sustain ability - Griffith Foods


sustain ability - Griffith Foods
s u s ta i n
95 Years of Growth:
1967: Griffith UK
1986: Griffith France
1929: Griffith Canada
1919: Griffith Founded Chicago, Illinois
Date of First Entry into
Griffith Locations
1973: Griffith Belgium
1977: Griffith Germany
1978: Griffith Italy
1982: Griffith Spain
1972: Griffith Japan
2006: Griffith Middle East
1954: Griffith Mexico
Dean L. Griffith
Chairman Emeritus
“And now, Griffith Laboratories
has a bright future…but we must
continue to change to remain
sustainable. So that’s a job you
now have. To reinvent the world as
far as Griffith is involved. The world
moves faster than it ever has, so
you have to move fast. Don’t be
afraid of mistakes, but do your
homework carefully. “
1995: Griffith China
2005: Griffith India
1971: Griffith Costa Rica
1980: Griffith Hong Kong
2001: Griffith Thailand
1976: Griffith Colombia
1992: Griffith Brazil
© 2015 Griffith Laboratories Worldwide, Inc.
01 A Statement From Brian Griffith
04 People
16 Planet
22 Performance
28 India Profile
32 Colombia Profile
35 Awards
36 Continuing the Journey
A Statement From Brian Griffith
Brian L. Griffith
Chairman of the Board
Many of you have heard me tell the story of how
my parents, Dean and Lois, introduced the concept
of Sustainability at Griffith to me as a young child –
that Griffith was “a vehicle for greater good”. Our
Sustainability Platform is born from this powerful idea!
It captures our efforts at “doing good” and enables us
to structure and focus our intent to positively impact
society as a whole. At Griffith, we are seeking to
maximize positive outcomes and responsibly manage
the resources required for our business to excel.
Our Sustainability Framework has given structure and
form to the spirit of Griffith as a “vehicle for greater
good,” and we are committed to become more
intentional and focused on driving positive change
through our “triple bottom line” framework of People,
Planet and Performance. This Platform is not an
initiative, but a mindset to create greater impact inside
and outside our business; to drive profit and create
positive societal impact. We believe passionately that
it is not an either/or proposition. We can both do well
and good.
Our Sustainability Platform is the lens that we look
through to frame our activities, processes and initiatives,
as well as a filter by which we make decisions. This
ensures positive outcomes while maximizing our human
potential, responsibly managing resources and driving
growth for our customers, ourselves and society.
So with this in mind we have organized ourselves to
deliver on the goal of “working for a better tomorrow”
through local, regional and global teams which guide
and accelerate our progress in our Sustainability
Over the past year, I have seen and felt the enthusiasm,
passion and commitment our employees around
the world pour into the Sustainability Platform.
Teams initiated projects to support our employees
and communities, and have inspired environmental
action. Through these activities, we also elevated the
Company’s performance.
Because of your contribution to our Platform, we are
making a very real impact in all areas of our triple
bottom line. Throughout these pages, we highlight the
good work that we’ve done together, and the successes
of units around the world. You will see just a few of the
many accomplishments from 2014. These achievements
are all possible because of your contributions and I
thank you for your outstanding effort in making our
Sustainability Platform real and meaningful.
Together, let’s continue working for a better tomorrow.
Working For A Better Tomorrow
Griffith Laboratories’ Sustainability Platform is founded on caring for
our communities in which we do business, driving responsibility towards
environmental action and operating ethically and strategically to promote longterm sustainability of our Company and the world. We are guided by core values
based on uncompromising integrity and respect for our employees, customers,
suppliers and business partners.
Our culture is built on supporting our employees, their families and associations
that are committed to serving individuals living in our surrounding communities.
As a food company, we feel a special obligation to alleviate hunger and improve
nutrition; we encourage our employees and business partners to be engaged
With locations on four continents, we understand the importance of being good
stewards to our shared planet. Griffith is reinforcing our commitment to that
promise through responsible administration of the Earth’s resources.
Griffith Laboratories’ continued success is directly related to the advancement
of our customers and a strategic approach to business management. We are
dedicated to ethically and responsibly growing our customers’ brands while
maintaining our food safety excellence.
2014 Priorities
This past year was dedicated to building foundational elements of the
Sustainability Platform to position Griffith Laboratories for sustainable success.
This included developing a Sustainability Framework and ensuring our priorities
and activities fulfilled our stakeholders’ expectations, including our most
important stakeholders, our employees.
Griffith’s Sustainability Framework is separated into 18 subcategories, six within
each segment of People, Planet and Performance. Each subcategory provides
direction and opportunities to launch activities that continually help Griffith
become more sustainable. In 2014, activities were completed in all subcategories,
and focused on:
People – Employee Safety; Engaged Employees;
and Community Involvement.
Planet – Solid Waste Reduction; Energy Efficiency;
and Water Conservation.
Griffith Values
Sustainability is interconnected and embedded in our values as an organization.
These values are collective behaviors that define our culture as a Company.
We are proud to be a family company and strive to help each
employee achieve their greatest potential, while encouraging a
successful balance between home and business life.
We think and behave with the passion of an owner. We invest
wisely, take smart risks and always maintain the highest ethical
and moral standards
Recognizing that our success depends on our customers’
success, we work to create value, generating growth and
prosperity for our customers.
We take responsibility for meeting commitments, executing with
excellence, measuring results and rewarding success.
Performance – Griffith & Customer Growth; Company Investment;
and Food Safety.
Additionally in 2014, we evaluated our current state within Sustainability,
establishing baselines for our metrics. Based on these baselines, we can now
track our progress each year to accurately gauge our success or need to evolve.
All of these foundational elements are critical to the long-term success of Griffith
Laboratories’ Sustainability and overall performance.
Thriving on imagination and innovation, we foster an optimistic
spirit that encourages risk-taking and the persistence to realize
our dreams. We always believe the future can be even better.
