aintri - Federal Register of Legislation
aintri - Federal Register of Legislation
ratift of äusirati& aintri PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY. [Registered at lire General Post Office, Melbourne, for transmission by post as a newspaper.] No. 7(.1 S A.T I3RDAX, 22ND NOVEMBER. Government House, Melbourne, 17är November, 1913. HIS Excellency the Governor - General directs it to be notified that Mr. Arthur Guise having resigned his appointment as Private Secretary to His Excellency, the duties of that Office have been assumed by Captain Sir Walter Barttelot, Bart., in addition to those of his pre sent office of Military Secretary. J. H. STARLING, Acting Official Secretary. PROULA 1 ATION. By His Excellency the Right HonorCommonwealth of 4.ustY9.1ia to wit. able Thomas, Baron Denman, a Member of His Majesty's Most Hon orable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished DEN,?`, Order of Saint Michael and Saint Governor-General, George, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order,' Governor General and Commander -in -Chief of the Commonwealth of Australia. W}LREAS by the Commonzvealth Electóral At goZ -19aá it is enacted that the Governor - General may, 3n any case in which he thinks fit to do so, by Pro tión, divide any division into subdivisions : And whereas by a Proclamation made in pursuance of the said ,Act and published in the Commonwealth Gazette on .ithe 29th May, '.909, it was proclaimed that all Electoral Divisions of the State of South Australia should Now therefore I, Thomas, Baron Denman, the Governor General aforesaid, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council; do hereby proclaim as follows :1. That that part of the Division of Hindmarsh which is comprised in the Subdivision of Port Adelaide as described in the schedule to the first- mentioned Proclamation, shall be divided into the Subdivision of Port Adelaide and the Subdivision of Semaphore, having respectively boundaries as described in the schedule to this Proclamation, and that the schedule to the said first mentioned Proclamation shall be read as if the Subdivision of Port Adelaide, having boundaries as described therein, were omitted and the Subdivision of Port Adelaide and the Subdivision of Semaphore, having respec- tively boundaries as described in the schedule hereto, were substituetd for the Subdivision of Port Adelaide referred to in the schedule to the said first - mentioned Proclamation; 2. That new rolls for the said Subdivisions of Port Adelaide and Semaphore shall forthwith be prepared by the Commonwealth Electoral Officer for the State of South Australia; 3. That in preparing .the new rolls the said Common wealth Electoral Officer shall, as far as practicable, place on the roll for each subdivision of every person whose place of living gis within the limits of the subdivision and whose name is, at the date of the publication ill the Gazette of this Proclamation, on the existing roll for the Subdivision of Port Adelaide; 4. That Virohmonwealth Electoral Officer shall forth with after. preparation áf the new rolls is complete, by notice in the Gazette, notify that new rolls have been prepared as directed by this Proclamation, and thereupon the new rolls shall be the rolls prepared for the purposes of the said Act. be .divided into subdivisions ;ä.s specified in the schedule to that pxoçla;mation And whereas by the said Act it is ä1só enacted that new jolis for .aßy polling- places, subdivisions divisions, or Sta,tes, shall be ; prepared whenever directed by Proclamation, and In the manner specified in the Procia41_alJ_on or prescribed ;by the V.egulaxiáns A-nd: whereas it is tiesitabie fo substitute for the Sub - division of Port Adelaide of the Division of Hindrn rsh, having boundaries -as described in the schedule ;to that Proclamation, the subdivisions of Pont Adelaide and Semathore ¡)raving :boundaries as described in -the schedule to -this Proclamation. C:ß.3980. THE, SÇHEDU,LÉ,; Commonwealth of Australia. STATE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Commonwealth Electoral Act 1902 -1911. DESCRiPTION OF BOUNDARIES cr SUBDIvIS'IQNS. A-Egpy ,1. PIY iPN OF 1-1irn114sa. iv,szon .of Port Adelaicl e., Commencing on the sea coast at a point' 9pposite the north -west corner of section z906, hundred of Yatala; thence east along north boundary of said section, No. 77. -22uó November, 1913 Commonwealth Gazette 3062 and north along west boundary of section 452, to the road north of said section ; thence east along said road to west boundary of section 409, and south to north corner of section Oro; thence south - easterly to the south corner of section 408, and north to its north -east corner ; thence across the road to Park - street, Woodville Park, and northeasterly along said street and Park - street North, and across the road to the south corner of section 2070 ; thence Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Common- this eighteenth day of November, One thousand nine hundred and thirteen, and in the fourth year of His Majesty's reign. wealth By His Excellency's Command, LITTLETON E. GROOM, Minister of State for Trade and Customs.. north by road to the north -east corner of section 416; thence easterly to the south- western corner of section 966, hundred of Port Adelaide ; and north - westerly by the North Arm -road, to the boundary between the Divisions of Angas and Hindmarsh, near section 235 ; thence generally in a northerly and westerly direction, following GOD SAVE THE KING portions of the eastern and northern boundaries of the Division of Hindmarsh, to the north -east corner of the Department of Home Allairs, Melbourne, 18th November, 1913. Subdivision of Semaphore ; thence generally in a southerly and westerly direction following the eastern and southern boundaries of the said Subdivision of Semaphore to the sea coast; thence southerly following portion of the western boundary of the Divisirn of Hindmarsh to the point of commencement. LEASE. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in Council has approved of authority being granted for the lease, for Defence purposes, from Mr. Henry Carr, of the SUBDIVISION OF SEMAPHORE. Commencing on the sea coast at the north western corner of section 9o, hundred of Yatala; thence easterly along the northern boundaries of sections go, 92, 99, and reserve No. ig, to the western side of the Old Port Reach ; thence generally in a northerly direction following the western side of Old Port Reach, northern side of Gawler ground floor of premises. known as " Carr's Produce Store," at the corner of Sheriff - street and Petrie- terrace, Brisbane, Queensland, for a period of one year as from the 17th day of July, 1913, at a weekly rental of Z.2. W. H. KELLY, For Minister of State for Home Affairs. Q.L. 13/1419. Reach, the western sides of Hindmarsh Reach and Lipson Reach to the north - eastern corner of LeFevre's Peninsula; thence in a westerly and southerly direction following portions of the northern and western boundaries of the Commonwealth of Australia. Division of Hindmarsh to the point of commencement. (The boundaries abovementioned are those existing on the 21st October, 1913.) Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Commonwealth this twenty -ninth day of October, One thousand nine hundred and thirteen, and in the fourth year of His Majesty's reign. By His Excellency's Command, W. H. KELLY, For Minister of State for Home Affairs. The Lands Acquisition Act 1906. NOTIFICATION OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND BY THE COMMONWEALTH. T is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency the Governor- General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, that the land hereunder described lias been acquired by the Commonwealth under the Lands Acquisition Act 1906, for the following public purpose, namely, for Federal Capital purposes. Dated the 18th day of November, One thousand nine hundred and thirteen. DENMAN, Governor- General. GOD SAVE THE KING ! (E.13/8282.) By His Excellency's Command, W. H. KELLY, For Minister of State for Home Affairs. PROCLAMATION F.C.L. 13/1034.. By His Excellency the Right Honorable Commonwealth of Australia to wit. DENMAN, Governor - General. Thomas, Baron Denman, a Member of His Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Governor - General and Commander -in -Chief of the Common - wealth of Australia. WHEREAS by the Customs Ad 1901 -1910 it is enacted that the Governor - General may, by proclamation, prohibit the exportation of any goods the exportation of which would, in his opinion, be harmful to the Commonwealth, and that the power to prohibit the exportation of such goods shall extend to authorize the prohibition either absolutely so as to allow of the exportation of the goods subject to any condition or restriction : And whereas it is desirable to prohibit the exportation from the Commonwealth of all aboriginal anthropological specimens, including articles of ethnological interest, unless the exportation is by the accredited representative of an officially- recognised scientific institution and the permis- of the Minister for Trade and Customs is obtained to such exportation : Now therefore I, Thomas, Iiajon Denman, the Governor - General aforesaid, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, do hereby prohibit the exportation from the Commonwealth. of all aboriginal anthropological specimens, including articles of ethnological interest, unless the exportation is by the accredited representative of an institution and the permission of the Minister for Trade and Customs is obtained to such exportation. officially- recognised scientific DESCRIPTION oiF LAND REFERRED TO. All those pieces or parcels of land in the parishes of Pialligo, Canberra, and Goorooyarroo, county of Murray, partly in Federal Territory and partly in the State of New South Wales, Commonwealth of Australia, shown hachured on plans hereunder, and 'more particularly described as fol lows : Firstly. Commencing at the south- western corner of portion 282,, parish of Goorooyarroo ; thence easterly by the southern boundary of that portion to the western side of a road part of the opposite side of which forms the western boundary of portion 2, parish of Goorooyarroo; thence southerly by the western side of that road to the Federal Territory boundary ; thence easterly by part of that boundary to the eastern side of the last - mentioned road; thence northerly by part of that side of that road to the southern side of a road the opposite side of which forms the southern boundary of portion 2 before mentioned ; thence easterly by part of the southern side of the last - mentioned road to the western side of a road the opposite side of which forms the westernmost boundary of portion 284, parish of Goorooyarroo, and the western boundary of portion 112, parish of Pialligo; thence southerly by the western side of that road and the western boundary of portion 120, parish of Pialligo, to the southwestern corner of that portion ; thence easterly by part of the southern boundary of that portion to a north - western corner of portion 121 ; thence southerly by the westernmost boundary of portion 121 and the westernmost boundary of portion 59 to the south- westernmost corner thereof ; thence easterly by a southern boundary of the last -mentioned portion to the production northerly of the westernmost boundary of portion 199; thence southerly by that Commonwealth 6azetto production and the last -nil ntioncJ boundary and the westernmost boundary of portion. 194 to the northern boundary of portion 78; thence westerly by part of that boundary to the north - western corner thereof ; thence No. 77.-22nd November, 1913 3063 generally of which forms part of the southernmost boundary of portion 131 ; and thence easterly by the southern boundary portion 306 10 the commencing point. south - easterly by part of the south - western boundary of the last - mentioned portion to the north- eastern corner of portion 77; thence westerly by the northern boundary 01 that portion to the north - western corner thereof ; thence southerly by the western boundary of that portion to the northern side -of a road part of the opposite side of which forms the northern boundary of portion 104; thence westerly by part of the northern side of that road to the production northerly of the Western boundary of portion 104 before - mentioned ; thence southerly by that production :; r% OF PARISH ë GOOROOYARROOtrnG e ze 7 ice and the western boundary of that portion to the southwestern corner thereof ; thence easterly by part of the southern boundary of the last - mentioned portion to the north- western corner of portion 39 thence southerly and easterly by the western boundary a-id part of the southern boundary respectively of the last - mentioned portion to the north- western çorner of portion S.o; thence southerly by part of the western boundary of that portion to the north- eastern corner of portion 54; thence westerly by the nortliern boundary of that portion to the north- western corner thereof ; thence southerly by part of the western boundary of portion 54 to the north- easternmost corner of portion 76; thence westerly by the northern boundary of that portion and the production thereof across a road to a point on the eastern boundary of portion 61, parish of Canberra; thence northerly by 1_ -art of the eastern boundary of portion 61, the eastern boundary of portion 56, its production across a road to the south- eastern corner PIALLIGO of portion 90, and part of the eastern boundary of portion 90 to the production westerly across a road of the southern boundary of portion 102 ; thence easterly by that production and the southern boundary of portion 102 to the south- eastern corner thereof ; thence northerly by part of the eastern boundary of portion 102 before- mentioned to the production westerly across a road of the southernmost boundary of portion i17; thence easterly by that production and that boundary to south - eastern corner thereof ; thence northerly by the easternmost boundary of portion 8OC4oas tom he» 117 before mentioned and part of the eastern boundary of portion 1o1 to the - southern side of a road the opposite side of which forms the southernmost boundary of portion NE n, 'J3, parish of Pialligo; thence easterly by part of the * r3, southern side of that road to the production southerly of the eastern boundary of portion 153; thence northerly by that production and that eastern boundary to the southern boundary of portion 151; thence easterly by part of the southern boundary of that portion to the' south- eastern corner thereof ; thence northerly, westerly, again northerly and again westerly by the easternmost, a northern and eastern and the northernmost boundaries respectively of Sp6.7 R: 79! PA r 306 ç 307 ¡ \U?. ,N1 , portion it to the end of a road the southern side of which forms the northern boundary of portion r r4, parish of Canberra ; thence westerly by the northern side of the aforesaid road to the south - eastern side of another road; thence northerly by a line to the south- easternmost corner of portion 121 ; thence northerly by the eastern boundaries of portions 121 and 122, parish of Canberra ; thence nor- GOO R00rARROO - Scale: 00 Calms to ? /nc,4 therly, easterly, and again northerly by an eastern, a southern, and part of the easternmost boundaries respectively of portion 268, parish of Goorooyarroo, to the point Commonwealth of Australia. The Lands Acquisition Act 1906. of commencement, excising therefrom Trig Reserve No. 61, portion 36, and all roads and creeks already the property of the Commonwealth. SecondIy. Commencing at the south- western corner of portion 299, parish of Goorooyarroo ; thence easterly by the southern boundaries of portions 299 and 307 and a southern boundary of portion 138 to thsr north- eastern corner of portion 308; thence southerly by a western boundary of portion 538 to the north - eastern corner of portion 144; thence westerly by the northernmost boundary of portion r44 to the north - easternmost corner thereof ; thence southerly, westerly, and again southerly by a western, a northern, and the westernmost boundaries respectively of portion 144 to the south - westernmost corner thereof ; thence westerly by the southern boundary of portion 153 to the eastern boundary of portion 309 ; thence - NOTIFICATION OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND BY THE COMMONWEALTH. IT is hereby notified -and declared by His Excellency the Governor- General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, that the land hereunder described has been acquired by the Commonwealth under the Lands Acquisition Act 1906, for the following public purpose, namely, for Defence purposes at Lithgow, New South Wales. Dated the IStli day of November, One thousand nine hundred and thirteen. DENMAN, Governor-General. southerly by part of that boundary to the south - eastern corner of portion 309; thence westerly by the northern side of a road part of the opposite side of which forms a northern boundary of Portion 12, parish of Pialligo; thence northerly by the eastern side of a road the opposite side of which forms the eastern boundary of portion 35; thence westerly by the northern side of a road the opposite side of which forms the northernmost boundary of portion 35 and a northern boundary of portion 164; theme northerly by the eastern side of ra. road and an eastern boundary of portion 165 ; thence easterly by a southern boundary of portion 165, parish of Pialligo, and the southernmost boundary of portion 134, parish of Goorooyarroo ; thence northerly by the easternmost boun- dary of portion 134, parish of Goorooyarroo, and the eastern side of a road the opposite side of which forms an eastern boundary of the last - mentioned portion ; thence easterly by the southern side of a road the opposite side By His Excellency's Command, N.L. 13/4546. W. H. KELLY, For Minister of State for Honie Affairs. DESCRIPTION' OF LAND REFERRED TO. All that piece or parcel of land in the municipality of Lithgow, containing 2 acres 1 rood 764 perches, more or less, being land held under certificate of title, vol. 2206, fol. err, part of rIo -acre grant to Thomas Brown, 14th July, 1840, portion 53, parish of Lett, county of Cook, State of New South Wales, Commonwealth of Australia, as shown hachured on plan hereunder : Commencing at a point on the north- western boundary of the Great Western Commonwealth Gazette 3064 71.