2015-16 douglas county snowmobile and winter atv trails
2015-16 douglas county snowmobile and winter atv trails
y nt ou City of Superior iC Tr 9 2 6000 2400 P 8400 10800 XX 5 235 10400 10000 9600 City of Duluth 12 15 4800 13 12400 License Purchase Site 1600 5200 12000 34 11600 2015-16 DOUGLAS COUNTY SNOWMOBILE AND WINTER ATV TRAILS 6800 U Ga ssu Ussee C an nd um mm Caauut dy mer tiio y D er f onn- D fllooo -TTra a odd. raiil an . HHe l uun nc cer eeed ndder e d w er re r T waar rep Tr rnnin paair ra ing ir fr aiil g si froom l sign m gns s 7600 6400 6400 4 7600 7600 77 Bennett 8800 Dusk to Resident Resident and and Non Non Resident ResidentTrail Trail Pass Pass Required Required Dawn 55 mph 10000 10000 DNR Brule 6250 S. Ranger Rd., Brule 715-372-4866 10400 10400 Jacks Fast Food 5701 Tower Ave., Superior 715-392-4222 47 10800 10800 The Tradin Post 14494 S. Packer Ave., Gordon 11200 11200 715-376-2256 715-394-7727 Sportsman Choice 14494 14494S. S.Packer PackerAve., Ave., Gordon Gordon 715-376-2256 715-376-2256 12000 12000 St., Superior 721 Belknap 715-394-6077 ICO ICOConvenience ConveniencePlus Plus 5956 5956Tower TowerAve., Ave.,Superior Superior 715-394-7727 715-394-7727 43 43 Bait 12400 12400 14 miles 17 miles Box 3731 E 2nd St., Superior 715-398-3554 9 Choice Sportsman SportsmanChoice 721 721Belknap BelknapSt., St.,Superior Superior 715-394-6077 715-394-6077 12800 12800Hardware Poplar 9693 US Hwy 2, Poplar 715-364-2563 Bait BaitBox Box 3731 3731EE2nd 2ndSt., St.,Superior Superior 715-398-3554 715-398-3554 935 935 St. Croix River Lanes 14378 Hwy 53., Gordon 715-376-2699 Poplar PoplarHardware Hardware Ditch DitchRide Ride No NoATV’s ATV’s Dusk Dusk to to Dawn Dawn 55 55 mph mph 935 99 47 47 12400 Call Callfor forGas Gas Availability Availability and andHours Hours 12800 P 13200 13600 541 55 73 47 47 54 (see insert map) (see insert map) 27 PP 4 4Lake Nebagamon 5800 5800 44 22 6000 6000 635 IronRiver River8 8miles miles Iron 6400 6400 2424 55 6800 6800 27A 2727 7200 7200 7600 7600 17 27 9600 55 55 Solon 10000 Springs 8000 8000 1818 8400 8400 35 7 (see insert map) 2 1818 8800 8800 9200 9200 27C 35 35 10800 70 35 7 11200 1160027A 41 41 P 78 Solon Solon Springs Springs 12400 (see (seeinsert insertmap) map) 73 a. 5 27C 27C 70 70 Gordon P 87 XX X X X X 83 X 74 X 73 73 XX 13200 35 35 217 41 7 7 Solon Springs 27B 217 11200 11200 27C 70 77 35 XX 80 72 78 78 79 X 541 XX 14000 7 10800 10800 Barnes Barnes 2 2miles miles 79 12000 12000 Drummond Drummond 2020miles miles P 73 X 12400 12400 78 1717 12800 7777 12800 81 a. 5 77 11600 11600 7 74 13600 PP 10400 10400 (see insert map) 217 77 27 10000 10000 17 77 12800 1717 9600 9600 Barnes 2 27 miles 27 Drummond 20 miles 12000 27A 27 27 41 27A 541 a. Brule Brule 4 LakeNebagamon Nebagamon9200 Bennett Lake 635 635 (seeInsert Insertmap) map) (see 27B 5200 5200 18 8800 54 54 4400 4400 10400 9 Moose Junction 6 (see Insert map) 8400 3232 4800 4800 52 Hawthorne 2 4000 4000 34 34 4 22 51 18 44 52 52 3200 3200 4 7600 44 24 24 8000 27B 27B 47 55 Maple Maple 24 24 11 3600 3600 24 6800 27 2800 2800 Maple or ty Corrid n u o C i r T 29 635 6400 Poplar 