February 2007 - Archdale United Methodist Church
February 2007 - Archdale United Methodist Church
ARCHDALE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PO BOX 4096 ARCHDALE NC 27263 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID HIGH POINT NC 27260 PERMIT NO 34 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 2007 Archdale United Methodist Church 11543 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 4096 Archdale, NC 27263 Website: www.archdaleumc.com WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 am Sunday Worship 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am Sunday Worship MINISTERS: The Congregation STAFF Pastor Dana A. McKim [email protected] Where We Were in January Date Offering Budget Amount Budget Amount Received Needed to Date Rec'd to Date Week # Sunday School Minister of Visitation Harold Shives (336) 434-6348 8:30 / 10:45 01/07/2007 $11,623.06 $7,474.34 $11,623.06 1 209 101/189 01/14/2007 $6,988.75 $14,948.68 $18,611.81 2 188 65/173 01/21/2007 $5,438.67 $22,423.02 $24,050.48 3 198 63/194 01/28/2007 $6,374.80 $29,897.36 $30,425.28 4 195 74/193 Director of Youth & Children's Ministries Pat H. McKim [email protected] Office Administrator Debbi Colón [email protected] Treasurer Gwen Taylor [email protected] DID YOU KNOW?? Giving to your church through your will is a good way to continue your support to your church beyond your lifetime. “Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.” - Kahlil Gibran Organist/Choir Director Cheryl Traylor [email protected] Pianist Denise Warren [email protected] Custodian Russ Carr [email protected] Office Phone: 336-431-7111 Parsonage Phone: 336-431-1929 Office Fax: 336-431-8661 E-Mail: [email protected] 1st ANNUAL ARCHDALE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH LEADERSHIP SUMMIT On Sunday February 11th from 2-4:30pm, we will share together in our first annual Leadership Summit. Everyone in the church is invited to attend this event. I am asking that the members of the following groups do all they can to be present at this event: Church Council, Trustees, Finance Committee, Endowment Committee, Staff-Parish Relations Committee, Lay Leadership Committee, Stephen Ministers and all members of the Nurture, Outreach and Witness program ministry areas. I would also like to encourage all Sunday School class Presidents, UMM and UMW Officers, as well as adult Sunday School teachers to attend. The last 3½ years have been a time of healing and introspection for AUMC. We have eliminated most non-essential programs, meetings, and ministries. We have “expanded our territory” with the acquisition of two new properties, dramatically increased our stewardship, seen new faces come into leadership in the church, turned our children and youth ministries in a new direction, and upgraded our outdated technology and communication systems. We now stand in a new place, ready for a new vision. AUMC has fulfilled and surpassed the vision once held by its members and pastoral leadership. Now we stand ready to seek out a new vision for ministry. It is time for us to do as Jesus once directed his disciples – to drop our nets on the other side of the boat. We need to learn how to fish differently and how to seek out God’s vision for Archdale United Methodist Church. For this reason, I have chosen to call this Leadership Summit. Our Summit will serve a number of vital purposes. That we might have a shared Biblical understanding of what it means to be the Church. That we might empower the leadership of the church to lead by Biblical principles. That we might come to an agreement on a Biblical way of making decisions Our time together will conclude by 4:30pm. I value your time tremendously and will do everything I can to honor your commitment to the ministry of our church through your gift of time by making the best use of it that day. Please prayerfully consider your participation in this Summit as we look ahead to God’s vision for our church. Dear Christian Friends, I was overwhelmed by the generous response of your church to buy solar powered radios to be distributed in Belize. We had placed an order on faith, payable in January and were still short of funds. Your $1700 check will enable us to fully pay for them. This was God’s timing! Praise be to Him and thanks be to you. Sincerely, Bob Parrish, Chair Ministry of the Son of God Dear Friends & Congregation: Thank you all for your prayers and thinking of me during my latest illness. God is good, He helped me back. Thanks to Pastor McKim for being in the area when I collapsed at home. Thanks to Minister Harold and Martha Shives for the many visits. I was able to see a dear friend, Kathy Brown came by. I wish you all a wonderful Yule season and most of all, thanks for wrapping your loving arms around my special son Earl, and his family, Kim, Connor, and Reagan. God Bless each and everyone. Margaret B. and Earl E. Davis, Sr. Dear AUMC: Dear Church Family, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for all of the love, joy, and support you have given me over the last ten years as your Director of Lay Ministry. You have blessed me with your actions and your willingness to make this church the most welcoming and active church that people can find. You are exceptional in the way you greet