Katherine P. Ruf MAGICOONS P.o. Box 843 Humble TX 7i34i it3-4s44tgr Kimberly & James Lindenfeld CUDDLECOONS 6814 White Tail Dr. Spring TX 77379 713-251-8691 Rosemary Hannon TOMY-TCOON 1915 Alabama Street Pasadena TX 77503 jl3-4jg-4063 Karen Norris KARTH 619 Pine Circle Seabrook TX 7i586 4.74-4939 UTAI{ Anne/Paul Magin LOONEY COONS 2351 W. Williarnsburg Cir. West Jordan UT 84084 801-566-9014 Ms. SueYanik YANIKAT l52SEmerson Ave. SaltLake CityUT 84105 801-484-5790 Leslie Ann 35 36 . .T}IE SCRATCH SIIEET - SPRTNG 1994 VIRGINIA Barbara L. Truitt ALABAR Lee Polk 3325 Willow Crescent Dr. #T-3 Fairfax VA 22030 703-2564086 Jane R. Baldinger YANKEECATS 6320 Hillsborough Dr. Falls Church VA 22044 703'241-5989 Debra/Jeffrey'Diehl ROCKCOON P.O. Box 2113 Reston VA 22090 703420-2556 Sandy & Reed Stirling COONEYISLE RR I Box 616 Purcellville VA 22132.9423 A.G./PatRobbins GEMUTLICHKATD rc}gNealDr. AlexandriavA 22308 703-780-8361 Traci M. Jones ROCQUOONE 9627 Greenmeadow Circle Glen Allen VA 23060 Annie/EdwardMann FANTAIL 909 EnglewoodDr. Chesapeake VA 23320 804-547-3912 Mrs.LesleyRussell RANDCOON 2l769thStreet VirginiaBeachVA 23451 801-481-2251 SusanD.Lymbouris CREMOCROP 424BrackenridgeAvenue NorfolkVA 23505 804-451-0413 Gladys Garner PA-GAR 1013 Gardens Rd. SW Roanoake VA 24014 703-343-2750 VERMONT Lynne & Arthur Boroff ADVENT HILL Advent Hill Farm Advent Hill Road Hartland VT 05048 802436-2050 WASHINGTON Jane Cargill KISKATA R.F. Hawk Jr. 21516 86th Ave. West Edmunds WA 98020 206-7'744445 Connie Zimmerman COONMORA 3020 Isaquah, Pine Lake Road Redmond WA 98052 206-441-8004 Alice/Dale Rhea RASCOONS P.O. Box 1798 Snoqualmie WA 98065.1798 206-831-6103 Elizabeth & David Tinney PINECOON 16300 - l77th Place N.E. Woodinville WA 98072 206-486-5589 Debbie & Tony Mabbutt QUITACATS 321 NE l63rd St. Seattle WA 98155 206-364'8576 Judy Ingram Tlm TRIBE P.O. Box 1709 Sultan WA 98294 2061793-2185 Nanry/RichardKoch SOL-KATZ 5314BunkerSt.N.E. BremertonWA 98310 206-377-'7220 Helen Dohrmann FIREROSE 5220 Ridge Pl. NE Tacoma WA 98422 206-9524435 WISCONSIN Sue&Don Gleason GLEADOM Box421 Depere WI 54115 414-336-3443 WYOMING EileenMichals VONARABY P.O. Box726 WheatlandWY 82201 307-322-5937 MCBFA OVERSEAS BREEDER MEMBERS CANADA Gerrie P.A. Bucsko PANDOMAINEA Box 385 lrricana, Alberta TOM lB0 PHONE: 743-0907 CheryVJohn Gelinas KOONANASKIS 122 Goodwin Place Fort McMurray, Alta. T9J JoAnne/George Prima PRIME-A-CAT 6 Maisonneuve Dr. Dollard Des Ormeaux Quebec H9B 1K4 lKl PHONE: 5144844817 Alma./I(enShindler HILLSIDE 196-2lll MontrealRd. Ottawa,Ontario C Laurel Grams WYNDHAVEN P.O. Box23, Griffrn, SK SOC IGO KIJ8M8 PHONE:613-745-4018 PHONE:306-8424360 DENMARK DortemarieKaplers GULDFAKSE RosenornsAlle16-3 DK-1634 Copenhagen PHONE:01-358770 ENGLAND Amanda Thomas AMORACOON 11 Cannon Hill Lane Wilbmedon London SW20 9EN FINLANI) Elina Sistonen-Schasche SF'COONPLATOON Naatakuja 3 D 33 SF-01480 Vantaa GERMAIIY Jan-Carsten Burkuhl SffiRBROOKE FORREST Hohenzollerndarnrn24 1000 Berlin 31 West Berlin Marion& JurgenHolm BEAMBEAUTY Emastr. 