Good Morning America - Bergen Community College
Good Morning America - Bergen Community College
April 2010 WWW.BERGEN.EDU/THETORCH Kratos is BACK!!!! pg.12 Chat Roulette: How Far is Too Far pg.15 Consumers brake for Toyota Recalls pg 6 VOLUME - 17 ISSUE - 3 Downloading: Legal vs Illegal pg. 17 The Torch THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF BERGEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Find job opportunities in all the right places pg 5 Why Some Students Will Not Graduate From BCC Travis Weite Copy Editor Out of all the students at Bergen Community the courses they choose to take and will not have College, a large number end up dropping out, never to withdraw. Financial Aid programs are designed to be heard of again. Most would agree that the to help students who are dealing with financial stresses of college may be too much for some students troubles. For students who are having difficulty to handle, but drop-outs may be prevented with more in their classes, the tutoring center is available for communication between the administration and students to receive extra help. struggling students. President Ryan realizes that the administration Since 2000, the graduation rates have been steadily must try to reach out to students at the beginning of increasing, reaching an all time high of 1,542 graduates their academic career if they are to graduate in two for the 2009 academic year. This increase may act years. Director of Student Life, Nestor Melendez, as a sign for those instances when a degree is vital emphasized that, “[S]tudents should come into BCC in order to be employed at a job that will support a with their focus on graduating.” BCC offers transfer family. Some students may believe that this is only programs to several nearby, four-year institutions true of a Bachelor’s degree, but it can be applied for an that allow students to transfer in as juniors. Should Associate’s degree as well. “[S]tudents underestimate students choose to transfer before graduation, they the value of a BCC degree," said Academic Vice may end up needing to repeat courses they have President, Gary F. Porter. "Having a degree from BCC already taken. will help students get a job because a BCC degree is To avoid some of the confusion that students recognized by BCC alumni in the workforce. This normally go through when trying to plan their recognition will show what graduates are capable of.” academic career, speak with advisors within the There are many reasons why students make the school to develop a plan that is right for you. It is decision to drop out of BCC. Students may be under the goal of BCC to educate students and provide all financial stress or have family obligations that force of the information and resources that are necessary them to sacrifice school. “The average student has for a student to succeed academically. more to worry about than just school,” said President It is important to note that college is different G. Jeremiah Ryan. “Students have jobs, family from high school. No one will inform you that responsibilities and are involved in other activities in you have taken enough credits to graduate or hold addition to going to school.” This understanding is your hand in the transferring process. If you do reflected in some of the programs and policies that not take charge of your academic career, you will have been implemented at BCC. end up repeating classes and spending more time These programs and policies are designed to in a community college than necessary. BCC decrease the probability that a student will withdraw administrators will meet you halfway when it comes from classes and drop out of school. By requiring to your academic career, but you must do your part to students to have prerequisites to take certain classes, talk to the people who can help, if you truly want to BCC hopes that students will be more prepared for succeed and move on to a four-year institution that is. Don’t let your chance of graduating turn to ashes. PHOTO BY DAWN FOSTER Good Morning America Ayelet Shimron Editor-in-Chief Torch students exhibit their posters while waiting outside the GMA studio Many dedicated journalism and TV-media students lined up at 6:00 a.m. outside the "Good Morning America" studio, located in Times Square, New York City, to get a behind-thescenes look at the production process from A-to-Z. The trip, which took place on March 3rd, allowed students to catch up with country singer, Tim McGraw, who lit up the stage with his country jam performance of the song ‘Still’ from his new album, Southern Voice. The Bergen Community College students got a front row view of McGraw’s interview with Robin Roberts. McGraw’s appearance in the movie, ‘The Blind Side,’ was noted to be a great success. In interviewing McGraw about his new movie ‘Sunday’ Roberts asks, “You go from Sandra Bullock, who's fantastic, then working with Gwyneth [Paltrow] in this latest one.” McGraw’s humorous response was “Well the women in my PHOTO BY AYELET SHIMRON Winner for News & Arts and Entertainment Writing Award and Layout & Design 2008-2009, Winner of the General Excellence Award 2007-2008 New Jersey Press Foundation Better College Newspaper Contest life, I’m doing pretty well with. I get to go home to the best.” The chutzpa present in the field of journalism really shone through when students walked right up to McGraw and took pictures with him, as well as with the band. After McGraw and his band concluded their live performance, some lucky BCC students were able to go home with the guitar picks used by the musicians themselves. Stage manager, Eddie Luisi, when asked what he likes best about working at GMA, said, “I like that it’s live. When you’re in TV, when you’re in a soap opera, you can do a show that’s not live and take its Take-1, Take-2, Take14, Take-20, it could get real boring, very monotonous. You could be on one set all day long for eight hours. This is a live show, so you got to do it right. Also, at this show you have news, music, models, celebrities, authors; you have a good mix. Every See Good Morning America on pg 4 BCC News Page 2 April 2010 Women’s History Month at BCC “Writing Women Back into History” Travis Weite Copy Editor Women’s History Month is an annual salute to the women around the world who will forever be remembered in history for their contributions to mankind and the progress they have made in making a name for women everywhere. Women’s History Month started from humble beginnings as just one day, but has since come to be a week in 1980 and is now celebrated for the entire month of March in the United States as of 1987. There would have been no celebration at all had it not been for the efforts of the National Women’s History Project (NWHP). There have been several events around Bergen Community College in honor of this month. These events honor the women of history, as well as the women of today. The events serve to educate students about the importance of women everywhere, those at BCC in particular. There was a time when women were not allowed to attend college, let alone teach at one. The women who teach and attend BCC are historical figures because they are teaching at, or attending a college. Female BCC students serve as examples of women who further the cause of women’s rights by exercising them. The NWHP is an initiative originating in 1980 to honor women for their historic achievements and ensure that women’s history is forever remembered. The project was created in 1980 by a group of female activists: Molly Murphy MacGregor, Mary Ruthsdotter, Maria Cuevas, Paula Hammett and Bette Morgan. The theme of 2010’s Women’s History Month is “Writing Women Back into History.” The majority of history books have been written by men. This has caused most historical contributions of women to be omitted from the history books. The purpose of this year’s theme, as set by the NWHP, is to correct this injustice and defend the rightful place of women in history books. By teaching the children, as well as the young men and women of today, the contributions of women throughout history, perhaps we will raise a generation of tolerant men and women who believe that women are capable of doing anything men can do, including serving as President of the United States. Despite the progress women have made for women’s rights so far, disrespect and injustice toward women still exists within and outside of the United States. Today, women are being sold into human trafficking, or modern day slavery, and having their civil rights taken away from them. In some parts of the world, girls no older than ten years old are being sold to old men as wives. Women are being killed for voicing their opinions or showing parts of their body. All over the world, girls and women are being raped and abused. It is important to realize that the horrors of the past are present today, and that many women still suffer as a result. It is important for BCC students to realize the importance of this month and the women honored. Many women have sacrificed their lives and their freedom to stand up for the cause of women’s rights. It is sad to realize that a woman’s right to vote did not come about until the beginning of the last century. Women are strong and intelligent beings that are worthy of the recognition that so many men have received throughout history. Everyone has a mother and all of our mothers have been a subject to some form of disrespect just for being female. Use this month to honor your mother, sister, wife, daughter and all women who have made an impact in the world. Women’s History Month may just be one month, but respect toward women and their contributions should last year round. What Am I Speaking, Yiddish? Matthew W. Cole Features Editor The sweet, subtle poetry of Deborah Vogel is relatively unknown to most educators and students. You can punch Deborah Vogel in a Google search and you would have to hunt for a while before finding a slim bit of information, in English anyways. For Women’s History Month, Dr. Maria Makowiecka decided to educate both teachers and students wanting to learn more about Vogel’s life story. With the help of a PowerPoint slide show and a few crisp handouts of Vogel’s collective work, Makowiecka presented an engaging story on the life of Deborah Vogel. As Makowiecka read and dissected a few poems, a couple of informed spectators chimed in with insight of their own. Makowiecka describes Vogel as “…obviously brilliant…” when her 1993 poem, “Streets and the Sky” was discussed. Material information and opinions were also discussed for two other poems; "A Day Figure” from the series Tog-Figurn, 1930 and "The Military Parade," 1937. “Always, when the sky is gray, the streets are tired and sweet, like the seas, gray and warm,” is a quote from the "Streets and the Sky." This fine quote, as well as all her other writings, were written in Yiddish; educator Makowiecka translated into English herself for the listeners. Vogel was born in Lvov, Poland and earned her Ph. D. in 1926 from Jagiellonian University. In 1932 she married, and had only one son who was named Anshel. Sadly, in 1942 she and her family were killed for not siding with the Nazis during World War II. Deborah Vogel has now been brought to Bergen Community College. Hopefully her work will be spurred throughout the classrooms and into the hearts of students and educators alike. Sojourner Truth 1797-1883 Mother Teresa 1910-1997 Maya Angelou 1928- Amelia Earhart 1897-1939 BCC News April 2010 Page 3 Dr. Susan Fuhrman Speaks at BCC Nicole De Los Santos, Alfred Martinez News Editor, Staff Writer During a period when Bergen Community College honors and recognizes the hard work of women, a very notable individual took center stage as keynote speaker at the Anna Maria Ciccone Theatre on March 3rd, who gave an informative speech on education and a plug for the Teacher’s College of Columbia University. This individual has worked very hard throughout her career, earned every bit of recognition for her accomplishments and is none other than Dr. Susan H. Fuhrman, who eloquently graced BCC with her voice at the podium. A fact that Dr. Fuhrman made clear from the beginning of her presentation was that for every one hundred high school students, only eighteen will complete college; this is not surprising since the college graduation rate is extremely low in America. Internationally the United States is ranked 25th out of 30th in mathematics and 15th out of 19th in reading. That’s a very dreadful statistic, considering that many high school students enter college needing to take remedial courses before they can commence their collegiate curriculums, delaying college graduation by at least a semester. Here at BCC, the graduation rate is 10% for students who complete their program within the estimated time, and the transfer rate is 16% respectfully, based on statistics from Fuhrman, being the 10th President of the Teacher’s College of Columbia University, has many inspirational goals set in mind for the well being of students to succeed in their academic journeys. The changes she hopes for range from local, state and government reform, pertaining to educational policies and accountability pressures in high schools. The students we have now are the future that will lead us into a whole new era. Therefore, the very best in education should be available; an issue which President Obama has recently pressed upon, with his support for the firings of unqualified teachers and raises for teachers that help students excel. A new idea is emerging with the vast amount of technology available. Now is the time when everyone must use the advanced frontier of the internet, computers and limitless resources that are available. “Each generation romanticizes a golden age of school. The way students are learning now has definitely changed and it’s frustrating to teachers who never learned that way,” commented Fuhrman. Nothing definite has been decided, but these advancements need to be embedded so teachers can help students get back onto a more accurate trajectory. Another noteworthy idea is to start at the foundations of high school learning, specifically targeting dropout rates. Schools don’t always put into consideration that less affluent students may have to work for their families, meaning they don’t have the necessary time for studying; making it critical for students to get the necessary education during school hours. One solution—pull back the students performing poorly and having them repeat the year, some may wonder? Better solutions must be Words of Women Rachel Kaminer Staff Writer In school curricula of this day and age, female writers, like Emily Dickinson and Jane Austen, may be forgotten at times. However, it is not only famous women writers that should be recognized. The women of today need to make their voices heard as well. The “Writing Women” workshop, part of Women’s History Month at Bergen Community College, helped women of all ages get their voices heard. The workshop, led by Dr. Dorothy Altman and Dr. Leigh Jonaitis, focused on helping women write and make their points known. The workshop started with the question, which received a variety of responses: Why did you come here? Some people said that they came to express themselves. Some people came because they wanted to become better writers. The workshop gave everyone an opportunity to achieve those goals in a relaxed, yet productive setting. Everyone got a list of five prompts. Each of these prompts focused on self-expression. The topics ranged from writing a tribute to a woman you admired to realizing your role in society. There was a writing period of about twenty minutes. I found that it was extremely helpful to write down the words that I was thinking at that very moment. The exercise helped with selfexpression and with writing as well. After writing for twenty minutes, we each got a chance to read what we had written. It was a sense of togetherness as I listened to people of all ages share what they had written. One woman read what she thought about her name. Another one read about growing up with a large family. It really gives a sense of peace and comfort once you see that people are going through the same