-22n4 November, 1913 Railway bearing 244 deg. 32 min. 343 feet 5 inches from the sputh- western side of Railway - parade ; thence by part of the north- western boundary of that railway bearing 244 deg. 32 min. 188 feet 3 inches to the north- thence by sides of that road bearing p66 deg. 46. mina. 1I.5 links, 247 deg. 891 links, and 200 deg. 54 mint. 703 links to the commencing point. eastern side of a road 66 feet wide; thence by part of that side of that road bearing 333 deg. 20 min. 589 feet x inch; thence by lines bearing respectively 61 deg. 44 min. 166 feet 1z inches and r5z deg. 17 min. S98 feet z inch to the point of commencement. Commonwealth of Australia. The Lands Acquisition Act r906. NOTIFICATION OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND BY THE COMMONWEALTH. IT is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency the Governor - General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, that the land hereunder described has been acquired by the Commonwealth under the Lands Acquisition Act r906, for the following public purpose, namely, for Quarantine purposes at Hammond wesrer" Greor Island, Queensland. L3c tY1t°. e el` fi. `o Dated the 18th day of November, One thousand aine hundred and thirteen. DENMAN, Governor - General. By His Excellency's Command, W. H. KELLY, Commonwealth of Australia. The Lands Acquisition Act 1906. NOTIFICATION OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND BY THE COMMONWEALTH. Fos Minister of State for Home Affairs. Q.L. 13/1456. DESCRIPTION OF LAND REFERRED TO. All that piece or parcel of land at Hammond Island, containing zoo acres, more or less, being portion 2, parish of Port Kennedy, county of Torres, State of Queensland, Commonwealth of Australia, shown hachured on plan T is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency the Governor - General, acting with the advice of the hereunder : Commencing at a roint on the High Water Federal Executive Council, that the land hereunder de- mark on the shore of Aplin Pas3 bearing 1So deg. zoo scribed has been acquired by the Commonwealth under the links from a post bearing 187 deg. 15 min. 60.9 links Lands Acquisition Act 1906, for the following public pur- from a Wonghi tree marked 2 ; and bounded thence by pose, namely, for Defence purposes, at Drouin, Victoria, lines bearing o deg. o min. 1,050 links and ror deg. 54 Dated the 12th day of November, One thousand nine min. 4,765 links to a point on the High Water mark on hundred and thirteen. the shore of Aplin Pass; and thence by the High Water mark south - westerly and north - westerly to the point of DENMAN, commencement. Governor-General. MhiON¡1 By His, Excellency's Command, ! fSLAN, W. H. KELLY, For Minister of State for Home Affairs. DESCRIPTION OF LAND REFERRED TO. All that piece or parcel of land containing 99 acres z rood 5 perches, more or less, being Crown allotment 87A, Parish of Drouin West, County of Buln Buln, State of Victoria, Commonwealth of _Australia, as shown hachured on plan hereunder : Commencing at the north- eastern corner of portion 87 ; thence by the northern boundary of that portion bearing 279 deg. 17 min. 5,894 links to the Z south - eastern corner of .portion 143A; thence liy the eastern boundary of that portion bearing 9. deg. 37 mins. 1,591 links to the southern side of a one -chain road ; thence by part of that side of that road bearing 99 deg. 41 mins. 6,88g .links to the western side of a 4-chain road; thence by part 9f that side of that road bearing x88 deg. 40 mans. 3531 links to the northern side of a 2 -chain road; 1 E17.44.-8 entent " .,JGO/C.Ze7. hairs f de /qCh --. Commonwealth Gazette No. 77.- --22nd November, 1918 3065 Commonwealth of Australia. Commonwealth of Australia. The Lands Acquisition Ad 1906. The Lands Acquisition Act 1906. NOTIFICATION OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND BY THE COMMONWEALTH. NOTIFICATION OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND IT is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency T is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency 1. the Governor - General, acting with the advice of the T Federal Executive Council, that the land hereunder de- the Governor - General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, that the land hereunder described has been acquired by the Commonwealth under the Lands Acquisition Act 1906, for the following public BY THE COMMONWEALTH. South Australia. scribed has been acquired by the Commonwealth under the Lands Acquisition Act 1906, for the following public purpose, namely, for Defence purposes, at Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. Dated the 18th day of November, One thousand nine hundred and thirteen. hundred and thirteen. purpose, namely, for Postal purposes at Tailem Bend, Dated the 12th day of November, One thousand nine DENMAN, DENMAN, Governor - General. Governor - General. By His Excellency's Command, By His Excellency's Command, W. H. KELLY, For Minister of State for Home Affairs. W. H. KELLY, For Minister of State for Home Affairs. S.L. 13/1055. W.L. 13/1636. DESCRIPTION OF LAND REFERRED TO. All that piece or parcel of land, containing one rood, more or less, being section 15, town of Tailem Bend, hundred of Seymour, county of Russell, State of South Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, as shown hachured on plan hereunder : Commencing at a point on the southwestern side of Railway- terrace West being the northernmost corner of section 14 ; thence south - westerly by the north- western boundary of that section forming an interior angle of go deg. with Railway-terrace West a distance of 250 links to the north- eastern side of Murray terrace ; thence north-westerly by part of the north- eastern side of Murray- terrace forming an interior angle of go deg. with the +last line a distance of loo links to the southernmost corner of section 16 ; thence north - easterly by the south - eastern boundary of section 16 forming an interior angle of go deg. with the last line a distance of 25o links to the south- western side of Railway- terrace West before - mentioned ; thence south - easterly by part of the south- western side of Railway - terrace West forming an interior angle of go deg. with the last line a distance of zoo links to the commencing point. -Scale. /50 links ta an inch. DESCRIPTION OF LAND REFERRED TO. All that piece or parcel of land containing 3 roods 17.5 perches, more or less, being Kalgoorlie town lots 313, 314, 315, and Fart of 312, State of Western Australia, Commonwealth of Australia, as shown hachured on plan here- under : Commencing at a point on the north - western side of Hannan - street distant 156.6 links south- westerly from the south - western side of Lane - street ; thence south -west- erly by part of the north - western side of Hannan- street 344.4 links to the eastern corner of Kalgoorlie town lot 316 ; thence north - westerly by the north - eastern boundary of that lot which forms an interior angle of 8g deg. 59 mins. with the last line 250 links to the south- eastern side of a right-of-way ; thence north - easterly by part of that side of that right -of -way which forms an interior angle of go deg. 1 min. with the last line 344.3 links; thence southeasterly by a line which forms an interior angle of go deg. with the last line 250 links to the commencing point, form- ing thereat an interior angle of go deg. with the northwestern side of Hannan- street beforementioned. Choi7s fo an Ach. No: 77.-22nd November, 1913 Commonwealth Gazette 3066 COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE. Commonwealth of Australia. The Lands Acquisition Act xgo6. NOTIFICATION OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND BY THE COMMONWEALTH. IT is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency the Governor - General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, that the land hereunder described has been acquired by the Commonwealth under the Lands Acquisition Act 1906, for the following public purpose, namely, for Defence purposes at Burnie, Tasmania. Dated the 12th day of November, One thousand nine hundred and thirteen. DENMAN, Governor- General. Examination No. 479. FOR APPOINTMENT AS TELEGRAPH MESSENGER. (Held on ist November, 1913.) THE candidates named hereunder were successful at the above examination, and have thereby qualified for appointment to the position of Telegraph Messenger at the places under which their names respectively appear. The following should be noted (1) The names will remain on the Register of Qualified Candidates for eighteen months, that is, until and including 20th May, 1915, when they mu:,t, in accordance with the law, be removed t,hercfrom. (2) A candidate, though successful, cannon be appointed after he attains his seventeenth birthday. (3) A candidate passes this examination if he secures at least half marks each in Handwriting and in By His Excellency's Command, but those who have also gained half marks h) Arithmetic at this examination will, if appointed, be eligible for promotion to a higher position in the General Division without further Spelling ; W. H. KELLY, For Minister of State for Home Affairs. 'f . L. 13/618. examination in these subjects. DESCRIPTION OF LAND REFERRED TO. (4) Those who have not secured at least 100 marks in All that piece or parcel of land, containin :r 2 roods 2 perches, more or less, being lots 3 and 4, section H, on plan of subdivision No. 41r, deposited in the office of Arithmetic will be required to pass a further 50,000 acres granted to the Van Diemens Land Company, (5) Unless a Telegraph Messenger qualifies for promotion the Recorder of Titles, Hobart, and being part of the in the State of Tasmania, Commonwealth of Australia, as shown hachured on plan hereunder : Commencing at a point on the southern side of Jones - street distant 400 links westerly from the western side of Alexander- street ; thence by lines bearing respectively 179 deg. 37 min. 208 links, 244 deg. 52 min. 223.1 links, 359 deg. 37 min. 147.3 links, o deg. 31 min. 153.9 links to a point on the southern side of Jones - street before mentioned ; thence by part of that side of that street bearing 89 deg. 43 min. 200 links to the point of commencement. examination in that subject after appointment, in order to become eligible for promotion. Promotion examinations are held half - yearly. to a higher position before reaching the age of eighteen years, he must retire from the Service on attaining that age. (6) Where two or more candidates secure the same number of marks, their order of merit is determined by the number of marks obtained for (a) Arithmetic, and (b) Handwriting, and where these numbers are also equal, then by ballot. (7) Upon appointment, a successful candidate must produce evidence of the date of his birth and a medical certificate, satisfying the Commissioner, in whatever particulars he may determine, as to the appointee's sound bodily health and freedom from physical defects. (8) Upon application being made by a successful candi- date appointed away from home, an allowance of £1 per month will be paid during his service as Telegraph Messenger. (9) Before a successful candidate who is subject to the universal training provisions of the Defence Act 1903 -11 can receive appointment, he must produce evidence from the Area Officer of the Training Area in which he resides that he has fulfilled his obligations in that respect. s.lar7es Sfreet (10) Where a successful candidate for appointment at Sydney and Suburbs does not reside within a reasonable distance of a suburban office at which a vacancy exists the Commissioner reserves the right to appoint another boy, who, though having obtained less marks at the examination, resides in closer proximity to the post office referred to. (1. t) If a successful candidate decline to accept an appoint- ment offered to hire, or fail to reply within seven days to a communication from the Commissioner or a Public Service Inspector, respecting his nomination to the Public Service, his name may be removed from the " Register Candidates." Name. bio ç a 7.1 o H 150 75 200 450 143 150 114 116 136 115 160 150 165 155 130 150 170 150 125 115 95 100 100 373 370 354 341 341 340 334 334 329 321 315 313 299 rit Maximum Marks Pass Marks .. SC des 1.50L i/7As fo an ir7ch Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, lsth November, 1913. IT is hereby notified that, in pursuance of the pro- visions of the Lands Acquisition Act xgo6, authority has been given for the lease to Mr. James Thomas Collett of certain land in the Federal Territory, being Block 91, Parish of Pialligo, County of Murray, for a period of one year as from the 27th July, 1913, at a rental of ¿37 ros. per annum. W. H. KELLY, For Minister of State for Home Affairs. of Qualified .. 100 1 .. 50 NEW SOUTH WALES. SYDNEY AND SUBURBS. Kennedy, Stuart Douglas McGuire, James Patrick Nott, Thomas Edward Arthurson, Kenneth Ronald Newton, Horace James .. Felton, Herbert Eric .. McLean, Kenneth Lloyd Hall, Frederick.. .. Howard, Hector Joseph .. Riley, Frank Harford .. Graham, Henry Ritchie .. Peirce, Edwin Leslie .. Thompson, Fredrick .. 70 70 75 70 75 75 70 65 75 70 70 70 70 94 119 129 136 150 143 129 No. 77. -22nd November, 1913 3067 Commonwealth Gazette PUBLIO SERVICE E%AMINATlox -- continued. PUBLIC SERVICE E4cAMrNATiON Continued. Name. Name. es) oa r.m. NEW SOUTH WALES continued. QTJE E N SLAND continued. SYDNEY AND SUBunBS continued. Cripps, Eric William .. 70 115 Anderson, Ernest David 70 136 Turnidge, Roy Walter Scott 70 122 Silverstone, Neville Rothchild Bowles, Eric Clarance R. Woods, Hilton Marshall Miller, Clarence Charles John McRae, Roderick James . . Willson, Harold Jenner, Walter Edwin . Hayes, Thomas Joseph .. Murphy, William Patrick EINASLEIGH. 115 122 60 65 70 65 70 65 60 60 60 290 286 282 280 105 80 90 105 90 85 75 50 25 94 108 87 107 75 101 75 277 249 248 207 197 175 166 145 40 5 10 ARDLETHAN. Bruce, Robert Roy Bowditch, Donald 65 101 70 70 + 65I100I 236 235 .. .. Kershaw, James Tillet J 65 ( 115 45225 J 70 ; 94 90 ) 254 50 I 45 1 170 INNISFAIL. .. Wale, Harold Leslie KILLARNEY. Aleck, Clyde Edgar .. 75 MACKAY. McAuliffe, Charles .. 65 .. 65 j 136 841 15 ' i 164 ROMA. Curran, Kevin Robert . Neal, Cyril Joseph . . 105 ; 306 TEXAS. .. 70 ! 75 ; 45 ¡ 190 i ARMID ALE. Riley, George Edwin 60 I 115 1 125 SOUTH AUSTRALIA. 300 ; GLADSTONE. BOGAN GATE. Newell, Herbert Mansel . . 65 87!110'262 75 78 McCarron, Philip Berard A. Sedunary, Raymond William BYRON BAY. 213 60 CARCO AR. .. Wood, Albert Roy 143 70 ¡ .. 1 65 I 78 j 115 1 258 GILGANDRA. Beames, Kenneth 150 I 356 70 ! 136 KATOOMBA. Dixon, Joseph Arthur Biggs, Francis Charles ( 60 60 1 120 75 ( i 50 30 230 165 MURRURUNDI. Osborne, Albert Cooper, James William 70 65 I 143 115 115 I 328 55 l 235 NA.RRABRI. Truman, George Searle .. . ! 115 65 1 115 295 130 90 331 230 PARRES. .. Ralph, Eric Clyde McKimm, William James G. 65 I 136 65 75 ' 1 WARIALDA. Blair, Maxwell Victor 143 75 ; Phillips, Fred Butson .. Hosking, William Arnold 135 1 348 COOLAMON. Thomas, Leslie MacDonald 70 122 80 87 80 70 129 80 100 I 292 120!287 MOONTA. .. Hunt, William .. I 150 .. 1 PERTH AND SUBURBS. .. 60 .. .. 60 Smith, William Alfred . . .. 65 Asquith, Noel Guildford Mayor, Arthur .. Robinson, Douglas Frederick .. Norris, Percival Waterston, Robert James .. Flood, Cyril Henry Balaani, John William Thompson, Raymond John .. Jones, William Owen .. Bryce, Felix Morton Brabazon, Claude Lennox Wallin, Edward William . . Deschamp, Victor Charles .. Long Martin Joseph Wilkins, George Egerton M. .. Shea, Maurice Daniel . . Rule, William .. Davies, Thomas Gwalia . . Moncrieff, William Ellis .. Greene. Frederick Walter 150 119 100 108 130 119 O'Connor, Keith William Thompson, Thomas Harold Green, Richard Daniel .. Seymour, Edmond Paget Barrow, Rupert Harry .. 175 160 165 145 130 120 400 344 340 333 330 304 Ireson, Melville Charles G. Crockett, George Bilson .. 150 138 130 150 129 80 70 85 80 70 Jolly, Henry Iverson .. .. Murray, Kenneth McKinnon, Bernard Ignatius 155 165 145 90 90 385 373 360 320 289 .. .. .. .. .. 94 150 129 136 129 113 395 331 324 320 304 296 284 278 245 241 235 232 229 221 220 217 215 202 168 90 100 105 80 121 45 75 127 94 91 80 107 75 87 93 75 80 100 35 75 75 85 45 90 50 20 35 0 143 129 80 70 ' 1 65 1 122 .. 165 135 170 90 393 289 i 100 J 287 GUILDFORD. .. Connolly, Frank Lyndon 55 75 60 83 1 ! 5 1 135 HOLYOAKE. .. 1 55 1 198 KANOwNA. .. Classon, Richard Charles 65 j . 78 1 85 1 228 NORSEMAN. Willcocks, Edward Gladstone .. Whitford, Henry QUEENSLAND. 185 135 165 110 110 100 DOWERIN. Platton. Everet Smalpage, Edward Francis TRAFALGAR. 1 285 COLLIE. M.ANSFIELI). 75 65 75 80 70 65 150 136 60 65 60 65 65 60 75 60 70 60 55 55 05 50 65 55 55 55 .. Vince, William Arthur G. McDavitt. Alfred Delahey, John Thomas .. 135 WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ' 368 VICTORIA. 1401349 1 I80 129 60 l 94 +j .. 120 329 50 1 204 ALLORA. Taylor, James Wilmot I 1 75 i 60 1 205 70 1 125 1 65 i 260 70 .. Cameron, James William i DALBY. McLennan, John Leslie .. Conroy, Cyril Stanton John .. D. C. McLACHLAN, Commissioner. ARAMAC. 1 55 55 . 150 ( 125 149 55 330 259 W. J. CLEMENS, Secretary. Office of the Commonwealth .Public Service Commissioner Melbourne, 21st November, 1913. No. 77.-22nd November, 1913 3068 COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE. Commonwealth Gazette Naval or Military Training.+ Before any successful candidate, who is subject to the universal training pro - Examination No. 487. visions of the Defence Act 1903 -191I, can receive appoint- FOR ArPOINmiENT AS TELEGRAPH MESSENGER. ACOMPETITIVE Examination, for appointment as above, of boys who are not less than 14 years or age nor have reached their z6th birthday at the date of examination. will be held at the places named below, and subject to the -following conditions :-Date of Examination. Saturday afternoon. 