Fall 2006 - Hamline University


Fall 2006 - Hamline University
FALL 2006
The courageous people
we call teachers
New seating and food options, including a grab-and-go
convenience store, enhance the student experience
at Sorin Dining Hall
VOLUME 103 / NUMBER 3 / FALL 2006
Hamline University first published an alumni
periodical in 1904, called the Alumni Quarterly of
Hamline University. Now simply titled Hamline,
the publication is for alumni and friends of the
university, and is published three times per year
by the Office of Marketing Communications.
Hamline Magazine is printed on 10 percent postconsumer recovered fiber stock with agri-based
ink. The coating is water based.
First-year students and how they chose Hamline
Breanne Hanson Hegg MANM ’04
Contributing editors
Dan Loritz ’69
Jane Telleen
Jen Thorson ’96
Contributing writers
Lindsay Bacher ’07
Steve Bjork ’87
JacQui Getty
Breanne Hanson Hegg MANM ’04
Jennifer Krempin
Troy Mallat
Todd Melby ’86
Magazine Intern
Lindsay Bacher ’07
Contributing photographers
David Banks Studios
Dawn Villella Photography
Heinrich Photography
Steve Pereira Photography
Steve Woit Photography
A Match Made in Hamline
Life on the Linoleum
The courageous people we call teachers
Arts, Academics & Athletics
Associations of Hamline
Alumni News
Class Notes
In Memoriam
From the President
Kelly Christ
Allison Long
Send address changes to:
Hamline Magazine
MS-C1916, 1536 Hewitt Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104-1284
Readers may send comments
and letters to the editor to:
Hamline Magazine
MS-C1916, 1536 Hewitt Avenue,
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104-1284
Or, you may contact the editor by
telephone at 651-523-2012, or
e-mail [email protected].
Hamline University does not discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability,
religion, age, sexual orientation, or veteran status in its
education or employment programs or activities.
FALL 2006
What’s your story?
For this issue we asked incoming
college students to tell us how they
chose Hamline, to share their “howI-ended-up-at-Hamline” stories.
Every reason they gave—from
location to alumni parents to
sports interests—was riddled with
a measure of happenstance, an element of luck.
While it’s fun to learn the twists of fate that brought people
to Hamline, it’s the “why-I-stayed-at-Hamline” stories that are
often more meaningful. There’s no coincidence in these
stories… only the passion and determination earned from
living the daily life of a Hamline student.
It’s been five years since I first climbed the Old Main stairs
to begin my employment here. While I found Hamline by
chance, I stayed here deliberately. Sure, the legendary benefits
helped, but more important was that Hamline’s dedication to
developing knowledge, values, and skills in its students spills
over from the classroom to the office.
But thankfully, unlike with college students, we’re not
encouraged to leave after four years.
Breanne Hanson Hegg MANM ’04
In the Summer 2006 class notes, Jonathan Jasper ’84 was
mistakenly listed as an alumnus of Hamline School of Law.
• goes wireless,
• gets smart, and
• stays open 24/7
Ethernet cords, media carts, and transparencies are soon to join typewriters and carbon
copies as things of the past. In order to meet
the needs of today’s tech-savvy students,
Hamline made a number of significant improvements to its teaching and learning technology
this year. Here’s a look at three new advances:
Wireless access
All academic, residential, and community spaces now
offer wi-fi access, so students can access the Internet
without connecting their computer physically to a port.
This allows students the freedom of using the Internet
in their classroom, at the Klas Center Café, or in their
dorm room.
We apologize for and regret the error.
Smart classrooms
In fall 2007, Hamline will be visited by evaluators
from the Higher Learning Commission of the North
Central Association as part of the re-accreditation
process. In order to prepare for this visit, Hamline has embarked
on a comprehensive self-study to help the university identify what
it is doing well and what areas it would like to improve.
Alumni are encouraged to participate in the process, and there
will be many opportunities for involvement. More information
about the Higher Learning Commission, the self-study process,
and the criteria that will be used to evaluate Hamline’s success in
carrying out its mission is available at www.hamline.edu/selfstudy.
The days of wheeling around electronic equipment are
largely in the past. Now professors can bring a laptop
into most classrooms and project what’s on the
computer to a screen using the room’s built-in LCD
projector. Showing a video clip is as easy as turning on
the TV with VCR/DVD capabilities standard in every
room. The largest thirty classrooms also have a podium
with a computer included, and many have a document
camera, which can project any piece of paper
immediately onto a screen.
Twenty-four-hour computer lab
A computer lab that is always open is available in Sorin
Hall this fall, allowing students who don’t have
computers the ability to work and print during those
crucial late-night or early-morning hours. The lab will
be staffed during critical hours by a student worker at
Sorin’s newly created information desk.
Fulbright recipient heads to Norway
to study multicultural education
Name: Jessica Hjarrand, student,
master of arts in teaching program
with an ESL emphasis, Graduate
School of Education
Hometown: Kinderhook, New York,
where she grew up listening to stories
from her grandmother, who came from
Lithuania during World War II. “She
would talk about what the family had
gone through as immigrants, and I
think that really instilled in me the
desire to be conscious of what’s going
on in the world and of the challenges
people of other cultures are facing.”
Official details: Jessica plans to spend
nine months in Norway studying
education and development and
researching how including multicultural and diversity education in
developing countries’ schools could
help prevent future conflict and
stabilize current situations.
with first-hand knowledge of extreme
poverty in third-world countries.
And the family? “[My husband] Lars
is really excited for me and
understands how important it is to me
to do this,” but he plans to stay here in
Minnesota “to pay the bills.” Lars, a
former professional tennis player, is
now a financial analyst.
Inspiration: Her first teaching job
was at LEAP/International Academy in
Saint Paul, working in the adult ESL
program. “I would talk to students
about why they came to the U.S. and
if they wanted to stay or return home.
I came to see that one of the problems
facing developing nations is the brain
drain...lots of motivated and educated
people leaving and integrating
themselves into other societies, raising
families, etc. Who is going to be able
to pull these poor countries out of
poverty if all of these people leave?”
Life after the Fulbright: “I think
eventually I want to take my research
to East Africa. I can see myself
working for a consulting firm that
works with developing nations to help
them create education policies that
will help stabilize their countries and
regions.” Jessica said she can also see
herself doing more teaching in the
future. “I think policy-making needs
to be connected to real practice to
be effective.”
What she stands for:
“One of my central beliefs is that if
people have hope for the future, they
will not embrace violence. The
violence comes from a lack of options
and not seeing a way to make a better
life. Education can provide hope.
“We all have a sense of wanting our
lives to mean something. And there
comes a point in your life when you
ask yourself—what do I stand for?”
Why Norway? A leader in peace and
conflict negotiation, Norway will give
Jessica access to experts and people
Jessica Hjarrand
FALL 2006
DAVID STERN Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
Stern comes to Hamline from the University of Toledo,
where he served as dean of the College of Arts &
Sciences. He earned his PhD in philosophy from the
University of California at San Diego.
On joining Hamline:
I have taught and worked in three other institutions and
I bring that experience and perspective to Hamline. I have
a good understanding of the “state-of-the-art” in both the
liberal arts and in graduate education, as well as the social
and economic forces that affect universities today. And I
bring a dedication to achieving the highest standards of
teaching, learning, and research.
Family? Pets?
My wife, Allison, and I have been married for twentyseven years. We have three children—Caitlin is twentyone, Nathan is seventeen, and Jacob is nearly thirteen.
We have only one pet at present, our cat Eddie.
Birthplace? Current home?
I was born in Oakland, California, and now live in
Saint Paul.
Hobbies? Interests?
I am interested in music, especially classical and jazz,
and theatre, sports, and politics. I love to read, and my
reading ranges from several daily papers to philosophy
and contemporary fiction.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An athlete.
What do you enjoy most about Minnesota?
The diverse population, the many good restaurants,
and the thriving cultural scene of the Twin Cities make
me excited to be here.
What do you love about working in education?
It is a cliché, but education is capable of changing
people’s lives. It is exciting to participate in such an
undertaking. As an undergrad I was in a small liberal arts
honors program, and the experiences I had there interacting with talented faculty members changed my life.
I have always retained a vivid sense of the power of a
small liberal arts education to make that kind of impact.
And I want nothing less for students at Hamline.
FERNANDO DELGADO Dean, College of Liberal Arts
Delgado most recently served as dean of the College
of Graduate Studies and Research at Minnesota State
University Mankato. He earned a PhD in
communication studies from the University of Iowa.
On joining Hamline:
I think my strengths are openness, directness, and a
desire to build structures that sustain themselves. I believe
that I have something to offer with respect to strategic
planning and am very focused on creating an inclusive
and stimulating environment where our commitment to
excellence will be palpable. I also feel strongly that I can
contribute to the dialogue and efforts regarding diversity
and expanding the feel and reach of the university.
Family? Pets?
My wife, Tamara, and I have a two-and-a-half-year-old
daughter named Marisol and an aging cocker spaniel
named Sonar.
Birthplace? Current home?
Born in Oakland, California, and raised in that area.
We just moved from Lake Crystal, Minnesota, to
Hobbies? Interests?
I am a huge consumer of all forms of popular culture—
television, film, sports, comic books, you name it.
I have a particular personal and intellectual interest in
soccer and used to play a wicked game of Trivial Pursuit.
What do you love about working in education?
l love that we are constantly challenged to be at our
best as thinkers, communicators, and social actors.
To be around intelligent people and to be paid to
soak up knowledge is actually a very cool thing.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I am told that I had a profound fascination with
garbage trucks as a youngster. Later I was interested
in journalism, law, and politics. I was fascinated by
Watergate, and All the President’s Men remains one
of my favorite books and films.
What is a quote that you really connect with?
A provost I worked for at Arizona State University West
used to conclude every commencement address with the
following invocation: “Make us proud, make us better,
make a difference.” That about summarizes what we
should all strive for in higher education.
JULIAN SCHUSTER Dean, Graduate School of Management
Schuster most recently served as dean of the School of
Business and dean of extended and executive education
at the University of New Haven in Connecticut. He holds
a PhD in economics and international economics from
the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
On joining Hamline:
I look forward to working with all stakeholders of the
university on moving the Graduate School of Management
forward as it continues to establish itself as a premier
provider of broadly defined management education.
This opportunity allows me to make a contribution in
establishing our school as the preeminent global business
school in terms of the quality of our programs, students,
faculty, and staff.
My wife’s name is Sanya, and I have a four-year-old son,
Birthplace? Current home?
I was born in Split, Yugoslavia, and I now live in Saint Paul.
Hobbies? Interests?
I play chess and enjoy classical music. Travel interests
me, as does numismatics (the study or collection of old
coins and money).
What do you love about working in education?
I love lifelong learning, the continuous quest for
knowledge, working with students, open communication,
and intellectual discourse. Or, as Aristotle said, “Education
is the best provision for the journey to old age.”
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
It changed often… a writer… an actor… a teacher.
What is a quote that you really connect with?
“One needs to be slow to form convictions, but once
formed they must be defended against the heaviest odds.”
(Mahatma Gandhi)
For more information on Vice President Stern and Deans Delgado and Schuster visit www.hamline.edu/magazine.
JacQui Getty is director of media relations for Hamline.
FALL 2006
Commencement 2006
Congratulations, graduates!
Left to right: President Linda Hanson; Megan Graff ’06 and Zayda Harsha ’06; Valery Atanga LLM ’06; Michele Heather Pollock MFA ’06;
Shiva Adhikari ’06 and Shefali Aggarwal ’06; Jessica Pena JD ’06.
Biomedical visionaries and philanthropists
receive honorary doctors of humane letters
At Commencement Hamline honored
Richard Haugland ’65 and Rosaria
Brivio Haugland with honorary
doctors of humane letters for their
visionary achievements in biomedical
research and their commitment to
making a difference in the world.
At Hamline, Richard studied under
legendary professors Rod Olson, Cliff
Creswell, Ole Runquist, and Perry
Moore. Richard and Rosaria met while
graduate students, married, and moved
to Saint Paul, where Richard was an
assistant professor of chemistry at
Hamline from 1975–78. During that
time they developed the concepts and
technology that resulted in their cofounding Molecular Probes, Inc. which
grew to be the undisputed world leader
in fluorescent probe technology.
Molecular Probes makes fluorescent
dyes used in biomedical research. Its
product catalog, Handbook of Fluorescent Probes and Research Products,
authored by Richard, taught a generation of scientists how to use these tools
for biomedical research, and has facilitated research studies in numerous biological disciplines worldwide.
Richard, as president and chief scientific officer, co-authored 141 scientific
publications and earned sixty-nine U.S.
patents. Rosaria served as vice president, garnering forty-one publications
and three patents.
“My various experiences at Hamline
have had a profound effect on my
entire life,” Richard said during his
commencement address. “It started
with Ole Runquist saying ‘You are
going to be a chemist. There are no
other options.’ For those who have had
the privilege of knowing Ole, they can
understand that this was a command,
not fatherly advice.”
For many years the Hauglands have
supported women and children in
Southeast Asia to help counteract the
effects of poverty and the prostitution
market. Richard founded the Wildflower Home project for single mothers
and pregnant girls and the Starfish
Country Home School Foundation
(see story at right).
A longtime supporter of arts,
education, and social services programs in Eugene, Oregon, Rosaria’s
particular interest is the support of
girls and women. Her Haugland Building houses nonprofits with similar missions in a cooperative management
structure, including Ophelia's Place, a
program she created to help teenage
girls at risk; WomenSpace, committed
to eradicating domestic violence; and
the Girl Scouts.
“I am appalled by the amount of
violence that still plagues our society
and by the poverty and neglect which
some of our youth live in,” Rosaria said
in her address. “It is discouraging at
times that what I do is just a drop in
the bucket. However small, I hope to
leave some type of legacy.”
Left to right: Rosmery Blanco MAM ’06 and Andys Sanchez MAM ’05; Muath Asamarai ’06; Shynell Hill ’06; Patrick Rieger ’06; Heidi Nelson MAPA ’06;
and Carolyn Korchik ’06.
Forty-six instant grandchildren
Most people start each day with
the morning paper and a mug of
coffee. Like many business people,
Richard Haugland used to do much
the same thing.
But lately, he starts the day with
a hug. Dozens of them, to be precise.
