issue #102 winter 2006/07 - Wallenpaupack Lake Estates
issue #102 winter 2006/07 - Wallenpaupack Lake Estates
ISSUE #102 WINTER 2006/07 What a difference a year makes 2 COMMUNITY BULLETIN PRESIDENTS LETTER by Ed Weidler I just came back from the tree lighting ceremony at the Main Gate – it was absolutely beautiful! I guess winter is here. Could be that’s why our Maintenance Dept. has those things called plows all ready to go. Many thanks to all the volunteers led by Charlie Parmelee who decorated WLE for the holidays. If you have not come up to see the decorations, you don’t know what you are missing. The Main Club House and Adult Lodge have also been decorated and are looking festive and beautiful. Another year has come to an end and 2007 is upon us. Your Board of Directors will be busy this winter finalizing plans for the new Kasper Lodge and the fitness center addition to the Main Club House. We will be breaking ground on Kasper Lodge in the spring. I want to thank John Carney, our General Manager, all the office staff, our Security, Maintenance, Sewer & Water Dept., Recreation, my fellow Board Members and all of the volunteers who have made this outstanding community what it is, for a job well done in 2006. My wife and I have owned our home in WLE for 18 years, have lived here “full time” for 11 years and have loved every minute of it. We will sadly be putting our home up for sale in the spring and be moving to South Carolina close to our daughter and her family. We will miss all the friends and neighbors we have come to know through the years while working on the Board of Directors, Neighborhood Watch, CERT, Building Committee, Women’s Luncheon Club, Stitch & Bitch, Advisory Board and Wally World Players. It has been our privilege and pleasure to know you all. If the Wally World Players ever reorganize and do another production of “Knock ‘Em Dead”, I will return to play the greasy “MC”! GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT by John Carney I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday season and that you had a chance to take pleasure in all of the activities WLE and the surrounding area has to offer. Our website and the office can keep you updated on all the goings-on. Two items that the Board of Directors have mandated are the completion of the installation of both the pressure reducer valves and the 911 signs. From all indications most property owners have complied with the installation of the pressure reducer valves and we have completed the installation of the 911 signs. We are WINTER 2006/07 presently working with some property owners towards the compliance of the valve or sign. Last spring we continued our efforts towards storm water drainage work, mainly at particular areas of high volume water that run through lots. These areas were ditched and rip-rapped with the proper size rock. Normally we increase or add additional culvert pipes to be able to accept the volume of water going under the road. A lot of this work is beyond the capabilities of our equipment and is contracted out. However, we were able to develop better ditching along the roads and added piping where necessary. This work was performed by our Maintenance Department. We know this will be an ongoing project, but this year we have seen very good results from our efforts. We will continue to address roads, ditches, shoulders and culvert pipes. The accumulation of leaves in the ditches and culvert pipes causes serious drainage problems during periods of heavy rain. We contracted with a person this fall to remove leaves from our most prone areas of flooding which proved to be beneficial. The plans are in the workings to replace the existing Kasper Lodge with a new building located at the ball field. To date we have not heard back from the Boy Scouts, so we are not sure if we will obtain the property from them that is situated behind the ball field, which would allow us to construct the building further back. The area will also include a sizable playground area. The objective is to compound enough activities to make it truly a family oriented area. Funding for Kasper Lodge will be done by a dues increase for 2007 along with a previous dues increase in the year the Main Clubhouse was renovated. The dues increase that took place the year that the Main Clubhouse was renovated will remain at least until Kasper Lodge is paid off, which will not exceed three years. 2007 dues for homeowners were increased by 8% and 6% for lot owners. That does not mean that dues will be increased by those percentages for the next two years. Any increases are calculated on the dues base and not on any portion used to fund a project. By the development of the capital improvement fee that started this year we were able to INDEX: Page 2 President & GM Report fund capital projects Sewer & Water & without using Page 3 Maintenance Reports unallocated capital Building Report & and capital reserves. Page 4 Public Safety Report Winterize & Assessments Page 7 We are maintaining a Page 8 BOD Minutes very healthy capital 07 Revenue & Budget Page 10 reserve fund. All of Page 13 By-Law Minutes these efforts will help Classifieds Page 22 to keep dues increases Page 27 Publication at a minimum. In the 3 COMMUNITY BULLETIN past we have been right around the cost of living and it is our goal to be in that area of dues increases for 2008. We will be adding electric and water to some of the existing sites at the campgrounds. The campgrounds are a great way for lot owners to stay at WLE and enjoy the amenities. Growth and age will always change the workings of any community. This year was no exception and there are some things that we need to be aggressively controlling. The condition of homes is one. As some of the homes are aging and proper maintenance is not being done, a home can become unsightly and/or a safety hazard. Through our Building Department and with assistance of the township, we have already addressed and are still addressing a few situations where homes are being neglected. We favor satellite dishes to be installed on the home. If this is not possible mainly due to reception, we would like to see the dish as far off the road as possible. We do maintain a road right-a-way and a permanent easement in front of all properties which must remain clear. No dish should be within 30’ from the center of the road. Please contact the office before installing a dish to get a copy of the regulations. Parking of boats and campers on your property should be done so that is pleasing to others. Nothing may be stored in the road right-a-way. Off road parking areas that have been approved for vehicles are not approved for storage. Approval of these areas is normally due to hardship because of a steep driveway and having a difficult time in the winter. Boats and campers should be stored as far off the road as possible and covered neatly when being stored. There will be two openings for the Board of Directors. If you are interested please submit your resume by April 1. Enjoy the winter and if you have any questions or concerns, please to not hesitate to contact me. WATER & SEWER REPORT by Brian Schan IMPORTANT INFORMATION IN THIS REPORT REGARDING PRESSURE REDUCING VALVES ! Reminder the Pressure Reducer Valves should have been installed by October 31, 2006. Anyone who did not report having one or still does not have one, needs to address it immediately! P.O without a pressure reducing valve will be subject to a fine. WINTER 2006/07 Sewer Plant & System The electrical wiring and software upgrades are complete at the treatment plant. The new software is working out extremely well and is allowing us to monitor and control the treatment plant more efficiently. The treatment plant is also running very well. We are now working on the wireless communication between the pump stations and the treatment plant. The first of two new pumps at the MCH sewer pump station have been installed. These pumps will be able to handle more flow and replacement parts are more available. Water System The water system is doing very well. We will be doing some normal maintenance to the well buildings over the winter. With several hundred pressure reducer valves installed, we are noticing a difference in system pressure and water usage as expected. There are still a good amount of PO’s who are not listed as having a pressure reducing valve installed. Please check your home and let the Sewer and Water Dept. or the Main Office know. You will see the Sewer and Water Department checking for water leaks and reading meters over the next couple of months all part of our leak detection and meter program. NOTE: Protect Your Home: Turn off water when leaving your home, the best place is