VOL. XXVI NO. 4 December 2014 2014 WINTER lar Price 69¢ Regu ueztz a rb o zG FREE to Z m Edition ZAY HI TO CHRIZ & AZHLEY! Meet our newezt operating partnerz at Zorbaz on Green Lake – Chriz & Azhley Walker! We azked theze two zome queztionz zo you can get to know them better. Be zure to ztop by and zay hi to them next time you’re near Green Lake in Zpicer! zmiling ztaff memberz, great regularz, the amazing lakezide viewz, deliciouz food, outztanding beer & liquor zelection, gamez, TVz, and weekly entertainment. Memoriez are made here daily! Where are you originally from? Any hobbiez? Chriz - Eden Prairie, MN (Money Magazine’z “Bezt Place To Live” in 2010…..juzt zayin’) Azhley - Grand Rapidz, MN (God’z Country and birthplace of Judy Garland…juzt zayin’) Chriz - I’m a big zportz guy. I love watching zportz and playing zoccer, tenniz, and hockey. I am a HUGE fan of board gamez and I love running around the back yard with our dog Walleye, who juzt happenz to be on a Zorbaz wall near you. Azhley - Like Chriz, I’ve alwayz been a zporty chick. We both play in a local hockey league where Chriz zcorez the goalz and I zave them. I alzo love dancing around like a fool az if nobody’z watching, competing in our Zorbaz Fantazy Football League, and watching the Ellen Show with our dog Walleye (we’re both big fanz!) When did you ztart working for Zorbaz? Chriz - I officially ztarted in March of 2012, a couple monthz after Zorbaz on Green Lake had opened. Azhley - Zpring of 2009 at Zorbaz on Pokegama Lake in Grand Rapidz. Zo, you’re married, huh? (C & A) - Yeah. It’z awezome. We got Chriz & Azhley Walker zhakin’ thingz up on their wedding day at Zorbaz! married lazt Fall on October 5th and had our wedding reception at Zorbaz on Pokegama. It waz the BEZT DAY EVER. When & how did you meet? (C & A) - We met at St. Cloud State University (GO HUSKIES!) in our frezhman year of college. We were both Broadcast Journalism majorz and had a lot of the zame clazzez. We alzo worked at UTVS, the campuz TV ztation there, and even played on the zame intramural zoccer team. Any interezting factz we zhould know about? Chriz - I played the French Horn from 5th-8th grade and I have been to over 10 different countriez. I will never get tired of travelling and zeeing new placez. Azhley - I’ve lived in 3 different ztatez (MN, SD, and TN), I’m one of zix kidz (3 of uz work at Zorbaz on Green Lake!!), I can do back flipz, and I graduated college summa cum laude. (C & A) Our nicknamez for each other are “Beef” & “Geef” (pronounced like “jeef”) It’z kind of a funny ztory. What’z your favorite thing about Zorbaz? Favorite Zorbaz menu item? Chriz - Oh wow, I can only pick one? There are zo many thingz I love about Zorbaz, but I think the one thing that ztandz out above all elze iz the people. Talking to our gueztz who come in every day iz alwayz zuch a joy for me. On top of that, our ztaff iz incredibly awezome. I’ve never had more fun working with people in my life than the people I get to work with at Zorbaz. Azhley - I love the energy and atmozphere. If I’m ever having a bad day all I have to do iz ztep inzide Zorbaz and become inztantly happy…it never failz! The recipe for pure blizz: our Chriz - The Lowden Zpecial. My whole family iz obzezzed with peanut butter zo when I firzt zaw thiz on the menu, I had to try it. It’z ztill juzt az amazing now az it waz the firzt time I had it. A geniuz idea. Azhley - The Thai Pie. The dezcription zoundz weird but the toppingz are truly harmoniouz on thiz one! (Continued on back page) In Thiz Izzue: Meet Chriz & Azhley The Big Kahoona’z Commentz New Menu Itemz Ztaff Favoritez Bezt Z-Floatz Winter Hourz It: Az I Try az I might, I cannot get uzed to the idea of Zorbaz and winter. It almozt zeemz blazphemouz to zay but Zorbaz ztill meanz zummer to me. With mozt of the Zorbaz locationz open all year now, it’z time I got a grip and realized we are more than zummertime memoriez! It’z great that we are on the lakez and have thouzandz of regular cuztomerz who come by boat to vizit uz all zummer, but with znowmobiling, zkiing and znowboarding taking off I guezz it’z time to create zome wintertime memoriez. The Big Kahoona’z Commentz By Tom Hanzon We are currently inveztigating the pozzibilitiez of having a more cuztomer-friendly environment for our wintertime patronz. Heated garagez for you znowmobilerz, valet parking, hot buttered beer, zunlampz in the reztroomz, and of courze, complimentary jump ztartz with every pizza purchaze. I waz born and raized in Minnezota and I love the four zeazonz – I juzt love zome of the zeazonz more than otherz. -TWH ‘14 Have You Tried a Z-Float Yet? We introduced Z-Floatz to the menuz lazt zpring and they’ve been a big hit! But don’t be fooled – Z-Floatz aren’t juzt meant for kidz. Adultz can enjoy floatz a number of wayz with rich, deliciouz beerz. Beer and ice cream might zound a little weird, but we promize