WORSHIP May 18, 2014 T O D AY Volume 1 | Issue 11 | 9 & 11 a.m. Worship Services | 5th Sunday of Easter Leave a Legacy We’ll carry on. We’ll carry on the hope, the dream. Stand strong, keep singing your song of the redeemed. Carry on, don’t give up yet . . . Don’t give up yet. Life has just begun and you’re not the only one. Together we’ll make a change, and leave a legacy. Excerpts from the lyrics of Leave a Legacy by Chris Chism What will your legacy be? INSIDE A Note from Jim Order of Worship Interview: Chris Chism Pride Prom 2014 Cathedral Academy Harvey Milk 2014 WELCOME! STAFF A Note from Jim Dear Friends, Rev. Jim Mitulski Interim Senior Pastor [email protected] Harvey Milk would have been 84 this birthday. His life—and his death—left indelible marks on me, a college student in 1978, coming to terms with how God created me and contemplating what difference I could make in the world, a difference like the legacy of Harvey Milk. Rev. Dr. Katherine Godby Assoc. Pastor for Spiritual Life [email protected] Rev. Shelley Hamilton Assoc. Pastor for Social Services [email protected] “Because it’s not about personal gain, not about ego, not about power... it’s about the “us’s” out there. Not only gays, but the Blacks, the Asians, the disabled, the seniors, the us’s. Without hope, the us’s give up. I know you cannot live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living. So you, and you, and you... You gotta give em’ hope... you gotta give em’ hope.” On Thursday, people across the globe will celebrate Harvey Milk Day by remembering his devotion to justice, equality and civil rights. At 8 p.m. on May 22, Hope for Peace & Justice (H4PJ.org) will sponsor the Dallas celebration at the Legacy of Love Monument. Rev. Todd Scoggins Assoc. Pastor for Congregational Life [email protected] I will have the privilege of speaking along with SMU Women’s & Gender Studies student Sammi Partida, who has been working diligently with LGBT students and other allies to obtain an LGBT seat on the SMU Student Senate. Sean Baugh Assoc. Director of Music & Worship [email protected] The evening will also feature a musical performance by Chris Chism, an excerpt from the October 2014 H4PJ production of “Dear Harvey,” and a spoken word performance by local activist Meg Hargis. Following these events, a candlelight march for justice will begin down Cedar Springs—led by out SMU students and members of the Resource Center Dallas Grey Pride. Afterward, everyone is invited to a birthday celebration—complete with cake and ice cream—upstairs at Sue Ellen’s. Chris Chism Assist. Director of Music & Worship [email protected] To worship at Cathedral of Hope, a congregation of the United Church of Christ. Your presence here is a blessing and we hope you will return often. Cathedral of Hope began in 1970 with a circle of 12 friends and has since grown into the world’s largest liberal Christian church with a primary outreach to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning people. •The VISION of Cathedral of Hope is to be a community of hope proclaiming God’s inclusive love, removing barriers to faith and empowering all people to grow in grace toward wholeness. •The MISSION of Cathedral of Hope is to reclaim Christianity as a faith of Extravagant Grace, Radical Inclusion and Relentless Compassion. Notes for Newcomers Restrooms are located near the double glass doors behind the Sanctuary. Private restrooms are available off the hall to the right of the Hall of Heroes area. For more information about the church, please come to the Ministry & Visitor’s Center located next to Sources of Hope bookstore. Our worship services are recorded for broadcast around the country. We make every effort to respect your privacy. However, if you would like to ensure that you are not seen on screen, please sit in one of the last five rows of pews in the center section. Large-print bulletins and assisted listening systems are available in the bookstore. H O P E Quotes “My partner and I had an incredible day Sunday morning can’t wait to go back [to CoH].” — D. D., Dallas Dr. Alberto Magana Minister for Congregación Latina [email protected] Rev. Dr. Stephen V. Sprinkle Theologian in Residence [email protected] Lee Covington Exec. Assistant to the Senior Pastor [email protected] Harvey Bernard Milk (May 22, 1930 – November 27, 1978) was an American politician who became the first openly gay person to be elected to public office in California when he won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Dan Dubree Executive Director [email protected] I do remember hearing of Milk’s death. I was in a movie theater in Greenwich Village and they announced it first as unconfirmed rumor. It was so shocking. I still can remember the feeling of helplessness and fear. Anita L. Haddy Coordinator for Ministry Development [email protected] But, Milk showed us what one person, standing up loudly and clearly, against a fierce societal fear and prejudice can accomplish. Jerry King Director of Media Ministry [email protected] Hope—the legacy of Harvey Milk. Love—the legacy of God. Put them together, you have us: Cathedral of Hope. I hope to see you on Thursday night. —Rev. Jim Mitulski, Interim Senior Pastor. Cover: An eclectic group of folks that share at least one thing: the legacy of working for a better world. L-R: Grethe Cammermeyer, Maya Angelou, David Peter Cradick (Kidd Kraddick), Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Harvey Milk. With Caroline Cradick and Chris Chism. Photo-illustration by Charles Owen. 2 Yadi Martinez Minister of Youth, Young Adults & Missions [email protected] David Moldenhauer Director of Music & Worship [email protected] Dan Peeler Minister for Children & Families [email protected] 5th Sunday of EASTER ifth Sunday Fifth Sunday of Easter of Easter M a y 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 | 9 & 1 1 a . m . | O r d e r o f Wo r s h i p MAY 18, 2014 ●M 9 AY & 11 18,A2014 .M. ●● 9 & 11 A AY A.M M. WORSHIP NOTES PREPARATION ITURGY OF OF PREPARATION REPARATION LITURGY PRELUDE RELUDE Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Christ Sing Is Alive! Alive! Let Let Christians Christians Sing Sing P Christ Is Setting by David Cherwien Insight into the various elements of our services Setting Setting by by David David Cherwien Cherwien David Moldenhauer, organist David David Moldenhauer, Moldenhauer, organist organist The Call OF THE COMMUNITY GATHERING ATHERING OF OF THE THE C COMMUNITY OMMUNITY G people know of George Rev. Dr. Katherine GodbyRev. Rev.Many Dr. Katherine Katherine Godby Dr. Godby Herbert(1593-1633) because of his popular and inspiring Christian IINTROIT The Call The NTROIT The Call Call hymns: Let All the World in Every Words by George Herbert (1593-1633) Words Words by by George George Herbert Herbert (1593-1633) (1593-1633) Corner Sing, Teach Me, My God Music by Z. Randall Stroope Music Music by by Z. Z. Randall Randall Stroope Stroope Sanctuary Choir and OrganSanctuary Choir and Organ and King, and King of Glory, Sanctuary Choir and Organ King of Peace. These hymns repCome, my Way, my Truth,Come, Come, my Life: my Way, Way, my my Truth, Truth, my my Life: Life: my resent just three of the poems Such a Way, as gives us breath, Such aa Way, Way, as as gives gives us us breath, breath, Such from his much-admired collection Such a Truth, as ends all strife, Such aa Truth, Truth, as as ends ends all all strife, strife, Such The Temple. From a young age, Such a Life, as conquers death. Such aa Life, Life, as as conquers conquers death. death. Such Herbert wrote religious poetry, and for many students of English Come, my Light, my Feast,Come, my Strength: my Come, my Light, Light, my my Feast, Feast, my my Strength: Strength: Literature he is the finest devoSuch a Light, as shows a feast, Such Such aa Light, Light, as as shows shows aa feast, feast, tional poet, whose work has wide Such a Feast, as mends in length, Such aa Feast, Feast, as as mends mends in in length, length, Such appeal to those both inside and outSuch a Strength, as makes Such the guest. aa Strength, Such Strength, as as makes makes the the guest. guest. side the Anglican Church and the Come, my Joy, my Love, my Come, Heart: my Joy, my Love, my Heart: Christian faith. The Call, a short Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart: poem from The Temple, first pubSuch a Joy, as none can move, Such aa Joy, Joy, as as none none can can move, move, Such lished in 1633, is simple and