Haugland, a former Hamline
University professor and founder of
Molecular Probes, now lives most of
the year in Thailand, where he is the
founder of the Starfish Country Home
School for children. While the former
chemist once answered to “Professor,”
“Doctor” and “Boss,” today Haugland
is simply “Luang Dick”—“Uncle Dick.”
Haugland’s Starfish Country Home
School is home to twenty-one children,
two classrooms, and a staff of sixteen.
The school provides a safe haven for
the youngsters, some of whom are
orphans but most of whom have only
one living parent and come from
challenging circumstances.
“They learn at the Starfish Country
Home School in both English and
Thai, whereas local schools are not
capable of teaching them in English,”
Haugland said. “Classes are very small.
We expect them to develop their own
talents and will facilitate this as much
as possible.”
Haugland’s interest in helping others
first took root when, as a graduate
student at Stanford University, he left
school to serve in a Volunteers in
Service to America (VISTA) program
on an American Indian reservation in
northern Michigan. After
graduate school, he lived in
the woods near Park Rapids,
Minnesota, where he taught
mathematics and wrote math
books at the Pine Point School
for American Indian children.
So it was only natural that
decades later, he would again turn to a
career dedicated to helping others.
“For several years, I had been using
Thailand as a retreat from work,”
Haugland said.
During one trip, he started a
scholarship program for middle school
girls who were excellent students but
were at risk for dropping out because
of financial needs. He also financially
supported an HIV-positive girl at a
Thai orphanage.
“When I returned to the U.S. I
asked myself, ‘Why am I working so
hard?’” he said. It was then that he and
his wife, Rosaria, jointly decided to sell
their business and retire.
“After the sale of Molecular Probes,
I had relatively little to do so I went
again to Thailand on holiday,”
Haugland said. He visited an alternative school near Bangkok. “While
spending time with the children, I
decided that this was fun—but I could
do it as well or better. It would also, to
some extent, recapture the period of
my life at Pine Point School.”
Grandchildren continued on page 13
Three of the children at Starfish Country Home School.
Photo provided by Richard Haugland.
FALL 2006
Wesley awards honor those who ‘do all the good they can’
Ron Lutz’s work on databases and
computing infrastructure is vital to
Hamline’s operations. Robert Simmons
is an award-winning science and
behavior intervention teacher. Laura
Mann founded an organization for
multiracial and transracially adopted
students. And Walter Enloe pioneered
a learning community approach to
graduate education.
Besides their commitment to making
Hamline—and the world—a better
place, all four were recipients of the
prestigious John Wesley Leadership and
Service Award for Students or the John
Wesley Trustee Award for Faculty &
Staff. Nominated by members of the
Hamline community and selected by a
committee, each winner received a
$5,000 check or scholarship.
A College of Liberal Arts graduate
with an English major and an
education minor, Laura Mann ’06 was
president of PRIDE Black Student
Alliance last year. She also taught
children acting and dancing at the
Children’s Theatre Company and
assisted teachers at Dowling
Elementary School and the
Hancock/Hamline Collaborative
Magnet School.
Robert Simmons is a student in
the Graduate School of Education’s
doctorate in education program.
He was nominated by both his
professors and fellow students in the
program, one of whom wrote that
“I know nobody who works harder
to prepare themselves to work
toward these ideals [equity, social
justice, activism], to move them
from being general philosophies
to action.”
For the last twelve years
Professor Walter Enloe has been
a pioneer in creating the learning
community programs at the
master’s and doctoral levels in
the Graduate School of Education.
He received the Hamline
Community Social Justice award for
his efforts to educate for peace and
justice at every opportunity.
Ron Lutz, director of administrative
computing, was nominated for his
fifteen years of leadership that has
shaped the direction of Hamline
University’s database and computing
infrastructure. His passion is not just
demonstrated in his solutions, but also
in a process that is inclusive and
Ron Lutz, Robert Simmons, Laura Mann, and Walter Enloe
Retirements and Professor Emeritus
Rita Johnson, management and economics,
retired with thirteen years of service
Richard Kagan, history, retired with
thirty-two years of service, awarded
professor emeritus status
Janice Simons, admission office, retired
with twenty-nine years of service
Tamara Root, modern languages and
literatures, awarded professor emerita status
Tenure and promotions
Promoted to full professor
Fahima Aziz, management and economics
Melissa Embser-Herbert, sociology
Mike Farris, biology
Jerry Krause, criminal justice and
forensic sciences
Granted tenure and promoted
to associate professor
Rita Majerle, chemistry
Recognized in May 2006
Sharon Preves, sociology
Andy Rundquist, physics
Jeff Turner, theatre arts and communication
Promoted to associate professor
Theresa Mason, religion
John Mazis, history
Jean Strait, education
Wendy Burns, assistant director for student
activities and leadership development,
chosen by the undergraduate student
congress as Outstanding Staff of the Year
Susan Myster, anthropology and forensic
science, chosen by the faculty as the
recipient of the Burton and Ruth Grimes
Outstanding Teacher Award
Joseph Peschek, political science, chosen
by the undergraduate student congress as
Outstanding Faculty of the Year
Sharon Preves, sociology, and Bill Wallace,
theatre arts, chosen by students as Faculty
Advisors of the Year
John Shepard, promoted to
associate professor
Kristin Cayo, chosen by the students
as Professor of the Year
Larry Sutin, promoted to full professor
Patricia Weaver Francisco, chosen by the
students as Professor of the Year
Michael Wirth-Davis, chosen by the
students as Professor of the Year
Clint Pires, chosen by the students as
Professor of the Year
Angela McCaffrey, promoted to
full clinical professor of law
John Weeks, chosen by the Student Bar
Association as Outstanding Faculty Member
of the Year
Serious thinking for fall
Remember those great discussions that didn’t end when class was
over? Those challenging texts that really made you think? Feel like
a student again by checking out these two new faculty books and
chewing on a philosophical theory about Harry Potter.
westward migration
Professor Larry Sutin published
All Is Change: The Two-Thousand-Year
Journey of Buddhism to the West with
Little, Brown.
“This book is an important
contribution to our understanding of
the establishing of Buddhism in
Europe and the Americas... researched,
intelligently presented, and supported
by an excellent bibliography, this will
best serve scholars of religious history
as a reference and source book, but it
will also appeal to interested casual
readers” said a Library Journal review.
Sutin, a professor in the Graduate
School of Liberal Studies, is also the
author of biographies on Philip K.
Dick and Aleister Crowley and of the
memoirs Jack and Rochelle: A Holocaust
Story of Love and Resistance and A
Postcard Memoir.
Humility and arrogance
in Harry Potter
Professor Nancy Holland argued that
“A dialectic of humility and arrogance
is the basic dynamic of the Harry
Potter saga,” in a paper delivered at a
conference in June. “Arrogance is the
governing trait not only of the evil
Voldemort and his followers, but also
of other negative characters such as
the Dursleys, Harry’s non-magic foster
family,” she said. “Conversely, humility
marks not only unalloyed goodness, as
in Dumbledore, but also a less-elevated
openness to a power beyond oneself,
as in the werewolf Remus Lupin.
Rowling also creates matched pairs of
characters based on this opposition,
such as Hagrid, the gamekeeper who
does a good deal of harm but is redeemed by the recognition that he is
only a half-blood wizard, and Filch,
the caretaker, who is of wizard blood
but not a wizard, and his arrogant
abuse of his similar role at Hogwarts.
This argument about Rowling’s view
of the proper attitude to take toward
one’s magical power in Harry Potter’s
world will be used in my next book as
a model for ontological humility in
our world.”
Holland, a philosophy professor in
the College of Liberal Arts, presented
her paper at the International Association for Philosophy and Literature
meeting in Freiburg, Germany.
The mind of Plato
Emeritus Professor Joseph Uemura
published Reflections on the Mind of
Plato: Six Dialogues with Agora
Publications. The book, available in
paperback or as an audio CD, explores
Plato’s dialogues on religion, the mind,
knowledge, being, art, and society.
Uemura is also the author of Seven
Dialogues on Goodness and American
Philosophers on Religion.
hA g
Wit e Fro
Center for Global Environmental Education’s
CD-ROM nominated for a “Green Oscar”
The Graduate School of Education’s
Center for Global Environmental
Education (CGEE) received international accolades for its educational
CD-ROM Big Foot: Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle. The interactive multimedia
program for American school audiences was
nominated for a Panda Award from the Wildscreen
Festival in Bristol, England—the world's largest and
most prestigious environmental media festival.
The CD-ROM, which engagingly presents
strategies for reducing one’s environmental impact
through recycling, was developed in partnership
with the City of Eden Prairie, Minnesota, and
funded largely by Hennepin County.
“Work that began four years ago by CGEE is
being recognized as equal or better than programs
produced by industry giants like the BBC, the
Discovery Channel, and National Geographic,”
said John Shepard, CGEE assistant director and
creator and producer of the nominated production.
CGEE already has one Panda Award—known
worldwide as the “Green Oscar.” Waters to the Sea:
The Chattahoochee River, an interactive program
that chronicles the river’s history, won the award
in 2004.
FALL 2006
Six-time All-American graduates
after record-breaking career
Her career started quietly with a
twenty-sixth place finish in the 2002
MIAC Cross Country Championships.
Four years later, Keidra Anderson
departs as one of Hamline’s most
decorated distance runners of all time.
Originally from Minocqua,
Wisconsin, Keidra hadn’t even planned
on running competitively at Hamline.
But by the time she graduated, she had
capped her remarkable career by
earning six All-America awards in a
span of twelve months. In addition to
earning All-America awards in both the
5,000 and 10,000 meters at both the
2005 and 2006 NCAA Outdoor Track
and Field Championships, she was an
All-American at last November’s
NCAA Cross Country Championships
and at the NCAA Indoor Track and
Field Championships.
“Keidra had so many assets that
made her successful,” said Paul
Schmaedeke, Anderson’s distance coach
on the track and field team. “She had a
good work ethic, a steady and positive
personality, a great aerobic engine, a
firm grasp of the training, and a great
competitive attitude. She loved to
compete and was never afraid to step
on the starting line with anybody. She
always competed hard and expected
her competition to do the same. It
wasn't all about winning the race, it
was about running her best and having
the competition to help her do that.”
Anderson’s list of accomplishments
is as long as any of her races. She is an
eleven-time All-MIAC athlete, which
means she finished in the top three in
an individual track event or in top
fifteen in cross country at the
conference meet. Anderson is a seventime MIAC event champion, including
four event wins at the 2006 indoor and
outdoor conference meets. For her
efforts, she was named MIAC Most
Outstanding Track Athlete at the 2005
MIAC Indoor Championships and
2006 MIAC Outdoor Championships.
Keidra Anderson
Four Hamline school records belong to
her. On top of that, she was named the
winner of Hamline University’s Misty
Bahr Award, given to Hamline’s top
senior female athlete.
That list doesn’t even include her
successes in the classroom—she posted
a 3.75 grade point average while
majoring in math, earning a spot on
the ESPN The Magazine Academic
All-America second team.
Anderson, who graduated in May,
plans to pursue a career in teaching.
Ben Watkins
Spring Sports
Hamline earned its first post-season
berth in school history, finishing fourth
in the MIAC with a record of 13-7 in
conference play, 26-14 overall. In a
rain-shortened conference tournament,
Hamline defeated regular-season
champion St. Thomas to reach the
MIAC Championship game where
they lost a hard-fought 3-2 decision to
St. Olaf. Senior Owen Waller,
sophomore Andrew Bennett, and
sophomore Josh Roiger were named
All-MIAC first team. Junior Kyle
Foster and first-years Dan Kaczrowski
and Evan Vail were selected All-MIAC
honorable mention. Head coach Jason
Verdugo earned co-MIAC Coach of
the Year honors.
Fastpitch Softball
After earning two consecutive playoff
berths, the Hamline fastpitch softball
team fielded a youthful squad that
finished tenth in the MIAC with a
7-15 conference record, 19-21 overall.
Senior Rachael Young was named
All-MIAC first team and NFCA/
Louisville Slugger All-Midwest Region
second team. First-year Theresa Boleen
and junior Katie Prasek received AllMIAC honorable mention.
Men’s Tennis
The Hamline men’s tennis team
continued its steady climb by finishing
third in the MIAC regular season and
fifth at the MIAC Championships to
earn third place overall. The Pipers
went 18-7 overall, 7-2 in conference
play. Senior Ben Watkins
received the MIAC’s Arthur
Ashe Award given to the
player whose career best defined on-court and academic
success and sportsmanship.
He and teammate Jon
Henning were selected AllMIAC at No. 1 doubles while
junior Andy Carlson was AllMIAC at No. 4 singles. Head
coach Dan Haertl was named
MIAC Coach of the Year.
Katie Prasek
Baseball team rallies, sets record
for most wins in a season
Once upon a time at a baseball
diamond right down the street, there
lived a team that dreamed of making
the post-season. That might not be the
beginning of the average children’s
story, but the Hamline baseball team
did write its own fairy tale this year,
going from tied-for-ninth in the
conference in 2005 to earning a playoff
spot with a fourth-place MIAC finish
in 2006.
In the process, the Pipers smashed
the school record for wins in a season
with twenty-six, beating the old record
of twenty-one set in 2003. The team
also earned the first MIAC playoff
berth in school history. It was one win
away from representing the conference
in the NCAA Tournament after
beating regular-season champion
St. Thomas, before falling to St. Olaf
in the MIAC Championship game.
“It was a great season,” head baseball
coach and co-MIAC Coach of the Year
Jason Verdugo said. “Our five seniors
did a great job of being leaders, and
we had a lot of guys step up as firsttime starters and contribute. It was a
complete team effort with different
guys stepping up at different times
throughout the season.”
To say it was a team effort is an
understatement. The Pipers had
seventeen different position players
start at least one game, twenty-one
players had base hits, and eight
different pitchers started games during
the season.
Sophomores Andrew Bennett and
Josh Roiger and senior Owen Waller
were named All-MIAC first team.
Bennett was .378 (51-for-135) with
ten doubles, seven triples, and five
homers. He added thirty-three runs
scored and forty-three RBI. Bennett
also received All-Midwest Region
third-team honors and ESPN The
Magazine Academic All-America thirdteam accolades.
Roiger went 8-1 on the mound with
a 3.49 earned-run average. He tied the
school record for wins in a season and
set the school record for innings
pitched (67.0). At the plate, he hit
.341 (31-for-91), adding four doubles
and five triples with twenty runs
scored. Roiger was an All-Midwest
Region second-team selection.
