BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS FEBRUARY 2015 P.O. Box 127, Route 8 at Heckert Road, Bakerstown PA 15007 Phone: 724-443-1555 Fax: 724-443-5223 Website: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH of BAKERSTOWN Connecting the people around us to the God who loves us ... through Reaching, Growing, and Serving! Sunday Schedule 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. Praise Worship Service 10:00 - 10:50 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. Choral Worship Service The Café is open from 9:45-10:45 a.m. Senior Pastor - Dan Muttart Youth Pastor - Jeremy Collins Parish Pastor - Gary Weston Director of Christian Education - Sandy Floyd Choral Director - Mia Tepper Organist - Rich Anthony Business Manager - Mike Herron Financial Assistant - Kelly Ganter Program Assistant - Leslie Ward Office Assistant - Linda Smith Housekeeper - Lisa Wood Custodian - Mike Risk Children’s Ministry Asst. - Danni Hackel Hospitality Coordinator - Brenda Clifford Dear Friends, In a recent sermon, I preached a message from 1 Corinthians 10 called, “How to Avoid Drifting From Your Faith.” In it, I described a National Public Radio interview that took place with young adults who were drifting from the Christian faith. Following is a more complete account of an interview conducted with one young man, Kyle, with the report written by NPR reporter David Greene: A 26-year-old participant named Kyle grew up with Christian roots, but like many young adults, he's neglected his faith—although he can't quite get over it. Simpson said: “Last year, when I turned 26, I had my mini-existential crisis when I realized, oh my gosh, what's going to happen when I die? Am I just going to end up in the ground and like everything I've worked for, all my memories, are for naught? I still have that feeling every once in a while in the stereotypical moments when you're like sitting alone in the dark and you can't go to bed and you start thinking about that. But I don't know if that's emptiness. That's more just a fear that I hope others have.” When asked, “Do you pray?” Kyle replied, “Yeah, I do and … I feel like a hypocrite. I only do it when I'm at my most scared or my most fearful, and … my most vulnerable… yet I still find myself doing that.” At the age of 18, Simpson got a tattoo on his arm that reads “a cruce salus”—Latin for salvation by the cross. When the interviewer asked, “Do you regret it?” Kyle said, " “No. The irony is when I first got the tattoo, I remember thinking, oh, this will be great because when I'm having troubles in my faith, I will be able to look at it, and I can't run away from it. And that is exactly what is happening.” Rather than seeing this as a cause for despair, I actually find this interview quite helpful because it speaks a number of things to each of us as we negotiate the twists and turns of life. First, it tells us that at those times we walk away from God, if He has brought us to saving faith, He won’t walk away from us. Since the time of this report, January 17, 2013, I could not tell you if the “miniexistential crisis” brought Kyle back to the faith, but I can tell you that for a believer going through a wilderness experience, the questions that came to Kyle’s mind are indicative of the Holy Spirit nudging somebody. Among Jesus’ last words to His disciples before He ascended to heaven was, “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20 NIV). Next, it tells us that the nudges the Holy Spirit gives us to come back to faith can be subtle. Kyle’s feeling like a hypocrite is precisely the way God works behind the scenes. Consider the Old Testament book of Esther. We never hear God’s name mentioned, but we know His hands are all over the experiences of Esther and her people. I sense His hands might be all over Kyle’s hypocrite comment. Finally, it tells us that if we are believers, God will give us revelation of our need for Him. Kyle’s comment that I can’t run away from it (meaning ‘Jesus providing salvation by the cross’) may have been his revelation — we don’t know. But it is certain that for believers, there is often a blinding flash of the obvious. I remember a young seminary colleague of mine, who in his testimony described how he had drifted from his faith in college, looked in the mirror the morning after a drunken night on the town and said, “I don’t like what’s happening to me.” In the sermon I preached, I told you that the best way to avoid drifting is to beware of malaise (a lackadaisical attitude to your faith); beware of spiritual sloppiness (gradually fading in faith because you are ignoring the