situations as you are. Natalie Portman 1981- made that are both beneficial to the students and schools, since the current result ‘hold and repeat the year’ isn’t helping. An additional plan that has already begun is dual enrollment. Having high school students earn college credits throughout their four years prepares students for college curriculums, allowing for a smoother transition toward earning a degree. Following Dr. Fuhrman’s presentation, she was asked many questions and given comments by the audience regarding what can be done to fix the educational epidemic that America faces. Topics ranged from comparisons of how well certain Asian students are doing in reflection to America’s schools and which schools around the states have had to close due to budget cuts. Other topics that drew attention were in regards to structural reform for students entering college, charter schools, what can be done for students in and out of school communities, needed improvements in K12 school systems and taking diverse classes so that students have a broad option of ideas in deciding what and where to study. New Jersey’s own budget woes also gained interest and that's something teachers will have to get use to since a lot of misspending has taken place causing these effects. When asked about how a teacher’s performance to teach may be affected by such strains in education, specifically budget cuts, one word summed it up from Dr. Fuhrman, “distress”. Edwidge Danticat’s Unique Way of Writing “Night Women” Stephen Zheng Staff Writer Are women's writing styles different from men's? In celebration of Women's History Month, one author's writing would be studied Professor Stacey Balken and Professor Kelly Keane hosted a Book and Brunch event on March 18th in room C-303, reintroducing a famous past story like Marlon Jame’s Night Women as well as the famous and successful Haitian-American author Edwidge Danticat’s Krik? Krak!. During this event, Balken explained the unique ways of writing that Danticat has shown in her stories and novels; her work having inspired other writers to write in the same style. She also explained how some of Danticat’s story has a relation to the tragedy that happened in Haiti. Balken pointed out the harsh times that the people of Haiti are going through right now, which is very similar to how the main character in ‘Night Women’ is. In Night Women a mother struggling to feed her only son is forced into prostitution just so they can survive and put food in their stomachs. Ellen DeGeneres 1958- Oprah Winfrey 1954- The same form of attempting survival can be said for the people of Haiti due to the tragedy that many of the people are even struggling to survive. Professor Stacey Balken also compared one of Edwidge Danticat's famous stories, the Krik? Krak! with one of the New York Times news article, To Heal Haiti, Look to History, Not Nature, written by Mark Danner. Balken showed how in Krik Krak! a mother was scolding her daughter how being a writer will bring shame to their family and nothing good will come out of it; that each braid of her daughters hair represented each of the nine hundred and ninety-nine ancestors that made her who she is. Professor Stacey Balken pointed out how each braid in the daughter is very similar to the Haiti women in the Haiti tragedy. This event showe a lot of students and professors the unique writing ways of Edwidge Danticat and Marlon James, while offering food and beverages as well! Princess Diana 1981-1996 BCC News Page 4 • Iona-Bergen CC 4.7.10:Layout 1 3/9/10 2:35 PM April 2010 Page 1 You Can Transfer To Iona College. A Best College in the North -U.S. News & World Report A Best Northeastern College -The Princeton Review A Top Undergraduate Business School in the Northeast -BusinessWeek Good Morning America single day it’s a little different, even though it’s the same show.” Luisi has been at GMA for 25 years. He claims that the field is about your personality; how you get along. It is about being friendly and doing the job without getting people nervous. This job is a union job so it’s a “catch 22.” You cannot get in unless you are in the union. It is a hard job to get into so for those looking to get a job at GMA, it’s advised you get into the lower level jobs and work your way up the ladder. To be a news anchor or reporter for GMA takes time. Once you’ve built your resume it comes down to other facets in which Luisi describes, “Hopefully you got the right look, I don’t know [what that may be]. I mean, you got Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos; do they fit together? I don’t know.” continued from pg 1 After watching a live cast production of the show the students of BCC got a personal tour behind the scenes of GMA. They were able to see where the magic takes place firsthand. From meeting the back stage TV editing team, to an opportunity to sit in the same seats that Robin Roberts and George Stephanopoulos speak from every morning, the young aspiring journalists and TV-media students could not have asked for a more adrenaline pumping event. The staff at GMA wakes up every morning at 3:00 AM and have proved worthy of producing a show that many dedicated early birds across America have grown to trust and respect as their number one choice of morning news. Earn a degree that matters • Over 40 majors and minors taught by professors, never teaching assistants • Successful alumni • Fantastic internships • Scenic suburban campus just 20 minutes from midtown Manhattan • Dozens of campus clubs and activities • State-of-the-art athletics center • New student union • Study abroad opportunities • 21 NCAA Division 1 (MAAC) athletic teams Come spend a day or schedule a campus visit. To speak to an admissions counselor call ( 800 ) 231-IONA or visit us online at IONA COLLEGE • 715 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY 10801 Follow us on Twitter ( [L-R] Bergen Students Perpetua Romain, Ayelet Shimron, and Nita Lim posing with stage manager, Eddie Luisi backstage at the GMA studio in Times Square. PHOTO BY PERI LYNN GLASNER StayNear. GoFar. •Academic Excellence.OurrecentgraduatesareFulbright andRhodesscholars. •Choice Programs.Weoffer60+majorsandprogramsincluding communication,businessandnursing. •Transfer Credits.Keepallormostofyourexistingcredits. •Scholarships.Applyandyouareautomaticallyconsidered fortransferscholarships. Get your future started! SetonHallUniversity BCC News April 2010 Page 5 I Kissed A Mezuzah and I Liked It! Torah, can provide you with a certain sense of uncompromisable holiness. With Passover right around the corner, Bergen Community College’s Hillel Club, run by Rabbi Ely Allen, provided the club’s members with the opportunity to engage in a “Make your own Mezuzah” day! What is a Mezuzah? According to, a Mezuzah is “A parchment scroll inscribed with the verses of the Shema [the first two words of a section of the Torah] and affixed to the right doorpost of every room in a Jewish home.” The Mezuzah stems back to the time of the Exodus when the Jews fled Egypt to rid themselves from slavery. The word Mezuzah is derived from the word “zuz,” which in Hebrew means “move” or “pass over,” thus resulting in the Jewish holiday, Passover. The concept signifies Moses when he called for the elders of Israel and, according to www., said to them, “Pick out and take lambs for yourselves according to your families, and with the Passover lamb, strike the Mezuzot with the blood of the lamb. And none of you shall go out of the door of his house until morning.” It is written: “by His DEATH, HE might DESTROY him who holds the POWER of DEATH – that is – and free those who all their lives were HELD in SLAVERY by their FEAR of DEATH.” Heb 2:14-15. You are probably still asking yourself, what exactly is a Mezuzah? To put it plain and simple, a Mezuzah allows us, in short, to capture those tiny meaningful moments, providing us with a daily pause for reflection and prayer in the process of coming and going from the home. The Mezuzah is a truly precious addition to any Jewish household and should not be taken for granted. It does not only provide one of the best security systems a home could have, but it is also a testament and conventional reminder of our faith, as well as Ayelet Shimron Editor-in-Chief a representation that G-d’s presence lies within, and all around; watching over the home and its dwellings with a caring protective eye. Upon entering your home, the traditional method that accompanies owning a Mezuzah requires you to kiss your finger tips and place that hand on the Mezuzah with a simple touch. Since the majority of people are right-handed, the Mezuzah is typically placed on the right side of every door and doorway throughout the house. According to, “The name of G-d, Sha-dai, which appears on the reverse side of the parchment is an acronym for the Hebrew words which mean ‘Guardian of the doorways of Israel.’" The ritually recited phrase that goes along with the establishment of the Mezuzah states, “May G-d protect my going and coming in, now and forever.” With a custom so spiritually uplifting, it would be an undoubtedly difficult task to feel anything but secure in any Jewish household. In regards to the Hillel Club and its growing popularity within our student body, we have a great deal of gratitude and appreciation to express to Rabbi Ely Allen who has devoted many hours to transform the club into a valuable, nonetheless essential constituent to BCC’s campus. The students of the Hillel Club were able to bless their homes with a wonderful and deep-rooted attribute, generating more meaning and righteousness by virtue of obtaining a Mezuzah. According to club President, Josh Rubin, he describes his experience as one that has been, “One hell of a joy ride. I’ve gotten to know all the Jewish faculty and students. I think we are really doing great things. We [even] managed to get a Menorah [placed] in the school.” Hillel hopes to bring more recognition to Jews everywhere, taking it out from under the radar, because it really belongs to each and every Jewish student who feels a collective sense of pride for their treasured culture. SOURCE: MICHALNEGRIN.COM Job Opportunities May Be Coming Your Way Alfred Martinez Staff Writer For the bottom 10% of earners (workers who bring home less than $12,500 annually), the unemployment rate was 31% according to Laura Rowley who wrote, "Two Job Markets, Worlds Apart." This daunting statistic is due in part to the little-tono education that individuals have, making it increasingly difficult to find jobs. During these fluctuating, struggling economic times, stock markets and big corporations are finding it difficult to make ends meat for their multimillionaire executives. The national unemployment rate, as of February 2010, is hovering at 9.7% (NJ is at 9.9%). There are some institutions out there trying to help people and improve this nation's deficit, by educating and finding jobs for those in need. These individuals looking for support and improvement through higher learning, New Jersey in general, can receive assistance from our own almamater with support from its Career and Transfer Department counselors, here at BCC. As many of our readers already know, BCC has made tremendous efforts in improving the school, helping students and helping the public find jobs by organizing job fairs and many informative events. The transfer counselors, along with staff, from the former Cooperative Education & Career Development Department, teamed up back in August 2009, to establish the Career and Transfer Services Department (CTS). They are located at A-123 and C-111 in the Pitkin Center. Many people may recall, last year when the CTS Department arranged a huge Job Fair event, which was open to students and the general public. People had to SOURCE: WORLDYWCA.ORG literally park near the entrance of the school off Paramus Road due to the high volume of unemployed people looking to fill positions and get back in the job market. This semester, such an arrangement was unmanageable due to the enormous renovation the school is undergoing. Though construction is going on, it has not stopped BCC from bringing students segments of the job fair called "Job Opportunity Days." At these miniature events, outside the cafeteria, there were about five to six recruiters on their scheduled days, including school staff, who were looking to assist and hire students for various positions. Among the companies looking to hire students was UPS, which was looking to fill several positions for their Parsippany and Saddle Brook locations. Other companies, like Columbia Bank, only had a couple of positions to fill, but that did not stop them from gaining interest from many students. Also attending these events and looking to fill many part-time and full-time positions were: Century 21 Department Stores, PSCH-NJ, Inc, Esquire Staffing Solutions, Toys ‘R’ Us, Exquisite Home Product, Embassy Suites, Council for Airport Opportunities and Fire Department of New York recruitment. While attending the job opportunity event on March 2nd, and listening to some of the recruiters, I realized they were all looking for prepared students with resumes that were ready for on-the-spot preliminary interviews. One recruiter, Ms. Ana Medina from Esquire Staffing Solutions, who was nice enough to entertain a question replied, “We are looking to help young college students get ahead. We are a staffing firm who helps place individuals in part-time and full-time positions, in clerical, administration, finance & accounting, customer service, light industrial and data entry.” It has been a long time since people have heard or seen the words "Now Hiring." When jobs are hard to find, one can only have an optimistic outlook in finding work. With the continuing efforts of BCC and employers looking to find smart individuals, the hope is that this trend will continue. Meeting with the recruiters at these events is just a step towards earning some experience and cash for your personal needs. Transferring to Your Bachelor Pad Nicole De Los Santos News Editor So what lies in front of most Bergen Community College students when Graduation Day draws closer, or even those wishing to transfer to a four-year college? The long-awaited day for decision time, which is titled ‘Transfer Day’ was held on March 17th in the student cafeteria. The event started at 5 p.m. and half of the tables in the cafeteria were set up to display brochures, applications and even those little giveaway pens for fouryear local schools all throughout New Jersey, as well as a few in New York, came to BCC in the hopes of drawing in the fresh, new alumni for the upcoming semesters. Participating colleges were: · Berkeley College · Bloomfield College · Caldwell College · City University of New York · College of Saint Elizabeth · Columbia University (General Studies) · Dominican College · Fairleigh Dickinson University · Fashion Institute of Technology · Felician College · Fordham University · Iona College · John Jay College · Kean University · Mercy College · Montclair State University · New Jersey City University · New Jersey Institute of Technology · New York University (Steinhardt) · Pace University · Ramapo College · Rutgers University · Seton Hall University · Saint Thomas Aquinas College · William Paterson University Students were able to go from table to table and speak with college representatives; asking questions in order to learn about the reasons why they should consider applying to the respective schools. The event was both helpful in ways of quick information gathering, as well as with added bonuses for students looking to transfer. One thing that should be noted is most colleges waived application fees if students applied then and there or took an application with a signed note from the representative for mailing-in, which aided students who wanted to apply to more than one school, but could not afford all the application fees. With so many choices available, it is likely that there is a vast amount of questions a student would want to ask a college representative. Some questions in regards to grade point average minimums, tuition, scholarships, transfer of all or some credits, dorming and application deadlines were the main topics