direct. Such a Love, as none can part, Such Such aa Love, Love, as as none none can can part, part, It is almost completely composed Such a Heart, as joys in love. Such Such aa Heart, Heart, as as joys joys in in love. love. of words of one syllable. Allusions Come, my Joy, my Love, my Come, Heart. my Joy, Joy, my my Love, Love, my my Heart. Heart. Come, my to the Old and New testaments, as Come, my Way, my Truth,Come, my Life. my Way, my Truth, my Life. well as to the Church of England Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life. liturgy, abound in Herbert’s poetry. In this poem there are references to E DAY P PRAYER RAYER OF OF THE THE D DAY AY John 14:6, where Jesus is described us pray. One: Let us pray. One: Let us pray. continued next page rnal God, whom All: Eternal to know God, is everlasting whom to All: truly Eternal God, whom truly trulylife: to know know is is everlasting everlasting life: life: nt us so perfectly toGrant Grant knowus usyour so perfectly perfectly Son Jesus toChrist know to your be Son Son the way, Jesusthe Christ truth, to and be the the theway, way, life, the the truth, truth, and and the the life, life, so to know your Jesus Christ to be we may steadfastlythat follow we his may steps steadfastly in the way follow that his leads steps to in eternal the way life; that leads to eternal life; that we may steadfastly follow his steps in the way that leads to eternal life; ough Jesus Christ, your through Son, our Jesus Lord, Christ, whoyour livesSon, andour reigns Lord, with who you, lives through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and and reigns reigns with with you, you, he unity of the Holyin Spirit, the unity one God, of the forever Holy Spirit, and ever. one Amen. God, forever and ever. Amen. in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. OF PEACE**E **EXCHANGE XCHANGE OF OF P PEACE EACE **The people will rise in body **Theorpeople people spirit.will will rise rise in in body body or or spirit. spirit. **The In consideration of those seated around you, PLEASE, No Flash Photography or Video Recording during the service, and PLEASE, Turn Off Your Cell Phone! Thank you. 5910 Cedar Springs Rd | Dallas, TX 75235 | 214-351-1901 | cathedralofhope.com | Hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mon-Thurs Hope UCC • 5910 Cathedral Cedar Springs of Road UCC •• Dallas, 5910 TX 75235 Springs • 214-351-1901 Road • www.cathedralofhope.com TX Cathedral of Hope Hope UCC • 5910 Cedar Cedar Springs Road • • Dallas, Dallas, TX 75235 75235 • • 214-351-1901 214-351-1901 • • www.cathedralofhope.com www.cathedralofhope.com WORSHIP **PROCESSIONAL HYMN Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing **PROCESSIONAL HYMN Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing NOTES Insight into the various elements of our services continued from page 3 as “the way, the truth and the life,” and to Revelation 22:26: “come, Lord Jesus..” Come is the call of the poet to God, but it is also the response of the poet to a call from God. This poem has been set to music many times, most notably by British composer Ralph Vaughan Williams in his Five Mystical Songs. Today we hear a setting for choir and organ by American composer, conductor and lecturer Z. Randall Stroope, Director of Choral and Vocal Studies at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and sing the congregational version of the setting by Vaughan Williams (1872-1926). Words by Brian Wren © Hope Publishing House Music: T. Williams, Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 OneLicense.net Words by Brian Wren © Hope Publishing House License #A-705445 Music: T. Williams, Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789 OneLicense.net License #A-705445 LITURGY OF THE WORD LITURGY OF THE WORD MODERN LESSON from “Political Will,” by Harvey Milk TRURO TRURO La Hun MODERN LESSON from “Political Will,” by Harvey Milk I would hope there are no services of any La Hunter-Smith I hope there are no religious services. type, but I know some p that services. and you Ican’t prevent it from butany God, nothing religious. the I hope there are no into religious would hope there are happening, no services of type, but I know some Until people arechurches against the Anita Bryants who have been playing gymnastics with the Bible, the churches which remai into that and you can’t prevent it from happening, but God, nothing religious. Until the churches speak out have the guts to speak out in the name of Judaism or Christianity or whatever they profess to be for in w against the Anita Bryants who have been playing gymnastics with the Bible, the churches which remain so quiet not actions and deeds, God—and that’s the irony, God—churches don’t even know what it’s about. Iw have the guts to speak out in the name of Judaism or Christianity or whatever they profess to be for in words but over in my grave if there was any kind of religious ceremony. And it’s not a disbelief in God—it’s a dis not actions and deeds, God—and that’s the irony, God—churches don’t even know what it’s about. I would turn disgust of what most churches are about. How many leaders got up in their pulpits and went to Miami over in my grave if there was any kind of religious ceremony. And it’s not a disbelief in God—it’s a disbelief and “Anita, you’re gymnastics with thegot Bible—you’re desecrating the Bible.” Howand many of them sai disgust of what most churches areplaying about. How many leaders up in their pulpits and went to Miami said, many of them hid and away? Ducked theirthe heads in the name ofof Christianity and talked about “Anita, you’re playing gymnastics with thewalked Bible—you’re desecrating Bible.” How many them said it? How brotherhood. many of them hid and walked away? Ducked their heads in the name of Christianity and talked about love and brotherhood. No services whatsoever. If anything, play that tape of Briggs and I, which is somewhere in the cabi back—the file cabinet. of and Briggs and I over and over again peopleincan No services whatsoever. If anything, playJust thatplay tapethat of tape Briggs I, which is somewhere in the so cabinet theknow wh man he is. So people know what our Hitler is like. So they know what the future will bring if they’re not back—the file cabinet. Just play that tape of Briggs and I over and over again so people can know what an evil man he is. So people know what Hitler is like. what the to future will bring if they’re not careful. And that’s allour I ask. That’s all. ISo askthey for know the movement continue, for the movement to grow because la got a phone call from Altoona, Pennsylvania, and my election gave somebody else, one moreI person, h And that’s all I ask. That’s all. I ask for the movement to continue, for the movement to grow because last week, after all it’s what this is all and about. not about gain, notone about ego, not about abo got a phone call from Altoona, Pennsylvania, myIt’s election gavepersonal somebody else, more person, hope.power—it’s And those young people outabout therepersonal in the Altoona, Pennsylvania’s hope. You gotta give about them hope. after all it’s what this is all about. It’s not gain, not about ego, not about power—it’s giving those young people out there in the Altoona, Pennsylvania’s hope. You gotta give them hope. 2 2 4 CANTICLE Christ Goes Before Words by Jaroslav J. Vajda Music by Carl Schalk © G.I.A. Publications, Inc OneLicense.net License #A-705445 RIVERSIDE Where is that Way we near despaired of finding: the way that comes from God and leads to God, the realm where God is love and love is King, a whole new order for a world astray? Who wants to live where there’s no love like this? Is this the Kingdom we are ready for and desperate to find? Refrain Where is that Truth we near despaired of knowing: the truth that comes from God and leads to God, the power to set us free, the power to change, that faces Pilate and the cross and wins? Who wants to live where there’s no peace like this? Is this the Power we are ready for and desperate to know? Refrain Where is that Life we near despaired of having: the life that comes from God and leads to God, the hope of glory only Christ can give, that shatters death and grief with Easter joy? Who wants to live where there’s no joy like this? Is this the Glory we are ready for and desperate to have? Refrain SACRAMENT OF HOLY BAPTISM (9 A.M.) Jossylin Aliyahna Trejo COMMUNITY PRAYER **GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Choir: Rev. Jim Mitulski Celtic Alleluia Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia! Insight into the various elements of our services All: Choir: WORSHIP NOTES Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing p.4 The Word of God is alive. The Word of God is still speaking. Come and open your hearts and minds to the voice of God! All: Words and Music by Fintan O’Carroll and Christopher Walker, adapted © Fintan O’Carrol and Christopher Walker OneLicense.net License #A-705445 5 Our Processional Hymn, Christ is alive! Let Christians Sing, was written in response to the assassination of Martin Luther King in 1968. Brian Wren enthusiastically reclaims Easter as a contemporary, relevant event – not a story “bound to distant years in Palestine, but saving, healing, here and now.” The fourth verse that we sing this morning is especially appropriate today because of its references to “the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” echoed in our Gospel Lesson. Brian Wren (b. 1936) is an internationally published hymn-poet whose work appears in hymnals from all denominations and traditions. Ordained in Britain’s United Reformed Church, he lives in Decatur, Georgia. The hymn tune, TRURO, is an anonymous tune, first published in Thomas Williams’s Psalmodia Evangelica, (1789). The tune is named for an ancient city in Cornwall, England,3 famous for its cathedral and pottery. **GOSPEL LESSON John 14: 1-14 One: All: One: All: Rev. Todd Scoggins God be with you. And also with you. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to John. Glory to you, O God. Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Abba’s house there are many dwelling places. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. And you know the way to the place where I am going.” Thomas replied, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to Abba God except through me. If you know me, you will know my Abba also. From now on, you know God and have seen God.” Philip said to Jesus, “Lord, show us God, and we will be satisfied.” Jesus replied, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and you still do not know me? Whoever has seen me has seen God. How can you say, ‘Show us God’? Do you not believe that I am in God and God is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own; but it is God, living in me, who is accomplishing these works. Believe me that I am in God and God is in me; but if you do not, then believe me because of the works themselves. Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these, because I am going to God. I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that God may be glorified in me.” One: All: This is the Gospel of Hope. Praise to you, Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit. **GOSPEL RESPONSE Celtic Alleluia Words and Music by Fintan O’Carroll and Christopher Walker, adapted © Fintan O’Carrol and Christopher Walker OneLicense.net License #A-705445 SERMON Rev. Jim Mitulski 4 6 **HYMN OF RESPONSE ESPONSE **HYMN OF RESPONSE The Call The Call The Call Words by George Herbert, 1633, alt. Music by Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1911 by George Herbert, 1633, alt. Words by George License Herbert, #A-705445 1633, alt. OneLicense.net y Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1911 Music by Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1911 ense.net License #A-705445 OneLicense.net License #A-705445 THE CALL THE CALL THE CALL WORSHIP NOTES Insight into the various elements of our services LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST THELE ITURGY UCHARIST OF THE EUCHARIST Rev. Shelley Hamilton Christ Goes Before p.5 Rev. Shelley Hamilton Rev. OurShelley Canticle Hamilton this morning was commissioned by Ascension Lutheran and Music by Chris Chism Y OFFERTORY Leave a Legacy Words Leave a Legacy Church, Riverside Illinois, for Seanby Baugh Words and Music by Chris Chism Words andarr. Music Chris Chism Chrisarr. Chism Orchestra their 50th anniversary. The words, arr. Sean Baugh Seanand Baugh by Jaroslav Vajda (1919-2008), Chris Chism and Orchestra Chris Chism and Orchestra explore the images of “the Way, the WORDS OF INSTITUTION Truth, the Life,” set forth in today’s STITUTION WORDS OF INSTITUTION Gospel. The composer of the hymn PRAYER OF CONSECRATION tune, Dr. Carl Schalk (born 1929), NSECRATION PRAYER OF CONSECRATION is a noted Lutheran composer, INVITATION TO THE FEAST author, and lecturer. Between 1965 O THE FIEAST NVITATION TO THE FEAST and 2004 he taught church music DISTRIBUTION OF THE ELEMENTS at Concordia University Chicago. N OF THEDEISTRIBUTION LEMENTS OF THE ELEMENTS During this time he guided the development of the university’s TO OUR GUESTS Master of Church Music degree. Cathedral Hope celebrates an open communion. Schalk was a member of the InterTO OUR of GUESTS TO OUR GUESTS We understand the sharing of the bread cupcelebrates inWe Jesus’ name tothe be a representation of an ancient vision ofofGod’s Cathedral of Hope celebrates an Cathedral open and communion. ofthe Hope understand an open communion. sharing of the We understand the sharing the Lutheran Commission on Worship, feast fora all peoples. We don’t require youoftoGod’s be a member of thisvision church, or any bread and the cup in Jesus’ name to be representation of name an ancient bread and the cup in Jesus’ to be vision a representation of an ancient of God’s which produced the Lutheran Book church, to participate with us in this feast of grace. Simply come forward at the feast for all peoples. We don’t require you to be a We member this church, feast for all peoples. don’t ofrequire you to or beany a member of this church, or any of Worship in 1978, and the editor ushers’ direction. After dipping a wafer in the cup, the minister will place it on your church, to participate with us church, in this feast of grace.with Simply forward at the Simply come forward at the to participate us in come this feast of grace. tongue and offer a brief blessing. If place you to serve yourself, your hands of the journal Church Music from ushers’ direction. After dippingushers’ a wafer in the cup, thedipping minister it on your direction. After a will wafer in prefer the cup, the minister willcup place it on yourin front you as you come to receiveIfcup communion. 1966 to 1980. The Sanctuary Choir tongue and offer a brief blessing. If of you prefer serveblessing. yourself, hands in yourself, cup your hands in tongue and offer atobrief youyour prefer to serve front of you as you come to receive front communion. of you as you come to receive communion. and soloists shared Schalk’s setting of The Passion According to St. John at our Palm Sunday services this year. PRESENTATION OF OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS N OF OUR PRESENTATION TITHES AND O OF FFERINGS OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS Leave a Legacy OFFERTORY 7 5 5 5 MUSIC DURING COMMUNION A Promise Through the Ages Rings Words by Alicia S. Carpenter; Music by Severus Gastorius, c. 1675 OneLicense.net License # A-705445 TO OUR GUESTS It has become a tradition at the Cathedral of Hope to rise as we end our time of communion (as indicated by **), join hands as an expression of our unity in Christ, and lift them up in glory to God. We invite you to join as you are able, in body or spirit. WAS GOTT THUT We Fall Down We fall down, we lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus; The greatness of mercy and love at the feet of Jesus. And we cry, “Holy, holy, holy.” And we cry, “Holy, holy, holy.” And we cry, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lamb.” Words and Music by Chris Tomlin © worshiptogether.com Songs CCLI License #123333 Because You Live Because you live I can face tomorrow. Because you live all fear is gone. Because I know you hold the future, and life is worth the living just because you live. Words and Music by Bill and Gloria Gaither, adapted © William Gaither CCLI License #123333 The Anthem Our God is risen, Jesus is alive! God won the victory, Jesus reigns on high! Hallelujah! You have won the victory. Hallelujah! You have won it all for me. Death could not hold you down. You are the risen Lord. Seated in majesty. You are the risen Lord! (**Repeat Refrain) Words and Music by Joth Hunt, Henry Seeley, and Liz Webber © Planetshaker Music OneLicense.net License #A-705445 **PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING 6 8 **RECESSIONAL HYMN For the Earth Forever