The Scnatch Sheet - Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association
The Scnatch Sheet - Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association
The Scnatch Sheet The Official Publication of the Maine Coon Breeders & Fanciers Association Establisfued in t 968 for the Promotion & Protection of the Maine WINTER 1992 Coon Cat HwpPy 1{o1't"d"a'yv! "Hercules," o red tabby male owned by Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brandstetter orIndianap"'f;,!:!::l?,#:::,!:,rrectpresent A/ICBFA OFF'CERS PR ESIDENT Borboro Woshburn 3'l0 Boot Rood 'l9355 Molvern, PA 215-644-9372 VICE-PRESIDENT Dr. Fronces Llovd WANT YOUR SCRATCH SHEET SENT FIRST CLASS? You moV receive your Scrotch Sheef by Firsl Closs moil if you wish. The U,S. chorge is $8,00 per yeor to cover odditionol postoge ond hondling, (Foreign countries olreody receive their Scrotch Sheets First Closs,) lf you wont to hove your Scrolch Sheel sent First closs, pleose send check or money ordel mode out lo MCBFA to the Circulotion/Moiling Monoger (oddress ot left) '1465 Glorio Street Griffin, GA 30223 MEMBERSHIP: 404-229-5901 FANCIER MEMBERSHIP (includes Scratch Sheet subscription): TREASURER/ ACTING FANCIER MEMBER SECRETARY suzonne Servies U.S.: $10.00/one year; $20.00/two years; $25.00/three years. CANADA (U.S. funds, please): $12.00/one year; $24.00/two years; $30.00/three years. P.O. Box 79.l ALL OTHER COUNTRIES (U.S. funds, please): $14.00 per year (no multiple-year discount). 408-372-7018 Please send membenhip fees and address changes to the Fancier Member Secretary, Sue Servies (address at left). When joining, or when changing address, please fill out the membership form inside the back Pocific Grove, CA 93950 RECORDING SECRETARY Greg Codo 2']437 Loke Rood RockV River, oH 44'l 2l 6-333-461 9 l6 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Corol Downs 57302 PeggY Drive South Bend, lN 466'19 219-2s3-7564 BREEDER MEMBER SECRETARY Judy ChoPPetlo 221 0 Jefferson Avenue New olleons, LA 70] l5 601 -467-l 868 PROV. BREEDER MEMBER SECRETARY Dorlene Ruhle 2721 Aspen Circle Normon, OK 73072 405-447-8907 FANCIER MEMBER SECRETARY cover. PROVISIONAL BREEDER MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION,DUES, AND ADDRESS CIIANGES: Please send dues ($25.00/lst year, $20.00/subsequent years), address changes, and requests for membership information to the Provisional Breeder Member Secretary, Darlene Ruhle (address at left). BREEDER MEMBERSHIP DUES AND ADDRESS CIIANGES: Please send dues ($20.00/year) and address changes to the Breeder Member Secretary, Judy Chappetta (address at left). ADVBRTISING: Only full Breeder Members may advertise cats or kittens for sale, stud service, catteries, or any service related to live animals. (Thi.s does not apply to "Grutd Gallery" listings; uty member -- Fancier, Provi.sional Breefur, or Breeder -- may subni.t li.stings and photos for the "Grand Gallery.") No one may run more than one ad per issue (excluding "Breeders for Sale," "Grand Gallery," "l-onesome Toms," and "[.onely Hearts" listings, and merchandise ads). Payment must be received with ads. Ads may be sent camera-ready, or the Editor so requested. Please send your ads and payments to the Editor' address at left. SCRATCH SHEET EOITOR Trish Simoson ,l3283 61 9-484-8530 CIRCULATION/MAILING JudY Corlson 3446 S. Gronodo TIME 7.50 sr5.00 STZE ONE l/8 Page $ ll4 Page Page MERCIIANDISE AD RATES l/4 Advent Full Page: $80.00 per issue Hill Rood 802-436-2050 ALL AD PHOTOGRAPHS (Including "GrandGallery") $15.00 charge per Photo (photos will be returned if requested and accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope) MIDATTANTIC DIRECTOR Kote McMohon 220 S, 4fh Avenue Highlond Pork, MA 08904 908-81 9-9643 SOUTHEASTERN DIRECTOR Rebekoh Cumbie 1000 Tommv Anne Drive Birminghom, AL 35235 205-853-7905 MIDWESTERN DIRECTOR Morlene Wocker P.O. Box 48 Wokemon. OH 44889 216-839-2166 SOUTH CENTRAI DIRECTOR Koren Crooke P.O. Box 35407 Houston, Ix 77235-5407 7t3-77 6-8827 Page: $20.00 per issue LPPage: $40.00 Per issue Lynne Boroff Hortlond, VI 05048 ONE YEAR $27.00 $60.00 $30.00 (limit two Per Year) $60.00 (limit one per year) ADULT BREEDER CATS FOR SALE: $5.00 per column inch per issue TONESOME TOMS/LONELY HEARTS/GRAND GALLERY LISTIFIGST Free Full NORTHEASTERN DIRECTOR Hill Form, SCRATCII SHEET SUBMISSIONS Anyone may submit articles, pictures, and stories to The Scratch Slcet,' however, only a member may submit "Grand Gallery" information. L€tters to the Editor must be signed in order to be published, but names and/or addresses will be withheld if requested. Please send your submissions to the Edilor (address at left). Photographs will be returned if accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. BACK ISSUBS A limited number of back issues are available from lhe Editor for $2.50 each. REPRINT PERMISSION Reproduction of any part of The Scratch Sheet is by permission please contact the Frlitor (address at left) only. For permission to reprint THE SCMTCH SHEET IS PABLISHED QUARTERLY (MAT'' J un., Sept., & Dec.) DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSIONS ARE FEB. 1, MAY 1, AUG. 1. & NOV. l WESTERN DIRECTOR Connie .l5127 Zimmermon NE 241h #l0l Redmond. WA 98052 206-7 47 -391 1 OVERSEAS DIRECTOR Position open ARCHIVIST Jone Corgill 21 51 6 86th Avenue W Edmonds. WA 98020 206-77 4-0445 Printed on Recycled Poper if LD Page Spring Volley, CA 92OO7 619-466-9460 Advent out your ad CATTERYAD RATES Posilion Open Deron Avenue Son Diego, CA92129 will lay IN THIS ISSUE: 3 So ... You Call Yourself A Breeder? by Carol Lawson . . . Grooming The White Maine Coon Cat, by T. M. Dockery 4 5 At Our Best (picture psges) '7 Grand Gallery 9 Where Are We Going? fo Helen Wohlfort 10 Judie's Zoo, "Memories" by Judie Voelkel . ll Items of Interest . 16 I-onesome TomsA-onely Hearts . . l7 MCBFA Breeder List. 22 Breeder Renewals,/Fancier Renewals articles, J THE SCRATCH SIIEET -- WINTER 1992 ffiff#ffg Happy HolidaYs! I hoPe all of You (two- and fourJegged) are well and happy, and that You had an excellent holiday season. MCBFA HAPPENINGS As MCBFA gets larger and larger, restructuring sometimes becomes necessary in order to keep things manageable. Following are changes enacted on the last ballot: (Please note that any offtcers appointed by the Executive Council to newly-created jobs will hold offrce only until the next formal MCBFA elections, r,vhereupon candidates for those jobs will appear on the ballot.) 1. The job of TreasurerlFancier Member Secretary has been split into two jobs, the Treasurer and the Fancier Member Secretary. However, until a nerv Fancier Member Secretary is appointed by the Executive Council, Fancier members should continue to send their dues and changes of address to the Treasurer, Sue Servies. 2. The Editor's job has been sPlit into Editor and Circulation Manager. Please send yout Scratch Sheet sub' missions to the Editor, and all address changes to the Circulation Manager' Judy Carlson (address inside front cov- er). Judy should also receive all questions about Scratch Sheet deliveU (or lack thereofl). 3. At least one Foreign Region will be established, and Regional Directors Dear Editor, What a surprise! It was delightful to see our Rocky on the cover of the Summer Scratch Sheet. As a Maine Coon owner and fancier, it was exciting for us to share our Rocky with you all. Fanciers, your breeder is very excited about each litter of kittens, and because it's impossible to keep them all' they must share them with us. I'm sure they would be thrilled with love notes and pictures memories. to bring back those fond -*# # ffiffiffiffiur o Pictures and photo essaYs Jrom appointed within any new regions. Additionally, foreign breeders will be upgraded from Associate (non- shows Breeder Members. Since it can be very diffrcult for applicants outside of North America or Europe to find sponsors, approval of applicants will be by the Exec- o Arlicles ftealth care, grooming, breeding, - anything of interest about Maine Coons) o Anything else You can think ofl utive Council on an individual basis' based upon letters from veterinarians And please remember: ANYONE MAY SUBMIT ARTICLES, PICTURES, AND will be voting) Breeder Members to full (voting) and/or other breeders. ANNUAL AWARDS ISSUE The Spring 1993 issue of The Scratch Sheet wlll present the 1991 1992 top Maine Coon cats, kittens, and alters in each association. Ifyou know Your cat, kitten, or alter was 5th Best of Breed or better in the association in which you showed, you should be prepared to send its picture to 1993 The Scratch Sheet bY February the to (the deadline for submissions Spring issue). Ifyour cat has qualified for inclusion in the Awards Issue, you will shortly be receiving notification from MCBFA. l, ANNUAL PLEA It's time for the Editor's annual plea for submissions! I know that you've all been busy over the summer, and haven't had time to think of sending things to The Scratch Sheet. But guess what, folks Sumtner's Over!!! So you've got no excuse for not sending LOTS of neat stuffto me! I need: -- The Scratch Sheet is for all of us to share our pleasurable experiences- so let's hear about your furry friend! Thanks, Judy, for this very sPecial Maine Coon Cat, ROCKY VerY SincerelY, Rocky Doran's FamilY, Joan & Ron Dear Editor, I just have to express