22 25 27 28 23 2 27 yCCo7200 rr oo rid rrrid o tyt nn u u oo 35 ririCC TT 44 7 Moose MooseJunction Junction 14000 54 Iron River 8 miles 44 47 78 2400 2400 6000 4 41 Call for Gas Availability and Hours 27C 12000 43 (see insert map) P 24 24 27 27 Solon Springs 27B 6 (see insert map) 51 51 Bennett Bennett Ditch Ride27A No ATV’s Dusk to Dawn 70 5535 mph 11600 Duxbury 13200 13200 4 41 41 Plantation Rd. Gandy Dancer Dancer Trail Trail Gandy 11600 5956 Tower 11600Ave., Superior The TheTradin TradinPost Post 11200 Moose Junction ICO Convenience Plus 5701 5701Tower TowerAve., Ave.,Superior Superior 715-392-4222 715-392-4222 Amnicon Lake P 1200 1200 1600 1600 66 10800 24 miles Jacks JacksFast FastFood Food 24 mile miless 24 unction 715-372-4866 715-372-4866 Nickerson 14 14 miles miles Nickerson Douquette 17 17 miles miles Douquette 1401 Tower Ave., Superior 715-392-7988 35 Hawthorne Hawthorne 44 4800 21 2 29 29 3 41 10000 Nickerson Douquette DNR Superior Service 9600 9600 Center 935 6250 6250S. S.Ranger RangerRd., Rd.,Brule Brule 1 2 4 2000 2000 Poplar 28 Poplar 28 23 23 22 25 27 22 25 27 Amnicon AmniconLake Lake Call for Gas Availability 41 10400 and Hours Gandy Dancer Trail Other WI License 9200 9200 Purchase Site Superior Call forDNR Gas DNR SuperiorService Service Center Center Availability 1401 1401Tower TowerAve., Ave.,Superior Superior 715-392-7988 715-392-7988 and HoursDNR DNRBrule Brule 55 Brule PortWing Wing 1414miles miles Port (see insert m 800 800 Herbster 26 miles Herbster 26 miles 12400 12400 4 4400 BruleNebagamon 5800 Lake 4 8 22 11 9 47 44 8800 8800 Purchase Purchase Site Site 41 35 9600 21 21 22 88 41 41 10400 10400 5200 4 Bennett 4 PP 4 XX 52 35 35 9200 8400 8400 9 47Other Other WI WILicense License X XXX 33 Resident and 43 Non Resident Trail Pass Required 43 8000 8000 Ride ATV’s 55 635 P 44 43 8000 Ditch Ride No ATV’s8400 G 6800 6800 4 2 54 (see Insert map) 7 10000 10000 51 4 Lake Nebagamon 41 235 32 10800 10800 9600 9600 400 400 12800 12800 Plantation Rd. 4 7200 4 5 9200 9200 Hawthorne 4 235 235 6 52 8800 8800 2 13200 13200 11200 4000 11200 il Tra ers Riv 43 43 Hawthorne 35 8400 8400 8000 8000 14400 14000 14400 14000 13600 13600 12000 12000 11600 11600 MNTrail TrailPass Pass MN 4 35 35 Lake 7600 7600 7200 7200 il Trraail erss T Rivver illdd Ri W Wi 41 4 3600 (see Insert map) 51 6800 6000 6000 7200 7200 4 PP 24 34 22 24 43 24 License License Purchase Site Purchase Site ld Wi 35 6400 Ca H ee UUseseC rerflfl oodo.d.H ummme susm 5800 5800 Lake MooseAmnicon Lake 27 27 miles miles Moose Lake Barnum 26 miles miles Barnum 26 Bemidji 155 miles miles Bemidji 155 22 24 PP ee m dAmnicon Grraead o om rssG airfrfr r e apir e p r d e r d n e r d n e u nsns ig dn u u s n a ig u s g il a S a g il in r S uatiutiono-nT-rTa ededwwaranrinn Moose Lake 27 miles 82 2 Barnum 26 miles 5200 5200 Bemidji 155 miles 3 3 6000 4800 4800 1 1 er summ 2 6400 6400 P ParkingLot Lot Parking WarmingShack/ Shack/ Warming RestStop Stop Rest P 6000 6000 2 SponsoringAssociation Association Sponsoring Members Members Plantation Rd. 5200 dent Trail 2Pass Required 41 20 20 2 5600 5600 99 16 r