We act as one across national and organizational boundaries.
We celebrate our cultural and personal differences knowing
that, together, we create a unique source of strength.
Employee Safety
A Statement From Steve Lee
Senior Vice President
Global Human Resources
2015 Priorities
Employee Safety
Engaged Employees
Community Involvement
Our Sustainability Platform begins with
People – the people who work in our
organization, their families and our
communities. Our commitment is focused
on enhancing their wellbeing, supporting
their growth and engagement and
improving lives. Just a few of our many
initiatives are highlighted here.
In 2014, we enhanced global programs to
maximize the wellbeing of our employees
through a culture of safety excellence.
Global units also embraced initiatives
focused on the wellness of employees and
their families through health screening,
programs and support. Additionally, 2014
saw the launch of the Global Employee
Assistance Program based on a state of
the art service delivered by ComPsych,
the world leader in employee support.
Wellbeing also includes personal growth,
so we continued to focus on supporting
employee educational initiatives in
multiple locations.
Engaged employees and families remains
an important goal. We continue to seek
ways to better earn our employees’
commitment through benchmarking
against the best companies and acting on
our employees’ ideas for improvement.
Our commitment to People extends into
and beyond the communities in which
we operate with the aim of improving
the lives of those in need. Throughout
the Griffith world, teams engage with
institutions such as Ronald McDonald
House Charities and many smaller
organizations through countless volunteer
hours and contributions. As a food
company, we maintain a special focus on
feeding the hungry. The highlight of 2014
was our global support of World Food Day
in October, when employees in all Griffith
locations, with the help of our supplierpartners, produced 1.2 million meals to
feed the hungry.
Our Company is committed to the
sustainable growth of People. Thank you
for supporting our People Sustainability
goals in 2014. We look forward to
continuing this journey together.
To help ensure safe working conditions at all Griffith Laboratories facilities, Jim Swanson, Griffith U.S.A.’s
Director of Safety and Security, collaborates with the Global Health & Safety (H&S) Steering Committee
(comprised of global executive leadership) and with local management and safety leaders to develop
worldwide standards of safety measured by regular audits. They address the organization and administration of
safety practices, facility condition and preventative maintenance, how incidents are documented and resolved
and other topics that create a culture of safety.
Griffith’s safety standards provide a global framework that meets, and often exceeds, local standards in the
communities in which our units operate, and establish best practices for safety that all units can follow and
measure their progress against. 2014 marked the first year all global units were audited or participated in a
self-assessment audit. These audits will be used as the baseline for future improvements.
Along with the safety audits, the Global Health and Safety Steering Committee focused on specific areas,
especially mixer safety. Components of mixer safety include installing fail safe switches and updating Lockout/Tag-out (LOTO) procedures. LOTO ensures that every technician or operator attaches a mechanical lock to
which they only have the key. This prevents anyone from accidentally restarting a mixer while a technician is
performing maintenance.
Mixer safety also includes dust explosion prevention programs. These programs include assessment of risks,
techniques to minimize and isolate dust, and training and retraining procedures. Additionally, the 7th Annual
North American Safety Conference, which was held this past October, specifically focused on this topic. To
further enhance and enable H&S efforts, Griffith will establish Regional Executive Health & Safety Committees.
The Regional Committees, comprised of the top regional decision makers and safety leaders, will provide
guidance and direction for H&S activities to the safety leaders in each of our units. The Regional Executive
Safety Committees will work closely with the Global H&S Steering Committee to provide the support that is in
line with our corporate values.
Lock-out/Tag-out procedures stop accidents
Safe working practices define who we are as a
Company, and the growth of our global safety
culture reflects that safety is not a program, but
a fiscally and socially responsible way to conduct
our business. It is everyone’s right to enjoy safe
working conditions and everyone’s responsibility to
participate in our common goal of protecting lives
and preventing injury.
Griffith Belgium’s Results
an de deelnemers zou het programma aanraden
of the participants would recommend the program
werkte het programma succesvol af
of the participants successfully completed the program
slaagde erin om 2 kg te verliezen
succeeded in losing 2 KG
slaagde erin om 5 kg te verliezen
succeeded in losing 5KG
slaagde erin om conditie te verbeteren
succeeded in improving their overall health
slaagde erin om spiermassa te winnen
succeeded in gaining muscle
EU Walking
Builds Culture
Employee health and wellness are important to
Griffith. For that reason, across all of Griffith Europe,
98 employees created 14 teams to participate
in the 100 Day Get the World Moving Global
Corporate Challenge (GCC). The GCC is a low
BENELUX Sales Team holding their prize
impact, pedometer-based workplace intervention
program that encourages increased activity and tracks
results through the Foundation for Chronic Diseases
achievable goals, such as weight loss, stopping
Prevention in the Workplace.
smoking and other overall health targets. After
completing the FitBees challenge, employees had a
As a group, Griffith Europe committed to walking
second medical check. Overall, 33% of participants
at least 10,000 steps per day. An incredible 83% of
lost two kilos, 67% lost five kilos, and 88% saw an
individuals exceeded that mark, walking an average
improvement in their overall condition.
of 13,445 steps each day. In total, Griffith Europe
participants walked 123,550,738 steps, equivalent
But what is the best result? “There was a special
to over 79,000 kilometers. Also as a team, Griffith
atmosphere in the Company during the challenge,”
Europe employees lost a combined 159 kilograms
Veerle Vanvelk, Human Resources Manager Europe –
over the 100 day challenge.
Talent & Organisational Development said. “You could
see people having salads for lunch and challenging
Additionally, 65 Griffith associates in our Herentals,
their team members to get their daily steps
Belgium office participated in the FitBees program,
completed. Now that the challenge is over, groups are
also a walking challenge. Before the program started, still going for walks on breaks and kept the culture of
participants had a medical check so they could set
healthy lifestyles alive.”