mY thanks to all the people involved with the ACFA Kite & Key Cat Club show on SePtember 5 & 6. Not onlY was the show c Candid shots ofYour cats o Stories about Your cats STORIES! YOUDON'THAVE TO BE A BREEDER MEMBER TO CONTRIBUTE! THE SECRET'S OUT A number ofPeoPle have asked who the cat is on MCBFA's flYer about the breed. She's Coons'kin's Acadia, a brown classic tabby female out of QGC MtKittery Warren of Coons'kin and Cowtown Golden Nugget of Coons'kin. Acadia was bred by Judy Friedman, and currently resides with Bea Sanderson. And for those of You who've asked who wrote the article on the Maine Coon Cat in the Fall '92 issue: The original article was inspired by Lydia Hynds and Bill Westcott, written bY Mike Simpson, subsequently added to by Karen Mclnchak and JudY ChaPpetta, and finally edited by Trish Simpson. So it was a joint effort! (BY the way, this is the same article used in MCBFA's flyer about the breed.) smooth running and friendlY, but our FIRST beautiful baby, a four-month-old blue classic named Petrina, took an Allbreed final! A special thanks to Mr. Ray Pinder for this great show. I must take a minute to thank the many MCBFA breeders and fanciers for their information, advice, and support. And a very special thanks to GladYS Garner, my sponsor! Very SincerelY, David G. Cake (Continued on nert page) T}IE SCRATCH SHEET -- WINTER I992 LETTERS (Continued) Dear Editor, My name is Tohru (Tony) Arzawa and I live in Japan. I am a breeder of Maine Coons and it was my earnest desire to become a member of MCBFA. I have two Maine Coon males and two Maine Coon females. I have had kittens from both pairs. The Maine Coons have a personality different from other cats, and they give me much pleasure. Maine Coons are becoming more and more popular in Japan. Previously, they did not have any Maine Coons at the CFA cat shows, but today there are several in both the kitten and the adult cate- change views and information with members of the MCBFA in the United States and learn more about the Maine Coon. We would also like to participate in the photo and advertisement columns. I understand that there are Maine Coons in Australia which were imported from the United Kingdom. We are hoping to communicate with the Maine Coon breeder in Australia and hope to become a part of the international MCBFA. I look forward to your kind cooperation and assistance. Thank you very much, I Wach Kurt, Austria (MCBFA would like to &end its sincere thanks to Mr. Kurt for his &remely generous donalion!) Tohru Aizawa, Japan gories. We have a group of Maine Coon breeders in my area and we get together and talk about the standards and how to raise Maine Coons. We would like to ex- fancier and - in some months - a breeder. I collected stamps. I didn't know what to do with them and so decided to give them to the MCBFA. I hope that you can use them for your mail and that I helped you (a little) to save money. Many Maine Coon owners and breeders here in Austria try to make our breed popular. Best l4/ishes, Dear Editor, You may be very astonished seeing a lot of American stamps within this letter. Well, before I became a Maine Coon "Hfxr; & So ... you call yourself a breeder? By Carol LcMSon, IAWMAINE Maine Coons & ACFA Breed Committee Chairmon (Ibprintedwith permissionfrom,"Chairman's Corner" inThe Maine Coonection, the fficial publication of the ACFA Maine Coon Breed Committee; Fall 1992) I hear remarks that just make me cringe. Stories of experience counts for something. However, I never would have how kittens are born and have no new homes to go to ... how reachedthispointhaditnotbeenfortheinvaluableadvicefrom So often with them. breeders many years more experienced than I, from the moment About accidental breedings ... and who knows who the sire is?? acquired my first breeding cat and continuing still today. Are we breeding just for the sake of breeding? I certainly hope Experienced breeders are wonderful and generally very willing sources of tremendous information. ASK! Don't simply breed ... It distresses me to think that there are people out there You can never stop learning. breeding simply for the (supposed) monetary reward without reExamine pedigrees thoroughly - don't be caught in the trap gard for the quality ... just for quantity. After all, why are we of pointing fingers at negative qualities not proven. Inquire of really breeding to start with? Hopefully, most of you got into this the breeders/owners about the cats generations back in the pedigree. I feel fortunate to have personally seen 50olo ofthe cats because you loved cats - then you discovered Maine Coons and adored these special cats! There is a logical progression here ... in my cats'pedigrees (for the past three to five generations or discovery of a breed, research of all the information you can more). This is invaluable when looking for certain attributes. find, purchase ofyour first cat - and then maybe you breed your We must stop breeding 'pretty to pretty.' Our gene pool is not first litter. see far too many people buying cats - yes, cal.t that large - we have to use it wisely to continue our natural cats' plural then becoming instant breeders. Maybe we as hardy vigor. established breeders should use more discretion when we Please remembet - research before you make a decision. Be consider selling breeding cats to inexperienced new owners. an educated breeder. Be aware of the qualities which set Maine Perhaps more thought should go into the responsibility Coons apart from all other breeds (there are more than just one connected with selling breeding cats to unknowledgeable people. or two, i.e. profile). Read your standard ... maybe you should It is beyond my comprehension how, after people have had a own a copy! Tap into the experience of long-time breeders. couple of litters, they suddenly consider themselves experts in Work constantly to improve the breed. the field. I don't consider myself an "expert in the field," but Let's protect - not proffirate! certainly ten years exclusively Maine Coon breeding breeders just have kittens and don't know what to do I not. - I of PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM MCBFA Caring For, Breeding, and Shoving Your Maine Coon Cat; From the Editor; U.S. $7.00 (payable to MCBFA) Geneticsfor the *Iaine Coon Cal Breedery From the Editor; U.S. $7.00 (payable to MCBFA) The Maine Cbon Cal; Flyer explaining the breed - may be reproduced for distribution at shows, etc. From the Editor; no charge J THE SCRATCH S}IEET -- WNTER 1992 Grooming the White Maine Coon Cat By Thea Maria Dockery, CAVASOS Maine Coons (Repintedfrom the Sping /988 Scratch SheeQ Let's face it, a show cat needs to be in top condition before it's shown. If the care neglected, between show seasons chances are the cat isn't going to be in condition when the new season starts. Be- is fore I go into details about grooming a white coat, I'd like to mention the most important'do's and don'ts': o o 'o r . o . c r o DO Feed abalanced diet Give the cat fresh air and exercise Comb coat regularly Bathe cat regularly Brush cat's teeth regularly Keep living quarters spotless DON'T Expose coat to too much sunlight Use yellow flea spray Use newspaper as cat litter Let mats develop in the coat Use a cat shampoo without first reading the label (it may be meantfor a black coat!) A good coat starts with proper diet from kittenhood, you can't bring a cat into perfect show condition by bathing and grooming alone. A balanced diet will give gloss and shine to the coat, and good muscle tone to the body. Fresh air will improve the length and quality of the coat. Fresh air will also improve the cat's growth. If you don't have an outside or screened porch, open the windows and let the kitties enjoy the fresh air through the screen. Maybe your cat can be taken out on a leash - mine en- joy it. Too much sunlight (several hours day) a will yellow a white coat. This yellow stain is impossible to wash out! Also, yellow flea sprays will stain a white coat for several months, so check the color of the spray before you use it. Another factor that will yellow a white coat is the mucous from the cat's mouth. When kitty washes, this gets rubbed all over the coat. Horvever, if you bathe your cat regularly (about once a month if it's not being shows) this yellow will disappear. Don't use newspaper as litter or in your carrier. The ink will stain kitty's white coat. Exercise is loved and appreciated by all cats. Mine love it when we play'hide 'n seek,' 'catch the toes under the blanket,' etc. This exercise not only strengthens the bones and muscles, it creates a close bond between cat and human. This will be of benefit in the show ring when a cat is expected to behave when handled by strangers. I try to make grooming a regular game for my cats. I comb them once or twice a week with a steel comb. They enjoy the 'game'with the comb, and acquire trust in me (which I will need when I introduce them to the bath!). Also, regular grooming helps avoid mats in the coat. Mats usually have to be cut out, and then the cat is surely not ready for a show! A good coflt sturts with proper diet from kittenhood; you can't bring a cat into perfect show condition by bathing and grooming ulone. The risk of gingivitis is greatly reduced by regularly brushing kitty's teeth with a soft brush