1 oz Package……
1 oz Package……
Assorted Sequins Mixed Bead Grab Bag A mixture of all kinds of Beads, Acrylic, Wood, Rhinestones, Seed Beads, E, Rochailles, Beads, Odds & Ends, Leaves, Flowers, Plated, & other Beads. Variety of sizes, shapes and colors. #JF604 ½ lb. Bag $4.00 1/2 oz. Bag…..$1.00 Glass Bead Assortment #GB03 Great for kids crafts. Random color assortment of Seed Beads, E-Beads, Rochaille Beads and Bugle Beads. Each bag contains over 2,000 beads. #GB02…..Large 3 oz. Bag…..$2.15 ———————————————————— Glass Bead Assortment 2 ounces of assorted colors and beads, great value. #BGA…..$2.10 Angel Halo Gold Only! 23mm Halo Ring #1933-04 6 per pack——$ 1.10 #1933-05 Bulk 144 per pack——$13.90 Large Filigree Halo Gold Only! 30mm Halo #1933-06 2 per pack……….$3.15 Jewelry Bead Assortment A mixture of high quality Glass, Resin, Porcelain, Ceramic, and Acrylic fashion jewelry beads. Mixture includes beads up to 1” in diameter. #JF603…..4 oz bag…..$5.00 Ivory Fused Pearls High quality pearls are fused on a string. Please Note: They will not come off of the string. 10 Yards Per String #IP212—2 1/2mm….$2.60 #IP005—5mm…..$4.20 #IP003—3mm…..$2.60 #IP006—6mm…..$4.80 White Labels Great for canning jars, name tags, mailing labels, address labels, price tags for rummage and garage sales. Use in laser and ink jet printers or hand print. Adhesive back. 2” Round White Label 20 labels per sheet. #WS02……….10 sheets $2.70 ————————————————— 4” x 2” Rectangle White Label Compare to Avery 5963 10 labels per sheet #WS03……….10 sheets $2.70 ————————————————— 2.625” x 1” Rectangle White Label Compare to Avery 5160 30 labels per sheet #WS04……….10 sheets $2.70 ————————————————— 8 1/2” x 11” White Labels 1 label per sheet #WS05……….10 sheets $2.70 ————————————————— 7” x 2” Round Corner Rectangle Water Bottle/Jar Label 5 labels per sheet #WS06……….10 sheets $2.70 ————————————————— 3.5” x 2.4031 Arched Wine Bottle Label 8 labels per sheet #WS07……….10 sheets $2.70 ————————————————— 3.9375” x 1.9375” Oval Label 10 labels per sheet #WS08……….10 sheets $2.70 Gold Filigree Halo Glue to back of 18mm Pearl Round Bead or 18mm Global Faceted (same halo used on Heart Wing Angel Kits) Shown actual size #JF733 12 per package $ 3.75 #JF734 144 per package $42.80 #IP004—4mm…..$3.00 18 Fab Metal Filigree Angel Wings All gilt (gold). Metal Heart Wings© Our Exclusive Design 75mm x 47mm-Gold #JF725#JF729- 6 Wings $ 3.20 144 Wings $64.20 60mm x 38mm-Gold #JF727#JF731- 6 Wings $ 3.20 144 Wings $48.15 JUMBO 8 ¾” wide x 5 ½” tall Great for large angels. Gold Only! #JF737…..$6.70 #JF184-25mm 6 wings #JF185-25mm 144 wings #JF186-31mm 6 wings #JF187-31mm 144 wings #JF190-49mm 2 wings #JF191-49mm 144 wings #JF192-55mm 2 wings #JF193-55mm 144 wings Nylon Angel Wings Each Puffy Twin Wings Shown actual size $ 1.10 $21.55 $ 1.10 $25.00 $ 1.10 $34.25 $ 1.10 $47.10 12 pieces per package White Wings, Wired #2421-93... 7¾” tip to tip 1 per pack $1.10 6 1/2” Satin Puffin Angel Wings 2 pieces = 1 wing. 1 package = 2 angels. #2414-70B White Iris #2414-69B Gold #2414-71B Silver $1.90 Per Package Filigree Angel Wings Gold Only! 1 5/8” Across x 1 3/8” High #1933-07 4 per pack…..$3.20 #Z155…..Gold……….$1.10 #Z156…..Silver……….$1.10 6” Satin Puffin Angel Wings 2 pieces = 1 wing. 1 package = 2 angels. #Z152…..Gold……….$ .65 #Z153…..Silver……….$ .65 Fabric Single Wings 6” Wings #2409-73 Gold #2409-73B Gold 2 per pack $1.90 12 per pack $8.55 19 Dual-Temp Hot Melt Glue Sticks Our Hot Glue Sticks will work in any glue gun that uses 1/2” ROUND GLUE STICKS! 