at the outside curb shut off. Remember to disconnect all hoses from outside spigots. Protect water meters with heat tape and/or insulation when in non heated areas. All new home hookups will not be allowed to hook up until April 15, 2007. The Sewer and Water Dept. has a new employee, Tom Mckane. He has been with us a few months and is working out very well. Tom will be taking some courses on sewer treatment and I will be teaching and working with him. I feel Tom will fill my assistant position very well. Any questions, please contact the Sewer and Water Department. MAINTENANCE REPORT by Charlie Gioe Can you believe it’s winter already? I can’t, but we’re ready for whatever Mother Nature throws our way. The cinder spreaders are on the trucks, plows are in position, and the salt and cinder are stocked up. So now that we’re ready, we ask everyone to get ready as well by removing anything you have out by the road and keep it set back off the road by no less than 5 feet. (example: basketball hoops, planters, reflectors, rocks etc.) For safety reasons, if possible, please try to stay off the roads 4 COMMUNITY BULLETIN while the trucks are out plowing, especially walkers and children playing. As we all know, it’s hard to stop on ice or snowy roads. We also ask the parents to please advise your children not to build igloos in the plowed snow mounds. The mounds could collapse and injure them and since we can’t see them playing inside, they could be plowed in by the trucks. Otherwise, enjoy the beautiful winter wonderland. I hope you all had a great holiday, but now that it’s over, you can drop your Christmas tree off at the corner of Beaver Beach parking lot. Please remove all of the decorations, especially the lights and as much of the tinsel as possible. As far as winter goes, I hope you stay warm and healthy. Here is a note for you snowbirds - bring back the warm sunny blue skies. B.C.O. REPORT by Larry Milliken We have had another pretty busy building year at WLE with 51 more new homes permitted this year. There were also many additions and sheds added, and if you were one of those and have not gotten a copy of your township C.O. to me for your project, please do so when you receive it. The building regulations will be revised again for January 1, 2007, with significant changes to the satellite dish rules as a result of our dialogue with the FCC this year. In summary, you will not need to obtain a permit in advance of installing a dish, but you will need to notify my office if you do so. Dishes may be installed anywhere on the house or lot except in the easements and road right-of-way. See me first if you do not know where those are. You may have more than one dish if necessary to receive signals from more than one source. Dishes can be on a pole up to 12’ in height without a permit, but will need a permit and a safety certification from a qualified installer if the pole is higher than 12’. We strongly recommend that dishes be mounted on your house if at all possible to reduce the negative visual impact of dishes in the community. Dish size limit has been increased to 1 meter (approximately 39”) in the largest dimension. If you have a question about these changes, please give me a call at the office. Have a safe winter and we will see you in the spring, if not sooner! Happy Holidays! W.L.E. PUBLIC SAFETY DEPT. by Chief N.R. Kizer Winter, so far has been mild, it has been seasonably warm so far, but then again winter can be very unpredictable. WINTER 2006/07 I urge you to drive safely for your sake and the sake of our children walking to and from the school bus, or just being there, when you least expect it. Winter can be unpredictable as we all know ang getting your vehicle serviced before winter is a wise and safe choice. These are just a few things to have checked out on your vehicle, so that it does not leave you stranded out in the cold. 01. 02. 03. 04. Battery Belts Windshield washer fluid Tires 05. Wiper blades 06. All Lights 07. Hoses We should have some vital equipment in our vehicles also during winter months. 01. Snow shovel 02. Ice scraper and snow brush 03. Jumper cables 04. A properly inflated spare tire, wheel wrench, and jack 05. Sand, cat litter or other abrasive material for traction 06. Flashlight with fresh batteries 07. Flares or reflective triangles 08. (1) blanket 09. High-energy foods, such as candy bars, fruit, or nuts. MEDICAL AND FIRE EMERGENCY DIAL 911 First. The office is closed at 4:30 pm. Monday - Saturday and all day Sunday. If you need to have a building opened or closed, or you need to speak to an officer for anything other than a Fire, Police or Ambulance Emergency, call 689-4721 and leave a message. The officers check for messages every 30 minutes or less during non-office hours. Please do not call the Emergency Line for a NonEmergency Problem. NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: I want to thank the members of the “W.L.E. Neighborhood Watch” for their help and support this past year. When you see Neighborhood Watch vehicles with the amber yellow light flashing, they are responding to an emergency. WE NEED YOU TO COME JOIN OUR TEAM AND TAKE A BITE OUT OF CRIME. Criminals don’t like lighted areas, so let’s light up our homes at night with motion sensor lights. SPEED LIMIT: The speed limit for all vehicles in W.L.E. is 20 mph or less. The Patrol Officers will be out there enforcing this law for you. 5 COMMUNITY BULLETIN DOGS : You must keep your dog on a leash. If your dog is caught running loose and not on your property, you will be fined $100 1st time, $200. 2nd time and so forth for each offense. A dog must be kept in your control at all times. If the dog is outside, you must be there as well or you will be fined for having an unattended dog which is $25 1st time, $50 2nd and so forth for each offense. A dog that is constantly barking will be fined $25 1ST time, $50 2nd time and so forth for each offense. Dog licenses must be purchased on or before January 1st of each year, and dogs must have a current Rabies inoculation. I have requested Dog Enforcement Officers to come into W.L.E. on a regular basis this year. Owning a dog or cat is a serious responsibility and they need to be under your control. Your neighbors and friends do not want to be inconvenienced by them. PARKING: Parking on the side of the road is not permitted in W.L.E. It causes hazardous conditions for vehicles passing by, maintenance plowing snow and especially for emergency vehicles. Let’s keep our roads safe for all. ROAD CONDITIONS: Snow and ice make road conditions hazardous to drive on. Our maintenance men go out plowing and cindering the roads so it’s safe for us to drive. Keep in mind that the visibility may be poor, so please keep your children from playing in roads, building forts, and sledding on the shoulders. The RV’s cause a great deal of hazardous conditions when roadways are trying to be plowed. We as adults need to take control of our children before a tragedy happens. A very good way to start would be while roads are being plowed, refrain from riding your ATV’s for that short period of time. STOP SIGNS: Stop signs are for your safety as well as the safety of others. Be a role model for your children as it could save their lives. The stop signs mean stop and the officers will be out enforcing this law for your safety. PATROL OFFICERS: The Patrol Officers here at W.L.E. are out there trying to keep you, your children and W.L.E. safe from harm. We patrol the roads and enforce the Rules and Regulations of W.L.E. The Rules and Regulations are for the safety and well being of all. The Public Safety Officers are just doing their jobs. They do not make the Rules and Regulations, they only enforce the law, so please don’t take your hostility out on them. My door is always open WINTER 2006/07 if you have a problem, or I can be reached at [email protected]. I want to wish you all a safe and Happy New Year. SNOWMOBILING & SKIING IN NORTHEASTERN PA BY Chief N.R. Kizer Promised Land x Only registered snowmobiles may be used on more than 23 miles of designated snowmobile trails. The trails, which are on both state park and state forest lands, are open daily after the end of deer season in late December, weather permitting. Snowmobile maps are available at the park office. 