Corrido y t n u o C T 1ri 3200 RoadRoutes Routes7200 Road 29 GasStops Stops Gas 18 2 Poplar 6800 Maple 6800 17 17 23 22 35 22 r25 10 10 adefro27 m G s r r i 18 18 repa igns nde 29 under s ridor Sau -Trail d warning 8unty Cor n o i t u e a o e C C H 16 e i . s 16 r U T flood 19 PP 19 17 22 2576002800 27 6800 Plantation Rd. Plantation Rd. G P 4800 5200 5200 28 G a U a su se C n m au d m ti y er on D f l o -T a od rai n .H lu c ee nd e d er r wa re T rn pa ra in ir g fro il si m gn s 1600 1600 66 2220 Trail&&Corridor CorridorNumbers Numbers Trail l 4400 e rad Superior Superior 28 28 XXXX XX XX 4800 4800 13 13 6400 2TRAIL 10 SNOWMOBILE TRAILONLY ONLY(no (noATVs) ATVs) 19 P SNOWMOBILE i Tra 66 66 4400 4400 10800 Snowmobileand andWinter WinterATV ATVTrails Trails Snowmobile ers Riv 4000 4000 4 1200 1200 1600 G all h ns City of PPWreCity of 4000 00 4400 4400 12 12 15 15 21 4 ee raadd r G G 41 aall l sshh n n e 5800 Wrre W 3600 3600 Wrenshall miles Wrenshall 77 miles 43 Carlton 10 miles miles Carlton 10 4 Duluth 24 miles miles Duluth 24 N. Shore Shore Tr. Tr. 68 68 miles miles N. 2800 2800 4000 4000 2400 2400 2 il Tra ers Riv ld Wi 3200 3200 7 P 800 800 1200 2000 2000 Stay On Trails 400 400 800 City of of City Duluth 3600 Duluth XX 3600 3600 3200 3200 400 3200 Wrenshall 7 miles Carlton 10 miles Duluth 24 miles N. Shore Tr. 68 miles 00 2800 2800 0 28 orr id o rrrid Coor yC ntty ouun i CCo TTrri 35 11200 5600 ld Wi 0 2800 P 235 City of Superior MN Trail Pass 2000 or id rr Co 2 43 5 2 y nt ou Stay On Trails 16 21 2400 P 10400 6000 10000 TheNorthwest NorthwestTrails TrailsAssociation AssociationofofDouglas DouglasCounty Countyassumes assumesno noliability liability astototrails, trails,machines, machines,oror9 individuals.Please Pleaserespect respectprivate privateand and notraspassing traspassingsigns. signs. Donot notoperate operatesnowmobiles snowmobiles onhighways. highways.Use Useextreme extreme Poplar The as individuals. no on 8400 Do Maple 28 8800 9600 9200 caution on lakes and streams. Speeding on the trails is extremely dangerous to you and to others. Travel the trails in a safe and sane manner. Happy snowmobiling! 8000 caution on lakes and streams. Speeding on the trails is extremely dangerous to you and to others. and sane manner. Happy snowmobiling! 23 Travel the trails in a safe ed wa aution10 Use C r flood. He e 18 summ NOTE:AAsincere sincereeffort efforthas hasbeen been NOTE: madeto toproduce producean anaccurate accurateand and made up-to-date map. map. However, However, with with up-to-date the various various sources sources we we have have toto the rely on, on, no no guarantee guarantee can can be be rely made. All All voluntary voluntary input input for for made. updating our our next next edition edition will will be be updating acceptedwith withgratitude. gratitude. accepted 7600 7200 or id 2 35 9200 2000 iC Tr rr Co der under repagir signs Saun -Trail17 rnin 2 P 19 de s Gra from 8800 su e C n m au d m ti y er on D flo -T a od rai n .H lu c ee nd e d er r wa re T rn pa ra in ir g fro il si m gn s 66 6400 8000 Us P 5600 accepted with gratitude. 