Annual Report - HandsOn Bay Area


Annual Report - HandsOn Bay Area
HandsOn Bay Area staff after a
large beautification project at
Oakland’s Urban Montessori
Charter School
Lou Reda • Executive Director
Eddie Valtierra • Program Director
Annie Weaver • Associate Director & East Bay
In 2014, HandsOn Bay Area continued to grow our volunteer base and critical support of our
communities. We mobilized over 16,000 volunteers to support 240 local schools, parks and
nonprofit organizations. Collectively, HandsOn Bay Area volunteers generated over 55,000 hours of
service across the Bay Area!
Employee Volunteering has quickly become an exciting and crucial part of Bay Area companies and
HandsOn Bay Area is leading the way in making sure this trend translates into tangible benefits for
our communities. In 2014, HandsOn Bay Area successfully led our largest employee volunteer effort
ever. In par tnership with Google over a 2 week period in June, 5,500+ Google volunteers supported
140+ schools, parks and nonprofit organizations. It was a amazing to see that many people get out
of the office and into their communities through the power of volunteering. HandsOn Bay Area is
proud to work with nearly 50 innovative companies delivering thousands of corporate volunteers to
address real issues such as the fight against hunger and restoring the environment.
But that is not all to celebrate - HandsOn Bay Area also expanded other innovative ways to volunteer
with our our convenient, volunteer anywhere Project in a Box and our skills-based volunteering
program Focus. Mary Fuller (COO & Co-Founder of Hack the Hood) commented that our Focus
program was “the most impactful volunteer project I have ever been a part of.”
Despite the great work we accomplished, 2014 was not all positive as we struggled with the passing
of our amazing staff member Ben Stone-Francisco. Ben had a fierce love of building community and
was a passionate steward of the environment. HandsOn Bay Area’s new utility van Benji is named in
his honor and love for volunteering. #BenjiVan will continue to serve the Bay Area for many years to
come and we hope it will help us inspire others to take up where Ben left off.
We hope our message of change inspires you in the New Year to volunteer in your community.
Julia Sills • Silicon Valley
Losida Garcia • San Francisco
Joey Guerin • Special Projects
Lisa Murchie • Programs
Monica Floyd • Community Volunteering
Corporate Project
Leader Team
Calvin Kan • Team Manager
Ana Bedolla • Senior CPL
Peter Lollo • Senior CPL
Leyla Ghaf fari • CPL
Jonny Volan • CPL
Scott Justus • CPL
Aaron Grobler • CPL
Jessie Downing • CPL
Raul Guerrero • CPL
Troy Neubar th • CPL
Finance & Operations
Chad Wolbrink • Finance Director
Kayleigh Marshall • Operations
Bob Figlock • Of fice & Technolog y
Sara Jones • Logistics
Marketing & Development
Best regards,
Blake Brown • Marketing
Suling Miller • Corporate Relations
Joanna Bell • Development
Ben Heskett • Board Chair
Ben Heskett • Chair
Jeni (Lafaurie) Izuel • Treasurer
Stephan T. Pippen • Secretary
Paul Towne
Dave Yurkovic
Brian Kennedy
Noël Adams
Nathan Beckord
Chara Mathur
Staff + #BenjiVan
Ben Stone-Francisco
We miss you.
Allen Samelson, J.D.
Helen Wei
2014 Volunteer Impact
People & Partners
Community Partner
Kids Enjoy Exercise Now (KEEN)
“HandsOn Bay Area runs the entirety of KEEN’s programs at the Embarcadero YMCA.
They are so important, we awarded them the 2014 Volunteer Coach of the Year award.
Having HandsOn Bay Area manage our programs has allowed us to expand to Marin.
HandsOn Bay Area makes my job easier and our programs stronger.”
Damien Chacona • Executive Director
Project Leader Rickey Ono
Why are you a HandsOn Bay Area Project Leader?
“I can use my volunteer experiences and leadership skills to create a positive
experience for the volunteers. I like both of the projects I lead because I’m able to
interact directly with the clients and see the smiles on their faces and the volunteers
who make it happen.”
Corporate Partner SAP
“SAP values our partnership with HandsOn Bay Area because they work with the
community to find out what they need and then plan and execute projects to address
those needs. If you want your employees to feel like they have really made a difference
- to show up and get right to work, then I would recommend working with HandsOn Bay
Kate Morgan • Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, North America
Gives Back
Thank You to our 2014
Corporate Partners
• 360 Destination Group • AAA • Advent Software Inc.