6th December, 1913. Applications Close. Applications must be lodged not later than Thursday, 4th December, 1913, with the Post master at the Post Office at which the candidate desires to be appointed, from whom printed forms of application may be obtained either by written or personal request. Examination Centres: New South Wales. Arniidale, 13urren junction, Dungog, Geurie, Grenfell, Ketnpsey; Louth, Macksville, Moree, Taree, Walgett, Wanaaring. Victoria. Bairnsdale, Dunolly, Frrnkston, Pcnshurst, Rochester. Queensland. Blackall, Cambooya. Chinchilla, Crow's Nest, Cunnamulla, Ilfracombe, Kingarov, Mt. Garnet, Pialba, Rockhampton, St. George, Winton. South Australia. Mannum, Mt. Gambier, Pt. Augusta, ment, he must produce evidence from the Area Officer of the Training Area in which he resides that he has fulfilled his obligations in that respect. ¡Appointment. Subject to Conditions. A successful can- didate upon appointment must produce evidence of the date of his birth and a medical certificate, satisfying the Commissioner in such particulars as he may determine, of sound bodily health and freedom from physical defects. D. C. McLACHLAN, Commissk ner. W. J. CLEMENS, Secretary. Office of the Commonwealth Public Service Commissioner, Melbourne, 14th November, 1913. COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE. CLASSIFICATION OF TELEGRAPHISTS AND CLERICAL As SISTANTS, POSTMASTER- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. following, relative to Classification and CondiT HEtions of Advancement of Telegraphists and Clerical Department, is Assistants in the Postmaster - General's published for the information of the officers concerned : Pt. Germein, Pt. Lincoln, Pt. Victoria. TELEGRAPHISTS AT HEAD OFFICES. 7'a.smania. Devonport West, Latrobe. Examination Fee. Each application must be accompanied by a crossed postal note for 5s. Vacancies. Successful candidates will be eligible for appointment, in their order of merit, to existing vacancies at the centre at which they are examined only, and also to vacancies arising at such centre during the period of eighteen months ensuing the date of the .entry of their names on the Register of Qualified Candidates. A' success- ful candidate will, however, cease to be eligible for appointment upon attaining his seventeenth birthday (the maximum age for appointment). Salary. The salary attached to the position is ist year, .434::); 2nd year, Z52; with an increase, after a further twelve months, to 6o per annum conditional on passing a test in sending and receiving telegraph messages at the rate of twenty words a minute. On reaching the age of 2! years, officers in the General Division receive a salary of at least tiro per annum. Allowance.Upon application being made by a successful candidate appointed away from home, an allowance will be paid at the rate of Zr per month during his service as Telegraph Messenger while living away from home. Subjects of Examination. The subjects of examination will be (a) Handwriting To be judged from the candidates' papers in Spelling. (Maximum marks, ioo.) (b) Spelling To be tested by writing, from dictation. not less than r8o words. (Maximum marks. (c) Arithmetic First four rules, simple and money . (Maximum marks, 2oo.) General Particulars. Candidates will pass this examination if they secure half marks in Handwriting and in. Spelling only ; but those who also gain half marks in Arithmetic will be eligible for promotion to a higher position in the General Division. Those who do not secure half marks in Arithmetic will be required to pass a further examination, after appointment, in that subject, in order to become qualified for promotion. A Telegraph Messenger on attaining the age of 18 years must retire unless he has qualified. for promotion. Promotion examinations are held half - yearly. Telegraph Messengers, upon being qualified for promotion, may be appointed to higher positions in the General Division, such as Telephonist, Letter Carrier, Assistant Mail Driver, and Indoor Messenger. Officers may advance from these positions to other and higher positions in the General Division. Telegraph Messengers may also be appointed as Postal Assistants on passing an examination in Telegraphy. Telegraph Messengers and other General Division offiters may qualify for transfer to the Clerical Division by passing competitive examinations that are held for that purpose from time to time as the requirements of the Service demand. For the purpose of classification of telegraphists the lines at the head office shall be divided into first class lines and second class lines. First class lines shall comprise Inter -State lines (exclusive of Wheatstone) and the more important country lines, the latter, except in special cases, not to include Morse lines. All other lines shall be deemed to be second class lines. Officers employed on second class lines will be classified as telegraphists, Class 5 (maximum salary, 1200, tq) be attainable by annual increments). Advancement will be subject to reports as to good conduct and efficiency, and, in the case of any officer who, at the date an increment accrues, has completed twelve months' service in head office, to certificate that the officer has proved his competency as a Wheatstone operator under the prescribed conditions ; provided, also, that, for the purpose of advancement beyond 1180. an officer shall not be regarded as efficient unless certified by the Department as being competent to maintain an average working rate of not less than twenty -five (25) words per minute. Officers employed on first class lines will be classified as telegraphists, Class 4, and will be paid at the rate of f.'210 to £235 per annum, provided la) That no officer shall be advanced to í2I0 or /23.5 unless, in common with 5th Class telegraphists, operator. he is a competent Wheatstone (b) That an officer shall only be paid /2ro per annum upon evidence to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that he is competent to satisfactorily perform the business on all first class lines, and to maintain an average rate of work in.g at not less than twenty -eight (28) words a minute. an officer shall (' ) That only be paid 1235 per annum upon evidence to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that he is competent to satisfactorily perform the business of Inter - State quadruplex- and duplex lines, and maintain an average rate of working (including receiving on a typewriter) at not less than thirty (3o) words a minute, and that he is regularly em- ptoyed on Inter -State lines continuously working quadruplex or duplex. (d) That the number of telegraphists at 1210 and /235 shall not exceed the number specified ai necessary for the working of first class lines, and that the number at /235 shall not exceed the number specified as necessary for the working of Inter -State quadruplex and duplex lines. The number of telegraphists, _Class 4, to be determined as necessary for the working of first class lines shall in- clude any officers at present receiving salaries of t2ro and unwards engaged in working telegraph lines, and all such officers must be utilized on first class lines. The disposition of 4th and 5th Class officers must be maintained strictly in accordance with the classification of lines. As a general practice, the employment of 5th Class officers on first class lines must be restricted wholly to cases of emergency, and no such officers should be employed on Commonwealth Gazette 3C69 first class lines while 4th Class officers are available for such lines. In cases, such as on night- staffs, where it (g) Evince dexterity and judgment in arranging and gumming Morse tape to forms at such a rate as to keep up with a Wheatstone receiver running at the rate of 8o words per minute. Work under. (a), (e), and (d) must be entirely free from errors. Work under (b) and (e) must be free from errors, not more than one erasure being permitted in 25 and 20 words respectively. may not be practicable to wholly employ officers on correspondingly classified lines, the staff should be so arranged that the nreponderance of the more important work shall be performed by 4th Class officers. Should any telegraphist be incapable of working a line corresponding to his classification, the telegraph manager shall report such officer's incapacity, whereupon he will be noted for removal at the first opportunity to a suitable position elsewhere. No. 77.-22nd November, 1913 D. C. McLACHLAN, . Officers whose services are largely utilized for such purposes as assisting the supervisors and relieving super- Commissioner. W. J. CLEMENS, Secretary. Office of the Commonwealth Public Service Commissioner, Melbourne, loth November, 1913. visory staff may be designated senior telegraphists, Class'4, and may be paid salaries ranging from to 2300 per annum. The number of such officers for2235 each head office will be specifically determined, but such number may be subject to alteration from time to time by the Comini sioner. Officers eligible for appointment as senior telegraphist will be considered upon their known qualifications and efficiency for the performance of the duties of the particular position, and, if necessary, will be required to demonstrate their fitness by examination as to knowledge of circuits and ability to test for instrument and line faults in quadruplex and other circuits. POST OFFICES. The designation of telegraphist and senior telegraplii., will he confined to officers en1Aloyed exclusively at telegraphic work at certain specified offices. All other clerical officers will be designated clerical assistant or senior clerical assistant. : Telegraphists and clerical assistants employed at po -t offices will be ;classified as under t)liie:!. Telegraphist ... Clerical Assistant ... Telegraphist ... Clerical Assistant ... Senior Telegraphist Senior Clerical Assistant 4 Commonwealth Public Service Act 1902 -Regulations 232 -256. ELECTION OF A DIVISIONAL REPRESENTATIVE. GENERAI. DIVISION STATE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Extraordinary Vacancy. rrHE Public Service Commissioner hereby notifies officers of the Commonwealth Public Service in the General Division, State of South Australia, that Monday, the 19th January, 1914, has been fixed as the date for hold - ing an election of a Divisional Representative to act on Boards of Inquiry and Boards of Appeal in the State of South Australia, in accordance with the provisions of the commonwealth Public Service Act and Regulations. The term for which the officer elected may hold office will expire on the 13th May, 1915. Officers classified as having Professional or Clerical status, but performing work classified in the General Division, are entitled to vote at this election. Nominations of candidates for election, signed by not less than twenty persons entitled to vote in the General Division, must be forwarded to the Public Service Returning Officer for the State, Mr. W. C. Crawley, Telegraph Branch, Adelaide, so as to reach him not later than 1E:235-to £300 Monday, the Sth December, 1913. Forms of nomination may be obtained upon application to the Returning Officer. Advancement of telegraphists will be subject to the same conditions, omitting those relating to Wheatstone working, as are prescribed for telegraphists at Head Offices. Ballot papers, which will be delivered or posted to every officer entitled to vote not less than fourteen (i4) days prior to the date fixed for election, must be marked and signed in the manner prescribed by Regulation No. 244, and posted to the Returning Officer so as to reach him not later than Twelve o'clock noon on the day of election. Advancement of clerical assistants will be dependent upon efficiency in, and the value of, 'the duties they are required to perform, provided that for the purpose of advancement beyond J180 pet annum, no person hereafter appointed to a clerical. assistant's position will be regarded as efficient unless certified as being competent to maintain an average rate of working at not less than 25 words a minute. Telegraphists and senior telegraphists in post offices will be expected to make themselves acquainted with the general work of a post office, and in determining the advancement of senior telegraphists and senior clerical assistants to any subdivision of the 4th Class, their capacity for relieving the postmaster, if required, will be taken into consideration. The advancement of senior clerical assistants and senior telegraphists through the subdivisions of the 4th Class will be dependent upon the relative value of work performed, and not upon any system of periodical progression, annual or otherwise. Conditions relative to Wheatstone working referred to An officer shall not be regarded as proficient in Wheat- in the foregoing : stone working unless competent to (a) Read perforated signals at the rate of zo words per minute. (b) Work the Gell perforator at the rate of 25 words per minute. (c) Read from the tape and transcribe Morse characters at the rate of 20 words per minute. (d) Read from the tape and transmit Morse characters at the rate of 20 words per minute. (e) Punch Morse characters at the rate of 20 words per minute; provided that in the case of officers who, at the date of test, are over 30 years of age, the rate may be reduced to 15 words per minute, and that In the case of officers who, on ist January, 1909, had reached the age of 35 years, this section may be omitted. (f) Balance and adjust Wheatstone circuits so far as the electrical balances are concerned. D. C McL ACHLAN, Commissioner. W. J. CLEMENS, Secretary. Oîfire of the Public Service Commissioner, Melbourne; 13th November, 1913. Commonwealth Public Service Act 1902. NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES. i l'PLICATIONS will be received by the Public Service Commissioner from persons qualified for appointment to the positions specified below. Applicants outside the Public Service are eligible for appointment to the Administrative and Professional Divisions, but are not eligible for appointment to Clerical or General Division vacancies, unless were in the service of a State on Ist January, i9o1, orthey have retired from the service of the Commonwealth or of a State. Applicants who are officers of the Public Service of State should state the date of their appointment to thea Service, present position, and salary. Applicants from outside the Service should state their qualifications for the office they seek. Copies only of diplomas, references, testimonials, or certificates should be forwarded. If the originals are required they will be asked for. Full names and date and year of birth should be stated, and applications must be in applicant's handwriting. Applications should be addressed to the " Commonwealth Public Service Inspector " of the in which (he vacancy exists, and, in the case of State officers of the Commonwealth Service, be forwarded through the Chief )tficer of the Department to which the applicant belongs. Commonwealth Gazette 3070 No. 77. -22nd November, 1913 Minimum and maximum salaries where shown indicate the .limits of the class or grade in which the position is classified. Subject to the provisions of the Public Service Act appointments clay be made at any salary within those limits. Successful appointees must comply with the life assurance provisions of the Public Service Act and Regu- NOTIFICATION OF' VACANCIES continued Division Application Returnable. and Salary per Annum. Locality. Position. lations. Officers of the Public Service should note that in. any ease where the minimum salary of a position in the Clerical Division is not the minimum salary of a Class, and the successful applicant is not eligible for the former by reason of not having received the salary of the next lower subdivision for twelve months, he will be granted an allowance equal to the difference between the salary for which he is eligible and the minimum salary of the position until he can be advanced by annual subdivisional increment to the latter salary. Officers who may be transferred without promotion or increase of salary as the result of an application for an advertised vacancy will be required to pay their own expenses of removal unless the transfer comes within the conditions prescribed in Public Service Regulation No. 54. Division New South Wales continued. Assistant charge) General, £126 29th November to 2156, less 10 per cent. (in I Danda]cao for rent of quarters; district allowance, Scale I. Quarters : Four rooms, &c. General, £132 to £156, less 10 per cent. §Postal Assist- ; Ivanhoe ant in charge 29th No vember ! for rent of quarters; dis- trict allowance, scale Applicat.inn and Salary per Annum. Locality. l'OSi i:iOn. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENTcontinued. Returnable. III. Quarters : Four rooms. DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. Class November Clerical, £300 24th Inspector, 4th I Melbourne ... 1 I ant (in charge Dssties. Inspection of certificates and records, and general investigation of matters relating to the Immiarati- n Act, par ticularly as rewards the illegal introduction of prohibited immigrants into Australia. for rent trict allow- ance, Scale Quarters : Eight rooms. PENSIONS BRANCH. New South Wales. ... Cho ical. £420 Sydney to 2500 6th December Generaloe £132 i 6th Decentber to 2156, less §Postal Assistant' Quarnbone ... (in charge) 10 per cent. for rent of , quarters; dis Clasp tit an :, DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AN I) CUSTOMS. Class, Land- No29th veuober ing Branch Officer, 41h 6th December 6th December Clerical, £210 Bega As- ristant, 4th Class 1 Victoria.. Class. Shipping Branch General, £126 Melbourne ... 1- Assistant, 6th December to 2156 Quat antine Branch fi Applicants will be reviled to undertake the duties of LHborat"ry Asp - istant, and shi'uld uo.sess a knoveledge of the technique of bacteriology and t.,e prepaiation of calf lymph. New South Wales. ... Clerical, £210 Sydney to £300 Clerk, 4th Class. 6th Decernher f A ccoun ts *Clerk (to Insoector', 4th Class, 2 positions, Inspec- Melbourne ... , I tion and In Mail land 13. anch Postmaster ... Clerical, £380 29th November to 2490, less 10 per cent. Hamilton ¡ for rent of Branch 'quarters ; allowance 236 per annum for acting as Divis onal Returning ;Victoria. Clerical, £210 1 6th December j to £300 Clerk, 4th Class, Melbourne ... l ' POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Quarters : ?Vew South Wales. ... Clerical, £210 129t hmb NoClerk, 4th class,1 Sydney Mail Branch Applicants must have experience of work of a Mail Branch. £144 29th No§Senior Postal White Cliffs ... General, vember to £192, less Assistant (in 10 per cent. charge) for rent of quarters; die Postmaster ... Dunolly { 1 trict allowance, 1II. Scale Quarters : Five rooms, &c. General, £144 29th No§Senior Postal Louth vember to £192, less Assistant (in 10 per cent charge) for rent of quarters; dis- trict allowance, Clerical, £210 ; 29th November to £300 *In lieu of notification in G'u..:.