Waller batted .402 (45-for-112) with
seven doubles, a home run, nineteen
runs scored, and nineteen RBI.
Although the Pipers will lose Waller,
the future looks bright as the team will
return virtually its entire pitching staff
and a capable corps of returning
players. Verdugo and the Pipers will
no doubt be looking to write a few
more chapters as a sequel to their
stellar season.
Men’s Track
Women’s Track
Behind a pair of All-Americans, the
Hamline men’s track and field team
placed fourth at the MIAC Outdoor
Championships. Senior Jake Courrier
won the conference championship in
the hammer throw before going on to
gain All-America honors by finishing
eighth at the NCAA Championships.
Junior Travis Bristow was an individual
champion in the 3000-meter steeplechase at the MIAC Championships.
He later put in a seventh-place
performance at the national meet to
earn All-America status. Juniors Drew
Jones (shot put) and Brandon Gleason
(1,500 meters) also received All-MIAC
recognition at the conference meet.
The Hamline women’s track and field
team improved two spots and finished
ninth at the MIAC Outdoor
Championships. Senior Keidra
Anderson won the individual
championship in both the 5,000 and
10,000 meters while junior Melissa
Francis broke the school record and
earned All-MIAC status with a secondplace finish in the 3,000-meter
steeplechase. Anderson went on to earn
All-America status in both the 5,000
and 10,000 meters. Junior Dana
Luiken’s second-place finish in the
heptathlon gave her All-MIAC honors.
Andrew Bennett
Kristen Bothun
Women’s Tennis
The Pipers improved by four matches
in the MIAC, posting a record of 5-5
in conference play, 10-12 overall. The
team placed fifth during the regular
season and seventh at the MIAC
Championships. The top doubles team
of Kristen Bothun and Kelly Gust went
16-6 for the season.
FALL 2006
Only remaining games in the season have been included.
Fri. Nov. 17
at Colorado–Pueblo Tournament TBD
at Colorado–Pueblo Tournament TBD
Sat. Nov. 18
Sat. Nov. 25
at Northwestern
3 p.m.
Wed. Nov. 29
at St. Olaf*
5:45 p.m.
Sat. Dec. 2
1 p.m.
Mon. Dec. 4
St. Thomas*
5:45 p.m.
Wed. Dec. 6
St. Mary’s*
5:45 p.m.
Fri. Dec. 8
at MSU–Mankato
Sat. Dec. 16
St. Scholastica
3 p.m.
Wed. Jan. 3
at Augsburg*
5:45 p.m.
Sat. Jan. 6
at Concordia*
1 p.m.
Mon. Jan. 8
5:45 p.m.
Sat. Jan. 13
at Gustavus*
1 p.m.
Mon. Jan. 15
St. John’s*
7:30 p.m.
Wed. Jan. 17
at Macalester*
5:45 p.m.
Sat. Jan. 20
St. Olaf*
1 p.m.
Mon. Jan. 22
at Bethel*
5:45 p.m.
Wed. Jan. 24
at St. Thomas*
5:45 p.m.
Sat. Jan. 27
at St. Mary’s*
1 p.m.
Wed. Jan. 31
5:45 p.m.
Sat. Feb. 3
1 p.m.
Mon. Feb. 5
at Carleton*
5:45 p.m.
Sat. Feb. 10
1 p.m.
Wed. Feb. 14
at St. John’s*
7:30 p.m.
Sat. Feb. 17
1 p.m.
Mon. Feb. 19
MIAC First Round
7:30 p.m.
Wed. Feb. 21
MIAC Semifinals
7:30 p.m.
Sat. Feb. 24
MIAC Finals
7:30 p.m.
Tues. Nov. 21
at UW–River Falls
Sat. Nov. 25
at Northwestern
Wed. Nov. 29
at St. Olaf*
Sat. Dec. 2
Mon. Dec. 4
St. Thomas*
Wed. Dec. 6
St. Mary’s*
Sat. Dec. 16
Martin Luther
Wed. Jan. 3
at Augsburg*
Sat. Jan. 6
at Concordia*
Mon. Jan. 8
Wed. Jan. 10
St. Catherine*
Sat. Jan. 13
at Gustavus*
Mon. Jan. 15
at St. Benedict*
Wed. Jan. 17
at Macalester*
Sat. Jan. 20
St. Olaf*
Mon. Jan. 22
at Bethel*
Wed. Jan. 24
at St. Thomas*
Sat. Jan. 27
at St. Mary’s*
Wed. Jan. 31
Sat. Feb. 3
Mon. Feb. 5
at Carleton*
Wed. Feb. 7
at St. Catherine*
Sat. Feb. 10
Wed. Feb. 14
St. Benedict*
Sat. Feb. 17
Tues. Feb. 20
MIAC First Round
Thurs. Feb. 22
MIAC Semifinals
Sat. Feb. 24
MIAC Finals
7 p.m.
1 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
1 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:45 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
3 p.m.
Meet (Host)
at MIAC Championships
2 p.m.
Sat. Oct. 28
Fri. Nov. 3
Burning Spear Mile
4 p.m.
Sat. Nov. 11
at NCAA Central Regional (St. Olaf) 11 a.m.
at NCAA Championships
11 a.m.
Sat. Nov. 18
Meet (Host)
Sat. Oct. 28
at MIAC Championships 3 p.m.
Fri. Nov. 3
Burning Spear Mile
4 p.m.
at NCAA Central Regional (St. Olaf) 12 p.m.
Sat. Nov. 11
Sat. Nov. 18
at NCAA Championships 12 p.m.
Sat. Oct. 21
Sat. Oct. 28
Sat. Nov. 4
Thurs. Nov. 9
Fri. Jan. 5
Fri. Jan. 12
at St. John’s*
St. Thomas*
vs. Augsburg*
(at Metrodome)
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
7 p.m.
Fri. Mar. 23–
Sat. Mar. 24
7 p.m.
at UW–Eau Claire
6 p.m.
(UW–Eau Claire, UW–La Crosse,
Gustavus, Hamline)
Winona State
2 p.m.
at Gustavus
7 p.m.
at UW–Stout
7 p.m.
at Best of Minnesota
7 p.m.
(University of Minnesota, Gustavus,
Hamline, Winona State)
at UW–La Crosse
7 p.m.
Hamline Quad
7 p.m.
(Hamline, UW–Eau Claire,
UW–Stout, Rhode Island College)
at UW–Whitewater
7 p.m.
WIAC Championships/ 6 p.m.
NCGA West Regional
NCGA Nationals
Fri. Nov. 3
Sat. Nov. 4
Fri. Nov. 10
Sat. Nov. 11
Sat. Nov. 18
Sun. Nov. 19
Fri. Nov. 24
Fri. Dec. 1
Sat. Dec. 2
Fri. Dec. 8
Sat. Dec. 9
Sat. Dec. 30–
Sun. Dec. 31
at St. Scholastica
at UW–Superior
at Eau Claire
at Steven’s Point
St. John’s
at St. John’s
Alumni Game
at Gustavus
at Concordia
at Concordia
St. Michael’s Tournament
(Burlington, VT)
Sun. Jan. 21
Fri. Feb. 2
Mon. Feb. 5
Sat. Feb. 10
Fri. Feb. 16
Fri. Feb. 23
Fri. Mar. 2
Thurs. Mar. 8
7:05 p.m.
7:05 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
2 p.m.
7:15 p.m
7:15 p.m.
7:05 p.m.
7 p.m.
2 p.m.
4 p.m. EST
Fri. Jan. 5
Fri. Jan. 12
Sat. Jan. 13
Fri. Jan. 26
Sat. Jan. 27
Fri. Feb. 2
Sat. Feb. 3
Fri. Feb. 9
Sat. Feb. 10
Fri. Feb. 16
Sat. Feb. 17
Fri. Feb. 23
Sat. Feb. 24
Tues. Feb. 27–
Sat. Mar. 3
Tues. Mar. 6–
Sat. Mar. 10
Mar. 16–17
St. Norbert’s
Lake Forest
at St. Mary’s
St. Mary’s
St. Olaf
at St. Olaf
at Bethel
at St. Thomas
St. Thomas
at Augsburg
MIAC Playoffs
7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:05 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:05 p.m.
NCAA Regional Playoffs
NCAA Final Four
Sat. Nov. 4
at UW–River Falls
Sun. Nov. 5
Lake Forest
Fri. Nov. 17
St. Benedict
Sat. Nov. 18
at St. Benedict
Fri. Dec. 1
at Gustavus
Sat. Dec. 2
Sat. Dec. 9
Sun. Dec. 10
Sat. Dec. 16
Sun. Dec. 17
Sat. Jan. 6
at Chatham
Sun. Jan. 7
at Chatham
Fri. Jan. 19
at St. Catherine
Sat. Jan. 20
St. Catherine
Fri. Jan. 26
St. Mary’s
Sat. Jan. 27
at St. Mary’s
Fri. Feb. 2
at St. Olaf
Sat. Feb. 3
St. Olaf
Fri. Feb. 9
Sat. Feb. 10
at Bethel
Fri. Feb. 16
at St. Thomas
Sat. Feb. 17
St. Thomas
Wed. Feb. 21
at UW–Eau Claire
Fri. Feb. 23
at Augsburg
Sat. Feb. 24
Tues. Feb. 27
MIAC Playoffs
Fri. Mar. 2
MIAC Playoffs
2:05 p.m.
2 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
2 p.m.
7 p.m.
2 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
2 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
2 p.m.
7 p.m.
1 p.m.
6:05 p.m.
2 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:05 p.m.
7 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
4 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7:05 p.m.
7:05 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
Wed. Oct. 18
Tues. Oct. 24
Fri. Oct. 27
Sun. Oct. 29
Tues. Oct. 31
Sat. Nov. 4
at St. Olaf*
at Macalester*
MIAC Semifinals
MIAC Finals
4 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
12 p.m.
Sat. Oct. 21
Wed. Oct. 25
Fri. Oct. 27
Sun. Oct. 29
at Gustavus*
St. Olaf*
1 p.m.
4 p.m.
1 p.m.
2:15 p.m.
Sat. Oct. 28
at St. Thomas Relays
Fri. Nov. 3
Hamline Quad
(Hamline, Augsburg,
St. Mary’s, Macalester)
Fri. Nov. 10
at St. Catherine w/ Carleton
Sat. Nov. 11
at Concordia (women)
Sat, Nov 18
at Macalester Invitational
at St. Mary’s Invitational
Sat. Dec. 2
Sat. Dec. 16
River Falls
Sat. Jan. 13
St. Catherine (women)
at St. John’s Invitational (men)
Sat. Jan. 13
Fri. Jan. 19
at St. Thomas
at Minnesota Challenge
Fri. Jan. 26–
Sat. Jan. 27
(University of Minnesota)
Thurs. Feb. 15–
at MIAC Championships
Sat. Feb. 17
(University of Minnesota)
Thurs. Mar. 15–
at NCAA Championships
(Houston, Texas)
Sat. Mar. 17
Mon. Oct. 16
Wed. Oct. 18
Sat. Oct. 21
Wed. Oct. 25
at Crown College
at St. Thomas
Hamline Triangular
at Augsburg
11 a.m.
6 p.m.
6 p.m.
2 p.m.
1 p.m.
1 p.m.
6 p.m.
6 p.m.
7 p.m.
7 p.m.
10 a.m., 12 p.m,. 2 p.m.
7 p.m.
* MIAC Contest
Grandchildren continued from page 7
So Haugland began the registration
process to create the Starfish Country
Home School Foundation and found
the perfect location: a former resort in
northern Thailand, abandoned in 1999
following the Asian currency crisis.
After ridding the resort of its former
tenants—termites—and enduring a
series of floods, the school opened.
Students at Starfish School
participate in group-led activities,
classes, games, and sports. After dinner,
most children gather in a room for
videos, usually in English.
“On most weekends we try to do
something special, such as taking the
children to a restaurant or park,”
Haugland said. During Children’s Day,
a celebration throughout Thailand,
they took the children to Chiang Mai
to go inside an airplane and eat at a
restaurant. Another time, they traveled
to the beach for a week. “None of the
children had seen the sea before,”
Haugland said.
And though the children fondly call
him “Uncle Dick,” Haugland said he
thinks of them as his “instant
“My principal role, other than
funding the entire operation,” he said,
“is in curriculum development—and
hugging children.”
Jennifer L. Krempin is a free-lance writer
for Hamline.
FALL 2006
Professor Rita Johnson retires after thirteen years
Some say life is not a race, it’s a
journey. That’s a philosophy Rita
Johnson seems to embrace.
Johnson, newly retired College
of Liberal Arts management and
economics professor, smiled as she
responded to questions about her life
and her teaching career. She looked
well-rested and happy. But she has not
spent the first weeks of her retirement
taking it easy. She’s been walking up
to eighteen miles a day, training for a
three-day walk for breast cancer.
“This really is something small that
I can do in the greater picture—when
you think of all the women who are
living through chemotherapy, radiation, losing their hair, dealing with
physical changes to their bodies, and
sometimes dying,” Johnson said.
A passion for others and strong
sense of purpose have been key drives
throughout her years.
Johnson grew up in Saint Paul and
White Bear Lake. Her grandfather,
a superintendent of Ramsey County
Public Schools, was instrumental in
guiding her career choices.
“He was all about education and
that resonated with me,” she said.
“In my high school, too, I know I
had outstanding teachers who made
me think and helped me make huge
connections in my life.”
She attended the College of
St. Catherine where she received her
BA in biology and education. Johnson
then moved to New York, where she
helped establish and run an education
program for people in the community
who were struggling with literacy.
“It was really an interesting time to
be alive,” she said. “I was in New York,
living and working in Harlem, when
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Those were some of the most
influential years of my life—the years
filled with the most learning.”
After moving back to Minnesota,
she worked as a parole officer in
Minneapolis before spending more
than a decade at the Ford Motor
Company, in the industrial relations
department. Eventually, higher
education called her back. In 1986
she went back to school at Metro State
University for her master’s in management and administration. In the early
1990s, she joined Hamline.
“Coming to Hamline was like entering a new family,” she said. “There
were many opportunities to do things
I was interested in.”