spiritual disciplines of daily prayer, Bible reading, consistent worship attendance and talking about life with other believers); and beware of discouragement (because that’s a tool of Satan to cause you to walk away from your faith). The purpose of this note, as you prepare for Lent, is to let you know that each of those actions on your part is already undergirded by the behind-the-scenes actions God is committed to doing on your part. Woody Allen once said, “Eighty percent of life is just showing up.” If you are going through a wilderness, a period of spiritual emptiness or drift, keep showing up. Keep praying, keeping worshiping, keep reading the Bible and going to your Bible study groups. When you do, you are cooperating with the work God is already doing within you to continue to keep you in the faith, despite the drifting that may go on from time to time. God loves you and is committed to you. He will keep you from drifting. Blessings, Pastor Dan Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Adult Education / Ash Wednesday & Lent page 2 Adult Education Opportunities Sunday Mornings The Lenten curriculum is The God We Can Know and will be led by our pastors and staff. The DVD, filmed on location in the Holy Land, allows us to travel with Rob Fuquay and actually see the places where Jesus stood while disclosing his identity, and in what context he spoke each “I Am.” For instance, Jesus said “I am the bread of life” after feeding the multitude and “I am the resurrection” before raising Lazarus. The gospel comes to life as we move from the Judean wilderness to the Galilean hills and into the heart of Jerusalem in this fast-paced, interactive video journey that helps us find meaning in Jesus’ teachings. The God We Can Know will also be the basis of Lenten sermons, Diving Deeper classes, devotionals, and Bible Blasts. February 18, 7:00 p.m. “Rescuer Down Under” Pastor Dan Muttart Childcare is available. The Sunday morning schedule follows: Feb. 15, “The God We Can Know” Introduction … Al Wettach Feb. 22, “I am the Bread of Life- Knowing God's Satisfaction” … Mike Reynolds March 1, “I am the Light of the World - Knowing God's Guidance” … Nelson Crooks March 8, “I am the Good Shepherd - Knowing God's Care” … Bob Klein March 15, “I am the True Vine - Knowing God's Power” … Al Wettach March 22, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life - Knowing God's Way” … Craig Russell March 29, “I am the Resurrections and the Life - Knowing God's Possibilities” … Mike Reynolds Wednesday Evening Diving Deeper Classes will also be meeting. February 25, March 4, 11, 18 & 25 6 p.m. Church Family Lenten Dinners Fellowship Hall: $3/person, $5/couple, $1/child 7 p.m. Classes for All On February 25, we will start our Lenten Suppers hosted by a different group each week. After dinner, children attend an interactive presentation by the Carnegie Science Center Adults and youth are invited to a special presentation by the pastoral staff and adult education leaders on the subject of “The God We Can Know” (Westminster Room). April 5, Resurrection Sunday — No Classes or Café Sunday Mornings starting April 12 — “Dust to Glory” by Dr. Sproul See the flyer with this newsletter for details. The following 2015 Church Calendar Dates are provided to assist all of us in scheduling events for our church family throughout the year. When possible, baptisms should be scheduled at least 6-8 weeks in advance so they can be processed through the Worship Committee and Session. 2015 Church Calendar Dates Any changes necessitated by unforeseen factors will be listed in bulletins and newsletters. Communion Dates January 11 February 15 Men’s Retreat April 2 May 17 June 28 October 4 November 29 Baptism Dates February 22 May 10 June 21 September 20 November 8 New Connections Dates (New Member Class) Saturday, April 25 Saturday, October 10 Then 6 Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving New Member Joining Dates May 31 November 15 BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Church Family News / In Our Mailbox Church Family News Please contact the church office with news to share! Happy Anniversary: John and Jeanne Utz celebrated their 65th anniversary on January 21. Happy Birthday: DeVere Carlson celebrated his 90th birthday on December 22. Born: Gabriella Linda Samperi, daughter of Marissa Williams Samperi & Peter P. Samperi, granddaughter of David and Elaine Williams, on November 28. Matthew James Lichina, son of April Marie Wright Lichina & David B. Lichina, grandson of Kathy & John Swigart and David Wright, on December 1. Warren Douglas Sloan and Arden Bell Sloan, son