570-6763428 NORTHEAST PA. SNOW TRAILS There are over 150 miles of snowmobile trails going through Lackawanna, Susquehanna and Wayne counties with on going maintenance keeping trails groomed and in good shape. All snowmobiles must be state registered and have a Northeast PA. Snow Trails sticker to ride these trails. The Northeast PA. Snow Trail sticker can be purchased at local Snowmobile dealers in the area. For trail conditions call: 570-448-1766. THE THORNHURST TRACT aspx The larger and more developed tract of the two is located in Lehigh Township, Lackawanna County. This 6,711-acre woodland offers an extensive 24-mile snowmobile and crosscountry ski trail. Snowmobile information, registration and titling call: 717-783-9227 _northeast.aspx PA State Snowmobile Association,Lowell Morton, PO Box 81Annville, PA 170031-888-411-PSSA State Game Lands, The Pennsylvania Game Commission Bureau of Land Management, 2001 Elmerton Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797 717-787-9612 6 COMMUNITY BULLETIN Snowmobile Trails and Law: Bureau of Forestry Recreation Section PO Box 8552 Harrisburg, PA 17105-8552 (717) 7877941 [email protected] Here are some links you might enjoy ILE MONTAGE MOUNTAIN SKI RESORT 570-969-SNOW 800-GOT-SNOW q=MONTAGE+MOUNTAIN+SKI+RESORT CAMELBACK SKI AREA 570-629-1661 800-233-8100 JACK FROST 570-443-8425 800-475-SNOW TANGLWOOD SKI AREA Tafton, PA 18464 570-226-SNOW 888-226-SNOW BIG BOLDER SKI RESORT 570-722-0101 800-475-SNOW ort&FORM=QSNO2 SHAWNEE MOUNTAIN telephone: 570-421-7231 snow report: (800) 233-4218 WINTER 2006/07 IMPORTANT NOTICE We have received a letter from Paupack Township that they secured HONESDALE EMS as the primary ADVANCE LIFE SUPPORT (ALS) and the BASIC LIFE SUPPORT (BLS) service for our municipality, effective immediately. The prior service was secured by Hawley Ambulance. We have been notified that an ambulance and a crew will be stationed at the Lakeville Fire Department. If you call for an ambulance the Wayne Communication Center will dispatch HONESDALE EMS out of Lakeville, unless otherwise directed. We have been using Hamlin Ambulance over Hawley Ambulance due to the distance from WLE. HONESDALE EMS, like Hamlin will transport to the Scranton area. Wallenpaupack Lake Estates is in Paupack Township and we come under their jurisdiction for emergency services. The combination of a paid crew stationed at Lakeville with both an ALS and a BLS will benefit the property owners of WLE by their expertise and response time. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the office. 7 COMMUNITY BULLETIN LWWMD ACKNOWLEDGES COOPERATION WITH PLAQUES WINTER 2006/07 Resumes are due April 1st for the Board of Directors for property owners who wish to run No foolin’! Please keep resumes limited to 1 page! WINTERIZATION At their monthly meeting on Wednesday the Lake Wallenpaupack Watershed Management District (LWWMD) Board of Directors presented plaques of accommodation to several wastewater treatment facilities within the lake’s 212mile watershed. “It is fitting that we recognize those organizations and individuals who monitor and regulate their water treatment plants, keeping those facilities operating at peak performance and helping us to keep Lake Wallenpaupack free from pollutants,” said Coulby Dunn, LWWMD Board President. LWWMD board member Brian Schan who monitors each facility monthly for the board spoke highly of the wastewater treatment facility managers and their continued cooperation with the Watershed District. Schan, the manager of the wastewater treatment facility at Wallenpaupack Lake Estates also received an award. The LWWMD not only tests and samples water from the lake on a regular basis, but the non-profit organization also implements “best management practices’ to control non-point source pollution that affects lake water quality. “QUIK-CHECK” 1.Turn off the main water supply to your home between visits. 2.Disconnect all garden hoses outside. They can cause the hose “bib” line to freeze and break inside the wall. 3.Drain the water meter, if located in an unheated access area, thoroughly. Otherwise, the meter may freeze and break. The cost of replacement and/or repair will be the property owner’s responsibility. 4.Close the crawl space vents. Place a piece of insulation in each vent. This will help to protect the pipes located in the crawl space. 5.Leave the heat on low to further protect your plumbing. Open all doors on the lower kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities to expose the plumbing to the heat. More than 25 years ago the Lake Wallenpaupack Watershed Management District (LWWMD) was formed to manage the 212 square miles of the lake’s watershed area, and the existing and potential water quality problems directly associated with Lake Wallenpaupack. During that time the LWWMD has funded hundreds of projects costing millions of dollars to curb pollution, fix and stabilize erosion and to continually monitor the lake's water quality. Receiving awards were from left: Leslie Kapusta – Prosser Labs, Edgar Sennefelder – The Escape, Gary Wilson – Pocono Plateau Camp, Brian Schan – Wallenpaupack Lake Estates, Coulby Dunn – Chairman of Lake Wallenpaupack Watershed Management Dist., Tom Osborne – P & S DevelopmentHamlin Fun Center, James Carroll – Roamingwood Sewer & Water, Tom Markey – John T. Howe Inc., Dennis Murtagh – Applied Water-84 Rest Stop-Penn DOT, Jeff Supinski – Markey Utility Operations, Joe Messina – Promised Land State Park, Mike Kwiatek – John T. Howe Inc. 2007 Assessments 2% Discount Yearly Quarterly Improved w/Assessment: $1,517.47 $1,544.00 $386.00 Improved w/o Assessment: $1,422.47 $1,449.00 $362.25 Unimproved w/Assessment: $912.81 $927.00 $231.75 Unimproved w/o Assessment: $817.81 $832.00 $208.00 8 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WINTER 2006/07 WALLENPAUPACK LAKE ESTATES PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION HIGHLIGHTS OF THE UNAPPROVED MINUTES BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING December 16, 2006 The December 16, 2006 meeting of the Board of Directors was opened at 8:05AM with the Pledge of Allegiance. In attendance were President, Ed Weidler, presiding, Vice President, Steve Sollenne, Treasurer, Ted Couillou, Secretary, Paula Whitney, and members, Gina Florio and Anne Marie Madison. Also in attendance were General Manager, John Carney and George McMullin representing the Advisory Board. Excused: Jack McIntyre. The minutes of the November 11, 2006 Board Meeting and Open Meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Ted Couillou, seconded by Gina Florio to accept the minutes as written. The motion was passed unanimously. Treasurer’s Report - Ted Couillou The Board reviewed the November 2006 Treasurer’s Report. There was discussion regarding the interest rates on our Certificates of Deposit. There has been an increase in the interest rates. We are doing a good job maintaining expenses. General Manager’s Report - John Carney 1. Health (Fitness) Club – plans are being redrawn to remove bathrooms from the Health Club. Meetings with the township have proved beneficial to us allowing us to take advantage of the bathrooms in the Main Club House. 2. Kasper Lodge – Again our efforts talking with the Township will allow us to build a pole type building. We were advised that due to the building to be used for a game lodge that we would not be able to use a pole type structure. One thing that was changed was the use of the word kitchen to a snack bar. We are in contract with the architect and engineer to get started with plans to have approved by the township. We are also putting together a proposed layout plan of the lodge and playground to see we get it right the first time. The playground equipment has been ordered. Recreation has contributed $3,000 and the Women’s Luncheon Club has contributed $500. Equipment will be delivered in February and installed as early as possible in the spring. 3. We have opened Beaver Lodge for the kids to use. We purchased some games such as ping-pong, air hockey, foose ball, and video games. A sitting area has been set up. Beaver Lodge will be open Monday – Friday, 7:00PM – 9:00PM, and Saturday and Sunday noon – 4:00PM. There has been someone hired to supervise activities. It was noted by the Board of Directors that the use of Beaver Lodge for the kids is only temporary until the construction of the replacement for Kasper Lodge. It was also noted that the trail period of six months for the use of Beaver Lodge for profit-making organizations is nearly over; at that time the Board of Directors will revisit the matter. 4. The installation of the 911 signs has been completed. Invoices have been sent out and payments are coming in very well. There is a small percentage of non-compliance that will be addressed by Security. 5. Sewage agreement was forwarded to Bill Spillane on December 14; to date there has been no response from Bill Spillane. 6. There has been no word as to the incident with the property owner getting hit with a stone by the maintenance operator on the mower. 