• Airbnb • AnswerLab • Bessemer Trust • Brambles, Ltd.
• Charles Schwab & Co. • Ekso Bionics • • Gap Inc.
• Genentech • Google • Hilton San Francisco • Homebrew
• ICA • Kaiser Permanente • Levi Strauss & Co. • Lifescan
• LinkedIn • MBH Architects • Microsoft • MidPen Housing
• Moody’s Foundation • Morgan Stanley • NetSuite
• PG&E Inc. • Risk Management Solutions • SAP • Seagate
• Shutterfly Foundation • Silicon Valley Bank • Silicon
Valley Community Foundation • SuccessFactors • T-Mobile
• Target • Top Tier Capital Partners LLC • UBS • United Way
of the Bay Area • VF Outdoor, Inc. • Visa International
• Walmart e-Commerce
Levi’s Community Day
SAP Month of Service
Kaiser Permanente
Gap Adopt-a-Family
Schwab Volunteer Week
Thank you to our Supporters
Your generous contributions help to fund our
awesome volunteer programs, creating more
opportunities for people to get involved and build
better communities.
Founder’s Circle
K a th y Kwa n & Ala n Eu sta c e
T h e o d ore & F ra n c e s G e ba lle
M a r il y n & J im H e ske t t
Ke l l y R u s s e l l T u rn e r
B r i a n Ke n n e d y
HandsOn Hero
L u e l l a Se q u eira
K i m b e r l y L e on a rd
D a n a C h a ito n
B a r ba ra R o s sto n
To m a n d We nde H u t to n
Sh u b da Ga ra n i & S rin a t h Krish n a n
Ste p h a n P ip pe n
H a n s Wu e r f m a n n sdob le r & Te re sa Mo ra
N o ë l Ada ms & Ed Ma rwit z
Thank you!
2014 Silicon
Valley LIFT Team
Gold Circle ($1,000-2,499)
Chara Mathur
John Edmi ston
Kri sten Durham
Lauryn Coi t
Ben Heskett
Gordon Russell
Eri c and Elai ne Hahn
Jane Woodward
Steve Rosston & Kathryn Mol e r
Di ane Inzano
John and Amy Boyle
Citizen’s Circle
J oh n Fi egel
Ch ri stoph er a n d J en n i fer B oyd
Fra n ci n e L opa ci n sk i
Ch ri sti n e Pa tel
L a rs H ellerslei n
Ma u reen Mellon
Ca th y Ma n sh el & B i ll R u si tzk y
H olly a n d Ka rl Kn a pp
G i lbert Wi lli a m s a n d An n e B on a par te
Da n Ca ton
R i ckey O n o
B ru ce H olm es a n d Sta cey Wh a rton
Kevi n a n d Ma rth a Kea rn ey
Mi ch a el Ch u
B ri a n Ma ttos
H elen Wei
Sh a n e Zh a o
Honored Member ($100-249)
Akanksha Mehta
Alice Chau
Andrea Diaz
Andrew Hoffman
Anitra Appa
Arthur & Lois Roth
Audrey De Vere Hunt
Brady Bellis
Chinh Nguyen
Christina Kuo
Clifford Gaw
Corey Cameron
Danielle Schmitz
Darin Neumyer
David Yurkovic
Donna Dale
Elizabeth Mccoun
Helen Wei
James & Chrystal Kafka
Jeff Chen
Jeni Izuel
Jennifer Mar
Jessica Jackson
Joanna M Lane
John Newburger
Jose Diaz
Judith And Walter Miller
Kirsten Garen