and baking soda. I feel that brushing once or twice a week is sufficient. Another very important point is to keep kitty's quarters spotless. In my case this means more mopping and vacuuming of the floors and window-sills to keep them free of the pervasive red Arizona dustl O.K. Let's say it is show season and I am trying to prepare one of my white cats accordingly. If necessary, I will sprinkle flea powder into his coat the day before his bath. (I bathe him once a rveek starting three weeks before his hrst show, and sometimes the day before the show.) I have had to try different regimes for different cats. Some of my cats have a gorgeous coat at shows ifbathed several days before a show, but a poor, static-filled coat if bathed the day before. Others were just the opposite. We have to experiment to discover which method works best for which cat. Before the bath I accumulate the following items: Claw-clippers, cotton swabs, Sho's 'Sho-Sno' Whitener Sham- poo, Goop (a waterless hand-cleaner available from auto supply stores), 'Kwik- Stop' (in case a claw gets clipped too closely and bleeds), hydrogen peroxide, baking powder or corn starch, plastic cup, soft nail brush, blow-dryer (never plug it in until you're ready to use it!), comb, several towels and washcloths, and last but not least, PATIENCEI My adult cats are bathed in the bathtub that has been filled half-full of luke- warm water. (If the water feels hot to your elbow, it's too hot for the cat.) Before the bath, I clip the cat's front and back claws. (Sometimes during the bath, the cat tries to find something to hang on to - usually my arm! Blood could pour right onto his white fur - DISASTER! And how could I stop the bleeding without letting go of the wet cat in the tub?) Before putting the cat into the tub, I deal with 'stud tail.' I work Goop well into the dry tail, then wash it out. If the tail is still greasy, I repeat the procedure. (Ed. Note: This procedure works well on all cats, no matter the color.) Then I gently put the cat into the tub and use the washcloth to wet him all over. I part his fur so he can get wet down to the skin. (Ed. Note: A bit of shampoo in the woter will help get the cat wet to the s/rlrJ Now I apply the shampoo, starting at the head and working toward the chest, back, belly, britches, legs, and tail. Don't forget the undersides of the feet! I use the soft nail brush to scrub the paws between the nails. I make sure to lather him all over for about five minutes. The parts to which I have to pay the most attention are around the ears, the chest, the belly between the back legs, the hindquarters, and the feet. CAUTION: Do not use shampoo on the face - plain water will do just fine. I use the water in the tub to rinse him as well as possible, then unplug the tub (Continueel on next page) THE SCRATCH SIIEET -- WINTER I992 GROOMING (Continued) and finish rinsing with the shower. I use a long, vinyl shower hose that attaches to the shower head. I rinse until the coat is squeaky clean, then wring the water out of the cat's coat with my hands. I then wrap him in several towels, dry his coat with the towels and then carefully wipe out his ears with a cotton swab. Now I plug in the blow-dryer, place ihe cat on a dry towel on my lap, and start blowing him dry. I start out with the dryer set on 'low"' Once he is used to the noise, { set the dryer on 'high' and keep it about two feet away from the coat. @d. Note: Be sure to keep the heat setting on 'low.') Before I brush the coat, I make sure it is totally dry (wet hair tangles, be repeated every day for the next three weeks (the last time the morning of the show!). lt is very important to scrub any dirt out of the nails before wrapping the breaks, and is harder to brush. Separate the wet coat with the fingers to hasten drying time. By now, the cat is pretty well relaxed and ready to have his teeth brushed with a soft brush dipped in baking soda. When I'm done, I wipe out his mouth with a wet paws. I occasionally use Dawn dish washing liquid instead of whitener shampoo. It bleaches the coat and works well on stud tail. However, I use it carefully because it also dries out the coat and may cause the washcloth. Now it's time to do the feet. I mix hair to break, and baking powder or corn starch with hydrogen peroxide, dip a washcloth in the mixture, and wrap it around each paw for five minutes until all four paws are done. The paws then need to be rinsed in the sink, and dried first with a towel and then with the blow-dryer. This paw treafinent must Ar Oup I never use it tens! All this time and trouble is well worthwhile when I hear a judge declare, "This cat is in beautiful show condition." ksr "Gee, Mom, l dunno what happened to the fish!" (lv[ax, owned by Judy Carlson of Spring Valley, CA) Master of all he surveys $fitKittery Henry ofAdvent Hill) If you have pictures you'd like to share, remember to submit them to the Editor ! (A[ore pictures on next page!) . "O.K., what's so funny? (Kittens bred by Deborah Frick) on kit- TTIE SCRATCH SI{EET -- WINTER 1992 AT In A Pensive Mood Ch Blue Raccoon's Arowaka Apachi Silver classic boy owned by Jose Kerckhoffs of The Netherlands Oup besr trIelping Mom With The paperwork Hah (a.k.a. SGC lv[clnkats Hello Again Helto) and Hefty (a.k.a. SGC Mclnkats Headed For The Futurd: two brown rnackerel with white boys owned by Karen and Steve Mclnchak vno put all these non-diatonic chords in here. "Who A dedicated memtrer of MCBFA's volunteer labor force anyway?" @edropurrs Cqeser trying to ptay the piano) (Cheeptrills Valor helping with The Scratch Sheet's First Class mailing) / TTIE SCRATCH SIIEET - W]NTER 1992 ffircuruffiffiruffiwry NEW GRANDS CCA GRC Hillside J. R. Beau; Brown Classic Male; B/O: Alma & Ken Shindler CFA GRC/TICA DGC Cooneyisle Paper Tiger; Brown McTabby Male; B/O: Sandra F. Stirling CFA/TICAGRCCooneyisleNickelNDime;SilverClassicMale;B/O: Sandra F. Stirling CFA GRC Yanikat Beau Di Maggio of BoCoon; Brown Tabby WlVhite Male; Br.: Sue Yani[ Ow.: Donnis & Robert Betzer TICA SGC Degoonacoon Sebascodegan Bay; Brown Classic Male; B/O: Alexandra de Guzman TICA QGC Cinnamaine I-oup Garou; Brown McTabby Male; BiO: Leslie Bruce TICA DGC Coonriggers Hornet of Coronadocats; Brown McTabby Male; Br.: Judy Carlson; Ow.: Diane/Chuck Sweeney BEST QGC Cinnamaine LouP Garou IN /dI{G willowplace Damon of Temora; Brown classic male; Best Kitten in Linda Jean Grillo's ring, city & suburban c.F. TICA show, 10/10-11/92; Best Kitten in carolee 11/12-13/92 Hubbard,s t nou"rt ThompsonS rings, at Boscats/Yankeecats TICA show, Johnson Ledoux/V P. Br.: Barbara Ray Ow.: Hillsi{e J. R. Beau; Best Cat in Elaine Gleason's ring, CCA's Canadian National show, 82g-g1; Best cat in Dan Robillard's ring, ccA's Limestone cc show, 9/20/92 GRC Blue Blaze Buckaroo Banzai; Silver classic male; Best Cat in David Bosweil's ring, TICA BoscatVYankeecats show. B/O: Elektra Hammond DGC Coon Creole Red Sonja of Blue Blaze; Brown torbie female; Best cat in steve Savanfs ring; TICA City & Suburban C.F. show Br': Judy & Dan Chappetta; Ow': Elektra Hammond The cat Hut Obsession of Koontucky; Brou'n classic female, Best Kitten in Darrell Newkirk's ring, Old Northwest CC,6/20-21/92; Best Kitten in Jackie Mason's ring, circlecitvcc.Tlll-12192.Br.:Geraldine&odellBerry;ow.:JulieMeehan GRC Yanikat Beau Di Maggio Willorvplace Damon of Temora GRC Hillsidc J. R Bcau DGC CoonCreole Red Sonja of Blue Blaze TFIE SCRATCH SHEET -- WINTER 1992 NE 14/ G RAN D S (Co nti nu edl GRC Blue Blaze Buckaroo Banzti GRC/DGC Cooneyisle Paper Tiger MCtsFA hf,embers Care About ALL ffitS East of Eden Cat Fanciers wishes to thank MCBFA members Brenda Kinnunen and Sue Servies, (co-show managers), l-auretta Nawojski (chief-cook and bottle-washer), and Steve McInchak and Mike Simpson (who came to set up and tear down even though their wives were out of town!) for their invaluable help with our annual Household Pet Show held on November 4th in Prunedale, California. Without their help the show couldn't have been,put on! The show benefited the Animal Welfare Information and Assistance League of Carmel Valley, and wouldn't have been possible without the fretp of Vfbefa members. It's so nice to see this involvement by owners and breeders of pedigleed Cats. Household Pet shows do so much to educate the cat-owning public on cat care, and to help people realize that all cats - not just pedigreed cats - are of inestimable value. CCA Judge Dan Robiltard with Hitlside Beau Diddley (six-month-old brown classic tabby with white male) Beau was 3rd Best of the Best Kitten in Show at the Cat Tail Club show in Ottawa, Canada on April 26, 1992. (B/O: Alma & Ken Shindler) T}IE SCRATCH SIIEET -- WINTER 1992 Where Are We Going? By Helen Wohlfort, ROSELU Maine Coons is our breed going? Are we for obscurity again because we Where headed can't make up our minds? Do we want the traditional Maine Coon Cat? Do we want the supposedly 'feral look?' What do we want? From all indications, no one person all ofthose questions. Take a look at pages seven and eight in the Summer 1992 Scratch Sheet. Are all these tlpes of cat supposedly one breed? They certainly don't look like it. No wonder judges in all associations are complaining that we aren't consistent. I can answer agteet. etc. They are quick enough to disqualit, for lockets or spots, but