7. The last recent rain storm was handled very well by drainage work performed in the past three years. The idea of having leaves removed from ditches proved also to be beneficial. We will look into having leaves removed from the ditches in the spring. 8. After the cut-off date for digging across the roads, we had all cross-cuts patched. At the same time we addressed certain manhole covers to avoid having them damaged by plowing. We are all set for snow removal operations. 9. Nancy Settepani has filled in quite well for Joy Pfeifer who is still out due to surgery. At this time Rocky Kizer has increased his efforts in hiring better qualified officers and has shown improvement in the Security Department. The Maintenance Department and Sewer and Water have been taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather by continuing outside work. The Board of Directors requested that Maintenance look into installing additional electric lines and electric eyes as there have been problems with the lights used for the holiday decorations. Buildings and Grounds - Ted Couillou There will be no meetings of the Buildings and Grounds Committee until April 2007. Security - Anne Marie Madison The Board reviewed the report of the December 9, 2006 Neighborhood Watch Meeting. Chairperson, Mick Henry thanked everyone for a job well done. The CPR course given on December 5 and 6th was beneficial to all who attended. Chief Kizer reported that shortly all his officers will have their Act 235 qualifications. It will be a requirement for all future hires. The Board of Directors discussed at length the pros and cons of security carrying guns. The Board also reviewed the report of the December 2, 2006 Citation Review Committee. There were 27 citations reviewed with the following results: 22 remain guilty as cited, 4 citations had been paid, 1 citation met compliance. Three people came forward to discuss their citations. The State Police have been called in on several cases. Criminal mischief has increased in WLE. The fines for Criminal Mischief have increased. The Citation Review Committee will now meet year round since the number of property owners has increased. There will be no changes on the Citation Review Committee until April. At the next Board of Directors Meeting George McMullin will submit the names of the five new members. The next meeting of the Citation Review Committee will be on Saturday, January 6, 2007. Ed Weidler read a letter that was sent to John Carney from Mick Henry regarding AEDs (Automatic External Defibrillator). An AED is used in emergencies to regulate heart rhythm. At present WLE has only one AED. The Board of Directors agreed by consensus that each Security vehicle be equipped with an AED. In the future the issue will be revisited with the consideration of placing AEDs at strategic locations throughout the community. Mick Henry also suggested the possibility of our Security Patrol wearing bullet-proof vests. Maintenance and Marina A comprehensive report from Maintenance was reviewed. Legal and Administration - Gina Florio The sewage contract with Bill Spillane has been sent and we are waiting for his reply. Mailboxes at the West Gate should be replaced within the next two weeks. In the interim property owners must go to the Lake Ariel post office to pick up their mail. Recreation - Paula Whitney The minutes of the December 2, 2006 Recreation Meeting were reviewed. The Recreation Committee voted to donate $3,000 towards the purchase of playground equipment. There was also a vote to allocate $200 towards the purchase of new Nativity figures. Events: Tree Lighting, Saturday, December 2, 7:00PM Lunch With Santa, Saturday, December 9, Noon, New Years Eve, Sunday, December 31, 2006 in the Main Club House, tickets $25 per person Snowball Dance, Saturday, January 20, 2007 in the Main Club House, tickets $12.50 per person Sewer & Water - Steve Sollenne The Board reviewed the Sewer and Water Report dated December 16, 2006. A new alarm has been installed at the Sewer Treatment Plant. Property owners are still having pressure reducer valves installed. An accurate reporting of the installation of 9 COMMUNITY BULLETIN pressure reducer valves will be made available shortly. We will be looking for a third full-timer. Tom McKane is presently being trained as assistant to Brian Schan. There were 9 new hook-ups; all new home permits will have to wait until April 15. Our sewer system will be upgraded when necessary. Rumors that Section 6 has been sold by Bill Spillane will be investigated. Advisory Board - George McMullin The minutes of the December 3, 2006 Advisory Board Meeting were reviewed. Committee reports and the General Manager’s report were read. Following are some of the concerns addressed: A property owner requested information regarding the mailboxes that were set on fire at the West Gate. After the fire the mail was taken to the Lake Ariel Post Office. Property owners affected will have to go to Lake Ariel to get their mail until the boxes are replaced. A suggestion was made for a walking track near the new Kasper Lodge – this will be looked into. A property owner wanted to know if the bar and stone fireplace at the Adult Lodge could be removed to make more room. Ed Weidler took measurements and ascertained that even if they were removed there would not be that much additional space. A suggestion was made to use the MCH for Thursday morning breakfast. There was a question regarding Honesdale Ambulance at Lakeville. Upon investigation it was determined that there are two vehicles present at Lakeville. A property wanted to know if we could install an electronic bulletin board at the main gate; John Carney will investigate. The Board of Directors questioned the use of the fireplace at the Adult Lodge; John Carney will look into the possibility of installing a gas insert. At a previous Board of Directors meeting the possibility of replacing the WLE map at the Main Entrance was discussed; John Carney will investigate. The Advisory Board will not meet again until May 2007. Correspondence 1. Letter to the Board of Directors from a property owner regarding the closing of the Discussion Board. Ed Weidler has reconsidered his motion made at the November 11, 2006, Board Meeting to terminate the Discussion Board. The Board of Directors agreed by consensus to keep the Discussion Board open. Motion made by Ed Weidler, seconded by Ted Couillou that the Discussion Board continue with the stipulation that real names be used. Two in favor, four opposed. The motion was defeated. The Discussion Board will remain open as it presently exists. WINTER 2006/07 Motion made by Steve Sollenne, seconded by Ted Couillou that for all votes taken by the Board of Directors the vote of each individual Board member be recorded in the Minutes. Two in favor, four opposed. The motion was defeated. 2. Letter to a property owner from John Carney at the request of the Board of Directors regarding the storing of a boat along the road. Property owner was asked to move the boat as soon as possible. The boat is still there. At the request of the Board of Directors John Carney will follow-up. 3. Letter to Rev. Phillip Altavilla, from John Carney as requested by the Board of Directors, regarding the removal of the WLE sign at the intersection of Goose Pond Road and St. Mary Church Road. We reserve the right to replace the sign in the future. 4. Letter to the Citation Review Committee from a property owner requesting that they be considered for membership on the Citation Review Committee. 5. By-laws Reformation Committee minutes – the first meeting of the By-Laws Reformation Committee was held on Saturday, December 2, 2006. Ed Weidler has advised the Committee that the Board of Directors will have the final say as to what is presented to the property owners for a vote. The next scheduled meeting of the By-laws Reformation Committee will be held on Saturday, January 13, 2007. 