Stamps for the
Greater Good
Since 2006, Griffith Japan has been cutting used
stamps from envelopes and collecting them for a
greater good.
The team in Japan has an existing partnership with
the Japan Overseas Christian Medical Cooperative
Service (JOCS), an organization which sends medical
personnel to countries in Africa and Asia to help
communities in need. Griffith Japan employees send
the collected stamps to JOCS, who sells them to
stamp collectors. The collected proceeds are directed
to the organization, which dispatches medical
supplies and staff to the locations where it operates.
Global Employee Assistance Program
Are you looking to purchase a home, take your family
on vacation, or would like to speak with a financial
specialist? Do you just need to talk with someone
about the typical stresses of home and work life?
To help our employees with any type of life event,
Griffith is excited to offer the Global Employee
Assistance Program (EAP) as part of our global
benefits beginning in 2015.
The EAP offers a confidential source of assistance
for employees and their immediate family members
experiencing any type of life event, personal issue, or
family change.
The Global Employee Assistance Program is a free
service, and is being administered by ComPsych®
Corporation, the world’s largest provider of employee
assistance programs and existing provider in the
United States. Your local Human Resources team
has the appropriate contact information, including a
toll-free telephone number for immediate personal
To work directly with ComPsych, call the number
associated with your business unit. A ComPysch
associate will direct you to the best representative
to meet your need. Representatives are available
twenty-four hours every day, seven days each week,
so call at any time. You can also access the services
by visiting
The exact assistance program offered will vary
from unit to unit to match local needs with the
right system, but will generally include services
such as assistance with: emotional health issues,
such as anxiety; your relationships, including with
your spouse, children and coworkers; work-related
and home-life stress counseling; vacation and trip
planning, as well as emergency assistance while
traveling; and, lifestyle changes, such as eating habits
and smoking cessation. The benefit not only includes
coverage for Griffith employees, but also for spouses
and children.
As part of Griffith’s EAP, employees and their families
can receive five face-to-face sessions with an
emotional or grief counselor for any issue or incident.
Employees and their families can meet with another
counselor if any other separate issues occur. The
benefit also includes unlimited telephone access to
a financial planner and/or legal advisors. If you have
specific questions, contact ComPsych or your local
Human Resources manager to learn more.
Some of the many services available to you through EAP:
Health programs
Counseling sessions
Family conflict assistance
Financial planning
Budget management
Savings plans and opportunities
Housing search assistance
Collegiate services
Day care referrals
Supporting Those in Need
As part of Custom Culinary®’s commitment to putting action in Sustainability, the Company has been
supporting Hesed House, a full-service shelter in Aurora, Illinois, for over six years. Hesed House uses a
model called “Comprehensive Homeless Resource Center,” which is a campus-based approach that brings
professionals together to help individuals and families overcome the many obstacles that contribute to
chronic homelessness.
To support this cause, Custom Culinary® participates in events such as sponsoring dinners at the shelter,
hosting hands-on product training, and providing needed kitchen tools from the Lombard, Illinois office.
Additionally, Custom Culinary® was able to donate $4,000 to Hesed House for their HEAT (Hesed
Education and Training) Initiative, which teaches hard and soft skills to the residents of the shelter.
Griffith Costa Rica’s “Chiqui Tour”
Engages Entire Family
Each year, Griffith Costa Rica engages employees’ families with the Chiqui Tour, an educational and fun day
dedicated to introducing children to their parents’ workplace. All departments in the office and plant get involved
by decorating and preparing activities for children to learn about their parent’s profession through talks and
demonstrations. The Health & Safety team also participates to create a safe environment for the kids to tour the
Vacation planning
Identity protection
Passport and Visa assistance
In 2014, 50 children accompanied by their parents participated in the event. After the tour, employees shared their
families mutual excitement, and commented on an increased energy and pride seen among all Griffith associates.
19 Griffith manufacturing
facilities in 13 countries
partnered with more than
50 suppliers worldwide
during the “Produce for
Hunger” initiative
Griffith units to help create and
facilitate relationships with local
and national organizations.
“This has been a global effort
of Griffith employees and its
vendors that has been months in
the planning, and includes countless hours of dedicated volunteer time,” Jeffrey
Klein, President and Chief Executive Officer at GFN said. “To say that we are
thankful and pleased to be working in partnership with Griffith in providing this
wonderful food to hungry people hardly seems adequate. Please know how truly
appreciative we are for Griffith’s creativity and generosity, and the Company’s
huge commitment to those less fortunate among us.”
One Day:
1.2 Million Meals
World hunger is a serious issue and one of great importance to Griffith as part
of the food industry. In an effort to alleviate hunger, on World Food Day 2014
(Oct. 16), all 19 Griffith manufacturing facilities in 13 countries partnered with
more than 50 suppliers worldwide during the “Produce for Hunger” initiative
to support local communities where we operate and conduct business. The
distributed product donations created 1.2 million meals to feed the hungry.
“The business units around the globe really embraced this opportunity from the
start. In a few months, they were able to connect with their local food bank,
identify a meaningful product for donation, work externally to solicit key partners’
support for ingredients, labor, transportation, etc., and internally produce the
donated product,” McCarville said. “Our partners were eager to step up and
join this worthy cause when they saw the linkage to their business. It truly is
motivating to work together to benefit the communities in which we live.”
Griffith donations were sent to 15 food banks, most within the GFN’s network,
as well as local communities in China and Thailand.
“The food banks are excited to have this support so they can efficiently feed
people in need. It really goes to show how a modest effort by everyone can add
up to a significant impact of feeding people who are hungry around the world,”
McCarville stated.
The Global FoodBanking Network is delighted with efforts to support the other
local and national organizations outside of GFN’s network, Klein also stated.
“The Company remains committed to helping those in need, and will continue to
serve local communities,” Brian Griffith, Chairman of Griffith Laboratories said.