1/2” Diameter 10” Long #TG1 1 pound of 10” All-Temp Glue Sticks $6.50 Full Size & Mini Dual Temp Hi-Lo Glue Gun w/Trigger & High/Low Switch Dual temperature glue guns are ideal for crafts, floral and do it yourself projects. A high and low switch, high temperature for better bonding to metals, plastics and ceramic. Use low temperature for bonding delicate material such as lace, foil ribbon, floral form and lightweight fabric. Safer way of gluing, 100°F. lower in temperature. Full Size Dual-Temp Glue Gun (1/2” diameter glue sticks 40 watts) #DT270 $11.00 Mini Dual Temp Hi-Lo Glue Gun (5/16” diameter glue sticks 10 watts) #DT200 $ 7.50 Full Size High Performance Glue Gun (1/2” diameter glue sticks 60 watts) #DT280 $14.45 Mini Dual Temp Hot Melt Glue Sticks Our Hot Glue Sticks will work in any glue gun that uses 5/16” ROUND GLUE STICKS. #MG1 5/16” Diameter-4” Long Scotch - Permanent Glue Sticks You'll reach for this multipurpose permanent glue stick over and over again. Bonds cardboard, fabrics and paper. Acid-free, photo-safe adhesive goes on clear and dries clear. Net Weight .28 oz. #144547…..$ .50 Each 1 pound of All-Temp Glue Sticks $6.50 Aleene’s™ Original Tacky Glue Aleene’s famous original tacky glue-the ultimate in glues because of it’s versatility! Superior for most crafts and household repairs. Has superior “tack”, high solid contents and dries clear and flexible. Can be used on fabric. Does not soak through, but will wash out. Non-toxic. ACMI approved. #8-2….. 4 ounce gold dabber………$2.95 #8-10….. 8 ounce gold dabber………$5.20 Mod Podge All-in-one sealer, glue and finish sealer for wood, paper and prints. Glue for paper, fabric and other porous materials. Finish is available in gloss or matte. Protects stains, acrylic paints, decoupage and fabric. 4 ounce bottle—$4.20 #CS11205—Gloss #CS11305—Matte 20 Beautiful Braids Natural looking doll hair, 100% Mohair product that has been dyed and then twisted around twine. When untwisted, braids fluffs into a thick abundance of hair. Mohair is a natural product, hair and thickness may vary from package to package. Each package contains one 8” length. $2.00 Per Package #19-200 Rust #19-600 Pumpkin Mini Curly Hair Makes Beautiful curly hair for all kinds of dolls. Perfect for Santa beards, and mustaches. Excellent for animal wool, manes and tails and many other uses. Easy to apply, natural looking, colorfast, permanent curl & hand washable. ½ oz. Per Bag— $1.40 1/4 lb. Per Bag—$5.60 #04-110 Midnight Black #06-100 Midnight Black Maxi Curly Hair 1/4 lb. Per Bag—$4.20 #04-360 Rustic Red #04-400 Sunshine Yellow Mini Curly Hair Mini curl size hair. This is the same product included in some of our kits. ½ oz. net weight $1.50 per bag #BC71 Black #BC73 Sandy Blonde #BC72 Rustic Red #BC74 Lt. Orange #BC77 Dark Brown #BC78 Grey (Witch Kit) #BC79 White (Santa Kit) Large Maxi Curly Hair Makes Beautiful curly hair for all kinds of dolls. Perfect for Santa beards, and mustaches. Excellent for animal wool, manes and tails and many other uses. Easy to apply, natural looking, colorfast, permanent curl & hand washable. 4 oz. Per Bag—$4.00 #NGES-74 Brown #NGES-75 Sandy Blonde #NGES-76 Black Lil’ Loopies Superior Quality RAF-A-DOODLES 100% Natural Curled Raffia Excellent for Doll Hair, Beards, and Animal Manes. Available in two curl sizes. 5 Curls Per Package—— $4.85 Petite-Locks Large-Locks 27-100 Natural 28-100 Natural 27-300 Brown 28-300 Brown 27-400 Yellow 28-400 Yellow 27-500 Pumpkin 27-600 Black Bumples By One & Only Creations. Fancy yarn with cute bumps, great natural hair look, can be sewn or glued.Excellent for doll hair, beards and mustaches, and animal manes & tails. 1 oz. Packages—$1.75 #16-100 White #16-200 Rust Painted Poly Resin Flat Back Miniatures #NGES77 White #NGES-78 Red Brown #NGES-79 Yellow By One & Only Creations. Fancy yarn with tiny loops, great natural hair look, can be sewn or glued. Excellent for doll hair, beards and mustaches, and animal manes & tails. 1 oz. Packages—$1.75 #18-200 Rust #18-400 White 28-500 Pumpkin 28-600 Black #Z101 2 1/8 x 1” Kachiwa Doll #Z105 1 15/16” x 1 5/16” Turtle 2 1/8 x 1” Un-Painted Kachiwa Doll #Z102 $1.00 Each #16-500 Black 21 Wood Burning Set Mushroom Birds Lightweight, Great for accenting any craft or floral comfortable, amazingly projects. Due to the fact that we fast! The point has a purchase these in mixed colors, all constant temperature of birds will be sold in random colors. 