6. Report from Florentino Protection Agency – The report prepared by Edward Florentino was a preliminary evaluating-assessment of our existing uniformed Public SafetySecurity Department. For the most part the report was favorable to our community. John Carney will ask Rocky Kizer to continue his evaluations. There were suggestions made to improve lighting in certain areas. John Carney will look into installing additional lighting where we deem it is necessary. He will also look into the type of lighting that is being used and the possibility of placing some lights on timers. There was a recommendation that we upgrade our Public Safety presence to a respectful level of private policing under the Nightwatchman Act – 3704 and/or Title-22, sec. #501. Gina Florio volunteered to investigate this suggestion and exactly what it would entail. Unfinished Business Long Range Planning Committee – Kasper Lodge – This item was reported on in the General Manager’s Report. The Board of Directors reviewed very preliminary drawings as to the placement of Kasper Lodge, the playground, and a parking area (the Skate Park stays where it is). All drawings placed the amenities where the ball field presently exists; all drawings would leave a large green open area. Steve Sollenne volunteered to stake out the area since the drawings did not appear to be true to scale making it difficult to know exactly how it will look. Security Building – The funding is still in place. Land Swap with the Boy Scouts – Paula Whitney spoke to Bryan Fisk, President, NEPA, Boy Scout Council, at the end of November. The Council has still not made a decision but they are looking to once again cut down on the size of the parcel of land WLE will be receiving in the swap. At this time the Board of Directors questioned whether the land swap is worth the land we are giving up and the cost to the WLE, POA. Main Club House Interior Renovations – Anne Marie Madison will report back to the Board of Directors when decisions have been made. A question was asked about extending the tiled area by the entrance; the answer was that it will be extended. In the Highlights of the November 11, 2006 Board of Directors there was mention of a letter to Ed Weidler from Steve Sollenne regarding the posting of the BOD Meeting Highlights on the WLE, Web Page. The matter was held over for the December meeting when Steve would be present. The Board agreed by consensus to continue posting the Highlights as soon as possible after the meetings. At the November 2006 Open Board Meeting a property owner expressed a concern regarding the safety of our children at the Adult Lodge bus drop-off and pick-up area. Ed Weidler has spoken to Security who will monitor the situation and enforce the rules. The Board of Directors at their November 11, 2006 meeting voted on new work hours for contractors and homeowners. The new hours will be effective as of January 1, 2007. On September 14, 2006, six members of the Board of Directors conducted a workshop that addressed their concerns regarding WLE, in particular Security and Maintenance. Three months have passed and the Board of Directors reviewed their concerns. In almost every area improvement has been seen. John Carney was asked to check on cars constantly parking on the right-of-way and the storing of unregistered vehicles. New Business At the November 11, 2006 Open Board Meeting a property owner proposed the idea of setting up a scholarship fund for the children and grandchildren of WLE property owners. The Board discussed this idea at length. Motion made by Ted Couillou, seconded by Steve Sollenne that the Board of Directors set up a Scholarship Fund for the children and grandchildren of the WLE property owners. There will be four, $1,000 scholarships awarded annually. The program will commence with the 2007/08 school year. The first scholarships will be awarded in June 2008. A Scholarship Committee will be established to set the criteria for application 10 COMMUNITY BULLETIN and selection. The motion passed unanimously. The Board of Directors would like to recognize and thank all the volunteers whose efforts make and keep WLE a wonderful place to live. The next Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Saturday, January 20, 2007 at 8:00AM in the Administration Building. WINTER 2006/07 Tentative future meeting dates: February Scheduled as needed March - Open Board Meeting – Saturday, March 24, 2007 April - Board of Directors Meeting – Saturday, April 21, 2007 May - Board of Directors Meeting – Saturday, May 19, 2007 June - Annual Property Owners Meeting – Saturday, June 9, 2007 at 10:00AM in the Main Club House. A motion was made at 12:30PM by Ed Weidler to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Anne Marie Madison. 11 COMMUNITY BULLETIN 2007 Proposed Recreation Schedule January: 20 - Snowball Dinner Dance February: 10 - Valentine’s Dinner Dance 17-18 – Wacky Winter Weekend 17 – Family Game Night 18 – Family Bingo w/Ice Cream Social March: 10 – St. Patrick’s Party April: 7 – Easter Egg Hunt May: 26 – Plant Sale 26 – Meet your Neighbor 26 – Bingo (swim team) June: WINTER 2006/07 Thank you! No words can ever fully express my gratitude and love for my W.L.E. family. You have cared for me in so many ways, I thank you for all your acts of kindness and support during my time of need. Most Sincerely Ursula Miklaunus OPEN BOARD MEETING MARCH 24th, 2007 10:00 AM MAIN CLUB HOUSE 16 – Fathers Day Chicken BBQ 30 – July 4th Picnic July: 15 – Concert 28 – Adult Luau 28 – Flea Market August: 11 – Fishing Derby 12 – Concert 25 – Recognition Dinner September: 1-3 – Labor Day Games 15 – Chili Cookoff October: 6 - Scary Movies 6 - Scarecrow Building 6 - Creepy Crafts 13 - Haunted House 20 - Adult Halloween Party 27 - Children’s Halloween Party November: 17 - Pre Holiday Party 27 - Lunch with Santa & Food Pantry December: 1 - Tree Lighting 31 - New Year’s Eve Party NOTICE SPRING THAW REGULATIONS AFFECTING VEHICLES OVER 10 TONS WALLENPAUPACK LAKE ESTATES WILL BE ENFORCING A 10 TON WEIGHT LIMIT ON ALL ROADS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY, ON A WEEKLY BASIS, EFFECTIVE DECEMBER THRU APRIL. ALL VEHICLES IN EXCESS OF 10 TONS MUST OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM W.L.E. SECURITY OR AT THE ADMINISTRATION OFFICE, BEFORE ENTERING W.L.E. EMERGENCY VEHICLES, SUCH AS POLICE, FIRE, AMBULANCE AND RESCUE VEHICLES, W.L.E.P.O.A. VEHICLES, UTILITY VEHICLES, INCLUDING PROPANE AND OIL TRUCKS AND MOVING VANS ARE EXEMPT FROM THESE PROVISIONS. THIS WEIGHT LIMIT WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED BY WALLENPAUPACK LAKE ESTATES SECURITY. OFFICE HOURS ARE 8:30 – 4:30 MON-SAT TELEPHONE 689-4721 12 COMMUNITY BULLETIN PLEASE REMEMBER WINTER 2006/07 WLE Girl Scouts Troop #564 2007 WLE vehicle stickers are in. Please come in to pick them up and affix them over your old 2006 sticker. It must be displayed at all times. All vehicles parked at an amenity including the laundry mat or compacter must have their current WLE vehicle sticker displayed on their bumper. Guests of property owners must have a guest pass displayed on their rear view mirror. Current WLE Membership Badges must be displayed by all Property Owners and their guests when using the laundry mat, clubhouses or any facility. If you do not have either your sticker or membership badge, you will not be permitted to use any of the above mentioned facilities. NO FIREWORKS IN WALLENPAUPACK LAKE ESTATES! When you buy a home or property in a community there are rules and regulations that you must follow, not only to protect your property but also your neighbors. One of those rules has been overlooked by many of you, the lighting of any type of fireworks. We can no longer tolerate this activity. There are too many claims of “I didn’t know” or “I won’t do it again” only to wait for Security to leave and start lighting them again. Your Board of Directors has told Security, no more Mr. Nice Guy. The fine for lighting fireworks in WLE is $500. Additionally, if you throw lit fireworks from a car, golf cart, or ATV, you will be fined the $500 and you will lose your RV driving privileges in WLE for 1 year. We do not want our woods or homes set on fire. Do not use fireworks in WLE. If you do, you will pay. Ed Weidler Board President The WLE Jr. Girl Scouts had completed their compassion project on Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2006. They collected more than 60 toys, clothing and snow boots for Schaeffer’s Retreat Homeless Shelter in Carbondale. The girls journeyed to the shelter with a pizza dinner in tow and helped 16 children and 12 homeless adults have a Happy Holiday indeed. The girls did a wonderful deed and we are proud of you all! Not only do the Girl Scouts enjoy performing good deeds, they also have lots of fun with outings. On November 26, 2006, the WLE Jr. Girl Scouts Troop #564 spent the day equestrian style! We all enjoyed a day at Ariel Farms on St. Mary’s Church Road in Lake Ariel. They learned about all different types of horses, horse shoeing and riding. The best part of all was riding the horses. It was an all day outing with lunch. With this outing, the girls earned their horsemanship badges along with lots of fun! Submitted by Troop Leader Kate Rae 13 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WALLENPAUPACK LAKE ESTATES PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION BY-LAW REFORMATION COMMITTEE December 2, 2006 The WLE by-laws review committee helps its first meeting at the Main Club House on Saturday Dec 2. Board