Kristy Karell
Kurt Petersen
Laura Van Tassel
Ling Tang
Lisa Siegel
Manar Mohamed
Marie-Louise Skafte
Marshal Lane
Martha Weeks
Michael Kuang
Michele Tobin
Nadia Ennaciri
Natalie Souza
Nathan Beckord
Paul Santinelli
Paul Towne
Peggy & Jonathan Propp
Phillip Kim
Prasad Chaparala
Ravi B
Rebekah Drechsel
Robyn Glennon
Sandra Mitchell
Sarah Azizi
Seth And Jyothi Marbin
Stacey Keare
Stella Marinos
Susan Kauffman
Wafaa Sabil
Wanda Chang
William & Christine Tanona
Zulina Zakaria
Community Friend ($50-99)
Al & Marilyn Benioff
Ali Razfar
Andrew Chao
Ashley Larrazabal
Ashley Schmitz
Breanne Duncan
Brendan Van Der Vossen
Brian Roberts
Brooke Leon
Carolyn Waller
Chevonne Rampas
Chuck Catlin
Connie Hartgraves
Cynthia James
Daniel Aminzade
David Zuckerman
Debbie Judd
Denise De Mory
Diane Au
Elysa Chao
Howard Lee
Ilse Schultz
Isaac Vanduyn
Jackson Saekow
James Chik
Jamison Moore
Jennifer Krassinger
Jessica Nill
Johannes Kuhn
Julie Mortenson
Kathy Switky
Katie Wadley
Kayla Ferguson
Kim Simmons
Kyle Konrad
Laura Eberhard
Lisa Ferreras
Lisa Freeman
Lisa Zenker
Lynne Marie Sneed
Marc Mayo Anonymous
Marcus Yoder
Marion Azoulai
Mark Kenney
Mary Katherine Brock
Mary Mak
Maryanne Mcglothlin
Michael Lin
Nicole Syder
Nora Comee
Octavio Ulloa
Patrice Prentice
Patricia Eastburn
Pratima Maharaj
Rachel Bertin
Richard Sim
Rick Yang
Ryan Tolentino
Sam Huynh
Sarah Sparks
Selina Gaitan
Sherman Tan
Sophie Bigalke
Suh Chen
Susan Scheel
Suzanne Palacios
Therese Dennis
Tova Grunes
West Valley Community Services
Yaw Agyeman
Yuning Zhang
Zachary Edell
Member ($25-49)
Abhishek Bhatia
Accounting Students Org SFSU
Adam Pedersen
Addison Kleiner
Adriana Higuera
Adrienne Desmond
Adrienne Donley
Adrienne Moran
Agnes Lam
Ahmed Alfaifi
Aileen Jaber
Aimee King
Akshat Sinha
Alan Scott
Alankar Agnihotri
Alanna Iverson
Albert Liao
Albert Periu
Alessandra Callegher
Alexa Rhoads
Alexander Goldman
Alexandra Anger
Aliah Zaharan
Alice Chau
Alisha Bouge
Alison Clements
Alison Potter
Alison Williams
Allante Moore
Allison Dias
Allison Farquhar
Allyson Tong
Alyonik Hrushow
Alyssa Diaz
Amaka Onongaya
Amanda Chang
Amanda Deutscher
Amanda Saad
Amber Brinsfield
Amber Decoff
Amber Dowler
Amiee Shin
Amos Schallich
Amy Daitch
Amy Goodman-Wilson
Amy Hijlkema
Amy Riha
Amy Zuckerman
Ana Brown
Ana Gree
Andrea Holmes
Andrea Pineda
Andrea Wescott
Andrew Conwell
Andrew Hening
Andrew Martin
Andrew Mccarthy
Andrew Meyer
Andrew Osheroff
Andrew Wong
Andy Badal
Aneel Yelamanchili
Angela Srisongfa
Angela Yang
Angelina Donhoff
Angelo A. Carino Jr.