13200 13200 217 217 XX XX 74 X 13600 13600 Duxbury Duxbury Superior Shooter Supply 14378 14378Hwy Hwy53., 53.,Gordon Gordon 715-376-2699 715-376-2699 3705 3705Tower TowerAve., Ave.,Superior Superior 715-392-6060 715-392-6060 3015 3015Tower TowerAve., Ave.,Superior Superior 715-394-6661 715-394-6661 151 16000 16000 16400 16400 16800 16800 00 400 400 800 800 Gandy Dancer Tr ail Gan andy dy Da Danc G ncer er Tr Trai aill 2111 2111Tower TowerAve., Ave.,Superior Superior 715-394-5756 715-394-5756 15600 15600 1200 1200 2000 2000 1600 1600 151 2800 2800 45 45 4800 4800 5200 5200 5600 5600 6000 6000 6400 6400 Corridor 8 151 6800 6800 7200 7200 39 45 4 64 Webb Webb Lake Lake 33 27B 41 41 41 CITY OF SUPERIOR AMNICON FALL MAPLE • POPLAR 21. Charlie’s Riverside 22. Poplar Hardware 23. Krawczyk Pump Service 24. Gravel Pit Tavern 25. Poplar Building Products 27. Poplar Auto Refinishing, Inc. 28. Olson Auto Repair 29. Nelson’s Speed Stop 9600 9600 10000 10000 10400 10400 10800 10800 11200 11200 11600 11600 15200 15200 15600 15600 6767 35 38 38 2 A 422 27A 2 39 39 35 35 33 39 27 27 FF 6 7171 35 6969 27 3535 63 27C 27C P 4 2 33 6363 635 6161 53 S BRULE 5353 DAIRYLAND 46. Hillside Inn 47. Moose Junction Lounge HAWTHORNE • LAKE NEBAGAMON LAKE MINNESUING 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 58. Covered Wagon Roadhouse Bar & BP Mart Bridge’s Indianhead Tavern Hanco Utilities Sideline’s Bar & Bait & Resort Waterfront Bar & Grill FOR TRAIL CONDITIONS 1-800-942-5313 CONDITIONS CALL CALL 1-800-942-5313 SOLON SPRINGS 61. 62. 63. 64. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. St. Croix Inn Soft Pines Resort The Villiage Pump JT’s One Stop Higgin’s Lakeview Lodge Solon Springs Auto Parts & Machine Shop Swanson’s Motel & Cabins Paul’s Pour House Solon Springs Mercantile SS 635 P 35 27C NW NW NE NE GORDON 72. Clearwater Resort 73. North Shore Resort 74. J & K Halfway House 75. Nelson Lake Landing 77. P.J.’s Cabin Store 78. Poodle Inn 79. M&M’s Y-Go-By 80. Buckhorn Bar & Grill Superior Superior• •Amnicon AmniconLake Lake Brule • Hawthorne Brule • Hawthorne WASCOTT 81. McNamara’s Bar & Restaurant 82.Richie’s 83. North View Campground 85.Stop-A-Sec 86. Circle Pines Bar & Grill 87. The Lookout 88. View Point Lodge 89. Crystal Lake Campground & Bar 90. The Golden Chipmunk 91. Bootleggers 93. Gruzy’s Italian Beef House & Pub SE SE SW SW 58 B&P 61 63 69 69 27A A 27C 27C 30. Brule Cenex Convenience Store 32. Makela Excavating & Bulldozing 33. Twin Gables Cafe & Lounge 34. Jack’s Hungry Trout Inn 35. Kro-Bar & Grill 38. Round Up North Saloon & Restaurant 39. Brule River Motel Riverhouse Restaurant 27B 54 68 PP 35 35 5858 635 635 68 30 27 71 64 61 66 35 B&P B&P 41 75 62 6 66 A AA 6868 30 27A 27A F 54 3827B 6464 27B 71 4B&P 27B 64 58 6 miles 67 5454 41 30 33 33 30 Corridor 8 Solon Springs 6262 6 4141 44 12000 12000 12400 12400 12800 12800 13200 13200 13600 14400 13600 14000 14000 14400 75 66miles 67 miles 1 69 45 9. Kwik Trip 10. President’s 12. Hammond Steak House Amnicon Bar 13. Barker’s Island Inn Amnicon Acres RV Park & Campground 15. Mac Sports Dee’s Pub on the Curve 16. Eddie’s