not in any other area. Whose decision was it that Maines should have fat whisker pads, the ruff around the face instead of on the shoulders, and a grouchy expression that would be called 'feral?' A local breeder has begun calling them the 'Mumps'cats. Cats? Who decided Forest Cats should look sweet and Maines grumpy? Do we pression. Norwegian Forest Cat separate breeds? Kay Hanvey, an ACFA judge and are first Maine Coon Cat I saw back in about 1939. We do have a photo of Karen Jacoby's Maine Coon Cat from 1948. He was a lovely boy with a shaggy (I prefer 'graduated') coat, large ears, a convex forehead and convex nose. He had a square muzzle. (As one old time breeder put it, the muzzle should look like a little box on the front of the face.) Many standards now allow copper eyes in Maine Coon Cats. The old standards, written at the time MCBFA originated, did not allow copper eyes and even whites were allowed only green-gold or blue eyes. The beautiful green-gold eye required by the original standards and consisting of a green center surrounded by a gold ring has practically disappeared from the breed. Most Maines now have gooseberry green eyes. The standard calls for a coat that is short on the shoulders and gets longer as it goes toward the cat's rear. Nevertheless, we are seeing more and more cats with an overall even coat, which should disquali$ them but doesn't. For that the judges are also responsible since they put up cats that don't meet the standard. By that I mean cats with short bodies, no snowshoes, no ear furnishings, receding chins, take a vote? s,*# tell them from the Norwegian Forest want our Maines to look like that? Well, I don't know about you, but I certainly do not! Has anyone, anyrvhere done genetic testing to veriff that-the Maine Coon and a photo of the I said, I just don't know the anI do know that rve must do something, and soon. Maybe we should As swers, but Why are the Maines now supposed to look grouchy? They didn't originallyl Is it so both the breeders and the judges can I know that my opinion will not be the deciding factor on where the Maine Coon is going. I also know that my personal preference would be to go for the traditional Maine Coon Cat with a sweet ex- I don't have to appear, and now we have a large variety ofappearances. By the way, ifanyone has Scratch Sheets from 1968 through 1976, I'm interested in buying them (but remember, I'm not rich!) one of our top geneticists says that genetic testing would not answer an)'thing as all Northern European cats have the same number of chromosomes. Is it just a matter of selection for head and body gpe and coat gpe? And what about the Siberian and now the Plume? All of these cats appear to be very similar. I believe it is time for some scientific profiles. I don't begin to know the answers to all of these questions, and I will probably have everyone mad at me for bringing them up. My reason for doing so isn't for a popularity contest; my reason is that I am afraid that if we don't do something to standardize our breed it will go back to obscurity as it did from the early 1900's through the 1960's. One possible solution is for everyone to keep the tlpe they like and develop a new standard. For example, a Forest Cat breed with divisions for Maine Coons, Norwegians, Siberians, and whatever else turns up under the class. How many of you out there have of Scratch Sheets? I have them back Io 197'7, and it was enlightening to look at the pictures through the years. All the cats looked alike in 1977; many years in about 1982 a few different looks began Taifs-laifs-Taifs tsy DayidCaFz It's 4:30 a.m. Six alarm clocks covered with fur mount their attack. Through various means - kissing, purring, pouncing, and constant stares Victory is theirs! The caregiver rises, stumbling into the kitchen. laib-(aik-r'ai6 Like a swarming sea of snakes the tails, held high, encompass the kitchen. Tails of white, red, brown, and silver swarm around the caregiver as the wonderful moment arrives! The breakfast bowls are being filled. (aits-r'aib-/ai& Like a raging river the tails dash down the hall chirping, crying with glee, prancing and dancing into the nursery. The tails lie flat amongst silence as breakfast is served. The caregiver is filled with joy as he continues his duties. A new day has risen. faik-(aib-r'aik Dedicated to Dryphus, myfirst Maine Coon^ Without the love and dive of my white, odd-eyed boy, Coon Cake and Tails, Tails, Tails would never be. THE SCRATCH SHEET,* WINTER 1992 ffiffi@@ By Judie Voelkel ''MEMORIES'' main,' and my thoughts are wandering. weighs 20 pounds (without breakfast) and swer was not encouraging. I envisioned misery while I somehow managed to pack Charlotte Croome, Matagot, Beethoven, and Javert, along with Marsh Marlow and ALL of the others are not at home today. The house seems so still and bites the backs of legs without provocation. the others, along with some favorite toys, into carriers and squeeze them all into my It has taken two days to get all of small car and drive the six miles to the them where they were going. Albert did a no-no in his carrier (he travels alone, understandably - no one in his right mind would ride with him). Lysol had to be ap- vet, praying fervently that I would survive the headache-making noise I had to en- plied to waiting room, carrier, car, and cage after I bathed him and he screamed. "What is that lady doing to her cat?" tances with screaming Maine Coons? Do you tranquilize them? Do you tranquilize yourselves? Are you alcoholics? are you deaf.7 I never really gave it much thought I'm cleaning an empfy 'Feline Do- empty without them. I stop and think of all the other cats I have had in my life; those for whom new homes had to be found, like Skylark, Chat Noir, and Wolfgang. I think about the great love affair which I had with Sir Arthur Apple and Whispering Woodstock (who never spoke in a whisper in all his life!). I think of Beowulf. Lord Sedge- wick, Blackbeard (the Terrible), and my precious little Nell. All in all, thirteen Maine Coons have come into and out of my life since I first met Sir Arthur Apple and then Skylark" I cannot tell you which one has meant more to me. Bcouulf was with me for only 2-l/2 months before he died of a dis- we nor his former owners knew he had, but I loved him and mourned him as if he had always been ease neither mine. Skylark was eleven years old rvhen a lovely, kind woman gave her and Chat Noir a good home when I could not bring all of rny cats with me to Covinglon. I still miss Skylark, Chat Noir, and Wolfgang, and wish it had not been necessary to give them away, but I felt that I had done what was best for them. I miss Sedgewick and Blackbeard, who died within weeks of my move here, but I did have them longer than most with cardiomyopathy over ten 1'ears. Most people whose cats have this undetectable heartbreaker (in more ways than one) lose them before their cats reach five years. I was Iucka! The reason I'm writing all of this? The cats are being kenneled for the very first time in their collective lives (other than for surgery). Our vet is very understanding; nevertheless, she was nonplussed at the thought of having to board people have cats fifteen Voelkel Felines. one of whom asked one of those uninformed non-cat persons who share this world with us more knowledgeable folks. And you know that all of us are. Either that or we are insane for allowing ourselves to be owned dure. How do you guys and gals who show all the time travel even short dis- until this morning, and now my heart goes out to you. I'll be all right when my head stops pounding. When I got to the vet (about to throw so thoroughly and dominated so completely that we permit our lives to be so up because of Albert), I found my first six controlled by four-legged, furry demons from FIELL! They are, you know. What other animal on this earth can lounge around all day long, doing nothing but snoozing in the sun, eating, batting a ball against the bowls and slinging paws of food at one another. "They arejust bored," I stated as I cleaned up Albert. "See how quickly they've settled in? You should have no problem with the others." "Say what?" door, opening cabinet doors (we now have child-proof locks), and pushing the buzzer indicating the clothes in the dryer are dry when there are no clothes in the dryer? I ask you, even those of you who have isolated queens and./or studs. Think forgot to close the door to the room behind you!" I do not have to finish this tale. I will skip all of the details and simply say that they are ALL behind bars and will stay behind bars for twelve days. They will about how that cunning Maine Coon mind never shuts down. Think of all the assistants. mind-boggling things your cats or kittens have done. I remember with affection cause Jack and Woodstock, playing on the telephone. My son-inlaw's Labrador puppies punched out 911 one day when no one was home, whom they tortured last spring, had causing his landlord and the sheriffs deputies all kinds of consternation. If Labrador puppies can do such a thing, Maine Coons can definitely do much better. Oh, the years we lived with the ansrvering machine under a plastic basket. Where was I? Oh, yes. I took the first group of six to the vet, and returned home to get the other nine demons. I called to see