“Creating 1.2 million meals with the support and action of our employees on
three continents is an incredible expression of Griffith’s historical and ongoing
commitment to feeding the hungry. This has been such a great testament of what
can be achieved by all of us within Griffith, as well as our supply chain partners,
who provide ingredients, packaging and transportation.”
To continue the positive work,
Griffith will engage in the
Produce for Hunger initiative in
the future, producing food to
feed millions. Each of our manufacturing locations will participate again in 2015,
and the Company will continue to foster and grow relationships to feed people in
The distributed product
donations created 1.2 million
meals to feed the hungry.
John McCarville, Senior Vice President of Global Supply Chain and IT, said it took
a concentrated and committed global effort to successfully produce and distribute To ensure we were able to effectively feed as many individuals in need as possible,
the high volume of donations on World Food Day.
Griffith partnered with The Global FoodBanking Network (GFN). GFN worked with
Food Banks &
Feeding Programs
Food Bank
Feeding Program
South Normanton Area Foodbank
Voedselbank Antwerpen-Mechelen-Turnhout (VBAMT)
North York Harvest Food Bank
Greater Chicago Food Depository
Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio
Bancos de Alimentos Tarragona
Local Community in Qingdao, China
Second Harvest Japan
Atlanta Community Food Bank
Banco de Alimentos de Cáritas de Monterrey, A.C. (BAMTY)
India Food Banking Network
Local Community in Zhongshan, China
Banco de Alimentos del Estado de Hidalgo (BAPACH)
Bangalore Food Bank
Khlong Charoen Raj School
Banco de Alimentos de Costa Rica & Banco de Alimentos de Honduras
Banco de Alimentos de MedellÍn
MBS São Paulo | Coordenaçao
Griffith Mexico Fosters
Education For The Future
Company Values
Many Griffith business units provide educational opportunities and assistance for employees
working toward degrees and certificates that benefit their careers and personal lives. These
programs range from language courses, such as English, Spanish and Portuguese at our
Central and South America units, to financial assistance when earning educational degrees.
Griffith Asia Pacific, with the support of the Region’s president, Eugenio
Torres and each unit’s Managing Director, recently re-launched the Values
Program to coincide with the development of Griffith’s Sustainability Platform.
The re-launch was designed to ignite employee understanding of Griffith’s
Values within Asia Pacific, and to bring the Values to life in the workplace by
encouraging employees to “live” the values every day.
Griffith Mexico, has engaged in a joint venture with the manufacturing labor union C.R.O.C.
at our Monterrey facility, and the Educational Institution for Adult Education (INEA), a
governmental agency, at the Atitalaquia facility. Currently, 26 employees from the Monterrey
facility are enrolled in classes to earn their high school degree. Another seven employees
successfully completed their junior high courses at the Atitalaquia plant. The unit is also
working with the INEA to offer a high school program to those employees.
These classes are ongoing and work on an “Open School” methodology. Students attend
twice each week for two-hour instruction, then study the material on their own. Every
month, a new subject is introduced and evaluations are given to test the students on their
mastery of the material. Each student must attend at least 37 lectures to finish their courses!
Three Values Champions were established to represent the business units in
China, Thailand and Japan. In China, Jane Shi, Senior IT Manager, led the effort;
in Thailand (Southeast Asia), Jennifer Anarna, Marketing Manager; and, in Japan,
Minako Hirose, Marketing Manager, served as the key contacts. Also, Kingman
Yue, VP of Finance and Administration, served as the team’s adviser and guide.
The Values Champions visited units in Mexico and the US, taking their learnings
back to the Griffith offices in Asia. The teams have already begun implementing
the learnings from their trip and are continuously working with management to
more effectively recognize employees who are “living Griffith’s Values.” To do this,
teams are creating more engagement opportunities and activities that directly
align with the Values that form the foundation of the Company. Contact any of
the Values Champions for more information on their execution of the Values ReLaunch.
Along with junior high and high school classes, 18 employees at Griffith Mexico are
participating in English language classes. Classes like these advance our employees’ careers
and help better prepare them and their families for the future.
Griffith Canada:
Zero Landfill
A Statement From John McCarville
John McCarville
Senior Vice President
Global Supply Chain & IT
2015 Priorities
Sustainable Sourcing
In 2014, Planet initiatives focused in the
areas of Solid Waste Reduction, Energy
Efficiency, and Water Conservation. We
established baseline metrics for energy
and water usage and measured the
current levels of recycling and solid
waste to landfill. I want to thank our
Planet leaders at all 19 facilities for your
discipline in completing a full year of
monthly recording to assess our current
levels. Tracking of these target areas is
foundational to accurately gauging future
Along with developing baselines this past
year, 47 manufacturing Sustainability
projects were completed within the
target areas, reinforcing our company-
wide commitment to resource usage
and conservation. We also established a
target of Zero Landfill waste by 2018. We
already have three Zero Landfill locations
and are aggressively working towards this
goal at all others.
Projects in Sustainable Sourcing are
underway to standardize our key spice
ingredients (chilies, peppers, sage). These
projects will verify quality processes and
traceability, contribute to the wellbeing of
the farmer, leverage supplier relationships,
drive efficiency through the supply
chain/ logistics, and ultimately meet the
customer needs. This initiative will be
further developed in 2015.
We are also very proud of the
development of our new Leadership
in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) Certified manufacturing facility in
India, scheduled to become operational
in 2015. The facility is built to ensure
we meet environmental needs of the
community and maintain an eco-friendly
design and operation.
Griffith is committed to the conservation
of the earth’s resources, the effective
sourcing of materials, responsible
operation of our facilities, and mitigating
the impact of waste and emissions. On
behalf of the entire Planet team, we
thank you for being part of a strong
Griffith Laboratories has set a goal to reach Zero Landfill in all manufacturing facilities by the
end of 2018. To achieve this, we need to average a decrease of 33% of materials sent to landfill
each year, beginning in 2015. Some Griffith facilities, like Griffith Canada, have exceeded this
expectation and already achieved Zero Landfill status in the plant.