Supper Club Four Corners 17.Grumpy’s Checkerboard Bar 18. Gronk’s Grill & Bar Drifters Bar 19. Birds Bar Kopper Kettle 20. Borders Sports Bar & Grill 61 63 27 9200 9200 27A 3968Webb Lake 35 30 35 8800 8800 Lake Nebagamon 38 44 4 71 8400 8400 93 Corridor 88 Corridor 62 67 8000 8000 22 151 41 7600 7600 3535 Webb Lake 102 14800 14800 16000 16000 93 93 6 miles 11 2 38 45 45 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 4400 4400 35 Danbury 102 102 41 4000 4000 1 2 AMNICON LAKE TOWN OF SUMMIT PARKLAND • SOUTH RANGE 3600 3600 118 118 93 151 151 4 ebb Lake 3200 3200 Brule River Area 2 Danbury Danbury 2400 2400 151 151 1 14400 14400 16400 16400 43 43 43 14000 14000 Wild Rivers Rivers Trail Trail Wild 4827 4827EE2nd 2ndSt., St.,Superior Superior 715-398-6306 715-398-6306 13600 13600 a. a. Wild Rivers Trail 14400 14400 15200 15200 9547 9547E. E.Cty CtyRd RdY., Y.,Gordon Gordon 715-376-2299 715-376-2299 217 14000 14000 14800 14800 1814 1814Belknap BelknapSt., St.,Superior Superior 715-392-9838 715-392-9838 41 Wild Rivers Trail 1705 1705Winter WinterSt., St.,Superior Superior 715-394-4982 715-394-4982 Gordon P 87 Wild Rivers Trail 1 X X Gordon 217 55 P X St. 9 St.Croix CroixRiver RiverLanes Lanes 87 7272 14400 74 79 930 74 79 14400 541 541 1705 Winter St., Superior X X X 41 X X X XX XXXX 715-394-4982 81 5 83 XX 80 5 X 83 XX X X X X 41 XX 80 Gordon 81 Gordon Superior XX SuperiorShooter Shooter X 35 X Northwest Outlet 21 7 P 21 X 7 Dairyland P Supply 9 87 Supply 9 87 XX 14800 X 14800 1814 Belknap St., Superior X X Wascott X X 3 X X 715-392-9838 X X X X 41 X XX XXXXXXXX 41 X 17 81 41 83 55 X 80 X 81 83 X X 80 89 41 X X X DNR Gordon Ranger Northwest Outlet XX Northwest Outlet XX 43 X XX 15200 15200 Station X X X X 5A 930 XXX XX X 9547 E. Cty Rd Y., Gordon 17 86 17 41 X X 41 X 715-376-2299 X 925DNR X DNRGordon GordonRanger Ranger 43 X 90 43 XX 35 35 Station Station Dairyland 930 XX X 930 Holiday Station 229 15600 Wascott 15600 Wascott X 3 3 4827 E 2nd St., Superior 85 XX X 35 715-398-6306 35 89 82 89 Dairyland XX 5 Dairyland XX Holiday 91 X HolidayStation Station229 229 Wascott Wascott 41 P 5A33 Holiday Station 5A 16000 X X X 16000 89 Dairy 86 89 86 45 Store 111 925 X X 90 88 X 90 9 5A Holiday Station 2111 Tower Ave., Superior 5A Holiday Station 41 to Hayward XX 86 86 90 Store 715-394-5756 925 X Store111 111 X X 925 85 85 90 16400 4000 totoHayward 2000 2400 2800 400 800 1200 1600 3200 3600 4400 4800 5200 Hayward 56005 6000 6400 6800 7200 8000 8400 8800 9200 9600 10000 11200 11600 12000 12400 12800 13200 13600 14000 16400 10400 10800 82 7600 82 Walmart Store 1447 X 91 X X 8 85 91 41 85 X P 41 X X 3705 Tower Ave., Superior 82 46 XX P XXX X 55 835 82 8 8 XX Walmart 91 Dairy Minong 4 miles WalmartStore Store1447 1447 91 41 45 715-392-6060 151 X X PP 414 Seasons Area X X 925 88 X X 9 835 835 X 88 Dairy 41 88 16800 45 Dairy 9 118 Kmart 7206 3 miles to6 miles 45 41 XX3 3miles Corridor 8 8400 88 93 41 9 milestoto 12000 124 41 2000 2400 2800 1600 0 400 800 1200 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6400 6800 7200 8000 8800 9200 9600 10000 Kmart 7206 10400 10800 11200 