950˚ F. Burns faster, darker, & better. Especially good on hardwoods Boxes are assorted. such as walnut or cherry. Designed with inter-changeable points. The Mushroom Birds ultimate tool for the serious craft person. Complete 2 3/4" with pen holder. Includes universal, #JF198—$ .75/Each flow, shading, & cone points. #5570 - $12.85 #JF198B—$6.40/12 per box ▼ Print Magnet White Inkjet Printable Magnetic Sheets Sheet Size: 8 1/2” x 11”——–3 Sheets Per Package #M08030——–$7.50 Per Package Ceramic Blocks #M07001—$1.85 3/16” x 1/4” x 7/8” ▲ Humming Birds Body: 1 3/4" Overall: 2 1/2" #JF199—$ .75 Each #JF199B—$8.55/24 per box Ceramic Craft and Hobby Magnets Also known as ferrite magnets, these powerful discs, blocks, and rings are ideal for hot gluing to medium or large-sized craft or hobby projects to make them magnetic. 8 Per Package #M07002—$1.85 Ceramic Discs #M07004—$1.85 1/2” Diameter x 3/16” Thick 10 Per Package 1” Diameter x 5/32” Thick 6 Per Package #M07003—$1.85 3/4” Diameter x 3/16” Thick 8 Per Package Flexible Magnet Tape With Adhesive back 1/2" Wide x 1/16" Thick. 30" Long Strip $1.10 25 Foot Coil $10.30 100 Foot Coil $29.00 Flexible Magnet Tape Magnetic Sheet Adhesive Back #PT12360- 5" x 8" $ 1.50 22 Crystal Accents Deco Beads White Gift Bags Create eye-catching goody bags with these glossy-finished paper bags with white rope handles and gift tag. These gift bags would be perfect for Valentine's Day or wedding favors. Water–storing GEL Beads, they look like Glass marbles, feel like jello! Each package makes over 1½ Quarts. Use in vases, flower ar r angements, centerpieces….. Non toxic. Just Add WATER! #26-505 4 1/4 x 2 1/2 x 5 3/4” $3.55 Dozen #26-515 7 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 9” $5.40 Dozen #26-525 10 1/2” x 5 1/4” x 13” $8.80 Dozen White Gift Bags Ready to decorate, fill or give! Use these White Craft Bags to coordinate giftgiving for a birthday, wedding, prom or fundraising event. #3-2028 4 1/2” x 3” x 1 1/2” with 3” handles. #3-5967 $4.80 Dozen 9" x 6 1/2" x 3 1/4" $5.20 Dozen with 4 1/2" handles. Cloth Lily-ofthe-Valley 12 Stems in Cluster Tiny Chenille Stems White Only! $2.70 Per Package #DB-C Clear #DB-B Blue #DB-G Green #DB-K Pink #DB-P Purple #DB-R Red Water Storing Crystals Crystal Accents. For creative decorating and special occasions. Sparkling accents for vases and bowls. Ideal for candle and floral arrangements. Just add water. Choose from a beautiful selection of gemstone colors. 1 oz. package makes 1 gallon of water storing crystals. 1 oz Package……$2.70 #CA01—Aquamarine #CA02—Black Onyx #CA03—Bright Ruby #CA04—Diamond White Tinsel Stems #CA05—Emerald #CA06—Sapphire Blue #CA07—Topaz Yellow #CA08—Turquoise Sea Chenille Stems #15002 #15002-1 Cluster $ .75 #15002B-12 Clusters $5.35 Cloth For-GetMe-Nots 8 Stems in Cluster #15001 1 Cluster $ .75 #15001-1…..Red #15001-2…..Yellow Imported 3mm x 12” 100 Per Box #73003- $2.40 Box Colors Assorted Black Brown Pink Red White Xmas Green Yellow 6mm x 12” 100 Per Box Imported 6mm x 12” 100 Per Box Colors Blue Gold Green Multi Red Silver Colors Assorted Beige Black Brown Grey Light Blue Moss Green Orange #T828- $3.20 Box #73001- $2.40 Box Pink Purple Red Royal Blue White Xmas Green Yellow 23 1/4” Ribbon Roses Silk-Like Polyester Rose Buds Colors may not be mixed! 12 Roses Per Package—$ .65 #W2402—Light Blue #W2404—Country Blue #W2405—Coral #W2407—Ivory #W2409—Lilac #W2410—Mauve #W2412—Peach #W2415—Light Pink #W2416—Red #W2419—White #W2420—Wine #W2502—Light Blue #W2504—Country Blue #W2505—Coral #W2507—Ivory #W2509—Lilac #W2510—Mauve #W2512—Peach #W2515—Light Pink #W2516—Red #W2519—White #W2520—Wine Each bud has 3 leaves on green wire. 12 Buds Per Package— $1.10 144 Roses Per Package—$5.80 1/2” Ribbon Roses Colors may not be mixed! 