Johnson was a leader outside the
classroom as well. She took the reins
on the Hancock-Hamline University
Collaborative Magnet School relationship. As liaison to the program she
helped to revitalize, solidify, and
diversify the efforts of those involved
with the program, and create learning
opportunities for Hancock elementary
students and Hamline students.
In 1998 Johnson also took charge of
Hamline’s Leadership Education and
Development program, which helps
undergraduate students find ways to
apply their liberal arts education with
real-world experiences.
“She was one of the best teachers
that I have had,” said Holly Kastner
’06. “She didn’t stand up there and
lecture. Instead she led the class
through a learning experience. Sometimes it wasn’t the quickest or the least
painful path, but she taught us all how
to communicate, how to solve
problems as a group, and perhaps most
importantly, gave us opportunities to
step up and lead our peers.”
“I think each person creates a
personal mission that helps them
define their purpose in life,” Rita said.
“Mine is to help people make connections—whether that is helping
them learn about management, learn
about themselves, or learn to look for
their place in this world.”
While she plans to continue volunteering with the Global Citizen’s
Network, and to spend lots of time
with her husband, sons, and
grandchildren, she is unclear what else
retirement will look like for her.
“The first year will be about internal
reflection. Nearly everything interests
me, and that can be challenging.”
For more information on Rita and
the scholarship she helped found
benefiting Hancock students who
go on to study at Hamline, visit
JacQui Getty is director of media relations
at Hamline.
First-year students and how they chose Hamline
They arrive in September, lugging laptops
and lamps… trailed by mom or dad laden
with duffels and pillows. From down the
street, across the state, or across the globe,
they all found, applied to, and chose
Hamline. They are the College of Liberal Arts
class of 2010, the future, as diverse as the
assortment of objects they bring with them
from home. We checked in with seven of
them during the waning weeks of summer
to find out who they are, why they chose
Hamline, and what they hope to do when
they arrive.
How are you spending your summer vacation?
I’m living with my brother in Roseville, lifting weights
on campus, and playing basketball.
What are you most looking forward to about Hamline?
It’s a really new environment than where I’m from originally.
I lived on a farm and graduated with fifty people so Hamline
will be really different.
What topics do you most hope to learn about?
I’m going to be a political science major. The campus is
pretty liberal and I’m a conservative... I guess I’ll see when
I get there.
What’s your “how-I-ended-up-at-Hamline” story?
It was the only school I applied to. In high school, I played
in a basketball tournament there and they started recruiting
me and it just all worked out. My brother got a job in the
Roseville police department so I’ve been living with him and
it’s nice to have family up here.
left to right: Whitney Koprowski, Brad Brake, Sam Lundquist
How are you spending your summer vacation?
How are you spending your summer vacation?
Working—I’m the sales manager at BB Sport at the
Mall of America. I went to Valleyfair and the State Fair,
and some out-of-town trips.
I spent a month in a beautiful city called Cuernavaca in
Morelos, Mexico. I went with a group of about sixteen
students from my high school and we lived with host families
and attended a language institute there.
What topics do you most hope to learn about at Hamline?
Criminology and law. Plus sociology in general and
gender relations.
When not in the classroom, where will we find you this fall?
I love being outside! If there is something I can be doing
outside, chances are I'm doing it.
When not in the classroom, where will we find you this fall?
Working and I plan on joining mock trial. I signed up for
a Tae Kwan Do class too; that’s not one of the options you
have in high school.
What's the most unusual item you plan to bring with you?
A Lucha Libre mask.
In what way are you different from most incoming students?
A bottle filled with water and highlighter ink. It glows
in the dark when you put a black light behind it and
looks cool.
I don't follow the “party” crowd or give in to the pressure
to do things I don’t want to do. I am a Christian and being
strong in my faith, I'm not afraid to stand up for what
I believe in.
In what way are you different from most incoming students?
What's your "how-I-ended-up-at-Hamline" story?
I’m cooler than most of them and way more handsome.
I’m a charming, charismatic person who is a little more
open to things in college life. I’m outgoing and hyper.
My dad went to Hamline [James Larrabee ’73], and because
of that I thought I would never want to come here. I
participated in Minnesota Private College Week and I needed
one more college visit to get my waivers. I was just going to
walk through the tours and pretend to listen and just get the
day over with. However, once I got here, I absolutely fell in
love with it. I felt a real connection to Hamline that I didn’t
have at any of the other schools.
What’s the most unusual item you plan to bring with you?
Anything else we should know about you?
On Tuesdays I perform slam poetry at the Blue Nile.
Hannah Eller-Isaacs, Chance Brown, Liz Larrabee
How are you spending your summer vacation?
How are you spending your summer vacation?
Mostly I’ve been working at Best Buy in Oakdale and
spending time seeing my friends.
I’m in a summer hockey league in Brainerd and working
for a railroad construction company in Wyoming, where
I’m from.
What topics do you most hope to learn about at Hamline?
I plan on going into genetics after I get my four years done,
so biology is big time. Psychology is intriguing too.
What are you most looking forward to about Hamline?
When not in the classroom, where will we find you this fall?
Playing hockey and starting school again. I’ve been out of
school for a couple of years so getting back into dorm life
should be fun.
In my dorm, or outside a lot. I plan on spending time
outside and in downtown Minneapolis.
When not in the classroom, where will we find you this fall?
What’s your “how-I-ended-up-at-Hamline” story?
The hockey rink or the library, because my mom’s
a librarian.
My parents both graduated from Hamline and that’s where
they actually met [James Schuster ’81 and Mary Beth Woods
Schuster ’85]. I’d always considered Hamline but I was
thinking of going to the University of Minnesota but when
I visited I realized I wouldn’t be comfortable with the larger
campus. The Hamline community is great. I also got a
really large scholarship, which made my decision easy.
What’s the most unusual item you plan to bring with you?
My George Foreman grill.
In what way are you different from most incoming students?
I’m the only incoming student from Wyoming.
What’s your “how-I-ended-up-at-Hamline” story?
I came to Minnesota to play hockey after my senior year and
Hamline recruited me. My sister goes to Augsburg so I
looked at all the MIAC schools and I liked Hamline the best.
FALL 2006
How are you spending your summer vacation?
How are you spending your summer vacation?
Working. I work two jobs. I work at Jamba Juice and
a preschool. I also go camping with friends every once
in awhile.
The Cities. Boulder’s not that big so the fact that it’s
bigger is nice.
The first half of my summer I spent hanging out with my
friends, tubing on White Bear Lake, going to parties, going
to people’s cabins, that sort of thing. Now I work at Great
Harvest Bakery (Great bread! Stop by!). I also have been
working with Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (the
youth movement of Unitarian Universalism) on the
continental level working towards dismantling racism.
When not in the classroom, where will we find you this fall?
When not in the classroom, where will we find you this fall?
Hanging out, and I think I’m going to join the cycling
club; I know a girl who is in it. I want to join intramural
soccer too.
Doing anti-racism/anti-oppression work, in some meeting
or kickin’ it with my friends.
What are you most looking forward to about Hamline?
What's the most unusual item you plan to bring with you?
I’m bringing my snowboard but I don’t know if I’ll be able
to use it. Minnesota is a little different from Colorado.
A print that my friend made for my 16th birthday of the
“Naked Cowboy” (a man who wears nothing but whitey
tighties, a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots).
In what way are you different from most incoming students?
In what way are you different from most incoming students?
I’m up for anything and I have a good view of what I
want to do. I’ve known for eighteen years I want to be
a French teacher.
I don’t know because I don’t know them yet, but one thing
that has made me stand apart in the past is my ability to
speak the truth no matter what I lose. I don’t take crap (can
I say that?) from people. That’s just the way I’ve been raised
and to be honest, it works for me.
What’s the most unusual item you plan to bring with you?
What’s your “how-I-ended-up-at-Hamline” story?
I was looking for a really small school outside of Colorado
and got a really good scholarship, which helps. A lot of
people go to the University of Colorado so I wanted to do
something different.
What’s your “how-I-ended-up-at-Hamline” story?
At first I wasn’t interested in applying to schools in the
Midwest. I was only applying to schools on the East and
West Coast. Then my college counselor suggested I look
into Hamline and when I did I found that Hamline’s
religious principles and ideology reflected my own in a
way that the other schools I was applying to didn’t.
What else should we know about you?
I once argued a case in front of a panel of judges from
the Minnesota Supreme Court… it was amazing!
Lindsay Bacher ‘07 is an intern for Hamline.
Michael Schuster
An open letter on the College of Liberal Arts’ value
Why Hamline?
My staff and I hear this question from most visitors
to Hamline. Why should a student attend Hamline?
As College of Liberal Arts alumni, you have your own
rationale for why you chose to attend Hamline. Let me
share with you one more motivation we find particularly
compelling for the prospective students and families who
are less familiar with our alma mater—value.
Our visitors know that college is expensive, but that it
is a lifelong investment. Nationally, students are attending
college at increasing rates, as students learn that to meet
challenging personal and professional goals, a college
education is a critical (if not mandatory) component for
future success.
With these rising rates of college attendance, Hamline
must ask: How are we distinctive from other colleges—
both public and private—in our value proposition?
We are distinctive first because of Hamline’s Four-Year
Graduation Assurance, which states that if a Hamline
student meets her or his expectations from the university—
and Hamline does not—tuition in a fifth year is the
university’s responsibility. Careful advising, academic
support, and balanced and accessible course offerings are
the Hamline end of the bargain, while students pledge to
register on time, pass their classes, and choose a major.
The Four-Year Assurance was established in 1993.
Five or more years of education will cost students tens
of thousands of dollars in additional tuition and lost income
from not being in the workforce. We believe that college is
a four-year experience, not a lifestyle.
Second, we are committed to being clear about costs
and helping families understand the financial aid opportunities that Hamline provides. We offer both need-based
aid (linked to family income) and merit-based (linked to
academic achievement) financial support. Hamline’s
financial aid packages are competitive and we work hard
to help families see the many ways our education can
be affordable.
Third is the reason students choose a college in the first
place, the Hamline learning experience. Hamline’s
nationally recognized curriculum, The Hamline Plan, is
not an esoteric collection of requirements. It is a clear set
of goal-oriented and skills-based requirements that allow
students to build a degree that is geared toward their longterm aspirations. Our students learn how to apply skills that
employers and graduate programs seek on a daily basis:
• Writing, speaking, and technology skills
• Understanding how disciplines intersect to
develop critical thinking and logical reasoning
• Independent and team-oriented work
• Understanding interpersonal and
cross-cultural differences
• Applying theory to practice in internships or
fieldwork to prepare for future careers
Fourth, Hamline provides excellent support as students
set and meet goals. This ranges from participation in cocurricular activities to academic opportunities, all geared
toward expanding and executing the skills that our students
have learned. Hallmarks of this support are the studentfaculty collaborative research program, amazing study
abroad opportunities, our internship and career development program, service learning and community service,
and leadership opportunities in student organizations
and athletics.
The costs of attending college are real. Hamline’s combination of programs, student support, and goal setting are
value-driven with the purpose of providing prospective
students with an exceptional education regardless of their
background and means.
Just as it did for you four years or four decades ago,
Hamline truly provides an exceptional experience for its
students. That’s why they—and we—chose Hamline.
Steve Bjork ’87 is associate vice president for admission
and career services.
FALL 2006
They're found in classrooms throughout the Midwest.
In small farming communities.
Factory towns. Bedroom communities. The inner city.
They’re the ones helping a child who’s just immigrated learn English.
They’re the ones using music to help a child learn math.
They’re the ones teaching your child to read.
They’re teachers. Leaders in their communities, they were trained
by the state’s leader in education: Hamline University’s Graduate
School of Education.
Every year more than 8,000 teachers choose Hamline for licensure,
certificates, and continuing education. More than 1,000 enroll in a
degree program.
We’re helping Minnesota and the Midwest combat some of the problems
that keep our youth from being successful, both the well-known — helping
our newest immigrants learn English — and the hidden — illiteracy, even
among junior high and high school students.
If your family at one time came from another country, if you have a
child in school, if you’ve ever considered trading it all for a career in
the classroom… read the following stories of these courageous people
who live — and love:
Seventh grade teacher encounters an unexpected issue: Students who can’t read page 22
Turning teacher: Making the mid-career switch page 24
This place called “Minnesota”— Learning English as a second language page 26
FALL 2006
As a seventh-grade English teacher entering his
Seventh-grade teacher
encounters an
unexpected issue:
Students who
Can’t Read
Jon Kahle
first class eighteen years ago, Jon Kahle felt
prepared and excited to be teaching his students
all about interpretation and the symbolism of
language. What he didn’t expect to find was that
many students weren’t even able to read the
material, let alone interpret it.
Kahle, who now teaches at Central Middle School
in Eden Prairie, said he’s learned over the years that
just because kids have reached seventh grade, doesn’t
necessarily mean they are reading and writing well
enough to comprehend what’s in a textbook or novel.
“Each year I’m teaching I’m finding a growing
number of students are having trouble with just the
basics,” Kahle said. “More and more kids who come
into our classrooms just don’t have the same
experiences or backgrounds in reading or writing.
People have real misconceptions. You think, ‘Oh, Eden
Prairie,’ but there are a lot of kids in all of our districts
who come from other cultures and other countries
and they may not have any school experience in their
home country, so they are dealing with that in addition
to the language barrier.” Other cases include students
who may not have had exposure to reading as a young
child, or may have moved around so much they
haven’t had the chance to feel grounded.
Kahle’s experience is not uncommon.
“There are still some students leaving school in
Minnesota who struggle with reading and writing,”
said Deirdre Kramer, dean of the Graduate School of
Education. “That limits their potential to become
contributing members of our society. We can’t give
up on these kids. It all starts with literacy education.”
Many teachers, like Kahle, are embracing that
concept and engaging in opportunities to learn about
teaching literacy itself, and the Center for Literacy
and Learning offers coursework specifically focused
on literacy. The center offers graduate education
courses, a variety of literacy-related certificates, and
special seminars geared at individual school districts’
“Literacy, as we view it, is every aspect of learning.
It’s reading, writing, speaking, listening—all facets of
communication,” explained Marcia Rockwood, director
of the center. “It’s a foundation for everything we do in
school, and really, in life. It crosses all content areas,
and we feel that teachers of all disciplines, from
English to chemistry, need to understand the
components at play.”