visitors and each other with warmth and a genuine concern for others’ well being. You exhibit the true Christian spirit and love through your hard work in multiple ministries. Each of you is truly a “Director of Lay Ministry” as you perform a variety of caring acts for members of the congregation and for others in the community. My prayer is that you will increase your efforts and continue your great work as I retire immediately as Director of Lay Ministry. Chronic illness necessitates this most difficult decision, yet I totally trust this is what the Lord would have me to do. When health allows, I will be worshiping with you on Sundays since you are “our church” and “our family.” I thank God and Archdale United Methodist Church for giving me this wonderful opportunity to serve both Him and you over the years. May God bless each of you and all you do. Thank you for everything! The desserts for the Christmas party, the gift cards, your funding, and your continued support of Guilford Interfaith. We are truly blessed by your generosity. Love, Michelle Cheek Dear Friends of the High Point Jail Ministry: Your donation of $200 to the High Point Jail Ministry is greatly appreciated. Support like yours is keeping this ministry alive. On behalf of the inmates, volunteers, my associate, and myself, I thank you. I hope that your support will continue in this new year as the ministry continues to try to meet the needs of those inmates who wish to change their lives. Sincerely, George B. Brice, Chaplain FEBRUARY 2007 Learn the warning signs of a heart attack (chest discomfort, discomfort of the upper body, shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness). Tuesday, February 13th: 13th 10:30am UMW Morning Circle, Wesley Room AUM C Student Sp otlight! 7:00pm UMW Evening Circle, Sharon Clodfelter, hostess, watch for location. Saturday, February 17th: 17th District Mission Study at Jordan Memorial UMC in Ramseur Happy New Year! The UMM invite all the men of the church to join them for breakfast on the 4th Sunday of the month. The next UMM Breakfast will be Sunday, February 25th at 7:30am in the Community Room. Our next Senior Lunch will be on Wednesday, February 21st in the Fellowship Hall. Come and join us for a great lunch, a special program and great fellowship! The nursery is in need of volunteers. If you are able to volunteer in the nursery during a worship service or during Sunday school, please contact Jen Foremsky at 475-4460. The Jeff Patterson Class will serve at Open Door Ministry on Sunday, February 12th. 02/01 02/02 02/02 02/02 02/03 02/04 02/04 02/05 02/07 02/07 02/07 02/08 02/08 02/08 02/09 02/09 02/09 02/10 02/10 02/11 Gene Hiatt Linda Haithcock Melinda Peele Stephanie Tickle Bo Paschal John Stewart Amy Sellers Kellie Coble Elizabeth Dorman Scott Miller Zachary Krepjs Carole Boyd Tina McKinney Connor Gardner Latisha Kish Karly Beck Madeline Work Ed Lawrence Sarah Blackman Beth Todd 02/11 02/11 02/12 02/13 02/15 02/16 02/16 02/16 02/16 02/17 02/18 02/18 02/18 02/19 02/20 02/20 02/20 02/21 02/21 Tips to being Heart Healthy Don’t Smoke, and if you do….quit. Aim for a healthy weight. Get moving, make a commitment to get more physically active. Eat for heart health, low saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol. Know your numbers, ask your doctor to check your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose. Congratulations! Connor Davis was named a Kid You Can Bank On through a program sponsored by Radio Disney (AM 1320) and BB&T Bank! Connor was honored at a party and received a $500 college saver Did you know… ⇒ Women who smoke are two to six times more likely to suffer a heart account. Connor is the son of Kim and Earl Davis. attack than non-smoking women. ⇒ Overweight and obesity cause may preventable deaths. Megan Cates made all A’s in her 2 high ⇒ 10 minutes, three times a day of vigorous movement can count for school honor classes as well as A’s in her “one” 30 minute activity. 2 college courses! Megan is a student at ⇒ High Point Hospital has a smoking cessation program if you are the Randolph Early College High willing! School. She is the daughter of Steve and Linda Cates. Interfaith Hospitality Week February 4th-11th If you have a key to the church and are no longer in need of it, please turn it in to Debbi Colón at the church office. Rachel Jackson Zachary Stafford Hugh Presswood Cameryn Walden Alex Sheeley Kathryn Hanes Nicholas Owens Spencer Mann Mia Fulcher Walter Liebscher Jennipher Swanner Sherry Greene Jake Foremsky Sharon Clodfelter David Warren Ann-Marie Smith Kenzie Mann Tim Kennedy Jessica Stevens 02/23 02/24 02/24 02/25 02/26 02/27 02/27 02/28 02/28 02/28 Nadine White Leon Reddeck Thomas Thomas Austin Roberts Elaine Talbert Myrion McCarrell Justin Rose J D Hill Gene Shaw Donald Rimmer We will have guests from Interfaith staying with us February 4th-11th. Volunteers are needed to help set-up rooms, cook, host, grocery shop, do laundry, and stay overnight. If you can help in any of these areas, please call Carolyn Lawrence (498-2105) or sign up on the sheet outside of the Wesley Room. 2007 Statistical Report On Consecration Sunday Results Please be sure to congratulate the following students for their achievements. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TURA! We wish a very happy birthday to the oldest member of AUMC, Ms. Tura Lowe. Tura turned 97 years young on January 27th! A total of 129 giving units (husbands and wives and children in the Cub Scout same households or single persons) completed Estimate of Giving Blue & Gold cards for the year. Banquet A total of $351,002 has been committed through Estimate of Giving cards to the Operating Budget / Expenses of AUMC. A total of $3,804 has been committed through Estimate of Giving cards Monday, February 26th to the Building Fund of AUMC. 6:30-8:00pm A total of $1,200 has been committed to COAT through the Estimate of Giving cards. The Cub Scouts will have their The 2007 General Operating Budget is $388,665.90 annual Blue & Gold banquet, Monday, February 26th in the **Thank you for your commitment to God’s work at AUMC through Fellowship Hall. This year your financial giving commitments for 2007. This is the best response we will have an Aloha theme! ever from the members of AUMC. Your commitment, unless you noted otherwise, should always be directed to the General Operating Budget/ Rainbow Painters Children’s Ministry at Archdale “….teach me to become like the first rainbow painter that I may pick up His brush and continue to show others the colors of His love….” Youth Ministry at Archdale United Methodist CrossEyed Sunday, February 4th Chilly Willy Sunday, February 4th We will meet at the church at 1:30pm to travel to the Jamestown YMCA to swim from 2-4pm. There is no cost, however, please call Pat to let her know you’re coming. J.O.Y. Kids Worship! begins Sunday, February 4th (during the 10:45am worship) If you are between 6-8 years old, don’t miss this really COOL way to learn about worship and have awesome fun! Come and learn about God in a whole new way! Senior High/Adult Summer Mission Team Information Meeting at 9:30am in the Wesley Room (rising 9th graders may attend). SUPER BOWL PARTY! February 4th We meet at the church at 5pm to go to The Cates! L I FT 0 7 Winter Youth Retreat, Lake Junaluska February 9-11 You received information in the mail. This will be an awesome retreat with a great speaker, band, our own house in the mountains and more! February 17th Ernie Spell (father of Don Spell) Leonard Dunlap (husband of Shelby Dunlap) Justin Cundiff (friend of The Lawrence Family) Harold Shively (friend of Barbara Harper) Memorials In memory of Doug Hamilton made by: Leslie & Carole Lowe Lyn & Sandi Beck In memory of Leonard Dunlap made by: UMW Evening Circle John & Beth Todd AH & Sylvia Passavant Bill & Betty Roach Donna Harrill Honorariums In honor of Donnie & Bobbie Finch’s 50th Wedding Anniversary made by: Hoyt & Kay Nichols Leslie & Carole Lowe Gayle Dowdy Larry & Maxine Sechrest In honor of Cheryl Traylor Made by: Donnie & Bobbie Finch In honor of Sumiko Robinson’s 70th Birthday made by: Bill & Betty Roach Winterjam at the Greensboro Coliseum. We’ll meet at the church at 4:30pm! Boys Chrysallis Flight Prayer Banquet, February 1717-19 Sunday February 18th @ 5pm. 5pm. Be in prayer for Chris Grimmett as he attends this Storyteller and singer Ed Kilbourne will be with us again. We’ll enjoy pizza and lasagna for supper! We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of: important meeting. Prayer Banquet, Sunday February 18th @ 5pm Why Ashes? On Ash Wednesday many pastors dip a finger or thumb in black ashes and make the form of a cross on the foreheads of worshipers. Many Christians keep the symbol on their head for the entire day. It is a reminder of one’s sorrow for one’s sins. It is a sign of humility and the need for forgiveness. Also, the cross on the forehead reminds us of the death of Christ for the forgiveness of our sins. Ash Wednesday service, February 21st, 7pm. Please pray for our Shut-Ins: Mrs. Stacey Griffith, Mrs. Susie Knotts, Mrs. Mildred Giles, Ms. Virginia Bryant, Mrs. Mary Lee Hill, Mrs. Annie Loflin, Mrs. Lucille Lowder , Mrs. Tura Lowe, Mrs. Thelma Rimmer, Mrs. Kay Sheridan, Mrs. Pika Winslow, Ms. Susan Forrester, Ms. Ollie Bouldin, Ms. Betty Mallow, Ms. Carol Thompson (friends of Kay Sheridan). Prayer Banquet @ 5pm with Ed Kilbourne Please pray for our deployed troops, their families, and our nation. Sunday, February 25th “Pick a Path” Avalanche Ranch VBS! July 30-August 3. Coming to vacation bible school this summer! Watch for upcoming announcements! Praise band and wild games followed by the beginning of the Mid-High confirmations. then.. Senior-High’s and Parents Questions???? How to chose a college, financial aid, what’s the next step. We’ll get a chance to speak with Ann Conover from Pfeiffer University. Kyra Maillord - US Navy, Afghanistan (friend of the Holthams) Courtney Gentry - US Air Force , Italy (son of Charles & Marsha Gentry) William Meyer - US Marines, (friend of Pat McKim) Richard Ivy - US Military, Iraq (grandson of Lewis & Rachel Stroud) David Boyd - US Navy, Japan, (son of Andy & Carole Boyd) Dustin Bundy - US Military, Iraq (friend of Wanda Stutts) Jana Soule - US Army, Iraq (granddaughter of Larry & Ailene Soule) Todd Furr - US Military, Iraq (Carol Hankins brother)
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Thank you for all of your thoughts, prayers, and support to our family.
Matt McKim
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PO BOX 4096