12 Roses Per Package—$ .75 #W2601—Black #W2602—Light Blue #W2604—Country Blue #W2606—Gold #W2607—Ivory #W2609—Lilac #W2610—Mauve #W2612—Peach #W2615—Light Pink #W2616—Red #W2619—White #W2620—Wine #W2622—Silver #W2701—Black #W2702—Light Blue #W2704—Country Blue #W2706—Gold #W2707—Ivory #W2709—Lilac #W2710—Mauve #W2712—Peach #W2715—Light Pink #W2716—Red #W2719—White #W2720—Wine #W2722—Silver 1” Wood Clothespins Packed in Assorted Colors. #JF399 12 per pack$1.35 #W2202—Light Blue #W2204—Country Blue #W2205—Coral #W2207—Ivory #W2209—Lilac #W2210—Mauve #W2222—Peach #W2215—Lt. Pink #W2216—Red #W2219—White #W2220—Wine 144 Buds Per Package—$7.80 #W2302—Light Blue #W2304—Country Blue #W2305—Coral #W2307—Ivory #W2309—Lilac #W2310—Mauve #W2312—Peach #W2315—Lt. Pink #W2316—Red #W2319—White #W2320—Wine 1” Ribbon Roses Colors may not be mixed! 72 Roses Per Package—$3.00 #W2902—Light Blue #W2904—Country Blue #W2905—Coral #W2910—Mauve #W2912—Peach #W2917—Teal #W2920—Wine 144 Roses Per Package—$7.00 Glass Figurines Adorable, high quality, 3 dimensional, colored glass. Use in glass centerpieces with flowers, on mirrors, wood plaques and our favorite use, imbedding in gel wax! These can break easily, so be careful with placement. These items should be glued to a base. They will free stand but they are easy to knock over. Glass or ceramics are the safest imbeds. $1.60 Each #GL01—Glass Blue Dolphin Overall 3 1/4” high with base. Dolphin is 2 1/4” Tall. Opaque royal blue with white underbelly. #GL04—Glass Vine #GL02—Glass Angel Fish w/Flower & Butterfly Coral Base Overall 3” high. Transparent pink flower is 2” wide. Green leaves with a leaf base. Overall 3” high, fish is 2 1/4” long. This colorful fish is transparent with blue fins and white, olive and black colors in body with orange lips. Base has yellow glass coral and 2 waves. #GL05—Glass Iris w/ Hummingbird Overall 3 1/4” high. Transparent teal hummingbird has pink wings. 24 Lockets 1” Chenille Bumps Made in U.S.A. Cross lockets are 1” x 1.25”. Bird lockets are 1.25” x 1.5”. Bail size is 0.5” x 0.25”. Material: Copper. Shape: Oval. please order by item & color number #DJ6028—$6.00 Per 18 yard Hank Approximately 28 Bumps per yard $6.00 Each #010-White #030-Red #120213-01A Cross-Blue #120213-02A Love Birds #120213-02D Red Bird #120213-01D Cross-White #120213-02B Kissing Birds #1202123-03F Black Bird #120213-01E Cross-Red Colors for 1” Bumps #023-Orange #060-Emerald #090-Black 2” Chenille Bumps Made in U.S.A please order by item & color number #DJ8018—$6.00 Per Hank 18 yard Hank Approximately 18 bumps per yard NEW #010-White Colors for 2” Bumps #023-Orange #030-Red Pendants Lightweight, painted or acrylic jewels. Pewter metal pendants. High quality and very colorful. Necklace Bail included. #JF420 1” Flower #JF421 1 3/4” x 1 1/2” Hummingbird #JF422 1 1/2” Flower #JF423 1 1/2” Heart w/metal heart clasp #JF424 1” Heart Each #JF425 1 1/4” Heart Please view #JF426 1” x 1 1/2” Cross website for actual colors. #JF427 3/4’ x 1 1/2” Cross #JF428 7/8” x 1 1/4” Cross #JF429 1 1/2” Dolphin #JF430 1 3/8” x 2” Cross #JF431 1” x 1 1/4” Cross #JF432 1 5/8” x 1 3/8” Dragonfly #JF433 1/2” x 3/4” ← $1.70 Crucifix Charms 15mm x 18mm Holy Mother Charm Gold Only! Porcelain Buttons #1210—$ .60 Each ————————————————— 10mm x 20mm Cross Charm 10 per pack…..$ .60 #CM-03G….Gold #CM-03S...Silver Spinning Charms The center jewels spin with movement. Silver Color. Makes great earrings! Shown Actual size 2 per pack $2.10 #551-1 Pink Heart #551-2 Multi Heart #551-3 Crystal Round #551-4 Multi Round #551-5 Red Round Hole diameter 2mm $3.60 per dozen #CRBT-1 Cat…..23mm x 27mm #CRBT-2 Sheep…..24mm x 30mm Wooden Cross Necklace These cross necklaces are perfect for Church retreats, Confirmation or graduation. Each 1 3/4" wooden cross hangs on a 30" cord. Our children’s necklace items contain breakaway features, attachments or materials required by the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s children’s jewelry standard. #24-1250…..$.50 Each #24-1250B…..$5.00 Dozen 25 Streak Free Microfiber Cloth Wet it, Wring it, Wipe it! 16” x 16” Cleans these surfaces: Windows, Glass, Acrylic, Vinyl, TV’s, Computers, Microwaves, Counter Tops, Oven Faces, Cars, Windshields, Chrome, Mirrors, Plastic, Fiberglass, & Stainless Steel. Removes: Dirt, Dust, Soap Scum, Fingerprints, Tar, Bugs, Grease & Break Dust. NEVER use window cleaner again!!! Machine wash with bleach or liquid detergent. Air Dry Only!! NO FABRIC SOFTENER!!! #Cloth01…..