Griffith Laboratories Canada, located about 25 kilometers northeast of downtown Toronto,
works directly with U-Pak Disposals Ltd., a privately held Canadian-owned and operated waste
disposal and recycling company located in Ontario. U-Pak takes Griffith’s waste materials, sorts
them and recycles what they can. All other materials are sent to Algonquin Power Energy from
Waste (APEFW) for further processing. APEFW is a state-of-the-art alternative energy facility that
incinerates non-recyclable materials, generating steam from the process. This diverts hundreds of
thousands of tonnes from landfills while producing thousands of megawatts of electricity. In fact
last year, the facility produced at least nine megawatts of electricity from the thermal treatment of
waste, enough to power 6,000 homes.
At Griffith Laboratories units around the world, we have been focusing on
ways to reduce our impact on the environment. A key way to accomplish this
is through projects directed toward Energy Conservation. Projects to reduce
our energy usage in 2014 included everything from new air conditioning units
to cool areas more efficiently, to evaluating our manufacturing processes to
minimize the Company’s energy usage through production.
Perhaps the most common project to reduce our energy usage in 2014 has
been through lighting upgrades. In fact, almost 20% of all Griffith Continuous
Improvement (GCI) projects have been focused on lighting, such as installing
LED lights in our China plants or installing new sensors that control lighting in
Spain. Lighting projects have been completed on every continent where Griffith
operates units, including projects in China, Japan, Thailand, Spain, Canada, the
United States, Colombia and Costa Rica.
INNOVA Agriculture
Innova Flavors is the leading manufacturer of Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
(HVP) in the food industry. Vegamine®, Innova’s benchmark HVP for over 50
years, is sourced from soy, corn, wheat or yeast and is the ideal starting point
for applications such as appetizers, soups, gravies, side dishes and more.
The filtering process to produce HVPs, such as Vegamine®, yields a bi-product
known as humin, which is not soluble in water and difficult to breakdown.
Annually, Innova generates about 3.6 million gallons of humin, with portions
being sent to a local farm in Illinois. The farm uses this as a fertilizer source by
adding it into the soil in the Spring and Fall.
Recently, Innova found a second sustainable and energy efficient method for
reducing their bi-product, especially in the winter when the farm cannot use
it in the frozen soil. Along with using humin as a fertilizer, they began to work
with an anaerobic digester (producer of only biogas). The biogas producer
mixes the humin with other organic waste to create methane gas, which is then
turned into electricity. The transformation of humin to an energy source has
yielded enough energy to power 900 residential homes.
Office Sustainability
Action Squad
Griffith USA employees in the Alsip, Illinois office created a new team to
generate Sustainability initiatives throughout the entire facility. The Office
Sustainability Action Squad (OSAS) is a cross-functional group with members
from Product Development, Marketing, Sensory, Engineering, Pricing and other
departments, providing an opportunity to make a real impact in each area of
the office and the plant.
In their first few months, OSAS has already started Sustainability Awareness
campaigns, began a new cafeteria recycling program, distributed ceramic coffee
mugs to decrease the amount of waste from paper cups, and initiated many
other projects to inspire employees and reward participation.
In late 2014, Griffith was officially accepted into the Sustainable Spices Initiative
(SSI) organization. Originally created by the Dutch group “The Sustainable Trade
Initiative,” SSI is now an international consortium of independent companies,
government agencies and other organizations who aim to scale up sustainable
sourcing practices throughout the entire food industry. Griffith is the nineteenth
organization voted into the group, joining companies such as Unilever,
McCormick and Olam.
Griffith’s involvement with SSI allows the Company to participate in existing
projects started by the group, as well as start new projects designed to increase
sustainable sourcing opportunities for heavily used spices and ingredients,
such as sage and black and white pepper. To accomplish this, SSI partners
with the Rainforest Alliance to create standards for pepper, ginger, turmeric,
chilies, vanilla, cloves and cassia. As a member, Griffith will have access to the
standards and tools created by SSI which will improve our sustainable sourcing
practices around the world.
Treating Water On-Site
In Fiscal 2014 and moving forward into 2015, Griffith units around the world are focused on methods
to reduce, recycle and reuse water from their manufacturing facilities. There are two common methods
by which conservation and reduction is achieved: a mechanical solution, which typically involves
equipment or other structures, such as new efficient washing systems or cleaning nozzles; and process
improvements, which relies on evaluating processes, such as water overshoot while cleaning kettles, and
developing a solution to solve identified issues.
At Griffith Mexico’s facility in Monterrey, the team has developed a solution that combines both
mechanical and process methods to reuse the unit’s water by installing their own waste water treatment
plant. This new system will treat water used at the facility, then reuse the treated water as Griffith
Mexico’s irrigation for the facility’s grounds.
This new system yields several benefits, especially decreased water usage. In fact, the new water
treatment plant will result in over 18,000 cubic meters of water savings to the Monterrey aquifer, and an
improvement to the City of Monterrey’s capacity to treat other water sources. Additionally, the plant has
been developed to meet local regulations, as well as possibly more stringent standards in the future.
In 2014, 11 water conservation projects were completed throughout units in Griffith. Through February
2015, Griffith facilities around the world have already completed or started 14 water projects.
A Statement From Drew Bandusky
Drew Bandusky
Senior Vice President
Global Business Performance
2015 Priorities
Wholesome, Innovative Products
Risk Management
Performance is embodied in our Company
Value to “Deliver Results” – both financial
results and in continuing to strengthen
our business for the future. In 2014,
Performance priorities focused on growth,
investment and food safety. During the
year, we made excellent progress against
each of these priorities.
We achieved record net sales in 2014,
marking our fifth consecutive year of sales
growth. This continuous achievement
reflects the strong commitment we
have in serving our customers around
the world. Growth is the engine
for Sustainability, for our customers,
communities and us.