that could be heard coming from curious students. As it turns out, most colleges want a minimum of 2.0-2.5 GPA. Tuition depends on what major and courses are taken. Depending on college admittance credits, most credits between 60-70 are accepted. Scholarships are listed in brochures and depend on the applicant’s grades. Dorming is available in all places and most application deadlines are either in the first week of April, June—or best of all, rollover deadlines so that a student could apply at any time. Most students are probably in awe at the average answer of a 2.0-2.5 GPA minimum for application, but it should be made clear that all representatives had the same response, “It’s okay to have the minimum, but your chances are even better the higher it is.” The 2.0-2.5 minimum was the average, some colleges asking for 2.7, 2.8 and even 3.7. Although this is a repeated topic, it should be made known that because of state budget cuts for schools, it is getting harder for colleges to give out scholarships. The higher your grades are, the higher the chance you have of getting close to a free ride on the road to academics. The event was insightful as to what requirements are needed to transfer to other colleges and what is to be expected in regards of what a student should aim for when choosing a new school. The on-sight application made things go smoothly, but students must still ask BCC to send their current transcript to the colleges now, as well as after May when school lets out to update the desired schools on how they are doing in their current college. Students who are transferring when Spring 2010 comes to an end should start sending out applications and transcripts as soon as possible before all spots are taken, or they might just have to wait for the next semester to come around. BCC News Page 6 April 2010 Toyota Recall Travis Weite Copy Editor The trust that consumers once had in Toyota cars is now dwindling among American consumers. This of course is in response to the massive number of recalls that Toyota has experienced since September of 2007. The purpose of these recalls is due to acceleration problems, in which vehicles would accelerate without drivers being able to brake. There have been three major recalls to address the three reasons why this was happening to vehicles. The first recall, which was September 26th, 2007, was a result of accelerators being caught underneath oversized floor mats. The cars that had been recalled for this reason included floor mats that were not designed for the models they were sold with. The misshaped floor mat would shift while the vehicle was in motion, causing it to cover the accelerator and speed up the vehicle with the driver being unable to control the speed of the car. The second recall, which occurred on January 21st, 2010, was due to faulty accelerators that would stick to the floor, causing the vehicle to accelerate uncontrollably. The third recall, which occurred on February 3rd, 2010, was due to malfunctioning brakes that would be unresponsive while drivers tried to brake. In older Toyota cars, the braking mechanism was purely mechanical, meaning that stepping on the brake of the car would cause braking pads to squeeze on the tires of the car to slow down the vehicle. The cars that have been recalled did not have this braking mechanism. Instead, stepping on the brake would send an electrical message to a computer aboard the vehicle, which would send another electrical message to the car The 2010 Toyota Camry that has been recalled since 2007 that signaled it to brake. These computers SOURCE: TOYOTA.COM were malfunctioning in vehicles, which rendered the brake pedal useless. Many consumers are now turning away from Toyota, Toyota drivers of being the problem by saying that the which is good news for American car companies. acceleration problems occurred because “[Toyota] was Americans are starting to turn to American car companies not aware of how drivers were using their vehicles.” like General Motors and Ford for safety reasons. A Other Toyota executives have even said that American commercial that aired during the 2010 Super Bowl manufacturers of the brakes are partially to blame. But explained how Toyota was working hard to fix the as Eleanor Holmes Norton, House Representative for problems that resulted in the recalls. However, kind words Washington D.C. and speaker at Toyota’s Congressional from Toyota will not make up for the 21 deaths that have Hearings, so eloquently put it, “No matter where the error been a direct result of these malfunctions. Since many in the production line occurs, [Akio Toyoda] is responsible Americans drive Toyotas, United States Congressional for any product produced with the name Toyota on it.” Consumers have been complaining to Toyota about Hearings took place between the Committee of Oversight problems such as these long before the recalls were made. and Government Reform and the heads of Toyota Motor Toyota has tried to avoid taking the blame for what their Company. The reactions of Toyota Executives have been products do for years; according to some consumers. As seemingly sincere, while they try to pass the blame onto of now, Toyota is trying to correct the deadly malfunctions other parties. President and Chief Executive Officer of in their vehicles and recover from the recession as well Toyota Motor Company, Akio Toyoda, was very apologetic as the loss of trust from consumers. It is very important during the Congressional Hearings, but has tried to accuse for Toyota owners to find out if their vehicles have been recalled, for their lives depend on it. Not Your Everyday Cajun BBQ Matthew W. Cole Features Editor Lead Cajun singer terrance simien hands audience disney magic You are not going to find a better barefoot, Cajun singer than Terrance Simien. Simien and his cohorts make up the Zydeco Experience. Zydeco is a genre of music. Basically, it is a fusion of funk, reggae, Afro-Caribbean and Cajun flavors that create a lively sound; not to mention Simien’s thick accent that only added to his Cajun charm. Simply put, they play down home heartwarming Louisiana music. As they played, you got the feeling of being in Woodstock '76. They even did a cover of a song by The Band – “The Weight” – who performed at Woodstock. Simien and his band had more than just upbeat, booty-shaking music; they also broke it down with a few slow songs that were perfect to hold your girl or wife to. The crowd really ate up this Cajun flavor as the young and old alike danced to the sweet, salty melodies of the Zydeco experience. Butt bumping seemed to be the favorite move of the evening. Surprisingly, as the audience got more into the music, the band seemed to become more energetic. “Let the good times roll,” said Simien right before he started throwing Mardi Gras beads into the audience. They truly took it back to Louisiana with that one. The band really put a lot of energy into each song. A few guitar solos showed some depth to their band. Terrance has also been featured in a recent Disney/Pixar film by the name of “The Princess & the Frog,” which the audience even had the privilege of hearing firsthand. Terrance Simien and the Zydeco Experience are Grammy award winners with a lot of experience under their belts. They have performed over five thousand concerts, toured in over forty countries and touched over a million people in their twenty-five year career. PHOTO BY: MATTHEW W. COLE Pro Arte Chorale: The Beauty of Brahms Jeff Carbone Contributing Writer Walking into the Anna Maria Ciccone Theatre, I did not know what to expect. Having never been inside, I had no idea of the size, acoustics or lighting our very own theatre has to offer. I must say, they are all excellent. In comparison to other college theatres, the lighting at Ciccone was great, the lighting technician was right on cue throughout the entire performance. The seating arrangement and intimate size also struck me, because as the choir came in, I realized that there was not a bad seat in the house. I sat up in the back and out of the way to take notes, and had a great view of the stage. As the concert got started, the organization and training of this choir was shown. The conductor, David Crone, kept the entire choir on the same page throughout the pieces. After the first piece, there was a short intermission. However, the rest of the concert was one piece known as "Ein Deutsches Requiem." Throughout the entire piece, there was a flawless transition from movement to movement. On top of the transitions, the ability of the choir to move from pitch to pitch and key to key throughout everything also impressed upon me the talent of the men and women onstage. One detail I almost overlooked as I sat back and started enjoying the music was the pianists. Though there was only one piano, there were two pianists who worked in unison perfectly; something I was very impressed with. However, what really blew me away, more than anything else I noticed, was the fact that the entire concert was in German, and all the singers were American. Overall, while not something I was used to seeing or hearing, it was very interesting. music director and maestro, David Crone, conducting Pro Arte Chorale SOURCE: PROARTECHORALE.ORG BCC News April 2010 Page 7 2010 State of the County Andoni Demetriades Staff Writer Bergen County’s Executive, Dennis McNerney, addressed the 2010 State of the County, which was hosted by Bergen Community College. It was held on campus and anyone interested in Bergen County Politics was there. Some well-known faces were, Bergen County Sheriff Leo P. McGuire, the County Freeholders, the County Clerk and many others. The evening began with a welcome to everyone in attendance by BCC’s very own President G. Jeremiah Ryan. It was extremely encouraging to see how well-respected President Ryan was in the community. Something that we, as students, should be very proud of because we are in good hands. The welcome was followed by the presentation of colors, the pledge of allegiance, which was done by McNerney’s children: Kevin and Julia, then the National Anthem and a word of prayer by Reverend Gregory Jackson of the Mount Olive Baptist Church. McNerney, who happens to be a graduate of BCC, then began his address. He spoke about his long history in the county, how he grew up in Teaneck and attended grammar school in Bogota. He and his family now live in Ho-Ho-Kus, and then said the following, “My family is attached to the County because we know that Bergen is the best place to raise our family.” He continued to talk about Bergen County’s low overall crime rate, one that has dropped by 9% in the last seven years. Also, our great public schools, one of which is a top ten school in the entire nation, the Bergen County Academies. There were many positive things said at the State of the County Address. As we attend school here in our County’s community college, we all come from different towns. Each town is unique in its own right, but at the end of the day, collectively we make up what is great about this part of New Jersey. Something you can get a glimpse of here on campus as Bergen County residents. SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA.ORG Voted Sexiest Accent In The World Matthew W. Cole Features Editor Now these are The Boys of the Lough, a group of five individuals, each with a thicker accent than the last. They performed Celtic music from the depths of their hearts. Cathal McConnell and Dave Richardson are both founding members while the other three: Brendan Begley, Keven Henderson and Garry O’Briain joined at a later time. Each of these individuals possesses a great deal of skill when it comes to their instruments. Featuring mostly instrumentals, they strove for variety with every song. The Boys of the Lough used their hometown songs to bring musical culture to Bergen’s Anna Maria Ciccone Theatre. Hailing from Ireland, Scotland, Shetland and Northumberland provides the band with the ability to touch on a wide spectrum of musical resources. This is apparent in each vocal performance by McConnell and Begley. Speaking of Begley, he played the button accordion about as well as you will ever hear. His solo on the button accordion erupted into the audience louder than any other song. Their stage presence was very easygoing and friendly. Cracking jokes as well as sharing funny stories about their 70 completed tours and life back at home. One of the members of the band was even doing some type of Irish jig in his seat. This line-up of The Boys of the Lough has been together since circa 2001 and seems to be one of the best meshing teams. Their chemistry and mixing of domestic backgrounds provides an unusually strong fusion for music. This type of music can induce an Irish jig in any type of person for sure. The Boys have a reputation for technical brilliance and that title is well lived up to as they provide music that looks complex to the audience, but sounds simple and majestic. This was a BCC performance that the audience won't easily forget. GTG Bergen Community 4-23:Transfer Ad 3/29/10 11:09 AM Page 1 Find Out What Berkeley College Offers Bergen Community College Students Berkeley College offers many benefits to the students of Bergen Community College. Widely recognized as unique among colleges and universities, Berkeley College offers a proven approach to career education that provides students with a competitive edge and the skills sought by employers. This innovative combination of benefits is known as The Berkeley Advantage®. • Small classes for more personal attention • A faculty selected for both academic credentials and professional experience • More than $28 million each year in Berkeley College grants and scholarships for qualified students • Flexible scheduling: day, evening/weekend, and online classes • A Bachelor’s degree in as little as three years or an Associate’s degree in just 18 months • Online degrees: Bachelor’s and Associate’s, both part-time and full-time • On-the-job internships as part of the curriculum • A tuition freeze for students who maintain continuous, full-time enrollment • An extensive network of employer connections • More than 20 Career Services professionals who collectively specialize in each field of study and actively pursue job opportunities for every student • Free lifetime career assistance • Seven convenient locations in the New York metropolitan area As an indication of Berkeley’s success, every year a high number of graduates gain employment in positions related to their studies. Last year, Berkeley’s graduate employment rate was 90%. It’s easy to transfer your credits! Call today to find out how: 800-446-5400 ext. GTG NY: NYC (Midtown and Lower Manhattan) | White Plains • [email protected] NJ: Newark | Paramus | Woodbridge | Woodland Park (formerly West Paterson) BERKELEY COLLEGE ONLINE: BCC News Page 8 April 2010 How Would You Feel About Carina Tesone Co-editor has become a site for students to choose classes based on anonymous comments about professors’ teaching abilities and ease of grading… and rate their “hotness” with a chili pepper emoticon. Torch previously published an opinion piece on from a student's perspective, pointing out that the posts are anonymous and that comments may not be 100% trustworthy. But what do professors have to say about your ratings? “I may have or I might not have just posted ratings or comments about various BCC professors on the ratemyprofessor site,” began Professor Gregg Biermann of the Visual Arts Department. “You just don’t know who has posted what on the site and really there is no way to know. Would you take the advice of a flunking student? Or how about posts that professors write about themselves? Are those reliable?” Professor Biermann also pointed out that there are much more effective ways to find out more about your professor. “My advice is to begin by reading one of their publications or attending a public presentation that they might be giving. A student potentially then might find out something about who this person that is standing in front of a class is!” Surprisingly, other professors encourage use of course rating sites, but suggest Bergen to organize their own online domain of; much like Columbia