$2.00 Each 40mm Wood Santa Head Pre Drilled Hole in the Bottom 1 per pack #1223-03…..$1.50 Per Pack Pre Drilled Hole in the Bottom 1 per pack #1223-13…..$1.50 Per Pack 25mm Girl Doll Head Blue Eyes Pre Drilled Hole in the Bottom 2 per pack #1223-05…..$1.50 Per Pack Wooden Doll Head Beads 3 Towels Per Pack #Cloth02…..$3.00 50mm Wood Bunny Head Pre Drilled Hole in the Bottom 1 per pack #1223-19…..$1.50 Per Pack 25mm Wood Bunny Head Pre Drilled Hole in the Bottom 2 per pack #1223-17…..$1.50 Per Pack Mini Plastic Clothespins #42-1245—Pink…..$2.60 #42-1246—Baby Blue…..$2.60 Natural Wooden Doll Head Beads Painted Hair, Eyes, & Mouth. Painted Pale Pink with Painted Eyes & Mouth. 5 Heads 100 Heads 4 Heads 100 Heads 4 Heads 100 Heads 4 Heads 100 Heads 3 Heads 100 Heads 3 Heads 100 Heads 2 Heads 100 Heads 16” x 16” Microfiber towels capture dust, dirt and grime. Surfaces instantly become clean, dry and shined. Multipurpose Cleaning/Drying/Polishing Uses: Restaurants, Janitorial, Boats, Offices, Home, Bikes, Cars, RV’s and much more! Our Pastel Mini Clothespin Party Favors are a must for baby showers! Use these little clothespins for baby shower keepsakes, party favors, baby shower games, crafts and more! 1 1/4” 48 Per Pack 50mm Bear Head #WDH12-12mm #WDH12-12mm #WDH14-14mm #WDH14-14mm #WDH16-16mm #WDH16-16mm #WDH18-18mm #WDH18-18mm #WDH20-20mm #WDH20-20mm #WDH22-22mm #WDH22-22mm #WDH25-25mm #WDH25-25mm Microfiber Towels $ .80 $10.70 $ .80 $11.50 $ .80 $ 12.85 $ .80 $15.00 $ .80 $16.05 $ .80 $17.10 $ .80 $19.25 #PWH12-12mm #PWH12-12mm #PWH14-14mm #PWH14-14mm #PWH16-16mm #PWH16-16mm #PWH18-18mm #PWH18-18mm #PWH20-20mm #PWH20-20mm #PWH22-22mm #PWH22-22mm #PWH25-25mm #PWH25-25mm 4 Heads 100 Heads 4 Heads 100 Heads 3 Heads 100 Heads 3 Heads 100 Heads 2 Heads 100 Heads 2 Heads 100 Heads 2 Heads 100 Heads $ .80 $12.85 $ .80 $14.00 $ .80 $ 16.05 $ .80 $17.00 $ .80 $17.10 $ .80 $18.20 $ .80 $20.30 26 Feathers Doll Stands White Painted Metal. Adjustable. Sizes are measured at the lowest height. #12023-3 1/2” - $ .85 Each #12024-7 1/2” - $1.20 Each #12025-10” - $2.05 Each Crafty's Feathers are brilliantly dyed. These feathers are originated, processed and packaged in the USA under strict sanitary conditions and are now certified to be pure and clean. No viruses, diseases, insects or larva. The size and quantities listed are approximate. Feathers are sold in 1/2 oz. packages. Due to being a natural product, count & size may vary. $3.55 Per Pack Please order by item number & color #B704- Marabou 5" to 6" - approx. 70 per pack #B708-Flats 5" to 7" - approx. 120 per pack #B710-Plumage Sinamay Hats Measured Rim to Rim. Natural material Color (Beige) #2804-71 (8”)…..$ .55 Each #2804-71B (8”)…..$5.50 Dozen #2804-72 (10”)…..$1.20 3" - approx. 150 per pack Colors for feathers Assorted Yellow Kelly Turquoise Red Black Brown Royal Blue Gold Hot Pink Orange White Turkey Quills 2½” Crochet Hat 12" Long wing feathers #CH2…..$.55 Each #CH2B…..$5.50 Dozen #B712 - $3.55 Per Pack White Plastic Doll Top Hats 18mm rim x 10mm tall #883O…..Orange Hat 12 per bag $1.10 #883W….White Hat 12 per bag $1.10 #883Y…..Yellow Hat 12 per bag $1.10 #883L …..Lt. Blue Hat 12 per bag $1.10 #883P…...Lavender Hat 12 per bag $1.10 #883B…..Black Hat 12 per bag $1.10 #883…….Pink Hat 12 per bag $1.10 8 per package. 4 left wings - 4 right wings Colors for turkey quills Black Brown Royal Blue Kelly Red Yellow Orange White Hot Pink 24mm rim x 15mm tall #884W…..White Hat 12 per bag $1.10 #884Y…...Yellow Hat 12 per bag $1.10 #884P…....Pink Hat 12 per bag $1.10 #884 L…...Lt. Blue Hat 12 per bag $1.10 #884A …..Assorted colors 12 per bag $1.10 28mm Rim x 17mm tall #885P….Lavender 12 per bag $1.10 #885…...Pink 12 hats per bag $1.10 27 3D Flocked Animals #C278—3/4” Flocked Cats Available in Peach, Pink & #24329—3/4” Light Flocked Bunnies Blue! Available in Brown, White & Pink Only! #1621-78—7/8” Flocked Teddy Bear Available in Brown Only! 3 per pack…..