According to the most recent Minnesota Department of Education data, 84.8 percent of eighth-grade
students have passed their basic skills test in reading
and 91.2 percent of tenth graders have passed the
basic skills writing test. While the numbers sound
high, Rockwood said that still means about one in
five eighth graders and one in ten tenth graders have
not yet achieved the basic level of literacy needed
to graduate.
Kahle, who had already completed his master’s in
education, started taking continuing education classes
that focused specifically on teaching reading and said
the results were immediate.
“It already has helped me,” said Kahle, who
received his reading licensure in May. “I learned
strategies in all my classes for working with the kids.”
Kahle set up a morning study group for his students.
Every Tuesday morning he invited kids to come and
work on reading comprehension, using the tips he’d
learned in class.
“One tactic I used with the small group was to have
them read a short passage of text, and then I had
them use Post-it notes to ask questions or make
statements about what we’d just read. They had
different color Post-it notes depending on whether
they had a question, a connection they could make
to something else in their life, or whether what they’d
just learned was new to them. And then we talked
about the passage again as we sifted through their
Post-its. As you can imagine our discussion was
much richer.”
In addition to traditional coursework, Hamline also
holds the Summer Literacy Institute, a week filled
with intense and diverse instruction and exposure to
national experts in the field of literacy. Now in its
sixteenth year, the institute has made a name for itself
with educators throughout the Midwest, with more
than 5,000 teachers participating over the years.
Sarah Kantola, who is making the leap from fourth
grade to first grade at Moreland Elementary School in
West Saint Paul, looks forward to using what she
learned last summer at Hamline.
“I have so many English as a Second Language
students, and we don’t have anyone who really
specializes in that. I took one of the classes on how to
target vocabulary instruction that was really helpful.
It focused on using gestures and physical responses
as well as showing the written word to really help
children capture the essence of the words and what
they mean. It’s just one more way to teach words.”
Deb Obey, a second-grade teacher at Parkview
Center School in Roseville, has attended the institute
every summer for the past ten years.
“The summer institute just regenerates me,” Obey
said. “I will be heading back to my classes next week,
and now I’m going in with all of these new ideas.”
Obey, who holds her master’s in education from
Hamline, said the most valuable part of the institute
is learning innovative yet practical tactics that she
can use in her classroom.
More and more kids that come
into our classrooms just don’t
have the same backgrounds
in reading or writing.
“It’s critical to get kids to write all day in different
ways for different subjects. So for example if you’re
trying to teach them shapes…ask the kids to write a
poem about a square. Getting them to stop and pay
attention to their environment and to work from that
can really be an effective teaching tool,” Obey said.
“A lot of kids are completely gifted in math. But they
can’t explain it—or write about what they know. They
would be so much more successful down the line if
we can intervene early and teach them to do that.”
Although the summer institute takes place on
Hamline’s Saint Paul campus, many of Hamline’s yearround literacy courses are now offered off-site in
partnership with school districts across the state, as
well as online. Kahle, who did a good deal of his
Hamline course work at a site in Plymouth, said he
hopes more teachers take advantage of the program,
even if they aren’t reading or English teachers.
“Literacy goes across content areas. A lot of
teachers tend to think ‘Oh that’s for English teachers
to deal with’ but kids are reading textbooks in all
subject areas and a lot of times they are not
comprehending what they’re learning in classes.
We’re all in this together.”
JacQui Getty is director of media relations at Hamline.
FALL 2006
The children in Michael Deppe’s second-grade
math class have an advantage over their peers in
other schools. They haven’t simply memorized
equations or learned mathematical rules.
They’ve written a song about the pluses and
minuses of the numerical world titled “Even Math
Can Be Odd.”
As Deppe, a gentle man in his mid-forties, strums
along on a guitar, the kids chant “math-math-mathmath” until it’s time for the first verse:
An even plus an even will always equal even
An odd plus an odd will also equal even
But when you take an even and add it to an odd
The number in the answer will be odd (how odd!)
However, there’s nothing odd about the fact that
Deppe, now in his fourth year of teaching the underten crowd at Harambee Community Cultures/
Environmental Science School in suburban Saint Paul,
is using music to help students learn.
It’s a skill he learned in the Master of Arts in
Teaching program at Hamline University. The director
of the program, Kathy Paden, encourages the
approximately 450 students to bring relevant life
experiences into the classroom.
“Use what you are and what you have and bring it
to what you do,” Paden told Deppe.
So Deppe, a musician who once earned a living
repairing violins and guitars, spices up math with
bouncy tunes that serve an educational purpose.
As an undergraduate majoring in German and
English two decades ago, Deppe pondered a career
in teaching, but pursued music instead. When his
daughter began attending school, Deppe headed to
the classroom too—as a volunteer. He’d sing Raffi
songs to the children. And soon, the idea of teaching
When Deppe asked his wife what she thought about
his returning to graduate school to prepare for a
career switch, she said, “Oh, my God.”
“I had a comfortable, but low-paying gig repairing
instruments,” he said. “It was a big change.”
Now that he’s worked as a teacher for several years,
there’s little he misses about his old job. Deppe
labored alone before, bringing new life to beautiful,
but broken stringed instruments. Now he’s surrounded
by people—short, noisy ones mostly—and the
improvements he sees aren’t as immediate.
Making the
mid-career switch
Michael Deppe
Sometimes it’s not until a parent tells him a child
loved a particular lesson that he knows he’s made
a difference.
“It’s a different, deeper impact,” he said.
Graduate students in the program can acquire
teaching licenses in any of twenty-six specialties
through a series of evening classes, which typically
meet once per week. With an emphasis on urban,
multicultural schoolchildren, students can begin
teaching after earning certification in a subject area or
they can continue studying to earn a master’s degree.
According to the American Association for
Employment in Education, the need for new teachers
is likely to increase in the next decade. That’s because
about one-third of existing teachers are fifty-five or
older and may soon retire.
Still, it’s not simply jobs that are attracting people
to the profession. Paden says most students want to
become a teacher out of a sense of altruism.
“They want to do something meaningful with their
lives,” she said. “This is a job that goes along with
that value.”
That’s certainly the case for two other Master’s of
Art in Teaching students.
A native New Yorker, Nick Ardito spent most of his
twenties working as a trader at the NASDAQ, a stock
exchange specializing in technology companies.
Buying and selling shares of Microsoft and Dell was
exciting, but it wasn’t personally rewarding.
When he learned about a nonprofit organization
called Ice Hockey in Harlem, Ardito jumped at the
chance to share his knowledge about a sport he loved
with inner-city kids. While he taught kids about
centering passes and slapshots, the most important
lessons were in the classroom.
That’s because Ice Hockey in Harlem is primarily
about improving the academic performance of tento fourteen-year-olds enrolled in the program.
“That’s where I made the switch,” Ardito said. “I
worked with kids who made a complete turnaround in
their education.”
Upon moving to Minnesota, Ardito enrolled in the
Hamline program. He graduated in 2004 and quickly
landed a job teaching fifth graders at a Columbia
Heights elementary school.
The Master’s of Art in Teaching program prepared
Ardito for the classroom by teaching him how to
prepare lesson plans, understand child development,
manage a classroom and speak in front of a classroom
full of people.
“There’s a lot of peer teaching and presentations
right away,” Ardito said of the program. “They get you
out of your comfort zone.”
But that doesn’t mean the transition was seamless.
“I struggled a bit in my first year,” he says. “I was a
bit naive with classroom management.”
Now that he’s more experienced, it’s easier for
Ardito to appreciate the small joys the occupation
can bring.
Use what you are and what you
have and bring it to what you do.
“Every day a child does something that makes you
smile or laugh,” he said.
Jenny Johnson was already familiar with classrooms
when she enrolled at Hamline University. A former
Peace Corps volunteer who taught for two years in
Malawi, a nation in southern Africa, Johnson majored
in Spanish as an undergraduate, worked as a
substitute teacher in the Minneapolis Public Schools
and taught full time in the district for two years.
And then new rules required her to obtain a
teaching license. Hamline became her graduate school
of choice because they “understand the needs of
working adults and they considered my prior
experience an asset,” Johnson said. She also liked the
program’s flexibility—students can begin classes during
any semester—and the sophistication of professors.
“They stayed fresh with the current situation and
had very experienced backgrounds,” Johnson said.
Since she already has classroom experience in the
U.S., Johnson chose to take advantage of the
opportunity to teach internationally as a student
teacher in Panama. For four months, she didn’t speak
a word of English until one day, something surprised
her and she uttered an “Oh, darn.”
One of her students overheard her and exclaimed,
“I heard you speak English, Ms. Johnson!”
Johnson recently landed her first post-Hamline job
teaching Spanish to high school students in Lakeville.
Interviewed a few weeks before the start of fall
classes, she was anxious to get started.
“I actually want to be in class right now,” she said.
“I miss it.”
Todd Melby ‘86 is a Minneapolis-based free-lance writer
and radio producer.
FALL 2006
When Jan Voelker was ten years old, she and
This Place
Learning English as
a second language
Jan Voelker
her brother boarded a plane in their Korean
homeland and, many hours later, arrived in an
airport in a very strange and confusing place.
People called it “Minnesota.”
The year was 1976, and Voelker, her biological
brother, Bill, and childhood friend, Peter, were
adopted by a family in the small farming community
of Scandia. “We didn’t know a word of English. I
thought everyone looked the same, and I couldn’t
understand even basic sounds,” Voelker recalled of
her first impressions. “My brothers and I just held
on to each other and said, ‘Don’t let go of me.’”
The next day she was in complete culture shock. At
2 a.m., she woke up hungry. Unable to communicate in
words, her brother screamed to get their parents’
attention—and then made a slurping sound and shook
his arms out in front of him. Soon, their parents solved
the mystery: Jan wanted noodles.
Thirty years later, Voelker, now a teacher in
Bloomington, laughs about her first days in her new
country. But experiences like hers repeat themselves
even today as more immigrants, refugees, and even
adoptive children arrive in the United States than
ever before.
“The United States is getting more and more
immigrants—our country’s economy is especially
dependent on immigrant labor,” said Ann Mabbott,
who serves as director of the Center for Second
Language Teaching and Learning at Hamline University,
where Voelker is currently a student. “If you talk to
immigrants, one of the things they’ll tell you is that
Minnesota is a place where they can get a job and
the schools are good. They come here because they
want to work and they want their kids to have a
good education.”
Across the country, the demand for English as a
Second Language (ESL) instruction has reached an
all-time high—and along with it, the demand for
instructors who are equipped to teach not only
children but also adults, and not only in schools but
also in workplaces. In Minnesota alone, the most
recent census data indicates that the number of
children ages five to seventeen who speak another
language and do not speak English “very well”
increased by 121 percent since 1990.
Hamline’s advanced ESL instruction, formally
established in 1984 through its Graduate School of
Education, was among the first offered. Hamline was
one of the first ESL programs in the country to
achieve national recognition from Teachers of English
as a Second Language (TESOL) and today it is one of
the top ESL programs in the country.
Before they had access to ESL coursework,
“people just made do with what they had,” Mabbott
said. “If teachers don’t know the law [shaped by a
1973 Supreme Court case, Lau v. Nichols, requiring
equal access to English instruction for non-English
speaking students] or best practices for teaching
English as second language, they are less effective
As a grade school student in small-town Scandia,
Voelker, now an ESL teacher herself, knew her
teachers were doing the best they could to help her
and her brother adjust. “Our principal loved us so
much,” she said. “If someone even looked at us wrong,
he was all over them.”
But learning English was a much harder prospect.
“I wouldn’t talk a lot. Instead, I would think in
English,” she said. “It was like singing with the radio
on: As soon as you turn it off, you realize you don’t
really know the words.”
She remembers the day she struggled to finally get
the words out: “May…I…use…the…bathroom?” Excited,
her teacher burst out: “What did you say?” Voelker
was so scared she had said something wrong, she
could only repeat: “Me… bathroom.” Even so, Voelker’s
teacher called her mom that night to enthusiastically
report: “Jan talked for the first time today!”
Her teachers were wonderful, Voelker says. But
it would have been an entirely different experience
if, back then, they’d had access to a program such
as Hamline’s.
“ESL is smart, visual teaching,’ Voelker said. “You
don’t use big words. Words are very clear and simple.
In Scandia, people just didn’t always understand that.”
What makes Hamline’s ESL program unique is that
it doesn’t just equip teachers to teach English to
immigrants and refugees. It also prepares ESL
teachers to partner with children learning English in
school and their parents, and helps employers be
more effective in the workplace with non-Englishspeaking employees.
Mabbott said that most other ESL programs do one
or the other, either focusing on teaching children in
the classroom or specifically preparing students to
teach abroad. Hamline’s program does both.
“One-third of our students seeking an ESL license
are people who’ve always wanted to teach,” Mabbott
said. “They’re people who are making a career change,
who either have an interest in other cultures or
maybe they have a connection to the Peace Corps…
one of the nice things about our program is that you
can incorporate it into anything you do. It’s a field that
can draw on other fields.”
With nearly 500 students enrolled from as nearby
as Minnesota and as far away as Korea, much of the
ESL teacher education curriculum is offered online, as
well as in the classroom. “These classes are very
demanding,” Mabbott explained, “and offering them
online doesn’t change that. But we are trying to take
the hassles out of going to school for our students—
and especially for those in rural areas who can’t drive
for hours just to go to school.”
Jennifer L. Krempin is a free-lance writer for Hamline.
Voelker’s teacher called her mom
to enthusiastically report:
“Jan talked for the first time today!”
FALL 2006
First Friday Forums focus on the Middle East
With the recent heightened uprising in the
Middle East, many people have been asking about
the broader religious issues and history
surrounding this crisis. A better understanding of
the issues helps people understand how peace and
reconciliation may occur.
Join us this fall for the First Friday Forum Series
focusing on the Middle East. Three professors
from the College of Liberal Arts will help us better
understand many of the issues surrounding the
crisis. On November 3, Nurith Zmora, professor
of history, will speak about how Hamline
University collaborated with educators from Israel,
Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority to write and
pilot a joint curriculum for peace geared toward
middle and high school students in the Middle
East. On December 1, Navid Mohseni, professor
of sociology, and Hossein Akhavi-Pour, professor
of management, will share their ideas about social,
political, and economic aspects of contemporary
Iran. Finally, on January 5, Mark Berkson,
professor of religion, will give the history of the
religious background that plays such a vital role in
understanding this situation.