-ctte of 15th instant. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE. Accounts Branch Sc.+1e Quarters : Six rooms. § Applicants must be not less than 21 years of age Clerical Victoria. Melbourne ... Clerical, £210 to 2300 Examining allow II New South Wales. ... Clerical, £420 Sydney to 2500 Inspector, 2nd of quarters ; dis DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Deputy Cornmi- sioner, 2nd 6th December Clerical, £132 to .216, less 10 per cent. §Postal Assist- ( Pilliga beale III. Quarters : Five rooms, &c. SON Officer en rooms. Clerical, £210 6th December to £235, less 10 per cent. for rent quarters Quarters : Six rooms. §Senior Postal Jeparit Assistant (in charge) of General, £144 6th Decentber to 2192, less 10 per cent. for rent of quarters Quarters : Five rooms. § Applicants must be not less than 21 years of age. Queensland. §Senior Postal Roma Assistant November General, £144 29th to £ 192 ; district allow- ance, Scale I. § Applicants must be not less than 21 years of age. Commonwealth Gazette No. 77. 22nd November, 1913 3071 NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES Continued. NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES continued. Divíì Aon Position. A pplication aand Wary per Annum. Locaiiby. Position. Returnable. Queensland continued. General, £162 29th (in Eidsv old 1 to £1681, less 10 per cent. i Line Foreman, Noi ember quarters. Quarters : Seven rooms, &e. i When required horses will be hired *No forage allowance. for line work at expense of Department. In lieu of notification in Gazette of 15th instant. . Postmaster Aramac ... Elects ical Engineer's Branch continued. Queensland continued. ... General, £174. 6th DecemBrisbane to £186 ber Clerical, £210 6th Decemto £235, less ber 10 per cent. to £186 ** ber * District allowance under zone scale. South Australia. No. 6 Party ... General, £174 29th NoLine Foreman to £186 vember r for rent of quarters ; district allowance, Scale D. C. MoLACHLAN. Commissioner. W. J. CLEMENS, Secretary. Office of the Commonwealth Public Service Commissioner, Melbourne, 20th November, 1913. IV. Quarters : Six rooms. TENDERS ACCEPTED. Date Application Returnable. Line Foreman No. 4 Party ... General, £174 6th Decemto C 86 ** ber Line Foreman No. 6 Party .., General, £174 6th Decem- for rent of f and Salary per Annum. POSTMASTER - GENERAL'S DEPARTE ENT POSTMASTER- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENTcontinued. *Lineman charge) Division Locality. Department of Home Affairs, 22nd November, 1913. Date Place and Description of Work. Amount Contractor's rame and Address. of Completion. Customs House, Melbourne Repairs, Painting, and 565 T. Pearce, 275 Elgin- street, Carlton 18.2.14 297 Partridge, Wall, and Wall, East Maitland Joseph Head, Seven Hills 3.2.14 of Contract. Cleaning Greta Post Office and Telegraph Office Improve- ments Singleton Post Office Repairs, &c. 179 . . 20.1.14 W. H. KELLY, For Minister for Home Affairs. Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne, 17th November, 1913. K ALGOORLIE TO PORT AUGUSTA RAI i.1'AY. TENDERS ACCEPTED. Description. Quantity. Rate. Amount. .. 5,260 4,844 10,520 9,688 Locomotive Engines and Ten- 2 Kalgoorlie ders (4-6-0 Type) 2 Port Augusta Total Amount. 20,208 Tasmanian Blackwood Tim- 30,000 sup. ft., 9" to 12" ber for Port Augusta wide 40,000 sup. ft., 12" to 15" 35s. 37s. 6d. wide 30,000 sup. ft., 15" to 18" wide 40s. per 100 7, Contractor. Newell and Co., Melboume .525 750 600 1,875 E. Alexander, mania Tas- JOSEPH COOK, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Commonwealth Gazette 3072 No. 77.-22nd November, 1913 ACTING RECEIVERS OF PUBLIC MONEYS. Department of Home Affairs, 22nd November, 1913. WATER SUPPLY PUMPING PLANT FOR CANBERRA. TENDERS are invited. returnable by Twelve noon on Wednesday, the 26th November, 1913 (instead of Monday, 24th November, as previously advertised), for the supply of the above. Tenders are to be addressed to " The Secretary, Department of Home Affairs, Melbourne," and indorsed " Tender for Pumping Plant, Canberra." Specifications, conditions, and tender forms may be obtained at the following offices : (1) The Works Director for New South Wales, Customs House, Sydney. (2) The Works Director for Victoria, 151 Collins - street, Melbourne. No tender will necessarily be accepted. W. H. KELLY, For Minister for Home Affairs. F.C.W. 13/561. Department of Haine Affairs. 22nd November, 1913. NORTH HEAD QUARANTINE STATION OVERHEAD TRAVELLING CRANE. TENDERS are invited, returnable at Noon on Monday, the 1st December, 1913, for the supply of the Department of defence, Military, State of South Australia.-- WILLIA1f HENRY MARTIN, during the temporary absence of H. A. Connell. Department of the Treasury, Land Tax Branch, State of South Australia. -- WILLIAM LEWIS NEALE, during the temporary absence of L. A. Wells. Postmaster - General's Department, State of Tasmania. MALT.ATt VERE, HAMILTON, during the temporary absence of A. T. Oldham. Commonwealth Sub - Treasury, State of Queensland. HARM') DUNCAN SOMERSET FORBES, during the tem- porary absence of G. I. Bourne. ACTING CERTIFYING OFFICER. WILLIAM LEWIS NEALE. To certify accounts for expendi- ture which it has been directed shall be certified by the Deputy Commissioner of Land Tax, State of South Australia, during the temporary absence of the latter. ACTING AUTHORIZING OFFICERS. Department of Trade and Customs, State of South Aus- tralia.-- -FRANK CLARKE, during the temporary absence of A. H. Gibson. Department of the Treasury, Land Tax Branch, State of South Australia. WIr.I.TArs LEWIS NEME. during the temporary absence of the Deputy Commissioner of Land Tax. above. Plans and specifications may be seen at the following offices : (a) The Commonwealth Works Director for New South Wales, Customs House, Sydney ; (b) The Commonwealth Works Director for Victoria, 151 Collins - street, Melbourne. Tenders are to be addressed to " The Secretary, Depart ment of Home Affairs. Melbourne," and indorsed " Tender for Overhead Crane, North Head Quarantine Station." No tender will necessarily be accepted. W. H. KELLY, For Minister for Home 'Affairs. 13Í4364 Department of Home Affairs. 22nd November, 1913. BOILER PLANT QUARANTINE STATION, NORTH HEAD, SYDNEY. TENDERS will be received until Noon on Monday, 24th . November, ter3, for the supply of the above. Plans and specifications may be seen at the following offices : PAYING OFFICER. Department of Defence, Naval, State of Tasmania.- JOSEPH W. BARTER, as from the 1st of September, 1913. vice Raymond Anthony. ACTING PAYING OFFICERS. Department of Defence, Military, State of South Australia.- --WILLIAi1 HENRY MARTIN, during the temporary absence of H. A. Connell. Postmaster - General's Department, State of Tasmania.-MALLATi VERE HAMILTON, during the temporary absence of A. T. Oldham. Commonwealth Sub - Treasury, State of Queensland.HAROLD DUNCAN SOMERSET FORBES, during the tem- porary absence of G. I. Bourne. SUB- TREASURY PAYMASTER. Commonwealth Sub - Treasury, State of Queensland. HAROLD DUNCAN SOMERSET FORBES, during the tem- porary absence of G. L Bourne. JOHN 'FORREST, (a) The Works Director for New South Wales, 4th floor, Customs House, Sydney. (b) The Works Director for Victoria, 151 Department of the Treasury, Melbourne, 20th November, 1913. Collins - street, Melbourne. Tenders are to be addressed to " The Secretary, Depart -. Ment of Home Affairs, Melbourne," and indorsed " Tender for Boiler Plant, North Head Quarantine Station." No tender will necessarily be accepted. W. H. KELLY, For Minister for Home Affairs. Department of Borne Affairs, 22nd November, 1913. TENDERS will be received until Noon on Monday, 1st 1 December, 1913, for Repairs and Renewals to Wharf, Reinforcement of Cable Tank Covers, &c., S. M. Depot, Chowder Bay. Plan and specification may be seen at the office of the Works Director for New South Wales, Customs House (4th floor), Sydney, to whom tenders, indorsed as above, should be addressed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. H. KELLY, For Minister of State for Home Affairs. N. 13!4473 Department of the Treasury, Melbourne, 20th November, 1913. Treasurer. (655.) APPOINTMENT OF A REGISTRAR OF PENSIONS UNDER THE INVALID AND OLD -AGE PT SIONS ACT 1908 -19o9, STATE OF NEWT SOUTH WALES. IIS Excellency the Governor- General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to appoint JOSEPH WILLIAM REED a Registrar of Pensions under the Invalid and Old -age Pensions Ad 1908 -1909, for the District of Newcastle, State of New South \Vales, as from the 12th of August, 1911; and further, to cancel, as from the trth of August, 1911, the appointment of GEORGE NEWMARCH as a Registrar of Pensions for the District of Newcastle, made by Order in Council of the 9th of September, 1909. JOHN FORREST, (676.) Treasurer. Department of the Treasury, Melbourne, 20th November, 1913. APPOINTMENT OF A REGISTRAR OF PENSIONS UNDER THE INVALID AND OLD -AGE PENSIONS ACT 1908 -1912, STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES. APPOINTMENTS UNDER TREASURY REGULATIONS. HIS Excellency the Governor- General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of the undermentioned appointments : IS Excellency the Governor - General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been II pleased to appoint JOHN HUGH DAVIES a Registrar Of RECEIVER OF PUBLIC MONEYS. Wales, as from the 9th of April, 1913, vice Joseph Wil- Department of Defence, Naval, State of Tasmania.- JOSEPH W. BARTER, as from 1st September, 1913, vice Raymond Anthony. Pensions under the Invalid and Old -age Pensions Act 1908 -1912, for the District of Newcastle, State of New South liam Reed. JOHN FORREST, (65o.) Treasurer. Commonwealth Gazette 3073 Department of the Treasury, Melbourne, 20th November, 1913. TREASURY REGULATIONS UNDER TI-lE AUDIT ACT r9ox -I9I2, CLAUSE 61. PURCHASE OF MACHINERY FOR USE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, .STAMP PRINTING BRANCH. HIS Excellency the Governor- General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of authority being given for the expenditure of Two hundred and forty pounds ((24o), in the purchase from Messrs. Middows Brothers, Flinder > lane, Melbourne, of one Numbering Outfit, required for use in the Department of the Treasury, Stamp Printing Branch. JOHN FORREST, (659.) Treasurer. Department of the Treasury, Melbourne, loth November, 1913. TREASURY REGULATIONS UNDER THE AUDIT ACT 1901 -r912, CLAUSE 6i. PURCIL4SE OF A MACHINE FOR USE, 1N THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, NOTE PRINTING BRANCH. IS Excellency the Governor- General, acting with the H advice of the Federal Executive Council, lias been pleased to approve of authority CORRIGENDA'. pAPER, 1913 -14.- Contract No. 15 ; Gazette, page 2770 of 1913 ; item Io; cream wove bank quadruple foolscap-Read xis. 9d. in lieu of ¿I 155. gd. per ream. Envelopes, 1913-4.- Contract No. 26, Gazette, page items I to x8; cartridge envelopes --Read rates as under in lieu of those previously gazetted Item I. -135. 4d. per x,000. Item 2. -165. per x,000. Item 3. -18s. per x,000. Item 4. -IIS. 6d. per 1,000. Item 5. -17x. 6d. per i,000. Item 6. -23s. 6d. per x,000. Item 7. -r9s. 6d. per x,000. Item 8. -32s. 3d. per x,000. Item 9. -21s. 6d. per x,000. Item ro. -325. 6d. per Is000. Item II. -34x. 6d. per x,000. Item 12.- --215. 6d. per x,000. Item 13. -36s. per 1,000. Item 14.-4os. per x,000. Item 15.-655. per x,000. Item 16. -50s. per r,000. Item 17. -25s. per I,000. Item I8. -64s. per x,000. JOHN FORREST, 2772 ; pounds (Zr87), in the purchase from Messrs: F. T. Wirnble and Company, Post Office - place, Melbourne, of one Demy High -speed Wharfedale Printing Machine, required for in the Department of the Treasury, Note Printing JOHN FORREST, Branch. (65$) Treasurer. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of the Treasury, Melbourne, 20th November, 1913. NOTIFICATION OF THE MAKING A REGULATION UNDER THE AUDIT ACTOF Igor -19x2. PURSUANT to the Rules Publication Act 1903, notice is hereby given that His Excellency the Governor General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, was, on the i8th day of November, 19x3, pleased to make a Regulation under the Audit Act 1901 -1912, to come into operation forthwith. The Regulation may be cited as Statutory Rules i9r3, No. 297, and copies of it may be purchased at the Government Printing Office, Melbourne, at the price of Three pence. JOHN FORREST, (66x.) Treasurer. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of the Treasury, Melbourne, loth November, i.913. NOTIFIC11'l'ION OF THE - 11'AKING OF A REGULA- TION UNDER THE MATERNITY ALLOWANCE ACT 1912. PURSUANT to the Rules Publication Act /903, notice is hereby given that His Excellency the Governor- 1General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, was, on the i8th day of November, 1913, pleased to make a Regulation under the Maternity Allowance Ad 1912, to come into. operation forthwith. The ,Regulation may be cited as Statutory Rules 1913, No. 298, and copies of it may be purchased at the Government Printing Office, Melbourne, at the price of Threepence.. (66o.) JOHN FORREST, Treasurer. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of the Treasury, Melbourne, 20th November, 1913. NOTIFICATION OF THE MAIKING OF A REGUL.1 TION UNDER THE ACT 1912. MATERNITY ALLOWANCE P URSUANT to the Rules Publication Act 1903, notice is hereby given that His Excellency the Governor General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, was, on the x8th day of November, I-913, pleased to make a Regulation under the Maternity Allowance Act 1912, to . come into operation forthwith. The Regulation may be cited Statutory Rules x913, No. 299, and copies of it mayasbe purchased at the Government Printing Office, Melbourne, at the price of Threepence. (662.) JOHN FORREST, Treasurer. :- Treasurer. COMMONWEALTH COURT OF CONCILIATION being given for the expenditure of the sum of One hundred and eighty -seven use No. 77.- --22nd November, 1913 AND ARBITRATION. Principal Registry, Melbourne, x4th November, 1913. OTICE is hereby given that application has been l made to me, under I the Corzmonweallh Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1904. -1911, for the registration of an association called " The Federated Theatrical Choristers and Dancers Association," as an organization of employees. Any person who desires to object to the registration of the association may do so by lodging with me a notice of objection in the prescribed form, and statutory declarations in support thereof, within thirty days after publication of this advertisement, and by serving on the the association copies of the notice of objection and statutory declarations so lodged. A. M. STEWART, Industrial Registrar. Department of Defence, Ex. Min. No. 868. Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. AUTHORITY TO ENTER UPON AND USE LANDS FOR TRAINING IN THE VICINITY OF LIVERPOOL, NEW SOUTH WALES, BETWEEN THE 22ND NOVEMBER, 1913, AND THE 20TH DECEMBER, 1913. HIS Excellency the Governor - General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve, under the powers conferred by section 69 of the Defence Act 1903-19x2, of the Commonwealth Ailitary Forces being authorized to enter upon and use for training, manoeuvres, or other military purposes, between the 22nd November, 1913, and the 20th December, 1913, all that country in the Parishes of St. Luke and Cabramatta, County of Cumberland, South Wales, commencing on the Cabramatta CreekNew it crosses the Great Southern Railway line; thencewhere along that line northerly to the Uulgoa -road ; thence along that road westerly to the Sydney Water Supply, including Cecil Hills; thence along the Sydney Water Supply for a distance of about 4 miles; thence on the southerly south by a line bearing easterly to Hoxton Park -road and matta Creek, and along that creek to the point ofCabramencement; and that the owners or occupiers of any comland who claim that they have sustained any damagesuch Dr loss by reason of such entry or use be required to submit their claims for such damage or loss to the District Commandant, New South Wales, within seventy -two hours such entry or use. Such clams will be submitted. of to. a Board of three officers, and compensation, as approved by the Minister of Defence, Owners or occupiers. may be paid to the said E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, Ex. Min. No. 867. Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. AUTHORITY TO ENTER UPON AND USE LANDS FOR TRAINING IN THE VICINITY OF E-IALBA, QUEENSLAND, BETWEEN THE 3RD JANUARY AND THE 3RD FEBRUARY, 1914. HIS Excellency the Governor-General acting with the advice of.. the Federal Council, been pleased to approve, under the Executive powers conferred byhas section 69 of the Defence Act 1903 -19x2, of the Commonwealth Military Forces being authorized to enter upon and use Commonwealth Gazette 14o. 77.--22nd November, 013 for training, manoeuvres, or other military purposes, between the 3rd January and the 3rd February, 1914, all those lands in the vicinity of Pialba, Parishes of Uranga1a and Vernon, County of March, enclosed within the folfrom the' coast at lowing boundaries, viz., commencing Pialba Railway Station along the railway, to the Urraween Railway Station ; thence due west a. mile and a half : thence due north to I3illai Creek ; thence along the shore to point of commencement ; and that the owners or occupiers of any such land who claim that they have sustained be any damage or loss by reason of such entry or use required to submit their claims for such damage or loss within seventy to the District Commandant, Queensland, two hours of such entry or use. Such claims will be submitted to a Board of three officers, and compensation, as approved by the Minister of Defence, may be paid to the said owners or occupiers.. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. ] .s. Min. No. S6o. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. APPOINTMENT. acting with the HIS Excellency the Governor- Generai, advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been Infantry pleased to approve of Captain H. S. JACOBS, 56th appoint(the Varga Borderers) being permitted to acceptSir John ment as Aide-de-Camp to His Excellency LL.D., D.C.L., Lieutenant Madden, G.C.M.G., B.A., Victoria, during such time as Governor of the State of His Excellency may be acting as Gover :nor of the State of Victoria. E. D. MILLEN. Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. Ex. Mins. Nos. 857, 858, 859. MILITARY FORCES OF THE CODMMONWEALTH. APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, 'ETC. iS Excellency the Governor - General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of the following changes, &c., in connexion with the Military Forces of the Commonwealth, viz.:Administrative and Instructional StaffLieutenant STANLEY GORDON GIBBS, Army Service Corps (Imperial Army), is appointed to the Administrative the temporary and Instructional Staff, and granted as he may be rank of Lieutenant during such timeForces, and be attached to the Australian Military Assistant Director of Supply and Transport, 2nd Military District. Dated 12th September, 1913. Lieutenant S. G. GIuBs ranks in the Australian Milihis promotion to tary Forces according to the date of Lieutenant in the Imperial Army, viz., ist July, 1905. Warrant Officer THOMAS ]3ENRY KENNETT from appoint- Major, Instrucment of Staff Regimental Sergeant - be tional Staff, 4th Military District, to Adjutant and Quartermaster, temporarily, with the honorary rank the establishment, of Lieutenant, supernumerary tosalary of £30o per and with a fixed consolidated Duration of appointment to be from ist annum. November, 1913, to 7th March, 1919, unless otherwise determined under the provisions of the agreement entered into by the said Warrant Officer T. H. Kennett. IST MILITARY DISTRICT. and Light Horse (Queensland Mounted Znfvrtry)- -2nd Lieutenant W. L. WHITE is transferred to the Reserve of Officers. Dated ist November, 1913. 4th Light Horse (New South Wales Northern Rivers Lancers)-- - The resignation of 2nd Lieutenant N. KENNEDY of his provisional appointment is accepted. Dated ist November, 1933. Engineers- COLIN IIATHESON to be 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally). Dated 1st November, 1913. 2nd infantry (Kennedy Regional{)- Lieutenant (provisional) WALTER HENRY FLOWERS, from the Senior Cadets, to be 2nd Lieutenant (provision- ally). Dated Ist November, 1913. 4th (Wide Bay) ?nfántry -DOUGLAS STEPHEN FREEMAN to be 2nd Lieutenant (pro- Dated 1st November, 1913. visionally). The resignation of 2nd Lieutenant P. J. LYDEN of his commission is accepted. Dated 1st November, 2913. Reserve of Officers- Major J. W. GREEN, V.D., is placed on the Retired List with permission to retain his rank and wear the prescribed uniform. Dated 13th November, 1913. RIFLE CLUBS. Disbandment Queensland Frontiersmen's Rifle Club. 2ND MILITARY DISTRICT. 16th Infantry (Newcastle Regiment) 2nd Lieutenant MATTHEW SCOTT FINDLAY and Lieutenant ERNEST THOMAS MANEFIELD, from the Senior Cadets, to be 2nd Lieutenants (provisionally). Dated Ist November, 1913. 18th (North Sydney) Infantry The age for retirement of Captain H. G. DAVEY is extended for one year from 13th February, 1913. 19th Infantry The age for retirement of Captain J. E. GUYOT, V.D., is extended for one year from 2nd December, 1913. The resignation of 2nd Lieutenant E. G. SCOTT of his provisional :appointment is accepted. Dated 1st November, 1913. 25th innfanatry- 2nd Lieutenant J(.)a1N SEYMOUR 'l'URNBULL, from the Senior Cadets, to be 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally). Dated ist November, 1913. 'W/II. Infantry- The resignation of 2nd Lieutenant J. Y. MACKINNON of his provisional appointment is accepted. Dated 1st November, 1913. ;ist Infantry FREDERICK THOMAS MAISEv to be 2nd Lieutenant Iprovisionally). Dated 1st November, 1913. 2nd Lieutenant H. E. LOFTS is transferred to the Reserve of Officers. Dated ist November, 1913. The age for retirement of Captain A. T. PRINGLE, V.D., is extended for one year from 3rd March, 1913. 2nd Lieutenant J. E. ELLIOTT is retired under the provisions of Commonwealth Military Regulation 134. Dated 16th November, 1913. Army Service Corps The resignation of 2nd Lieutenant J. H. McLAUGHLIN of his commission is accepted. Dated ist November, 1913. L'',attached List Lieutenant- Colonel R. M. S. WELLS, V.D., is transferred to the Reserve of Officers. Dated 1st November, 1913. Captain J. R. BAINTON and Lieutenant H. C. WHITE is transferred to the Reserve of Officers under the provisions of Commonwealth Military Regulation 129. Dated 1st November, 1913. The resignation of Captain B. E. Sö LUNG of his commission is accepted. Dated 1st November, 1913. AWARD OF THE COLONIAL AUXILIARY FORCES LONG - SERVICE MEDAL. 24th Infantrj, (East Sydney Regiment) No. 342, Private W. J. NEAL. RIFLE CLUBS. Formation Name of Club. Place. Parkes. Tarana. Parkes. Tarana. 3RD MILITARY DISTRICT. 13th (Gippslarzd) Light Horse FREDRICK RALPH MAPLESON to be 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally). Dated 1st October, 1913. 46th Infantry (Brighton Rifles)- - Captain (Honorary Major) and Quartermaster G. H. HALLAM is transferred to the Unattached List. Dated 31st October, 1913. The provisional appointment of 2nd Lieutenant H. A. WILSON is confirmed. 55th (Collingwood) Infantry- The resignation of 2nd Lieutenant J. M. MILLER of his Dated 31st provisional appointment is accepted. October, 1913. L'iaattached List - Captain T. G. L. SCOTT is transferred to the Reserve of Officers. Dated loth November, 1913. Captain W. A. BLAIR is transferred to the Reserve of Officers. Dated 24th November, 2913. Commonwealth Gazett=e Ì1o. 77.-22nd November, 1913 30745 AWARD OF THE COLONIAL AUXILIARY FORCES LONG - SERVICE MEDAL. 67th (Bendigo) Infantry-- Captain (Honorary Major) and Quartermaster A. G. C. RIFLE CLUBS. Formation Name of Club. Place. Esperance. HART. Esperance. 6TH MILITARY DISTRICT. field Artillery The provisional appointment of znd Lieutenant H. E. 4TH MILITARY DISTRICT. 78th Infántry (Adelaide Rifles)2nd Lieutenant J. H. ALLEN to be Lieutenant. 1st November, 19Y3. DOOLAN is confirmed. Dated Sand (Launceston) Infantry-BliRFORD SAMPSON to be 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally). first (Wakefield) infantry Dated 1st November, 1913. Captain W. C. GENTLES is transferred to the Reserve of Officers. Dated 1st November; 1913. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. AWARD OF THE COLONIAL AUXILIARY FORCES LONG- SERVICE MEDAL. 78th Infantry (Adelaide Rifles) Department of Defence, Ex. Min. No. 86r. Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. M I LITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. No. 314, Private F. SMITH. 5TH MILITARY DISTRICT. APPOINTMENTS RIFLE RANGE STAFF. IS Excellency the Governor - General, acting with the of the Federal Executive Council, has been The resignation of 2nd Lieutenant R. H. J. CAMM of pleasedadvice approve of Lieutenant LINDSAY MAYNARD ORD, his provisional appointment is accepted. Dated 1st from thetoReserve of Officers, 3rd Military District, and November, 1913. JOHN JOSEPH WHITE being Inspectors of Rifle Ranges, on probation. with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, and S.ttlr. Infantry (Goldfields Regiment) with consolidated salary, inclusive of AUSTELL STIRLING ISAAC to be 2nd Lieutenant (pro- . travelling, at the rate of £250 per all allowances except annum, such pay and visionally). Dated 1st November, x913. liowances to take effect from date of taking up duty. Dated 23rd September, 1913. Stith infantry (Western Australian Rifles)2nd Lieutenant E. L. MARGOLIN to be Lieutenant. E. D. MILLEN, Dated 1st July, 1913. Minister of State for Defence. 25th Light Horse (Western Australian Mounted Infantry) H Del,artment of Defence, Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. Ex. Mins. No. 862, 863, 864. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. 1ST MILITARY DISTRICT. AREA OFFICERS. IS Excellency the (lover ;nor- General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council. has been pleased to approve of the following changes, &c., in connexion with the Military Forces of the Commonwealth, viz :-The appointment of Captain C. H. GRANVILLE as Area Officer (temporarily) of Training Area 12c, Grafton, is terminated. Dated 15th November, 1913. The undermentioned officers to be appointed Area Officers (temporarily) with effect from 16th November, 1913, to be allotted to Areas, and have rank as shown hereunder : Training Area. Ra Name. Letter. Number. Present Sank. w hilst holdnk ing temporary appointment Regiment or Corps. Place. of Area Officer. 14 4 C I B West Maitland Maryborough Granville, Oecil Horace ... Christoe, John Edward ... Captain Lieutenant ... 6th Light Horse (Hunter River Lancers) 4th ( Wide Bay) Infantry Captain . Lieutenant Captain C. H. GRANVILLE is seconded from the 6th Light Horse (Hunter River Lancers) whilst holding the temporary appointment -of Area Officer. Lieutenant J. E. ÓHRISTÓE is seconded from the 4th. (Wide Bay) infantry whilst holding the temporary appointment of Area Officer. The resignation of Captain J. A. AUSTIN of his appointment as Area Officer (temporarily) of Training Area 4B, Maryborou i, is accepted. Dated 15th November, 1913. 4th Wide Bay Infantry. Captain J. A. Aim= is transferred to the Unattached List, Commonwealth Military Forces. Dated 16th November, 1913. Tbis cancels Order in Council. No. S29 of 1913, respecting this officer, promulgated on page 2941 of Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. 72, of 1st November, 1913. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. No. 77. -22nd November, 1913 Commonwealth Gazette 3076 Department of Defence, Ex. Min. No. 865. Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. HIS Excellency the Governor - General, acting with the (g advice of the Federal Executive Council, ha.s been pleased to approve of Warrant Officer L. MOLLOY, Staff Regimental Sergeant - Major, Instructional Staff (Warrant and Non - Commissioned Officers), 2nd Military District, of the Treasury Regulations under section 71 of the Audit Act 1901 -1912, of authority being given for the payment of a sum not exceeding Three hundred and seventy -two pounds fourteen shillings and fourpence (L372.14s. 4d.) to Messrs. Krcrouse and Madden, ill connexion with the grazing of horses at Melton, for period 1st July to 8th October, 1913, and at Travancore, for period 16th July, to r st October 1913. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. being granted leave of absence on full pay from 26th April, 1911, to x4th September, 1911, under the provisions of Commonwealth Military Regulation 475. This cancels the notification respecting this Warrant Officer which appeared on page 736 of Commonwealth of Australia Gazette, No. x5, dated 11th March, 19iz. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. Ex, Min. No. 872. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. 4TH MILITARY DISTRICT. SUPPLY OF FORAGE. Department of Defence, Ex. Min. No. 866. Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. NILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. LEAVE OF ABSENCE ON GROUNDS OF ILLNESS. IS Excellency the Governor- Genera1, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive .Council, has been pleased to approve of leave of absence on grounds of illness being granted to No. 4 Gunner F. DOONAN, Royal Australian Garrison Artillery, 2nd Military District, from 15th April, 1913, to 29th April, 1913, and from 28th June, 1913, to 1st July, 1913, and from 2nd September, 1913, to 19th September, 1913, on half pay, under the provisions of Commonwealth Military Regulation 482. IS Excellency the Governor - General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been Ii pleased to approve, pursuant to the provisions of No. 6r of the Treasury Regulations under section 71 of the Audit Act 1901 -I-912, of authority being given for the payment of a sum not exceeding Three hundred and ninety - three pounds three shillings and ninepence (4393 3s. 9d.), to Mr. D. N. Bucky for supply of ío8 tons 1,043 lbs. of chaff, at ;3 12S. 6d. per ton, in connexion with the Light Horse Camp, Smithfield, South Australia, held in March, "1913- E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, Department of Defence, Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. Ex. Min. No. 869. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. SUBSTITUTION OF \l'noLE -II Al OR IDLY -DAY DRILLS rut: NIGHT DRILLS. HIS Excellency the Governor - General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve of whole -day drills or half -day drills being substituted for night drills at the undermentioned localities, in accordance with Section 127 of the Defence Act 1903- 1.912 : Military District. 2nd . Battalion Localities Included. Area. HARNESS, GOVERNMENT SADDLERY, AND LEATHER ACCOUTREMENTS COMMONWEALTH FACTORY. SUPPLY OF SKIRT LEATHER. HIS Excellency the Governor- General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve, pursuant to the provisions of No. 61 71 of the Audit of the Treasury Regulations under section Act 1901 -1912, of authority being given for the payment and thirty -one of a sum not exceeding One hundred to Messrs. R. W. pounds fourteen shillings (L131 145.), 'Thomson and Co., Reilly- parade, Clifton Hill, for the supply of 1,317 lbs. skirt leather, at Two shillings per lb., in connexion with the Commonwealth Government Harness, Saddlery, and Leather Accoutrements Factory. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. 14th .. Singleton, Scone, Muswellbrook, 3iianx- ton, and Greta E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. F-x. Min. No. 870. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. 2ND MILITARY DISTRICT. Special Grant to the Moree Rifle Club. HIS Excellency the Governor- General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve, pursuant to the provisions of Commonwealth Military Regulation 540 (A), of a sum not exceeding Twenty -five pounds (f25), being paid to the Moree Rifle Club, New South Wales, as an additional grant in connexion with the construction of a Rifle Range. E. D. MILLEN. Minister of State for Defence. Ex. Min.. No. 871. Department of Defence, 1Ielbourne, 22nd November, 1g13. MTLTTARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. 3RD MILITARY DISTRICT. II Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. Ex. Min. No. 8i3. Grazing of Horses.. IS Excellency the Governor - General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has been pleased to approve, pursuant to the provisions of No. 6r REGULATIONS N OTIF ICATION OF PROVISIONAL AND OF THE INTENTION TO MAKE REGULA- TIONS UNDER THE DEFENCE ACT 1903 -1912. (Regulations (Provisional) for Universal Training Part III. Senior Cadets Regulation 58A Amendment.) Department of Defence, Melbourne, 18tH November, 1913. PURSUANT to the Rules Publication Act 1903, notice Ex. Min. No. 875. is hereby given-- General, acting ki) That His Excellency the Governor with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, was, on the eighteenth day of November, 1913, pleased to make a Provisional Regulation under the Defence Act 1903 -1912, to come into operation forthwith, which Provisional Regulation may be cited as Statutory Rules 1913, No. 295. (2) That it is proposed to make a Regulation under the Defence Act 19°349'2, and that the Provisional Regulation above mentioned is the draft of the proposed Regulation; Regulation may be (3) That copies -of the Provisional purchased at the Government Printing Office, Melbourne, at the price of Thseepenee. suggestions made is (4) That any representations or writing by any person interested will be taken into consideration before finally settling the proposed Regulation. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Commonwealth Gazette NOTIFICATION OF PROVISIONAL REGULATIONS AND OF THE INTENTION TO MAKE REGULATIONS UNDER THE DEFENCE ACT 1903 -1912. (Regulations (Provisional) for the Conduct and Management of Government Factories and the Employment of Persons under Section 63, Subsections x and 2 of the Defence Acts Regulation 40Amendment.) Department of Defence, Ex. Min. No. 876. Melbourne, x8th November, 19x3. eJ RSUANT to the ,Rules Publication Act 1903, notice is hereby given (i) That His Excellency the Governor- General, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, was, on the eighteenth day of November, 1913, pleased to make a Provisional Regulation under the Defence Act 1903 -1912, to come into operation forthwith, which Provisional Regulation may be cited as Statutory Rues 1913, No. 296. (2) That it is proposed to make a Regulation under the Defence Act 1903 -I912, (3) (4) and that the Provisional Regulation above mentioned is the draft of the proposed Regulation. That copies of the Provisional Regulation may be purchased at _Ño. 7'7.-22nd November; 1913 3077 the Government Printing Office, Melbourne, at the price of Threepence. That any representations or suggestions made in writing by any person interested will be taken into consideration before finally settling the proposed Regulation. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 25th October, 1913. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. to ¿zoo per annum. Irrespective of regular increments, a Military Staff Clerk, upon attaining the age of 21 years, will be paid ¿I2b per annum. Upon application being made by a successful candidate appointed away from his home, he will be paid an allowance to bring his salary up to Z78 per annum until his salary exceeds that amount by annual increments, but such allowance will cease should. the appointee take up his residence at home in the meantime. Military Staff Clerks are eligible, without examination, for promotion to the higher classes therein. 8. SUBJECTS OF EXAMINATION. The subjects of examina- tion will be : C o»ipulsory Subjects. (1) Handwriting To be valued for legibility, neatness, and simplicity, judged by the answers to the ex- amination papers in Dictation and ... ... ... 