University has for their students. “Students should start their own Bergen rating site, because it can result in more meaningful data,” said Dr. Denise Budd from the Visual Arts Department. Dr. Budd previously worked in Columbia University, and remarked, “True, a fouryear institution has more time to invest themselves.” However, she also sees as an opportunity for improvement. Features of the site demonstrating Columbia’s effective ratings, in comparison to, include: a text box to briefly describe workload; the site being student-run, much like running your own club/website; and core curriculum Cotsakos College of Business at William Paterson university classes are specifically accounted for in terms of rating the professor in a certain class. Check it out at Ratings can also appeal to other key aspects about a class. Students may take into account different teaching styles and workloads in a given course. Professor Troy Miller of the Information Technology Department explained that a professor’s role is to find ways to help students better understand the material. “I know in my classroom, I present the material in several different ways; from explaining the concept, to demonstrating how it works in examples, to posing questions about what we are seeing, to name a few.” For those still on the fence about, Professor David Pallant of the Communications Department said it best, “For and against it. I think that there’s value to it, but it’s not that valuable.” He explains how one student commented on the site that Professor Pallant gives pop quizzes, when in truth he does not; the student just so happened to not have known that there was a quiz that day and may not have been following the syllabus. But who is going to delve into those little details when they see comments like that on the first page? Those who believe is great can make some valid points; until you come across comments for a teacher or class that seem to not do any justice for the professor or the students. The typical “Boring-Easy A” and “Don’t take this class” comments are just a few of the vague, the funny and the ugly opinions splattered all over the site. If we rate our professors, it might as well be constructive criticism that both professors and students can benefit from. Of course, the “Red Hot Chili Pepper” will remain as a cute and amusing icon, making any professor's day. ILLUSTRATION BY: BRAD GORE NEW JERSEY CITY UNIVERSITY EMPOWERED Tony Lopez Majors: Accounting and Business Administration your next investment. SPRING OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, APRIL 17 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. NJCU has everything you need to succeed, personally and professionally, in the global economy. High quality, relevant undergraduate and graduate programs. Acclaimed, supportive faculty. 12:1 student-to-faculty ratio. Beautiful, convenient campus. Outstanding value. ortfolio at William Paterson Tony is a financial whiz who likes to examine the market from the inside out. But he’s also a people person who’s intensely interested in the human factor. The Cotsakos College of Business at William Paterson University showed him how to blend both into an incredible career. your next open House. Undergraduate Programs Admissions application fee will be waived for all students who attend. Sunday, April 25 .......................12:00 p.m. du .e U JC .N U ed er w po Em Build your Portfolio at William Paterson university. Plan your next move at Apply now. TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT, PLEASE CALL (866) 586-7823 OR E-MAIL [email protected] 2039 KENNEDY BOULEVARD, JERSEY CITY, NJ 07305-1597 BCC News April 2010 Page 9 BCC Keeps On Giving Perpetua Romain Staff Writer Since the recent devastation in Haiti students and staff of Bergen Community College have utilized each day to aid the victims in need. "Give 'Till It Helps" is a very successful relief campaign, put together whole-heartedly by all the faculty advisors of BCC. Immediately after Haiti's earthquake took over news headlines, every faculty member at Bergen contacted one another to find ways to get our college involved in aiding Haitians. Professor Lori Talarico, the club advisor of the Community Service Club, was determined to get more students involved in community service to better more than just the community around us. Therefore, "Give 'Till It Helps" is a jointservice consisting of all the clubs at BCC, working together under the umbrella of the Community Service Club, which Talarico oversees. This is the first time that BCC has put together a huge project such as this. The proceeds from three non-profit organizations, as well as the proceeds of "Give 'Till It Helps," are donated to "Doctors Without Borders," "Habitat For Humanity" and "Save The Children." Our financial goal for this relief campaign program, as a BCC family, is to reach $10,000. "The Give 'Till it Helps" campaign is unique in that it encompasses all of the college's fundraising efforts for Haiti," says Talarico. "Any club or organization that is doing a fundraising project is supporting the same cause: the BCC Haiti Fund. If every student at BCC donated $1, the goal of $10,000 is easy." No doubt, this is an easy goal, especially since we are a school with a population of over 15,000 students. Many clubs at BCC have taken the initiative to raise money alongside each other and individually as well. The African Student Union began a T-Shirt drive to send clothes to Haiti, the International Student Association sponsored a student designed T-Shirt sale and many other clubs held a bake sale. There are about 150 donation cans circulating the school so that students and staff of Bergen may donate-but the donating does not stop there. On April 22nd, Earth Day, students of the Environmental Club, as well as the Community Services Club, will join forces to create an event called "Sustainability For the Earth and Community," which will be held in the cafeteria. Numerous tables will be set up with information and other ways to donate; not only to aid the victims in Haiti, but to help everyone around us as well. This includes, but is not limited to, bake sales, information on animal shelters and even a donation of prom dresses for the girls who do not have the means to purchase one, but would love to have their dream Prom night. There is also a major weekend music concert that will be held in order to raise money after students return from Spring Break. Students are encouraged to participate as much as they can to continue to aid the unfortunate inhabitants of Haiti. The "Give 'Till It Helps" relief campaign began in January and will end on May 31st, but our care and helping hands do not have to cease on this date. Students, staff and faculty of BCC can now, and in the future, donate to the credible, non-profit organization, the R.O.S.E. Foundation of Haiti. Members of the foundation will depart for Haiti on April 17th, to distribute duffle bag survivor kits from their "Operation: Drop A Duffle" program, and will be returning to Haiti again this year. Donations of any form, including survival supplies are highly encouraged and accepted. For more information on what to donate or how to participate in the" Drop A Duffle Program," visit www. Bergen Community College Give till it HELPS! Student Club Organization Campaign Please contribute $1 to help us reach our goal of $10,000 for Haiti African Student Union Albanian Student Association Anime Club Art Club B.C.C. Health Club Bergen Lit Business & Finance Club Black Student Union Chemistry Club Chess Club Chinese Club Community Service Club Criminal Justice Christian Student Association Dance Club Debate Club Dental Hygiene Early Childhood Association Environmental Club Filipino American Association Fitness Club GLBT Hillel Club Honors Association International Student Association Italian Club LASA Math Club Media Club Model UN Muslim Student Association Music Interactive Club Nursing Club Out of Homeostatis Club Paralegal Club Peace Club Philosphy Club (LOGOS) Phi Theta Kappa Ping Pong Club Polish Club Psychology Club Respiratory Therapy Club Rotary Club Student Activites Board Student Government Association Shy Club S.T.A.R. Club Theatre Club Torch Turkish Club Video Game Club Women's Club $10,000+ $10,000 $9,500 $9,000 $8,500 $8,000 $7,500 $7,000 $6,500 $6,000 $5,500 $5,000 $4,500 $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 For more information, please contact Professor Lori Talarico at [email protected]. Page 10 The Torch Opinions and Editorials April 2010 Mother, why are you crying? AYELET SHIMRON, Editor-In-Chief CARINA TESONE, Co-Editor TRAVIS WEITE, Copy Editor NICOLE DE LOS SANTOS, News Editor MATTHEW COLE, Features Editor CARLO SANTELLI Sports Editor RUWAN MAHAYAGE, Layout Editor NITA LIM, Layout Editor DAWN FOSTER, Layout Editor ISLAM ELSHAMI, Ad Manager PROF. LEW WHEATON, Advisor ILLUSTRATORS BRAD GORE BRENDON MIEL STAFF/CONTRIBUTING WRITERS CESAR ALVAREZ JONATHAN SHIMRON DALIA MORILLO LYDIA SNYDER STEPHEN ZHENG CHRIS RAGHOOBAR RACHEL KAMINER KATRINA MARIE BOTTI BENJAMIN DE BRASI ANDONI DEMETRIADES A. MARTINEZ EMILY PRENDERGAST FRANK REVOLLI PERPETUA ROMAIN CONTACT INFO 400 Paramus Road Paramus, NJ 07652-1595 ROOM: B-101 PHONE: 201.493.5006/5007 E-MAIL: [email protected] For News and Op-Ed [email protected] For Features [email protected] For Sports [email protected] THE TORCH, a member of the Associated College Press and the College Media Association, is the official student newspaper of Bergen Community College. The purpose of THE TORCH is to report on the events at BCC and the local community, and to offer the BCC community a forum for expression. The opinions expressed in THE TORCH are not neccessarily those of THE TORCH. All the materials submitted to THE TORCH become property of THE TORCH. Corrections The Torch strives for the highest journalistic standards and accuracy. Readers are encouraged to contact us if they find any mistakes in any edition of the Torch. Editorial and Opinion Pieces As an open public form, The Torch welcomes guest opinion pieces and letters to the editor from any member of the Bergen Community College community. Materials should be submitted to [email protected] or delivered to The Torch office, B-101. Such submissions must include the writer’s name, contact information and affiliation with the college. Students should include their major; faculty and staff should include campus title or position. Opinion pieces are limited to 600 words and letters to the editor to 200 words. The Torch reserves the right to edit and to refuse publication of any submission. Deforestation in Ethiopia SOURCE: ETFF.ORG Ayelet Shimron Editor-in-Chief Man has been given the gift of reason, with the potential to create, so that he can build on it. In contrast, throughout existence, man has not been creating; man destroys. Forests vanish, rivers dry up, wild life becomes extinct, global warming drastically worsens and the land grows weaker every day. Earth survives significant, volcanic eruptions, tectonic cataclysms and the glacial epoch. We live in an age of compulsiveness. What mankind is causing is nothing short of clicking the fast forward button, while blindly escorting themselves to their own doom. Life is a pattern of configurations, in which we are all a piece of its intricate design. What we neglect to realize is that nature is the dominant life present on planet earth, not us. What nature was, "once upon a time," willing to share with humanity, we have taken advantage of, in abundant quantities, and now she naturally plots her revenge. The dilemma is, rather than learning to create a true individual, we lack the power to question authority or think for ourselves, and therefore, succeed to establish an unclear understanding of right from wrong. Manipulation is a device that has been used to stabilize humanity for past ages. Regardless of what your personal system of beliefs may be, we can all confirm that nature was here first. It withstood every period of evolution, every natural disaster, every test of time throughout history; ultimately proving to be the dominant source of life. As we progress onward in life, the more we get handed to us; we willingly indulge in the abundance of it all, yet unceasingly hunger for more. We are constantly experiencing evolution all around us. From the death of a plant to its rebirth, from one summer’s end to another summer’s entrance, from sunrise to sunset and back again, from procreation to extinction; we are all a part of life’s continuous rhythmic cycle. Our purpose should be to ascend to levels superior to our knowledge, knowledge that is only attained by those who are able to truly embrace their surroundings. Rather than go with the current of what others perceive as “normal,” we must deviate from that comfort zone. We must begin by preaching the right message. We cannot reach those higher levels of serenity until we have conquered total awareness and love for ourselves. You cannot photoshop the colors of a sunset and expect to achieve its natural elegance. As I was driving home one day, I noticed the sun setting on the horizon. As I tried to get closer to get a better view, it suddenly became progressively more difficult to maneuver in and out of buildings, and steer around the billboards that were blocking the sun's ability to glow. By the time I reached, what I considered to be, a decent perspective, the sun had already set. I came to the realization that, in life, people’s awareness becomes merely a perception of reality, fogged up by mind pollution, caused by the attempt to creatively build the world, all the while ultimately destroying it. Reality has become waking up in the morning, going to school, graduating, getting married, raising a family, then death; but whose reality is this? Is this the reality we have made for ourselves or just a mere perception of what we expect of ourselves? People get punished for vandalizing the property of others, but when humans puncture massive holes into God’s home by building factories and toxin producing automobiles, these crimes go unnoticed... or so we’d like to believe. We are the cancer to our planet and the cure to cancer starts with us. We will be destined to search the universe for a new abode because we will have transformed Earth into a place inhospitable and uninhabitable. Unless we act NOW, society must hope that the people’s ability to overcome natural disasters will keep pace with nature’s ability to create them. This time, the war is within ourselves; we are our own enemy. The ideal approach is catalyzing change. As said by an ancient Native American Wisdom, “You must teach your children that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of your grandfathers. So that they will respect the land, tell your children that the earth is rich with the lives of our kin. Teach your children what we have taught our children; that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. If men spit upon the ground, they spit upon themselves.” Opinions and Editorials April 2010 Roving Reporter Page 11 CERT to the Rescue at BCC Alfred Martinez, Juan Saliba Staff Writers “What have you found to be the most efficient study method when preparing for a test, midterms, finals, etc?” Rasean Blain Major: Counseling "Going over the notes the teacher gives in class, and making sure I take good notes in class, so that I can go over them later on. Repetition of terms, names and dates helps me out." Barbara Space Major: Early Childhood Education "Group studying because I like to study with people, I cannot study by myself. I learn more when I interact with others and it's a fun way of learning, plus I like to talk very much." Brian Perez Major: Biology "Having a friend or my girlfriend help me study. I always find it easier to be tested by others on new material because certain things they say help me remember the material." Alfred Martinez, Stephen Zheng Staff Writers During the weekend of March 13th through 15th, violent winds and heavy rain devastated several New Jersey homes and institutions, causing severe damage to many residences. Here in Bergen County, thousands of residents were affected by this brutal storm. The storm caused major