11600 3015 Tower Ave., Superior X 7600 Kmart 7206 X 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6400 6800 7200 8000 8400 8800 9200 9600 10000 10400 10800 11200 11600 12000 12400 12800 13200 Nelson Lake 14400 13600 14000 X 8 7600 Nelson 8 8 NelsonLake 715-394-6661 Lake 46 4 Seasons Area Minong 4 miles 46 X 151 X 925 46 4 Seasons Area X Minong 4 miles 4 Seasons Area Minong 4 miles 4 Seasons Area Minong 4 miles 151 925 151 925 75 118 62 9693 9693US USHwy Hwy2,2,Poplar Poplar 715-364-2563 715-364-2563 DANBURY 102. Log Cabin Store & Eatery Solon SolonSprings Springs• •Wascott Wascott Dairyland • Cozy Corner Dairyland • Cozy Corner CALENDAR OF EVENTS FEBRUARY AUGUST First Saturday Third Sunday Get-ER-Done Club Brule River Riders North Shore Resort Fishing Contest Club Picnic Noon - ? Brule Pavillion in Brule Second Saturday Kids Sliding Party SEPTEMBER Saturday of Labor Day Weekend Last Saturday 4 Seasons Rec SWORDS Food & Fun Fundraiser Wascott Ball Park Annual Poker Run sign up 9-11AM cards dealt 6-8 PM at Soft Pines in Solon Springs OCTOBER First Sunday MARCH Get-ER-Done Club “Pink” Poker Run Breast Cancer Fundraiser First Saturday Cozy Corner Trails Annual Booya/ Fundraiser Noon - 5 PM First Saturday Get-ER-Done Club “Get-ER-Done on the Ice” Fishing Contest / Outdoor Games at Clearwater Resort Third Saturday Club Name: 4 Seasons Recreational Club Club Website Address: www.4seasonsrec.org Meeting Information: Last Saturday of month When: 10:00 A.M. Where: 4 Seasons Club House Wascott Ball Park Contact Person: Mark Hanson E-mail address: [email protected] Phone Number: 715-466-4002 Club Name: Amnicon Drift Dodgers Club Website Address: www.driftdodgers.com Meeting Information: 1st Thursday of month When: 7:00 pm Where: Tri-Lakes Civic Club Contact Person: Brian Conley, Tom Brown Phone Numbers: 715-399-8611, 218-730-7012 Club Name: Brule River Riders Snowmobile Club Club Website Address: www.bruleriverriders.com Meeting Information: 1st & 3rd Thursday of Month When: 7pm Where: Twin Gables - Brule Contact Person: Allan Makela, John Deterling E-mail address: [email protected], [email protected] Phone Number: 715-372-4912, 715-364-2590 Waino Riders Club Raffle Drawing - Kro Bar in Brule 9 PM Amnicon Lake • Town of Summit Parkland • South Range Club Name: Cozy Corner Trails, Inc. Club Website Address: Facebook www.cozycornertrails.com Meeting Information: First Saturday of each month When: 10:30 A.M. Where: location rotates Contact Person: Sue Smedegard, Secretary E-mail address: [email protected] Phone Number: 715-656-3855 Club Name: Superior Storm Riders Meeting Information: 3rd Wednesday of Month-October thru March When: 7:00 PM Where: Borders, Superior Wi. Contact Person: Tom Brown E-mail address: [email protected] Phone Number: 218-730-7012 Club Name: Get - ER - Done Club Club Website Address: www.get-er-done.org Meeting Information: Second Sunday of the month When: 10:00 A.M. Where: Various business places Contact Person: Tom Ruud E-mail address: [email protected] Phone Number: 715-376-2382 Club Name: S.W.O.R.D.’s Club Website Address: www.swordsatvclub.com