President Ed Wielder sat in as an observer. Board Member Paula Whitney came in toward the end. Jerry Bradley was chosen as the chair and I as the recording secretary. We decided to get input from any property owner on ideas for the review. This will be put on the WLE Forum and in the December newsletter. WINTER 2006/07 We also discussed should there be a nominating committee, a petition, and/or specific qualifications (e.g. length of residency, full timer - part-timer) for BOD candidates. Also, at the next meeting input received from Property Owners would be addressed. The committee will meet again on January 13 at 10 AM in the Main Club House. Rev. Ronald P. Altrui Secretary The by-lays are on the WLE Website at: A copy can be obtained in the office. The committee discussed ideas that came from the members, with agreements and disagreements being expressed on each. We also ask your input on these ideas. You can post them on the website or mail them or drop them off for the By-Laws Review committee at the Office. Some of the ideas discussed today included: -Methods needed to increase communication between the BOD and members, and to provide input time from members for non public safety motions. -A property owner who conducts a business from WLE could not be a member of the BOD. -A relative of an employee of WLE could not be a member of the BOD. -To limit dues increases except in emergencies to the COLA. Any increase of the COLA would have to be approved by the membership. This is based on the new law for school districts in the Commonwealth. It was also suggested to enable the BOF to better explain budget items. Some members thought this was not-workable. -To require the “yeas and nays” of each member of the BOD who votes on a motion to be published with their name in the minutes. In reference to Art V, Sec 7 of the By-Laws: To clarify the word “once.” To impose term limits for membership in the BOD, no more than 12 years in a person’s lifetime. To increase the wait time between two three years terms to the next two three years terms from one to two years. This had universal acceptance. Each committee members was asked to concretize their ideas in writing for the next meeting. SNOWBIRDS PLEASE COME TO THE OFFICE AND PICK UP A “WINTER WATCH” FORM. IT IS A GOOD SOURCE OF INFORMATION FOR US TO KEEP ON HAND WHILE YOU ARE AWAY. THERE IS ALSO A LIST THAT GOES TO NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH AND OUR SAFETY PATROL OFFICERS SO THEY KNOW TO KEEP AN EXTRA EYE OUT ON YOUR HOUSE. The weather brings us an unusually warm December & beginning of January with temperatures reaching 62º today January 6, 2007. At this time in 2006 we already had ground covering snowfalls and the average temperature was 39º, 2005 we had 5” of snow and the average temperature was 32º and in 2004 we had 5” of rain and the average temperature was 35º 14 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WINTER 2006/07 15 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WINTER 2006/07 1 Silver Spring Rd., Lake Ariel, Pa. 18436 570-689-4685 (cell) 570-499-0062 [email protected] Steve Sollenne - Owner Insured WHEN QUALITY COUNTS, COUNT ON US “The bitterness of poor workmanship remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten” For all your building and remodeling needs * New Construction * Siding * Sunrooms * Renovations * Garages * Dormers * Decks * Windows * Doors * Extensions * Roofing 16 COMMUNITY BULLETIN We would like to pay tribute to Kasper Lodge in our next issue of the Community Bulletin. We are looking for some history, stories, memories and photos that you may have. Some of our property owners played there as children and have grown up and come back to seee their children play there. Other property owners are new but still have memories as well. Please share some of them with us so that we may print them for others to enjoy. If you have any pictures by or in the Lodge, of just the lodge or better yet with you in it, please bring them in or mail them. They will be returned to you. You can drop off your stories and pictures to the office, or mail them to: Wallenpaupack Lake Estates, 114 Wallenpaupack Dr., Lake Ariel, PA 18436 Attn: Kathy Sollenne or e-mail them to [email protected] WINTER 2006/07 17 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WINTER 2006/07 Call For Snow Plow Contracts 18 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WINTER 2006/07 Square Dance Group On December 19, 2006 the Elk Mountaineers Square Dance Club lead by Lucille Ims, held their annual Christmas party. The group has really grown over the years and they have all enjoyed making new friends and dancing together. Pictured here, and we are missing some of the snowbirds, is a wonderful mix of advanced, intermediate, beginner and youth members ranging in age from 12 – 75 years old. 1182 Hamlin Hwy. Route 590 Lake Ariel, PA 18436 1-800-853-8171 570-698-0700 New Contemporary Home! Open the door to this home and you will want to stay. 3 BR’S, 2 Full BA’S, wrap around deck w/benches, basement has double buck door for golf cart and or other toys, plumbed for future bath. Many extras call for more details! $259,500 WL 06-4906 New Construction: Beautiful STICK built chalet, front & rear decks of Trex, view windows in front. FP in LVR, open floor plan, wall to wall carpeting. MAPLE cabinetry in kitchen, dining area. Full Basement w 1 car garage, roughed for 3rd bath. Over 550 sf in decking! NEW CONSTRUCTION! $224,000 WL06-4532 Bring the Whole Family! Beautiful home, 5 Bdrms/3Baths, whirlpool, enclosed porch, 2 car garage level drive in, 5 zone propane heat, Kitchen Island & eat in area, formal dining room, walk-out patio w brick pavers, all new carpet in lower level. WALK to Beaver Lake. $349,999. WL 06-4127 Silent Nights! And joy-filled days can be yours in this new construction 4BR, 2 1/2bath, Home in WLE. There's a 1 car garage, large deck with Outdoor Hot Tub and seasonal views of Lake Wallenpaupack. Delightful, tranquil, and yours for only $239,900 WL 06-3437 Good things Come in Small Packages: Beautiful home, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, Move in condition. Large Shed, Newer laminate in living room & Woodstove to heat whole house! New Kitchen floor. $139,999. WL06-3164 Beautiful Contemporary! Location, Location, Location! Practically Perfect in every way! Beautiful contemporary wit 3 BRs plus loft, 2 full baths (master with tiled mosaic in floor) arched windows, New Roof, 1 car garage for all your toys, 800sq.ft. cedar deck, beautifully landscaped. Walk across the street to Beaver Beach. $189,900. WL 06-1468 THE REAL ESTATE MARKET IS BOOMING. LIST YOUR HOME WITH COLDWELL BANKER LIFESTYLES REALTY WHILE THE MARKET IS HOT! WE HAVE QUALIFIED BUYERS LOOKING IN W.L.E. We don’t just sell homes, we sell Lifestyles!!! Real Estate is our only business! 19 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WINTER 2006/07 20 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WINTER 2006/07 YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD REALTOR! A FULL TIME WALLENPAUPACK LAKE ESTATES HOMEOWNER FOR OVER 10 YEARS! CALL ME FOR A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS OF YOUR HOME OR LOT! 1-800-853-8171 ext. 16 Kathleen Baker-MacDowell Owner / Realtor LIFESTYLES REALTY House Cleaning Nan Crockett Call for Estimate 570-689-0706 21 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WINTER 2006/07 Women’s Luncheon Club October A covered dish and fashion show was held on October 12. Fashions were provided by ‘The Other Shop’ of the Wayne Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. The clothing is gently used and was made available for sale to the guests after the show. The menu of dishes was amazing and our ladies enjoyed the show and food, including great desserts. November Fun was the order of the day at our ‘Crazy Hat’ meeting on November 9. Our ladies met at the Main Club House in all their chapeaux finery or funnery. Hat contests boast these winners: Judy Heim for her Fall favorite animals on her hat winning her most original, Virginia Sollenne for funniest with her unique flamingo chapeaux and Carol Kuhn for prettiest with dangling tea bags and tea cups. Each hat worn by our ladies had beauty, originality and humor and we thank them all for participating! December SKIING, SNOWBOARDING AND TUBING Alpine Mountain Camelback Elk Mountain Jack Frost Masthope “Big Bear” 595-2150 629-1661 679-4400 443-8425 685-1400 (15% discount on lift tickets when you present your current WLE Badge) Sno Mountain (formerly Montage) Mount Tone Shawnee Tanglwood 969-7669 798-2707 421-7231 226-7669 (20% discount on lift tickets when you present your current WLE Badge) On