power outages and flooding that overflowed many rivers, as well as causing flooding to numerous homes. Acting as a major relief to the unfortunate people who had to leave their homes due to the bad weather was CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), which is a part of the OEM (Office of Emergency Management). This specially trained The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) taking a group of individuals is made up of role in emergency prepardness projects in their community volunteers who come together to SOURCE: CITIZENCORPS.GOV/CERT help those in need. The CERT volunteers, Two individuals who contributed to along with their coordinators, train at various municipalities within their towns and organizing the relief were Gidget Petry, an prepare for terrorism, fire safety and disaster OEM coordinator, and Marie Jardine, BCC’s own Assistant Director of Public Safety and emergencies. With the assistance of the BCC CERT CERT coordinator for the college. When asked Program, on the Paramus campus, individuals about how many people were estimated to fill were able to seek shelter, food and personal up the gym, Petry’s response was, “Hopefully assistance to help them get through their harsh none, I would prefer that people in need have situations. The BCC CERT Program assists in families or friends that can help them out. Who training students and is recognized for helping wants to stay in a shelter? If not, the CERT victims in terrible times. In the gym at BCC, a volunteers and myself are here and ready to maximum of 150 cots were ready to be set up service those who are in need.” for those displaced. Ali Starzyk Major: Sociology "I think the most efficient method to study is involving yourself in group discussion. Sometimes you may only understand certain aspects of a topic, and if you're allowed to engage in the exchanging of ideas with other classmates on the subject, it becomes easier to understand." Melanie Hernandez Major: Psychology "I start studying from day one when classes begin, so that I can understand everything completely and know what is going on. If you start studying too late or mid-semester, then you are completely lost and it becomes harder to catch and pick things up." Comin’ Out and Bein’ Proud Katrina Marie Botti Staff Writer Being a girl of my stature, no one in a million years would believe that I have a homosexual tendency. At the age of twelve I began to consciously grasp that I was a lesbian. Although, at that age many things are constantly in question and I thought it was simply a phase, something I would grow out of. Apparently, that was not the case. As I grew older my feelings toward females only grew stronger. I had experimented with both females and males. I was in denial about my sexuality. Being with a former boyfriend, for about four years, I knew at that point I was meant to be with a woman. Being involved with him only made me realize I was more attracted to women. Since I have announced to my loved ones, family and friends that I am indeed a lesbian, my life has changed dramatically. It was hard enough being a woman, let alone being a woman who was attracted to other women. My friends and family love me, so they completely understand, but being in the scene, I can see how difficult it is to be brave enough to come out. Not only is it scary to not be accepted in my community, it is even scarier to realize that my sexual orientation is not accepted globally. I personally am proud of who I am and would like to help others be proud of who they are no matter what they do or believe in. I believe you should stand up for what you believe in and be who you are. When I had entered BCC for my first semester, I had joined the GLBT Club. Joining GLBT has given me the courage and the strength to be who I really am. I hope, in the future, to help young people like myself to not have fears of being judged for being who they were born to be. SOURCE: MCTCAMPUS.COM The Torch hiring! We are looking for... Writers and Reporters, Photographers, Cartoonists, Those Interested in Graphic and Web Design ...and we do pay for your services Please attend a meeting, held in B-101, every Tuesday at 12:30 for more information Page 12 The Gods vs. Titans Features April 2010 Ben De Brasi Contirbuting Writer It is finally here! After years of following Kratos, "God of War III," the Greek mythology inspired trilogy has arrived. The question is: does it live up to its hype? In terms of visceral violence and grand scale, this game has no equal. Though the series has always been known for its brutality, "God of War III" takes it up a couple of notches. Deaths are shown in excruciating detail, nerve endings and all. Everything from the character models and the environment to the lighting and shadowing is superb. "God of War III" provides the player with breathtaking environments. The scale of the game is epic. Fighting legions of undead while on top of a moving titan is an experience no other game can claim to have. Set pieces are huge and everything seems so grandiose. However, most of the set is just for show and, when coupled with revisiting areas multiple times, it feels like wasted potential. The game feels too streamlined. The platforming is easy, the puzzles are simple and the combat is tipped in your favor. It is not until you unlock the "chaos" difficulty where the combat begins to feel like a real challenge, but even then the game's difficulty is intermittent and never Kratos has some new accessories reaches the height of its predecessors. The music is a mixed bag. For instance, while the eerie and quaint chorus singing in the Hades level provides a creepy supernatural atmosphere, the combat music is lacking. The memorability of the music has definitely suffered. "God of War" has always been an intensely characterdriven game and that has not changed. The story is all about SOURCE: IGN.COM Kratos and his need for vengeance. Unfortunately, "God of War III" does not deliver and falls short of satisfying. The story makes little sense and seems lost. "God of War III" is a lukewarm end to the trilogy. My recommendation is to rent, as the game is short and you will have more than enough time to beat it and get all of what this title has to offer. Tackling That Term Paper Jorge Estrella Contributing Writer Have you ever spent hours on end, frantically writing a paper for class only to find out that you've received a low grade on the assignment? This is a very common scenario for many college students. The process for writing a paper can be very tedious and stressful, however that does not mean that the process cannot be a rewarding one. By following these simple guidelines, you will find that writing that A+ paper is not as hard as it seems. The first key component to writing the perfect paper is preparation. Before you begin, you must make sure you have all the proper materials that will make the assignment come along easier. Materials such as an internet-ready computer and textbooks pertaining to the subject matter at hand are necessities for gathering information. The more information you have, the more you can put into your paper. Also, be weary of procrastination, which seems to plague many of us, college students. When we wait till the very last minute to get started on a paper, our work is greatly affected. If you are given a week to complete the assignment, it helps to get started as soon as possible; every bit you do along the way will help diminish some of the pressure. It is also important that you follow the professor’s instructions, and not leave any questions unanswered. If there is one available, follow the rubric word for word, this will make sure you cover anything your professor might be looking for. Make sure you format the assignment to the professor’s liking and use the proper form of citation. Lastly, it is absolutely imperative that you thoroughly proofread your assignment and make sure that your writing remains consistent and follows a certain structure. Pass it off to a friend that may know a thing or two about writing. If you follow these fundamental rules, not only will you see a jump in your grade, but you will also see how easy writing a paper can be. “writing that A+ paper is not as hard as it seems” Features April 2010 Page 13 Google...BING! Stephen Zheng Staff Writer The Battle has just begun but the War is far from Over. indexes and caches web pages, but also takes "snapshots" of other file types which include: PDF, Word Documents, Excel Spreadsheets, Flash SWF and plain text files. Google also uses a feature called search engine optimization. What this does is help increase a website's ranking on Google, making it beneficial to industrial consultants. Beside just a search engine, Google also offers 22 other features such as: weather, stock quotes, time, sports scores, unit conversion, currency conversion, calculator, dictionary, maps, movie show times, public data, real estate, housing, travel data/airports, package tracking, patent numbers, area code, synonym search and also U.S. Government search. Overall, Bing is not a Google Killer and the best choice for a user is to just stick with Google Search, which offers a better search engine and many more features. Health Benefits of Sex Thrust. One… two... hold. Repeat. These moves may be saved for the bedroom, but the positive affects they have on your body follow you way beyond. The positive effects of sexual pleasure can bring couples closer together as well as aid in one's health and mental well being. In the heat of the moment, as your skin beings to tingle, your breathing becomes erratic and you feel your heart beating out of your chest, all your muscles are working together to get blood flowing, which in turn is helping your cardiovascular health. Researchers in England published a study in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health and found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by 50% for the men in comparison to those who had sex less than once a month. The major health benefits of sex are lower blood pressure and an overall reduction of stress. Research done in Scotland, reported in the journal Biological Psychology, found that those who engaged in sexual behavior have a better response to stress. A different study published in the Nita Lim Staff Writer SOURCE: TARNFAX.COM Microsoft announced in May 2009, the release of their new search engine "Bing," A.K.A."the Decision Engine." This was to replace their previous search engine "Live" and to compete with the king of all search engines, "Google." So what is the difference between "Bing" and "Google?" Bing has a couple of features that make it superior to Google Search, such as the Best Match feature. This feature searches for the websites that best match what the user types in. Another feature is called, Deep Links. This feature allows insight into what resources a particular website has to offer. Another interesting feature is called Interfaces, allowing each website's interface to be customized from global to local information. The Google search engine,,on the other hand, is still the easiest to use thanks to the patented system called PageRank. It helps by ranking web pages that match a given search string. Google not only same journal supports research which states that frequent intercourse is associated with lower diastolic blood pressure in cohabiting participants. A study done at the State University of New York in Albany suggests that semen acts as antidepressant. “The data is consistent with the possibility that semen may antagonize depressive symptoms and evidence which shows that the vagina absorbs a number of components of semen that can be detected in the bloodstream within a few hours of administration,” said an author of the study. Mom always said to take in a lot of vitamin C to fend off colds, but according to scientists at Wilkes University in Wikes-Barre, PA, sex also helps boosts immunity. Engaging in sex once or twice a week has been linked to higher levels of antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA. Those help protect you from colds and infections. During sex specifically, orgasms release the hormone oxytin, which helps promote sleep and us, college students, know the importance and value of sleep. This hormone also increases endorphins that in turn cause pain to lessen. Ready to work out? Girls know how PMS symptoms can sometimes decline after sex, now you know why. ILLUSTRATION BY BRENDON MIEL Features Page 14 April 2010 Suriving BCC, Pregnant Alfred Martinez Staff Writer Attending college can be a very rewarding experience, and many things can happen during the 2-4 years you are there. One of which is getting preagnant. So how is it that a pregnant woman can survive attending classes at BCC? The anatomical and physiological nature of a woman goes through many changes during the first, second, and third trimesters. Concentrating on class work, homework and exams is another ongoing process. Being pregnancy while having to juggle classes in between, can be a very exhausting and stressful experience for any woman trying to get ahead in life. Women experience many symptoms and signs of being pregnant, some are: morning sickness, body aches, breast changes, fatigue, sleep disorders, swelling, leg cramps, urinary frequency, dizziness and several other conditions, which should all be consulted with a doctor. One must ask him or herself, with so many changes all at once, what keeps a pregnant woman going? I spoke to two fulltime, BCC students, both in their third trimesters and asked them a few questions on how they are handling being pregnant while staying focused on school. Valerie Gushiken Charity Garcia Valerie Gushiken is Japanese/Brazilian, born in Brazil and has been living in America for the past two and a half years. Charity Garcia is a Puerto Rican/Dominican Latin American, 28 yrs. Old, and resides in Englewood, NJ Q. "So what are you expecting?" Valerie. "I’m expecting a baby girl." Charity. “I’m expecting a boy which will be my second child.” Q. "Are you excited about having your child?" V. "Yes, very excited, this going to be my first child. I'm due in a few days." C. “I can’t wait, I feel tired, and I am due in May.” Q. "I’m happy to hear that, good luck, so what keeps you motivated to continue going to school?" V. "I really want to finish so I can get ahead in life because it’s very necessary now a days and my baby keeps me going also." C. “My daughter and the baby on the way, somebody has to make some money.” Q. "How far do you plan on attending college?" V. "This is my second semester and I’m taking twelve credits. I plan on going to and completing a four year college." C: “I plan on finishing my 2 years and transferring to a 4 year university.” Q. "How have you been able to cope with school and being pregnant?" V. "Thankfully, I think I’ve done fine." C. “It’s very difficult, sometimes you don’t feel good and it’s hard to get out of bed.” Q. "What suggestions do you have for women who are in similar situations like yours?" V. "Given the environment which demands a lot from you, I would say, don’t give up. Enjoy being pregnant and find a way to balance your routines." C. “Do the best you can and be open with your professors about the pregnancy.” After brief conversations with these two individuals, one can only gain a great deal of respect and admiration for the commitment they have exuberated. It is definitely a complex period, which requires strength of mind and the will to move on. Women in similar situations should take heed from these fine individuals and put their best foot forward. College can be a rewarding experience, and even more rewarding when accompanied by the obstacle of being pregnant. Tame the Monster Inside BDD, which stands for Body Dysmorphic Disorder, is a serious medical health concern, mostly affecting women and their self-esteem. This psychological anorexia disorder literally controls and takes over a person’s mind. A common characteristic of BDD is the constant need to over analyze physical features. Although many people have felt dissatisfied with their body at some point in their life, people who have BDD are never satisfied with their looks. BDD relates to anxiety