Aniket Soneji
Anita Perez
Anitha Andra
Anitha Duvvuru
Anjali Kulkarni
Ankit Agarwal
Anmol Nagar
Ann Maeoka
Anna Feeley
Anna Herrera
Anna Hodus
Anna Kubly
Anna Spence
Anne Baxter
Anne Cutshall
Anne Smart
Annelise Dutcher
Annie Chung
Antara Ekbote
Anthony Garcia
Anthony Garica
Anthony Taylor
Antonio Papale
Anu Sharma
Arianna Rodriguez
Arianna Velarde
Ariel Spivak
Arielle Cahill
Arielle Hassid
Arsenio Canty
Arthur Kwok
Arti Raina-Bambroo
Arvind Prabhakar
Aryana Sherzai
Ashley Boren
Ashley Cervantes
Ashley Riley
Ashley Wilson
Ashok Srivastava
Ashray Reddy
Ashton Tate
Ashutosh Goel
Ashwin Philip
Asta Saulys
Aubrey Jones
Audrey Lindahl
Austen Jack
Avital Schlesinger
Barbara Schneider
Barishtha Suwal
Belen Alvarez Iglesias
Belman Balebail
Ben Purtell
Benjamin Lo
Benjamin Olson
Benjamin Purtell
Benjamin Schein
Benjamin Schumacher
Beth Bergen
Beth Mcknight
Beth Rowen
Bethany Fong
Betsy Martin
Beverly Bonovich
Beverly Klemme
Bianca Galladora
Bill Ke
Bill Yoshimi
Bobbie Murray
Bobby Johnsen
Bokyung Kim
Bona Kim
Brandi Walters
Brendan Gesley
Brett Zipse
Brian Mattos
Brian Nicholas Orsua
Brian Reavis
Brianna Dinsmore
Bridget Toomey
Britta Wunderlich
Brooke Leon
Bryan Okada
Bud Woods
Callie Coogle
Cameron Straw
Camille Anderson
Cammie Edwards
Candace Wong
Candy Shafer
Caren Stubenrauch
Carey Pickus
Carl Lacy
Carl Loeb
Carlos Correa
Carlos Gil
Carlos Gonzalez
Carol Hamilton
Carol Lewis-Scibetta
Carol Zhang
Carolyn Parodi
Carrie Balick
Carrie Fox
Casandra Espinoza
Catherine Cortez
Catherine Harrigan
Catherine Hughes
Catherine Mowbray-Lorenz
Cecelia Rapaich
Cecelia Varao
Cecilia Thu Tran
Celeste Lecompte
Celeste Wooten
Celestina Gillow
Chad Desmarteau
Charles Ciciretto
Charles Wu
Charlotte Johnson
Charlotte Robertson
Chelsea Vargas
Chenoah Konyn
Ching-Jung Chung
Chirag Amin
Chloe Brooks
Chris Noey
Christian Bondad
Christian Pitkin
Christian Sanders
Christin Hoult
Christina Bermudez
Christina Maza
Christina Oh
Christine Brown
Christine Cassidy
Christine Clark
Christine Cuseo
Christine Gong
Christine Hmelar
Christopher Moore
Christopher Richardson
Ciara Viehweg
Cindy Manzo
Cindy Wang
Claire Bandet
Claire Lessinger
Clare Lee
Claudia Stanger
Connie Hartgraves
Corey Mcdonah
Corinna Hinke
Corinna Hui
Cristina Butterfield
Cyndie Cottrell
Cynthia Chin
Cynthia Nicholson
Cynthia Sotelo
Da Huh
Daisy Lopez
Dan Cheng
Dan Luisa Lu
Dana Trans
Daniel Cheung
Daniel Gannon
Daniel Longdon
Daniel Purtell
Daniel Rubins
Danielle Dicara
Dara Knoblock
Daryl Capanzana
Dave Chiu
David Anderson
David Boston
David Campbell
David Dyer
David Kaye
David Kellenberger
David Key
David Radojevich
David Ramus
David Schmitz
David Wertheimer
Dawn Mclaren
Dayeon Go
Deb Goodman
Deborah Steiner
Debra Rhodes
Deeboni Herron
Deepa Aswani
Denise De Mory
Derrick Chia
Devin Palladino
Diana Fischer
Diane Au
Diane Hicks
Dianne Morada
Dineka Sharma
Divya Iyer
Dong Lin
Donna Darling
Donna Ushijima
Doug Tallman
Douglas Hebbel
Douglas Marshall
E.K. Chung
Eddie Chung
Edward Orza
Eileen Mccaffrey