$1.00 #24331—1” x 1 1/8” Flocked Rocking Horses Available in White, Tan & #24328—3/4” Flocked Beaver Available in Brown Only! #24334—1 1/4” Flocked Kitty Available in White, Black & Tan! #23747—1” Flocked Squirrels Available in Brown Only! #M1027—3/4” Flocked Bear Available in Pink Only! #24337—1 1/4” Flocked Trees Available in Red/ White Only! #P2785— 7/8” Flocked Pigs Available in Pink & Grey! #E2783—3/4” Flocked Elephants Available in Light Blue & Pink Only! #16114—1” Flocked Flat Back Bears Available in Lavender & Pastels Only! $3.20 per dozen Pastel ONLY Plush Santa Hat Perfect for Beaded Santa Kit 5” Diameter 8” overall length. Fits a 3” Diameter head. Made from red felt with a white pom-pom on tip of cap. White acrylic fur lining the opening. #12760—$1.10 Each #12760DZ 12 per pack $11.00 Black Felt Top Hat Perfect for Beaded Snowman Kit 3 5/8” L x 3” W x 1 5/8” H. Fits a 2 1/8” L x 1 7/8” W head #12761……….$2.00 each #12761DZ…..12 per pack……….$20.00 Black Jumbo Top Hat Fits our Giant Snowman kit 5½”L x 4½” W 2¼” Tall #12762 $2.70 each Black Felt Witch Hat Used in our Beaded Witch Kit #12774…..$3.00 Each 6” dia. x 4 3/8” high Fits a 2 1/2” dia. head Straw Cowboy Hats for dolls to decorate #SCH4- 4” long x 3 1/2” wide 1 1/2” tall $ .55 each #SCH4B$5.35 dozen #SCH6- 6” long x 5 1/4” wide 2 1/4” tall $ .65 each #SCH6B$6.40 dozen Natural Straw Hats #SH02-2” $3.75 Per Dozen $.55 each #SH03-3” $4.30 Per Dozen $.65 each #SH04-4” $5.35 Per Dozen $.80 each #SH06-6” $10.00 Per Dozen $1.00 each #SH11-11” $1.30 Each 28 Foam Sheets Acrylic Pom Poms Bright colored foam sheets. Easy to cut, light, flexible, smooth. 2mm Thick, 9" x 12" Sheets. $.35 each $26.75 pack of 100 (all one color) #JF200-White #JF201-Red #JF202-Black #JF203-Royal #JF204-Beige #JF205-Brown #JF206-Pink #JF207-Grey #JF208-Orange #JF209-Green #JF210-Yellow #JF211-Purple #JF212-Lavender #JF213 Burgundy #JF214 Light Blue Twisted Paper Ribbon string tied (wireless) acrylic pom poms. Soft, colorfast, washable. Please order by item & color number #PP05-5mm #PP07-7mm (1/4”) #PP012-1/2" #PP001-1" #PP112-1 1/2" #PP002-2" #PP003-3" #00-Assorted #01-Black #23-Grey #02-Baby Blue #14-Bright Pink #42-Purple Made in USA. Our twisted paper ribbon is the highest quality available at any price! Great for bio-degradable plant ties. Colors are uniform when untwisted. 2 1/2mm Twisted - 1 3/4" Untwisted #BC20-20 Yards - $2.40 Colors for Paper Ribbon #04-Country Blue #07-Ivory #09-Lavender #10-Mauve #12-Peach #16-Red #19-White #20-Burgundy #21-Yellow #23-Light Grey #24-Navy Blue #28-Seafoam #40-Hunter Green #41-Light Peach #42-Purple #45-Turquoise POM POM GRAB BAG Stiffened Easy Felt Large 2 oz. Bag #PP4 $1.00 9” x 12” sheets $.30 Each #AB4093 Black #AB1014 Brown Twisted Paper Ribbon Made in USA. Our twisted paper ribbon is the highest quality available at any price! Colors are uniform when untwisted. #BC10-10 Yards - $2.40 #01-Black #09-Lavender #13-Pink #16-Red #17-Teal #41-Light Peach #42-Purple #44-Chocolate #15-Light Pink #16-Xmas Red #44-Brown #19-White #12-Peach Assorted sizes and colors mixed in a bag. High quality Works just like felt, stiffened for craft projects that require a material that will made in the USA. Acrylic, hold its shape. Great for masks, string tied. magnets, book covers, mini signs, name Great for kids crafts. tags etc… 8mm Twisted - 8" Untwisted Colors for Paper Ribbon 100 Poms $1.20 100 Poms $1.20 100 Poms $1.20 45 Poms $1.20 17 Poms $1.20 9 Poms $1.20 4 Poms $1.20 Pom Pom Colors #25-Orange #31-Beige #32-Bright Yellow #40-Xmas Green #21-Light Yellow #09-Lavender 6mm Twisted - 4 1/2" Untwisted #BC25-25 Yards - $2.40 Colors for Paper Ribbon #01-Black #02-Light Blue #04-Country Blue #07-Ivory #09-Lavender #10-Mauve #12-Peach #13-Pink #16-Red #17-Teal #19-White #20-Burgundy #21-Yellow #24-Navy Blue #25-Orange #26-Kelly #27-Natural #28-Seafoam #40-Hunter Green Metallic Twist 6mm Diameter Twisted, 4 