6 4zz0Dinslaken Suzanne.Lietzau SHAGGYCAT Fritz-Reuter Strasse 16 2854 Loestedt PHONE: 01149477-3284 Simone Muehlfeit TARA Schulstrasse 39 7901 Schnuerpflingen Jorge/Gabriele Reichenauer RIVENDELLS Reitweg54 4l50Krefeld PHONE: 02-151-473108 Carmen/Rudi Schwermer FORESTSPRITE Anderlehmkuhle20 2854 Loxstedt-Nesse PHONE:01149-4744-5666 Frau Ingrid Storm STORMAINE In Der Hoern 50A 2050 Hamburg 80 PHONE:0114940-7261214 JAPAI{ Mamito Kawahito I{ERBY KATZ 1982-33 Shizunami Haibara Shizouka 42144 PHONE: 0548-22-5675 Yayoi Kakemoto RU-RU ANGEL 402 Heights Rokuban+ho 13 Rokuban*ho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102 THE NETHERLANDS Mern. Anneke Kuys PATCHWORK Schoutenbosch l0 1901PC Castricum Heer/Jvlevr. R Schopman CHILDOFMAINE Adm. de Ruyterweg 495 hs 1055 MH Amsterdam TFrE SCRATCH SIIEET - W-INIER 1993 3:7 T'ANCIER RENEWALS Ifyou have already paid, please disregard this notice. Please send Fancier dues to Sue Servies (address inside front cover)' Stephanie Bartlett; David Beesley; Laura Brandenburg; Carol Burlingfory Dorma Byers; Mary Chamberlain; Betty Chandler; Ann Clayman; Kim Cordray J. Arm Costin; Arme Cotter; Helen Crain; Elizabeth Davis; Mr.Adrs. Frederick Deckebach; Thea Maria Dockery; Susan Dorey; B.C. Dusso; Sherie Fields; Michael Fogarty Marcy Galvacs; John/Chiara Garthwaite; Mary Gilardi; Mary Guettel; Barbara/Simon Gunteq Judy Hania; Geri Hibblen; Maureen Hicks; Elva Hubbard; Joarm Janowetch; Lari Knutson; Ann-l,ouise Lind; Lora Ludwig; Rita Lum; Ron Manley Nancy Mastromarino; DaviyDonale McColloch; Phyllis/K.J. McGreery; Lynn McMahan; Noreen Mertz; M.D. Mileq Kathleen Nixon; Sandra/Marc Page; Jan Pavisich; Marion Peper; Sharon P. Peterson; Evelyn Powers; Maureen Ryan; Janet F. Sanders; Bea Sanderson; Andrea Scherb; Mr.Adrs. Bob Schwartz; Palricia Slater; Joel Solomon; Hannalore Spahn; Mr./Mrs. 6e Spence; Nancy Jean Spiro; MichaeUJudith Stroup; Mia Tirabasso; Mariane Toth; Elizabeth Treadway; Wendy Van Dyke; John/Roxanne Walden; Jane Walker; Aen Webster; Mrs. Ronald Wedgewood; Colleen Welsh; Florence Westholm; Peggr Youngkin; Lynne Zidek APRIL: Linda Adams; Sandra/Nicholas Anastasi; Tawney Anderton; Patricia Austin; Geraldine Belz; Kathryn Calhoun; Ricky Carroll; Margaret Carte4 Nayda Cole; Vernon Cotter; Emily Cox; Jessey Crone; Virginia Cullen; LizlMike Dannenberger; Bonnie Datko; Sally Davey; Carole Davis; Nancy Field; Susan Fleischmann; Elaine Frant; Claire Gates; Mark Hawley; Tomomi Hidaka; Judith Kemmerer; Marylin/Robert Kems; Kaori/Yadsutaka Kiyama; Paul Kurtz; Paula l:nge; Winifie.d t-anglais; Barbara lnrsung; Amy Mills; Maria Odum; Carla Oexrnarm; Mr..,l1'4rs. Carlos Ortiz; Rhonda Previti; Mary Louise/L.H. Rankin; Mark Rapaport; Judith Ray; Glerma Robinson; Kathi Rodgen; Kameth Roth; Susan Schultz; Phillis Scott; Therese Simmons; Lyman/Elena Stewarq Mrs. David Titus; George Tomkowich; M.AB. van Bokhoven; Evelyn Verch-Golze; Judie Voelkel; Marcia/Harvey White; Kristen Woolson MAY: Ilma/Joe Acello; Carmen Baker; Karen Barr; Mary Buffurgton; Ryan/Judy Chamberlain; Barry Cheskin; Megan Clark; Kathleen Colbum; Susanne Coleman; Charlotte