Elaine Davis
Elaine Huang
Elaine Yastishock
Elana Rapaich
Elena Erbiceanu
Elena Grueso
Eli Diamond
Elias Nash
Elizabeth Adviento
Elizabeth Andersen
Elizabeth Bravman
Elizabeth Hernandez
Elizabeth Huffaker
Elizabeth Mcknight
Ellen Huss
Ellen Niksa
Ellen Wong
Elliot Alyeshmerni
Emanuela Neagu
Emery Miller
Emily Chen
Emily Riggs
Emily Tokheim
Emma Gat
Emma Shlaes
Eric Chau
Eric Jong
Erik Mortensen
Erik Rush
Erik Wong
Erin Howland
Erin Muntzert
Erinne Seay
Eva Chau
Evan Hoese
Evelyn Taylor
Fatemeh S
Filiz Kohli
Fionah Dominis
Florence Chan
Francine Kavanagh
Fredric Colman
Gabriela Ramirez
Gabrion Daval-Santos
Genevieve Galman
Genevieve Trombley
Geoffrey Stetson
George Durgerian
George Tamer
George Wu
Gina Zang-Rosetti
Girish Jayaraman
Gizelle Torres
Glenn Jones
Glenn Low-A-Chee
Grace Choi
Grace Chow
Grace Kim
Gracie Ellsworth
Grant Hughes
Greg Tener
Greg Thompson
Greg Wieman
Gwen Freeman
Gwyneth Jones
Ha Nguyen
Haley Ferguson
Halle Fritz
Hana Sayles
Hannah Tacke
Harris Fienberg
Harrison Armsby
Harry Topalian
Hayley Drury
Heather Calder
Heather Cowans
Heather Lee
Heather Peters
Hector Meza
Heidi Ferguson
Helen Deng
Helen Holscher
Helen Hong
Helen Sohn
Helena Buhr
Henry Fields
Herve Vatinel
Holly Durkin
Hugh Barber
Humza Khan
Ian Crena Geckeler
Ian Dixon
Ian Li
Ian Morada
Irina Berman
Isabel Altick
Ishan Jain
Issa Gruber
Ivan Zhu
Jack Coglizer
Jackie Bates
Jackson Saekow
Jacob Swett
Jacqueline Smith
Jacqueline Tran
Jacquelyn Grillo
Jaivie Robles
James Devlin
James Giangola
James Watson
Jamie Taylor
Janae De Crescenzo
Jane Macfarlane
Jane Oliveira
Janet Cho
Janice Jeffries
Janice Pak
Janine Juarez
Japalie Dahayu
Jared Peters
Jason Cole
Jason Walzer
Javier Blancas
Jay Bundalian
Jay Vigilla
Jayoon Yi
Jean Wang
Jean-Marc Eurin
Jeff Eberhard
Jeff Lien
Jeff Mcwhinney
Jeffery Robinson
Jeffrey Dunn
Jeffrey Glick
Jen Fernquist
Jenevieve Ting
Jenna Meister
Jenna Swartzendruber
Jennifer Hansen
Jennifer Harrell
Jennifer Nguyen
Jennifer White
Jenny Kelemen
Jenny Kim
Jeremy Lamure
Jeromy Guadagne
Jerry Mellin
Jessica Chinchilla
Jessica Ellison
Jessica Handcock
Jessica Hele
Jessica Hogue
Jessica Huang
Jessica Moore
Jessica Sullivan
Jessica Zhou
Jessica Zhu
Supporters Continued 6
Jiayin Cheng
Jignashu Parikh
Jill Cunningham
Jillian Chladek
Jillian Gerrity
Jimena Tejada
Jimmy Walker
Jing Quan
Jo Smith-Nilsson
Joe Pistritto
Joe Streeter
Joel Dabisch
Johann Smit
Johanna Kleppe
John Bautista
John Cregan
John De Groot
John Lewerenz
John Mccarthy
John Weingarten
Jonathan Gotianse
Jonathan Pike
Jonathan Wyant
Jonathan Xi
Jose Alfonso Salaverria
Jose Moreno
Joseph Alex
Joseph Bozdech
Joseph Burger
Joseph Frumenti
Joseph Gengo
Joseph Gilby
Joseph Guerin
Joseph Schuchter
Joshua Piuma
Joy Gavia
Judith Allen
Judith Cha
Judy Cha
Julia Bui
Julia Kwan
Julia Popowitz
Julian Alivia
Juliana Tegan
Julianne Pekel
Julie Mortenson
Julieanne Tadeo
Justin Eddy
Justin Maxwell
Justine Berkowicz
Jyothi Bade
Jyothi Marupilla
Kaivon Ahmad
Kalpana Peddibhotla
Kara Busselen