For more information about the First Friday
Forums and to register, visit
www.hamline.edu/firstfridayforum or call
651-523-2015 or 800-767-5585 ext. 2.
Betsy Brenden Radtke ’89
Executive Director, Associations of Hamline Alumni
Coming soon... 2007 Printed
Alumni Directory
The Associations of Hamline Alumni
(AHA) has contracted with Publishing
Concepts Incorporated to produce the
2007 Hamline University printed alumni
directory—the first printed directory
since 2000.
Contact and network
with fellow
Hamline alumni
The 2007 Hamline University Alumni
Directory will include alumni from the
College of Liberal Arts, Graduate School
of Education, Graduate School of Liberal
Studies, Graduate School of
Management, and School of Law.
The new directory will be available in
both a soft-cover book edition and a
searchable CD-ROM.
To learn more about updating your
information or ordering the directory,
please visit www.hamline.edu/alumni.
Hamline University
For more information visit www.herff-jones.com/college/hamline/rings
If you have specific questions, call Kevin Mortinson from Herff-Jones
at 952-447-4449 or Betsy Radtke at Hamline at 651-523-2201.
Backyard novelty
transformed into
life-saving tool
Beverly Blum ’59
If Beverly Blum invites you over for dinner, don’t be
surprised if your meal appears not from the kitchen but
from the backyard.
For twenty years, Blum, a central California resident, has
enjoyed solar cooking as a practical and energy-efficient way
to cook family meals during their sunny summers. “It’s like
a crock pot,” she said. “You put the ingredients in a black
pot in the solar cooker in the sun for a few hours, and
delicious foods cook with no attention—meats, rice,
lasagna, cakes, bread, veggies and much more. It can even
do canning. And my kitchen keeps cool!”
Blum’s curiosity in solar cooking was sparked by friends
who made their own simple solar cookers developed by an
Arizona inventor. “My friends held a workshop, and I spent
a Saturday putting one together from cardboard, aluminum
foil, and Elmer’s Glue,” she said. “Within a few years, it was
my favorite way to cook.”
But what started as a hobby for Blum more than twenty
years ago now is addressing problems suffered by one-third
of humanity today: severe fuel shortages and killer diseases
from smoky cooking fires and unsafe drinking water. While
traveling, Blum noted the heavy burdens of many thirdworld women related to daily cooking—walking miles to
gather fuel, then cooking over a smoky, hazardous open fire.
Having previously founded and directed a Planned
Parenthood for nineteen years, Blum recruited friends to
found the nonprofit Solar Cookers International (SCI) in
1987 to improve health, economics, and environments in
sun-rich parts of the world through solar cooking.
Initially, the organization focused on education, thinking
that instruction booklets and training about solar cooking
would suffice to persuade teachers, environmentalists,
governments, and international organizations. But even
simple solar cookers require adaptations to diverse cultures,
climates, foods, and locally available materials.
That, she said, sparked the decision to get that information
into the hands of policy-makers and humanitarian groups. To
document actual acceptance and usefulness, SCI introduced
solar cookers in refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia, and
today SCI helps Darfur refugees in Chad. A UNESCO grant
helped introduce them in Zimbabwe.
“While solar cookers are literally life-saving for refugees
and people in disaster areas, humanitarian aid agencies have
small budgets for huge tasks. To reach many millions of
people, SCI now helps women start small businesses to make
and sell solar cookers and solar-cooked foods,” she said.
Solar Cookers International has built a global information
exchange network among 500 independent promoters’
groups—ranging from grass-roots self-help groups to the
governments of India and China—through Web sites and
international conferences. This group now collectively
advocates to expand awareness and access to solar cooking
skills and tools.
Perhaps most important, Solar Cookers International has
focused on applying business skills to spread this important
energy and health-saving simple technology.
“If this isn’t successful in local markets, many wellmeaning efforts can be wasted,” Blum said. “The most satisfying part is empowering some of the world’s most burdened
women to enjoy the benefits of solar cookers. They are also
creating successful businesses that provide income as well as
assure supplies for future generations.”
Blum recently retired after nearly twenty years as the organization’s executive director, but plans to continue as a volunteer with SCI’s new international advocacy consortium.
By all measures, it’s a job well done.
Jennifer L. Krempin is a free-lance writer for Hamline.
FALL 2006
Jean Olson Chapman. See 2006.
Angela Bakko Erickson and Paul
Erickson retired to a home on Island
Lake near Emily, Minnesota. Angela
retired from her social work career in
international adoption and Paul from a
career in packaging sales. They keep
busy with gardening, entertaining,
writing, grandchildren, and “planning
their next adventure.”
Steve Olson. See 2006.
Members of the class of 1954 met in New Orleans in March 2006 for a minireunion. From left to right, John Partridge ’52, Fred Hartfiel ’56, Mary Jane Jensen
Schreiner ’54, Connie Brainerd Partridge ’54, Fred Huebsch, Barbara Lee Huebsch
’54, Pat Peterson Hartfiel ’54, Pat Thulen Thompson ’54, Charles Beck, Elsie
O’Conner Beck ’54, Jack Thompson ’54, and Milt Matthias. Elsie wrote, “We almost
cancelled our trip because of Katrina but we were welcomed by everyone there.”
College of Liberal Arts
Alumni Board President:
Rushik Mehta ’00
Ruth Frank Graham and Jean Elliott
Frank ’45 visited Hamline in July and
were shown the new facilities by Lynn
Zweig Praska ’92, MALS ’99 from
Hamline's Development Office. That
same month Ruth and Jean, along with
Charlotte Henry Dickerson ’46 and
Betty Ann Nelson Tofte ’44, rode
with Alice Harrington Webster ’44 to
have lunch in the home of Patsy
McGivern Amundson ’44 in Blue
Earth, Minnesota.
Jean Elliott Frank. See 1944.
Charlotte Henry Dickerson, Betty
Ann Nelson Tofte, Alice Harrington
Webster. See 1944.
Mary Lois Rulifson Frye was inducted
into the Oklahoma State University
(OSU) College of Education 2006 Hall
of Fame, the highest honor bestowed
by the college. During her twenty years
at OSU, Mary progressed from
assistant professor and program director
at the Colvin Center to assistant
director of the School of Health,
Physical Education & Leisure Services
and director of campus recreation. In
1969, she represented OSU at the
national conference on the activation of
Title IX for women's athletics. In
retirement, Dr. Frye continues to
support OSU by serving as president of
the Emeriti Association.
Roger Fechner represented Hamline at
the inauguration of Dr. Jeffrey Docking
as the seventeenth president of Adrian
College in Adrian, Michigan. Roger is
professor emeritus of history at Adrian,
where he served from 1970 to 2002.
Newman Olson and Sonya Evans
Olson. See 2006.
Karen Sansome Schmoker. See 2006.
Richard Landholm retired and
teaches, consults, and volunteers full
time at his church, assisting in the
construction and financing of building
a new addition. He wrote, “I hope all
of my classmates are having an equally
rewarding retirement.”
Clifford Olson. See 2006.
Donna Sansome Olson. See 2006.
Jack Hicks retired as director of the
Deerfield Public Library in Deerfield,
Illinois, after thirty-four years of
service. He was elected vice president of
the Illinois Center for the Book Board,
a program of the Library of Congress.
Melissa Stebbins Doerr retired as
principal of Roosevelt Middle School in
the Anoka-Hennepin School District.
Before becoming administrator in the
late 1980s, she taught German for
twenty years. She and her husband,
Dale, have two grown daughters.
Deanna Love Torgerson Burgess and
her husband, Michael, bought an 1856
antebellum mansion in Americus,
1994/2002 Emerald Gratz ’02 and Jason Lien ’94 married on January 7,
2006. Emerald is an assistant attorney general with the Public Safety Division of
the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office. Jason works as a litigation attorney
with Maslon Edelman Borman and Brand, PLLP. In attendance were Susie
Anderson ’00, Allan Blair ’02, Chad Enich ’94, Paul Enockson ’94, Nicole
German ’03, Chris Hokanson ’94, Meredith Kruger ’02, Hamline’s Internal
Communications Manager Kristen Neurer, Professor of Legal Studies Faith
O'Reilly, Dana Palmer ’02, Jackie Palmer ’01, and Brandon Tucker ’01.
Georgia. Deanna wrote, “We hope if
any Hamlinites are in the South, they
come see us!”
Yolanda Williams traveled to China
to teach at an English language
summer camp for students. This
was her second summer at the camp,
which she helped design.
George Willmarth and Rita Kaye
Younger ’81 (also MAPA ’90)
celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary on May 29, 2006. They
were set up on their first date while at
Hamline by Kathy Ranfranz-Fisher ’81.
Rita Kaye Younger. See 1980.
Leo Brisbois. See School of Law 1987.
Stuart Olson. See 2006.
Mike Daly. See School of Law 2006.
1991/1992 Toben Fredrick Nelson ’91
and Heather Hammond Nelson ’92 earned
doctors of science from Harvard University.
Toben dedicated his dissertation, “Social
and Contextual Determinance of
Overweight and Physical Activity Among
U.S. College Students: Multilevel Analysis,”
to his grandfather, Clarence A. Nelson,
Hamline professor emeritus.
Tricia Krenik Hanson and her
husband, Chad, welcomed daughter,
Rachel Lynn, on June 22, 2005. She
joins sister, Cleo, 3. They live in
Rochester, Minnesota, where Trisha
teaches autistic students at Century
High School and Chad builds
residential homes.
Tamara McClintock Greenberg had
her first book, The Psychological Impact
of Acute and Chronic Illness, published
by Springer.
Ann Brom McCaughan (also JD ’92)
retired after eleven years with the
Appellate Office of the State Public
Defender. She moved to Oregon and is
building a retirement home and
volunteering locally, nationally, and
Cindi Potaracke received a master of
science degree in software engineering
from the University of St. Thomas in
2005. She celebrated her fifteen-year
anniversary at Wells Fargo in 2006.
Tom McQueen is self-employed as a
marketing consultant in the San
Francisco Bay area.
Bryan Forbes lives in Chicago and
creates TV commercials for DDB, a
marketing company.
Steve Mueske (also MFA ’02) was
interviewed about his poetics, the
writing process, and his book, A
Mnemonic for Desire, by Ghost Road
Press’s Web site.
Ayme Mossefin Zemke and her
husband, Scott, welcomed daughter,
Keaton Violette, on April 26, 2006.
She joins brother, Graham. The family
lives in Apple Valley.
Kari Bakke Knudson works as the
volunteer coordinator for North
Country Regional Hospital in Bemidji,
Minnesota. Together with her husband,
Seth, they have two children, William,
6, and Annika, 3.
Lynn Zweig Praska (also MALS ’99).
See 1944.
FALL 2006
Kelly Kershner-Detzler (also MAED
’04) and her husband, Brian, welcomed
son, Drew Alaric, on December 6,
2005. Kelly plans to run the Twin
Cities Marathon in October.
Aaron Fiedler and his wife, Monica,
welcomed son, Andrew Scott, on April
10, 2006. They live in Salem, Oregon,
and both teach middle school.
Brian Hart lectured on “Illuminating
the Structure and Evolution of the
Universe” to the Orange County
Astronomers. In addition, he gave a
lecture titled “Origins: A Voyage
Through the Universe” at the Mayo
Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Brian
also presented on science in films at
the Newport Beach Film Festival in
April 2006.
Darin Broton works for New School
Communications, a Twin Cities-based
public relations firm. He specializes in
public affairs and corporate relations.
Jeannine Scherping Ostrom and her
husband, Christopher, welcomed
daughter, Olivia Grace, on February
5, 2006. She joins sisters, Isabelle, 4,
and Emma, 2. Jeannine, a stay-athome mom, and Chris, a mortgage
broker, live in Woodbury, Minnesota.
Kris Anderson and Cassie Nelson
Anderson ’04 were married on June
24, 2006. The reception was held at
Hamline’s Klas Center.
Cassie Nelson Anderson. See 2000.
Troy Omafray (also MALS ’06) has
been accepted into the master’s of
religious studies in Indo-Tibetan
Buddhism program at Naropa
University in Boulder, Colorado. He
will begin the program in fall 2006.
Julie Blaskowski was named the
Admission Possible AmeriCorps Member
of the Year for her work as an events
associate with the AmeriCorps program
Admission Possible, which helps lowincome students with college admission.
Julie coordinated several of the largest
events in the program’s history, including
a graduation ceremony attended by
more than 650 people. Saint Paul Mayor
Chris Coleman named June 14, 2006,
“Julie Blaskowski Day” in her honor.
College of Liberal Arts Alumni Board of Directors
welcomes new president
Rushik Mehta ’00 has been
elected to serve a two-year
term as president of the CLA
Alumni Board.
“I wish to achieve two
simple goals,” Mehta said.
Rushik Mehta ’00 has been
“First, I want to continue to
elected to serve a two-year
term as president of the
build on the alumni-to-student
CLA Alumni Board.
connection. As Hamline
alumni, we can help current
students with career development, life skills and mentoring.
Second, I want to build a strong alumni-to-alumni connection
and encourage you to reach out to the Alumni Board so we
can partner and support the greater alumni community.”
Labor Day this year marked ten years since Mehta first
arrived in the United States from Tanzania to be an undergraduate student at Hamline. “I remember sitting in a cab
from the airport on my way to campus wondering if I made
the right choice,” Mehta said. “I had traveled thousands of
miles from home not knowing what to expect and I was
beginning to regret being away from family and friends. Ten
years later, as I look back at my Hamline experience, I have
absolutely no regrets. I am grateful for the friends I made at
Hamline, the education I got from amazing professors and
the values learned that have helped me in my career and life.”
Mehta works in merchandising operations planning at
Best Buy Co. Inc. He and his wife, Kinjal, live in Savage.
For more information, please contact the Alumni Office
at 651-523-2015 or [email protected].
A year in
Jodie Becker Aho ’03 takes the call to
serve her country seriously. Since August 2005,
she’s been stationed in Iraq with the Army as a preventive
medicine specialist. “We deal with health, sanitation,
and environmental issues,” said Aho, who has done everything from public health inspections and water testing to
pest control.
Aho joined the Army Reserves while at Hamline and
graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and
anthropology in 2003. Less than two years later, she was
transferred from her original unit to one that was preparing
for deployment. With only about 700 people in the Army
with her specialty, Aho’s skills were in high demand.