400 ... .., 4u0 (3) English Essay Writing, précis writing, correction of grammatical errors, analysis, and the meanings of Arithmetic (2) Dictation ... words may be found necessary, regard being had to the number of candidates and the remoteness of the localities in which some of them reside. to 2. APPLICATIONS CLOSE. Applications must be submitted reach the Military Commandant, Military Head - Quarters, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, or Hobart, as the case may be, not later than the z7th January, 1914. .3. PERSONS ELIGIBLE. To be eligible for appointment candidates must be within the following age limits : (a) Members of the Permanent Military Forces, between the ages of 19 and 35 years. (b) Other candidates (males), between the ages of 16 and 24 years. Applicants between the ages of 15 and 16 years may attend the examination, but they will not be eligible for appointment until they have attained the age of 16 years. 4. FORM OF APPLICATION. The application must be in the candidate's own handwriting, and contain the follow - ing particulars : (a) Name in full, (b) Postal address of place of abode, (c) Date and year of birth, (a) Optional subjects in which to be examined, (e) Particulars Of military service (if any), (Í) If a British subject or a naturalized British subject (if the latter, date and place of naturalization to be stated), (g) Centre at which desirous of attending for exam ination, (h) State in which desirous of being registered for appointment. 5. CERTIFICATES TO BE FURNISHED. Each candidate will furnish with his application (a) a certificate of character from his last employer, a clergyman, a teacher, or a justice of the peace; a properly certified extract from an official register 240 240 400 240 400 240 political geography, and the geography of the Commonwealth of Australia in moderate detail ... 300 (6) English History From the middle of 300 (4) Arithmetic The full course, such as is usually contained in a standard treatise . (5) Geography Outlines of physical and the 18th Century to the present time, especially with reference to Australia and other British De- EXAMINATION FOR APPOINTMENT AS MILITARY STAFF CLERK. A COMPETITIVE Examination for appointment as Military Staff Clerk will be held on the 23rd, 24th, and 25th February, 1914, in the Capital City in each State. and at such other centres in each State as Full Pass Marks. Marks. pendencies ... ... 300 Optional Subjects.* (a) Mathematics Euclid, Books 1 to 4, and 6, with easy deductions on these Books. Algebra up to and including quadratic equations ... 35o Latin Including easy sight translation, easy composition and ... ... grammar 300 (e) French, same as in Latin ... ... 300 (á) German, same as in Latin ... .. 300 (e) Elementary Physics The properties of matter, elementary mechanics, (b) and the elements of electricity, magnetism, light, heat, and sound 300 (f) Shorthand and Typewriting Short- hand will comprise three tests of three minutes each, at the rates of 8o, loo, 120 words a minute, 45 minutes being allowed for the transcription of the whole. The transcription must be written ... 200 No speed is prescribed for 'i'ypewriting. Candidates will be allowed a certain time for typing the paper set ... ... ... l00 Full marks ... ... ... 300 9. TEXT BOOKS. No text books are prescribed ; but a pamphlet containing copies of the papers set at all Commonwealth Public Service Examinations held during the second half of the year 1912 (including examinations for appointment as clerk, may be obtained from the Government Printer, Melbourne, for is. (by post, is. id., for which a postal note must be remitted, as stamps alone will not be accepted). Io. VACANCIES. It is estimated that 30 vacancies will occur during the eighteen months for which successful candidates will remain eligible for appointment. . II. ORDER OF APPOINTMENT. Successful candidates will be arranged according to their order of merit at the examination, but those who have served for not less than two years in the Permanent Military Forces will have of births or other evidence of birth satisfactory prior consideration for appointment. to the Military Commandant. 12. APPOINTMENT SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS. Successful 6. NAVAL OR MILITARY TRAINING. Applicants who are candidates will be required to be efficient typists, and to liable for training under the compulsory clauses of the undergo the prescribed medical examination before apDefence Act x903 -12 shall attach to their applications a pointment. certificate from the Area Officer, or the Commanding Officer in the case of members of the Citizen Forces, *A candidate may, if he so desires, be examined in one that they have rendered the personal service required, or or two (but not more than two) optional subjects. Candihave been granted a temporary exemption. dates must specify in their applications the optional sub7. SALARY. Appointments will be made to the Third Class. The commencing salary for appointees from out- - ject or subjects in which they wish to be examined. A side the Permanent Military Forces will be L'o per candidate 'shall not be credited with any marks in an optional subject unless he obtains at least 25 per cent. annum, and appointees may advance by annual increments of the full number of marks allotted therefor. (3.13980. B. (b) Commonwealth Gazette 3078 No. 77.-22nd November, 1913 13. PERIOD OF ELIGIBILITY. -- Successful candidates will be registered as eligible for appointment during the eighteen months succeeding the examination, at the expiration of which period the names of those unappointed will be removed from the " Register of Qualified Candi- dates." 14. REFUSAL OF APPOINTMENT. If a successful candidate decline to accept an appointment offered to him, or fail to reply within seven days to a communication from the Military Commandant respecting his nomination as a Military Staff Clerk, his naine may be removed from the Register of Qualified Candidates." S. A. PETHEBRIDGE, Secretary. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 15th November, 1913. The polish must be manufactured in Australia, and supplied in tins containing not less than 3 ORS. of polish. Tender forms, specification, &c., can be obtained at the office of the Director of Navy Contracts, Navy Office, Melbourne, or at the District Naval Office, Sydney, Brisbane, Largs Bay (South Australia), Fremantle, and Hobart. Tenders are to be indorsed " Tender for Boot Polish," on top left -hand corner of the envelope, and addressed i f by post, prepaid) to the Director of Navy Contracts, Navy Office, Melbourne, or to the Director of Navy Contracts, care District Naval Officer, Sydney, Brisbane, Largs Bay (South Australia), Fremantle, or Hobart, as the case may be. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Tenders are to be in all cases on the printed forms, which can be obtained as above. E. D. MILLEN, MILITARY FORCES O1 THE COMMONWEALTH. Minister of State for Defence. VACANCIES FOR ARMAMENT ARTIFICERS. APPLICATIONS are invited from persons qualified for appointment as Armament Artificers in the Per tuanent Military Forces of the Commonwealth. There are ten vacancies two in New South Waies, four in Victoria, and one each in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania. I- ay. aergcants to Quartermaster- Sergeants, Los. to Lis. per day ; VV arrant Ofhcers, L 1s. 6d. to 13s. per day seven nays per week. Unz form Iillowance. J5 per annum. Leave. isighteen days annually, exclusive of public holidays, Sunuays, and sick leave. 1Kedzcal Atlendance. free. Applicants, wno must be between the ages of 21 and 30 years, must be competent trauesmen (litters and turners), warn a knowledge of mechanical drawing, and will be reclu. red to pass (i) the examination prescribed for enlistment in the Permanent Military Forces; (2) an examination of a practical nature and in mechanical drawing. The successful applicants will be required to serve a pronationary period of six months. r orms or _application may be obtained on applying to the Secretary, Department of Defence, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne, and the Military Commandant, District Headquarters, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, and Hobart. Applications must reach the Secretary, Department of Defence, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne, not later than 15th December, 1913. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY. TENDERs FOR THE SUPPLY OF OREGON PINE: TENDERS will be received at the undermentioned addresses, subject to the conditions of tendering, until Twelve noon on Monday, 1st December, 1913, for the supply of Oregon Pine to the Royal Australian Navy. Delivery is to be on wharf, Hobart, Tasmania. Tender forms and specifications can be obtained at the office of the Director of Navy Contracts, Navy Office, Melbourne, or on application to the District Naval Officer, Naval Staff Office, Sydney and Hobart. Tenders are to be indorsed " Tender for Oregon Pine," un top left -hand corner of the envelope, and addressed (if by post, prepaid) to the Director of Navy Contracts, ..Navy Onice, Melbourne, or to the Director o. Contracts; care District iv aval Officer, Sydney or Hobart, as the case may be. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. tenders are. to be in all cases on the printed form, which can be obtained as above. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, .S. A. PETNEBRIDGE, Secretary. Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 15th November, I9í3. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY. MENDERS FOR CUSTOMS LAUNCHES FOR BRISBANE AND TENDERS FOR HARDWOOD TIMBER. TENDERS will be received at the undermentioned addresses, subject to the conditions of tendering, until '1 welve noon on Wednesday, loth December, 1913, for ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY. NEWCASTLE. SEPARATE Tenders will be received at the undermentioned addresses, subject to the conditions of tenuer- ing, for the supply of the following : (a) Hull of Motor Launch for Department of Trade and Customs, Brisbane. Tenders close at Noon 011 lotir December, 1913. the supply of hardwood timber for new wharfs at the Comn.o.iwealth Dockyard, Cockatoo Island, Sydney, New south Wales. Delivery to be f.o.b., Commonwealth Dockyard, Sydney. Tender forms, specification, &c., can be obtained at the office of the Director of Navy Contracts, Navy Office, Melbourne, and at the Naval Staff Office, Sydney, Brisbane, Largs Bay (South Australia), l- .uoart. Fremantle, and Tenders are to be indorsed " 'fender for Hardwood Timber,' on top left -hand corner of the envelope, and addressed (if by post, prepaid) to the Director of Navy Contracts, Navy Office, Melbourne, or to the Director of Navy Contracts, care District Naval Officer, Sydney, Brisbane, Largs Bay (South Australia), Fremantle, or Hobart, as the case may be. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. Tenders are to be in all cases on the printed forms, which can be obtained as above. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 15th November, 191.3. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY. TENDERS FOR BOOT POLISH. TENDERS will be received at the undermentioned addresses, subject to the conditions of tendering, until Twelve noon on Monday, 8th De ?ember, 1913, for the supply of boot polish to the Royal Australian Navy, until 31St December, 1915. D'lachínery and Accessories of Motor Launch for Department of Trade and Customs, Brisbane. Tenders close at Noon on loth December, 1913. (C) Hull of Motor Launch, for Department of Trade and Customs, Newcastle. Tenders close at Noon on 12th December, 1913. ('z) Machinery and Accessories of Motor Launch Department of Trade and Customs, Newcastle. Tenders close at Noon on 12th December, 1913. (b) 'fenders for (a) are open to tenderers in New South \Vales and Queensland only, and tenders for (c) are open to tenderers in New South Wales ,only. Tenders for (b) and (d) are open to tenderers in all States. Tender form, specifications, &c., may be seen at the office of the Director of Navy Contracts, Navy Office. Melbourne, or at the Naval Staff Office, Sydney, Brisbane, Largs Bay (South Australia), Fremantle, and Hobart. Copies may be obtained on payment of a deposit of L; each, which will be refunded on .receipt of a bonâ fide tender and the return of the documents. Tenders are to be indorsed " Tender for Hull (or Machinery) of Motor Launch," on top left -hand corner of the envelope, and addressed (if by post, prepaid) to the Director of Navy Contracts, Navy Office, Me.bourne, or to the Director of Navy Contracts, care District Naval Officer, Sydney, Brisbane, Largs Bay (South Australia), Fremantle, or Hobart, as the case may be. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted, and tenders are to be in all cases on the printed form, which can be obtained as above. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Commonwealth Gazette No. 77.-22nd November, 1913 3079 Department of Defence, Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. CONTRACTS (MILITARY) ACCEPTED. (Series 1913 -14.) Serial No. Name oi Irirm. Particulars. Rate. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. 6TH MILITARY DISTRICT (TASMANIA). £ s. d. Authority. SUPPLY OF PROVISIONS, ETC., FOR THE CAMP OF CONTINUOUS TRAINING AT ALEXANDRA BATTERY, NOVEMBER, 1913. 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 Bread Sugar Pepper per lb.. O 0 77 O O O 1 77 0 O 01 O O O Salt Candles Biscuits 1I 1 4 Robt. Walker and Co., Hobart 51 4 Jam O O O Cheese O 0 10 Tea O Coffee O 1 1 3 3 Potatoes O 0 1 Onions Mixed vegetables Beef, fresh .. O O 14 11 4.¡-- 0. O O 4f Beef, comed.. Mutton, fresh O 0 41 O O 4f Sausages 0 O 44 .. H. H. Cripps, Hobart 24 H. H. Cripps, Hobart -Robt. Walker and Co., Hobart A. E. Foster, Hobart Approved of State for TRAINING AT BRIGHTON, NOVEMBER DECEMBER, 1913. per lb. 2296 Bread 0 o Q U 2q- O 1 O O 4 N- Candles Biscuits O O5 O 0 4 0 0 0 4tO 10 O 1 1 2312 2313 2314 2315 Beef, fresh :. Beef, corned . . Mutton, fresh Sausages, fresh 77 Cheese 77 Tea Coffee 0 Oats .. Chaff Firewood .. Potatoes .. per bushel .. per ton 77 per lb. . . Onions Mixed vegetables 77 lïnnday, J. Brighton Sugar Pepper Salt Jam E. l¡3. 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 77 by the Minister SUPPLY OF PROVISIONS, ETC.. FOR THE CAMP OF CONTINUOu'S 4 RRoben Walker and Co., Munday, E. J. Brighton 4 0 1 O O O 0 0 5t 5¡ O O O .5¡ O 5¡ 0 1 O i: Liverpool - street, Hobart 2 4 O O O 3rd November, 1913. 0 0 0 12 0 O Defence. Dated . Robt. `Talker and Liverpool ECo., t_ street, Hobart A. E. Foster, Liverpool- street, Hobart S. A. PETHEBRIDGE, Secretary. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 18th October, 1913. The Superintendent of Contracts, Department of Defence, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne. Officer, Ordnance Stores, The Senior Ordnance Officer, Petrie - terrace, Brisbane. Ordnance Stores, The Senior Ordnance Adelaide. Officer, Ordnance Stores, The Senior Perth. Ordnance Officer, Ordnance Stores, The Senior Ordnance Hobart. Officer, Ordnance Stores, MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. The TENDERS are invited for the undermentioned supOn Monday, 12th January, 1914 plies : Iron and Steel, fOr the use of the Commonwealth Small Arms Factory, Lithgow, N.S.W., for the manufacture of rifles. (Iron Wrought, British standard, Specification grade " A," rolled black ; wrought. B.S.S., No. 51, Grade " B," bright rolled or drawn. Steel Black cast; black mild; mild ; black rolled cast ; bright, cold - drawn, mild ; No. 51, crucible or Siemens-Martin ; bright, cold- rolled cast ; and bright, cold - rolled mild.) Tenders will be received until Three o'clock p.m. the date shown, at the office of on The Manager, Commonwealth Small Arms Factory, Lithgow, N.S.W. C. 13980.C. Senior Ordnance Circular Quay, Sydney. Tender forms, specifications, and all information may be obtained at the offices of the above - mentioned Senior Ordnance Officers, and at the office of the Senior Ordnance Officer, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. No. 77.-22nd November, 1913 30S0 Department of Defence, Melbourne, rrth October, 1913. ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE OF AUSTRALIA. TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES. TENDERS are invited, and will be received at the office of the Commandant, Royal Military College, Luntroon, Federal Territory, until Twelve noon on Monday, 24th November, 1913, for the supply of Vegetables, Provisions, and General Groceries, from ist January, 1914, to 31st December, 1914. Commonwealth Gazette The Senior Ordnance Officer, Circular Quay, Sydney. The Senior Ordnance Officer, Ordnance Stores, Petrie - terrace, Brisbane. The Senior Ordnance Officer, Adelaide. The Senior Ordnance Officer, Ordnance Stores, Ordnance Stores, Ordnance Stores, The Ordnance Stores, Perth. Senior Hobart. Ordnance Officer, The lowest or any tender will not .necessarily be ac- cepted. Forms of tender and full particulars can be obtained on application to the Commandant of the College, at the address stated above. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac- E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. cepted. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 8th November, 1913. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. TENDERS arc invited for the undermentioned sup Department of Defence, Melbourne, 22nd November, 1913. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. r lENDERS are invited for the undermentioned sup- plies : On Monday, 8th December, 1913. plies : ENAMELWARE, HAT RIBBONS, SOCKS, JERSEYS, GLOVES, LANYARDS, RAZORS, BLANCO, AND 1300T AND METAL On Monday, 24th November, 1913 TENTS AND APPURTENANCES. POLISH. POLES, MALLETS, A.ND PINS FOR TENTS. 