Kara Church
Kareen Tavakoli
Karen Christensen
Karen Harichandran
Karen Manship
Karen Passantine
Karin Kawauchi
Karthik Rajendran
Kate Blomgren
Kate Greenspan
Katelyn Chang
Katherine Ching
Katherine Hodge
Katherine Johansen
Kathleen Clayworth
Kathleen Deleo
Kathleen Murphy
Kathryn Cox
Kathryn Shen
Katie Bradley
Katie Hawkes
Katie Knowles
Katie Tran
Katy Bronstein
Katy Jenkins
Keating Vogel
Kelli Sousa
Kellie Jue
Kelly Blankenship
Kelly Naku
Kelly Pisarri
Kelsie Axelrod
Kerry Richard
Ketaki Gangal
Kevin Donnelly
Kevin Honold
Kevin Kevin
Kevin Lu
Kevin Porciuncula
Kevin Tracey
Kevin Tudish
Kevin Wujcik
Kevin Young
Kim Hoang Nguyen
Kimberly A Scallan
Kimberly Cianci
Kimberly Eichelberger
Kimberly Leonard
Kimberly Mendoza
Kimberly Miller
Kimberly Ryan
Kimberly Taylor
Kira Devaul
Kirby Lee
Kirsten Hagfors
Klaus Komenda
Kolin Stanley
Korin Okamura
Koryna Zendejas
Kowshik Murali
Kramer Weydt
Kristen Flowers
Kristen Mandal
Kristen Merck
Kristen Potter
Kristin Gates
Kristine Burkman
Krystal Higgins
Kumar Balabhadra
Kumiko Jacobs
Kwame Agyemang
Kwok Law
Kyle Koning
Kyle Vandenberg
Kylie Svenson
Kysha Shaffer
Kyung-Seon Stumpf
Laila Mohammad
Lan Hang
Lana Radosevic
Lana Trombley-Bartholomew
Langston Hines
Lanthy Bialik
Laura Barley
Laura Braude
Laura Dikman
Laura Finnigan
Laura Gladding
Laura Herrera
Laura Hobbs
Laura Likely
Laura Montini
Laura Starbird
Laura Van Tassel
Lauren Burke
Lauren Depass
Lauren Dunford
Lauren Kamiya
Lauren Rupp
Lauren Velez
Lauren Wiser
Laurie Rittman
Le Chau
Leigh Ann Bandet
Lem Hambrecht
Lenin Yang
Leslie Thieriot
Li Shi
Li Zhang
Lia Takata
Lillian Chau
Lily Bigalke
Lily Clarke
Linda Duong
Linda Sill
Lindsay Hagan
Lindsay Poland
Lindsay Summers
Ling Feng
Lisa Bertholdt
Lisa Branson
Lisa Mclean
Lisa Oberwager
Liya Su
Liz Balsam
Liz Bell
Liz Miller
Liza Rodriguez
Lois Shaffer
Lora Lee
Lori Jimenez
Lorna Flores
Lorraine Esturas-Pierson
Louis Potok
Louise Martin
Lu Ping Chen
Luca Poulson
Luis Vite
Lyn Werbach
Lynn Stasior
Lynne Miyamoto
M’Riah Bounds
Maddy Traynor
Madison White
Magesh Jayapandian
Maggy Sabet
Makenna Cook
Malik Hale
Mallory Hogan
Malvin Ma
Maneesha Phatak
Manish Gupta
Manuel Chicas
Marc Mayo Anonymous
Marco Paglia
Marcus Baca
Marcus Ramirez
Marcus Yoder
Maria Echaniz
Maria Guadarrama
Marianne Richmond
Marija Dunn
Marilyn Abrams
Marina Brady
Marine Potapinski
Mario Blandini
Marisa Heinzig-Hatcher
Marisa Kumtong
Marisa Moreno
Marissa (Mazzoncini) Reda
Mariya Mubarak
Mark Bilodeau
Mark Herling
Mark Hormann
Mark Kenney
Mark Plantado
Mark Southon
Marla Tatiana De Oliveira Pires
Marlo Tong
Marten Jansson
Mary Hoang
Mary Katherine Brock
Mary Lynn Fitton
Mary Meyer
Maryah Barna
Mathew Hernandez
Matt Novinsky
Matthew Bourhis
Matthew Bowen
Matthew Farber
Matthew Larson
Matthew Leavy
Matthew Percival
Matthew Peterschmidt
Matthew Tesarfreund
Matthew Thompson
Maureen Haskell
Maureen Mcghee
Maureen Paley
Max Bergen
Maxwell Branchflower
Meg Levie
Meg Obrien
Megan Grossardt
Megan Laura Nazareno
Megan Pham