Turning Words and Music by Kim Oler © Boosey & Hawkes, Inc. OneLicense.net License # A-705445 BLUE-GREEN HILLS OF EARTH **BENEDICTION POSTLUDE Time of Prayer After the service, caring ministers will be in the chapel area to offer you personal prayer for healing and comfort. Time of Fellowship Please join us for refreshments after the service in the Fellowship Hall. 7 9 News May 18, 2014 BRIEFS Four Questions with Chris Chism Why this concert and why now? W e are to carry out God’s legacy of loving a broken and hurting world. My partner, Jon, and I have a daughter, Chelsea, who is a special needs child, with cerebral palsy and congenital heart disease. Our family was selected this past November to attend the Kidd’s Kids trip to Walt Disney world with 50 other families of special needs or terminally ill children. It was the trip of a lifetime. We have been trying to think of what we could do in a big way to give back to this amazing cause. When planning for this CoH Music for Hope event, we began to think, “What if we could team with Kidd’s Kids to benefit both?” This church and music ministry means so much to me. It has given me a platform to follow my passion of reaching people through worship, and it has provided us a family and a place to call home. It is vital for us, as a diverse community, to find ways to integrate ourselves with the rest of the world. What better way for us to bridge the gap than to align ourselves with other positive organizations outside our neighborhood that carry the purpose of changing lives? What can those who attend expect? You can expect to see many worlds collide on one stage in a very unique way. My band is made up of some of our PULSE service Wednesday night team and meshed with longtime musician friends of mine who are breaking through boundaries of religion and coming to support the concert. You can also expect some of the most talented singers in Dallas performing everything from Top 40 to musical ballads. Denise Lee, Gary Floyd, Mel Arizpe and Dakri Brown Music for Hope presents.... a night of inspirational music performed by Chris Chism along with some of Dallas’ most talented artists, including Caroline C. Cradick, the daughter of the late Kidd Kraddick. This special night will benefit Music for Hope and Kidd’s Kids, as we do our part to carry on the legacy of love. Other special guests will include Gary Floyd, Denise Lee, Mel Arizpe and Dakri Brown. will all be performing individually and coming together for a collaborative performance for the finale. You can also expect to see the passionate Voices of Hope taking us to church for a few songs, and showing the world what our worship looks like. Caroline Cradick, the daughter of the late Kid Kraddick will be performing an original song of mine called “Stronger” with me, which was just completed a few weeks ago. Kellie Rasberry from 106.1 FM has made mention of attending with Caroline as well, and will more than likely be speaking. Why is music so important to you? darkest seasons of life. I can look back on some days when music was the only friend I had and the only tool I could use to express what I was going through. If one person is touched or changed by something I can sing into the atmosphere, it was worth it all. One of the songs I wrote and will be performing says, “Don’t hide away in the background, somebody needs to hear your sound,” and I feel that music is my sound that connects me to the world and back to heaven. What are you going to do for an encore event? It is my plan to start working on an album to be completed early next year. I have also been invited to perform “Stronger” with Caroline Craddick at the annual Kidd’s Kids benefit concert in late August, which is usually attended by several thousand supporters. Do Not Adjust Your Set! The HD video images you will see on the screens during tonight’s Love’s Legacy concert are real. The HD cameras, on loan to us in support of Kidd’s Kids, provide viewers with a special treat and a preview of a long-desired dream of the CoH TV Ministry new HD cameras to replace our remaining older, standard definition cameras. This event has pushed me into the mode of creating music like I haven’t I have connected with music from as done in some time. It has also been a early as I can remember. Music has catalyst for taking things to the next kept me above water in some of the level in my writing and creativity. We are about $75,000 away from reaching the goal to do just that! 10 Thinking About Volunteering? Being a volunteer is a rewarding pursuit, but if you’re like the rest of us, it’s often hard to find that perfect fit, that volunteering environment where our talents, knowledge, and passions lie. Here are some areas where we are currently seeking volunteers: Jewelry Merchandiser Specialist Sources Bookstore seeks someone who can keep the jewelry displays fresh. When: Not more than once or twice a month for an hour or so. Time: Time is very flexible. New product arrival may require a little more time. Volunteers Needed: One Location: Sources Bookstore iCare Ministry iCare Ministry Team members distribute food from the CoH in-house food pantry. The teams consist of interviewers and bag-fillers. On-the-job training provided. If you’re bilingual (English/Spanish), we can definitely use your help, so contact us today! When: Weekly on Mondays and Wednesdays Time: 12:30–3:30 p.m. on Mondays; 9:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. on Wednesdays Party Sunday, June 8, 5 – 7 p.m., Fellowship Hall Volunteers Needed: Six. ach year, the Cathedral of Hope staff throws a party to thank and honor Location: CoH Fellowship Hall those who have been active in ministry during the past year. This year the party, with the theme “CoH Volunteers are STARS” will be on Pentecost Office Angel Ministry Sunday, June 8 from 5 - 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall, and we’ll be rolling The Office Angels are a dedicated group of volunteers who answer the teleout the Red Carpet to say THANKS. There will be food, fun and door prizes. phones here at the church. Flexible shift scheduling and training provided. Family members are invited to attend as well. When: Monday through Thursday when office is open; Sunday mornings and Ministry Appreciation E Stop by the Ministry Center Sundays and Wednesdays after services, between now and June 1 to pick up your FREE ticket so we know how many folks plan to attend and will have just the right amount of food and fun on hand. Bring your ticket to the party as they will be used for the door prize drawings. Contact Anita at [email protected] with any questions. Wednesday evenings Time: Shift times vary. Volunteers Needed: Six Location: Cathedral of Hope front office. Sign Interpreter New members are being sought for our sign interpreter team. ASL is preferred, but not required. Use your ability to make our worship service accessible and CoH Youth are seeking your help to support our Summer Events for 2014. meaningful for the deaf and hearing impaired members of our congregation. TODAY, CoH Youth will continue selling Shares of Stock in our Youth Ministry When: Sunday at 11 a.m. service. to finance our Summer programming and events, including our Mission Trip to Volunteers Needed: Two Location: Cathedral of Hope Sanctuary. Beaumont, TX. CoH Youth Stock Sale This effort offers each of us an opportunity to invest in the mission work, eduTV/Media Ministry cation and spiritual growth of our young people. Every dollar you give to our Multiple opportunities are available to help in the TV/Media Ministry. youth at Cathedral of Hope will be put to good use. You will empower them to Help with camera, sound, lights, graphics, set up/take down, miscellaneous serve, to learn and to grow closer to God. tasks. Training provided. When you purchase a share or multiple shares you will receive the following When: Throughout the week and special events. Time: Varies depending on schedule. benefits: Volunteers Needed: Twelve • A letter from our Summer Mission Trip work sites. Location: CoH Sanctuary or event venue. • An invitation to our Stockholders Dinner in late summer. At the To express interest in any of the above, simply print the ministry name in the Stockholders Dinner you will enjoy a meal, hear stories from our comments section of the registration pad. Be sure to include your contact infor youth about their experiences, and enjoy a visual presentation. mation so we can follow up with you. Or, contact Anita Haddy, Coordinator Our youth will be selling Stock Shares at a table in the Narthex today and on for Ministry Development, at [email protected] or 214-351-1901 May 11, 14, 18, 21 and 25. You can also contact Yadi Martinez or Rev. Mike ext.135. See page 14 for more about our ministries. Wright-Chapman at the church directly, 214-351-1901. You can invest in 2014 Women’s Ministry is Forming Now through the following types of shares: Did you attend the “Listening Session for Women” back on March 16 in the • Common Stock: $25/share Interfaith Peace Chapel? If so, please meet between worship services TODAY, • Preferred Stock: $75/share in the Hall of Heroes (through the double glass doors behind the main sanctu• Challenge Stock: $100/share ary) with our new Women’s Ministry Coordinators, Sherry Hilliard and Doris Ricks-Lankford. The purpose of this brief meeting will be to obtain contact Thank you for helping our youth information and set a date for another meeting. We are seeking 10 to 12 people put their faith into action. of varying ages and cultures to assist in guiding this new ministry. 