Meeting Information: First Thursday of the Month When: 6:30 P.M. Where: Capri / VIP Superior Contact Person: Bernie Conklin E-mail address: [email protected] Phone Number: 218-591-0466 Club Name: Jack Pine Riders Meeting Information: 2nd Tuesday of month When: 7:00 pm Where: 9222 Park Avenue Contact Person: Dave Wicklund E-mail address: [email protected] Phone Number: 715-378-2664, 218-341-9429 RESIDENT AND NON-RESIDENT TRAIL PASS REQUIRED Club Name: Summit Trail Blazers Meeting Information: 1st Thursday of month When: 7:00 pm Where: Tri-Lakes Civic Club Contact Person: Dan Corbin E-mail address: [email protected] Phone Number: 715-399-2581 86. Brule 16. 72. 54. 30 Gordon Solon Springs YOUR UNDERGROUND SPECIALIST 218-348-6464 17. 11056 Weyerhauser Rd, Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849 32. 55. Located on Beautiful Lake Amnicon 6 79. Best Burgers / Coldest Beer Open 5 Days a week • Closed Sun-Mon Located on ATV/Snowmobile Trail 17 To the front door ATM - Ice - OFF Sale CABINS OPEN ALL YEAR Plowing • Directional Drilling • Excavation 2. Club Name: Waino Riders Meeting Information: 1st Wednesday of month When: 7:00 PM Where: Kro-Bar & Grill - Brule Wi. Contact Person: Dean Baillee Phone Number: 715-372-4876 87. 1. Find us on Facebook and www.amniconbar.com PLEASE SNOWMOBILE RESPONSIBILY. Club Name: Thirstday Riders Meeting Information: Every Thursday (rides on Thursday and weekends weather permitting) When: 3:30 TO 5:30PM (No mailings at this time) Where: Shamrock Tavern Contact Persons: Pat Moon, Paul Reder E-mail address: [email protected], [email protected] Phone Numbers: 218-591-0011, 715-394-3093 715-376-2333 80. 73. 715-466-2447 - Cabins / Bar / Food • Full Bar • Great Homemade Pizza • 4 TVs Winter Hours: Fri, Sat, Sun: 12:00 – 10:00 3. 89. Year Round Cabin Rental 18. (715) 399-8443 Bar & Grill 58. Waterfront Overlooking Beautiful Lake Nebagamon 33. Homemade Pizza • Burgers • Sandwiches Sandwiches Burgers Salads • • GRILL OPEN • Mon-Thurs 11am-Close Friday 10am-Close • Sat-Sun 9am-Close Breakfast, Lunch Specials, Dinner, Homecooking On & Off Sale Liquor • Satellite • Cable • Big Screen TV Happy Hour 4-6 Weekdays • Open 7 days a week 715-374-2334 11580 E. Waterfront Dr. • Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849 Breakfast Served All Day On-Off Sale Open 7 Days a Week Hours: 8am – 2am 4705 E Tri Lakes Road Amnicon Lake, WI 54880 (715) 398-3337 • 88. 19. Wascott Visiting Wascott? Check out our websites 74. www.4seasonsrec.org • www.visitwascott.com Like us on Facebook 90. 81. Closed Sunday Monday Tuesday Hours 11PM to close Full menu and Homemade pizza 34. 61. 4. ATM Available 75 82. 91. RICHIES (POGO’s Harbor Inn) 20. 3957 S. Cty Rd E. South Range WI, 54874 Bar – (715) 398-7027 Happy Hour M–F 5. OPEN ALL YEAR JULIE AND ROBYN WELCOME YOU TO DUSK TO DAWN 55 MPH Borders Sports Bar & Grill 50¢ OFF All Drinks Food Available Parking along trail 7. Amnicon Falls • Maple Poplar “The Best Food in Town, Year ‘Round!” 