Throughout 2014, we made important
investments with new plants in both India
and Spain. We strengthened our food
safety and quality systems through BRC
certification of our plants and began the
global rollout of our One Griffith ERP
system. Each of these investments helps
to position us for the future.
Fiscal 2014 was a year of successful
financial Performance for Griffith. These
results came not only from our focus on
growing, but also through identifying
and executing Griffith Continuous
Improvement projects and the efficient
management of our costs and working
capital. Your efforts in these areas
exemplify our value to “Behave Like
Owners,” and allows us to invest in the
facilities, equipment, people and programs
that support Sustainable Performance into
the future. This is essential to continue
increasing our positive impact on People
and the Planet.
Fiscal 2015 will be challenging in many
respects, but also full of opportunities.
We have a strong financial foundation,
excellent business momentum and a
talented team that gives us confidence
moving into the new year. I look forward
to working together to continue to deliver
a strong and Sustainable future. Thank
you for all that you do!
BRC Grade A at 17
Griffith Facilities
To guarantee food safety in our manufacturing facilities, Griffith follows
standards as directed by the British Retail Consortium (BRC). The BRC Food
Safety Standard is benchmarked by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI),
an international standard created by the world’s largest retailer and food
manufacturing companies. The standard covers management commitment
to continuous improvement, food safety plans, quality, product and process
control, site standards and personnel practices.
In 2014, Griffith had 17 out of 19 facilities successfully certified as BRC
Grade A. The two locations not certified in India and Brazil are constructing
new facilities and are pending certification. As a food company, food safety
is our top priority, and we will continuously improve to guarantee the safety
of consumers worldwide!
Implementation in USA
In October, Griffith Laboratories USA successfully implemented and launched
Microsoft Dynamics AX, also known as One Griffith ERP. Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) is a software tool that integrates information across an
entire organization to coordinate all internal operational business functions
(purchasing, manufacturing, accounting, etc.), as well as relationships with
external suppliers and customers.
One Griffith ERP replaces multiple systems and processes with one tool,
enabling alignment critical to business success. It will drive efficiency and
consistency, presenting one common face to the business, customers and
suppliers everywhere.
After the successful launch in the US businesses, One Griffith ERP will be
gradually implemented at all units. The specific timeline will be created following
completion of the US implementation using the best practices developed by
Microsoft. One Griffith ERP links our global business and enables the Company
to deliver success in our rapidly evolving industry.
New Investment in Spain
The overall growing consumer need for convenience,
snacking and product customization has led to the
development of new innovative products both in
retail and foodservice. Building on this trend, sauces
and marinades have been among the biggest growth
accelerators and a major focus for Griffith Europe
over the last few years. In 2013, the Company
decided to invest in a new sauces and marinades
facility in the South of Europe, more specifically in
Valls, Spain (near Tarragona).
largely serve the Southern European markets, as well
as potential export markets in Africa and the Middle
East. The sauces facility the Company operates in the
United Kingdom will continue to serve the markets in
the UK and Northern Europe.
The growing capability to produce a wide range of
sauces will allow Griffith Europe to meet the diverse
needs in terms of taste, texture and packaging
requirements for the European markets and
The new plant will gradually generate more sauce
capacity through 2020. By investing in sauces and
marinades in Spain, Griffith Europe will be able to
The new facility in Spain will be operational in April
2016 and has been constructed with the latest
Differentiating a company’s value in a growing
and diversified marketplace is a challenge for
any organization. To show their unique value
and successfully demonstrate Innova Flavors’
contemporary products of meat and savory flavors,
the Innova team created the Flavors worth
remembering™ brand.
The updated brand reinvigorates Innova’s image
with a fresh look that syncs with the tastes of
today’s consumer while highlighting the Company’s
Global Food Safety Council
One of several concept drawings of new facility
manufacturing and food safety regulations and
technologies. Like our new plant in India, this plant
will also be constructed according to LEED principles.
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) is a set of rating systems for the design,
construction, operation, and maintenance of green
buildings, homes and neighborhoods. The plant in
Spain will also be Halal certified.
commitment to long-term evolution and innovation.
With design elements such as the “Flavor Burst,”
which represents the spectrum of customized flavors
offered, Innova’s new message and brand image are
meant to convey a warm, connecting and inviting
feeling while remaining relevant, fresh and modern.
Most importantly, the Flavors worth remembering™
brand is a reminder to have a strong connection and
impact with the customers they serve by creating the
bold and memorable flavor experiences consumers
In 2006, Griffith established the Global Food Safety
of our customers and prepare for our British Retail
Council (GFSC) to lead, implement and manage key
Consortium (BRC) annual certification.
processes that ensure delivery of safe and wholesome
food offerings by the Company.
The GFSC is committed to sharing ideas and
solutions with all units, and gathers each year at
The primary responsibility and mission of the group is an annual summit to exchange best practices and
to standardize and implement food safety and quality review challenges and opportunities as a global
systems practices at every business unit around
team. Additionally, the regional groups meet once
the world. To accomplish this goal, the Food Safety
a month to review their initiatives’ progress. Every
Council is comprised of a 20 person team of global
manufacturing location is represented in the team to
and regional multi-functional employees that have
ensure holistic implementation and application.
direct and indirect quality responsibilities.
Among the team’s initiatives in Fiscal Year 2014,
The team is also responsible for coordinating
the Global Food Safety Council focused on growing
proactive annual internal audits on Food Safety,
Griffith’s Food Safety Culture by highlighting every
Quality Systems, Operational Practices, Food Defense employee’s role in food safety through engagement
and Formula Security. Audits are conducted by our
and exposure. This included senior management
external partner, DNV, a consulting firm certified by
participation in audits and “Food Safety Weeks.”
the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). By completing Additionally, the GFSC supports Global Regulatory,
these audits each year, Griffith is better prepared
Quality Control, Quality Systems, and Supply Chain
to meet the evolving standards and expectations
teams through cross-functional programs that further
Global Food Safety Council Team with
Engineering Team
highlight the role all employees have in food safety.