42,500 BLANKETS, G.S., C.P. Tenders will be received until Three o'clock p.m. on the date shown, at the office of "The Superintendent o,f Contracts, Department of Defence, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne. The senior Ordnance Uihcer, Ordnance Stores, Circular Quay, Sydney. The senior Ordnance Officer, Ordnance Stores, Petrie terrace, Brisbane. The Senior Ordnance Officer, Ordnance Stores, Adelaide. The senior Ordnance Officer, Ordnance Stores, Perth. The Senior Ordnance Officer, Ordnance Stores, Ho- Tenders will be received until Three o'clock p.m. do the date shown, at the office of The Superintendent of Contracts, Department of The Officer, Ordnance Stores, Senior Ordnance Officer, Petrie - terrace, Brisbane; The Senior Ordnance Officer, Adelaide ; l'he Senior Ordnance Officer, Ordnance Stores, Ordnance Stores, Ordnance Stores, Ordnance Stores, The The bart. Tender toms, specifications, and all information may be obtained at the offices of the above - mentioned Senior Ordnance Officers, and at the office of the Senior Ordnance Officer, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Defence, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne; Senior Ordnance Circular Quay, Sydney; Perth; Senior Hobart. Ordnance Officer, Tender forms, specifications, and all information may be obtained at the offices of the above - mentioned Senior Ordnance Officers, and at the office of the Senior Ordnance Officer, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 8th November, 1913. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. 4TH MILITARY DISTRICT (SOUTH AUSTRALIA). Tenders for Provisions, Forage, and Fuel. ENDERS for the supply of Provisions, Forage, and Fuel for the Camp of Continuous Training to be T held at Reynella from 27th December, 1913, to 7th Department of External Affairs, Melbourne, 15th November, 1913. HIS Excellency the Governor- General in Council has been pleased to approve of the recommendation of the Central Committee, Commonwealth Literary Fund, that a pension of ios. per week be paid to Mrs. Mary .,kiley Hackett, as from the 1st October, 1913. January, 1914, will be received at the office of the Deputy Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster - General, Selborne Chambers, Pinie- street, Adelaide, South Australia, until 3 p.m. on Friday, 5th December, 1913. Envelopes containing tenders must be indorsed, " Tender for Provisions, &c." P. McM. GLYNN, Minister of State for External Affairs. Forms of tender and full particulars may be obtained Department of External Affairs, at the above - mentioned office. Melbourne, 15th November, 1913. The lowest tender not necessarily accepted. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. Department of Defence, Melbourne, 15th November, 1913. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. TENDERS FOR TYPEWRITERS. j 7ITH reference to the resolutions of the meeting of the 6th March, 1907, of the Sub - Committee of the Australian Men of Letters Fund, presented to Parliament on the 24th October, 1907, and the notification published in Commonwealth Gazette, No. 24, of the 16th May, 1908, it is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor- General in Council has been pleased to approve of the adoption of the following new regulation in connexion with the Commonwealth Literary VV 1 and : I ]"ENDERS will be received by the Superintendent of Contracts, Department of Defence, St. Kilda -road, Melbourne, until Three o'clock p.m. on Monday, 8th De- "All grants by way of pensions are only for the Tender forms and all particulars may be obtained at the offices of deserving applicants may receive consideration, for each succeeding financial year." P. McM. GLYNN, Minister of State for External Affairs. cember, 1913. The Senior Ordnance Officer, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne. Ordnance Stores, current financial year, and must be reconsidered at a meeting of the Central Committee to be held before 3oth June, in order that the most Commonwealth Gazette No. 77.-22nd November, 1913 11081 Department of External Affairs, Melbourne, 19th November, 1913. HIS Excellency the Governor - General in Council has been pleased to approve, in accordance with Treasury Regulation No. 6i, of the expenditure of the follow - The cancellation of the appointment of the undermentioned persons as Acting Officers of Customs for the {'1,240 i6s. Purchase from Kodak Australasia Limited of 192,000 feet of Eastman's Cinematograph Film, at Ind. per foot, plus an additional charge of 4s. 3d. per 1,000 feet to cover cost of perforating. an Officer of Customs under the Commerce (Trade Descriptions) Act 1.905, in the State of Western Australia. ing amount, without calling for tenders : J. A'. SKINNER, T. M. ROVE, J. H. KELLY, J. KELLY, J. P. TOOJ.E, R. R. VAUCHTON, J. L. ARTAUD, H. HIGGS, A. J. A. WRITE. The cancellation of the appointment of J. SANDOW as LITTLETON E. GROOM, Minister for Trade and Customs. Department of Trade and Customs, P. MCM. GLYNN, Melbourne, 18th November, 1953. CUSTOMS BY -LAW No. 286. (T. & C. 13/18445.) T LITTLETON ERNEST GROOM, the Minister of Minister of State for External Affairs. Department of External Affairs, Melbourne, 18th November, 1913. i, State for the Commonwealth of Australia, adminis- r OTICE is hereby given that the time for receiving tenders, invited in Gazette of 25th October, for supplying a single -screw steamer, clipper bow, elliptic stern, schooner rigged, for use in the tropics, required 1-1 by this Department, has been extended from loth December next to 20th January, 1914. ATLEE HUNT, tering the Department of Trade and Customs, do hereby, in pursuance of the Customs Tariff 1908 -1911, and of all other enabling powers, snake the following Departmental By -law. LITTLETON E. GROOM, Minister for Trade and Customs. MINOR ARTICLES FOR USE IN THE MANUFACTURE OF GOODS WITHIN THE COMMONWEALTH. Customs Tariff 1908 -191 I, Item 434 THE undermentioned Minor Articles for use in the manufacture within the Commonwealth of the undermentioned goods mai' he admitted free under this By -law, which shall he deemed to have come into operation on Loth November, Secretary. Department of Trade and Customs, Melbourne, 18th November, 1913. TH Northern Territory : 1913 Brushware Governor-General in Council has approved of the following : Ferrules or Rings and Bands (except those of soldered Tin and Iron). Brass Strips i -inch wide, with holes punched along the centre at ¡-inch intervals, and polished on one side. The appointment of J. J. CONLIN and N. T. COLLINS, Mounted Constables, as Acting Officers of Customs for the Northern Territory. Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Trade and Customs, Melbourne, 18th November, 1913. ORDERS MADE BY THE MINISTER UNDER PART XIII. OF THE EXCISE ACT 1901. W HEREAS disputes have arisen between Officers of Customs and the several persons whose names are set out in the first column of the Schedule hereto, with reference to contraventions of the Beer Excise Act 1901 -1% alleged to have been committed by them, and whereas these persons have consented, in writing, to the disputes being inquired into and determined by me, and I have inquired into and determined them accordingly. Now therefore the orders made by me in .the determination of the disputes, which orders are set out in the Schedule, are published as directed by Section 155 of the Excise Act 1901. LITTLETON E. GROOM, Minister for Trade and Customs. SCHEDULE. Name of Person charged with Contravention of Act. Place of Alleged Contravention. Date of Alleged Contravention. Nature of Alleged Contravention. Omission to cut beer duty stamp W. H. Haddon Millthorpe, N.S.W. 11th September, 1913 Wm. Gale Hy. Williams B. Lenihan Bourke, N.S.W. Corowa, N.S.W. Camperdown, N.S.W. Temora, N.S.W. Heathcote, Vic. St. Kilda, Vic. Kyneton, Vic. Gisborne, Vic. Macedon, Vic. Sunbury, Vic. Camperdown, Vic. Gisborne, Vic. Gaythorn, Vic. Kyneton, Vic. Colac, Vic. .. Pyalong, Vic. 3rd October, 1913 . . 14th October, 1913 .. .. 18th July, 1913 23rd October, 1913 .. 15th October, 1913 .. 4th November, 1913 16th October, 1913 . 17th October, 1913 .. If 18th October, 1913 21st October, 1913 17th October, 1913 ,f . . J. Penfold.. Mrs. A. Christie E. Davies .. Mrs. E. Hine Mrs. E. Lawrence .. Mrs. A. Macpherson T. Millett .. A. Page .. J. H. Power J. Smith Mrs. E. Spicer Mrs. E. A. Taafe Mrs. C. Zoch P. Howat . J. Flaherty .. .. .. . . Colac, Vic. . . .. Mount Morgan, Q. Penalty. 16th October, '1913 21st October, 1913 14th October, 1913 21st October, 1913 26th August, 1913 . 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 1 7, ), 7, ,, . £ 8. d. 05 05 0 5 05 0 10 . . If . . . In regard to the above contraventions of the Act, the Department does not allege intention to defraud. 0 0 0 0 050 0 . . 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 05 05 05 0 10 05 0' 050 0 10 0 No. 77. -22nd November, 1913 Commonwealth Gazette 3082 Commonwealth of Australia. Department of Trade and Customs, Melbourne, 18th November, 1913. ORDERS MADE BY THE MINISTER UNDER PART XV. OF THE CUSTOMS ACT 1901 -10. W HEREAS disputes have arisen between Officers of Customs and the several persons whose names are set out in the first column of the Schedule hereto, with reference to contraventions of the Customs Act 1901 -10 and the Commerce Act 1905, alleged to have been committed by them, and whereas these persons have consented, in writing, to the disputes being inquired into and determined by me, and I have inquired into and determined them accordingly. Now therefore the orders made by me in the determination of the disputes, which orders are set out in the Schedule, are published as directed by Section 265 of the Customs Act 1901 -10. LITTLETON E. GROOM, Minister for Trade and Customs. SCHEDULE. Name of Person charged with Contravention of Att. Date of Alleged Contravention. Place of Alleged Contravention. Penalty. Nature of Alleged Contravention. £ s. d. Sydney, N.S.W. Boll and Frazer Ltd. T. M. Goodall and Co. Ltd. .. C. A. Fairland .. ff Removal of goods front Various 22nd October, 1913 77 » . . Appin Butter Factory and Melbourne, Vic. 29th September, 1913 Brisbane, Q. .. Broome, W.A. 6th October, 1913 .. 16th September, 1913 Trading Co. Ltd. S. Hoffnung and Co. Ltd. Robison and Norman Ltd. 100 0 O '2 10 2 10 0 0 2 10 0 2 10 ? 10 0 0 bond without authority » is Omission of goods from entry Application of a false trade description to butter intended for export (short weight) Incorrect entry of goods .. Misdescription of goods .. In regard to the above contraventions of the Act, the Department does not allege intention to defraud. Kong Wee, s.s. Montoro .. Brisbane, Q. Foo Ah Nghee Lim Ah Tain .. Fremantle, W.A. 31st October, 1913 . . .. 17th October, 1913 .. tl 77 /9 Unlawful goods Ex. Min. No. 566. Postmaster -C eneraPs Department, 12th November, L913. advice of the Federal Executive Council, has ap- proved, in accordance with the provisions of No. 6r of the Treasury Regulations under section 71 of the Audit Acts 1901 -1906, of the expenditure of Çt54 16s., in the purthe Automatic Telephones 0 and forfeiture of 2 10 0 2 10 0 7f )7 Ex. Min. No. 564. Postmaster - General's Department, 12th November, 1913. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. HIS Excellency the Governor - General, by and with the from 2 10 Commonwealth of Australia. NEW SOUTH WALES. chase, of the goods .. .. Commonwealth of Australia. possession (Australasia) Limited, 77 King- street, Sydney, of 72 automatic coin collecting devices, required for the use of the Postmaster General's Department, State of New South Wales. li II IS Excellency the Governor - General, by and with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has approved, in accordance with the provisions of No. 6i of the Treasury Regulations under section 71 of the Audit Acts 1901 -1906, of the expenditure of /138 in the purchase from Messrs. Siemens Bros. and Company Limited, of Woolwich, England, of an additional telephone switch- board, required for the use of the Postmaster - Géneral's Department, Port Adelaide, State of south Australia. AGAR WYNNE, Postmaster - General. AGAR WYNNE, Postmaster-General. Commonwealth of Australia. Commonwealth of Australia. Ex. Min. No. 561. Postmaster - General's Department, 12th November, 1913. NEW SOUTH WALES. IIIS Excellency the Governor - General, by and with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, has ap- proved, in accordance with the provisions of No. 61 of the Treasury Regulations under section 71 of the Audit Acts 1901 -1906, of the expenditure of j110 in the purchase from Park Albert Ross, Ocean House, 24 Moore- street, Sydney, of one perforating machine, required for the use of the Postmaster- General's Department, State of New South Wales, in connexion with the cancellation of paid postal notes. AGAR WYNNE, Postmaster - General. Postmaster - General's Department. ORDER OF THE POSTMASTER- GENERAL UNDER SECTION 57, POST AND TELEGRAPH ACT 19011912. IN pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by the Post and Telegraph :Act 1901 -1912, I hereby order and direct that on and after this date any postal article received at a Post Office in the Commonwealth, addressed to J. IRWAHN, Hamburg 1, or Kontorhaus Markthof, J. IRWAHN, Hamburg 8, Dovenhof z15, by his own or any other name, fictitious or assumed, or to any agent or representative of his, shall not be registered or transmitted or delivered. Dated this 22nd day of November, 1913. AGAR WYNNE, Postmaster- General. Commonwealth Gazette $088 No. 77. -22nd. November, 191$ Commonwealth of Australia. Postinaater- General's, Department, 20th .November. 1913. TENDERS. : ATTENTION i$ directed to the undermentioned notices which have appeared in the ';ommnonwealth Gazette' regarding the invitation of tenders for services and supplies for the Postmaster- General's Department throughout the Commonwealth Supplies and Services Required. Where Required. Date of Gazette in which notice appears. Page 16.8.13 1897 18.3.14 2918 2948 26.11.13 3.12.13 I Date Tenders Returnable at G.P.O NEW SOUTH WALES. Automatic Telephone Switchboards .. ... Porterage of Mails ... ... Conveyance. of Mails Erection Telephone Line Epping, Ryde, Hunter's ! Hill, Drummoyne, Wahroonga, Paddington, Waverley Culcairn .. Johns' River and Hanna)n's Vale ! ! ... ¡ Ravensworth to Heb- Erection Telephone Line Forage Galvanized Iron Wire Insulators, &c. .. Erection Public Telephone Line Erection Public Telephone Line Repairs Ereorion two Copper Wires .. Erection Public Telephone Line Erection Additional Wires . ... ... ¡ den Penrith to Richmond Sydney Sydney . 13illir)udgel to the Pocket Nnmbugga to Buckejo Molong- Wellington Gosford to Broadmeadow Pitt Town to t;*ttai Gosford to Broadnìeadow 2951 3.12.13 2951 3024 3025 3052 3053 3053 3053 3053 3054 3.12.13 3.12.13 3.12.13 17.12.13 17,12.13 17.12.13 17.12.13 17. 12.13 VICTORIA. Eight Automatic Telephone Switchboards ... One Common Battery Multiple Switchboard ... Telephone Material ... ... ... ... Conveyance of Mails ... Reinforced. Concrete Poles ... ,. Switchboards, Telephone, &o. Conveyance of Mails ... Conveyance of Mails Brass Lightning Guard Brackets Cable Boxes... ... ... ... 28.6.13 Melbourne Metropolitan 1 Area Melbourne ... ... Melbourne ... ... Various places ... Melbourne ... Melbourne ... Pakenham .. ... Corryong, Victoria, and Khancoban, New South Wales Melbourne ... Melbourne ... 1 1958 } 3025 ) 30. í1.13 i 11.12.13* 8.11.13 6.9.13 11.10.13 1.11.13 1.11.13 1.11.13 8.11.13 8.11.13 2624 2789 2952 -9 2960 2960 3025 3025 15.11.13 15.11.13 3054 3054 2.12.13 17.2.14 13.9.13 20.9 13 11.10.13 2646 2680 2789 1:.12.13 31.12.13 7.1.14 1.11.13 2960 1.12.13 1.11.13 2960 26.11.13 15.11.13 3051 9.12.13 2966 3026 3026 3055 3055 26.11.13 3.12.13 3.12.13 17.12.13 11.2.14 16.12.13 30.12.13 2.12.13 9,12.13 27.1.14 25.11.13 25.11.13 QUEENSLANI). Insulators Insulators .. Switchboards, Telegraph and Telephone Instruments Erection of Copper Wires Erection Copper Wires Erection copper Wires, and Repairs ... Brisbane Rrisbane Brisbane Miles to Roma, and Roma to Pickanjinnie Inglewood to Mun gindi Blackall and Tambo ... ' ' SOUTH At8TRA LIA . Supply, Fitting, and Erection of Poles Wooden Poles ... Burnside to Uraidla ... Penola to Mitchells Wooden Poles Protectors Cable Terminals Gawler . to Blanchetown Adelaide ... Adelaide ... Wire (Galvanized Iron) Copper Wire Instruments, Telegraph Erection Additional Wire Perth Perth Perth WESTERN AUSTRALIA. ' Moora-Mingenew 6.9.13 1.11.13 1.11.13 15.11.13 I : 2624 2960 2961 3055 ; + 10.12.13 3.12.13 21.1.14 7.1.14 ! TASMANIA. Dry Cells ... Hobart 6.9.13 .2624 j 1.12.13 Date extended from 11th November, 1913. AGAR WYNNE, Postmaster - General. Commonwealth Gazette $084 No. 77. -22nd November. 1913 Specifications and general conditions may be seen, and Schedules, &c., obtained, on application at the office of Sydney, and the Electrical Engineer, General Post Office, Bal at the Post Offices, Booligal, Hillston. Mosstiel, Carrathool, Narrandera, Jerilderie, Deniliquin, ranald, NEW SOUTH WALES. and at the office of the Assistant Engineer, Hay. TENDERS FOR ERECTION OF A TELEPHONE TRUNK LINE, Tenders must be addressed to the Deputy Postmaster CUDGERA CREEK AND BURRINGBAR. General, Sydney, and indorsed " Tender for Repairs, deposited in the TenderTENDERS will be received at the office of the Deputy Booligal to Hay." They may be if sent by post Postmaster - General, Sydney, up to half -past Two box at the General Post Office, Sydney : they must be prepaid and registered. December, 1913, for the followp.m. on Wednesday, 24th of the total A deposit of a sum equal to 5 per cent. ing work :-and where the named in the tender up to. /1,000, Supply, erection, &c., of about 132 new wooden poles. amount exceeds /r,000, 5 per cent. up to 41,000, and Erection of about 51 miles of two 200-lb. per mile a',- per cent. on the additional amount over that sum,bemust regalvanized wires, and other work, in accordance accompany each tender. Any tender which may with Schedule N.S.W. E.E. 159/13. ceived without the required deposit will be liable to be Specifications and general conditions may be seen, and deemed informal, and rejected accordingly. The Postmaster - General does not bind himself to accept Schedules, &c., obtained, on application at the office of Office, Sydney, and the lowest or any tender. the Electrical Engineer, General Post in the CommonThe accepted tender will be notified at the Post Offices, Burringbar, Cudgera Creek, Murbe considered as an Heads, wealth Gazette, and such notice will Tweed willumbah, Mullimbimby, Bangalow, their tenders have Byron Bay, Lismore, and the office of the Assistant Engi- intimation to unsuccessful tenderers that been declined. neer, Armidale. AGAR WYNNE, Tenders must be addressed to the Deputy Postmaster Postmaster - General. General, Sydney, and indorsed "Tender for ErecCreek and tion of Telephone Line between Cudgera Commonwealth of Australia. Rurringbar, in accordance with Schedule N.S.W. E.E. Postmaster - General's Department. 