and eating disorders. Constantly thinking being dissatisfied with one's physical traits blocks personal thoughts, which may harmfully affect physical and mental health. Obsessions such as, acne, facial symmetry, breast size, and weight are common concerns that people with BDD have. BDD also causes a chemical imbalance of hormones, such as low serotonin. This hormone is responsible for our feelings of happiness. In addition, BDD may lead OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), depression, and agoraphobia, which is an extreme fear of certain places and scenarios. Usually this results in avoidance of places/situations. BDD is a continuous snowball effect of one thing on top of another. This unhealthy lifestyle has many symptoms of low self-esteem, anxiety in public, avoiding or excessively using mirrors for constant reassurance of appearance, avoiding social situations, and much more. In order to know if someone is diagnosed with BDD, a doctor needs to evaluate a BDDE (Body Dismorphic Disorder Examination) test. This means vital information such as medical history, daily behavior, and family evaluation have to be highly scrutinized when being diagnosed. Cognitive Behavior Therapy and antidepressants are also other ways of treatment. BDD clearly weakens an individual’s quality of life and can influence many around them. It is not clear what causes this “disease," but clinicians believe the combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors from a person’s past or present may be a cause. Experiences of abuse and neglect can also be a factor. BDD usually occurs in early adulthood when self-criticism of appearance generally begins. The media and public also factor in with the obsession and peer pressure of appearance. Do not be too hard on yourself because, subconsciously, BDD does not happen in one day. Slowly it progresses into a monster inside SOURCE: of you. Emily Prendergast Staff Writer MCTCAMPUS.COM PHOTO BY: ALFRED MARTINEZ My Dog Ate My Homework...Again You look at the clock and see you have five minutes before class and suddenly you begin to sweat. You sweat because you did not finish your homework that is going to take about an hour to do. What do you do? 1. Use Class Time: Now, I do not suggest doing this everyday. However, if you have no other time to do your work, do it during class and hand it in at the end. Your professor will understand that you forgot to pass it up at the beginning of class. 2. Be Honest: Tell the professor in private why you are handing the assignment in late. This is not going to work if you are a student with ten absences, but if you are a student who is attentive, attends class and makes good grades, the professor will likely understand. 3. Email the Professor: Tell your professor you got swine flu or just let them know your assignment is going to be late. If, for whatever reason, you are not going to finish the assignment on time, email the professor and tell them. If you have to work six days next week, email him or her ahead of time and explain the situation. Professors are people too; they understand and might give you an extension. 4. Technical Glitch: If you know you have time to do the assignment after class, tell a little white lie and say that you will get it to your professor right after class. This is a dangerous idea, but if you think you have the time, tell the professor you emailed it to him. Then quickly, after class, run to the library, find a Facebook free computer, and do it. This is by far the most risky idea, but if you are neck deep in trouble, give it a try. 5. Dead End: If the assignment is going to take longer then the class itself, you have no excuse for not doing it and you cannot go to the library after class to finish it, tell the truth. If you are honest and contrite, professors might feel bad and give you an extra day to complete the Remember kids you can only use this once assignment. Jeff Carbone Contributing Writer ILLUSTRATION: LUIS VIANT Features April 2010 The Long Distance Relationship a relationship with? Nicole De Los Santos After you have figured this out, the rest News Editor flows easily. If you are willing to work out There is a good chance that all of the the distance, then be glad that this is the era MySpace/Facebook users reading this have of technology where cell phones, unlimited at some point found someone they would text and Skype (webcam feature to see and like to get to know over the internet. Just speak with the person) are available. The one problem: they live on the other side of days of waiting for the letter in the mail to the planet, well at least not close enough to come, which could take days, weeks or even months are see on a daily gone and basis. So here replaced with is the question: this thing Is it worth called the getting into a internet, or relationship with at least by someone you will e-mails. never meet in Talk real life? with your This issue can significant be picked apart other about into a million when and how different pieces; often you can like how far see each other. away the other If sparks fly, lives, how much Couple uses technology to stay in touch. then again be would it cost to glad you have see them, how often can the trip be done, is there someone cars, Amtrak trains, Greyhound buses and else nearby, etc. The basic fact that anyone Continental Airline planes at your disposal. should figure out before considering doing If it does not work out, then at least you tried the whole long-distance relationship is, “How and have the knowledge of saying you knew committed are you at making this work?” what to do. I speak from my own experience Are they a one-night stand fling, until you and freely admit that it is difficult, but you finally do meet a potential relationship may find someone that is worth waiting for. candidate, or someone you honestly WANT SOURCE: MCTCAMPUS.COM Living Together Before Saying “I Do” Emily Prendergast Staff Writer Thinking about moving in with your sweetie? Not sure if it will save a relationship or put things into sour mode? Maybe you should think twice before making a decision. Individuals consider living with their significant others for various reasons, such as to prevent loneliness, to help their finances, or to feel committed. If you have both agreed that you want a commitment, consider the following information. Psychologist, Scott Stanley, at the University of Denver found through his research that living together before marriage may increase a couple’s chances of divorce. In fact, a Denver study shows that out of 1,050 married people, 19% of those who “lived together” before marriage have mentioned divorce. In contrast, only 10% that did not live together brought up divorce. Dr. Stanley claims that couples who lived together before they married were less dedicated to their marriage than those who did not. The cost of living together before marriage is called “The Cohabitation Effect” among researchers. The negative effects of premarital living include lower levels of male commitment to their spouses, higher marriage instability, and more negative communication in marriage. Why is this the case? One explanation is that couples who decide to live together often have their financial and social priorities compromised. This can get very sticky at times, which often makes it harder for non-compatible couples to break up, than if they lived separately. Instead of calling it quits, the easier choice seems to be to get hitched. On the other hand, living together before taking vows can have its benefits. This time together can provide an advantage for both to get to know each other more before saying “I Do.” Adapting to your spouses living habits can prevent future disappointments and surprises in marriages. Overall, it all depends on how stable the couple is to merge houses. The people who live together without a plan and a vision of their future will most likely get the divorce. There is no wrong or right answer for cohabiting together before marriage. It is something that the couple has to take into deep consideration and decide for themselves. Page 15 Eco Spring Fashion Spring is finally here, and that means it is time to shed those heavy overcoats and jackets and step out into the sunshine. With trees of green and red roses too, spring makes you appreciate “What a wonderful world” we live in. That is why Eco-friendly spring fashion is so great. It makes the world a more beautiful place in more ways than one. Where can you get Eco-friendly spring fashion (and at a decent price)? "American Apparel," known for their leggings, which are still in style, is sweatshop free and twenty percent of their cotton clothes are made from organic material. They also recycle fabric scraps and use solar energy for their headquarters in Los Angeles. Levi Strauss is another company that recycles and uses organic cotton. This is good news, since denim is a huge fashion trend this spring. Denim jackets, denim bags, denim shoes, you name it and they've already most likely made it in denim. Denim can also be found at your local thrift or second hand store. Throw a cute 10 dollar denim jacket from the thrift store over an organic cotton floral print dress, and voila! Talk about Eco-friendly and fashion-friendly. Many other trends, like various prints (floral, stripes, abstract), can be found at second hand stores, since fashion so often revisits the past. Some other Eco-friendly companies include "Greenloop" organic cotton clothing, which sells from many Eco-fashion lines;, which has an organic cotton $11 blank men’s tee in 15 different colors; and "Toms Shoes," which besides being Eco friendly, is also humanitarian, wearing eco friendly giving a pair of shoes to a child in need for every shoe clothing feels good and you purchase. So have a happy spring. And do not pollute as it will looks good. kill animals. Lydia Snyder Staff Writer SOURCE: MCTCAMPUS.COM Chat Roulette No Relation to Russian Roulette Juan Saliba Staff Writer From AIM, MSN to Skype, there created by a Russian seventeen-year-old are a variety of ways to virtually by the name of Andrey Ternovskiy. “I connect with friends. From photo created this project for fun. Initially, sharing to conducting a video chat, the I had no business goals with it,” says technology is there and is improving Ternovskiy. day after day. However, there is one chat He started off by building it for his site that is changing not only our typing friends and himself, but eventually the mannerisms, but the way we verbally fan base grew larger and larger. The speak as well. The site is called Chat site gets an average 20,000 users on a Roulette, where you never know who typical night. So, care for an adventure? you are going to find. Click that next button and enjoy the The age range of users vary and ride; you will never know who or what you can use your webcam to meet new you will find. people. If you do not like the person or if you find yourself getting bored of him or her, just press next, or F9, to go to the next available stranger. The advantage of Chat Roulette is that once you press next, you will not see that person again and you will then see a fresh, new face. Some people have gotten creative and worn masks like Darth Vader or used puppets like Kermit the Frog. However, a bit of warning for those with a weak stomach: some have gone a bit too far and have shown their privates willingly, but you can simply click next to avoid overly engaging in these types of Bcc student, Juan Saliba tries his luck on Chat situations. According to www.bits. Roulette PHOTOGRAPH BY PERI LYNN GLASNER, the site was How to Deal With Your Friend Attacking Your Relationship Katrina Marie Botti Staff Writer Many people have best friends who are overprotective, especially when it comes to dating. When you are dating someone, your friend typically looks out for your best interest, which is something you want a friend to do. It is a comforting feeling to know your best friend is watching your back. Do not feel that your friend is judging the person you are dating. Your friend is most likely nervous and does not want to see your heart get broken. Your friend is just looking out for you, as if you are a part of their family. For example, if you have a family member that suffered from a severe heartbreak, you would be afraid that he/she would be hurt once again upon entering a new relationship. However, in some cases, your friend's over-protection may be viewed as hostile by the guy or girl you are dating. If your best friend and your new boyfriend or girlfriend start a feud, you will feel as if you are helplessly caught in the middle. No matter what happens, it is best not to favor a side. Favoring a side may cause you to lose either your best friend or your new love interest. Keep in mind, your friendship should have a higher value, compared to the value of your new relationship. Your friend will always be there for you, but once you get into a conflict with someone you are dating, he or she can move out of your life as quickly as they came in; but your friend will remain by your side. The best way to avoid conflict with your friend and the person you are associated with is to always speak highly of one in the presence of the other. This will let them both know that they both mean a great deal in your life. They both should respect you enough to have some respect and not put you in the middle of a feud. Despite how annoying it may seem, a The third wheel in its natural habitat friend who warns you of a harmful relationship will let you SOURCE: HANNAH GALLI know that he or she is a loyal friend. Features Page 16 April 2010 Picking Up People at a Bar Ben De Brasi Contributing Writer Katrina Marie Botti Staff Writer How to pick up a girl How to pick up a guy In many situations, men are nervous to Approaching a guy at a bar can be a scary approach a girl. Naturally, everyone is scared of thing. Despite the feminist revolution and all rejection. People can feel more comfortable at the changes that have been made in the women's bar or any place that has liquor, because they feel favor, the cultural norm is for a guy to initiate more relaxed with some booze in their systems. a convorsation with a girl. Though there is no If a guy is interested in a girl he sees at a bar, exact science for attracting men, there are things he should approach her naturally, not nervously, a woman can do to maximize the odds of a man girls can sense if a guy is nervous. The simple being attracted to them. act of going up to a girl lets her know that you Contrary to what women think, men are not actually have an interest in her. When you start to all about looks. However, men want a girl to approach the girl at the bar, you should not go up be presentable. No one wants to date someone to her and say a corny pick up line. For example, who does not take care of their body. The most “Are you from Tennessee, because you’re the appealing way to dress would be something that only ten I see.” Immediately, the girl is going to flatters your figure and is appropriate to a specific know you are not taking her seriously. time and place, but nothing not too overt or showy. Pick up people at a bar not a book save that for the library A big turn off for women is when a guy is Nothing arouses the mind more than mystery and babbling on and on about his ex-girlfriend. Men, here is a little hint for you: women do being a little conservative gives the impression of class and self-confidence. not care about your ex-girlfriend. Do not waste her and your own time talking about the A girl should act flirtatious and interested, but within respectable limits. You do "ex," it is taboo. There is one big question you do not want to ask a girl, “What is your not want to give the impression that you look for a guy every Friday night. The best occupation?” The girl will automatically assume that the guy is a gold digger and will no advice is to be fun and let a guy know you are into him as guys can often be painfully longer have an interest. Girls want you to approach them in a very sincere manner. oblivious to what girls deem sufficiently communicative signs of interest. When guys approach a girl, they should start out very straightforward, and