Food safety will always be among the highest
priorities for Griffith. In 2015, the Global Food Safety
Council remains committed to enhancing Griffith’s
Food Safety Culture through continued employee
engagement and communication, as well as activities
in sanitary design, food safety regulations and foreign
material control.
Griffith’s Range of Products
Profile Spotlights
In the next section of Our Journey, we take the opportunity to introduce Griffith
employees to their colleagues in two units, India and Colombia, and the
incredible accomplishments at each unit. Both groups showcase integration
of the entire Sustainability Platform into their everyday lives and the impact
achieved through this work.
Each year, we will feature different units and their progress in achieving
Sustainability, as well as the best practices and ideas that lead to success. We
are all excited to see which unit will be showcased next year!
As you know, for Sustainability to truly affect an organization and the world,
actions and results are required in all three of our categories: People, Planet
and Performance. All Griffith units around the world are doing exactly that, and
we are proud of these efforts.
B ak
ery & Dough Blends
to the three food banks in Delhi, providing 11,000
meals to the hungry.
Opening ceremony for Bangalore Food Bank
India Profile
Griffith Laboratories India has been a company front-runner in implementing
all three areas of Griffith’s Sustainability Platform. The business unit based in
Bangalore has created new methods to feed the hungry, is building facilities
that are both high-capacity and energy efficient, and has been a leader in
sustainably sourced ingredients that meet both environmental and human
Fact Sheet
Location: Bangalore
History/Year Founded: 2005
President: Shyam Mohan
Flavoring Systems (Rubs, Glazes, Marinades), Seasonings, Bases,
Sauces (Dry Mix & Paste Concentrates), and Coating & Breadings
The Bangalore
Food Bank
Through the leadership of Mr. Shyam Mohan,
Griffith India Middle East’s president, the unit
stepped forward to create the first food bank in
India outside of the Delhi Metro Area. The Bangalore
Food Bank, officially named “The Feeding Bangalore
Foundation,” was launched on October 16 in
celebration of the 2014 World Food Day. The new
food bank is part of the India FoodBanking Network
(IFBN), the India affiliate of The Global FoodBanking
Network (GFN), the same group with which Griffith
partners to serve communities around the world.
In further celebration of the launch, Griffith produced
1,100 kilograms of kichdi, a locally inspired porridge
that uses the flavors and tastes of the region.
Five hundred kilograms was given directly to the
Bangalore Food Bank, and 600 kilograms were sent
The Bangalore Food Bank will continue to grow,
building city-wide awareness, capturing surplus food
for distribution, improving delivery of food to those
in need and building new programs to serve more
“We are working closely with GFN to reinforce
global best practices for food bank creation and
development,” Shyam said. “Our team wants this to
be a catalyst to spur the movement to end hunger
and see more food banks become successful through
this design and concept.”
New India
Facility LEED
of Bangalore, will continue with the same capabilities
as the current facility but will increase the capacity to
serve the area and continue to grow the Company’s
presence in the expanding region. Additionally,
the new facility was designed and built to be LEED
Certified by the US Green Building Council.
Griffith India will also achieve the Indian Green
Building Council (IGBC) Green Factory Building
Certification, which focuses on local regulations and
India’s national priorities for green buildings, such as
water conservation, handling of waste and reduced
use of fossil fuels, among others. After the plant is
operational, we expect to be fully certified under both
To ensure successful LEED and IGBC Certifications,
Griffith is partnering with Godrej & Boyce MFG. Co.
Ltd. to guide the Company through the process. After
the building is complete, Godrej & Boyce will prepare
a final report to detail Griffith India’s progress against
both certifications.
How do you meet emerging demands in growing
parts of the world while focusing on more
environmentally friendly methods of manufacturing?
The team at Griffith India is accomodating this
growth through a new facility scheduled to launch in
mid 2015.
Griffith’s newest manufacturing plant, located outside
New facility under construction
Sustainable Sourcing
Griffith India continues to lead the development of sustainably sourced, highquality peppers, and has been a pioneer in the Griffith Sustainably Sourced (GSS)
program, formerly Griffith Quality Assured. GSS is a strategic sourcing program
that targets farm-level integration to help farmers improve their production while
enabling the Company to trace the produce and raw materials in Griffith’s product
from their beginning. This tracing also consolidates shipments, reduces incidences
of stock shortages, and guarantees the quality of finished products.
Griffith India’s IPM Chili Project has been a key success of the GSS program.
The Company is looking to continuously increase the amount of peppers which
meet GSS standards in 2015. The program currently includes 91 farmers who
cultivate and grow the peppers under the direction of Griffith’s field staff of four
The GSS program in India continues to grow and evolve with our Sustainability
Platform. For instance, Griffith India recently signed an agreement with the
Rainforest Alliance for audit and certification of the IPM Chili project for the 20142015 fiscal year. We will continue to work with local organizations and farmers to
accomplish even more through these efforts.
Colombia Profile
Griffith Colombia is a prime example of what it means to truly live
sustainability. Our team in Central and South America has made great strides
in all phases of Sustainability, and continues to inspire employees and their
families to do more to benefit People, Planet and the Company’s Performance.
Fact Sheet
Location: Marinilla / Antioquia
History/Year Founded: 1976
General Manager: Oscar Patiño
Protein Seasonings, Functional Ingredients, Snack Seasonings,
Breading and Coating Systems, Sauces, Liquids, Dry Mixes (sweet
and savory) and Beverages.
Griffith Colombia has an R&D Center, Culinary Center, Pilot Plants
for each Category and a Sensory Room.