horv the hrst six were doing; the an- darlings happily dumping over their says Javert. "I'm not staying here and you survive. My sympathies to the vet and her The darlings had to go to the vet beI are leaving on a cruise tomorrow (we need the rest). The dear man who usually takes care of them, and a heart attack last week (he'll be home from the hospital tomorrow) and the only person I could find to come to the house to care for the animals would care only for the dogs, geese and the ducks, not the cats (their reputations have spread). The vet's assistant is leaving on a trip shortly after I remove the demons from her care: she will need the rest! (Continued on nert page) t0 TIIE SCRATCH SHEET _ WINTER I992 fudie's Zoo (Continuedl And so here I sit, alone in my silent house. The dogs, geese and ducks are outside and my beloved cats are safely behind bars. But when we return, we will pick up our brood and life will return to 'normal' in the woods of Covington. See what one can come up with when one loses one's thoughts while cleaning an empty 'Feline Domain?' All kinds of thoughts come to mind; happy, sad, joyful, wistful. I would not trade my demons for anyhing else in the world. I miss them all, even though they've been gone for only a few hours. Was that the dryer buzzer I just heard? no, - there aren't any clothes in the dryer! it can't be - IN FOND MEMORY Sedgewick and Sir Arthur Apple Items 0f Int,erest SENIOR CITIZF.N REPORT POISONED PET HOT LINE Veterinary health professionals staff the National Animal Poison Control Center 24 hours a day.lf you can't reach your veterinarian or other local expert, call t-900-680-0000. You'll pay $2.95 per minute, but you might save your pet's life! sue servies reports that three cats from the same litter all celebrated their l5th birthday on September 7th, 1992. They are: QGC, GRC, SGC Our Bitty Benjamin of Mclnkats Our Zara. Our Summer Sarah of Mymaines Out of GRC Cattales Rob Roy of Suzeran and Calicoon Scarlett Summer of Our CONGRATALATIONS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY! If anyone else has Maine Coons I0 years or olcler, please send their names and birthdates and the names ofthe parents toThe Scratch Sheet/or inclusion in future issues. ''GRANDEST OF THE GRANDS'' would like to recognize Maine Coons who have achieved the highest honors in three or more associations The Scratch Sheet (for example, ACFA Quad Grand Champion, CFA Crand Champion, and TICA Supreme Grand Champion). To date, we know of QGC, GRC, SGC Our Billy Benjamin of Mctnkats, who will be featured in the spring issue of The scratch sheet. we would also like to recognize cats who have made a significant contribution to the breed (for example, foundation sire/dam, first Grand in an association, outstanding sire/dam, etc.) lf you have or know of a cat who qualifies, pldase send his picture and a biography to the Editor. ll ttMo€ - The Presenttt Owned by Jennifer McNitt ofAlpine, CA J B[azorn Caty lr4qi'n"e/ Coo-w Est. 1984 Member MCBFA o CFA o TICA Dianna M. Jones 782 W. Avenue L Calimesa, CA 92320 909-79s-1162 BLAZERS PROUDLY CONGRATULATES f$ "Grand" Littermates CFA/TICA GRC BLAZERS STERLING SILVER (Left Above) Silver Mackerel Tabby Male BEST MAINE COON IN SHOW INCATS CFA SHOW, JLINIE 13-14,1992 ANAHEIM, CALIFORMA CFA GRC/TICA DGC BLAZERS KRUGERRAND (Right Above) Blazers Welcomes BLAZERS WINCHESTER Brown Clossic Tabby Female BEST MAINE COON IN SHOW I0 week old silver mackerel son of Blazers Sterling Silver and TICA-MAY9&10,1992 Blazers Autumn Mist PASO ROBLES, CALIFORMA SPtrCIAI. THANKS T"ish & M;ke Si.,.p"o,, rrrd GR.C CFilEEPTR"NLLS SNLVER.ADO LZ T-O TTIE SCRATCH SHEET.- W]NTER 1992 CAPE CCCN MAINE COON CATS Fur - Kats Maine Coons tsUY TROy/I AN Kitten I,4CtsTA f[..',il €- B"b K"o'n' 17r V.;' RJ. !r"-o,tf,po't, MA . 02675 so8,s6z 88z6 fIEMBER YCBFA -t A' ^ r Ll-l- o (l A. llLA. ALr ' BREEDER TO GUARANTTE A HEALT|{Y, NA?PY KITTEN! Stud Service CFA. TICA. ACFA Breeder Member MCBFA CFA Breed Council AIN siz v Janet Marr 326 Melinda Lane Florence, KY 41042 (Near Cincinnati) (606) 282-0836 Nev Aexicats Aaine Cecns ls Pleased To Announce the arrival of several fine litters from toP CFA and TICA lines Most colors and Patterns Most with white JAY\(/YN MAINE COON CATS JEANETTEALENNY LUSTIG 26 WEST CEDAR STREEI LIVINGSTON, N J C7039 (2O1)992-3404 Look no further for Health, TYPe, and Temperment in the same cat' Also neuters and spaYs occasionally Debora Frick 4405 Karrol S.W. Albuquerque, NM 87121 505'873-2704 Please be sure your cats don't get into the holidaY Pine needles, tinsel, ii'bbon, or string! l3 t T}M SCRATCH SHEET -- WNTER SHOW YOUR LOVE FOR THE MAINE COON With An I ? MAINE COON CATS Bu m per Sticker 1992 Maine Coons Proudly Offers For Sale A lovely blue-silver classic torbie female Out Of ELLSWORTII TROUBLE IN THE PARK Removable vinyl bumper sticker is 3-3/4" x 7-1 /2" and features a beautiful brown tabby with white Maine Coon Cat $l.25 each; 3 for $3.25; 5 for $5.00 l0 for $8.25 (lncludes Postage) (Zazzara Bennigan x Calicoon Hayden In The Park of Ellsworth) By GRC CHEEPTRILLS BEARFOOT IN THE PARK (Willowplace Flagship of Cheeptrills x Tomeran Dream Chaser of Cheeptrills) Pictures and Pedigree Available Upon Request Serious Inquirers Pleose Contqct W.C.G. ENTERPRISES P.O. Box I 82 Dept. MC Melbourne, Florida 3 2902-01 82 Carole Rogers 107 Maple Street Toms River, NJ 08753 908-349-3626 (nrtprPLLS Bred With Care t Anlnt bons Raised With Love t Shown With Pride Brown, Blue, & Silver Tabbies & Torbies without White Michael & Patricia Simpson I 3283 Deron Avenue San Diego, CA 921 29 6t 9-484-8530 CFA o TICA . Breeder Member MCBFA "][.h" Caf ]Fantciens lFede*afior (Jnif"dl M*i** Cm^ a.d fh. C*6 Cl*h Assarciafiom Present their Second Championship Show Sunday, April4th, 1993 At the Worcester, Mass&chusetts Holiday Inn, 500 Lincoln Street 4 Allbreed Rings - 2 Specialty Rings For Information Please Contact: Esther Ventola Betsy Piper Co-Show Manager 7 Mason Drive Milford, MA 01757 508-634-98 I 8 Co-Show Manager 1285 South Street Needham, MA02l92 617-444-2968 HOPE TO SEE YOA! Cd-J The Easy'To-Use Pedigree Software By Menagerie Programs What can Cats! do for You? O Cats! is the easiesl wiy of printing pedigrees (including "what-if" breedings)! o catst keeps medical and show records, breeder and customer addresses' Why is Cats! better than other breeder programs? O Cats! is easier to use than other pedigree prograrns. Simple sliding bar menus work with mouse or keyboard. +L^ pedigree' appears on the -^-r. O Cats!lets you customize your pedigrees. No advertising from our programdam' and activity date' sire, O Cats! searches, sorts, and views cat records by name, breeder, owner, O Cats!generous medical and. notes areas utilize scrolling "word processor" style windows' O Catsl comes with an easy to understand spiral bound manual. O Cats! cosfs less and performs hefter than most other breeder programs' O Already using another program? Utility is included to import data from CompuPed and Cat Breeder's Assrstanr (CBA). Reverse Pedigree' New petworksDeluxe Edition contains cats! progr am plus additional utilities including handling' postage and plus Deluxe Edition lisr price $49.99, Petworks diicount price $44.99 3-1/2 or 5-1/4 disk size' Cats! runs on IBM compatibles with a minimum of 384K ram. Specify O O , Ilfi'il: xo'f::I",, :{:,"xT #;,ff.;y!3,{:":' #xi#: and "i'; Accepted Discover Visa, MasterCard, 1-914-666-4480 - - International Orders Welcome linally, il rlntilutuly upilntsil lur$iun nl lhu tlmsiu hml 0n l!ilrn0 [00n fiats ThatYankee Cat THE Mnms cooN; REVTsED EorrroN by Marilis Hornidge authenncatd, cor' tlwreis any infonnntionregordingtlwMaircCoonthatManlis Horrndgehnsnotlocated, Magazine ,oblrot d, uolidor*t, cerafied, *apru*ted., orwwould.belwrdwttoimaglrwwhatitnwybe'"--Cats ,,If ) ) l l full,color photos completely updated information on only $12.95 (paperback) Sprcw Bwx Dtscotxr (many bteeders give books with their kittens)-<a11 for information history, care, and breeding VlSA/lvlasterCard orden accepted via phone/ fax or send a check or money order in US AVAILABLE IN BOOKSTORES or directly through TilburY House 132 Vater St. Gardiner, ME A$45 Funds (Maine residents add 67o sales tax) plus shipping and handling ($3 for the first book, 50g. for each additional book; add $1 for first (zo7)ssl-rlss@ class or UPS) l5 TTIE SCRATCH SHEET -- WINTER 1992 LONESOMB TOMS (STUD SERVICE) CHARMALOr - Ginny Molloy,3Ol Double Springs Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42101:502-782-7554: brown clossic CHILBROOK - Debby Koy, P.O. Box 406, Coloniol Beoch, YA22443:804-224-8350; solid block/gold eyes (corries dilute) CTNNAMATNE - Leslie Bruce,4515 Soint Elmo Ave., Chotlonoogo, TN 374O9;615-82l-3240; brown mctqbby/green-gold eyes (corries solid) CORK - Sheryt Stevens, 464.| Bowen, Memphis, TN 38.| 22;9O1-685-219.| ; solid block/gold eyes DEL-K-DE - Debbie/Duffy West, 3912 Deep Creet< Blvd, Portsmouth, VA 23702: 804-547-3912; brown mctobby/gold eyes FORFSISPRfE - Cormen/Rudi Schwermer, An Der Lehmkuhle 20, D 2854 Loxstedt-Nese, GERMANY (7474)5666; brown clossic with white/green eyes FUR-KATS - Jonet Morr, 326 Melindo Ln,, Florence, KY 4l O42;606-282-0836; brown clossic wifh/withouf whife ItAppY c,AT PATCH - Helen/Cliff Proclor. 