December 8th, the Woman’s Luncheon Club held its annual Holiday Party at Erhardts Restaurant. The Ladies dressed in their Holiday finery and exchanged gifts. Entertainment was graciously provided by Joan Dobitsch and her troupe of Victorian dancers in full Victorian costume called “Top Hats and Lace”. One of the dancers, Carolyn Guy, is a member of our community. The rest of the group includes dance teacher Joan Dobitsch and her husband Jules, Joann Taylor, Carolyn Guy, Jim & Fran Ward, Cheryl & Joe Delfino and Judy & Jim Seeley. ATTENTION PROPERTY OWNERS OF RENTAL UNITS All property owners who rent homes are required to fill out the necessary paperwork in the WLE Administration Office before renting your home. 22 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WINTER 2006/07 W.L.E. CLASSIFIED RATES: $9.00 FOR 25 WORDS OR LESS, $.25 PER WORD AFTERWARDS. ADS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE WITH AD COPY. ANYONE INTERESTED IN SELLING THEIR PROPERTY, AUTO, RECREATIONAL VEHICLE, BOAT, ETC., ARE WELCOME TO PLACE AN AD. Section 4 – Lot 132 - #34 Sunrise Terr. – All glass prow front chalet, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, Jacuzzi, hardwood floors, large living room w/fireplace, cathedral ceiling, open kitchen, finished basement w. Franklin Stove, new carpeting and 360 degree wrap around deck. Views of Lake Wallenpaupack, near pool & move in condition. Asking $249,900.00 – Call: 570-689-4773 Section 4 – Lot 302 - #14 Mustang & Cheroquee – Brand new cape cod w/covered front porch, rear deck, 1,800 sq. ft., 3 bdr., 2 ½ baths, full basement & garage. Asking $209,000.00 (winter special) Call: 845-469-2800 or 845-238-7272 or 845-590-5197 Section 5 – Lot 32 - #32 Boathouse – 1700 sq. ft., 3 bdr., 2 baths, full basement. Asking $219,900.00 – Call: 732-9463834 LOCKLIN’S BOTTLED GAS CLASSIFIED ADS ROUTE 590 HAMLIN PA (570)-689-7100 Notice to Property Owners When selling your Property, Your Membership Badges are to be transferred to the buyer at Time of closing. There will be a charge for each Badge not transferred at time of Closing. Closing agent will collect the fee charged. BULK PROPANE DELIVERIES PROPANE CYLINDER REFILLS SALES – SHOWROOM HOURS MONDAY – SATURDAY 8 AM – 3 PM LOTS FOR SALE _ Section 1 – Lot 358 & 359 – Indian Drive – Will sell together or individually. Excellent lots, level land and close to all facilities. Asking $20,500.00 per lot – negotiable- Call: 845-469-8270 or 718461-4526 Section 2 – Lot 033 – Wallenpaupack Drive – Great lot / location. Asking $25,000.00 – Call: Robyn 908-370-3536 or e-mail: [email protected] HOUSES FOR SALE_________________________ Section 1 – Lot 294 - #83 Indian Drive – New Construction! Immediate occupancy, Cape Cod on .5 acre corner lot. 4 bdr., 2 ½ bath, hardwood floors & tile, large kitchen and front porch. 1 car garage. Many extras. Asking $249,900.00 – Call: Brad 610-972-8980 or Guy 267-374-3023 Section 1 – Lot 545 – #72 Lakeland Dr. – 2 bdr., 1 bath, LR, DR, chalet w/oversized loft, ceramic tiles kitchen & bathroom, carpet throughout, working wood fireplace and crawl space. Move in condition. Asking $115,000.00 – Call: 914-803-1373 Section 3 – Lot 008 – #988 Goose Pond Rd. – One family frame 1 ½ stories, 3 bdr., 2 baths with 1 Jacuzzi and a completely furnished home. Asking $199,000.00 – Call: George 718-622-0044 Section 3 – Lot 255 - #23 Green Valley Circle – Brand new luxury chalet with 4 bdr., 3 baths, hardwood floors, porcelain & ceramic tiles, Jacuzzi, very nice fixtures & appliances, two large decks, propane fireplace & garage. Must see! Asking $329,000.00 – Call: 689-9273 or 917-836-0532 ADVERTISEMENT DISCLAIMER Wallenpaupack Lake Estates Property Owners Association hereinafter “WLEPOA” has sole discretion to publish any advertisement submitted for publication. WLEPOA is not responsible for the claims, representations and other information of the advertisements of others published herein, or, the credibility of such advertisers. WLEPOA does not verify the truth, or, accuracy of any advertisement of the publication submitted by others, or, investigates the credibility of any such advertiser. DELINQUENT PROPERTY OWNERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE If you fail to pay an unpaid balance of an assessment imposed by the Association, the Association is then required to file suit. In accordance with Schedule “A”, the bylaws of the Association, and resolution of the Board of Directors, you will be liable for your unpaid balance, 12 percent interest per annum, costs of collection (including court and sheriff’s costs), administrative costs, reasonable attorney’s fees, and the cost of discontinuance or satisfaction of judgments. A $200.00 charge for costs of collection and reasonable attorney’s fees shall be imposed. Failure to abide by the conditions of the previous paragraph will cause the Association to initiate the Sheriff Sale of your property. The Sheriff’s costs for this procedure will also be included as part of the costs of this action. ALL DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS WILL BE LISTED WITH A CREDIT REPORTING AGENCY 23 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WLE LOTS FOR SALE SECTION 2 LOT 136 Red Hawk SECTION 3 LOT 049 WINTER 2006/07 NOTICE TO OWNERS OF ALL RECREATION VEHICLES INSURANCE EXPIRATION DATE MUST EXCEED DATE OF REGISTRATION BY AT LEAST TWO (2) MONTHS. ALL ASSESSMENTS MUST BE CURRENT AND ALL FINES IF ANY MUST BE PAID PRIOR TO REGISTRATION. Hurok SECTION 3 LOT 209 DOOR TO DOOR SOLICITATIONS Deer Valley SECTION 4 LOT 141 Sunrise Terr. SECTION 4 LOT 292 Mustang According to WLE Rules and Regulations door to door solicitations are not allowed. Any vendors caught in the Estates will be asked to leave. If you belong to an organization such as Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts etc. or are selling something to raise funds for your school, you will fall under the exception. We do ask, however, that you go to the Administration Office and register by showing your paperwork so that we may verify the authenticity of this fund raiser. You will then be given a card showing that we have seen your paperwork and are aware that you are selling this product. The expiration date will also be written on this card. This will also let the homeowner that may support your cause know that we have verified your sales. 24 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WINTER 2006/07 Chilly Day Cake Recipe RV OWNERS You'll need the following: a cup of water four large brown eggs a teaspoon of salt lemon a bottle of whiskey. a cup of sugar two cups of dried fruit a cup of brown sugar walnuts 1. Sample the whiskey to check for quality. 2. Take a large bowl. Put it down somewhere. 3. Check the whiskey again. To be sure it's of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. 4. Repeat step 3 5. Turn on the electric mixer, beat one cup of butter in large fluffy bowl. 6. Add one teaspoon of sugar and beat again. 7. Make sure the whiskey is still okay. Cry another tup. 8. Turn off the mixer! Dough splattered everywhere! 9. Beat two leggs and add to fluffy bowl and chuck in the tup of fried druit. 10. Mix on the turnerer and beat everything up 11. If the fired druit gets stuck in the beaterers, pry it loose with a drewscriver. 12. Sample the whiskey to check for tonsisticity... Whew is it hot in here ? 13. Okay.. Next, shift two crups of salt... or something. 14. Check the whishkey. 15. Now shqueeze the lemonon ... oh my eye, be rrright back 16. Okay … Add one table 17. Throw in the sugar or something ... Who cares? 18. Grease the oven. 19. Turn the cake tin to 350 degrees. 