ask for her At the end of the day it does not matter whether or not you get the guy or not, it name. When a guy gets the girl's name and introductions are made, then the guy needs is about having fun and that is the mentality you should have throughout the entire to proceed into a conversation and find common interests. See what the girl likes to eat, dating process. Remember, not everyone's style is the same and everyone deals with what type of music she is into and do not get too personal. If guys do not get personal attraction differently. Just be yourself and learn from your mistakes and eventually and keep it simple, the girl will feel you have respect for her and from there, who knows you will find your own way of approaching men. where it will go. SOURCE: MCTCAMPUS.COM Living the Game 8-Bit Chiptune Bands Play East Coast Tour Dawn Foster Staff Writer Low-fidelity and high-energy is what this "8-Bit, Chiptune Tour" is all about. The four bands on this tour come from both sides of the Atlantic. Anamanaguchi, Sabrepulse, Henry Homesweet, and Starscream all produce music using the sounds of old consoles, such as the Game Boy, NES and Atari and other synthesizers in the mix as well. “Chiptune” music is where sounds are synthesized by a video game chip. Beginning in the 2000s, new emulators and cartridges for consoles have helped bring chiptune to live audiences. The "8-Bit Alliance Tour," which started March 5th in New York City, goes down the east coast and will end in Texas for the "South by Southwest Festival." The room was dark and lit only by a red light on the stage. The first on stage, Starscream, a two-piece band from New York City who creates their music using Game Boys, Commodore 64’s and drums. They name their influences as Mono and Iron Maiden. Their music was spacey at atmospheric. Next was Sabrepulse, a one man act from Yorkshire, England, who is the "Godfather" of the 8-bit scene in the United Kingdom. His songs were more techno, trance, and house-influenced. After Sabrepulse, Henry Homesweet's performance, another chiptune artist from the UK kept the dance party going, dancing and kicking himself around. He also uses a Nintendo Game Boy as one of his musical instruments. The sounds were ear-candy. Anamanaguchi is a punk band from New York that incorporates the traditional instruments, electric guitar, drums, and bass, on top of their digital sounds. Besides video games, they name their influences as Weezer and The Beach Boys. The audience practically bounced off the walls in the small space that there was and the band was very funny and friendly, entertaining us during a power outage. Anyone whose childhood involved classic gaming systems can relate to this relatively new, fun, and exciting genre of music. SOURCE: ANAMANAGUCHI.COM Archer The Best, New Animated Comedy Sterling Archer and his sexy cohorts Dawn Foster Staff Writer Adult Swim fans… James Bond fans, this one is for you. "Archer" is a raunchy, animated comedy series on the FX network created by Adam Reed (also creator of Sealab 2021 on Adult Swim). The show takes place at the dysfunctional International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) where all the employees betray and lie to each other constantly, even under global crisis. If the James Bond series were a comedy, it would be "Archer." The show stars a narcissistic, deadpan, insensitive spy, Sterling Archer, voiced by comedian H. Jon Benjamin (Human Giant, Important Things with Demetri Martin). Archer’s job is made difficult by his controlling, hypersexual mother/boss Malory Archer who is voiced by Jessica Walter (Arrested Development). Making his life even harder, Archer’s partner is his ex- Into the Rabbit Hole SOURCE: FXNETWORKS.COM girlfriend Lana Kane who is voiced by comedienne Aisha Tyler (24). Lana is dating one of the nerdy office workers, Cyril Figgis, voiced by Chris Parnell (Saturday Night Live), when she is clearly still attracted to Archer. The show is driven by the rapid fire dialogue, jokes on stereotypes, wacky characters and pop culture references. Archer describes karate as “the Dane Cook of martial arts” and insults the fat office druid by saying, “Oh, like you'd recognize a vegetable that wasn't wrapped in a Monte Cristo sandwich.” The show’s opening credits, animation and characters' clothing and hair look like they come from the 1960s and the USSR still exists. However, the plot is still very modern with their use of robots, cell phones, and the internet. You can find smart dialogue, quirky humor, and action in this FX hit. Episodes air on Hulu and on FX Thursdays at 10pm. Don’t be late alice. Nicole De Los Santos News Editor Lewis Carroll’s 1865 novel "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" and 1871 "Through the LookingGlass" took on a refreshingly new twist with Director Tim Burton. The tale transformed into a 3-D movie that debuted on March 5th. Instead of strictly following the novels, Burton has converged both of the stories into one epic narrative. The plot involves Alice leaving a man who had asked for her hand in marriage. Instead, she goes on to follow the white rabbit down the rabbit hole and is plunged into Underland. In Underland, the prophecy of her having to fight and defeat the Jabberwocky is laid upon her. Questions are raised if this Alice is the real "Alice" everyone has been waiting for to fight on Frabjous Day, causing confusion to stir. Nonetheless, Alice finds herself thrown around by the characters, as the battle between the Red Queen and the White Queen draws near. Burton’s "Alice in Wonderland" adds an SOURCE: MCTCAMPUS.COM interesting twist, since Alice's adventures are real as opposed to being a dream, according to the novels. Absolem the Caterpillar explains that she was the real "Alice" all along, but that she never acted the way in which the real "Alice" did when she was younger and first came to Underland. As the movie progresses, Alice witnesses all that has happened to the magical world and its occupants, dons a suit of armor and prepares for her prophetic battle. Needless to say, Burton's rendition of the story is very different from the novels, but it still managed to pack theaters, nonetheless, as people flocked to witness the latest version of the famous tale. The film has a varied cast of people, both seen and unseen; either on the screen and moving around or behind the curtain of computer graphics. The movie is a must-see, whether viewers are a fan of the original novels, Tim Burton or are just looking for something unforgettable to see that may have them asking towards the end, “Why IS a raven like a writing desk?” Features April 2010 Page 17 Legal vs.Illegal Downoads Stephen Zheng producing music, movies and video Staff Writer games. Illegal downloads have affected the entertainment business In today’s world, the transfer of a lot. Many music artists have come information, data and media travels out and publicly spoken against illegal faster than it has ever before with the downloads. advent of the Internet. As a result, One case was Sean (P. Diddy) the entertainment industry has been Combs who said, "As an artist who affected drastically. Music, movies, has dedicated his life to music and television-shows, video-games and the music business, I understand other industry software do not even why people download music. But for have to be purchased in person me and my fellow artists, this is our anymore. livelihood. When you make an illegal If one knows how to use any copy, you're stealing from the artist. form of P2P (Peer to Peer) software, It’s that simple. Every single day we're torrent software or IRC (Internet out here pouring our hearts and souls Relay Chat) software, then one can into making music for everyone to possibly gain access to any form enjoy. What if you did not get paid for of media out there. IRC, P2P and your job? Put yourself in our shoes!" Torrent are not similar actually, they Movie producers like Jerry are quite different. Bruckheimer work day and night to A P2P network is any distributed help produce good movies such as network architecture composed of "Bad Boys," "Remember The Titans" participants that make a portion of and "The Rock." Such hard-working their resources and use it as a server movie producers like him, deserve to help transfer media files to other to be paid for their work by letting participants . IRC, on the other people download his movie for a price hand, is mainly designed for group rather than downloading it illegally. communication in discussion forums Video-game makers feel the same called channels, and have the ability way, such as Vince Zampella and to transfer media type files, illegally, Jason West, the creators of the most directly from the site with the Clientfamous shooting game, "Call of Duty: to-Client application. Modern Warfare." They work really Torrent any file size and format hard to create such great games and with the suffix -torrent, which they deserve to be paid for it. contains all the information needed Millions of dollars are lost to download any media file format in income tax revenue, sales tax torrent was made for. You can get revenue and personal income. Illegal torrent for anything on a variety of downloads save you some money, web sites or torrent search engines. but it affects all the media industries These three are the most famous for down to the employees working for an using illegal downloads. Yo Ho Yo ho a pirate’s life for me. We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot. drink up me ‘earties, yo ho! hourly wage. Illegal downloads can Legal downloads help pay for a save you money, yet it is destroying multitude of different media forms, our whole media world. Those who download legally help pay hard-working employees not just the music industry. They help in the production of your favorite video games, your favorite movies and not to mention, all the employees signed on a record label, from that do not make the album covers or movie posters. So you have to make that conscious decision, attain media legally or illegally? top paid businessmen to your everyday Joe the Plumber . Loss of income from illegal downloads means the loss of jobs and reductions in SOURCE: MCTCAMPUS.COM Viral Marketing: Good or Bad for Movies? Best E-Book Bargain Dawn Foster, Stephen Zheng Staff Writers Going viral doesn’t always mean success. Cesar Alverez Staff Writer The term “viral marketing” might sound like a horrible computer virus to some people, but in reality, viral marketing is a great marketing strategy to keep people entertained when it comes to movies. This form of marketing begins by using word of mouth and it is used mostly on social networking websites. It has proven to be a recent success in promoting movies such as “Cloverfield” and “Star Trek.” “Lost” producer, J.J. Abrams, is one of the culprits behind this new form of entertainment. It is amazing what this man does in order to get the attention of the audience. Take “Cloverfield” for example; most people do not know that J.J. Abrams created an entire back story, detailing the origins of the monster. Many people have mentioned that they felt empty when they saw the movie for the first time. “I kind of wish I knew the whole story,” said a fellow student when asked about the plot of “Cloverfield.” “Cloverfield” went on to be one of the most successful movies during 2008, but there were also a few movies that viral marketing failed in promoting, such as “I Love You Beth Cooper.” According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, marketing executives at “Fox” hired a high school valedictorian to imitate a scene from the film, paying the student $1,800 to conclude her valedictorian address by professing her secret love for a classmate. The video was then posted online. Few people saw “I Love You Beth Cooper,” as it bombed at the box office, but the article generated enough attention for many people to view it online. To be successful at viral marketing, one must keep the audience interested and create a whole new world. This form of marketing can make or break a movie. This is why studios have to be careful when generating “buzz” for a movie. Either way, this form of marketing has become increasingly popular and hopefully it will be used more in the future to generate “buzz.” SOURCE: STUDIOHALL.COM SOURCE: MCTCAMPUS.COM Features Page 18 April 2010 The Best Things in Life are Free Whoever said “There’s no free lunch” must have just been too lazy to look. Like a good old game of hide and seek, there are plenty of free products, trips and activities, so long as one is willing to put a little elbow grease in, and look for it. The world is our playground, and if you are willing to put in the effort, the sky is the limit. 1. Free Food Free lunch? You bet! For the extra hungry and eating ambitious, there are a number of culinary establishments in the tri-state area that offer a meal that, if finished, is on the house. Pinata’s Mexican Grill located in Bethpage, New York, boasts "The Ultimate Burrito Challenge." Finish two of their monster burritos in one hour, and the bill is on them. "The Beer Barrel Belly Buster Challenge" at Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield, Pennsylvania, is home to a twenty-inch hamburger patty. This beastly burger holds twenty-five pieces of cheese, three whole tomatoes, a seventeen-inch bun and a whole lot of heartburn. If you and a friend can wolf this meal down in under three hours you will be saving yourselves a thirty dollar tab. 2. Free Air Free air? Who pays for air anymore? Well, most gas stations charge patrons for filling their tires, and unless you reside in California, where gas stations are required to provide free air pumps, you probably have handed over a fist full of quarters throughout the years. Several gas stations in the area do provide free air, and I highly suggest you patronize their businesses as a thank you: Parwood Sunoco, 50 East Midland Avenue, Paramus, New Jersey, Paramus Discount Tires on Route 17 South and Clifton Sunoco at Van Houten Avenue & Clifton Avenue, across from Clifton City Hall. Carlo Santello Sports Editor 5 simple tips to keep uncle sam out of your pockets. 3. Free Classes A class at Bergen costs students several hundred dollars, but what if I told you there were free classes, and even college credits, open to the public? Free Yoga classes at Five Corners Branch Library in Jersey City, New Jersey. Classes run Monday 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. evenings. Call (201) 547- 4500 for more information. Free Tai Chi classes at Bryant Park in New York City, Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Call (212) 221-6110 for information. Free Pilates Class at Empire–Fulton Ferry State Park, New York City, Tuesday 7:00 a.m. - 8 p.m. Call (718) 802-0603 for information. Henry George School of Social Science provides accredited college courses in economics and social science. Everyone is admitted and the cost is free. The credits will transfer to every four year University in New Jersey. 121 East 30th Street, New York City. Call (212) 889-8020 for more information. 4. Free Trip to Israel To all students of Jewish descent: there is a program called "Birthright" that provides a free, tenday, all expense paid trip to Israel! Sounds too good to be true? Jewish American-Israeli sponsors have been donating money to this program for years in an effort to persuade Americans to move to Israel to help boost the economy. The program provides a dream-like tour of this Middle Eastern gem of a nation. Trips take place in the summer and winter, but you're better off applying early to ensure a spot. Airfare, food, hotel accommodations and transportation are all included. 