Megan Strait
Megumi Itoh
Mei Lin Chu
Mei-Lin Okino
Melanie Yelamanchili
Melinda Klayman
Melissa Gracely
Melissa Santos
Melissa Seaman
Meredith Mccreary
Meriza Viray
Mia Liu
Michael Bao
Michael Baranchuck
Michael Brown
Michael Courtney
Michael Fallon
Michael Franzonello
Michael Hillman
Michael Moore
Michael Soskis
Michael Wood
Michele Kastelein
Michelle Fox
Michelle Henry
Michelle Lamar
Michelle Macapagal
Mihajlo Radonjic
Mike Landreth
Nadia Ennaciri
Nancy Wiest
Naomi Epel
Naomi Goodwin
Naomi Vandlen
Nasser Saleem Ahmed
Natalia Worth
Natalie A Souza
Natalie Gross
Natalie Maloney
Natalie Miller-Binkley
Natalie Ramirez
Natalie Straw
Natalya Guterman
Natascha Helbig
Natasha Yeoman
Neel Madhav
Neha Srivastava
Neil Fink
Nevena Roy
Nicholas Boots
Nick Bearman
Nick Montijo
Nicolas Corti
Nicole E K F Lim
Nicole Goldfield
Nicole Hwang
Nicole Punelli
Nikita Nangia
Nikki Kim
Nilma Rubin
Nina Suetake
Noel Yu
Nogah Nativ
Norman Yang
Octavio Ulloa
Oleksandr Sytnyk
Olivia Lam
Onur Eren
Osborne Hardison
Paiman Vahdatinia
Pamela J Haislet
Pamela Luk
Paola Sanmiguel
Parinaz Lajevardi
Pascale Younker
Patricia Stetak
Patrick Merrill
Patti Haverty
Patti Salinas
Paul Dario
Paul Frausto
Paula Ewanich
Paula Kent
Paulette Bundy
Pei Chen
Perlita Mosier
Peter Cnudde
Peter Hill
Peter Litwin
Phil Cao
Philae Carver
Philip Lynch
Philippe Leprieult
Phoebe Lai
Phoebe Leboit
Phoebe Ye
Phyllis Lin
Prasenjit Phukan
Prashant Sakhuja
Priscilla Miller
Priscilla Tran
Prishil Patel
Priyanka Saigal
Qinping Huang
Rachel Been
Rachel Burry
Rachel Koslow
Rachel Williams
Rachelle Donida
Rafael Rice
Rahul Oak
Ralston Clarke
Rama Daval-Santos
Ramesh Kannappan
Ramiro Abad
Ratika Chopra
Ravi Jain
Ravikanth Samprathi
Ray Eiriz
Ray Wang
Rebecca Lev
Rebecca Samson
Reena Patel
Regan Catanzaro
Rekha Rajasekharan
Renita Kaushal
Rhomaro Powell
Rich Fulcher
Richard Sullivan
Richard Vandlen
Rita M Baldacchino
Rita Villalta
Rob Sanchez
Robbi Sera
Robbie Olvera
Robel Yemiru
Robert Degroat
Robert Donath
Roberto Moran
Robyn Netz
Rocio Lopez
Romar Benedict Dacasin
Romina Clemente
Ronald Villena
Rosa Gomez
Rosaclaire Baisinger
Roshan Mehdizadeh
Rosie Gomes-Harr
Rosie Gose
Rosie Redfern
Ruhee Subedar
Ruqian Zhou
Ryan Burton
Ryan Cooper
Ryan Coquilla
Ryan Johnson
Ryan Mcnulty
Saira George
Sam Eberhard
Sam Samar
Samantha Epperson
Samantha Erickson
Samantha Korm
Samantha Popcke
Sameh Guirguis
Samuel Yudes
Sandy Wolter
Sanjay Sane
Sara Agee
Sara Grignon
Sara Thompson
Sarah Benning
Sarah Downey
Sarah Freiermuth
Sarah Osborne
Sarvesh Shrivastava
Scott Graeser
Sean Scarlett
Shafi Mohammed
Shannon Colton
Shannon Kelly
Sheena Hamid
Sheri Hunt
Sherman Tan
Sherry Chan
Shimi Rahim
Shiming Ye
Shirin Raza
Shobha Philips
Shona Dutta
Shweta Gopalakrishnan
Siah Fried
Sijie Wang
Simon Stadtmiller
Skyler Bivens
Sofia Marino
Solinna Kim
Sonam Soni
Sondra Presho
Sonu Kaul
Sophie Bigalke
Sophie Chen
Sowmya Krishnamurthy
Spencer Seibert
Spencer Sim
Sravya Bathula
Srinivasa Vedam
Stacey Keare
Stacy Yano
Steff Neeb