11 NEXT Gray Pride Café Promotion Sunday Friday, May 30, 5-8 p.m. June 1, 11 a.m. only T Ministry in Action For the month of April, the following information was recorded: • 20 Ministry job assignments begun* On June 1, we will be celebrating • 38 Ministry groups reporting Promotion Sunday, when our fourth • 530 Volunteers participating grade children move up to our Pre• 5,614 Ministry hours reported Teen class, our Jr. High youth move • $119,915 Value of ministry hours provided up to our Sr. High youth group and our Sr. High youth who are graduating *These are not new ministries – this is people beginning new assignments. high school will be joining the Young Adults Ministry. Our children, youth South Central Conference Delegates Sought and young adults will be in the worship service that day. So many promo- Cathedral of Hope seeks members to attend, as voting delegates, the 51st Annual Meeting of the UCC South Central Conference from Friday, June tions to celebrate! At 10 a.m., our families with children 6 through Sunday, June 8, in Navasota, TX. For more information and to The band members include: Lo and youth who are being promoted express interest in becoming a delegate, contact Lee Covington by email at Vaughn-Wald, Carol Vaughn-Wald, are invited to a Promotion Sunday [email protected] or call 214-351-1901 x200. Cristie Roye, Ellen Gay and Cathy breakfast in CLC 107. If your child Covenant Keepers Brown. They will gift us with their is promoting to our Youth Ministry, unique blend of musical traditions uti- or your teen is graduating from Membership at Cathedral of Hope is not just an addition to the roster, but rathlizing voice and stringed instruments. high school, please contact Yadi at er a covenant to participation in the life of CoH. Because of this, we want to help you make a solid connection to the life and family of our great church. In Food and beverages will be served. [email protected]. order to do that, we have established a membership process called “Covenant All Gray Pride events are free – howKeepers.” We call it Covenant Keepers because we are asking individuals to ever – donations are appreciated. make, and continually grow, in covenant with God through church membership. Certain it’s going to be a great evening If you have questions, please contact Rev. Todd Scoggins, Associate Pastor for – if you haven’t attended one of our Congregational Life, or call the church office at 214-351-1901. programs yet – please feel encouraged to join us. For questions or additional Cathedral of Hope will confirm the next membership class on our 44th information contact Shelley Hamilton Anniversary - Sunday, July 27, 2014. If you are interested in becoming a at [email protected] or member of CoH and want to know more about the history and ministries of 214-821-4501. our great church, please join us for our informative and inspiring Covenant Class which is offered in two sessions. We ask that you attend Are you graduating? Keepers Attention All Clergy both sessions on whichever day works best for you! Online registration at If you are clergy (retired, servSunday, June 1, 11 a.m. only www2.cathedralofhope.com/church-membership will be available soon. ing as chaplain, etc.) please join the On June 1, we will be celebrating SESSION 1 SESSION 2 CoH clergy staff for an informal Promotion Sunday. Are you celebrat- Sunday, July 13, 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Sunday, July 20, 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. conversation on Sunday, June 1, ing a graduation from school, colimmediately following the 11 a.m. OR OR lege or university? We would like to worship service. No set agenda. honor you! Please contact Yadi at Tuesday, July 15, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 22, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. We’d just like to get to know you [email protected]. better, listen to your suggestions, Congregational Life Center (CLC) Chapel affirmations, and feedback. Lunch (Childcare is available for all classes) is included ($10, please). We’ll meet in the IPC, downstairs Conference Room A-B. Please RSVP by Sunday, May 25 to Katherine Godby, [email protected]. See you then! he “Old School All Girl Band” bring their gifts, music and good humor to Gray Pride Café for the second time. The band - led by Lo Vaughn & Carol Wald will be our featured program, Friday, May 30, 2014. - “Old School” is a newly formed band. They play mostly folk music and have a few original songs they like to share. All band members are over 30(Old), all are teachers or have been (School). Circle Bible Study David— Seeking God’s Heart Sundays, 9:15 a.m.CLC 106 Adulterer, Murderer, Warrior, King... yet he is called a man after God’s own heart. Join us as we explore the life of David. From a shepherd boy in Bethlehem to reigning as God’s chosen king of Israel, we will examine how David’s life mirrors our own and how we too can have the heart of God in every circumstance we encounter. Sermon Series Continues This Wednesday, May 21 Pride Prom 2014—Friday, June 20, IPC, 7 p.m. LAST CALL TO SIGN UP! Free Rapid HIV Testing klklklkl For an appointment, call Southwestern Medical Center at 214-645-7300. Also offered on Sundays between CoH Youth Ministry is reaching out to members of the 9 and 11 a.m. services in the IPC our congregation one last time to make this memorable night a reality for all of lower level room C. our young friends out in the DFW area. We are seeking chaperones, decorators, No appointment required for make up, hair and nail artists willing to donate their time and services to youth Sunday testings. who might not be able to afford or feel comfortable going elsewhere for help. Prayer Requests and Pastoral Care We are seeking chaperones; please be specific regarding your availability when contacting us. Our Prom celebration is from 7 p.m. to midnight. You’re welcome to stay the entire night! However, for those who would like to assist for a few hours, we have set up shifts. First Shift: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.; Second Shift: 8 p.m. – midnight; Third Shift: After party breakfast will be held at the Youth First Center until 2 a.m. We will complete our night with a CoH Sr. High Youth only lock in at Cathedral of Hope. If you know anyone who has been hospitalized, or is ill at home, and would like to be included on the church prayer list, send the request to [email protected] or We are seeking decorators and set up crew. Our theme is Masquerade online at www.cathedralofhope.com/ (Victorian, not Mardi Gras), Colors: Black, Gold, Silver, Violet, and Bronze. contact-forms/prayer-request. Decorations: tulle on tables, gothic/Victorian style, feathers, beads, LED tea If you know of someone in need lights, etc. of pastoral contact, please A call out to artists! Some of our area youth in the DFW do not have the abil- notify Rev. Todd Scoggins by ity to pay for services for hair or make up. Some are not comfortable going to a phone at 214.351.1901 or salon for fear of intimidation or ridicule. We would like to set up an area on the [email protected]. lower level of the IPC for our young friends to come and be pampered before Prom. Tr i b u t e s In memory of Lillie Ayers By Lamond Ayers In memory of Grace Duke By Dawnetta Miller & Blue Martinez In memory of Wanda Mokry By Jeff Mokry & John Michael Scurio