and daughter of DeAnn Long Sloan & Christopher J. Sloan, twin grandchildren of Walter & Tallie Sloan, on January 2. Our Prayers go out to the families of: Brenda Joyce in the death of her father Donald E. Kuhns on January 1, 2015. Tom Sevin in the death of his father Delbert R. Sevin on January 8, 2015. In Memoriam: Mary J. Terrell … January 16, 2015 page 3 “The leaf rakers did a great job, but were so In Our Mailbox anxious for the next job, I couldn’t talk them into a cup of coffee or chocolate. They should have some recognition! Ellison Davison.” “Thank you for the flowers. The visits from Pastor Gary and Sandy were greatly appreciated along with the many cards and prayers. The surgery went well, and I’m home. Thanks again. Sincerely, Peggy Gloeckner.” “Staff and Congregation of FPCB, Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. It was obvious to me that I was surrounded by a great cloud lifting me up in prayer. Church, know that your prayers are heard and know that they are answered to the glory God. Thank you all, and be a blessing. Al Wettach.” “To my Church Family, I am at a loss for words! Me! Yes, me! All the fuss at the services, a reception, my favorite cakes, my favorite color beautiful flowers and gorgeous vase that I haven’t stopped looking at and angling so the sun shines on it! I don’t know what to say. I just did what I loved to do—serve! Serve those in need, service those who had a need, and serve the Lord. I also enjoyed serving alongside all of you. It was an honor and a privilege. And I am truly grateful for the 7 years I got to serve in that position. Thank you for all of the support, love and blessings I received from all of you. I appreciate it all. Love, blessings and many thanks, Dianna Croskey.” “Dear FPCB, Thank you so much for the many many cards of sympathy and love when my dear, funny, sweet dad passed away on January 1. It was touching to have received so many cards filled with love and support. What a wonderful thing to be a part of such a great group of people who have your back when the tragedies of life occur. My mom who was staying with me, couldn’t believe how many ‘friends’ I have!! Brenda Joyce” Bakerstown Ambassadors Deadline for March Newsletter: Feb. 10 A Glimpse at the Calendar Feb. 1, Commissioning of Honduras Hope Mission Team (Trip: February 6-15) Feb. 1, Spring TEAM Feb. 7, 21, 28, Parenting Seminars Feb. 7, Parent’s Night Out Feb. 8, Women of Bakerstown Sunday Feb. 13-14, Junior High Lock-in Feb. 15, Communion Feb. 15, Fellowship at Valencia Woods Feb. 18, Ash Wednesday Service Feb. 22, “Shrove Sunday” Praise Band Concert Feb. 25, Lenten Dinners & Classes Begin See bulletins, call the church office, or visit for details. Some people just have the gift of hospitality. If you are one of those people, consider being a Bakerstown Ambassador! Bakerstown Ambassadors are people who look for visitors, guests, and new people on Sunday mornings and extend a handshake and a greeting to make them feel welcome. Maybe visitors would like to learn about the café or go to a Sunday School Class, or maybe they wonder where to take their children for childcare. You can help! If you would like to be involved as a Bakerstown Ambassador, see Paula Duncan, Pat Eversole, or Jeremy Collins. They’d like to talk with you and share ideas on ways to express Bakerstown hospitality. Valentine Dreams One morning Emma woke up with a start. Her husband Jim asked what was the matter. She told him, "I just had a dream that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's day. What do you think it means?" "You'll know tonight," Jim said. That evening, Jim home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, Emma opened it - only to find a book entitled "The Meaning of Dreams". Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Shrove Sunday Concert / Parenting / Finance page 4 3 Free Parenting Seminars Saturdays, 10-11:30 am FPCB presents its 2nd annual “Shrove Sunday” Concert. Take this opportunity and “rise to the challenge” to invite your friends and family to start the Lenten season off with Christ in your heart. February 7, Trinity Lutheran Church – Pre-K Parents- “Love with Limits” Free childcare available; please reserve in advance. February 21, FPCB, Age 5-12 Parents “Raising Responsible Kids” Free childcare available; please reserve in advance. February 28, St. Thomas Church, Age 12-18 Parents. Topic to be announced. Sponsored by Anchorpoint Counseling Ministry For more information, call FPCB at 724-443-1555. Stewardship & Finance Thank You from the Stewardship Team On behalf of the Church Stewardship Team, I would sure