Desilets; Phyllis Dotson; Barbara Downing; Juanita Easton; Yoshiaki Eguchi; George Ellis, Jr.; l,arry Evans; Maureen Fries; ViviAnne Gardsberg; Mary Jane George; Bonnee Granillam; Annt'lorm Grathwohl; Margitta Grave; Stella/John Hardin; Hideko Haltori; Sabine Huebner; Carole Jacobi; Barbara/James Jameson; Joarm Jones; Sean Jones; Ritva Jouhtinen; Hiroharu Kawabe; Patricia Kepner; Catherine Kidney; Joan Kirchner; Linda Kramer; Dorothy Kruse; Yuko Kurobi; Janet Lane; Sarah Lankford; Carole/I-ouis kaft Marilyn Lidner; l,adona Mordecai; Cynthia Moser, Debra Parker, Bob Payne; Barbara./ Mark Peterson; Stephanie Richley; Carrie Robbins; Gary/Stephanie Robbins; Roxann Rokicki; Gary Samuel; Donna Schladomk5l Wendy Singer; Joe/Kay Slack; Gloria/Roy Stiltner; Cathy Strickel; Norihiro Tamai; Edward/Mildred Teitelman; Evelp Timberlake; Brian Weeks; Claudia Wiener; Karen Wolfe MARCH: Bruce/Dixie Allaq Walter/Jane Baker; Marilee Barttett; BREEDER/I"i::Y":Y,'"::rffi::Xtl.":,t-.'H:";:rX:Y::RrNEwALS Send dues to the Breeder or Provisional Breeder Member Secretary (as applicable). Secretaries' addresses inside front cover. If your membership is due for renewal, you have received a renewal notice from the Breeder Secretary or the Provisional Breeder Secretary. If your dues are not paid within 90 days you will be dropped from membership" If you have questions, please contact your Breeder or Provisional Breeder Secretary. (Secretaries' names and addresses are given on the inside front cover.) K NEW MEMBERSHIP OR CHANGE OF ADDRESS New Fancier Memberships, Renewals, and Address Changes: Sue Servies, P.O. Box 791, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Breeder Member Address Changes: Judy Chappetta,22l} Jefferson Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70115 Srr rr.Ismn FRoNT COYER FOR RATES. AvrOUfff EXCl,OSfn: Provisional Breeder Membership Information/Address Changes: Darlene Ruhle, 2721 Aspen Circle, Norman, OK'73072 NAME ADDRESS CITY ZP STATE PHONE E] NBwFaNcrnnMsN,rsen E nrNawar E El Pr-EasB SEND PRovrsroNAL BRT,EDER INFoRMATIoN (Send no money - COMMENTS / SUGGESTIONS cnaNcroFADDREss that comes later!) SUZERAN MAINE COONS "The Gentle Giants" MtKittery Maine Coons Suzanne Servies CFA GRC and TICA SGC Lines Barbara Washburn 310 Boot Road Malvern, PA 19355 2t5-644-9372 P.O. Box 791, Pacihc Grove, CA 93950 o 408-372-7018 "AWARD WINNING MAINE COON CATS'' Atalrre Coorr Cats - Br,lcr & lVurrr . T,losy Dr-"lcn ljxcoeoqor.r J. H. "Jerry" Robblns STEVE & CAROL LAWSON (407) 695-1 028 FAX (40/) 260-201 8 P.O. Box 270443 Tampa, FL 33688-0443 Kittens With A Future " . . From Cats With A Past TICA CFA Cinny O'Neil Follensbee 507-635-5746 trttu4lESTIUTS TEMORA MAINE COON CATS MEMBER MCBFA MAINE COON CATS (617) 383-1030 Now Featuring Silvers RR '1 . Box243 Kasson. MN 55944 Patricia Ledoux o 9l N. Main Street. Cohasset. MA 02025 Maine Coon Breeders & Fanciers Association Circulation - Judy Carlson BULKRATE 3446 S. Granada Spring Valley, CA91977 U.S. POSTAGE PAID SPRING VALLEY CA PERMIT NO. I3O Fonw.lrurNc AND Anonnss ConnncrroN REeUESTED