In memory of Jimmy Smith & Matt Vega By Ed Trimble In honor of Bruce Ackerman & Stan Feaster’s marriage By Harry Thompson In honor of Phyllis Scurio By Jeff Mokry & John Michael Scurio To make an honorary or memorial gift, please contact Tom Martin at [email protected] or 214.351.1901 x210, or use the envelope in the pew rack. klklklkl D o you remember your Prom? On Friday, June 20 from 7 p.m. to midnight, Cathedral of Hope will be co-sponsoring “Pride Prom” with Youth First of Resource Center Dallas. Pride Prom was originally created as a second-chance prom for those who couldn’t bring their desired date to their prom in High School. Cathedral of Hope will be opening the doors to all of our young youths in the DFW area from the ages of 13-22. Offered on the first and third Wednesdays (appointment required) each month here at the church. qrqrqrqrqrqr If you are available and can help us out, please meet Yadi on June 1 in the Youth room, CLC 107 at 12:30 p.m. We will have a brief meeting to meet everyone who will be participating in making this Prom a memorable one for our DFW Greening Tip young friends. All of our chaperones must be over the age of 25 and able to pass a background check. On this day, Anita Haddy will have background packets We can reduce, reuse and recycle all we like, but if we can’t get our children on board, it will be for nothing. Be good role model and that will need to be completed. If you would like to help us, but you can’t physically participate, we welcome assistance with refreshments and appetizers! If you are interested in participating in any way please contact Yadi Martinez at [email protected]. It Always Seems Impossible Until It’s Done Here are brilliant, invaluable words we can all use about striving, not coping inspiring insights on making it, pushing the boundaries, going the extra mile, succeeding against the (apparent) odds. Sources ranging from Michelangelo to Muhammed Ali, Rumi to Rachel Maddow give their best, most hard-won advice for hanging in there, going the extra mile, and never letting them get you down. It’s news we all need, and the perfect gift for people graduating, starting new jobs, or just looking for a reminder that challenges and hard work pay off. If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are? —T.S. Eliot encourage the children in your lives to care for their own future. qrqrqrqrqrqr Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. —Albert Einstein Hard work pays off. I am so annoyed at my father for being right about that. —Lena Dunham New Angels We have a new selection of angels from 4” to 24” in silver or cast iron — some have a bell; some can accommodate a tea light candle. The small ones make wonderful gifts especially to those who may be indisposed. ($5.50 $74.00) The cast iron angels are indoor or outdoor angels. ($90 - $99.95) 13 ACADEMY for Life & Learning I Introducing: Cathedral Academy for Life and Learning n response to God’s Eastertide call to offer something new and stimulating in this Season of Resurrections, we are cracking the mold of offering classes and activities exclusively on Wednesday nights. The Cathedral Academy for Life and Learning (CALL) is now extending opportunities for you to answer your own CALL on multiple evenings each week as well as some Saturday afternoon movie excursions. The classes will be facilitated by church staff and members of the congregation who are experts in each field. Some of the classes and events being offered so far are: • A CALL to Community (Social Activities) • A CALL to Know Who We Are (Congregational Identity) • A CALL to Create (Arts and Decor) • A CALL to Center (Theological and Bible Studies) • A CALL to Grow (Formation in Spiritual and Psychological Growth) • A CALL to Know (Book Studies) For more information, contact Katherine Godby, [email protected] Cult of the Spiritual but Not Religious: Why We Need Church, Community, and Covenants with Jesus Christ enough? And how does our tradition as a united and uniting church in the UCC uniquely answer the questions: What is Church? Why is it necessary? And how should we live together in community? This course will draw on UCC pastor Lillian Daniel's book "When Spiritual But Not Religious Isn't Enough," Dietrich Bonhoeffer's timeless work, "Life Together," Martin Luther King's concept of "the beloved community," the covenantal theology and polity of the United Church of Christ, and of course, the Bible! Paired Saints in the Early Christian Churches: Why They Matter to the 21st Century Church Tuesdays, May 20 and 27 Gathering at 6:45. Class at 7:15 CLC 128 Facilitator: Rev. Anna Humble Increasingly we live in a "spiritual-but-notreligious" society. Americans have abandoned the Church in droves in favor of spending their Sunday mornings and spare change at Starbucks. And can we blame them? Church can often be a dysfunctional family that makes inconvenient demands on one's time, patience, and money. It's also easy to become disillusioned with the Church when we watch the news to see the broad brush of hypocrisy with which we are painted. But is there still a place for intentional religious community in modern American society, and if so, how can we make room for it in our busy lives? Does the Bible actually demand that we practice a life together, or is a personal relationship Mondays, June 2, 9, 16, 23 Gathering at 6:45. Class at 7:15 p.m. | CLC Chapel Facilitator: Rev. Stephen Sprinkle, Ph.D. Game Night Saturday, May 31 4 to 6 p.m. | Fellowship Hall Facilitator: Anita Haddy Bring your favorite board game or card game and join other CoH folks for a night of fun and fellowship. What a great way to get to know new people! Bring your friends, too. Please bring snacks to share. We’ll have water, tea and lemonade to drink. Contact Anita at [email protected] if you have any questions about game night. See you there!! Same-sex pairs of saints, acknowledged by the Church since early times, have shown that early Christianity was not negative towards same-sex attraction at all. This study will look at three sets of Paired Saints: Perpetua and Felicity, Sergius and Bacchus, and Polyeuct and Nearchus, and examine the stories of their lives and deaths, the sources for their revered status, modern commentators on them, and the potential difference their existence as saints of the Church make for us today. No previous knowledge of them is required, and everyone is welcome to attend. 14 Dreams and Discernment: What is God Telling You? Tuesday, May 27 and June 3 Gathering at 6:45. Class at 7:15 p.m. CLC 129 Facilitator: Brad Syverson, spiritual director We want to be open to God’s direction for us in making life’s decisions, but how do we know what God wants? Is it possible that our dreams hold some of the answers? In this class, we’ll take a look at the rich biblical tradition of God sending messages through dreams. We will also look at practical ways we can use to understand what our dreams can teach us about God’s direction for our lives. This is an experiential class that teach you to look at your dreams in new ways. Classes are independent of each other so come as you can and bring your intention to seek God’s direction and your dreams! DVD Series about What it Means to Be a Progressive Christian Holy Humor 2 Tuesdays: June 10 & July 29 CLC 129 Wednesdays, 6 p.m. | CLC 107 Fundamentalist and conservative Christians have dominated the public discourse about what Christianity is all about for a number of years— and we’ve seen public opinion about Christianity plummet as a result. Living the Questions is a discussion series that will give us the language we need to articulate our grace-filled and inclusive faith. Each Wednesday this summer one of the clergy staff leads the discussion on topics ranging from “Taking the Bible Seriously” to “Embracing Mystery” to “Evil, Suffering, and a God of Love.” Tough stuff. Important conversation. We hope you’ll join us! Get-Together at the Dallas Arboretum June 7 meet at CoH at 9 a.m. to carpool (save on parking) Admission: $10 kids 3-12 $15 adults, $12 for 65 and over Parking $10 group admission may be less Does God have a sense of humor? Do you have to be serious all the time to be a good Christian? Could laughter and joy and maybe even being a little bit silly be part of God’s vision for our lives? Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr wrote: “Humor is, in fact, the prelude to faith; and laughter is the beginning of prayer.” Let’s have some fun exploring this idea together! Facilitator Rev. Lee Self is a spiriWear comfortable shoes to walk the tual formation and retreat leader and area and see amazing displays of spiritual director. She is the mother flowers. of a 14-year-old special needs son, RSVP to Jan Scott by June 3 Jan. loves playing video games, reading, [email protected] to see if we can knitting, eating chocolate, yoga and sleeping! get group fees Bible 101 Tuesdays, July 8, 15, 22, 29 CLC 135 6:45 Gathering, 7:15 Class Do you know your Bible? Join our CoH resident expert on the Bible, Dan Peeler, for this informative and fun class. Learn the basics like when the books of the Bible were written and by whom, when they became “canon,” the languages and history of the Bible, names of God, timeline for events, how the Bible is organized, the historical and culture contexts for these writings, and more! C h i l d r e n , Yo u th Children’s Church &Familie s A s the 50 Days of Eastertide continue, we are going to take time to reflect on the ultimate fulfillment of the Great Commandment on the cross as Jesus tells the famous parable of the Good Samaritan. He is asked by a lawyer exactly what the greatest Commandment is and also who is our neighbor? As was typical of Jesus, he answered the question indirectly, with a story that illustrated his point; the story of a mortally injured man who has been ignored by both a priest and a Levite, but who is finally saved by a traveling Samaritan; someone no one would have expected to be a savior. The story would remind the crowd gathered that day that God’s help could come from surprising neighbors and that, indeed, the whole world was their neighbor when they repeated the Great Commandment: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” The Good Samaritan teaches about the Great Commandment. Each week, Dan Peeler, Minister for Children & Families, and Charlie Rose, create beautiful illustrations like this one for use in the Children’s Church PowerPoint Lessons. Young Adults 18+ The Young Adults are married, single, divorced, separated, students, workers and professionals, male, female and gender non-conforming. We work 60-70 hours a week and are occupied with school, work, family, and other interests outside of church. Many of us are trying to heal scars of rejection, cope with single parenting or are overwhelmed with schedules or deadlines. But every Wednesday we make an effort to meet for worship and find our inner peace. So, you are welcome to our Messy Spirituality Group of Young Adults which meets every Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. in room CLC 107. There you will find acceptance, love, compassion and radical inclusion. The Bible is full of messy spiritual characters. Join us as we explore their lives and our own messiness. If you can’t make the Wednesday night meetings at 6:15 p.m., but would like to join us for our outside events, please keep in touch. We have a private Facebook group as well as a public one. We use the private one for messages among the group, picture sharing and for other personal information we might not want spread all over the internet. Contact Brittney McCormick at [email protected] to be added on the private Facebook page. This July, we would like to take a mission trip to New Mexico with you as part of the first Young Adults group trip. We believe that through work, worship, fellowship and a camp fire, we can get to know each other better. For more information please contact Yadi at [email protected] or at 214-351-1901 x220. We hope you will join us! Share us with your friends! Youth Ministry www.facebook.com/CathedralofHope Grades 5 - 12 meet in Room 107 at 11 a.m. every Sunday. Follow @CathedralofHope on Twitter for updates & insights! 16 H4PJ I Scan to visit our website H4PJ.org Harvey Milk Day Celebration 2014 Legal Execution Averted n celebration of the life of Harvey Milk— slain LGBT rights pioneer, champion for rights of all marginalized peoples, and first openly gay man elected to public office—H4PJ is sponsoring Harvey Milk Day on Thursday, May 22 at the Legacy of Love Monument (Cedar Springs at Oak Lawn) starting at 8:00 p.m. This gathering is not to mourn but celebrate, be inspired by, and continue Milk’s legacy of liberation, reconciliation, and hope. After executing 16 human beings in 2013 and seven so far this year (a full one-third of 2014 U.S. executions), a federal appeals court halted the plans of the State of Texas to execute Robert James Campbell’s by lethal injection due to his “intellectual disability.” H4PJ has long been a proponent of ending the death penalty altogether. H4PJ board member Rev. Jeff Hood was quoted in the May 13 Washington Post on the stay, “Any time that an execution is delayed, a life is saved and we live to fight another day.” Jeff, who along with Lynn Walters and Wes Magruder recently walked from Dallas-to-Fort Worth in protest of the death penalty, also The emphasis of the celebration serves as a member of the board of directors of the Texas Coalition to Abolish is to empower and inspire all dis- the Death Penalty (tcadp.org) and is an organizer and editor for the North Texas enfranchised communities, mark Fellowship of Reconciliation (forusa.org). the importance of coming out— Since 1976, Texas has carried out more executions than six other states comwhether L, G, B, T, Q, or as a straight ally, and working to end injustice in any bined—Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Oklahoma and Virginia. The next instance, to any person, in any group. The 2014 candlelight march is dedicated execution in Texas is scheduled for August 6. This time the victim is Manuel to LGBTQ SMU students who continue to face exclusion and homophobia on Vasquez, who was convicted, along with two others, in a 1998 slaying of a San their campus and local LGBT elders whose diligence and own comings out are Antonio drug dealer. DNA testing of physical evidence failed to link Vasquez why we’ve come so far. to the crime. “Harvey Milk embodies the tireless voice for the marginalized—the never- While we remain prayerful always, the next prayer vigil will be on behalf of ending, unceasing force that refuses to be suppressed, no matter how hopeless Vasquez on August 6. Until then, we encourage you to learn more about the the situation may seem,” said SMU Women’s & Gender studies student Sammi death penalty by visiting the organizations mentioned above, getting involved, Partida, a queer student of color at Southern Methodist University. “What speaking out, and of course, praying without ceasing. Harvey Milk represents to me is, to use his own words, that hope that ‘will never be silent.’ In the wake of a recently twice-failed LGBTQ Student Senate Seat referendum, no matter how tired I become, how dead-end everything may feel; nothing can ever extinguish that smallest sliver of hope. On this day, I The Venerable Tashi Nyima at the Texas Coalition to renew my vow to fight for queer rights, to lift the marginalized as best I can, Abolish Death Penalty Luncheon because that’s all I am driven to do—it’s what inspirations like Harvey Milk would want us to do.” Upcoming Events The evening will feature brief remarks from Partida and Rev. Jim Mitulski as well as a musical performance by Chris Chism, an excerpt of the October 2014 H4PJ production of Dear Harvey, and a spoken word performance by local activist Meg Hargis. Following these events, a candlelight march for justice will begin down Cedar Springs—led by out SMU students and members of the Resource Center Dallas Gray Pride. Afterward, everyone is invited to a birthday celebration—complete with cake and ice cream—upstairs at Sue Ellen’s. “Gone far too soon, Harvey Milk inspired a generation to ‘bust down those closet doors’ and ‘come out’, a vital, life-saving action it would take me 38 years to finally do myself,” said Todd Whitley board chair of H4PJ. “Today, Harvey’s call is as relevant as ever, as we see injustice around us everywhere— gays and lesbians without workplace protection, SMU students surrounded by homophobia, the possibility of death-by-stoning for gays in Brunei, the terrifying situation for LGBTQ peoples in Africa and Russia, and elderly members of our community left without resources in their twilight years.” The event is free and open to people of all ages. Signs, candles (or preferred light source), friends, family, and voices are welcome. For more information about the event—including sponsorship and volunteer opportunities—contact Roger Stanley at 214-351-1901 or [email protected]. 