like to thank you all for your generous response to our request for additional financial support to the 2014 Ministry Budget. You provided a grand total of $182,390 in the month of December! Combined with our beginning fund balance this was enough to pay all of our bills and to continue our ministry programs. Most Sincerely, John Utz 2014 Financial Results The Finance Committee of Session is pleased to report that the congregation generously provided $182,390 of financial support to the 2014 Ministry Budget in December. This represents 21.9% of total 2014 Ministry Budget giving of $832,629. Due to your generosity, we were able to meet all of our obligations and promises for the year and set aside a very modest balance to begin 2015. A comparison of our current year and prior year Ministry Budget financial results is as follows: 2014 2013 Receipts through December 31 $ 832,629 $ 858,900 Expenses through December 31 (852,724) (854,177) (20,095) 4,723 Fund balance at beginning of year 25,173 20,450 Fund balance at December 31 $ 5,078 $ 25,173 Net change In addition to your support of the Ministry Budget, you provided (1) a combined total of $17,195 for our three traditional special offerings on Palm Sunday, Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve; (2) $6,444 for new pew Hymnals; (3) $2,020 for capital projects; and (3) a significant portion of the $44,613 raised to support the Honduran Hope Mission program. We truly appreciate your generosity that allows our Church to continue the Lord’s work in Bakerstown and beyond. We look forward to the opportunities that the Lord will provide for our Church in the Year 2015 and ask for your continued support as we seek to do the Lord’s will. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Fellowship / Library / Stephen Ministry Flying Solo Women of Bakerstown Sunday—February 8 The Women of Bakerstown (WOB) serve our church in countless ways, and also support missions on a local, national, and overseas basis. They have two active Circles, which meet once a month, each supporting missions of their choice and offering a wide variety of interesting programs and fellowship. The WOB are not supported by the Ministry Budget, so the generosity of the congregation enables the WOB to fulfill their commitments each year. To make a donation to the WOB, please make out a check payable to “Women of Bakerstown” on February 8 or mail it to the church office. Small pink envelopes were mailed to the women of the congregation and they will also be located in the pew racks. Remember, there is a Blood Drive on Good Friday morning, April 3. Watch for details. Please donate if possible, as the need for blood is always great. Men’s Ministry Italian Dinner (Lo Bello’s) / RMU Hockey Game 2 February 28—Dinner 5 p.m.; Game 7 p.m. Cost: $20 (includes dinner and game) Contact: Dan Saniga A ministry for Single Women The next Flying Solo get-together is February 8 at 12:30 p.m. at Max & Erma’s. Contact: Doris Anderson Events are generally the 2nd Sunday of the month, and new women are invited. Call the church office for information. Stephen Ministry Ever thought about becoming a Stephen Minister? FPCB will be training another class of Stephen Ministers starting in May. Stephen Ministers work alongside our pastors to care, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are going through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness, or loneliness. If you have gifts for caring, encouragement, and listening, please begin to prayerfully consider whether you might want to be part of this exciting ministry. If you think you might be interested, talk with Stephen Ministry Leader Bob Joyce 724-4438379. Men’s Conference—March 21, 8 AM to 3 PM “Reverse the Curse” Saxonburg Memorial Church, Saxonburg, PA An amazing line-up of speakers (including Tunch Ilkin, Steve Chiles, JT Thomas, & Craig Wolfley), continental breakfast and full catered lunch for just $25 through February 28. February is a month of cold weather and short days—and anticipation of spring! (It may be a little early, but one can only hope.) As winter goes on and on, it seems like a good time to look to the future and reflect on things. Take a few moments, relax, put your feet up, and think about ways you can improve your relationships with God first, people second, and yes, yourself third. Ask God to put an idea in your head; write it down and share it. Ideas come in many shapes and sizes. All the things we do here at Bakerstown started with an IDEA. Where do we get those ideas? From God! Simple. One day a Christian had an idea to start the Stephen Ministry program to help