Aho arrived in Iraq last August after several months of
intense preparation, and has learned more than just how to
spray pesticides.
“Honestly, it has been a crash course in the ways of
people,” she said. Put a group of people together in the
desert with little separation, and they become like family.
“Sometimes they drive you crazy but at the end of the day,
you love them just the same.”
By the time this issue is published, Aho will have
completed her tour of duty and returned to Saint Paul to
join husband and fellow Hamline grad, Seth Aho ’03, a
customer service representative for Koch Logistics. They
Jodie Becker Aho ’03 was stationed in Iraq with
the Army as a preventive medicine specialist.
were married last year during Aho’s four-day pass before she
was sent overseas, and their one-year anniversary is coming
up quickly. “I won’t quite make it home to celebrate... but
we are planning a honeymoon in Greece in September.”
The couple has talked about joining the Peace Corps, and
Aho is also considering entering a nursing program. “I speak
Spanish and I imagine there is a need for bilingual healthcare professionals,” she said.
Aho will also be spending time with the people she’s
missed this past year. “I think back to all those times I
complained about going to family functions, and after about
six months in the desert, you wouldn’t love anything more
than to be heading over to your second cousin’s first
birthday party.”
Hamline United Methodist Church
publishes history Hamline United Methodist Church is proud to announce the publication of
Casting Long Shadows: 125 Years at Hamline United Methodist Church. The book
recounts the growth of the congregation since it held its first services, just ten
days before the beginning of classes at Hamline University in September 1880.
The comprehensive history includes a chapter by Dr. Charles Graham, Hamline
president emeritus, on the relationship of the two institutions, as well as
chapters outlining the accomplishments of the congregation, many of whom
were Hamline faculty and staff. The books are $15 and can be purchased at the
church (1514 Englewood Avenue) during office hours or ordered by calling
651-645-0667 (add $5 for postage and handling).
FALL 2006
Pamela Carter Joern MFA ’00
First novel about big sky country
hits the big time
Sitting comfortably in her sunny, peachy-orange painted
study—her “writing sanctuary”—and looking out at her
gardens, South Minneapolis author, playwright, and
Hamline alumna Pamela Carter Joern reflects on her first
novel and on her time at Hamline.
Joern’s new book, The Floor of the Sky, has been chosen by
Barnes & Noble as one of seventeen new books written by
emerging writers that the bookstore chain will promote in
its “Discover Great New Writers” series this holiday season.
Published by the University of Nebraska Press, the book
comes out in September.
“I basically found that out in an e-mail. I was shocked.
Overwhelmed,” Joern said. “It’s just so nice to have that
validation of my work.”
The book is set in western Nebraska and is told from the
perspective of the four central characters: a tough widow,
Toby, who is desperately trying to hold onto the family
farm; Toby’s embittered sister, Gertie; the farm-hand,
George; and Toby’s pregnant young granddaughter, Lila.
As a child growing up in Nebraska, Joern attended classes
in a one-room country schoolhouse with twelve other
students. She said she feels her roots are there, although the
vibrant, self-sustaining small town she remembers is now a
street full of boarded-up storefronts.
“People these days think nothing of driving forty miles to
get to the nearest superstore. When you’re from a small town
it makes you question…is this progress? Economic decline?
I find that I am moved by the devotion of people who stick
it out and stick to the land. I love the big sky country.”
Joern moved to Minnesota with her husband and two
daughters in the early ’80s. For the next fifteen years she
focused mostly on writing plays. She said starting out can
be tough and she hit some bumps along the way, especially
with her first play, which debuted in 1980.
“I’ve been at this long enough that I can tell you there are
always people who don’t jell with your work, and they’re
willing to tell you about it,” she said. “The title of my first
play was I Have Prayed Our Father for Too Long. It was a
radical exploration of women’s roles in the traditional church.
Very controversial. We had sellout audiences, standing
ovations, and hate mail. I wish I could say that I took it well
and it didn’t matter to me, but that’s not true. It was hard.”
Joern also wrote several short stories, and in the ’90s made
her first attempt at a novel.
“It was about a conservative minister who struggles with his
spirituality and sexuality. I wrote it one year and then spent
the whole next year trying to revise it. I knew something was
wrong with it but just couldn’t figure out why,” Joern said.
“When Hamline came out with its master’s of fine arts in
writing degree, I thought...that’s what I want to do.”
“I realized there are skills to be learned. I didn’t start
attending Hamline with a book in mind. I went to explore
writing prose. I wanted to develop a language around the
discipline and craft of writing and I wanted to be in a
writing community. And that’s what I found at Hamline.
It was supportive… and challenging.”
And what about that very first attempt at a novel? Will
we ever see it in print?
“It’s in a drawer. Someday maybe I’ll get it out and see
if it’s really as dreadful as I think it is.”
Pamela Carter Joern’s work has been published in Red Rock
Review, South Dakota Review, Water~Stone, Feminist
Studies, and Minnesota Monthly. She has written six plays
that have been produced in the Twin Cities area. In 2006, she
directed an original rock opera, My Green Eyes, that was
produced as a benefit for breast cancer research. She teaches at
the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis.
JacQui Getty is director of media relations at Hamline.
Justin Dahlheimer ’06 and his family,
grandparents Newman Olson ’59 and
Sonya Olson ’59 and great-uncle
Steve Olson ’62; Steve and Newman’s
cousins Jean Olson Chapman ’62 and
Clifford Olson ’64 (along with his
wife, Donna Sansome Olson ’65, and
her sister, Karen Sansome Schmoker
’63); and Justin’s uncle Stuart Olson
’87, were recognized as a College of
Liberal Arts Family of the Year at the
Commencement ceremony in May.
Claribelle Bernadette Olson ’25, now
deceased, is credited with beginning the
family tradition and continuing it with
her distinguished service, primarily as
Hamline’s registrar for thirty-two years.
Thomas Walkington DPA works as
the strategic management coordinator
for Hennepin County and an adjunct
faculty member for Hamline’s Graduate
School of Management. He delivered
lectures in China on public
administration in October 2005 and
June 2006, and is the U.S. coordinator
of the 2007 International Conference
on Strategic Management at Sichuan
University in Chengdu, China.
Ruth Gila Berger MFA had an essay
appear in the spring 2006 issue of Gulf
Steve Mueske MFA (also BA ’96) was
interviewed about his poetics, the
writing process, and his book, A
Mnemonic for Desire, by Ghost Road
Press’s Web site.
Graduate School of
Liberal Studies
Graduate School of
Kelly Kershner-Detzler MAEd (also
BA ’97) and her husband, Brian,
welcomed son, Drew Alaric, on
December 6, 2005. Kelly plans to run
the Twin Cities Marathon in October.
Graduate School of
Rita Kaye Younger MAPA (also BA
’81) and George Willmarth BA ’80
celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary on May 29, 2006. They
were set up on their first date while at
Hamline by Kathy Ranfranz-Fisher
BA ’81.
Carrie Kennedy MFA and her
husband, Eric, welcomed son, Kieran
Philip, on January 14, 2006. Carrie is
an adjunct professor of English at
Concordia University and teaches
fiction writing at the Loft Literary
Ann Iverson MFA. See 1999.
Loretta Bebeau MALS wrote and
edited materials for the Northeast
Minneapolis Art-A-Whirl 2006.
Ann Iverson MALS, MFA ’91 will
publish Definite Space, book of poetry,
with Holy Cow! Press in fall 2007.
Anna Sochocky MALS won third
prize in the Canadian Larry Turner
Nonfiction Award contest with her
essay, “An Annual Visitation,” which is
scheduled for publication in the fall
issue of Gristmill Anthologies.
Lynn Zweig Praska MALS (also BA
’92). See College of Liberal Arts 1944.
Eric Mein MFA had his essay,
“A Princess of Where? Burroughs's
Imaginary Lack of Place,” accepted for
publication in West Virginia University
Philological Papers. The essay is based
on a presentation Eric gave at the
university's thirtieth Colloquium on
Film and Literature.
Rebecca Kortus MFA had a story
from her thesis, “The Last Will and
Testament of Miss Lala Bigg,” appear
in Las Vegas Weekly Magazine.
Troy Omafray MALS (also BA ’00)
has been accepted into the master’s of
religious studies in Indo-Tibetan
Buddhism program at Naropa
University in Boulder, Colorado. He
will begin the program in fall 2006.
Marc Thompson MFA published
his second chapbook, Oklahoma Heat,
with Red Moon Press. He also had
two poems accepted by the journal
bottle rockets.
Sandy Beach MFA had her poem,
“Slow Brown Fox,” accepted in the
anthology: To Sing Along the Way:
Minnesota Women Poets from PreTerritorial Days to the Present, due out
in 2006. In June, she read poetry at
The Soap Factory art gallery with
FALL 2006
School of Law
Alumni Board President: Don McNeil
JD ’89, [email protected]
John Kingrey was deployed to Kuwait
in March 2006, where he works in
administration reviewing investigations
and giving legal assistance. Prior to
deployment, he worked as the executive
director of the Minnesota County
Attorneys Association.
wife, Susan, and their two children,
Paul and Ella.
Jefferson Reynolds joined Gallagher
Kennedy in Phoenix in the
environmental and natural resources
practice. His practice focuses on
environmental compliance,
environmental litigation, environment
regulatory permitting, and regulatory
enforcement action. He was previously
head of the environmental and real
property law division at Kirtland Air
Force Base in New Mexico.
Leo Daly. See 2006.
Bricker Lavik received the William
Reece Smith, Jr. Special Services to Pro
Bono Award from the National
Association of Pro Bono Professionals.
The annual award honors individuals
who positively influence the systems or
networks of providing pro bono legal
services. Bricker practices at Dorsey &
Whitney in the areas of commercial
real estate litigation and general
Joseph P. Bluth was selected as one of
the top twenty-four family law lawyers
in Minnesota by The Best Lawyers in
America. Bluth is a principal in the firm
Bluth & Kohlmeyer.
Janet Hilde was elected superior court
judge in Plumas County, California.
She will take office in January 2007.
Mark Covin was elected shareholder of
Bassford Remele. Mark’s practice
focuses on construction law, real estate,
products liability, civil and commercial
litigation, and insurance coverage.
Ann Brom McCaughan (also BA ’90)
retired after eleven years with the
Appellate Office of the State Public
Defender. She moved to Oregon and is
building a retirement home and
volunteering locally, nationally, and
Susan Sager was named partner at
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP in
Milwaukee and is a member of the
Land & Resources Practice Group. She
works in real estate development, land
use litigation, and condemnation
Mark Stember was elected partner in
the employee benefits practice group of
Kilpatrick Stockton LLP in
Washington, DC.
Susan Gustad was elected shareholder
of the firm Bassford Remele. Susan's
practice focuses on representing
hospitals and health-care providers in
medical malpractice cases, as well as
others in professional liability claims.
She also represents municipalities in
civil rights and property damages cases.
Tamara O'Neill Moreland was named
shareholder at Larkin Hoffman Daly &
Lindgren Ltd. She is a part of the real
estate litigation practice group and was
named a Minnesota "Rising Star" in
2005 and 2006 by Minnesota Law &
Jorge Saavedra is running for Congress
in Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional
Gabe Berntson and K. Paige Mitchell
Berntson ’00, welcomed daughter,
Carolyn Joy. She joins sisters,
Savannah, 3, and Amelia, 2.
Susan Anderson was named president
and CEO of ING Trust USA, based in
Jeff Cameron has been elected
president of the Minnesota Intellectual
Property Law Association for 2007–
2008. He is the third Hamline alumnus
to hold the position in the last five
years, following alumni John Gresens
’86, and Tim Czaja ’93.
Leo Brisbois (also BA ’84) was elected
secretary of the Minnesota State Bar
Association. He is an attorney at Stich,
Angell, Kreidler & Dodge, P.A., and
lives in Eagan, Minnesota, with his
Robert Lightfoot, shareholder at
Murphy Desmond S.C. in Madison,
Wisconsin, was elected president elect
of the Board of Directors of the
Wisconsin Assisted Living Association.
Heather Crosby Pauls and Todd
Pauls were married in October 2001
and had a son, Carter, in September
Barton J. Cahill opened Cahill Law
Office, P.A. in Moorhead, Minnesota.
Barton’s practice focuses on civil
Robert's health-care practice focuses on
the representation of assisted living and
nursing home operations.
K. Paige Mitchell Berntson. See
2003. They started their own practice
together in July 2004, where Todd
practices employment law and estate
and probate law and Heather practices
family law, bankruptcy, disability, and
elder law.
Harleigh E. Brown joined Fredrikson
& Byron, PA as an associate in the
firm’s securities, corporate,
international, and mergers &
acquisitions groups.
Thanh Bui received the Leonard,
Street and Deinard Award for Legal
Services to the Indigent for her
commitment to pro-bono legal work in
the Twin Cities area, specifically for her
work reuniting a Vietnamese family
separated during resettlement in the
Jenna Perrin joined Stroz Friedberg
LLC, a computer forensics and
electronic discovery consulting firm.
She works as counsel and discovery
Nicholas R. Delaney joined Rinke
Noonan Law Firm as an associate and
will practice in the areas of real estate,
construction law, land use, and
Jodi Stark Drews. See 2005.
John T. Matejcak joined the Law
Offices of Raymond F. Dalton PC,
with offices in Elgin and St. Charles,
Dan Roark joined the law firm of
Tillitt McCarten Johnson & Haseman,
Ltd., in Alexandria, Minnesota. His
practice focuses on business and real
James Little joined the law firm of
Moss & Barnett. He works in the
family law department.
Colleen Daly and her father, School of
Law Professor Joseph Daly; uncle, Leo
Daly JD ’77, an adjunct professor in
the School of Law; brother, Mike Daly
BA ’89; and cousin, Tim Daly, a
sophomore in the College of Liberal
Arts, were recognized as a Hamline
Family of the Year at the
Commencement ceremony in May.
Joel P. Mullen joined AND Law
Offices, PLLC. Before coming to AND
Law Offices, Joel worked in the life
insurance industry. He serves as coeditor of the Elder Law Newsletter for
the Elder Law Section of the Minnesota
Bar. Joel’s practice focuses on helping
individuals and families with their wills,
trusts, powers of attorney, and health
care directives.