you’ll enjoy it! Here are a few great wayz to enjoy a Z-Float! Coke or Fanta – clazzic! Summit Oatmeal Stout Boulder Zhake Rogue Chocolate Stout Like Uz. Follow Uz. Surly Bender Guinness Rogue Hazelnut Brown (Combine the 2 Roguez and you have a Rogue Brownie, which would alzo do well) Filter Uz. Check In With Uz. Watch Uz. Vizit Uz. z r Zorba o F p U Zi g n to e a r n d r a C ’z . Local ee ZtuFF r F r o F p oi n t z What’z New on the 2015 Menu? It’z that time of year again! We are making zome great additionz to our menu! Keep an eye out for theze deliciouz dizhez coming zoon! QUEZO DIP garlic in a creamy Thiz zexy pale quezo featurez green chiliz, onionz and to pleaze your tazte quezo zauce. It’z got a zubtle heat that will be zure … okay, try with budz! Try with chipz, quezadillaz, tacoz, burritoz, pizza everything! NEW PIZZAZ We are adding FOUR new pizzaz to our menu thiz zpring! Yez, four!! Are we crazy? Nope, juzt crazy for deliciouzly amazing pizza!! Ztay tuned for more info late thiz winter and early thiz zpring. Zorbaz Ztaffer Winter Favez from all over the ztate to We polled our awezome ztaff memberz in the winter! do & drink find out what they like to eat, ZORBAZ PAZZPORT and do the Zorbaz Frozen Lake Tour! Get out your znowmobilez, znowzhoez, parkaz and Zorbaz Pazzport! It’z time for a wintertime Zorbaz tour! Vizit our year round Zorbaz locationz thiz winter! Once you’ve collected all 11 ztampz, turn in your pazzport for the official Zorbaz Lake Tour Prize! Fave winter drinkor: Hot Summit Winter Ale rhapz?) Chocolate (zpiked, pe od: Chili Fave winten rPifo zza & Green BBQ Chicke y: Fave winter activit ice fizhing Znowboarding and #onlyatzorbaz Get the CHRIZ & AZHLEY (Continued from front page) Favorite beer or cocktail? Chriz - I’m an avid beer drinker. I will try any kind and have a lot of favoritez, but if I waz ztran ded on a dezerted izland, the one thing I coul dn’t go without would be my Grain Belt Premium. Azhley - Beer, but I do have a weaknezz for Hendrick’s Gin, ezpecially a Hendrick’s & Tonic with a cucumber. Perfection. Hoodie or T-zhirt? (C & A) - Hoodie. Our favorite time of the year iz when fall rollz around and we can thro w on comfy Zorbaz zweatzhir tz. Water zki or znow zki? (C & A) - Water zki. We love getting out on Green Lake in the zummer whenever we find the time to. The water iz zo clear and beautiful on Green! If you could put a Zorbaz anywhere in the world, where would it be? (C & A) - Definitely Queenstown, New Zealand. We went there on our honeymoon and it iz an incredible city. There’z a huge lake in the midd le of it zo it would definitely qualify for a Zorbaz. It’z know n az the adventure capital of the world. We went zip lining there, downhill ztreet luging, and we even zkydived there. It waz a blazt. Zhred the Gnar at one of theze zweet hillz then hit up Zorbaz after and warm up with a hot za! Anything elze you’d like the world to know? (C & A) - Juzt that we have zo much fun doing what we do ever y zingle day. Even though we’r e married and zee each other all the time, it never getz old working with one another. We would love for you to come ztop in and zay hi to uz in Zpicer! Hold the phone, iz that a new billboard dezign? You better believe it! Keep you r eyez open for zweet new Zorbazizmz on a highway near you (but keep your eye dezignz and z on the road too)! Winter Hourz DETROIT LAKEZ Every day 10 a.m. - 2 a.m. LITTLE PINE Every day 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. CROZZ LAKE Monday - Thurzday: 4 p.m. - 2 a.m. Friday - Zunday: 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. GULL LAKE Monday - Friday: 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Zaturday - Zunday: 10 a.m. - 2 a.m. ZHATEAU Monday - Thurzday: 4 p.m. - 1 a.m. Friday - Zaturday: 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Zunday: 11 a.m. - 1 a.m. GRAND RAPIDZ Every day 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Detroit Mountain 29409 170th St Detroit Lakes, MN Andes Tower Hills 4505 Andes Rd SW Kensington, MN Ski Gull 9898 County Road 77 SW Nisswa, MN GREEN LAKE Every day 11 a.m - 2 a.m. ALEXANDRIA Lake Nightz Every day 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Monday Bee r Zpecialz REMINDER! Two Point Tu ezdayz T-Zhirt Nigh t (alwayz chec az k the eventz calendar at eventz vary at each locati on) Zaturdayz: Thirzty Thu rzdayz! Ztart your w eekend earl y! Thank Good n ez z it ’z Zo A tozz up at any Zorbaz.rbaz!! Need we y more? It ’z Zaturdza ay! No need to juzt get a Blocall a doctor, ody Mary! Follow your favorite Zorbaz on Tw itter (or follow ALL o f them if that ’z your thing)! Check out Twitter fo r Zorbaz newz, eventz , and excluzi ve zpecialz available on ly to the Twitt erzphere. Alwayz c heck out zorba o for what ur webzite at ’z new and phot oz! 8 OUT OF 11 LOCATIONZ ARE OPEN YEAR-ROUND!
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