64530 Deschutes Morket Rd., Bend OR 97701; 503-382-7730; blue clossic; creom clossic/green eyes KATKEES - Judy/Al Kotkus, 7 Pershing Ave., Loke ln The Hills, lL 60102; 312-658-9165; golden clossic KITIYKOON - Joyce Weiner; 25-76 481i.:| Sfreet, Astcrio, NY; 718-204-552q brown mctobby/green-gold eyes MA,NDEVAL - Joel/Morlene Wocker; P.O. Box 48, Wokemon, OH 44889; 216-839-2166; brown clossic/green-gold eyes THE MAINE PLACE eves - Potricio Hevenor, 2630 Wounono Woy, Modison, Wl 5371 3; 608-222-4312; brown clossic/gold - Judy Willioms, 2656 Pinewood Blvd. #E, Middleburg, FL 32068;904-272-6737; silver MAINTnc c'AT COMPANY clossic with white (corries solid);solid while Mf KETERV - Borboro R. Woshburn, 3.l0 Boot Rd,, Molvery PA 19355; 215-644-9372; brown mctobby, blue clossic/ green-gold eyes OCOOTVKfr - Hillory Force/Judi Dickson, 8.l5 N. 24th St, #3, Philodelphio, PA 91930; silver mctobby/gold eyes; creom clossic ORO OJOS-Joe/Toni Edwords,28l7 West Boyce Ave., Ft. Worth TX 76.|.l3-.l503; 817-921-5585; gold-eyed white, brown mctobby/gold eyes, silver mclobby/gold eyes PURROCIOUS - Sheny Lynn Jones, 101 Kings Ct., Slidell LA 70458; 504-641 -7418; silver clossic/gold eyes SACANDAGA - Nellie Hintz, RRI Box 523, Porter Corners NY 12859; 5]8-893-7.|02; blue clossic/gold eyes, brown clossic with white, silver mctobby/gold eyes ROCKCOON - DebrolJettrey Diehl, P,O. Box 94], Centreville, VA 22O2O;703-968-6980; Creom clossic/copper eyes SL CIOUDS - Noncy Dovenport, 5921 Stoneview Dr., Culver City, CA 90232:2.|3-836-2596; Blue-silver mctobby wiih white, brown mctobby wilh white IANAS, - LizlEd Flynn,208 Kings Chopel, Augusto GA 30907; 404-860-i52.|;blue clossic with white/gold eyes; blue mctobby/hozel eyes, silver mctobby/hozel eyes TERRIFICATS - Koren Crooke, P,O, Box 35407, Houston IX 77235-5407;713-776-8227: brown mctobby with white/gold eyes; brown clossic with white/gold eyes;solid block/hozel eyes UNICOON - Michelle Sykes, 15926 Pfeiffer Dr.. HoustonIXTTAS2;713-497-3184; creom clossic/gold eyes, blue mctobby/green eyes TAZZARA - Suson/Jeff Show,85 Ridgewood Ave., Trenlon NJ 086]8; 609-882-3937; blue-silver mctobby/green eyes ffi &jjt,".@s*.{s%fffi*s*f]*Hffi LONELY HE,ARTS (LOOKTNG FOR HOMES) ,,BENTLEY" Cheepfills Moine Coons Hos o beoutiful brown clossic tobby show-quolity spoy who needs o loving, quiet home, Very affectionote - demonds lots of ottention! Contocf Trish ar Mike Simpson, 619-484-8530 Furkats Pleose coll for informolion on ovoilobility of spoyed and neutered odults. Confacf Jonef Morr, 606-282-0836 T6 ,,MA[N COON CATS" I. H. "IERRY'ROBBINS P.O.BOX270dd3 TAMPA, FL 336884443 813/962-8114 TIIE SCRATCH SIIEET -- WINTER 1992 MCBFA BREEDER. LIST ALABAMA AmandaMcCoy MACRO RochelleCrow 2725 HanoverCir. BirminghamAl 35205 205-933-6147 Patrick/Rebekah Cumbie ACRITH 1000 Tammy Anne Dr. Birmingham N- 35235 205-853-7905 Barbara/Rick Ray WILLOWPLACE 4945 Mountain View Pkwy Birmingham N- 35244 205-991-5803 ARIZONA Mark & Debra Smith CANCOON P.O. Box 84 Arlington AZ 85322 602-386-5646 Skip & Sharon MacDougall BABOCOONMARI HCR 670 Elgin AZ 85611 602-458-2244 CALIF'ORNIA NancyDavenport ST.CLOUDS 5921 StoneviewDr. Culver CityCA 90232 310-836-2596 Claire B. Grace KONACOONS 4323 W. l80th St. Torrance CA 90504 310-542-7433 Donna/Ron Greene LUI.ryCOONS 22644 Gaycrest Ave. Torrance CA 90505 213-54A-'7841 Donald & Helen Johns PEDROPURRS 1404 W. 36 Street San Pedro CA 90731 310-548-6896 Anita D. Ballard CONDOPURRS 4102 Orange Ave. #107-84 Long Beach CA 90807 213-492-1328 PeterRenteria ALLMYKITTENS 2459E. Villa PasadenaCA 91107 273-484-9288 Alexandra de Guzman DEGOONACOON 11341 Baird Avenue Northridge CA 91326 818-831-7913 Dor/Joan Murie AZULIKIT 731 Uclan Dr. Burbank CA 91504 818-843-4035 Judy Carlson COONRIGGERS 3446 S. Granada Spring Valley CA 9197'1 619-466-964A Tere L. Beckman COONTOSH 10368 Settle Road Santee CA 92071 619-449-3616 Judy Friedman COONS'KIN 2612 Luna Lane San Diego CA 92117 619-273-15ll Chuck & Diane Sweeney CORONADO CATS 810 Coronado Drive Coronado CA 92118 619-435-5758 Patricia/Michael Simpson CFGEPTRILLS 13283 Deron Avenue San Diego CA 92129 619-434-8530 Dianna M./Grinnell Jones BLAZERS 782 W" Ave. L Calamesa CA 92320 714-795-1162 Terry Sweet SWEETCOONS 26052 Lorri Dr. El Torro CA 92630 914-586-3789 Gayla Pierce LAGUNACOONS 699 County Square Dr. #4 Ventura CA 93003 '714-643-049A Cheri/Todd Glosier SHIRECATS 3804 E. Dakota Fresno CA 93726 209-222-9496 Karen/Steve Mclnchak MCINKATS 99-5 Paloma Rd. Del Rey Oaks CA 93940 408-394-'7336 Suzanne Servies SUZERAN P.O. Box 79i Pacific Grove CA 93950 408-372-7015 Laura & Bruce Borden VENTURECATS 703 Benvenue Avenue Los Altos CA 94022 415-941-2555 Patsy Stephens NAPA VALLEY 2901 First St. Napa CA 94558 707-255-5891 Lydia Hynds ACME CATS Bill Westcott 2473 W. l36th Ave. San Leandro CA 94577 415-483-0650 Sharon &Laura Cunningham COONM{AM 3599 Carlsbad Ct. Pleasanton CA 94583 510-846-3858 Vicki Shields SFIEEVA 201 Schooner Way Vallejo CA 94590 707-642-2238 Patricia still sT VALENTINE 5900 Harbord Drive Oakland CA 9461I 510-547-0419 Bruce & Katie Bryson POOHCATS 702 Menker Ave. San Jose CA 95128 408-297-2197 Susan A. Ostergard TREWALNEY & CO 360 Ostergard Aly. Dixon CA 95620 916-6'78-6876 COLORADO Diane Dillingham KAMELOT KOONS ll25 S. Adams St. Denver CO 80210 303-778-6835 Carla Harper-Blair CARLACATS 1927 S. Xenon St. Lakewood CO 80228 303-936-3003 Gail Mitchell KLIPPER KAT 2669 Skeel St. Brighton CO 80601 303-659-65ij CONNf,CTICUT M/lv{ George Andre ILLYA 200 Capen St Windsor CT 06095 203-688-4502 EdithDunford COONSTONE 9 ClitrSt. StoningronCT 06378 203-535-291j Mary & Michael Hanafin CLADDAGH CATS 9 Marian Lane Clinton CT 06413 2A3-669-91'tO Kirsten Juul MAINLYCOONS Hilton Hearh cos cob cT 06807 203{6t-3999 MerrylPeter Braun CALABASH 339 W. Cedar St. Norwalk CT 06854 203-853-0093 FLORIDA Susan/Raymond Vickerman TRADEWINDS l0l5 Arthur Moore Drive Green Cove Springs FL 32043 901-282-i232 Mary-Stewart Slade 4401 Lakeside Drive Jacksonville FL 32210 904-387-9047 Carol/Steve Lawson LAWMAINE 156l Cougar Cl Casselberry FL 32707 407-695-1028 BonnieGennell BONNEAUS 506JacksonAve. CapeCanaveralFL 32920 407-'784-1243 Joanne & Chuck Lamb POUNCIVAL 5741 NW lllth St. Hialeah FL 33012 404-SBi-44i5 Patricia Schmidt KOONSKREEK 8401W. SampleRd. T/H-7 Coral SpringsFL 33065 305-573-3484 Vicki/GeneAbelson BANGOR 14710 S. SpurDrive MiamiFL 33161 305-891-6099 Shirley/Scott Eimmerman MAINE STREAM 4765 NW 4th Ct. Plantarion FL 33317 305-583-4353 Marla vales MARALA 2660 s.E. Ibis Ave Port sr. Lucie FL 33452 305-335-7030 (Florida continued on next page) I7 THE SCRATCH SFIEET.. WiNTER 1992 , . FLORIDA (Continued) Jerry/Ir{arie Robbins BENTLEY P.O. Box 270443 Tampa FL 33688 813-962-8114 Colleen Hertzler FIERTZMICK Jane Mickens 5320 53rd Ave. E, Lot Q35 Bradenton FL 34205 813"753'8637 Rita Gene Bott SUPERMAINE PO Box 1082 Pinellas Park FL 34664 813-321-1950 Gene & Ray Gregory GENRAY 2525 Colony Avenue Kissimmee W 34'744 407184'7-7'16l GEORGIA MaryLouNagy-strine EMLU 6632E.Windsorln. Norcross GA 30093 404-939-9226 Susan M. Valerian VALLON 213 Cedar Mill Lane Woodstock GA 30188 Dr. Frances Lloyd TOLKAT 1465 Gloria Street Griffrn GA 30223 404-229-5901 M. Gerry Walsh WALMET 1827 Club Forest Ct. Dunwoody GA 30338 404-394-9649 Elizabeth Devine Flynn TANASI 208 Kings Chapel Rd. Augusta GA 30907 '106-860-152I Victoria Shipp TALSHIP 2719 Wicklow Dr. Augusta GA 30909 706-736-3312 IOWA Roseann A. Davis WOZK.ATZ 1010 North Brobst Street Knoxville IA 50138 515-842'2472 AleVClaudia Hovden HOVDEN 4223 NewlandDr. CedarFalls IA 50613 319-266-5608 Richard/Carol Benesh BENECATS 209 S. 6th Ave. Rock Rapids lA 51246 712-472-2290 Ann & Doug Goschke XANTH 89 Becky Thatcher Road MuscatinelA 52761 804-744-4518 Lisa & Ron Gielow EVER-READY 10426 Reed Road Hayden Lake IA 83835 ILLINOIS Lynn/JeffSherer CALICOON 882 Kirk Elmhurstll 60126 312-941-3295 David F. & Jill A. Burrow COONSBORO 44 W. 565 McDoanld Road Hampshire IL 60140 312-365-2933 Sally & Robert Miller MEUNERIE 842 Wellner Naperville IL 60540 '108-355-298'7 Mrs. Judy Heinzinger OLDE FARM 4324 N. Newcastle Harwood Heights IL 60634 312-867-4731 Chris/Bob Buck BUCTALES 15948 Carbrey Dr. South Beloit IL 61080 815-389-1330 INDIANA Carol & Mike Downs HOOSIERCOON 57302 Pegry Dr. South Bend IN 46619 219-233-7564 KENTUCKY Donna./HughRichbourg DONNAHUGH 1701WindsorPlace LouiwilleKY 40204 502-456-5315 Janet Marr FUR-KATS 326 Melinda Ln. Florence KY 41042 Ginny Molloy CHARMALOT 301 Double Springs Rd. Bowling Green KY 42101 542-782-7554 LOUISIANA Bertin/RayAnnKurtz CATAOUATCHE 5309PritchardRd. MarreroLA 70072 504-341-5805 JudylDan Chappetta COON CREOLE 2210 Jefferson Ave. New Orleans LA 70115 601-467-1868 Kenneth & Kit MacKenzie COPASETIC 428 Lowerline New Orleans LA 70118 JoyceiWayne Holdcraft TALISMAN 8464 Bayou Fountain Baton Rouge LA 70820 504-76'l-2055 MASSACHUSETTS lv{ay MAYCOONS 47 Allen Road Belchertown MA 01007 413-323-9566 Teri Goldman SdRAJEN 3 WaysideRd WestboroughMA 01581 508-898-3661 Esther Ventola ESSIECOONS 7 Mason Drive MilfordMA 01757 508634-9818 PatriciaLedoux TEMORA 9l N. Main St. CohassetMA 02025 617-383-1030 Heidi M. Oliveri SNICKETS 77 FremontAvenue ChelseaMA 02150 6l'7-884-5162 Debbie K. Gilley CODCOON 70 West Pond Rd. Chatham MA 02633 617-945-1776 Cheryl/BobKearns CAPECOON 171 WeirRd. YarmouthportMA 02675 508-362-8826 Jane MARYLAND Sue/Clint Jacobs MAINE ST. EAST 13007 Blairmore