Stella Yang
Stephanie Dow
Stephanie Hoffman
Stephanie Pena
Stephen Cehn
Stephen Lowe
Steve Corio
Steven Bernard
Steven Eberling
Steven Rosston
Su Tan
Susan Davison
Susan Desjardin
Susan Nave
Susan Telerico
Susan Yudelson
Susan Zhen
Susi Lopez
Suzanne Driver
Suzanne Myers
Talia Clayton
Taly Katz
Tania Hyatt
Tara Connor
Tawin Phongadith
Taylor Ferguson
Taylor Wallace
Taylorr Felice
Teresa Dey
Terri Eaton
Terry Lew
Teymour Mushfiq
Thao Dang
Theresa Mueller
Thomas Holley
Thomas Johnson
Thuy Nguyen
Tian Honavar Hiro
Ticha Ungboriboonpisal
Tiffany Chen
Tiffany Cheng
Tiffany Chow
Tiffany Vu
Tim Frank
Tim Kutz
Tiviane Vu
Todd Brody
Todd Greer
Tom Deluca
Tonja Darling
Tony Chou
Tony Yang
Tova Grunes
Tracy Johnson
Tracy Lim
Tripti Assudani
Valentina Camp-Corti
Vamshi Bhoopalam
Vanessa Dario
Vasu Krishnappa Naidu
Venetia Riso
Veniamin Bruk
Veronica Velazquez
Versie Adams
Victoria Hibbert
Victoria Sauer
Victoria Wu
Vida Ferdowsi
Vinh Nguyen
Viresh Rustagi
Vladimir Andersen
Vrushali Khatav
Warren Menezes
Wei Martin
Wei Sun
Wendy Canessa
Wes Holloway
Wesley Chang
Whitney Horton
Will Koehler
William Everett
William Getsey
William Knight
Xi Cheng
Xin Wang
Xixi Xing
Yojna Verma
Yolanda Garcia
Yu Du
Yu Wu
Yuen Li
Yuning Zhang
Yvonne Chen
Zac Witte
Zach Landes
Zhaoxia Li
Zhihao Lin
Zhouyi Zhu
Zipporah Roxas
Zoe Minikes
Thank you Supporters
& Members!
Statement of Activities
Year Ended 12/31/2014
Temporarily Restricted
Support and Revenue
Foundation and other grants
Government grants
$ 48,153
$ -
$ 48,153
In-kind contributions
Total Support
Contract fees
Program fees
Unrealized gan
Total Revenue
Net assets released from donor restrictions
Total Support and Revenue
Feel Good
“I want to thank HandsOn Bay Area because they
organized this so well and they’ve been really great
partners. I was like - this can’t happen in two hours - but,
you guys worked so hard, with so much joy, and our kids,
families and teachers are going to be so excited to see
how beautiful you made our school.”
Stephanie Eldred
Community School Coordinator
Hillcrest Elementary • SFUSD
General and administrative
Total Expenses
Change in net assets
$ 715,674
$ 75,500
$ 791,174
Net Assets, beginning of year
Net Assets, end of year
Statement of Financial Position
Like, Follow, Watch
Year Ended 12/31/2014
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
$ 1,025,977
Grants receivable
Prepaid expenses
Total Current Assets
Property and equipment, net
Beneficial interest in perpetual trust
$ 1,147,142
Total Assets
$ 1,207,260
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable & accrued expenses
Accrued vacation & sabbatical
Pass-through grants payable
Deferred revenue
$ 49,690
Total Liabilities
$ 416,086
Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 791,174
$ 1,207,260
Thank you for supporting HandsOn Bay Area.
Keep volunteering in your local communities!
Contact Us
HandsOn Bay Area
1504 Bryant Street, Suite 100
San Francisco, CA 94103
P 415-541-9616
E [email protected]