8. The World Famous KOPPER KETTLE BAR & GRILL Mark & Lynn Simonson, Owners 8469 E. Cty. Rd. B South Range, WI 54874 Dining Room • Pool Table • Kids Playroom Amnicon Falls State Park | Just off the Tri County Corridor Snowmobiles and ATVs – Get on the trail from here! 9. 3027 E 2nd Street 715-392-2954 Hot Sandwiches and Pizzas Available! Open for Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner 83. 85 38. Pizza and Drinks 67. SUPERIOR - DOUGLAS COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1-800-942-5313 or 715-378-4528 HIGGINS LAKEVIEW LODGE Douglas County Dairyland 46 HILLSIDE INN Food – ATM – GAS OPEN DAILY – Trail at the Door Where Customers are Family 10 New Owners: Tom and Heather Higgins 68. 715-244-3731 13mi North Danbury 70. 51 Paul’s Pour House 12285 S Bus Hwy 53, Solon Springs, WI 715-378-2539 28. 2/621 $8725(3$,5 15. 'DYH2OVRQ2ZQHU $6(0DVWHU$XWRPRWLYH7HFKQLFLDQ 52 Convenience, Beer Cave, Diesel and Gas Open Daily 6AM – 10PM ROAD HOUSE SUPER CLUB -AIN3TREET [email protected] Poplar, WI 54864 -ON&RIs3ATAPPOINTMENTONLY ADVERTISE HERE in the 2015-2016 Douglas County and Northern Burnett County Snowmobile Map Convenience Store 715-364-2425 snacks/beverages 71. ROAD HOUSE LUCKY SEVEN 29 ROAD HOUSE BAR Homemade Pizza and Full Service Bar Open Mon – Thur 1PM to Close Fri – Sun 11AM to Close Ribs, Steak, Seafood, Pasta Open 4PM – 10PM Wed, Thur, Sun 715-374-3131 53. BRIDGE’S BAR Famous Sunday Bloody’s Buzztime Trivia • Poker • NFL Ticket Fun & Food for Packer Games Lake Nebagamon, WI 54849 (715) 374-3111 Easy access on Wild Rivers Trail 715-378-2860 Maps laminated courtesy of Superior Beverage... Maps laminated courtesy of Superior Beverage... Hawthorne • Lake Nebagamon Lake Minnesuing 13. Minnetonka Moccasins • Gifts GUNS • BOWS • FURS LIVE BAIT SPORTING GOODS • CARHARTT 715-656-3116 • Open Daily Hwy. 35 & 77 • Danbury, WI 2015-16 DOUGLAS COUNTY and NORTHERN BURNETT COUNTY, WISCONSIN TRAIL MAP 69. 12. 27. 102 Snowmobile & Winter ATV 47 25. Danbury logcabinstoredanbury.com 39. 23. 93. (715) 376-4528 North View Campground 7440 E. Cty Rd. Y • Gordon, WI 54838 www.northviewcampground.com [email protected] • Seasonal Camping | Apr. 15-Oct. 15 • Cabin Rentals Year Round • ATV/Snowmobile Trails • Ice Cream Store | May-Sept 64 24. Mark & Colleen Meinen 63. 78. 22. (715) 399-2966 City of Superior 77 Homemade Pizza served daily along with full Dinners and Burgers 1565 E. County Rd. BB • Foxboro, WI 54836 715-392-RIDE (7433) 62. 35. charliesriverside.com Phone 715-398-6898 21. Thursday - Monday 11-? All Football Games • New Marina NORTHWEST TRAILS ASSOCIATION, INC. For more information contact the NORTHWEST TRAILS ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 107 • Poplar, Wisconsin 54864 Amnicon Drift Dodgers Snowmobile Club Brule River Riders Snowmobile Club Cozy Corner Trails Inc. 4-Seasons Recreational Cllub Get-Er-Done Jack Pine Riders Summit Trail Blazers ATV Club Superior Storm Riders Snowmobile Club S.W.O.R.D.S. (Superior WI Off Road Drivers) Thirstday Riders Waino Riders You’re Among Friends Quality Grooming by Dedicated People Non-Resident Trail Pass Required Printed by Arrowhead Printing Inc., Superior, WI
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