1/2" Untwisted. Made in USA #BC26 - 25 Yards - $5.35 #6-Metallic Gold #22-Metallic Silver #29-Metallic Green #30-Metallic Blue #40-Opal White #31-Metallic Red #32-Metallic Pink #34-Iridescent Clear #39-Country Red 29 2 5/8” Doll Eyeglasses Doll Sunglasses Gold Tone Frames. Clear Plastic Lens. $1.30 Each #1211-24…..Round 1 Pair = 1 Piece $1.60 Pair $1.30 Each #1232-15 Round Green 2 1/4” #1232-16 Round Green 2 3/4” #1232-17 Aviator Brown 2 1/4” #1232-18 Aviator Brown 2 3/4” Cow Bells Copper Color Only! Liberty Bells #M1125-3/4" #M1125B-3/4" #M1129-1" #M1129B-1" #M1123-1 1/4" #M1123B-1 1/4" 6 bells 50 bells 12 bells 50 bells 2 bells 25 bells $1.00 $5.35 $3.85 $10.70 $ .85 $7.50 #M1121-1/2" #M1121B-1/2" 24 bells 100 bells $2.15 $6.40 Silver Only! Bugnio Brooms Natural #B39150-6"———$ .60 Each #B281001-14"——$ .85 Each #B281002-18”——$1.50 Each Straw Brooms Natural #BC303-6 1/2" #BC304-8" #BC305-12" #BC305B-12" #BC306-18" #BC306B-18" #1211-17 3 3/8” Hexagon #1211-25 3 3/8” Octagon #1211-27 3 1/8” Octagon Wire Eye Glass Frames Gold Color Only! NO Lens 1 3/4” x 3 1/4” 1 Frame-$ .45 Each #G10012-Square #1211-24 is used in our Santa Kit Gold or Silver Color Doll Eyeglasses Gold Tone Frames. Clear Plastic Lens. $3.25 Dozen $4.00 Dozen $1.00 Each $9.00 Dozen $1.50 Each $14.00 Dozen #1124-3/8" #1122-1/2" #1126-1" 24 bells 12 bells 12 bells $3.10 $3.00 $4.30 #AS8P-1" #G8PK-1" #AS5P-1 1/4" #G5PK-1 1/4" #AS4P-1 1/2" #603S-2 3/4" Sleigh Bells 8 Silver bells 8 Gold bells 5 Silver bells 5 Gold bells 4 Silver bells 1 Silver bell $1.90 $2.30 $1.90 $2.60 $1.70 $1.60 Jingle Bells 3/8" Diameter #636S-Silver16 Bells #636S-Silver 144 Bells $ .85 $4.80 #600S-Silver #600S-Silver #600G-Gold #600G-Gold 10 Bells 144 Bells 6 Bells 144 Bells $ .85 $6.40 $ .85 $7.20 #601G-Gold #601G-Gold 6 Bells 144 Bells $ .85 $9.60 #602S-Silver #602S-Silver #602G-Gold #602G-Gold 6 Bells 144 Bells 6 Bells 144 Bells $ .85 $12.85 $ .85 $13.90 1/2" Diameter 5/8" Diameter 3/4" Diameter Miniature Jingle Bells 1/4" Silver Only! 12 Bells - $.80 144 Bells - $6.40 30 6” Abaca Angels Felt Squares 100 % acrylic, hand washable. High Quality. Made in USA One Color Per Package Natural 9" x 12" Squares - $.30 Each #0650-White #0100-Champagne #0150-Beige #1014-Brown #0063-Yellow #3161-Tangerine #0190-Shocking Pink #0191-Cardinal Colors for felt squares #4093-Black #0700-Ivory #1146-Camel #1010-Cocoa #0070-Neon Yellow #0186-Pink #0543-Red #0900-Light Blue 1¾” "S" Type Greening Pins 1/2 pound bag 5 pound box $ 1.70 $16.05 Twig Wreaths #TW03 3" $.65 Each $4.30 Dozen #TW04 4" $.75 each $5.35 Dozen 4" Twig Heart Wreath #2810 $ .85 Each #2810B $5.35 Dozen Natural Cork Sheets #B390409B #0395-Royal Blue $1.30 Each #0550-Hunter #0484-Purple #0490-Kelly #0093-Lavender Foam Cut-out #0085-Grey Shapes Cut-outs packaged in mixed colors. $1.10 Per Package #JF220-3/4" Mixed Alphabet 52 pieces #JF221Mixed Shapes 350 pieces #JF222-Sunflower & Round 200 pieces #JF223Circles (disc) 200 pieces #JF224Mixed Hearts 200 pieces #JF226-Mixed Shapes 200 pieces #JF227-3/8" Hearts 100 pieces Wicker Mats Floral Tape Stem Wrap Green White Brown #FL75 - $1.15 Per Roll 1” Nailless Sawtooth Hangers This natural cork sheeting is made by mixing the Does not require nails. scrap cork with a polymer binder. These sheets 50 Hangers are soft to the touch and are flexible. Can be #MICA1-$9.60 painted with acrylic paint. Can be glued with tacky glue, white glue Titebond, hot glue, or contact cement. The thin sheets cut easily with scissors or with a razor knife. Great for coasters, bulletin boards, cutouts, ornaments, placemats, and wall covering. #JF2251" Hearts 100 pieces #JF228-3/4" Numbers 50 pieces Natural Color #WM06 6" $ .85 #WM10 10"$1.30 #WM18 18"$3.10 3” Side Combs Clear Only 6 Combs - $1.10 144 Combs - $21.40 Mini Blackboards All 12 Per Package, Except #BB57 8½” x 11 sheets #NCS20 1mm thick $ .30 each #NCS20B 1mm thick $2.00 per dozen #BB23… 2” x 3”……….$3.75 #BB24… 2” x 4”……….$3.85 #BB45… 4” x 5”……….$4.55 #BB57… 5” x 7”……….