people who need a helping hand and a listening ear without being judged or criticized. Today there are Stephen Ministers all over the world! Please remember that we are here if you need us. Anything you say to a Stephen Minister is in confidence. To be in touch with a Stephen Minister, call Bob Joyce at 724-443-8379. Stephen Ministry “Dear Lord, open my mind and heart that I may use the ideas you give me to proclaim your glory and love.” Your friend in Christ, Pat Eversole page 5 Library News One of Our Best Kept Secrets Did you know we have a free Christian library in our lower Library level? When I say free, I mean no late fees! As a patron of our local library (where I have paid fines up to $50 in late charges), this is a refreshing change. Also, the books in our Bakerstown library are not always found in the secular local libraries. Our library holds quite a variety of books ranging from parenting, devotions, Christian inspiration and Christian guidance, to name a few. Reading Christian literature is an excellent way to improve our relationship with God and others, because we can learn of people who have given up the plushness of their secular lives to serve Christ without regret. We can learn more about the meaning of the Living Word and how it applies to us and those around us. We can discover how to reach others who do not share our faith. I urge you go to downstairs, check out the library in the Heritage Room, and check out a book or two. Tell a friend about it! Let’s not keep this a secret! Mary Beth Pratt, Library Patron Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Children’s Ministry page 6 Children’s Ministry Fall Review Harvest Parade at Valencia Woods. A new event that was enjoyed by all! Thank you to all who helped to make the Live Nativity a celebration of the real meaning of Christmas in our Community! Children prepared 13 fruit baskets for needy families in our community for Thanksgiving. Other children prepared dinner boxes. 155 people volunteered! More than 900 people visited! What a blessing! Communion Preparation Workshop March 8, 15 & 22 from 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Looking ahead Spring Team: Feb. 1, 12:30 p.m. Colonial Room. Children’s Ministry teachers are invited to prepare for the Spring Quarter. A light lunch will be served. Childcare if requested in advance. Parent’s Night Out: Feb. 7, 4-8 p.m. Youth and adults prepare activities for children, infants to grade 5. Parents, make your plans for dinner, a movie, shopping, etc. Sign-ups will be taken. Fellowship at Valencia Woods: Feb. 15, 1:30-3:30 p.m. Everyone—all ages—invited! Our next visit will be March 15. Hope you can join us! Celebration of the Young Child: March 1. Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday, April 4, 10-11 a.m. Baking for Meals on Wheels: Sunday, April 19, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall. If anyone is baptized, he or she is invited to participate in the Sacrament of Communion. This includes children who have been baptized. Parents have the special responsibility to determine whether their children are at a point in their spiritual lives where they can participate in Communion. While it is obvious that children can demonstrate a level of trust in Jesus at a very young age, it is important that they be given an opportunity to grow into a deeper understanding of Communion as they develop intellectually, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. We will be offering Preparing for the Lord’s Table, a three-part workshop, which is designed to help parents and their children (within or near the age range of Grades 3-8) to grow into a deeper understanding of the Sacrament of Communion. Children who take the workshop will be invited to partake of the Sacrament of Communion on Maundy Thursday, April 2. Save the dates next summer! Summer Blast 2015 Age 4 - Grade 5, July 13-17, 2015; Summer Blast Sunday, July 19, 2015 Applications will be available on May 1, 2015. Register by June 10 to be guaranteed a t-shirt. Youth that have completed 6th grade as well as adults are encouraged to serve at Summer Blast Camp. Contact: Sandy Floyd, 724-443-1555 or [email protected]. Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving BAKERSTOWN CONNECTIONS Mission News / BPCC Mission Updates Pastor Dan shared the Christmas Story with preschoolers at the BPCC! 2015 Honduras Hope Mission—February 6-15 Thank you for your continued support of the Honduras Hope Mission. This year the 2015 Mission Team will be traveling to Honduras on your behalf, in order to provide medical, dental, vision, humanitarian and spiritual care in the town of La Villa de San Francisco, Honduras, as well as in four smaller rural communities of Suyapa, Suyate, Mira Valle, and el Bufalo. The team will also be hosting evangelistic worship services, distributing food, Bibles, children’s Bibles and personal care bags, emphasizing prevention efforts by providing 700 water filters and 1400 mosquito nets to families, conducting educational workshops on healthcare and spiritual topics, and doing personal visits with the Hope Families whom many of you support on a year-round basis. The team members are Neilly Buckalew, Sophia Fardo, Dan Grob, Alexandra Grob, Daniel Grob, Jr., Fred Gropp, Cyndi Gropp, John Gropp, Katy Kemp, Susan Kushner, Ellen Liebold, Cindy Potter, Rob Potter, Pauline Taylor-Raiff, Matt Rittle, Ned Salopek, and Gary Weston. Please keep all of the team members, as well as the folks in Honduras with whom they will meet, in your prayers. Thanks again, and God’s blessings to all of you. Hosanna Industries Dates in 2015: HI 5K Race & Walk at North Park: April 18 Mad Mex Shadyside Benefit Dinner: April 28 Spring Trap Shoot (11th Annual) at Northside Sportsmen’s Association: May 16 Golf Outing (18th Annual): Sept. 21 Peoples Gas Energy Conservation Program: Oct. 8 Autumn Trap Shoot (3rd Annual) at Northside Sportsmen’s Association: Oct. 17 Preaching Clinic at Hosanna Industries’ Morledge Chapel: Oct. 22 & 29, Nov. 5 & 12 Festival of Trees (4th Annual): Nov. 21 Christmas Gift Delivery Day: Dec. 12 Please help us keep our records up-to-date. Moving? Changing a phone number or e-mail? Please contact the church office to let us know. To Publicize Church Events. Newsletters Please submit articles by the 10th Bulletins Please submit articles by Tuesday. Pastoral Care Concerns. Please notify the church office immediately of hospitalizations, illnesses, a death in the family, and so on - we appreciate the information! page 7 Bakerstown Presbyterian Children’s Center (BPCC) A note from Director Emily Willard: "Love is patient, love is kind...." I Corinthians 13:4. It is always exciting for me to experience at our preschool the kindness that generates all around starting with our staff and moving right to the children. Our staff ministers many kind ways of "loving one another" the whole school year at BPCC. In February, it's a very busy place as we celebrate "Be Kind" week At BPCC, Jesus is our Valentine! by hosting the Easter Seals visit, "Disability Awareness" to our 3 - 5 year olds. We begin our 3rd and last outreach … our third annual, "Soles for Jesus!", collecting gently used or new shoes (sizes up to 12) for children in Africa. We hook up with Memorial Park Christian Preschool, add to their shoes, and they are shipped to Wisconsin to be sorted. Our outreach ends at the end of February, so bring your shoes to the front of the preschool to the collection box. Our preschool will be celebrating the Week of the Young Child at the end of February. The children will have an opportunity to sing for the congregation as we focus in on young children. Valentine's Day parties, Praise Time Music, art projects, Bible stories, & learning our letters and numbers are just a few more of the fun things that we have at BPCC. Registration for the 2015-16 school year is now open to the community. If you would like a registration form, please call the BPCC office or download one from the church’s website! Jesus loves you and so we do we at BPCC! Church website: For information: 724-443-5330 [email protected]. Emily Willard, Director Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving FEBRUARY 2015 NEWSLETTER Non-Profit Org. Nonprofit Standard Mail Permit #9 U.S. Postage Bakerstown, PA 15007 First Presbyterian Church of Bakerstown P.O. Box 127 Route 8 at Heckert Road Bakerstown, PA 15007 Phone: 724-443-1555 Internet: Sunday Schedule: 8:45 — 9:45 a.m. 10:00 — 10:50 a.m. 11:00 — 12:00 p.m. Contemporary Service Sunday School Choral Service “Whatever you love most, be it sports, pleasure, business or God, that is your god!” Upcoming Events . . . Middle School Lock-in—February 13-14, 8 p.m.-8 a.m. $10. Invite your friends. New York City High School Mission Trip—July 26-31. Get your $100 deposits in ASAP. Space is limited. The Senior High Lock-In on January 16-17 was a blast! Over 30 teens attended. To see how really cool this picture is, see the newsletter on the FPCB website,! Reaching . . . Growing . . . Serving Billy Graham
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P.O. Box 127, Route 8 at Heckert Road, Bakerstown PA 15007 Phone: 724-443-1555 Website:
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