17 May 19, 2014 | Noon-1 p.m. The Trinity Trust, 1444 Oak Lawn Ave., Suite 200, Dallas, Texas 75207 Lunch is $10 Center for Theological Activism Kick Off and Awards Banquet May 30, 2014 | 6:30-9 p.m. Honoring: Kim Batchelor, The Rev. Dr. Steve Sprinkle, The Rev. Dr. Bill McElvaney and Dr. Rita Cotterly Bridge Bistro, 921 N Riverfront Blvd., Dallas, Texas 75207 Dinner is $10 Join here: www.facebook.com/events/492239934232199/ Press conference & protest of ExxonMobil at their Shareholders Meeting May 28, 2014 | 8:15 a.m. Meyerson Symphony Center, 2301 Flora St., Dallas, TX Gover nance &Operations MONEY MATTERS AUTO-GIVERS PLEASE READ Did you know you can increase your giving to the church without increasing your giving? At the April 28th Board meeting, I shared with those in attendance the church could save $20,000 - $30,000 annually without asking the congregation to increase their giving. T Pastoral Search Committee he Pastoral Search Committee was named at the March 17 Board of Stewards meeting. After being introduced to the congregation at the Town Hall Meeting on March 29, committee members met with UCC South Central Conference Minister, Rev. Douglas Anders, who described the advantages of using the UCC Search Process and shared his wisdom about this process. On April 29, the committee met with Rev. Jim Mitulski, seeking his knowledge and advice about the position of Senior Minister. At the committee’s next meeting a Chair and Secretary will be chosen, and the process of writing the church profile, which will be posted on the UCC Website, will begin. Auto-givers authorize the Church to either: (1) Charge their credit/debit card; or (2) Draft money directly from their bank account (ACH), on a specific day. The processing fees are much higher for credit/debit card charges as compared To put together a church profile, committee members will solicit feedback from the congregation and staff in various ways—one of which is to meet with conto the bank drafts. For example, if you use: gregants at “listening sessions” scheduled for May 27, May 31, June 10 and Credit /Debit Card, and you give $100 the Church receives$95.00 June 15. Bank Draft, and you give $100 the Church receives $99.75 Please sign up to participate in a listening session at the table in the Ministry In the above example, an auto-giver who elects to have their contributions made by a Bank Draft gives 4.75% more than an auto-giver who elects a charge to their credit/debit card. In addition, the Church receives your donations from bank drafts days earlier than donations made by credit/debit cards. Changing your auto-giving from Credit/Debit Cards to Bank Drafts (ACH) is an easy way of increasing your support to the Church without costing you any more money. All you need to start is a VOIDED Check. Center. Sessions are limited to 20 participants. Pastoral Search Committee members are: Dennis Bolin, Elias Cantu, Lee Dewey, Steven Fontaine, Sylvia Franze, Natalia Johnson, Brandon Kirk, Susan Perry, Roger Poindexter. Alternates are Shannon Bailey and Donna Jackson. Listening Sessions with the Pastoral Search Committee: I hope you will consider making this change to your auto-giving, if you can. During the month of May, the Board of Stewards and members of the Finance Tuesday, May 27 Committee will be available to help you with the paper-work to make this Saturday, May 31 change happen. If you have not signed up to be an auto giver, then I hope you will consider Tuesday, June 10 doing so. Sunday, June 15 I Bid You Peace, 7:15 – 8:15 p.m. CLC Chapel 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. CLC Chapel 7:15 – 8:15 p.m. CLC Chapel 12:30 p.m. IPC downstairs Each session is limited to 20 persons. Bobby Springfield Board Treasurer Giving and Attendance at a Glance Service Wednesday Sun. 9 AM Sun. 11 AM Mid-Cities 11 AM Sun. 1 PM Week Ending 05/11/14 Attd. Ministry 121 $781 301 $3,737 393 $3,081 57 $432 90 $327 Week Ending 05/04/14 Attd. Ministry 133 $1,612 318 $6,776 434 $4,264 67 $402 236 $396 Week Ending 04/27/14 Attd. Ministry 105 $580 298 $3,435 363 $7,489 55 $437 105 $143 Auto-Give Mail/Credit Cards Total $9,284 $1,920 $19,562 $27,035 $2,041 $42,526 $10,162 $3,480 $25,726 Second Offering 962 1,188 926 $2,427 18 Invite your family and friends to the next first Sunday, on June 1st. A d v e r t i sing Par tners Advertise Your Business or Service! L CoH Worship Today Contacts Chancel Flowers David Moldenhauer et us design your ad or submit [email protected] your own; either way you’ll reach thousands of potential customers Advertising each month in a highly targeted way. Charles Owen Advertising with us not only promotes [email protected] your business but also helps cover the cost of producing the publication, thereby allowing more money to be used for ministry and service to our Partner ads on other pages community. Contact Charles Owen at: Computer Repair Expert p. 15 214-351-1901 x212 or by e-mail at: [email protected]. Ocean and River Cruises • Tours • All-Inclusive Resorts CoH receives a charitable donation for each cruise booking. Doug Thompson bigdcruises.com [email protected] 214-254-4980 Hawaii • Weddings • RSVP • Groups Individual, Relationship, Adolescent, Pre-Marital & Family Counseling Gary G. Kindley, D.Min., Pastoral Counselor Counseling, Consulting & Inspiration Associates, LLC 3906 Lemmon Ave Ste 207 Dallas, TX 75219 (Above LaMadeleine French Cafe) Voice: 817-312-9919 | www.drgk.org | www.cciadallas.org Transformations: Mending the Wounds of Life Rev. Shelley Hamilton Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Direction [email protected] 214-351-5657 *One per customer. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 6-30-14. 19 May 2014 Sunday, MAY 18 Rev. Jim Mitulski; 9 & 11 a.m.; Harvey Milk Remembrance Music 4 Hope presents: Chris Chism & Friends, 7 p.m. Wednesday, MAY 21 • PULSE Blurred Lines: Sexuality and Spirituality, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, MAY 25 Rev. Mike Wright-Chapman; 9 & 11 a.m. Pack the Pantry Sunday, non-perishable food collection Wednesday, MAY 28 • PULSE Blurred Lines: Sexuality and Spirituality, 7:15 p.m. DOMINIONTIDE EASTERTIDE H O P E o n the Horizon June 2014 GLBT Pride Month EVENTS at a GLANCE* September 2014 Sunday, SEP 21 Pride Sunday October 2014 Saturday, OCT 4 Blessing of the Animals-1 to 4 p.m. Puppy Love Marionette Show for the children and we have an Animal Rescue group involved! Sunday, OCT 5 Feast of St. Francis, Renewal of Vows- 11 a.m. Gay and Straight Together Sunday, JUN 1 • ASCENSION SUNDAY Saturday, OCT 25 Rev. Glenna Shepherd, Decatur UCC, Decatur GA; 9 & 11 a.m. Annual Congregational Meeting Wednesday, JUN 4 • PULSE Sunday afternoon, OCT 26 Blurred Lines: Sexuality and Spirituality, 7:15 p.m. Dia de los Muertos Children’s field trip to the Bath House Cultural Center Friday, JUN 6 Sunday, JUN 8 • PENTECOST Sundays in June: The Bible & Homosexuality Ministry Appreciation Party 5-7 p.m. November 2014 Wednesday, JUN 11 • PULSE Blurred Lines: Sexuality and Spirituality, 7:15 p.m. Sunday, NOV 16 Friday, JUN 20 Pride Prom 7 p.m. to Midnight, Interfaith Peace Chapel Saturday, JUN 21 Congregational Townhall Meeting, 11:30 a.m., Sanctuary Sunday, JUN 22 • JUNETEENTH CELEBRATION Rev. Darnell Fennell, Houston, TX; 9 & 11 a.m. Music 4 Hope presents: Marvin Matthews, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, JUN 29 Stonewall Commemoration Pack the Pantry Sunday, non-perishable food collection July 2014 Sunday, JUL 20 Hero of Hope Sunday Sunday, JUL 27 Other Important Dates PENTECOST Taize Service, 7 p.m.; Interfaith Peace Chapel Transgender Day of Remembrance, 7-9 p.m., Sanctuary Thursday, NOV 27 • THANKSGIVING DAY December 2014 Monday, DEC 1 World AIDS Day Service at 6 p.m. Thursday, DEC 11 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (La Virgen de Guadalupe) with Mass and Outdoor Procession 7 p.m. Wednesday, DEC 24 • CHRISTMAS EVE Christmas Eve Children’s & Families Service 5 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Holy Communion Service 7 p.m. Spanish, 9 & 11 p.m. English Thursday, DEC 25 • CHRISTMAS DAY Christmas Day CoH 44th Anniversary Sunday Share us with your friends! *Information subject to change without notice and will be updated as needed. www.facebook.com/CathedralofHope Follow @CathedralofHope on Twitter for updates & insights!
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