$ .55 Each 31 Doll Joints 1 set = 1 spindle, 1 washer, & 1 fastener= 1 joint Item # #12PW30 #12PW45 #12PW55 #12PW65 Size 30mm 45mm 55mm 65mm Count 12 sets 12 sets 12 sets 12 sets Price $2.70 $3.30 $5.20 $6.40 Fine Porcelain Doll Faces 3” x 1¾” hand painted with glass eyes $2.15 Each #25-100 #25-200 #25-300 Animal Eyes With Shank & Washer All have Black Pupils except Pink Solid Black Eyes High quality. Looks like glass. Great for stuffed animals. With Shank & Washer Item # Size Count Price #SBE060 #SBE060 #SBE080 #SBE100 18mm 18mm 24mm 30mm 2 eyes 50 eyes 2 eyes 2 eyes $ .70 $5.45 $ .80 $1.00 Sew On Black Eyes Item # #MES08 #MES10 #MES12 #MES25 Moveable Size Count 8mm 12 eyes 10mm 10 eyes 12mm 6 eyes 25mm 2 eyes Price $ .45 $ .45 $ .45 $ .45 1” Balloons on Pick—Stem/6 #166304-7” Pick 1 pick—$ .45 12 picks—$5.00 Moveable Paste On Eyes Black Only Pre Packs——-$ .45 Per Bag #ME05-5mm 30 eyes #ME07-7mm 20 eyes #ME09-9mm 18 eyes #ME18-18mm 6 eyes #ME28-28mm 2 eyes #ME30-30mm 2 eyes #ME35-35mm 2 eyes Item # and Size Package Count Amber Brown Blue Pink/Red Pupil #AE06-6mm 12 Count $ .80 $ .80 $ .80 N/A #AE07-7 1/2mm 8 Count $ .80 $ .80 $ .80 N/A #AE12-12mm 4 Count $ .80 $ .80 N/A $ .80 #AE15-15mm 4 Count $ .80 $ .80 N/A N/A #AE18-18mm 2 Count $ .80 $ .80 N/A N/A #AE20-20mm 2 Count $ .80 $ .80 N/A $ .80 #AE24-24mm 2 Count $1.00 N/A $1.00 $1.00 Item # and Size Package Count Amber Brown Blue Pink/Red Pupil #AE06-6mm 100 Count $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 N/A #AE07-7 1/2mm 100 Count $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 N/A #AE12-12mm 100 Count $10.00 $10.00 N/A N/A #AE15-15mm 50 Count $7.00 $7.00 N/A N/A #AE18-18mm 50 Count $10.00 $10.00 N/A N/A Bulk Moveable Paste on Eyes Great quality for craft projects. 144 Per Bag #ME05B...5mm…..$1.10 #ME07B...7mm…..$1.10 #ME09B...9mm…..$2.15 #ME18B..18mm…..$3.20 Tuning Pins For Door Harps, Zithers & Dulcimers. Has hole for wire. 1 5/8” Long #TP01 8 Per Pack $2.50 32 Black Plastic Animal Noses Item # #AN08 #AN20 #AN25 #AN30 With Shank & Washer Size Count 8mm 8 noses 20mm 4 noses 25mm 4 noses 30mm 4 noses Price $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Round Beads w/ Transparent Heart 8mm Round Heart Beads w/ 1mm Vertical Hole 12 beads…..$.60 #923...Opaque White w/ Pink Heart #924...Opaque Pink w/ Pink Heart 15mm Round Heart Beads w/2mm Vertical Hole 4 beads…..$1.00 #925...Opaque White w/ Pink Heart #926...Opaque White w/ Lt. Blue Heart #929...Opaque White w/Purple Heart 15mm Love Bead w/ 2mm Horizontal Hole 4 beads…..$1.00 #927...Opaque White w/ Purple “Love” #930...Opaque White w/ Pink “Love” #931...Opaque White w/ Lt. Blue “Love” Wood Beads Great for jewelry. Small holes. 5mm x 10mm w/ 1mm Hole 100 Per Package…..$2.00 #WD0510DB Dark Brown #WD0510LB Light Brown 8mm x 7mm w/ 2mm Hole 27 Per Package…..$1.10 #WD0807 Dark Brown 10mm w/ 2mm Hole 100 Per Package…..$2.00 #WD10—Brown Bead Design Board Beadalon Bead Design Boards are a great addition to your stringing department. The flocked grey surface reduces eye strain and helps keep objects in place. Recessed storage bins are perfect for organizing beads, findings and stringing materials. Graduated beading channels are essential for designing multistrand necklaces and bracelets. Channel Length 46”. 10.5” W x 19” L. #JA-BOARD46….$3.90 Each Storage Boxes w/ Removeable Dividers Keep your bead stash organized with these storage boxes. With removable dividers, you can size the compartments for different sizes or amounts of beads, findings, tools or stringing materials. A terrific storage container to make your own bead kits with strong green snaps! 10” W x 7” L x 1.5” H. #JA-BOX6…..9.00 Each Natural Treated Raffia 20mm x 25mm w/ 4mm Hole 10 Per Package…..$2.00 #6-3—Brown 13mm x 12mm w/ 2mm Hole (16) & 20mm x 23mm w/ 2mm Hole (1) 17 Per Package…..$1.10 #WD1312Mix—Brown Contains a flame retardant for safety, as well as a moisturizer to keep the fibers soft and supple. Natural only. 12 ounces in package #BC200 - $8.00 33
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