20. Don't forget to beat off the turnerer and clean the mesh 21. Check the whishkey again, forget bout the cake ind go bed! The RV letters and registration sheets have been mailed. If you do not receive your papers by the end of January, please call the office. NEW LAW REQUIRES MOTORISTS TO TURN ON HEADLIGHTS WHEN USING WIPERS The Department of Transportation announced today that a new law, which goes into effect in January, will require motorists to turn on their headlights anytime their vehicles wipers are in continuous or intermittent use due to weather or other atmospheric conditions such as fog or mist. Motorists who do not comply with the law could face a fine of $25, but with fees and other associated costs, the penalty would approach $100. Also, motorists will suffer substantial penalties if snow or ice on their vehicle injures or kills someone. This is the first winter this law will be on the books. Spread this information to all PA drivers that you know. Don’t get a ticket because you were not knowledgeable about this new law. WWW.PENNDOT.COM 25 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WINTER 2006/07 Game Room Hours: Monday – Wednesday 7:00 – 9:00PM *Thursday 7:30 – 9:00PM Sunday Noon – 4:00PM *Movie Night: Every Friday Night 7:00pm *Arts & Crafts w/Organized Activities: Every Saturday 12-4:00pm *Children of all ages are welcomed 8yrs & under must be accompanied by an adult The Games for the Game Room will not be in use during Movie Night or Arts & Crafts Points to Ponder: -If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches? -Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round? -Can you cry under water? -Why does a round pizza come in a square box? -Why do you have to "put your two cents in".... but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going? -Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity? -What disease did cured ham actually have? -Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours? -Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? -How come we choose from just two people for President and fifty for Miss America? -Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway. -Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out!" Or watch a white thing come out of a chicken's rear and think, "that ought to taste good" -Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat? -Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer? -When your photo is taken for your driver's license, why do they tell you to smile? If you are stopped by the police and asked for your license, are you going to be smiling? - If Wylie E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME equipment, why didn't he just buy dinner? -If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons? -Is Disney World the only people trap operated by a mouse? -Why does the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune? -I’ll bet you just tried singing the two songs above didn’t you? The Girl Scout & Brownie Cookies are back!!! You can purchase them at Beaver Lodge on Tuesdays from 4-5:30 PM & Thursdays from 6-7:30pm. They will be on sale until mid February. They are $3.50 per box 26 COMMUNITY BULLETIN Lackawanna County Stadium was paid for and is owned by the residents of Lackawanna County. It opened its gates for the first time in April 26, 1989 when professional baseball returned to NEPA after a 30 year absence. The stadium, which cost $25 million to build, is located on a 50 acre parcel on scenic Montage Mountain in Moosic and is easily accessible by Interstate 81. With a seating capacity of 10,000, Lackawanna County Stadium is the largest stadium in northeastern Pennsylvania. Perhaps what the stadium is best known for is the Scranton/WilkesBarre Triple-A baseball franchise. The International League club once known as the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Red Barons - was an affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies from 1989 through 2006. On September 21, 2006 the New York Yankees announced they would be the new affiliate beginning in 2007. The announcement had an immediate impact on the franchise with 47,000 tickets being sold that day and almost 250,000 in one week. In mid-December the club officially changed its name from Red Barons to Scranton/WilkesBarre Yankees. In its first 18 years of life the stadium was a multi-purpose facility hosting a variety of events including high school football, amateur baseball, field hockey, marching band competitions and even ice skating. The new affiliation agreement with the New York Yankees also brought with it the news of a natural grass surface being installed for 2007. This announcement is a huge improvement for baseball enthusiasts, but limits the use of the stadium surface. WINTER 2006/07 Should It Actually Snow Winter Activities in NEPA Lackawanna State Park: a.aspx#winter Cross-country Skiing: All trails can be cross-country skied. Frost Hollow, Lakeview and most trails in the campground and picnicking areas are recommended. Sledding and Tobogganing: The gentle slopes by Pavilion 1 are recommended for sledding. Ice Fishing: Except for the ice skating area and under the bridge, all of the 198-acre Lake Lackawanna is open for ice fishing. Common fish caught through the ice are trout, muskellunge, walleye, pickerel, perch and largemouth bass. Ice Skating: The maintained ice skating area is just south of the fishing pier. The ice is cleared and depth is measured. Promised Land State Park: edland.aspx#winter Cross-country Skiing: Skiing and snowshoeing are permitted on all trails. Ice Fishing: Conditions permitting, ice fishing is popular on both lakes. Bass, pickerel, panfish and on Lower Lake, trout, are the common species captured through the ice. Ice Skating: Conditions permitting, ice skating occurs on Promised Land Lake. The Ice Box Sports Complex 3 West Olive Street Scranton PA 18508 570-963-1020 For Indoor Ice Skating 27 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WLE COMMUNITY BULLETIN The official Publication of the Wallenpaupack Lake Estates Property Owners Association 114 Wallenpaupack Drive, Lake Ariel, PA 18436 The Community Bulletin serves approximately 1,800 property owners. It is published quarterly by the W.L.E.P.O.A. Deadline and publication dates may change without notice. Publisher is Kathy Sollenne. For information Call: 570-689-4721 Fax: 570-689-0912 SPRING 2007 Edition Deadline: March 15th Publication: April 10th WINTER 2006/07 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President …………………….Ed Weidler Vice President…………Steve Sollenne Secretary ……………….Paula Whitney Treasurer…………………..Ted Couillou Member…………………….. Anne Marie Madison Member…………………. Jack McIntyre Member……………………….Gina Florio 1/8 Page - $45 1/2 Page - $180 1/4 Page - $90 Full Page - $360 Payment in advance with ad. No exceptions. Checks made payable to W.L.E.P.O.A. There is an extra charge for composition and type setting, if needed. Submit ads early due to limited space. We reserve the right to refuse any ad. Any ads received after the deadline will be published in the following issue. E-mail: [email protected] IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Administration ……...….570-689-4721 Inform-a-phone………....570-689-4409 CURRENT WLE BADGES MUST BE WORN IN ALL AMENITIES Indoor Pool - Seasonal Mon. – Fri. 9:30 am – 1:00 pm Mon. – Thurs. 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Friday 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Saturday 11:00 am – 9:00 pm Sunday 11:00 am – 7:00 pm Tennis Court – Seasonal ASSOCIATION STAFF Office Personnel General Manager – John Carney Sandra Aleckna Joy Pfeifer Nancy Settepani Kathy Sollenne Paul Kuhn Donna Fenstermaker Maintenance ADVERTISING RATES: AMENITIES Foreman – Charlie Gioe Bob Christman Tom Makowski Everett Abieht Fran Raimo Casper Dalykas Ken Moran P/T Michelle Gregory WLE Public Safety Department Chief N.R. Kizer Investigator Bob Vladika Lt. John O’Conner Cpl. Roger Dowdell Officer Lori Truncali Officer Bill Lemp Officer Ron Soltis Officer Ron Miller Officer Wayne Seeley Officer Paul Washko Officer Michael Massaro Located on Tennis Lane & Beaver Lodge. Equipment provided by participants. Open to Property Owners in good standing only. Reservations required. Main Club House Fully equipped facility. Open for special WLE events & Property Owners in good standing. Reservation Required. Adult Lodge Open for 18 years and over ONLY. Equipped with rest rooms which are accessible to Rockledge Pool area, pool tables, dartboard & more. Rockledge Pool Swimming pool, picnic area with Bar-bques, volley ball court and snack bar. Beaver Lodge & Pool Complex 25 Meter Pool, bath house, rest rooms, snack bar (summertime only). Open for special WLE events & Property Owners in good standing. Reservation Required for Lodge. Kasper Lodge Closed Deer Lake Building Equipped with rest rooms and used in summer as a beach house. Laundromat Public Works Staff Campgrounds…………...570-689-9097 Marina……………. …....570-689-9042 (Campgrounds & Marina seasonal) Director – Brian Schan Don Shaffer Tom McKane Emergency Phone……....570-689-7311 State Police………...…...570-253-7126 Building Compliance Officer Larry Milliken Coin operated machines. Combination lock. Call office for code. RECYCLING – Closed until further notice Aquatic Director COMPACTER – is located behind the stable near the Maintenance Shed. Douglas Bagnall WLE IS ONLINE – Visit us on the internet at: NEXT QUARTERLY PAYMENT DUE APRIL 1, 2007 28 COMMUNITY BULLETIN WALLENPAUPACK LAKE ESTATES PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION 114 WALLENPAUPACK DRIVE LAKE ARIEL, PA 18436 WINTER 2006/07 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Lake Ariel PA Permit No. 36
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