Jason Stark and his sister, Jodi Stark
Drews JD ’05, were recognized as a
School of Law Family of the Year at the
Commencement ceremony in May.
In Memoriam
College of Liberal Arts
Florence Zimmerman Zander died
April 22, 2006. Florence majored in
chemistry and was a member of the
Literary Society and Philo Browning.
She taught middle and high school
science and physical education in Elk
River, Minnesota, until 1995 when she
retired. She was preceded in death by
her husband, Edmund, and son,
Michael. Florence is survived by sons,
James and William; five grandchildren;
and five great-grandchildren.
George Donald Wigand died March
25, 2006. George majored in
economics and participated in debate,
Pi Gamma Mu, and Pi Kappa Delta.
George worked summers at Yellowstone
National Park until becoming an
escrow officer for Western Title
Insurance in Castro Valley, California.
He was preceded in death by his wife,
Lorraine (Dolly), and his brother,
Elmer Wigand ’29. George is survived
by daughters, Karen and Dana; sons,
Rob and John; eleven grandchildren;
and three great-grandchildren.
Harriet Rollwagen Muedeking died
April 9, 2006. Harriet majored in
English and received her master’s in
special education from the University
of St. Thomas in 1978. She taught
English and special education in
California and Minnesota, authored
articles for national Lutheran
magazines, and traveled extensively
with her husband. She was preceded in
death by her brothers, Eugene
Rollwagen ’48 and Clare Rollwagen
’39. Harriet is survived by her
husband, George; daughter, Miriam;
son, George; four grandchildren; and
three great-grandchildren.
Ernestine “Teen” Young Johnson
died March 6, 2006. Ernestine majored
in English and was a member of Philo
Browning. Ernestine and her husband,
Warren Johnson ’39, were
instrumental in starting the Class of
1939 Scholarship. She worked for the
White Bear Lake School District until
her retirement. Ernestine was preceded
in death by her husband, Warren, and
son, James. She is survived by daughter
JacLynn and three grandchildren.
FALL 2006
Dorothy Hunt Meyer died June 24,
2006. Dorothy was an active volunteer
for the Red Cross and the Advisory
Board for the Laurentian
Environmental Center and was a
Ramsey County master gardener.
Dorothy was preceded in death by her
husband, Roy Meyer ’39; and is
survived by son, Douglas; daughters,
Susan Mattson ’65 and Mary; seven
grandchildren, and one greatgrandchild.
Evelyn Herrala died April 3, 2006.
Evelyn majored in sociology and
psychology and was active in Alpha
Kappa Delta. She worked in public
relations for the Goodwill Industries in
Detroit, and in 1955 was honored as
the first National Goodwill Worker of
the Year. Evelyn was active in social
justice issues, participating in the
Fellowship of Reconciliation and the
Women’s International League for
Peace and Freedom. In addition, Evelyn
was profiled in Hamline’s 150th
anniversary book, One Hundred and
Fifty Lives That Make a Difference. She
was preceded in death by her brothers,
Carl and Richard; and sisters, Mayme
and Hilda Herrala ’40. She is survived
by nieces and nephews.
Millard McGinnis died November 11,
2005. Millard lived in Glendale,
Arizona, and worked as a piano
salesman. He was preceded in death by
his wife, Dorothy Olsen McGinnis
’43, and survived by daughter, Mrs.
Dale Skurdahl.
Fred Welte died May 17, 2006. Fred
majored in health and physical
education and played on the
undefeated 1947–48 hockey team,
which was later inducted into the
Hamline University Athletic Hall of
Fame in 1987. Fred worked for the
Saint Paul Fire Department as captain
of station fourteen and as an emergency
medical technician. Fred was preceded
in death by his daughter, Diane. He is
survived by wife, Peggy; son, Michael;
daughters, Deborah, Jane, and Theresa;
five grandchildren; and two greatgrandchildren.
Dale Berry died May 8, 2006. Dale
majored in economics and was a
member of Alpha Phi Omega, Pi
Gamma Mu, and Kappa Phi. He
attended John Marshall Law School
and held the position of operations
manager at East Texas Motor Freight,
Inc. in Chicago before opening his own
law practice. He retired from private
practice after thirty-nine years. Dale
was preceded in death by his wife,
Dorothy. He is survived by son,
Thomas; and daughters, Cynthia,
Beverly, and Jane.
Wesley Carson died June 21, 2006.
Wesley majored in business
administration and economics. He
worked for the United States Postal
Service until his retirement in 1984.
Wesley is survived by wife, Harriet;
daughter, Pam; son, Arthur “Kit”
Carson ’82; and five grandchildren.
1959. He participated in football and
track and field and was a member of
Theta Chi. Richard taught high school
social studies and coached track, and
owned Clamshell Beach Resort in
Minnesota. Richard also coached several
British football teams to victories, most
notably the Crown Bowl National
Champions in 1989. Richard is survived
by his wife, Martha “Marti” Finch
Coombs ’53; daughters, Linda and
Patricia; and sons, Jack, Bill, and Scott.
Betty Harris Berreman died June 16,
2006. Betty majored in health and
physical education and participated in
the A Cappella Choir, the aquatic
league, and Alpha Phi Theta. She
taught swimming at Hamline for more
than twenty years, and was inducted
into the Hamline University Athletic
Hall of Fame in 2004. Betty is survived
by sons, Thomas and Todd; daughters,
Kelley and Kathleen; and ten
Dorothy Hamilton Brown died
March 2, 2006. She is survived by her
daughter, Holly.
Monte Balfour died April 1, 2006.
Monte majored in business
administration and psychology and was
active in student congress and football.
He worked as a State Farm Insurance
agent for forty-two years until his
retirement in 2003. Monte also served
as president of his local Lions Club,
where he was a member for forty-five
years. He is survived by his wife,
Marian; daughter, Lynne; and two
James Brimhall died April 6, 2006.
James majored in mathematics and
physics and was active in the physics
club, band, and Kappa Phi. He received
his master’s in physics from the
University of Pittsburgh and doctorate
in physics from Union Graduate
School. He taught physics at West
Virginia State College until he became
vice president for administrative affairs.
He is survived by his wife, Karen.
Richard Cutten Coombs died June 24,
2006. Richard majored in business
administration and received his
certificate in secondary education in
Sharon Salzman Bishop died April
12, 2006. Sharon graduated from the
Hamline/Asbury School of Nursing
and participated in the Wesley
Fellowship, International Relations
Club, and band. She worked at South
High School in Minneapolis as the
school nurse for fourteen years until her
retirement. Sharon is survived by her
husband, Dan; sons, Lewis and Wayne;
and four granddaughters.
as a recreational therapist. Marita is
survived by her parents, Jaime and
Maria; her sister, Miraflor; and special
friends from Hamline, the Phators.
Brenda Finley died June 3, 2006.
Brenda worked as a personal care
assistant in Roseville, Minnesota.
Brenda is survived by her parents,
Richard and Ella; brothers, Wesley and
Charles; and sisters, Diane, Jean,
Nancy, Audrey, and Bonita.
Reeanne Finnigan Grans died
October 29, 2005. Reeanne worked for
the state of Wisconsin as a rehab
counselor for the visually impaired for
over twenty-seven years. She was
preceded in death by her parents,
Stephen and Genevieve Hillman
Finnigan ’36. Reeanne is survived by
her brothers, Stephen and Arthur, and
seven nieces and nephews.
Frank Whitehead died May 12, 2006.
Frank majored in physics and
participated in band and Alpha Tau
Omega. He worked as an optical
physicist for Siemens Gammasonics.
He is survived by his wife, children,
and grandson.
Philip Lindsay died March 22, 2006.
Philip majored in political science and
participated in Pi Gamma Mu. He
earned a master’s degree in political
science from the University of Rhode
Island and was active in local politics
and the Democratic Party. Philip
worked as the director of sales and
business development for SensorCom,
Inc. and coached soccer for the
Needham Soccer Club in Needham,
Massachusetts. He is survived by his
wife, Marcia; son, Matthew; and
daughter, Christina.
Marita Domingo died April 1, 2006.
Marita majored in communication arts
and was a member of Delta Tau,
Student Activities Board, and Drew
Hall Council. Marita went on to
receive her master’s degree from Saint
Mary’s University. She worked at
Augustana Care in Minneapolis for
more than sixteen years, most recently
Michael Johnson died July 15, 2006.
Michael worked as a public defender in
the Tenth Judicial District of Anoka
County as well as a teacher and
counselor at Washburn Child Guidance
Center. He is survived by his parents,
Bob and Dorothy.
School of Law
Thomas Goeldner died June 8, 2006.
Thomas also attended Lawrence
University and University of
Wisconsin–Milwaukee. While at
Hamline, Thomas was published in the
Hamline Law Review. He worked for
the City of Milwaukee as an assistant
city attorney. He was preceded in death
by his father, Robert. Thomas is
survived by his mother, Lois, and his
sister, Lynn.
JoAnne Jankowski died April 4, 2006.
JoAnne worked at Henningson and
Snoxell, Ltd. as an attorney, as well as a
nursing home administrator and copublisher of the Minnesota Christian
Chronicle. She is survived by husband,
Leonard; sons, Stephan and Thaddeus;
daughters, Judi and Rachel; and
thirteen grandchildren.
Willard S. Allin died April 29, 2006.
Willard was an emeritus trustee of
Hamline and served for sixty years as
an ordained minister to the United
Methodist Church. He retired from
Central United Methodist Church in
Winona, where he served as lead pastor
for eleven years. He is survived by his
wife, Beverly Richmond Allin ’45,
and sons, Craig and Kent.
Erling O. Johnson died March 31,
2006. Erling was awarded an honorary
doctor of laws by Hamline in 1963 for
his leadership in education. He served
as the Anoka-Hennepin School District
superintendent for twenty-three years
and was instrumental in creating the
Anoka Technical College.
Everett D. Williams died May 5,
2006. He worked as a Northwest
Airlines meteorologist. He is survived
by wife, Patricia; son, E. Dean
Williams ’68 and daughter-in-law
Sandra Fish Williams ’69; daughter
Paula Williams Snyder ’70 and sonin-law William Snyder ’69; five
grandchildren, and three greatgrandchildren.
Karen Hill Fjeld died March 8, 2006.
Karen was published in the Hamline
Law Review and clerked for Judge Fred
Norton of the Minnesota State
Supreme Court in 1994. After that, she
worked as an attorney for Holstad &
Johnson. Karen is survived by her
husband, Mark.
FALL 2006
From the President
One of the most pleasant views of Hamline
University is through the four large windows in
my office in Old Main. Often as I move through
my day, I glance through those windows to see
the stories of Hamline converge in the faces of
hopeful and determined first-year students,
confident and friendly upperclassmen, and
focused graduate and law students. They are
rushing off to classes, chatting in small groups,
tossing a Frisbee around on the mall lawn, or
heading off to their cars to go home and eat
dinner with their families.
I often wonder: How will they remember
their experiences at Hamline? Where will their
next steps take them in life? Yet the most relevant
question may well be: Have we fulfilled the
Hamline promise we make to each student?
To create a diverse and collaborative community
of learners dedicated to the development of students’
knowledge, values and skills for successful lives of
leadership, scholarship and service.
Now in its 153rd year, the Hamline University
community is looking forward through a
strategic planning process to examine how we
fulfill the promise. The goal is to develop a
direction that is distinctive in a world of
change—that consistently supports intentional,
transformative learning that equips students to
adapt to new environments, integrate knowledge,
and continue learning all of their lives.
As we begin setting our strategic goals for the
next five years, we will look carefully at the
rapidly changing environment in higher
education and the expectations of students.
Through dedicated work groups, open forums,
and university-wide discussions over the next
several months, we will build a strategic vision
for Hamline, supported by a plan that is bold,
compelling and achievable by 2012.
As a forward-thinking university we know that
there are dynamic, changing realities all around
us: shifting demographics; increasing pressure on
access and affordability; emerging urgency to
develop a global perspective; escalating regulation
by the federal government, and growing expectations from consumer-savvy students for
technology, facilities, and amenities. We will
need to critically examine all of these factors, and
many others, as we explore and construct our
vision for the university.
As alumni you play a critical role. While you
represent past generations of students, your
success in life informs our future direction. The
spirited inspiration you’ve brought to Hamline,
the resounding legacy you’ve left, and your
exceptional accomplishments now and in the
years to come are all gifts that help to shape the
Hamline that students in the decades ahead will
experience and enjoy.
I invite you to stay engaged with us and to join
us in our goal-setting endeavor. To find out how
to get involved, please visit: www.hamline.edu/
strategicplan or contact your Associations of
Hamline University Alumni Board. Together we
will imagine and accomplish the extraordinary.
We will challenge our assumptions about
Hamline as a university of distinction, fulfilling
the promise in a world of change.
Where are we headed? It’s up to us.
Linda N. Hanson
Music, History, Architecture & Gardens
in Florence & Rome
MAY 21–JUNE 2, 2007
Join Yali You, professor in the music department and the orchestra conductor at Hamline, and
Paul Knuth, lead gardener at the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory of Como Park in Saint Paul,
for a two-week-long exploration of Italy. Alumni and friends of Hamline are invited to attend
this course, which will visit the landmark architecture and gardens in and around Florence and
Rome, studying the composers, their compositions, and styles.
Participants must physically be able to walk long distances with many steps.
For more information, contact Kim Zielinski at 651-523-2245 or [email protected] or
visit www.hamline.edu/cla/off_campus.
15 participants—$3,959/person
20 participants—$3,689/person
25 participants—$3,589/person
There is a $250 application fee that is separate from the cost of the course.
Dr. Yali You
Professor You teaches cello, chamber music, music history, and conducts the orchestra at Hamline University.
A native of China, she received her doctor of musical arts from the University of Cincinnati. Her solo and
ensemble performances include the Beijing Film Orchestra, National Public Radio, the Ravinia Music Festival,
and the Aspen Music Festival. She has led many student groups to study music and culture.
Paul Knuth
Paul Knuth, guest lecturer and co-leader for the trip, is a lead gardener at the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory
of Como Park in Saint Paul. Knuth specializes in ornamental horticulture, which includes floral production,
tropical plants, and botanical gardens. With over thirty years of experience in the field, Knuth contributed to
the Conservatory of Como Park’s winning of the prestigious Horticulture Landmark Award.
1536 Hewitt Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55104-1284
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