5. Free Kayak on the Hudson River Between May 16th and October 1st, take advantage of the NYC Boating House’s free kayak rental. Entirely volunteer-run and funded by donations, anyone can kayak out into the Hudson River for a day on the water, or even a great workout. Free rental locations at Pier 26, Pier 40, Pier 64 and Pier 96; all in New York City. SOURCE: MCTCAMPUS.COM The Epidemic of Porn a documentary review Nita Lim Staff Writer The 82nd Annual Academy Awards Raven Bryant Staff Writer definitely an eye opener Technology has changed the way many different things are done, one being how porn is viewed and who views it. The documentary “Porndemic” examines this taboo subject. What other industry could make $10 billion annually? This annual profit is more than that of the professional sports and the video game industries combined. Porndemic examines the epidemic of porn and what few laws exist in regards to online porn and protecting the civil rights of porn stars. Computers provide instantaneous access to millions of sexual images to children, but those same children cannot go and buy a copy of magazines, such as "Penthouse" or "Playboy." Porn stars, like Hanna West, used to make $1,000 a month working in the US Air Force, but now makes $1,000 a day working in the porn industry. Porn also mimics the movie industry with award shows, like "Adult Video News" the "Gay Video Guide Awards" or the “Dickies,” but unlike the "Oscars," the awards are more along the line of SOURCE: IMDB.COM “Best Blow Job” and “Best Anal Scene.” Like all good things, porn has a negative side. Studies have shown that some people have developed psychogical dependecies on porn, affecting half a million people frighteningly not all adults. Sonya Thompson, a researcher from the University of Alberta in Alberta, Canada did research about teens and the harmful consquences associated with the viewing of porn. Her research found that teens and pre-teens are viewing porn at younger and younger ages, but they are also viewing more hard core porn such as BDSM(bondage) and discipline sadomasochism. Thompson theorizes that empty relationships and unfulfilled sexual fantasies loom ahead for these young S&M lovers. The world of porn and the industry are changing rapidly as more and more children grow up on the internet and porn becomes a mainstream norm. Oldies like Larry Flynt creator of "Hustler" magazine are old school compared to Frank Hu creator of This past March, movie lovers, aspiring actors and celebrity updaters alike, all tuned in to watch the annual Academy Awards ceremony, better known as the Oscars. Held in Hollywood, California, the Oscars' red carpet occupied the prominent Kate Winslet, Zoe Saldana, Lenny Kravitz and Jake Gyllenhal. And although actress Mo'nique's hairy legs were appalling to many viewers, the fashion and awards of adored celebrities stayed of importance as the festivities went on. Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin hosted the Oscars, both supporting as crowd-pleasers. The audience became even more captivated as Ben Stiller graced the stage disguised as an Avatar. Avatar was one of this year's most successful films, directed by James Cameron. It won the awards for "Best Art Direction," "Cinematography" and "Best Visual Effects." A few other winners for the 82nd Academy Awards were Sandra Bullock as "Best Actress in a Leading Role" for “The Blind Side,” “Up,” for "Best Animated Featured Film" and “The Hurt Locker” for "Best Written Work" in an original screenplay, authorized by Mark Boal. Each award was presented in the same traditional manner. While the awards specifically claimed the attention of "to-diefor fans" and students of the arts, stay-at-home mothers and the fashion-savvy surrendered their time to witness what our Sandra Bullock with her Oscar favorite celebrities wore this time around. Cameron Diaz embellished herself in a dazzling Oscar de la Renta gown, dusted in gold. Rachael McAdams in an Elie Saab Haute couture gown with floral patterns and Twilight's Kristen Stewart posed in a modest black pearl gown. Sure the red carpet savored our most favorite male celebs, but to say the least, black ties and white shirts are not inspiring to creative fashionistas. The 82nd Annual Academy Awards, once again, took storm in American history and kept its vow to appreciate films and their entertainers. SOURCE: MCTCAMPUS.COM March 2010 Sports Page 19 Timing and New Places in Athlos [L-R] Top Row: Manager Eddie McElroy, Ryan Arnold, Steve Caracena, Mark Edwards, Wayne Smith, Ramzan Nanayez, Thomcsz Dlugozima Bottom Row: Head Coach Randy Brazil, Chris Kailath, Mike Brown, Ismael Garcia, Julissa Douglas, Marcus Brown, Stephanie Orgueira, Assistant Coach Erika Czujko Endurance, speed, agility, and strength, are some of Having struggled through two injury-plagued seasons, team captain, Mark Edwards, Alfred Martinez the key components needed to perform ‘athletics’—a looks to snap a two-year dry spell with a successful spring track season. “After two years word derived from the Greek word athlos—meaning of being injured with hamstring problems, being able to stay healthy is my main goal,” Staff Writer contest. These same components were displayed Edwards remarked, hopeful about the upcoming season. earlier this year by some of our very own athletic alumni, most notably, the ladies’ and On the girl’s side, sophomore, Julissa Douglas, will be one of the team leaders, and gentlemen’s basketball teams. will need to place high if the women are to see any success. “I want to be able to bring With Bergen Community College’s well-recognized athletic departments, will the my timing down and hopefully run a 400 [meters] in 50 seconds,” explained Douglas, record-breaking performances be able to do a follow-up opening act to a new season in determined to leave her mark as she enters her final season at BCC. 2010? The answer is very simple: you take the baton and run with it! Another returning veteran is Ramzan Nanayez, who previously qualified and won at Here at Bergen Community College, the track and field team does not need any the Regional Meetings in the 110 meter hurdles. introduction to figure out what it takes to win and compete, because they have done so, There are a total of 14 participants competing this year for BCC, some of which year in and year out. In the past three years, the Bulldogs have competed in the National include: Ryan Arnold, Mike Brown, Thomas Dlugzima, Christopher Kailath, Mike Championship Meet, bringing home a number of national titles in various events. With Brown, Wayne Smith, Carl Schneck, Ismael Garcia, Stephanie Orgueira and Marcus constantly improving opponents, BCC will be facing stronger opponents than ever, but Brown. The itinerary of events that individuals will compete in, include: relays, long Coach Randy Brazil and Assistant Coach Erika Czujko are confident that their athletes jumping, javelin, shot put, discus, hammer throwing, sprinting and long distance running. will be well-prepared for the forthcoming season. With a target on their backs for their previous success, both the men’s and women’s Honorable mentions from past years, such as Dervel Thomas, class of ‘08’, who holds track and field teams will be facing staunch competition this coming year. With a slew six records at BCC, recently succeeded in qualifying to play in the Jamaican competitions; of meets throughout the tri-state area, Coach Randy Brazil and the team will be looking Kwame Banahene, who competed in the 100 meter finals, and Ricardo Garcia, an forward to their chance to act as the hosts, with the Region XIX Championships to be All-American who competed in the 400 meter hurdles at the National Championship held at Overpeck Park in Leonia, NJ on April 30th and May 1st. Meetings last year, also left a long-lasting impression. When asked about the team’s goals this year, Coach Brazil replied, “Our goal is to And let us not forget that assistant Coach Czujko was also a former alumni, and All- place in the top three at the districts and top five at the nationals.” Good luck Bulldogs! American shot-putter, who BCC is very glad to have assisting in the training of the team. PHOTO BY: ALFRED MARTINEZ Student Athlete Biley Kakou Carlo Santelli Sports Editor A spectacular athlete on the field and a stellar student in the classroom, Bergen Community College’s Biley Kakou is March’s "Student Athlete of the Month." With a grade point average of 3.9, and numerous impressive athletic accolades, Biley has made himself stand out as a model studentathlete here at BCC. Born in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, in 1987, Biley spent his youth playing soccer with friends at the local park, and gained a deep love for "the beautiful game" from a young age. In middle school, Biley was a stand out student in his village, and gained several academic awards for his work ethic and exemplary study habits. “When I was around 15 or 16, I was considered quite good at soccer. A nearby professional team sent a scout to my village [and] watched me play,” Biley reminisced. “They wanted me to quit school, and train with them.” Biley decided to remain in school, and upon finishing his high school education, Biley enrolled at Agitel Formation College. He received high grades, but he knew in his heart that something was missing. “My mother had moved to America several years before, and was working as a nurse for a wealthy Jewish family in Bergen County,” remarked Biley, almost in tears from the fond memories. “It was always my dream to drape myself in a red, white and blue flag. I wanted to come to America!” In August 2008, accompanied by his younger brother, Biley finally received a visa and immigrated to the United States. He moved in with his mother in Teaneck, New Jersey, in a small apartment. After enrolling at Bergen Community College, his number one priority was to join the soccer team. His love and passion for the game carried over to America, and Biley was excited to apply his skills and experience to help the BCC Men’s soccer team. Despite his burning desire to succeed, Biley faced many obstacles. “At first, I didn’t speak English!” Biley remarked, with a chuckle. “But I soon realized I wasn’t the only one. The Spanish kids didn’t speak English either!” BCC’s Baseball Preview Jeff Carbone Staff Writer ‘Big Daddy’ as his teammates called him, hit the books immediately. He took on a full course load, and was well on his way to earning his Associates degree in Finance. After four semesters at BCC, Biley has earned a 3.9 grade point average. His plans after graduating are to attend a four-year university in New Jersey. He is currently looking to attend Rutgers, Ramapo, Monclair or Seton Hall. Athletically, Biley had few opportunities to play in his first season as a Bulldog, yet managed 2 goals and 4 assists in “10-15 minutes a game,” according to Biley. His sophomore season, after proving himself in the off season, Biley earned a spot as a starter. With eight goals and four assists, Biley earned 2nd Team All-NJCAA regional team. “He is a model player both on and off the field,” commented Men’s Soccer Coach Sal. “I wish I had a team full of players like Biley.” Biley’s favorite moment as a BCC Bulldog was when he scored the game's winning goal against Bronx Community College with less than 1 minute left in a thrilling 3-2 victory in the fall. His time on the soccer team was enhanced by the camaraderie of his teammates, especially Wojtek Majerczak and Johnny Twinky Cortes. PHOTO COURTESY OF BILEY KAKOU Coming off an 11-14 record from their 2009 season, the Bergen Bulldogs Men’s Baseball Team is hungrier than ever. Though they lost two of their key players from last year, Jose Padilla, who received a scholarship to play in the Dominican Republic, and Mike Cassese, who transfered to Rutgers-Newark , expectations are still high for the 2010 baseball campaign. When asked for a prediction on how the team would do this season, Coach Hernandez remarked, “I think we’re going to be good. This team has the best pitching depth of any team I’ve coached in my five years here at Bergen.” That pitching staff is led by Waldwick native Brad Brovero, who in eight games last season had an Earned Run Average (ERA) of 3.92, and Ricardo Lazzaro, a 2008 graduate of Passaic High School, who the coach also expects big things from. Over on the offensive side of the ball, the amount of talent has not slipped at all, with 8 returning starters that will be led by the big bat of sophomore, Mike Ciaramello, a Bloomfield resident. Ciaramello batted .375 in 2009, and will need to have a similar level of productivity if the Bulldogs are to see success. The Bulldogs have a set centerfielder in the right hander, Liam Penberthy, a product of Bloomfield High School. Look for Pernberthy to have a steller season at the plate. Mike DiGuilio, lefty Andrew Calore, and Danae Berry will be vying for the left and right fielder slots. Sophomore Jason Luzzi is coming off a season where he hit .314 and nabbed 7 stolen bases, is most likely going to get most of his at-bats against left handed pitching. Look for infielders Eric Gullander, who batted .386 in 2009, and Garfield’s Luis Buron to also be major contributors in Bergen’s 2010 campaign. The 2009 season saw the BCC Bulldogs come one strike away from earning a playoff berth. Let us hope the 2010 season brings more success and victories for Bergen Men’s Baseball Team! April 2010 WWW.BERGEN.EDU/THETORCH VOLUME - 17 ISSUE - 3 Baseball Preview Take the baton and run with it. pg 19 pg 19 Bulldogs in Beast Mode Carlo Santelli Sports Editor Despite an undefeated 30-0 season, and a #1 ranking going into the NJCAA DIII National Championships, the Bergen Community College Men’s Basketball team ended their storybook season with a loss to Minnesota’s Rochester Community College in the national semifinal game on March 12, 2010. The NJCAA National Championships were held in Delhi, NY, and featured teams from across the nation all vying for a place as the supreme team in the country. The Bulldogs opened up Nationals with an impressive 97-89 victory over the Texas regional champions, Mountain View Community College. The win, bringing their season record to 34-0, was quite evenly matched throughout the first half, with the Bulldogs only having a 2 point advantage at the break. But aided by sophomore Elgin Brown’s 30 points, Bergen was able to pull away down the stretch and claim the victory, and a berth in the National Semi-Finals. The victory also came with support from David West’s 19 point, 13 rebound performance, as well as an 17 point night from freshman Asmar Edwards. "We are very proud of the season thus far,” explained Coach Sean Kelly. “When you get to Nationals and compete against the best in the country, anything can happen.” Bergen’s winning ways unfortunately came to an abrupt end when they faced the Midwest Champions, Rochester. Rochester, which went on to lose in the finals to Illinois’ Joliet Community College, started off strong and took an 8 point lead into the locker room at halftime. Bergen seemed to be trailing most of the game, and despite small rallies, was never able to fully catch up. Down at times by double digits, Bergen cut the lead to six points with just over 7 minutes remaining. A dunk by team leading scorer Elgin Brown seemed be the turn of momentum that the Bulldogs needed, but ultimately it wasn’t meant to be as the Rochester Yellow Jackets held on for the 84-79 triumph, ending Bergen’s perfect season, and a chance at a National Championship. "We ran into a hot team and we didn't play our best game,” commented Coach Sean Kelly after the season ending lose, adding, “Despite the loss, we had a dream season and have a lot to be grateful for. It’s a tribute to this team and their hard work." Rochester decisively outscored Bergen from 3-point range, and was shooting well over 50% for 18 total points from beyond the arc compared to Bergen’s 3. Bergen did, however, outrebound the Yellow Jackets by nearly a 2:1 ratio. Despite the loss, Bergen put up some impressive numbers, with 4 players in double digits, including David West, Elgin Brown, Jayvon Beaty, and Derrick Ross. West, Beaty, and Brown all completed double-doubles as they had their fair share of rebounds as well. As for next season, the Bulldogs will be losing many key starters, yet with plenty of off season training, the Bergen Bulldogs are set to be among the preseason favorites, and once again be in the hunt for a national crown. "The players we lose have left behind a legacy that will be remembered forever at this institution both on and off the court. I will miss them dearly,” Kelly remarked. PHOTOS BY: KAREN HU
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