Caring for the
Whole Person
Taking care of Griffith associates means more than providing a healthy
workplace; it means helping to better employees’ lives personally and
professionally while supporting the community. To ensure necessary resources for
employees to maintain physical and emotional health, Griffith Colombia offers
many health programs. Along with on-the-job safety programs, such as hazard
identification and risk assessment training, employees can meet with family
psychologists, and have access to medical evaluations.
Several educational opportunities are also available to help Griffith Colombia
employees achieve personal and professional goals. Some of these programs
include: High School Diploma; Associates and/or Bachelor Degree programs;
Master’s Degrees, Specializations, Doctoral Degrees; and several other certificate
and vocational programs to strengthen the skills of the employees. Along with
these programs, Griffith Colombia offers employees the ability to improve their
communication proficiency in English, Spanish or Portuguese so they can better
interact with customers, suppliers and peers throughout all of Central and South
Food Banking
Griffith Colombia has supported SACIAR Foundation (member of The Global
FoodBanking Network) for many years by donating food and providing volunteers
during work hours in Medellin. Through this effort, SACIAR Foundation has been
able to serve about 38,000 individuals in need throughout Colombia thanks to
product and financial donations.
To provide further benefit to SACIAR, the Griffith Colombia R&D team has helped
the organization to develop Nutriamor®, a powdered nutritional supplement that
uses abundant and surplus green banana flour as a base. Nutriamor® provides
necessary but scarce vitamins and minerals and is used to nourish hungry people,
especially children, pregnant mothers and the elderly. Griffith Colombia is also
donating raw materials for this product, helping individuals in need to receive
much of their daily nutritional requirements.
Giving Back to
the Earth
To contribute to the conservation of water resources,
a primary objective of Griffith Laboratories around the
world, Griffith Colombia began establishing programs
and goals in 2012 with the Water Footprint Project.
The main objective was to identify the environmental
impacts associated with the use of water in plant
operations and to understand how to minimize them.
After evaluating everyone’s carbon footprint,
Griffith Colombia made the decision to take
action and return natural resources to the
planet we share. To do this, every member of
the Company planted nine trees, raising the
funds through recycling material brought from
their homes, reinforcing and building a recycling
culture within the facility. All trees were planted
near the head of the La Cascajo Creek, the
water source for the facility. Therefore, Griffith is
directly contributing to and protecting the most
used natural resource.
A primary goal for our Company has always been the
proper management of generated solid waste. For
that reason, Griffith Colombia has been working to
build a company culture that looks for strategies to
reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. In 2014,
they successfully recycled 60% of the waste generated,
achieving a sizeable decrease in the environmental
impact associated with landfill. This constitutes an
increase of 33% in recycling since 2011, demonstrating
the strides made to positive environmental
management practices. In 2015, they will continue this
trend and increase recycling efforts by an additional
5%. Like all other units, they aspire to the goal to be
Zero Landfill by 2018.
The results of the project have been outstanding!
Since 2011, Griffith Colombia has been able to reduce
our water consumption by 66%. In fact, every year, the
unit has seen a larger reduction in water usage than
the prior year, with a 35% reduction in consumption
between 2013 and 2014. In 2015, Griffith Colombia’s
goal is to use less than 0.85 cubic meters per
produced ton.
Griffith’s facility in Colombia is committed to
evaluating Griffith’s impact on the environment and
coming up with solutions that all of their employees
can follow. Because personal culture affects this
progress, they decided to measure the carbon
footprint of each of employee, and then invited them
to participate in a program to contribute back to the
Solid Waste
New trees planted near La Cascajo Creek
Griffith Laboratories earned many awards from customers
due to outstanding service and development of innovative
solutions to many complex issues. In 2014, after the
official launch of our Sustainability Platform, we began
receiving a different type of award: those given to
organizations with outstanding service in humanitarian
and environmental efforts.
Griffith’s VP of McDonald’s North America, Paul Huebener accepts the 2014
KEYSTAR® Corporate Social Responsibility Award on behalf of Griffith USA.
Griffith’s YUM! Southeast Asia team
showcasing awards received in 2013
and 2014.
Griffith USA received the 2014 KEYSTAR® Corporate
Social Responsibility Supplier Award from Keystone
Foods for the inaugural Produce for Hunger event, as
well as Griffith’s Benedictine Educational Program. The
Benedictine University On-Site Degree Program enables
employees at Griffith USA in Alsip, Illinois to participate
in on-site courses that will lead to an Associate’s
Degree. Keystone Foods provides some of the world’s
finest consumer brands with high-quality, fresh and
frozen animal protein products, making this Sustainable
partnership even more impactful.
Our unit in Thailand also made great strides in 2014 for
awards recognizing Sustainability. Griffith Laboratories
Ltd. was given the World Hunger Relief Big Heart Award
from YUM! for their activities to fight hunger in Southeast
Asia. Along with the Sustainability award, the group also
received the Cost Excellence Award, the Achievement
Award and the Chef Council Award from YUM!.
Our Journey Continues
As you can see in this collection of stories from our Sustainability
journey, we are making an impact on the communities and the people
we serve, the planet on which we live, and the performance of our
Our time for action is now and we have great opportunities before us
to make a difference at work, in our communities and on the planet.
Each of us has a role to play as we continue our Sustainability journey
at Griffith. We can all make a difference in our own way. As you think
about our business, your role and how we can contribute toward our
Sustainability Platform, I encourage each of you to ask “What if I…?”
and answer that question with, “I will…!”
Thank you for everything you do to grow our culture of Sustainability!
As Dean always says – “The best is yet to come!”
Brian L. Griffith
2015 Priorities
Employee Safety
Engaged Employees
Community Involvement
Sustainable Sourcing
Wholesome, Innovative Products
Risk Management
In 2015, we will continue to build on our progress by focusing
on six areas of our Sustainability Framework. These key areas
were selected through a materiality assessment that aligns our
activities with our stakeholders’ interests, our ability to create
positive impact, and the magnitude of the existing gap.