159/13." They may be deposited in the Tender -box at loth November, 1.913. the General Post Office, Sydney ; if sent by post they must be prepaid and registered. NEW SOUTH WALES. A deposit of a sum equal to 5 per cent. of the total (VARIOUS. amount named in the tender up to £1,000, and where the TENDERS FOR THE SUPPr.Y OF 6.3,000 INSULATORS of the Density 4I,000, and 5 per cent. up to rNTIERS will be received at the office amount exceeds (1,000, PoRtrna'ter- General. Sydney, up to half -nast Two 22 per cent. on the additional amount over that sum, must the supply accompany each 'tender. Any tender which may be re- p.m. on Wednesday. Toth December. IoIl. forSydney, of ceived without the required deposit will be liable to be and delivery, at the Departmental Stores, 6 ,000 Tnsulators (various), as per Stores .Schedule N.S.W. deemed informal and rejected accordingly. The Postmaster - General does not bind himself to accept No. 296. the lowest or any tender. Tender forms, specifications. and general conditions may The accepted tender will be notified in the Commott- he obtained at the office of the Controller of Stores, 31 7aealth Gazette, and such notice will be considered as an York- street, Sydney. intimation to unsuccessful tenderers that their tenders have Tenders must be indorsed " Tender for the Supply of been declined. 63,000 Insulators, to Stores Schedule N.S.W. No. 206." AGAR WYNNE, and be addressed to the Deputy Postmaster - General, SydPostmaster - General. ney. They may be deposited in the Tender -box at the General Post Office, Sydney if sent by post they must be prepaid and registered. Commonwealth of Australia. A deposit, in accordance with clause 5 of the General each tender. Conditions of Contract, must accompanynecessarily Postmaster- General's Department, be acT9th November, 1913. The lowest or any tender will not Commonwealth of Australia. Postmaster - General's Department, i7th November, 1913. cepted. NEW SOUTH WALES. AGAR WYNNE, TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF I1,875 SPINDLES, STEEL, Postmaster - General. GALVANIZED. TENDERS will be received at the office of the Deputy Postmaster- General, Sydney, up to half -past Two p.m. on Wednesday, i7th December, 1913, for the supply and delivery, at the Departmental Stores, Sydney, of 11,875 Spindles, Steel, Galvanized, as per Stores Schedule Commonwealth of Australia. Postmaster - General's Department, 20th November, 1913. TASMANIA. N.S.W. No. 351.. Tender forms, specifications, and general conditions may TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF CONDUITS. be obtained at the office of the Controller of Stores, 35 York- street, Sydney ; also at the General Post Offices, Mel- bourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, and Hobart. Tenders must be indorsed " Tender for the Supply of Spindles, to Stores Schedule N.S.W., No. 351," and be addressed to the Deputy Postmaster - General, Sydney. They may be deposited in the Tender -box at the General Post Office, Sydney ; if sent by post they must be prepaid and registered. A deposit, in accordance with clause 3 of the General Conditions of Contract, must accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. AGAR WYNNE, Postmaster - General. Deputy ENDERS will be received at the office of the Postmaster- General, Hobart, until Noon on T day, 22nd December, 1913, for the supply and delivery Mon- of conduits, as per Schedule No. T. 103. Tenders must be addressed to the Deputy Postmaster General, Hobart, and indorsed " Tenders for Conduits." They may be deposited in the Tender -box, Hobart ; or, if sent by post, must be prepaid and registered. Tender forms, specifications, &c., may be obtained at the General Post Offices, Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth. A deposit, in accordance with clause 5 of the General Conditions of Contract, must accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. AGAR WYNNE, Postmaster - General. Commonwealth of Australia. Postmaster- General's Department, loth November, 1913. NEW SOUTH WALES. TENDERS FOR REPAIRS, BOOLIGAL -HAY LINE. TENDERS will be received at the office of the Deputy Postmaster- General, Sydney, up to half -past Two p.m. on Wednesday, 17th December, 1913, for the following work :-Carting and erecting about 77 iron telegraph poles; Providing and fitting about 5 18 -ft. wooden struts; Resetting about 40 existing wooden poles; Retopping about 18 existing wooden poles; Straightening and ramming about 177 existing poles; Soldering about 205 existing joints; and other -work, in accordance with Schedule N.S.W. E.E. 165/13. COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE. Melbourne, 21St November, 1913. THE following notifications respecting staff changes, &c., are made in accordance with the Common. wealth Public Service Act and Regulations :-DEPARTMENT OF HOME AFFAIRS. Exemptions. ANDERSON, Clerk, Electoral Branch, from the 23rd October, 1913, to the 5th December, 1913, inclusive. J. MASON, Clerk of Works, Public Works Branch, Jervis Bay, twelve months from the 18th February, 1913. A. B. ADEY, Clerk, Electoral Branch, South Australia, six months from the 7th October, 1913. G. E. SUMMERS, Clerk, Electoral Branch, Victoria, three months from the 5th September, 1913. S. No. 77.-22nd November, 1913 3085 Commonwealth Gazette DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE. R. A. CAMPBELL, Clerk, Electoral Branch, Victoria, three months from the 3rd August, 1913. J. S. MCNEIL, Clerk, Electoral Branch, Victoria, three months from the 6th September, 1913. J. A. FARQUHARSON, Clerk, Electoral Branch, Victoria, one month from the 12th November, 1913. M. T. A. MARTIN, Typist, Central Staff, three months from the loth September, 1913. C. F. CooK, Draughtsman, Public Works Branch, Melbourne, from.- 6th October, 1913, to 3oth June, 1914. H. H. SANDERSON, Supervisor, Public Works Branch, Canberra, three months from the 6th November, 1913. Payment to an Officer. WILLIAM LEES DARLISON, Clerical Assistant, Post Office, Beechworth, Victoria, granted remuneration at the rate of L18 per annum whilst acting as Clerical Assistant to the Divisional Returning Officer for the Commonwealth Electoral Division of Indi, State of Victoria. Confirmation of Appointments. Ex. Min. No. 874. VICTORIA. Abolition of Position. Position of Clerk, Fifth Class, Ordnance Branch, last filled by H. L. HURLEY. DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS. Melbourne, 13th November, 1913. EXEMPTION. F. W. E. GABRIEL, Patrol Officer, for a further period not exceeding three months, from the Ist October, 1913. P. McM. GLYNN, Minister of State for External Affairs. PATRICK DAVID DONOVAN, Clerk, Fifth Class, Clerical DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND CUSTOMS. Division, Statistical Branch, from 28th March, 1913. ALLEN FREYER, Clerk, Fifth Class, Clerical Division, INTER -STATE COMMISSION. Statistical Branch, from 15th April, 1913. Creation of New Positions. Clerk, Fourth Class, Clerical Branch, New South 'Wales. Division, Creation of New Position. Caretaker, General Division, Inter -State Commission. Deduction from Salary as Rent for Quarters. Accounts Clerk, Fifth Class, Clerical Division, Accounts Branch, New South Wales. Deduction from Salary of Rent for Quarters. A deduction at the rate of io per centum, excluding portions of a pound, to be made from the salary of PERCIVAL ROBERT CLELAND, Clerk, Port Augusta, South Australia, as rent for quarters occupied by him for the purpose of residence ; to take effect from the date of occupancy of such quarters, namely, Ist March, 1913. JOSEPH COOK, Minister of State for Home Affairs. Melbourne, loth November, 1913. A deduction at the rate of io per centum, excluding portions of a pound, to be made from the salary of G. F. AICLEOD, as rent for quarters occupied by him for the purpose of residence at the offices of the Inter -State Commission; to take effect from the date of occupancy of quarters. CENTRAL STAFF. Creation of New Positions. Two of District Officer, Class C, Professional Division, Lighthouse Branch. Two of District Engineer, Class C, Professional Divi- sion, Lighthouse Branch. Appointments. LEONARD JOSEPH BOLGER, to the position of District Officer, Class C, Professional Division, Lighthouse Branch, with DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. salary at the rate of £432 per annum; to take effect CORRESPONDENCE BRANCH. from the date of commencing duty. Exemption. FLORENCE EMILY DAVIES, Typist, for a period not exceed- ing three months from the loth of October, 1913. (669.) Grant of Allowance. MARTIN RICHARDSON, Clerk, 5th Class, Prime Minister's Department, be granted an allowance of 450 per annum while acting as Private Secretary to the '1 reasurer; such allowance to take eilect from the date of commencing duty in the position named, and to be reduced by the amount of any increment granted. (651.) FREDERICK WILLIAM HOOD, to the position of District Officer, Class C, Professional Division, Lighthouse Branch, with salary at the rate of £432 per annum ; to take effect from the date of commencing duty. HERBERT ALFRED JACKSON, to the position of District Engineer, Class C, Professional Division, Lighthouse Branch, with salary at the rate of h432 per annum ; to take effect from the date of commencing duty. ISAAC ALTHORP RIDGWAY, to the position of District Engineer, Class C, Professional Division, Lighthouse Branch, with salary at the rate of £432 per annum; to take effect from the date of commencing duty. Exemption. J OHN HENDERSON, Clerk and Draughtsman, Lighthouse LAND TAX BRANCH. MELBOURNE. Exemption. E. J. MCCONVILL, Clerk, for a period not exceeding three months from 7th. October, 1913. (656.) NEW SOUTH WALES. Resignation. GEORGE HERBERT LEGGE, Valuer, Class D, Professional Division,. as from 29th October, 1913. (674.) Branch, for three months from 27th October, 1913. NEW SOUTH VALES. Exemption. W. CHERRETT, Engine Driver, Sydney, for the period from the 6th October, 1913, to the 18th October, 1913. Travelling Allowance. K. E. GRIFFIN, Customs Assistant, Excise Branch, Z1 per month for six months from date of taking up duty at Ailandale. Exemption. R. S. WAKELIN, Clerk, for a period not exceeding three months from the 4th of November, 1913. (666.) J. T. GIBSON, Clerk, for a period not exceeding three months from 23rd October, 1913. (665.) R. A. GREEN, Clerk, fo1 a period not exceeding three months from the 2nd of November, 1913. (664.) F. B. RICHMOND, Clerk, for a period not exceeding three months from the 18th of November, 1913. (663.) H. M. MCVERNON. Clerk, for a period not exceeding three months from the 27th of October, 1913. (657.) J. MCCONAGHY, Clerk, for a period not exceeding three months from the 3oth of October, 1913. E. D. MILLEN, Minister of State for Defence. (653.) T. N. SCOTT, Clerk, for a period not exceeding three months from the 13th of November, 1913. (670.) V. G. LYNCH, Draughtsman, for a period not exceeding six months from the Ist of November, 1813. (672.) C. A. SCHUBACK, Clerk, for a period not exceeding three months from the 12th of November, 1913. (671.) JOHN FORREST, Treasurer. VICTORIA. Furlough. EDWARD CHARLES RUSSELL, Clerk in Charge, Statistical Branch, six months on full pay. Confirmation of Appointments. CARL WILHELM DIMSEY, Clerk, 5th Class, Clerical Divi- sion, as from 3rd April, 1913. EMILY ALICE CODNER, Typist, Landing Branch, as from the 5th March, 1913. SOUTH AUSTRALIA. .Abolition of Position. Clerk, 5th Class, Clerical Division, Correspondence and Accounts Branch, last occupied by H. Thomson. Creation of New Position. Typist, General Division, Correspondence and Accounts Branch. QUEENSLAND. . Creation of New Position. Examining Officer, 4th Class, Clerical Division, Landing Branch. . . No. 77.-22nd November, 1913 WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Appointment. J UHN P. HENNELLY, to the position of Clerk, 5th Class, Statistical Branch, Fremantle, J2op per annum, vice R. G. H. Byers (promoted) ; to take effect from the date of commencing duty . Travelling Allowance. Misi L. B. G. MALLAREN, Typist, .43 in addition to amount allowed under Public Service Regulation 158A, on account of fare from Melbourne to Fremantle. LITTLETON E. GROOM, Minister for Trade and Customs. POSTMASTER - GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Ex. Mins. Nos. 562, 563, 565, 567, 568. NEW SOUTH WALES. Services Terminated. SYDNEY THOMAS MAGNER, Clerical Assistant, Warren, from 30th September, 1913 (resigned). Allowance. P. J. HowE, District Postal Inspector, Cootamundra, to be paid an allowance at the rate of ,20 per annum, fron ist October, 1913, as rental in respect of a room provided by him for official purposes at his private residence: VICTORIA. Refund of Tuition Fees. J. H. BARNES, Mechanic, Electrical Engineers Branch, to be paid the sum of 9s. 9d. by way of refund (second instalment) of fees paid by him in connexion with the study of electrical science. QUEENSLAND. Services Terminated. JÀMEs CLYDE MACARTHUR, Telegraph Messenger, C,unna- mulla., from 20th October, 1913 (resigned). Reduction of an Officer's Status and Salary. J AMES MCELROY, Lineman (in charge of office), Grade IV., Eldsvold, salary £200, reduced to Lineman, Grade III., with salary of 4156, from rith October,. 1913. Payment of Overtime Worked by Junior Mechanics on l'elephonists' Duties. A. E. MATT and J. M. HICKEY, junior Mechanics, to be paid the sums of 16s. 6d. and LI tos. respectively for overtime worked by them on Telephonists' duties prior to Commonwealth Gazette 30 86 the coming into operation of the present Public Service Regulation 61. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Services Terminated. LAURA N ICHOLsON, Telephonist, Geraldton, from ist Octa. ber, 1913 (resigned). TENDERS are invited for the purchase or working on royalty of Moore Electrical Company's " Improve ments in or connected with Vacuum Tubes or the like," covered by Commonwealth Letters Patent No. 6228, of 20th June, 1906, in the name of E. Phillips. The company will dispose of the whole or part interest in the patent, or will grant licences to work the same to fulfil the full requirements of the public. AddressC/o PHILLIPS, ORMONDE, & CO., patent attorneys and consulting engineers, Lombard Buildings, 17 Queen- street, Melbourne. 79. TENDERS are invited for the purchase or working on royalty of K. Schuchard's " Improvements in Jig ging Sieves," covered by Commonwealth Letters Patent No. 3934, of 13th February, 1912. The inventor will dispose of the whole or part interest in the patent, or will grant licences to work the same to fulfil the full requirements of the public. Address --C /o PHILLIPS, ORMONDE, & CO., patent attorneys and consulting engineers, Lombard Buildings, 17 Queen- street, Melbourne. 8o TENDERS are invited for the purchase or working on royalty of J. A. Miller's " Improvements in Pleasure Railways," covered by Commonwealth Letters Patent No. 18,363, of 24th June, 1910. The inventor will dispose of the whole or part interest in the patent, or will grant licences to work the same to fulfil the full requirements of the public. Address C /o PHILLIPS, ORMONDE, & CO., patent attorneys and consulting engineers, Lombard Buildings, 17 Queen- street, Melbourne. .81 r i ENDERS are invited for the purchase or working on royalty of C. A. Bettington's " Improvements in and relating to Apparatus for Pulverizing Coal and other Materials," covered by Commonwealth Letters Patent No. 16599, of 14t1í December, 1909, and " Improvements relating to Steam Generators," covered by Commonwealth Letters Patent No. 16600, of 14th December, 1909. The inventor dispose of the whole or part interest in the patents, or will grant licences to work the same to fulfil the full requirements of the public. Address C /o PHILLIPS, ORMONDE, & CO., patent attorneys and consulting engineers, Lombard Buildings, 17 Queen- street, Melbourne. 82 TENDERS are invited for the purchase or working on royalty of Societa Generale per la Cianamide's Process and Device for Manufacturing Nitrogen Cornpound," covered by Commonwealth Letters Patent No. 10462, of 12th December, 1907. The company will dispose of the who :e or part interest in the patent, or will grant licences to work the same to fulfil the full requirements of the public. Address C /o PHILLIPS, ORMONDE, .& .CO., patent attorneys and consulting engineers, Lombard Buildings, 17 Queen- street, Melbourne. 83 AGAR WYNNE, Postmaster - General. THE " COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA GAZETTE." . Single copies of the COMMONWEALTH GAZETTE are sold tixibaí.e abbe><:tio.emenlo. at 4d., posted 4d. each. SUBSCRIPTIONS. --The subscription, including postage, is rj1ENDERS are invited for the purchase or working on I. royalty of the International Wrapping Machine 17s. 4d. per annum, or 45. 4d. per quarter, payable in advance. Machines," Subscriptions are required to commence and terminate with a month. .4 lesser period than three months cannot be subscribed for. The company will dispose of their Australian rights for 25,000 dollars, or will grant licences to work the same eight lines, and 3d. per line over eight lines. Signaturei and final words of a paragraph, though only a portion of a line, must be counted as one line. Company's " Immprovements in Wrapping covered by Commonwealth Letters Patent No. 3613, of 13th January, 1912, and " Wrapping Machine," covered by Commonwealth Letters Patent No. 9675, of 4th September, 1907. on a royalty basis of Soo dollars per machine, with a moderate minimum provision. ADVERTISEMENTS are charged at the rate of 3s. up to The COMMONWEALTH GAZETTE is published On SATURDAY Address C /o PHILLIPS, ORMONDE, & CO., patent attorneys and consulting engineers, Lombard Buildings, 17 Queen- street, Melbourne. 78 MORNING in each week, and " Notices for insertion " must be received by the Prime Minister's Department by noon on Thursday preceding the day of publication. fainted and Published for the GOVERNMENT of -the COMMONWEALTH of AUSTRALIA by ALBERT J. Mum err, Government Printer for the State of Victoria.