Street Beltwille MD 20705 301-5'12-2122 Rita,/PaulBlose NAVKATZ 1304 CarlsbadDr. GaithersburgMD 20879 30I-9264'146 Trisha/Bill Swisher KANAB 9339 Sharp Antler Columbia MD 21045 301-381-7290 Sharon & David Libershal WHATACOON 2424 Clydesdale Road Finksburg MD 21048 301-876-7813 Thomas/LindaGetz CHESTERPEAKE 12RatnaCourt Baltimorel'/D 21236 410-931-0445 Jennifer/Ray Hawkins FRANCOONIA 6500 Crestwood Rd. Baltimore lvD 21239 301-377-0851 Karen Thompson NEAMI Jimmy R. Thompson 1933 Baltimore-Annapolis Blvd. Annapolis MD 21401 NoreenM. Levee SPARKLEMAINE Rt.3,Box 123-34 QuailRunRd. Dentonl\lD 21629 301-820-1545 MAINE Mrs. Elizabeth Eastman KTAADN RR 5, Box 2048 Brunswick ME 04011 2A7-725-8715 CaroUTom Pedley LE BEAU MINU RR 2 6 Stonegate Way Gorham ME 04038 207-839-4703 MaryiDavidArmentrout TIMBERWIND HCR60Box3076 CamdenME 04843 207-236-2287 Dorothy Robinson SEASCAPE P.O. Box 281 Warren ME 04864 207-273-2527 KayeA. Sukeforth KITKOR RFD2,Box2420 WarrenME 04864 207-273-3300 l8 T}IE SCRATCH SIIEET -- WIN'IER 1992 MICHIGAN John & Jane Judd WHISTAT 9436 Horseshoe Bend Dexter MI 48130 313-426-2848 Phyllis J. Tobias KUMSKAKA I l50l Dixon Rd. Monroe MI 48161 313-529-302',1 MegK.Bachmann KUHNBACH 32}2LoonlakeShores DraltonPlainsMI 48329 313'673-2574 patricia & John Hanley CLASSIC CATTY 1154 W. Pratt Rd. De Witt MI 48820 517-669-8658 JuliaHoule RUMBLEPURR 4102 cleverSt. HoltMI 48842 517-694-617',7 MINNISOTA Lynda Bergo COMPANY B 3251 N. 6th St. #2 Minneapolis MN 55412 Diane/Scott Thornhill KILLARA 10600 Sunset Rd. Brooklyn Park MN 55443 612'42'1'4163 GinnyO'Neil MAJESTICATS RuralRouteOne Box243 KassonMN 55944 507-635-5'746 MISSOURI Brooke/HerbertBerger PURRICOON glll Pine St. LouisMO 63144 314-962-8905 Lorraine Beres P.O. Box 521 Joplin MO 61802 4l'7-548-6037 MISSISSIPPI KathySpeed JOKATTA Rt. I Box 190 BentonMs 39039 601-673-8100 MONTANA Sharon Jetter DREAMWEST 265 Cooper Lane Hamilton MT 59840 NEBRASKA Dorothycarnine PURRANCH HC87 Boxg AngoraNE 69331 308-',762-174',7 NEW HAMPSHIRE Donna/JeffBaird MITNITEWINDS 859JaffreyRd. MarlboroughNH 03455 603-876-3760 Ms. Anne Marie Berger AMBERKAT 44 Rte. 125 Brentwood NH 03833 603-642-5651 NEW JERSEY Carolyn Holmes-Sgro BAKER ST. MEWS 195 w. Mt. Pleasant Ave. Livingston NJ 07039 201-535-0684 Jeanette/Leonard Lustig JAYWYN 26 W. Cedar St. Livingston NJ 07039 201-992'3404 Janice Fortino MALACOON 5301 Fairview Terr. West New York NJ 07093 201'866-0651 Greta G. Triolo BERRY HILL ? Stephens Lake Rd. Wanaque NJ 07465 201-831-1835 Shirleen/Darryl Oldham CACOMDOE 185 Washington Valley Road RR #2 Basking Ridge NJ 07920 85 fudgewood Avenue Trenton NJ 08618 609'882'393',7 107 Maple St. Toms River NJ 08753 908-349-3626 ELLSWORTH carole Rogers 62 Culver St. Somerset NJ 08873 201-745-9822 JERMAR B. Kampo Marilyn 4th Avenue HighlandParkNJ 08904 908-819-9643 2205. HIGHGATE KateMcMahon NEW MEXICO Sue Shaw ZAZZARA Vickie &Larry Fisher COONQUEST 1456 Meadowlark Lane Corrales NM 87048 505-897-0464 Frick NEW MEXICATS 4405 Karrol S.W. Albuquerque NM 87121 505-8'13-2704 Deborah NEW YORI( Karen Jacobus SOHOMEWS S0 North Moore St. #l5B New York NY 10013 212'964-5387 Bonnie & Mike Pilar SILVERCOONS 30 Lincoln Plaza#29H New York NIY 10023 212-75'7-6255 Miss Helene Budzinski KRAFTIKATS 60 Truman Ave. Yonkers NY 10703 914'963-2143 Mrs. Judy A. Ries FOREST MANOR 4 tuchard St. Sloatsburg l.IY 10974 914-351-56'72 Laurel Cole LORICOON Box 143 32 North Street Washingtonville NY 10992 914-496-7793 Sonya Stanislow TATI-TAN 4i-42 44th Street Long Island city l.IY 11104 Barbara K. Rothenberg TOWNTABBY 159-51 85th Street Howard Beach NY I l414 718-835-3795 Mr. Harold Schwartz KALICOON 35 Voorhis Ave. Rockville Center NY I1570 516'764-6647 Betsy/JohnNagy SEACOON 4 OrchardLn. SeacliffNY 11579 516-'759-9362 Gerri & Kasper Bonsignore AMKAT 461 Arnold Avenue W. Babylon l'IY 11704 516-669-2157 Lynnpatten TUFF-TUFTS g4BellecrestAvenue EastNorthport].ry 11731 516'757-9884 914-896-5437 Jean C. Blouin SHAGGYTOWN MOVED-FWD ORDER E)(P 38 Jackson Street Fishkill NY 12524 Ms. Judy Quimby COUNTRY LORE 35 Prospect Terr. Montgomery I'{Y 12549 911-457-5729 Mrs. Nellie P. Hintz SACANDAGA Lakeview Estates LT l0 89 Stark Road Corinth l'IY 12822 Judith B. Taylor-Short LAKE COUNTRY Taylor Road RD 6, Box 256 Auburn |ry 13021 Julia cozzarelli AVICATS P.O. Box 1058 MoraviaNY 13l18 315-497-1389 Evan & Elizabeth Elgin LAKEMIEW CATS 595 Seneca St. #24 Lewiston l.IY 14092 518-583-0472 Rosann Marie/Elrent Scott SCOTIA 126 Normal Ave. Buffalo NY 14213 716-882'50'7'7 NORTH CAROLINA Priscilla I. Spach PRISPURR 2401 Rosewood Ave. Winston-Salem NC 27103 919'722"7339 Edith/Eli Gerver AiLUROPHILE 705 Fearrington Post Pittsboro NC 27312 919-542-1939 (l{orth Carolina continued on next page) l9 a TI{L SCRATCH SFIEET _ WINTER 1992 NORTH CAROLINA (Continued) Gena,/Marcus Click KATOKLIX 2242 Newton Dr. Concord NC 28025 '104-'188-1627 Pat O'Grady ISLANDCATS 82 Lagoon Court Emerald Isle NC 28594 919-354-5304 Karen Multer HONEYCOON Route l, Box M35 Ganite Falls NC 28630 704-495-4675 OHIO James/Jean Brammer SHAGAMUFF P.O. Box 96 Shady Side OH 43947 614476-5484 Linda Komar ANGTINI 2040 Kingsborough Painesville OH 44077 216-354-4863 GregoryA. Cada CACOON 21437LakeRd. RockyRiveroH 44116 216-333-4619 Stanley & Nancy Ann Schultz MAHOOSUC 3058 Huntington Road Shaker Heights OH 44120 216-751-8-125 Ruthie & Russ Ita CHARADE 30150 Woodall Road Solon OH 44139 216-349-2990 Peter & Dorisann Peterson MAINERE 134 Kinney Street Bellerue OH 44811 419-483-2239 Marlene/Joel Wacker MAINDIEVAL P.O. Box 48 24 Cooper St. Wakeman OH 44889 216-839-2166 Geraldine/Odell Berry TIffiCATHUT l0l5 Terracewood Dr. Englewood OH 45322 OKLAHOMA Darlene/Vern Ruhle CROONERS 2721 Aspen Circle Norman OK 73072 405-44'I-8907 OREGON Rd. Gervais OR 97026 503-792-3223 Frakes BRYRHAVEN 1354 Flannagan Coos Bay OR 97420 503-267-5425 Valerie E. Horton lvfYI\4AINS Rt 5, Box 5830 Hermiston OR 97838 503-567-5084 PENNSYLVANIA Sue/Bill Storten MCKITTYCREEK 4505 Tulane Ave. Erie PA 16506 814-833-4239 TheresaKovach MCKOVACATS MichaelMcKissick l4lAnnStreet MiddletownPA 17057 717-944-I'783 Bill & Gail Frew MYSTERYN4AIN 59 Ninth St. Wyoming PA 18644 7174934266 Pat Koehler COONPULSIVE Shirley Young Box 134 Fountainville PA 18923 215-249-3600 Mrs. Lesley F. Bistline MC KIMMEY 37 Winding Way Boothwyn PA 19061 215497-4667 Edward Gudera FIRTH 2153 E. Firth St. PhiladelphiaPA 19125 215125-3942 Donna S. Wiley CITYPAWS 561LeveringtonAve. PhiladelphiaPA 19128 215-546-895'7 Barbara Washburn MTKITTERY 3l0BootRd. MalvernPA 19355 215444-9372 RHODE ISLANI) Patricia & George Hunt MACONCOONS 32 Hardy Street Cranston RI 02920 SOUTH CAROLINA Carol M. Burford CARALEE Rt. 2, Box 487-C tudgeland SC 29936 803-726-3134 SOUTH DAKOTA Douglas & Linda Johnson BRULE R.R.2, Box 68 Alcester SD 57001 605-934-2816 Joy & Amo Wm. Beal DAKOTACATS 508 W. Hemlock Beresford SD 57004 605-763-5894 Bert J. Loehrer FARMAINE RRI Box 129 Milbank SD 57252 605-432-5783 TfNNESSEtr CatherineGlynn GLYNNWOLD lT90PleasantHillRd. FranklinTN 37064 615-776-2530 Leslie Ann Bruce CINNAMAINE 4515 Saint Elno Avenue Chatt TN 37409 615-821-3240 Tf,XAS Elizabeth Witt MAINELY CATS 3904 Bandera Plano TX 75074 214-424-6832 FranVAnnette/Juliet Allen CANYONCREEK 18975 Ravenglen Ct. Dallas TX 75287 Elizabeth & Stephen Cole RYAN PLACE CATS 1500 Elizabeth Blvd. Ft. Worth TX 76110 817-926-4544 Joe/Toni Edwards ORO OJOS 2817 Boyce Ave. West Ft. Worth TX '76133 817-921-5585 Louise/SteveClair MAINELINE 1859VintageCourt CorinthTX 76205 817-497-2035 Karen B. Crooke TERzuFICATS P.O. Box 35407 Houston TX 77235 '113-'7'76-8827 Katherine P. Ruf MAGICOONS P.O. Box 843 Humble TX 77347 713-454-6191 Kinrberly & James Lindenfeld CUDDLECOONS 6814 White Tail Dr. Spring TX '113'79 713-251-8691 RosemaryHannon TOMY-TCOON l9l5AlabarnaStreet PasadenaTX 77503 7L31'78-4063 UTAH Anne/Paul Magin LOONEY COONS 2351 W. Williamsburg Cir. West Jordan UT 84084 801-566-9014 Ms. Sue Yanik YANIKAT 1528 Emerson Ave. Salt Lake City UT 84105 801-484-5790 VIRGINIA Debra/Jeffrey Diehl ROCKCOON P.O. Box 941 Centreville VA 22020 703-968-6980 Barbara L. Truitt ALABAR Lee Polk 3325 Willow Crescent Dr. #T-3 Fairfa\ VA 22030 703-256-6086 Jane R. Baldinger YANKEECATS 6320 Hillsborough Dr. Falls Church VA 22A44 '103-241-5989 Sandy & Reed Stirling COONEYISLE I1628 Nervbridge Ct. Reston VA 22091 703-476-2308 (Virginia continued on ncxt page) Cheryl M. Gower CFIERMAINE 12376 Checkerboard Evette Elaine 20 T}IE SCRATCH STIEET -- W]NTER 1992 . VIRGINIA (Continued) A.G./Pat Robbins GEMUTLICHKATZE 1009 Neal Dr. Alexandria VA 22308 703-780-8361 Elizabeth/Alfred Haeberer HAIRBEAREI 3001 Voyage Drive Stafford,YA 22554 703-'720-0659 Traci M. Carter ROCQUOONE 9627 Greenmeadow Circle Glen Allen VA 23060 Annie/EdwardMann FANTAIL 909 EnglewoodDr. Chesapeake VA 23320 804-541-3912 Mrs. Lesley Russell RANDCOON 217 69th Street Virginia Beach VA 23451 801-481-2251 Deborah Elder DEJONS 4905 Farrington Drive Virginia Beach VA 23455 804-466-4272 Vicki/Steven Gallagher PURRZAZZ 2236 Crossroad Trail Virginia Beach VA 23456 Susan Lymbouris CREMOCROP 424 Brackenridge Ave. Norfolk VA 23505 Gladys Garner PA-GAR l0l3 Gardens Rd. SW Roanoake VA 24014 103-343-2750 VERMONT Lynne & Arthur Boroff ADVENT HILL Advent Hill Farm Advent Hill Road Hartland VT 05043 802-436-2050 WASHINGTON Jane Cargill KISKATA R.F. Hawk Jr. 21516 86th Ave. West Edmunds WA 98020 206-'174-0445 ConnieZimmerman COONMORA 15127 NE 24th#l0l Redmond WA 98052 206-74i-3gtl Alice/Dale Rhea RASCOONS 40912 SE 65th St Snogualmie WA 98065 206-831-6103 Elizabeth & David Tinney PINECOON 16300 - l77th Place N.E. Woodinville WA 93072 206-486-5589 Debbie & Tony Mabbutt QUITACATS 321 NE l63rd St. Seatrle WA 98155 206-364-85'76 Judylngram TFIE TRIBE P.O. Box 1709 SultanWA 98294 2061'193-2195 Nancy/Richard Koch SOL-KATZ 5314 Bunker St. N.E. Bremerton WA 98310 206-3'7'7-'7220 HelenDohrmann FIREROSE 5220 RidgePl.NE TacomaWA 98422 206-952-4435 WISCONSIN Anne Vytlacil COLINTRY COUSIN P.O. Box 84 Mukwonago WI 53149 414-642-3884 C. Sue & Don Gleason GLEADOM Box 421 Depere WI 54il-5 4t4-336-3443 WYOMING EileenMichals VONARABY P.O. Box726 WheatlandWY 82201 30'7-322-5937 OVERSEAS BREEDER MEMBERS Ronnie & Susan Stephens TYGREFOX (In Turkey) DET I I 39CS, PSC 94 Box2tiI CANADA ApO AE 09824 g0-:.t-32g:.g6 Cheryl/John Gelinas KOONANASKIS 122 Goodwin Place Fort McMurray, AIra. T9J lKl pHONE: :,43-090:Laurel Grams WYNDHAVEN P.O. Box 23, GzuFFIN Saskatchewan SOC lC'O PHONE: 306-842-6360 JoAnne/George Prima PRIME-A-CAT 6 Maisonneuve Dr. Dollard Des Ormeaux Quebec HgB lK4 PHONE: 514-684-6817 Alma/Ken Shindler HILLSIDE 196-2lll Montreal Rd. Ottawa, Onrario KIJ 8M8 pHONE: 6I3-i45-40I8 GREAT BRITAIN Amanda Thomas AMORACOON 1l Cannon Hill Lane Wilbmedon London SW20 9EN GERMANY Hans-Jo Appold GER-MAINE Urseler Str. 4 D-6380 Bad Homburg PHONE: 061i2-3g1t5 Jan-Carsten Burkuhl SffiRBROOKE FORREST Hohenzollerndamm 24 1000 Berlin 3l West Berlin SuzanneLietzat SHAGGYCAT Fritz-ReuterStrasse 16 2l54loestedt PHONE: 0Il4g-4'ti-3284 Simone Muehlfeit TARA Schulstrasse 39 i90l Schnuerpflingen Jorge/Gabriele Reichenauer RIVENDELLS Reitweg 54 4l5}Krefeld PHONE: 02-15l-473108 Carmen/Rudi Schwermer FORESTSPRITE An der Lehmkuhle 20 2854 Loxstedt-Nesse pHONE: 01149-4'744-5666 Frau Ingrid Storm STORMAINE In Der Hoern 50A 2050 Hamburg 80 PHONE: 01149-40-7261214 THE NETHERLANDS Heer/Jvlevr. R. Schopman CHILDOFMAINE Adm. de Rulterweg 495 hs 1055 MH Amsterdam If you have changes to this list, or if you feel that you were erroneously omitted from the list, please contact the Breeder Member Secretary, Judy Chappetta (address insidefront cover). 2l TI{E SCRATCH SHEET -- WINTER 1992 FANCIBRRENEWALS If you have already paid, please disregard this notice. Fancier dues to Sue Servies (address inside fitnt cover) DECEMBER: Rosemary Dunsford; Barbara Shaw; Joyce/Arnold Brown; PatMike Collins; Teresa Coopeq Linda M. Dulaney; Melanie LR. Holland; patricia/Charles Myers; Karen Schaefer; James E. Shireman; Charles Appel; John Atherton; Barbara Bair; Susan M. l:e Bales; Barbara/?eter Bergstrom; Carol Brown; George P. Cutshaw. M.E. Dawson-Bell; Rosemary Dunsfort; Virginia A. Erts; Stephanie A. Fox; James W. Furr; Rochelle A. Gustoso; Marcella Hausman; Kathleen Henry; Mvr. Ella Kalf; Fujiko Katsumata; Marian Keogh; Kisako Kimura; BarbaraAvilliam Knauss; Sachiko Kojima; Dennis l:rsen; Kaye l-awson-Rehill; Marti LrBel; Mr.A4rs. C. Lrwis; Judith McDonald; Jane Lynn Merritt; May Moore; Elsa Nohlen; Beth/Forrest Pardue; Gary/Denise Patton; Maria A. Pugliese, M.D.; Karol Quinn; Elizabeth Ann Shea; Nancy Shera; Masae Shino; Hiroko Suzuki; Shirley/Jim Swansson; Joan E. Wickham; Gail S. Williams; Nancy/Ronald Young; Richard J. Talac; Sharron A. Zaun JANUARY: Richard G. Bristol; Ullian/N'forley Fach; Virginia H. Knauer; Karhryn Knouff-Remini; Adrienne O'Brien; Pat Seward; Ann B. Thagard; Amy Vargas; Frances Wendt; Jody Anderson; Anke; Tammie Baldridge; Mr.,Mrs. H. Ballenberg; Clifford W. Barnett, III; James Ban; Randi Battifarano; Wolfgang Binder; C. Richard/Christy Boles; Penny Boswell; Karen Burgess-Kohn; Carol L. Butler; Mildred Cannon; Billfiandy Carlsen; Steven Challis; JoAnn Chapman; Virginia Chastain; Jody Alne ChiniE; Carol C,ohen; Catherine A. Cole; I-arrylsusan Cox; Seemin Dallenbach; Rita DeMaintenon; Usa deVries; Dr. Steven Dill; Barbara Dishion; Donna Jo Douglas; Rosemary Downey; JohnlluRuth Evely; Kitty Ewyh; Margaret Felice; Suzanne Ficara; Tomlshari Garrett; Dana Gregory; Orin Grossman; Grace flammond; Maria Herrmann; Norman/Jane Hilgendorff; Patricia/Rick Hornburg; Roy H. Horner; Dale Houck; Ingrid Jansen; Libby/Roger Jones; Mr' Koitzsch; Joan/Bob Kunkel; Mrs. E. Kunkel; Diane l-ong; Pat/Art l-ong; Stephanie,iRoberto l,opez-santini; Donald E. Irwery; Barbara A. Mather; Heide McCarthy; Ann McDougall; Susan Mercerl Michael/Betty Miller; Dahlia Nesmit; Elizabeth Nickey; Eric J. Norgaarden; Margaret Norsworthy; Deborah Oliver; Jacqueline Pickelt; Irene^.{at Pigman; Mrs. Pioch; Shellia Powell; Nancie Pruitt; John/Jeanne Richardson; Mrs. Rosenlhal; Anita Rowsell; Dorthe Siverts€n; Betty Smith; Gladyspill Soberanes; Sherry Sparks; Ira Springer; Elaine Stein; Robert Stetson; Judy Stolz; B€tsy Stone; Ken/Donna Stribling; Bill/Linda Suchmanl Beverly6rian Sullivan; James J. Sullivan; Michael Sweeneyi Donna Tedesco; Ellie Tone; Kim Tucker; Willy VanRooseboeck; Krissi VerWay Evelyn Verch; Christine/Robert Versaw; Mark Warner; Alan Watkins; Linda Webster; William Weibte; Julie White; Katherine White; Mrs. K. Wiese; Carole Wilkinson; Pamela Williams; Ms. J. M. Williamsen; l-eslie/Cliff Wright FEBRUARY: Johanna/Gary Flarrison; Nina Dahlsted! Eeva Flarkonen; Carol Hayden; Pauline Mayer; Uz Meberg; Ken/Jane Perfors; Karen/Robert Turner; I-eonard Alfonso; Pat Amundsen; Florenc€ Andersonl Pat Benda; Casey Bergere; Susan Brower; Elke Carson; Kay/Greg Coffman; Joseph/Jane Crystal; Nancy Dehmler; Deborah DelVecchio; Joan Devinel Karen Fields; Pamela Fleizach; Harold Gay; Cheryl Griswald; Dr.,Mrs. Thomas Hines; Gail Hochberg; Doris Horak; PamlGil Hunt; David Jester; Ms. LR. Kardish; Dr. Nancy Kirkendall; Jean C. Drost; Donald/I-eah Kuhns; Chris@ob Kurfis; Therese/Jeffrey hng; Evelyn kwis; Jeanie l,ong; Andrea/Royce Maiden; Cecila McVey; Rosemary Miller; C. Lynn O'Connell; K. Ostroff, DVM; Judith Phillip; Anne Plienis; Elizabeth/Ardrew Prefter; Sidney Pursell; laurie J. Ruel; John S. Scott; Vickie Smith; Robert K. Smyth; Barbara J. Solga; Marilyn D. Sowa; Debbie/Gary Spagnuolo; James Vass, Jr.; Jackie Vassanelli; Holly Wagner; Kathie Webb; Karen White; Marjorie/Alfred/Tim Wiener; Dee Dalton Wilson BREEDER/ INACTIVE BRDBDER/ PROVISIONAL BRBEDER MEMBER RENEWALS litter registration with your nenewal. Send dues to the Breeder or Provisional BreederMember Secretary (as applicable). Secretaries' addresses inside front cover. JANUARY: Sheryl,/Todd Rooks; Nancy Adkins; Mary/David Armentrout; Daniel/l(aren Arterberry; Joy & Amo Wm. Beal; I-orraine Beres Brooke,/Herbert Please include a copy of a recent Berger; Ms. Anne Marie Berger; Chri#Bob Buck; Ellen Bussey; Jane Cargill; Fred/Sandra Chasalowl Robert G. Clark; Gena/IVlarcus Click; Julia Cozzarelli; Nancy Davenport; Phyllis E. Floyd; Deborah Frick; Vickilsteven Gallagher; Cheri/Todd Glosier; Catherine Glynn; Teri Goldman; Patricia & John Flanley; Rosemary Flannon; Mary Hastie; Jennifer/Ray Hawkins; Ms. Betty Hull; Lydia Hynds; Sherry L. Jones; Dianna M./Grinnell Jones; Nancy/Richard Koch; Pat Koehler; Carol/Steve [awson; Diane/Bill l-owry; Susan Lymbouris; Debbie & Tony Mabbutt; Kenneth & Kit MacKenzie; Sally & Robert Miller; Simone Muehlfeit; Don/Joan Murie; Debbie Murray; Ginny O'Neil; Bonnie & Mike Pilar; Jean C. Pratt; JoAnne/George Prima; Jorge/Gatrriele Reichenauerl Stanley & Nancy Ann Schultz; Kathy Speed; Sonya Stanislow; Ronnie & Susan Stephens; Sue,rBill Storten; Kaye A. Sukeforth; Greta G. Triolo; Angie/Tom Vorholt; Anne Vytlacil; Ann Wampler; Barbara Washburn; Debby/Duffy West & Sons NEWMEMBERSHIP-. CHANGB OF ADDRESS New Fancier Memberships, Renewals, and Address Changes: Sue Servies, P.O. Box 791,, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 SEE INSIDE FRONT COVER FOR RATES BREEDER MEMBER ADDRESS CHANGES AMOUNTENCLOSED: : Judy Chappe tta, 22lO Jefferson Avenue, New Orleans, I-A 7 0L 15 PROVISIONAL BREEDER MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION/ADDRESS CHANGES: Darlene Ruhle, 272I Aspen Circle, Norman, OK73072 NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE zf,P PHONE L-J NEwFANCTERMEMBER | | nnxewat, | | cTTANGEoFADDRESS PLEASE SEND PROVISIONAL BREEDER INFORMATION (Send no money -- thatcomes hter!) COMMENTS/SUGGtsSTIONS : SUZERAN MAINE COONS MtKittery Maine Coons "The Gentle Giants" Suzanne Servies CFA GRC and TICA SGC Lines Barbara Washburn 310 Boot Road -'-"','....*!lA-+,.*I*l) Malvern, PA 19355 215-64+9372 P.O. Box 791, Pacific Grove, CA 93950. 408872-7018 .AWARD WINNING MAINE COON CATS'' (615) 776-9530 GLYNNIUOLD MRIN€ COON CRTS STEVE (407) 695-t 028 FAX (407) 260-2018 & CAROL TAWSON CRTH€RIN€ G. GLYNN PL€BSFNT HILL FRRNI{IIN, TN. BD. 37064 M€MB€R: CFA, CFF, TICR, MCSFA Kittens With A Future . . . From Cots With A Past TICA CFA Cinny O'Neil Follensbee fr7-6315746 TEu4ORA TIAINE COON CATS IW+TESTIGTS MEMBER MCBFA (61 7) 383_1 030 MAINE COON CATS DWARFAI.ID LOPRABBITS RR itl . Box243 Kasson. MN 55944 Maine Coon Breeders Patricia Ledoux. 91 N. Main Street . Cohasset, MA 02025 & Fanciers Association Circulation - Judy C-arlson 3446 S. Granada Spring Valley, CA Yzm1 FORWARDING AI\D ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEI) BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID SPRING VALLEY CA PERMIT NO. 130
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